Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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is highly probable that no action of grc
Importance will ho taken. The mctnbc
of the council nro determined , however ,
uphold the dignity of the city against n
/ unwarranted ofllclnl Interference.
/ Mitchell la 1ii hli room nt the Evcrc
hotel and Corhott Is expected nt the f
James nt n very late hour. All obstacles
the light have been removed nnd the
scoins at the present moment to ho abs
lutoly nothing to prevent Its coming o
The excitement here wn * Intense ov
the question of whether or not tl
temporary Injunction would bo mai
permanent ; whether Gov.ernor Mitcm
would dcclnro martial law and whoth
ho would send moro troops. /
the questions nro now nt rest , and the lute
csl In the light Is greater than over. La
trains today have brought In hundreds
spurting men , whotonlghl nro thronging tl
streets and packing the hotels to overllo' '
Ins.Tho betting tonlpht is tr.oro strongly
favor of Corbett than nt any time yet. Boi
men are mild to bo In the very pink of com
tlcn , nnd both have declared that tomorro
they will make the fight of their live
The bitter feeling between them has bet
intensified of lain , nnd the light will bo
desperate ono.
.Scniicn nt tlio Cniirt Itexim.
The hearing of the Injunction cas
of the Uuval Athletic club again :
.Sheriff Iirownrd to prevent him fro
interfering with the Corbott-Mllche
light was to have taken place I
Judtro Call's court this morning , but It .vti
postponed until ! ) o'clock this afternoon.
The court at that hour then granted
permanent Injunction.
The pcoplo crowded the court room to th
doors ns It assembled this morning to hc.i
the continuance of the case of the Duv :
club In Us plea for nn Injunction rcstrainln
Sheriff Broward of Duval county from u
tcrforliiR with the glove contest botwce
Corbett nnd Mitchell. Added interest wn
given to the tao by the presence of the nl
torney general of Florida , Liamar , who ha
arrived to assist State's Atlornoy Pardridg
in the defense. Colonel Cockrell , in bohnl
of the Duval club , staled lo iho court tlin
Iho plaintiff was Informed that the dcfcns
would offer u demurrer to Iho bill. Colonc
Cockrell then read the bill , setting forth Hi
grounds upon which an injunclion was aske
for.State's Attorney Pardridco then offered
demurrer to the bill , and presented an an !
davit by ShorifT Broward , in which th
sheriff's position In the case wus set forth.
Colonel Cockrell objected to the introduc
tion of the aflldavit , ana after considornbl
argument Judge Cat ! ruled the aflldavit out
State's Atlorney Pardridgo said that thi
sheriff was acting in the discharge of hi
duly In preventing iho conlcst , and that in
case of equity was involved.
Sheriff llrnwurd' * I'mltlnn.
Colonel Cockrell then waived his objcctioi
to the reading of the sheriff's aflldavit am
that document was accordingly read ty
State's Attorney Pardridge. It sot fortt
that the sheriff believed the said glove con
test would bo n , brutal "prize light and ni
evasion of the law ; that ho had been in
structcd by the governor to prevent thi
contest , nnd ho believed that in so doing hi
would bo noting in the discharge of hi :
duties , and he denied that ho had over dom
anything to Injure the Dnvnl club or hindei
* .tho sale of tickets for the glove contest.
During Iho proceedings Slate's Attorno.i
Pardridgo went into the law favoring case ;
of equity and claimed that a court of equity
had no right to Interfere with a sheriff h :
the discharge of his duty.
lu lifh ill'of the Club.
Kx-Judgo W. S. Young of the Duval clul
contended that there Is nothing illegal ir
the proposed contest and that the sheriff
was assuming thai it was illegal , thereby
preventing the club from enjoying the law
ful rights and privilege to hold a contest of
Unit kind. IIq then filed various cases
whcro injunctions had been granted against
sheriffs on cases of a similar nature.
Colonel CoslcroU said that the sheriff did
not know whether the contest would bo il
legal or not , but ho was simply acting under
instructions from the governor. Colonel
Cockrell then launched out rather warmly
Into what might be termed n "roast" on the
governor's action In instructing iho sheriff ,
which the lawyer said was throwing con
tempt on the circuit court anil was setting
up the executive as supremo. Sheriff Iirow
nrd 'Is ' acting not In accordaiK-o uith his
idea of the law , but is simply obeying the
command of the executive. The governor
was trying to invade private right.
After hearing the arguments fully Judge
Call granted the order real raining the
Bhcrlff from interfering with the proposed
Srem-H AMor thn Injiiiictiuii.
The sympathizers with iho contest promoters
meters had the town this evening. The feelIng -
Ing akin to chagrin that possessed them hist
night when uniformed nnd armed soldiers
marched gaily down the alrect was remem
bered only lu its humorous light today , after
iho decision of Judge Call issuing the injunc
tion restraining the sheriff from interfering'
with the Contest. The news of the decision
.spread faster than does n rumor of a pluairno.
When the words maintaining the Injunction
fell from the lips of the Judge there was a
mad rush for the telegraph ofilccs. and the
news went ever the town like wildfire. The
situation was changed from suspense to cer-
talulty , nnd the club was suddenly seized
with a now soul. Plans half fulfilled ,
schemes not materialized for Uek of conti
nence were renewed.
At the rooms of the Duval Athlotlo club
the erowd was so great it took Imlf a dozen
man to keep a pathway open for the pedes
trians. The demand for tickets was such
that nothing but system prevented wild confusion -
fusion and n crush.
Nulling TivlictH liy tlio Hundred.
Finally a scheme was arranged by which
the men went in ono at a time , llmllnir an
eirress at another door.iuid the s .ream of
ticket buyers was continuous for hours , and
the club men did not forget to advertise
their victory. Half nn hour after the docls-
: on u band wngon. having on it signs and
painted nt reamers aiiiiouncttifir the Corbott-
Mitchell light for tomorrow nt 1 o'cltH : ,
rolled Into iKiy street from a side alloy and
was grrotcd with volleys of cheers as the
band played lively all's. The cheers swelled
ns iho wngon proceeded up the street , nnd
in front of the principal hotels and saloons
It was given an ovation. The wagon then
pwoi'dcd through the residence portion of
the city , vhoro hundreds of people crowded
uvery sircctiind chipped their bunds for joy.
bvery ono felt the enthusiasm us an infec
tion , antl the town went wild , Even these
T I-I E , J3 El
World's Fair
Art Portfolio.
Touro tins Hupcrb souvenir
N.T. i er Wnir lx coupons of this
berk's iK-tijyiiK ilin'urcnl dates
u ltd (6 ( cuntti In coin to
Bee Olllco , Omaha.
opposed to the flRht could nos bur smllo
tlio spirit nnd Joyotisncss dlsplnyc-d.
LiUo this afternoon the bolting was llvol
than It lias boon , the visitors lioliift In po
humor ever the decision nnd moro will !
than ever to rhlc their money.
Looking Up StriiKRlnfft.
About 11 o'clock this mornliifj somothl
of a stir wns created by the sljriit of n nu
her of ofilcors nnd privates--tho latter ci
ryliift rlllcs with bayonets fixed rapid
marching up ono street nnd down another
the business portion of the ulty nnd ov
upon tlio resldonoo district. 1'ho rum
soon spread that members of t
companies from outside points had rouoll
against the duty on which they we
engaged ; that they had Icurncil sin
reaching hero things that complete
disgusted them with the task impos
upon them and liiul taken the ilrst c
portunlty of leaving tlio barracks , with tl
vlow of taking a train for homo. The il
tall of men which marchcii In the strco
was for the purpose of Intercepting and n
resting them. When thcso stories wcro I
vcstlDiited by nn Associated press man
wns found that llku most other statics orl
Inntlng In Jacksonville and having rufi
cnco to anything connected remotely
otherwise with tlio pmo light , they we
away off.
The orders issued by the commander
the Second battalion uro very strict , i
does not want his men logo out on the strc
nnd mix tip with the pcoplo , with who
they might possibly got into troubl
Therefore , among other things , ho i
reeled that no man should lo.r
quarters without n pass signed I
nlmsclf. This wns pretty hard on the bo.v
many of whom wished to see .Incksonvll
and the slgnts contained in il. So tills aft.t
noon several of them quietly Watched the
opportunity to run the guard and got dev
town before their nhseneo was noticed , i
soon as It was discovered details were sci
out to hunt them up , nnd the sight of the
armed men resulted in the startling storl
noted above.
( Jronrit * to See tlio ( llucllutor.
When Mitchell arrived at the E
Augustlno dock this afternoon ho wi
erected by n tremendous crowd , mat
ladles from the fashionable Cordova at
I'ont'O do I cou hotels being present. As tl
Englishman stepped on the gang plank tl
crowd surged forward so strongly ho wi
tmablo to advance , nnd it was only whs
Bat Masterson and Steve O'Donnell npplli
their shoulders to the throng nnd pushed
passageway that Mitchell was able t
reach ono of the three carrrlagcs whloh ha
been driven down to the dock for the part ;
As soon ns the carriages were llllcd the
moved off at a rapid trot to the Pence c
Neon , whcro Mitchell desired to bid farcwc
to n few friends.When Mitchell came 01
lie climbed into Ills carriage and started ft
the depot. A larger crowd was uwaltlti
him hero than had greeted him at th
lock. Everybody was frantic with anxlot
to see the lighter , and they pushed an
shoved Mitchell around until ho began t
; row impatient.
During tlie run to Jacksonville Mitcho
occupied himself with a newspaper , enl
joining in the conversation occasionally
When the train slowed up at the dope
Mitchell and his party wont quietly throiig
to the rear car , where they jumped oft an
hurried initf the carriages in waiting. The
were quickl.v driven to the Hotel Kverot !
nnd Mitchell wns in his room before tw
score of people know uo was in town. II
was locked up all afternoon , nobody boin
allowed to see him.
JJiigcr to Fight Toilny.
His work today consisted only of .1 live
mlle walk on ihe beach , followed by a rul
down. This morning ho weighed 102)
pounds , and is in condition to light lor hi
"I am glad the fight has not been post
ppncd , " ho said wh.Uo coming to Jackson
ville. "I have been training hard for thi
day , and if it was put off until Saturday
would have to begin nil over again , o
rather keep up my hard work , t toll
the club I would agree to a post
poiieinont if I was paid § 500 to cover m ;
expenses. If they had not ngreed to m ;
proposition I would hnvo insisted on fightlnj
Thursday , or not tit all. "
Ho is very modest about the outcome o.
the light and would only say : "I think
have a mighty good chance , much bettfc :
than at 2 to 1 , us Corbott has never lickci
mo and ho don't know that ho can. Ho onli
thinks ho can. Well , I don't ; and that's af
there is to it. "
Ho has not yet determined how ho Will ar
range his friends in the ring , but Jim Hall
Stove O'Donnell , Jack Fogarty and Harr.i
Darrin will probably bo with him. Ho wil
undoubtedly bo seconded by Hall and O'Don
loll , and tno timepiece nnd bottle holders
lignities will go to Darrin and Fogttrty.
Ixits of Ccirlii'tt .Money ill Sight.
The betting tonight took n rather tincx-
iccted turn. Previous to the decision ol
ludgo Call granting the injunction , Corbet !
uoney had been scarce at " to 1. The court's
lecision had hardly been rendered , however ,
vlien.the admirers of the American came to
.ho front with surprising rapidity. From 2
o I on the champion the odds jumped to 25
o 10 and then 3 to 1 was not hard to get.
5tevo Brodio announced his willincnoss to
) ot § 1,000 to 5300 that Corbett would win in
ilx rounds , but the sports only smiled ,
Jltcmy Colvlllo succeeded In placing ? 1,000
o &K50 on Corbett , whllo oilers of ? lOiK ) to
-10'J ' and ? 1.000 to &iiO : were laid on the
Vtnericnn , Even money was also taken that
Corbett would win inside of twenty rounds ,
it Stcdokcr's § . . ' 5 to $100 was the rule.
Adjutant General Houston received orders
ate toniRht from Governor Mitchell in
truding him to order the troops of the Sec-
nd battalion to their homes. Thov will bo
ilspersed tomorrow , but will probably re
gain and witness the light.
.list I i y ut Bluj-pnrt Find * tln < ChampUm
In Kxcollcnt Condition.
MATPOIIT , Fla. , Jau. 21. This , the last day
oforo the big light , opened with a haxo
nvoloplng the Corbclt tent at daybreak.
lorbott retired early last night. After a
envy supper the American ilstic premier
at down at u game of whist. Uilly Uelaney
nd Sidney Asho arrayed themselves against
.011 Houseman and the champion , the
onors falling to the latter pair. Corbet t
etired shortly before 10 o'clock , with as
ittlo concern for the battle ahead as though
t was still far off. Ho bounded upstairs to
is bedroom thrco stops at . i tlmo and with
' ( IcouniBlitt sweetheart , " to his wife ,
losed the door behind him and ton minutes
Her was sleopijig resif ully.
Dolanoj , , Uonalason , Brady , John Mont-
ornery , \Vnrd and Mrs. Corbott were tin
nd about long before Corbett nwakoneu.
to had no work ahead now until ho entered
lin ring. With his four collies hn walked
own to thn beach and amused himself. A
arbor came down to thu sottlt.'iiiciit , nnd by
I o'clock the famous pompadour was euro.
ally trimmed.
Brady loft early for Jacksonville to attend
10 Injunction proceedings and Corbott con-
: nted himself in waiting for his return
Ith the news. It was intended oripiimllv
tut thu whala party leave before suurls'o
its morning , but the loyal phnso brought
Ith it u change nnd the camp is now
i readiness to disappear on orders from the
illtiiV Only Worry.
Corbott Is worried only over the possl-
Ility of Iho match belna called off or post-
Jiuid. Ho Imagines something will crop
it at the last moment whlun will deuv him
10 chiinco of measuring his roach > vlt'h the
riton. I hero is an air. of buoyancy about
lo big fellow which is foreign to the man
ho simulates or affects unconcern. HO
nuts to get Mitchell before him.
Dompsov ni rl veil on the evening train and
III remain close ny Corhott's sldo unllUho
sfori'o renders a decision. The women leave
inlsht for Now York , stopping over enronlo
.Savannah to hear the result of the light.
batch of toletrrams was dispatched to bo
iiit to frlcnus through the moitium of the
press , as follows :
? , ! AiX"u ! ll < ll " ! " " -M Mrs , ,1' . J. Corhott.
in I'MiivlM-u '
: ttow i on'i worry it second I
n Dcrfmly ell and will win without ttmilit.
1"2 . ' . ' !
- , , , 2lluri'y O.rbuu' ! )
. im rraiiclseo : Don't bet on the
iiiiiiU. ( Ma vroMilt , ut iiny iiiiiih. JIM.
MAVI-OIIT , p it. , .inn. IM. - Kildlo Pov
i ownio
lunli'b will m. on iiurlpu. JIH
MAVl'mcr , Kin , , Jan. 'JK rnnik J Mniiltt.
I" ' " * . ' - ' " ' . " , Jim h ln
ape. Lun t looo If they mcot.
, , , , . Hll.l.v IlEl.Asev.
' 4 his w 1 probably bo the last news of Cor-
Ulo'll'old'0 ' ' amvcs ' " J Jtsouvlllo on iho
.1 hn I- mil \iu < io ia\rn.
COLCMBU , Jun l4.-rhe ! report sent out
from tinrrisburg to the effect that John
Sullivan had loft that plnco for Jncksonvl
to sea the Corbott-Milcholl fluht , Is inci
reel. Sullivan arrived hero this mornl
nnd says Corbett Is n auro winner If t
fight takes plnco. Ho declares ho will ch
lengo the winner of Thursday's contest.
JN NfcW YO11K.
of the Injunction Tukc * the It
lloU til ( intlinm ,
NKW VOIIK , Jan. 21. A soon ns the no\
of the Injunction granted by Judge Call
Jacksonville ) was received at the Hoffnir
house the talent present was highly elate
Ir. reply to nn Associated press reporter
questions , Billy Edwards BOU ! : "I nm ve :
glad the Injunction has been granted , ni
that thu men will have u chance to she
their respective nbllltles. I osuect It w
bo n lotiir nnd clnso light. Mitchell w
probably Hnd that ho has mot a man who
qultohls equal If not moro than ho. Aft
twenty rounds , the light not being decide
the better stayer will win , and I have nlun
of money ai the rate of 2 to 1 which saj
Corhott will bo the victor. "
Sam Kmory , who Is known all over il
country ns a keen sporting man. when se <
tonUht : said : "So you say thcro will bu
light after all iho obstructions ? I tint gh
of It. If some enterprising man would opt
n book and make the odds 5 lo 2 and tal
your Pick , I would ralhcr lay I again
7 to any amount that It would bo udra
ratlmr than lake olthor man to win. I ce
tnmly favor Corbott , but I am satisfied thi
Mitchell will put up a big light and some i
his famous jabs will feel like inule kicks i
Corbetl. "
John Hackott , who was Intereslod in tl
fight between Jem Mace nnd Tom Allc
wns sitting bcsldo Sam Emery and sail
' I'll toll you my frank opinion and It is thi
1C the light is n light to a ilnlsh It's an cqui
ehanco for both men. They tire both goc
and they know e.xuetly what they ai
about. "
lave ) Holland when seen was In dec
meditation. "Well. Dave , what do yc
think of the fight ? " asked the Asso.-iatc
press man.
"Well , I hoar it's coming off nnd you ca
just say for mo that there Is only ono mn
in it. Corbott will win inside of llftce
rounds. I am glad the contest Is to como ol
as It will decide which Is the better man an
will also rollovo mo of the responsibility <
being the holder of a bet made a year ac
between Billy Madden and Jim Hall. Maiden
don bet Hall * 100 oven that Mitchell woul
never light Corbett. I am n friend of bet
contestants , hut I will say this much , n
matter how long the fight lasts , bo it llftee
or twenty rounds , Corboit will win. "
From a reliable source it is learned thn
Billy Madden is of the opinion Corbott wi
bo the victor. This opinion of the man wh
Ilrst brought Mitchell before the America
pcoplo may throw some light on the posslbl
outcome of tomorrow's contest.
Troop * Will Not lo Called on Unless Some
1111115 New TnriiM Un.
JACKSOXVIM , ! ! , Jan , 24 Martial law wi
not bo declared. Governor Mitchell hn
seen a great light , and Attorney Genera
Lamar this evening received u telegram t'rot
him to the above effect.
This has been the prevalent opinion , bu
for fear the governor might not stand b ,
his declaration several members of the cit ,
council of Jacksonville hold a quiet con
fercnco this evening , nnd after thorough !
canvassing the situation , decided that Gov
ernor Mitchell should not bo allowed to usuri
the police functions of the citv withou
reason. They argued that in viowof todny'i
decision thcro was no warrant for the gov
qrnor to proceed further , and that the onb
action ho could properly take now would hi
to send his troops home. It was decided ti
have a call issued for a special session of tin
entire city council nt an "early hour tonior
row morning to consider the extraordinarj
situation In all its phases.
Just what action would bo proposed coult
not bo learned , but the Associated pros ;
representative was informed by one wol
qualified to' speak , that resolutions wouli
bo presented setting forth the matter , the
threatened infringement of the rights ant
dignity of the city by the action of Gov
ernor Mitchell , and proposing nmplo incus
tires to meet any action which might be
taken by him.
Ho added that if Governor Mitchell tooli
any further arbitrary steps "fun might be
looked for. "
Adjutant General Houston , when asked
tonight as to what orders ho would issue t'c
the militia now hero , said that until ho re'
ceived instructions from Governor Mitchell
he would have nothing to say In the matter.
"The troops arc now in the hands of the
sheriff , " ho said , -'and ho is practically in
u'ommand. As his hands are now tied , I
nipposo the militia will remain hero until
: leiinlto orders are received from the gov-
! > i'ii ( > r. "
riicy Win Four or Vivo 1'rlzcn Oflurcd nt
tlin .St. l'llll HoiiKplol ,
ST. PAUL , Jan. 2-1. Today saw the closing
) f the contests lu the international bonsplol.
: n the George Hall modal contest the final
, vas played between McConochlo of Cambria
tnd Shaw of Winnipeg and resulted in favor
if Shaw by a score of 17 to 12.
The winners In the point contest are : Dr.
iVhitcombofSt. Paul , lead , SO ; Holthoofor
> f Chicago , second , CO ; J. C. Britt of Portico
ice , III ; AI McCullooh of St. Paul , skip , 30.
in the John Johnston final this afternoon
S'cttloton of St. Paul defeated McConoahio
if Cambria by 1(1 ( to 12.
At this honspiol the Canadians carried off
'our out of five regular prizes and had two
if the four victories in the point contests.
I'ho liwt prize winners nro : Hall medal ,
Shaw of Winnipeg ; Johnston trophy. Nettle-
911 of St. Paul ; Jobbers' Union trophy to bo
ilnyed oft by Kelly and Huffman , both of
; Consolation , Frnzerof Winnipeg ,
ind the International trophy won by the
Canadians and to bo played down for in
AnxloiM to no to .l.iil.
Old John Bollne , the champion vagrant of
Nebraska , was brought up In police court
estorday and plainly told the Judge that hn
vould rather stay in jail than to got out nnd
uistlo for a living. Sonronnts Surwart nnd
) rmsby said that Bolino made Omaha his
, 'lntor quarters and had for seine years ,
ohn tramps during the summer , but always
hews up along in December and manages
3 got a place in jail during the bad weather ,
'ho Judge thought fifteen days would bo
bout right and the prisoner thanked the
ourt for its kindness.
'J'Kl.Klllt.l I'll Hi JtKlKt'3.
Dr. Joseph Hobblns of Milwaukee , one of the
in-most surgeons lu this country , died yos-
.irclny nt MnitlMin , Win.
r *
A tulcsrain fiom Coffoyvlllo , ICiin.lnn.
nuiH'1'.s that that town Is fearful of another
ild from thu Dallon gaiiR.
Thu mills of the Sherman OH and Cotton
jnipnny ill. Shuriniiii , Tox. , wuro burnml yes-
u-day. Loss , JlOo.uuu ; covered by Insurance.
At I'lno ItliilT , Ark. , yostimhiy Andy Johnson ,
ilorcd , ntiinnpted to kill hUvrlfo nml u man
llh ho accused her of being crliiilniilly
John II. Keening of Milwaukee was last
Iwlit M'lituneed to live years In the Htato
I'l.MinalVniiimn , Win. Ills case will bo np-
. ali'il to the iiiprunlo court.
The National Hiirlal Uiiso association met In
Inelnnail yoiti > rclny In bcorot session , l'ri'-,1-
Jilt William lliimlllon of I'lttsburg wns In
in chair , and 100 delegates wora preaQjil.
A boat containing six whllo men l ft Hulll-
in Nlnml In riiurlCAlon llurbor on Monday
st for the llfu having station on Morris
land. Yesterday the bodlos ot two nf the
on were found un thu shore of Morris Island.
In tlio t'ouulilln trial at Chicago ycstonlny ,
mm bi'liig no inure medlcul wllnoxscs iirt's
it , tlio ( luft'iiso huKiin Its refutation of the
Idi'iu'o jiKalimt Icuintin O'-Uilll van by calling
tluistiiml .huiK's Mlumtlian , who In May ,
iU'J , worlccd for the Iccnmn.
Hovt'ii Indictments were rolurncd against
ihn Uml , prrMik'iit or thu Wcslcrn Trust
id SiivlnirH nvsnclatlon , by the grand jury In
n > criminal court nt Kuiiias L'lty yuhturuny.
0 Is churned with tiiklnji doposlt.s knowing
IQ hank lo bo Insolvent. Uucd Isuntlorbond.
The MontKoiiicry county , Ktmtncky , grand
ry bus lutiirnvd Indlctinenu UKiilnstVII -
ini Mitchell , ptosldcnt ; Uharlus M. Urtihbs ,
mhlur. and MI-M. ( .aura M. Hunt , clurk of the
jfiuu't Now 1'iirmur.s bunk. churKvd with
ivtiiK rvculvoddoposltii when they knew the
ink wus Insolvent.
A. U. Cheney of 8parta. Mo. , n banker and
1 ex-monitor of thu loglsluturu. win arrostL'd
siurdny on a civil warrant. Mr. Collins hud
,000 In an I'nsterii bunk nuj druw for the
' ' bunk.
noiint through I'lienui'a Kxchango
it'Mi'y , It Is alleged , received thu money In
to tlmo but claimed ho hud not.
Latest Battle Fought m the Oontral Amoi
cau Ebvolution.
l.\ . .
Night Attnok on Tesliclgnlpa by u Strni
Form of Ilubolg nnUlhclr NlcnrnBUiiii
Alllm IlflpulHou Ijy 1'rcililcnt Vtia-
: Moury Lo * ot MIo.
TECICCIO.IMM , Honduras , Jan. St. Tli
city was attacked last night by n strot
force of revolutionists and Nlcnragtian n
Thpy succeeded In gaining n good deal i
ground , but wore repelled before mornin
Forty Hondurans wcro killed and soveni
were wounded. The Nicaragua ! ! losa wi
Both sides nro preparing for another ba
President Vasquo/.declaros It Is Impossib
for the enemy to take the city. All aval
nhlo men are being sent to the front.
MASAOWA , Nicaragua , Jan. 21. donor ;
Ortiz telegraphs that one of the encnilo
strongest points leading into the main pa ?
at Core do IIulo wns taken at daybrca
nf tor severe losses on both sides. Prosidoii
Vusquezis bollovod to bo short of atumun
( lonrritl Ilonlllit MiaotliiK 1'rUonors.
SAX S.vt.VAimu , , Inn. ! M. Accounts of iif
risings in Nlcaraguan cities nro being n
ceived hero. It Is reported the citizens c
Loon will proclaim Machado president , i
which case Xclaya will bo obliged to wltl
draw his troops from Nicaragua.
General Uonllla Is said to Do shootin
Guatemala Conspiracy Uncnrtliccl.
GUATEMALA , Jan. 21. The police have dls
covered an extenslvo conspiracy ngains
President Barrios. Moat of the plotter
have tied to Salvador.
Itollcf Ulvon to tlio Itnllnn Ilniiku by
Kiiyul Oni-reo.
HOME , Jan. ! il. The onicial gazette put
lishcs a royal decree providing that tlio join
circulation of the Bank of Italy , the Bank o
Naples and the Bunk of Sicily may bo ir
creased by 150.000.000 lire , and suspendlii ]
the banking law of August last rcquirini
issue banks to reduce their note circulation
The decree is preceded by a report ad
dressed to the king and explaining that th
present condition of the financial panic I
mcnacintr the soundest banking institution !
and necessitates a temporary inodifleattoi
of the severe August bank law. This , UK
report sa.'s. especially applies to saving :
binks which must bo protected against un
reasonable runs.
llrltnin and ntuiinislilp SuliUdio * .
TJOXDONJan. . 24. The marquis of Itipon
secretary of state for the colonies , hai
promised a deputation headed by Mr. Tup
per that ho would cortsider their rcques
urging the governmentto grant a subsidy o
JK."i,000 yearly for a decade to the nov
Canadian-Australian steamship line.
Resolution ! ) Adopted iik Tholr Ulcctlng ni
KunntiH City Yostordiiy.
KANSAS CITIJan. . 2-1-f-Tho principal busl
ness transacted by tbeWnbermon's conven
tion at the moniingiscsRion was the adoptior
ot a resolution , wlfcrtiuy wholesalers maj
determine the jurisdiction of retailers. The
resolution provides ttiat-retailers , not mem
bers of the associations Who order 1'imber ol
tlio association shipped to any point- whore
they do not own yni'dVahd into tlio territory
of a member of the 'association shall bo con
sidered consumers' Sit these points nnd in
that territory , and that members of the as
sociation making shipments in curl olid lots
to stations or switches whore there is no
member of the association shall consider the
dividing line to be midway between them
selves and their next nearest neighbor.
Officers for the coining year were elected
iis follows : President , li. it. Whaley. Al
bany , Mo. ; vice president , E. M. Adams ,
Mound City , Kan. ; secretary , J. li. I/ino.
Kansas City ; treasurer , Gcorgo D. Hope ,
Kansas City.
Adjourned. _
.Millers Adjourn.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 24. After elect-
Mr. Young of Kansas City treasurer ,
Iho Southwestern Winter Wheat Millers
issociatlon , the outgrowth of the millers
jonvcntion of yesterday , adjourned sine die.
Tlioy adopted vesolutions authorizing tlio
jxeeutivo commintco to fix the time and
ilnco of holding regular and special moot-
ngs , to suggest needed amendments to the
jy-laws ami constitution and otherwise look
iftcr the interests of the ussociation.
A resolution by William Pollock of Mox-
co , Mo. , objecting to the passage by con-
tress of an income tax law , which will favor
.ho individual to the disadvantage of the
iniall corporation , wns defeated.
Tlio next convention will bo held in Knti-
ias City on tlio second Tuesday of June , Ib'Jl. '
THEY ItliOKll TllK ( jUUKVM.
U-iuilillcun Member * ol tlio Utnli Legisla
ture l\f\\\K I'ursiiod ly Olllccrs.
SALT LAKE , Jan. 24. A Joint memorial to
: oncrcss , protesting against that portion of
lie Wilson bill removing the tariff from lead
ires , passed the housciof the territorial leg-
slaturo nnd was made a apscial order In the
house today. This branch is com-
> oscd of five democrats nnd seven repub-
Icans. There were but live republicans
ind ilvo democrats present today , two
epublicaus being absent from thu city. The
einiblic'.m members , seeing they could not
nss the memorial , absented themselves
rom the chamber , with the exception of the
lesldcnt. This left but six members , one
ITbrt of a quorum. Republican members
nn through the streets , leaving hats nnd
oats behind , took suburban trains
nd stretit cars nnd sought seclusion In every
osslblo way. The sergcant-at-arms and his
ssistants , the United States marshal , with
fty doputlos.tho shcrl.1' , with all his depu
tes , and the chief of police , with his oftlccrs
-over 100 nil told wcro Immediately sent In
urstiit. Their services will cost several *
liousand dollars. _ _ _
Up to 10 o'clock pii | . no clew to the ab-
Jntccs was reported , The council is still in
jssion , the democrats refusing to adjourn.
nwtuliiii I'lon runnel l > y tlio llrltlsh
( linirdliiii of ' .rjiu'CBS Knluliinu.
SAN Fit.vxcisco , Jan.'jli ' S. T. Alexander
' Oakland , who fornleriy lived in Honolulu ,
tys ho has received ; ( tuthcntlo information
lat the address , | president Clovolnnd ,
sued by the Hawaiian Patriotic Icaguo ,
as written by T.31. Davles , guardian of
rlnccss ICululani.wlirii's to bo Lllluokalanl's
icccssor as ( juoon ( f thi royalist plans are
UTlod out. Saiu lpKttiider : "Davlos1 ob-
ct In wishing thu ox-queen restored Is
ivious. Ho U Kaiiuuiilja guardian and has
upos that If restored tp the throne Ijllluo-
ilanl will abdicate m her favor. Davles Is
i Knglishmnn. with l.i'rgo bnilncss interests
Hawaii , but Ills homo is in Liverpool. Ho
cut to Honolu'u as a common clerk and
iuumulated great ; wealth. Now ho wlsha.7
i shlno in llrillsh'so''ioty nnd tils great am-
tlon Is to represent Hawaii us minister to
IQ court of St , 'James. This will bo accom-
( shcct If IMtluokalanl-ls restored. Davlos
extremely itrltlsh in nil his adulations
id regards the increase of Amoricau in tor-
its In the islands with great disfavor , "
nlolo to Keep Irom
W. S. Daniels wus caught by Special Om-
ir Butler of the Missouri Pacific * with u
, ck full of coal and sent to the station
mrgcd with petty larceny.
Ho stated that hn wanted the coal to kucp
s family from freezing.
Alrnld to full lur Tnclr Ci li.
Slnco the bublnoss ot the so-called Invest-
cm companies has been declared Illegal by
10 courts the companies have been afraid
to accept the money orders which wore sc
to them by tholr victims. The local pos
ofllco is in receipt every day of reintttiinces
various companies which have been rcfus <
by thorn nnd returned th rough the dc ;
letter ofliccIn most Instnni-ci the mldrc
of the sender is given and the money Is i
Vl.Tltt.irUM Oh"Jlll' UfKlltlTiJIlH.
They Servo Notion of Tliplr Intention *
Ihn Ohio Ciml Mlnrrn.
Cor.UMiius , Jan , 21. The executive coi
mlttoo of the Ohio coat operators , It has bet
learned from an authentic source , bus d
cided to give miners the alternative of wor
lug for 50 cents a ton or thu closing of ovci
mine In Ohio. President Nugent of tl
Ohio Minor * union will call another convei
lion of minors to pass on the ultimatum i
the operators. A meeting of all the ope
ntors In the state will bo held soon.
The D.OOO minors in Ohio unillntc
with the United Mluu Workui
have decided by n majority of IK
not to accent a reduction in wages. Tl
operator * are not prepared to say what the
course will bo. There are 10,000 minors nr
in the union and it Is believed many wi
voluntarily accept the reductions.
Will Wiirk lit Any 1'ricp.
Prmnnto , Jan. 23. TUcro will bo n
strike of coal miners In this district , nnd th
men will work for the best rate the opcr :
tors will grant. This was decided at tli
Joint convention of railroad and river minor
Hero yesterday because ol the depression c
the trade nnd the willingness of many t
work tit any price.
Predict n ISIllrr Pljjlit.
EAST LiVKurooi. , O. , .Tan. 24. A gencrn
strlko has been Inaugurated by the potter
employes against the proposed reduction 1
wages and n bitter light is predicted.
Accoptnd tin )'n Tormfl ,
BnipOEi-oiiT , Conn. , .Ian. 21. After a cot
forcnco today the executive committee o
the street car strikers announced that th
men will go back to work nt the company'
Cloaml Down the Allno.
SALT IUKR , Jan. 21. The continued lo\
price of lead and silver has caused the Ol
Jordan mine , the greatest lend producer i
the territory , to close down. Tlio mlno i
located at Blnghnm and employed 100 men
In Jb'Jll ' the Old Jordan produced in 1cm
alone 20,000 tons , ? G73,000 in value , or one
fifth of the load output of Utah.
AllocratioiM Now Mnilo by Wutorlon I'nrm
era Kmiinctlnc Stliniuul'8 ColUl-nctx.
Coroner Maul yesterday on behalf of tin
farmers In the vicinity of Waterloo re
plovinod from Sheriff Drexel an additiona
sixty bags of seeds found in the stock o
PhllStimmcl & Co
These parties , many of whom have beei
absolutely impoverished by the failure ol tin
seed company , arc exceedingly angry wltl
Stimmcl , claiming now to have dis
covered in their contracts witt
him a clause which they allcg (
was inserted for the express purpose ol
porpetrathiL' a fraud upon them. This i :
the clause with reference to the time of delivery
livery of seeds. In the printed forms the
date wns left blank nnd on the drawingur.
of the contracts a date was written in bj
Stimmol and not noticed by the farmers
which called for delivery at a time before
the seeds could ripen. On delivery Stimmcl
would call attention to this date and allege
that on account of failure to deliver at the
time specified he could issue only
a warehouse receipt , of course deferring
payment. It is in this way that many al
lege thcv have boon kept from their pay.
The situation with many of the farmers
is hopeless. They had abandoned all other
agriculture save tlio cultivation of the seed
plants and hud mortgaged tholr lands to on-
nblo them to carry it on. They are no-.v left
face to face with mortgages with no money
to meet them.
Yesterday at 4 o'clock two of Omalia's
popular young people wcro wedded at St.
Mary Magdalene church , Mr. C. F. Hunt-
.inger and Miss Fannie L. Kriobs. The
wedding was a quiet ono. none but relatives
uid near friends of the contracting parties
Seine present. Mr. and Mrs. Iluntzinger go
it once to housekeeping in a homo prepared
jy the groom at 222'J ' South Fourteenth
_ _
I'orVito ISc.itlnsr.
J. B. Walker , 002 Marcy Street , became
ntoxicatcd last night and concluded to take
ictivo stops toward sobering up by beating
lis wife and abusing his family. His wife
: aused his arrnst. Walker has often been
n Jail before for drunkenness , and while ho
, vas never arrested before for beating his
vifo , it Is said she did not complain pre
viously for fear he would do her barm.
U. G. Morgan of Milford wants to be an
) maha policeman and has written the chief
o that effect.
During the ilrst half of this month the citv
lotectlves made seventy-eight arrests and
ecovcred GOO worth of stolen property.
Miss Fannie B. Ilurlburt of the Columbian
chool , Thirty-eighth and Jones streets , has
sited Chief Seuvey to send a policeman to
ho school for a few mornings , ns some of
ho scholars are Very careless about cross-
ug the railroad tracks.
A letler from John Strainer , Hot Springs ,
irk , , to the police nnpnrtuienl requests the
niccrs to llnd John Sitcoo and John Chris-
enough , both supposed to bo residents of
ho bottoms. There is a letter at the gen-
ral delivery for Sltcoe.
Sheriff Drexel goes to Hastings today , talc-
ig with him threoot the incurable insane
. omen who have been in the county hospital
Df a numbei of years. Thcro are several-
thor cases at the county Institution which
ill bo removed ns soon as arrangements can
0 made with the state authorities.
The lecture of Mr. WS. . Curtiss on "Tho
! anaissanco of Art" will bo given this oven-
ig in the First Methodist church before the
hautauqua eollego. Mr. Garrison will re-
lew the week's lesson on "Homo nnd the
hiking of Modern Europe. " Xho meeting
; open to everybody Interestrd and Mr. Cur-
ss' address will bo well worth hearing.
The county commissioners hold an nd-
iiirncd session yesterday afternoon to ro-
; ivo blda for.tho purchase of the $150,000 of
> ad Improvement bonds , voted last July ,
nt : is there wcro some of the bids which
nd not boon filed , a recess was taken until
iis afternoon , A stenographer in tha olllco
'Ihocounty attorney , who is now being
lid n salary of f 10 per month , asked for a
use of $5 per month. The mailer was rn-
I'lSItSUbAI , I'.lItAUll.ll'llS.
E. S. Bulls , U. S. A , , Is at the Mlllard.
B. P , lluinphroy of Kansas City is visiting
1 the city ,
S. W. Stauffor and wife of Toknmah are
tests nt thu Arcudo.
Peter O'Mulloy and wife of Casper , "Wyo. ,
rived in the city last night.
If. II. Smllh and wife of Tejjainnh are
nong the Paxton hotel guests.
Dr. Kdward J. Taggart of Grotna was
nong the hint evening's arrivals at the
erchants ,
rxobnishnns registered ni the hotels : C.
. Johnson , Wpod Lake ; U A. Moahor ,
astingsi H. Ijticas , Pierce ; U. C. Nolomnn ,
Illnnee ; John Dickinson , Elgin ; A. McGIn-
y , Kminhig Waters N. S. Harding , No-
ttsUtt City ; E. f.nndrock , Geneva ; I1. J.
iiigdon , II. Morryman , P. J. Mella , Gretna j
, A. Smith , U Morrison , Fnlrbury ; D. J.
robert , West Point.
Sciatic , sharp and shooting
pains , strains and weak
nesses relieved in one win-
, tite by tha CUTICUKA ANTI-
TAIN ri.\srr.R. It Instantly
relieves weak , painful kid
neys , back acne , uterine
pains and weaknesses ,
coughs , colJs nnd chest
pains. It I'it liset the ner-
' VQUS forces , ami hence
cures nervous pains and
muscular weakness when all. others fail.
Tiicc , Itc.i five , $ i.oo. At all clrujjitti or W
ouit. i'onts Uii-u AND CIIBSI. Coir , . Uoitou ,
Striincn llnlinclniulnii
.lohnnon ot HI-IMOII l ; iimrn > ii .
What mmht have boon n horrible trngci
was prevented by the coolness of Jam
Murphy , the engineer at St. James' orphn
ago , Benson Place , last night.
There lives nt B ( nson u family immod Lc
nnd thcro resides with them Frank Johnso
n Swede , 110 years of ago. Ho Is employed I
Mr. Lee , who keeps n dairy , and has nlwn :
seemed till lately to bn n careful , Industrloi
fellow. Of late , however , ho has change
mid while no crcat apprehension was felt f <
him , It was plain that his mind wns Itecei
Ing unbalanced. The Lees were slow to ill
chiirco him , and thought that possibly i
time wore on ho would show Improvement.
rho postoillco Issomulhlng of n gntherin
place at Benson and It has been the custoi
for men employed In the vicinity to gatht
there In the ovcnlng.
Last evening the usual number wci
around the store telling stories nnd smokini
.Johnson was not an Infrequent visitor thot
anil cntno In ng.iln last night. Ilo bough
some tobacco nnd then took a "pc
sltlon In a corner , us was his cu :
torn , Ho tool : no particular nolle
of anybody nnd it was noticed that ho spok
to no one and recognized none of his nssi
elates. Mr. Murphy came In after Johnso
had been there about an hour nnd hov
thu first one to whom Johnson mldrcssc
any remark. He speaks good English , ha\
Ing lived In America five years , and to Mi
Murphy said , "Como with mo over to Leo's
1 wish you to spaak to mo on things , differ
cut tilings , and I want your company as
am afraid to go nlono to that plnco. 1 ills
want you to go with mo to pot my clothes
as 1 am afraid they won't glvo them to in
If I go nlono.- "
Ho spoke incohoranUy and Mr. Murph
thought there was something strange In hi
actions. Murphy ashed : "Havo you ha
any trouble over there ? "
Johnson slid nothing , but mumbled some
thing to himself.
After a few moments they started townr
the Leo residence , Johnson now nnd the
giving vent to some threat as to what h
would do to somebody , but whom ho woul
not say.
It is quite a distance to the Leo place am
it was SOILO time boforri they came to th
doorstop. Mr. Murphy turned his lioai
away a second , n sound attracting his nt
tcntion elsewhere , when , without a mo
mont's warning , Johnson flashed u bulldo ;
revolver , londod in every chamber , nm
exclaimed : "I'll llx thorn. " As ho said tin
he put tils linger on the trigger and ono ham
on the door knob to enter. Mr. Murphy tool
In the situation at once. It was evident tha
to lot Johnson have that revolver while it
the house would mean harm and posslbl ;
murder. It was but the thought of a secotu
and Murphy had possession of the revolver
After much parleying Johnson was per
sundcd to enter the house unarmed , whet
: io was allowed to get his clothes and othe :
Belongings' . The family was thoroughli
frightened and would not lot him rcmait
This was hard on Mr. Murphy , for ho thot
had Johnson on his own hands. What to dc
with him wns a puzzling question , but lu
soon discovered a way out of tno difllculty
Ho succeeded in coaxing Johnson to ncconv
pany him to the street car and under one
pretext nnd another he got him aboard anti
took him to the police station.
1'hcro he gave his p.atno in n rational
manner , and in some things talked like a
sane man. His hallucination scorned to bo
that Ed Olsen , who lived with him at Leo's ,
was trying to cause him to liato his parents ,
who reside in Sweden. Johnson said that
ivhcn ho would bo thinning of his folks at
lioino Olsen would sit in front of him and
swallow all his thoughts , so that ho could
aot think any more.
He put up his hand to his ear with a smile
3n bis faco. "I can hear my brother taluing
to mo now , " ho said. "I can hear my father
: elllng my mother that I arn her son nnd that
i am a good son. "
Ilo wus searched and 543 found on him. It
, vas done up in all sorts of ways , a
? 10 gold piece being wrapped up in n
lieco of paper and put in ono pocket
ind the rest divided up in a like
nanner. Ho did not object to giving up
jvery thing ho had until it came to his pocket
tnifc. When the Jailor attempted to tnko
his tie said , "My mother In Sweden Is toll-
ng ma not to glvo you this. lean hear her
ay so now , " and turning to Captain Mostyn
10 told him his folks in Sweden could hear
.11 ho said , and then the poor fellow was
riven a cell to await further action in. his
Short 1'ollco Stories ,
A warrant has been issued in police court
or the arrest of Spencer Willis. It is
iharged that on December 31 ho embezzled
ho sum of $27 from Nona Jones.
Ella Brown , who was badly beaten by
Jponccr Monroe a few days ago , has had a
rarruut issued for his arrest on the charge
f assault.
A. H. Perrigo lias sworn out a complaint
n police court charging A. Ilowo with Inr-
eny as bailee. Ilowo is said to have con-
erted goods belonging to Perrigo to his own
William F. Garrity has had a complaint
led in police court charging William
lathows with shooting with intent to kill.
t is said that on December-5 Mathews shot
t nnd seriously injured a man named
lavis , and it is on his behalf Garrity has
auscd ttio warrant to issuo.
Mrs. William F. Huffzity has filed com-
ngrco that the iibo
of u liver pill after
dinner , or to ac
complish special
results , is an im
portant btcp in
civili/ntion. Dr.
Pierco'H Pleasant
Pellets nro better
than other liver
pills in almost every
ery roicct. ] They're
the smallest , cosiest to
iako , most natural In tlio wny they act ;
cheapest , liocniisa guaranteed to give satis-
'action , or nionoy returned. Wo all have
veak Knots. Generally it's the liver. An
ictivo liver prevents impurities nnd poisons
'rom entering the blood. " Pleasant rclluts"
lave a tonic effect upon the liver and the
fonoral system. Thuy euro Indignation , Dyd-
> oj > sln , Dizzy Hpells , Sick or Bilious Heatl-
ichoB , nnd all derangements of the Hvor ,
tomach and bowels.
THE MAKERS of Dr. Sage's Catarrh
tenicdy will pay you § 500 If they can't
; ivo you a complete nnd periiian ut cure.
plaint charging her husband with adultery
with Julia Trtimhull. Thcro has long been
trouble between Iluffzky nnd his wife , nnd
It Is alleged ho has , by false representation ,
caused her to sign over her property to him ,
and that she now has nothing. Ho is n
Pete Moraska , Art Kittor nnd Charles
MeVoy hnvo boon arrested for stealing
Every man , woman nnd child who has
once tried that spojlllc , Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup , cannot say enough in pralsu.
How .Mm. ( iriiobnr Cunio to Nook Hollof nt
llrnriio Hull.
Yesterday Mrs. Graobor , who for sixteen
years has been n resident of Omaha , anil her
llttlo 8-yoir-old daughter applied nt licscuo
hall for shelter from the cxtromo cold.
Mrs. Graobor Is u pleasant Gorman lady
and tells of n homo that once existed ,
but which now has vanished and
loft them without friends or money
to tlio mercy of a cold world.
"Wlii-ii is years of ngp , " she said , "I came
to America from Germany ind was sent by
nn Immigration society to St. I ouis. 1 did
not know people , and ns a stranger In the
city it was hard for mo to got along. An
old Germiin man got to know meahdas I
had no homo ho married me. Ho had lots ot
money ayd wo lived well and were happy.
Ho died after twoyoarsnnd did not leave mo
any money or means of support. Thcro was
but ono thing for mo to do nnd I
got married n second time , this
tlmo to Mr. Grnoner.Vo were married
in Council Bluffs and I lived with
him for twelve years In Omaha. Things
went on smoothly nnd wo had ono child , my
little cirl you see bore. Ho took to drinking
nnd abused mo at times. Ho even tried to
boat me , but this I prevented by leaving
him. Ho is a largo rental agent in this city
nnd has plenty of money.Vhon wo sepa
rated bo gave mo $000 lu cash , but took ad
vantage , under tills pretense , to make mo
sign over my sbaro m the property. I had
still fOOOand thought it would support mysolt
and child for a time , tit least , and 1 wont to
Sioux City fora month or so. I have here
tofore provided for myself and child by tak
ing In washing and doing housework , but
sickness overtook mo and I am now left
without health , money or oven a friend.
My husband is now married to another
woman. "
When the poor * \vomnn went to Itcscuo
mil yesterday she had had nothing to cat
.or ' two days and was nearly frozen ,
ilor clothes nnd manner bear witness
that at ono time she was comfortably situ-
itcd , and whllo she has mot with many re
verses slio did not ask charity till sickness
overtook her , when it was cither beg or
She and her little daughter are In the
woman's department of Kcscuo hall.
DeWltt's Little Early Ulsurs. Small pills
safe pills , best pills.
Letters from Mothers
speak in
warm terms
of what
has done
for their del
icate , sickly \
It's .use has
thousands back to rosy health.
of cod-liver oil with Ilypophos-
phites is employed with great
success in all ailments * that re
duce flesh and strength. Lir.tle
ones take it with relish.
Prepared by Scott A r.owno.N. Y. All draccists.
Saturday Matinro.
i. 25 , 26,27
America's Conilo Actor ,
John T.Kelly ,
In the ruinous Play ,
am rrr or mini IMH
Ml New KI/1 : GS This. Season
Hex sheets open Wednesday at usual price *
. ' 4sQitsiit. ! f > fln onph. '
rhroo "SUMY JAN. 28
Jog nnlne , .
Tlio Orlpliinl Ownorn of Hint Most MarvcloiiBIy
Siiccushfnl Olln I'oilrld.-i ut Melody
iiiul Merriment ,
Announce Ita Triumphal Iliilurn. A Ourjfi'Otis
Sjwctat'iilar I'roilnctlon. Far HuriuiiHtni ;
lu .Siileiulor All l'fi > vloim KUurta.
O.W. . rpptJSS & GO.
IoSlicclB ) Open Saturday. Klrit Floor , Tie.
$1.0(1 ( and iH.fitl : balcony. Out1 uml Tilo.
5th STREET THEATRE I llttr ;
Sitnnliy : - Matinees Sunday
Give 10c to Charity.
particulars Below.
The entire door receipts of
* H s-llr-k-v-r Afternoon
Tm < r\c
I UG&CLQ.y9 and Evening ,
Go to the benefit of Rescue Hall.
Aunuul bcni'lll will tin irlvcn to lliunoor aiuluulmpiioi-ilol Oniaim
ill iliiinfipniuon Hiidiivuidnif itiirforniuneu * , by Mr. Will Lnwlcr
ot HID Kili'ji MiiHrii. und tlmunltro door rocolpia iiru lo bu tlvcn lu
Hie Ui'Hini" Hull illHilou. Tim tlcltutu nro out , ami on talaln moat
of the bimlnoiui liuiimin. louk tlioiu uji. Tlio prko l Only ono
ilium , lluy wlintevrr you can. All will liulp. Kvory llckut will bu
honored ut thit Kclen Mnneii , Tuvuilay , Juniinry 'lOlli , ufUirnuon anU
ttTrnliiir. AllKUtu Ilio Miumu'cr I iwli.T ' .loinlun Itiu
ul ttiu lioutc iiud tlio hlx |