Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1894, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Curtains ,
Plain Colored Surah Silks , *
' 300 pieces of Nottingham
< . wo'rth 55c.
\ FIGURED CHINA SILKS , All-wool imported Sl.OO quality Navy $1.29 quality Black $1.00 $6.OQ Lace Curtains , worth Si. 75
worth 65c. Tomorrow Chaliis Blue London Serge Goods , OTLACK SILKS , SILKS , MOQUET RUGS , and $2.00 per pair , tomorrow1
27'e ' 50e. 59e. 79e / 1
. . , 7 80.
The New York market never was in a better condition to secure bargains than now. Our resident buyer there has instructions to take advantage of
Black $1.28 Dress Goods at 79c. Shaker Flannels at Sj c. Ginghams Sc. Sateens at 6c. Victoria Lawns S c. Checked"Nainsooks at Go Side and Ap'ron
Checked Lawns 18c. We are only showing new goods. Samples gladly submitted. Our prices cannot bs duplicated.
SACRIFICED. Gowns 98c. We keep nothing but the best. We would not soil you anything
. This department Is ottering greater Inducements
$5.00 nnd $6.00 Moquotte. Chinese and that could not
1OO JPZBCJSS 1OO Smyrna rugs , size 36x72 , nt $2.78. ducements than ever. thing we conscientiously recommend and endorse ,
$2.00 and $4.50 Moquette , Chinese and Don't miss this opportunity. Tomorrow Worth GO pieces 20c , at Victoria S&c per lawn yard , , 40 Inches wide , BEAR WELL , IN MIND THESE FACTS.
Smyrna rugs , size 27x54 , at $ t,85.
Bought at a tremendous sacrifice , will be $1.75 body brussels rugs , 78c. wo start 35 dozen gowns , well worth $1.GO , 25 pieces checked nainsooks , always sold SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK.
GO pieces of 25c and 3Go Nottingham lace nil beautifully trimmed , extra wide , extra nl 12 c , will be closed out nt Co per yard.
at 12V yard. long , lonsdale muslin all 10 pieces side band apron lawn will be
c ,
you want Tor 98c
rushed out tomorrow at a mere fraction of their $5.00 linen veluro table covers at $1.98 , each , closed . out nt I5c per yard , regular 25c qual IMPORTED TAMAISE Imperial French Sorge.
15c sllkallne . ity.
at 8 l-3c. ity.Send
value. 300 pair $1.75 and $2.00 Nottingham lace Send for samples. 40 Inches wldo : It's worth $1.2:111 yd : 43 Indies wldo : It's north } 1.5) a yd ;
curtains at 78c pair ; no limit. THIS WEEK
Hundreds of yards ot f > r c Surah Silks , hundreds of yards of 2e Veils 9c. Veils 9c CENTS 79 CENTS CENTS 98 N TS
Printed India Silks , worth IMC , all go ut 27ic. % DOMESTICS.
PKR YARD Embroidery. All new , tomorrow , 450 veils , all colors , Remember , ours arc nil now Roods. Souil for Samples.
new and pretty designs , Just the thing , well Here arc some genuine bargains.
21-Inch pluin and figured China Silks , worth 8oc , black and ALT , AT SPECIAL 'TOMORROW , worth 23c to 60c , your choice , 9c ; only two 50 pieces Arnold chnllles , were 12'/4c , to
bo closed out at 5c a yard.
coloredSurah ; Silks , worth $1.00 , all at10c per yard 49c EMBROIDERY , 2V4C. lo a customer. 15 pieces very fine quality fancy colored The New Spring Dress Goods-
Tomorrow 5,000 yards embroidery , In cam shaker flannel , regular 12Vic quality , will
Monday. PER YARD bric , all choice , pretty patterns , regular price bo offered at 8J4c per yard. ,
8 l-3c to lOc. GO pieces Amoskeag gingham , npron checks > N' ' " > ' * Volllnw.Mto 40 inchct
EMIJROIDERY , 70. Corsets Corsets will bo closed out at 5c per yard. wide , twW
21-inch heavy Black Satin , Black Crystal Bcntrulino , Black A IL AT Tomorrow U.OOO "yards embroidery , In , Sea the bargains wo nre offering In sateens gray etc. Noiio over sold for less tlmii roc ; ninny up to Jl.OO. Uiolco Montlny nt . * yard.
' Swiss , cambric nnd nainsook , beautiful goods , at 5c , lOc , 15c , 25c ami 35c.
Armurc , Black' Gros Grain , not a yard worth less than new designs , regular price 15c to 20c. OUR LINES COMPLETE.
EMBROIDERY , 13C. CORSETS , 3SC. Send for Samples ,
$ l.fiO per yard , all go Monday at 72c. PER YARD Tomorrow 5,000 yards embroidery In Buy now , 250 corsets In white and grey , designs ; ft very deslr'iulo material In llRhl ami medium shades , boiipht to soil nlb..o , opening
Swiss , cambric and nainsook , all beautiful all sizes , regular price , COc. 8nl ° ' colorIngs
Never have such fine silks found goods , well worth double the price. CORSETS , DSC. 'llooo ymls Oovort C'loth for tailor made costutnrs ( SO lijclio- . ) . no . t . styles , beautiful -
their material vuluo J1.MI. toliosold Monday ut Jl.OO.
way Buy now , 200 corsets In fast black only , Ings , u splendid spring
all sizes , regular price , S5c.
to a bargain counter before. ALL , THE BEST MAKES IN THIS DEP'T. LINEN New French Chaliis-
LADIES' tltlllirk 1OHml3-
SOplocos now all-wool French Nl'roUBSAMl'nMJ ntri0o3riiraj I ) -
Handkerchiefs , Ribbons. Ribbons JBed Spreads- Special Offer In New Spring Wraps.
100 full sized genuine Marseilles bed
HANDKERCHIEFS AT 15C. Don't fall to see them. Ribbons , 4c bolt. spreads , regular price $2.50 , wo will offer
One line of scalloped embroidered hand GOO bolts baby ribbon , all pretty shades , them Monday at $1.85 each.
Pattern Hats , Bonnets and Millinery Nov kerchiefs , In white and colors , worth 25c , only 4c. 100 extra fine and heavy Marseilles bed each.
Monday special price IGc. Htbbon , 31 c yard. An nil silk grosgraln , spreads , regular $4.00 quality , wo will offer
elties. You ai'e cordially invited. White scalloped embroidered handker satin-edge ribbon , pretty shades , only 3Hc. them Monday at $2.4S each. llovolty
chiefs , worth COc , Monday lOc. Ribbon , 8 l-3c. All-all Jjllk grosgraln , satin 100 stamped damask tray cloths , all new
Plain white hemstitched and corded edged edge and satin rlbboit , ailislmdes , only 8 l-3c. and neat designs , regular 25c quality , will
MISSES KAHL & JOHNSTON handkerchiefs , worth up to IGc , Monday 5c. Ribbons , lOc. An all 'silk satin edge and bo closed out at 15c each.
, '
Plain white hemstitched handkerchiefs , 1 grosgraln and Isatlh' ribbon , all shades , See those momlc bureau scarfs we arc
At A . It. lA.r.COXlSlt.'S , OMAHA , A'/iB. Inch and l'i Inch hems , at lie each In halt only lOc. IJ offering at 29c , and GSc , each worth from GOc
dozen lots. BUY TOMOimOWVVNfl SAVE MONEY. to $1.25. each.
M A TT HP ni7PQFe carefully filled by experts
IVl/ilJL UKlJDKO iployed for that very pur
pose. Try us. .V
1 J
Ot 1 ,
1505-1507-1509 DOUGLAS STREET.
8nlo of Outcalt's ' Residence Thought to Be
Tinged with Fraud.
Itocolvor Hiiydrn HuccUcs IiiHtructlonB to
Intervene nutl Prevent the Cunllrnintlon
of thu Transaction Settlement
f tlio Case 1'oHtpoiied.
LINCOLN , March 10. ( Special to The
Beo. ) Yonlter Bros , of DCS Molnes will not
occupy the magnificent residence property
lately belonging to R. C. Outcalt , cashier of
the defunct Capital National bank , for some
time yet. Ever since the firm bid In the
property for something less than $10,000 last
week there has been a lively suspicion that
the real purchaser was ono J. D , Macfarland ,
ono of the endorsers on the notes ifold by tlio
Dea Molnes firm. It Is generally believed
that Macfarland had the property bid In for
himself , and that ho has had some secret
understanding with Mrs. Outcalt , In whose
name the property stands on the records.
Yesterday a number of protests were tele
graphed to the comptroller of. the currency
at Washington , representing that the alleged
sale was a fraud upon the depositors , and
that It had been attempted In order to pro
tect the Interests of ox-Receiver Macfarland
as endorser of Moslier. It was further repre
sented to the comptroller that ono of the at
torneys representing Receiver Hayden is the
father-in-law ofMacfarluid , and for that rea
son the receiver has taken no steps to pre
vent the depositors from suffering through
. the sale of the property to outsldo parties.
T * " " As a result of all these representations the
comptroller was requested to Instruct the ro-
celvcr to lnivo the confirmation of the sale
postponed until an Investigation could bo
had by the Treasury department.
This morning Receiver Hayden received In
structions from tlio comptroller ot the cur-
" r icy to Intervene and prevent the confirma
tion of thu sale of the Outcalt property until
the matter could bo Investigated , The or
der ot the court was to the effect that the
sale should bo presented for confirmation
this forenoon at 10 o'clock. When that hour
urrlvnd Attorneys Whcedon and Magoon were
present for the protection of Outcalt's In
terests , Attorney Hall appeared for the Ies
Molnos brokers , whllo G , M. Lambortson
and Judge Cobb appeared for the receiver.
The latter asked for a postponement of the
conflrmitlon and Judge Tlbbotts granted It
In eplto of tha earnest protests of Attorney
Hall , who Insisted that the sale had been
perfectly legal as to form and that It could
not bo sot aside ,
State Auditor Moore Is of the opinion that
If A. G. Shears , the missing citizen of
Chadron , Is suffering under temporary ab-
- orratlon of mind , ho has considerable prac
tical method In his madness. Saturday
afternoon Shears\\ u an old acquaintance
ot the auditor , called upon the latter ut the
state house , and after conversing awhtlo
asked the state olllclal to endorse a draft
for him. He explained that he had been
called to Lincoln on business matters , and
had left hurriedly without bringing with him
any funds. Since coming to Lluctln , ho
saltl , ho found that he would have to go to
Oklahoma on a business trip. Ho had money
on deposit In the First National bank at
Chadron. Would Mr. Moore endorse hU
draft for $100T Mr. Moore would , but now
he wishes ho wouldn't , for this forenoon ho
received word from the cashier of the First
National at Chadron , Informing him that
Ulieara had no money on deposit there. The
draft was cashed through the Merchants
hank ot this city , and the latter has notified
Mr , Moore of the fact that It has been pro
tested ,
s The cashier of the Merchants bank stated
r to The Bee this afternoon that Saturday of
last week Shears came In and asked him If
ha was familiar with the vlgnaturo of Auditor
I Moore or Treasurer Hartley , Upon being M-
sured of the fact Shears stated that he
wished to draw upon his home bank for
funds , but being a stranger In Lincoln he
would Imvo to request the auditor or treas
urer to endorse his draft. The feeling In
Lincoln now Is that Shears has left the coun
try and that he was not particular about
guaranteeing his reputation before going.
Neither the cashier of the bank nor Auditor
Moore noticed anything about Shears' be
havior that led them to suspect that ho was
suffering from any mental disorder. Ho told
the auditor that ho would go to Oklahoma
Sunday and stop and visit some relatives In
Kansas. Further , he stated that his wife
knew nothing of his absence from home or
why ho was going to Oklahoma , but that he
Intended to write her boforp leaving Lincoln.
The manufacturing drug and chemical flrm
of Kuhn & Co. of Omaha filed articles of
Incorporation with the secretary of state
today. The company has a capital of $100.-
000 and Is Incorporated by Norman , J. M. .
C. R. and II. P. Kuhn.
The case of Gustavo Cessman against
I-rederlck Hyer reached the supreme court
today from Douglas county. In the lower
court Hyer sued Cessman for $5,000 damages
for Injuries sustained In an assault. The Jury
rendered a verdict for $2,500 against Cess
man and the latter tells the supreme court
that It Is excesstvo.
The secretaries of the State Board of
Transportation settled up two cases which
have been pending for some time. E. A.
Gerrard and other citizens of Monroe peti
tioned the board for a station , and after
some correspondence the Union Pacific
agreed to establish a station at Monroe
without the formality of a trial. At the
town of Wlsuer the citizens wanted the Elk-
Jtorn road to put In two street crossings
over its tracks. The Elkhorn compromised
the matter by putting In ono of the crossings
and the citizens withdrew their complaint.
Some time ago Mr , Johnson of Crete , who
owns a coal mine near Clinton , Mo. , called
upon the secretaries of the Board of Trans
portation with an Informal complaint that
he was being discriminated against by the
I ) . & M. and Missouri Pacific In the matter
of rates from his mine to Crete. The
Missouri Pacific owns Its own mines near
Clinton and hauls Us coal four miles farther
and yet underbids Johnson to the extent of
about 35 cents per ton. Ho was Informed
that the board could not do anything for the
reason that the rates were under the con
trol of the Interstate Commerce commission.
The secretaries ot the board opened a cor
respondence with the railroad officials and
threatened an appeal to the Interstate Com
merce commission. Word was received this
afternoon that the ruto would bo adjusted
satisfactory to the Crete miner and that an
appeal to the commission would not bo
Mrs. Phelps Payne was today awarded
$1,371 damages from the city by reason ot
the change ) of grade In the street In front ot
her residence property. The street referred
to Is Seventeenth , which was paved two
years ago. The city engineer changed the
grades of both Seventeenth and J streets ,
making a cut In some places of over ton feet.
It Is probable that the change will cost the
city a great many thousand dollars In the
way ot llanmcos.
Mrs. Cora Ulack was this forenoon glvon a
divorce from her husband on the grounds ot
desertion. She was married to Black at
Falls City In 1885 , but ho deserted her soon
L. A. George , the man convicted of an as
sault , upon tlio person of a half-witted girl ,
asks'for a now trial , Ho does not deny liU
relations with the girl , but claims her con.
sent as a defense. She la very weak men *
tally and had no Idea of the moral phases of
the affair.
The Insurance companies have finally ad >
justed the losses occasioned by the lire la
the Funko opera house block several weeks
ago. The owners ot the building got J1.8SJ3 ,
exclusive of the opera house fixtures ; lllock
& Colin , $11,000 on stock and $147 on fix.
tures ; M. Ackerman , $13,000 ; Mra , Van Duse.
i$039 ; W. It. Dennis , $35 ; Patrick Kolly$35 ,
The loss to the curtains and scenery of the
opera house has. not been adjusted , but It
will be total. Arrangements are being
made for un entire set of new scenery , and
the auditorium will be remodeled on a mod
ern basis.
Tha case ot Mrs. Dlrney , who was arrested
ami brought to thla city from St. Louis on
the charge of perjury , was called In Judge
Spencer' * court this afternoon , but on-re ;
quest of the attorneys was continued until
The case against J. F. Zedlker , the man
accused of stealing the fixtures of a restau
rant , was dismissed this afternoon.
J. 1C. Morlii & Co. Closed on Attiichiucnts
for SI5,000.
HASTINGS , Neb. , March 10. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) J. R. Morln & Co. ,
wholesale dealers In eggs and butttr , was
closed on an .attachment on notes aggregat
ing $15,000.
The failure of the house was a great sur
prise , as It has a cash capital of $200,000
and has always enjoyed a high predlt. The
Cedar Rapids house seemed to be in trouble
and this attachment by the bank Is looked
on as an effort to secure their claim In ad
vance of other creditors. The company has
branches at Holdrcge , Neb. , and half a dozen
Iowa towns , with headquarters In Cedar
Rapids and Hastings and operating in Bos
The failure of Morris & Smith of Boston ,
directors and backers of the J. R. Morln
company , to pay sight drafts drawn on thorn
by the Morln company and cashed by the
Adams county bank , is responsible for the
closing of the Hastings house , but all the
other branches will bo affected. A sijdclen
drop of several cents in eggs recently
knocked the bottom out ot the market and
thousands of dollars were lost In the flurry.
Suit has been brought by the Creamery
Package Manufacturing company for the re
covery of $1,400 , and this , with the attach *
' ment , represents liabilities made known. The
flrm has been In Hastings three years , has
done a good business and made Itself very
popular with Hastings people. The plant
located hero Is regarded as , very complete
and occupies quite a desirable location. This
is the first embarrassment any Hastings
flrm has felt during the entire financial
crisis , and this is not attributable to local
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . March 10. The J. R.
Mortn company , with a capital stock of $90-
000 , extensive egg dealers nnd owners of
six creameries near here , failed today. The
total liabilities are $ U,000 and assets $05,000.
The failure was due to the. Inability of the
stockholders , who live In Boston , to furnish
money. It Is reported that the liabilities will
aggregate $200,000 , Involving Morris , Smith &
Co. of Boston , who own the entire stock of
the Morln company.
He Doc-it Not I.lko to llo Listed an it Debtor
of V , W. Monitor.
ALLIANCE , Neb. , March 9. ( Special to
The Bee. ) J. R. Van Ilosklrk of this cify has
mailed the following letter to the Lincoln
Journal ;
"In your Issue of JIarch G your anony
mous correspondent Includes my name ab
ono of the debtors to the Capital National
bank. As you freely publishan anonymous
communication , I presume you will as freely
glvo mo room to say your correspondent is
mistaken as to myself.
"I do not owe the Capital National u
penny , In any shape or form. I did owe olio
M. D. Welch something over $2,000 , but this
amount was , paid to Welch by Hon. E , J ,
Hairier , the Aurora congressman , on May
1 , 1893 , and I have Welch's acknowledge
ment of same under date of May 5 , 1893.
"Tho Capital National held some ot these
notes , I presume , as collateral at the time
of the failure , and In this way my name ap
pears on their records. For the truth of
my assertion I refer any one Interested to
the First National bank at Alliance , the
Hamilton County bank at Aurora , Hon. E. J.
Halner and the public records of Hamilton
"Allow mo to say that If Mosher's defender
has no moro basis ot fact for his defense
thai ) . In my case , hU explanation does not ox-
flatu to any noticeable effect.
Heavy I.OHS of it I'lirmer. '
AUBURN , Neb. , March 10. ( Special to The
Boo. ) William Keough , a ypung fanner liv
ing about two miles west of Auburn , lost
a largo barn , granary , milk house , wind
mill , all of his farming machinery , one val
uable horse , thirty tons of hay nnd a lot of
tools by flro yesterday. His loss is over
$3,000 , with $1,200 Insurance In the Home
Fire Insurance , and $ iSO'ln the Omaha Fire
Insurance. The , "origin of the flro is a
GRAFTON , Neb. , ' March 10. ( Special to
The Bee. ) Early this morning the largo
frame barn of Nr O. Burt , who lives two
miles south of town , burned. Nine head of
horses and 300 bushels of grain , machinery
and harness wore lost. The loss Is near
$1,000 , partly covered by Insurance In the
Farmers and Merchants of Lincoln. The
origin of the flro Is supposed to be the work
of tramps.
Logan CoantyTreiiHtirnr Short ,
GUNDY , Neb. , March 10. ( Special to The
Bee. ) Willard Glnn , the treasurer of Logan
county , has gone wrong , according to W.
Quincy Mahan. an expert- bookkeeper who'
has been working on the books for several
days. He is short $490. The commis
sioners have turned the office over to Mr.
Mahan and he and E. R. Smith , the cashier
of the State bank of this place , will go over
the books again and report next Monday ,
when the commissioners meet again. The
populists were posltlvoHlast fall before elec
tion that the books were all right and would
get very indignant when anything was said
about the books being crooked. Mr. Glnn
is also treasurer of the school board In this
place and It Is not known how the funds artr
as the other two- officers are now In Illinois
and It Is not known when they will return.
Municipal TlrlieU Announced.
NEBRASKA CITV , March 10. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) The republican city
convention met today and placed the follow
ing ticket In the field'Mayor. : H. H. Bart-
ling ; treasurer , R. W. Kelly ; clerk , C. W.
Hoge ; police judge , D. J. Golf ; councllmcn ,
First ward , S. H. Fields ; Second , J. M. Tay
lor ; Third , J. A. Nelson ; Fourth , William
Koontz ; school board , J. W. Butt , C. Chap
man , II. H. Fuss. The convention was har
monious and the ticket is exceptionally
FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 10. ( Special to
The Bee. ) The prohibitionists have placed
the following ticket In the Held : Mayor ,
H , F , Rtchart ; councllmen , "W. B. Schmucker ,
L. B. McPherson ; school directors , R. G.
Wills , William Goldner ; police judge , J. W.
Wherry ; clerk , AV. A. Moran.
So\ero Sand Storm.
M'COOK , Nob. , March 10 , ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Ono of the most severe
sand storms in the history of Nebraska
swept over the central and western part ot
the state today. It commenced blowing about
C a. m , , and from that time until 2:30 : p. in.
the wind blow a gale , and the dust was so
thick that one could , not see a block
away. As near as canufj ? , learned , the storm
dxtended to Denver Wf J and as far north
and south as can be Kt'Mjl from. Consider'
able damage wna < } irley by outbuildings
being blown over nnd ciices injured. This
city escaped with but little damage , one
business building losing ( ho roof. Word has
reached hero that thfe'dry hall ut Imperial
was considerably damaged.
Kuox Countyritienr | | | Demi.
NIOBRARA , Neb.March 10. ( Special to
The Bee. ) Charles F.'Mlscuko , ono of the
earliest settlers of HOlBx county , having
located and opened { he-first farm here In
165G , dlod at his homestead at old Frank
fort March 4 , ngedf69i years. He leaves
n large property In thlstcounty and Yank-
ton to three sons , tho/eMest of whom was
the first white child hard In this county ,
AUBURN , Neb. . MarchrflO. ( Special to The
Bee , ) Joshua Miller , onn of the oldest In
habitants of Nomaha county , died ot old ago
In this city last night at 11:20 : o'clock. It
lia had lived till today | he would have been
83 years old. Ills widow , whom „ he
married over sixty-live years ago , and sev
eral children survive him.
To 8 'curoVlilto's I'urdon ,
NEBRASKA aiTY.Neb. : , March 10 , ( Spe
cial Telegram to The Bee , ) A petition ad
dressed to Governor.Crounse praying for the
release of Z. T. White , frbo In In jail charged
with libeling Secretary Morton by hanging
iifiu In cfllgy , was circulated today. U ob
tained numerous signers.
Looking for u DUuppoliitt'd I.oirr.
HASTINGS , March 10. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee.-iTho ) sheriff of Kearney county
was In tuo city yesterday and today looking
for Reddelvo Moore , a young man of Axtell
who had wandered from homo and was
thought to be In Hastings. The search was
unsuccessful. It Is thought that "the young
man was disappointed In love and became
deranged In consequence.
Ogcftolu8 Successful Rovlial.
OSCEOLA , Neb. , March 10. ( Special to
The BVse. ) Osceola's Methodist Episcopal
church Is having ono of the most successful
revlvlals now that hastvcr taken place in
this village. There Is no imported evangelist
or outside help present , and Rev. A. B.
Whltmer , the pastor , has preached every
night since February 11 , There is no ex
citement or noise that Is so common In re-
vlvlals , but the people are thinking , and
crowd the altar nightly , and some of those
that have been almost considered outcasts
liavo come to the altar and confessed Christ
to the saving of their souls. The meetings
will continue as long as there Is one person
that will manifest a desire toseek the Lord.
render "Will IIn\o Wntnr AVorks.
PENDER , March 10. ( Special to The Bee. )
At the meeting of the board of trustees"
of this village Thursday evening there was
submitted to the voters a water works bond
proposition. The election will be held April
17. The amount to bo voted Is $10,000 to
bear 0 per cent Interest. A similar bond
was voted last summer , but the state auditor
failed to register the bonds. If the bonds
carry the work will commence at once.
The citizens of render are raising a bonus-
far a flour mill.
The little son of A. W. Turner , secretary
fof the Flournoy Real Estate and Live Stock
company , Is dead.
Hani Work Saved the I'liuit.
STROMSBURG , Neb. , March 10. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) The extensive works
of the Stromsburg Pressed Brick company
caught fire this afternoon , and as a high wind
prevailed the destruction of the entire plant
was threatened , By reasonof herculean
effortsot the flro department the greater
portion of the property was saved. No In
Abraham Dornburg , a farmer living ten
.miles southwest of this place , had his left
hand amputated yesterday. Ho had his hand
crushed while operating a corn shelter some
time ago ,
Charles V. Klllott Sentenced.
IIARTINGTON. March 10. ( Special to The
Beo. ) . Judge Norrls last night overruled
> the 'motion for a now trial for Charles El
liott , who was convicted at this term of
district court of manslaughter. In their
verdict the jury recommended mercy , and
out of regard for that recommendation the
judge Imposed > a light sentence on the
prisoner. , Ho fixed the penalty at three
years and six months In the penitentiary.
In an Interview the attorneys for Elliott
said they would take an appeal to supreme
Itutlcr County KdticatorK Meet.
DAVID CITY , March 10. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The Butler County Educational con
vention held a session hero today , A varied
program had been prepared , Including two
addresses each by Chancellor Canfleld and
State Superintendent Goudy. The session
closed this evening with u reception at the
county superintendent's ofllce.
Tlio annual meeting of the Shlloh Veteran
association will bo held at David City April
C and 7. Hon. Tom Majors'General Thayer ,
H , C. Russell and other speakers will be
present ,
Victim of u ItHblil Dog.
NEBRASKA CITY , March 10. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) A young son of Uriah
Dayls , u farmer living couth of this city ,
was savagely attacked and bitten by a rabid
dog yesterday , The dog was taken to
Omaha this afternoon to try the virtues of n
mad atone , A large- number of cattle and
hogs In the neighborhood were bitten by
the dog and a reign ot terror exists.In . that
Itt'xiiU nf u Neighborhood Quarrel.
EIwKHORN. Neb. , March 10 , ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) Constable Campbell
arrived hero today from Kearney with Wil
liam Schnacker In custody , Schnacker was
arrested on a warrant Issued at the Instiga
tion of Mathlaa Koch , who alleges In his
complaint that Schnacker shot nt him with
Intent to kill. The defendant does not
deny exploding a pistol In close proximity
to Mr. Koch , but nvors that ho was acting
In self defense. The affair Is the culmina
tion of a neighborhood quarrel that has been
brewing for twelve months. The prelimi
nary hearing will be held here on Monday.
Ho Holds Up 11 Chester JHim Who "Was ttlv-
Ing Him n Klile ,
CHESTER , Neb. , March 10. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) A daring highway rob
bery was committed about ono mlle west
of Hubbell last night about 8 o'clock. Mr.
Curt Baughan of this place had taken a
traveling man to Hubbell , andsoon _ after
leaving the latter place on his way homo
a man about five feet ten Inches hailed him
and askedj him for a ride. Mr. Baughan
good naturedly complied. After riding
about half a mile the unknown man suddenly
presented a pistol at Baughan's head and
demanded his money , which , under the cir
cumstances , was' quickly handed over. He
then deliberately stepped from the buggy
and told Mr. Baughan to drive on. As the
night was dark no accurate description of
the robber can bo given. He only g&t $2.65.
llurgliir Hound Over.
CASTINGS , March 10. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) Joseph Miller , the car burglar
arrested hero a couple of days ago , whoso
confession led to the Issuance ot warrants
for two companions , was today bound over
to the district court. The two confederates ,
for whoso arrest warrants have been Issued ,
were obligingly kicked off a Burlington
train out of McCook a few hours before
Sheriff Harris started to arrest them.
I'lnyoii witii i-inioi.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , March 10. ( Spe
cial to The Bee. ) A little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Kruse ( residing ten miles
north of this city , was playing with a re
volver yesterday , when It was discharged.
The ball struck "her in , the tooth , plowed
a furrow In the roof of the mouth and fell
Into her mouth.
Kanteo ARcnoy'H Now Agent.
NIODRARA , Neb. , March 10. ( Special to
The Bee. ) Indian Agent Joseph Clements ,
who has been busy taking stock , etc. , from
the outgoing agent , will take formal charge
of the Santee agency Monday morning. It
Is reported that ho will make no immediate
changes in any of the subordinate positions.
Itnvlmvoil Company 1' .
JUNIATA , Neb. , March 10. ( Special to The
UeoMr ) , II. S. Hotchklss , Inspector gen
eral , Is hero today to review company F ,
Nebraska National guards. This company
Is pronounced one of the best In tlio state ,
The boys arc well drilled and always pre
sent a good appearance.
Cliiiilroa Crlmliml Cimrtt.
CHADRON , Nob. , March 10. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) George McColl was found
giHHy of criminal assault today. William
Weaver was found guilty of assault. These
are the only criminal cases to bo tried this
Unrrjlng Out Chtlitt'H Work.
Many of the cltjzens ot Omaha will bo
surprised to learn that "the spirit of Christ
will rise again on Easter Sunday. " So
writes Carl Browne , the "famous cartoon
lecturer" to ono of his Omaha friends.
Mr. Browne IB now operating at Masslllon.
0. , and claims to have received reliable as
surances that he and ono JCHSO Coxey have
been chosen by the Lord to carry to com
pletion the reforms atartcd by Christ before
he was crucified. Mr. Hrowno says ho late
to receive one-half of Christ's soul and Coxoy
Is to receive the other half , and proves his
belief by "scientific research , " After they
receive the spirit on Easter Sunday they pro
pose to march down to Washington 100,000
strong and demand that Graver Cleveland
run this government hereafter In accord
ance with the lines laid down In the scrip
tures , whatever that may be ,
Mr. Urownu further Informed his Omaha
friend that when they arrive. In Washington
they will demand that Secretary CurlliU <
> - . i
Issue $500,000,000 In greenbacks and dlvy up
and says that hard times will hereafter bo
a thing of the past , as everybody wilt
"have plenty and be prosperous. "
lllds for County lloiitl 1'uvlng to Ito Called
for Other liimlnosti.
All of the county commissioners attended
the meeting hold yesterday afternoon and
peace spread Its wings over the deliberations
of the body ,
The county road paving matter was given
n boost by the clerk's being Instructed to
advertise for the period of thirty days for
bids for doing the work. Proposals will bo
Invited on asphalt , stone block , vitrified
brick and macadam , the board reserving the
right to reject any and all bids.
Anna Teltz filed an application for a liquor
license to operate a saloon at Teltz park. In
connection with application there were n
number ot protests against * the granting of
the license. March 31 at 1 o'clock was fixed
as the time for hearing testimony as to why
the license should not bo granted. Com
missioner WH'lami ca led the attention of the
board to the fact that there were a number
of saloons running In the county outsldo the
city nnd that several ol them had fulled to
take out the county license for the year.
The matter was referred to the finance com
mittee to bo Investigated.
The city of South Omaha served notice
upon the board that It was ready and willing
to pay not less than $8 and not to exceed
$25 per month toward the salary of an As
sistant to llie county physician , providing the
medical man was located In that municipal
ity. In connection with the county physician
question the old school practitioners and the
homeopath disciples crossed swords , several
of the former protesting against the board's
appointing ono of the latter to the position.
This protest wont to the committee of the
Detective Tom Hayes gave notice that ho
had appealed from the decision ot tha board
In refusing to allow him witness fees In the
state cases In which he had appeared.
The petition for the cancellation of the tax
upon the Poor Clare property was rejected ,
the board holding that the premises were
used for neither religious nor charitable
M. M. Marshal was granted a license to
operate a ferry across the Missouri river at
n point where North Sixteenth street ox ,
tended reaches It. In his application ho
failed to state the kind of boat that ho would
use , though ho said ho would chttrgo the
statutory fees for currying passengers ,
Oratorical and Musical Program ut Exposi
tion Ilall-Othrr Features ,
The birthday of Ireland's patron saint will
not pass without a lilting celebration In
Omaha , judging from the arrangements now
being made by a Joint committee from the
seven divisions of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians In Douglas county ,
Exposition hall has been engaged for next
Saturday evening , March 17 , when a splendid
mualcal and literary entertainment will bo
given , commencing at 8 o'clock ,
G. J. Smytho will preside and deliver the
opening address. Mr. William F. Gurley
will deliver the oration of the evening. Do.
tweon the oratorical features will bo Inter ,
sperscd musical and ' literary num
bers. A double quartet of mixed
voices from St. John'R collegiate church choir
'vlll sing appropriate nongs. Mrs. F. 1 > .
Morearty will slug , The quarrel scene from
"Julius Caesar" wilt bo given by Messrs.
Al V. Klnsler and Charles I > . Morlurty.
The program Is not fully arranged yet ,
but will bo published later. The customary
parudo will not occur thin year , In antlelim.
tlon of u monster turnout during thu session
of the Ancient Order of Hibernians national
convention In Omaha In May.
Religious observances of the day will con-
slut of niaKseH ami appropriate sermons la
all the Catholic churches In tjio city.
lluw Oiimlm Iti'iuln.
Books Issued by the Omaha public library
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* JISSSIH AM.AN , Librarian.