lllh UAl.UiDAILY Hhh : UUDMSMUY. I'H-MUMIY II , [ 891. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL IIU'IT- 01 ntr.l NO. 12 I'BAtlt , S Cilluici"1yrnirlcr to nny partof the city II.V TILTON - Manager \ * .aJn ln < 1. ? P"10P. . . . . . .No H v/.vr/o.v. Boston Store Linens , towels , muslins. Ladles auxiliary No 17 , Union Veteran league , will moot with Mm. Kmlcrton Tliursdnv nflcrnoon , February It. nt her homo on Klchtli street nnd Avenue , T , A mcotlnp of tlio Hoard of Health Is fconkcd for this evening , nt which time an other contract nil ! bn mnno with some physician for the care of smallpox patients Tlmro will bo n mncitliitt of the Woman's Christian Tempcrando union 'Jhutsday nftr-rnoon nt 2U : ; ) o'ulock nt the homo of Mrs X 1C. Slotldnrd. Second incnue. Members nnd friends Invited. The funeral of the Into Alarv T IJurnn will tnko place from her residence , 1O.T ! Stutsman treot , todav nt 210 : ! ) > , in Services con ducted by Mrs. U , I1 Harvey , Inspirational iprnker , of Mnquokctn , In. Word was received from Ncoln yesterday mornlntf thut the llrm of Herman & Lubv , clothiers , had mada an usslirnmrnt to J ( ! Baids'ev. It Is said that the creditors will not reallro 2.1 cunts on the dollar. Madam C'lenrer of Milwaukee , who is visiting friends in the city , will plvo an ex hibition of her r.italcptlc powers Thuisdny afternoon for the bencllt of a few friends ni the homo of Mrs Ulcason on Glen avenue. The Koblnson concert nt the Uroadvvay Methodist church last evening in the In terest of the pipe organ fund was a decided Bticcess in nil icspccls. The attendance was very largo and a line program was brilliantly rendered. \Vlmt Horn It Mni = ? That was the question asked by rflmost every person that passed the Boston Store two weeks ago. The cause of It was the arrival of Iho first lot of our wall paper stock , consisting of nil grades of paper hangings from Ihe brown backa to Iho silk papers. Lasl season we Bold almost every roll of paper wo had In the place , and slart In this season with a much larger and finer line than over , as well as by far the largest stock and lowest prices In the city , Read the following list of prices : Brown backs , 3c. White blanks , V4c. - ' While blank mlcos , G'&c. ' White blank gills , 7c and Sc. Full gilt and bronzes , lOc , 12jC , 15c. Embossed gilt , 17e. These papers are all slralght goods and bought from the combination , but that makes jio difference lo us. Wo sell wall paper Eiuno as dry goods small profits and largo sales. P. S If you want any pdpcrlng or pilnt- Ing done do not fall to glvo us a chance lo furnish an cstlmale. We have engaged Uloss Bros , lo do our papering and palming this season , and their name Is enough to satisfy you thai everything done will be first-class. All our work guaranteed. BOSTON STORE , Fothorlngham , Whllolaw & Co. , 1 401-105 Broadway , Council Bluffs. I'l'.lltiUNA L I'AK.I (111.11'Jll , . T. Li Smith has been suffci Ing for several days with a scvcic attack of iticnmalism. Mrs. ,1. O. Wttdsworth and J. II. Sims have gone to Lincoln , Isob , where they will take part In .1 conceit tills evening. W. B. Heed , who Is in DCS Moincs attend ing the mooting of the county trcasuioisof Jown , will visit Ills old home in Mount Vcr- non , O , before reluming. Itllcj .t bhurradiiii dosing Out. Wo arc going to close out our art store , anil for Iho puiposo of doing it In tlio least pos sible tuna will cut in the middle prices of all Roods. Tube paints , Co , sable biushcs , 5c ; S0o ! moldings , lOo ; Me moldings , 25o , ami all other moldings made intoftamcs nt just half cost of moldings ; piclurcs , ftamcd and unframed - framed , placqucs , nil kinds of at list inatcii- als at Just half price. Stock invoices iioailv 15.000 and Is the finest in the west. Wo mean business and will close it out at half price. Frames made up at once by Dcst framcmaltcr in the west. A big consignment of the finest well paper just received tit Miller's , U Ktrrl street , from 4 cts. a roll upnunU Now patlerns. t Domestic soap Is the best. No Scttlcinriit AViis Miule. W. J. Carroll , ropicsentln ? the Union Pa cific Knllwiiy company , ( lied a demurrer yesterday In the case of the Sandwich Alan- ufactutlng company ngatnst John Grant The latter vvas plaintiff in the cnso of Grant against the Union Pacific , lu which ho tried to collect $ UO,000 for pcisnmtl injuries vc- . .cclvedvlille working for the company. After four oi flvo trials In the United States courfs It was still undecided , und a loport was ch diluted fiom the ofllco of the com pany's attorneys in this city thut a settle ment , liatl been nprecil upon by vvhioh Grant \vnatolmvo $1.000 and dismiss tlio caso. As soon ns this report was started the S.iml- \\Ich Manufactuiing' company cominonccd tirocccalnps ngalnst Grant ami ( ruuilshcd the Union 1'aclllo to the amount of some- thine Illio $800 , on account of n judgment obtained by them nvvay back in IbST In Ne braska. > Jovv Can oil comes Into court anil Jllcs an nflld.ivit In which hu bavs that thoic has never been any settlement of the old case , on account of the refusal of Grant's Attorneys to the proposition made by thu company. Ho accoullngly wants tlio gin- Jihhnieiit proceedings dismissed. 1,000 hot bed Bash , glared and ready for use. made by the Council Bluffs I'alnt , Oil and Glass Co. , at prices to suit the limes. Out of town customers save money and get prompt attention. Masonic Icmplo building. Ladles , it you deslro absolute peace In the kitchen ask your grocer for J. 0. lloffmayr A. Go's Fancy Patent Flour. Trade mark llluo Iloostor. _ Dr Iloller.hoincopath , 810 First avc. Tel. 35. Everybody knows Davis sells drugs. I.lttlo Ilopo for the B. It. Wailsuiutli has loturncU fro in DCS Molncs , vvhcro ho went to attend the session ' for the purpose of trilntf to'tiiiglneor the bill tlnough wiiloh Is In- tciulvd to legullzo the oxcusslvo tax low imido bthn county Hoard of Supcrvlsois luvotal jonisitKo. iintl for which u suit is now pending lu the dlstilct court , with Shea ft Galvin as plaintiffs. Ho states that tlio fifteen members of the Judiciary committee , lo which the bill was rofuiicd. tire all lawyers , raid ns Itiwyois tire noted for stick- Ins by ono nnother In alTuIrs of this kind , ho docs not look for anything fnvoiublo to bo tluno , particularly In view of Iho fact that the irmjoi Ity of the comnilttco Is niado up of republicans , wlillo the request for the pussipoof thu bill comes from a doniociatlu county unit fiom u democratic board. Them Is u precedent for ttio passai-o of suuh a ipoclul luw , however , uiul tie has hopus. 1'oiiltry i\hlblt. : The Western Iowa Poultry association will Isold Its flrbt annual session , commencing R Wednesday , February 14 , and lasting four days , at 335 Ilroadway , About COO birds will bo. on exhibition from all parts of west ern Iowa. A prize of J5 will bo given the owner of the largest and best exhibit , am ) Ilist , second and third premium cards will bo awarded other exhibits. , A k ycur grocer tor Domestic soap. ContitKloiis The following uses of contagious diseases were ropoi ted ycstord.iv : Measles-Coin , Staploton , I02i > liroatlwar : Walter Whitman , HIT Curtis : lU Heed 121 UluITi Stella Glddliitts , corner Ilriuut -nil Vine streets : Mury I'urcell , til ! ) North EizlithBtioot. ChlcUenpox Iwirson , 2001 South Kleventli street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fresh bread , 3 loaves ( or lOe , at Uro\vu'n D. 0. I ) . Fresh bread. 3 loaves ( or lOc. at lirowu'u C. O. U. _ _ Domestic soap la tb best , JJliLlvJ ATPincrnAiT rnnvriT TIT nrro NEnS rROM COLNCIL BLUFFS Spencer Smith Wins His Suit Against the UriJge Motor Company , GETS JUDGMENT FOR FIFTEEN THOUSAND Money Win IlnUi il to Aid 1111 loita Com pany mill llirn .tnilgiu'd lo IWI Corporation-L'oiirt lloldi 'Dili ? , ot I. < Rill. The motor company has another black 010. Judge Dounict icndercJ a decision itstcrday In the case of Spinier Htnllh against tlio Omaha .1 Council Bluffs company , and In it ho followed almost tically the line of reasoning as fovui I in the recent decision of Judge MtQso of the su- peHor " court , i evoking the compjny's cnar- tor.Vhllunot qulto so sweeping in Its in- tuio as the other decision , from thu fact that the amount of propcity involved is not so great , it will cost the motor company per haps fcJO.OOO before the case Is Ilinlly dis posed of , In tlio event of Judge Decincrs de cision being sustained bv thu supiumu com t In 1880 the voteis of Pottawattamle county voted to assist the Omaha & Council HlulTs UrlJgo company , as organbcd under the laws of Iowa , In bulldiii > ; tlio tnldgo be tween the two cities with a Ci-mlll tax for the vcars 1SST and 18S3 The amount thus tcall/cd , about $30.0JO , was pnJovortoJ. 11. Mlllaid. the licasliror of tlio company , and with It and several bundled thousands or dollars of boiiowcd money the company pi acceded to erect thcbtlugc. In 1887 , ue- foic thu bridge had been built , the companj bearing tlio same name ns the Iowa coinjnti } was Incorpoi.itoU umlcr the laws of Nu- braska , ami on May II of that jc.ir a con- trict was entered into between the two companies by which the Iowa corpouition assigned to tlio Nebraska corporation the tax money it was lo ici-cive , ami leased to the Nebraska corpoiatlon for a tcim of ninety-nine ycMis all lights ana franchises granted by the charier of 1SM5 The Iowa corporation In exchange icccivcd one-half of the stock of the Nebraska corporation , amounting lo $750,000. All Iho vvotk that was uonc. was done by the Nebraska corpor ation. Less than a jc.ir ago a Inigc number of taxp.ijc'is of the city assigned their claims to bponccr Smith , who com menced a suit in the district ' .ouit to it-cover the lax money they had voled and paid to assist the Iowa coiioiation | in uofng the work Ihat had been done by that of Ne braska. RULKD OUT BV THE COURT. The case was tiiul bofoio Judge Decmcr several months agoand yesterday a decision was icndered by him which completely knocks out the motor company In cvoiy rm- tluular The law prov Ides , ho say- ! in sub stance , that a tax of not to exceed G per cent 011 the assessed valuation of Iho ptopetty in any city ot moro than ft.OOO population maybe bo voted to assist any coiporallon organi/cd under the stale laws in tlio election of a blidgo , one or both of .Those ends test on Iowa soil. The law not only piovidcs that this must bo voted to an Iowa corporation , but must be paid to it as well. The Intent of the legislature vvas to limit aid to the rorpoiatlons over which the state had in- iiulsitoiial and visitoiial povvcis The de- lendant only claimed to have the right to the money by vliluo of thu contract , so that thu whole matter resolved Itself into two questions : Fust , was tlio tax valid ( ami second , can a foioign coiporation icceivo money which was voted to a homo coipoia- tioni In the decision occius the following state ments : " 'It was evidently not the intention of the legislature to allow a homo coipoia- tion to oiganbo mcicly tor the purpose of petitioning aid and then , before doing any thing , to assign tlio benefits tbui obtained to un outside corporation over vvhicli the statu would have no power of taxation or visitation , for this would bo giving aid to the outside coiporation. Tno taxpayers cannot bo compelled to turn over thulr prop- cit.v to outside corporatioiik to aid them in their work , and the coui Is will not toleinlo doing by indireclipn what the statutes di- iccuv prohibit. "It is claimed that the law recognises the right to assign in , piovidlng that the condi tions to bo performed bv the compiny shall bo performed by its successois and assigns as well , but it may bo well doubted whether this ielates to voluntary assignments. I am inclined to think that the clause was un doubtedly put in to bind purchases at foie- closure h.iles or the llico to the performance of the conditions imposed upon the original owners. 'Mfthe contract between the two com panies Is void then no i Ishts can bo clnlmea bv the defendants and the poison who should try lo compel them to the perform ance of the conditions would bo mot with tlio objection that they vveio not bound to poifoim the conditions because of the in validity of the contract. And the Iowa cor poiatlon , not having icccivcd the money or built the budge , would also tlaim not to bo icsponslblc. Uhe Nebraska coipoiation had no right to build the bildgc excepting under the assignment , which wo have soon is clcaily illegal , or tinder the ftanchlso giantcd to it by the city council. If under the latter power it had no right to have aid voted to it. RIGHTS OP CITIZENS. "livery citizen has thu right to Insist that the money bo paid to the company to which ho voted It , to a coiporation over which the state has toutiol anil which ho cnn at all times HUO In the coui ts of his o\v n stale. Ho has tlio right to have the bridge owned by a company oiganuod under thn laws of his o\vn state and which shall bear its Just bur dens and bo subject to the power of the stato. In this case thn money paid as taxes bv the plaintiff's assignois has been paid over without authority , under a void con tract , to a Nebraska corporation , and the plah.tltl should have Judgment for the ie- tuin thuicof with 0 per cent intcicst from the tlmo the same was received by the No- biaska corpoiatlon. " Judge Ooomer wound up his decision by allowing the defendant ninety dajs in which to scttlo and lllu a bill of exceptions , for the case will undoubtedly bo taken oil an appeal to the supreme court. All through the de cision were quotations from supreme couit decisions on the \nrlous points involved , Thoaniout't at stake In this case Is only about 15,000 , although the amount of tax money oiiginallv paid by the propoity ownets vvas over $ .10,000. For one reason or another the holdeis of other claims which could Imvo been Incorporated in the suit re fused to assign their claims to Mr. Smith , and the time has now passed by for filing petitions , ( ! itciitiis ; : cuiAi'iit : : THAN iviit. : : At llrouu'H ( ) . O. I ) . 22 Ibs. granulated sugar for $1.00. Rolled oata , So per ib , 3 itkgs. oatmeal for 25c. 4 pkgB * soda for 25c. 4 pkgs. condensed mlnco meat , 2uc. 4 pkgK. pancake flour for Sac. Soda ciackers , 4c Ib. by the bo\ ; oyster cnrekcra , 4o Ib. bytho box , ( linger snaps , 7'Cc Ib. Lima beans , 4o Ib. ; navy beans , 3'ic Ib. ; tilled peas , lie Ib. 10-lb. pall while fish , G5c. Sweet California oranges , lOc doz. ' ( ! oed table peaches , Ho can. flood rice , Da Ib. ' Cornmeal , lOe sack , BROWN'S C. 0. 1) . aROOE.ir , Coal , II. A. Cox , 10 Mam street. Best ( ( ualitv. lowest rates , Prompt delivery , dot pi Ices before buy ug. Telephone 48. Lily camp. No. 1. R. N. of A. , will give an entertainment Pebruary 14 , consisting of a short progiam , supper and dancing , at K. 0. hull. Admittance , 25 ccnta , Urmurrrr la Monti' * Case. Judge Smith rendered a decision upon the dcmmrer fllod by A. K. Stone , formerly su. poKntcndont of the motor line , In the case In which ho was clmrccU with criminal negligence gence- , which caused the death of K , F. Holmes In the South Main street accident last npilng. The court holds that the do- mm i or ls good in three points , namely , that the Indictment docs not say but that other officers than Stone might have ma'lo suitable order * to cairy ou thu operation of the Hue wl'h aifptv to the nil/He tint It dies r.ot ntalo lunv Holuit. < i met his death tnrou li Iho fnllurcof .Stone lo make orders , ami th it It dots not s i.v that Holmes would not nav < . mot his death if such orders had been made On all other points ho overrules the de murrer. IIKOH. Ortnt rVbrtmry Sale. Muslin underwear , linens , white goods , lowols , napkins , muslin and sheellngs. No let up lo It. Still greater birgalns than over today. G cases Trull of Loom muslin , 7 lie yard , n cases Lonsdalc muslin , 7c yard. G bales 36-Inch fine' unbleached muslin , 4tc ! yard. 20 pieces Lonsdalo cambric , , tic yard , Ready made up pillow cases , with 2-Inch hem IJ c each. Ready made up sheets , 49c each , 72-Inch bleached salln table damask , $1 50 quality , now 9So yard. Our $1 00 quality 70-Inch bleached table damask selling al Toe yard. GOc Gorman loblo damask 3 ! > c y.ard. Qrealesl lowol birgaln ever offered. All linen buck lowels , size 17x31 , now 9e each. 2Jc satin damask touols , beautiful borders , only 15c each. Standard dress prinls 3Hc jard. Imllfo blue prints Gc jard. Chlldren'B 25c hose , fast black , flno ribbed , sizes fl to 9',4 , now IGc pair. You had bet ter coma now and get them. They can't always last Ladles' 10 gauge fine fast black hose 23c ralr. ralr.Ladles' Ladles' opera length fast black hose 7f > c ? alr. alr.Leaders Leaders of low pricesHEN'NISON HEN'NISON IIROS. . Council Ulufls. Tavorablo Inducements will bo offered tea a few tollable and energetic agents who will solicit for Iho Mutual Life Insurance com pany. Call on or addiess I'usoy & Thomas , Council LI luffs , district agents for southwest ern Iowa. _ Carbon Coal company , 34 Pearl strcel , Grand holi'l. Gel our cash prices on best hard and soft coal before buying. Tire and tornado Insurance , Lougeo & Tovvlo , 235 1'earl slreel. Have you seen the now gas beaters at the Gas company's office ? Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. .K IMH.tX LIX1)S. I'or Scltlomi nt of tlio ITnromp.tliKro anil L'lntiili JtvHcriiitloim Onrillon. WASHINGTON , Feb. H The problem of scllllng tl'c Ulntah and Uncompahgre In dians of Utah has engaged Iho attention of mcmbcis of Ihe house committee on Indian affairs at their dally meetings for sourj tlmo past. Delegate Rawlins of Utah has a bill before the committee by which Iho Indians are lo bo given lands In severally , eighty acres for each head of family and forly acres each for olhcr Indians. Ho proposes Ihat the remainder of the land shall bo thrown open to selllemont by United Slalcs clli/cns , a settler to bo allowed ICC acres at ? 1 2" an acre. The mineral land1) and lands containing timber ot commercial value to be excluded from the plan nnd gov erned In their disposition by existing laws The Ulntahs now hold about 2,300,000 acres , and their neighbors , the Uncompahgres , about 1,700,000. Dllllcullles e\lsl over Iho llllo of Iho Un- compahgres lo Iho lands they hold. They were moved ever from Coloiado a few years ago and occupy Ihelr present holdings by executive order. They weie promised agri cultural lands , however , and not mineral lands. Asphalt deposits of great commercial value have lecently been discovered in Iheir counlry , so Ihat It Is very desirable for set tlement. Manv bettlers have staked claims , believing the hind lo be In Colorado , or claiming lo think so. There Is a difference of opinion in Ihe com- mlllt'o over the action lo be taken , bul It Is thought the mailer may bo scltled by dis posing of the mineral land : , separately. nntiri > . Domestic. At a negro dance Tuesday night at Rose- dale , Mo. , three persons wore seriously In jured. Three children of Michael Dawson of Jollet , 111. , are suffering with smallpox of the most virulent form. Salt Lake's unemployed made a great demonstration yeslerday , and were promised aid by clly officials and prominent citizens. Attorney Hencklo of Cincinnati , for Con gressman W. C. P. Drecklnrldgo , was busy yesterdaycollecllng lesllmony for the Pol- lard-Rreckinrldgo trlal-"whlch will commence loday. Yeslerday a leller was received at Tacoma , rVash. , from Mate Sturgls of the bchooner Josephine , which left that city early In De cember last , lelllng of Ihe loss of an un known vessel about COO miles at sea en route /oi Honolulu. The Northern Mill company of Minneapolis yesleiday made an assignment and with It vvas a personal assignment of Ray W. Jones , secretary and Ireasurer of Iho company , who Is Individually responsible for a largo amount of the company's paper , The attoinoys of ex-Danker Rnld ot Kan sas City , wnude case was set for trial In the criminal court there yesterday , applied for a change of venue and Judge Woolford sent the case to Clay county , where It will bo tried at the April term. Louis J. Sllva , the defaulting secretary of the Ralnwator-IJiadford Hal company of SI. Louis , who lied lo Canada Oclober 2C lasl , after having , durliig his connection wllh Ihe llrm , embezzled $176,000 , surrendered at 3 o'clock yesterday at St. Louis. The annual convention of the Packing Manufacturers and Canning convention con vened Jointly today with the Western Can , nen > ' association at Chicago. L S. Selglct < and T. A , Edwards were elected president and secretary and one vice president was chosen fiom each state represented. The fourteenth annual encampment ot the Grand Army of the Republic , doparl- nicnt of Minnesota , opened yesterday In Minneapolis. A telegram of sympathy was sent to Corporal Tanner , lying ill In a New- York hospital. Reports for the past > car wore favorable. The Woman's Relief corps Is also In session. v About 300 republicans , representing Lin coln League clubs throughout Indiana , as. semblcd at Indianapolis yesterday lo make moro complete Iho republican organlzillon In Indiana. District managers wore se lected for each of the cloven districts and four dologatos-at-largo to go to the Denver convention were appolnled. Five highwaymen knocked down Poler Major , a builder of Du Qiicsno , Pa. , Tues day night , and , aflcr healing him Into In sensibility , robbed him and then placed hla body across the tracks of the Pitlsburg , Virginia & Charleston railroad. Ho was dis covered by a delccllvo a few minutes before a westbound freight train was duo at that point. i r. iJucstrow , a bi. Louis piijsician , wanted Into the police station lasl evening and sur- remleied himself , stating that ho had acci dentally killed his wife. Ho refused to make any fuither statement concerning the shoot ing or to go Into any details further than to say that It was accidental. Ho vvas locked up and an Investigation mado. It was lealned later that the doclor had killed both his wlfo and G-yvar-oId boy , The Hamburg-American Packet company yesterday , referring to a rumor about their steamer Augusta Vlcloila , received Iho fol lowing from Ihe Hamburg : The rumor regarding Iho loss of the Augusta Victoria Is entlioly without foundation , She continued her voyage lo Now York from Southampton on Sunday evening , passing the Llzzard on Monday at G:4S : a. m. , signalling "All well , " I'orelgn. The boiler of Forlos Dros , ' cork faclory 0x5 ploded al Gibraltar yeslerday. The faclory was burned and Ivvo men were Killed and eleven seriously wounded. The American ship Will C..Rcod , Captain Forbes. , which sailed from Harwlck on Feb ruary 8 for New York , has been wrecked oft SI. Varloy. The crow of twentj-ono men was saved. A dispatch from Kocnlgsburg , Eist Prussia , says the river Pregel Is swollen by the recent - cent heavy rains and that the town In partly ( loaded. The dispatch adds that the firemen and engineers have displayed considerable bravery and activity during Ihe flood and that they have succeeded In savins nuiuj BEFORE TillpAXD - , , JURY Onss County Batik /flhljs [ Being Sifted by the Secret iutjlilsition , ONLY ADDS TO THE GENERAL SUSPENSE What T.I'.tlo Cnn II 'l-Fitrnrd by the t > o. po ltir ltn MoreljrJjJfjj votl to Incrrnso Tlielr AiiprrliiMnlitii-.Miiy Ilnvo n llcpurt Tiulii ) . ATLANTIC , In. , Tqb. 31 ( Special to Tlio Heo. ) The new grand iJ ryna mitnmoncil before Judge Decmcr IMS morning and tlio Inw relating to trusts and corporations vvas read and explained to tlio tneiiuerscry fully. Tim Jury was tlien sent out nnd told to get to work Sheriff Card hoRaii nt once summoning witnesses. The officers of the defunct Caps County bank \\cro cited to ap pear , nnd have been before the Jury all day. While the evidence Rained by the grand Jury Is carefully kept pnciot , enough has been learned to show that all the people con nected with the bank may get Into trouble. Mr. Carter , who caused the arrest of the president and cashier of the bank on the charge of Illegal banking , arrived In the city this afternoon anilvas summoned be fore the gram ! Jury to Rive evidence against the officers of the bank. Carter was seen by The Ileo reporter. He said "I feel as If I had been deliberately swindled out of my money I have ll\cd In this county since 1870 , and when I was farming , used to feed lots of Block. The hank helped me occislomlly then , but some time ago I retired from the farm and tame to town to live. I put my money In this bank. On December 10 I went Into the bank and saw Cashier Ulcknrson. I told him I had heard the bank was In bad Hhapc. Ho told mo thut money was getting easier , and that they were lending to stock feeders In liberal amounts , and thut Inside of nl\ty ilajs would have more money on hand than they would know whit to do with. Upon Dlckerson's assurance , I added $100 to jnv account and lost It all. " \Vo aru going to proseculo every man connected with this Institution , and hun dreds of witnesses will be here. John Schultz , a German hotel keeper , lofct $1,000 , and ho Bays : "I went to Iho bank December 22 , fl\e days before the failure , and tried to withdraw my account , but could not , and they gave mo woithlcss securities. I will begin criminal action against the officers of the bank. " E. C. Ncnnum , another retired farmer , lost $2,000 , and Steals losl $ J,300. Mrs. lloocher , an old widow , lost $500 , the sav ings of twonly jears earned by washing. Lucy Oatton , clerk , lost $ SOO , the fruit of several jears hard work. Fred Daw son of the Telegraph office lost $400 , saved from work as a pi Inter , for the purpose of com- plellng his education. The German Aid society lost Its Insurance fund. These arc only a few of hundreds of like Instances. INCLUDES THE RECEIVER. Today Judge DefinT issued an order to the attorneys that 'Receiver Stclnko bo made a party to every suit brought against the bank. The Bee- reporter Interviewed a good many depositors today , and without exception they denied that they over knew 01 hcaid Ihat the institution had surienclerfd Us charter and said they had been ledd to bcllcvo that the concern was still being operated under llio state laws. The depositors claim that they were Influenced by icputablo men outside of the bank to keep their accounts there against their betler Judgment and several farmers were Induced lo transfer their accounts irom other banks lo tlio Cass counly concern. The bank was off ei Ing a larger ralo of Interest , for money than any of the olhers and this in itself was regarded as extremely Misplcions byconservatlve ( busi ness men , who got from under as fast as they could , but many of them quit losers In the transaction. It Is charged that when the people began to feel decidedly uneasy , especially those who transacted most of Ihelr business in this bank , and began t demand an accounting from the ofllcers , th .t certain officers and di rectors called them Into Ihelr private offices and told them that it was only a temporary stringency , and that if they could keep the confidence of the people tlio bank would pull Ihrough nil light. The officers then told llieso men lo o out and tell the people that their money was safe , and that if it came to the woist the bank wotild ECO that its Inti mate friends lost nothing. It Is alleged that several mon were caught by this and guarded their sccrel unlil the crash came and Ihcn when they began comparing notes the fact dawned upon them that they had been duped. Ono of Iho depositors , who sought to avoid the assessor and keep his wealth unknown to his family , had $3,700 on deposit. He swore to having only $200 on deposit , bill when the bank failed he was the wildest man In lown. Ho says ho will never avoid his just laxes again. For years Ihls bank and Its officers has been a factor in county politics and through Its Influence was able lo obtain control of the funds of a majority of the school dis tricts. These funds amount to a considera ble sum and It remains with the court to do- cldo If these claims shall ha\o preference over others. In the court yoslcrday aflornoon Attorney Do Lane filed twenty-one Intervener suits for funds held In trust and there are a good many widows who will lese nearly all they possessed. The civil suits are multiplying and there will be endless litigation from now on. The stale Is represented Ly Counly At torney T. n. Swan , who Is assisted by O. E. Bruce. Those' men realize Iho gravlly of the situation. The selection of the Juries will bo conducted with the greatest f care. PEOPLE STILL INTERESTED. There were many farmers In town again today and their chief topic of con versation was about the bank , the repoit of. Receiver Stelnko and the probable action of the Igrand Jury. When the bundle of Morning Bees arrived hero at noon there was a rush for the news stands and the supply was teen exhausted , The papers were read with many approving comments , and were handed around to thosn who wore not fortunate - tunato enough to gel a copy of the paper , Thin is the first time that any allompt kas been madu to publish the fads In Iho case. Ono fanner stood In front of the bank for several hours yesterday under Iho Impres sion Ihat Iho receiver was going to have his report completed and would read It to the public from stops of the bank , like a sheriff selling a piece , of property for taxes. Ho became quite cold before some kindhearted - hearted citizen told him ; the truth about the way the leceivor's reports ivvero handled. Some people are Inclined to ciltlclso Re ceiver Stulnko for hla miriness with the com mittee which waited on him yesterday , but his friends say that Jheals harassed almost beyond endurance , and did not Intend to of fend the men. .Mr < .Stp.lnho was also a customer of Iho bank , and In common with Iho other depositors ho 'will ' lose quite a sum of coin. Bui tlidro'U one thing cer tain , his work as receiver 'will bo thoroughly done bofoio ho will make his final report. The affairs of the bank scorn to bo In a worse condition tham thai people have any Idea of , and the lout ; delnj in gaining In formation as well an the hard times has made them a trlllo JCBS ceremonious than usual when they aio dealing with the sub ject. ject.WAS IN PORK WITH JACK CUDAHY. President YcUor's bonds are now $10,000 and Cashier IJlckersou'a $21,000 The presi dent IB an old man and when talking about the matter and realizing the serious posi tion ho Is In ho cannot refrain from shedding tears. Ho claims to have turned over to the creditors of the bank properly valued at $ SO,000 , but thoru are previous Ualina against this real cstalo. It Is alxo alleged that ho was heavily Interested In pork when Jack Cudahy of Chicago wan rendered bankrupt by Iho bear clique tome tlmu last summer. And It Is thought that Yctzcr cot caught In this deal for a snug num. Ono thing which has always had a favora ble. Inlluenco In behalf of Iho Cass Counly bank v.as an Incident which occurred several years uio. Some one slarled a rumor lethe the effect that the bank was about to ( all and whrti the officers opened up for business In the morning they found a long line of depositors standing outside ready to with draw their funds The bank happened to bo caiiKht short of ready cash , but nothing daunted Yotror ordered Iho doors opened and soon got enough ready money to meet all demands for three or four hours. Ho then placed a lot of securities and bonds In his pockets , chartered an cnglno on the Rock Island road , rode to Council Bluffs , secured $30,000 on his securities nnd was back In Atlantic before 10 o'clock that day , ready to pay every depositor In full on demand. After gaining their politi cal ends the officers of Ihls Iink ) wore able lo conceal any thins that might have lost them the confidence of the people , The receiver thinks Dial ho will bo able to make his report public Wednesday or Thursday , and ho Is using every effort to facilitate progress. MAY WAS (1USIIIM1. Comlc'tiil limit MimliTcr KcichliiK Much Attention lit lnlxiiir. ) ( | DUIJUQUE , Feb 13 ( Special Telegram leThe The Bee ) A tensallon was developed In HIP Haley murder case loday when Mrs Pan ning , n widow cmplovod In Ihe sheriff's olllco , wan discharged for rushing upon Hugh Rob- bard In Die courl house corridor and kissing him , nt the same time presenting him with a bank note and .a basket of fruit , in the bottom tom of which was found a passionate toiler to "My Dear Hugh" from "Your Loving May. " The scene occurred while Robbard and Haley were being taken from the crow do I court room to Iho Jail. Robbard Is under life sentence for murdering Policemen Frith and Talcolt and Is hero as a witness for his accomplice Haley This muidcrcr has also captured the hearts of several foolish girls and today they ap peared In court dressed to kill. The amll- cnco which every day fills the court room to suffocation la made up largely of romantic maidens , but today's Incident has determined the High school principal lo wilhdraw his class in civil govcrnmonl from the gallery , lliul Itrrii Misinformed. SIOUX CITY , Fob 13 ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The cnso In which three slock- holders of Iho National Bank of Slou\ City applied for an Injunction lo restrain Its offi cers from liquidating the business of the bank and consolidating II wllh Iho Security National and for u receiver to wind up Its affairs was called up In the United States court today. To Iho surprise of overjono Iho plaintiffs did not appear , but Instead filed a motion for dismissal , staling thai Ihey had been misinformed as lo Iho con dition of the bank and the Intended actions of the officers by James F. Toy , who desired lo defeat the consolidation with the Security National and establish In lieu of the National Bank of Sioux City with $00,000 capital stock , the Phoonlx Nntlonil with $300,000 capital. The National of Sioux Cily and Ihe Security Na tional will now bo consolidated under the name of the latter wllh $750,000 capital. Miilvurn aiim Killed. MALVERN , la. , Teb. 13. ( Special to The Bee. ) Thomas Breeding , living about two miles south of here , was killed jestcrday afternoon. Ho was raising n pump from Ihe well by jack sciews , when they broke , let- ling the pump fall and nn Iron rod stiucK him on the head. Ho was about 23 years old and leaves n wife nnd one child. His falhcr , Benjamin Breeding , was killed aboul two years ago by Jumping or falling from a train near Hlllsdale. At the regular business meeting of the Young Men's Christian association last even ing there wore nineteen admitted as active and nine associalo members , making Iho membership Increase fifty active and twelve associate since the district convention in December. The association is in a flourishing condition , both spiritually and financially. ' JIust I'll } Cooilulu'H Inturnncc. CEDAR RAPIDS , Feb. 13. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The Jury in the case of Mrs. Artie Goodwin against the Provident Savings Life Assurance society of New York , to compel the pajment of $5,000 Insurance carried by her husband , returned a verdict today giving her the full amount with Inter est from the date of her husband's death. Goodwin was an insurance agent at Omaha and commllled suicide about a year ago , and Iho company fought Ihe payment of Iho policy on Ihe grounds Ihat ho secured Iho Insurance , Ihrough fraud. Anolher case agalnsl Ihe Mutual Reserve Fund Life as sociation of Now York for the same amount is also pending. lovui Count v AuclltcirH 3Ic < it. DES MOINES , Feb. 13. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) A considerable number of county auditors and treasurers of Iowa held a state convention hero today and discussed mailers of Inleresl lo their respective offices. Legislative committees wore appointed to look afler matters in the legislature. Ilccovorlni ; from the Storm. BURLINGTON , In. , Feb. 13. Today was brlghl and warm and business has entirely recovered from the effects of yesterday's storm. Reporls from Ihe country districts show that stock suffered severely during the blizzard. It will be several days before country roads are passable. Itmti fiu'iiier Cut tu 1'lec cs. GLENWOOD , la , Feb. 13. ( Special to The Bee. ) No. 3 on the Burlington ran over and killed a fajmer named Doty at Iho curve west of Iho bridge over Iho Missouri Jusl south of Plattsmoulh. Doty was qulto deaf. The Iralnmen saw him lee lalo when roundIng - Ing Iho curve lo stop. fur I.ocul Option. DUBUQUB , la. , I'eb. 13. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The cltUens committee lefl for DOS Molncs tonight to ask republi cans and democrats favoring local option lo unite on Ihe Saw > pr bill. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS t To know that a single applica tion of the Cullcura Remctlics will afford instant relief , permit rest and sleep , and point to a speed j and economical cure of torturing , disfiguring , itching , burningand scaly humors , and not to use them without a moment's delnj Is to fail in your duty. Cure : made in childhood arc speed } , economical and permanent. FeM throughout Ilia world. Porrrn I ) nun ivr CIIIM ( 'our. , ole projinoluin , lloflon ' Illrin'iliPH ' , falling balr and ilrajill bu'jy runhc < jirirveiitul ty C'ullcur If llroil , adilnjr , noivoui inolli. ere Lncw Ihe comfort , strength , and vitality In Culkurn I'liuUrs , they vrotild i ever bo rltLout I.HII. ! lu g"- * : every wuy th e purqiti t i m RU > I I VPn 1 T I ll'I 1TP TAU * \ PtVP AHLRALAwLhSS IO\\A \ \ ( .ANG Oitizons of Oasa County and Vicinity Inter ested in John Oaywood's Trial , HAVE BEEN ANNOYED FOR MANY YEARS Member * of tlio OrRiinliiitlon I'nruiln it * llor n Trailer * M hrn Nut CIIRIIKPI ! In ( . 'riit'MiiK Sufru iiiut Mobbing Mount' * . ATLANTIC. la. , Feb. 13. ( Special ( o The Bee. ) The Irlal of John Cay wood for perjury , which has been pending nt Rod Oak the last ten ilav B , has a keen Interest to many ( 'ass county men. For many years a closely or ganized set of gaiigsfcrs have rendezvoused In Iho hills and thickets along Iho Nodiway river near Mllford. They have not confined their outlawry to Montgomery county , bill have ranged over Into Edna , Nob'.o and Plc.isanl lownshlps In Ihls counly. Tlio desperadoes have been guilty of the most annoying and exasperating offenses. In Edna township they have driven off slcors and joung cattle , have killed hogs In pas tures , have stolen com from the slalkH and other grain from the bins. In some cases the horns and other offal of fat cattle have been found In their wake. They have In vaded lurkey perches and hen roosls and pilfered on Iho community In every guise of the sneak thief. These men paraded as horse traders , mule swappers and great ( ; un shotH. Some way or other fellows unknown to the community dropped In and sta > cil with them a few days , and then slipped away nr softly and si lently as Ihcy tame Those slrangcrs were some of them from the clly and . be trayed the nynncr of men who are wonl lo rush Iho gronler and dodge the police This gang of freebooters has burned hundreds of tons of hay , barns , dwellings nnd other property Ono farmer In Edna has lost over 100 tons of hay ftom their Incendiarism. Last spring a woman wont to an Atlintlo offlco and wanted a divorce notice published at a reduced rate Upon Inquiry It was found that she had IJved down there and had mingled with Ihls gang. Occasionally a quack doclor or a pretended delcctlvo comes along who claims to have complete knowl edge of Ihese night marauders , but who will not glvo his Information without a big price. A lllllo o\ci a year ago one of llieso doctors slopped at the Hotel Windsor and wanted $300 for his information. Ho claimed to have gene In , ate , gambled nnd slepl wllh these Ihlcvtng loughs. Within a > ear a safe has been cracked and robbed at Murno and one in Masscna , and last week an attempt was made to rob the posl- olflco In Anita. The lime la ripe lo apprehend and publish lliem. Heretofore they have sworn each olhcr clear. Many of Iho best citizens down there have determined that lhl ruse shall work no longer , and If Justice cannot bo obtained in Ihe courls Justice will bo obtained olhciwlbc. mot VlittliliU'4 Tabooed. FORT DODGE , la. , Feb. 13. ( Special Telegram lo The Dee. ) Judge Wcavei of Ihe dlslrlcl court In charging the giund Jury today gave the special Instructions to Indict Iho owners of Ihe slol machines which are In common use by cigar dealers , pionounc. Ing them gambling devices. GRIME IN IIEGtl PLA.CE3 ! It U not strungo thut some people do wronfj through ignorance ) , others from ft failure to investigate us to the righto. * wrong1 of n , matte : ' But it is str.itigo , that individuals and firms , who nro fully avvai o of the rights of others , \v ill per sist in perpetrating frauds , upon them. Ilifrh-toned , wealthy maiuifrcturing firms will offer and Hell to retail mer chants , articles which they know to bo infringements on the rights of proprie tors , and imitations of well known good's. Wo want to sound a note of warning to the retailers to beware ot such imita tions aud simulations of''CARTER'S Lir- TLE LIVER PILLS. " When they nro of fered to you , refuse them ; you do not want to do wrong , and you don't want to lay yourself liable to a lawsuit. Bon Franklin said "Honesty is the best ; > oll- ey" ; it is just ns true that "Ilonosty U thobost principle. " SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS TVii.Nr nt vi.ui , Consiiltutlou I'roo. AND Call on or adddress with Ntninp foi chxuluiH. Prco booli rcclucs aiul nymnton Soarles I ! 18 South ISth St , Dr Searles and , , O > mi v NI.II Plrnt stiilrwaj Bouth of postofTlco room 7. Improved Quick and Easy j Rising-Steam , Elec- trie & Hand Power Soucl for Cuoiihus. fi Kimball Bros. , Council Bluffs , Iowa THE COMPLEXION AND BEAM , MME. M. YALE'S Excels or Ccmplixlon Romotllos Awarded the Highest Medals nnd DI pluniixa fiom the World's Fair Co lumbian Imposition. Mini' Yale , the World-I-'unol' Complexion SpciifUlst la tli most ln > imlfiil woiiim IIvine. llcrlnant > li IH Ix-en cuhlvnliil , tiul liei voutli pre- Hi'nul l > r tlio uu < of the' * ) romoillus Al 11 Bho does nut look mure III m 18. PRICE LIST And Mum. V.ilu'H Aitv Ice FOR NMTH PATCHES , SALLOWNESS , Thick , dead Hhlnorany other itlHcoloritlon t tec- onimt'iul CcMiiplexloti lihnuh , an I KII ir intca It will remove-all nklii bliMiilxhes mid irlvo i porfcct , n itur il voniiltt\UnUMiinl | | In purity ami IKMUIVIO lohllil H I'llco * JW ( per botllo ! l for $0 fllu iihlmbli' toiiHH thriMi bottles If Uino iso IH of loiiir Httnillni ; , although ono bottle Is miillelem In m my WRIHKIES AND SKIN FOOD. Kxcelalor Skin Food will reimno .my OIHO of wrlnkltH and oven trieo of airtIt linn boon LHtpct In the iniMtosl ohrMiile il rxinrts ami pro nounced m iru-loim H tnik s II ilitn Hush linn niul llu-olil wlilii'rMl Hkln from fliula.imljoiilli- ful Htmkm cln i UH round mil iiliiiui ) TwoHlzca : price , * 1 fill.iiill)0p- | ! ) FRECXLES AND LA FREGXLA- ItinilliTHiiot If fiieklrthito I"IMI from jouth toolil .iifo I.I Kn.ukl i will remove tlii'in In ovurv 0 IHI In I'lcMi'on montlm over n tin irter of . million men womou .mil elilldr-'i h ui < boon cured of fuckles .mil Ihelr Hltln m i lo ln > uillful It IH bunions mil wonileifill 1'rlej , $1 (10 pel bottle. THE HAIR AND EXCEISI01 HAIR TONI3. Ora > h ilr In now turned b ick lo llu origin il color without ilvn foi Iho Hist tlmu In tint hlnloiy ot the world Mme Yale H Kxcolxloi II ilr Tonlo IHCOII- 1 de-red the uioiit iiU.incid triumph In c'liemlHtiy. U n-Hlori slliu n iluril color to icr.u h ilr , oontilnu nodje , mil Htops li.ilr filling in nom ill hoiun to ono VMM k Can bo ii'llod on ( ocrc itoau astonish- liiBKrovvlli Korbilil liu.ul It 1 marvelous Trice' , $1 tier bottle , II foi $ * GUIDE TO BEAUTY. Mine Yale \\lll fiend IKI ' ( Julilo to Ilcuity , " a v iluiblo book free to HillfH HMiiltiu I ) cants hi po-tt luo Nt mum lo ill ) for m illbu' tntnc Olvun oxli ii'lH from Mme Yale s f iiiions lectures on bo mtv .mil ITIMK i il nlvlcuon be inly culture Iho most .ulv.miAil In null of oducitlon which clvc'ft ou ry vvoin in un iiu ilUi inco lo become beautiful ami lorn Uu.\OUIIK alums Send all mill oriler-4 to Mme Y.iloat her bond- nil irtorH. T < mplo of He imj , 1 It ) SI ito nt , Ohl- cautj Ilr MAIL OKUHKS-tvidlcn , 5011 mny order your cooilH b > innll 01 CM them from v our druirelHt It ho ilocH not lu on Iliom M ml Mine. Vale hla name. Ho must be behind the limes. M M. YA.LEX ± rie. . . Ilontity unit C < tn > [ tloxloii S/OO/d//s ( . SOI Karbach Dlock. 15th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Rffl. Mulii ( Hiiro , 111 * State St. . Cliicaco , III. FOR THE ! In charge of Iho Slstora of Meroy. This renowned Institution Is sltuitoJ an the hlh blulTsbacicof and ovcrlooidni ; tl.ocllyof Council lllnll's The apiclous grounds. Its nigh loc illon and Hplundhl view , nnko It a most | ) lcusliir | lelro it for the ulU'etod. A staff of em nont iihysloluninndu lar u corpi of o\ : ncrlonced i.tir cs minister to the comforts of the patients , bpuclul euro slvou to lady pa tleuts. TERMS MODERATE. For pai Honiara auply to SiSTER SUPERIOR , Frank Street - --teill BliU , Special COUNCIL BLUFFS : D O YOU ! < no\v tint Diy i. HIJHH nave so in cbolco b.irj iliiHln rult.iii'J H clti : GAH1IAOK rn no * o 1 , cosapoola , v nut > . ohl uiioy clcincU. lid llurito , at T.iytar'u crjsary , Jl ) U. o ul vv.iy AJISTIIACTS and Iinim Farm .mil i fly proumy bought anil Holil 1'usji A , Tlio n ib , Council UlulTH BKLT.lJVIKW Flint Uni for HI la. 3H nillui HOiillii iHt ofcllj Will neil ID 1 0 , r,0 , UO or Bl ) 1'rlio for tlio whole , fl 1,50(1 ( I'or p.irUcu- HH H C. HIIJ nionil , Council IlliUId , In. Y/IAVI Homo Ire itmoiit for In ] I"H Hcilthbuok ' anilooimiiltatlnii fruo Lilly attomlnit AddrcwH or o ill rooms , IU5 , : ! Ul ) Mcrrl.nu block. Council IlllllTH OII'l-AORi : faun foi Htlo or iimt-IIinlln town- i/Hlilii olclit mill H oiHt of Coum II lllnilH Initulru of U. 1' . Haiti Di II llaKK Council lIlutfH. itufliNic.B PHANCU roil ronl , In n K ' l iifiipoiitllilo puty havlne fibniit $ l.0m ) i anil rnpllnl In Invcut In milk mid butlii dully In iiinjiinc-tlun with poultry. h"K unit K > ir"l Mistmo bnslncKH. Ab6ut I.TiiK ) IICIIH , innslly uplnnil paatuio , about t mllcH fium Cumuli IIIuffH mil t > inlUn from Onuili.1 ill > limits Will fin eil ami water pl > nt ) und convenient In each of 3 eii8loHiirc . ( Jooj , cumforttiblti G loom liitusu ami uuod bnin , lioh' ami i lili ken honstn Iniulre | of I , 1' Jiiilmiiii ' ' -J Cth uvcnut' , or J23 llrond- wnj J-'miniU lllurrr. Wanted , nuinu ul tha W. U. A. huipltul. & Co. Empkie-Shugart . , JOBJ3BRS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AND FIELD SEEDS , WE GARRY A FULL LINE. 109 , 111 , 113 , 115 Main Street , Council Bluffs , la. SEEAMDYfi TO * All kltiJaof Uyofa ; oudUleiuliu di > tiBlu tlio liUlioJt. style ot thu urt. li'-loi * irl. Btilned faurlji niu.4a to louU us guol At- now. Worn tiruiuutt/ done utU uoltverjl In ull purU oC tr > j country , t ) ul ( u ( prlua lut. A. IJroaawny. njur N