Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Wns Inactive Yesterday and Closed
a Quarter Lower.
I'cntiiro of the Dny'n Illiniums I" tlmt
Ccri-ul U'm tlio Si'lllng by Mr
House * Against I'lirclmsc * In
tlio Country.
CHICAGO , March 14. Wheat had that
llred feeling today ami closed He lower than
yoBtcrday after a range of about % c. Cables
wcro discouraging , the weather fine and de
mand light , while firmer northwestern mar
kets provcnteil a marked decline. The scs-
nlon was featureless and May closed at Uio
bottom. May corn and oats are each lie
lower. Provisions were fairly actlvo and
were alternately weak and firm several
times , ending with a slight gain In prices.
Wheat opened dull with very little disposi
tion on the part of local speculators to
enter Into fresh transactions , a feeling
which , In the absence of news , continued
throughout the day. Orders from outside
were few and far between and such as were
received were for such small amounts gener
ally as to have little effect upon prices. Kor
two hours the fluctuations In May wheat
were between the range of B8c and G8c ,
with the bulk of the business limited mid
way between those slightly divided cxtremoj.
Karly Liverpool cablegrams reported that
market quiet at former prices. The north
western markets were again firmer than
those elsewhere and the price advanced In
the latter half of the session to GS' e nnd
could not be lifted again for more than a
few minutes at a time. The fine weather
continued to bo a bear factor anil after
lazily advancing several times-a fraction
from tlio bottom , May closed wearily at
Corn was extremely dull nnd rather weak.
The feature of the day's business , apart from
the small amount of trading , was the selling
by receiving houses against purchases In the
country. Thtr moderate receipts today and
ntlll smaller arrivals expected tomorrow were
presumably the cause of the buying and free
receipts at country points , while the absence
of demand from the seaboard or other eastern
points undoubtedly Influenced the selling.
There was a good trade around the opening"
nnd for about fifteen minutes thereafter at
from SSVfcc to 38'Ac. ' After tlmt the trading
almost ceased until within a few minutes of
the close , with a downward tendency to
prices , with no apparent rallying power to
any extent. The market rallied a little In
the last fifteen minutes of the session and
stopped with Slay but 1/fcc from the bottom.
Oats participated In the general dullness
and followed corn In Its fluctuations. Buyers
were few nnd sellers about equally scarce.
Provisions were Irregular , but In the main
weak. The receipts of hogs numbering 32-
000 head Instead of 20,000 as bad been esti
mated , with 30,000 looked for tomorrow , was
the chief source of the generally weaker
feeling. There was a lively rally after nn
early break , but ns It was entirely duo to
the covering of a considerable line of short
pork by Stover , supposed to be for the ac
count of the Cudahy Packing company , nnd
of about 1,000,000 Ibs. of ribs by thn Chicago
I'acklng company. When those parties with
drew the market renewed Its early weak
ness. A fair demand developed at the de
cline and the close was firm. Compared with
last night , May pork is Be higher , May lard
Ca higher and May ribs unchanged.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
40 cars ; corn , 1GO cars ; oats , 127 cars ; hogs ,
30,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
" "ArtlclciTj ppcn. | High. | Low.n | Oloso.
Wheat. No. 2
March liGK COW
July CO ! 00)1
Corn No. 'J. .
Mnrch .10H 3(1 (
May 3SH 37K
July 30 30830 > S 38KGM
OatH No. ' . ' . . .
March HOIf 30K
a Hi : ; i 31JSCI W !
Pork per bbl
May 10 87 ! * 11 or 10 82 11 00
July 10 05 11 07K 10 87H 11 115
Lard , 1(10 ( Ibs
March ( I 57W n no o r.7W n r K
May (1 ( 47M 11 07 ! < (1 ( 47 ! < ! 0 fifi
July 050 0 00 U 4o 0 KM
Short lllbs-
Mny fi 07M B 07W 5 fi5 fi ns
July 0 05 o no fi 00 0 0-M
Cash quotation ) ! were as follows :
I-'LOl' 11 Steady , unchanged.
WHI3AT No. 2 sprlne , 6G'fcc ; No. S spring.
Me ; No. 2 red , C6Vic.
COUN-No. 2 , SC'/iC.
OATS-No. 2. 31 31 > ic ; No. 2 white , 3333 c ;
No. 3 white. 02 5(3Tic. .
HVB-No. 2. IBVifflCltc.
IIAHLKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , OOiJ3Cc ; No.
, WflOe.
KLAX HinD-No. 1 , J1.35'.4.
TIMOTIIV SIlKD-I'rlmc , JI.20.
PKOVIHIONS-Meaa pork , per bill. , 10.tOjri0.05.
l.ard. per cwt. , K. 0t < t.T A. Khort ribs sldrs ( loose ) .
3.C5j5.C7Vi ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . JO.OOJ ?
6.25 ; short clear Hides ( boxed ) . { 0.374 ! O.SO.
WHISKY Dlstllleis' llnlshed goods , per ual. ,
Xmv YiirklMurkctH.
NH\V YOniC , March 14. KLOUIl-IlccelptH. 17-
MO bbls. ; exporlH , 3,000 bbls. ; snlca. O.OX ) pltRS. ;
dull and concessions me necessary to sell Kootls.
Mills , however , refuse to > educe limits , nnd
business drags In consequence. Ityo Hour , fairly
active , lluckuhent flour , nominal.
KYIS Nominal.
liAIU.UV MALT-Dllll.
WIIKAT Heeelptn. 700 bu. ; exports , fl.OM bu. :
rnlrs , 2 , UUOO bu. futures nnd 40,000 bu. spot.
Spot dull but steady ; No. 2 red In Morn nnd
elevator. Clc ; nlloat , CVv < ' ; f. o. b. . Me ; No. 1
northern , 67Vic : No , 1 hard. 71'Sc. Options wro
excccdlnely dull all day. They opened steady on
crop daimiKo talk , advanced a trlllc on covering ,
reacted nt noon , ruled dull nil the afternoon and
rloscd steady at piactlcally unchnnKed prices
from Inst nlKht. lluslness wns wholly of n
pcnlplni : nalurc. No , 2 led , March , closed nt
CO'ic ; May. 62 7-lCJj62'4c , closed at C2'.ic ; June ,
63140C2 ll-16c , closed at 63Hc ; July , 01 11-lCfJ
C5e , closed nt 63c ; December , 70 l-16fp70'.ic ,
closed nt 70lc. !
COHN Ilccclpts , 3.000 bu. ; exports. 26,000 bu. :
Bairn , 410,000 bu , futures and 6.000 spot. Si ) t
market dull and easy ; No , 2 , 4lic ! In elevator.
Options weu > firmer early on coverlnB nnd talk
cif prospective llKhtt'r recclpls , hut lott nil tliu
udvancc later on liquidation , ami closed ' .iSi ic
net decline , March closed nt 4l'4u ; April , WM
B-lCo , closrd nt 41Uc ; May. 43'WmiiC , cloeud
lit 43Vtc ; July , 44U , l4 > Uc , closed nt 4Ue.
OATS-Itccclpts. W.OOO bu. ; exports , 12,000 bu. ;
vales , 25IMIO bu. fuluies nnd 79,000 bu. spot. Spot
HO lower but tnorii nctlve ; No , 2. WUl ICe ; No.
S delivered , 36'.4 37c ; No. 3 , 35o ; No. 2 white.
3WJ ! > Uc ; No. 3 white. 37c ; truck western , 37W
42c ; truck white western , 3S < uM2c ; track white
Hate , SSJCIZo. Options vety dull , but held fairly
Heady nil day , closing unchnnKi'd to Vic net de
cline ; Mnrch , 35'ili3S'i' . closed nt 3i'ic ' ; April
closed at Kc ; May , 3lT tj35c , closc.1 at 3Jc : July
cloBe < l nt 3 Uio.
HAY Dull ; rhlpphiK , JC.fOffO.tO.
HOI'S Kasy : elate , common to choice , SHlOo ;
3'aelllo coast , 1JO20C ,
IlIDlCK-Diill ; net raited , New Orleans so-
lected. 4S lo 113 Ibs. , 4' ' tfOie ; Texas selected. Ute
to M Ibs. . 4f5c ; lluenos Avres dry. 20 to 21 Ibs. ,
JO'iWllc ; Texas dry , 21 to 50 Ibs. , Cc.
LKATIIKH-Stendyi hemlock sole , lluenoa
lAyres. IlKht In heavy welKhts , 16 l c.
PHOVIHIONS-lleef. steady. Cut meats , quiet ;
Idckled bellies. eujfTHo. i ird. hlow ; western
ktenm closed at 17 ; sales. 350 tlercea nt 17,10 ;
March closed ut 57 , nominal : May , 10.00 , nominal ;
refined , quiet ; continent. 17 ; 8. A. , $ S. Pork.
a y ; new inefs , JI2.501I13.00 ; extra prime , J1S.OO
fJltSO ; family , I13.50&14.00 ; short clfar , I13.6VW
lll'TTIIH Klrmer : western dairy , IWlSo ; west-
nn mimicry , 15H22c ; western factory , lOiriSc ;
1'jUlnii , S2e ; etntu dairy , 14tls:0cj sinto creamery ,
CIIIJI-JSH Steady ; Inrne , 101itlo ; small , 10W
13c : part sklnm. 3'ifUioi full ukliiu. 2 3c.
KOOS-Maiket nmk ; ntntii nml PcnnsUvnnla.
14lrll1lo ; western , fresh , 15 > ; ClCo ; southern , 148
15n ; itvelptE , 9,275 pkw .
TALLOWJulel and steady.
I'KTHOLKUM-Steadyj United closed nt 18.30
lilil. X32U nsked.
HOSIN Sttady : utrnlned , common to eood.
HICK-Qulet ; domestic , fair to extra ,
Japan. 4WW4VJC.
> iUi.AhM'.h-QuU > t : New Orleans , open kettle ,
Kootl tu choice , 27 * 3 < c. >
Pia IHON-Dull : American. J1I.50.
coi'Piit-Iull ; lake , 9 .c.
Lt'JAD Very tlrm ; doniesllc , $ J.o.
TlN-meiuly ; trnlts. 119.05 ; plute * . dull.
til'ii.TiH : : Steady , doinentlc , I3.CO bid.
tXTTON BKUl ) OIL Nominal and ralh r
weak ; prlmu crude , In bbls. . V6c ; prime crude ,
Joc e , c62ic ; on crude , :4Qo ; butter
33fr3lc ; prime summer yellow , 3031c ; oft sum
mer yellow , tftfrte ; prime white , * o.
BL'OAR-Hniv , sternly ; miles Into ye lertlny ,
8,500 InRn cpntrlfiiKil , 00 test at 3 3-lCc , landed
terms ; refined , dull.
I.ocul Pniiluco Mnrlirl.
RUTTBR-PrlcM remain stendy , but th * market
Is wcnk owlnit In the | M\T prices ruling In tlm
cast. Another drop of lo within n few days
wnulil not be mirprlslnR. ' Choice country , IStf
ICe : twrhlne stock. Oo.
DRKH.HKD 1'01'LTRY There Is but Illtlfl trnilo ,
mnst of the business runnlnR to live stuck.
Trices nre unchanged. Chlokeni , G07cj turkeys ,
SWflsr-i peepo nml ilurks , Or.
LIVIJ POULTRY The supply la IlliernI nnd n.
morn nctlve demand In noticeable. OooJ dock
Is fuolnbp | | nt GfiGc. '
VKAIj There Is n fnlr supply nvallnblo nnd n
fairly nrtlvo tind nt slmiiy prices. Good , fat
veals , 67c : thin or heavy , SfI5c.
EOtIK The market Is n trllte wcnkrr , nllhoudi
the Milk nf the rnlos nrc mnilc nt lie ,
HIHcllv fresh eirjrs , liyil'ic.
I1ONIJY Choice white clover , lcj Citllfornla ,
ice ; dark honey , 12iiQl3c.
orHTKRH .Mrdlum I X L , ICe : horseshoes ,
IScj extm standard , 20e ; delects. 2o ! ; extra se
lects , r.'e ; compniiy selects , 23cj counts , ! 0o.
NUTH-ClieslnutK , lie per Mb. : Italian chest
nuts. 12 l3c ; almonds. IWKe : KiiKllsh wnlniils ,
12fMlci filberts. 12c ; p nns , large , nttlloj pi.-
cans , medium , IOV.
CIPEH-Puic Juice , per , tS.OWT'.M ; half
lilil. , | .1.nflfrt.23 : ; Oregon , per bhl. , $ l.rn ; half hlil. ,
J2.75 ; ilnrlllcd elder , per Mil. , JI.50 ; half 1)1,1. , ,
"JUUERKRAUT-I'cr bbl. , JI.50II3.00 ; h.tlf bbl. ,
! 2.7 < .
IlnANS-Cnllfornln hnnd-plcked navy , Jl.OOff
7.00 ; western navy , Jl.70in.Mj common white
benni , JI.Mfjl.75.
ONIONS Unions are quoted on orders nt
"JfiSOe ; yellow onions. InMv \ , . J2.7S.
POTATOES Ncbrnnkn , lown and Mnncsota
grown potatoes. In small lots from store , ( .51(70j ;
same In ear lots , G5fo6Rc : Colorado , from store.
"JftSOe : Colorado lots. 7iW75e.
CAIIHAC1E The Hist shipments of Florida cnb-
bniro nt rived this ninrnlmr In excellent market-
C.HEEN VnOETAItLE.M Rplnneh. pep bhl. ,
I2.BOJ salsify , 30ff35o per doz. j radishes , per doz. ,
. > c ; onions , per doz. . 35ff40c ; cnulllloner , per
doz. , Jl.00ffl.23 ; leltltee , . per doz. , 33J15c ; cucum
bers. tl.coftl.7S : tomatoes , per crate of 2' ' ) | i .t
II.M ; pnrMry , per doz. . 30 33c ; CRV plant , per
doz. . 12.23 ; imparaKiis , per doz. , SSfiMc ; tuinlps ,
per doz. . 75fJS3e ; carrots , per doz. , 75o ; lie-is ,
per doz. , fOc ; water cress , per doz. , $1.75112.00 * ;
Florida tomntoes , per G-lh. crate , J5.00&5.GO.
APPLES There nrc hut few apples on the
market and thp trade Is largely going lo oranges.
Fancy xvcslcrns. 12.21 per box.
CHANIIEIIHIES "The cranberry season Is
neatly over and must of the stnok 1st too soft to
ship. There Is still some demand , however , fur
Rood stock , nnd prices are nil In ; : hlchur. Cape
Cod , per bbl. , ) ; bell ; md bugle , JC.25 < ij >
6.50 ; Jersey. M.l'rfiK.M.
CALIFORNIA OHANOnS The stock Is arriv
ing In treed condition nnd the trade Is Increas
ing. Riverside seedlings , regular slj.ea , J2.25 ;
small Hl/.es. J2 ; Illvcrsldc WnHhlngton nnvela ,
> 2..rpi ) 2.75 ; Itedland seedlings , lesular sUes. J2.30
512.10 ; small sizes , J2.0 < in2.ii ; small s)7.n ) In 10-
box Inli" , tl.90 ; Itedland navels. J2.75 ; lllvcrslde
Bcconds , sizes 2M to 3W. jl.EOf(2.M. (
HAN'AN'AS The trndo In constantly Increasing
nnd tne market Is well supplied. IVr bunch ,
large , t2.005i2.25 ; small to medium. J1.7.V52.0H.
I.KMONS Jlesslnas. fancy , J3.75R4.00 ; choice ,
J3.25i(3.50 ; Rocul , J2.751T3.00.
OIlANGKS-Kancy Floildna , J3 ; choice Florl-
diis , (2.75.
TANliniNRS-l'cr box , J2.75.
OIIAP13 FIIUIT Per box. J4.
Vlu-iit Market ,
MI.N'NKAPOMH , March 14.-Ilecelpts of wlicdt
for today were 1& ) earn ; shipments , 20 cars.
Theiewas a steady and fair demand for cash
wheat on track delivered and considerable was
again sold to arrive tViat will be coming In the
bitter part of this nnd next week. Prices paid
for wheat to arrive were abuut the B.IIIIC as
wheat on track. These Bales Were mainly nt COc
to G0'io ' for No. 1 northern , nlthoiigh closlne a
little below that. Fnrmera arc selling slowly but
steadily In the country , with an aggregate of
about 1CO.OOO bu. or near t'.iat to be delivered ,
This rate , It Is supposed , will be continued if
the weather remains fnlr until seeding time.
May wheat opened at MVic anil .Inly 593W < le.
The maiUet Fold up about 'ic for May nnd ' ( .c
for .Inlv finally closing : March and May. M.c :
July , 5 ! > ' , c. On track : No. 1 hard. CH.c ; No. 1
northern , ( 'J'Ke ' ; No. 2 northern , r > S'iC. It Is pro-
miniud fiom the late receipts ami known maikut-
IngH by fanners that tholeulll be a decrease In
country elevator supplies this week , perhaps not
moie than half as much us lust w < ck.
The mills were running at the rate of about
27.000 'l.bK of Hour for the twenty-four hours ,
and ni the pales nre slow It Is presumed the rate
of production will not be Increased this week.
Mxports me slow and said to take about one-
fourth of the production. Klour sales were
mostly made at J3.40ff53.60 for patents and tl.SO
fTl.W for bakers. Some particular brand ; ) WIMO
held nlxive the outside quotation mentioned , nnd
It was said In some Instances sales were made
below the Inblde quotation.
St. I.oulliirUrts. .
ST. LOUIS , March 14. FI.OUll Unchanged.
Wit BAT Dull and weak , without marked
feature , closing Vic off. No. 2 red , cash and
March. M c ; May , 5555Uc ; July. Mle.
COHN Opened strong on buying , but' turned
weak , closlnic Vie below yesteiday. No 2 mixed ,
cash and March , 24Hc ; May , 34c ; June , Sic ;
July , 3jyc.
OATH Lower , dull. No. 2 , cash and March ,
32\te ; May , 31c ; July , 27 > ic.
11VB No. 2. east side. tl.SO.
IIAKLKY Nothing ilolne.
IIIIAN Steady , HSIiCDc.
CLOVER SHEU-Actlve , $7.45 8.45.
HAY Slow , unchanged ; prime to choice tim
othy. js.r > o 9.r.n.
HIlTTKn Unchanged ; separator creamery , 20c ;
good tu choice dairy. I5Wl7c.
ItAGaiNG Unchanged ; SUflCe.
COTTON THIS Unchanged ; 9r.c.iZ1.00. (
PROVISIONS Dull- weak , tendency down-
ward. Pork , standard mess , J11..W. Lnrrt. prime
vtentii , jn.Wi. Dry salt mi-ats , loose shoulders.
} 5.r,0 ; longs nnd libs. J..70 ; shorts. J5.6) . Ilaeon.
packed shoulders. tC.r,0 ; longs , 10.75 ; ribs , Jlj.i5J
.S7'i ' : Blunt * . tn.S7'.iW7.0 < ) . _
IIECEIPTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , i.OOO
bu. : corn. 100.000 bu. ; eats , 12,000 bu.
fiHIPMKNTSl-Flimr , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 11,000
bu. ; corn , CI.OoO bu. ; oats , 14,000 bu.
" Xorlliwrstrrn JIHIer1 * Report.
MINNEAPOLIS. March II. The Northwestern
Miller , In Its current Issue , gives the following
epitome of the milling bnslness : The Minneapo
lis mills ground ic.775 bbln. . averaging 27.020
bills , dally , against 172'JOO bbls. the week before
and 1R9.9M bbls for the corrcspondlna time In
1893. The output the present week will show
something of nn Increase. There Is more water
power than the mills ran use. The demand for
hour continues a lltllo slow. Last week the
aggregate sales peilmps amounted to 110,090 bols.
Some firms sold more than others. The trade
was widely dlstilhutcd , small ciders being the
rule. The export part was of about the usual
proportions. IMieet export shipments were 41.L-95
bbls. , against 42,270 bbls. the preceding week.
Th output nt Superior nnd Iluluth was 37.CCO
bbls. . against 23,350 bbls. the preceding week nnd
' . . ' 0,550 bids , for the corresponding time In 1S93.
The foreign nmiket has shown some special
activity of late , but there seems to be nothing
to warrant millers Indulging too much In the
hope of an Immediate Increase In the foreign
trade. Last week's shipment amounted to 17b92
bbls. , against 10i7l ! bbls. the wccl ; before.
Liverpool Murltets
LIVERPOOL. March 14. WHEAT Steady ; de-
innnd moderate ; holders offer moderately ; No. 1
California , to ld&5s ' I'd ; western winter , 4s lOd
CORN Firm ; demand fnlr : new mixed , 3s Sd.
1'LOUIl Spring patents. 6s 9d.
PROVISIONS- . extra India mess , S2s fid.
Poik. prime mes * . 70s. Lord , prime western ,
37s M.
MUTTER Klnost , SSs ; good , 70s.
CHEESE American line , 543.
PEAS-Canadlan , 4s lid.
ROSIN Coiniiion. 3s M.
1'KTROLIH'M Rellncd , 4iid ; spirits , 6V4 < 1.
Kimiiiii City Markets.
nally Htvudy ; No. 2 hard , 4S'c : No. 2 red , D4c.
CORN liff'lie lower ; No , 2 mixed , 32'ic ; No , 2
while. 32V4 K ! > ic.
OATS Unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , 30f30'Sc ' ; No.
2 while , .l faoijc.
11UTTEII Quiet : creamery , weak nt 190 o ;
dnlrv. Him at. IsyiGc.
HilOS I-'nlily notlve , pteady nt 10'4c.
FLAX HEICD-Flrmir nt Jl.Siei.22.
IIIIAN I'lrin lit C3C5c.
HAY Dull ; timothy , t8.OOIJ9.00 ; prairie , J5.00j >
0.00. ,
RECEIITS Wheat , 12,000 bu. ; corn , 3,000 bu.j
oats. none.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 7,000 bu. ; corn , 2.00D bu.j
oats , none , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
No\v York Dry ( co i Miirket.
NEW YORK. March 14. The volume of sales
In the dry goods market has not been In proportion
tion to the demand , nnd the avvriiKV puirh.xes
weru smnllfr nnd values much lower than a year
ago. The mull order demand of commission
liouseH was much better than the personal re
quests and wire orderu nre more frequent than
otherwise , Keneonnbln ipeclnlllea were mostly
Inquired for. Including dress goods , ginghams ,
prints nnd wanh goods generally. Staples were
In lighter request. Woolen goods disclosed a
very moderate request. Printing cloths nre In
better request , with tmlcs of nearly 100,0)0 ) plrcen
spots and contracts on the bualu of 2o fur sixty-
four equates , with the ebuie of iho market
Bhowlni ; u coed Imiulry for ppots.
Cotton Jlnrtto * .
NEW ORLUANrl , Mnrch II.-COTTON-Futures
steady ; rnleH. 43,700 bales ; March. J7,02fi7OI ;
APIII. J7.01fi7.d2 : Muy. J7OS1)7.0J ; June , t7.ifj )
7.IG ; July , J7.22Iji7.23 ; Ausun. $7.17ffl7,18 : Septem
ber. J7.24iT7.i ( ; October , t7.27 7.2U ; November ,
J7.3Hf7.33 ; Docember. J7.35 | 7.37. Spot , dull and
envy ; ralei. Bxit. | 7.COO K-ilen ; lo uirlve , 1,100
bales ; receipts , 5C9I luilrs ; pxporti to Great
llrUiiln. 17,470 tiak'Bj coantwlue , 1,517 bales ; stock ,
2&8.2M ) bales.
ST. LOUIS , March 14. COTTON M6o lower ;
quiet ; middling. 7Vic : sale * . CO ) bale * : lecelpts ,
COO bales ; ulilinnenta , (00 bulen ; BtocU , 61,700 bales.
Oil MurkvtD ,
OIL CITT. Pa. , March 14. National Transit
certificates opened nt SI ; hluhest , M ; lowest ,
UH : cloned ut C2H ; nalrn' 2.0VJ bbl . ; Dhlpmcnts ,
kl.7 ) bbls. ; ninn. (4.774 bbli.
IMTTdllURCl , PH. . Mnrch 14. National Transit
cerllllrutea opened ut 83 ; cloned at Sili ; highest ,
Mi lowvil. fcSVi.
' C'otlco Murket.
NEW YORK. March . COl'KUK-Oiitlon *
opened dull , with Aucuit contracts unchunu d
iui4 othcm IQ1Q point * lower , ruled centrally
wenk , but closed firm , with August 10 points nel
higher nnd other * unchanged to 10 points nel
lower. Sales , l ! > .00) bags. Including : Mnrch nt
J10.30O18.40 ; April , JI6.00016.M ; May , tl5.70rriS.90 ;
June. J13.30flli.3S ; July , JIS.2.OI5.TO . ; September ,
JI4.M4TII.7J ; Pccemlwr , Jll.OUril.10. Hpot coffee ,
Rio , market quiet ; No. 7 , JI7,5oni7.CH. Mild ,
market quiet ; Cordova , J19.2K9IH.tio , Sales , 1.0)0
bags ItlV' ! ' t. tl ! > .12H ; 1,000 pkgs. COB I a Rlcn ,
p. t. ; MirpkKS. Mnrncnltxi exported to luni t
warehouse deliveries nt New York yester.lnv ,
11.411 bngs ; tlock nl New York today , 131,176
bags : stock In United States. IT'.i.SK IXIKK ; nllnnt.
for Unlteil States , 2I.OJO linns ; tolnl visible sup-
lily for United Htntes , 413,442 I IRS , nirulnst .21,303
baes last year ,
HAVRE , Mnrch 14 , Market quiet ; prices Un *
changed In Isf higher ; sales , 13,0)0 ) bngs.
LONDON , Mnrch II. Market quiet ; prices un
changed tu 3d higher.
HA.MIiUHO , Mnrch 14. Market quiet ; prices
unchanged to < i pf ) ! . higher ; snlcs , 306 bags.
RIO DE JANEIRO , March 14. No market re-
SANTOS. Mnrch 14. Mnrkct fnlr ! good overage ,
tIS ; receipts , threu da > s , 4,000 bags ; slock , SO.UiX
\ \ eel .Murltct. '
8T. LOUIS , March II. WOOL Steady , un
changed ; demand fair.
Musliiem of tlio DnyVii Well Distribute ! !
TlirDiiRlinut tliu OiMlrrnl 1.1st ,
NEW YORK , March U. Kxccpt ilttrlnn
the liottr between 12 tuul 1 o'clock toiluy , tlio
sliaro speculation wns fairly ncllvo and the
business well distributed tliroitRliotlt the list.
In the early dealings the market wns strong
In tone , with good buying , In which London
participated ns a purchaser of Atchlson , St.
Paul nml Loulsvlllo & Nnehvlllo anil to n
small extent In Missouri Pacific. Hut as
tlio day advanced the buying movement became -
came less pronounced and unfavorable In
fluences affcctinK special slocks not only
depressed these * particular shares , but com
municated weakness to the general market ,
anil nt the close the nctlve list , with but few
exceptions , showed n decline on the final
figures of yesterday. The almost certainty
of gold shipments being made on Saturday
and the unanimity of opinion that the enact
ment of the seigniorage bill would Increase
the ( low of gold to Europe were disturbing
elements of speculation nnd encouraged
shorts to hope for a lower ran go of values.
Western Union was sold down In the open
ing dealings on rumors of an unfavorable
quarterly statement , which , when Issued ,
confirmed the reports put In circulation ,
showing , as It did , an estimated deficit of
over $378,000 , against a surplus of. over
$15,000,000 for the same quarter of 1893. The
stock was sold quite heavily , and recorded
a decline on the day of 1 % per cent , closing
at the lowest point touched. Distilling led
In the transactions , nnd was bought freely
during the morning on reports confirmatory
of the statement that the managers had
made satisfactory arrangements for obtain
ing additional working capital.
The grangers were among the firmest
of the active list , advancing Vi to % per
cent In the early dealings , subsequently
losing the Improvement and closing nt n de
cline from last night of % to 11 per cent.
Atchlson was more prominent In the trading
than for some time , being bought for Hoston
as well as the foreign account , nnd selling
up % per cent In tlio morning hours. In
sympathy with the rest of the market the
stocU reacted % per cent in the afternoon ,
rallying 14 per cent. It Is said that negotia
tions relative to the trust icorgan-
Izatlon plan are under favorable consider
ation by prominent houses here and in Lon
don. Lead common declined ! ' / & per cent.
Lead preferred 1 per cent , and Delaware &
Hudson preferred 1 per cent. Some few of
the usually inactive shares made an advance
on the day. The railway and miscellaneous
bond market was very firm all day.
The Post says : Outside of today's foreign
purchases the local market was chiefly In
the-hands of uurfaco traders. These opera
tors were In the main disposed to work for
a lower level , and their efforts did In fact
result In a rather general reaction. Here
and there , too , some larger speculative in-
tCrcsts were evidently taking profits. All
things considered , however , the sales were
remarkably well absorbed.
The following arc the closing quotations on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
TIO : total sales of stocks today acirrefrated
211,400 shares , Including : Atchlcon , 13.MK ) ;
American Kusar. 13..MK ) ; Hurllnuton , 21,600 ; Chl-
COKO , Cincinnati , Cleveland : St. Louis , 700 ;
Distillers nnd Cnttlefecders , 20,600 : a real East
ern , 7,000 ; IjQulHVllle & Nniilivllle , 5.600 ; Missouri
Paelllc. 8,400 ; Nallomil Lead. 3.SOO ; Heading : ,
3/jflO ; Hock Island. CW ) ; St. Paul , 8,000 ; Western
Union , 10,500.
New York .Honey .Murker.
Uasy at 1 per cent ; lant loan , 1 per cent ; closed
al 1 per cent.
BTKHL1NO K.XCHANOK Easier , with actual
business In bunkers' bills nt H.kSHtft.W ; for de
mand nml J4.HW4.S7U for CO days ! IHW | | rates ,
JCM&4.fc H , Commercial bllli. S4.S6/4.MU.
UOVEUNMHNT IIONIW Firm. Htatc , dull.
Oil the lx > nttuii Alurket.
NEW YOHK , March It The rout's London.
cable snys : The mmkctM xvcro cheerful tcxlny ,
Klll-oilced stockK "WTInjr wny nnd speculation
sprenillnK lo nil department * . DoallnK" nre IIICH-
enite nl present , flip cessation of hoslllltl-s In
Ilniill hml n BooVdffcct on nil foreign nlock .
Americans were gijnl nil day but closed Iwlow
thn rest. Atchl o ] ) ? nK Inrucly Imuglit here on
favornblo views ofttt r ifjnnfr.ntlon. ( Hllver sold
nt 27 5-ISd , nnd v v wenk. Chlnn has ce.ueij
buying. The IndlnnV council sold 50 lakhs of
rupees nt 11 ll-uVn' ' ! . Klf-hty-four thou imd
liounds In liar gold were imiiRht by tinImnk nnd
Si.Vj cnma In frMdh Australia nnd 127,00) ) from
Chlnn. Thp iVejinRlnnim half yearly meet-
ItiB tomorrow Dxcl o ; im-nt Interest.
I'lliVAichil Nnti' " .
HOSTON. MnrclrrJI.-Clenrinss. ll.792,400 ;
ntices , $ . | ! , ! . /
NKW YOIIK , Mafth ll.-Clearlngc. J50.692.30S ;
bnlnncc. , Jo.lStl.Mt. /
IIALTLMOHK. Mnrch ll.-ClearlnRJ , J2.OS3.l49 ;
balances , I2C8.127 ,
PAHIH , Mnrch II. Thrco per cent rentes , ODI
Mo for the nccount.
MMMPIIIH , March 14. New York
selling nt par ; cle.-irlMK , J221.102 ; balances ,
LONDON , March II.The nmount of bullion
cone Into the llnuk of ICnRlnnd on balance today
CINCINNATI. March ll.-Money , 2 < iR per
cent ; New York cxchnnKe , SJBWo discount ; ck-nr-
HT. LOI'IH. Mnrch ll.-Clenrln s. > 3.400,069 ;
balances , J3M.7.-.8 : money dull , C 7 per cent ; ex-
chaiiRe on New Yolk , OOc premium.
PHILADMLPlliA , Mnrch ll.-Clearlnns , Sl.IMV
B5S ; New Yoik cxa'.ianKc , commercial , i3c tier
J1.000 premium ; bank , Jl.&O per JI.OOO premium.
CHICAGO , Mnrch H.-Clenrlnes , I2,2".000 ;
New York exchange. 40c premium ; uterllnc , llrm ;
nctunl rntes , } 4.S7'4if ' I.S9. Money rnteH un-
clmnBCd nt 4WO p.T cent.
NUW YOUK. March 14. The Western fnlon
TeU-Krnpli company directory has iccommended
the payment of n quarterly dividend of Hipper
cent after April 16. The surplus , nftcr deducting
the dividend , Is JC.EM.313.73.
Cattle Sell Stnidy All Day HORH I.invcr mitl
WBD.N'KSDAY , Mnrcli M.
Continued activity prevails In the beef cattle -
tlo market with only n fnlr number on sale.
Light receipts hero , however , were account
able for n rnnalilnrntiln tiart of the actlvo
trade , as other markets reported heavy sup
plies and n weak business. There wns
no quotable change as a rule , but just n
good strong tone to the market. The .close
was rather quiet , however , with a few still
The demand for cows nnd heifers was brisk
and as the number on sale was small de
sirable grades told stronger , while rough nnd
Inferior stock wns picked up freely at fully
steady figures.
The movement In stock cattle was free
with only a fair number on sale. Prices
held firm on anything nt all salable and
the market closed strong all around. Rep
resentative salen :
No. Av . Pr.
19. . . 1131 ji : 10
0. . . . 891 3 10
19. . . .120li 3 10
20. . . , .1121 3 10
.1001 3 10
, . 016 .1 10
23. . 3'3 ' 3 10
13. . 3 10
O " ; 975 3 10
15. .1030 3 10
15. . .1113 3 1
C. . .1055 3 1
13. . .10J1 3 1
B. . .102) )
3. . .1000 3 1
3 1
45..12S2 3 10 14. . .1337 3 63
2..1232 3 CO 1. . .1210 3 63
14..1257 3 55 L. .1670 3 C3
3 r,5 .1450 3 75
2J.J.1H3 3 65
21..1076 3 20 20. . . . 956 3 20
' 'COWS.
1. . . . 810 1 10 ; : 225 . .1101 2 53
L. . . 910 1 G5 ' . . .i 1110 2 25 , .1151 2 55
3. . . . SSO I 65 1..10IO 2 25 3. . . .1273 2 55
1. . . . 810 1 75 1..J1130 225 9. . .1005 2 f.3
1. . . .10 * ) 1 75 1.11.V ) 2 2.1 13. . .1106 2 CO
1. . . .100 200 2. , . , i3io 2 : ; r. 18. . .1032 2 CO
17. . . . 897 2 00 l. . < :1240 235 13. . .1100 2 Cl )
L. . .1110 2 OJ 1..1280 3 35 4. . .1215 2 CO
7. . . . 905 2 110 L. . . 780 2 33 .1081 2 CO
1. . 2 00 L' , . . , 015 2 35 . 840 2 CO
; ; M 2 00 4. . i 922 2 35 ll .10.13 2G-
. . 990 2 00 4. . . .1130 2 40 13. . . 871 2 C3
3. . . . 7S 2 00 3 , . . -.1010 2 40 20. . . 932 2 6.3
I. . . .1010 2 IW S/.1U20 2 40 . . 2 C5
2. . . . 835 2 00 l.U020 240 IS. . ; i032 2 C.3
5"L. . .1047 2 05 8. . . . -907 2 40 . 978 2 C3
L. . .1030 2 10 lV.r.1240 2 40 .1214 2 63
1. . , . 900 2 10 2 40 13. . . 1)55 ) 2 70
3. . . .1000 a 10 2. , . . ' 915 2 50 33. . .1039 2 " 0
3. . , . 780 2 15 1.-L 122) 2 50 3. . ' 2 70
L. , .100i ) 2 15 I./.IOOO 2 50 4. . RIOT'S
2. . , .1093 -.10Sfl 2 50 3. . ,1010
L. , .12bO 1..V.KO ) 250 ' "
L.L. . . MO 2 25 II. . . . 953"2 50 4 ; . "lOSO 2 75
7. . . 937 2 23 L. . . OSO 2.50 3. . . . 703 2 75
L. .1070 2 25 ' 4. . . . 707 2 50 2. . . . 873 2 73
L.L. . .1010 i..ioio : 2 50 23. . . .1033 283
1. . .1090 2 25 4. . . . SS5 2 50 12. . . .1015 2 90
L. . ECO 2 00 9. . . . 430 2. . . .1010 2 S3
L. . 600 2 00 L. 770 2 50 1. . . .1020 2 00
. 715 2 00 L. 7 0 2 CO L. . .11CO 2 90
. 633 2 35 30. . 750 2 I. ) 7. . . .1108 3 ( JO
7. . . CSS 2 35 3. . 1113 2 85 3 00
1 milker J24 00
1 springer . . . ' u j 25 00
13. . . 349 L. , 330 4 00 . 110 B 00
, . 240 2 50 1. . , 2CO 4 CO 2. . . 210 5 00
2. , . 2C5 2 75 2. . . 93 4 00 1. . . 120 5 00
1. , . so 3 00 L. . 100 4 50 L. . 210 B 00
L. , . 100 3 00 1. . . 190 4 75 L.l" . 105 S 0
L.L. . . 270 3 CO G. . HO 5 00 l" . 200 B 03
L.L. . . 00 4 00 L. , 120 5 00 L. . 140 S 25
L.L. . .1650 2 15 L , . .159. . ) 233 L. .1930 2 43
L.G. . .1300 2 13 1. . .11SO 2 40 L.L. . .1510 2 50
1.L L.L.
G. . .1376 2 IS L , . .1C30 2 40 L. .1370 2 50
. L.L.
> ' .1170 2 20 . .1580 2 40 L. .1280 2 50
L. .1290 2 20 L . .1410 2 40 L.L. . .1S20 2 65
L. . .1230 1. . .160 < ) 2 40 L.L. . .1300 3 00
L.L. . , .1300 2 23 1. ' . .1260 2 45 L.L. . .US. ) 3 15
1. . , . SOO 2 30
.1230 2 33 1..1430 300
1..2030 2 SO 1..2190 2 S5
3. . . 9C6 A ) . 94S 2 S3 .1040 3 10
30. . , - . C13 2 40 . 613 2 90 13. , , .1140 3 13
3. . . SCO 2 65 . 4CO 2 90 11. . . 021 3 15
3. . . 720 275 .1110 2 90 11. . .1047 3 15
1. . . HI ) 2 75 . 603 3 00 4. . . 075 3 20
' ' . 725 2 75 . 810 3 00 2. . . SCO 3 20
l' . . 630 2 75 . Mi 3 00 9. . . 915 3 20
3. . . 733 2 75 . 72J 3 00 20. . . 958 3 23
L. .1100 2 80
No. ' Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
SO feeders. . .1113 1 90 2 bulls. . . . .111' ' ) 1 90
3 steers. . . . . ! > liO 2 BO G CUWH. . . . .1003 2 00
1 bull . .1500 225 42 feeders. . 912 3 35
86 feeders. . . . 9C5 3 25
HOGS Prices on hogs hnvo dropped 35o
to 40c this week , Including a 15c decline
today. The supply was not excessive , but
the moderate number on sale did not deter
buyers from pounding the market. As there
was llttlo prospect of doing better salesmen
were not long In making up their minds to
let go nnd while the market was wenk tradIng -
Ing was soon over , the pens being well
cleared of all on sale. It was a one-prlco
market again , the great bulk selling at $4.35 ,
and extremes at $4.30 to $4.40 , against $4.40
to $4.55 yesterday , and $4.55 to $4.70 nnd
bulk $4.60 to $ t.G5 on last Tuesday. Repre
sentative sales :
1 COO . . . 3M
SIII3EP One load only was received In
tlmo for the market , but late In the day
upwards of 3,000 Oregon sheep were un
loaded ut the yards. The market shows
llttlo If any change. Fair to good natives
are quoted at $2.7503.25 ; fair to good west
erns , J2.25G3.10j common and. stock vucep ,
$1.GO 2.1G ; good to choice 10 ( o 100-lb.
Iambs nt J2.C05J3.75. Representative sales :
No. Wt. Pr.
1)3 ) native wethers. 107 ta DO
Receipts mill lI ) pj < lttim of Mtoclt.
Official reeolplH nnddlHpoiltlon of nloclt i\tshown
by tluMiooltHiif tlm Union Stock YmH : eonipiny
for Uio twptityfour hours ouulnir at fl o'etock p. m ,
March 14 , IfUh
Ml , " * .
Curt , Head Cam. Head Car. ) . Head ,
113 B.203 Ill ( Mill )
KiitclicrV Stuff \Va In Light Supply mill Sold
Rriullly lit I'nrnirr 1'rlcrn
CIIICAOO. .Mnrch 14. llutchers1 stuff was In
IlKht supply and sold readily enntish nt former
prices. Htecru , such us shippers nnd dressed
beef concerns seek , could not be sold nt steady
prices. The very low prices prevailing across
the wntc.r Is cntHtiK n lessened demand from ex
porters , nnd there wns not enough competition
nmonK buyers for the home markets to Impart
firmness. There was u MlKht decline In prices
for the several Krndrs of steers , sales m iklnu on
n basis of from tl.2" ) to } 4. ! > i for Inferior to extra
natives nnd from tl.TS to Jl.5 : for Texnns. The
bulk of the former chnnKcd hands nt from t > to
tl. It took pretty wood stuff to bring as imu'h
ns tl. nnd not many of the offerlnKs commanded
n higher IlKure. Stockers nnd feeders continue
In KOCH ! request , notwltbstnudlni : the lint condi
tion of the mnikct for fat rattle. They are
salable at from S2.W to t3.C5 , according to qual
ity. The calf market was weak , with n ileelln-
Ins tendency. Hnpplles will Increase from this
time oil and as the article Is hlih as compared
with other commodities , n decline seems to be
With 32,000 head fresh receipts , nnd stnlc hoRf
enough to ( .well the supply tu 40.HOO bend , sellers
were unable to stay downward course ol
prices. The decline wns only u little less severe
than for the day before. It averaged from lOe tc
13c per 100 lbn. , and makes a reduction since
Saturday of firm 40c to 4HC. After n little early
tiadlm ; . on a b.isls of fiom { 4.GO to tl.O'i for the
best heavy , the market very soon diopped to
t4.f " for Hint grade nnd Inter In the dav to JI.'A
At the decline some activity was developed , but
the market remained w nl < to the close. Sales
were nt from tl.2. > to f4. ? . " > for nu'rclinntable bus.
There v.-ere few trades at better than t4.,0. the
preat bulk of the Bluff being weighed ut fiom
tl.Sfi to J4.IV ) . The remainder of this vyeek Is ex
pected to see decreased fetipplles nnd t'.ie chnnres
are that there will be a slight lecovery of prices.
At t'.ie. close of business today there were but few
hogs In commission men's bands.
Sales of sheep did not Indicate any change In
values. Poor to best grades of sheep were sal
able nt from $1.7B to tl , nnd yeaillngs were In
demand nt from $1.23. There was n
fairly nctlve mniket nt those quotations , though
outside of local slaughterers theie was compar
atively little Inquiry. Most of the sheep sold at
fiom (3 to ? .1.CO , nnd from t3.DO to M.1J bought
most of the lambs.
Receipts Cattle , 14,0)0 head ; calves , 300 head ;
hogs , 32W4 ( head ; sheep , 14,000 head.
The Kvimlng Journal reports :
CATTLH Receipts , 14,000 head ; Texans , 1,500
head. Mniket [ sternly ; top steers , S4.23W4.CO ;
medium. t3.7S04.10 ; others. J3.00W3.50.
HOGS Receipts , 32,000 head. Market slow and
-lOflllc lower ; rough packers and mixed , tl.OW
4.40 ; pilinu heavy and butcher weights , SI.I3W
4.53 ; assorted light. t4.B5OI.B3.
SUKtit' ANI ) LAMUS Ilfcelpts. 14,000 head.
Mnrket steady ; top sheep , f5.235j3.90 ; top lambs ,
Itcturim Indicate that I'urlior * Hnvo Hcon
Activn During tb i Work.
CINCINNATI , March 14. ( Special Telegram to
The Hee. ) Tomorrow's Price Current will say :
The supply of hogs at packing points Is well
maintained , the returns Indicating that western
packers have handled 240,000 for the week , com
pared with 243,000 the preceding week and 123,000
last year , making a total of 1S5.00) since Maich
1 , iiKalnst 203.000 last year. Prominent places
compare as follows :
1S9I. 1S53.
Chicago 1(10.010 ( 80,000
Kansas City M.liOO 42.000
Omuha 77,000 2.1.0 , ) )
St. Louis 2S,00 > ) 17,000
Cincinnati 15.000 11.000
Indianapolis 14,000 11.000
Milwaukee 10,0X1 5.010
Cedar Itapids 6,000 2.003
St. Joseph 7,000 1,000
Nebraska City 7,000 2,003
KaniaM City Ltvu Stock .Mnrkct.
KANSAS CITY. March ll.-CATTLlC-Hecelpts ,
4,500 head ; shipments , 2,100 bend ; good , strong ;
common , dull ; Texas steers. t2.50tT3,10 ; shipping
bteorK , $3.5301.35 ; native cows. tl.Ci5f2.fi5 : stock-
crs nnd feeders , t2.75lf3.53 ; bulls , S1.S > . " , } (2.73. (
HOGS Itecclpts , 10.000 head ; shipments , 3,700
bend ; 10fi > 13c lower , closing strong nt the de
cline : bulk , $4.23E4.37' , < ; ; heavies , packers nnd
mixed , JI.15SI.33 ; lights , Vorkers nnd pigs , 51.13
{ f4.30.
SHKBP Receipts. 1.500 head ; shipments , 100
head ; about steady at 52.COff3.G3.
Now Yorlc Llvo .Stock Mnrkct.
NKW YORK , Mureh 14. IlGEVliS Receipts ,
1COO head ; maikct slow , steady ; native steers ,
Worry tells , sadly , on
woman s health and
( Tasteless )
fortify the nerves and !
) will help to banish
rnany an anxiety.
Price 35 cents ,
Leaves ICIIICAOO. liUltLINGTON & . Q.IArrlven
Omaha ] _ JL'epot 10th nnd Mason fcJts. | _ Omahn
4:43pm : Chicago Vestibule 9:50am :
9:45ntn : ChiraKO KNpicsr * 4:23pm :
7:02pin : Chicago and Iowa Local fcCOun :
ll5im : : ! : Paclllo Junction Local. . . . . . 5C5pm :
Qinnliiil Depot lothjmd Mason His. | Omaha
10ir : > nm.Denver Express",7i. . . . . 9:33am :
10:15.1111 : Deadwood llxprcss 4:10pm
4 : .Vpm ) Denver Kxpress . 4:10pm :
Gi.Vipni..Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . G:3upm :
8:15am..Lincoln : Local ( except Sunday..Il:2oam :
Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. It. ( Arrives
OniuhaJ Depot 10th and Mason Sts. Omaha
9:45am : Kansas City Day Uxpress 5:55pm :
945pm.K. ; C. Night Kx. via V. I' . Trans. CEOnin :
Leaves I CII1CAOO , R. I. & PACIFIC. AI rives
Omalmlllnlon Depot 10th and Mqaon Sts. Omaha
0:3'im. : ' ) . Atlantic K\press ( ex. Sunday. ) . . 7:15pm :
H:00pm . NlKht Kxpreos . 0:45am :
DdOpm. : . . . Chicago Vestlbulcd Limited. . . . 2:00pm :
1310nm. ; Oklahoma lixp. ( to C. 11. ex Sun. ) . C23am ;
_ WHST. .
"cTjO.ini.Oklnhomn K Texas lixp. ( ex Sun"l2riOTm )
3:03pm..1..Colorailo : _ Limited . 4:5'pm : ' )
Leaves I UNj6N I AClPIG"Arrives" (
OnmlmlUnlon Do | > 3t 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha
9:50am : . Denver Express. . . T. . 1 4:03pm :
2lf > pm . IKt'i land Flyer . c :30jim :
3:4'pni.ttcatrlco : K Stromsb'B Ux ( ex Sun.2:30pm ) :
G (4"pin ( . Pncltla K.tpress . 11 :05am :
_ C iSppin „ LjjjjJl'L'nygr ' Fast M nl I . . . . . . . . . 4 : JHpm
Leaves ICIIICAOO. MIL. & ST. 1'AIJL.IArrlves"
Onmliajl'iilunDepot _ loth & Mnson Sts. | Omahu
0:33pm : . Chicago Limited ' . . :
ll30ain.Chicago ; Uxprebs ( ex. Sun. ) . . , . 550pin ;
Leaves I P. IJ. & MO. VALLEY. ( Arrives
Omalial Depot Itlh and Webster Hts. | Omaha
. Demlwood ExpreM . C:10pm :
9:05nm : ( Ex , Sat. ) Wyo. Exp. ( Ex. Mon. ) GMOpm
DoOpm. : . Norfolk Exprrt.ii ( Ex. Sunday ) . . 10. 41am
C4'pm ; . St. Paul Kx press . U:23am :
OniHlmlU. P. Depot loth & Mason SHI Qmnha
no5nm : Chicago ExprcnH C:10pm
4:0.ripm : Vestlbuln Limited 9:2Uam :
G30pm ; Eastern Flyer 2lSim : |
li:30pmEx. : ( Sat..Chic. ) Pain.Ex. Mon. ) 9:25pm :
6:5mh. : _ . . Mo.V _ lley Local 10:20pm :
l.oiaLI I MlSSoTTm PACIFIC ! ( Arrives
Oniuhaj Depot " 15th " and Wvuitur " J3ts , _ | jjmahu
: ) . . . . . . . . Loula Expresa. Tr6:00am :
lOioopni St. Louis Exprc K 4SOpm :
D10im.Dally ; | ( ex. Hun. ) Nebraska Uc l. 810am ;
Leaves I C."s"T P. " . f. ti'o , fArrlvci , "
Omnhulcpot15th " | _ _ nnil\\'ebiitcrHto. " _ _ _ _ | Oinajm
SUnm".6loux : City "Aecomrnoda"tlon. . . . 1020pin ;
2lMim..Hloux : City Exprein ( Ex. tiun.l:30pm ) :
C4ipm ; uiM.- 'JHL limited 92. ; ' < nm
Lcikvca I HIOUX CITY" & 1 ACTFIC tArrlvii'
OinulmlU. P. Depot loth AJlason _ _ jt . [ Oinahii
* "
* tiUiini : .SIoux'Tty Passenger 10s6pin :
853pni ; _ . . . . .Ht. Paul Expreus 10oOum :
Leavcu I HIOUX CITY K PACTP15 ! JArrlvtV
Oinahal Depot 16lh and \\'i'ltcr Sts. [ JJinaha
' " "
CKiinT : | Si. Paul 'Limited. . . . 9:25am :
6i45pm Chlcaito Limited DKam :
LeTTvM'l OMAHA & BT. " IX3UIH. ) A"rrlvt
OmulialU. P. Dfpot loth & Mason 8t . | Oinuha
JMi'ia ' tit , Loula CuimoQ Bull llFHput
cholcr , P.OOffl.TO : rood In prime , H.SMKM ;
tneillum to fnlr , t3.Wftl.3A ; Inferior In ordinary ,
M.4MJ8.J5 ; fnlr to gooti T\nns , t3.4'f .70 ; oien ,
H1IKKP AND LA.MIW-llcci'lpls , * .IM bend ;
sheep steady ; Intnl. * shndr Mrincr ; nheep. | > oor
to prime. $ t.0i)0l.0i ) ) ; fnncy far , tl.SO ; lambs ,
common to choice , t9.Mfl4.7B.
IIOHS Hrrtlpts. 7.000 ; giiod to choice ulnlfl
hogs , 15.4Qtr .0)i market steady.
Nl. l.onli I.lTc Slock .Mnrket.
ST. LOt'IH , Mnirh ll.-OATTLK-Uccrlpts.
3 , ) i ) bend ; shlpnu titn. 700 bend. Mnrket active ,
closing MrlOc lower nem > rnlly : nntlva slwr * .
1,000 to l. M Ibs. , t.1. ) f3.t > 0 ; Tcxns slr r , 1 > 00
to 1.10) Ibs. , f2.70CrJS.40.
IIOdH-Hecelpts. 7,30 > l hcnd ; slilpuicnlB , l.IOO
head. Market wenk. IflliZOi- lower ; top price ,
tl.AO ; bulk of snles , JI.2.1fJU.V
HIIEEP Receipts , t ) liead ; shipments , none.
Market itrong , native mixed , tS.2't 5.20 ;
Inmbs , tl.
City Llvo .Stiiek Miirkxl ,
SIOl'X CITV Mnrch .
, II.-HOOH-ltecelpts ,
1.00. ) hend : shliunents. B > l head ; market 10 ljc
lower nl tl.40 ; bulk. fl.UIM.R
CATTLE Receipts , 1.2JO haul ; shipments. 1M
bend ; market slow nnd Weak ; feeders , J2.WHJ. 15 ;
yftu lings , J2.2o03.Wj cows. tl.25fl2.50.
.Stock In Sight.
Tlu > following nro the r.'celpls nt Iho four prin
cipal clllen Wednesday , March 14 :
" ( 'attle. Hosft. Shcop ,
Sontli Omaha ' . ' . ' . ' ( l.l (1,1:1(1 ( : ( II.IUIH
niitcngo M.ddo Il'.oui ) 1 t.ddli
KnimaH City I..IM I lo.uoo l.fiuo
St. I.oulH : ! , > . ' ( ) ( ) 7.IUIO (100 (
Total. 2:1,110. : a.l.CIO 111,108
ClmilitK till' Kibher4.
OUTHUIIO , Okl. , Mnrch II. A tclcKram
from \Vooihvitrd nays the Bovurnnictit has
culled on ( ho War department , which linn
ordered out Lieutenant KIruy Walker of
Kort Supply , with twenty cavalry men , to
elmso HIP men who robbed the Woodward
depot safe of the J10.1KX ) of Koverninent
money doHtlncd to pay the HoldltTH nt Koft
Hnpply. The noted Indian scout , Amos
I'apln , Is nlso out with a IIOSHC of Imllan
KcontH. Sheriff Love started with a posse
nt dayllKht after the robbera. The trail Is
hot nnd IIOWH of a caiitnrc la conlldently
exhieeted. It Is believed Hill Dalton nnd
Hill Doolnn were the robbers.
Sips of Health ,
You don't have to look
twice to detect them bright
eyes , bright color , bright
smiles ,
bright in
every ac
tion. SCOTT'S
Disease is
overcome EMULSION.
only when i M'1" | i fl
weak tissue - '
is replaced by the healthy
kincl.fScott's Emulsion of
cod liver oil effects cure by
building up sound flesh. It
is agreeable to taste and
easy of assimilation.
I'rrp rml by Hcott , t PuiTno. N. V ,
Mnm DovolopoJ ,
Lltiver. rCPIUKNK.ulll
ri'HUiro nil the item uutivo
iM'K'iuiH. Impoteoey liu-
pOHslblnlf Cfl'll'KNKlH
tiHcd. Send for free cir
culars nnd IrHtlmonlnlH.
P.O. HoxUU7tlSnn Vnm *
o. Cal ,
for Infants and Children.
"Cnatorln la so well adapted to children that Cnstorln eurcs Cello , Constipation ,
I recommend It ns superior to any iirescrlptlon Sour Stomach , Dl.irriicvn , I'mctatlon ,
Uuown to me. " II. A. Aitc'iir.n , 51. I ) . , Ivllls Worms , glvea Kleep , and promotes < U
Ill So. Osford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. Kcstion ,
Without injurloua medication.
"Tlio USD of 'Castorla. Ij no universal nnd "For FOTcrsl yrara I liavo recommended
Its merits so well known that It seems n work your 'Ca.storia , ' nnd shall nlwnya continue tc
of supererogation to endorse It. Few nro the do so na it liaa invariably produced beneficial
Intelligent famlllei not tecji Castorla results. "
within easy reach. " N T. I'Anonn , M. ! > . ,
C.UILO.S JiAIlTVM , D. I ) . , 123th Street and Till Avo. , New York City "
New York City.
There are many new things
to be seen in Moquette , Axmin-
ster and Velvet carpets , and they
are down in price. You can buy
a good Velvet at 90c and $1.00 '
per yard depends on the pat
$1.00 will be the price put
on a few patterns ol : Axminsters.
It will pay you to see them , as
there won't be any at this price
Ingrains in the greatest va
riety of- new effects. The prices
begin lew enough , and only get
to 55c for an wool extra super.
Some new things as high as 65c
and 75c , but they are just as
1414-16-18 Doudas Street