III. riT HE OMAH UNDAY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19. 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , ] VIAIICII ) 11 , 1S9-1-TW EN'JLT PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. BO Good Salesmen Wanted Monday Morning. Such as has never been heard of before is the outcome of a disagreement between ourselves and A Slaughter of Clothin -s. o m _ _ _ our landlord as to our lease and we are compelled to move out But business has been so * * H bad the past year that while we have done as well as anybody , we have gone a step further and are going to quit business altogether. In order td dojdt we have cut the ' life out of our prices and offer you a few samples for a starter , We mean business. $ P ' . Efc < * y > SELLING BELOW COST. m 2DO MEN'S SUITS , IN SACKS AND THREE 125 MEN'S SUITS , IN TWO COLORS , REGULAR 00 A LOT OF MEN'S $10 SUITS IN CASSI- SHADES , DUOWN , ORAY ANDV OX- ULAR $9 SUITS.CASSIMERES ONLY , GO MERES AND CHEVIOTS ARE TO BI3 .00 FOUDS , GO AT AT CLOSED OUT AT . 85" MEN'S SACK SUITS&THAT 'NER ' . MEN'S FINE CASSIMERE SUITS THAT AND CUTAWAYS THAT SOLD FOR SOLD UNDER $15 , dOlNG AT THIS $12.50 * GO AT SALE AT SELL AT ? 18 TO $20 WE LET GO AT. . . . * 00 ELEGANT SUITS THAT SOLD AS HIGH ' MEN'S BLACK WORSTED SUITS ; IN .75 . SPRING OVERCOATS , DARK GRAY WITH AS $25 , MADE IN BEST OF STYLE , AND SACKS , MADE TO SELL AT 10.00-TO . , SILK FACING , OUR REGULAR $8 COAT $12.00 NOW GO AT FINE FABRICS GOES AT BOYS' SUITS , 14 TO IS YEARS , IN DARK THE BEST CLAY WORSTED SUITS , .00 ' BOUND OR RAW EDGE , ELEGANTLY . SPRING OVERCOATS , DARK BROWN , ! EFFECTS , CHEVIOTS , WEAR LIKE MADE AND TRIMMED , NONE BETTER. NICELY FINISHED AND SILK SLEEVE IRON , WORTH $ " 4 TO $5 LINED , OUR $10 COAT U.W.3 mm SELLING OUT TO OUIT. COLUMBIA CLOTHING * ' \ # Furnishing Goods. Furnishing Goods. 4-PLY LINEN CUFFS , NOT E. & W. , BUT lOc Plain Figures A LINE OF FRENCH BALBRIGQAN EQUALLY AS GOOD SHIRTS , ( UNDERSHIRTS ONLY ) , HAVE BEEN SELLING AT 7BC , TO CLOSE OUT $ & Have always prevailed in the marking of our * . 4-PLY LINEN COLLARS , NOT E. & W. , 10c &m BUT EQUALLY AS GOOD goods , so that there wilfibe no guess work as to MEN'S DERBY HATS . REDUCED TO . HALF THEIR VALUE. ALL THE $1.25 75c the cut we make foe the figures will show them TO $1.00 SOFT OR STIFF HATS AT . " . selves. You can seefor yourself. * WILSON BROS. 4-PLY LINEN SHIRTS. 75c : ! f : THEIR REGULAR $1 00 SHIRT AT. AN ELEGANT LINE OF BOWS , WORTH UP TO 250 AND 600 EACH , 00 TOMORROW - lOc WILSON BROS. ' 4-PLY LINEN SHIRTS. $1.00 MORROW THEIR REGULAR $1.25 SHIRT AT . ALL WINTER GOODS ' Boys' Confiitmation Suits which would naturally be -vr BLACK HALF HOSE. HERMSDORFF DYB | E/ * REGULAR 2GC GOODS , GO AT JL\/ \-s ( packed up now to be carried % m In a large varjety at ' over till next season , go at $ Half Their VWue. 33i ROCKFORD HALF HOSD , FULL * FIN 5c ONE-FOURTH VALUE. ISHED TOP , A CORKING BARGAIN. . . , m 13TH AND FARNAM. COLUMBIA CLOTHING CO.