THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.s HI ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 171. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 11 , 1801-SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. \/r\t7 HArt7 Announcement. n * The wholesale bankrupt dry goods stock of J , H. Walker & Co. of Chicago has been selling at auc . ; The greatest bankrupt stock of Dry Goods ever brought to Omaha is the tion during the past three days. Our Mr. Joseph 1 * Hayden has been on the ground , and has pur * chased the pick of the stock at surprisingly low Wholesale Bankrupt Dry Goods Stock of prices , The ready cash has commanded the situ ation , and we will be enabled to pace ! before f 4. Omaha people this elegant stock of high class dry JAMKS H. WALKER & GO goods at prices that will be a revelation to eco nomical buyers. The goods are coming in on every train and OHIOAGO. will be placed on sale as fast as they are unpacked and .marked , ; * First installment goes on sale tomorrow morning. First installment goes on sale Monday morning. * Watch for the prices that will be quoted on these goods. HAYDEN BROS. Over Hjalf a Million Dollars Worth in the stock , and we have the cream of it. 1 FNJAIKTD DFPTS . .LmLfllluuL1ijl 101 The wash Dress Goods stock has been moved and double the space given to this department - ment on account of the increas- ino ; trade. We were com- pciled to add more space and carry larger stock. We are informed by men who travel all over this country that our stock of wash dress goods is the largest in the United States. We are told by ladies in this city who have been shopping around that our stock is larger than all the rest com bined in Omaha. These as sertions seem broad , but hear ing them repeated so often there must be seme truth at tached to them. We invite every lady in this city and slate to inspect our stock , look over our display and then judge for themselves. We are the first to display the imported novelties in Bro- chet Crepe , Figured Crepe in plain colors , Cotton Bengalinc in light or dark ground work , Brocaded and Fancy Printed novelties in French , English and Domestic Satin , French , Scotch and Domestic Zephyrs in light shades , saline siripes and lace work , new printed de signs in India Linen , Irish Lawn , Dimities , etc. We are the only house in Omaha where you find the "Japanette , " an English fabric. Duck Suiting , new styles in crinkled effects , Pongees , Cam brics , Percales , Gingham and Prints , In fact , you will ad mit this to be the most com plete assortment you ever had the pleasure * of looking over , and prices you will find lowe'r than any previous season. .DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT , Wo will place in our center aisle 250 pieces new dress goods In plain , fancy and Illuminated effects , \\orth from -I0o to "Gc , yon can have your cholco of the lot at ofrr _ t fr * * . > ; err . * olv.i'Jv * -Jw. We have received a now line of ATAi WOOL , IIENU1KTTAS. 36-Inch wide. In nil shades , Including black , your cholco at 43c. Our SKUGHS 'are the best In the land , * guarrantecd nllwool , 86-Inch wide-\alwaya sold at 7Gc , OUU PHICB J3C ISC 130. > Oo you want something nice In a STORM 8I3UGK , extra Hue quality and weave ? Yes wo have It , all wool and extra width , worth JI.OO , you can-have It at 69c. Ask to see our now Inuilco uf dress goods ; they are beauties and worth -lOc , our price Monday 15C IDC 15C , Wo have received n full line of SI'JUNO NOVRI/I'IRS. Wo have a full line and all the now weaves and colors ; these goods are cheap at SSc , our price for Monday B7C 57C B7C. DRESS LINING DEPARTMENT , ThU department has also been moved and doublet the space has been given to linings. The help has also been doubled , and you will have no trouble In gutting what you want right hero. All colors In cambrics , all colors In sl- Icslo at lOc , 15c and 20c yard. ninck back printed sjleslii at ICc anil 25c. IHaclt , brown , tan , gray , navy blue , green , ilato and white canvas , lOc , I5c , 20e and 25c. All colors In crinoline , lOo yard. Now colors In collar and bolt canvass , wlggln , padding , wadding , In fact , as suld I before , you can got what you want In the lining line at Haydens1 , IVOOL & COTTON EIDERDOWNS Wo make Uo prices In order to close out this stock. All the fancy woven cotton elder downs told at 15c , 19c and 2Ga reduced to lOc a rard , only lOc. Choice of ult our fancy wool eiderdown that \vero OOc , C5o and 7Co reduced to Coo JurJ. ffhal We Offer for Ml This Week : Lot 1 High Novelty Silks , which wore manufactured in Lyons AT j I for the finest trado. The patterns anil combinations ! ' nro as magnificent as art can produce , and the effects are simply exquisite. They include plain and embroi AND dered weaves , rainbow , Louis XIV and Louis XV de signs. Tlioy are the correct styles for spring1 , worth from $1.60 to $3.00 per yard. j 1'EU YD. IJot 2 Now Blaclc Silks. The enormous increase in the sales of this department shows that our patrons desire only the best black silks at moderate prices and know that they are to bo found at our counters. Wo invite espec ial attention this week to our black gros grains , fuillo francaiso , satin rhadimcrs and black'Jap silks , worth 31.UO per yard , all at. VVo guarantee our black silks. IJot 3 A magnificent line of Printed China Silks , extra width , in navy , brown , black and grnon grounds in dots , fig ures and stripes , never sold for 'less than 05c a yard be fore , go at YAUD. tot 4 A fine assortment of Printed China Silks in dark colors * \ well worth 40c a yard O this week at r In solid colors in silks we carry a great assortment of all desirable weaves-and shades atprices which > .wiU.surely.please you.- Sam ples cheerfully sent to out-of-town customers at the specials sale prices. Give us a trial order. Muslin Underwear , Two speciol values for tomorrow. If the snow or mud is knee deep tomorrow it will pay you to wade through it to attend our special sales. Vfo are closing out the must in underwear at about 20 per cent less than cost of material' No such bargains over olTorcd. fiOc Nightgowns reduced to 25c. Gowns nicely made only 80c ; splendid value. An elegant line of Gowns , trimmed with Torchon Lace or Embroidery ; good value at SI.00. Wo will close this lot out at 59c each. 1 lot of corset covers worth 2"ic , to bo closed at 9c ' 1 " " " " 35o , " " I21c " " ' " " " 1 COc , 25c CORSETS. 100 doz. Ladies'Drab Corsets ; splendid value for $1.09 each , go on sale to morrow for 5Oc each. 60 doz. II , & S. Corsets , fast blacken beautiful corset , worth $1.25 each , to bo put on sale at G9c each. Gents7 Furnishing Goods. 100 doz. Guiot Suspenders , .10c ; worth 50o. Gents' Pine Laundricd Shirts , 76c ; worth $1.2" . Host quality of Gents' Linen Collars , 12jc onoli. Gents' Seamless Sox , -I for 25e. An elegant line of Gents' Scurfs , only 26c each. Gents' Pine Camels' flair Sox , luc ; worth 2T > c. % 100 doz. Gents' Night Shirts , 6lc ) ; good value at 75c. 100 doz. Boys' Houvy Cotton IIoso , fast black ; splendid goods to wear , worth lOo per pair ; reduced now to 'J5a , 1 ease of Laulos' Wool Vests , no pants ; this lot reduced to 50c. Clothing Department. ' BOYS''SUITS. Hoys' suits , all ngos In single or double brciistod , sov- ornl dill'oront colors uncl cloths , rugultir $1 and $5.6(1 ( suits , ( or Saturday your choice S2i50. Those are nicely trimmed nnd made up in latest styles. * 3U. $7 and $3 children's suits , ayes -1 to H , on sale Saturday at 83.50. 1'ho o are both single and double breasted : and medium weights. A Good School Suit 95c. Double breasted In heavy and medium weight , In-I ot' 6 shades on sale Saturday only $1.25. None worth less 2300 knee pants displayed on three tables on sale Sat urday for 26t % : J5o and 40e. ODD PANTS. Our February odd pants sale all wool men's pants 7oo , $1.25 , $1,75 to $ J.UO. None worth loss than $1.76 to tfl All we ask is that you call and eco ( or yourself. Men's suits and overcoats at halt usual prices. Call and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. Ail goods marked in plain figures. iMEN'S SUITS. At 91.00 , at $1.25 , at $1.50 , at $1.73 , at $2.00 , tit $2.50 , a I $3.00 pair aqtunl value from $3.00 up to $0.01) ) pair. Heavy weight men's suits at $5.50 , at $0.60 , at $7.60 , at $9.00 , at $12.00 actual value ( rom $12.00 up to S'.M.OO a suit. ' U7 men's heavy weight suits to close at $4.50 and $5,60 actual value $8.60 and $9.50. $ 0.00 English clay worsted buns at $10.00. 12c oz. Special sale of perfumery on Monday. Triple dxtract 12lc per ounce. Crnbnpplu Blossom , Jockey Club , Lilac , Violet , White Rose , Franjapan , Lily of the Valley , Ocean Spray , Shandon Ue'.ls , Empress Bouquet , Rus sian Lttus , Helitrope and Rose Geranium. Rumember tiicre will never be such a bargain otTcred again. ( IMcasc bring a bottle. ) Glycerine Balls , per cake , 4c. Tar Sonp , per cake , 4c. Cocoanut Oil , 1' ' doin a box , use. Green , white and. mottled Cas tile soap at 25c per bar. Perfumery , 12Jc ounce , Monday. On Monday. _ 5c will buy G yards ot fancy garter web. Gc will buy G packages of needles and 10 darning needles. Gc will buy 2 very fine' corded and hem stitched handkerchiefs , Gc will buy 40 packages of heavy hair pins. Cc will buy C horn hair pins. Gc will buy C hat ptus > Cc will buy 144 hooks and eyes. Gc will buy a good toftth brush. Gc will buy a very fine hand brush. Cc will buy 12 spools of silk floss. Co will buy 2 balls-crpfhkt cotton. Gc will buy a pair < ) t the best corset steels , AVe have sold more embroideries In the past week than we have In 12 months pre vious. The cause of this Is our handsoino now stock and our exceedingly low prices. Over 25 now designs at Ic per yard. Hundreds of yards of very fancy embroid eries at 3c per yard. 4-Inch wide embroideries only Gc per yard , Klcgant line embroideries at lOc IGc , 18c and 23c per yard. Deep llounclngs for 43c and GOo , worth $1,00 $ per yard. I The great rush In this line has encour aged us to enlarge this department as well as others , The prices wo have been mak ing IH drawing the crowds. Everybody knows Lawrence L. L. muslin , which Is sold at Hoydens' at 3c tomor row. } Lonsdalo and FrulJ ot the Loom muslin , Now York mills and iWamsutta , lOc. I'rlilo of the Weal. UcJ 10-4 bleached hhei'tlng15c ' yard. Double width pillow casing , Oc , lOc and li'.isc yard. All leading brambt of ; muslin and sheet ing at Haydens' popular prices. Itcglnnlng of the last week of those lOc towels. They'can't bo replaced except at a big loss. Look over our lOc counter of towels. ' i , ' If you want a wKlto bodnpread go to liny- dcnn' where thcyv tarry the stock and have the assortment to pick form. White spreads' at 47c , ' & 9c , CHc , 75c , 88p , 95c. $1.00 , $1.15. $1,19 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , " $2.00 , $2,25 , $2.50 , $ 3,00. $3,50 and upwards. Wo offer the best.value In table linens at COc a yard you wlii'flnd In Omaha. Please bear this In mind , Figured napkins , 25c , COc and COc dozen , Illcachcd or brown crash , 3 > c yard. All widths In cotton diapers , also linen diaper by yard or piece. Mill remnants of white dress goods , such as plain lawns and India llnons , and lawn checks and stripes , checked nainsooks , fancy new designs of avery description , at-Cc , Cc , 7c , So , lOc , 12Vic and 15o yard. Look over our M > clal bargains tables In center aisle , which are changed every day. Perfumery , lujc ounce , .Monday. Wo are receiving dally novelties In win dow draperies , and will show thn most com plete line of medium priced goods ever In this market. Everything pertaining to window trimming at very low prices. Chenille portieres , $2.r 0 , $3.50 and $1.00 per pair. All sizes , $5.00 and $7.GO , worth every cent of $ li.GO : and $17.GO , and a special drive in thcBo garments in tan , fancies and navy , STRICTLY WATEIIPUOOF , affording the wearer the best possible dress protection , as well as being warm and dressy , at $ S.7C , $11.GO and ? 12.7G. There Is no garment to equal these for nil ironrnl purposes at this time of the season. Dig assortment of woolen and padded 'armors' satin skirts that must be disposed of at once. Lot 1 at 49c , worth 75c and Sic. Lot 2 at 9Sc , worth $1.23 to $2.23. 10 dozen ladles' satlne waists , colors navy , black , polka dots and stripes , wortli $1.25 to $1.7G , selling now for only S8c. Perfumery , 12c ounce , Monday. CLOAK DEPARTMENT , Wo have just received our spring stock of Infants' cloaks and a more elaborate or com plete line was never shown in the city. Wo have a splendid long cape cloalc , In cash mere , silk embroidered , at 95c. Exceptionally flno garments , cream and tan cashmere , heavily embroidered , at $1.25 , $1.98 and $2.5"0. ' / - - Splendid values In ladles' and misses' jackets , medium weights , at $2.25 , $2.75 and $3.25. SHAWLS A fine all wool extra weight slnglo shawl at $1.75 , wortli $3.00. Shoulder shawls , all wool , at 35c , COc , C3c and 75c. Just whaj. you need right now. Wo are soiling lots of fur capes be'canso wo have two specials , one at $3.00 and the other $7.50 , that are sold elsewhere as bar gains at $9.r,0 and $12.50. This Is one oJ the moit complete depart ments In the house and wo can suit the most fastidious and save you from 10 to 25 per cent on everything. FURNITURE DEPT , Oak bedroom suits , three pieces , size of bed t-fl wide , 6-5 high. Dresser has a 20x24 French bevel plato mirror. The work In dresser nnd washstand Is perfect In every way. The finish on the whole suit Is first- class. I'rlco $ l.r , well wortli $20. Oak bedroom suits same as above , only with cheval dresser , also French plate mir ror $17.50 , regular price $23. Another oak biilt with 24x30 French bevel plato , n very handsome suit , $18.50 , well worth $2 ! ) . Wo have an elegant line of flno bedroom suits , and will be glad to go over the line with you should you need anything of this kind. 0-foot extension table , $1.25. 8-foot cxtun.slon table , $5. Wo are showing some of the latest exclu sive styles In pillar extension tables , all finished In the most aprovcd manner , ami our price Is made with the solo object of selling. New and handsome sideboards at $15 , $17 , $ IBBO , $111 , up to the moht elaborate and elegant thing In this line on the market. All our carriages have the samo.gcar , like cut , whether you buy n cheap carriage era a most expensive one , wo give you the name gear. The difference In price rests solely In the difference In uphoUtory and work on body. Carriages at $ : i.GO , $4.50. J3.30. fi,50 , $7 85 , JS.50 , } i.OO and up , Coinu nnd look at the line. BOOKS AND STATIONERY , Wo linvo the moat extensive department of tills Utntl In the city nml our prices arc always the lowest. Viz. : 25 XXX envelopes for Ic. 10 sheets of writing paper for Ic. 1 pen holder for Ic. 2 steel pens for Ic. 2 lend pencils for Ic. Any of Ilortlui M. Clay's , George Elliot's or Mrs. Forester's works at 19c. All regular 3 ! > c , books. The Scarlet Letter , House of Seven Ga bles , Dream Life , Hoverles of : i Bachelor , Urummond's Address , Tales from Shakespeare - pearo and Lays from nn Ancient City , your cholco only 15c. OIL CLOTH AND MATTINGS , Floor oil cloth from ISc up. China mattings , lOc , IGc and 20c per yard. CARPETS , Carpets are cheaper this spring than ever. Wo will make some very low prices. The assortment Is complete. It will pay you to see our stock and prices. SEWING MACHINES , We have a few of those sewing machines on hand. Prices still $15.00 and $10.50. OUTING FLANNEL , New spring styles now open for your In spection at 5c , lOc and IGc yard. Perfumery , 12ic ounce , Monday. H.irdware Department. The great slaughter sale of hardware still continues In this department. Having purchased 1,000 kegs of best steel wire nails before the advance for spot cash. Wo close them out as follows : COd , $1.BO per 100 pounds. BOd , $1.60 per 100 pounds. 40d , $1.70 per 100 pounds. 30d , $180 per 100 pounds. 20d , $1.85 per 100 pounds. IGd , $1.S5 per 100 pounds. 32(1 , J1.S5 per 100 pounds. lOd , $1.90 per 100 pounds. Sd , $2.00 per 100 pounds. ( Id , $2.1G per 100 pounds. 4d , $2.40 per 100 pounds. 3d , $3.00 per 100 pounds. Wo also call your attention to the great reduction In prices of tools and builders' liardward. Note the Following Prices. Double Iron smooth planes , 29c each. Double Iron jack planes , 35c each. 2-foot boxwood rules. So each. Half bound boxwood rules , Hie each. All bound boxwood rules , 25c each. , , 2-koy jail padlocks , Cc each. V Door bolts , Ic oach. Largo H7,0 ! , Cc each. Klin and mortice door locks , lie each. Door hinges , 4c per pair. Hook and eye hinges , 7c per pair. Hatchets , lOc each. Wo carry a fill line of cabinet makers , carpenters , machinists , blacksmiths and mill- rights tools at about 10 per cent under reg ular prices. Wo also handle doors , sash , blindsleather and rubber beltlng.hosc , etc. , at manufactur ers prlcen. Carpenters nnd builders will flnd It to their ailvuntugo to purchase their goods from us. 0 * N. 1) ) . nemomber wo carry everything In the haidwnro line and sell samu at 10 per cent under all competitors. READ , READ , READ. Hayden's Prices on Meats. Sugar cured hnins , Oc. Prime Imnis , 7jc. Suit pork , 8c. I'Vesh spare ribs , Oc. I'Yobh suusugo , 7ic. I'icUlo plu' feet , lOc per pound. Sugar cured bacon , lOc. Honolo3s limn , Oc. In fact you can buy lard , catosuot , ronolono , nnd everything in the inout line for half what you nay clsowhoro. Butter and Cheese. Wo will toll u lot of fancy creamery for He , lltu and -Ic airl an extra quality of Separator creamery for lilc. Country butter as low as8c. Young America full cream cheese , lOu , Wisconsin full cream , Oc , llcand IIjc. ! liriclc cheese , lOc , U' } and Mo. Homomlior , wo curry everything in the uhcoso lino. Bakery. Don't forgot our bakery nnd crackers. Bread , "o per loaf. Cream pints , lee per doz. Doughnuts , 7j per doz. Soda and oybtor onickorH , Ho per Ib. Sufar , o.ilmeal , grandma nnd graham urackors , 7c. ! nuttormllk , ginger snaps and pepsin erai-kcrt ) , 7jt' . Oranges , 80 per do ? When you nro In thostoro bo sure and cull at our Pish Dupt. HAYDEKT BROS. , Providers for the People. Perfumery , 12ic ounce , Monday. BLANKETS , Wo place on sale Monday morning 374 pairs of sample blankets which wcro bought from the largest blanket house In America at onu-thlril off the regular mill , price. They are mostly all gray blankets , only 2 and 3 pair of n kind. Wool mixed blankets al 49c. Cue , CHc , 7fie , 9Sc , $1.00 , $1.15 , $1.25 , $1.50 , Jl.M , $ ! " ( > , $1.03 and upwards a pair , Thcso blankets are cheap and It will pay you to look them over. pn APIMITPO ' ( .ROCIiRIES , To Introduce Haydcn tiros. ' best 5X flour , wo will for n short time put In ono of the tafr lowing articles In each sack : Plain gold ring. Ono diamond ring. Ono carving set. Ono gold watch. One $5.00 bill. Ono scarf pin. One ladles' solid silver hair ornament. Ono gents , ' rolled gold watch chain , Ono set of silver-spoons. 23 pounds granulated sugar , $1.00. 30 pounds New Orleans granulated sugar ) n.oo. 23 pounds light extra G sugar , $1.00. Soda crackers , 5c pound. Oyster crackers , So pound. Ginger snaps , 7' c pound. Sugar cookies , "Vic pound. California dried grapes , 3V4c. California blackberries , Gc. Now California raisins , Gc , 7 > 6c and lOi Now California prunes , Gc 7,6c and 10o New California peaches , lOc and 12c. . Now California apricots , 1210 and IGc. Now California pcars , 2V4c and IGc. New California silver prunes , " lOo c.nt New California layer ratslns.lOc and IS'/Jf . nest Alden apples , 7' c and lOc. Sun dried apples , DC. k I Now Zanto currants , Be. ' " J 20-pound palls pure fruit jelly , 35c. Pure homo maiio apple , peach and pluitl butters , Oc. Now Year mlnco meatl7'/4c pound. Eagle * brand mlnco meat In package 8 l-3c. Self raising pancake flour , 3ic. Self rising buckwheat flour , 3ic. Corn starch , 3c. Gloss starch , Gc. Lima beans , 5c. Imported maccaronl , 12' , c package. Imported vcrnilcolll , 12 0 package. All kinds California plums , 12 < c can. California peaches In heavy syrup , ICo. 2-pound caiiH choice pears , IBc. 2-pound cans sugar corn , 7c , worth IGc. 2-pound cans string boans.S l-3c. 2-ponnd cans early Juno peas , 8 l-3c. Sweet chocolatc,5c package. Daker's chocolate , 17',4c package. Condensed milk , lOc can. Evaporated cream , 12' c can. Fancy mixed pickles , Be bottle. Chow chow , Co bottle. Columbia catsup , pints , IBc bottle. Columbia river salmon , S'/ic , lOc , 12' , < jc can , California breakfast food , Cc pound. If you want to have delicious coffee you can'get It at our Tea and Coffee department at a cheaper price than you yourself would ask. Drokcn Java mid Mocha , 12'/ic , IBc , pound. , H > o , Santo and Maracatbo coffee , 2Go pound. Old government Java and Mocha , 35o pound or 3 pounds for $1.00. Japan tea slftlngs , lOc , 12' c pound. Sun cured Japan , 2Bc pound. Daskot IIred Japan , 29c , 35cISc pound. English breakfast tea , 38c , 42c pound , Fancy Ceylon tea , COc pound. Perfumery , 12jc ounce , Monday , Our Goods are Strictly Ili li Grade. Now pianos for rent. Pianos tuned and repaired. Woodenware Sale. G-foot hard wood step ladder , 72c. Hard wood folding Ironing boards , S9c. Hard wood pastry boards , 19c. Kino finished skirt boards , 29c. Modern stenciled salt boxes , 22c. Tubs , 35j ( each. Towel rollers , 3c each. ClothcH pins per doion. Ic Clothes wringers , $1.25 each , $2.00 Hplcu cabinets , 8'Jc each. Wooden Hpoons , Co each. llolllng pliiH. Co each. Iluttor prints , 9c each. Clothes turn , 59c each. 3 rolls tollut p.iper , lOc. Wooden bowls , Ha each , 9-Inch rlco root scrub brushes , Cc cacb , \ViHt broouiN , Co each. Covered aaucu pans , 8c each , Largo tea kuttlus , ICc each. Tin cups , 2 l-2o each. Tray's , Co each , 2 ijuurt dippers , 7c each. 2 cjuart ten pots , 12o each. 10 quart tin palls , ICc each. We are Just unloading the biggest car oi stoneware over received In. Omaha. 20,000 gallon milk pans. 7,000 gallon jam. 5,000 gallon jugs. Monday wo will ( toll tbo milk crocks at Cc each.