TTTE OMATTA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , .JANUARY 30 , 1801. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bulls Bid May Whoit Up and it Olo3jd With a Gain , NOTHING OF CONSEQUENCE IN CORN In Iho Onti Sfnrkijt Thrro War n Trndc , hut n Hti-ndior I'eclliiBt l > o Mainly to Sympathy With \Vlicut nnil Corn. CHICAGO , Jun. 20. Bulls bid May UD lo today and that month closed with a gain of ; c Thecatisoof the bullish feeling was ado- ereasa In the vlslblo supply , stronger English culilcs , the prospects of a cold wave and light receipts at Chicago and In the north west. May corn closed < { a higher , May oats Ji'o higher and provisions lower all nround , Wheat started flrm , with May # c up at C.i ; < c , on flrm English cables and a docrcaso of J,4IS,000 bu. in the amount on ocean passage. Other news encouraging to the bulls was Iho report of northwestern receipts , which showed a total of iiG cars , against 419 on the corresponding day of last year. Chicago re ceipts , too , worn very light , oelng but ninety- ecven cars , compared with 314 a year ago. Prices advanced slowly. When the figures of the visible supply wcro posted they BhowiMt a decllno of MU.OOO bu. Hcports of n cold wave bearing down from the north- vest added to the ncrvo of the bulls and toward Iho close of the session the market became strong. The advance contlnueit until toward the end , when irregular closing cables caused a slight reactioir. May opened 1 0 higher , lost } { < i , advanced } { a ana re- nctcd ' 0 to the close at GIJtfc. In rorn there was nothing of consequence iiono and what business was transuded was for local account. A steady tone was , prov- ulont ut the start , und after oponltijr at Saturday's closing , May sold up # c wltn wheat , but dm not hold , as oiTcrings Oecamo larger at the upturn and prices receded to the opening llzuro. In sympathy with wheat it milled fully JiWs'o and closed but o from the day's top tlgur.ns. In the oats market there Was a light trade , but a steadier feeling , due mainly to sym pathy with wheat and corn. 1'rlces advanced from tjc to J.-e and closed at the top. The feature of the speculative market for provisions was its dullness. An easy feeling prevailed atthoopening , which wasatSatur- day's closing price J. Alittlo latersomes'eadl- ness was contributed to the market by the htrongth In wheat. Compared with Satur day night May pork Is 2 > c lower , May lara TJij'c lower and May ribs 5c lower. The clos ing was weak and at ouisido llgurcs for the ( lay. lay.Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , l.'ii ) cars : corn , C20 cars ; oats , 130 cars ; hogs , IM.OOO head. 'I'hc leading futures ranged as follows : Arlleles. Ouun. IIlKli. Low. Close.i CO BOK no 05U 35H 3Bil ! 35H 3D 30 EfiJl ! 27 30 18M ! 13 1(5 ( 13 17h 13 10 13 12'xS 13 2'J ' , < 13 10 13 1C 13 20 7 80 7 SO 7 72 7 7 00 7 7 00 7 tlo" 7 OUf ) 7 0 05 0 .15 7 ( 70 0 ur Ciisli quotations were as follows : 1'i.oi'u Hasy. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , GOc ; No. 0 spring , Gl01o ) ; No. 2 red , OOc. Cons No. 2 , 85'c ; No. 3 yellow , 34'/34yc. OATS No. 2 , 27fo ; 'No. 2 white , 3i@3l'/ic ; No. 3 white , 2i ! < aluye. ; " RYE-NO. 2 , IIAIII.EV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 4352c ! ; No. 4 , 43c. , KIAX SBED-NO. 1 , J1.38SJ. TIMOTHY Scitn 1'rlino , $4.15. I'OlllC Mess , per lihl. , S13.1213,15 ! ; lard , per 100 Ibs. . $7.72 © 7.75 ; short ribs sides ( loose ) , JO.COao.05 ; dry sal'od shoulders ( boxed ) , S0.2GQO.0 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , 7.00'a7.00. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , f 1.1ft. SuilAlts Cut loaf , 85.3G ; granulated , 14.01 ; standard A , $4.49. Tlui following were the receipts and ship ments for today : Now Vork .Hariem. New YniiK , Jan. 29. VLOtin Hocolpts , 14- 900 bbls. ; exports , 1,000 bbls. ; sales , 10,950 pltgs. ; market , moro demand for high gradus of winter , but general was oulet , though Nloady.clty mill patents , $1.1D4.35 ; city mill clears. $ J.3u2 > 'i,00 : Minnesota natonts , $3.50 © 3,05 ; Mlnimsota bakers , $2.253J3.GO : winter patents , $3.253.50 ; winter straights , $2,70 ® h.OO ; winter extras , $2,00 ; winter low grades Jl.50 2.20 ; hoiilhorn Hour ( lull ; rye Hour.oulot but. steady ; suporllno. $2.&Oif2B5 ; fancy ; ' 2.85 CJ2.90 : lmckwlieat Hour , dull and steady ; lUiCKWiiiUT Dull ; Canadian , 57c asked , ox- lldMll. IVIK.N MRAiPalrly active ; Urandywino , $2.70 ; yellow western , $2.55 2.76. UVE Dull and nominal ; January , 5Gc dollv- 01 Ml. HAIIMSY Firmer ; ungraded western , 55SG4c- No.2 , Jlllwiiulioe,03a05i : . llAiu.cvMAi.T Dull : western , 75Q80C. WIIBAT Itecolpts , none ; exports , 123,400bu. ; sales , 1,405,000 Uu. futures and 150,000 bu hpot. Kpot market closed stonily ; No. 2 red In sioro and elevator , OOJie ; .illoat , 077 cf. ; o. b. . f',7 c ; ungraded red , G2c ; No. 1 northern , 71Uc. Options opiinod llrnioron the big decrease on passage , tinner cables , cxpeotcdblg decrease In the vlslblo supply , and bll//.ard In thn west , renctod on disappointment over the vlslblo htipplv , rallied again on good buying and closed strong at Ja4 ? .Jc not advance ; No. 2 red. January , closed atOOJjc ; I'ohruary , 05 13-10 U0ri jc , closed at ( iO'ji ; ; March , 07 < 307'c , insi ! : > ilnt07ie ! ; May , 09ii,095c , closed at OOMc ; Juno closed at 70)Jc ) ; July closed at 07'4c ! Derembor. 7ri'75.1iC , closing at7578C. UollN-Uccolpts. 1,300 bu. ; exports , 800 bu. : sales , 3V6.UOO bu. futures , 07iOOO bu spot. rinotmitrUot dull , closing Ntt-ady ; yellow hpot dull , closing steady ; yellow. 434'c : btoamor ml.xj'd , 427i 43c. Option market opened steady , closed U'iJ'ic ' not advance ; January cloMid 4314c ; Keliruary , iitiiu i- osou-faKi- : March , 44'iOM ie Closed 44 ? u May. 44 'JWO'ic , closed 45 > ic , U.vrs-UecolDts 25,200 1m. : exports , none : mloH. 110,000 bu. futures , 70,000 Im. spot. Spot mil rlcot quint and Hrm : No. 2 33Vc H4c : No. 2 delivered , 34 { < 835c : No. 3. 33c- Kit I ! white , 30u 3lHc : No. 3 white. 30o ; truck mlxun weslern , ! ! 4iii30c ( ; track , whlto western 34 < aar > ej track , white state. 3335e. Options' quiet but Hrm all day , closed ( net ad vance ; January , 34u ; February , 34 ; < c ; March , UAVDull and easy , jloi'S Dull ) state , common to choice , 12 © Iliucs Steady ; wet salted New Or- eaiwseh > ited , 451100 llw , , 4lJOS 4e ; TD.XIIS , KO- . ' .V.-lV ' , ' i&a ? % Jl'V ' " "i.00' ? ' " " " " ' "s Ayres , dry , JOO21 Iba. , 10't ! < ailo ; Texas , dry , 24iu 30 Ibs. , l'KATHKit--StPady. I'ltovisiONS-lli-ef , sloiidy : family , J14.0aiJ 10 DO : extra mi'ss.SH. 50440.0 ! ) ; buof hams , $17 ; city fiimlly , J20ttKii23.oo. ) Uut meals. Hrm ; tili-lilyd uhmildors Oj.ttON'c ; pickled hams , O'ilJ'Jfie. I.ard , dull nnd uteady ; western ktcam closed at JS.10:1 snles , 100 tierces : January elosml at t8.n,1 nominal ; February , f7.05 nomimil ; Miiy , ,76 nominal. Pork , Mow , but steady : new mess , $14,50314.75 ; oxiru prlma. * 13.6Viil4.O ( ( ) ; family , J10.5019 10.00 ; fcliori clear , tl5.6iKLSl7.00. HirrrKil I'lrm : western dairy , 134 ! < ai7e : wentonivruuinery , 187t'JO > iot western factory , IsmiilOoi Klslns , 204e. ! CiiiKSK--JuTol : ! part skims , 410e ; tull Quint and steady ; weitorn fresh , 17c. TAI.I.OW Dull ; city i'J ifer pkg.i , ouaouc. I'KTitoi.KUM-Uulot ; United closed at 80c bid ; nsliliiKton , bbls. , Ifllj In bulu , } 3.50 ; rotlnod Now York , , HosiN Onlctj btralncd , common to Rood , II. ll > ( ( l.l' 4i iii'isNTiNi : Qulot : sott31o ( , RICK I ull : dome tlc , good to extra , , Now Orloam open Uul- ' ' . ( tc. I'JU lHO.tAmorlcan , 112.00(216.00. f.'oii'KliWuakj lnke.110. I.IAI : > rltimiKOT ; doincsili ; , JD.U6. TtN-IlulltHtraltH , * IU. HfBl.ti2U-.St iiilyt domestic. 13.45 bid. LUIIO.S' Sttu Oltr-yteaily , Urmj prime crude , 80 ( ' : off crude , Maaset prime yellow , Itaw. market dull ; fair roflnlni 2 11-lf.c ; centrifugal , 00 test. n ? | rollncd Hull and llni'lianzcd ; off A , 3Vi 4'i' ' ' ! mould A 4 l-W < l-\'v \ HtiLtiilard A , 4 l-lOtM'lO cnnftiCtloncrV A , 4 NlnQt't" ] turf leif : , 4 10' lOttnUct crushed , 4 lO-lO'ii 'fcc ; powdered 47-10'iMVl granulated , - \ \ < , \ 0-lOc. Onialiii I'nidnco .tl.irkot. IlUTTKll The supply U limited ruiil tlioro li n moro liberal domain ) , especially for the IH'SI stock. Cholco country , 14tlCc ; paclilni Stock , lOjll'Ji ! . lur.3Hr.i > I'OMf.Tiiv The ilnmnnit has Inv proved during the cold nmlpand prices havi juinp d a notch higher , Chickens , Cti7c : ttlr keys , OiilOc ; KOOSO nnd diuMis , QfttOp. Infer' lor stooK uoiild soil below the aliovo llgurt'H. Ltvi : I'otli.Titv Thcro Is seine demand fet choice .stock and Ilia market U fairly well sup plied , Good stock M quotable at oQ1c. ! { VnAi * Tlio arrivals are not heavy and Iho market firm at prnvious fiuotatlons ; cholco small and fat veals , 77'5Ci thin or heavy , . OAMI : I'ralrlo chickens , nuill and x-onlson nreoutnf ssason , and thi'ro Is hut little on the market except din'ks. UaniidaKCCso , tG : mal lard ducki. jJ.oa2.5'J ; Jack rabbits , Jl.ooa 2.00 : small rabhlu , fl ; Squirrels , 75c. Koos The cold s torn ( to wti have been pretty well cleaned up and there Is a decided change for the bettor on the market. Fresh stock , ir > 3Uc ! ; cold storage , IKdrjc ; suited CgKS , 010iJ , llo.VEV-OlioIco whlto clover , ICe ; Cali fornia , 10c. OvdtKiis Medium , I. X. I13o : horseshoes , 18c ; extra standards , 20c ; selects , 21c : extra selects , 22c ; company selects , 25c ; counts , 30c. NlITS Uhestiiuts , 12c per Ib.i ItHltan ChcstnulH , 12&I3C ; almonds , 18c ; lOnjjllsh wal nuts , J2ftl4c : Illlioi-ts , 12Kc ; Ilrazll nuts. 1 Iffl 12C : pecans , large , 1214c ; pecans , medium , lOc. The marketon black walnuts Is low and no one wants to buy. CiDKit I'uro Julco , per barrel , IO.OOSG.50 ; half baircl , } 3.'J.rlIi3.rJU ; Oregon , pur barrel , t5.00ar.50 ; half barrels , * 3. y.\L'r.iiKHAt'T Per barrel , $3.COaB.OOj half barrels , fil.OOS : ) 2 o. OIIIRII t'uro Juice , pnr bbl. , ? 0.00G.50 : half bbl. , J3.2GSM.GU ; clurlllcil elder , per bbl , , JDj half bbl. , ? 3. Vl'.OKTAIII.IiS. HHANS - California Intml-pli-kod navy , 11.003 2.00 ; western navy , ll.Hjftl.OO ; common whttu beans , Zt.001il.75. ONIONS -Onions are quoted at GOilGoc , nnd on orders at G5 { 70c ; Spanish onlou.i , per crate , * 1.50. POTATOIWNebraska , Iowa and Minnesota grown potatoes. In small lots from store , G5t/ > 70c ; same In car lots , GOc ; Colorado , from store , 70c : Colorado lots , ti8$70c. OA mi Ann Orders for cabbage from the coun try are lilted at 2c per Ib. CiinnY : Roors According to slzo , 403GOJ pnr do/ . Oui.intv Onod slock , 35c ; extra fancy Cali fornia , Gdoajl.OO. Swcu-r I'oTATHia Tlio supply Is fair : good stock , per bbl. , J3.SO. OIIKKN Vr.oCT\UMa : Spinach , per bbl. , $2 ; salsify , 30335c per doraulsho.s : , per iloz. , Sue ; emllvo , per do . , 75o ; onions , pcrdoz. , 20u ; caullllowor , per Uo/ . , $ l.GOft2.00 ; lettuce , per do50a75c ; cucumbers , J2 ; toma toes. per crate of 20 Ibs. , $2 ; string beans , J2.50 per j-bu. bov : parsley , per doz. , 30c ; osg plant , nor ilo/ . , $2.50. SAuniiKKAur I'er bbl. , 85.0030,00 ; half bbls. , 53.25. F11UIT3 OIIAPES There are no Catawbas on the mar ket ; Malagas , oer 50-ib. bbls. , net , I5.25S6.00 ; Mnlngiis , porG5-lb. bbls. , not , $0.nojrJG.BO. Ai'i'i.F.s The supply Is llsht on this market nnd prices higher ; fancy western , I1.90JS2.00 pur box. Cl free per Jersey , _ . . . . . . . . . . . OAi.iroiiNiA On.vxoiisi The stock Is arriving In good condition , Rlversldj s-ocdllngs , per box , $2.50 ; Washington novels , * 3.00N TltOPIUAIi ntUITS. HAXANAS Prices romalu alnut steady : pir bunch , lai-Lto , $2.0fJiJ2.50 ; per bunch , small t3 mi'dliim , $1.75 < J-J.OU. Lnstoss Now Messina lemons , slzo 300 , 15.50 ; sl/.n 300 , J525ft5.60. OaANOHS Mexicans , par box , $2.50 ; larso sl/es , J2.25U2.40 ; fancy Florldas , $2.75 ; choice Florldas , S2.GO. TA.NOKIIINKS I'er box , $2.75. UHAPC FiiuiT-1'or box , $4. runs. Hoar No. 1 black , Inruo , 820.00 25.00 ; medium , flu ; small , J8.00S10.00 ; black yonr- llnirs , lurHc , if 12.00 ( J15.00 : medium , S10 ; small 87 ; ' black cubs , larao , * G.OIias.OO ; medium , $5.0030.00 : small. $ t ; black Montana and lioeky mountain , largo , tl8.00322.00modlitni ; , f4 ; small , 810 ; black Montana yearlings , Inrgu , $12 ; medium , J8 ; small , $5 ; black Mon tana cubs , l.'iw , $0,50 ; medium , $4.50 ; small , (3 ( ; Bllver tip , larjto , $20 ; mudlttm , $12 ; small F8 ; sliver tin yearlings , largo , $11 ; medium , iS ; small , 15 ; silver lip cubs , large , $6 : medium , 14. GO ; small , $3 ; brown , large , * 20.002 > 25.00 ; medium , $10 ; small , $12 ; yearlings , lartro , JlO.Ogai2.00 : medium , $8 ; small , $0 ; cubs largo , J7 ; medium , J5 ; small , $3 ; badger No. 1 tnreo , tl.OOf&l. 50 ; medium , GOc : small , GOc : flsbei No. 1 largo , $8 ; medium , $0 ; small , 14 ; fox silver , as to color according to beauty No. 1 large , $100 : medium. fOO ; small , $40 silver pale , according to beauty , large , $50 medium , $30 ; small $20 : cross , largo. $7 ; modlum , $3 ; small , $2 ; rod , large , $1 GO ; medium , $1.25 ; small , SI ; gray , largo. 75c : medium , SOc : small , 40c ; kit argc , GOc ; medium , 40c ; small , 30c. lynx. No.l largo , $3 ; medium , $2 ; small , $1.50 ; marten , No. 1 , large , $2 ; medium , $1.50 ; small , iljmlnk. No. 1 , largo , 80et&$1.00 ; medium , 7Gc : small , G5c ; mink , Mark , No. 1 , large , $1 ; medium , 75c ; small , COc ; mountain lion , uor- tcct head and feet. No. 1 , lar/a , $1.0032.00 ; inuerfeet skins , 25Ii > 50c ; otter. No. 1 , largo , ! 8 ; modlum , JO.0037.00 ; small , $5 ; ottfr , pale , Vo. 1. large , $7 ; medium , $5 ; small , * 4 ; raccoon , No. 1 , largo. SOc : medium , GOr ; small , GOc : raccoon , black , as to beauty. No. 1 , largo , SOc'd J2.00 ; skunk blick.c : < isod. No. 1 , largo , $1,25 ; nodlum , 75e ; small , G,0o , ; short striped , largo , SI ; medium , 70c : small , 45c ; narrow slrlpsd , urge , GOc ; medium , 40c ; small , 25c ; broad strlpoil , largo , 20@25c ; wolvorlne.-No. 1 , largo , > 4 ; medium , $3 ; small , $2 ; wolf mountain , No. I , large. $3 ; medium , $2 ; small , $1.50 ; prairie , nrgo , 70375c : modlum , GOe ; small , GOc ; beaver per skin , No. 1 , large , $5.00aO,00 ; medium , 84.50 ; small , $2 ; kits , largo , $2 ; uedlum.ll.GO ; small , 75c : muskrats winter , No. 1 , largo , lOJSllc ; medium , Oc ; small , 7cl 'all , lars'j. Qifc'Jc ; medium , 7o ; small , Gc ; kits , arge , $23c. mnr.s. TALI.OW. T.TC. HIDUS No. 1 groenihUlos , 2H3c ; No. 2 green ildos,2ic } : No.l green salted hides , 33jeNo. ! : agrooiif-altodlilde' ' ) , 232 ! < c ; No. 1 green salted ildes , 25 Ibs. to 40 Iln. , 3 ; < c : No. 2 green salted lidos , 25 Iln. to 40 Ibi. , 24 2Wc : No. 1 veal calf , J His. to 15 lbs..5'/l&Gc ' : No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 101bs.,4c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , Gc : No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3c : No. 1 ( fry baited hides. 4c. Part cured hides He per Ib. less than fully : urod SiiBEl' Pur.T.s Qroon salted , each. 25SGOa ; sreon salted snoarllngs ( short woolod early iklns ) , each GtMGc ; dry shearlings ( short woolod early skins ) , No. 1 , eacli 5lalOc ; dry .hoarllngs ( .short woolod early skins ) . No. 2 inch Oc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 5 ® 3c ; dry Mint , Kansas ami Nebraska murrain wool bolts , par Ib. , actual weight , 4QGc ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pults , per Ib. , tctual weight , 47c ; dry Hint Colorado mur rain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4Gc. K'insi.s : Day .lluruuts. KANSAS CITV. Jan. 29. WIIBAT Firm : No. 2 bard , G3e ; No. 2 red , G4e. ! COIIN No. 2 mixed , Hrm , 31c ; No.2 whlto , J2 c. OATS Weak : No. 2 mlxad , 2828 c ; No. J white. 20294-c. RYB Steady : No. 2 , 48c. FI.AX SBKII Firm ; $1,2031.27. HIIAN Weak ; G&UGac. lUv Steady ; timothy , J8.00S9.00 ; prairie , ! 5.tiOy.0.5U. UUTTUU Firmer ; creamery , 19Q23c ; dairy , IGc. IGc.F.ons F.ons Weak at 12c. Rucsti-w SVheat , 21,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu.j sats , none. Siiii'Mr.NTS Wheat , 30,000 bu.j corn , 1,000 Jii. ; oats , none. _ MllU'llUllt'O iMUI-KlltR. MiMVAUKKt : , Jan. 29. FI.OUU Steady nnd iiulet. WIIBAT Firmer : No , 2 surlnjr , GOlic ; No. 1 northern , O5',4c ; May. U17ic. UOIIN Steady ; No. 3 , 3Gc. OATS-Sloaily ; No. 'J whlto , SOJSoi No. 3 , vlilo2029 ItAiti.uv Steady ; No. 2 , 61c ; sample , 42 RvK-lllgher ; No. 1 , 46) ) < c. 1' Qulot ; porif , $13.13 ; lard , F 7.8U ( RKOtui'M-Flour , G.100 bbls. ; wheat , 14,000 ju. ; barley. 27.200 bu. Siuniu.NWFlour , 4,700 bbls.j wheat , 1,300 Ju. ; barley , 7,400 bu. Cotton , .A1 uiit't. NEW OitMiANS , Jan. 20.-CorroN-Spot lotto ; ; cliHoil Hrm ; middling , 7 7-lOc : low iililillliiK , 7 3-10c ; good ordinary , 0 13-llic ; let receipts. 0,400 baloa ; gross , 0,800 bales ; sales , 7,300 bales ; tock , 35,000 ja es ; futures steady ; sales. 52,400 Jiile-si January. $7.35 : February , $7,39 ; Marcli. > 7.517.l)2j Ajirll. $7.01187.02 ; May. $7.70 ® r > 7.lUll.l' . ' ! ? ' . ? . ! , > 7Ba7 . ( > 70i Ju'y' ' 7-80'U.7.88 ; Aug- ist , 7.u20li7.04. ST. Louis , .Inn. 30-CoTTON-l-lCc higher ) nlddlluK. 7 U-10c ; hales , 400 bales ; re- iclpu , 3,200 bales ; bhlpaionts , 2bOO bales' rt , Gb.OOO bales. Cu.lVo .Miiruuc. NR\YVOUKJan,29. COFFKK Ontlons steuilr , inchanxed to G points lower ) cln.soil dull and . . . . . . . . , , , . . I'.utc.w'u' w. ' ' ( .UK Llii , Iktu. IIIIIIHUI. IllllUb uul easy ; No. 7 , * IG.02S ! : inllil , nmrUet dull nnd unchunKfil ; Cordova. $ 'Ji > .Oi > 320,26 , ANTO , Jan. 29. .Market dull , unchanged. llAMiiumi , Jun , 29. Market bloady , 1 pfir , ewer tu U pfg. higher. llAVltR. Jan. t20. .M\rket firm ; No. 7 , 8lB.7ft LONDON , Jan. -Market unchanged to Id ilgher. York Dry ( Joint * Market. Nisw YOIIK. Jan. 29. The dry goods district uolug full ly tt ull. Cotton coous lulo moU- orntly nrtlvo nnd otoady. I'rlnt cloths nrc qttlot but sternly. OInghntils nnd wash Koodi nrc quite flrm with n fair demand. Dress goods ol all kinds are sellltii ? nbotitiup to production with stocks to begin with moncrntn. Tin forclKii dry goods department U steady am moderately native. The Jobbing trade Is fairly active. Mlilliri | > ( ilU IVlinnr Mnrkot. , , Inn. 29. Thnro WAS farROliuy- Ing of wheat near the clo a of the sossloti today , with nil ndvnnco of yo on May and July wheat , with which cash wheat nml trncK wheat Hymyathlzod. Receipts were 209 cnr-ij shlpmontM , 30 car * May opened at Oie ) , July nt 01'ic. Trices appreciated slightly from the Hrst and remained comparatively Bloady from that tlmo utitll tlio close , when there wns un advance of nearly ! } c. There was nothing In the news tofustlfy uny Im portant changes In prices , but It 1ms boon noticed for the last few days that n stronger feeling ptovallod In thn mnrkeland that there had been very good buying that wns appar ently for Investment. More of that buying wns noted today , with n largo shorHntorest to cover. The latter became' uneasy , and when tlipy began to cover there was n general rush of buying orders. The close was : January , fiOc : May , C0'c ; July , 02''c. Track wheat closed : No. 1 hard , t)4c ) ; No. 1 northern , "nje ; No. 2 northern , GOc. There was some buying by Now Vork parties ) , loss by Duliith , nnd a little from other places. The Krjnt hulk of the business today was done by lloor trndcrn , and their covering caused con siderable of a bulge , encouraged by mini mi I advance In most of the cases. There U n hlgncr temperature In thu northwest , and although the cotinlrv roads are not good wheat Is beginning to come In more freely from the farmers to country railroad ele vators. The prospects are that tlio receipts will bo fair fora fuw days , and perhaps all thu week If the weather remains good , The ad vance of a cent or two recently In Iho price of track wheat hero Mill also stimulate market ing and selling by farmers. It Is not expected the farm movement will bo largo , although It would bo so In comparison with the late small receipts. Stocks In country elevators de creased 100,000 bu. last wcok In the line islovntors that are reckoned. There are many independent warehouses and small elevator companies reported through the Interior that nro not counted In these stocks , The Hour m.irkut Is quiet. St. I.null .MurKnt * . ST. Louts , Jan. 29. FI.OUII Steady : un changed : patent ! : , 12.95(33.05 ( ; extra fancy , (2.00'ii2.70 ( : fancy. $2.2032.30 ; qholco , $ l.H ! > tij 2.10 ; rye liour , 3 ; buckwheat Hour , $0.2513 G.50. G.50.WIIKAT Was strong on buying , weather news and cables gaining fie ; No. 2 red , cash , closed at 50c ; February , G7c ; May , Glic ! ; JulyT 02 0. Conx Was higher on weather news , galnlnc > { < 3iic ; No. 3 mixed , cash , closed at 32c ; February , 334c ! ; May , ao's ' aouo ; July , 30If OATS Wore stronger ; No. 2 rash and Jan uary closed nt 283-e : May , 30(530ic. ( ? Km 48o for No. 2 east side. JlAlir.r.Y Steady : Minnesota , 52I 52'ic. ' HIIAN Higher ; ( Hijc bid for east track. fc'f.AX 8HKM-J1.32. Ci.ovun SKBli-l'Irmor. $8.0039.15. HAY Unchanged ; prime to choice , $9.003 HUTTEK Unchanged ; scparatorcroatnory , 22 < 223o ; cholco dairy , 19' < J20c. Eua < i Unchanged ; 12c. LiBAii Unchamiod : $3. SI-KI.TEH I'ni'hanged ; $3.30. COIIN MEAL I'ncliangcd ; $1.65. WHISKY Unchanged ; $1.15. HAaoi.Nii l'ncliangeti ; 5Si ( > c. COTTON TIES Unchanged ; 95c$1.00. I'ltovisiONS Kaslor. I'ork , standard moss , $13.50iJ13.G2Vi. Lard , prime .steam. $7.05 nomi nal. Dry salt meats , loose .shoulders , SG.l'2'.J ; longs and rlb9 , $0.05 ; shorts , 40.85 ; boxod. 15c more , llacon , packed alioilkl'irs , J7.37J4 ; longs , $7.37'J : ribs , $7.50 ; .shorts , $7.75 ItECBIl'TS-l'lour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 5,000 bu. ; corn , 205,000 bu. : oats , 43,000 bu. SHIPMENTS I'loiir , 3,000 bms. ; wheat , none ; corn , 90,000 bit. ; oats , 14,000 bu. Vl'lblo ( ir.iln supply. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 29. The visible supply of grain Saturday , January 27 , as complied by the New York Produce exchange , is as fol lows : In- Do- Hnshcltj. crease. r.roaso Wheat H0.2G5.000 119,000 Corn 14,400,000 550,000 Oats 4,157,000 40,000 ] { yo 573,000 14,000 Hurley 2,072,000 107,000 I'uorln ( ir.ili : .llaruot. PEOIUA , Jan. 29. COIIN Market active and easy : No. 2 , 34c ; No. 3 , 34 > fi.- . OATS Market steady ; No. 2" white , 283i © 29c : No. 3 whlto , 28U5ta3'i } : . WHISKY Market llrm ; high wines , basis , $1.15. KF.CBIITS Wheat , 1,200bu. ; corn , 08,900 bu. ; oats. 22,000 bu. : rye , none ; barley , 6,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 2,400 bu. : corn , 7,800 bu. ; oats , 13,200 bu. ; rye. none ; barley , 3,500 bu. Liverpool AluruoIH. Livnnroor , , Jan. 29. WHEAT Qulot ; - demand mand poor ; holders olTor moderately ; No. 1 California , Ds 3d ; No. 2 winter. 5s 25.511. COUN Demand poor ; mixed western , 4s lid for now. , I'IIOVISIONS Pork , prime mess , flue , 75s. Ilcef , extra Indit , , 93s 9d. Dacon. long and short clear , 55 Ibs. , 37s. Lard , 41s. Duluth WhcMt .U.irkot. nut.tJTn , Jan. 29. Tuero was good trading today , and the close was firm at Ic higher ail around than Saturday. No 1 hard , cash , G4c : January , Glc ; May , U5c ; July , GGWc ; No. 1 fo , orthorn to arrive , G2ic. OH .Murkols. ' Orr. CITY , Pa. , Jan. 29. National Transit ccrT rlflcates opened at 80 ; highest , 80 ; lowest , 0 ; closed at 80 ; sales , 15,000 bbls : Blilp- nents , 144.804 bbls. ; runs , 100.511 bbls. PiTTsntntn , I'a. , Jan. 29. National Transit ertlllcutcs opsucd at 80 ; closed at 80c ; ilghest , 80 ; lowest , 80. Wool .l ST. Louis , Jan. 29. WOOL Dull and wlth- ut change. / KANSAS CITY , Jan. 29. Clearings. $1,418- 250 * HALTIMOHD. Jan. 29. Clearings , $1,140,814 balances , $253,225. NEW YOIIK , Jan. 29. Clearings , $50,700,070 ; balances. $3,020.248. I'AIUS , Jan. 29. Three per cent rentes , 97f 24c ! for the account. HOSTON , Jan. 29. Clearings , $11,234,037 ; balances , $1G83,5G3. I'lliLADEU'lliA , Jan. 29. Clearings , $0,520- 7G3 ; balances , $984,009. is , Jan. 29. Now York exchange , soli ng par. Clearlngs$334,122 ; balances , $05- 200. 200.LONDON LONDON , Jan. 29. Amount of bullion gone nto the Dank of Knglaml on balance toUay , iIHl.000. CINCINNATI , Jan. 29. Money , 2@G per cent. i'o\v York exchange , 2Gc premium. Clearings , Nnw OUI.CANS , Jan. 29. Clearings , $1,090- 29 : balances , $140 , 182. Now York exchange , bank Jl'per $1OOO promlum. ST. LOUIH. Jan. 29. Clearings , $3,880,304 ; balances , $090,730. .Money dull at G' i7 pot ent. Exchange on Nnw York , GOc premium. CHICAGO , Jan. 29. Clearings $12,281,000 ; Now York exchange , OOc premium. Sterling xchango dull and Hrm ; actual rates for sixty lays , M.BO'.i ; demand < 4.H7i. ! Money freely offered at 4 pur cont. STOCKS AM ) HO.VIlS. Vnll Street .Speculator ) ) Dlacussiiif tlio I'ro- jinHcil Iliinil iHHiin , NEW YORK , Jan. 29. The most Interesting oaturo In Wall street was the controversy mtween Secretary Carlisle and leading bankers on the subject of the proposed | -ov- rnmcnt bond issue. It cannot bo said , lowcvnr , to have had any effect upon the bare market , inasmuch us the speculative Icment have already practically dis counted the loan and Imvo not lost confidence u the ability of the government to lloat the muds or in the right of the secretary to asuo them. Doing a popular loan and not a 'bankers' ' loan , " no commission being al ow CH I to anybody for placing the bondn , ionic of the Now York financiers who have > cen called on to help out the government ut ho usual porceutago uru now generally ills- ppointcd n ml perhaps would not ropret the growth of dilllculty in the pathway of See- clary Carlisle. Thu consensus of the best pinion Is , however , that the loan is ogal and will bo subscribed for moro than wlco over at ilgures higher than the nilnl- lum price. At the opening of the Stock exchange > rlces were ateadily held , Tno speculation vas very tame and at no time during the uy was there uny activity , London bought noderatoly of the arbitrage specialties dur- ng the morning and was tlio mainstay of the uurliot. The short Interest was anxious to tart prices on the downward tract : but vas met by this foreign buying , which ihcclted their plans quite considerably. The bear traders received assistance from special oprcsslni ; influences. The general market was Irregular during bo morning , fluctuating frequently between irmnesa and depression on n amall volume f business. After midday thu speculation vas steadied somewhat and for a time Ilrmneas prevailed , until a drlvo was madu t Chicago Otis , causing ! gehoral weakness , vhlch lasted with scarcely an intcrrup- lon until the elnse of the day , ending with i heaviness that was general. Compared vith iho I'm ul sales of buturday , the closing prices were Irrojtutnr , but a rt > ' 'rlty of th sharcn traded In show n decllno Tlio Post sayutiiTlJoro worn , indication tnat a general > Knd concerted uttac on iiriccfl , especlairylfijsiffnod to tmdctmln some professional "pools , " " waaconlcmplntoi today. Hut the altcinptMS not sucoossfii for an unusual roniiofi. This was the nji pcarnuco of London houses as active buycn of American stocks both before and afte the No\v York market's opening. I ocall.i this movement was. unexpected , and appar ently upset the plans , laid by profesilona speculators for tho'dcdllno. The following are tlio closmirquotatlons or ho leading stocks on the Now York ex chungo today : / Tliototnlaalo'5 ' ofstoclfs toilixv wore 180.300 shtiros , Inoludlni ; : Amorlcan , 40,000 ; JhlCiiKO ( Jai , 20,700 ; Ocnoral nirntrlc , 5,000 ; l.nulHvllla Jt Nitslivlllo , 9,000 ; Now Vork ft. Now ftiiRlnml , 18,500 ; Koadlti ) ! , ,700 : St. Paul , 14,000 ; Union I'aclllo , 4,70J ( ; U'oslorn Union , The rangu of nrlces as rnpnnod by J. W ) ouno . "i " Co , , Hoard or Trarlo hull , Is as follows : Open Low. Close Sat. Erlo 1/s PftclllcMall 17H . 47HS 4BK Northweatern 103M MJi'S' ' Mo.l'acllie 2jt M Union Pacllic DV N Pacific , pTil 175-j 17M 17H 1IM ( N. Pacltle com. . . . 4K C.-II. A Q Uock lHliiul l7 ! ? < 07 ? ( 07 ! ( St. Panl.T V.lhi 5Si f.l ) Weatcrn Union 8I ! | MIU 84.IS 8IW SutrarTruat 78 > 70K 78Ili Now Knirlanil OH 11M AtchlBon " UK 11M Chlcasro Oas ( III Oil" 0' > 02 ( ) B ( Ileudln ? 20 ! ! ( Del. A Hudoon 1H2H D. C. F K. O. K % ® dmlnifu . is 17W Now Yurie Money Mitrkol. NEW Yonit , Jan. 29. MONEY ON OAI.T , -asy at 1 percent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed , 1 per cent. I'uiMB Mr.ncANTii.c I'Ai'cn 3 > 55',4 ' per cent. STEiu.tNa UXCIIANOC Dull and easier , with actual business In bankers' bills at , ? 4.8G5 ! © 4.80Ji for demand , 'and ' $4.84 i i > 4.84.i for Ixty-day bills ; polled rates , ! 4.80a4,83 ; com- nerclal bills , .W.83'4'J4.83 ' | = . ; . Sn.vnu OiiiTlFiOATEs-iG7aC bid. GovKiiNMExr UO.NDS Strong. State \nnHt \ nactlvo. Tlio closing quotations on honns ; Ilonoii Stock ount itions. BOSTON. Jan. 29. Cttli. loans , US2V { per : ent ; tlmo loans , 331H per cent. .Closing quo tations on stocks , bonds and mining shares : Sun Kr.iiiuiBuo .11111111 ; ; Ouututloiu. SAN FruNCisco , Jau. 29. The official clowns notations to. * mining stjclc-j to.lay wcro ; u } ollows : I.muliHi .Scuek ( Ji I.osnow , Jan. 29. 1 p. m. Close : ; onaol , moiio.v..U8 13-10 Mexican ordinary. 14J JoiiHols , ai'0'iit..oy 13-10 St. Paul I'ominon. . 01 : -uiullaii ; Paclllu . 74 New York 10 IH Irio . 10 IVnimylvanla . CilH 7ll ! llllnolHLVntral. lu ) Mox. Con. now ! . , MONEY 1 nor cent. The rate of ills munt In the open market for ihort and three months bllU'J'a jiercont. St. IDills MllllMjr OlUIIHtlllllB. ST. Loun , Jan. 29. MInlngstocks today were lull and without change , Tlio following are Lho closing ( mutations : 031AIIA I.IVB STOUli icnrolty or m All Sorts Itcanltt In n Tuning uji of Tr.ulo. ' , MONDAY , Jan. 20. Receipts of all Ulnd ? were unusually light .oday oven for af-Monday , the demoralized aarkots the latter .part of the week un- loubtedly havlng.u coed deal to do with the supplies. , , ' The run of cattiq was the lightest of the 'ear ' , and the general quality of the offer- tigs was far from good. There was no 1m- irovemcnt in tho'ouUiilo demand , aod none o speak of In' ' , ijtho Inquiry from ocal Blaughtoro'f ? , Offerings , however , voro so limited / that buyers hade % o do some 1 rustling to llll oven heir very light orders. The market was horeforo tolerably actlvo , and naturally a iltlo firmer , although hardly quotabl.v iljjhcr on any grade , Fair to pretty good ,000 to I , S50-1I ) . steers sold at from M.'fl to si.GO vUth the common graaes down to $3. t did not take Iho meager offerings long to ihango hamls. The same remarks will apply equally well o the cow market. OITcrlnua were limited mil the demaiU a lltllo more satisfactory. talcs included common to choice cows and lolfors at from $1 CO to M , but ; ho bulk oftho fair lo good auichera * cowa wont at fJ.SS to $3.TO. Calves it irom ta.OO to f5.50 were fully strong and , ho market for rough Block was no lower ban on Saturday , war tu very good bulls , aoi : and stags selling at from $1,50 to W. In suckers ana feeders there was ro : nuoli ctmngo either ono way or the otlioi * . Supplies were limited and to was the de mand. Prices for the most part , liowcvei were firmly liel.l. ( ! oed to cholco feeder ; are quoted nt $3.0./i4'J.70 ) / ; fair to good n $2.70ii't.OO' ; anil lighter , commoner gr.ulo at from $3,70 down. Keprcacntntlvo sales MII.KI'lt.4 AM ) SrillMiKUS. 1 springer . - ? 25 00 CAIVIH. : 0 00 0 2r > 0 25 0 25 0 25 0 0(1 ( 0 GO 2 50 a oo a oo a oo a 05 a on a oo a oo a 05 a 70 a sea a oo 3 00 OX UN. 2 1003 200 1 1450 225 3TOCKiil9 AND I'URIllltlS. 4 420 230 14 802 305 1 700 200 4 022 800 9 672 2(50 0 730 305 1 430 2 GO 0 770 310 3 393 275 18 928 U 15 2 980 290 1 840 315 4 745 295 12 . . . . 857 310 1 870 300 19 837 II 10 2 . . . . 005 3 00 0 893 3 10 49 885 300 0 010 310 4 700 305 10 994 335 COI.OIIADO CATTI.15. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. Ill COWS. . 093 ? 1 00 1 hull..1200 82 10 4hulls..l402 215 1 hull..1180 210 7 com. . . 937 230 Ifdr. . . . 950 250 1 fdr 1020 300 lOfdr-s. . 870 325 Icow. . . . 040 125 lOhofrs. 583 205 43COW.H. . . 752 2 15 lions Receipts today were not a great deal different from las * Jilondny , hut were CO per cent fewer than on Saturday. The market was'more to the sellers' liking , prices ranging from 5c to lOc Higher than Saturday. Neither shippers nor speculators were in clined to do much trading , but their nosenco was not felt , as with stronger markets cast and local houses all after supplies there was plenty of activity. The range of price ? was , as usual , narrow , from $5 20 for common packers and underweight Fluff up to J.VJT'i ' for choice light and butcher loads. The popular figure for fair to good hogs of all weights , however , was $3.23 , fully half the offerings changing hands at that price , against S3.15 to $5.80 Saturday and $5.2 ! ) to $3.33 on last Monday. Represent ative sales : No. Av. 8h. Pr. GO..241 40 $5 20 53..808 80 6 20 53..301 200 0 20 84..182 40 0 20 07..270 5 20 04..237 40 6 20 0..220 0 20 58..290 80 0 22 > , i 58. . . . 105 5 22'/i 59..240 40 5 22Ki 70..234 120 0 22' ' , ; 04..190 0 22i ! 68..250 80 0 20 66..205 0 20 GO..319 0 25 75..220 40 5 25 80..222 80 0 20 06. . . 270 40 5 20' Throe frcsh loads of sheep wcro received. The market was not overly active as buyers wore somewhat bearishly inclined , but prices were little , if any , lower than at the close of-last week. Fair to good natives , $2.75 ( ; i.f > 0j fair to good westerns , M.23 ; common and stock sheep , peed to choice 40 to 100-lb. lamufi. S3.GOij ( > l. : > 3. Representative sales : No. Wt. I'r. 219 western wethers 87 $3 10 381 Mexican wethers 96 3 20 CliiriiQO llv Murk .Marker. CniCAOO. Jan. 29. There was no change of Importance In the cattle market. Nothing ro- Ecmbllng activity was developed In any branch of the trade , ami while prices were fully sus tained they did not .show an advancing tend ency , unless It ho for butcher ! . ' stock. The latter was In small supply and was strong. The steer market was dull , with sales princi pally at from J3.25 to $4.25. Theio were few rlpo'cattlo and quotations for such are nom inal. Sales of cows and bulls were generally nt from $2 to * 3 , with from ifl.25 to $3.70 the extreme range of quotations. Stackers and feeders were In light request , local specu lators being about the only buyers. Halves were In light supply and remained firm. There was but , .slight , variation In price ? of hogs. Hales wcro on a basis of $3.45 for the best light and $5.00 for the prime heavy wolghtu. Thi'so figures were not reached In many Instanced , the greater number selling at front $ & . ' ! & to 15.30 , and at from 85,30 to J3.40 for lilt-alum and heavy. Trade was not brisk ; It was rather dull so far as packers were con cerned , and the domaml for eastern account was not by any moans urgent. The supply of 38,000 head , therefore , proved iimplu to meet all wants , anil the miirUot. was barely steady at Saturday'H decline. Today's receipts were estimated lit 32,000 head , against. 23,561 a week two and 21,070 a year ago. The close was weak. The receipts of sheep were fair and prices were st'Kuly at from $1.75 for poor to extra. Not many sales were made nt hotter than lM.35 , and only a limited number at loss than J2.GO , from-2.75 to $3,30 being the pop ular figures. The lamb market was strong at from J3 lo M.tlO for poor to choice , K.Mru were quoted as high as $4.75 , Receipts : Cattle , 13.000 ho.ul : calves , 300 henil ; Imgs , 32,000 head ; sheep , 11,000 head , The Kvonlng Jouriril reports : UATTM3 Hecelpts , 13,000 head ; most of the sales reported are rather better than on Saturday , hut prices show no particular HoiTs Receipts , 32,000 head : market steady : rough and common , { .VJOTtO.aO ; packers and mlvod , S5.30I45.30 : prime heavy and butchers , $5.4025,45 ; prime light , J5.35isG.40. BiiKKi1 AND LAMIM Hooolpu , 11,000 head ; market steady : tup sheep , J3.00ii3.00 ; top lambs. $4.0034.75. ItiinviN City l.ivu stiiciK .Murlcot. KANSAS Otrv , Jan. 29. O.mi.n Itscotnti , 4,800 head ; shipments , 4.2UO head : market strong ; Texas steers , 9J.7Q9.3.0 ; shipping Hteern. i4.OOI45.20 ; Texas ) and native cows , $1,753.25 ; butcher itock.W. 15211.00 ; stookors and feeders , 12.5033.00. lloiw-KeoolpU , 4,000 hoadj shipments , 300 head ; market stuady and htrong : bulk , S4.003J5.20 ; liuiivy. packing and uilxml. * 5.06 IIJ5.30 ; lights , Vurkui-H ami pigs. JI 30 ( 5.25 , ' Kocoints , 2,011. ) head ; bhlpinout3 , 300 head ; nmrliot steady. _ Kt. l.ouu laro MIIIIK ST. I.ouis , Jan , 29. OATVI.E Hoeolpts , 3.500 head ; shipments , 700 head ; murkol quint , iiuallty not very good. I < hht shipping uatlvo Nteors , $3.00iS .Oi ) ; fed To\us steers , S3.ioa 3.50 ; grass cows , il.50'(6.l.0l ( ) . jlocjs Itecelpts , 5,200 head ; shlmnoiits. 3,000 head ; miiflfOt oiiened stoudy , closed weak. Host heavy , $ .1.3035.424 ; mlxod , * 5.00 B5.35 ; llulit. f3.lfaa.30. ( SHEEi'-ltojolpis , 1,200 head ; shipments , 700 head ; miirket strong ; native muttons. * 3.0oa M.OO ; fell To.\tllts , f3.30 , _ hloek HI nirilu. Itocolplsofllvastiolf at ttis four western marUets Monday , January 20 : Cattle , llo'-i. . South Omaha . 1.400 2,243 GOO UhluaXO . 13.000 32,001) 11,000 Kansas City . 4,80(1 ( 4,000 2,0011 Bt Io'uU . 3,500 6,200 1,200 Total . 22,700 43,443 14 , 00 .Smut City l.ivo MUCK Market. Si JUS ClTV , Jan. SO.-lIOOS-Hccolots , 300 When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly , and continues the old-fashioned so-called to use - , - \ soaps , which destroy clothing and clean nothing ; t soaps which arc cosily at tiny price , ineffective , ' labor-increasing and wasteful , instead of using j And Finds Too Late that Men Betray , bad temper when their collars , cuffa and shirts , and the household linen , are ruined by cheap , wretched soaps ; What Charm can Soothe her Melancholy ? Why ! Santa Claus Soap Sold by nil Grocers. Manufactured only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , - Chicago. head ; olllnlal Saturday , 1,004 head ; snip- monts. 814 head ; market strong ; $5. ; uiilk5.12'i. ( 'ATTr.u Itocclpts , 200 head ; ollli'lal Satur day. Hb bead ; shtmnent * , 80 head ; feeders , S2.iV'iJ3.2u ) ; yearllmis , $ 'J.252.7& ; cows , 11.00 (32.CO ( ; bulls , ' CIM'JCS Z.Y Xllt COUUIIO'.tt. "Tho life blood of commerce seems to bo In good circulation in Omaha compared to eastern cities , " remarked E. II. Hutlor , pro prietor of the Buffalo News , at the Pax- ton. "Even In the number of unemployed and destitute thQ ligures given for Omaha are nothing compared to Stber metropolitan centers. Poverty during winter months has always existed in largo cities , ana more so than ever this year. Buffalo lias ; 5,000 ( ) des titute. The citizens there have raised $37- 000 to take care of the poor , and I find that in every locality where suffering exists tlio , broad American spirit of generosity is extending n helping hand to the unfortunate poor. The condition of the. un employed in New York City is appalling. There are 00,000 people in that city on the ragged cdgo of despair over their poverty. 1 believe that the only satisfactory solution of the question is for each municipality to put the unemployed to work by devising some means for construction of public build ings or public improvements. In Buffalo several new school houses have been ordered and thus many idle hands will Und work. The wage earner then feels that ho is not an object of charity , as you will Und that tlio American workman has a streak of true American pride in his mauo up. "I have ueen greatly impressed with Omaha during my visit , " continued Mr. Butler. "The magnitude of its commercial Interests and excellence of the architecture in the residential portion of tho- city was somewhat of a surprise to mo. Next to Buffalo , I regard Omaha , as one of the best paved cities in the world. "Politically speaking , I think that Now York will go republican by an overwhelming majority in the next presidential election. There is some talk of ros-ivlug the old ticket of Harrison ana Ueid and 1 would not bo surprised to see the same old campaign badges good In 1800. McKinley is the logi cal candidate , but logical candidates are sometimes too radical and fall to got tlio nomination , although , personally , I would not regard tlio nomination of McKinley Us distasteful. President Cleveland has lost his old friends in Buftalo where ho resided before fume crowned him as the man of destiny , ills future destiny , I think , will bo an overwhelming repudiation by the voters of the United States , The nominee of the republican p.u-ty will carry Brooklyn , Buffalo and Now York city , sure , because democrats will repudiate the policy of the present administration and give it a sting ing reminder at the polls. I look for a re vival of good timo.s , when the republican party , which is a party of business princi ples , is restored to power. I do not think that the Wilson bill will pass In its present form. One of Its idlosyncraeloa is to endeavor to 'pull the wool' over the eyes of the workingman by tollinir him that clothes will bo cheaper with wool on the free list. Tlio present duty on wool is 11 cents per pound , and no suit of clothe * weighs moro than ten pounds. Fabrics are not exclusively composed of wool , as any ono knows , as some other ma terial Is put In It to stiffen the goods , Now , if the cost of clothes is reduced as promised , it moans u reduction in the price of wages of men in factories and tailoring shops , who make the goods. American workmen cannot bo tooled but nnco , and have now coma to the conclusion that their only salvation is in a nrotuuttvo tariff. The present condition of the unemployed Is largely brought about by the tinkering with the tariff which has scared factory owners , and the result Is many kilo smokestacks until the question in settled. Unless this labor and tariff Issue U llxed and protection is given to American In dustries and American labor , the people of this country will soon witness bread riots that will hurt this great republic abroad as well aa at homo , "I believe that from present indications , Clmuncoy M , Dcpow will ho the next gov ernor of the atuto of New York , " concluded Mr. Butler. " 1 was in Now York City the other day conversing with a man who sits elose to the I'limp llru In party councils , and ho said that thorn was a movement on foot now to nominate Uppow ut the next slate convention. I hollovn that the great after- dinner speaker will s-.vccp the state , no ho Is doscrvealy popular , and would obliterate party lines. " Mr. Butler Is making a tour of the went , accompanied by his family. Ho went to No- broska this afternoon and will proceed from there to Denver and the I'aoillc coast. "There Is a reign of terror in Chicago Just now among men who remain out Into at night , " said Kluior Kooto at the Murray yesterday. "Kven the feminine gender has gene Into the highwayman business. Men who never suspect such'a thing , are con fronted by foot nails in potticoata , with a S O UTU OJVLAU.A > ffiiion Stooi Yards Company , Sotith Ornalna. B it Cattle Ho andSh jp Diar'ot la ttia < T IV COMM1S31Q' ) r „ Wood Brotte MTB Stock Oomralsikm Maraliamtf. Sontb Omtka Tolephons Ilif. JOUN I ) . DAUI'tJIAX ' , L . , u n. 8rr WAl/l'BR 13. WOOD , f Market reports by mall arid nlra cheerful OrnUhod upon uppllcatloo. brace of revolvers and compelled to dig up what chanRO they have in their clothes. One peculiarity is that the female lootpads do not use the 'sandbag but invariably carry two revolvers , so that any hopes a victim might entertain , regarding poor marksman * ship , goes glimmering when ho looks into a brace of revolver barrels. I bolicvo that some of the thiovcs are men dressed up in female attire , but recentdovolopmonts provo that there are many women in Chicago now who are making a living as professional rob bers and enforcing politeness from victims by the aid of ominous-looking six-shooters. " o A IV.vorH" ICmnotiy for l.a Grippe. "During the epidemic of la gnppo Cliam horhun's Cough Remedy took the loid : hero and was much batter liked than other suupli medicine. " H. M. Dungs , druggist , Chats * worth , III. The grip is much tlio same as n very severe cold and requires precisely tha same treatment. This remedy is prompt ! and effectual and will prevent any tendency of the dlscnso toward pneumonia. l''or ' sala by druggists. SLUG JED A BUKGLAB. Annie Kelley Cliilinn to IIiivo Jtobbod m Tiilof ur inn itiioty. * Police OnicorKalioy was called upon Sunday evening to Investigate a case of burglary at the residence of Ben Marti , Twenty-seventh and Corby streets. The family had gone out to spend the evening , leaving Annie IC-illoy , a servant girl , in the house alone , According to the girl's story , she hor.rd a noise in the parlor and went down to sea what was the matter. Slio found two nicu busily engaged packing a valise with what valuables the room contained. She gave the alarm. The thieves quickly left and Miss Kelley followed them. When the corn&r of Twenty-third and C'Jining streets was reached the men separ ated. Then the girl slipped up behind the man carrying the vullso and struck him n blow on Iho hack of the neck with her list. The burglar fell to thu ground and tlio woman grabbed the satchel and hurried home. The police hardly think it possible that the girl could follow the men all that distance and not meet u policeman , espe cially as that part of town is remarkably # * " * ' well protected and a policeman Is nearly al ways standing at the corner of Cuming street , day and night. The girl describes the burglars as belli ) ; heavy-bet men tvcaring soft hats. Thu llexi I'liiKKT. For pains In tha cheat there Is nothing hotter than u flannel cloth saturated with Chamberlain's Pain Balm ami bound on over the scat of pain. For sale by druggists. oic. i Tint TU jci r , / „ Now Company rorinod In Han IT.ineUco to , Control till ) .Mrnt .tl il-ket. > SAN FKANCISCO , Jan UU , A now company to bo known as the Oakland I'acklnir Aj Provision company will , In all probability , succeed to the Union Stock Yards company , the Hodco Packing company and the Harris Packing company of Hoileo. In August last the Union Stock Yards company and aflll. latcu packing companies , In consequence of the dull business and the ilnan- da I stringency , suspended opera tions , .Now a now corporation bus been found , br.vlng no connection with the others , for the purpose , am'dng other things , of buying up the entire kilting ami meat packing plant of the Union Stol ; Yards company and the two packing com panies. The now concern will fllo Us articles of Incorporation In a few days at Sacramento , nml Is reported to have a pant Up capital of $1,000,000 In Now York. Its head ollico , all Its banking business and Ha sales department will bn in Oakland and It in the munition ol the concern to start up about May 1. The men at the head of tills Undertaking are mostly foreigners , but all represent large moneyed interests. o Wo rould not improve the quality If wa paid double the price. DoU'itt'a U'ltuh Hazel Salve Is thi ) best HIUVO that can produce , or that money can buy.