TIIF OMAHA , DAILY BEE : 'ITESIAY. ) KEuRUUlY 13 191. JJ i < THE DAILY BEE COUNX'U , m.t'FFS CITUF. ! NO. 12 PKMIL STREET er to nny part of the city II. W TILTON - Manazer nuMne OMlce . No.41 rrr rpurtvm i rKLErno > lEa1 Night Bdltor . No.23 J/K.VT/O.V. Boston Store Linens , towels , muslins. Mr. F. M. .Tones of Macedonia nnd Ml Jennie F. Center of Carson were married last evening , Kcv. T. F. Thlckstun ofilciat- Ing. Ing.There There will bo a valentine sociable Tuesday evening at the Enterprlso Ljthcran ohuruh. A program will bo rendered and oysters will bo served. . The funeral of Mrs. Bump will take plao3 Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock ' from the residence , 203 Stutsmnn street , Instead of at the time first announced. All members of the Modern Woodaicn of America arc requested to meet at tno Knights of I'ythlas hall nt 7 o'clock this evening to arrange for the funeral of our late neighbor. Marcus li. Gioat. Henry IJagc , who was accused of'slcalln ? a case of blackberry brandy from a lower Main street house , was discharged by Judge McGee yesterday morning. Doug Lainont. his companion , was fined { 11.40 for drunken ness. ' Preachinc tonight at the First Presby terian church and each evening this week bv UCT. J. M. Wilson of Omaha. His pmc- tfcal sermon last nleht was listened to with the closest attention by a very peed sired audience. William J. MUncr died yesterday forenoon nt 11 : 10 o'clock at his residence , 010 Avenue A , of consumption , after two years Illness , accd 30 years. Ho was a member of the Catholic church. The remains will bo taken to Atlantic for interment. . A meeting of the cxcculivo committee of Associated Charles and other. * interested in the work will bo held at Oolong's Mission on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Uuilncss of importance to bo considered. A full at tendance is requested. All members of Hawkeye lodge No. 1S4 , Independent Order of Odd Follows , arc re quested to moot at Odd Fellows hall at p. m. sharp tonight to make arrancetncrils for the burial Urother Past Grand M. DeGroat. By order of A..E. Mitcnell. N. T. The literary society of the Western Iowa college will give a Valentino social Wednes day evening. A short musical and literary program will be prepared , anil n general good tlmo Is looked for. All students and ex-students are cordially invited to bo present. Joseph Qllmoro is suing the Chicago ft Northwestern railway for ? 250 damages for the destruction of forty-seven tons of nay by a spark from one of the company's ' locomo tives. The case will come up in the district court this morning for a trial before Judge Thornell. 'Iho committee of anti-prohibition repub licans who were appointed to look after the Interests of the local option bill now penu- ine before the legislature , leaves for Des Molncs today , and will have a conference with the cou.mlttccs on the suppression of Intemperance this evening. Leo Forman was tried , on the charge of obtaining a livery rig on false pretenses nnd was discharged by Judge McGee yesterday morning. Before ho is given his liberty. however , ho will have to servo a term of eleven days in the city jail for an offense for which ho was sentenced several months ago. Burglars entered the store of Rudolph Teller nt the corner of Mam street and Tenth avenue Sunday night by forcing open the front door. A lot of provisions were taken , among other thinss missing being half a cheese , some canned poods , cigars and tobacco. The same place was visited by burglars about a year ago. Buzz J. Swanson , the 0-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Swanson. died nt f > o'clock yesterday morning from an attack of measles. Ho had been Ick for several days , but his relative * dM not know what the trouble was , and allowed him to go out of doors. Ho caucht cold , and -when the measles appeared his case was hopeless. The funeral will take pluco from the residence , 129 Glen avenue , Dr. Phelps officiating. The wife of William Butts , who is in Jail for a thirty-day term for stealing the con tents of several clptnes lines , was taken to the Woman's Christian association hospital yesterday afternoon. She was very ill nnd without any food or fuel in tbo house. It will probably bo a good many weeks before her husband is out of jail , as several more charges are to bo preferred against , him as teen as ho is released from bis first offense. Lottie Fadden , who was charged by Charles McCoy with threatening to Kill him , had a hearing before Justice Field yester day , when it was developed that she was trying to get rid of her paramour and shut the door in his face , a proceeding to which ho objected with a great many loud and abusive words. It seemed to the court that tbo threatening lancuapo was mostly on Me- Cov's side , and ho consequently discharged the Fadden woman and charged up the costs to the prosecuting witness. ATliat Hoc * It Mean ? That was the question asked by almost every person that passed the Doston Store two weeks ago. The cause of It was the arrival of the flrst lot of our wall paper stock , consisting of all grades of paper hangings from the brown backs to the silk papers. Last season we sold almost every roll of paper we had In the place , and start In this season with a much larger and finer line than ever , as well as by far the largest stock and lowest prices In the city. Read the following list ot prices : Brown backs , 3c. White blanks , 4c. White blank mlcos , 6V4c. White blank gilts , 7c and 8c. Full gilt and bronzes , lOc , 12Uc , 15c. Embossed gilt , 17c. These papers are all straight goods and bought from the combination , but that makes n < ) difference to us. We sell wall paper came as dry goods small profits and large tales. P. S. If you want any papering or paintIng - Ing done do not fall to give us a chance to furnish an estimate. Wo have engaged Dloss Bros , to do our papering and painting this season , and their name is enough to satisfy you that everything done will be first-class. All nur wnrk ininrnntppd. BOSTON STORE. Fotherlnghitm. Wbltelaw & Co. , 401-405 liroadway , Council Bluffs. Ladles , It you dcslro absolute peace In the kitchen ask your grocer for J. C. Hoffmayr & Co'a Fancy Patent Flour. Trade mark Uluo Kooster. 1'AK.Htlt.ll'IIS. Charles Alexander , Jr. , has gone to Mis. Murl Valley for a three weeks visit with his family. P. II. Hill of the big firm of Empklo , Shu- gart & Co. left yesterday for a business trip \Yhecler county , Nebraska. Mrs. P. S. Stelling and llttlo son of Chicago - cage are in the city visiting her mother , Mrs. P. M. Palmer of Fourth avenue , who is slowlv recovering from nu illness caused bi ll fall. Mrs. Sidling expects to remain sev eral weeks. The Council Bluffs Paint. Oil and Glass company is having made 1,000 Hot lied Sash which It Is KOlng to glaze , all the work being done In Council Illuffs. All In want ot sash should patronize homo industry by at least getting their prices before buying. Masonic Temple building. Favorable Inducements will bo offered tea a ton' reliable and energetic agents who will lollcll for the Mutual Life Insurance com pany. Call on or address Putey & Thomas , Council Bluffs , district agents for southwest- Iowa. cm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lr ) Itcller.homcopath. S10 First ave. Tel. 35. Marrluce l.lrenic * . The following marrlagn licenses vrcro is sued by the county clerk yesterday : Name and address. Age. I Thomas I ) . Thonuwon. Coffuell Iliadjj I Flora William * , Columbia. Mo 'Ji I I F. M , JOIIUM , Macedonia 40 | Jeaulo F. Center , Carson -Jo "World's Fair Trio" at Broadway church tonight. Franz Ailclmann , violin ; Mr. Hor- juck , flute ; Mr. Ense ! , cornet. NE\\S \ \ FROM lOuuIL BLLrrS Republican Ward Delegates for Thursday's Convention Selected. MOTOR COMPANY GIVEN AROAST ItenulutluiM Adojitril lijr Convrnlloni of the bctuml unit Hlxtli MiinU Hedging All C'niidldulr.i tci Work for Itc- duccil J'urc * . . Thn republicans of the various wards mot last evening' to put In delegates for the con vention to bo hold next Thursday. In every precinct the attendance was good , and in several the crowds were very enthusiastic , speeches being tnado suitable tor arousing the spirits of those present. Ona noticeable feature of tha caucus waa the Introduction in savcrul wards of resolutions bearing upon Iho motor question. In the Second and Sixth wards they were adopted , wnllo In the Fifth they wuroliild on the table. The following are Iho resolution's In full ; U'licrem , Tin ) Omaha .V Council Iltiirfs Hall way und llriilzo coinp'iny liis : continuously and persistently declined and rctuiod to-piy : In llidcblcdnuis lo city of Council lllulTH for uavlngbclKOGii thu ralliof Its tracks mid on fuot ouiildu thurcnf nnd for lining , grading and other e.xpeiiiluurrs con rncieil and paid by the city for the benefit of snld cuinuany , umotititltiy In thu aggregate to more tliiin iJu- ( MK > , and. Wiiurens , Said street car company has en tirely MCKlcuted and rofmed to t > : iy to pay to the libuttlng nrop-Tiy owner * tlin uo-tof thu paving occupied by U In front of w.ild prcm- IMSS , us Is ri-iilri'l | ( liv law , ana by the rhartnr formerly ht-ld by said coiiipiny : from thu cltv the iini5 now due from niich aliiitllng prop erty owners amounting In tlio azKrii atu to moru than $ -2UU'.i , which In.lelnodnuss lm < < tHrun admitted by Mild company to be duo and owlnp , nnd , Wiicrcin , To prop'-rly enforce sild rlirhts of Iho city unit of the citizens : inlnst said motor line a biilt was instituted under direction of thi ) "coiriiiiltteo of ono hundred , " which suit resulted In a jmlgmimt liy tl't > .superior court cancelling thu charter of said motor company and declaring Hint Mild company hnd no rights upon the streets of this city and had mi legal existence in this state and placing lt uropcrty In tlio hands of trustees lo wind up ilsnrfuire a.s Is provided by law ; ami Whereas , Hvforu a motor line can bo optMMti-u in Council HltilTs : i new charter will Imvo to he granted to some company chartered by the lairs nf this * tatu for that purpo o : and Whereas , S'ald Unmliu ft Council Illulls Kail- way and Itricle company hns hcri'toforo iilmrzod a rutu of 10 cunts between ( 'UUIIL * ! ! HlufTs and Omaha , which rate Is unreasonable , exorbitant and extortionate. It having been fully demonstrated that the brldo across thu Missouri rlvur used by said nrotorcouipany is self-sustaining from It.s revenue outuldu of the motor line : therefore he It Kc. > olvecl , That the suits now pending agaln.st thu fcald motor company iiimlor what ever name said company may be operated ! by the city of Council Hlulls loenforce Itsclalms , also the Ml It far thu revocation of the motor company' ! ) charter , now pending In thu su preme court OM Iowa on appeal , shall bo proso- fiitctl to the end. Hesolvud , That no charter Rranllu-4 rights upon Iho streets of our city should he given for a longer period than ten years nnd that all charters so granted should provide for thu payment to the city as part consideration therefor of a reasonable per cent of thu irro.-s earnings of sunli company and also provide. mrans for ascertaining such earnings. Uenolvud , That thu republican part v of thU ward pledges Itself and candidates toe - cure u 5-cent faru between Council ItinlTs and Omaha , If executive or legislative action can brlnz It about , and every cumlldatn of this party In iiccoptlng position upon our ticket binds himself to thu support of nil proposi tions made In thuso resolutions or In tlio pre ambles thereof and pledges himself to sup port every nieasuro lhat will tend to collect nil dues , to revoke the charter nf 1830 , and In n new charter to whomsoever granted to en graft the features In these resolutions and the preambles thereof outlined. ItuMiIvcdiTluit no charter should bo zrantcd by the City of Council Bluffs to a foreign cor poration. Ite.solved , That wo are unalterably opposed to Indiscriminate cruntlns of street charters nnd'demand thru till charters hereafters granted shall IMJ unassignable and r < - ' = urve to the city all of It.s statutory and common law poiTcrs for the regulation of Mich franchise uncl Its e.xereUo In order to protect the rights of the clty'utid citizens , and wo demand that all corporations now holding or which shall hereafter receive grants of street franchises from this city shall bo hold to a strict per formance of every legal and contract obliga tion , and that proceedings l > o promptly Insti tuted und vigorously prosecuted to unforced forfeiture In case ot violation of such legal or contract obligations. LIST OF DELEGATES. The following delegates to the convention wore chosen in the several wards : First Ward First precinct : A. N. Lund , F. S. Peterson , Carl Morgan. Second pro- clnct : O. D. Wheeler. S. B. Snyder , J. H. Bell , J. B. Urccnshields. Alderman , \V. C. Dickey. Second Ward First precinct : 1 C. Dale , William Mullen , G. . H. Baker. Second pre cinct : J. H. Pace. J. E. Hollenbeck , P. H. Wind , Theodore Guittar. Ira Grason , G. G. Baird. Alderman. C. S. Hulbarxl. Fourth Ward First precinct : C. A. Reed , A. T. Flickingcr. Sohn Undt , E. E. Hart. Committcmat : , John Limit. Second Precinct M. P. Schmidt , Slack Peterson. Sorcn Wilson. Committcenian , Sorcn Wilson. . Third Ward First nreclnct : 13. B. Jen nings. E. H. Fonda , G. W. Hewitt , % f. L. Tre.vnor. George F. Smith. "Committceman , E. U. Fondu. Second Precinct William Arnd , W. K. Brown , W. J. Sneathcn. Committceuiau , J. R. Armstrong. Fifth Ward First precinct : W. A. High- smith. Dell G. Morgan. William Kinzell. E. S. Hurt , W. E. Ells , William Fullmer. Cora- mlttceman , Ovid Vein. Second Precinct James Miller , S. C. ChristJrfcrson , Andrew Anderson , Ivor Peterson. Conimittecmen , S. C. Christoffcr- son. Alderman , T. A. Brewick. Sixth Ward G. W. Turner , J. M. Wolfe , J. Outry , J. P. Peterson , A. D. Wilson. Coinmltteeman , L. M. Shubert. Itlley Shcrradau Going Out of Art Goods Ituslneas. Wo are going to close out our art store , and for the purpose of doing it in the least PCS- slblo titno will cut in the middle prices of all goods. Tube paints. Sc ; sable brushes , 5c ; 'JOc moldings , lOc ; 50c moldings , 25c , and all other moldings made into frames at just half cost of moldings ; pictures , framed and un trained , placoues , all kinds of artist materi als at Just half price. Stock invoices nearly $5.000 und is the finest in tte west. Wo mean business and will close it out nt half price. The sale will oe conducted by Mr. H. L. Smith. Frames made up at once by best fruuiomaker in the west. Be sure to attend the grand concert at Broadway church this ( Tuesday ) evening. Miss Virginia Robinson , violinist ; -Mrs. J. W. Cotton and Mr. Walter Wilklns , vocal soloists. MeasIi-B Spreading. The following cases of measles were re ported yesterday : Mary M. U'illlams , 103 Broadway ; Cherrio Wells , G21 Oakland avenue - nuo ; Edna Recline , 110 Park avenue ; Albert Houghton , 215 Plerco street ; Sylvester Stunc. Washington avenue : Joseph Leonard , CCS Bluff sire-it ; Frank Binder , S21 Avenue B ; Cora Chamberlain , " 05 Park avenue ; Cora Witzkie.328 Wlllhms street ; Ethel Stuart , 453 Park avenue ; Milt Bellinger. COO Wash ington aveauoGocstrop ; , 120 Harrison street ; Ro.v Samson , 748 Mill street ; Eislo Fosdiclc , K North Tenth street ; Homo of the Friend less ; Louie Fcn-on. 403 Stutsrann street ; S. J. Swanson , Addle J. Sxvanson , 129 Glen avenue ; John Ucntloy , Ogdcn house ; Ruby Whlttlesoy , 140 Vine street ; Felix Schefllcr , 113 Glen avenue ; McConneil , lia Fourth street ; Aduio Luud , KW Curtis street. A big consignment of the flien utll paper just received at Millar's , It Firrl street , from 4 cts. a roll upward * . patterns. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Domestic soap Is the best. Carbon Coal company , 31 Pearl street , Grand hotel. Get our cash prices on best turd and toft coal before buying. Everybody knows Davis sells drugs. County Trouiurvm UrgatililiiB' . The county treasurers of the state are : to have n meeting in DCS Molncs today for the purpobo of forming a state organization similar to that already in existence amonp other county ana local officers. County Treasurer Reed left for Dos Moincs yester day to ultond. Ono of tbo objects named la the call is to secure u change in the laws re- uz tfcu revenue * } iileiu aud ibo collec ' r \in.c w .lie n Uic4 ' - ' - fui > as iTtportanl , i : ti i.mso a sjstc a-if buOKU , opissJ lo bo adopted In all the * eiinti > > 9of thisutc Under the ores-Mil nystcm lees i nirthols arc- employed in cer tain counties , whu-h result In errors. Con siderable confjsion ulsj results often from tha changes made when one oftlcial steps out and gives up his place to his successor. Two More C/'n p < . T ro now cases of smallpox vrero reported yesterday , the patients , as before , Doing in the house at the corner of G and Tenth streets. They are Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman , sr. This makes a total so far of seven cases , six ol the patients being alive and. so far as ap pearances indicate , with a fair show for re covery. All but the two last are progressing finely , nnd the last two liavo not been sick lontr enough to have It known how seriously their cases arc. The city odlcials , nnd particularly Marshal Tcmploton nnd Cltv Physician Macrae , are congratulating thcmsolvcs on the prudence they manifested in having Bennett , the flrst patient , put under quarantine as soon ns the nature of hl dlsciswas discovered.Vhon they flrst told the other Inmates of the three houses where Bennett had been that they must bo shut up from the world for forty days the latter did n great deal of vigorous protesting. They protested that they hnd nut been exposed to the disease nt all , but in spite of their protests the ciuar- antinc regulations were adopted and strictly enforced. If Bennett hnd been allowed to- run at larco for another day there is not a doubt that" he would have increased the amount of dainaco ten fold. The smallpox scare has been a matter of consldcraolo cx ? ponse as it is. but nothing to be compared with what it might have boon if guards had not been stationed at the Infected houses with guns and instructions to use them if necessary , to keep the quarantined persons In the house. The time for keeping tno people ple in the house at the corner of First avo- nucand Fourteenth street shut up has al most expired , nnd If the disease iocs not breaK o'.t there they will undoubtedly bo turned loose some time this week. City Physician Macrae's contract has expired , thcru now bcine twn more cases than he agreed to care for for fJOO. A meeting of the Board of Health will bo held soon to make ; a new contract wltn him. < ; iot'iims : : CIIK.\I > IU : THAN ivin. : At llroivu'H C. O. D. 22 Ibs. granulated sugar for $1.00. . Halted oats , 3c per Ib. 3 pkga. oatmeal for 25c. 4 pkgs. soda for 25c. 4 pkgs. condensed mince meat , 25c. 4 pkgs. pancake flour for 23c. Soda crackers , 4&c Ib. by the box ; oyster carckers , 4 He Ib. by the box. Glngor snaps. IVtC Ib. Liwn beans , 4e Ib. ; navy beans , 3V c Ib. ; dried peas. Sc Ib. 10-lb. pall white fish , 55c. Sweet-California oranges , lOc doz. Good table peaches , lie can. Good rice. 5c Ib. Corntneal , lOe sack. BROWN'S C. O. D. GROCERY. 31. We Great Dead. M. Do Great died yesterday afternoon at his residence in the southern part of the city. IIo was ill with the grip in January , and upon recovering exposed himself to the weather too.soon. He soon came down-with pneumonia and has been slowly sinking away ever since until 4:13 o'clock yesterday wlien the cud came. Ho leaves a wife and several children. Ho- was connected with the Kansas City road for many years , and was a member of the Odd Fellows , Red Men and Woodmen. Announcement of the time for holding the funeral will be made tomor row. 1'oultry Kthlblt. The Western Iowa Poultry association will hold Its first annual session , commencing Wednesday. February 14 , nnd lasting four days , at 333 Broadway. About COO birds will be on exhibition from all parts of west ern Iowa. A prize of ? 3 will be given the owner of the largest and best exhibit , and Qrst. second and third premium cards will be awarded other exhibits. Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. Forthe Plaintiff. The case of Bloom against Nielsen , which hns been on trial for several days in the dis trict court , was finished yesterday afternoon and submitted at the adjournment hour. Late in the evening the jury brought in a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. The ver dict was sealed , and no one knows what it contains , but when it is opened it will bo found that Bloom gets $90 out of it. Coal. H. A. Cos. 10 Mum street. Tits' quality , lowest rates. Prompt delivery. Get prices before buy lug. Telephone 4S. Lily camp , No. 1 , R. N. of A. , will give an entertainment February 14 , consisting of a short program , supper and dancing , at K. C. hall. Admittance. 25 cents. - - Domestic soap is the best. Democratic Candidates. The democrats of the First , Second and Fifth wards met last ovenintf to put in nomi nation candidates for ward aldermen. The following was the result : First ward. Henry Rlshton ; Second ware , Barney Grahl ; Fifth ward , S. Lobhart. World's fair musicians at Broadway church tonight. Reserved seats at Robinson Bros. Fire and tornado insurance , Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street. Have you seen the new gas beaters at the Gas company's office ? Ask your grocer for Domestic soap. o / BOAHD OF TBABE MEETS. Mr. Ayrrs' Plan f or Scrip Dividend und DU. position of Kcvenue. The Board of Trade directors hld a meet ing last evening , audited several bills and transacted the usual amount of routine busi ness. / Mr. Ayres gave notice that at the March meeting of tbo board ho would introduce a resolution to the effect that a scrip dividend of f20 be paid the members of the board out of tbo net earnings , this scrip to consist of a certificate of membership in the Commcicial club , nnd that the net revenues above this dividend and expenditures bo placed in a sinking fund for the liquidation of the bonded indebtedness of the board. Western Pcnulom. WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. ( Special to The Bee. ) Pensions granted , issue of January - uary 31 , were : Nebraska : Original Cornelius P. Hen derson , Grand Island. Hall ; John H. Lemons , Omaha , Douglas. Original widows , ale. Phebo J. Tomlinson , Mineola , Holt. Iowa ; Original Thomas Briggs , Man chester , Delaware. Reissue Samuel It. Cain , Ilnrtfonl , Warren ; John L. Marshall , Mount Pleasant , Henry. Original widows , etc Anna A. McDougall , Strublo , Plym outh ; Melissa Barton , Maxwell. Story ; Mattie E. Edwards , JoTcrson.Grccno ; Claru Englert. Iowa Cjty , Johnson ; Kelley Earloy ( father ) , Burlington , DCS Moines. South Dakota : Original Andrew Jack- sou , Highniorc. Hydu. Original widows , etc. Sophia R Mattlsou , Sturgls , Meade. Montana : Original \\illiam Waddle , Darby , Mlssoula ; Gcorgo Reynolds , Helena , Lewis und Clurk. Issue of February 1 , Nebraska : Addi tional Hintm C. Tuttle , Ilcd Cloud , Web ster. Original widows , etc. Mary Trudell , Sauteo Agency , Kuox : Harriet Cheerer ( mother ) , Valparaiso , Saunders. Mexican war survivor. Increase Simon H. Clayton , Brownsville. Nemaliu. Iowa : Original Anon A. Jot-gen , Clear Lake , Ccrro Oordo : Christopher I'rather , Cbariton. Lucas ; Hcnr > Voas. Minburn ; Dallas i Gcor o Buodgrass , Toddvlllc. Linn Additional Samuel C. Sharer , Montezaniit Poweshiek. Reissue Charles F. Morris Ponu-roy , Calhouu , Reissue cud increase- William Darnell , Alta. Bucna Vista. Orig inal widows , etc. Henrietta M. Daskam , Kendullville , Winncshlek ; Cecilia A. Shor- inan. OsUukxm , Mahn ka. Wyoming ; Original Vulontlco B. Hoff man. Dlxou , Carbon. Colorado : Original Martin U Town , Parrott. I a Plata. Increase Georeo O. Kennedy. Villa Purk , Ar.iuahoe. Mexican war survivors : Increase -George W. Hurt- mac , Durango , La Ptam. STAND Mason Oity Statesman Desires the Bopulican Party Pledges 0Hrved > , i ; ( . > * i HE ANSWERS A PETITION FIRMLY i Itrnilmli Ills CofifttltulcntR ) that They Un. ilrrrtna < l Ihn Sentiment Ho IScpro * ( ruled When a CnnilUliitcnml Slioulil Know Whit : to I'.xpcct. CEDAU KAPIDS , la. ' , ' frob. 12. ( Special Tclcsram to The Il'pooV-Senntor N' . V. Drawer' of Mason City paisetl through this city toJay on his way to DCS Molncs. While hero he sent his reply to these who met at Mason City last Friday and adopted resolutions expressing their wishes regarding legislation affecting temperance. After stating that ho had read the resolutions and had given them careful consideration and assuring the citizens that ho was willing to give respectful attention to the wishes of any of his constituents ho nald his final action would be controlled by the party which elected him and upon whose .platform he stood and that no man could Save misunderstood him when a candidate. He then cays : "In looking over the names of your com mittee and of these associated with them In enough of them who were- engaged In the this movement It strikes me that there were last campaign In an attempt to defeat the party I represent to first warrant me In taking advice of the large majority of my constituents. You have give me the platform of the Dennett-Mitchell crowd of last fall and the party I stand for sat down on that class of Irrcconcllables very heartily at that time. I submit - to your secondary judgement whether the resolutions you offer me for my guidance are In keeping with Instructions of my party In state convention assembled In August last. "My deliberate conviction leads me and my conslence dictates to the command of my party rather than the request of a small meeting of citizens acting upon what appears to be hasty Impulse and mistaken zeal. "Frank L ) . Jackson , not Dennett Mitchell , was elected and the" modification promised In Jackson's platform In the light and spirit of the discussion on the Struble amendment , will be the kind I will work for sln fulfilment of the republican promise and the measure I have presented will meet that promise In letter and spirit. " He believes the final action of the legis lature will be along the line of a local op tion till. V. .V. C. A. COXVKXTIOX. State Association Mrrtlnt ; Will Attract Huuilrcttft iif Young Men to Iliitriioort. CED'AH RAPIDS , ia. . Feb. 12. ( Spicini to The DeeJ The twenty-fourth annual state convention and first athletic contest of the Young Men's Christian association of Iowa will be held at Davenport , February 15-18 , and promises to be the most Interesting state convention yet held. The Young Men's Chrlstaln association has had a wonderful growth In Iowa In the past few years and It is expected that between 200 and 100 young men from all parU of the state will attend this meeting. Section conferences will be held for members of district and association committees , college students , physical directors , railroad men and those Interested In boys' work. Reports will be given from the city , railroad and college departments. Among the prominent men who will be present are the following : Rev. George S. Burroughs , D.D. , president of Wabasli col lege ; John R. Mott , college secretary of the International committee. ; A. M. Wright , state secretary of South Dakota ; Rev. H. O. Pratt , of Mount Vernon , la. ; A. M. Drtiner , assistant state secretary of Illinois ; J. Prentlss Dalley , general secretary. Free- port. 111. ; George C. Blakeslee , general secre tary. Rock Island , 111. ; Hon. L. S. Coffin , Fort Dodge , la. ; Hon. Q , . S. Palmer. Sioux Falls , S. D. , and the Iowa railroad deputa tion. C. W. McClure-\V. ; C. Byers and J. M. Miller. Tlie.muslc will bo In charge of the famous Iowa Male quartet , composed of first tenor , C. C. Smith of Cedar Rapids ; second tenor , F. B. Smith of Dubuque ; baritone. C. M. Kecler of Des Molnes ; bass , E. W. Peck of Des Molnes. An excellent program has been arranged , among the addresses being the following : C. li. Gates , on "Approved Methods of Work International Committee ; " A. Mi Wright of Sioux Falls , S. D. , on "State Work ; " J. P. Ualley , on "Improvements Needed In District Work ; " E. W. Peck , on "Responsi bility of Commltteemen to State Work ; " C. .L , Gates , on"Approved Methods of Work Among Railroad Men ; " L. C. Warner of New York , on "How to Secure Money for Association Work In Hard Times ; " W. H. Stone of Sioux City , la. , on "What Are Practical Results. " The sate athletic con test will occur on the afternoon of Febru ary 1C , JtKUC OK SIOUX CITY'S BOOK. Gigantic I-imcl Swindle Snlcl to Have Keen Engineered Thcr - . ST. LOUIS , Feb. 12. A special to I'M Re public from Sioux City , la. , says : It has Just come to the surface that a land swindle of large proportions was worked on eastern In- vcstors during the palmy days of Sioux City's boom , and up to the present time the victims have kept still about It. The swindlers bought a largofarm just east of the city , where land is not very expensive , and platted It Into small lots , which were deeded to various persons In the deal. Mortgages were given for payment In sums nearly as large as the alleged sale price of the lots , and the manager , with these evi dences of sale , went eastward In search of Investors. He borrowed money , giving his notes and putting up his mortgages as security. In these ways he raised from $300 to $400 on each lot and secured thousands of dollars from eager capitalists Holders of some of these notes and mortgages recently wrote tea a leading law firm to have them commence foreclosure proceedings and Investigation re vealed the fact that the lots are not worth what It would cost to secure them by a fore closure. The parties then , It Is stated , ordered the lawyers to carry the matter be fore the grand jury and evidence Is being prepared for this purpose. Alfred IVIl'g .MyntcrlouK Death. CRESTON , la. , Feb. 12. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) Alfred Poll , an Influ ential and wealthy stockman of Murray , died yesterday morning at 9 o'clock of wounds mysteriously .jnfllcted Wednesday night. Ho had just' returned from Chicago , where ho had disposed of several carloads of cattle. He was' ' e en to leave the train at the depot and start for home. Ho was found that night near the tracks Insensible. He was conveyed to his home , and , upon examination , It was found thatthat his throat had been cut and his head badly bruised by a blunt Instrument. No valuables were found upon his person. The money which ho was supposed to have realized from the salO , bf the cattle and his gold watch , pocketbook and wallet were gone. The terrible'cash In his neck was sewed up and the other Xvouiidg were dressed , but ho never recovered ; consciousness , dying this morning without disclosing any of the particulars of the mysterious affair. ? ltlMTn'H : Itcilvul Cloipd. MALVKUN , la. . Feb. 12. ( Special to The Bee. ) I ast night closed one of the most successful religious revivals In the hlitory of this place. For five weeks union meet ings have been held In the new and rom- modlous Methodist Episcopal church , which was crowded to UK utmost capacity a num ber of times. The services have been con ducted by Revs. Brown. Watson and Drawer , pastors respectively of the Pres byterian , Baptist and Methodist churches. The visible results of the meetings have been a great awakening on the part of pro fessed Christians and the conversion of over fifty persons. Want of tin- Storm Oter. CEDAR RAPIDS. la. , Feb. 12. ( Special Telegram la The Bee. ) Snow , which began falling at 6 o'clock last night , abated some- W nt t I tv i "IB a-.l Ui > * n \ 1 to ha o > r It Iis in I h.Muuu 'o n depth of sis ir K.VP-I uuhcs uii'l ' as a h'ch ' wu 'l rrailel most of the fierri < n. * ! io rallruJs nro bally block ade , ! In places end truffle Is constantly de layed , especially that from the wi-au-rn part of the state. Report * from atone the Ilur- llnglon. Cedar Rapids * Northern road show a fall < of enow. In some places twin * a font deep. The thermometer registers from zero to SO above. H Is moderating some nutr , but a strong cast wind still prevails. IN Tin : i.Ktn-u.ATum : . Routine I'rorrodlng * of Iniiortuncc ] In Until llrnnrlir * Yrftrrility. DESMOINES. Feb. 12.-Si ( > ecmt Tele gram to The Bee. ) Tticso bills \vcro Intro duced In the scmto totlny : Uy Harper , abolishing boards of trustees for the various charitable institutions of the stnto and iirovldltijr for thn appoint ment of a board of control for the snmo as recommended in the message of Governor Holes ; by ICilborn , providing for medical treatment of inebriates ; by Iliggen , provid ing for adoption of thu Australian system of land titles mm transfers ; by Kowcn , requir ing street cur companies to pay employes dally. Senator Kelly offered n resolution for final adjournment March 2'J , which went over ouo day under the rules. Tlio senate disowTsed the bill tlxinir sheriffs salaries , la counties having less than STi.OOO infla tion Uio salary is fixed at fl.SOO.'over W.OOO at * 2WO : and over 45,000 atSOO with dep uties at $1,000 ; all the fees to go Into the general treasury. The bill will come up for final action Wednesday. Bills were introduced In the house : By Blanehnrd , declaring null and void all stip ulations In lira Insurance policies re quiring assured to keep policies insured at SO per cent of its vnluo or to any extent \vhatovcr , and instructing the auditor of strtc to cancel authority to transact busi ness of all companies who lir.vc such pro vision In their policies ; by Chapman , creating ofllco of public examiner in each county ; by Doublcday , requiring street came pay employes dally ; by Hoot , proving a line of $5 to iM for misrepresenting or overestimating cir culation of newspapers by publishers or advertising solicitors ; also requiring all general laws to be published in ofll- clal" county papers ; by Smith of Linn , providing 1'or the appointment of inspectors of meat. fish , provisions and In- toxic-rung Hiucrs | ; Bvcrs. fixing limit of $5,000 to valuation qf homestead ; Taylor , making stipulations in chattel moreagcs to include other debts than those-named in the instrument null and void. I'Irn at Mount Vrrnon. CEDAU PAPID3 , Feb. 12. ( Specia Tele gram to The Bee. ) Fire in Goudy's dry goods store and Alexander's grocery storeat Mount Vernon yesterday caused a loss of $5.000. Fully covered by insurance. The origin of thu fire is supposed to be from a lighted clear thrown into a box of sawdust. At one time the entire south side of Main street was threatened with destruction , To Secure Water Worlin. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Feb. 12. ( Special to The Dee. ) Traer will hold a special election three weeks from next Monday for the pur pose of voting on a proposition to bond the town for a system of water works. It Is es timated It will not cost to exceed ? 9.000. The people are very much Interested and It Is be lieved the proposition will carry. JtVS1XESS T11UL'JII.ES. .Assignment of n St. I.oiils I.aml anil Im provement Company. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 12. An assignment was made this afternoon by the Gibson Heights Land and Improvement company. George Denlson , secretary of the company , was made assignee. The deed was executed by Robert K. Wood , vice president , and acting president In the absence from the city of M. L. Gray , the president. Mr. Denlson when seen said that the bonded and floating In debtedness of the company together amounts \only $1-15,000 , and that the assets are at least worth $220,000. The company was three years old and was formed for the purpose of purchasing and Improving a tract of ground Just south of Forest park , comprising forty- five acres. Judge Denlson says the effect of the assignment will be to force the sale of a number of lots in the spring at low prices , and that by this sale the company will likely secure enough to pay most of its Indebted ness. ST. PAUL , Feb. 12. The Farmers Mutual Elevator company at Crookston. Minn. , has failed. The company owns six elevators. Liabilities. $140.000 ; assets. $200,000. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 12. The Gibson Heights Land Improvement company asslcned today. Liabilities , estimated at $150,000 ; assets. $75,000. The company wns engaged in buy ing real estate and erecting buildings. I'OVll KILLED J.COLLISION. . Disastrous Wreck In Ohio Canned' by the IJIImllne hnou.Storm. . BELLEVUE , O. , Feb. 12. Two freight trains collided on the Wheeling Lake Erie road In the storm this morning , two miles west of this place. Four men were killed. Doth trains were running at full speed , the blinding snow preventing the engineers from seeing the danger. The collision was ter rific , both engines being smashed into scrap Iron. The frelpht cars were broken Into splinters and piled up In the confusion. A wrecking train with physicians was sent from Norwalk. When It arlved the trainmen were still In the wreck and were extricated one by one. The following were either killed outright or have died since the collision : ENGINEER CONNELL of engine 25. FIREMAN M'MULLIN of engine 25. ENGINEER SAM STOW of engine 29. BRAKEMAN JOHNSON of train No. 40. The bodies of all the above were mutilated and their limbs broken. The rest of the trainmen escaped without injury , except severe bruises. The cause of the wreck will probably re main a mystery , as both engineers are dead. Freight No. 5 was running as section two of passenger train No. 4 , which passed freight No. 40 at Belleville. The presump tion Is that the engineer of No. 28 failed to Eee the signals she carried , In consequence of the storm , and started out , supposing the track to be clear. ins.ii'1'E.iitEU irjTii A I'ecullar Conduct of n I'cnnnylvniiliOIInlatcr C'nuse * u Sen atlnu. HILLSBURG. , Pa. , Feb. 12. The strange disappearance of Rer. J. II. Scbnorcr of the United German Evangelical church , Mount Washington , this city , has caused a sensa tion. Early In January he left homo to at tend a meeting of the Masonic grand lodge of Pennsylvania In Philadelphia , and nothing has been heard o ! him since. About the same time Mrs. Stelnzer , a prominent mem ber of the church , turned up missing , and her absence Is stlil a mystery , This after noon the congregation met and dismissed the absent minister. During the meeting one of the parishioners stated that ho had given his pastor J900 to Invest for him , and he has since learned the money was with drawn from the bank the. day previous to Schnorer's disappearance. He was a mar ried man of 60 years. Chairman Wllxon-Much Hettrr. KANSAS CITY , Feb. 12. Congressman Wilson , chairman of the house ways and means committee , and author of the tariff blU , Is feeling much better. In fact , he Is feeling stronger than he did even before he left Washington , but his phyalclana have prescribed rest for a few days as the best possible tonic for him. He intends to keep close to his room and In absolute quiet until Wednesday , when he will leave for the City of Mexico , In company with his family and Congressman Taraney and wife , via the Santa Fe. Indian * . TOPEKA. Feb. 12. H. B. Kelly of the Kansas State Board of Charities , who has juft returned from Perry , Ok ! . , sayx it is reported that many of the Tonkawa In dians , who live on a reservation near Perry , are In a starving condition and living upon the charity of friendly whites. There are only about seventy of the tribe left , a rem nant of a once powerful people. Mauachutrtl * Mill * Itcdlirr. LAWRENCE. Man , IY ! > . IS. Thi J1.6CO employes In the Washington mills are strlk- i K a i * t | r ; i 1 r , K i 11 w , i till r.r . ' x- star > nl ua'il t1- r -i-u - \ ' . are RiantJ. . The luanaR'-r vf the mil's stfttos that the rrducti ; i is male r-'lnruutly an 1 i < absolutely nccvsary If the mills tire to continue working. ncToui.i niitn. lliiflniid'n Oiirrn Iterchr * n Letter from n Duligrrouv Criulk. LONDON , Fob. 12. A ilntitoroiH crank named Harry Cnrter was romnmlod today at Bow Street | KlIoe tnllon after being ohhrged with writing a letter In which ho ihrcatenwl to kill Queen Victoria. Carter wrote that unless his demands were granted by the queen it would bo either nec essary to send him to the Broaamoor asy lum or ho would take tier life. Carter hits already spent nltiu yearn in n lunations ) linn. Humor * from Home. HOME , Feb. 11X 'Iho report Is ngaln re vived that Cardinal Ledochowskl is contutn- , plating resigning his olllco as prefect of the cocgrotrailon of the prapognnda tide. There arc several rumors In circulation In regard to the cause of Cardinal Lcdo- otiowski's decision , but the gencr.il version is that trio cardinal disagrees with Cardinal Kampolll , the papal secretary of stnto , in regard to the papal policy toward Km nee , and It U also asserted that the two cardinals disagree on the nuhji-ctof tno attltudo of the Vatican toward Mgr. Satolli , Cardinal Leuochowskl being reported as the enemy ot Mgr. Satolli. nmnlojcrx' Liability Hilt LONDON. Feb. 12. The Exchange Tele graph company says that after discussing the so-called compromise arrangement arrived at with the House of LarJs In regard to the em ployers' liability bill , It was decided , the secretary of state for home affairs , Rt. Hon. Henry Asqulth. agreeing thereto , that exist ing societies should be allowed to contract out for four years. 3IU * Von Stosch'x I'laylng. Mr. Daxter of the Kllpatrlck-Koch com pany , who has lately returned from New York , says that he had the pleasure of hear ing Miss Von Stosch at one of the Damrosch concerts at Carnegie hall. He says that the audience simply went wild over her playing and that she was recalled three times. Miss Von Stosch plays here on Thursday evening at the Apollo club concert. The following from the New York Adver tiser Is of Interest : "Miss Leonora Von Stosch Is a most agreeable violinist. Her appearance Is so prepossessing that her audi ence Is won before she draws her bow across the strings. She played Vlcuxtemps * con certo No. 4 In a masterly manner and fully deserved the enthusiastic applause she re ceived. " Clainorlni ; for Tliolr I'ay. DENVER , Feb. 12. The legislature has been In session a month at a cost to the state of over $50.000 and as yet not a single law has been enacted. Representatives are Indignant at the refusal of Auditor Good- koontz to Issue warrants 5or their salaries until a bill Is passed designating from what fund or funds the money shall be taken. The auditor bases his refusal on the ground that there Is no money In the treasury not .previously appropriated. Ills communica tion explaining his position was- today , on motion of Representative Sweeny , "returned to the Rocky mountain canary who sent It In , " nnd It will not appear in the records of the house. Miirriaco I.lccji e . The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday : Name nnd Address. Age. Melllm H..arour , Omaha 23 Fardle M. Shabock. Omaha 19 David H. Norden , Omaha 33 Mary Coy. Omaha 31 Louis O. North , Omaha 34 Carrie L. Snyder. Omaha 19 C. H. liuo'ic. Omaha 33 Minnie L. Andrews , Omaha 21 S. H. McDonald. Omaha , .3) Esther A. Southworth , Omaha 1C Youthful Ilurclars. GUTHRIE. Okl. . Feb. 12. Tool Champs and George Peevy , aged 11 and 12 respect ively , are 'n the county jail here on the charge of burglar } ' , charged with breaking Into a local dry goods store. H Is believed they are guilty of many other crimes , for they have every appearance of hardened criminals , despite their tender years. Movements of Ocean Meamers , February IS At Southampton Arrived Wcrra , from New York. A t Algiers Arrived Fuerst Bismarck , from New York. At Genoa Arrived Welland , from New York. At Havre Arrived La Bourgogne , from New York. Ledger1 * New Keillor. PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 12. The Public Ledger appears this morning with the name of George W. Chllds-Drcxel at the head of Its editorial column as editor and pub lisher , in place of that of the late George W. Chllds. _ Notice. All members of the Central Labor union are requested to attend the funeral serv ices of our late brother. George W. Wlllard , at 2 o'clock p. m. , Tuesday , at the residence , 2301 Seward street. W. S. SEDRING. Secretary C. L. U. ITEATUKIt FOKKU.ISTS. Generally Fair nnd Warmer Are the Ne- tiranka Predictions for Today. WASHINGTON , Feb. 12. Forecast for Tuesday : For Nebraska and South Dakota Generally f.lr ; warmer ; variable winds. For Iowa Fair , preceded by snow Hurries in eastern portion ; colder in eastern and warmer in western portions ; northerly winds , becoming variable. For Kansas Generally fair ; warmer ; variable winds. For Missouri Fair , preceded by snow flurries in eastern portion ; colder in eastern and warmer in western portions ; northerly winds , hecomlnc variable. * Loral Itcconl. OrncEOFTiic WEATtiEn BUIIEAO. OMAHA. Fob. 12. Omaha record of temperature nntl rainfallcooipartiJ with corresponding dny of past four years : 1694.1893. 1602. 1601. Maximum temperature 21 = 41 = 43Ojoe Mlnlnuini temperature. 4 = 'J0 = 10 = I'jo Averace temperature. . 1'2 = 30 = 30 = 10 ! = 1'reclpltatlon 05 .00 .00 .00 Statement showing the condition of tem perature and precipitation nt Omaha for the day and since March 1,1S3J : Normal te moraturo 23O IuHclcncy for thu day lie Kxces.s'jliieo Mnrcli 1 H < = Normal precipitation 03 Inch Rxccxs for the tiny 0-lnch Deficiency since March 1 5.50 Inches IteiMirtH from Other ( Stations ut 8 1 * . 31 , "T" Indicates trace , 'below it-ro , uzonui U HiXT , lioval Kort-casl Official. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. * " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. TI ti tilt ii'tnt intu r * . L i- I- i.tr vi | , li-rCM W.ll Cin v.lff Bl t.i'l I'-ai w ( I. I'll- r\i -i tlrnitu ' in , kg \ t\ lrli > nil llni \ y frvni lo < niujUttrv'.1 nli 'fir. The St. l-mil Ch.imbcr nf Cnmmtn * hnd nrtoptrd . anliut DM Incnnw lux prv vtalon of h . ' \\ii-onbl1 ! . Th nnnuAl . Iwrvnnc * of Unooln'n Urtti.lav the l nl ht nt n event nf martthn Ordinary Intermit. Ov r hulf the butn * n portion of an..i. O , n ylllMinvor 1WO on th ltw Shortnu.ut t.n milts wlini of rrvmrnt. n n dctro > ed by nro ytwtenUy morning. .William II. Amwn. livlnr nir Tell City , I nil. . In a m of InMnltjr y * iei\ay ! mornini : ttmn ) < > r < l hi * wlf * and IJ-yent-olJ son by beat- Inic them la doth. O < s > rir \ \ ' . llrlttlnn. n constiiMe at West I'lnlnen , Mo. ehol an < l hllleil Ch tl * An < ler n ye tcnlBy. Th hllln ( l-nulleil over the settle- inent o > r an ncroum. The thre alntrnrt comr nK > ji ilolfiR butlnmi hi ChUiitn Imve r > rme < | a pointilnntlon for innk- InK | > ru-ii ( . The eiwl of Retting nbetrucU hn * been nlorenwsl 10 ! > is ( r cent. v.1 * " ' " , nl * " -y fI'l ' ( iBOBhter of JMrmir V't L. " "I'1" ' " " , won criminally an > ntilt > M by white tinmp near ( Jultn , Snolby county , Ala. , SuiHlny. Her a > mlUnt wn killed. Ool met J. | | . l > latt bW In f.tt protwrly of th retipiv M ro | Mintn ? company ywteniay at IVnvw for . ! > . nt inlneB , leaws and frail- chlm * ar * mill to lie worth 1150,000. , , A. A. Ilimlier .lute fnlteil Stntrn cxmnul nt M. Tlionmn , Ont. , under npjiolnment of I'resl- ili-nt llHrrln. . dleil ut Ornn.1 K. > rk , N. . , yeatenlny afternoon of heurt dl ca > < - . Mnt tf\v Ita hton , convMol nf murder at Jnn * vllle , Win. , tw week * KD , hn bccK lin.tutit to the Dane county Jnll at Ma.llPotl for wife kii-plns in-ndlng n motion for a nnir trial. 1'clrr K , Younit of Cleveland wnie "truck hy nn rlectrlr mctor nt the corner of rnwiHtt and llmunell streotn Sunday night anJ died rnitenlay mornlni ; from the vttrcts of hi * Injuries. A cylinder head blew out ot one of the en- Rlnen nt the Tmrtlon compdny'a po\ver huuso at I'lillmlclphU ymtenlay. Thre * workmen. Joseph Mender , On.rKe Glbbs nnd Michael Welsh were family mjuml. AiMlBtant Attorney Pnvln of Xcw York has nppllwl for nn ord.T direvllne the Rrnnd Jury to r con l < ler the evldinw iigalnst the director * of the MadlMn Spunni bnnk nnd brine In new Indictment * nKnlnut tlicm. Mndlaon Toild , n wenllhy farmer llvlnif be tweenaco nnd L ! < chmon < i , Ky. . was ntna * ulnatol Hatun1 f nUtit. lie wns tltUnK nl tnlle readmit n news < i > aii r , when hH murderer crept lo a window and tired two loads of buck shot Into hlii Uxly. Fire nt Collersvllle , Tenn. . . yeatenlay de- troyeil the mercantile egtnbllahments of Wailily & Mluhell nnd HumphrlfK & Co. . nlmi the Uank of Collenvllle. MclXinaM'ii Bencrnl stare , bulid- In ? nnd stoc-k , were. \Jly l damaKvd. lMt3 , ISO.iWO ; Insurance , nlxmt one-half. A. M. VanauvKcii. the railroad promoter who wan lndlcte l * t QMncy. III. , for th ullcgr.l forpery of tlie name of I'rerldent M. 11 InKalli of the IllB Kour vyaivm to a Iwnd on which ho was to receive MO.O'O. ' nilvnncc l by n nyndlcalo of Qulncy capitalist * , 'was placed under arrest yratenlay. Uy order of Judge Winters of Indlanapolll the llmo for the Iron Ilnll receivers In MaiM * rhu.ioll.1. I'cnnnylvnnla , Mnrj'lund , Mlsxourl nnd Hhode Inland to report to llecclver Kalley there. has been extended until the recclvernhlps In these states have been ndjucated. They weri ordered to report by February 21. KNOWLEDGE Brinps comfort and improvement nnc ? tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many , who live bet ter than others nnd enjoy life mere , with less expenditure , by more promptly hiiAf.tin" ; the Tvorlcl's best products to the needs of physical being , will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy , Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste , the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds , headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medknl profession , because it acts on the Kid neys , Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs in for sale by nil drug- gi = ts in 50c and'1 bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , who.se name is printed on every package , also the name , Syrup of Figs , and being well informed , you will not accept r.ny substitute if offered. Doyou MEATS Buy -your K > If you want flrst-clas-i meat1 ; , fresh every day , null If you want to buy them ut the very lowest prices , try 1'okorny's Now Moat Mitr- ket , 333 Ilroaday. Compare these prices wltU thn prices you Imvo been paying : Roast Beef , from Cc to 9o Sirloin Stca't , from lOo to 12o Porterhouse Stealc. from lOc to 12o Itnund Steak- , from , Sc to Itkj Klb and Chuck Steal : , from Oc to a Boillne Beaf , from 8c to Go CorneJ Beef , from 4c to Co Clods ( boneless ) Co Pork Chops. . . . . llu Pork Butts. . . . . 10u Salt Pork lOa All kinds Mutton , from fie to 10a All kinds Veal , from "e to VJo Pork Sausapc , from Sc to lOo California Hams 7o Bacou m : , . . l"Ko Urd , from Sc to lu'o Poultry , Gnnio and I'Nh uhtuyson liuntL Froh uooils at low urlccs. A F. POKORNY , 333 BROADWAY. _ _ EMPK1P-SHUGART a GO , , JOHI1F.RS ( N Shelf and Heavy Hardware and FIELD SEEDS. WJi CAHHYA init.l. T.1XK. 109 , 111 , IIH , 115 Mtiln Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , I A. . tlaa In fit SUM ail federal court ) . Itiini UJ3-7-JO , d.ui ; block Council UlulN li Special COUNCIL BLUFFS : ' . _ . _ DO YOU know th.V. Day .V Hmi niro HJIII cliolco tur.'atui la rultail varJJa UUu : < ti. Hit * ultyf K rwnovwl. w * t > ooi . vault * , ch ! iinir * L 124 lUira ut T.iyior's ero.ry JU HSTItACTS anil 'oaiio. F.irm and city | iroKTt/ | bandit awl eul < L 1'uy i. Tlin'iriv Cuuusil 'nKLLKVIKW Fnnt Kurji for jl.3 JJoomtiHitHi of oliy. will H'um. : to M ) . u aer - , I'rtco for thn wliulti. * 1 I.MMI. For parlttu- lara adUrfnn { i. C. lUymmul , Council llinflt , la. A T I A VI IIom lrontm nt forlsdlc . ll niHlouiitulutUm froI wly ult iiiluul. AUiJ.-v or call rooai * ; tO3. 300 MerriABi block , t irmcU UlUtIH. _ _ _ _ _ OOOAOHHami fur nab ) or rt < t-ltanlln town * wiliiii. ol.-lit nillwt flit of Uuuttfil IHuilM. Imiulra y ( K. V. llulnor II. Hagg. UuHiHtll lltefl * . _ f WANT > ; i > Ttir funilciwl raonu lullatle lot llclit > KH > wik * i > lnr , centrally Uai < l. K. 41 tt 1 * uflk * .