ITITTM 8 THE OMAirA DAIL'V 1EE ? ; WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 21. 1891. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Ordinance P&fsed Designating Jefferson Square as Site for Market House. ANOTHER APPOINTMENT KNOCKED OUT ( ' ( linn II Horn Not \Viint tli ) Ic Smith fur JlnlldhiR Innprrtiir I'lrn Limit * Or- illmiiirn Coimlilprnltly Mollified Central I.nbor Union' * I'rntcst. The market hotico Is to bo creeled on Jefferson square , for the council last even ing passed the ordinance designating It n site for that purpose. Hnscnll renewed his opposition to It nnd Indulged In n lengthy harangue as to the alleged legal obstacles , but the ordinance was passed by the following vote : Ayes Ilechcl , Urunor , Durkley , Calm , nisasaer , Holmes , Jacobscn , McAndrcws , Saunders , Fppcht , Thomas , Mr. I'rc-tlilt > nt 1L . Nays- liar k , Hascall .Lenily , I'arkor I. The major vetoed a portion of the repair bill of the IJarbcr Asphalt company because U was nought to pay It from the general fund , when there was still Biilllclent In the curbing , clearing and guttoilng fund .The xeto wis sustained. Comptroller Olson presented a letter from the Hoard of Public Works refusing to en- dorno the bill of Mr. Woodburn , former assistant secretary of the board , for $1GO for hen Ices from November 20 , 1S 3 , to January 20 , 18ai , for the reason that Mr.Voodbiirn performed no services during the time men tioned. The matter was referred to the committee on Judiciary. The claim of the Uirbcr Asplnlt company , amounting to $ lfi,000. allowed In 1S)2 ! ) , was leferrcd to the committee on finance The lotlcr of D. Clem Deaver of the Cen tral Labor union's committee on legislation , protesting njMlnst the pending ordinance abolishing the olllce of cltj cleUrldan , was placed on flic. A resolution granting the use of the coun cil chamber to the Omaha Medical associa tion for a meeting on Match 10 was re jected. Mr. HnscalPs resolution , that no bonds bo Issued until the legality of the bonds bo Eettlid , was laid on the table. DICK SMITH TUHNKD DOWN. The committee on Judiciary reported ad- vorpcly upon the appointment of Hlchard Smith as building inspector. The \oto then came upon th > ) confirmation of Mr. Smith , v ho was turned down by the following \ote- Ayes Hack , Ilechcl , Illsasser , Jacobsen , Samulers , Spccht and Thomas , 7 ; najs Uruner , Hurkley , Calm. Hnscall , Holmes , Lenity , Parker , McAudiews , llowell , n. The ordinance making it a misdemeanor for anybody under 10 jcars of age to bo found on the streets after 9 o'clock nt night was killed by an adverse report from the committee on police. The request from the Hoard of Health for nn ambulance was placed on file , the com mittee on pollco reporting that the funds wore too low to wairant the expense. The recommendation of the committee on printing to print G.OOO bound copies of the city engineer's report for distribution by the Commercial club was Knocked out by a vote of 7 to 9. The committee on viaducts and railways reported that It was advisable to have n \lnduct built over the Holt line sewer sys tem extended and other matters of public Im provements attended to before tiylng to Bocuro nn extension of the Leavcnwoith car line , nnd the petition to that end went to the IllcTho The clnlm of the Dnrbor Asphalt company , nmonnting to $7.12853 , was ordered Inserted In the appropriation ordinance to bo paid In acordanco with the recommendation or the tmayor , nnd on motion of Hascall the claim of Architect Belndorff for balance duo for pipfesslonal services \vna also ordered In serted In the ordinance. Hascall secured the amending of the pend ing fire limits otdlnanco by cutting out the tenltory bounded by the Union Pacific biidga nnd right of way , Sixth street , Pierce street and the river. Klsasser then secured the passage of an other amendment cutting out the territory bounded by Pierce , Eighteenth , Twenty- fourth and u line 132 feet south ot Leaven- worth. This was opposed by Haacall , and when the amendment carried ho declared that It would Invalidate the whole ordinance nnd moved that it be recommitted to the committee on Judiciary. It was so ordered. OUDINANCCS DISPOSED OF. The following ordinances were read a first nnd second tlmo-tfiid icferrcd or laid over under the rules. To repeal the ordinance ordoilng the open ing of Twenty-Fourth street from ( . 'ass to Cumlng street ; to open Ilmdctto from Twentieth to Twenty-llrst ; to open Locust from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth ; to open Thirty-seventh fiom Ames n > cnuo to Spraguc ; to open Thirteenth from the center line of nectlon 1C to Ohio street ; to open Seven teenth from Castcllar to Vlnton ; to open Phelps from Thirteenth to Fourteenth ; to open Sprague from Tlilrtjlth to Porty- hecond ; to open Twenty-sixth south from Hickory ; to open Thlity-clghlh und Thirty-ninth fimn Iloyd to Spraguc ; to open Twenty-seventh nvenue from Hutdctto to the north line of Litey's sub ; to open Newton , from Davenport's sub. to Thirtieth ; to open Tort , from Tweiityfourth to the north boulevard ; to widen the alloy between Leavenworth nnd Marey from Thirty-first to Thirty-second ; to open nn nlley between Jones and Leavenworth from Twenty-second to Twenty-fourth ; to open nnd extend Thirty-sixth street fiom Center to the south city limits , lo grade the alley between Maple nnd Cot by from Thirty- second to Thlity-thlid. The following ordinances were read a third tlmo nnd passed Widening Tvvenly- ilftli street from Cumlng to Indiana ave nue ; creating Bower district No. 198 In Millard - lard 1'Iaco ; changing giado ot Thlilj-ninth street from Grand to Fowler avenue ; desig nating Jefferson Miunrc as a nlto for n mar ket house : to grade nlley between Hurt and Cumlng from Thlity-fliBt to Thlrtj-third Btrcet ; to repavo South Tenth sticet from MnfcOii to Williams ; to change giado of Hickory street from Second In SKlh street ; regulating the dumping of ashes Insldo the llio limits. o In Olden lluux , People overlooked the Importance of perma nent bonollclal effects nnd were satisfied with transient action ; but now that it IH generally known that Sjrup of Figs will permanently cuio habitual constipation , well Informed people wilt bu > no other laxatives , which act for a tlmo , but dually injure the system. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. Cltlns Deelde tlmt Onchtlon of tlio fit } ' . , ( Iu s hluill Ho 'lehlt'd. At the mass meeting held last night to discuss municipal affairs the question of the city's class was thoroughly talked over. A motion by Mr Johnston that a committee of thrco bo appointed to devise the best method ot bringing the subject Into the * courts was carried , and C. M. Hunt , IM T. Johnson and i : 0. Lane were made members of the com mittee. Mr. Johnston made n speech seeking to show by figures that the present adminis tration had been reckless In expenditures. Ho nlso arRiiud that If Qxponsi'a Keep up nt their present I'ato there would be nn ovei- lap by AURiist 1 of $10.Uf > : . 40. A special committee iccnmmended that the offices of Htieot commissioner , deputy city clerk nnd deputy city trcasjrer be nbollshtxl , tlmt the llromon be compelled to remove their own garbage , that the pollco foico bo i educed to ton men nnd the elty stop pac ing olllce rout nnd typewriter hire for the city attorney. lli'K I'linlon , Tor Intermitting > ou , but jou may possibly bo going If so , there urn u couple of trains you should really bom In mind. uro "Northwestern Lino" Noj. ti nnd 1 , leaving Union depot dully at 4 Ofi uml t ; ; ; o p m.t respectively , arriving In Chicago at S.15 and 9:30 : next morning. City ticket oiilco , No. 1101 rarnam nircat _ -c- ' ' UUltop AYortlilnstoii' * III lira * , lllshop Worthlnijtoii has been confined to bU room ( nr several days by Illness rnd lias been compelled to break several engage- rnonts oiv that account. Last night Dlstinp Hare of South Dakota arrived In the city and will bo the guest of Hlshop Worthing- ton. This afternoon Hlshop Hare will ad dress the Women's Auxiliary at 3 o'clock In the cathedral. On Thursday ho will conduct Quiet Day services for the women of the dioceses In the cathedral , commencing with the Holy Communion at 10 n , in. lOc nnd n coupon cul from Sunday's World- 'Herald will get 1C large nnd beautiful pho- totogrnpha of famous paintings. IIAYItn.N IlltO.S. 1'riilti and PUli , Wo will sell California oranges for 7',4c per dozen ; fancy lemons , 17$4c $ per dozen. Don't forget where you can buy fish the cheapest. Wo hnvo Norway herring for Ic each ; cod'flsh , 2' ' , c ; II tin an hnddlcs , lOc per pound ; white fish , lOc ; salmon , lOc ; mack erel , "lie , lOc , 12'/4c ; anchovies , 7 c per pound. HAYDCN IHIOS. , Fruits and fish. World's fair souvenir coins of 1893 for sale at Chase & Uddy's , 151S Farnam street , Umalia. rintovtitiHO.V it.iits. Pottollltc lEitlitirr A , II. Tn-advtrll Kscnpes from tfull lit Ihnpnrln. HMPOIHA , Kan. , Feb. 20. A. H. Tread- well , the man who attempted to rob the I2m- porla postofiico last Juno nnd who was tried In the district court , romlclod , sentenced and taken to the penitentiary , and afterward , by order of the supreme com t , returned to the Jail at this place until the appeal for n new trial could be heard , broke Jail last night by sawing through live Iron bais. No trace has been discovered of his whereabouts. It Is supposed that he had outside assistance to make his crcapc. Mmlp u Nnvol I'nrapo. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 20. Details have reached hero of the escape from the Chester , III. , prison of Joseph S. Hnrdln , the Ccntralla , III. , train robber , sent up for twenty years. It seems that Hnrdln , from the time ho stepped into the penitentiary at Chester , began to cultivate friendship with the trusty convicts who were employed as cart drlveis. Ho became a fast friend of one of these , nnd yesterday the cart driver permitted him to jump Into the vehicle and , lying down on the bottom of the bed , the tiusty driver loaded the cart with clay , completely coverIng - Ing the form of the train robber. When the cart was loaded the trusty drove out of the gates of the penitentiary and , arriving at the river bank , where n dump had been estab lished for the purpose of strengthening the lovce , Hnrdln was dumped with the clay down the embankment nnd into the river , and it Is thought that by prearraiipoinent there was a skiff near at hand into which ho Jumped and was rowed beyond the reach and sight of the authorities. < Hcr | > < meird tliu ( iimril. LOCKIIAKT , Tex. , Feb. 20. The prisoners In the county Jail oveipowered the guard last night , took the keys from him nnd all escaped except ono , a Mexican condemned to hang for wlfo murder. Ten men In nil are at large. A sheriff's posse with dogs are scouting the country for the convicts. roil uu.M\fcuti'.iiay. fU' Wnrnrr dithering Ammunition with NliUh tci lloglii the right. DHNVKU , Feb. 20. General A. J. Wnrner of Ohio , president of the Bimetallic league , arrived In this city this morning. Ho said tonight ho was not prepared to discuss the purpose of his visit In detail , but that he was gatheiing ammunition for the fieo coln- ngo fight. "The National Hlmetalllo league , " said the general , "will take un uctlvo pait In the next campaign , and It is our hope to send a free silver majority to the next congress. The fact that' ' the repeal qf the Shei man law- did not bring better times has opened the eyes of the people In the east on the financial question. The bond issue will help matters only in n slight degree , nnd tlmt temporarily. The tnrlff issue will no doubt play an Im portant part In the coming campaign , but the silver * question need not nndwllI not stand aside for It. " General Warner will go to Chicago from here. M1WCK riWM JlKlllXl ) . Mf > tvitnv4 Mnrdor of n Mulnu I.iiMjer WhlliKrudliiK in Ills I'.irlor. HANGOU , Mo. , Feb. 20. A mysterious case of attempted minder has come to light nt Frankfort , fifteen miles from here. T. Parker Treat , n well known lawyer of the town , lives with his Bister , Mrs Laura Treat , and her daughter Bertha , n deaf and dumb glil. Satmday night , while leading In the sitting room , some ono dealt him several blows , felling him to the floor. His Bister , who was In another part of the house , heaul the blows and lushed to the room , vhero ho lay on the floor , unconscious nnd bleeding fiom nine seilmts wounds on his head. The blows uppcar to ha\e been dealt with a hatchet. No ono could be found In the vi cinity. Suspicion rests on the daughter Hertha , although no icason for such an at tack tan bo aseilbeil. Tallied with tlie Commission. CIinCOTAH , I. T. , Feb. 20. The D.iwes commission mot the rcpiesentutlvcs of the five clvlll/ed tribes again today nnd pro pounded to them the questions of stntehood and lands In tev orally. The pievalllng sentiment of the delegates seemed to be that the sacred obligations made to them In treaty by the United States should bo observed and the land tenure- remain Intnet , while , on the othci hand , the commission sa > .s that this would result In annlhlla- ntlon or nbsniptlon. The commission stated to the delegates that the state of affairs that exists In the territory at present could not continue. Hi' MHH IVniillissiiiid Out of Work. ST. JOS12P1I. Fob. 20. The body of the man who committed suicide in this city Sat urday night was Identified today by Mrs Mary Koeddliig of Chicago , who said It was that of her husband , George Kooddlng. Koeddlng was n Gorman printer nnd two weeks ngo borrowed $50 from the Germnn printer's union ot that city and started out to look for work. Ho had been out of employment for four months , nnd being nimble to get work hero , blow his bialns out nftei his last cent hud been spent. L. A Moshcr of Lincoln vvns at the Mlllard yesterday. J. M. Grinith of Wahoo was a Mlllard guest ycstcrda > . C. C. McNIsh of Wlsnei registered at the Mlllard yesterday. N W. WcllH ot Schuyler registered at the Paxton yestei day. P. O. Hcdlund of lloldrego was nn Aicado guest last ocuing. . C. H. Gilnncll ot Sheridan , W > o , was n Paxton gutst last ovenlni ; . Charles P. Luce and C. A. Bolter , Logan la. , vvcro nt the Mlllnrd last evening. Building Inspector Tllley returned jester- da ) morning fiom a ton dnya' trip to Hoiton where ho attended tlio annual convention of the National Association of Building Inspee- The following NMnmkans vvero at the liolols last evening L 1) ) . Llo > d. Gothen burg ; A Holzmark. GjthonbiirK ; Z T Lnftwlok St. Paul ; llarrj C Smith , Falls City ; C D Brown. Pnpllllon W. U Hutchinson - inson , llioken Bow ; J. T. Kcnyon. McCoak M. L. Plerco nnd wife. Supsilor , J. M. Casej and J. C. White , Lincoln , U. and A. n. Cad- walladcr. Kearney ; F. H Marncll , Ne braska City ; S. J. mils. Woo4Ullo ; 13. D. Brown , NuUoti- . M CraU , Kiainc ) ; T. P. Iluriu. < hllvor Creek ; 11. W. Dick- liiHon. Broken How JatiiPH J. Lynch. Pan- der.O U Hera. IJU'r , H. Cufrm. H nk'omtn , W. AVolfi - and wife , Hoatrlc ; W. U Povv ll , Indlun i'ii ' ; ( ! A. llaiiiou. Harding- A ! ) . UcUrrvv. Illun Hill j [ . v. Henzy tinl PianV Cojd.i , HovvolU : Fred KlmmMtiun Button : J M Santon and H W Pink L'n- coln. Juhn II Curry I'nadllla , Chniles p S. hnelder H > rncuc < \ Dr J 0 Will } Co lumbus , M. L Stewart , Madison. 1 , U Ccssno , Hastltuja ; Q , Doll , Crete , BOSTON STORK WILL DO IT Offer tbo Greatest Bargains and Draw the Biggest Orowtls Ever Drawn in Omaha , YARD WIDE BLEACHED MUSLIN 1C New Spring I.rut in le llent Cnrtiiln Hrilin Ic HcHt DreM Cullcot lo 'Jflo lllitck b.iti-rn fie I.iulles' llriii < ttlirlicil Colored Ilorder Hiindk'fi ) Ic , BLn/\CT'iD MUSLIN , 1C A YAIID. 10 cases of yard-wldo bleached muslins , In mill remnants , all go at Ic a yard. NK\V PllLNTRD LAWNS , 1C A YARD. C cases of new American lawns , In fancy printed patterns , go at Ic a yaid. 15C SILKALINC Itn.MNANTS. 21&C. The newest nnd most elegant lot of Bllkn- llno art drapery remnants go at 2 lie n yard. unsT Ditnss CALICOS. 2'AC A YARD. G cases of fine dress calicos , Turkey red calicos and Indigo blue calicos , go at 2c a vnrd. HKST CURTAIN SCRIM , 1C A YARD. G cases of elegant lace curtain scrim , new goods and new designs , n yard. $2 GO WOOL BLANKETS , 9SC. G cases of elegant white fleece wool blankets , full Biro , sound nnd perfect , go tomorrow nt BSo n pnlr. GC nMHROIDIJRY 1C A YARD. All the narrow Hamburg edging and em broidery that usually sells at Go , go nt Ic n yard. IOC nJIHROlDCRY FOR 3C. All the medium width embroidery In strips from 1 to ! ' / > yards , go at 3c n ynrd. IGC n.MBROIDHRY FOR GC. The highest grade and newest designs of fine embroidery , that usually sells for luc go at Go n yard. 200 RMUROIDHRY FOR 7''jC. Finest embroidery over turned from a St. Gall loom , In widths fiom " to I Inches , go at "lie a yard. 2GC EMBROIDERY FOR IOC. The widest and finest embroideries in this Immense purchase nil go In one lot nt lOc yard. 23C WHITE GOODS FOR GC. 800 pieces of now plain white goods , In cluding India linens , plain lawns , nainsooks , etc. , worth up to 2Sc , go at Go ynid. Bo on blind tomorrow of all days ; tomor row's the greatest sale day of ths ycir. Bos ton Store is offering the most tremendous bargains In new dress goods , new silks , new underwear , new everjthini ; . No such pi Ices as will be seen tomorrow were over shown before. $7 DO BLANKETS FOR J2.50. All the finest grades of silver gray fleece wool , white , medicated golden brown and all the high grade blankets that sold for $7. GO go at $1 50. 25C BLACK SATEENS GC A YARD. The finest grade of strictly now fast blnek Imported sateens , plain and brocaded , worth fully 23c , go at Gc a jard.BOSTON BOSTON STORE , N. W. cor. IGth and Dodges streets. . i A'JV. o u.IM : i\ A. Both Frederick Wnrdo nnd Louis James , who will be nt Uojd's on February 21 , 22 , 23 and 21 , are widely and favorably Known In the dramatic world. Each has made an enviable reputation ns the head of n com pany , nnd In his respective line of work c. hardly bo equaled. There w 111 bo much In terest manifested in their combined appear ances , especially as the > have with them n remaikably strong company and elaborate scenery. The repertory has been arranged as follows : Wednesday night and Thurs day matinee , "Tho Lion's Mouth , " a lomnn- tic play by Henry Guy Carleton ; Thursday night and Saturday matinee , "Francesca du Rimini , " with Mr. James In his great char acter of Pepe , the Jester , and Mr. Waidc In the Into Lawrence Barrett's old role of Lanclotto ; Friday night , "Othello , " nnd Sat urday night , "Julius Caesar. " All the scenery for each piece is carried by the organisation. The supporting company numbers thirty pee ple. Boyd's theater will bo occupied four nights , beginning next Sunday , by the successful naval drama , "Tho Ensign. " The play scored n veritable triumph hero last season and will doubtless be warmly welcomed back. Its historical features are deeply Interesting and the skillful blending of familiar char acters In our history with a pretty romance ot the civil war period render the pioductlon doubly meritorious. The vast equipment of scenery seems almost extravagant , but of course makes the pioductlon additionally praiseworthy , nnd doubtless the engagement in this city will pro\o ono of the season's events. The better class of theater goers are now showing a lively and Intelligent Interest in that form ot enteitainment known ns the " \arlety show , " nnd a closer ni.n."alntanco with Its merits will glvo It a still gi cater popularity with them. There has never been any question as to the enteitulnlng quali ties or the genuine artistic skill that Is so often tthown In It , but Its surroundings have not heretofore been agieeablo to the fastidi ous amusement seeker. Now that It conies to the best theaters nnd modifies Its per formance to meet the desltes of their clients. that unpleasant feature of the \.ulety show need not bo learned. Tbo new Hovvaid Atlicncum company will open their lolurn engagement at the fifteenth Street theater for four nights and Wednesday matinee , commencing wjth Sunday matinee , Feb ruary 23 , Crowded houses are the rule nt the Fif teenth Street theater this week , where tlio famous Bros. Hirno are presenting their great success , "Eight Bella. " This well known comedy Is presented this season In better form thnn ever before. The supportIng - Ing company is stiong In ovoiy particular and the specialties Introduced are ono of its fcatuics. The revolving chip scene sets the house laughing at evciy perfoimance. The brothers , Janes , Matt and Andrew , nro ably assisted by Hen T. Dillon , who , as Dan Mc- Goz/le , does a piece of character acting that Is nitlstlc In every sense. Otheis of the com- pnny add greatly to the peifurmanco , vvhlth Is complete In every dotnll. Mntlnees will bo given today , nlso tomorrow , Washington's birthday. Prices nt mntlnecs nro 25 cents nil ovei the house. The Woman's Christian association has engaged Mr. Charles P. Catlln , seciotary of the Wostein Art association , to glvo his Illustrated and descriptive lecture upon the "Beauties and Wonders of the World's Fair , " at the First Baptist church , corner of Fifteenth nnd Da\cnpoit streets , nt n speclnl matinee on Washington's birthday at 2 30 o'clock , for the put pone of inlsing money to meet Immediate pressing di'iii'inds In their woik. This special matlnco has been nrrangcd on the request ot several teachers in the public schools , in order that their pupils might have nn opportunity of enjoying and piofltlug by these magnificent Views , which will convey to them n dealer and moi o perfect Idea ot the beauty and grandeur of the great exposition than they can possibly receive In any other manner , nnd Is equally Interesting to both old and young- _ Several ot the friends of Miss Malda Cralgen and Mr Paiildlng have arranged to go to Council Bluffs this evening to attend their performance at Dohany'x opera house Both Miss Grnlgcn and Mr. Pnuldlng vvcro received with favor during their recent en gagement In this city , and the prediction was freely made that these nuw stars Imd a bright future before them If they could only hold out till the piescnt business de pression lifted somewhat. t u I.Ut 1181-x , The following marriage licenses were Is sued jealerduy : Nnmo nnd Address , Ago. Ernciit M. Sovetlne. Omnlm . 27 Sola Yonnh'liecT , Omaha . 21 M Hammond , Omiiliu . 27 Minnie Uurwcll . 15 Fred Molilerw , Omaha . , . ! fi Augusta CurUon , Omulm . . . . . .21 i\iuene : llonnnmn , . , . Sli Emma Wolilere , Omaha. , . 20 Oeoige Plambcc't. jr. , MHIatd , Nab. . . . . . . 2fi Anna Hehum Cirrtim , Neb . 31 H 11 Vann > lo , IVfdotila. Ii . . > Annlo U H'nllli , inruha Li ) William I * White , Denver. Cole . . . .21 Molllc Swansea , Fremont , Neb , , . 18 rirrSnto of Clntlilntr. The reserved > itock kept In the basement la now on sale. The Insurance companies paid IIB heavy 'Uamngcs on this stock and the public now , gets the benefit. Men's bleached muslin' drawers , inc. Lined hog- skin gloves , worth $1.00 , for 25c. Over coats with fur collars and cuffs , $1.75. Boys' overcoats , GOc , Past blue polkn dot shirts , 2Dc. Duck ulsters , formerly * 3.GO , now $1.25. Short coatB , C9ci Leather coats-go at $1.GO. Leather pantB , nsod to bo $4.C > 0 , they gn at $1.GO. Leather vests , 98c , Blanket Ifiicd duck pants noiv 7Gc. Scotch raps , Sic. Choice of all cops , worth up to $1.00 , 19c. Long pant boys' suits , $1.50. Men's strong clastic web suppenders , Gc. Turkey red handkerchiefs , 21x24 , 2c each. Extra largo vests , sizes < ! , 48 and GO , go at 7Gc hero IB n chance for the heavyweights. $2.DO fur caps to close 7Gc. Real line rashmero half- hose , former price 3Gc , now 15c. Gray half- hose , 3c a pair. Fine dress shoes , 98c n pair. Heavy weight underwear , Oc. Strong neat nnd durable working shirts , IDc. Over- coals for less than the lining Is worth. ' GOc. Bojs' clothing Boys' waists nt IGc , worth ing way down. Wo still have n few ot those $2.00 stiff hats , they got soaking wet , at 2Gc. Bo sure you ore In the right place , first locate corner 16th and Douglas , where the old Boston Store used to be , and you will nnd us straight opposite the ruins , where the big red sign standB on the sidewalk , reading OLOBE FIRE SALE. P. S. Wednesday morning from 8 to R 30 wo will sell boys' knee pants for Gc a pair , one to n customer , none sold before 8 o'clock , none sold nttcr S.0. : IMPORTANT POINT INVOLVED Trst Casr to Ho Miulc of n Suit IViilniit I IIIII Property Ovinor * . As early ns the summer of 1SS9 the resi dents of Walnut Hill conceived the Idea that they wanted the streets In front of their property grnded , and In July , 1800 , S. D. Mercer nnd others petitioned the city coun cil , asking that nine streets be brought to an established grade the work to bo per formed under the threc-llfths clause of the city charter and without cost to the city. A few weeks Inter the final ordinance was passed and In December of that year the con tract was awarded to KaU & Callahan at the rate of 11 % cents per cubic yard. The next yenr the woik was completed and the coun cil passed upon the final estimates from the oiilco of the Hoard of Public Works , aggre gating the sum of $21),168. ) This tax was car ried to the books of the cltj ticasuror and nn nttempt was made to collect the taOn March 12 , 18)2 ! ) , and about the tlmo of the tax becoming delinquent , C. D. Hutehlnson and a number ot the other icsldcnls nnd prop erty owners In Walnut Hill Joined In n peti tion which was filed in the district court nsklng tlmt the city bo restrained from col lecting the tax , alleging that the city rhnnged the grade of the streelo without first securing the consent of the petitioners who originally signed for the grading. At the time a temporaiy restraining order was granted and the matter was hung up until now. In defending the suit the city contends that on the whole the proceedings were regular ; that the property owners all know of the change of grade and that the work was being performed under the terms ot the original ordinance ; that they sat back and watched the grading , kicking only when the grading was finished nml when they were nsked to pay for the tame , which was nothing but an honest debt , conn acted with their full knowledge and Consent City Attorney Connell In speaking of the matter stated that It was "Imply a case wheio some wealthy property owners had got permission to grade the streets in fiont of their property , and after the work vas performed they wanted to sneak out ot payment , leaving the city to hold the sack. 1'omil linnli TionliU4. When C. W. Davis of this city died , on Juno 1 , 1S87 , he was the owner of a large jlock of stock In the First National bank of Ponca , this state. That stock , like the bal ance of the property , went to the heirs and .ho legatees in the will. Some months ago : ho Ponca bnnk .falj d > and went Into the lands of Albert Watklns , who was appointed receiver. Not long ago the comptroller of the treasury of thn United States ordered an assessment of $100 per share upon nil of the stock of the bank. The result of this was the asking the heirs ot the Da\Is estate to contribute the sum of fi.OOO toward helping out the credltois of the sank. Yesterday the matter was called up : n the county court , where the iccelvsr npKed for the privilege of filing the claim. This was srauted ; , but It means a legal fight , ns the iicirs claim that the estate Is not liable to the creditors of the bank. The nltoineys will hear proof upon the subject and John Steel , G. W. Holbrook and J. H. Parrotto ia\e been appointed ns referees. Suit .Against n Clmi-eli. The Southwestern Presbyterian church , located at Twentieth and Leavenworth streets is enjoying the pastime of defending n suit in the district court , It hnvlng been made n party to the foreclosure of a mort gage. The petition was filed today and the allegation Is that on Fobiunry 19 , 1S'I2 , the trustees of the church borrowed from the 0. F. Davis fund the sum of $1,000 , to bo paid in annual installments of $100 each. Tills debt was guaiantecd by J. P. Thomas , but notwithstanding the fact that the first note became duo one year ngo , no portion of the hamo has been paid. In the petition the plaintiff nllegcB tlmt this mortgage which is now sought to bo forellosed Is subject to n moitgago for ? l,000 ! , mhleh Is past duo and unpaid , ( Sulltj of Illglmio ItoMiory , In the criminal rourt th s morning the Jury returned acrdlct finding George Ryan guilty of highway robbery , In this , that a tow days ago , while both men vcio stealing a ride on a freight train from Waterloo to this city , at the point of a revolver , Ryan nnd his pal foiced M. F. Low Is to hand over $7 which ho happened to have In his pocket lit the time. During the trial the fact came out that Ryan is an old criminal and tlmt but two weeks befoie the robbery ho was released from the Minnesota ponltentiniy , located at Slillwnter , where he had just completed a sevon-ycai term , after having been convicted of a cltaigo slmilai to the ono charged against him In this count } . I'lill .Stlmnii'l's CUHC. The celebrated case of William Deerlng of Chicago against Phil Stlmniel & Co. of this city , In which Dcorlng claims that Stlmmel owes him a largo sum ot money for binding twine sold two yeais ago and In which Stlm mel claims nn off-set , alleging that ho se cured the Alliance- trade lor Deerlng and that ho went back on that contract to fur nish harveatlng machines , has been con tinued until the May term of the district couit. Both skle.i have stipulated for the continuance. Wonline I.Hiul Involved , In the suit In the district court wherein J. W. Penfleld & Son has brouyht suit against the Daw son Town and Gas company to foreclose - close on n largo tract of land In Wjomlng. the defendant has filed Its answer admitting that It bought tha property. The defendant , however , alleges thit Instead of the piop- crty being worth $20,000 It Is worlji n great deal more than that sum , as much of the land is underlaid with coal and natural gas TnjlciH ICstilto Sullied. All of the matters connected with the estate of Robert Charles Taj lor wcio sullied yesterday and the administrator discharged. Taylor was ono Of the wealthy farmers of Jclfcrson precinct , and died In May , 1S91 , leaving a largo farm and a great amount of personal property. AT BOSTON STORE ONLY Suoh Bargains iu Dress Goods us You Never Before Henril Of , THEY ARE ALMOST GIVEN AWAY lrc ClnoiU I5o Vtiril-nOo Wool ( looiU Iflc Yiinl 7flo Irp H ( looilii JJBo YimlIti'im'inlirr tlio IloMon Storu Is now locntoil In the Hell Dcp't Store's old Rtaiul , ICith nnd loilio ; street * . 2BC WOOI , DltUSS GOODS GC. An Immctipo lot of elegant 3G-lnch nnvy bloo storm serge , ilresn llnnticl , olcRtuit ding- onals , brownies , \\lilpronls nml serges , In nil tloHlniltlo colors , worth tip toOc , go nl Co a yard.coc coc wooi , niuss GOODS IDC 2 cases oftOlncli elegant , new , strlrtly all wool novelty dress goods , n all colors , A\ortli fully fifle , go at IGc per yard , 7GC IMPORTED DIU3SS GOODS 25C An elegant line of now Imported ( Irons goods , all the latest no\eltles , satin boibers , etc , worth 75c , go nt 2 ! > c per yard. $1.25 SILK AND WOOI , DHHSS GOODS GOC On our front bargain square. Just as sou enter tlio door , \\P offer DOO pieces of the lat est nnd newest Imported dress goods , In all late Hliadcs of satin and voul cnects , go at BOc per yard. LADIES' IGC PAST m\PK IIOSH , 2 1-2C 2 cases ladles' black heavy cotton hose , 2 l-2c a pair. Children's nnd misses' heavy ribbed faat black hose , 3 l-2c a pair. Ladles' 25o seamless black hose , lOc a pair.Ladles' Ladles' Impelled seamless , stalnlrss , black regular made hose , lOc n pair ; uorth 25c. LADIES' 7GC HOSE , 25C. The highest grade of fast black , line gage and lisle tin cad hose , 25e n pair. XIKN'S COC UNDKUWnAU , IGC. All the men's underwear. In shirts or drawers , Jersey ribbed or flat goods , that sell icgtilnrly for GOc , go tomorrow nt IGe. All the llnest grades of men's uool tinder- wear , uoitli up to $1.25 , go atlOc. . Til 12 HOSTON STOnn. Now located at tlio corner of IGth and Dodge streets , tliaold "Iltll" store. lOc and a coupon cut from Sunday's World- Herald will get 10 largo and beautiful pho- totographs of famous paintings. Till ) I.HIM ! of Sunshine. This \\lnter all loads lead to Cnllfornti and , as usual , the route via Doiuer and Salt Lake City Is n prime favorite. I2\ery one knows how it's formed the Burlington from hcic to Demer and the "Scenic Lines" and the Southern Pacific from there on. Absolute comfort and a magnificent \ailoty of scenery are Its greatest attractions , but the featuic of low latcs Is not lost sight of The piescnt round trip rate Is $63 50. Tickets , berths , time tables and advertis ing matter at 1321 Tarnam street. W. F. VAILL , City Ticket Agent GIRLS PASSES BAD HONEY. Thought to lln Connected ultli n Counter , felting ( i.ini ; iinil U'ero l.oel.ed Up. In the past-two weeks the police lime had complaints that two glils were in the busi ness of passing counterfeit money and that they \\eio In some wa > connected with a gang which has been making It for n year or more , but v > heio It was located could not bo learned , nor has the plant as yet been unearthed. A woman named Green , who keeps a baKeiy at GIG Soath Thirteenth street , was the Immediate cause of the arrest of the girls. She has suffered a loss on several occasions by ha\lng counterfeit money passed on her nnd as far as she could learn It was the same party In each ca&o. She in some way learned that the young woman who passed the money 11 % ed near the shot tower and she notified the police. Nothing was done about the matter at the time , but last night the tame young women went to her place and puhrcased goods to the value of 15 cents and tendeied in payment $1. They received 85 cents In change and left. Mis. Green then notified the pollco nnd said she could Identify the paitlcs and that it was they who ll\ed near the shot tower. The pollco Nlslted the house Indicated by Mrs. Green nnd arrested Carrlo Hart on the cliargo of passing counterfeit money. The mother of Carilo was not going to submit to the arrest ot bcr daughter and showed fight. The girl was taken and locked up. She absolutely refused to talk l" > yond sat ing that the money was passed on her by some woman whom she did not know. After her arrest , Mi Harrison , who Keeps a clgnr store nt 702 South Thirteenth , said she was the one who went to his place very frequently , purchased 10 cents worth of tobacco , gave him a dollar In exchange and went out leiulng the tobacco on the counter This money was ulso found to bo counter- felt. felt.Cailie's Cailie's sister Minnie , who has been with her on several of the o\pcditlons , was not arrested as no one could bo found who could positively identify her. /.i 7 / / / ; roitr.c it , r.s. It Will Hi' Ccttcr.illy 1'nlr mill \\iit r In > flirnsUn Tint ij. WASHINGTON , Feb. 20. Foreca&ts for Wednesday : Tor Nebraska , South DaKota and Kansas Generally fair ; warmoiaiUi ; - blo winds. For lovia ralr ; wanner ; northwest Winds , bcGOinlng MtrMblc. For Missouri Fair , except probably snow In southeabt portion , north winds. l.oi at Itn ot it. OFFICKOPTIIR WnvTii"it HUII AC. OMAHA , Fob 'JO Omaha record of toiiipor.ittii'o anil ralnfalloompu-oU M 1th CQiTospj-iiUiis day of pant four years : „ „ , ,8na , ,3 , , , , 191 Mn\lmiiin totnperattiro 0 -j'J = JIHO : iic Minimum tempi-ramie. ( = ' | ( J = ' ; | 7 = .10- AicriL'o teniDui.ittiro . 1 = ; 31 = J'-J = no = I'lcolpltatlon . . . .07 .00 t I1 .07 Statement "ihowlmj tlio uoailitlon of torn- poratuioand pivcipltatlon at Onuilu for tlio day and smco Marcli 1 , Ib'JJ : Normal tcnipor.ittiio 20o DolIcliMtry fortUoclav | ' ' ' ' ' : ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 [ ncli i\cpssfur : lliocltiy. . .OHiicu llollcluneyjlncoJltuuh 1 ri.07 Incliu * Ki'porlH from Otlirp Hlntlons tit 8 I' . 31. "T" Ilclowzoto GKUHC.K i ; HUNT Local 1' Olllclal Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. - The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia , No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes AO Years the Standard- Chas. Shiverick & Co. PURNITURB. A complete assortment of all grades of furntturo , from the plainest to the most expensive , recently purchasocl at the reduced duced market prices. 1206-1208 Douglas St. tiENUINK WELT. ikU . .tlmiomiicrproor Itntbhwnlilnttliepricc. 35 , S4 and S3.5O Dross Shoo. - ' u mm < k , < uMui | < irom ; f6 latpS. Police Shoo , 3 Solos. Itvt Naikiii Mine mr m ulc. .50 , and $2 Shoos. l ieu.ilnil ; at the iiriic , jys S2 fit 31.75 School Shoes Art the lii t l < f hirvicc. LADIES' $3 , $2.50 $2 , SJ.75- " Jit t li > iiolit | , Stilish , 1'orfvit llttl'ttiiiMlhi > r\Iiriiljlc.lle8t ' t thn nurltl. All .Stvlrw. litHlNt upon Inn IIIK W. / / . JOIIIUH | MIIII-K. Nllllio anil pi Htniitpcd on bottom. Ilrodctou IGNATX NIIW.M.N. . 120 S mth 13th. ELIAS SVKNSOV , 1110 North 21th A. W. BOW.M VN ( . 'O , 117 North IGth. C. J. CAULSUN , 1218 North 24tf W. W. PJSIIKR , 2025 Lciuotuvorlh. F. A. CKKSSY , So. Omnlm DIRECT FROM THE TANK. i ! THAN V Hotter , fi'o Mearn. A > > rngtnecr. ItCS'l 1'OV , KU foi Corn and lied Mills , Haling llnj , Itiinnln " epiirittoii , t'l.-unierlos , iVo OTTO GASOLINE : Stationary or Portable. 1 to 5011.1' . 8 to JO 11.1' . Fond for CutnloKiip , 1'rlces , etc , ( ICfcriMnK work lo tic donn. Chicago , 24S Lalse St. OTTO GAS ENGiSME WORKS , Omaha , 107 S. 14th St. 33(1 & . Walnut Sis. , I'HILAUELIMIIA , 1'A. purrn "V * E .7'BrcntVi-Botnlilo ' aiSi - IStjillfe.'Wtef ESU U B % > iLi ! . < u9Viiitij7lrtli 3 ? < M > riMrl ] > - tlimof c fummwl'rpiica ] > lijfhlanuiil < | utkcmuMuinf ! ! nil m r- \ > m or < lls iisrs of tln > ! ; eti ( iLtui' orKiinti , Miili in J.uat Minilirioil , Jniiunla , I'HlialntlloIliwU.So 'iliinl 1 liilssliirn1Krr\oiiH Doblllt } , Waii'lf" . Vnlltaubs lo ll.irrj , J..tlmustuis ! Dralin. Vnrlcooelo antl CotiBtlpT Inn. taj - CL I'll ) lIMJclcsn-cs tlio liver , the kldneya and the urinary [ 3 BEFORE AND AFTER ore.m'iof aUlmimrillou. Ct I'lDljVJI ntron/tlionianil tcstoros nmall wo.i't onr.inn. Tlionison BiitTnn is are note mej by Doctoinis Iwutinxu ulno'vpTCcnt am troithloil with I'rootutltirt. rU'IDKN15 In lie ! only linovn ri'iin-ily to euro \\llliotit nn opet itlon fi.OOO ti-s- tlmonlile A wl'trntrii irantooirluin uml money retiune-l If blx bo\r < loj' ) not nfTcct a por- imnoiitcnro si no .iljox bis for * 5 ro bvmill Send for Irrnlnr nml tt'HtlinniiljlH AildroKS D.VVOf. 31 1 1 IH O IN 12 ( JO. , P. O. ISO < L'I7I ( ! S m JPr.iiidliico. C il. Tor Halu by Cooilmav 1)1 urf Co. . 1110 Tarnam St. , Omaha ; Camp Uros. . Council liluna. Iowa. "A BRIGHT HOME MAKES AMERR HEART. " JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH SEARLES SEARLES , SPECIALISTS rui\i : III.N < iu u Consult itiiin I run. AM ) Call on or nililirnillh stnmp for olrrtilata I'lLO bOul. , ILVtlplb lllltl Ulllitulll | Llunl.S. Dr , Searles antl Searles , ms ° " rirpt ptalivny eniilli of post offiic. ,7 Onmlm , fbruuUa. MAGNETICh h sold with urltlcn fjuarantoe to euro tlon , riia , Dlzzl- ncconriuliu ho mm , lb i . .mm ik - Erroroof Youth. HrhnstoVcnk Orinns tlnlr Naturnl Vii ; r nnil diml > li > > < thu jnjn ot llfu ; cines LuoorrlKcii unit i'uinfclo Wjnl.ui'i.R. A month' * trent- lucnt , In plitlu , to any mltlrt'fh , Jl pnr i > nx,0lniiiUlhtnryt3ori1orwi ) ( jl\o n Written Cunrantoo t euro nr itfuml the monoy. O'lrculnm trio , Uuaratitou lt < ucd uai'j liy our ux- cluil\ui gtnt. KHIN CO. 8i I.K AfjIJNTS. OMAHA. Full Set Teeth $5 Ilcllul ) t > Wo 11. Alw iy Dr. WITHERS , 4th Floor Drown bloili IGtli nn'l Duuk-UR Telephone 177 Onialin Neb A FAIR PRICE PAID FOR GOOD Dental Work la PI t r id ar u lirn < lo j ( b > a < u n pxtiwi ana. Go to DR n.V. . BAILEY , A irailuiit < l < lntt t of f ii ittn u pluM } our teeth In hl3 care anil thu ii'tl runnel * rntiouily cnr J for Office , 3 < 4 H 1'axtua UlocU. Telcptione IMS. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , 1408 Farnam Street , Retail Omelets and purveyors of Medical Supplies. Invalid Chairs , Supporters , Atomizers , Sponges , Batteries , Water Bottles , Rnptnre Cured Satisfaction eanranteed. All the latest improved Trusses. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , 1408 Farnam St. Oppoalto I'.ixton Hotel aml you ii voigo clsc- w li ere f o r photos , the latest in bacU- gfomuls , accessories ami lenses. Our stylish inphotos are al\ui > s up to ilate , HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. 313-315317 So. 15ti St. , Tnlo E ovator. i r.iiitJin un < t ll.irnuy. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. U. S. Depository , Omnlm , Nobiushct. CAPITAL - - 81000,000. SURPLUS - - 805.JOO Officers nml Directors Henry W Yule * , prevalent , H C. I'urltlnir , vlco president , ( * . H MHUiltxi , W V. Mor . - . luhn ti. CullingJ , N. H. I'utrlck. I.e\vU ti , lto J , THE IRON