r I [ iTOMATlA. DAILY 'BE fa .Wt' II 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : AVEDXGSDAY , FEBRUARY II , 1831. 'S ' From tlio James H. Walker & Co. Auction Bale , STUPENDOUS BARGAINS THURSDAY lllnnkctH from the \Vulki-r Stock Novr on Halo t'lno All Wool fide Ntivclty HullIng - Ing * for UOc a Vnrcl-drcat Slaughter In I.aillon' nmss : GOODS , nitnss GOODS. Alplno suitings , worth Me , at ICc. Kplcndld oil wool herringbone suiting , worth DOc , at IGc. Flno wool novelty cutting , nil shades , north COc , now 20c. Illuminated sultlngx , beautiful effects , Walker's wholesale price COc , on sale nt 2oc. IC-lnch all wool Henriettas , In all shades , ceRt 8r.c to $1.00 , on sale at C9c. Largo line of broadcloth , all new spring shades , worth $1 7D , on sale at $1.00. BLANKETS AND nOMHSTICS. tllankcts from the auction Halo of James II. Walker & Co. stock are now on sale , and Biich low prlcfs. Wool mixed blankets at 49c a pair , wholesale price wan $1.00. See the bargains In blankets nt TCc , OSc , $1.25 , $1 CO , $1.CC , $2.00 , $ . ' 35 and up. Ask to see those Columbian World's fair blankets made pxpressly for Walker & Co. , and now Hey dens' arc selling thorn. All the domestics bought from this auction sale are now between hero and Chicago , and ns fast as they arrive they will bo put on pale. pale.Wo Wo have the largest domestic wash goods department In the United States , our stock which Is now open for your Inspection will prove to you the truth of this assertion. IIa > dcn Dros. ' Is the only house In Omaha who occupy five floors for retailing goods. Hither floor covers more stimro | feet than you will find In any house In this city. These Immense tinantltlcs of goods , now arriving from the auction Is crowding us , wo must have room. Tomorrow wo will sell best calico remnants 2 Vic yard. Illack ot figured saline Cc jard. Laurence LL sheeting 3)4c yard. Merrlmae shirting prints B' c yard. London dress ginghams Cc yard. Apron checks In ginghams 3'/ic ' jard. Fall In IJne and take advantage of these special sales before Its too late ; these prices can not bo duplicated. Hayden Bros. TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER OF LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS for tomorrow. Wo must make room for the James II. Walker stock , which Is now arriving dally. 100 do7ci gent's night gowns , nicely trim med , worth TCc , tomorrow only 39c. An elegant line of gcrjt's fancy web sus penders , only ICc per pair. Gent's rtockford so4 pair for 25c. Wo arc closing out a lot of gent's over- bhlrts worth $1.20 to $2 00 each , for TCc. Remember , our Blackstone unlaundcred shirt goes on sale tomorrow at GOc. 1 case of gent's camels hair sox only ICc per pair , reduced from 2Cc. Ladles' corset covers , 9e , worth 25c. Ladles' gowns 2Cc , worth COc. Ladles' gowns C9c , worth $1.00. 1 case of boys' cotton hose , fast black , nothing better made for service , only 25c per pair , worth 40c. 1 lot of boys' shirt waists , worth $1.00 , reduced to COc. HAYDEN BROS. Selling out the James II. Walker bank rupt stock. _ onniitt , . Hoards of Ofllccrs Detailed , to i\aintuo : Tan- illdntus for AVest I'olut. WASHINGTON , Fob. 13. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) Boards of officers to consist of the officers named are appointed to meet at the several posts designated on Feb ruary 28 for the mental and physical exam ination of appointees to the United States Military academy : At Fort Warren , Mass. Major William Sinclair , Second artillery ; Captain Marshall W. Woods , assistant surgeon ; Captain Ed ward n. Morris , assistant surgeon ; First Lieutenant Alex D. Schenck , Second artillery ; Second Lieutenant George Blake , Second ar tillery. i At Governor's Island Lieutenant Colonel Alexander M. Ponnlngton , Fourth artillery ; Major William L. Haskln , First artillery ; Major John Van n. Holt , smgeon ; Captain Abnor M. Merrill , First artillery ; Captain .Walter W. Fisher , assistant surgeon. At Fort McKlnncy , Md. Major George B. Ilodnoy , 1'ourth artillery ; Captain Louis W. Grampian , assistant surgeon ; First Lieu tenant George M. Osqulor , Third artillery. At Columbus Barracks , O. Lieutenant Colonel John B. 1'arko , Second Infantry ; Major William E. Waters , surgeon ; Captain J ouls Brcchomln , assistant surgeon ; First Lieutenant Eaton A. Ed\vards , T\vcnty- Eeventh Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Ed mund L. Butts , Twenty-first Infantry. At Fort McPherson , Go. Colonel Larrott L. Livingston , Third artillery ; Major Joseph n. Raniboy , Third nrtllleiy ; Captain Leonard. assistant surgeon ; First Lieutenant Sedg- wlck 1'iatt. Third artllleiv : First Lipntnn.mt I'hlllp a. Wulos , assistant burgeon. At Jackson Barracks , La. Lieutenant Colonel William S. KelloKg , Fifth Infantiy ; Major Curtis E. Mann , burgeon ; Captain Mason Carter. Fifth Infuntiy ; Captain Junlus L. I'owell , assistant surgeon ; First Lieutenant William F. Martin , Fifth in fant ly. At Ford Sam Houston , TPJC Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton S. Hawkins. Twenty-third Infantry ; Major Lewis M. Mans , surgeon. Captain Jacob A. Augur. Fifth cavalry ; Captain Robert B. Gibson , assistant surgeon ; rirst Lieutenant James Thompson , adjutant Twenty-third Infantry. At Fort Sheridan , 111. Colonel Robert E. Crofton , Fifteenth Infantiy ; Cuplaln Edwaid K. Champln , Fifteenth Infantry ; Captain frauds J. Ives , assistant surgeon ; First Lieutenant William P. lllauvolt , Fifteenth Infantry ; First Lieutenant George J. Now- Kardon , assistant suigron. At Jefferson Barracks , Mo. Lieutenant Colonel Samuel S. Sunnier , SKth cavalry ; Major Robert II. White , surgeon ; Captain l.ouls S. TesBon , assistant surgeon ; Captain Uohn B. Kerr. SKth cavalry ; First Lieu tenant Franklin 0. Johnson , Third cavalry. At Fort Leavonworth , Kan. Lieutenant Colonel John N. Andrews. Twenty-fifth In fantry ; Major Calvin Do Witt , surgeon ; Captain John M. Ilanlnler , assistant surgeon ; Captain Edward A. Qodvvln , Eighth cavalry ; first Lieutenant Jamcu U. Jackson , Seventh Infantry , At Fprt Snelllng , Minn. Colonel Edwin O. Mason , Third Infantry ; Major Charles K , \Vlnnt' , surgeon ; Captain Fajuttn W. Rnok , Third Infantry ; Captain Charles F. Mason , Assistant suiguou ; Flist Lieutenant ( Jhaso , \V. Kennedy. ad | itant. Thlid Infantry. At Fort Douglas , U. T-Colonel Matthew M. Blunt , Sixteenth Infantry , ( Major Charles L. llelseiminn , surgeon ; Captain 'Adrian H. 1'clhcmus. assistant surgeon ; Captain William C. MrFarlau.I , SIMconth Infantry ; First Lieutenant Charles R. Tyler , Adjutant , Sixteenth Infantry. At Fort D. A. Russell , Wyo.-MaJor Vatery Harvard , surgeon ; Major William II. Jllsbee , Seventeenth Infantry ; Captain Daniel H. Brush. Seventeenth Infantry ; First Lieutenant Edgar W , Howe , Seven teenth Infantry ; Fn ! > t Lieutenant George I ) , Dcshon , assistant surgeon. At the I'resullo of San Francisco , Cal. ( "oloncl William M. Graham , Fifth artilleiy ; Lieutenant Colonel Johnson , V. D. MiJdlu- ton. deputy surgeon general ; Captain Waltfr1 13. Mcl'uw , assistant surgeon ; First Llcuten- nnt Lulgt Lomlu , Fifth artillery ; rirj. Lieutenant John McClellan , Fifth artillery. At San Diego Barracks , Cal. Lleutotiau Colonel Edgar H. Kellouf , Tenth Infantry , Lieutenant Colonel Samuel M. llorton , dep my surgeon general ; Major Timothy E , x , Burgeon ; Captain Walter T , Tenth Infantry ; Lieutenant Douglas Settle Tenth Infantry. At Vancouver Barracks , Wash. Oolone Thomas M. Anderson , Fourteenth Infantry Lieutenant Colonel William D. Wolvcrton deputy surgeon Konernl ; Captain William H. Arthur , assistant surgeon ; Captain George T. Patterson , Fourteenth Infantry ; First Lieutenant Henry , P. McCain , Fourteenth In fantry. The following changes In the stations ami duties of offlcem of the subsistence depart ment are ordered : Major Charles P. Egan , chief commissary of subsistence of the De portment of California , will relieve Major Charles A. Woodruff of the duties of pur chasing commissary of .subsistence at San Francisco ; Major Woodruff , on being relieved , will repair to this city and report to the commissary general of subsistence for as signment to duty as an assistant In his ofllco ; Captain Edward Dravo , chief commissary of RiibslHtcnco of the Department of thn Colorado rado , will. In addition to hla present duties , temporarily Inko charge of the ofllco of the purchasing commissary of subsist ence at Denver anil relieve Lieutenant Colonel William II. Boll ; Lieutenant Colonel Bell , on being relieved , will proceed to Pan Francisco , and report to the com manding general , Department of California , for assignment to duty as chief commissary of subsistence of that department , relieving Major Charles P. Eian , rommls < mry of oub- slstcnco of that duty ; Captain Frank E. Nye will bo relieved from duty In the ofllco of the commissary general of subsistence In this city , at such tlmo as the latter of- ofllcei may direct , and will proceed to Omaha and report to the commanding general. De partment of the I'latte , for assignment to duty as chief commissary of subsistence of that department , relieving Major Samuel T. Ciishlng , commissary of siibslstcnee , of that duty , and the duties of piirrli.iilni ; com missary of subsistence at Omiiha ; Major Gushing , on being relieved , will repair to tills city nml report to the commlHsiry Ren- oral of subsistence for assignment lo duly as an assistant In his ofllco ; Captain Wil liam L Alex.inili'r will bo relieved from duty In the ofllco of the commissary general of subsistence In this city at such time ns flic latler olllcer may direct , and proceed to Denver and relieve Captain Kdward E. Diavo. Leave for ono month and ten days , to lal < o effect upon the adjournment of the Uleventh International Medical congress , to bo held at Home , Italy , March 29 to April B , Is granted Colonel Joseph H. Smith-assistant suigcon General. The leave granted First Lieutenant Col- vlllo P. Terrell , Klglilh Infantry , Is extended Ihrcc months. The leave granted First Lieutenant Hobert II. Anderson , Ninth Infantry , Is cVended two months. Captain John Pitman , ordnance de partment , will proceed form Philadelphia to the powder mills of E. I. Dupont & Co. , near Wilmington , Del. , on olllclal business pertaining to the Inspection of snail arms powder. . Major Tliroi liniiirtna'H I'lnrc. WASHINGTON , Feb. 13 Major Charles IJ. ThrocUmortoti has applied lo be placed on the retired list of the army. This Is the officer who has been tendered Iho post of assistant .superintendent of street cleaning In Now York. Ho Is under sentence of an army court martial. Major Throckmorton Is now under sentence of suspension and ho cannot bo retired un der the thlity years service law unlll lliat sentence expires , which Is about u year from now , unless It Is commuted. Ills petition for commutation Is now before Hie president. Neither can lie accept employ ment from the city of New York until ho Is retired , Ihe War department holding that If ho accepted another olllcc whllo under suspension he would lose his army place. Department of tlio 1'lnttlo In order to enable him to act as counsel for Lance Corporal Horace Day Doy and Pri vate Amos lllcliardson. company I , Twenty- first Infantry , Second Lieutenant William II. Mullay , Twenty-fin , ! Infantiy , has been 10- lleved from duly as a member of the gen eral court martial convened by paragraph 3 , special orders No. 119 , series 1893 , fiom headquarters , during the trial of said bol- dlcrs. Lea\o of absence for one month , to take effect on or about March 1 , 1894 , has been granted Second Lieutenant David P. Corrtray , Eighth infantry , Fort Koblnson , Neb. , with permission to apply to Ihe adjutant general of the army for an extension of one month. nicr..ijtvit Arkansas' I.iuv Taxing Pullman Cars ami TcleKUipli Companies of No Weight. LJTTLC UOCK , Feb. 18. Tlio law taxing Pullman cars , telegraph and express com panies operating in the state , passed by the last Rcueral assembly of Arkansas , has been declared unconstitutional by Judge Williams in the United States circuit coutt. Several mouths are the Western Union Telecraph company and the Pacific Impress company liled bills ic court nsiting for an in junction restraining the collectors of the various counties of the state from collecting taxes assessed under the act. A temporary restraining order was granted. The case was aigned a short tlmo since , the attorney general demurring to the bill. The court today overruled the demmror , made the Injunction perpetual und declaied it unconstitutional on the ground that the act piovided for asbossmsnts of pronei ty not situated in the Jiuisdiction of the slate ; that it embraces inteistato commerce in violation of tlm United States law ; that the acts do not pivo the plaintiffs the equal pro tection of tlio state ; that the assessment was made without regard to an excess of its taxable values. AUorney.Qencral Clark said this morning that the decision was n great surprise to him , in view of the fact that the Arkansas statute \vas drawn up after the stvlo of similar laws In Massachusetts and Penn sylvania , which had been declined by the United States supreme comt in its de cision to bo constitutional. The case will betaken taken to the supicmo court. Kenncll Club T.IoUs Olllccrs. Tlio Omaha Kennel club hold Its Minimi meeting last evening at t'io rnicc.of D" . J. C. Whlnnery la I ho Brova block. Ihn'e was a fair attendance and those present wore determined to Infuse nc.v il.'o Into the organlxatlon , and 1 > . all ptojabllity will hn'd a bench show : ioma tlmo v. Itliln ihi 5 car The report of fir uc.wiior sin v.vd the cliib to bo out uf debt and HHTCJ Is a baljpco in the ireaMii / . The following directors and officers were elected Dr. J. C. Whlnneiy , president ; J. II. McTuguo , vlto piesldunl ; E. L. Mars- lon , rccoidlng secretary ; Charles F. Frenzur , Ihutncl.U secretary ; Prod Rath , treasurer , C W. Wattorman. Clmiles Ogden , John T Uvuns and Dr. Ebbltt , directors ; Dr. Cyer of Philadelphia , dvlegatu to the Amei lean Ken nel club. _ Had an Kdncatoil Pencil. DniUOlT , Fob. -.lames O. Chute , one of the footing clerks in the fiandulcnt elec tion i etui n scrape of 181U. was examined bi the prosecuting attouioy today icwniting Ins connection with the 'i line. Testimony lias just como to light tendlnc to &ho\v thai lie has boasted of having been mlvlsed by Lieutenant ( iovernor ( Jlildons to comn to Dotioit and pot on the. canvassing boaid if possible , Clailt being nt that tlmo bill clerk of thoslalo bcnato. Certain witnesses siv Clark told them that ho used his pencil in Insetting figures to swell the aftlrmattvu vote on the sahulns amendnient. 1'iitni biimlay .MKM Kou. BRAXIL , Iild , 1-Vb. 13 , Tin eo men vvoio scilously , and possibly tutnlly , hurt In u drunken tow at Knightsv'llo , a little mining town east of licio , last night. Kicd nml Jor dan Brltton vvciu tlioliistk-atoisof Hie light ' 1 hey attaclicrt Thomas Uullfur and stamped and cut him up to t > uch an extent that he will probably die. The licht soon became general and a man named Uvans received sqveral dangerous wounds Deputy Maishal Darnuy Martin , in attempting to quiet the men. vrns assaulted and frightfully bcalou. I'ho Hrlttons have not been caught. I * " " ' tlm .Miulc. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 13. Ixitils J. Sllva , al- , CRed embezzler of. $170,000 fiom the Halu > water-Bradford Hat company , und who lias : ieen nominally n lugltivu from justice slnco , ho ' . ' . ' ) tti of last October , will surrender to ; bo law. He , it Is .stated , has consented tore * turn to this city end will glvo tilmsult up after a fo\v \ formalities arc xculcd. The earth moves. Evidence you can buy i first class liniment , ( Salvation OH , foe 25.C . SILKS FROM WALKER STOCK Go on Sale Tomorrow nt Ilaydon Bros. Silk Department. A CAR LOAD OF SILKS * Tlio LnrRcHt .Shipment of Silk * unit Vcltclx J ; IT IlrroUf'il nt Ulin Tlino from the Jim. II. U'ulkcr .V Co Sale Last Wick In The lowest prices over mmlo on silks nml velvets. Now Is tlio tlmo for you to buy. 2.GC7 ynrds of surnli slllte , In black , browns , blues , pinks , yellow , green niul roils , Walker's wholesale price on them was 27V4c n ynnl , our price for nny quantity you want of them only 12' c n yartl. 1,821 yards of striped pongee silks , colors that wll stand boiling , 27 Inches wide and nil pure raw silks , Walker's wholesale- price , We per yard , our price on them Is only 20c a yard. 2,230 jards printed china Milks , In black , brown and navy blue grounds , small designs , neat patterns , WnlKcr'8 wholesale prlro on them was 40c a yard , our price , 25c a yaid. 031 yaicls Yeddo silk crepes , 21 Inches \\lrto In navy , llRht blue , cream , salmon , old rose , yellow , pink , cardinal and gobelin blue , Walker's wholesale price , COc a yard , our price , 39c a yard. 781 ynrds of handsome quality printed Chinese silks on green , black , brown and bltto grounds , handsome designs , goods that never have retailed for less than CSc a yard , go during this sale nt 39c a yard. Another shipment received of that hand some yard vvldi white wash silk , worth $1 00 a yard , goes on sale again tomorrow and the rest of this week at COc a yard. A largo line of handsome black silks and satins on sale at C9c a yard. You mutt sco those handsome novelty silks wu arc selling at 75c and fl.OO per yard. Walker's prlco on them ivas from J1.25 to $2.00 a yard. Velveteens In most desirable shades only 25c a yard. No matter what you want In silks and vel vets he sure and glvo us n call before you purchase and we will surely glvo jou a good bargain. HAYDEN BROS. , Leaders In silks. VA T1 } . A very llvclv interest is beinjj manifested In the appearance of Miss Von Stosch nt llio Apollo club concert , on Thursday evening no\t. This ioung lady is p.ir excellence tlio violinist of the country today and should bo hoard by all lovers of music ; . She will play the Faust fantasia by Sarasote , Heverie Viouxtemps and uirs Russo by WieniavvsUi , all very interesting and popular numbers. Mr. Baxter of the Kilpatiiuk-Koch com pany had the pleasure of hearitiR her.it n , Oamroscn concert at Carnefjfo hall a short tlmo ago and ho say- ? that her appcaianco created Immense enthusiasm and the audience - enco could not bo satisfied. Mrs , Wilbcltn , who was announced for the program , is suftcrln ? fiom a severe cold , and ill ino last moment Mrs. Cotton has con sented to fill her place. This will bo most welcome news to the admirers of this most accomplished and popular vocillst. Mrs. Cotton will sing In a solo number and will also sing the pait of Santuzza in the chorus from the Cavalleri-i Husticana. Tlio sale of scats , which promises to be large , opens tomorrow morning at Bojd's. W. D. Howells' farce , "Evening Dross , " will be piven this evening at 8 o'clock at the Unitniian church parlors , Seventeenth and Dass sttcots , for the benefit of the organ fund. The evening's entertainment will alio include music and a scries of six tableaux , "tyts of Ufe. " This well known pantomimic ooniedy , "Ei ht Bells , " will be nroduccd at the Fif teenth Street theoter for one week , com mencing February 18 , with Sunday matinco , l > y the famous Brothers Dyrno. Everything is new this season and Brothers Byrne liavo made an outlay of over $15,000 in perfecting this wonderful production. The revolving ship in the second act is n splendid sample of stage mechanism and there Is a little bit of everything in the show. No theatrical effort this season should bo received with more enthusiastic reeoption than "Eight Bells" and the inimitable Brothers , Byrne , who are great favoutus everywhere. Sam T. Jacic's consolidate' ! "Mly Clay company" and ' -Old Ago and Youth com pany" begin a three nig tit a oujaijomont at ; ho Fifteenth Stioot theater Thursday even ing next. Mr. Thcodor Salmon's second piano recital will take ulaco on Monday evrnlng , Febru ary ID , at the Fiist Congregational church. Mr. Salmon has arranged n most claboiato program , in which ho will have the valuable issistanco of Mrs. J.V , Cotton. Mr. Martin Calm , Air. W. T. Tabor and Mr. J K. Butler. The tickets for this recital are 50 cents , and are now on s.ilo at Hospo's music store. WILL GO FOR NAUGHT. I'rotestH of Ta\i > nirH < \tiltiHt : PmliiR Coun try Ko.tds riled Too Lute. The protest of the forty property owneis filed with the Board of County Commission- eis Monday against the paving of the thieo country roads Irom the city limits will gofer for naught. In speaking of the matter , the commis sioners s.ij that the parties protesting vvuro all good citizens and most of them heavy t.ix- jaieis , but the trouble was , tlio protest was ,00 lato. The people of the county had , by ; tieir ballots , decided that the loads should bo paved , and nothing was left for the com- mlssionois to do but to carry out the instruc tions of more than tvvo-thiuU of the voters of Douslus county. The piu chasers of tlio paving bonds , Hu- dolph Kloibolto & Co , ha\o wiitton the commissioner that they have examined all of the tacts and circumstances connected with the voting of the bonds and that they ia\e found all of the proceedings jeguliii. They also state that tlioy are ready to take the bonds and pnv for the sama as soon us thov ate issued mid rc ibtcrca. Yestoidav Chairman Stenberg and Clerk Sackott commenced the woilc of lining out uui ulEiung the 150 fl.OUO bonds and uiil iivo ; them In shape to send to the state auditor for registration by the Hist of no\t week. In signing the bonds and coupons the chairman Hint the cleik hava to ulllx their olllUul signatures 0,150 times each. , War on Clmmi'Icon SAN rilANClSCO , Keb. 13 , Ofllcors of the Society for the l'ro\ontlon of Cruelty to Animals ) m\o begun a crutade against the oca ! followers of the eaatoin fad of wearing l\o clmmclcoiiB , which are really little liz ards brought hero from Florida , chained to vatch guards and scarf pins. Many women m\o adopted the fad. Secretary Holhrook of the society today caused the arrest cf three dealers In the harmless little reptiles and threatens to arrest c\ery man and woman ho sees wearing them. dmrci'S Are Not V < : l Jlittlti 1'ulillc. SAN FUAN'CISCO , Feb. 13. The charges > referred by Colonel Ornliam against Col onel Young at Presidio have not yet been nado public , but It Is now known that In ho charges Young Is charged of conduct unbecoming an olllcor and a gentleman , ills- obcdlcnco of orders and .conspiracy against j the post commander. Young Is still under arrest. Of com so at the post all support j Colonel Young , while the enlisted men think that Graham Is In the right. World's fair souvenir com : , of 1S93 for sale at Chase & Uddy's , 1513 Purium street , Dinaha , AN1 > Itcmcniber i\tsry : Suck of I'lonr You Uny of I'll-J.dim runlcnl. If It don't snlt'wo will refund your money. Try this flour anca and you will say there la none better than Hityclcna' 5 X. You will find one of thcsu , articles In each sack : I'laln gold ring. Ono diamond'ring. One carving set. Ono gold watch. Ono $3.00 bill. Ono scarf pin. Ono ladles' solid silver hair ornament. One gents' rolled gold watch chain. Ono set of silver spoons. HEAD Tlin I'HICnS. 23 pounds of granulated sugar for $1. Sugar cured hams , from It to 10 pounds , 9c. Tickled pork , lOc per pound. Sugar cured breakfast bacon , lOc. I'rcsh spire ribs , GVic. * Tresh link sausage , 7',4c. Codfish , 2 4c per pound. 3 K Norway herring , Ic each. Oil sardines , 3' c per can. Mustard sardines , 7c per can. Creamer } butter , 17c , 19o and 21c. Full cream cheese , Oc , lie nnd2V4c. Young America , full cream , Oc. HAYDHN imOS. , Providers for the People. ABE MAKING .BOGUS DOLLARS. I'llittHinoiItli Cltl/cllH l.oiulrd ultli Queer Coin lij u .Mini from Onmlm. The force In the United States marshal's office has been very busy for some tlmo past trying to locate sonio Individuals who have taken n decided stand on the question of the fiec and unlimited coinage of Mlvcr In this vicinity. For several months there has been an unusually largo number of counterfeit silver dollars In circulation In this vlqlnlty , but all effoits to locate the mint have as yet bepn unavailing. The giound between Bellevue - vuo and Plattsmouth has been searched closely , but the makers of the queer coin , if they have a plant In that locality , have succeeded in evading the officers. The last report of the operations of the bogus money men comes from Plattsmouth. Officers there report that during the past ten days u well droned sti anger has been In that city spending his money very freely , but that when the people whom he has fa vored with his patronage try to pass the coins they received from him they find them tin own out and declared counterfeit. Tlia Hotel Illpley , the D. & M. ticket agent and several business men of the city have souve nirs of the stranger's visit that they will dispose of at a bargain to the government officials. The stranger left the city before the nature of his coin became generally known. He claimed to live In Omaha , and bought a ticket for this city when ho left PlattsmomUi. Defaulting Trc-jsuror of Tlpton County , In- ( llinii , r ; < > t * Out of Kokoino.Iall. PERU , Ind.reb. 13. Culvln E. Armstrong , the embezzling treasurer of Tlpton county , who was sentenced to the penltontlray Sat urday , escaped from the Kokomo jail this morning. The efccapo caused intense excite ment. Armstrong was convicted of embezzling M3.000 of the public funds. Ho escaped whllo the Jailer was feeding the prisoners. Arm strong pretended to be asleep and while the shet Iff was In a remote pait of the Jail he slipped out a bar previously sawotl off , ran down the corridor to'the * street cntr.-uico and dlsappeaied. Wateon Pltzer of Tlpton , who was said to be In a former conspiracy to release Armstrong , has boon arrested on suspicion of furnishing money and a saw while attending the trial. The excitement Is nt the lynching point. Armstrong was to we been taken to the penitentiary today. Dramatic Sieno In Com I. CHICAGO , Feb. 13 , Dr. Robert Wlckham , charged with murdering Druggist William Dlappor , was discharged today , the prosecu tion nolle pressing the case In one court whllo arguments were being made In another. The mother o' the dead man caused a dramatic scene In court by protesting against the dismissal. Rising from her seat and sobbing \lolently she said : "Your honor , this Is an outrage. Week after week 1 : iavo urged the state's attorney to bring the case to tilal , but he has put It oft and dis charged the slayer of my boy. Hero Is his picture , " and the weeping woman held up i photograph of her son. She was taken from the court room. The state's attorney says Wlckham will jo relndlcted. Wlckham killed Clapper In a quarrel over the lattor's wife. - o DfMtli of Mrx. AlmmiiKun. Mis. G , S. Ahmauson , aged 04 , died Mon- dav at noon of pneumonia at the family rcsi- lence , I.'IOT South Eighteenth street. Mrs. Ahmat.son came to America with her hus band from Norway In 1853 and to Omaha in IfcQl. Her husband , Dr. John Ahmanson , died several years ago , She Is survived by live children. Jacob , jcorgo. Chnilotte , William and Mrs. H. Jacnbson. Tno funeral will bo held at the icsidcnce Thuisday at a p. in. Ilrtrptlou to Ml * * Vim StosUl. Miss Von Stosch , who appears nt the Apollo club concert Thursday ovcnnlg , will bo ; emlered a reception at the rooms of the Commercial club Thursday afternoon from 2 : o i p. m. The reception will ho quite In- 'ormnl and under the auspices of the Ladles Musical society , department of the Woman's club. All members of the Woman's club and of the musical department thereof will M Invited and will bo notified through the committees In charge of the various de- pat tmcnts. C'Irarril Up tin ) CINCINNATI , Fob 13. Early this morn ing , whllo preparing to start up a mill that uul been Idle for some time , in Lackland , an employe found In a dark , unused vvareioom the dead body of Rlchai.d P. Fo < c of the firm , of Pi Ion J & Fov , paper manufacturers , hang- .ni . { from n rafter. Ho disappeared mysteri ously about two woel.s ago , being last soon within u half square of his homo. It appeals that he went directly to thin dcscited wareroom - room and hanged himself. Coal Mlnnrt on a Strlko. PITTSnUHG , Feb. 13. Nearly 3,000 river nlncrs In the second , third and fourth pools are on a strike today against a reduction of mlf a cent per biiRlicl In the mining rate. A general convention will be hold at Mo- nongahela City ion Thursday to consider the operators' propifcitUn. About one-half of the pits on tlio river have closed down on ac count of the strllu' . Opium HiwiKelor .HcnUncecl. PORTLAND , Ore , , Teh. 13. In the United States district court today William Dunbar , onvlctod of EimiTillnK [ ; opium , was sentenced o two ) ears Imprisonment In the county all and to pay a line of ? 1,000. i'ioi'iiAitr : : NOT T Thry All Know Wlicro tlirl'lrn Wn . Wo wore located right opposite the Uoston Store , therefore we were damaged , there fore our Btoro was cloned for one week , therefore we got n largo sum of money from the Insurnico companies , and therefore wo can soil for n pong , and therefore wo do the business , and therefore we can quote the fol lowing prices : Men's full suits of clothes , OSc ; men's pants , 25c ; bojs' ovcicoats , DOc ; Bocks , 2 pairs for Ic ; 7Bc neckwear , 19c ; eholro of rubbers , arctics , etc. , such sizes as we have left , for 25c ! men's largo handker chiefs , Ic ; men's lined duck coats , 7Rc ; men's warm ulsters , with long collars , ft.HO ; choice of D styles of men's shirts , 19c ; fast black sateen shirts , 25c ; men's $1.00 night robes , 29c ! men's Scotch caps , worth fiOc , for Oc ; cotton flannel drawers for lie n pair ; men's $2.00 stiff hats , 2Cc ; men's $12.00 overcoats for $1.50 ; great big valises , 25oj men's lined leather coats , $1.50 ; finer grades In piopor- tlon still cheaper. OLOUE CLOTHING GO'S FIKE SALE , lift South 10th street , near Douglas. P. S. In looking for our store locate tha Boston Store ruins , and then bo sure joii nra right straight opposite. * A Illff r.ot of Curpcti. The Morse Dry Goods Co. has Just closed the contract to furnish the Madison hotel , corner of 21st and Chicago streets. The car pets are to bo hruasolselvets. . moqucttos and Axmlnstcrs. The lace curtains arc of Louis XIV. style , and the heavy arch drap eries will ho of Moorish tapestries In Turk ish designs. Mr. J. C. Schrlvor of their carpet and drapery department , who secured the con tract , and who has the work In charge , says when finished It will bo ono of the finest family hotels In the west. llrK Pardon For Interrupting you , but you may posslblr bo going cast. If so , there nro n couple of trains you should really bear In mind These uro "Northwestern Lino" Nos. 6 and 2 , leaving Union depot dally at 4 03 and ti 30 p. m. . rpppectlvely , arriving lu ChlLago at S.13 and 0.30 next morning. City ticket oiilco. No. HOI Farnam st. President William r. King of Cornell college - logo , -Mount Vernon , la. , will lectmc befoio the Clmutnuqua college at the First Meth odist Episcopal church on Wednesday evenIng - Ing , February 14. Subject : "Education the Foundation of Power and Usefulness. " " . .iTii.v or > 7JiiMMi'//MM.v. Prominent Jonrnall-ls from tint rust Kn- rontu to CliltiiKo. PHILADELPHIA , Fob. ijA : special car attached to the Pennsylvania limited train , which loft the Btoad street station at 1'J'JO o'clock this afternoon for Chicago , boic a distinguished party of newspaper propiic- tors mid pnblishois. who will attend the annual mooting of the Associated pi ess In Chicago tomnriovv. The paityis made up as follows : From Philadelphia Clayton MrMiehncI , Koi tli American ; Hobert J. Cook , The Press ; William T. McCully , Evening Bulletin , and James Elvcrson. jr. , Inqiiiici' . From New YorkS. ! . Seymour , Evening Post ; John A. Cockerel ) , Commeiclal Adver tiser ; W. V. Hester. Biooklyn Ka-'lo , ; Arthur Jenkins , Syiacuso Herald , and W. D. Chand ler , Concord , N. 11. , Monitor. From Baltiinoie General Felix Agnus , The Ameilean ; Frank A. Uienaulsonf The Sun ; C. H. Grasty , The News , and A. Beck- hoofer. The Herald. Fiom Washington Frank B. Nojcsk , The Cvcnlng Star. In addition to the gentlemen whose names aio given above , S. S. Carvalho of the Now Yoik Woild , Iloraco White of the New Yoik Evening Post , C. E. llasbiook of the Now York Commercial Advcitlscr , E. II. Butler of the Bullalo News and othcis fiom Now Yotlc and P\ew Englanu wr-nt west bv other roads. All of the papers represented ore trembris of the Associated piess. The meeting , which will bo held in the lecital ball of the Auditorium , will undoubtedly bo the laigcst and must representative gather ing of newspaper owners and publishers over assembled in the United States. WILL HOLD IT FAST. City I'rosrrutor Hhoeinalu'iSnjs Ills Cuii- llrnmtlon Cannot UP Iteroiisltlrrnl. City Prosecutor Shoemaker assumed the duties of his new position yesterday , and likes them so well that ho proposes to hang on to the place , notwithstanding the talk of a reconsideration of the action by which he was confirmed. Ho maintains that no such icconslderation can take place after an ap pointment lias been contlrmod , as that action places the appointee m ofilce , and the only way to got him out is then to prefer charges. Ho says that if an appointment was rejected the action could be icconsid- ored , as was done in the case of Mr. Eobltt , who was appointed \etcrinaiian.but not so when the appointment is acted on favorably. Ho claims to come pretty near knowing what tlio chatter provides in this matter , as ho framed the section making the ofllco u statutory ono instead of being provided for by oidinanco , and he is confi dent that his position is perfectly tenable. IIo further argues that if it was possible for the action to bo icconsitleictt , Inasmuch as the rule limiting n i consideration to ono meeting is simply one of the lulcs adopted bv the council , that i tile could ho so amended as to piovido for icconslderation at two , six or a do/en meetings later , or at an > titno , and that it would men bo possible for the council to bounce a man out of appointive ofllco whenever It was disposed to recon sider the action by which his appointment was confirmed , and that then theic would bo no tcnuio of nn.v of these positions , in stead of being two years , as provided by the eluii tor. in'/i n.it'Tft 111:11 to.wwss/o.v. Jtrnzll , Intl. , Han aMllil Sensation as a Sciinel ton Ulvouo Suit. I3KAZ1L , Ind. , Fob. 18 This city was tin on n in a state of ( iie.it excitement today by Mrs O. U Yocum giving to the pi ess for publication a letter dated at San Jose , Cal. , Februarv fi , Irom the divorced wife of Hey Chailes'Shattuck Several months ago Mis Slialtuok confessed to committing adultcrv with County Auditor O H Yocum , una on this gioimd Mi. Sha'jtui.k bccurcd 11 dlvoico. About tluco weeks iigo Mr. Yocum , on his lotuin homo fiom iv tilp through the west , fell dead. On hearing of his trapii : death Mrs bhattuck writes Mn. Yocum u sensational letter in whli'h she says : " 1 hue : nlwajs felt ever slnco I re turned home that I should vvuto and apolo gize for the Buffering which 1 know I caused \ou by tlio untiuo confession I made at the time. That confession was falsii in every detail , but vou do not know , \o\\ \ can have no idea of tlio toimont und torture which I WHS subjected to they tried in every pos sible way to vvinifr a confession from mo , but I stood firm to the truth until the aponv of the tortuio became so great that 1 felt any confession o [ tins nature whatever was bet ter fiaii such sulTcrms. " KOH.V. " 7v"jJ | | i / niiTliiiVo ) ( Vai luiilci tnulMai , ccntcMh ; ( icMUdml ( fur , ttntenU 11OHN A daughter , IVmiary 11. to .Mi. und Mi > . O. O. Ailui , 1105 South T onty-llfth avenue , flt'cIif / / < "i lenwirlti tlililteul , rt/y ; racli ii/ilIiniil ( / ( ( line , tencfiitt _ AIIMAN'SN-Mis ( Ooiiiudo h , Tubniaty 1'J , ii"i-il 03 yi in 8 Item In ( Jhrlstlana , Noivruy Knnuial fiom the lusldunrc , 1307 bun ill r.lxhteonlh fcticct , ftt U o'clock Tliurxiliiy. Intcuneiit ut Prospect Hill , C'auio uf duuth , pneumonia , Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Tlieouly Pure Cream of Tartar FovvJer. No AniiuouiQ , No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes AO Years the Standard- CONTINENTAL . CLOTHING HOUSE.I Regular Retail Price $20 and $25. It is seldom that goods of this quality are sacrificed at a special sale the entiYe purchase of 3,000 suits arc of the very best quality of ready-made goods. Made by M. Sampler Sons & Co. , of New York , and Michael Sterns & Co. , of Rochester , and arc being retailed a ! about SO cents on th.e dollar of their regular retail price. Remember the price , Over one-half are Double-breasted Sacks. See our Large Show Windows for Samples , N. E. Cornel' Douglas and 15th Sts. Chas. Shiverick & Co. FURNITURB.- A complete assortment of all grades of furniture , from tha plainest to the most expensive , recently purchased at the re duced market prices. V. V.r 1206-1208 St. r - Douglas . "CUPIDEHE" _ _ . . _ VIiullzt lliliRreatVcKotutilci r.thoiirtstrlii- tlonof a fiiinoiHl'ronrti physician , u III quickly cure y nil nf nil ner vous or ( JlstivieH of UK * KUitrullvc onuim , nuili as Lost Mauhnoil , Insomnia. I'alnaln tliu Jl itk.He.nlnal i missions , NervoiiH Debility , rimplii , Uiilllntsa to Alarry , I.xlmiuliiiK Dnilns. Vnrlcocclo nml Cnnntlpi.lon. CUI'lDUNKeloin-es tlm liver , the kltluoya and the urinary [ BEFORE AND AFTER orfcMiiH or all Impurities. CII'l ( > iNi ; BtreiiKthcni mid restore small weak onrnni. Tlia IPIHOII siiiTeri in ire not cured by Doctors IH boc.iuno nlnn v percent nro troubled vv llh I'niHtiititlH. CtJl'lUKNi : In tlm only known ioincl ( > to euro without nn opoialloii fi 000 ten- tlmonlilH Avvrtlli'uirmr.iiiteoirUfii nnil money roluriiol If six l > oxrndoen not effect a per manent c-nre. SI ( ) l ) n hnx.Hlx foi * 1 ( , ( ) by mill. Huml furolrculni and trntlinoulali AildrchH n < VVOI < .11 iniUNi : : ( ! ( > . , I1.0 Hex 2070 Sin PramllHco. C il For a ilo by Gooilnuiv Driu ; Co. , 1110 Farnam St. . Omaha : Camp Ilrca , Council UliiIIu , lovv.i. YOUR FRIENDS By Presenting Them With a Speaking Likeness of Yonreelf , Undo By HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. 313-315317 So. 15th St. , Omrta Txijto E ov.Uor. IlcUvccn r.iriiam anil II.u noy. Teeth Filled 50e up " I % Gold Oroivna ami Urldiro Work DR. WITHERS , < th Floor , Rrown Dlock , , 10th and DoujliB Telcphono 1775. Or Hie I.liiunr Ilnl.U I'onllltrljr . It o/\n / b elvon In o cup ol oolteo or to. or In food , without UioKnawlcdKnbflliapalKnl ItUabiolutely barmleai , > n < l mil effect p rmn nt uad ipeody cure , whether tbs pitleiil U a raodertto drlukcrar an aloohollo wreck. II tta be n Klvari la tbouiandt of ouioj , and In every | n < unoo a porfeot euro baa fol lowed It NoorFull * . UlieDyalemonoalmpregaaled T7llh the Hycoino.lt bocomeaau utter linucatiblllly ( or the Kquor appetite toesut UOI.IIl'.N SIM.UirK ! Of ) , I'rap'r ] , < 'lntlnn ll , O. 40-pao book of partioutara tree. To b bad of u , Unionists , l.'itli utt.l Doujlitaiits , Umabu , N b. THE ALOE 4 PENFOID CO , RETAIL DRUGGISTS AND jT Prescription Pharmacy , Invalid Chairs , Atomizers , Syringes , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , Shoulder Braces , PHYSICIANS'SUPPLIES ' , . . . . . . INVALIDS' ' NECESSARIES THE ALOE & TENFOLD CO , < 1408 Farnnm St , Opposite I'axton Unlit PRICE PAID FOR GOJD Dental Work 1 uli"n clone by acunipclcnt maGe > Go to DR. R. W. BAILEY , A Rrailualed dentist uf oxperlonco ; D a. u your teolli In Ills euro anil limy will bo co < Miliinlluiinly omtd for. UlllcuJd lloor 1'aMwii iiiooif. T / / . man. BIRNEITS UnHovon CHtarrh onil Col In the Jteuit Instoutly by ona application CJuros He d Nolaoa fy u1 , MfttoBl , T n U , faUftso. I'rlnl Irtalmtml or Baruple f rej tfoia Ly drucglaU , DOo.