THE OMAHA DAILY 15EE : SUNDAY-MARCH 11 , 1891--TWENTY PAGES , SPEG1RL NOTICES. for ihcue columns will bo Inker until 12 30 p. m. for the evening nnd iinlll 9:00 : p. m. f ir Ihe morning nnd Sunday edition * . ArtvertlMrn. by requentlnu n humlwrisl check , cnn have amiwfr * addressed lo n numbered i" ' * ' , In care of The Bee. Anwer no nddreiwnl will be delivered upon preemption of the check. nM , 1146 word flrxt Insertion , lo ft word thereafter. NothlnKjakcj f rJciistinriJjc. ! _ _ _ _ IN COFNTRY NEWSI-AT-EIl OITirE AS EDI- tor's nnslMnnt by strictly Icmpernle. wen rec ommended yiaine nmn , AM" nml willing 1C nn lst In composing room. Wngeii minor con- Rldentllnn , wnnl permanent sllunllon. W. M. * Cwik , Box 81 , Mtndnln. HI. A-M309 U WANTED , AMERICAN. AGE 20 , w"- ' ' 'Ji furnishing Information l ' ' > d8 | $10.fW lo pcrnon to position pijlng JIO.W per week or over. Reference * given. Address E liJ , Aefj,3n ! , u , WANTED. WORK MORNING AND EVENING of 19 , who coe' lo for board or money by toy * nchnol. Addrosfl E 25 , Bee. _ A-M33S 11 WANTED , PLAIN HEWING OH HOUSEWORK , * Addrenn I ! 21. 1I''C. A M3IO 12 eiTl'ATlON WANTED AS 1'ABTHV COOIC ANI ) baker. Addreui Joseph Novllzky , tlrnnd Ijlnnil , M32H U A Neb. J'OHITION AH STENOGRAPHER AND TYPE- vvrller ; lady , four years' tfxp.rlenci ; Itf ] \ cunlllo house. Address E 26. Bee. A 3iO H I'OHITION AH llo"oicKEEPER. COLLECTOR or salesman ; willing lo make m > * clf iiseful nnd accept rnodernle unlary. Address E 36 , " | c- . . WANTED MALE HELP. Rales , l'4c wnnl first Inseillon. lo a word thcrenfler. Nolhlng Inken for less limn 2..C. BOLICITOlisirECMflTuRNISHED ; INSTALL- menl goods. American Wringer Co. , 1609 1 Inw ard ' { SC it _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGENTS. SALARY OH COMMISSION. THE grealrst Invention of the nge. The New Pal- rnt Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil. hells on Fight. Winks like magic. Agents are mak ing $2.1.00 lo $121.00 per wce-k. For furlher pailluilain wild ) the Monroe Eraser Mfg. Co. , X 30. lM Grouse. WIs. _ M-877. TAILORS WANTED AT FRANK J. LIVE SOLICITORS CAN EARN FROM 2.00 TO $6.00 per day. Apply 17 , Granlle Mock. t A GOOD CRAYON TRTTST"W\NTEI ] ) , WITH air brush If possible. Imperial Porl. Studio. corner 26lh and N slrecls , Soulh Omaha. J J' ' Alu'Jl 11 WALL PAPER HANGERS AS AGENTS TO sell wall paper fiom sample hooks In every town In Iowa. No experience necessary. Big commission , newest goods , camples free , fiend for full particulars to N. 8. McConnoll. 221 N. Clark slreel , Chicago. _ . _ . : WANTED. A PHYSICIAN IN A WESTERN Iowa lown ; flrsl-class opening. Address L * 20 , Bee olllce. B-M3U 11 _ _ BURGLARS ! BUROLAHSl BURGLARS ! THE best burglar nlarm ever made , Just out. Price 50i\ Agents wiinted cver > where In Ihls Btale. Good nnd quick money made , ( "all or address Elalc agenl , 310 McCngue "WS-OmnU , I cb 500 A DAY EASILY MADE SELLING A household neccEslly ; new , cheap , useful , orna mental ; gooil commission. Energetic Bollcllor wnnled In Omnlm. Council Bluffs nnd nil lOwns In Nebrnskn. Sanllnry Soap Vuse Co. . SOS P.ix- ion blk. B-343 11 _ $75.00 A WEEK PAID TO LADIES OH GENTS lo sell the llnpld Dlslnvnshcr. Washes nnd dries them In two minutes without wetting the hnndf. No experience necessarv ; pells nt Bight ; permanent position. Address W. P. Hnrrlson Ai Co. , Cleik No. 14 , Columbus , O. B 3'il 11 * | 4. DO PER 1,000 CASH PAID FOR DISTRIB- utlng circulars. Enclose stamp. U. S. Dlsirlb- ullng Bureau , Chlcngo. _ 11-359 11 * MEN MAKE $6.01 TO $10.00 PER DAY SELLIng - Ing Carbo Naplho wnll paper cleaner. Sample nnd parllcnlntH 25c. Caibo Naplho Co. , Slallon A. Clnclnnall , O. _ B 360 11 * WANTED , ENERGETIC PARTY TO CANVASS slalc of NelmiHka for the two latest cash leg- Islcis on commission. Prices from $20.0) to $1000. Each teglster guaranleed. Frey Sta- i tlonery Co. , 300 and 333 N. 3d street. St. Louis , JIo. B 36J 11 * - VVANTED , AN AGENT HAVING JfO 00 TO $ COO 00 to Invest In Rafe business to write U. S. Nov elty Co. , Silit Veinon nvenue , Chicago , III. , nnd li-nin what they have to offer nnd get full par ticulars. Capital can be doubled every week. B .163 11 * _ .WE WILL START YOU IN PLEASANT , profitable business : cnn be done nt your own home ; no capital required ; no peddling ; cither sex ; $30.00 per week easily made ; answer this If you can only spare 2 houis n day. Weslern Supply Co.etJ'Louls ' , Mo. _ B 361 U * WANTED , RESPONSIBLE MAN FOR NE- brnskn to handle new patent nitlcle ; line gooJs ; no compotlllon ; cnn cear $5,000.00 annually ; capital small. For particulars addicss E 33 , Bee. B-M365 12' _ A FEW GOOD CANVASSERS TO SELL A LINE of hose supporters. Braddock Hose Supporter Co. . 35S Dearborn slrccl , Chicago. D 376 11 * TRAVELING MEN AND AGENTS TO SELL the Daisy Slove Polish as n side line ; giod commlcslon allowed. Address nt once. The Iowa Mfg. Co. , Iowa Clly , la. B M378 16 WA NTED , SOLIC ITOHS , BOTH SEXES , TO sell kitchen goods. Address E 31 , Bee. B 370 11 * .WANTED. FIRST-CLASS COLLECTOR AN D solicitor. Address , staling expeilence nnd lef- erenees. E 40 , Bee. _ B 355 11 * .WANTED SALESMEN. YOUNG MEN OF GOOD uddtcHS vvllh some experience as salesmen , In our clolhlng , furnishing and hat department on SatiiKlavH. Inquire of Mr. Gamble at tin1 Con tinental Clothing house. _ 11370 11 WANTEoT REGISTERED PHARMACIST ; must bo competent ; single man prefered. Address - dress E 44 , Ike. B-390 11 * _ WANTED , A GOOD STOCKKEEPER FOR A clothing store ; salary , $40 a month. H. Blum n- thai , Ficmonl. Neb. B 3'8 H _ TRAVELING SALESMEN IN NEBRASKA AND Dakota lake sldu line on commission ; sells inanufnclurers and dealers ; stniulaid article with stendy demand ; pocket tnmplcs. Manu facturer , 212 Bo. 3d strecl , SI. Louis. Mo. B 3S9 11 * _ _ WANTED , MEN IN EVERY COUNTY TO ACT an pilvnto dctecllvp under Instrucllons. Ex perience imneccsbnry. Send stamp. National Detective Bureau , Indianapolis , Ind. It BIDE LINE , $2.00 PER TOWN. PAID TRAVELIng - Ing men to appoint agents. No samples. Write S. F. Rovvlns , 113 5th avenue , Chicago.II . II f WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rales , I o word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing laken for less than 25c. , \VANTED , EXPERIENCED GIRL TO WOHK nt paper boxes. bantu Clara Mfg. Co. , 45th nnd Dodge streets. C M3l5 12 DIRL WANTED , 1916 DOUGLAS STREET. C M3I3 11 * _ WANTED , NURSE GIRL , 612 S. 30TH STREET. CJ-M341 H * WANTED , FOUH EXPERIENCED GIRLS FOR tailoring vvoik. Itojiil Tailor , 401 4th street , Sioux Clly , la. C M327 15 * _ WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work ; must have references , Mrs. Pinto , 2529 Cnllfoinla street. C 349 11 * _ RANTED. WOMEN COMPOSITORS. CALL forenoons , Woman's Weekly , 318 N. 18th. C M350 12 * _ .WANTED. ANOTHER LADY TO TRAVEL FOR me ; permanent ixisltlon lo right patty. Prof. lloylnnd. 1718 Dodge. C-3S9 U * _ .WANTED , A FIRST-CLASS SALESLADY ( ONE not too young picferied ) skilled In waiting i upon ladles' trade ; expecled lo solicit the trade I In vicinity nt Intervals. Peisonal application I ile-slinble. Cnll nfler 10 Monday. W. T. Mnr- Bliall , room 13 Crclghlon block , C 38J 11 * LADIES WHO WILL DO WRITING FOR ME nl their homes will nmko good wages. Reply with self-nddre Hed , slumped envelope , lilts Mildred Miller , Soulh Bend. Ind. C-300 11 * ANY IADY WHO DESIRES TO MAKE $20.00 per week qulclly at her own home , ndihess , | wllh stamped envelope , Miss Mym B. Gordon , Jollet , 111. This Is u bona fide offer , nnd 1C you run only spare Iwet hours per day U will pay i > ou to Investigate. C 365 U * .WANTED ? LADIES TO DO HOME WORK FOH us. Good pay for part Hints Send self-ad- drcsted stamped envelope. Marlon Mfg. Co , , HI. Paul. Minn. C M374 12 * _ AT PROF. BOYLAND'S SCHOOL OF LADIES' tailoring > ou uiu taught every art of elress rutting , nnd by special reiiueit of many out- nldt1 of thu city , who could not get here last i week , I will continue lo leach flee another week ; having Inken In nixty scholars last week. I will e-ontlnue my free couise another work , My KJKlt'm of mcasuremenls and art of designing alone U worth $100.00 to any lady , Itemember this , gives you an Independent trade , for I fan finnlnh any Ural-clans cutter posl- tlonn , Oem while It cola jou noihlng to learn. 1718 Dodge. O 310 11 * _ LADIES AND GENTLEMEN , wn WILL PAY from $5.00 to $15.00 per week to do btrlctly home work for us ; no cnnvabslng nnd prompt payment ; tend eir-n.ddre stHl envelopo. Liberty Supply company. Boston. Mass. C M372 15 * LADIES RECEIVE $3.00 PER DAY WHO WILL do writing for me nt their homes. Reply , with vtuiiip , Ethel A. HprngULBouth Bend , Ind. L.AD1EH CAN MAKE $3.00 DAILY BY FOLD- Incr und addressing circulars for us nt home ; no canvassing ; position permanent ; reply wllh slumped envelope , Minn Grace Paul , Bouth Bend. Ind. C FOR RENT HOUSES. llOUHEH IN ALL PAR.TH OF THQ CITY TUB O , F. Davla company , 150 $ l'ruaia. D tit FOR RENT HOUSES. Continued , e-ROOM COTTAGES , MODERN , CHOICE IN Hlnnfonl Circle. C. 8. Elguttcr , 201 Boc build. ing. D-S7K ! HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , BARKEH BLOCK , , D-SM NEW MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE , Jl & MASON D-7SO RENTAL AGENCY , COT BROWN BLOCl D-S81 f 3 AND 4-HOOM APARTAIENTS , STEAM HEAT ] references requited , 816 H , 22d , D SS2 FINIS ( 'JllN'ElfT'LAT IN CLOUSEH BLOCK , 7 rciuM , i mg and nil olher conveniences. Geoigu vluuser , room 2 , 1623 Farnnm. D M335 e-HOOM H , 1901 N. 23 ! 3-UOO.M 11. 13C2 CALL fornla el. ; B-room II , 1308 Callfornln. D-B04m20 * 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. EAST FRONT , $22.00. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnnm.D558 D-558 RENTAL AG'CY. HUTCHIN8ON , 1 23 Fnrnam. D M843 M26 8-ROOM CORNER FLAT WITH ALL MODERN conveniences , 2401 Lcavcnworth st. D 91931 * THliEE EiaitT-nboM HOUSES , 27Tlf AND Dodge , furnace , gns , bath , clowt , etc. , twenty dollars per month. 519 N. Y. Life. D 085 FOR RENT , ONE OF THOSE CHOICE STEAM heated Hats In Ihe P. E. Her block , ICth nnd Jackson streets. Call at 1112 Harney street. D-M145 FOR RENT-TO A SMALL FIRST CLASS family without children , n nice nine room modern house , 316 North 20th rl. . rent reason able. Hoggs & Hill , 1103 Farnnm St. D-219-A5 RENTAL AGENCY , SHERWOOD , 423 N. Y. Life. D-226 A5 * MIOOM HOUSE : MODERN ; 3013 LEAVENS worth. D M3I212 * 3 ROOMS. 631 S. 1JTII STREET. D M337 A9 * * WANTED TO RENT MY COXY COTTAGE home , 1511 North 22nd street ; modern Im provements : man led couple without children prefered. Apply W. S. Senvey Chief of Po- llco. D 316-12 FIRST CLASS , WELL LOCATED HOUSES. L. S. Skinner , 310 N. Y. Life. D 348 THREE-ROOM HOUSE , $6.00 ; WITH BARN , $8.00. 3406 Webster street. Large lot.D D 311 11 * BRICK HOUSE , MODERN , NINE ROOMS , gas , bnlh , laundry ; not basement plan ; rent low lo good parly. Keys , 2601 Capitol avenue , adjoining. D 343 11 * FOR RENT , ELEGANT 7-ROOM HOUSE ; ALL modern Impiovcments. 2217 Cnss streel. D-371 11 FURNISHED HOUSE TO SMALL FAMILY 8 rooms nnd bath. Inquire 2627 Sewnid sir. et. D M360 13 * _ _ CHOICE TEN-ROOM MODERN iTot'SE WITH barn , elc. ; Place nnd 24th slreet ; lent reduced. 70S N. Y. Life. D 339 11 * FOR RENT , C-HOOM COTTAGE , 508 SOUTH 31st street. D M3S5 17 * HOUSES FOR RENT NEAR IIANSCOM PARK ; nil modern conveniences. Hicks , 303 N. Y. Life Mdg. D M393 17 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Rates , llic woid first Insertion , lu a word thercafler. Nolhlng taken for less than 2Sc. 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPIng - Ing for man and wife. Rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. E 260 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- kccplng. 119 N. 15lh. E M339 12 * PLEASANT ROOM. 1019 DODGE. E 349 16 FIRST FLOOR , 3 FINELY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping , Ihree car lines ; heat and light ; $2000. 2003 Burl blrcol. E M341 13 * _ FOR RENT , NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 1814 Dodge. Kefeience required. E M381 13 * FURNISHED ROOM , 2017 IIAllNEY. E 377 12 * FURNISHED ROOMB AND BOARD. Rales , I'.ic ' word first Insertion , Ic n word tnercnfler. Nolhlng laken for less I'.ian 23c. YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME , UNDER CARE OF Women's Chrlsllnn nssoclallon. 111 S. 17th st. il SS'1 ROOMS AND BOARDING. EVERYTHING first class. 2109 Douglas street. F 162 M19 * ROOMS WI1H BOARDT"ALsb DAY BOARD , 107 S. 17th streel. 1" M233 20 * DESIRABLE ROOMS WITH BOARD. REFER- ences. 2U2 N. ISlh. F-'MSIO 14 * NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM , WITH first-class board. 2533 St. Mary's avenue. F 342 16 * FURNISHED ROOM WITH DOARD , TWO single gentlemen. 417 N. 23lh stieet. F 343 11 * FURNISHED ROOMS ; RATES MODERATE. Home table. 1924 Farnam street. F M361 13 * FOE BENT--TJNFUBNI6H'D BOOMS. Hates , l',5c word first Inscitlon , le a word llicicafter. Nothing taken for less than 25e. FLAT OV 3 HOOMS. 1611 LEAVENWOUTH. G 264 12 TWO UNFUnNISHED HOOMS DOWN TOWN. Wright & Lasbury , 10th and Howard. Howard.0M304 0-M304 11 THREE PLEASANT ROOMS AND KITCHEN , housekeeping. 2022 Howard st. G 317 11 * THREE on FOUR UNFURNISHED AND run- nlshed rooms ( Inquire bakery ) . COS N. Itith Bticm. G 310 11 * STEAM-HEATED ROOMS.SINGLE OR EN sulle ; may be used for housekeeping. 1C03 Doeltie. u 3aO 11 * FOB BENT STOBE8 AND OFFICES Hales , lOo n line each Insertion , { 1.50 a line per month. Nothing tnl.en for less than 23c. foil IlENT , THE 4-STORY DIUCIC BUILDING 918 Pnmam bt. The building has n llreproof cement babement , complete sleam heatlne llx- turesi , water on all floors , gas , etc. Ap ily at the oHlco of The Hee. I 310 O1TICE8 ron KENT IN THE BCHLITZ bulldlnB , 10th nnd Hnrney. Special Induce- mcntH he-Id out to permanent tenniua. Apply lo Jobst llros. , rooms CO nnd Cl Schlllz bulld- Inff. I si 16 MONTHS LEASE OF STORE. 309 S. 17TH. I M12S THE 3-STORY S'iORE BUILDING , 1316 FAR- nam st. BOKCS & Hill , 1408 Farnnm bt. I S6Sm-26 _ AGENTS WANTED. _ Rates , lOc n line each Insertion , $1.60 a line per month. Nolhlng laken for less lhan 23c , AGENTS. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN , , TO sell new patented article Just out ; splendid seller ; big profits ; no risks. Investlgnlc loday. Send stamps for particulars. I'm man Mfg. Co. , Cleveland , O. J M2J3 H * _ PAPER HANGERS OR AGENTS WANTED TO fell wnll paper from sample books. No experi ence necessary ; largest commission ; lowest pilccs ; latest patterns ; finest ( .elections ; no delav. bend at once for full pirtlculars. Henry A. Wilson , agent , 138-140 Wabash nvenue. Chl- cngo. J 353 11 * _ LADY MADE $41.00 LAST WEEK SELLING Long's solid mucilage pencils. Why not you 7 Address C. A. Long Mfg. , 334 Deniborn street , Chicago , 111. _ J 361 11 * $30.00 TO $75.00 WEEKLY CAN BE MADE BY out local agents In their own town. Exclusive leultory to those who first apply , Hub Por- Unit Co. , 6J1 1st Avenue S. , Minneapolis. Minn. J 368 11 * LADY AOENTS-THE EASIEST AND MOST piolltnblo thing to do Is to sell the Hygela cor set , Send for trims nnd Information to Ihe Weslern Corset Co. , St , Louis , Mo , WANTED , AGENTS. SAMPLir SASH LOCK fiet > by mall for 2c. stnmp. Immense. Un rivalled. Only good one ever Invented , Bcals wclKhls. Sales unparalleled. $12 n day. Uro- herd ( Box t > 0) ) , Philadelphia. j GENERAL AGENTS WANTED. SULLINO new articles to dealcis ; exclusive territory ; no competition ; no capital reijiilred ; 200 to 300 per cent profit. Columbia Chemical company. 69 and 71 Dearborn slreet. Chicago. 111. J WANTED TO RENT. Kales , l'Jo word first Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25e. WANTED. HOUSES FQR KENT. W. G. TEM- pleton , 308 I'nxton block , K249 31 ROOMS AND BOARD BY MAN , WIFE AND 2 children ; good nelghboihood. References ex- changed. Address E 88 , Bee. K 373 11 * * WANTED. BOARD I N PRIVATE FAMILY within i blocks of U. P. depot. References required. Address 12 33 , care Omaha Dally Beo. K 353 11 * WANTED. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping ; conveniences : central location ; rent moderate. Address E 39 , lice. K 354 II * WANTEIX StriTE pTjNF'uRNISHEO riOOMfT pleaounlly localed , by 2 ladles. Address E 41. Bee. 1C 381 H * _ STORAGE ] Hales , lOo a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per m.nith. Nothing taken for Ices than 25c. STORAGE 1X311 HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap ( alt. K. Wells. 1111 Farnam. CTOUAUE. W1LLIAM3 6 CI10S , Ull HAHNEY. WANTED TO BUY. Itntrn. I'.ic xroril first Insertion , lo n word Ihetenfter , Nothing tnkcn for less limn 25c. WANTED" , STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. FOR clear land nnd cn h , J. D. Eltlle , Brown blk. , Omaha. N 934 WANTED , GOOD SECOND-HAND HIST OF pump tools cheap , Box 433 , Elm Creel ( , Neb , N M335 11 * HIOHTEST PRICE PAID FOR SECOND-HAND f urn I lure , cnrppln , stoves , etc , S , II. ' Brown , 32) N. l lh. Tel. 1711. N 3IIA9' WANTED , SECOND-HAND PIANO. WRITE , nlnllng kind nnd price , lo Campbell & Robin- son. Glcnvvood , la , N 543 H * _ _ WANTED , Tiin VEHY BEST HOME THAT Ihreo ihoii'nnd dollars cash will buy ; must be well located ; only genuine bnrgnln entcrlalnrd. Hliilo locallon und price. Address A. .1. D. , P. O. Box 26 , clly. N-342 11 * FARM IN IOWA OR EASTERN NEBRASKA. Must , put In house nnd lot In Onmha on deal. P. O. Box C33. N-MM 12 * WANTED , A SECOND-HAND. TWO-SEATED carriage for one horse ! cash. Address E 43 lice. N 382 H FOR SALE-FURNITURE. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 n line per monlli. Nolhlng taken for less than 23c. 1'OU SALE , FURNITURE COMPLETE OF 8- room house , good location , reasonable renl. In cludes everyIhlng necCssarry for housekeeping. Very cheap. E 15 , Bee. O 288 11 * FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO. Hates , lOo n line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per monlli. Nolhl.ig laken for less thnn 23c. _ ALL KINDS OF VEHICLES AT MC ) ON THE After March 6 I will have on exhibition ( for a short time only ) nt 1213 Fnrnam slrccl , Omnhn , n full line of line carriages , coupes , landaus , victoria * , park and canopy rigs , buggies , phae tons , carts , buckboards , all kinds of business nnd plensuro wngons , drnvs , milk and delivery vsngons , which I will close out nt 50C ON THE DOLLAR , A full line nnd everything llrsl-cluss. Come nnd see nnd be convinced Hint you cnn buy anything > oti want at half price at 1213 Far- nam street. Omaha. Neb. p < 1' 165 A3 _ FOR SALE. Sec.-lmml , exten. lealher lop. family cge. , $100.00. Sec.-hand , good buckboard , $25.00. New , lenlhcr , quart , top buggies , $ " > j.OO. Fine set single buggy harness , $7.60. Opp. court house , Drummond Cge. Co. , 18th nnd imim-y. P-M3 ! > 3 U _ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , Hto word first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cntllo Company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 Ions of good bain slored hay for sale. All orders filled promptly. _ Q 887 FOR SALE TWO POOL AND TWO BILLIARD tables , Manhattan style , monarch cushions , size 414 by 9 , and all fixtures pertaining thereto. Tables not used one year > et. Will sell or Irade. For parllculars wrlle lo Frank Qeorke , Carroll City , lown. Q 201 A4 _ FOR SALE , CREAMERY AND BUTTER BUcSI- ncss , cheap. 24:0'i ' Cumins street. Q M246 11 * SALE. AT HALF PRICE , BRICK PALlets - lets , wheelbairows , grnle bars , clay grinders , ele. , cverjlhlnK necessary for starling n brick yard. Address 1501 N. 13th , Omaha. Q-M248 13 * _ WANTED , EVERY PERSON IN OMAHA TO call at 1214 Fnrnam stieet nnd see the only successful crude oil cooking nnd heating stoves In operation. County or slale rights for sale. Q M2S1 14 * BALED HAY FOR SALE. ADDRESS JOE PAS- coe , Ames , Neb. Q-291 11 * THE NEBRASKA INVESTOR NOW HEADY. AH newsdealers. Don't rent or buy until after reading one. Q M300 11 * FOR SALE. SECOND HAND ENGINES , IN first class shape , from 3 to 40-horse power. In dustrial Iron Works , Omaha. Q 321A8 FOR SALE , POWERFUL FRENCH FIELD glass , cost $30.00 , for $10.00 ( need money ) . Ad dress P. O. Box 352 , Clnclnimll.-O. Q 317 11 * FOR SALE , NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. horse nml buggy and piano ; very cheap. 411 Karbach block. Q 386 H * AN INVENTION FOR SALE. CHEAP THE best novelty a man can get hold of. Addiess E 32 , Bee. Q M373 12 * FOR SALE. UNITED STATES PATENT FOR nn cntliely novel , beautiful little article that sells to the million. No competition. Money sure In this. Gcoige Brousseau , Mai Ion. la. ' . . Q 377 11 * _ MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , l c n word first Insertion , Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. FOR LEASE. 20 OH 40-ACRE , TRACTS NEAR Florence lake , $3.00 per acre. Boggs & Hill. H 937 M30 FOR RENT , 10 ACRES OF CHOICE GARDEN land 6V4 miles southwest of poslofilce. Apply lo D. E. McMonlcs , 1103 Harney street , R M214 12 * STABLE FOR RENT. 1710 CHICAGO STREET. Apply at James Morton & Son Co. . 1511 Dodge slreel. K 221 12 _ A FARM TO RENT FOR 1-3 OF THE GRAIN : 500 acres ; 328 under cultivation ; good soil ; good buildings ; all new ; just completed ; 5 miles N. E. of Bloomlleld Neb. Apply at once. R. H. Loucks & Co. . Danbury , In. R M270 12 * _ S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT AND furniture for sale ; first class location. Ad dress E 29 , Bee. R 347 15 _ " FOR RENT "CHEAP. GOOD-SIZED BARN AT B14 North 22d street. Apply on premises. R 382 11 AT STUD H. C. ST. BERNARD , GRAY GAbles - bles A. K. C. S. B. 23139. by Lord Wlllon. Ex. Hilda. This Is n crack dog recently purchased of Senator Dent , nnd valued nt $1,000.00 , nlso Grcnt Dane Knlser. For terms and puitlculars Address Foidham Kennels , DCS Molnes. It M359 12 * _ CLAIRVOYANTS. Rates , l',4c word first Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23c. MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium ; ' 111 jcar at 119 N. 16. S SS3 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. Rates lV4o a word first Insertion , lo a word thcicattcr. Nothing laken for less than 25c. MASSAGE. MADAME BERNARD , 1119 DODGE. T M255 12 * MADAME SMITH , 602 S. 13TH , 2ND FLOOR. room 3. Massage , \npar , alcohol , steam , sul- phurine and sea baths. T M369 17 * MME. BROWN , 1314 CAPITOL AVE. , MASSAGE Ucillmcnt and medicated balhs. T 319 15 * PERSONAL. Rales , IHc. a word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing tak n for leas than 25c. MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTROTHERMAL baths. Scalp and hair trealmenl. manicure and chlropodlsl , Mrs. Von. 519H S , 15th , Wlthncll blk. U 880 _ VIAVI , HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIEs" Health book and consultation free. Addresser or call , Vlavl Co , suite 340 Bee Bldg , Lady attendant. U M9J4 _ THIS COUPON AND 10 CENTS WILL ADMIT jou to the Colllseum Roller Skaling and Steam Merry go Hound , No extra charge for skates or riding on the Meny go Round. U 200 11 * UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE JOHN NELSON IS thu only person emploved by me to do the cleaning of vaults and cesspools. A , MacDonald - ald , City Garbage Contractor. U M244 AO MRS. BAIITON GIVES HEADINGS IN PALMIstry - Istry at 035 ti. 17th. Ladles. 50c ; gentx. Jl.flo. U-M350 17 * _ _ _ _ " WANTED. EVERY PERSON IN OMAHA "TO call at 1214 Fat nam street and see the only successful crude oil cooking and heating stoves In operation. County or stale rights for sale. _ _ _ JUST ARRIVED MADAME LA ROOK HAS opened massage parlois at 417 So. llth stieet. Improved magnetic , vltapathlc , sulphur nnd alcoholic baths , both reslful nnd curative. Im- pioved Swedish hand rubbing. 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Parlors 3 and 4. U M299 II * _ THE CELEBRATED COOK REMEDY I8 NOW reduced to $10.00 for full course , first second or third stages. It never falls. Full treatment cenl by mall on receipt of price. Address Dr , A , J. Cook , Grand Hotel Annex , Council Bluffs , la. U Mill 12 _ FREE TEST-SEND DATE AND PLACE OF birth nnd 10 cents for mngiulne , "The World of Mystery , " und I will tell you what astrology BIOS of > our past nnd future , Sealed reply , Prof , W. H , Chancy , 225 Dearborn slreet , Chlcngo. 111. U _ WANTED. SOME ONE TO ADO1T A BRIGHT. healthy baby girl 3 weeks old , Inquire nt 405 N. 39th street. U 380 11 * _ MARRY. IF YOU WANT A HUSBAND OR wife rich or poor , send 10 cents for matrimonial menial paper , sent sealed In plain wrapper , Mr , and Mrs. Drake , Central 'flank building , Chlcngo , HI. _ U IF YOU EARNESTLY DESIRE ADVANTAgeous - geous , speedy , honorable marriage , tend loc ami receive spring Hut of respectable mar riageable persons nnd lull Information In plain scaled envelope. Mercur , 22S K. Gill t. , New York. U _ IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO LEARN of guaranteed cure of blood poison In 30 days by addressing A , C. Jones , HI Adams slreet , Ch Icaso. _ i _ U LADIES , TONTE IS THE ONLY HUCCESHFl'L bust eluvelnper known. Never falls : $2.W ; full confidential particulars ( dalcd ) for 2o slump. Mm. Dr. II. T. MllUr , 21 Qulncy str et , Chlcuca. U PERSONAL. CoriTJnTtcdT 8ANTAO , KOtl MKNjO&LY. QIUIATHST 1112 Merer nml devcloperf. ; Known. Blicnsthcnn , ln > vlKorntcn. I'rlcp tz.oo > jtlunninte l. H nd mnmr for oinll.ltnll.1l clrcul.-uj Dr. 1 ( . T. Miller , Jl quUKii fct , ciiirnif t ; _ ATTHSTION LADlilH ! "HMMA" IIL'HT IMI \eloper will onlnnre ] ? & ! ir buM S Inch . Clunr nntccd. Healed Instructions 2c , or 2-mRo ( | II mutinied cnlnlogue , W. by mail. Hinma Tollc llatnr , lloslon , Mnta , J _ U MONEY TO LOAJ llEAL ESTATE. Hates , lOc n line each Inxrrllon , $ IM a line | > oi monlli. N'othlns tnkcn for l s tlinn 2ic. _ LOANS ON IMPHOVllD AND UNIMPHOVUL cliy properly. 53,000 nml upward * . 6 to Cj ( pei cent ! no delay * . \V. Parnam Smith & Co. , m I nrnam. \V S91 ANTIIOHY LOAN AND THUST CO. . 313 N. Y. Life , loans nt low tales for choice ) security or Nebraska and Iowa faring or Omnlm clt ) property , W SW MONUY TO LOAN AT LOWU3T UATHS ON Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to B jcara. riJcllty Trust Co. 170 ! rnrnntn , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W EM MONI3Y TO LOAN AT LOWEST IIATKS. THE O. ! ' . Davis Co. , 150 ; rarnani st. W 890 MONHY TO LOAN ON TAIIMH IN DOUOLAE jemmy nml Omaha city property. No ilcliiy. _ ridi'MtyTrus Ca , 1703 Fnrnnin nt. W MSM " " r TO LOAN ON""OMAHA rn nnd Nebraska fnrms nt from 0 to 7 per cunt. W. U. , rirst Nat'l bank bids. W 891 MONCY TO I.OAN ON IMPIIOVIU ) OMAHA real ( .state , llrcnnun , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. - \\-M13J _ _ _ CJJNTIIAL LOAN AND TllUST CO. , 300 UKU 1-vulldlng. - \V TM _ _ LOANS ON IIUAL USTATB , WAHUANTS , GOOD notes , elc.i bougnt. Gaivln llros. , 210 N. V. Life. W-272 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OMOHA LOAN & TltUST CO. . ifiTII AND Douglas sis. , loan money on city and farm propel ly nl lowest rales of Inlcreal. W SCT yD. APPLICATIONS 1'OU LOANS. J. D. Zlllle , Urovvn blk. , Omaha. W 033 _ JIOUTOAQK LOANS , A. MOOHC , 504 N. Y. Life. 20 AS * _ LOANS WANTED ON CITY AND KAKM property. J. N. 1'rcnzer , opp. I1. O. W-383 nlO _ _ _ _ _ _ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Kates , 10c n line each Insertion , J1.50 a line per month. Nolhlng laken for lesa than 2ic. _ HONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSES , WAGONS , pianos nnd fumlture of all kinds. IJuslnc s contldentlal. J. U. Haddock , room 427 Kaluga block. X 89S _ ' MONEY TO LOAN We will loan > ou any sum which you wish , small or Inige , at Ihe lo\vest possible rales. In the quickest possible time nnd for any length of time to suit vou. You can pay It back In such Installments ai you wish , when you wish , and only pay for It as long as > ou keep It. You en n boriow nn HOUSEHOLD rUHNITUHE AND PIANOS , HOUSES , WAGONS AND CAimiACJES , WAUEHOUSE UECEIl'TS , MEIICHAND1SE , OH ANY OTHEll SECURITY , Without publicity or removal of property , OMAHA MOUTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 SOUTH leill STIIEET , First lloor above the street. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOH- I'OKATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X S'J5 _ WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY. KIND Or security ; strictly confidential. A. E. Han Is , loom 1 , Continental block. X SS7 MONEY LOANED ON FUIINITUUE , PIANOS , all articles of value , , Fred Terry , 430 Rnmge block. ' X 599 _ _ THE PLACE TO UOUROW MONEY ON HOUSKHOLD rUUNlTUUD , MONEY ON 1IOIISUS-IAND MULI5S. MONEY ON WAGONaCAND CAUUIAGES , MONEY ON PIANOS AND ORGANS , MONEY ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , , MONEY ON MERCHANDISE , MONEY ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEY ON Roods mat remain with jou , MONEY IP YOU WAJIT NO PU1ILICITY , MONEY IN larue 01 , small amounts. MONEY AT LOWEfh-'POSSHlLE RATES. MONEY IN QUICKEST POSS1ULE TIME , MONEY THAT jou 1nViV pay back at rfuy time and In any amount , lsut , ROOM 4 , WITHNELL block , cor. 15th nnd Hnrcey sts THE riDKLITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. o > X S93 SHORT TIME LOANS. T01 N. Y. LIFE I1LDO. „ tl X-M206 a3 _ _ BUSINESS' CHANCES. Rates. 10cn line each * iWjrtidn. Jl.M a line per month. , Npllilns tukeifcjCor leas than 25o. , , _ DRUG STORE , CENTRALLY LOCATED , ON easy terms. Box 518 , city. ' Y 000 $200.00 YIELDS J45.00 WEEKLY ; FINANCIAL dc-piesslon docs not affect Howe's Infalllblo Handicapping system. Beet nnd eafcst specula tive Investment olfercd ; third successful > ear ; prospectus 1S94 free. C. D. Rone. Box 127 , Brooklyn. N. Y. _ Y MIUC M21' I WILL EXCHANGE GOOD LAND FOR PTOCK of mechundlse. W. C. Ritchie , Pender , ' Neb. Y "A1179 11 FOR SALE , ONE OF THE FINEST AND BEST pn > in ; ; saloon1 ! In Fremont , Neb. Reason for si'lllni" sickness nnd olher buslne a. Call on or address G. A. Jurgcnhclmor. Y M247 13 I DESIRE TO INTEREST" W.OOO TO 57,000 CAP- Itnl In exlenslon of well cslnbllBhed , clean and legitimate business that "netted over 15 per cent on $7,000.00 In 1893 after paying nil expenses and Including allowance for personal management. Even thing clean nnd above Hoard and Invesll- gatlon Invited. Address E 9 , care Bee. * J _ Y-M271 17 * MEAT MARKET TOR SALE , CENTRALLY located ; lilted up first class ; doing good busi ness. Address C , Bee ofllce. Council Bluffs. Y-287 A7 FOR SALE , SMALL MANUFACTURING BUSIness - ness ; staple article : used In every household ; can bo easily learned ; lack of capital reason for selling. Address E 21 , care of Bee olllce. Y-M316 11 FOR MAl.n KOFI CASH , OR HALF CASH H ALF trade , $3,000.00 stock clolhlng find gents fur nishings in good town. Addiess Box 421 , Gen eva , Neb. Y M30S 1G * RESIDENT AGENTS OR DEALERS WANTED to handle our glues , pastes , gums , finishes , slz- Inss and mucilage. Liberal terms. Award re ceived nt Chicago exposition. The Arnbol Mfg. Co. . 13 Gold street , New York. Y 3131J 11 * FOR SALE , A SALOON IN THE CITY OF Fremont , Dodge county , Neb. , with a good cstnbllbhcd irade ; n good place for the right man to make money. For particulars Inquire of Albers & Co. , Fremont , Neb , Y 323 15 WANTED , A STEADY PARTNER WITH $100.00 cash ; good location ; business establ'shed. ' Ad- diess E 22. Bee olllce. Y M331 11 * 20 PER CENT DIVIDEND EARNED AND PAID for Ihe month of February lo our subscribers. Our record Is unsurpassed. December dividend. 21 per cenl. January dividend , 2) per cent. February , 20 per cent. Fourteenth syndicate now being formed. $4.00 to $20 00 per monlli can bo made by Investing $20.00 to $100.00 In our syndi cate plan of speculation. Send for clicular. Thompson & Co. , bankers nnd brokers , GO Broadway , New York. Y 357 U * CHEMICAL ANALYSIS-WE ANALYZE FOODS , paints , dyes , drugs , waters , etc. , nnd furnish working formulas . MetaM assayed. Circular free. Earl C.iemlcal Works , 11C2 Broadway , Now York. Y 367 U * IF YOU HAVE CASH CAPITAL OF $200.00. $300.00 , $1,000.00 or $5,000.00 we can offer you some splendid business chances. C'omo nnd In vestigate them. Fiench & Co. , Room 22. SchllU building. We have hoteH nnd bonrdlng houses which nro doing a rushing business. There Is big money In them. Best of reasons for selling. If vou want a meat market furnlshtd complete and doing n. business'fcf $2,000.00 per month we can sell it to you for only $ S0.00. If jou want a ment'pinrket In a live country town we cnn lit you ° \Vit. The clgnr store which1 > ou are looking for jou cnn liml nt room I ! . ' , Sclilltz building. We want n good luunjliy'for a cash customer , Wo can sell that restfttirimt for you on short no tice. Come nnd lUl'.lt. Wo Imvo nenrly 100 ttphil bimlness chnnces nnd want 600 more for ciiMtomi > r who me waiting. If you nro looking for.blislness , want to buy or hell anything , Hut We French & Co. , room 22 , Schlltz building. Y 363 11 ( | | V FOR RENT. REED HOTEL , SOUTH OMAHA , Neb. ; 65 rooms ; furnld'd or unfurnished ; pre fer to sell furnlturo'X.'nn give pDSS3Mlon any day to right party. 73Ynlker , care 22 Barker block , Omaha. * ' " Y M3CI 12 * THIS IS A BAROAiNJI FIRST-CLASS RKS- tnurant In excellent condition ; will warrant the closest Investigationirl-'nll on Dohrxe , 1500 I'ar- nam. 'l.r. Y 368 H * DRUO STORE. BAItfUJN. WESTERN IOWA , $3.00000 ; stock HnlwM $ ? 0.00 dully. Easy terms. Oeo. D. Hutchison. nQ ) alin. Y M372 12 * JANUARY 2 , . . , „ , 12 PER CENT 10 10 " FEIimiAKY 1 11 PER CENT 15 15 TOTAL 48 PER CENT We have paid lo our customers In 4t days. Prodis paid tvvlcn each month ; money can be withdrawn nny time ; $20.00 to $1,000.00 can bo Invested , write for Information. FIBHER & CO. , BankcrH and Brokers. , 18 nnd 20 Broadway , New York , A CHANCE FOR YOU WITH SMALL CAPItal - tal lo secure iho agency of our pelt-adjustable holdback for vi-hUlt-n. This holdback will ad just Itself lo any sice horse. U will detach holdback Klrnps vvhe.n lugs me unfaslcncd. Clrculais and full particulars free , Adduca Adjustable Holdback C ? . . Buchanan. Mich. . Y-375 II * WELL-LOCATED BALOON , CHEAP. ADDRESS I ! 37 , Bee. Y M3M 13 * FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER AND JOB OUT- llt for cale cheap for cash. Address E 42 , care Bee. Y-378 H * FOR BALE. BUSINESSES. FARMS. LOTH. Pioneer Buslneea Atejicy , Blierldan , Wyo. 13 * BUSINESS CHANCES. Continued. A GOOD LOCATION FOU A LIVE DRUGGIST Addrcsa E 23. Bee. Y-3C9 11 WANTED , ACT1VK PARTNER TO TAKE IN tcrmt In n welt ontnblliihrd nml paying Imelncn In this cltv. Only go.-xl Ixislnext nmn vvllh ntp tint nce < l nddrcss A , II. , Box Ml. Omahn.-Neli Y ffil 11 * FOR EXCHANGE. Unten. lOa n line firm Insertion , JI.M n line per month. Nothing taken for \ti \ > a than ! 3c , STOCK 6T MlLL"lNEIlY " AND " "NOTIONS anl horses nnd cnllle. Box 2J5 , I'rnnkfort Ind. ii-DOl HAY LAND , C Ml MM Flwlt CEN trnl Cliy , lo Inule for mercluindlBe , groccilci preferred. Box 551 , Central City , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7--2l3JiII6 * 2 HOUSES AND LOT. RIUNOtNO A ClOoT revenue , for vncnnt properly. A good farm am mlta from good town In vvcmern limn ; will tnk < IIOUBO nnd lot In Omaha. J , D. Xlttlo. Browr block. Omnhil. / M91 16 _ 1 OWN 100 FARMS IN NEIIRASKA , KANSAt and Dakota , Will ell cheap or exchange foi mdxp. , horsc.s and eattlc. Address liox 76 _ Frankfort. Ind. _ X Ml BTEAM GRAIN ELEVATOR IN BEST PAlt'f of Rtatc , for geneial mert.iatidlsi' , or Krocerlcs Address I/ock box IIS , Wood River , Nub. Z-002 _ 20 SECTIONS CHOICE LAND ; CHEAP ; TERMt easy ; colony wnnled ; commission llbeinl ; nlsu la tldl : for slock nnd nidge. J. W. Welplnn , Grant , Neb. _ J51G3 A3 * FOR EXCHANGE , A $10.000.00 FIRST-CLA8M modern hotel , clear of Incumbrnnce , live cen- mil NebrnKka town , cross rnlhonds , only one other hold. Address E 8 , Deo. 2-M2S9 11 * LAND AND CASll 'o7l CU2NEUAL MER- chamllse. Box 201 , Euslls , Neb. 55 290 1A * ICO ACRES WELL IMPROVED ALFALFA farm nnd slock ranch under Irrigation , not mortgaged , must lie homcsteiuled. What have jou to tiade ? Room 603 N. Y. Life. , _ rMM2 11 _ WIUJ EXCHANGE SMALL PROFITABLE buslnesH for farm Implemenu or good fnrmlng sloek. Addlcss John Snillh , Room 4J2 1'lisl National Bank building. X M301 12 2 CLEAR LOTS , NEAR LOGAN PARK , TO trmle for Nebraska land. Williams & Mitlnn , McCaguc building , opposllc postolllce. 55-M336 12 _ GOOD FARM AND CLIJAR WESTERN TOWN property for mcrilmndlce' , fuinlluu1 , jevveliy , live slock or oilier personal properly. E SO , Bee. S5-3S5 H * _ _ GOOD HOUSE AND BIG LOT ON ICTIt AVEnue - nue , will exchange fur place of le s value. Alex Moore. CO ! N. Y. Life. SOT1 11 * _ SECTION , CENTRAL NEtmABK CLEATl. will trade for Omaha or Council IlltiftM prop erty or Hell for $10.00 per acre. Addiess E S3 , Bee. / 2C3 H * _ FOR TRADE. HAMULETONIAN STALLION for good land In Anlelope , Holt or Knox coun ties. Lock Box 700 , West Point , Neb. / M3C3 15 * _ TO EXCHANGE , OMAHA PROPERTY FOR souincrn faim land , fiult farm picferied , near const. Add ) ess E 34 , Bee. U 369 11 * I HAVE GOOD UNIMPROVED FARM WHICH 1 will exchange for bn.udlng house or furniture or milk daliy. E 33 , Bee. / 371 11 * $1,000.00 STOCK OF DRUGS FOR LOT. $2,4)0.00 ) clothing for house and lot. $1,600.00 will buy home ; paved street. C. D. Hutchison , 1623 Farnnni slrecl. 356 13 A WELL ESTABLISHED LIVERY BUSINESS , cenlrallv localed , for a good faim. If neces sary will pay dlffeicnce of $1,000. Address D CO , Bee. / J7S 11 * FOR TRADE , A FAMILY HORSE FOR ONE Hint weighs from 1,000 to 1,300 pounds ; nlso a pony for one that will drive.VI11 give differ ence. Address D 63 , Bee. i378 11 * FOE , SALE REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOc n line each Insertion , $1.00 a line pci monlli. Nolhlng taken ( or kt.s than 25c. BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. K. Dai ling , Barker block. 903 GREAT SNAP. LEVEL. RICH GARDEN lands , one mile from city limits , $ CO 00 to $ IOO.C- per Acre , on 3 > oirs time ; borne tiadc. Call 940 N. Y. Life buildingRE 917 M31 * BARGAIN , N. E. CORNER 29T1I AND HICK- 01 y. F. K. Darling , Barker block. R E SI976 FOR SALE. 40 ACRES AT BARGAIN , AS AN Investment. A. I' . Tukcy. RE 113 FOR SALE. A FINIJ HOME OF 13 ROOMS oulslda of bath , rooms , clofut , pantry , furnace room , etc. , In one of Iho bcsl locations , ele gantly furnished nnd fully equipped In every particular , leady to step right Inlo , nnd n bat gain for unjone about to locate. The whole outtlt , house , lot nnd furnltuie , $12,000,00 , much lets than cost nnd only offered for sale on account of family being nway much of the time Iho present year. Address D 5G , Bee. R E 150 n3 CHEAP HOM JS FOR RALE. Houses and lots , nil Hlzos , locations nnd prices , taken under foreclosuie by eastein parlies who Insist on Immediate Bale. Also NcbiasKa farm lands. Will sell nt half value , and easy tcims. R. F. Ranklne , Omaha National bank. R E M203 FINE EAST SLOPE B-ACRE TRACT , OVER- looklng city ; splendid transportation facilities ; a baigaln on your own lerms. C. C. Shinier , 211 N. Y. Life. RE 202 15 * PARTIES LOOKING FOR A HOME OR AN Investment can get n bargain by calling or nddresslng 2024 Grand nvenuc. RE 229 12 * NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A HOME. READ OUR LIST OF BARGAINS. ELEGANT BRICK AND FRAME COTTAGE eight rooms , nntlque oak flnlsh all modern con veniences , $ S,000. MODERN BUILT FRAME HOUSE , len rooms , elt-ganlly finished , with handsome stall- way nnd sciecn , parlor reception room , library , dining loom , laige kitchen , live bedrooms , ball ) , panliy , closets , elc. . $9,000 HANDSOME BRICK AND FRAME COT TAGE , new and modern built , hardwood finish , eight rooms , splendid location , $7,500. ELEGANT CORNER HOUSE , len rooms , ic- cepllon hall , spacious parlor , llbraiy , dining room , smoking loom , large bediooms , etc. , handsome oak-llnlsli , hardwood tlooss. elcclrlc light , gas , futnacc , bath , stone walks , etc. , MODERN NINE-ROOM HOUSE , corner , east and north front , colonial slvle wide potchcs , In terior finish very handsome , porcelain-lined bath tubs , elate sinks , laundry , furnace , gas , etc. , $9,500. , MODERN EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , soulli from , vvllh fumace , gas , etc. , $7,200. COXY EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , modern con- MMilences , soulh fronl , pleasant neighborhood , $0.500. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE , all modern Improve ments , near Hnnscom pailt , $7,600. BRICK BLOCK , coiner 32nd nnd Poppleton avenue ; Iwo handsomely finished houses , mod ern conveniences ; will bring splendid Income on Inveslmenl , or make two choice homes , $14.000. ELEGANT DOUBLE HOUSE , Nos. 112S nnd 1130 Soulh 31st stieet ; large grounds , carriage house , elc. ; east fiont on one of the besl iesl- dcnce slieels In Iho clly ; will rent for $1,2)0.00 per annum , $13. BO" " ) TWO SIX-ROOM COTTAGES , wllh large lot. near Hanscom park ; splendid location ; If sold logelhcr , only $6,500.00 for bolh. Above mentioned piopeity will bo shown nt any time by applying nt olllce , fa n.STATE AGENCY. 303 N. Y. Life Rid- . Houses for rent. RE-345 12 SNAP ! NO FAKE ! MUST SELL ! EQUITY IN business property on prominent thoroughfare , aclunlly worlh now $0,000.00. for $1,500.00 , but must be sold Immediately , p. O. Box 654. K L .KM 11 * IMPROVED 1CO-ACRE FARM. NEAR GOOD town on Burllnglon roule. only $500 00 ; monlhly or yearly paymenls. Davla , 310 N. V Life , Omaha. RE 381 11 * TWO COTTAGES NEAR ORCUTT'S AND Judge ScoU'm walking distance of business ; $5.0M100 for both ; another $2,500.00. Alex Moore , " 504 N. Y. Life. Ill" 380 11 * Two more of these benulltut col lages In Avundala park lire now open for Inspection , Modern In every pattlcuhu. Including electilo lights , Bewei , paved Btieet , stone vvtilks , tie'cs , paiks , elc , No special taxes. No car fuie. 1'ilces veiy low. low.Wo have n number of decided bargains In vncnnt lots , and collage homes on very easy lerms. It will pay you to examine our list before puicbuslng. FIDELITY THUST CO , . 1702 Furnam Btieet. KE-t29ml ONE 200-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. APPLY TO W. J. Hurrlson or A , D. Hose , on farm , Blnlr , RE-M293 i RESIDENT OF OMAHA. HAVING LARGE properly Inleresls encumbered , to get out of debt will sell on very low basis or exchange for clear piuperty. Address E 17 , Bee.H . H E M303 11 CHOICE 160A NEAR PIERRE , CAPITAL OF South Dakota , $3.00 per ncie ; snap. Wrltf.U & Lasbury. 16th and Howard. H E M302 11 FOUIt ACRES GOOD GARDEN LAND IN Washington Hill , 34 ! miles fem | poslolllce , $2,500.00. "Uo or ten acres choice garden land In clly limits , $300,00 per ncrc. Pen acres , hlch and ulKhtly , In city limits , house , barn , well und trees , $3.WOOO. Three iicrra In Belvldere , eaul fiunt on 30th street nnd Miller park , $4WO.OO. Thru ) acres In Btlvldere at foot of hill. $3,300.00. H. B. CurtU. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Continued , FOR HAI.1J IY CLOUSCR A ATIJNi ClxliS nn Wlh nvenue brlvvein Hi. Mnrj's > nml Howard , SI.MiUti ) . S,000.00 rnn't , remnlndcY em time. A line bulidlnK lot on I verv cheiip. 50xlS7 on raninni letweirl Sllh nnd 35lh cltectii , IT.Wi.OO , jmrt cash. 41 1 ) coiner lot on Utrntur slreol , Orchard Hill , $ Vwi lj $200.01) ) cnnh , lemalnder on time. DOxli ? on Lonvcmvorih near I5lh nlrwt , noiith . 63x111 encli , 3 lots , near motor on Lea\cinvorlli , $50001 each. 50x1.17 in 2lh ! street. en t nf Hnnvcom polk , near motor line , cunt flout. tSiXiM , Mxl32 on Hnrney between 2'ith ' nnd 2lsl ilrceln , soulh from , J7.500.uo ; n rnre bargain. Blxlll corner 40lh nnd California , $1,500.00 , frotlls east on pnved fltffl. Mxl32 on 25th street In Kendall mid. , tsni.00. 4axS6 on Lenvenwollli , 45 feet enst of Pntk nve nue ! good business lot. What will jou Rive for 117 ISOilM corner , fronts outh nnd ensl. lilgh nnd dry nnd nbout on grndi3 blocks from motor line , M,200.00. part cnsli. Tills Is only $ IMOO per lot , Good " -room house nnd lot , B0xl2" , enst front , on 21lli Blrcct between Hickory nml Cenler slre-els , nenr motor line , i-nst of llnnscom palk , Jl.iW.W cnsli. This pi Ice Is lens than the value of the lol without Ihe house , or lea * than the valua of the hoiinu without the lol , U Is less lhan half vvhnt the property Is i rally vvoith nt piexenl. An extremely iai bntguln and n mtghly Rood snap for some one. Business coiner on li.tli eticct , now nml forever Hie beiil business street In the clly , mil far from Iho voiy business center , nt $275.00 per fe > ol , well worlh $40i.00 ) per fool. Clotiscr ft Men , Room 2 Patlcrson block , K.21 Farnam street , R E 375 11 BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS. 10) ) ncre In Knox cjuniy , Nebraska , K. W. 10- 23-4. $6.50 per ncrc. 160 acres In Howard county , Nebrnskn , N. E. section 13-11-16 , $6.1" ) per litre. 16) ncres In Wheeler county , Nebraska , N. E. 'i section 2l-2.-lt ; 100 ncres under cultivnllon ; one of Ihe besl farina In Ihe county ; J12M per ae'ic. 1,300 ncres nenr Lodge Pole , Neb. , excellent soil , will grow first-clnss vvhent , potatoes , Ve'geta- hies , elc. , $3.0J per acre. SOO ncres In Oieelcy county , Nebraska , only 2 miles fritn Norlh I < oup , on Hiet'nlon Pacific railroad nnd 4 mllrs from station nn II. A : M mlliond , good soil , nmnlni ; wnler , elc. ; $8.00 per ncce. 2,400 ncres In Logan countv , on Ihe line brlween t'listem Colorado nnd NehinsKn ; Ilisl-class soli , llnee-foiirlhs smooth land , wllh plenly of good wnler ; splendidly mlnpted fur geneinl farming or grazing purposes ; will make Mint-class sheep or catllc lunch ; price , $1.50 per nen . HICKS REAL ESTATE AGENCY. 303 New YoiH Life building. H E-392 11 HANDSO.ME TEN-TfoOM HOFSE w7ril T\VO Inrgc lots , northeast coiner C6th and Hurt , nt n hnrenln. Samuel S. Cuills , recclvei , 32'i ' Bee building. Hi-SI3.9 12 FOR SALE. ON EASY PAYMENTO. A NEW 7- room house and 50-foot lot , near car , only $1,750. D. F. Hutchison , 10S N. 15lh si RE 322 II LOST. LOST LADY'S GOLD LINK BREAST PIN. Rcltirn to A , S. Morse's shoe store nnd receive reward. M32ti 11 * LOST-FEMALE PINK NOSE PI'O LIBERAL reward Monday. 1112 N. 17th silent. C51 11 * LOST BULL TERRIER PUP. WEIGHT ABOUT 2. > pounds. Hud collar with slelKh bell nt- lached when losl. Finder please address E 27 , Bee olllce. 374 11 * MEDICAL. DR. C. V. CROOK'S NEW METHOD TREATment - ment of nerves , stomach and heart. 407 Bee Building. M552 M2J MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. 5 ! F ! GELLENBECK , BANJO1ST AND leacher. 1810 California si. _ 911 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS II. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 1618 Chicago el. Til. 90. 904 DRESSMAKING ARTISTIC TAILOR-MADE DRESSMAKING. from $5.00 up. Madame Corbclt. 1712 Spencer , Kountea Place. MSOS M13 DESSMAKING IN FAMlLIEs 4218 Nicholas. 114 A2 * UPHOLSTERING. GLOBE UPHOLSTERING CO. . GENERAL FUR- nllure repairing , estlmales nnd Information cheerfully given. All work called for and promptly attended to. 2023 Farnam street. Telephone 750. M323 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S "sCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. M903 FOUND. FOUND , POCKETBOOK CONTAINING MONOY. Call nnd describe same nnd pay for this ad. II. W. Bovven , Thompson , Belrten & Co. Found 391 11 * CUTLERY GRINDING. \ . L. UNDELAND IS NOW READY TO DO nil kinds of line grinding at his old stand , 100 S. lllh slreel. 3o7 alO Xotlce to Contractor * Sealed proposals wllLJie received by G. J. Thomas , secretury of The Hoard of FMuca- lon of Harvard School ellstilcl , Harvard , \Tcl . , for the erection and completion of an eight-room brlclc school house , uccoiillnpr to ilans , details and speclllcutloiiH as made by ? . M. Ellis , architect , Omaha , Neb. Plans may be seen at the olllco of the secretary at Hnrvurd atul at the ofllcc of he architect In Omaha. Contractors will be required to have their iroposltions on llle with the secretary at Jarvuid on or before four o'clock p. m. of Thursday , the 5th clay of April , 1S3I , at vhlch time the same will ba opened and considered and the contract awarded to the owest ie sponslble bidder. Each bidder will lie a certified check in the amount of five lundred dollars as a guarantee that he will enter Into contract and bond In the bum of Ive thousand dollars. The right to i eject any or all bids Is re- orved by the Hoard of Education. By order of Hoaid of Education. li. U. SI-OAT. President. GUIFK J. THOMAS , Secretary. Harvard , Neb. , March 5 , ISO I. M8,11,18,25M. BUREAU. SUET& 03. . SOLI01TvJltS.nou Building. OMAHA. NE . Advice KUBB. RHILjAfAY TIMii.CHRP . Leaves ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.I Arrives Omuhal Depot IQlh and Mason Sts. I Omaha 445pm ; Chicago Vestibule O.tOun 9:45am : Chicago Express 4:25pm : 7OJpm Chicago and lown Ixicut l:35am .Pacific Junction Local 6.55pm leaves IBURLINGTON i. MO. RlVEH.IArrlvcj Qmalial Depot luth and Mason Sis. | Omnh.i 015am ; .Denver Exprcxs 'J.Ji.un OilDam. . . , Dcadwood Expiess 4:10pm : 4.60pm De'nver Express 4:10pm : C60pm..Ncbinskn ; Local ( e\cci > t Sun. ) . . ( jiSi'prn ' Siltam Lincoln 1-ocnl ( except Sunday.ll25ani ) ; * .envea | K. C. ST J. & C. B. ( Arrive * Omnhal Depot linh and Mni.on Bis. I Oinalm 9HJam KUIIS.IS ejll > Day Exeiieiiii. . . . 6.5Jpm 945pm..K. ! C. Night Ex via U.J' . Trans. . . C60am -eaves I ClTl'AGO. ( "RTl" & PACIFIC.TArriTeT OuuhalUnlon Depot lOlh & Mason slu. | Omaha " EAST. _ ' 9:30nm : .Allanlle Exp'rcsa ( ex Sunday ) . . 7l6pm 8.00pm. . . . . . . . NltSht Evprcss 8.4'am SlOOiinl..Chicago Vontlbuled Limited. . . 2.00pm 210am.Oklahoma Exp. ( lo C. H. ex. Sun ) CJJam ! :3oamOUIuhomn : A : Texas Exp e * . Sun)12.10am ) 2:05i > in. C ljrado Limited HSOrrni " " OrniUHiunloni | _ ) | iot 10th S. Mason etu. | Omaha 8Wnm : Denver Exprces 2l5piu : Ovurlund Kl > er GiMpm 3:45pmUealrlco : At HUomiib'g Ex ( ex Sun)12 ) 30pm 6:40im : | Paclllo ExpreRs. II O uni 6:3upiji. : . . . . . . Deliver fast Mall _ , 4JOpm : ! Heaves leTilfCATJOTMIL. S T" . PAUL.ArrTveu | O'liuhalUnlon Depot IVth & Mason m j Otn.ilm C3'ipm ; .T.r..Chicago Llmllfd 8lOim : . , chlcagoi ; prf a rex. _ Hun 1 , & :5upni : * umaliol Depot , 15th and \Vj-bjiler elu. | Omaha "SToiiani. . . . . . . .DennvvooS lxirf | > s C.lOpm :03amEx. : ( Hal. ) W > o. Exp. ( Ex. Mon. ) C lupin COUpin.Norfolk : Express ( Ex. Sunday.10 ) } ain - - ' - - - ' - - rJ7euve-slC'ltlLl OinalialU. 1 * . il.OJam Chicago 4.opm Ventlbulo . . 60pni ; ! Ilulern Flyer . ailSpm 6HOpmEx. ( Bat. ) Chic. Pass.Ex. Mon ) ! ) 2. > pm cicJam .jj _ . . .j.Mo.yiilley J.oeal. 10 20pni L iiveHf" tflB'SuVlTr IVACl llT. ' | Ainv * " umahuPc'ot. | _ _ | lilli and We'bmer sl . J Omaha I20pm : Ht , Louls Expre 3 C.OOam I000pm ; .Ht. Louis Expiejs 4.uOi > m IJeTCiTiV C' . . 7riT7T7 : . = fT 51)7 iTVrrTv T Omahal Depot , 16thand _ Wtbaler l . | Omaha 8Miim.T7.8loux Clly" Accommodation . lO.Mpm : : )0niii..aiouit ) Clly Expirs ( Ex. Hun.l3:0pm : _ : . . . , . . . . . . _ _ I'auL Limited. . _ . . ! l7cavea I fcJ10tJX"Gl'fV & PAtrIIffC. SAirlv a" Omahal U. P. Depot lOlh & Mason tt , ) Oiiialia "clMain TSIoux Clty Pa senKer . . . lOlliJpm J65pm. ; . . . - . . . 01 I'HM ! Exprena . . . 10'00-im Craves [ blOUX ClTV it I'ACU'lU. "lA" ' 0 * " OmahujDep < it " , i5 isn.'J Websier nU. I Omalu TT45p"in. . . . . . . "Si. PouT'Llmllcd O.ZJini JMSpm. . . . , , .Chicago _ Jelled. . jj aija LeoVei l OMA'UA" & ' WfT iAVHff. fXrrlvci OmiUiulU. P. Depot 18th & Ma un l .lOmahi > " 8lWpm..8t Loumannon Dall 1iJ5pm M.ia.tzist'.s or rmi MOXTII. A very Imprcsslvo portrnlt of Iho Portia of' * "Shylock" nppcnrs nn n frontlsploco In the current number of Cns- noH'e Family Mngiuinc , It Is tnkcn from A tlnuvliiB by Irlnm DrlRRs. "A vMovliig Story , " by J. Hall Ulclmrdson Is n reallstlo sketcli very siiKiwstlvp of tlio npproncli of jA Kcntlo spring. The Cnsaoll Publishing ComaU pony , Union Square , Now York. Tlio frontispiece of the March Uluo nml ft I Orny IH n most vivid portrayal of FnrrnRiit's ' I llcot passing the forts nt the mouth of Mo- I lillo Hey , ghowliiK the sinking of the Tc- ' cuinaoh , nnd Is from ono of Air. Xnnthua Smiths' recent ilraulngx Under the title. "A City of the New South , " Mr. Joe Ohl writes a line description of Atlanta. ( Ja. , covering several pngusve > ll Illustratecl. A > arlety of Interesting war stories also help to enliven the number. The 1'atrlotlo Amerlcnn Company , I'hlhulolphla. Unclor the caption , "War or Peace , " Current Literature for .March .juotes . MnJor-OontTat HovNrtnl as RtiyliiB : "In my mlml the next war Is only a poxilblllty. All the lonilen. rlos of the time It seems to mo nro townrj peace , tthen men think , they stop right ing. Among Its voluminous miscellany IH u very Interesting sketch of the original of A. Conan Doyle's character , Sherlock Holmes. An extract from a new 'novel 'A Superfluous Woman" Is of absorbing In terest. The Current Literature Publishing Company , G2-54 Lafayette Place , New York. The March New Peterson opens "In the Azores , " byVllll.ini S. Walsh \vlth Illustra tions by Oeorgo II. Luks. The popular author ami distinguished artist were Bent out by the publishers In search of material for a series of articles on those plcturesqtio Islands. This Initial paper Is delightful reading and Mr. LtiKs' drawings are full of character and splilt. "A Hainan School , " by Alice Howard Cttdy describes an Indus trial school In the Internal City. Many other meritorious productions abound In this number. The Now Peterson Magazine , Philadelphia. Over thirty elegant pictorials ornament the March Midland Monthly , Its frontis piece exhibiting a finely executed portrait of Hon. James Harlan. A sketch of thla distinguished person also appears , written by Sam Clark of the Kcokuk Gate City and Illustrated with a number of early nml late portraits of the subject. "Picturesque ! Paris" Is reduced to the level of smooth paper In a few pages from the pen of Miss Hortha McClelland , nn art student abroad. The magazine Is highly creditable to western talent. Johnson lirlgham , 301-305 Maniuardt block , Des Molnes , la. Temperance and prohibition are discussed In the March number of Current Topics , Helen M. Cougar laying all the evils of the day at the door of Intemperance , and charg ing right and left In the most Intemperate language. There Is to her only ono Cod nml that Is Prohibition with a largo P ; all other causes arc too Insignificant to hold a cantllo by the sldo of her favorite cause. W. T. i Stead replies In a moro temperate and com- prenensl\o manner , advocating the use of cautious method and gradual approaches In combating the evil. The Chicago Magazine- Publishing Company , Chicago. "A Study of Alexander Hamilton" Is pre sented by H. F. Barnes In the American Journal of Politics for March , the writer exposing Ills subject as a dangerous char acter to American Institutions , ono whoso crowning characteristic was aristocratic and whoso eftoits had been used to shaping the new goveinmcnt to n monarchy. H , AV. Hoyd Mackay contributes "A Critique of the Single Tax Theory , " In which the writer says of Henry George : "I cannot help thinking that his work shows great lack of leasonlng power and lies very open to the charge of Intellectual juggling. " Andrew J. Palm & Co. , 114 Nassau street , New York. Huskln , In his character and homo life , will bo the subject of an Intimate and sym pathetic study by Mr. M. H. Splelmann In McCltire's Mnga/lno for March. Views of Brantwood , Huskln's homo , and of points of Interest roundabout , and various portraits ot Huskln , accompany the article. Hudyarcl Kipling , Hobcrt Louis Stevenson and Octavo Thanet contribute to the fiction of-this num ber. Herbert Spencer furnishes a notable article , part reminiscent , part critical , on the late Prof. Tyndall. A. Conan Doyle stirs the Imagination with a picture of "Tho Glamour of the Arctic. " 3. S. tMcClure , Ltd. , 743-5 Broadway , New York. Tlio four lemlllic nmopoan parllnmonto these of Great Britain , Franco , Gprinnny and Italy are portrayed In the March Frank Leslie's by Frederick S. Daniel. J. William Fosdlck illustrates with a series of elab. orate drawings his own entertaining de. scrlptlon of "An Artist's Winter at Fontaln- bleau. " Other notable Illustrated articles are "Tasmania" by D. Trovvbrldgo ; "Fort Hamilton" by Don C. B. Leltz ; "Horrors of Capital Punishment" by W. H. Garrison ; "How to Get Married , Though In Franco" by Dr. B. Sherwood Dunn , and "A True nsklmo Romance" by Dr. J. M , Mills , sur geon of the Perry relief expedition. Frank Leslie , 110 Fifth avenue , Now York. Outing for March Is an Interesting and finely illustrated number. The contents are as follows : "Tho Pagllncclo's Courtship" by Jean Porter Hudd ; "Lcnz's World Tour ; " "Modern Canoe Building for Amateurs ; " "Tho Rlso of the Bottom Rail" by John A. ' Williams , Jr. ; "A Leopard Hunt In Ceylon" by F. Fltzroy Dlxon ; "Duck Shooting in a City" by Herman Rave ; "Rowing at Yale and Harvard" by J. Ralph Finley ; "In Az tec Land Avvheel"by T. Philip Terry ; "Th& Boston Terrier ; " "Climbing In the Alps ; " "Tho FJrst Corps Cadets , M. V. M. , ; " "Tho History of Cross Country Running In Amor- lea , " and "Graining the Tarpon. " Outing Company , 239-241 Fifth avenue , Now York. That "flat models" mqy at times bo used to advantage ln art schools Is strongly ami ably argued ly ) the editor of The Art Ama teur In its Issue for March. The conditions and limitations under which this properly may bo done nro set forth at some length and It Is conclusively shown that it Is a mistake to use only "tho round" as a means of Instruction. With Its black nnd whlto fronthplcco of Daffodils nnd the bunch of lilacs which forms ono of Its color suplo- monts , this number Is very suggestive of spring , now so close upon us , whllo the com panion color piece , "Trial Trip of the Volun teer , " carries us still further Into the sunny season. Montague Mm Its , 23 Union Square , New York. Rev , Phillip S. Moxom Is an Interesting figure at present In our religious world. Ho is ono of , the battle grounds where the dis ciples of the old and the new contend. Hla religious position has been the occasion of no moro controversy at this tltno than his radical position upon social and Industrial questions. Ills strong article on Chrlsltan Socialism In the March number of the New England Magazlno will attract the earnest attention of very many. H Is not only a comprehensive and strlMng presentation c < tlio subject , but Is ono of Dr. Moxom's most energetic and characteristic utterances. It Is accompanied by a line portrait ot tlio courageous preacher. Warren F. Kellogg , C Park Square , Boston , The late George W. Chllds was better known as an Individual giver than perhaps any man In tlio United States. It Is no ex aggeration to say that Mr. Chllds , for the last half of his life , put moro time , labor and pains Into the work of giving than ho did Into making money. In the Review ot Reviews for March Mr. Chllds' method of giving Is appreciatively yet discriminatingly described by Tulcntt Williams of the Phila delphia Press. This article Is Illustrated with portraits of Mr Chllds at different ages und engravings of some of his most notable gifts. "Tho Story of the World's Parlia ment of Religions" Is told by Rev. F , Her bert Stead , who groups together the stgnlll- ' . - , . cant utterances delivered there * Review of ' Reviews , 13 Astor Place , Now York , Kllzahcth W , Champney contributes a clover story of studio Ufa In New York In the March Issue of Romance , throwing a new light upon many mysteries and explod ing a favorite bubble of the mediums. A new story of Lord Tennyson , a quaint but Impressive ghoit story , powerful love talcs by Guy do Mnupastfant and Helen Leo Kar- gent , and a thrilling narrative of the civil war combine to form un unusual array of atractlons. Romance Publishing Com pany , Clinton Hull , Astor Place , New York , Thcro are toino striking Indian pictures ; In an aitlclo on "Northern Rivers , by Nlnetta. names In the Overland Monthly for March , The remarkable portrait of Chief Col-clioo- loo-lo in the Shasta forests Is a worthy ad dition to Its gallery of Indian pictures , There ara also KOIIIO very IntcrestlnK pictures In C , I ) . Robinson's "Old California Placers and Their Possibilities , " an urtlclq In which the opportunities for orclninllslH , vx for laborers and for miners are set forth with moderation and fairness. Overland Monthly Publishing Company , Sail Fruu Cisco , Cfcl *