THE OMAHA DAILY KEE : TUESDAY. JANUARY 30 , 189-1. . SPEG1RL NOTICES. A DVKKTISKMKjm FOIt THKSH COLUMNS Vnin iMitnkriinmil I' fortlio evening ml mull 8-.30 p. in , for ilic morning and Sunday edliloim. Aitvprilwrii.bjr rwiiiostlmr n numbered ohcclt , ran liuvo HiHrnnnwrrn aUnreoRrd to n numbered letlor In earn of TUB llrr. AiiHwers no nddrpsfied will bo delivered upon presentation of llio chcclc. SITUATIONS WANTED. Kales , 1 ke a wonl flrwl limerllon. * l.-iO a line per nioiilh.NojjilmtjakeiiLfpj' i * 1 AUjUjJg.fjpj. _ . . . . jVwifi" would work very cheap In onlerto Irani tlie Inmlm-iiH. H. U. , Norfolk. Neu. MTU 31 * WANTED MALE HELP. l.lli'H.I'fc ' a wonl a wonl Iherc- nil cr. Nothing taken for lc * than V''c. Esoi.iriTOUs. TIJAMS VKKMISIIKD ; IN- MallniMitBoodn. American Wilugcr Co. , HIOO 1 toward Bt. 005 U AOKNTS , SATiAUV OH COMMISSION , THK J'irti-titeitl Invention or tlio nee. Thc < New I'Mrnl flicinh-nl Ink Krasln ? 1'ciicll. Si-ll * on Meld. Worl < n llki'in.iiflo. Airi'iUnare mnklnir fiJu.OO to fl'jri.iwporwfclc. For further particular * wrlto the Monroe. KrascrMfff. Co. , X tit ) , La Crosse , VVlH. ( luu " - ] { - LIVK IIUSTr.KUS.AI'I'LY 17 OHANlTB m.K UKSPONSIIILK INSTITI'TION USINO Anew BA plan of InvcHinii'iit for iiioiitlili'HavlimH , wlilpli IH iinimiially prolltabln and nliHulutely afo. dcilri'H n local niri-nt In ovi'ry clly. Ho must Iw of iixi < rli > ii ( ! iinil Htnmlliiir.nml rapabln of oreanlz- liilfiilU'ld-forcouniliT liiin. The bi-Ht talonl only ) rt-im red and paid for. nnfi'reiicijH iinil ilelnlm of pxix-rlc'noii IIIUHI tm HUbiilltli'd. Tlio Bavlnwi Hocli-ly , Kniillablo bulldlni , ' , Deuvi-rColo. 701 iU' ! > WANTKI ) . IP YOU AUK A CATHOUR AND 'wlll work for C1B.OI ) lM-r wwk wrlto McConiicll lios.'CAtcli Direct , IIOHtoii.MuNH. ' M71B JIO * 1T > - WANTKI ) , SALKSMAN ON T1IK HOAD TO -lisi'll AilviTtlBlnir RnnlHimd Calendar on coin- inlHHloii dln-ut frum tbo inariufiicturc'r. Can make per wctk. Advertising Specialty Co. , liuf- file , N. . aO ) . I10YAI10UTIH YRAIIS OLD TO work In rurnlnlilnir ( roods Btoro. KriMl Kern , r > 20 .South aixlc.'enth HtrcuU MT'-'O 30 * 1 } WANTKD , AN KWJOATKI ) YOUNO OEN- JJtleinan or lady Blcnoirraplic'r of < rood andrcw ) . MiiHtbavi ) rxiwrtiince In tfeueral onico work and tmlerfdaml bookkefplnif. AiiH\vcr In your own linmlwritlng and i-ncloHii refereiiPi'H. Olof Zctlir- laud. niaiiaKer Texan Land and Duvulopinrnt Co. , JM Fh-Ht National l > ank bulldlnt' . M'lil 31 * T > - WANTKI ) , TWO MEN OP GOOD ADDHKSS J'capahle of HPllliur a nice line of InshlllmiMit iroodH. Call H'.illl Howanl Hlri'et. M703 31 * -AN KXI'KUIKNCKI ) OANVASSKIl WANTED nii4llctiu > ; ( food watrcacan be inado. Ad- 1. Heo onico M70H 30 WANTED FEMALE HELP. Itiitos. l ! < ca wonl Ilrnt Insortlon , lo a word lliero- niter . NotidnB taken for lean than y.'c. /"I WANTKI ) , WOMAN TO DO COOKING IN wnniall boaiilhiif lioime : nonu but a llrst-cla conk need apply ; uood wngua. 'J10U Dounlas ntivut. \ - -WANTED , GIHL , 1'JIO N.'JOTH. C20 1 - - ) ANDOKNTLKMKN , , WK a-WANTBD-LAIIKS ) to $15.00 per week to do Rtrictly lionin work for im ; no canva sluir and proinpl payment. Hend Belf-aiklreHsod envulopo. J.lbcriy Supply Company , lloston , Mana. MO 14 B * - I.UIK9 CAN MAKK $10.00 I'KIl WKRK AT CI.UIK9 C- : no HohHIlnci no exporluncu ; Hend Htnmp. Fancy Ooodu M'fV Co. , 1B03 Chambers Htrect , St. LonlH , Mo. M710 4" WANTED. A MIDDLK-AOBD WOMAN AS C hoimekeeper for family of three ; reference irlvcn. liox - ' , llenilerHoft , la. M715 1 * - . ANKXl'KUIKNCEUCOOK ; MUST C-WANTKD. bo nuat anil thoroiiKldy uapabli ; ; Rood wane.t Iialdi rufi'renccH riKiiilnid. Call butwccn II and IB in thn inornlnu-.or from 1 to : l In tbo afternoon. Jlrs. KranclH Orablo , Landnn Court , fourth IIOHSO yfronl corner of South ' -Mill direct , between St. Mnry'Hnvpiiim and Howard Rtmit. M70U Jb'OR KENT HOUSES. KatCH , Idea Him each Inscrllou , $ l.n ( ) a Hue per month. Nothing taken for loss than 'J.'c. " " T\ HOUSES IN ALL PAUTS TIIE""CITY , L'Tho O. V. Davis company , 1C05 Farnam. 007 TllOOM COTTAGB , MODEUN , CIIO'CE IN J. Stauord clrclo. C. S. ElBUtter , yoi Hue bldir. 003 D-HOUSES , F. K. DARLING. 41AKKER BLOCK. OOH T\-K-UOOM HOUSE. MODKIIN. PUUNISIIED oil J-'nnfnrnlsbed. ' Apply 11 IB S. 10th. ( Ill D I NEW MODERN 8-BOOM 1IOUSE.31 & MASON U47 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSES AND 1V-TWO GOOD - .1 'ono live-room house , near builiiPBH center , at Sin.00.JO.Ull and $ UI > .0 ( ) . J. D. Zlttlollrown , block , 10th and Dout'laa Btrccta. M41'J - HOUSES IN CITY. I-l-UKST n AND H-ItOOM .UlmUiIro at ' . ' 303 Hlondo Blroot. M'Ji8 ! f'J' D-MODERN 0 R. II. , 1003 N. 'JO ST. , with Rtnlilo. aiBfll * T\-fl-IlOOM COTTAGE , COMPLETELY PUR- . /nlHlied. . South Kith , near JackHon. Inciulro at CO''H. KJIh. L'U'J T\-COKNRIl FLAT AT 1I1TH AND JONES ; 7 J-'rooinH ; raiiRO and all other convcnleuccB ; no lictler Hat In the city ; $ , ' 15.00. ( ieoa-u CloiiHcr , rot-in ' - ' , 1'attcraon block , 1U2 ! ) Farnani. " MIIOU ) pjFUUNISHKD HOUSK , 8 KOOMS , 2000 CATJ- * Ufornla. MI87 la * TV-llEKTAIi AOKNOr , f > 07 IlltOWN BLOCK. J. ' Jir.13 FOll IlENT , C-HOOM HOUSE , 1807 IZAKD Htrect. M01BJ D-FOH UKNT. SIX-ROOM KKSIDKNOE. 1813 ( Japltol Ave. Henry W. YntOH , M480 III _ - HOUSES IN ALL I'AUTS OP clly , cheap , J , II. Parroltc , Doughm hlock. MfiO'j f'JO D-FOR RENT , C-ROOM HOUSE ; INQUIRE 1013 Dorcas HI o71)il ) : * D.FOR RENT , 0-ROOM COTTAGE , COS SOUTH Illstt MU77 : n-FOR RENT ! 7-iiooM MODERN COTTAGE , J-'enKt front , ir'JB.fiO. Fidelity Trust Company 170'J Farnam stn-et. M07B 7 D-7 HOOM COTl'AOE. MODIIUN IJII'HOVK- inciitM.ilOlU Leaxeuworth. MUOI : IO' . - iosis 1ST T ) wiilur. liKS N. llltli Btreet. D- HOUSE AND II.VRN , 4 IBB FARNAM , WORTH iKili.iH ) . I'-lcu to uiiod luuty , * ' 'fi.iU. ) R , N. ll , Btilldcra and Traders Ex. , N. Y. Ufn. Uilll 30 * | - -UNKQUALKD , STEAM HEAT. ALL MOD- 4-'orn , 7-room brick IIOUBO , centrally located ; paved Htrtota , ulectlc lleht , Tlzanl , L"-'l North tilth. > MU8S ! iO' D-B.ROOM MODERN HOUSE. HARN , $18.00 mu'inoiitli ; lur.'u llBt. H , E. Colu Co. . intb and MTU I 30 * VOK , HENT PTIBN1SI1ED 11OOM3. IlnU . 14o a wonl llrsl InBcruoii.Io n word Ihora- Bfic-r. Notldn ? taken for lens than 'J3e. Jl FOR RENT. DES1RAJILE FURNISHED * 'J1JI1" , " " Inaulii ) 1010 I'o < ii'e , M'JUO ENIOE ROOMS ; STEAM HEAT ; nt-.l DAVEN- poit. MOOB 30 * 1 ? DOLAN HOUSK , all NOUT"il lBTII ST. ; .IjiuwuinnaKemeut ; pleaBaut TOOIUB ; coocl table ; rcaNuiiabUi raloi. MltliO'flS * p-FURNISHED DOOM.Mil ? HARNEYST. * - * SIUSO' \ ilKIIHNISHlliutOOMSKOIt HOUSKKP-KpiNO Jl jfor man and wlfe.Kcnt taken In boaut.310 N 17th U'Jl I ? I'l'KNISHKH ROOMS , MODKUN CONVKNI- iJoni'i'H. D''INurlll lOlh Mtlii : : S * RNIOHLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR hnuHchiMipliii ; foi'Keiitleman and wUo In prlvatn tamtlyi iiKMternbilcK liouiuoall car linen. ' . ' 003 Hurt hlriwt , MUU7 3 * If ifANDSOMELY FUltNISHED ROOMS , ALL modern , with irood boattl. ' 'U''O Harney.OSrt OSrt 1 * T ? VHRY lr.SIIlABLK ) ROOM : HOT WATER , K > Ulifiit ; Harneyi-ar ; boaixl. 417 N , ' . ' 6th i > t. Pi ! _ _ _ JOO _ I ? ri'RNISHEll ROOMS FOR LIGHT llOUSE- . /I Jkovplnir. Ill ) North Fifteenth street. MUUS 1 * I ? FURNISHED ROOMS YoiTLtfiilTirOUSRl I. iki-eplng , 1 IU N. fc'tb. MODS 1 * _ FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOARIX Rates nu a woiif llrat IiiM'rllon , lo a" word ilieiiiaflei'i Kotlihn- taken for ICHH than B3o , rRvBop 1.Voinon a ClirUtlan association , 1 U H , 17th Bt. _ _ _ U1B tf ROOMS i. BOARD , HILLSIDE , 18 .t DODGE. * mc rc * 1 , LMKiHROOM WITH STRICTLY FIRST- J. ela board , BIUD IioiiKlnk Htroct 4US i > DisIRAIlLE : ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT 1 lioaid. at VA'.M Farnam , _ O'.M 31 * i > 1 , ' Nlt'ELV FURNISIIKD ROOMS WITH BOARD , ; A 1 IllUX''OtllSt. tltiii ail * I.I'b \WfiyoOMSKCONO FLOOR. WITH 'btumt , ' 'IHnorlh Miicloonlh.SI. UOO 30' v v SOUTH iiobiiiwii'ii FOB 1017 IWfV lr t illOS 30' FOIt BENT BTORE8 AND OFFIOE8. Ralr > , IMo a wont flrnt innnrtion , lo n word. for loss than SSc. froil"itENTi / TiffMTOR BR7cK BUILDING J-010 Paniam nt , Thn bulldln ? has n fireproof co- mciH baBcmcnt , complete Btcam lipatlue flxluren , wnteronall the lloors , sai , etc. Apply at tbo of- llco of Tbo Boo. 010 _ _ T-OFFICKS FOR RENT IN TIIH SCHLITZ -Ibulldlnir , lOlhand Harncy. siicelal liiiliwmncitw bold out to pornintiont tenants. Apply to Jobst Bros. , rooms 60 and 01 , Sclilltz building. M583 I STORR FOR RENT ON 10TH NEAR DAVBN- port. B. J , Kendall. 507 Brown blk. ' U03 1 AGENTS WANTED. Union , lOoallnopaclilimertlon , l.fiUa line per month. Nothing taken for IUBH than ' . ' .Ou. -SOLICITORS. . CITY AND COUNTRY , FOR AN ' advertlBlmr wlan. Call before noon or ad- drcHS 413 Bee building. M3uO (1C * ' WANTED TU RUNT. HatcHltto.i wonl llrat tnscrildn , loa worJthora- ir. Notliln ; Uikcn for los * , thanll.'ic. -A OERMAN r"30 YEARS I OLD WANTS A rood fiirnlBhcd room for thn purpoio to learn English. IxjtterH address to P. R. , care of 1'aul Sclinett.OUL' 13th. Mii.-l 3U _ STOKAGE. Rates , l o a wonl nret liiROrtlon. In a word Hmri'attcr. Notldnif taken for let * ) than Me. -STORAGE , WILLIAMS * CROSS , IBM HAH- ney. 014 M STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS clean und cheap rate. R. Wolla , 1111 Vnrnnm WANTED TO BUY. Rates , 1 Oca line each insertion' , $1.30 a line per month. Nothlni ; taken for I BH than -3o. ! M--WANT"ED-TW6 POOL TABLK ONE ll combination table preferred. Remember thny iniiBt bo sold according to thcau times. J. M , Wlldbabor , Harblnc , Nub. , M71B C * _ NT-WANTED , TO BUY A GOOD SECOND-HAND 1' typewriter. Address 1' . O. box 301 , Council HlufTH , la. M711 30 _ FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rates , IWc a wonl llrat Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for ICSH than B5c. Q-FOll SALE , NEW UPRIGHT PIANO , OAK franus ; will take peed horao In trado. O. P. KlBer , South Omaha. U2U _ -BALED IIAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle Company , Ames , Nob. have S.OOO Ions of irood barn Btorcd bay for Bale. All nnlors fllletl promptly. _ M713 MISCELLANEOUS. _ Rates , IK" a wonl first Insertion , lo a wonl thereafter. Nothing taken for lest ; lian B5. _ IJ-HOO DISEASES PREVENTIVE. I HEREBY lAcortlfy that Henry Coombs , llth and Cunilnir St. . Omaha , operated on my bogs last August and Blnco the operation my boss have done well. I bellovo It to bo a good prnvontlvo forall diseases. I also bellovo It would pay any man to try It , as Iho cost Is BO Bir.qll. William Olllosplc. M181 fS -ASBESTOS PIPE COVERING FOR STEAM pipes and protection against frost. Send for prices. C. II. Flowers , 17'0 St. Mary's avenue. MCU7 31 * _ K-FOR CASH RENT. FARM 1 MILE SOUTH South Omaha. 0. Chllda , 1800 Lcavenwortb Btrcct. M70B _ 1 > - IMPROVED FARM FOR RENT , ADDRESS 1.M' . O. box Ifili , Elm Creek. Nob. M71U 1 * _ CLAIRVOYANTS. _ _ Rates , lOo a line each Insertion , $1. no a line per month. Nolhlng taken for than -'c. --Ms DHyH7wAim S liable business medium ; 7th year at 1 10 N. Kith. 018 _ _ _ MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. Rates , IHc a word first Insertion , $ ! . . " ( ) a line per mouth. Nothing taken for lest than * 'uc. 'I' MADAME SMITH , 602 S. 13TH , 2ND FLOOR , Room 3. Mandate , vapor , alcohol , ateain .sulphur- Inuand eea oatns. MU5H 3' E. BROWN , 1314 CAPITOL AVE. ROOM -4 , second floor. Massage treatment. Alcohol , sulphur and sea batha MU01 1 * rp-MASSAGE. 'MADAME BERNARD. 2'JO N. .LlllTH. . MOatfa ? * _ _ ' , PERSONAL Rates , IKc a word tlrst Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c. U MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTRO-THER- mal baths. Scalp and hair treatment , manicure aiidchlropodlst.Mru.l'oat,31U > < SS.15thWltluiullblk. U10 U ILLUSTRATED MARRIAGE JOURNAL , containing photo engravings of persons'desir ing correspondents , mailed Ireo. Brown jl'nb. Co. , Toledo. O. MO 14 1 * U-A. MACDONALD. CITY GARBAGE CON- Iraclor.olllco ra 0 Si 7 Barker blk , IS & Farnam. 051 f3 IP YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED' SEND U llvo 1 cent stamps for matrimonial paper , Ad- iUoB > Box 700 , Falrbury , III. M1U3 F8 U-MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF goods at lowest rates at COS N. 10 St. 5-15 F22 U VIAVI. HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation freo. Address or call , Vlavl Co.sulto3-lU"Beo Bldg , Lady attendant. MfiOlKD * TT INFORMATION WANTED AS TO THE * J whereabouts of Ersklnn Clarence Batchelor. son of the lalo Dr. J. C. Batchplor , who died on Friday , July i8th ! , 181)3. ) The deceased wa well known In Masonic circles throughout this country , having been at thn thno of Ids death grand commander of Supreme Council 33 = . southern Jurisdiction. In formation should liu addressed lo Charles F , Buck , esc ] . . Masonic tempi" . New Orleans , La. , or Mrs. Jciudo HutchlngB. sister of the deceased , No.'J 11 North Hull street , Montgomery , Ala. " M71I1 30 * MONEY TO LOANVBEAL ESTATE. Rates , IKe. a word nVst Insertion , lo. a word therearter , Nothing taken for loss than -5c. Rates , IMc a wonl first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lens than ' . ' .Iu. iom\'m \ w\\Ksv The O. F. Davis Co. , 1603 Farnam Bt. U'JO W LOANS ON IMPROVED ANDUNIMI'ROVED clly property. $ : tli)0 ( ) and upwards. .1 to Hj per cent ; no delays. W.ParnamSmlthlCo.,13L'OFarnam. \\r-ANTHONY LOAN ANDTRUST CO. , 318 N.Y ' ' Life , lends at low ratua for choice Beciirlty on Nebraska and Iowa farms or Omaha city properly. \V-MONEY TO LOAN AT LO\VEST RATES ON ' Improvedaud unimproved Omaha iwil estate , 1 too years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170'J Farnam. U'J3 _ \ \ r-MORTGAOE LOANS , A. MOORE , 5(11 ( N. Y. i Life. M175 I8 \V-LOANS ON IMPJIOVED REAL ESTATH > GarvtnII.-o . , B10N , Y. Life. M'34 fll \\r-MONEYTO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS > I rounl.v and Omaha city roperty. Ko ilelay. Fidelity Trust Company , 170' ' 'amain at. MUl3 ! W-MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and .Nebraska farms at from 1) to T per cent. W. 1) . Melklf , First Nat'l bank bldir , M 1:10 : MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hates , lllo a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line par month. Nothing takeii for less than B5c. " " " ' y MONEY 'TO""LOA s jWo will loan you any mnu which you wish , Hinall or lorgn. al the lowest possible rates , In tha QtUckcMt possible time , and for any lenvili of tlmo V > suit you. You can pay U back In Biicli bJBtall- nifntHiiH you wish , when you wish , and only pay for It as long as yon keep ft. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS AND OARRIAGE3. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , SOU SOUTH KITH STREET , First lloor above the K I reel. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 025 LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF urourltyi slrlully confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. OUT -MONE ? TO LOAN ON 1IORSKS , WAGONS pianos and fnridluni of all kinds. Business coundcnllal. J. B. Haddock , room 4U7 Hamiro block. VXXTHE PLACE TO RORllOV MONEY , ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY , ON HOUSES AND MULES. MONEY , ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , MONEY , ON PIANOS AND ORGANS. MONEY , ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MONEY , ON MERCHANDISE. MONEY. ON ANY CHATTEL SECURfTIF.3. MONEY , ON goods that remain with you. MONEY , IP YOU WANTNOPUIILIOITY , MONEY , IN litnrit or small amouuls. MONEY , AT IXWEST POSSIBLE RATK3 , MONEY. IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIMK. MOMEY , THAT you may p.iy back at any lime and In any amount IB al ROOM 4. WITHNELL block , Cor. IMIi and Harm-y Sin. THK FIDELITY LOAN GUAUANTER CO. U'-U _ _ V- MONEY LOANED ON yURNtTURR. PIANOS iVail ankle * of value. FrodTorry,4iU Uamra blk. 3U3 Rates , lOo a line cvioh Iiivrtlon. ft It ) : ) ! : < o iwr tuont U , Kothluz taken lor leh * than ' . ' 15. V VSirsAiU ! . CON ntOLLINiir isTKHKbT" ? : ? X well estaulUlicd luiolnena. Part vabh , balance on llm If fctouieJ. Addrcil Gcorjo DoVntifhii Lincoln , Nob. AiCia JU BUSINESS CHANCES Y-FOR SALE. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS , patent door check. Address with Blamp , Lock box SI , Council Bluffs , la. BOl-f-U - RARE OPPORTUNITY TO ANY PERSON Y-A understands creamery business. Tldi property Is nltitated at Ord. Valley , couiily , Neb. , Is In excellent condition mid In the midst of n llrat- class fanning community. Dairy producn can bo contracted around a radius of B3 imlct , Machluory already In place , building In good repair. Orig inally fitted up by Davis A Rankln. Chicago. Ill , Cold storage In ponncctton. This proiwrly will lx < Bold for Cue on the dollar of first coat : It will bear personal Innpocllon , and Icrnis will bu made Balls- factory , Address J. W. Perry , Ord , Nob.MulS MulS 30 STORE , CENTRALLY LOtJATED , ON cany tcrnm. Box 518 , City. M3H8 V-MEAT MARKET FOR SALE : CENTRALLY J. located ; doing good cash and family trade ; titled up Ural class , Including Bausago factory , rendering outfit , two horses,1 wagons , etc. ! good reasons for selling : well world Investigating. Address C. , lieu ofllcoCouncil Bluffs. MII8U 3 V-DRUO STORE FOR SALE ; ONLY ONE IN JLgood town In Iowa ; Involeo $3,0110.01) ; u-rnm , f niMKl cash , balance time. C. C. Shlmor.Bit N. Y. Llfa Bldg. , Omaha. M703 1 - SALE CHEAP , A COMPLETE MIL- - 1llnery stock and llxlnrus. Inquire at ' 111' South llitli street. M70I1 3D' FOR EXCHANGE. , lOcallna each liiserllon , $1.60 a line l > er month. Nothing taken for leas than B5c. r/ STOCK OP MILLNERVr AND NOTIONS ; /j want horses and cattle. Box BOS , Frankfort , Ind. t)30 ) y-WILL EXCHANGE MY HOUSE. PRATT AND Blst ( modern Improvements ) , for Chicago prop- rrly. Improved or unimproved , W. M. Wiileh , HOI 1'axton block. M4'J8 III ) Z-EXCHANGES. ALEX , MOORE.501 N. Y. LIFE. IISII Fi : r/-l OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS and Dakota. Will sell cheap or exchange for indse.fiorseH and cattle. TO.Fraukforl.Ind OHO Z-TO EXCHANGE. TWENTY-ROOM BRICK steam healed hotel for land or steam Hwlng. Address Box U3 , Dunlap , Iowa. l)3'J ) Fli r/-$7,500 STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ALL AJnnw goods , In Ii good Iowa town , to exchange for Improved farm. Frank Bishop , David city. Neb. M5tO : : ) r/ STATE OR COUNTY RIGHTS BEST WASH- 'Jlng machlno In Nebraska for western land or stock. Address J. E. Barnes , Cedar Creek. Neb. r/ CLEAN STOCK DRY GOODS. NOTIONS /-/ladles and children's shoes to trade for stock clothing. Address P. O. box 478 , Sowanl. Neb. Ml'J7 ! 1 * y-FOR EXCHANGE. 210 ACRE FARM , WELL Ailmproved , and located In Thayer county. Neb. , for a clean stock of clothing. Nothing but llrst- class goods wanted. Address lock box 77. He bron. Neb. MllBS 31 * y-GALVESTON CITY PROPERTY TO I'.X- AJchangu for land or merchandise. Box 373 , Kearney , Nob. 0'J3 10 FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. Rates , lOeallnopach liiwrtion , $1.50 a Hue par month. Nothing taken for less than ' _ ' 5c. CMO.OO FOR THE BEST AND 'iT > $3.00 FOR THE SECOND I1KST PLAN. Wo are contemplating building a number of modern cottages on the block bounded by Georgia and Virginia avenues , and Mason and Paclllu streets. Wo dexlro the arrangement to bo us practical as possible. In order to secure this wo are going to give the women a chance , and offer the above prizes for tloor plans of six room cot tages to bo within the limit of B5xlS foot , to con tain bath , closet , washHland , and mantel. Sketch must bo submitted before Fob. 1 , "Jl. Competi tion open to housekeepers only , For further particulars cucinlro of . FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. 410-31 170B F.imam Blrect. C40 ; , ( > 00 , MOASH. WILL 1IUY THE BUSINESS Jpblock at HUB Farnam. next N. Y. Life : nets U percent on $50OOU : a life Investment ; future value guaranteed. D. C. Patterson , 1UB3 Farnam. 1101 Fl BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , SALE or trade. P. K. Darling , Barker block. 031 riHOICEFARMS. C.R.BOATRIGHT,301 N.Y.LIPE l 1 7 F7 . rpWENTY 10-ACRE TRACTS NEAR OMAHA : -LeaBy terms. Thirty farms within 20 inllos of Omaha , $40 to $00 per aero Can trade ono 'JO and two 10-acro tracls. Win , Nelson , roomB Wlthnell block. 33B 31 pOOD FARMS IN NEBRASKA , SOUTH DAKOTA v/and Kansas : low prices and easy tcrnm. D.IIays , room B Wlthntll block. 33' ' 3i I70R SALE-ONE BUSINESS HOUSE AND LOT -L at 1512 So. 13th Bt. for $1,000.00. Address L. M. Street , 112 So. BIth Bt. M3B8 1 A HOME CHEAP. WE HAVE COME INTO BUY possession of a number of properties by fore closure of mortgage and can now offer them at decided bargains. If you want u home cheap on payments now Is the time to bnv. THE BATES SMITH INV. CO. , Commercial Nat'l Bank Bldg. ISU5 30 17OR SALE , 10 ACRES , OK MILES SOUTH- -L west of postofflco , Douglas comity ; nlco place for vegetables , chickens and fruit. Price , $ l.00.u < ) ; $800.00 cash , balance on thno. K per cent. Address B 44 , care Bee. MU10 2 IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA FOR SALE FARMS on monthly or yearly payments. Williams & Mlttan , Room 313 , McCnsuo building , opposite postolllce. MU55 3 DANCING ACADEMY ! Rates , lOoa Una each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing : taken for less than 25c. TVTORAND'S DANCING SCHOOL , 1510 HARNEY lu Btreet. The midwinter term boylns this week Now classes now forming. Chlldron Tuosilay 4 p in. , Saturday 10 a. m. or 3 p. in ; Adults Tuesday und Thursday B p. m. Private lessons dally In al the new dunces. Call for terms ; B halls to let. MS72 J30 GARBAGE ; Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than Bac. ORDERS FOR THE REMOVAL OF GAR ALL buge , manure , ashes , refuse , and cleaning of vaults and cesspools sent lo this oltlco or to thu olltcoof thu Board of Health will bit promptly at tended to. Thu only night soil men In my employ uro James Fullur , Peter Lorengen , John Nelson and S im Overgaanl. A. MacDonald , city gai'hngu CTiiitructor , rooms 0 and 7 , Barker block , Tel , 1JS87. MUSS f5 ! UND3KTAKERSANDEMBALMERS Rates , lOe a line each Insertion , $1.51) a linopjr month' Nothing taken for less than ' _ ' . "e. . W. BAKER ( FORMERLY WITH JONN G , C. Jacobsdeceased ! lalnr with M , O. Maul , ) under taker and uinuahner ; U13S. 10th Bt. Tel. O'.M ] . H K. BURKETT. FUNERAL DIRKCToR AND . , embalmor. HUH Chlcafrost. Tel. IH ) . 031 PAWNBROKEKS. Rates , lOoa llnuonch Insortlon , $1.51) n line par month Nothlutr taken for Itm than -.ic. T SONNENirrhlO. biAMOND"BROKEIl , lilOS * ' .DuiiiflaH Ht. Loans money on diamonds , watchuB , etc. Old cold and silver boimht. Tel , MSB LOST. RatHB , lOc a line each Insertion. $ a line per month. Nolhlnar tuteon for IOHH than T esT ! : eon ! IHLIS. JiONDAY $ ro.mriiK- IJn-ard for return to Dr. Council , DoughiB block. M7BB 30 SCALES. Ratci , loon line eaoh Insertion , $ lfln ( llnu per nimth , Nothlni ; taken for IUMB than B5c. T EW AND SECOND HAND SCALES , ALL KINDS. > AUdroBu Uordcii & SolleckCo. . Lake Ht. , Chlcaio J37 MU3IO. ART AND LANGUAOES. Rates , 10 a line each Insertion , $1,30 n line iwr ; iioulh , Nolldng taken for losa th'en ! 83e. ' . " . IBID California St U14 SHORTHAND AND TYP.S WRITING VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND , S13 N , Y. Lltu. Omaha. Ask for circular. M105 Till' : JtlCAl.TV MAKIIUT. INR'i'UUMHNTS placed on record January BU , IS'JJ ' : W.VniUNTY HERDS. I'ranlc hint Thomas Kelly to M A Lovely , tindlv )1 lot 11 , block SO , WlleoxSd udd. . . . .1 Jl M A Lovely mid hiishund to Tlinnms Kelly , n ! ' , lot 11 , block 20 , same , . . . 1 Cutbno Dworiilv to Jacob Ownrau , lot U.block 2 , anil lot 10 , block 3 , DwnruU- ndd to South Omaha BOO Wl'Olnrk to M Clurk , part or lot 4 , block 30. Omaha i Lcirn Morrison unit husband to Alary Dworuk , Bi ) lot'JO. block S. Morrl- non's udd to South Omaha. . . 200 Maxwell & I'roeniun t'o lo UV llrlxKs , lot 7 , block 1 , .Maxwell Ic. Krounmn's ndd to tiouth Ouiuha , 625 Allen Ki > ch und nlfotoS N Kohn , luu U und 4 , ICoch'N nubdlv , 3000 Lewis Davenport to U 1 > lUvonport. n 4'Jfcotof lot ' . ' , block 1 , Patrick's add 3.230 0 II NoUou to I ) II Smith , lot 7 , block 3 , 2d udd to South Omaha. . , . 1 QITITCI'AIU DKKDd. K 1C Hradtey and wlfo to G f , Uradlcy. lotau , Archur I'lucp . „ 25 DUEDH. U/ derrick and wlfo to I'MC'larLsun , vr HS foot of lot 7 , block U3 , Outuha. . 1 Total amount of transfors. , . I 9,605 SCENES OF FANiUCAL ZEAL Great Religious Excitement in Mexico Threatens Serious Cfdusequencos , IIOW THE IGNORANT' . DISTURBED Indium Ilollovo tlio Alleged Apparition of tlio Southern Jteptilju'o'fl IMtrou Hulut Murks nn JJpneli In tlio World's Illxtitry. CITT OF Muxico , Jan. 29. ( Special to TUB BCE.J Tlio oxcllcmont among tlio Mexican Indians over tlio alleged now apparition of "Our Lady of Quadalupe , " the patron saint of Mexico , Is without parallel In Into re ligious annals. Since the , ' reputed manifes tation appeared early In tito present month the llttlo pueblo of Lechi'i'la , north of this city a short distance , and \vhloh is the center - tor of the excitement , has been thronged with worshlporst coming'from all parts of the republic to gaze upon the wonder. Al though the authorities frown upon such up risings and endeavor to convince the stmplo nalivns of the country that there is either nothing in the alleged wonders or that they are man made , the latest vision 1ms failed to down , and today the crowds are largo as over , to all appearance. The uorottt believers are giving of their substance to mark the holy spot with a temple , which will also bo the abiding shrlno of the maguey plant bearing the miraculous likeness of the virgin. Already booths uro erected on the spot and the object of vener ation housed In the neighboring church of San Martin. The reform constitution of Mexico forbids religious worship and church demonstrations In the open air , and It is for this reason that the plant now occupies tlio place of honor in the temple with the holy vestments. As the other apparition of the virgin appeared to Juan Ilego ) , a lowly pastor watching his Hooks by night on the hills of McxIcoMicarly four centuries ago , so this latest appearance of the protector of the humble came to A poor peon employed in common and degrad ing labor on the hacienda of Lechcrla. IIu\r the Vision Appeared. While gathering pulque from the maguey fields hocamo unon a plant , larger and liner than the others ho noticed , winch souio way attracted him. Approaching closer , ho was electrlllcd and filled with the fear and trem bling of holy joy to suddenly sco limned on the leaf of tlio plant In most exquisite trac ery and witchery of design a perfect Imago of the divinity which every native Mexican loves above his life the Virgin of Guudn- lupe. In an agony of veneration ho fell upon his knees and worshiped the imago , wiiilo joy unspeakable filled Mis soul at the thought that ho , of all on earth , should bo thus blessed in the selection of a vehicle through which to make known the second coming of the vision , with it's message and its blessings - ings for mankind. This Is the story told by the. Indian worship ers of the finding of the : plant picture. At any rate , the patriot ! of the' plantation was soon after this approached' ' by the Indian employe , begging that tlio master might como and see the wonderful , thing which he had found. To humortlio Indian ho ac- compalned him to the spot , where the plant stood. Approaching tlio place one glance was enough to toll th'o Indian that the picture was still there , and ho again foil upon the ground In hys.t'crjicj adoration. The owner of the haclondneexntnined the largo sword-leaf bearing the'-picture , and after taking a crltical'survey , . of. , t told-tho peon that the so-called a'ppurlf6h' { nothing of the kind.uut only what any ordinary maguey worm might do if it only'nlS and discolored the leaves aright. Tlio Indian' protesting that it was a mirnclofjaud that the plane and picture wcro not'ofearth , the master , Impatient ? nt"auch 'stnpWtyjthduglit ] to show his deluded War'd * tlrat it was nothing of the kind and lllco-auyii other plant of the field. - * - Secured Ills KOVOIIRO. Impatiently ho p.uIlo.J , Ills machete from THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS QETTCR. ily doctor says It acta gcnily on the stomach , liver end kidneys , and Ii n plennnnt laxntlvc. Tbli drink Is made frnm herbs , and In prepared for use aacullyaa _ tea. It hcalled AildrueKistsBi-UltatSOc.aiirtJlapacknKe. If you rnnr.otifi'tlt , Rfria yourmMrcsa forafren Minplo. I.unc'n I'll mil v nfrilldnr inovim the tinirrln earn diiT. 1 n order to Im ) i idthythis tt ncvpssnry. Adilreca UUATOIt r.V < > < > nv'HT > . Lnliiiv.N.V. BUREAU. 8UKS& O3. . BOI.I01TOUS.llou UuUdln-4. OMAHA. NEU. Advloo RHILWKY TIME ORRD ivoTr maha Doiiot lUlli anil Mason Sis. I Omaha On4.1i : pinTTT..Unleash Vo.stlniilc ' . > . . > ( > a n p.-l.-i an Chleash Express l.'JSp-u 7.02 pin I Chicago & Iowa Local H.oila-n 11.33'un . 1'acllle , lct. l ual 'i.'i pin VKIC rATrivu Oinalia I DopotJlUh and MUHDII Mtq. _ | Oniiiii 10.1 Aani , T..DeuverKxpri.'ih , lU.irianil UeaUwood KxproH4 i. 10 pill 4..10 prn | Denver KxproRa i.10 pill U.Cllpni , .N brinkn Local ( KicifinlSanl. . pm _ H.lfiamf..Llncolif Looal ( Bxoepl Sinil. . H.-J.-.a-n K. C. , Si1 J. .vii. M. Arnvoi DepotlOlh anil Maion Sts.'n . . . .Kan a City Day Express , . . . I n.r 5 p n K. C. Nhfjit Exi ylii U. 1' . Trans. I ll.BUain. 'Ix-a"viiT , H. L A. P'SOU'lU. Omaha I Union Djpot IQtli &Mamy SH. | , Atlanltu KxpnMSet ( Sunilay ) H.uupm NlBht Kxprosir. fi.oopm , .Chlc'azoVeHllbuIij4Lliultoi. . IB.lOum Okl.ilioiua Exp. UnfJ.Jt' . " < 3" " > 1 I . . . .Rolorailo Limit' ) I..I . 4.ripii : TooVWf l ) > ji75MT > Wrnft : nf'ArrlVuV Omaha I Union Dapot IQlli fi tarey StB.I Onialrt , Denver Efptt H , . . . . , , . . I l.n.'ipin .Overland Flyer UJIDp'ii ' lloalrlco.VStro'.iml'itKlcoxSilii ( ) I'.MIUpiu Paclllu KxpritHi , , . ,111.0.1 tun I J..MIum TtTaves f UtllUMO.TUTfT.TA ST. lJADu | "ATr(7 ( l Omaha | U. 1 * . Pupal qinl MiKiy Mm. | O'lialia ' * ( . ; | . . . . . . , , I. ' * avcn I F. . KrJETlO.VALLi : fAriTviM Omaha ! Di'l'Ql ' 1.1th and Womin Leaves I O. ST. P. . M. .V O.- lArrlvjt _ Omiih.'tl Depot ISthand WebslorSls. | Oiuilu S.CUam . .Sloiu Clly "XccoTiimodatlou. . ( T.03pni 1.13pm Sioux City Kxiiro-H ( K < . Sun. ) ( B.4pm ( ) C.45pm St. Paul Limited tl.B.lam O.Hlp.n O-tkianU P.ia.-ioiwr ( Ex. SimI H. 1.1 am Leavo"a j Sl6UX"cfTV S. PACfFU lArrlvon Omaha I Do pot. It ) om' M a rey Stt. | Oinalil (1.53'am ; Sioux Ciiy PuBM < nirur , . , . . , I lo.'i ) put _ 3.53pm St. Paul E pru3s.lO.OUatu | Leave.H" | "hToUX'mTY'Tr PACIFIC TArrlveST Omaha ! Depot. 15thainJ _ W-jb terSl 1 Omaha 5.45 pm I , , -st. 1'anl LlmHe < l i ii.B5.uu 0.15 [ mil . . . .Cl'.lcuiro I.linltixl. , , . . . . . . ! U.B3aoi Le.ivee V OMAII'A" 8 ? " LOUIS , 1 Arriviy r OmaltajU. P. JJouoi. 10iliuiul _ Marcyl _ Oinaha " .Tsu LouTaC'auuon UM | lB.33pai Its scaMmrJ' nt his slilo and contemptuously inadon cut at the plant. 'I'lio sluirp Itnlfo (1U1 not sever the lenf , but tnnilu n woiiiut from which the thick Julco of the plant ( lowed , looltlnp to the shocltctl slpht of thoInJIan worshiper llko the blood of the crucifix. Awotl nt the iiesecr.iilon of hli sacred token nnil hold In fc r by the authority of hU innstor , the Indian mrtdo no open outbreak nt the In- dlcnlty offered lib rovcrod Idol. Ho silently sobbed out bis sorrow nud lliutlly nroao ntul went nwny. As ho stunU off ho was observed to dart at thu tlcspollor of bis snored plant u lee it full of malignant revenge , which plainly betokened harm to ono who knows thu hot and turbulent imturo of the south when crossed. Tluit night the huu.ionnd building's of the hacienda wcro burned. KvorytbliiK pointed to lucomtliir.v authorship , and its the owner saw bis possessions to the amount of $75.000 po up In ( ianfo ho did not need to look far for a reason for the deed , The nuws of the ilmlltiff of tlio plant soon spruad unions the slinplo folk of tbo neighborhood , and coming to pay their vows to the still living plant , they went nwny to toll the wonders of the sight to others. Soon a llttlo colony sprung up nround tlio siur'-d spot , and as the days wont by still others came from moro distant places. The news of the apparition scorned berne by the winds , for within a few daya the roads and trails leading : In the direction of Lecliorln wuro tenanted hy IOIIK lines of pilgrims hastening to the scono. They came out from the crowded streets of Mtixlco and from Iho distant ranches , until now the gathering hn- numbers from all parts of Iho country , with still moro coming every hour. .Scenes of Fiinatlooal , Beginning soon after the llrst of the year il feast has been In progress nt which many scenes of fanatic zeal hn\e been almost dally duplicated. Not only h\vo the people como to worship , but thoy- combine * business and' pleasure with their spirituality. The scone and chances for gain has attracted many who know and care moro fur the pleasures of thrcp-card inonto and the delusive shells than they do for the joys of the worshiper. Gambling nourishes at every wotl-rcRUltitnd Mexican religious festival , and so It bus a prominent part. In the gathering to pay tribute ot praise to the virgin. On behalf of the government Scnor M. A. Oiirlbay , lieutenant governor of the district of Cuaun- tlllan , in which has occurred the manifesta tion , visited the place last week and has tendered his report to thoauthorlties. Senor Garlbay has made a critical examination of the plant and the picture , and his investiga tion bean out the Urst statements made that the tracery , which It takes n fairly active imagination to construe Into the likeness of the virgin , is but the work of the worm which commonly infests the century plant family anil which often makes peculiar ills- colorations on the plant. The lieutenant governor finds the excite ment still sustained and that tlio believers In the strange delusion are bent , on making the pot ono of the chief shrines in Mexico. To tills end they have been making con tributions for the purpose of ercctinca largo temple to commemorate the event and hold the image plant. The funds contributed to this purpose had been placed in tlio- hands of tlio priest of the parish for keeping until such time as the plans could bo compassed. Scnor Garlbay , on behalf of the government , demanded that the money bo turned over to him -and that the temple agitation'Stop. The funds were accordingly delivered to tbo proper authorities , und will behold awak ing the outcome of the affair and the deter mination of the federal authorities as to the best way to deal with the delusion. How to Ouru ( .11 Grippe. About n year ago I took a violent attack of la grippe. I coughed day and night for about six weeks ; my wife then suggested that I try Chamberlain's Cough KcmoJy. At first I could see no difference , but still kept taking it , anu soon found that It was what I needed. If I got no relief from ono dose I took another , and it was only a few days until I was free from the cough. I thiulc people in general ought to know the value ot this remedy , and I take pleasure in acknowl edging the bcnolit I have received from it. Mndison Mustard , Otway , O. 25 and 50- ccnt bottles for sale by" druggists. MAYOR'S APPOINTMENTS. J'riMpect of 11 Divided Report from tlio ( inmmltteo on .Iiidlolnry. The councllmanle grapevine Indicates the submission to the council tonight ot the majority nnd minority reports from the judiciary committee on Blackburn for city prosecutor , Ijivcsoy for building itispoctor and Cowcill for city electrician , and possibly Soudenburg for boiler inspector may bo In cluded. It is said the majority report will bo unfavorable - favorable to confirmation. This repre sents the democratic sjdo of the house , while the ropubllcaus have an idea that Saville for health com missioner will bo confirmed , and that por- hnps they will also bo able to pull Soudon- burg through. The democrats say tnat there will bo some rejections , but no con firmations tonight. City Attorney Con- neil is the rock on which the democratic caucus wont to pieces. A slate was fixed up that was satisfactory in every respect , but on the oHlce of attorney there was no possi bility of getting together. The longer the councilman talked on tliat point the further anart they drifted , until some of them de- clawl that they would bolt the caucus ac tion It a deal of that kind was arranged and all pools wore declared otf. " 1 ought to have at least eleven votes for nonllrnmtion"suld T.V. . Blackburn , the mayor's choice for city prosecutor , "and I will have them unless no reliance can bo placed in the personal promises of members of the council. Back , Bcchol , Saunders , Specht and Wheeler among the republicans have cadi personally and repeatedly as sured me of their support , I have not scon any of them this week , but no ono of them has intimated that ho has experienced a chaugoof heart or that any caucus or other action will prevent htm from keeping his word. Although Charlie Thomas told mo I would not have a single republican vote as early as the day before I was nominated , I am bound to hcllovo these gout lemon are manly enough to say so if they have changed their purposes or are opposed to my conllrm- atlon. Burkloy , Culm , Klsassor , Howell , I.cmly nnd McAndrows among the demo crats have voluntarily and cheer fully promised mo their votes , and 1 suppose they are squat o men and will record them as they have promised. Thomas , Bruner und Jacobson arc opposed to mo because I am not a mem ber of the order and do not bellovo In mixing religion and politics at least they say so. I'M wards says ho promised several weeks before I was nominated to vote against mo in the interest of another aspirant. I do not know whut Hascull , I'arkor and Holmes will do.'Being u imtlvo American , a IIt'o long republican , an old nuu roputabla citi zen , n sober man and u lawyer , competent to perform thu duties of tho. ofllco , I can see no reason why Lshould not be confirmed. If I urn defeated It will simply mean that repub licans who do not belong to the American Protective association or who oppose secret societies in politics are to bo boycotted and driven out of tlio local party organization. " Keep Up with the Tiiiifg. Don't cling to the imperfect things. Do you use cereal foods on your breakfast table ? Then you need cream , Borden'a I'oorlcss Brand Evaporated Ureatn Is tlpcldodly supe rior in richness nnd llavor to ordinary milk or cream. \Vuimm'/i Ulnli AleiitliiB. Miss Armstrong delivered her lecture "Tho Women of India , " In costume before the Omaha Woman's club yesterday after- s Scrofula Mm. H. J. Unwell , Mcdford , Mass. , nays tier mother ha * bconciiredof Scrofula by the usotif four liottlca of SfSSSSK after having had much other tru § > } ( % atwunt.iind ! > cing reduced toiiit w * "rWMinr to a low condition ot health , as Ic wan thought aho could uot llvo. INHERITED SCROFULA. Cured my llttln lioy of hereditary ficrufiilavhldi tijipcaro'l nil over liU face. For \earl had clvcii up all bopoot hi-i recovery , \vlicn finally 1 waa Induced to usu EKJKiKSn A few bottles cured him , and > t y'Sl no Bvmptoinaol Iho disease rciualn. Miu.T. I..ilATiuns , Malhorvlllo , .Miss Ouibook oo UlooJ in 1 Skin Divaut ulilcil lite. Swirr Srttinc Co. , itluu , C > . noon. The lecture , bcsldos bolnu very In structive , abounded In Hashes of oriental imagery which delighted her ntitMcnco. After the lecture thu dnpartmont of polit ical nnd social science , under Iho leadership of Mrs. Vord , held Its Usual meeting , tits- ousting problems of practical utility In sociology. . Tin * Adviirinum Of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is always within the bounds of reason huc.iujo It U true ; it nlways appeals to the sober , common sense of thinking people because It U true ; and It always fully substantiated by ondorso- mcnts which , In the financial world , would bo accepted without moment's hesitation * Hood's pills euro liver Ills , eotntlp.itlon , biliousness , jaundice , sick headache , Indi gestion. JHHUitl . ! . % ' / > 7'iitWIHCAI.t. Michael Corcoran's ' "Ksstiys on Political Kconomy" has elicited some very com mendatory remarks from Archbishop Satolll. N. W. Ayer ft Son's Advertising agency of Philadelphia has just Issued iHargc , hand some business calendar with "llggcrs as can bo seen. " "Tho Uimlan Thlstlo In Nebraska" by Charles K Bcssov , Ph.D. , has been Issued as n bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment station In Nebraska. Vegetable seeds nnd plants of every de scription are described and liberally illus trated iu the IS1.I ) Seed Annual. D. M. Kerry &Co. , Detroit , Mich. The Ofllco Men's Hecord Is out once more with Its quarterly budget oC counting room gossip and lore. The Oftlco Men's Kocord Company , Major block , Chicago. A now seed catalogue under a handsomely lithographed cover showing six varieties of the rose In natural colors Is being sent out by Iowa Seed comp.iny , DCS Molncs , In. The Altruist Interchange devotes the Jan- narv number of its quarterly edition to the kindergarten. The Altruist Intrwihango Company , 10 East Fourteenth street , Now York. An elaborate seed cataloeuo covering all kinds of plants for the garden , farm or field , Is going through the malls from Plant Seed company , SlSJ-tfH North Fourth street , St. Louis. "Catchy Cullings" Is a compilation of short recitations for parlor , platform , school room or stage. Compiled and arranged by Lucia B. Grllllu , 1DU West Fourteenth strcut , Now York. The Critic ( Now York ) has begun its fourteenth year. During IS'.UI it contained 850 pages and over 1,500 books were received. It Is Issued weekly. The Critic Company , Now York. "Why Noll" by Lucia B. Griffin. Is a mis- collauy of facts , maxims , udvico nnd guide to the correct pronouncing of words. Paper , 25"cents. " M. Francis Shally. post- oOlco lobby , Albla , In. "Selection in Seed Growing" is n valuable pamphlet embracing papers read at the World's ' Horticultural congress , 18'JJ , Illus trating modern methods of the trade. W. Atlec Burpee & Co. , Philadelphia. "Iowa's White Elephant" is a pamphlet of nearly 100 pages , reviewing the rise and fall of prohibition in the state of Iowa , including a fund of valuable political history incident to the attempted revolution. F. W. F.tulkes , Cedar Haplds , la. Tno ofllcial report of the bombardment and capture of Fort Henry is ono of the features of the January Confederate War Journal. A number of portraits of promi nent confederates adorn its pages. Confed erate War Journal , Lexington , Ky. "The Strike nt Slmno's" is an amusing story of a , strike among the various animals on a farm. It is a sequel toBlack Beauty , " that worked so much good toward securing better treatment of animals. Paper , price 10 cents. George- . Angell , 1'J ' Milk street , Boston. The United States Department of Agricul ture has issued its eighth and ninth annual reports of the Bureau of Animal Industry for the years 1891'aud 1B02. It contains a largo fund of valuable Information foe farm ers as well as statistics'for the'student. . Bound iu cloth. 'Tho Dietetic and Hygienic Management of Certain Types of Ocular Diseases , " by Edward S. Peck , A.M. , M.D. , is ono of the loading themes in the January number of The Dietetic und Ilyt'loniu Gazette. The Ga/.otto Publishing Company , li18 ! Broad way , JSow York. ' , Animals of all kinds are made the subjects of very interesting short articles and pretty illustrations in Our Animal Friends , the January number of which is very artistic. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , 10 East Twenty-second street , Now York. "Bennor's Prophecies" Isln Its ninth edi tion , the last including a forecast for 18W. The "prophecies" are not cuess work , but calculations based on antilogies drawn from the experience of the past and relate to fu ture prices of'pig Iron , hogs , corn "and other commodities. Uobort Clarlto & Co. , Cincin nati , O. Ono of the most pleasing features of the February number of Dotnorest's F.tmily Magazine is the article , "Society Leaders of Now York , " with Its engraved portraits of n scor'o of the famous beauties of the great metropolis. The regular departments ap pear us usual , not forgetting the tomporaiien literature , for which the magazine- noted. W. Jennings Demorest , East" Fourteenth street , Now York. "Yacht Knees , for the America's Cup , " lS"l-18'.n , by Captain A. J. Konealy ls n work that will be welcomed the world over. It tells of contests and which for forty years have tossed our ocean racers in their strnsgles for the historic America's cup. The book is Illustrated by the first marine artists of Iho day , and every famous racer from the America to the Vigilant adorns Its pages. Paper , 50 cents ; cloth , $1.50. The Outing Company , limited , Now York. "A Christmas Fox Hunt In Old Virginia" Is vividly portrayed by Alexander Hunter in the January Outing. It takes one into ante bellum days , when the southern planter was the American typo of aristocratic chivalry. "Ivan of the Mask" Is a thrilling Uusslnu short story by Ella Loraln Dorscy. A winter poem from the pen of Ella Wheeler Wilcox convoys "Tho Ilnmmook's Com plaint" In a sweet but sad refrain. The Outing Company , -3'J-IMl Fifth avenue , New York. In the January number of Iho Quarterly Journal of Economics Alocrt C. Slovens con tributes an "Analysis ot the Phenomena " of the Panlo in the United States" in IblKi , " the artlulo partaking of the nature of a review more than of nn analysis , A very critical and discriminative dissertation appears on ' The Nature and Mechanism of Credit , " by Sidney Sherwood , the writer illustrating the functions of money to show it us one lorm of credit. George II. Ellis , HI Franklin street , Boston. Thu most salient features in consideration of tlio much dlsuusscd land question are ad mirably sot forth by Iluiiilln Gui'land under the caption , ' The Land Question aim Its Ho- littlon to Art and Literature , " in the Janu- arv number of The Arena. O. II. Lucrin- nndor the title , "A National Problem. " presents some striking facts and figures worthy of serious contemplation by those .vho have regard for thy future welfare of the country. Anna K. Weeks touches "The Divorce of Man from Nature" In a very poctio and also forcible strain. The Arena Publishing - ing Company , Boston , Mass. A very Interesting article tothugcnornl render is "Colonial Building In Now Jersey , " by William Nelson Illack , appearing in the last quarterly edition of The Architectural Uecord , This number i.s illumined with moro than 100 line pictorials , many full pai'o and In colors , adding much to tha instruct ive and artistic olYects produced , Ernest Pliipc takes the reader through "L'Ecolo tics Beaux-Arts , " showing the methods pur sued In this famous French uvi school. Isa bella Deb.trblorl contributes a valuable ! ar ticle on "Modern Mosaics. " Clinton W. Sweet , M-10 Vesoy street , Now York. Asa supplement to latest onuyulopcdlnu "Tho World Alumnae and C.xolopodhi" I * practically indispensable , and nn a compact miniature encyclopedia for handy reference It has probably no equal , containing almost 51)0 ) pages of closely printed matter. Includ ing nil kinds of classified Information and tabular statistic * , particularly relating to recent events , both political and llmu.clal. The compilation of such n work was a stu pendous tank and rcll'iots ' In a most tolling way the vast rosourcoi und energies of the publishers Paper , price ' > centi. The Press Publishing Company , Pulitzer Build ing , Now York , . . .i i Ono word itoscrltir's it , "porfectlou. " Worn- fcrtuDeWiU's Witch Hiucl Sulruuuro piles ARE WEARY OF IMPOSITION Arrival ofn Dixoii County Pauper Brings Matter. } to n Head , COM.V.I3SI3NER3 WILL TEST THE LAW Object to Keeping I'oor of Olhnr Coiiutlci l < ri-Ulurli-\nilruciioii'.4 Tniultlns Ho- (117 ( Fully Alrud-Sult lor DIIIU- HKO < Other Court < 'uir . The county commissioners havodecldcd to determine the question of whothcrornot thu county of Douglas Is rciiulred to take card of the paupers of other counties In the state. This decision was reached yesterday , when Mr. Mvcsoy , chairman of the charity commlttoi ) , was notllled that Anna Dui'lc was at the Presbyterian hospital and that her expenses wore being charge. ! ng.Unst the co. i my. Possessed of this inform- lion Mr. Llvosoy visited the institution andv lutirncd that thu woman had baen there since last week , that she was a con tinued Invalid , suffering from some chroulo trouble , and that she had been shlpiod in here from Dlxon county , this stale , the commissioners of that county furnishing the transportation. Her entire worldly effects consisted of a loiter from n Dr.Vnti.or of Allen , Dixon county , In which the man of pills stated that thu boarur was an invalid and for moru than a yuir : hud been a charge upon the county from whence she came. Laying tlio matter before County Alter- ' noy Kaloy , that gentleman hold that lha transporting of the woman to this county , tlio commissioners or Dlxon county knowing that she was u pauper , was n direct viola tion of the state laws and that aim could bo , bent back , the expense chargeable to the ofllclals of tbo county of which shu was iv resident. Today Anna Burk will retrace - trace her steps and the commissioners will at oneo bring suit ng.-ilnst Ulxon county for the cost of her expenses ut the hospital and the transportation. Thu case , tlio commis sioners say , will be taken to the supreme court In order to got a decision upon this question. In speaking upon the subject of the imposi tion In this direction that Is being practiced , Mr. Llvesoy stated that there was hardly u day that some pauper from some of the outside - side counties did not arrive in the city , being sent hero by orildals. Ho said that they came in from the interior of the state. and from central Iowa , many of them almost , nuked and without money to p.iy for a night's lodulug , ViiilrniMt'ii's Trouble * . The troubles growing out of the annual election of oftlcors of the L-jc-CIarko-An- drccson Hardware company wcro given auotner airing in judge Ferguson's court yesterday - . terday , where the Lco-Andrccson end of lliu llrnt asked the court to declare vuid the elec tion which placed the Clarke directory in power and gnvo them the management ol the business. In this light the outs claim that , ilia Clurkus practiced fraud in holding the clou- lion , whllo on the other hand the claim is made that the election was conducted in an Honorable manner , and that each of the shares of stock was voted in strict accord ance with the tic.sires of the holder of the same. John L. Webster , who represents the Clarices , contends that in tlio election of ofllcors the directors had full power to cast all of their votes for one man , or , if they wanted to , they could cast their llvo votes for live men. , , Cowln & MoIIugh , who rourosont the other stockholders , admit that such Is the case , providing tlio legislature had done' its duty , ( but , there , thdy claim , is the pinch. They show that the coin- stitution of the slate expressly provides that such a course may be followed , but nut until the legislature has passed a law dcclarinz that this provision of the consti tution is operative. Such a.iaw lias never been passed , and for this reason they hold thill the election was never legally ifeld by the stockholders of the company. They allege that Illinois and Missouri are thoonly other states having such a law. and that In both of these the legislature has performed its duty and made the law operative. Thu further claim is made that when the election of olllccrs wis held the Clarkea represented but ( iS. > of the w'.OUJ shares of stock , and for that reason there was no way by which they could legally control the posi tions to bo lillcd. _ Waiitt Dimmer * tor tin Assault , Hcglmi Morrow has brought suit in the dis trict court and there is seeking to recover damages in the sum of 310,000 from Emily Hospoler , who upon three separate and dis tinct occasions has tried to take her lifo. The plaintiff alleges that she is a house wife ana the mother of four children , and that notwithstanding all this , on January ill , 18U3 , she avers the defendant assaulted her with a pairof scissors , striking tier in thu loft breast , just , above the heart. She wai knocked down , and would have bocn killed , she verily believes , If the bystanders hail not. interfered and taken -the infuriated woman aw.iy. Tills did not satisfy the old grudge , says the plaintiff , and , relating moro of her sorrows rows , she declares that on May I , 18i ! ) : , tha defendant struuic her In thu back with an ax , inlllclingn dangerous and painful wound , Injuring her spine and sending her to bed for uovural weeks , Continuing tlio warfare , thu plaintiff ullcircs that on July ) , 181KI. Uegina Morrow again assaulted her , striking her In the face and pulling out the greater part of nor hair. On account of all tha.'io aHsaults and the suffering which .Mho has boon com pelled to stand the plnmtlu is of the opinion that she is entitled to the relief which she now seeks. _ SlumiiKl fttoi'k to llu Snlii. The sale of the property of I'hll Stimmel & Co. will take place this moriUng , and thu proceeds will bo applied In liquidation o I the two judgmontu which wcro rendered on Juniriry U , ono In favor of the Omaha Na tional bank for $30,000 , and the other In favor of Montgomery , Charlton " > t Hall for ? ( i,000. Soon after the rendition of thcsc < judg ments and after the levy upon thu property and the publication of thu notice of sale , Frank T. Kmcrnon stopped in and asked fni nn Injunction , urging that there was fraud In the trniisaoUon. At the Hamu time hu asked fur thu appointment of a receiver tn take the property and dispose of Itn \ : > r.tuv among tlio many creditors of the defunct. need company. Yesterday tlio case was nrguod bofora Judco iilaiirfmorson claiming that hu tvaa a partner , that ho had Doen rufuiod an ex amination ( if thu bouks and that the con fession of the judgment was wlthoii' < his knowledge or consent. During thu afternoon the court dutilud the application at d ll.xed th in morning us the time for holding lliu sale. _ _ SIMM Hut .Mnu-lii ( Jity , Norton UMH. have sued thu ulty of South Omaha iu r.n aotl'jn to recover JtW , which has been due since 15SI. Thu dubt prows out of a. contract for grading some streets , n j\Vl5t'ii Witch Hanoi HIIIVO mi rot inloi. The following inarriuio lluonssi wore i - nuc'.l ynsturduy by tlio iimniy clerk ; Nuiiit and Addreii. AKO. I .liihn Aiulri'vin , Hprlii'-'llttld , Neb 'JU 1 Anna.lolinsoii , Npi'lnvlli.'ld , Noli ill I railj'liitrowrikl , Homli Omuliu 'M Anna Illlchar , Soulli Oinuhii IH I Charles Hwuloy , ritunx Oily , la . Ill ) ( li'loronco L. While , StuHln , Nuir. . illl i Mcliolans Moli.Dii , Uniatm ( p'ofu Ariuurusl , , * jiuntm . Ill l John W. , Omaha . - ' ) I Augusta Mocllcr , Omaha . uu i Aninii Schmidt , Omaha . 'M I ( Ji'i'ilu l.anue , Cinialia . , . - ' . ! j Andreas KiKp/lgk , Omaha . 'J3 I Jndorla ; MkunluiuUu , Onmliu. . . , . -1 As ; . sisii'ut via urrcoTivn UEMEIIV for throat affections Drown' * Bronchial Trorhot stand llrst In puullf favor. luloly unrivalled for the alleviation ot all throat Irritation * cauied by ould or uo ot the volte.