Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1894, Page 6, Image 8

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When I Bhot Skyward Yesterday and Oloscd
Two Oeuts Higher ,
One Prnturo of the j : rly New * of 1 > I -
tlnctly Iltilllli Clmrnrtrr ' tlio
Jtrjuirt of I.linllril Supply In
j'orclgn C'vrrnl Mnrkel t
CHICAGO , Fob. 20. Wheat Bhot skyward
today arid closed 2c higher. Good demand
nml advancing prlceo for caoh wheat In the
northwest were the main causes of thu
bulge , whllo better exports , good local de
mand and the week's shipments being less
than the estimated weekly requirement
nld"'l In thft advance. May scored n gain
of 2H < anil closed but HO from the lop. Thu
other markets sympathized with wheat and
closed with an advance of Vie for May corn ,
% c for May oats and slight galnu for pro
Notwithstanding the big bulge there was
not an unusually large volume of trading In
wheat today. There were buyers of May
nt OS'/dn , where It closed yesterday , when
trading commenced and It Improved slightly
during the first half hour , In which time It
had sold up to GSc , with a noticeable
wcarclty of offerings. There was only one
feature of thn early news of n distinctly
bullish character. The weelt'H shipments of
wheat and Hour from nil the exporting
countries of the world carne 3.207,000 liu.
Khort of supplying the estimated weekly re
quirements of the Importing nations. The
receipts wore only moderate. The Liver
pool market was reported quiet nt the openIng -
Ing but the market for cargoes firmed up
and the Trench demand still continued.
There was a further Improvement to C8c
before any came out of holders hands to
raiise n reaction. The later cables reported
n decline at Paris and Herlln duo to the
later causo. There was a reaction of from
r > 8c to C8'/iC. Later there was n fresh
tftlvnnco based upon more liberal clearances
from the Atlantic seaboard and the great
llrmness reported regarding the Minne
apolis and Duluth markets. The price
gradually worked upward until It had recov
ered again to CS c , from which point the
gain continued with moro rapidity , until
about fifteen minutes from 1 o'clock It was
up to G9c and In another ten minutes It
had reached COc. Near the end , on the re
ported purchase of 200.000 bu. nt Duluth for
export and a few small parcels here , there
was another slight bulge which put the
price up to C0'/4c , and It closed 2c higher
than It did yesterday. May opened at5S'&c ,
advanced Vic , reacted % c , advanced 2c and
reacted V&c to the close at GO'/fcc.
Corn was quiet all day , very llttlo en
thusiasm being manifested , and price changes
kept within V4c limit. A very steady tone
prevailed and offerings were not very free ,
whllo n very fair demand existed , all of
which was due In a measure to the action
of wheat and also to the stormy weather
mid smaller estimates for tomorrow. The
opening trades were at n fractional advance
and gradually sold up Vic more , became
quiet and steady , selling oft but little , and
closed with May at the top figures of the
day.In oats there was fair trading nnd n
Btronger feeling. The offerings were not
largo and the moderate inquiry , combined
with tlio aiivanco in wneu , uuusuu u UUIK
nf from V4c to % c , the close being at almost
the top.
Some frco selling orders anil low prices for
live hogs nt the yards were responsible for a
drain In provisions nt the opening. The
tendency was downwards , with slight rallies
on n llttlo buying by the packers and an in
clination by the local crowd to bo bullish.
The volume of trading was very light.
Later on the market was simply a seesaw
one within a limited range. The price
changes were Influenced more by the notion
in wheat than anything else. Toward 'the
end of the session , however , some strength
was developed nnd the market became
moderately nctlvo on some buying by two
prominent packing Institutions and the ad
vance In wheat , with the closing strong at
nbout the outsldo prices of the day for every
thing. Compared with lost night May pork
Is Go higher , May lard unchanged and May
ribs 2Vie higher.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
f.7 cars ; corn , 250 cars ; oats , OG cars ; hogs ,
20,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows ;
quotations were ns follows :
l-'LOUIl Weak.
W1IHAT No. 2 spring , D7Hu ; No. 3 spring ,
t& lfine ; No. 2 red. & 7 < c.
I'OHN No. 2 , 3lc.
OATH No. 2. 2SHo ; No. 2 while , 30' , 5f31c ; No.
3 white , L-OV.fiSO'.ic.
HYK-No. 2 , lie.
HAIll.MY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3. 43Q51c ; No.
4 , 4WIGe.
1'LAX Snii-No. : 1. J1.33'- ' .
TIMOTHY SHUn-Prlme. JUO fl.lB.
I'llOVKSlONS-MesH pork , per bbl. , i2.17H0 !
J2.20 ; lard , per 100 Ilw. . J7.0JJ/7.57'.4 ' ; Bhort ribs.
Kliles , ( loose ) , { C.30Q0.33 ; dry Balled ebotilders ,
$ a.23 ( i.i0 ; ; fhort clear aides , ( boxed ) ,
$ r .7Di(7.12ii , .
JI.17.WIllHIvV Ulsllllei-s' llnlnshed eoods , per cnl. ,
On the produce exchnnRe today the butler mar-
lu > t wus Hteudy ; crenmerle , 2U/27e ; dalik'H , ISO
21e. KSKH. ijuk'l , unehnnKed.
Now Ynrk
NKW A'OIIK , Keb. & ) . KLOlTIt RorolptN , 219.-
000 lililR. ; exporls , Uno.OOO libln. ; sales , 1.000 pkKs. ;
market was dull nil day but closed llrmer with
wheat ; better Imiulry nt the elrise , but II did
nut result In any advance. Southern , dull ; rye
Hour , Hli-nily. buckwheat Hour , quiet ; J2.2JW2.40.
roilN MiAI/-Klim. :
UAltl.lOV MAI.T-null.
U'lll'IAT lleeelptB , 700 bu , ; e.xpiirta , 20,000 bu , ;
nalcH. 4.5711,110 bu. futures nnd 37000 ; bu. rput
Hints dull bill slroiiKer ; No. 2 red , In morn nnd
elevator , C2e ; nllonl , G-Hlc ; f. n , b. C3T c ; No. 1
northern , CS'.te. OplloiiH were Klroni ; nil day.
at lti'i. ' net advance. Theru wax ifnml
early by local ncalpei-H nml roiulKn
followed In the nfti-inoon by active cov-
erhiK ilue to n rapid ndVHiicu In the mirthweat-
ern markets , where cash wn In coo I demand
for mllllim purposes. Very llllle export demand
In the local market. Murcll , ClHilbJc , olnMeij
( -2. ' ; May. i2 ; WHc. ( ! closed C4e ; July , iBi.C *
CS\e , closed 06V ; AiiKUit. U\TtI7f c , clou d
( i\e ; HeptemlH-r , lili JiliSSe , cloued CSV ; l > e-
i-emlier. 7'U15e ' , i lo ; i | 72c. x
COKN UecelplK , i.2x ) bu , ; expoil , 70.1W bu. ;
union , SiJ.lXK ) bu. futures nnd 10,000 bu. spot.
Hpot nuuliel dull , closlnic slcady ; No. 2 , 42T10.
'nominal. In rlevtitur , 43Hc nlloat ; yolluw , 4 Jo
dellverwl. Option * stroiiK nnd hlKher In response
to the rl o ill wheat. Shorts were guutl buyers
nnd Ihe m.ukel climiil ntrrVfcp net nilvnni-e.
Kebi-uary , closed 42 ? o ; March , 424iHI27 c , cUwml
42c ; April , cloacil UVic ; May. 43b4JUc , timed
43 > iu ; July. 444l4tlic. clmed 4lkc. (
OATS Hecelpts , S.4HO bu. ; export * , 1MO bu. ;
Rule * , 88.000 bu. fulurcH and 2rC bu , epot.
Hpot IdKlier nnd moie nctlve. No. 2. 37'4iNo. ' ; .
2. delivered , 38Vic ; No. 3 , Sii'.ic ' ; Nn. 2 white. 33'i
lf3Siae ; No. 3 while. 37c : truck mixed westein ,
3 < U3Se ; irncli while wi-mcin. 3SW42c ; track while
Hale. 3Si'4e. ( IpllniiH weru quiet but ndvnnced
nil day , the slums bolni ; Biuerzed | by thu clique ,
which practically control * thu local clock of
mixed onts. Kcbruary , cloxeil Sil'/.c ' ; March ,
cloned SJ'ic ; May. 3HUia4'tc ' , eloce.1 ailjc.
HAY Steady ; uhlpplni ; , te.M ; i : od to choice ,
UOI'ri Dull ; mule , common to choice , 15p
JV. I'nclllc coast. ietj'"ci London market , hold-
cm err r iniMli-rntely.
llinUS ( Jul'-t ; wet wiltnl , New Orleans se
lected. 45 to 66 lli * . , HjOSHc ; Texas selecleil. 3S
lo 60 Ihs. , 4SI6c ; Ilia-niia Ayri-x , dry , 30 lo 21 Ilia. ,
lOVrllc ; Texan , dry , 24 lo 30 Ibs. , tk .
liKATIIKH Hti'ndy ; hemlock sole , Iluenos
AyifJ. llKht to lu-uvy wvlKhla , Htil3o.
WOOL ( julct ; domiMllo llrvco , l ft3Jo ; pulled ,
rOSIMo ; Texa . 1 O1&C.
I'HOVIHIONH-llecf , uulet ; liaim117.10. . Cnl
meats , llrm ; plciiltnt hain , Ui lllii' . l-inl. llrm ;
went em icum cliwwl nt JS ; wilt * . OX ) llorcm
tpota tit if , U ; Ftbruury , cluatd ) . .yi uumliul ;
Mar h < " 7.i n > M - 5. C l , u-
I . I' ' . "Iy , I'/rk , d HI I , it F. . < ly
I.I ill.ll M sly ! Ii , . . I Uijtoni1dr >
17" , Uisl. HI iri.nny. liHf ' , r ti rn fftct.iry ,
Hull- ' , I.i liiJ7c. . Hlnle Oalrj. lijiiSI , , i-tale
CreulliiTy. 1 , ( Jt.
VIII KHi : it .idy , I.UKIOiMl ic ; email , Wt1t
I2'4i- ; put -Kimi" . 3ftl' > ' ; full * klniK , Z2'je.
liCKiS-Honk ; Ice houw , > J,5irtr .iW jH-r rnw ;
wentcrn fi. ? 'i ' , KUc ; wulhcrn , Hffii'iC ! 10-
Celll IK , 6,1) ) ' p'nK ,
TAI.I..nvHtendy ; city , (12 ( per pkg. ) , 5o ; coun
try , ( lihfffi. free ) , SUc.
I'BTIUlI.HI'M-guli-tl unlloil rlowil nt
Afkcd ; I'hllndelphln , In bulk , 12.05.
HOSlN-Hnsy ; ntralli'-O , common to good , JI.10
HICK Hii-mly.
PO llir > ! v-in : j' ! Anierlcnn , JI
( orl'KIl-Uiill ; laid' , 9.ffi'i. ! '
MIAD-Knnler ; domentip , JllO.
TIN-IJilll ; minllH. fll.KO Rfknl.
HI'Kl.TKIl-Stendy ; ilonmtlc , ntcmly.
COTTON HI1UI ) OllUull nnd nominal. Suloa
confined tn unlinpnrlnnt lots , Including prime
crude nt K < jtf. Jllils reKirl | dullnegu , nnd western
ailvk-ex nlwi nm-allBfiH lory , ( juot.itlons : IMme
crude , In Imrieln. SRflfflc ; prime ciiulo. luono , 2IJ ?
JCc ; otr oruili * . In bnirels , 2'l27c ; butter unides ,
3. > OJ c ; iiilnio summer , yellow , asff-Hc ; oft miin-
mer , yellow , 2PQ32c ; prlmi ! suiumer , hltc , 30
HITIAIl ttnw , dull nnd unehnnKed ; fnlr rc-
llnlnB , 2 15-lGe ; relliled , dull , unehaiiBed.
Oiiinlin Produce .Mnrkct.
HUTTnil The recelptn me fnlr , but good stnrk
Is comparatively scarce. The market la steady.
Choice cmintiy. ICftKc ; packlns HI > ck , lOJJllc.
DUIOKSKl ) I'Ol'l/l ll\ Pucks nnd Keen. ' nre
scaiee. but His reci'liUi of chlckcnn lire heavy for
this i-ason. riilrkt-n * , TWFc ; turkeys , lijd.1 !
Keese nnd ducks , SftlOo , Inferior stock would
sell li.'l'iw ' tile nlHive llfrlireH.
MVi : 1'OI'I/rilV ThenIs some cnll for choice
slock niul dealers hnvc in dllllrtilly In llllliiK
orders. Gmul l uk Is quotiibli ! nt r.flO'.ie. '
VMAITin - receipts nro light nnd there Is n
good domain ! for choice stock ; choice , good fat
\en\a \ , 'fiSc ; lliln or heavy , 4ffCo.
KO(1S Tliu lecelptH me fir.rly liberal nnd Ihe
timrKet Is n shade Inwer. SlrlClly fresh eggs ,
13 l4c : packing slock , fufnoc.
HONBV Choice while clover , IJc ; California ,
ICc : daik honey. 12i T(13c.
OVKTKItS-Mnllinn. 1 X I. , 10o ; horseshoes ,
18e ; extra staiiilaid. 20o ; helecls , 2Ic ; extra se
lects , 22c ; roinpany selects , 2.c : counts. 30c.
NUTS fhestnuts. 12c per lb. ; Italian chest-
IIIIIH , 12fil.c : : nliminda , 1C-ifl"c ; lOnKllsli walnuts ,
12inte ; fllbeils , 12c ; pccnns , large , 13iTllc ; pe
cans , mi'dlum. lOc.
CIOKII I'ure Juice , per bbl. , $ i.M : half bid. .
13.25 ; Oregon , per bbl. , J5 ; hnlf bbl. , J3 ; clnrltlej
eld.-r. tier bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. , J3.
KAUKKKUAUT 1'er bbl. , J5.50BC.OO ; hnlf bbl. ,
nilANrf-rnllfornln hnnd-plc'cej ' mvy , Jl.Mff2.00 :
western navy , JI.75O1.SO ; comm'Jii ' white benna ,
ONKINHOnlnni nre nuoted nt C0i70o ( nnd on
onlera nt 7.Vftsic ; Hpanli-h onions , per crnle , $1.50 ;
yellow onions. In bbls. . 12.75.
l'OTAT'KS Npbin tia. Iowa nnd Minnesota
grown ixjtatncn , In innll Iota from store , 70c ;
same In ear IntM , c.l'iiCSe ' : Colorado , from stole ,
7S'iSnc : Colorado lots. 721i75e.
CA11HA11K Orders for cabbage from the coun
try me Illled nt 2V > e. per Hi.
'CI.KUV I7xtrn fnney California , COoO$1.00. ,
S\VI-IT : I'OTATOHS Ths supply is fair ; good
stink , per Mil. . * .1.35fiai ( : ) ,
rilUIHN ViR'rAllIiH | : Splnncli , per bbl.2.25 ;
salsify. 30Q35P per doz. ; ladlFhe.i , per doz. , 3'c ;
onlnns. per doz. , srillc ) : caullll iwer , per doz. ,
tt.ZTifil.M ; lettuce , per doz. , S.'ifSI.'io ; cucumbers.
S : . tomatoes , per cintc of 21 lb.s. , (1.50 ; strlm ;
beans. J2.GO per 2-3-btl. box ; parsley , per do/ . ,
10JT33C : ORB plant , per doz. , $2.25 ; nsparngus. per
doz. , 75e ; tuinlps , per doz. . 75'itb5e ; carrots , per
doz. , 7Pc ; I.eeis , pur doz. , S5c ; water cress , per
doz. , $1.752.lll. |
APPM33 Oooil slock Is"n scarcity ami prices
nre constantly shading higher ; fniicy wcslerns ,
$2.25 T2.35 per. box.
CltANIiilUIiS ! Much of the Htoclc Is becom
ing lee soft for shipment , but there Is still n
-'onslderable demand for standard varieties.
Cape Cod , per bbl. , tC.OOtiO.25 ; bell nnd bugle ,
$0.004Ii.25 ( : Jersey , JC.OOfili.25 ; .
CAMKOIINIA OUANOHS Tin * lilock Is nrilv-
Ing In good condition nnd the trade Is Increas
ing. IMverslde seedlings , ri'gulnr sizes , $2.23 ;
small sizes. J2 : Itlvcrslde Washington navels ,
regular sizes , J3 : off sizes , $2.75 ; Hedland seed
lings , regular slzen , (2.25 ; small sizes , $2 ; email
sizes In 10-box lots. $1.0 ! ; Kedland navels , $3 ;
Uedlaml seconds , sizes 2W lo COO , Jl.SOffl.OO.
HANANAR Prices remain about steady ; per
bunch , large. $2.2332.50 ; per bunch , small lo
medium. ' 1200 I2 25.
I.iMONS-Jlesslnas. size 300 , fancy , $4.25iJJ4.CO ;
choice , )4 ) : size SCO , JI.OOW4.00.
OIlANClis-Kancy Florldas , J2.75 ; choice Flor-
Idas. $2.00.
TANOKIIINKS Per box. $2.75.
fJItAl'K KIll'IT Per bo * . SI.
DEAR No. 1 black , large. J1.00'B'23.00 ! ' ; me
dium , $15 ; small. $8.00ilO.OO ; black yearlings ,
large , J12.00I215.00 ; medium. $10 ; small $7 : black
cubs , large. $0.00S.OO ; medium , J5.00fl6.0Q ; small ,
J4 ; black Montana nnd Kicky mountain , large ,
JlS.OOij22.00 ; medium , $14 : small , $10 ; black Mon
tana yenillngs , large , $12 ; medium , $ S ; small ,
$5 ; black Montnnn cubs , large. $6.50 ; medium.
$1.00 ; small , )3 ; sliver tip , large , $20 ; medium ,
Jl2 ; small , JS ; silver tip yearlings , large , $11 ;
medium , $8 ; small , $5 ; silver tip cubs , largo , $6 ;
medium , $ I.SO ; small , $3 ; brown , large , $20.00 ®
25.00 : medium. SIC ; small , $12 : yearllnga , large ,
$10.00012.00 ; medium , 53 : small , $ G ; cubs , large ,
$7 ; medium. J5 ; email , $3 ; badger No. 1 , large ,
il.0001.GO ; medium. COe ; small , 50c : fisher No. I ,
large , JS ; medium. J6 ; small. J4 ; fox , silver ,
ns to color , according to beauty No. 1 , large ,
$100 ; medium , $ CO ; small , $40 ; Silver , pale , accordIng - .
Ing to beauty , large , $50 ; medium , $30 ; small ,
* 20 ; cross , large , $7 ; medium , $3 ; small , J2 ; red ,
large , J1.CO ; medium , $1.25 ; small , Jl ; grny , large ,
75c ; medium , Mo ; small , 40c ; kit , large. Me ; me
dium , 40c ; small , SOc ; lynx , No. 1 large , J3 ; me
dium , $2 : small , JI.f.0 ; marten. No. 1 large. $2 ;
medium. $1.00 ; small , $1 ; mink. No. 1 large ,
SOc@Jl.00 ; medium , 75c ; small C5c ; mink ,
dark , No. 1 large , $1 ; medium , 75c ; small ,
SOc ; mountain lion , perfect head nnd feet , No. 1
large. $1.00Jf2.00 ; Imperfect skins , 25@50c ; olter ,
No. 1 large , tS ; medium. JG.OOiJ7.00 : small , J5 ;
otter , pale , No. 1 large , J7 ; medium , $5 ; small ,
$1 ; raccoon , No. 1 large , SOc ; medium. COc : small ,
Mo ; raccoon , black , as to beauty. No , 1 large ,
fiOc5J$2.00 ; skunk black , cased , No ; 1 large ,
$1.25 ; medium , 75c ; small , OOc ; shoct
striped , large , $1 ; medium , 70c ; small ,
45c ; narrow striped , large , COc ; medium ,
40c ; small , 25c : brand striped , large ,
20Q25o ; wolverine , No. 1 large , $4 ; me
dium , J3 ; small , J2 ; wolf mountain , No. 1
large , J3 : medium , (2 ; small , $1.50 ; prnlrle ,
large , 70ijf75c ; medium , COc ; Rinall , Mo ; beaver ,
ptr skin. No. 1 large , I5.00JTO.O ) ; medium , $4.50 ;
small , $2 ; kits , large , $2 ; medium , $1.50 ; small ,
7."c ; miiskrnlB winter , No. 1 large , lOQllc ; me
dium , fc ; miKiH , 7c ; fall , large , 8Q9c ; medium ,
7c ; small , Cc ; kits , large , 2 i3c.
HIDKS No. 1 green hides , 2'/ic ; No. 1 green
salted hides , 2Vft3c ; No. 2 green called hides ,
Iiffl2c ! ; No. I veal calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , C'/sC ' ; No.
2 veal calf. 8 HIH. to 15 Ibs. , 5c ; No. 1 dry Hint
hides , Cc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry
salted hides , 4c. I'nrt cured hides 'Ac per lb.
less than fully cured.
HHKii > 1'KLTK Oreen sailed , each. 25 < ffCOc ;
green Balled shearlings ( short-woolcd early
skins ) , each , CW15c ; dry sheaillngs ( si ort-woolej
early cklns ) . No. 1 , each , SJilOe ; dry ihearllngs
( short-wooled early eklns ) , No. 2. each , Do ; dry
Mint , Kansas and Nebraska bulcher wool pells ,
per lb. , actual welghl , DijSc ; dry Hint , KnnsaH
and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. ,
actual weight , 4CiCc ; dry Hint , Colorado butcher
wool pelts , per lb. , aclual weight , 4p7c ; dry
Hint , Colorado murrain wool pelta , per lb. ,
actual welKht , 4HJ6c.
TALLOW AND OHRASK Tallow , No. 1. 4V } < 3 >
l' ' , c ; tallow , No. 2. 3i4c ; greuhe , white A , 4e ;
grease , white 11 , 3ic ; grease , yellow , 3o ; grease.
dark , 2Vic ; old buller , 25f2'c ! : ; beeswax , prime , 15
WlSc ; rough tallow , 2I21ic. |
St. l.oulH
ST. LOl'IS , Keb. 20.-KLOUU-Iletler but not
qiiotnbly changed.
WHKAT StioiiB on cold weather nnd closed
with R gain of Hie ; No. 2 red. cash , clam-d nt
53e ; Kebruary. 6lic ; May , CCUf5C"c ; July , OSKc.
CO11N Klronger with wheat. gnlniiiK ' .i&Hc ; No.
2 mixed , cash , closed at 33c ; Kcbrunry , 33'ic ;
March , 33'ao ' ; May , 3IVic ; July , 35itc " asked.
_ OATS-Strong , lilghur ; Kebrunry"SSJioj May ,
KVK rnclinnged : No. 2 , D3c bid.
llAIlLKV-Niithlng doing.
1IHAN ( ) ulet ; iv ; eaut track nsked.
KLAX SIJI-JD-lllBher : $1.33.
CLOVnil SHIJD-lIlgher ; fair to prime , $7.500
HAY Steady ; 5io ndvnncc ; prime to choice
tlmoihy , J'j.tWfj 10.00.
IIITTTHII Sleadler ; creamery , 2lff2Cc.
KOllS-lllKher ; 15\c.
LIAI > Higher , dull ; J3.02iic ,
BI'IlLTHH-KIno ; $ : I.CO.
COIINM 1 JA L-J1.7lif ) ( 1.75.
W1IIHKV $1.15.
COTTON Tl l-s-9c4$1.00. :
llAtKllNrj I'liehansed ; M.OQCo.
1'HOVIHIONS Klnnor ; demnml better. Pork ,
slandard mess. $12.C2 > 'j. Lnrd , prlmo steam , $7.45
tl'7.50. ' Dry salt meats , loose shoulders , $6 ; longs
and ribs. C.arfe ; | uirtn , $6.40 ; boxed. 15c more.
bacon , ( Kicked shoulders. $6.87(4 ( : longs , $7.12' ' , < .
7.25 : ribs , J.25 i7..i17' ' , < . . ; slloilB. 7.75.
lliciil'TS : Kliiur , 2.000 bbl4. ; whenl , 0,000 bu. ;
corn , 135.WO bu. ; oiitH , 31,000 bu.
HIIII'.ML'NTS l-"liur , 2,000 bblH. ; wheat , 2.000
bu. ; corn , 19,000 bu. ; unls , 8,000 bu.
NHW YOHK , Keb. 20. Options opened steady ,
unehnnKed In 10 polnta docllne. niled generally
wc.ik under locul nressure , ' but closed llrm nt
uncliansed ( o 10 polnta net decline. Snle.i. 13.KIO
Including : Kebruary , $15.85 ; Match , .
16.50 ; April , $15.311(1.1. 10 ; May , $15.25 June. $14.'J5 ;
September. $11.20. Spot cnffee , Hlo. dull nnd
heitvy ; No. 7. JI7.12Imllil ! ; , Inactive and nom
inal ; Cordova , $ l.Wiiil.73. ! ) ! KIL | > yesterday , l.MK )
. > ' ' . M Hf lower ;
1110 UU JANUIHO , Keb. 20-Market quiet ; No.
7 ( jlil.l > 0.
LONDON. Keb. 20. Market dull. JdOCd lower.
Now Vorlt Dry ( iixulH .Market.
NKW YOHK , 1-Vb. 9)-Tho ) dry goods Ulslrlct
Is fairly populated with buyer * from the coun-
iry nnd nn Increiislnic number of local Inquiries
urn noted. Mull orders nre looking up n Illlli-
nnd nllOKtlhcr the geni-rul form or tlio market
Is better. Buyers nro contending for lower
prk-ea , but whlb ) there Is KOIIIB little Irregu-
lurlly re ulllng from u pressure lo sell In HUIIIO
cant's , the general temper uf holders Is to resist
any further decline.
MANCHKKTKH , Keb. 30-Clolhs oml yarns
quiet nnd dull.
Cotton .MurUo' ,
easy ; wilen. 4.J60 \ulea I ; to arrive , 7(0 bales ; low
ordinary , V : ordinary , SVici goo.1 ordinary.
low mlddlliiK , 7c ; middling , "lie ; good
lnv , 7He ; fair middling , 80. lU'celpta ' , net ,
uonc ;
r l. k Intnl. . ' 1 1 ily f 't ' , 3. IP
10) I i | . ' .ru.iry J , - - 1 M.tivli J 1 / !
AiU | $ ; . , - , - MtN $ , . „ , Jm , $ i 4 ' 11 4o.
Juh $7 . "f/fyl Au-'iiH' $ > .it ? . .i , Kepi , m. . .
J. -i ( ? ; . ! . Oi t iliei Ji.M bid N ivember , $ i 47 bid ,
1 K-remlie. . , Ji.W bid.
HT. Lol IS. K-b. 2'COTTONQulef ' , 1-K--
lower ; nilddllnw , 7 f-Iii ; snles. none : roci'lptit , ! )0 )
bnlea ; uhlpment * , 6 < JO bule * ; tliieko , ( II , ( MO linli > ) i.
( lAIA'UKTON. Tx. . , -COTTON-Htnidy )
nnd unelmnirnt ; ieeelln | : , 1.310 linlo * ; mites , 1,335
exmiti | > , nnm * ; slock , S95.685 bnle .
MlnntnpnllVlunt .Mnrl < et.
MlNNHAPOLIfl , Teb. & ) , Tlieie wns n rise nf
more thnn 2o lu todny's mnrkct. The clo > n of
Mny last nlht WAR nt ! % nnd lr. hy MUc.
The opeuhiB this morning for Mny wniJ 6'j
.Iilly , 57c. The closlrtK wn : Mny , B7-Xfl5ft/ ? , :
July , 50)le. ) Trnek whent i-li nl : Ilnid , BIU < * i
No. 1 northern , n'JUc ; No. 2 ivulln-rn , 67c. Then-
were ninny Inrw orders fn > m ofier clllfs In
buy , nnd ihls , with n good demand from local
dealers , cn-ated the rise. Many were su plclou
Hint Ihls rlw , like Hint of Ihe preceding days ,
would bo short lived , nlthuugh tha recelpls
today were Iho smallest of Ihe Bason. The
movement In the country Is nlso very llglil. The
nrrlvnls lodny were DO cnrs ofhcal nnd the
n ilpmenlii 7(1 ( cars , leaving nilly 11 earn above the
shipment * . Mete of Ihe mills me rnmilnK iinil
Ihey are tmlMK nl Ihe tntc of olxmt l.H.i ) . " ) tin. nf
whent every 21 hours. If they nre to run through
tin ) week nl Hint rat' ) there would be n huge
decrease III the lucnl RUpiHo4 | , lit II Is not i-x-
pecled the email receipts will roiillnui' whllo
Iho Hnloa lo nrrlvo , made Ihe laller part of Iho
week nnd so fur tills week , would n.iturnlly
bring In n larger amount than arrived loday.
Karmers HIP m.nkelliiK viey little. Ono ele
vator line with nbout M clevnlnrs leporieil pur
chases yi nleiil. i > of only 1"VI bu. , ami Kev
era ! oilier UIIOM it-ported similar condllluns. The
country team rnnds nre not good , ns there
Is too much Ice for wagons nnd too little Hnow
for KleiK
The Market Ilpcnnl leporls Hie output of Hour
for the Inst week ending Hnlurday , nt I1C,4T > . !
bbls. The illrecl ejp > iit Hiilpmclits wore 20.1'TI
bbls. The totnl llnur thlpmenM last week weie
previous week. More of the mills nro i mining
111.455 bbls. Union were reporli-d larger thnn t.iu
previous week. More of the mills nro i mining
low nnd the production Is expected In be larger
Ihli week Ihfin last. Kales of llniir today were
reported ill J3.35i3.IO for palenlK and $1.COU.SO
for bakers. Sales fur expoit continue moderate.
Clearances of whent for futures yesterday wore
4,300,000 bu. , nnd today exceeded 3,00,00 u.
Knnini Oily MnrlirlM ,
KANSAS CITY , Kcb. 20.YIIiAT Klrm nt
yeatenlay'H iiuotntlons ; No. 2 haul , 4Vl:4).W ) > ;
No. 2 led. f.2'.4 SJV c.
COltN ! i l4o ! higher ; No. 2 mixed , 31'i.cNo. .
2 white , 1'2' . ' .
OATS Slow , unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , 28T
2Siic ; No. 2 while , 2'Jfi2'JVio-
I1UTTKII Klrm ; orenmery , 15iT2Ic ; dairy , II
irins-Qulot bill nrm ; 14c.
UKCMII'TS Wheat , 12 cnta ; corn , 22 cnrs ;
onm , 2 cars.
SHll'MI-JNTS Whent , 8,0i ) tin. ; corn nnd
oats. none.
1'iMirht ( iralu .tlnrkot.
PKOIUA , Keb. 20. COIIN Acllvc , llrm ; No. 2 ,
33 > ic ; No. 3. 33e.
OATS Active , higher ; No. 2 while , 23iW3V ? | ;
No. 3 white. 2VW2SC.
HYK Nnmlnnl ; No. 2. 45S4V.
WHIHICY Klrm ; high wine basla , J1.15.
oats , S0.3UO bu. , rye , 1,800 bu.
SIllI'MKNTSVheal , none ; coin , none ; oals ,
SOO bu. ; rye , 000 bu.
It\crpi > ol .Markets
LIVEUPOOL , Keb. 20. WHMAT-Qulet : de
mand moderate ; holders offer moderately ; No. 1
California , 5s ' .jd'ilSs 2',2'1 ' ; No. 2 winter , f > s 5d.
COIIN Klrm ; demand modeinle ; mixed wesl-
crn , 3s OV'.d. '
IMlOVISIONS-I'ork , prime mess , fine , , s.
Hoof , exlra India. C7n 2il. llacon , long- mid short
clear , 65 Ibs. , 34s Cd ; long clear , 45 Ibs. , 30s.
Lurd , 40.1.
Duluth Wliont Mnrltet.
DULUT1I , Keb. 20.VIIKAT Closed 2c higher
for cash and 2He higher for futures ; No , 1 bard ,
cash , CO'Ac : Kebruaiy. u7'4e ' ; May. 61o : July ,
C3 c ; No. 1 northern , ciihli. 6'J'ic ; Kebruary.
nc c : May , CO'te ; July , C2c ; No. 2 northern , cn h ,
05 0 ; No. 3. lsc ; rejected , 433ie ; on truck , iso.
1 noi them to mrlve , COe.
OIL CITY , Pa. , K b. 20. National Transit cer
tificates opened nt SO1 ! ; highest , S0i ; lowest ,
SO ; closed. So ; sales , 3,000 bbN.
1'ITTSIiriin , Pa. , Keb. 20. National Transit
certllicaleH opened at 8) > i ; closed nt & 0i ; lilgh-
esl , S04 ; lowesl , Wi ; no sales.
ST. LOrif , Feb. 20. WOOL.-Q.utet , weak.
without chance.
Trnnsnctlon In Securltlrs AVcro Alniont
Devoid of 1'Viittiro Yi'.sterilny ,
NEW YORK , Fob. 20. A more uninter
esting , featureless , dull day lias not been
wltnesed on the Stock exchange for a long
tlmo ns was today. The aggregate of the
transactions did not reach a figure that has
not frequently been exceeded In n single
hour of even moderately nctlvo speculation.
But despite the stagnation there was a llrm
tone to the trading , and beyond an occa
sional bear raid the short Interest did not
attempt to seriously depress prices. It was
purely a gambler's market , nnd the play was
for small stakes. At the opening of busIneSs -
IneSs tlio speculation was firm , with but
few changes from tlio closing figures of
yesterday , St. Paul , which was ' /8 per cent
lower , being the only stock which showed n
Sugar was the most active In the early
dealings , Distilling , Chicago Gas , Western
Union and New York Central being also
prominent In the transactions. Prices at
first moved Irregularly , but soon took an up
ward turn of % per cent In the New
England was an c.\ceptlon , and made a
fractional decline on selling of lipaton ac
count. National Cordage preferred broke
3 per cent. Before noon the general market
reacted slightly , but quickly recovered the
loss , and during the hour following midday
prices were neld about steady. Then Gen-
'eral Electric took a 1 per cent rise , and
tliero was a rally of % to > , & per cent gen
erally. Meanwhile Lake Erlo & Western
preferred had broken 1 % per cent and Lead
preferred had advanced 1V4 per cent. Re
actions of a fraction took place In n few
stocks , which were later recovered , and
tliero was a gradual appreciation In values
to the close , the last prices made being %
to % per cent above yesterday's figures for
the active list , 114 per cent for Lead pre
ferred nnd % per cent for DelawareLack -
awanna & Western. Sugar made nn ad
vance of % per cent In the early trading ,
receded % per cent Immediately on selling
chiefly on Washington order. Hcports that
the senate tariff bill would give ytc protec
tion to refined sugar Inclined purchasers
to buy , which caused an advance of l'/l per
cent , but u reaction set In nnd it lost 1 pet-
cent , followed with a final rally of U per
cent. Distilling lost 1 % per Tent before
noon on liquidations. A recovery of 94 per
cent was effected during the afternoon , of
which U per cent was lost at the close. Tlio
grangers were strongly held all day and
rcorded advances of from Vj to % per cent ,
tlio Improvement In these shares being duo
to an aiivanco In the price of wheat. The
bond market wus generally llrm.
The following are the closing quotations on
the loading stocks of the Now York exchange
today :
Totnl u.iU-H uf Htoek today wrn 107.SOO vhareK ,
Includlnei Aint-rlcun Tobacco , 3,4(4) ) ; Amerleun
Hugar , 23.3W ; DurliiiKlon. 3.700 : ChlcnKo Uua ,
7M ; Dlatllllnt1SWJ , New Vulk Cciural , C,400 ;
Y ill f l-i'V nl 4 Ui.ullnij , 4,900.
0- - - i. . , l i , '
i ri , , t t n i * ttj.rti | , i I \ ' W Uf.uic
& C'u. , Id ntit i.f Tffvn \ \ \ \ . iin i ll'iws
Utocks. . opuii II ten I. Close Yesy
Erto . , Ill'l 111
PaollloMall * 17 i
I.AN I. <
.N'orlliWMiorn JtlS
Mo. IMoinc oo
Union l'.icln >
N p.icino , p'fii ! ? [ *
N. Paclllo com. . . .
C..II. A Q J W "
lloolt Inland r I1WI Ill"
SI. Paul '
\VVBlprn Union
friiSavTrVM. , 78 $
NiwSiwlnmi 11 10H
A'.chlaou 12M 11
Chlcniro Qns 03
Huailln ? 2L 21
I ) . C. F vnw
O.K 4 * ltt4 lid
Cordaeo. . . . .
New Y < ii-l , , M < > iiry Mitrlii-t.
Kany nt 1 par cent : lust loan cloiwl nt 1 PIT
HTIIUUNO IJXritANOU Htronif , wllli iiotiml
liuslncsH in hnnkriV hllH nt H.SSfiJ.PSU fur ite
m-mil nnil nt | l.8 < Wfl.SS'j fur nlxty ilnys : tnutiil
ralrn. } l.gitl. 9 ; rnniinrrclnl Mils. Jl.SHH.Wi.
fllA'lIU C'UTIKICATlH-62',4 | ! ' r.1r.
< ! OVIHNMI-NT ; : IIONDH Finn , smm , inactive.
The cloning quotations on bonds :
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IIoMim .Sliifl < niiiitiitliini.
BOSTON. Tnli. 'JO.-Call lo.'inn. 'jwl : pr-r crnt :
thru1 loaim. .tmll't IKT ci-nt. rioslnir iinotiilluiiB un
HIocliH , bonilM and inlnlni , ' shavcH :
Now York Mlnlnt ; Onotntloni.
NEW VOUK. Feb. 20-Tho followlmnro the
closlnt , ' 111111111 ? quotntloiiH :
Choler ilu Plymouth -M
Crown Point 75 Sierra Nevada PJS
Con. Cnl. A Va. . . . 4:1,1 : Standard I'-Ti
Deadwood 00 Union Con 10(1 (
( Joiild A Curry H5 Yellow Jacket. . . . H.1
HnloA ; Not-cross. . H5 Iron Silver 10
llomestnko 1150 Qu'ckhllver 270
Mexican 175 do preferred 1701) )
Ontario 701) ) nnluer 0
Ophlr ' 'S3
Snn I'ninclHco 'Mlnlnsr Onotnlliiiiii.
SAN PIIANCI&CO. Fob. ' 'O.-Tiio oHlelal i-loslmr
OiiotntloiiH for mlnlnir HtockH today were : ib fol
lows :
Alia in Hnli * A Norcros.s . . HO
llelcher lir. Mexican ISO
HI-HI A Ili.'lchor. . . . . 2:15 : Mono 10
IloilloCon 2.r 5 Ophlr 2H.-I
Conimonwi'allli. . . ill ) Poles ! 130
Chollar -lO.'i Snv.w SO
Con. Cal. A Va 25 Slerru Nevada 165
Crown Point 75 Union CollHolldufd 121) )
Kurek.-i Con Ill Utah 10
Gould A Clii-i-y IK ) Yidlow Jacket 100
T.onilon Stock OuollltloiH.
Consols , money. . . ! i'HlSt. ! ' | P.-ml . ( VTH
Consols , aeo'm. . . [ 107-111 New York ( Vntral. 1KHH
Cnnrulian Paclllo . 7UU | Pennsylvania . fi < ) } $
Krle . JC H lieaillni ; . 11
Krle lindn . HOJi'Mi-x. ' CVn.iicw-ls. f > 2H
Illinois Central. . . 'JH I Mexican ordinary. 17'i
BAU SILVKP.-2dpiroz. ! )
J1ONKYl5elli per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for short
bills , 1W31M per cent , and 1 per cent for three
mouths' bills. . _
St. IxnilHiMlnlliR Slock ( liiotnllons.
ST. LOUIS , Foil. ! ! ! ) . - Jllnlnir Blocks todny wore
without feature. The following nro the closing
tinouitlons :
I'hmnchil Xoti-s.
KANSAS CITY. Kcb. 20. Clcnrlnes , $1,373,530.
NEW OnLKANS , Kcb. 20. Clearlnss , J2,177.373.
PARIS , Kcb. 20. Three per cent renlCH , 9Sf 30e
for the account , t
NK\V YOHK , Kcb. 20. Clcarinex , 7Sll3ir.Oi .
balances , tl , ! > 85,195 ,
Pini ADKLPlllA , Feb. 20S ClcarhiRS , J8.S40-
073j balances , J1.472.7C9.
SIKMPIIIS , Kcb. 20. Clearings , $27 ! > ,3C9 ; lial-
nnces , $ SO,27S. New York cxclmnRc , par.
LONDON , Feb. 20. The nniount of bullion BOIH-
Into the llanU of Kngland on luilnneu todny ,
CINCINNATI , Keb. 20.-Clini IIIRH , JI.S72.COO.
Jloney , 26 per cent. New Yoik exchange , pal
to 25o premium.
CHICAflO. Keb. 20. Clearlmts , $12.3COO.XI. New
York exchanKC , 25 piemlum ; McilliiR , Ilimer ;
nctunl Hlxty < layn , Jl.Sii ; demand , JI.SS. .Moneyi.i
Htlll easy ; iiiten , IC ) per cent.
INSTHUJIENTS placed on record February
19. 1SM ! :
D W YomiK nnd wife to It O KerRii-
son , lot 15 , block 10 , Ambler l'laie. . $ 7M
Elizabeth Ulxon nnd husband to II A
Doud , w 43 feet of n 130 foot lot 11 ,
block 4. I'nik I'lnce 3,00
C ! K darker nnd wlfo to II O Illinium ,
lot 20 , block S , Orchard Hill 900
Cnrrle Morrison to Krnest Normnn , n
14 lot C2 , Ileus Place 400
M D Oliver and linsbnnil to J 1C
Chambers , lots U nnd 10 , block 5 , For
est 11111 -I.CKX )
Peter llend to Ann Head , nnillv ' , i
lotH 1 nnd 2 , block 4 , hyman Place. . 100
KnurldH Jessperson to Huns Jespcrson.
nndlv 'i. lots 9 nnd 10 , block 42 , tl II
UOKK'S mid , lot 2 , block " 11 , " 8mm-
( lern nnd H'H mid 400
Nancy Iloth to W S Mnrkley , lot 1 ,
.Swetnnm'M subdlv l.fiOO
\V S Mnrkley to 1'Vanlc Plvonkn.snmu l.COli
June AlcMnnim to OV Wattles , H ' .i
lot 5 , block 9 , IIorbtch'H 2nd 2,300
S C Urewster nnd wife to II H Hrews-
ter , lot 4 , block 2 , HiiHt Irvlncton. . . . 200
C K Wltmer to New KiiKland Loan
nnd Trust eompnny , part lot 21 ,
block 1 , Mnync I'lnce 3,000
Same to mime , lots G nnd 7 , ( ex
cept e 50 feet ) Wlnther's subdlv. . . . 8,000
T V Mullllinn ot al to W .1 nnd A S '
Thompson , lot S , block 12 , Hosier's
mid 400
II It Canlli-Id to J A Landen ot nl ,
lots 8 to U nnd 17 , block 8 , Shrlver
Place 1
S W Croy nnd wife to II S Ford , w 48
feet lot 2 , unit w 4S feel nf n K ) feet
lot 3 , block 10 , Kountzi > & U'H ndd. . 3,700
O A llenliett ( sheriff ) to .1 It Mlllanl ,
trustee , lot 12 , Llndfny's ndd Klj
Totnl nmonnt of transfers $ 80'J8)
INSTRUMENTS placed on record February
20 , 1S8I :
a A Llndiiuest toV B l yer i t nl , o
\ < i lie nnd nil st 'Avest ' of Klkhorn
river In 4 nnd nw west of Klkhorn
river In 3-H-10. . . < . , . , 8,400
J P Hnnier and wife to O A Mml-
qtiest , HO sw 31-nllU.l 1,100
Maria Htew.irl and husband to N H
Until , lot 5. bloqk 2. Jeffries ri-plnt
and iindlv li- lot Mblock 1,1st ndd to
Fowler Plnco 1,000
a H Twlinck nnil.iivlfo to J F Stur
geon , lots C2 nnd 3.1 , block 3 , Hoff
man Terrace. . . . * , . % COO
C Ii llrldenbccker unil wife toVII -
llnm Colfnx , lots C , 7 nnd S , Mottcr's
siibdlv 2.COO
1-3 S Flor nnil wlf to H Al lOBBt'rs ,
lots 8 nnd 1) ) , block S.Mnyne'u 1st ndd
to Vulloy ; ? 150
Annlo Owyer to lOllzabclli A liyrne ,
lot 3. block 1 , U'Nclll'H Hiibdlv 1
a II BOSKS nnd wlfo to J ( ! AIeLauib-
lln , lot 20 , lilock 10. a II linKK'H mid 150
W P Clnrlc to Uuchel aartloti , n 21.3
feet of H 39 feet lotI , block 39 ,
If S Kord nnd wlfn to M K Croy , w
48 feet of lot 2 , nnd w 48 feet of n 10
feet lot 3 , block 10 , Kountzo K. It's
udd S.700
II F Thomas ( special muster ) to J J
Mcincll. exeuiiior , lot 11 , lilock 13 ,
Central park 1,000
J W Johnson ( special master ) to B J
Collins , lot 4 , block 1 , 1st ndd to
Centrul park. . , . ,
Total nmount of transfers ? 18.&S1
- *
Receipts Yesterday Fully Up to the Ex
pectations of the Dealers.
Shippers Only Ak for Itrnvy rut Citttlo
U < > B Attract No .Sporiilntlon ntiil
11 roil k Awny I'lftrcii to
Twenty Cents.
TUBSDAY , Feb. 20.
nccolpts or nil Itlnilsvcro rntlicr liberal
todny , but while the two day's supply ofjiogs
has been 8i00 ! heavier than for the first two
day's of Inst week there has boon a falling
off of nbout 700 cattle nml 1,100 IIORS.
Today's rather liberal supplies of cattle ,
following on the heels of Monday's decline
and Inst week's depression , demoralized the
market 'nml trailing was about as slow and
unsatisfactory a business as It was a little
less limn a week ago. Eastern markets
were reported lower with liberal receipts ,
anil although there was some imiulry from
shippers for the heavier grades , nil classes
of buyers were bearish mid trade was slow
at unevenly lower prices. Some of the better
grades of fat steers met with n ready sale
at not very much lower prices , but holders of
the general run of steers had to submit to 11
lOc to Ific decline. Sellers , however , Imvo
become accustomed to low prices and big
declines , and took their medlclno philoso
phically , the supply being practically dis
posed of before tliu close.
There was not so much change In the cow
market , the supply being more nearly equal
to the demand. Offerings Included less than
thirty loads and they changed hands with n
reasonable degree of activity at prices any
where from steady to a illnio lower than
Monday. Tnerc was an active Inquiry for
veal calves at fully steady prices , while the
market for rouili ; s'ork s oined daprcssed and
lower on all grailus offered.
In stockers and feeders the trading was
somewhat restrloud. Hngiiliir dealers hav
ing liberal supplies on hand were not very
active buyers of the fresh offerings , while
the demand from the country was very
quiet. Prices had a lower tendency and the
feeling on nil sides wan weak In sympathy
with the condition of the fat cattle market.
Good to choice feeders nro quoted at from
$3 to $3.30 , fair to good nt from ? 2.7fi to $3 ,
and lighter , commoner grades at from J2.7B
down. Ilepresentatlvo sales :
Umrf.Hii : : > .DUMP.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. ] 'r. No. Av. I'r.
' 7JO JCO 4..WJ7 J. ) 00 43..1II : . } 3 10
7. . MO 0. ' 41..1101 3 00 W..12IJ .1 1.1
7. . SS2 75 3..1ISO 3 00 7..121S .1 1.1
11. . IJS3 73 41..92S 3 ( K ) 17. . 121.1 3 IS
i. . m 75 1..1010 3 ( W 19. .11IU 320
2. . 7S5 " . S..11) ) , ! , 30i ) 20. . 1203 320
28. . 972 so n..1197 3 o. ) 20..iico 3 20
7..10H fcO 22. . 1091 300 20..12' ' > 5 320
16..1121 SO 22..1072 .100 22..1097 320
3. . 720 SO 21. .1123..3 0. " . 21. .1132 820
1..11SO SO 13. . 10" , 3 0.1 1G..I2.1S 320
S. . 72T , so 12..1000 ; i 0.1 r,4..H5o .12.- ,
2..1130 V ) 3..10S3 3 0.1 21..1210 3 21
U.JUG M 19..10S7 30.1 40..1215 .12.1
17..1077 M 40..1li 30.1 11..1213 .121 ,
1)3 ) 22..115.1 3 10 2..1135 3 21
7..1014 & . , 24..1ini 310 20..1230 340
7..10S1 5.1 42..1093 .110 19..1304 .145
1..11W 300 II. . 957 310 28..125S S 7.1
13..1070 30. . ) 10..llG : : 310 20..13S9 3'JO
10..1103 3 CO 19..1157 " . 10
17..1322 S 20 17..1311 331 14..1311 .1 fO
31..1212 3.111 20..125.1 033 17..13.11 3 f > 3
5..1250 335 3..13.10 .ISO 4.J4S7 355
8..12G7 200 21..1025 2 f-0 4..12S3 300
-II. . ! ) I.i J SO
STOCKIUB : AND Fii : : iiH. : !
1. . 040 21.1 3. . ! )70 2 l ) l.-CnO 2 D )
. iMU 1. . S20 2 S3 B..10CO 2 91
. 87G 930 2 S3 17..1076
. 7GO J J. , 9. M7 2 81 21 , . 797
. GSO 2 30 1C.C. . 9S1 2 SI 2S. . S2I 0 ( U
, 47.1 2 3.1 C.e. . 710 2 S3 5. . SOO 3 03
. no 2 31 e.i. . 700 2 SI 1. . S7J : l 0) )
,1010 , 2 50 i. CCO 2 90 21..11C.O 3 05
. G2.1 2 ,10 1C. . 9C2 2 ! )0 ) 25..10IG 3 10
. 870 2 M 12..1020 2 90 2J..10C1 3 10
, CS4 2 r.r. 7. . 442 2 90 2. . ? JO 3 10
. 940 2 G5 1..1UO 12..1150 S 10
' 28. 839 2 90 3 10
. 950 2 75 10. 713 2 90 lli.'llO ! ) S 10
* "
| OQ O 721 2 90
! 4..1322 3 15
l090 2 7.1 i 8VJ 2 ' . ' 0 13..12.19 3 1C
. , i > Ml 2 90 3..1173 3 20
710 2 SO
. ( ? 6w.S.
, C90 1 00 12. . 1079 220 41. 9S3 2 40
1020 1 60 4..1037 2 20 1. 910 2 40
790 1 M 7..10S7 2 2 > ) 14. 1057 2 40
,1080 , 1 75 5. . 970 2 20 34..1020 2 40
930 1 75 17..1021 ll.-.D 2 40
, 930 1 75 23. . 780 2 2. ' i ; 1097 2 40
. 930 1 73 1..10M ) 1017 2 10
,1003 , 1 8.1 3..930 1203 2 40
, 933 1 S3 1. . 11)70 ) IS. . 909 2 40
. 730 1 9' ) 23..1021 2 2,1 1..10CO 2 40
,1174 1 90 C..111G 2 10
1023 1 95 2..1200 4..1032 2 40
1220 2 00 7. . 9S.1 1..1090 2 40
,1140 2 00 1..10GO 15. . III ! 2 M
, 940 2 00 1..11SO 9. . 09ll 2 GO
,11G , 2 00 2. . 990 SI..1122 2 50
, 920 2 00 S40 4..1220 2 ,10
,1120 2 00 S2 > 2..1325 2 50
,1010 2 00 1110 10. . 92.1 2 SO
. 900 2 00 1137 9. . 9J8 2 GO
, 9Srt 2 00 1130 3. . 10W 2 M
,1105 2 00 IHO 2 20 ( . .HBO 2 55
,1010 2 00 1100 2 20 n..1010 2 1.1
, 950 2 00 9SV 2 30 1..120U 2 CO
,1170 2 111 12S ) 2 3D II. . 912
,1130 2 1. ) 107G 2 30 20. . 79.1 2 60
, 90S 2 10 1007 2 .10 13. . Mia Ii ttO
,1147 2 10 1052 2 3.1 S. . 93.X 2 G5
1070 2 10 10)7 ) 2 35 2. . 10(55 ( 2 fil
1105 S90 23.1 .10. . 1112 2 US
1020 2 13 1130 31. . 921 2 G3
1011 2 15 S..1232 2 35 15. . 924 2 70
, 752 10'JO 2 35 109.1
34. . 2 33 ii. 1012 2 7.1
II. . b4 ! 2 40 2..1500 2 SO
.1083 2 15
, 500 2 21 f . . 7ft ) 2 .V ) 13. sir
, 300 O..M2 255 9. till
, 0.1S 2 33
, 107 1 GO . . 140 4 M 110 COO
, 30G 2 2.1 . . no 4 no 133 5 00
, 330 2 75 . . 113 4 CO 170 5 21
, hO 3 IX ) . . 100 4 ro H ) D DO
, 2JO 4 X . 142 5 l" )
,1130 , 2 00 . .1I30 230 .1SOO 2 50
2 00 235 ,1550 2 W
! l2SO 2 00 L.112il 235 .law 2 60
,1400 , 2 10 1..1550 235 ,1510. 2 SO
,1iCO 2 10 1..1MO 235 .1300 2 55
,12Sl , ) 2 10 2..1210 2 35 .1200 2 GO
,170) ) 2 10 1..1420 2 35 .isirt 2 GO
,1210 , 2 10 1..19IO 2 4 < ) .1570 2 GO
13SO 2 10 1. . 15(10 ( 2 40 .1970 2 65
,1100 , 2 10 I..1400 2 41) ) .119. ) 2 G3
,1350 , 2 13 3..1333 245 .1850 2 G5
low ) l..ll.iU 2 & ) .Into 2 M
.1730 2 25 1..15SO 250 .1820 2 75
.1310 3 25 1..14IO .17GO 2 75
.1203 2 2.1 1..HSO 2 SO . 510 3 00
.1700 2 30 1..1MO 2
1..1130 2 25 2..1305 3 UO
HOGS Dealers worn not very much sur
prised at n big run of lions todny , but they
hardly expected tlmt the supply woulil coma
so near U.OOO head. U was the heaviest run
In over nine moiillis , and with every Indica
tion of 11 bo nil receipts ( or the balance of
the week , lower markets cast and no snp-
port front uhlppers or speculators the trade
opened out Blow , with prices from lOe to lic !
lower limn Monday. Tliero was the usiinl
narrow rungo of prices , fair to good hogs of
all weights selling largely nt $ l. ! 0 , with
some of th cholro butcher weight nnd light
loads at $ l.)2Mi ! ) and $ l.)5 ! ) nnd tlio commoner
loads , regardless ot weight , down uround
$1.85 nnd $ l.87'/j. Karly trndliiK was tolerably -
orably netlvu , but with such ninplo offerings
Iho market naturally weakened us the morn
ing ndvnnccd nnd toward the close buyers
were but Indifferent hidden * at from $1.80 In
$1.85 , or lilc to 20c lower than Monday.
Trading cainn to a standstill and tlio market
closed weak , with several loads still In first
hands. The big bulk of the hogi : sold today
at from $4.85 to 51.HO , as ngnlnst from 55 to
{ 5.05 on Monday'und from $5.05 to $5.10 one
week ago loday. llepri'sontntlvo sales :
No. Sh. IT.
73. . , . .232 . . . } l 'JO
' ' . . . 4 '
CO. . , .2M 4 90
76. . . .211 40 4 ' . )
. .235 4 M
. ,2i/9 iO t M
1C. . .218 40 4 ! )
r/j. ' . . . 4 1 )
03. i.'iiiU 4 90
ij , . .252 4 W
. .254 4 W
M. . . .217 bo 4 90
ri. . . .K ! 4 M
73. . . .210 4 liO
2S. . . .878 4 W
41 , . . .307 4 ' . ' <
77. . . .213 iw 4 DO
. .213 4 IH )
, .173 4 90
. .239 4 W
W. . , . .SM 4 1 0
C7. . . .210 130M 4 )
r,4. . . .301 130M 4 W
It , . M 4 90
M. , , .202 40 4 9i )
77. . 130 4 l l
St. . , ! )93 ) ' 4 ' . "
us. . 'so 4 90
. .210 ICO 4 IK )
21 , . . .34) 4 ' . >
73 _ . . 4 !
0) 330 4 ti > )
si ; u i \ 9)
I : J 40 4 ! * )
79. . . XH 4 90
' . . . f'l i I. )
78. . . 2 0 490
SIIKHI' The supply was nol overly largo
nnd with n good dcmnnd prices Wt-ro not
( liiotnbly lower , although other marSrts
Were i-eported lower nnd the general .tone to
the trndo was wbak. Fair to good natives
sell nt $2.TGT3.0 ! : fair lo good westerns ,
f'.i.'gcommon ; ! ' ; and stock sheep. JLuOtft > ; good to choice -ID to 100-11) . Iambs nt
$2.f > 0j1.75. ; Iteprescntatlve sales :
\i > . Wt. I'r.
JHll Mcxloa l Wi'tliers , 77 * .1 OK
11)1 ) Uinli welhei-M I'JO ! l (10
ItiM'i-lptx nml DUpoHllliin nf Slock.
by lln > bonks of llu' Union Slock Yards i-miipany
( or tin' forlv-i'luht lionru I'lidln nl ii o'eloel ; p. m. ,
Foliruary 20 , 1MI1 :
iimisKs".r iTsr
Carn. IIiMd.
i\tiTinu : Oiilrt I'ri'Millril In ( lin Ciittln
.Murki * ! 'r ti'rduy ,
OHICAaO. Fel ) . 20. There will extreme quiet
In toiluy'H ciiide nmrket , nut nn unusual con
dition of thliiRs for n Tnemlay. SlilpporH did
not want many ontlle , nnd tlie oiTerltiKH , though
limited , weiu quite ciiuul to the needs of tlic
trade. In values tliero was no lu-tewortliy
cliatiKe. While the tone of the market was very
far from lielnjr linn , ye leiday' prlrcs wen-
pretty Kenerally olilnlned for Hlili | | > lHK Krades
and for Hiieli descriptions IIH nro u > < ed by loeal
operators. The iiuallty of the reeclj'ls did not
averaKO any botler llum Monday nnd pi tees
lielow } l look nlinost tile enlliv Biipply. There
was n fair sprinkling nf Texas cattle nnil they
were iilxo taken at full prices.
The tieml of the IIIIK market was downward.1
It showed n loss of 10nt the very outset nnd
tlio later inaikct was not aldt lieller so far
as prices went. thoiiKli nt the close the feelliiK
seemed to lie n trllle less weak. The choicest of
the offerings went at $ . " > .iri , and from } 5 lo $ )
boiiKht almost the entire outlit. Tlio raiiRe nt
sales was unusually narrow , 10c per 1UO Ibs.
covering U. Shlpiiers , though m > t as busy as on
Monday , took a fair share of the olfeilnKS. pny-
IIIK f i ciiii 5. > . ( C In J.I. 10 for the bulk of their pur
chases. The receipts were cstlmalcd at 2.1,1x11) ,
making : u..OHO since Satuiday , or ail.UUJ more than
for tin- same lime latt week.
With olTeiliiRH of nearly 40,000 liend within the
hist Iv.i days the sheep nmikct has llatlened out
badly. It lias declined from 20e lo 30c. of which
loss from I'lc lo l..c cnme off today. Yesteiday's
arrivals fooled 1111 i57S : ! head , which Is the second
end larKost nmnoer u\er recoided for one day ,
nnd the lolnl for the Inst two days has ii'-vur
oecn ciiiiaii n more mail once m iwicf. iii\
tilled their nidi-iH nt from to JI1.2. , for poor
to cholci- sheep and at liom $ : t to 34.2. , for
lambs. There were peatleilnK sales of fancy
quoted at tlluhtly lilKln-r IlKutcs than the above ,
but most of Uie .ilir.-p .sold beloiv $3.IT. , anil from
iX.'O lo $4.1. the bulk of the lamlir.
llecclpln : I'allle. .I.TiiW head : calves , 3,500 licnd ;
ho s. 2.i,0iw head ; sheep , 1I.H.H head.
The Hvcnlnc ; .loiirnnl repot Is :
CATTIjl2 Kecelpls. 4,5'i ) ) head ; market slow
nnd wenk ; no prime sleern here ; would make
tl.'JOIiri.M ; fair lo Hood , fl.JOtft.bU ; medium , $3.00
if 1.23 ; others , 3.1'Jii.1.M. (
lIOdK Kecelpls , 23.iui ( ) hend ; innrkot active nnd
HlroiiK but 10e lower ; rough , ll.7rii4.SO ; packers
and mixed. ti.Wfi.OTi ! | : prime heavy iinel butcher
welKhts. f.i.lift.1.15 ) ; nssorted llKhl. t'l-lOWS-U.
SHKKP AN1J I.AMI1.S liorclplt. 14,0'W ' head ;
market imrliniiKcU ; top uheep , t3.00i)3.M ; top
Iambs , H.0034.H3.
St. I.ouis Il\ < ; . .Sturc ) AInrkrt.
ST. I Ot'in. K < b. 2i ) . C'ATTM-J Hi-ccljits , 3,000
head ; shipments , 400 head ; market quiet with
prices nbout steady ; Tuxans were dull and slow ;
native steers. l.OOJ ( o 1.200 Ibs. , } 3.Uog3.GO ; stockers -
ers nml feedei-s , J2.plfl3.00 : cows nnd heifers ,
$2.2. , ; Toxus fed steers , one choice lot.1COO Ibs. ,
sold nt $ .1.70 ; othtrs , 1UW lo 1,200 Ibs. , $2.0003.15 ;
cows , JIMS.
1IO(1S Itecelpls , 11,200 head ; shliimenls. 800
head ; market active , lOe lower. A few wood llKht
nnd heavy sold at J..tO. tint the bulk of Rood IIOKS
\\ent at ir.oOi5.0i > : ; pigs , common light nml
much heavy nniKcd. $ l.2.Vr/1.00.
SHKKP Hecelpls , ISOD head ; shipments , none ;
market aollve ; demand uood ; prices lofil.'io
hlKher ; mil-ive mlMd , t3.20ti3.tlO ; fed Tcxans ,
J2.75JJ3.00 ; Texas lambs , $ l.ry.
KniKiiH < : lty l.lvc Stock Mnrkrt.
KANSAS ITPV , I'Vb. 20. - CATTMllecolptn. : .
7,000 bead : shlpni'iils. I.ilihl head ; maiket
opened weal : , slow and lower ; Texas steers , { 2.7. ,
3.25 ; shlpplni steers. S3.i)0ii. ) > .00 ; Texas and
native cows. $ lIOii.P. : ; stocKers nnd feeders ,
ji'.riOjis.r , . " , ; bulls ,
HOtiK \ head ; sldpmenls. SOO
hend : mniKi't .HilOe lower ; bulk. JI.SOJII.S3 ;
lii-axle" , pacl.eili and mixed. J4.7Mf4.lw ; llghls ,
Yoikorn nnd IIKS ! , J4.irift I.S.'i.
HHI-'liP Iteceiiils , 3.4'IO ' head ; uhlpments , 100
head ; nmrket blow and lower.
SIu-i.v City l.lvr Slock AlnrUet.
SIOUX CITY. I'Vl ) . 20. MIX'S llecelpts , 1,400
head ; yesterday , ITS head- ; shipments , none ;
market HWM.V lower at H.K'jfM.H'i ' ; bulk. J4.S5.
( "ATTU'J-ltecHpts. 4W head ; yesterday , 123
head ; Hlilpmcnis , none : market steady ; feeders ,
S2.4-i93.lS : v.-ii'llUBS , > 2.2.i2.W | ; cows , Jl.23if3.25 ;
bulls , $1.504(2.40. (
Slock III ftlclit *
The following life lliorecclplB at iho four prin
cipal ellli-HTiU'Hdiiy , Fobruniv I'll :
South Omaha It.rilfi
CIllcilRO -t. ( IK
KnimaB Cliy 7Oll ( )
Total IH.013 00,080 lO.O''S
j.v.i'iiti'iinnt Strong Killed nnil Seven Other
American SoldlcrHVoiiiiilril. .
Js'BW YOKK , Kcb. 20. Mr. Jiniica A.
Hankln , uKcnt for the Cnntrul line of
steamers , who arrived from Nicaragua on
the .Miranda , gave to n reporter of the As
sociated press the following account ot a
recent battle between the Nlcarafjuans ami
Hondiirnns :
"On January 27 n lively battle occurred at
Capo Cracols , on the Hlver Wanko , which
divides the two countries , between the
troops of IIonduniH nnd XlcuniKiia. AIIIOIIK
the killed was nn American lieutenant ,
George Strong , who wan n very dashing and
brilliant Boldlcr. Strong In ISS'J nnd IS'M
was a bugler In Iho .Seventh regiment ,
United States cavnlry , nnd participated In
the famous "Wounded Kneo" light ngninst
the Sioux Indians. Seven Americans were
wounded. Their names are : .Major J. W.
Wright , Captain Albert Wohdo , O. 0. ( irimn ,
C. I.owls , C. Ilnneun , J. .McCllntlo and
( Scrirs. ) Palmer. A number of the other
troops on both sides weio killed. "
Ono word describes It , "perfection. " Wo re
fer to DiuWitt's Witch llazol Salvo , cures
piles ,
TrciiMir.v ( 'null Itiilnnco.
WASIHNOTON , Feb. 20. The available
ca h balance In the treahilry today Is 1139-
1)2II9 ! ) : ; national bunk notes received for re
demption , $227f > 0.'i. Ouvi-rniuont * rcrelpts :
Internal icivcniie , flll.lIGJ ; cuxtoms ,
miscellaneous , $22 , 20.
'V - -
V M-
> HELIEVESPnOMPTLYtnd .v t & *
Promiscuous nud Deadly Pistol Pmcticd
Among Some Had Mem -
Sequel to the ruinous I'nrt llcnil fruit In ,
Which limorrul Men mill Women
uiiil a lliili.v-ln-Ariii > i l.oso
Tlii'hl.UeM. .
HOUSTON' , To.v. , I'Yb. ' 20. At n late hour
last night there was committed In the ( iramt
Central depot one of the most horrlhlu
crimes In the history of Texas. Jim
Mitchell of Richmond , a man long known an
n desperate character , shot lo deatli nt least
four or llvo persons , Including ono Hi'Io
child. The crowd became panic sirifkon
and many were badly hurt In thn rrmii
getting out of the station. Mitchell et inicil
his revolver and with each shot some ono
The tragedy was n sequel of the famous
Kort llend feud , known as thn .tnvbird-
Woodpccker quarrel. James H. Mllrlipil. the
quadruple murderer , has been a central llg-
iiro In that affair. Milton Sparks and I > f.
Sutton , constable of Ragle Luke , were in t > o
city us attached witnesses In the Port Ur > , < l
feud murder case , nnd Mrs. Sparks nccnm-
pnnlcd her husband. This engendered 1-nl
blood , and last night Mitchell , who was aim
ing for his father and brother from Iti l > -
mend , espied Sutton. lie opened tire. \\li U
was promptly returned. Sutton falling ufr
firing a second shot.
Mitchell kept up his murderous fus'l > lo
until ho had llred six shots. The result , : i
that In addition to Button being Kill , l Mil
ton Sparks wi's shot to death ami Dan ( i
son , an omnibus driver , also lies dead M'-s. '
Sparks , wife of the mur.lered man. was lm > ly
wounded , and the child she was carr\i t ;
wan klllcJ. A brother
of Sparks was in T
tally wounded nnd .Mrs. McDowell , an c f
lady , received one of the bils nn < l ( > r
chances of recovery arc sMm.
Mitchell nald to a reporter after his arr. .
"I shot Sutton for Interfering In my fun iy
affairs and I hope to hull I killed htm \ \ o
had n previous dlllleulty and he hem mo
word that ho would kill me. I was lu-r" 10
meet my brother. I am an nttndni | -
ness and I bellovo I was simply'iinl
to get mo hero to 1:1" : me , as 1 was n > itifloil
that Stitlon and a crowd of six or elgM hud
formed n plot to Mil me. I had no griev
ance against the Sparks. I shot to lull
Sutton and Sutton to kill me. When I
saw him ho had his hand on his pistol , an.I
I said to him wo will just settle our troublu
right hero. We then' went to shooting ills
shots passed my head. Those killed baric
of me , Sutton killed. I killed those near
him. I am glad I killed him as he InU-r-
fcred In my family affairs. "
It Is pretty evident that Sutton killed
Gleason , whllo Mitchell killed Sutton , Mil
ton Sparks and the baby , mortally wounded
Sparks' brother nnd shot Mrs. McDowell
The news of the awful tragedy soon bpread
over the city and great excitement prruiiled.
Threats of lynching were soon heard on
every side nnd extra olllcers were placed on
duty at once.
AM/.V.I.V/J TIIi : ruin.icSCHOOLS.
Action of thn Archlilhlinp Which HUH ICi-
flleil tli < < Ciillinllrs. (
LOUISVILLE. Feb. 20. Archblahon Knit ,
has created a sensation among Catliollcj
a letter to. the clergy' wherein he expresses
the desire that Catholics' children who nt-
tend public schools bo prepared for their
first communion by their parish priests. Fop
years , It Is asserted , some of the clergy Imvo
used coercive measures to force Cathollo
children out of the public schools Into the
parish schools. The most potent means waa
to refuse to Instruct the children for their
first communion unless they went to the
parochial schnnl for two years. Jinny par
ents succumbed to this religions ostracism
and took their children from the publla
schools. If they persisted In sending their
children to the free Institutions of learning
they either did not have to make their first
communion or they cent them for Instruction
In another parish , where the priests had no
parochial schools and therefore were not
opposed to the public schools.
When In want of a good liniment buy Sal
vation oil , which costs only 25 cents.
AII IiiKcnlotiH Frnmliili'iit Tlchi-t ,
CINCINNATI , Keb. 20. An Insenloua
fraudulent ticket has beun ticketed by ,
George do Ilavon , general passenger agent
of the Detroit , Lansing & Northern railway ,
whoso circulars describing It liavo been sent
to all passenger agents. The tickets were
printed for nnd delivered to n Columbus
broker. They nro on bright yellow glazed
surface paper and but ono coupon. Ono
thousand were delivered for scalping pur
poses between Columbus and largo coniincr * . ,
clal centers. The tickets would bo maila'
to read to some point beyond the destin
ation of the pascngcr , and the holder fur
nished with n rebate order which , upon
presentation and surrender of the ticket
to the broker nt the Intermediate point ,
would bo honored for the stipulated amount.
The ticket being to n point beyond the
passenger's destination would simply bo
punched and left with thu passenger. On
return to the Is-iiilng broker thn ticket would
bo destroyed , thus wiping out all evidence ot
Its having been used for passage.
DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures ulcora.
UeWltt's Witch Hanoi Salvo cures piles.
Holding Ili'lil for Konji'ry ,
DENV1311 , Keb. 20. Robert S. Holding lias
been arrested hero charged with uttering ;
and attempting to pass forged chock ; *
amounting to nearly $3,000. Ills family nro
prominent pcoplo In Terre Ilauto , Ind. ,
wlicro ho has n wlfo nnd two children. A
brother Is n popular minister In Toledo , 0 , ,
nnd his sister Is the wife of Itev. Gcorgo M.
Jeffrey of 1'rovo , If. T.
It Cures Col it CoucM Sore Throit Croup , Influ.
nil , Whcopln ? Caucti. Bronch , ' ) * and asthma ,
A certain euro for C jniuntpt.un m fint Btaeet ,
and mure reh fin advanced iluges. Ueo at once ,
You will tea the nc'Uniteffect aftsr takinj tlia
firatcMe , Sold by dealers ererywhero. Largp
bottlti f,0' nlnnn3 el "n
CriMlilent nl
( 'HIIHII iiiilon I'rne.
In iiiidiii'in H.1 1 In iho treat
ment uf all
Chroiiio , Pi'lvato an I
Noi-v IIH "iHd'ixo * . Writu
Ssjteda ffuflKuWl1yWm'1 , , - . f ;
Wial ? AdS\v-Ktr \ ; : ftr-'fer. IW J
lli-nlurn. wiiluh wllltii Mill 11 nlui i iwvnljii " * W
1' O. lluxOli U.UJJ lid S. IJlU .11. , vJJitiu , Nuu. f