TITE OMATTA DATLT UKEs TUKSDAY , JAM'AllY 30 , 1RDT. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL III.VI'TS OH. 1C Ei NO , 12 pKAnr. s In nny port of the city II. W.TI1.TON - Mannscr . t , E < lllor . No.23 Jl. > llltfi , Boston Store ten-day silo now on. The funeral of Mrs. Mary Slcndctopf will occur this afternoon at 'J:30 : o'clock. There will bo a free concert next Sunday evening nt the Trinity Methodist church by the children of the Sunday school. August Johiibon , aged ! W years , porter at the Ogden house , died last evening after a live days' illness from pneumonia. A marriage license has been Issued to Harry Htrsch and Stella Wire , both ot Omaha. Their ages were ! W and liO. Al ( ! Klert's minstrels entertained a bltr rrovul nt Dohany'a last night. They never full to draw n crowd In Council Bluffs. ! All the evidence In the case of Hoffman ngalnst Altmanspcrger is at length In and the case has been taken unoer nuvlsctncnt p by Judge Thorncll. A wood sawing boo will bo held in the basement of Grace Kplsropal church this evening , after which refreshments will bo nerved by the ladles of Unity guild. Next l-'rldav evening the Dodge Light guards will pi vo the first of a stories of par- tins at their artnorv in the Hut-lies building. Invitations have been Issued for the affair. Klder A. F. Ballcngor , secretary of the Hcligious Liberty association , will deliver a lecture this evening at 70 : ! o'clock at the Seventh Day Advcntlsts' church , corner of Blurt and Story streets. Pcoplo engaged In charitable work report less than 100 crises of destitution requiring their assistance at the present time. In view of the distress prevailing everywhere this Is a remarkably good showing lor Council 'JluffH. Next Thursday ovenlntr the Merchants nntt Manufacturers association will hold n meeting to elect ofllccrs for the coming year. It Is likely that , the irccting will be called upon to take some action to bring the pro hibitory question before the legislature. At the masquerade given by the Treubund oolcty Miss Mary Asmtisscn won the prize of a h-inil-palntod lemonade sot for the most beautiful costume. She was dressed as an Indian princess. Mr. Joe Marcus was awarded the pVlzo of a pair of embroidered ellk suspenders , ho having the most unique costume. Margaret , wife of Thomas Page , died of pneumonia Sunday afternoon nt liUO o'clock , aged f > U years , after a week's Illness. She leaves cloven children , ono of whom is Mrs. Ij C. Brackolt of this city. The funeral will take place Tuesday from tbo residence In Boomer township and the remains will be buried in Boomer cemetery. Harry Thompson , an 18-year-old boy living on North Tenth street , was caught by Ofllccr Peterson last night in the act of nip ping a pair of shoes from a string hancitig In front of Sargent's shoo store. Ho Was booked with a charge of larceny against him and will have a hearing before Judge McGee In the morning. The boy's friends claim that necessity forced htm to steal. John Dohany. Jr. , and n member nf Al G. Field's minstrel company became involved In a vigorous discussion yesterday noon , the burnt-cork man's list and Dohany's cheek entering quite largely into the conversation. Dohanv called loudly for the police , but fur ther than tearing the atmosphere into sev eral tatters and skinning the minstrel's knuckles a Httlo the damage was very ilight. II. Brown , who travels for a bottling Establishment In this city , was arrested and llnod $200 In Woodbine for violating the itato liquor laws. He gave a b&nd and will appeal the case to tbo district court. It , is reported that the town of Woodbine is enjoying the throes of 5 prohibition war. Ono night lust week a pile ot boxes saturated with coal oil was placed against the roar of a hardware store kept by a man named Boles , who has had nn important part In the anti-liquor move ment. The boxes were set on lire and a good ibaro of the town would undoubtedly have been burned had it not been for tbo timely discovery. _ Nassau Investment company guarantee Nebraska railroad collections. Mcrriam block , Council Blulls. Domestic eoap is the nnsr. Lund Bros. mtko : a specialty of fur- niahing : dishes in any number for pri vate parties , sociables , lodges , etc. , very cheap. _ Srnoko T. D. King & Co's Partagas. I'ISltSOXA / . I'.lli.HlltA l-UH. George Hughes Is quite ill.i N. M. Hubbard , jr. , and F. F. Dawlew.two attorneys of Cedar Hnplds , are in the city. Miss Etta Maxwell has returned from Kcokuk , where she attended federal court for a couple of weens. While there she was the guest of Dr. Leach and family. James'A. Pattern , president of the Planters snd Mechanics National bunk of Houston , Tox. , has been in the city for a day or twofer for a visit with hla brother-in-law. C. E. Luring. Ho is accompanied by his wife , and together they will sail In u few days for Alexandria , Egypt. They will also travel In Europe and will bo gone about six or eight months. George W. Stclnman , the popular ox-clerk of the Grand hotel , has turned up in the cast with an emphatic denial of the report which found its way into some of the papers a few weeks ago to the ottcct that ho had cone off and died. Ho says ho will bo hero in about thirty days on his way west , and if nny one still doubts that ho Is very much alive ho will try and convince them by ocular proof. CONTINUATION Of the Great Annual Winter Sale at the llostoa Store , The great snlo will continue nil this week in order to giro these n chance who Imvo so far been untvblo to nttotul. Don't forgot iv rislt to the BOSTON STOHK will show you the best vuhio in winter olTered to the Amor- * * * iitui goods ever - lean public. BOSTON STOKK , I'Othorlngh ; , Whltolnw & Co. , Council Bluffs , In. Coa' . II. A. Cox , 10 Main street. Host quality , lowest rates. Prompt delivery. Got prices before buying. Telephone . Ask yo'tr grocer for Domestic soap. At U. Cn.lmim Dead. A. W. CofTmun died last Sunday nt his homo in Avoca. Ho was once one of Iho most prominent and wealthy citizens , of Pottawattamio county , but the latter years of his Ufa saw n great deal of misfortune. IClght years ago hu was working in an oat- Hold on his place with Jack Mayno. 'Ihoy bad a dispute about something or other ntul Coffmau pulled out a revolver and shot and killed Mayno. ilo was arrestoit for murder and tried In the district court. After several years of trials and appeals ho was finally found not guilty and released. But although his trouble was apparently at nn end It had , In fact , just begun , To get out of the clutches of thu law ho hail spent almost everything ho hail , one piece after another of his property being parted with to turnlsh funds to Hunt thu case , lie hud originally boon worth In thu neighborhood of 50,000. During the last few yearn there has proba bly not been a man lirPottawattamlo county to thoroughly unhappy as ColYmun. The memory of the man ho killed has haunted him continually , liccelver' Mile. The Kiimohnii stock of boots and plioos ttt .120 Broadway is bolng closed out lit forced etilc , anil must bo bold ut once , re gardless Of COSt. E. O. GhKASON , Hccolvor. Ladies , if you desire nusolutp pcaco In the kitchen usk your grocer for J. C. lluffmuyr & Co.'a Fancy Patout Uok\ Trade murk Blue Rooster. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Eominlio Stary of Jennie Smith's Loss of Her $1,800 , Ocrtifioito of Dopaait , DENVER "WITNESSES GIVE TESTIMONY deposition * of thn Clerk ot the Ilotrl nt U'hlcli Him Htnpppil WlolccilnoM and Meatmen * of W , II. 1'rootor A StnlliRO Cnso. A week or two ago mention was made In Tun Hen of a suit that has been commenced In the district court of tliU city by Jennie Smith against tno Citizens State bank of Council HI nits and the Farmers and .Mer chants hank of Lorigmont , Col. , In which the plaintiff wanted to collect $1,800 on : i certificate of deposit which she claimed had been filched from her by W. B. Proctor , a Denver real estate man , who accomplished his design by administering some drusr or opiate. The case was again brought to notice yesterday morning by the filing ol the depositions of J. J. Clark , the ccrk : in the St. .laiticH1 hotel oflJjnvcr , and \V. Neil Den- nlson , an attorney of iho same place. They tell how Mrs. Smith was brought to the hotel , In much the same way as it has already appeared In these columns. Donnl- sen also tells some things lhat tend to throw a romantic halo about the affair , although the halo has largely worn off , so far ns Mrs. Smith li concerned. Ho states that ho wan called to see Mrs. Smith after her cortlllcato had disappeared and while she was recover ing from the drug's eftccls. She told him thatHho hatl made Proctor's ' acquaintance through the medium of the newspapers , having advertised for a travcllnir man. Proctor applied for tie | position , anil , as he met nor requirements , ho was engaged. lie told her ho had another name , however. Several weeks he stayed with her , and dur ing that time had occasion to get gin for her on several different occasions , and ho also showed his entire ability to act ns hanger-on by asking her for money , and on her tolling him she had none oy asking her to give him her jewelry to pawn. This re quest was also refused. In her conversation with IX'imi.Hoi ] , the deposition goes on testate state , she denied that she went to I ongmont for tlm purpose of buying real estate , but failed to tell what business It was that called her there. She further told him that Proctor gave her the drug and that after that she remembered nothing more except seeing her certificate of deposit lying by her side while she lay on the bed In the hotel under the influence of the drug. After Proc tor disappearo-l the certificate was seen no more. CO.VMMJAT1OX Of the Croat Aiiiuml U Inter Sale nt the IloHton store. The great sale will continue all this week in order to give tltoso a chance who have so far been unable to attend. Don't forgot ti vlbit to the BOSTON STOICK will show you the host value in winter poods over offered to the Amer ican public. BOSTON STOKI : , Fotlieringhnin. Whiteluw t Co. . Council IUufl8 , la. Favorable inducements will bo offered to a few rclinblo and energetic agenfs who will solicit for the Mutual Life In surance company. Call on or address i'ttsey & Thomas , Council UlulYs , district agents for southwestern Iowa. Domestic sean is tlio DUST , 1IOW.MAN IS AlTOIN'TKIl. Hut Ills Confirmation Haft Not Yet Ilcnn Atnilo l > y tlio Senate. The news came by telegraph yesterday that the nprolntinent of Thomas Uowman to the position of postmaster of Council Bluffs had been sent to the senate. This was no surprise to the people of the city , who have been looking for It so long that they had al most become tired of looking at all. The senate has not yet confirmed the appoint ment , but will undoubtedly no so , as the of- flco Is not considered of enough national im portance to demand the services of David B. Ulll. Mr. Bowman will take the place as soon as the appointment has been confirmed and his commission issued. This may not bo for ten days yet. The question of who will bo assistant post master has hccii asked a number tif times recently , hut. so far as Is known , no one has yut satisfactorily answered it. Some have thought that the place would bo given A. W. Uiokman , as a consolation for his Inabil ity to cot first place through the assistance of Mr. Bowman. Ho was asked about this yesterday and said that ho hud no thought of taking this plnco , nor bad Bowman of of fering it to him , but he would remain in the First National bank. Ho also said that ho had not parted with Ills Interest in the Globe and did not Intend to do so. Chain liars' Ilnocin ? Practice. For beginners , every Monday. Junior class , -I p. in. ; ailtiHs , 8 p. in. Advanced junior class every Wednesday 4 p. m. Assemblies every Wednesday 8:110 : p. in. His elegant academy in the Slut < ruVt- Bon" block can bo secured , with elevator services , for parties and miHiealos. Apply to Mr Winters at elevator. Tlio best of music can bo furnished for all parties. _ Dr. .TofTi'ics' diphtheria remedy kills diphtheria but not your child , At Davis' , Bcardslcy's , Dollaven's , Council Blulls ; 2101 Cuming street , Omaha. Shakespearean entertainment at Chambor'u academy Thursday njght , February 1 , by John Jay Frainov. Tickets at Riley & Sherradan's and Camp's drug store. George S. Davis , proscription druggist Mini Diet. Frank Carroll's morals have been pro nounced In a very bad condition , and Judge McGco has decided to take vigorous incus- ji'iiB with him. Since ho returned from the Insane hospital Carroll has behaved himself passably well , or at least has managed to keep out of Jail. Sunday night ho went back to his old tricks and paying a visit to Josslo Miller , who Inhabits the "Ark" on PIcrco strcot , proceeded , to break In the front window. Mrs. Miller called the police and Frank was carted off to Jail. Ho turned up with a doleful coun tenance yesterday iiiorulntr In police court and explained to the Judge that ho had been on the point of leaving Council Bluffs for the purpose of visiting his sister , who was anxious to see him , and if the Jutlgo would let him go ho would nmko the visit , and a good long one nt that , at ouco. His game did not work , and his honor directed that ho be tint insldo the bars of the booby. tm'.ch and given two mcal.s u day of broad and water for the next thirty days. It is proba ble that ho will bu willing to go away and stay after spending half 01 that time on iho now diet. _ If you want cheap hard coal that will give satisfaction , try Southern an thraol to. J8.50 per 2,000 11)3. ) Semi-anthracite , $3.00 pur 2.00J Ibs. OAHHON Co.u , COMPANY , 31 1'carl ut. , Grand Hotel bldg. Best second growth Missouri hickory Btovewood. $2.0J per load. Leave orders at Handle factory , Avontio A and Tenth Btreot , or'H I'earl street. Telephone IIOO. Unity Guild party , February 0 , Cham- bora' hull. | _ _ Ask your grouor for P.iinostlo soap. a Itullwa ) ' Company. The first of the cases on the law calendar was taken up for trial by Judge Tliorncll in the district court jcstontuy , a jury being sworn. The case was that of Michael Maloney - loney against the Chicago & Northwestern Hallway company. Miilonoy's ( 'rioviinco against the company dates back to IblK ) , wheu ho was passing along n street In Arca dia , la. , on a sidewalk abutting on the property of tuo company. There wixs a loosa board In the walk , and the friend he was walking with stepped on ono end of It. The other end How up and Maloncy , who had bin hands In his pockets and was unable to'savo himself , fell for six or olght feet In n horizontal direction , landing ou his head and shoulders ntul sus taining novnro Injuries to the spine. Ho wants f'i'MKK ) damngrs from the company. The company claims that Iho fall did not InJure - Jure him a particle. In order to determine this essential point the court Issued nn order yesterday requiring him to submit to tin ex amination at the hands of competent physi cians , who will decide whether ho was lu- Jured or not. CONIIMJATIUN , Of the C.rciU Annual Winter Snlo nt tlio Ito.itou .Store. The great tmlo will continue all this week in order to give those a chance who have HO far been unable to attend. Don't forget a visit to the BOSTON STOKK will show you the best value in winter goods ever offered to the Amer ican nubile. BOSTON STOUK , i otheringhain , Whltolaw & Co. . Council BlulTs , la. llaxo you scon the new gas heaters at the Gas company's olllco ? : IX HKSil.Kr.tf/ Ilalitli Aliinual Training School Nc.ir Lin coln llntlrnly ( joiMiimcil. M.STOI. : * , Jan. CD The Halsh manual training school building , ono of the two structures comprising the plant of the Ne braska U'cslcynn university , situated at University Place , live miles northeast of th6 Lincoln postonico , was entirely destroyed by fire at midnight. University Place has neither 11 re department nor waterworks. Nothing whatever was saved. The location of the lire at its beginning , the center of the hall on the llr.st floor , effectually cut oft access to the principal rooms , and as iho equipment , of the building Is principally In machinery , It would have been Imnosslblo to save much of that under any circumstances. The train ing school sto.od n few hundred feet north- cast of the main university building , and at some distance from all other structures. The sparks sot flro to the dry grass on the campus , but this was easily extinguished. No other buildings were menaced. The burned building was erected two years ago at a cost of $ . * > 0,000. without Its equipment of machinery , which was worth $10,000 more. Kaeli of the fifty students had tools and utensils worth about S\0. ! In the drill room and armory on the top floor there were from IfiO to 200 muskets. The total loss therefore is In excess of $00,000. There was no insur ance on the building. Kvnrnoy'h Keller Society. KEAIISUV , Neb. , Jan. 29. [ Special Tele gram to THE BUB. ] A Board of Associated Charities was formed here this afternoon , with Charles Collard of the county poor committee as chairman , and Ed Finch , sec retary and treasurer. This is a consolida tion of all individual and charitable socV tlcs in the city , and all donations made and re lief extended will bo through the secretary of the board. This will thoroughly systcm- ati/e all charitable work in the city and pre vent impostors getting in their work or re lief duplicated , Kearney is taking care of her unfortunates nobly. Injnrotl In a liunaway. Mixnn.v , Neb. , Jan. 2 ! ' . [ Special Telegram to TUB Ben.J In a runaway this afternoon a farmer mimed Flood and his wife were thrown from their wagon. Mrs. Flood was badly injured. Doctors fear concussion of the bain. Ji.lX > .lS V1TV .1. 1" . A'S. They Made Dutnamlx on Iho Itepiilillcnn anil Democratic City Commlttm * * , KANSAS Cirv , Jan. 'J'J. ' A committee of the American Protective association's local lodges called on Frank Graham , chairman of the city democratic central committee , to day with a view of coming loan understand ing with the committee concerning the course which it was to follow In the impend ing campaign. The American Protective association representatives said the asso ciation desired to serve notice on the demo cratic committee that no Catholic who was a candidate for olllco in the spring campaign would receive the support of the American Protective association , and that under exist ing conditions the winning ticket in the spring would bo ono composed entirely of Protestants. Then they entered upon a lengthy resume of the work of the American Protective associationagainst the Catholics , who , , they said , were trying to obtain con trol of the government. Chairman Graham , In reply to the query as to whether the democratic city conven tion would keep nil Catholics olt the ticket , said that If ho went to the convention as a delegate ho would not vote to iccep any man from running for olllco merely because bo was n Catholic : ' and that , on the other hand , ho would not 'vote to put a man on simply/ because ho was a Protestant. This was give as tlio position the democratic city commit tee would take on the issue presented by the American Protective association , and by the committee was received ns Its answer. The same committee called on the remib- Hcan city central committee later In the day and made similar demands. Chairman Walters told the committee that Mr. Daven port , formerly mayor of the city , would head the republican ticket and would cheese his associates on the ticket ; that , therefore , ho was the gentleman to see in rotrard to the matter. With this Information the commit tee Departed. SS ritoji Tin ; POPULISTS. Lateit DocnmoTTt Issued liy thn Kansas St.tto Central Committee. TopEK\Jan. 2'J. The executive of the populist state central committee has issued an address to the people of Kansas in ac cordance ulth a resolution passed nt the last meeting of the committee. The docu ment , which is signed by John W. Broiden- thai as chairman and Charles S. Davis as secretary , would 1111 about two columns and a half of space and is devoted to n rehearsal of the history of the people's party in Kan sas. sas.Tho address denies that the people's party has Injured the name of the state , and says If the name of the state has been Injured the republican papers are responsible for It. It nays the state oillcora have been so much abused that many people really bollovo they are human monstrosities. Attention is called to the populist prophecy that wheat would go "lower , " and tlio fact that 'vhoai has gone lower. The last half of the address Is de voted to the present financial situation. Did .Not I.iico I'rcoldrnt llarper'H I.return. CiiK'Aoo , Jan. 20. Dr. P. S. ( Icnson , the noted Baptist divine , in an Interview today , expressed emphatic disapproval of the log ical theories presented In the lecture of President Harper of the Chicago university. President Harper is represented to have stated that the story of Cain and Abel is a myth , with no more truth In It , so far ns known , than the story of the wooden horse that figured In the capture of Troy or the myth of the mud walls and the enterprise of llumusnml Uomulus as connected with the founding of Koine. " 1 cannot understand such teachings , " said Dr. Henson. " 1 shall ask ProAiitent Harncr how much of his reported lecture ho , is willing to father. " ' O The Increase In the sala of Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champ'ignu Is something enor mous. Purity und superiority will tell. llmnU anil llln Son Unlit , KANS\S CITV , Jan. 2t > . County Marshal Stewart today telegraphed Chief of Police Harrlgan of St , Louis to hold J. H. Bomls and his son. both of the firm of J. II. Bomls & Co. , of Jefferson ; Tex. , who were indicted in this city Saturday upon charges pre ferred by the National Bank of Commerce of Kansas t.'lty of obtaining money on "kiting" drafis , which apparently were ac commodation dr.ifu. As soon ns the marshal receives word from thn St. I.QUIS authurltifs that Beinls and his son a re held , ho will go there , anil bring them here to answer the Indictments. Wo heard a mechanic say that he would not bo without Salvation Oil. It kills pulu. ARE DIVIDED ( J | PROHIBITION 4L . v * W B Several Iowa Legislntorsi Prefer to Ignore Plcdgei of TJiajr Parly. CHAIRMAN BLYTHE-.JJLEADS FOR PEACE l.lbcntl Klontent of HipnItcpubUcnns Quito Heady tn Compromise , lint the Coin \Viilrr Crowc t'ontliHics to llcmnln Delimit. MOIXIIS , Jan. 2'J. JfSjpoclal Telegram to Tun Den. ] Tnu Inability of the republicans to ngroo iipoii nny plan for modifying the prohibitory liquor law has brought Clitiiriunn Dly the of the state ccntr.il committee upon the scene. Ho tells botn elements that they mtiit wee ; Hint the faith of the party Is pledged to plvo relief to certain sections , anil unless this Is donu It will surely result disastrously in tlio near future. Mr. Blytho fuvora the Oaten or Browcr county option bill , but Is trying to tmrmoni/.a the parti on the Hurali mulct bill , whicli , ni It contains a clause suspending the present law in municipalities where the mulut sys tem is adopted , the llbcr.il clement is willing to accept. The prohibitionists , however , led by Chairman Funk : irc defiant : ind spurn all suggestions of a compromise. Both sides are secretly caucusing tonltrht. The democratic members of the legislature In caucus tonight decided to introduce a high license 1)111 ) with local option features. Should this fail they will leave Uicir future actions to bo determined by circumstance. They hope for a division In the republican ranks. Grupo Grower * ' Petition Presented. In the senate Gronoweg presented a peti tion of the crape growers of Poltawattamlo county , asking that the sale of wino and similar beverages bo licensed , which was react In full. Hills were introducedjDy FunK to erect a monument on the site of the In dian massacre at Spirit Lake ; by Downcv , prohibiting officials of the Soldiers home from appropriating pensions of Inmates ; by tiarst , to revise the road laws ; by Turner , to regulate the cancellation of morte.iges ; . by Ycomans , authorizing the issuance of \ bonds to fund county Indebtedness. In the house many Petitions referring to the proposed modification of iho prohibitory law were presented. Tlieso bills vero intro duced : By Ulanchard , establishing uschool o mines ; by Urlnton , abolishing county poll tax ; by Byers , for the creation of public warehouses and to regulate the receiving , weighing , Inspection and shipping of grain ; by Hoot , to increase the governor's salary from $ ) ,00 ( ) to $5,000 ; by Sawyer , exempting from attachment the earnings of heads of families ; by Snoke , makinir ihllcago tickets on all railroads "good until used" and transferable ; by Wllkcn , prohibiting adulteration of baking powder with ammonia or nluui. The house passed the bill exempting reg istered pharmacists from jury duty. The house committee in the contest rase from Jackson county has completed count ing ballots and find that Stephens ( rep. ) is elected by thirty-four votes over Richardson ( rtem. ) , the sitting member , and will BO re port. Milliner Climes Trouble. A lively discussion took place over the question of praying at the opening of the general assembly. One minister said ho had gone over to the state house three different mornings on request ) by thosergeant-at-arms of the senate to ofilclulo at the devotional serv ices. Each time ho found tlio committee had transferred the duty to an out of town minister and ho had > lost three or four hours of the busiest part qf his day. Just how to remedy the matt ° r none seemed to know , a * the committee havipg the devotional ex orcises in charge voted to give preference to out of town ministers when one was on hand. No action wa.sia.lcbn' , but it will prob ably be hoard from later. IIATII or A Peculiar Story lofnniloxvu Youth Who 1'ro- furroil JJlflMiiicttt Method. ' . DCS Moixus , .TiiniTJ [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Jesse Ray of Knoxville , the youth who swindled the unsuspecting public out of several thousand dollars by advertis ing sots of china jtfiabc9 for ? l when the ells lies only cost him a few cents , died yes terday. The youth when flrst arrested waived examination beloro United States Commissioner. Mason , and was bound over to the federal grand jury. Ho gave bonds und returned home. The orders continued coming in and ho resumed - sumed lllllng them. About $000 was made In a fortnight , when the federal authorities again cot onto his game and ho was placed under arrest on an additional charge. Ho again gave th'j bonds required and was re leased. After his return homo ho was taitcn ill. Ho seemed to brood over his troubles and it is believed by his friends that this was 0110 of the main causes , of thn illness that has just culirTflTated in death. He was only 17 years old. ( ioodulo Murder .Mystery Deepens. CUES-TON- . , Jan. 2'J. ' [ Special Telegram toTiir. BEE. ] Nothing now has developed in the Goodalo murder case. It is now stated that Kidd , one of the supposed mur derers , can prove an alibi from the Friday preceding the murdar until after Thursday when the body was found. The attorney for the defendants said yesterday that It would be proven that neither Kidd nor Hal- dorson wore within nine miles of the Goodalo residence on Sunday when the crime was supposed to have been committed. Kidd made u statement today in which ho tells where ho was on Sunday. The ease is becoming more complicated every day , and the public is noout ready to bollovo that neither Balderson nor Kidd committed the murder. J'ho grand Jury will meet tomorrow and both men will ba placed on trial at onco. Kobbern 1'olli'd by it l < ° alchul Do ? . CitEsroN. la , Jan. 'JO. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBC. ] Last evening two masked men with cocked revolvers entered the homo of James Hyan In the eastern part of this city and presenting them at Mrs. Ryan's head demanded that she give tnem all the money andivnluables In the house. Their ap pearance and demand so completely un nerved the lady that she was unable to re ply. Just then a largo Newfoundland dog entered the room and when one of the men again demanded the money and valuables It sprang at one of the men's throat , which so frightened them that they beat a hasty re treat no richer than when they entered. llurrlton County J.lhelMilt .Settled. DI-.NI.U' , la. , Jan. 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The flrst libel case over tried tn Harrison county was sqttled late tonight at Logan by the Jury returning a verdict of ac quittal for the defendant , j. H , IHircull of the Dunlap Reporter. The complainant was J. C. MeCabo of thujxig.tn Observer. The ease was hotly ( tmtestud. It was the outgrowth of an cdllurljil In Iho Dunlap He- porter during the latOi campalzn charging AlcCabo with havuigKtiMveled under an alias aud being u dcHurlcv from the army. AiH'.iultoil mi kiiMtliluv r/wyiT. ' Sioux CITV , Jan. 80. ' [ Special Telegram to TUB OKB. ] F. Mr Amos , a liveryman who claims to have been' ' brb'wbeatcn on the wit ness stand by Lawyer P. B. Kohlnson , waited on the street for Kobl.fson to con.o from his ofllco today , and tUsuultcd him. Robinson was knocked down , ( ; nij | Amos'then nearly stamped the lifeoutjof | | im , Tonight Hob- Inson Is In u critical condition , anil It Is feared \villilieas there are evidences ' .hat his skull is fractured. , Amos gave himself up and la In jail. , Mlm , il IIU Utbliit Inn Hit Illi I'rlniul. CAHSOX , la. , Jan. i'J. [ Special to Tan BUB.Vhllo ] a youuif man named Simius and John Wilson were hunting Sunday , Slmms , In attempting to shoot it rabbit , shot Wilson In the hcnd , nook an , ! hand. How b.tdlyYllson is Injured cannot yet ba de termined. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mipreimt ( .miri < i-mtnim. DBS MOINRS , Jan. "U. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bun. Supreme court decisions : Klir.-iboth Sust , appellee , again tt Isaac \Vual and Florence West , appellants , Dcoatur dis trict , anirmrd. Webster ( jrubcr Marble company' ) appellant , against Mary Dry- ilon ct nl , Louisa illstnct , nnirmcd State against C' > rusir * Ilium and D.U'IdOretfory , appellants , MahasK.i district , anirni"d. The National Htnlo tunic ol at , appellants , against C' . F. lloesch & Sou ct nl , Dos Mollies district , nlllrme.l. George Phelps , appellant , agalnn the district town ship of Summit ct at , O'Brien district , nf- tinned. Arehiot'osurr against the city of Ccntcrvlllc , appellant , App.inoojo district , reversed. W. J. ' Dysart , administrator , acnlust Joseph Furrow , nppsllnnt , Titm.t ills trlct , reversed. xnr.t. i.MJ. . Colorado' * l.pKlnlntnrn ( liliidlns A. way with Nil l'ro | iort of Adjournment. Dr.xvr.ii , Jan. 29. In the liouso today a petition from the miners' union ot Cripple Creek was road , coiiimcndlng tha governor for calling an uxtra session of the legls- laturo and requesting the passage of meas ures creating the county of Cripple Creek , amending trust deed and attachment laws and m a kin ; , ' eight , hours a legal day's work. The bill amending the Justice court at tachment laws c.inio up for n third reading. This allows attachments to be issued only on the grounds of fraud , when the defend ant Is a foreign corporation , and for labor performed. The hill passed without n dis senting vote. i'lio committee on fees and salaries roc- ommenucd that the bill which provides for a reduction of the salaries of legislators from $ per day to $ . " > ho laid on the table , for the reason that It ill a not come under the governor's call. Governor Wulto has prepared his message to the senate In answer to the petlt'on of that body for executive Interference In the adjournment deadlock. The dccumont ad ministers some sharp robiiKcs for what his excellency looks upon as a course more nota ble for thn mulico than the consistency dis played. The governor states that ho docs not feel Justllled in mtcrfoHtnr unless requested to do so by the lower house. Intimatlnir that the latter body is the only one of the two that hat shown nay Inclination to respect and observe the laws. In reference to the assertion that the senate cannot , or will not. transact nnv bus iness , the governor calls attention to the eagerness with which the appointments ho sent In Friday were acted upon , though , In his opinion , there is a grave doubt as to the authority of the senate to ufltrm or reject nny appointments at n special ses-iion not called for that particular purpose. Ho makes a few other points of miner interest , but the fact that the senate has shown Its willingness to do business under some cir cumstances is civen as bin main reason for refusing to adjourn the legislature. It Wilt Iko I'M I r mill VViiriner lliruuQliont Ncbniski Today. WASHINOTOX , Jan. 29. Forecasts forTncs- day ; For Nebraska Falrjwarmer in eastern portion ; south winds. For Missouri and Kansas Fair ; slightly warmer. For Iowa F.ir ; south winds. For South Dakota Fair , followed by- local snows Tuesday afternoon or night ; southeastern winds , shifting to north ; warmer In eastern and colder In western portion. For Colorado Fair ; slight chanees in temperature during the day ; probably colder Tuesday night ; west winds. I. oral Kccord. OmcnoFTiin WCVTHCH Btmutu , OMAHA , Jan. ! ! ! ) . Omaha record of temperature and rainfall comparcJ with corresponding day of past four years : 180-1.1803. 1802. 1891. Maximum toinporaturn 23 8 = 4HO HOC Minimum temperature. O * D = 311 = 23O AvcrnsotaniDeraturo. . 12 2 = 30 = 20O Precipitation . 00 ,0'J .00 .28 Statement showing the condition of tem perature anil precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 18D3 : Normal tcmpor.ituro . ISO llullcloncy for tlio duv . ( ic Deficiency since Mnrch 1 . 30 ° Normal precipitation . 02 Inch Deficiency for tlio day . 02 Inch Deficiency Mince March 1 . 0.41 Inches * b lo\vjrero. Kejioiti ruin Other Stutliint nt 8 P. M. A STATIONS Pi 3 Omaha S3 .00 CIpar. Kearney 48 .00 Clear. North Pintle. . , ' .00 Clear. Valentine 'Vii .00 Clear. Chlcntro : is Clear. St. Louts Sll Cloar. St. Paul 10 Clear. Davenport li ! in .01 Clear. KnimaH City. . . . 30 H2 .uo Cloir. Denver r > 4 im Clear. Salt I.alto City. . 30 4S KapldClty 32 4U .00 Part cloudy. Helena iU ! ilH .12 Snow. Hlsmarck ID " Clear. St. Vincent 1 "o Clear. Clicyunnn 44 co .0(1 ( Clear. Miles City li- au .01 Snow. Ualvcaton liM ns .00 Clear. "T" Indlc.itoH triic-e. Mlelow 7oro. K llu.xr , r.ociil Forecast Official. JIU1EF3. Ilonry Paurs of Ilurlmnk , O , , Is reported to have been murdered In 1'loildn. Irn Kills , postmaster nf Dublin , I ml. , has disappeared und It Is supposed that he hay committed Milclde. The anniversary of the admission of Kansas Into tlio union was cclohrutod nt Tnjtrka yesterday by the young republicans of that state. The Chicago Dally News says that 1,000 sa loons liuvo gone out ot business during the past three months , owing to the financial de pression. Dordec , Mills & Co. , retail dry goods dealers of 1'corln , In the circuit court yesterday on- toit'd fourconfubilons of judgment , ngiicgut- AlonzoT. llnrlow , president of tbo St. Louis Men-hunt's exchange , Is lying at his homo In Aliis'.vli-lc. Mo. , critically 111. Ills life Is de spaired of , John CostPllo of IMHsbnrg shot Ids wife and 10-yeur-old daughter last night because they IUIIIIIM ! tohlcop In the hoiibO with him. Itotn will probably dlo. A. I' . Kalian , city agent of the Chicago Great Wcstem load , Is missing , and It U snld lie hus loft behind him n llminclul vacancy which It will take J2.HOO to fill. The wholesale grocery firm of S. ICanffman & Co. of Fort Hcott , Kan. , mudu an assignment to John Allen. The liabilities are not known ; ussuts estimated at I40.00U. AtTlllln , O. , last night , a young nmn nnmod Sharp shot and filially Hounded Ml > s Klttlo 1C less und then killed himself. Sharp wus In love with Miss Kloss , butbho hud tufunod him , William II. I.UIIKO , aged UO , ono of the host known teul estate unents of St. Louis , died yesterday under such pueullar clrcumstuncos that a coroner's Inquiry Into the mutter Im * been 01 doted. J , V. Skiff , superintendent of thodcpnrtmont of minus und mining ut tlm World's fair , has buon Nulecled us the pormunont director In chlof of the Columbian musuum ut Chicago at JO.OOO a year. A sensation bus been created by the discov ery that thu American Protective association recoids , containing the mimes of nil thu mum - burs In IIimlliiKton , Im ! . , have been aolen from the lodgcroom. Karly yesterday moraine burglars entered the Hun Antonio ft Aranitis Pass olllecs at Koekdulu , Tox. , undJiiudu iinattuck upon the biife. An urrlvlng fiulght train caused them to cut shot t their ullorts. O , W. Leech , n woallhy mining man , wus found dead In his room at the Holbrooke hoiiio at UruMt Valh-y , Cul. , yesterday , having luon : Uhphyxlutud by gus which ho fulled prnpurly to turn off on lutlllng. William IHckmun , an uinmplnyod workman. cicutcd u.\cliuimml In Ihu Cincinnati city hull yuhtuiduy In front of the mayor's olllco by unury ( iireiiiH to gut OVPII with the mayor by thn u > o of dynamite , Uo wus urrehtud. A special Mom llunton , Mo. , buys ! Clmrlos Owuns , living nuar Uluhlhtadt , Ucnarjtuil with inuidurlnK his wlfn und child Sunday and jiut- tlng flro lo his house. Owuiij U under uncit and Is bulng cloioly guarded for feur of lynch ing. ing.ChurlcH llrol.r , grocery clerk , lust night called , it H21 MudUun slu-el , Ht. l.ouls. nul iislitMl to HL'O Mlxs lliTtha Unnuliu. A few mln- utvs utter hulng hhuwn to bur loom suveial hhou weru heaid. Investigation nhowed .Miss lluneki ) wiihdoud und tha niun wits wounded , having two iotol\cr bulluu In his head. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Ory for Pitcher's Gastoria. Ghildreii Cryfosf Pitcher's Castoria. lit 1MT "I1 TI'tlMPrx ALL hi.ib . iLRNhl ) Lund of the Pharnolis ( in Objaot of Interna tional Solicitude. ANNEX \TION BY ENGLAND TALKED OF Sultan Ccnfmrcft thn ICIioillvo for HI * Stib- inlnlon Yuiinir Abiliil'o Attlliido .Still Shown ll | < Aversion tit HrllMl tn- torluronco A ( Iriivo sltuiitloo. LONDON , Jan , 20. A dispatch to the Dally News from Vienna says Sultan Abdul tlainld commented sharply on the khoi'.lvo's atti tude toward Great IJrifiln , and said 1C Abbas had any complaint to make ho should have forwarded It to his sovereign , who. If he saw lit , would have communicate ; ! with Iho British ambassador. A Cairo dlsp itch to the Times says the khcalve's order terminates an nlnrmlni * In cident. It was at one tliuo a question whether any of the Drltlah officers would continue to servo In the K/yptlan army. The khedlvo's mlnUtcr * and the representa tives of foreign nations all felt the gravity of Introducing political animus into the Mussulman army oflleored by a handful of Unions. The khedlvo , finding himself un supported , wisely accepted the urgent ad vice of Kla Pasha aud complied with the Hrltish demands. The opinion is now frcnly expressed that England , in ordcrto insure public tranquilIty - Ity In tigypt , should have required a satis factory Kti.it anty against the posslblo recur- rcnco nf such playing with the lire. Public feeling has become still more unsettled. The khedlvo's order is addressed to Colonel Kitchener , adjutant general of the I&ypilau in my , and savs he reiterates his solicitude and ( food will for the army , and Is happy to record the services of its Uritlsh olllccrs. Tn lie nf Anncxllif ; The Calrocorrcspondcnt of the ' 1 olcpraim says that In best informctt circles the be lief is general that the unpleasant incident Is not closed. On the contrary , the situa tion is regarded as very ( rravu because the khcdivo'H submission is considered to prove his unbcndlnc hostility toward Knglamt. Indeed , adds the correspondent , many per sons declare annexation of ICfryptor the deposition of Abbas may cnsiio unless the hhedivo , In a further iipoutancous apology , consents to bo guided In future by English advisers. From remarks 'of irresponsible ofllciuis , nays the Telegraph's dispatch , it supposed ( ireat Uritain Is meditating the adoption of severe measures for the asser tion of its authority. From successive In terviews had with his ministers the corre spondent says ho has every reason to be lieve the khedlvo U in an unyielding mood and that he Is resolved to thwart England. He hopes in this way to Increase his per sonal prestige. Ho fortillcs himself with the thought that If things conic to the worst ho can but retire , like his grandfather did , upon his private fortune. ciiw or T\viNri-ipJVij LOST. ISrltUIi Ilurlc Pnrtiirrurk Wrecked Olf tlio Iriih Const. DTOMN , Jan. 2'J. ' A dispatch from Traleo announces the wreck of the bark I'or- tarrock , Captain Fortes , and the drowning of all her crow , numbering twonty-llvo men. men.Tho The Portarrock was on a voyage to Queens- town and Antwerp , and when last heard of was in Braden bay , near Tralee , in a dis tressed condition. She reported that her provisions had run short on the passage and some of the crow were sick from exposure and lack of nourishment. CZAIt IS SICK. Suffering from hevoro CompllcntloiiB of n Hud Attack of Influenza. ST. PCTEUSIIUKO , Jan. 29. The czar Is suf fering from a sovereottack of Influenzabron chitis and inflammation of the lungs. The lower part of his right lung is inflamed and his temperature Saturday night was 103 ° . Franco Increasing Import Uutlox. Pints , Jan. 29. The government has noti fied the customs committee of its intontlo-i to introduce a bill raising the import duty on wheat to 7 francs , and also raising the duty on flour proportionally. In addition prain will noi bo allowed in bonded ware houses for over a year , and the temporary admissions must pay interest at the tate of 5 per cent. The increased duties on wheat and flour will bo levied , the day the measure Is presented to the Chamber ( if Deputies , and the increase In the duties thus collected will bo returned If the measure Is rejected by the Chamber. Ilcil ri > iin \ \ u veil /urleli. . ZURICH , Jan. 29. This city has been the scene of u serious riotous demonstration. A bond of anarchists carrying red and black flags marched to the Italian consulate aud affixed the former to the escutcheon over the door. The police interfered and a riotous scene followed , during which a severe strug gle between the representatives ot the au thorities and the rioters took place. Many pcoulo were wounded on both sides , and six teen of the prominent rioters wore arrested. Wiintou liiirclur * In American Legation. KcMii , Jan. 29. It was discovered this morning that burglars broke open the safe of the American legation und not finding any valuables In sight they wrecked the room In which the safe was kept , broke the Dust of Washington which stood in a corner A Weak strange as it may seem , is caused from a lack of that which is never exactly digested /at. The greatest fact in connection with appears at this point it is/ ; - / / ) digested /at and the most weakened digestion is quickly strengthened by it. The only possible help in Consumption is' the arrest of waste and re newal cf new , healthy tissue. Scoffs Emulsion has done wonder sin Con- sumplionjust this way. nl l-v flrnit , \ llomio , N. Y , Allirn ) rl > l > . Daly blemlnlipii , pimple * , ml , rough bundant , . fallliiK liiilr iireuuud ly C'uil > 'AV1M ? ' 11" " * > " * ' ' " " 'I < if Mine cUn ' -JyCTy sVj I'lirifylCK ' nnil ln-aiililinn ; tonp , t S&JY Ivj i' * " l"irt' t uii'i ' medcit cT3Ar""H i'f lolU'l nil niirriT } ' > ca's | Onlj vETxiuiV' cur" for pliMiln lii'cau eonl > pro scnlUo nf Inilkniiuutlou and tlou jln" " ' tlitioiea , tiol.l exerj where. of the rjotn , burned all the papers they could In. , thrlrhaml.s on and destroyed the vulnnoto llbinrof the loRatlon. There U no tr.ico of the burglars. ri.OHiit ) What Ihn Itiuli Ant of u ( Irrnmn Jinleo In thn Cninrroons < 'o t. Ltvnnroou Jan. ' .ML Details of an out break In the German Cameroon * have been received hero. The trouble Is said to have been caused by the llogfflntr of the wives of thb native soltllors.by order of the governor. The IXibomoyans wont to tbo government house , at llcrltovvn ami .shot the juileo dead. The niuttncors tralnoil the mastery over the Germans , who lied to their irunlio.ita. The mutineers tb n scl/cd 1,6'JO ' mafjazlno rlllc.i and fXUOO ) rounds of ammunition. Ill thn ( lei li\lll : llvtelntuj. BRIIMM , Jan. CO. The KoIchstaR has up- proved the extension of the German-Span * Ish commercial treaty. Tlio RelchstiiR today bfffftii the debate on the government proposals to reform the imp r'al ' finances , AmoiiK tha speakers were Horrcn I.leber. Mldticl and othcra. Thodcluto llnallv ad journed. HANSOM DEAD. KueelviMl In a I'lcht With u Tlilol Teriiuii.ite I'n tn 11 v. William 1C. Uansoiu , for many years a pri vate detective in the service of the Union Paclllo r.Ulwny , died last evening at St. Joseph's hospital. In December Ktnsom was sent to Wahoo to run down a gang of robbers who had been breaking into freight cars and stealing merchandise. On lliciilghtbaforoCtirlstmas , while ho was watching in the yards , ho saw a man coming out of a car and opened lire. In a hand-to-hand st'iillle thai followed Ran som was hurled to the ground , his head Btrililng the end of n tie. The fall Injured his brain so that ho lost his reason and hU condition then became critical. Ho was about ! t. " years of ago and leaves a wife but no children. IIo was a member of the order of Knights of Pythias. : for the Hold .Men. SAUDA , Colo. , Jan. ' „ " . ) . K A. Thayer , chairman of the general committee of the National Hotel Men's association , has Issued a call for a meeting of th.u committee at thu Brown P.iluco hotel , in Donvcr , February 0 , for the purpose of completing arrangements for entertaining the National Hotel Men's association , which will meet In Dourer , May 10. I' ' | > V ; l . DETUOIT. Jan. 20. Murphy , \Vasoy & Co. ' big chair factory resumed work today with Its full force of hands , numbering , after having been Hhut douu since Chrislinas. Thi ! Detroit Stove works , now employing a third of the regular force , will st.irt full blast shortly. SulTorlnir nnil Debility I2iiile.il by Intelligent Treatment. OnstSwcnson. n iiropurly owner , lives at fill ) S. Hid stieut. Ho has llvo 1 font teen years lu Omaha ami Is npnttorn-mnkor with I'a-ctou A. Ylurlln' { . 1'or u lon time ho sulleruii from catarrh of HIK stoiiiiieh and bowels. I.'itoly he has boon tryliu the Conoland fc Kbapard system of tro.itmont , und , In spiukin of the excellent result * , s\ys : MK. OUST PUANPON. With Uiixton , t Vlorllntr. "Yes , I hud oat-irrh of the stoinucb nn-1 bowels - ols In a suuted for.n , but It hud hccoims irruut- ly nirisr.ivuted just uufuro 1 bosun truut-iient with Dr. Shepiml. It hud got so my stomach refused feud und I hud no inoroiipnotlto limn u man In Iho hcut und delirium of typhoid fovor. "Tho trouble Hceined tnbas'nwltli ' cutnrrhal matter comln ; Into thu thio.itIn tlmo thu euUirrh cot down to mv Htomuuli und bowels. My foo'l would sour , f bolulio I BUS or u thin , sour llulM. I ulunysfelt bilious ; hii'l a nistv : t.istnlnmy mouth and my foimno would bo coiited.nolf plastered ovei wlthyollow iiolHon. "I had much illstiess nil through thobowols. There auomo I to be u chronic Inllummutlon nndsorciiD'-H there. My bowels suomcd to net hard tinil stllf und so sere that , ut times , thov P'.ine.l mo lli.n ; i boll. Of course I had to out. und 1 did cit , but It did mono coo.I , I was ruplflly fiilllnx when Dr. Sliopiird took me In charge , l.'mler hl.s caiu I noon HIW that I was com I UK around u aln nil il.ht. The whoio trouble Is entirely none. M v disease 1ms been mastered. My Impioveimmt bo.'iin with my first troiitmont und continued without nny backset , until 1 am now entirely well. " Ontsldo n ? Omaha , Tlio system ol mull Irnumeiit purmioit liy uH cuuriintuc * tlio mime cllVctlvn rnaults tu thoKC who ( IfiHlrn to Mihmlt their cnxea lliroiicU norr 4i nili > nuo us to tliogo who coino to thn oilier , nnil lit the sumo price. Symptom blanks Hcnt to till nii Miiecl.il blank fur nmn mid women. DRS. COPEUN1) ) & SIIEPARD , ItOOMS nil AND 313 NRW YOI'C MFC- UUIIjDINU. OMAHA. NKR Officelionrs-'J to 11 n. in.to 5u. in. : 7 to 8 p. in. Sunday 10 u. tn. to 13 in. Buy 5S7 ? " MEATS If you want first-class meats , fresh every day , and If you want to buy thum ut the very lowest prices , tty 1'oUorny'n Now .Mont Mur- ket , 33i : Broad.ly. Compare these prices with the prices you have houn paying : Roast Beef , from Oo to Oa Sirloin Stia't , fiom. . lOo to I'-'o Porterhouse Steak , Irani lOo to l-'o ! Round Steak , from 80 to Rib and Chuck Ktcak , from Oo to Hoilimr Beef , from ! ) c to Oo CornoJ Ueef , from 4o to Ita Clods ( boneless ) ( in Pork Chops llu Pork Hulls lOo Salt Pork KM All kinds Mutton , from f > o to lOu All kinds Veal , from 7o to li.'o Pork Sausngo , from So to lOo California Hams Tu Bacon VJifi l.arU , from Bu to 1- Poultry , ( iiinio mill i'lsh always on huiul. Kie.sli uoods ill low m lees. A F. POKORNY , 333 BROADWAY. 1 jiVttir iuyitl nv JJ3 tliio In ID ntUJ ait federal curl * . Hia m 'JJ3-7-1.J , block Council Ulull.-j la Special COUNCIL BLUFFS ! SI'I.KNKH ) lliismcKMt.'liniir.i For rent , ivHiioimlblo inrty lifivhiK utrmt $1,001)011 ) cattli capll'il to liiveul hi milk unit liiillurd.ilry Inejn- jiinciluu wlt'i poultry , lieu und iri'n < ral | > .iuturn biiHlm-Hs , About I.AOOnereH , inoHtly npl.iiiil IIIH- tnro. nliout' . ' mil JS fron I'r.iicll lUiiiM ami . > miles fro n Oinahi eltv llmltn. Wnll f nui".l and water plimly unit uimvonlunt I'l ' oauh of ,1 cmelon- nruu. ( lou.l. coinfurtabl.i il-room home and cued barn , liojr ( mil chlohcn IIOIIWH. Inijnlru of f. I" . JudMon. ul. . ) Ulli u\cuuu , of 'li'd UruuUw.iy , Council IllutTH. o YOU know tint Bay i Jims mvo cliolcn bargains hi rult uu4 varJoa ItilB city ? GAltUAOKronovoJoo siools , vatlltHolilntu/t' cleaned , t'A llurku , at T.tylor'a erojjry , Jl ) IISTHAOT.S and liuim. Kurui and elty protmrl bouphi and Hold 1'uucy & TUo'jiuCoiinu. . IllutTo.