Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Hay Wheat's Oloso Made Another Lov
Prlco Record Yesterday.
Itrcclptft In HID N" . rtlnvi'Sl Were llc.ivlo
tlinti on tha Corresponding Day at tlio
Year llrrnrn mill OlciirnnccVero
m ; iqi'jiitliiily | Light.
Our AGO , Jnn.ffii. May wheat solil at Gl.i : '
today ami closed at a slight recovery fron
tlio bottom. Tliat makes still another low
price record. Corn was firm and luft of
without change. Oats maJo a frnctiona
guln. Provisions ruled dull and lower.
Ik-sides the Inllucnco of the snow tin
cables wcro also rathoragainsttho bulls
'J'ho receipts In the northwest were hcavle
tliiin on the corrcsiiondlng dny of the ycai
licfori * and tlio export clearances from the
Atlantic seaboard wcro disappointingly
llKl.l. Tha only ray of hnpo the hulls hat
curly In tlio day was tlio compar.nivolj
light receipts at Minneapolis , but this dli
not amount to much , talcing the situation nt
n whole. The bears rcall/cd that they hno
control , and tinder free soiling tbo marlsot
WIH forced down and closed steady with lit
lie action. May started in at from Cij'i'etc '
ML ; touched Gll'tfe ' nnd closed UIlJ/c.
t'orn wns a little unsettled early , but the
marlcct , considering the action of wheat , wan
ciulto steady. The undertone was quito firm
t times. There appeared to bo good buy
ing , supposed to be for some of the hirgoi
speculators , taken for investment , nnd this
encouraged purchases by the room con
tingent. ' The opening was ife lower , but
the iluumml increased , itillucnccd by the
stormy weather and small receipts , nnd
prices were advanced from 'go ' to jifu and
held linn at the tin turn for awhile , then de
clined and closed steady at 3S'ju for May.
Trading In oats was very light. There
was light stuff offered nnd buyer * wnro few.
The market followed corn In all Us fluctu
ations , opening a trille weaker. Jlrrning up
later , and leaving off e higher than
The market for pork was very quiet early.
It opened 'JJ o higher and then declined lf > e ,
with scarcely n reaction for lack of support.
Tlio subsequent transactions which were
few nnd far between were withlp a fie and
7'jO ' range , with the tendency upward on
nil the live hogs at the yards being taken ,
mainly by n prominent pucker. Shortly be
fore the Imnl tap of the boll weakness again
set In , the market closing 15c lower than
yesterday nt $13.2T > < for May. Lard and
ribs wore almost notiilnnl. Compared with
last night lard Is Oc olT and ribs I2j e down.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
70 cars ; corn , 103 cars ; oats , 70 cars ; bogs ,
JiO.OOO head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations wcro as follows :
l'i.oim ( IncliaiiKcd , weak.
WIIKAT No. 2 sprlifx , 50jc ? ; No. 3 sprln ; ,
60ijfiOOc : No. 2 red , 50 ? c.
Cons No. 2 , 35c.
OATS No. 2 , 27Wo ; No. 2 white , 30S30Jic ;
No. 3 while , 27320 0.
llVK-No. U , 44c.
llAiii.iiV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. ,
45cNo. ; 4. f. o. b. , 38 41e.
| 'IAX SKisn No. 1.
TIMOTHY SKED Prime , $4.10.
I'OIIK Mcbtt , per Mil. . I13.15@13.20 ; lard ,
pur 100 lb.s. . J7.80a7.82Ki ; short ribs sides
( loosoi , iC.G50.70 ; dry bul'ed shoulders
( boxed ) . ! 0.25tt0.50 ; bliorLclear sides ( boxed ) ,
f .002i7.50.
WIIIHKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
f 1.15.
SUd.Mls Unchanged ; cut loaf , $5.30 ; gran
ulated , $4.01 ; standard A , $4.40.
Thu following were the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On thu Produce exclmnzo today the butter
market WHS steady ; creamery , 10l24c ; dairy ,
15B21o. ( ligss easy ; fresh , 12)jCt ) > 13c.
Now Vork Markets.
Niw : YOIIK , Jan. 23. Fi.ouit Hccolpts , 33-
DIH ) bbls. ; e.\porls , 25,400 bbls. ; sales , 0,01)0 )
, . ,
[ 2.oa2.00.Mlmir ) ; > otu bakers , $3.00 < 33.GO ; win
ter low grades , $1.002.25 ; siirlm : new grades ,
M.C ( Kul.UU ; spring exlrns , $ i.0itt2.40"souili- ;
crn Hour , dull ; common to fair extra , 8'J.20 ®
2.70 : good to choice extra.tU.7CQa.40 ; rye Hour ,
weaker ! fancy , $2.85512.05 ; buckwheat Hour ,
dull and weak at $2.25 1U5.
IHCIC\YIIIAT ; : Dull ; Canadian , In bond , 5Sc
nsked ,
COIIN MIAI : < null : yellow western , $2.55 ®
2.75 ; briimlywlne , $ -.7.5.
KYI : Nominal ; January , 5Gc delivered.
HAIII.UY Dull ; No. 2. Milwaukee , 03a04n ;
two-rowed state , 02(303c. (
tlAiii.UYMAi.T Dull ; western , G5380c : six-
rowed , 80f B5c.
WHEAT Itecelpts , 1,300 bu. ; exports. 41,400
btl. ; sales , 1,000,000 bu. futures. 71,000 bu.
t.poU Spot market dull and neglected ; No. 2
red , Instoround oluvator. 50acj .illoat , 07ic ! ;
f. o. b. , OOife ; No. 3 red , 03c : No. 1 northern ,
70Vic. Options opened weak on olfurinxs of
long wheat , declined later to thu lowest point
on record , owing to weak cables and snow In the
winter wheat bolt , rallied partially In the
afternoon and closed at ' , ; nut decline ;
No. 2 red , January , G5ic ! , closed at 05Vc ;
I'i'bruary , CSSQOriJ.c , closed at 05Vc ; March ,
00 © il7c , closed at OOJic : .May. 08 13-10&
OO'jc , closed at GOc ; Juno , 70c , closed at70c ;
July closed at 70.Sc ; August , 714'71'ic ,
clo edut7iyc ; Decuiubor , 75i ! < 375iUc , closed
at 75 ' ' , < : .
t/'OIIN Hccnlpts , 101,400 bu. ; exports , 187,000
bu. ; sales , 425,000 bu. futures and 00,000 bu ,
hliot. Suet market dull , closing steady ; No. 2 ,
42 ' % e. In oloviitor , 43Un alloal sungraded mixed ,
42 412 ? , dullvoruil. Optlonsopcnod weaker
wltli wheat , but rallied luliirou buying against
mils , closing ilrmur at UQ.HO nut ndvance ;
January closed 42iicj lAilniiary , 42 1-1G1
451,0 , closed 42 ? c ! .Miuili-i3O4-lue , closed
44'c ; May , -14 0-10(044 ( ! ? e. closed 4-l ? c.
OATS Kfceipls , 4B.300 bu.j uxportN , 7,000
western , 34iji35c ( ; track , white western , 35 ®
40c. Options opened dull , rallied In the after
noon with corn , and closed at 'ec not advnnee ;
Jnnu.iry closed at 33ic ; rubrimrv , 334
333ic , closed at 33VJc : Muroh , 34ft34lccloiel ! (
at 34iot May , 34 WJ-liie. closed at U-UJi ! .
HAV Hull ; bhlpplng.tO.OO ; good tocholcc ,
tC..004fl8Bl. (
llocs Dull ; state , common to choice , 18 ®
2'.V : I'nclilc const , 18'Jlc ! About hleady ; wet salted New Or
leans bolei-ted. 454iGO Ibsiito5)Je | ) ; Texas ,
keleclod , 35Ci.Cillis. ) , 4A5c ; lluunos Ayres , drv.
1:0 2411-1 ? . . I0i , ® lie ; Tuxas , dry , l4nt30 ibs. ,
Wooir-I'iil rly steady ; domestic lleeco , 10 ®
D.Vpulled ; , UiiaVJGo : TC.MIS , 10I61&C.
I'novisioNs lli'uf , steady ; 814.0015,0t ( )
D.Mru mess , $8.51)418.00 ) ; beef ham , $17 ; city
r.Mrn India mess , $20.0023.00. Cut meats ,
H'ady ; pickled hams , 0 > ic ; pickled
shoulders , OhQOVc. ( hard , weaker ; wustern
Vtuum closed at. H. 174 ; bales , iiono ; option
kales , nimu ; January , $8.12 nominal ; I'eb-
ruary , it 8 nominal ; Miiy , $7,05 bid ; ruflned ,
t'lisy ; cuutliicnt , $8 ; if. A. , $8 ; compound ,
lO.lfcitc , I'urk , dull ; nuw mess , $14.5(1 ®
14.70 : extra prime. $13,50 14.00 ; fiimlly ,
U&.2M 1U'J5 ; short clear , mttr.DUW17.5l ) .
HtmT.ll Steady : rather more uetlvo ; went-
rrii diurv , 13'titl8u ' ( ! western cioamery , 18 ®
i3iiOi ! western factory , 1310c ; Klglnn , 23Vic.
I'llKKStMoro active ; part bktms , 4ii.Ujc ! ;
full bkliiis. 24530.
KaoK Qulot ; western fresh , laijfllDc.
TAI.UVdull : city if'J per pkg. ' , fjijc.
I'KTitULBUM ( lullt Un.lod closi-d 80c bid :
Wiishliigton , b riols.$0 ; Washington. In bulk ,
f3.6li ; rutlnud Nuw vork. $5.15 ; I'lilladolphla
aiidllultlmoru , 5.10i I'hlladulphta and Haiti-
inoro. In hulk , J'.ou.
HOSIN Quiet ; strained , common to good ,
ItK'i-Steadvt : domestic , fair to extra ,
D > ii.'i Japan , 4ii.4fiC. , ,
JIOLAtwKs-QiiluttN'ow Orleans open kettle ,
looil locliolce , 30ift38c. , , , . ,
J'lU IttOM- Dull : American. $12.00 ® 15.00.
foi'i'KiiDull : lnki\flli.
StuoOiL-Actlvoi vrluio crude , 203
, Jr2Hliolro | yellow , 37(338c ( |
prlmo while , vniuici prlmi- yellow , 3530ci
yellow , bultergrades. 38U3i' ! .
I.KAIH Dullj domesilc.JJ.lO.
Tl ! - ) | straits , $10.7.V
Hi'Ki.TKit-rirni ! domestli3.l2' ' { .
SitiAU-lRw. llrm : fair ruflnlnit 2Se ; ecu *
trirnwl DO test 3cj centrlfimiil UO losl
3,000 hasi sold nt 3rrolltioil : , sUady !
off A , ! IKU4 < ir > ; mould A , 4 7-10O4flC
dtandaril A , 4 1-lOtMUo : confectioners' A ,
4 l-lce4Uc ; cut loaf , 4 15-lJa5ifici ( crushed
4 fj-lOfMSi : : powilercd , 4 6-lTa ? iC ! granu
lated. 4U46 1 O-lOc : cubes , 4 7-lGJWiCj Nil. 0 ,
UlQ-iUc ; . 7. 3 . { Tl315.10iSj No. B , 311-11
H3jctN ? 0 , 3Ji3 13-10C ! No. 10. 3 OOCfl
0 0 ! No. 11 , 3) ) 311-1015 : No. IS , 3JiCj No ,
Oiuiliu 1'rodnrn .Murkct.
lltrnnn- The market continues to bo well
supplied. Tlieto is hut little demand except
for strictly fine stork. Cholco country , MB
10c : paokimr stoi-k , llftl'Jc.
DiiK.H.sli ; ) I'otfi.TiiV The market Isiomowhnl
firmer and hotter prices are looked for , ' es
pecially on chickens , I'rlrcs remain about
ntatlonary , Chickens , 6 G < ! : turkuy.i , WJc ;
gccso nnildnckx , ttft,0i' . Inferior stock would
sell below the above figutcs.
MVB I'ot.'i.Titv Theru Is some demand for
choice stock and the market Is fairly welt sup
plied. Hood stock Is quotable at 6Vide.
VBAir-Tlio arrivals nro not heavy and Iho
market , llrm at previous quotations ; cliolco
.small and fat vuals , 77ic ! ; thin or heavy ,
UA.Mi1'ralrlo chlckons , quail and venison
are out of season , nnd ( hero Is but little on the
market ivxcopt ducks. Canada geese , $0 ; mal
lard ducks , te.00ft2.50 ; Jack rabbits , $1.500
2,00 : small rabbits. $1 ; squirrels , 75c.
wid.sTho market. Is stronger and prices are
tanging a slmdo htitlinr. l-'resli stock , 1415c ;
cold Nturagi > . lltoTJc ; salted eggs , Off&lOe.
IIONKV-Cholco while clover , 16c ; Cali
fornia , idij. *
OVSTKIWMedium , I. X , I , . , 13c ; horseshoes ,
18e ; extra standards , 20o ; selects , Vile ; extra
selects , 22o ; company selects , 2uc : counts , 30c.
NUTS ChestniiM , 12c per Hi. ; Italian
chestnuts. 12 } ? > l3c ; 'ilmonds , IHc ; KiiKllsh wal
nuts , 1'J.TiMc ; Illburts , 12)ic ) ; Ilrazll nuts , 11 ®
12c : pecans , largn , 1214c ; pecans , medium ,
lOc , The markoton black walnuts Is low and
no one wants to buy.
Cil > in--l'iirii : Juice , per barrel , $0.00 < 30.50 ;
half barrel. J3.25Tt3.5i ; ; Oregon , pur llarrel ,
0.)0' ( ) < 6u.rjOs half barrels , M.
SAfKllKii.M-T I'er barrel , $5.5020.00 ; half
barrel.s ,
IlBAss California hand-picked navy. J1.003
2.110 ; western navy$1.8521.00 ; ; common wnlto
benne , $1.5fM.75.
Oxioxs Onions are quoted at 50305c , and
on aiders at G5B 70c ; Spanish onloiu , pur
ciale , $1.60.
I'OTATOBS Nebraska. Iowa and Mtnnosnu
crown pjtatou-i , In small lots from store , G5 < )
70c ; same In car lots , GOc ; Colorado , from
More , 75c : Colorado lots , 08 700.
CAiuiAdt : Orders forcabbago from the coun
try are lllled at 'Jo par 111.
Cni.Kiiv Itourd According to slzo , 403GOj
per do/ ,
CBI.KIIVnootl stock , 35c ; extra fancy Cali
fornia , 5iic < 3fl.oo. :
HWIIT : I'OTATOKS Tno supply Is fair ; good
stock , pur lib ! . . $3.50.
UIIBBM ViniTAin.BS : Spinach , per bbl. , $2 ;
salsify , a&uani ! per do/ , : radishes , per
doz. , 35c : endive , per doz. , 75c ; onions ,
ncrdoz. , 20o : caullllowur , i > nr doz. , 81.50S2.00 ;
lettuce , perdoz. , 50ci75ccumimbers. 12 ; toma
toes , pur era to of 20 Ibs. , $2 ; string banns ,
J2.50 per 'j'-bu. box : parsley , per doz. , 30c ; ogy
plant , per doz. , $2.50.
OIIAPBS There arc no Catawbas on the mar
ket ; Malagas , t > cr 50-lb. bbls. . not , S5.255iO.OO ;
Malagas , purGO-lh. bbls. . not , $ G.oo < JG.50.
Appi.ns The. supply Is light on this market
and prices higher ; fancy wojturn , 81.00S2.00
per box.
UfiANiinnniBS Crunborrlcs nro arriving very
freely and aru In good demand : Capa Cod ,
per bbl. , $ 'j.0030-.50 ; boll and bugle. $0.50 ;
Jersey , $0.0030.25 ; boll and cherry , W.
CAI.IKOHNIA UiiANKS--Tlm ] stock Is arriving
In good condition. Klversldo seedllmr.s , per
box. $2.352.50 ; Washington novels , * 3.00S
ItANAVAS Prices ronriln about steady : per
biinch , larap , ? J.OOi2.50 ; pur buncli , small to
medium , $1.75S1-.0 ! ( ) .
IBMONS Now Messina lemons , slzo 300 ,
$5.50 ; size 300. $525S5.50.
OitANdK.s Muxlcans , par box , $2.50 ; larso
size. ? , J2.25J,2.40 ; fancy Florldas , $2.75 ; cliolco
l-'Iorldas , $2.00.
TANitni.NKS : I'er box , $2.75 ,
GnAi'ii KuuiT 1'or box , i-l.
Hear-No. 1 black , larco , $20.0032. > ,00 ;
medium , $15 : small , $8.0010.00 ; black year
lings. lar c , $ 1 2.00 iB 15.00 ; medium , $10 ; small
J7 ; black cubs , large , $ G.O.S8.00 ) ; medium ,
$5.0030.00 : small. $4 ; black Montana and
Uocky mountain , largo , $18.ooS22.00medlum ; ,
$14 ; small , $10 ; black Montana yearlings ,
large12 ! ; medium , $8 ; small , $5 ; black Mon
tana cubs , large , $0.50 ; medium , $4.50 ; small ,
? 3 ; silver tip , large. 820 ; medium , $ .12 ; small ,
$8 ; silver tin yearlings , large , $11 ; medium , $ S ;
small , $ o ; silver tip culhi. larje. $0 : medium ,
$4.50 ; small , $3 ; brown , large , $20.00325.00 ;
medium. JIG ; small , $12 ; yearlings , largo ,
$10.0012.00 ; medium. $8 : small , $ G ; cubs ,
largo , * 7 ; medium , $5 ; small , $3 ; badger No. 1
larae , 1 1.00 ® 1.00 ; medium , GOc : small , 50u :
Usher No. 1 large , $8 ; medium , $0 ; .small , $4 ;
Fox silver , as to color according to beaut v
No. 1 largo , $100 : medium. $ ou ; small , $4 ( ) ;
silver pale , according ta beauty , large , $50 ;
medium , $30 ; small 820 ; eross , largo , $7 ;
medium , $3 ; small , $2 ; rod , larso , $1 50 ;
medium , $1.25 ; small , 11 ; gray , largu.
75c ; medium , 50c : small , 40c ; kit
large , 5'Je ; medium. 40c ; small , 30c.
lynx. No.l large , $3 ; medium , $2 ; small , $1.50 ;
marten. No. 1 , largo , $2 ; medium , $1,50 ; small ,
81 ; mink , No. 1 , large , SOeSll.OO ; medium ,
70c ; small , G5c ; mink , dark , No * 1 , large , $1 ;
iicdlum,75c ; small , 50c ; mountain lion , uor-
accoon , black , as tobuauty , No. 1 , largo , 50c'3
$2.00 ; skiiiik-blaekCHS3d , No. 1 , largo$1.25 ;
nedluin , 7uc ; small , 50a ; short .strlied | , largt ) ,
il ; medium , 70o : small , 45c ; narrow striped ,
arge , COc ; medium , 40u ; small , 25c ; broad
striped , large , 2J25c ; wolverine , No. 1 , largo ,
4 ; medium , $3 ; small , $2 ; wolf mountain , No.
I , large , $3 ; medium , $2 ; small , $1,50 ; prairie ,
urge. 70375u : medium , GOc ; small , 50c- ;
beaver per skin , No. 1 , large , $5.0030.00 ;
nedium , $1J)0 ; small. $2 ; kits , largo , $2 ;
nedlum , $1.50 ; small , 75e ; muskrats winter ,
o. 1. largo , liJllc ) ; medium , Oc ; small , 7c !
all , large , 830o ; medium , 7o ; small , Go ; kits ,
arge , $23c.
n ID us. TAI.I-OW. r.TC.
HIDES No. 1 greumhldos , 2i S3c ; No. 2 green
ildcs.2 > { c : No. 1 green salted hides , 3S3 > .fcNo. :
2 green i-altod hides , 2S2HC ; No. Igreon salted
ildcs , 25 His. to 40 HH. , 3 > < o ; No. 2gruan salted
ddes , 25 lln. to 40 lb ? . , 2io2fu : No. 1 veal calf.
Ibs. to 15 | b < . .515SOc : No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs.
ol51bs.,4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides , Go ; No. 2 dry
hit hides , 3e : No. 1 dry salted hides , 4u.
'art cured hides ! : C per Ib. less than fully
fiiLEi' 1'Ki.TS Qrcon salted , each , 253000 ;
reen salted Rlioarllngs ( short woolud early
kins ) , each 5iilDc ; dry bhcarltngs ( short
voolml DIU ly skins' , No. 1 , each GOlOc ; dry
hoarllngs ( short wooled early skins ) . No. a
ach Oc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
utcher wool polls , par Ib. , actual weight , 5'iJ
c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nubraska murrain
vool bulls , pur Ib. , actu il weight , 43Go ; dry
hit Colorado butcher wool palls , per Ib , ,
ctuiil weight , 47c : dry Hint Colorado mur-
alu wool pulls , per Ib. , actual wulght , 40u ,
Coll'eu MarKot.
New YOIIK , Jan. 23. COFFED Outtons
poneil steady at from unchanged to K1 points
dvancu on oatler Havre advlcus lint turned
vcak ; closed barely steady , 5(310 ( points nut
ecllno ; sales , 15,000 bags , Including : Jnn-
ary , J10.OliS17.00 ; rubmary. $10.40 : March ,
I5.10O15.20 ; April , $15.80 ; May , $15,80
.S15.85 ; July. $15.3515.IO ; Huptumber , J14.00
A14.Q5. Spot colfee , Hlo , dull and easier ;
S'o. 7 , $17.87i ! ; mild market , dull and barely
tuady : Cordova , $20.00(320.25. (
SAN'KDS , Jan. 23. CorruuMarket quiet ;
oed averagu , $10,50.
llAMiitino , Jan. 23 , Market steady and un
hanged lo 4 pfg. lower.
llAvuu , Jan , 23. Market dull , unchanged
o y f lughor.
ulut ; No. 7 , $16.75.
LONDON , Jan. -Markot qulot and un
hanged 10 3d higher ,
H Ulty AlurktitH ,
KANSAH iCiTV. Jan. 23. WIIBAT Ic lower ;
So. 2 hard , 5lie ! ; No. 3 red , 54Hc ,
Cons No , 2 mlxud , lower at 30j ® 30V > c :
No. 2 white , unchanged ul 32S32UC ,
OAT-i-ln fair demand : No. a mixed , 28 ®
Oe ; .No. _ ' > while , 204 30c.
Kdili-I'Mrmer at 1 1 iic.
Uicuu : > Tii-\Vheut , 7,000 bu. ; corn , none :
als , none.
SIIIPMKNT * Wheat , 5,000 bu. : corn , none ;
ills , none ,
KYI : Steady : No , 2 nominally , 48Q40c.
KI.AX HKKti-l.'Irm : $1. ' . > 01.28.
ItllAN Weak ;
. .
llUTTEit I'lrmer ; creamery , 1023c ; dairy ,
MllwiiliKuo _ .
MiiAVAUKKK , Jan. 23.-l < i.ouit-Qulut.
\ \ IIKATVutik and lowert No. 2 uurlng , COet
No , 1 northern. 04 Sot Muy. Glc. .
t'oiiN In falrilKinundt No. 3.34jjc.
, , 'f'S-Steailyt No. 2 whlto. 30oi No. 3 white ,
al4lu"v ] siu"ly ! ! No' 2 | 'I0ui kttuillc'40 |
ItVB Lowers No. 1.47c.
I'liovwiosa-Steudys pork , . l3.30i lard ,
ijECKii'TU-Klour. ri.COO bbls.j whuat , 41,000
bu. ; barluy , 18,400 bu.
Sliii'MKNTh Hour , 3.TOO bbln.i wheat , 700
bu.i barluy , O.bUll bu.
Wool Market.
I.ONIK ) ! * , Jan. 23. A full attendance was
lirubcnt ut Iho wool talus today. Tbo bidding
was nil rlted. Tburo weru no sates for Aniurlcu.
riipnilcs or tlm day In detail as follows :
> ydnoy , 4.i7 buli'h , fctoured , Ib 4' , < i , greasy ,
iifiua ; Quvvukluuu. b U buiua. scuuiucl , 7iiiiti
1 2di greasy. fi ® 7'd | Victoria , fl38 balpi
H-ourcd , lo-uids .Id ! greasy , Hdiils 3d
MiN.xBAroMii , Jan. 2.1. Thu wheat ninrko
opcnod Ic lower this morning than yesterday
remained weak all day with a few changes I
lirlcos , but trade was iictlvo most of iho time
and the volume of huslncs-s was rather large
thanusual. Itecolpts from the country wer
light and It was reported that farmers' mar
kotlng at. Interior points was smaller on tic
count of Iho uxtremo i-old weather. It I
probable thn ( Iho country markets will in
Rtuallall the wonk , or at least until this coh
weather Is ovur. nnd iierhaps forafmv day
later. Appearances now Indicate that IPS
than GOO.UOO hii. will bu Mild by farmers In Hi
Ihreo states this wpuk. If that bo thocnsi
thuro will bo quite a largo dccreaso In tin
country elevator stocks , in Iho whi'iil. tha
will bo coming hero and going t" Dulutl
will bo mainly taken from snob house
wlill lltllu coming In from farmer
to replenish thorn. The only malnrlali-ausi
of the break appeared lo bo Unit then ) wit
snow In thu winter wheat country and tin
fears that had been enturlnlnod of damagi
consequunt upon cold weather wuro removed
When sulllng began It was found that then
was considerable long wheat to sell that hai
been bought under the apprehension of a rlsi
a day or two ago. Thuro was much Milllii !
also from the east. This market umtiitulnei
a llttlo higher average than was malntaliiei
at other places and apparently there was con
sldenible spreading done nt this market am
others tn tlio way of buying with them am
selling here. The demand for spot wheat win
actlvj and truck prices weru fully ' , lc abovi
May of today. This win a rlsu upon any pro
vlous day and was due probably to sum !
receipts licro this morning. Itecelpts wen
120 cars ; shipments , 41 cars. These re
celpts were too small to keep the mill !
i mining even at the small capacity nov
used , A fair amount ot wheat was sold to ur
rive by country elevator dealers , to bo shlppoi
In at an early date. I'rlces paid for such when
were about the sumo as prices for spot , as It r
now thought there will bo a steady advance li
the premium of track wheat iibovo May foi
Mime tlmo lo come. Slay opened at fiO.'ifyCUi :
.sold up toGO'nc. ' July opened aMil'c ( , hold U |
to ti2o. nnd later foil to U1V- The close was
January , CBycay : , COc ; July. OPi. Trad
wheat closed : No. 1 luird , ( ; No. 1 north.
ern.GO.'fe ; No. 2 northern , fi'Je.
St. l < Mils .Muriiiits.
ST. Lotus. Jan. 23. l > 't.ounV'tak : , but not
quotably changed : extra fancy , J.fiiQ2.7 ! ) ( ) .
WIIKAT Opened ® c lower and never gel
moro than Ui ; above the bottom. Small ex
ports and foreign markets held prices down :
No. 2'red , cash , closed at BO'jr ; January ,
60p ; Miiy , nnv : July , GijyriGiJic.
COIIN Was weighted down by wheat at tin
start , but rallied on the weather news ami
cable" , ( losing 'niiUc above yesterday's final
prices ; No. 2 ml.M'd , cash and January , closed
at 32 ? c ; I'eljruary , 33'4c ; .May , 3Gc ; July ,
OATS Lifeless : No. 2 cash and January
closed at 28ji ! * ; May , ,10 ! iu.
Rvi : Notlitng doing.
HAIII.BV Nothing doing.
IIHAN rirm ; 5'Jc , east track.
I'I.AX Hir.i : > -$1.32.
Ct.ovKii Sim > Lower : $8.00 < ( iO.OO.
HAY Unchanged , dull ! prlmo to choice
timotbv , eu.ooaio.oo.
IIUTTisn Unchanged ; separator creamery ,
21 < ii22c.
KciGs Unchanged ; 12'Jc. '
rU'Kl.TKli-J3.27'tt3.30. }
COIIN .MIAI , Steady ; $1.00.
WlIISKV-Jl.15. *
II AQUINO Unchanged.
IIION COTTON Ttnj ( Jnclmngcd , O.'icJifl.OO.
I'uovisiONB Quiet , unchanged ; cxceut dry
salt meats , longs and ribs lower. I'ork ,
standard muss , $1:1.75. : Lard , prlmo &team ,
$7.75. Dry salt meats , loose nboiilders ,
! li.25 ; longs and ribs , J(3.7fJ ; shorts ,
$ 'i.0 ' ( ) ; bo.xod , IDo moro. Jlacon , packed
sbouldors , S7.2D ; longs , $7,00 ; ribs , 47.G2K ;
Klioris , ST.Tb&l.tiT'i
t KKCKU-rs I'lour , 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 0,000
bu. ; corn , 154.OUO Int. : oats , 21,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Kloiir , 0,000 bms. ; wheat , 0,000
tin. ; corn. laO.OOU bn. ; oats. 40,000 bu.
Now Yurlt I > r3iooim Murkot.
Nr.w VOIIK. Jan. 23. A largo number ot
small mall orders and a fairly acllvo demand
from the resident buyurs gave the dry goods
district a somewhat buslllng nppcaranco
without resulting In a very largo volume of
business. Print cloths are easier at 2ie.
Prints and printed fabrics show a fair degrea
of activity , with the demand running to light
styles ami bright ligures. Woolens iiilet. | Job-
bins trade rather moro active ut unchanged
.MANcncsTnn , Jan. 23. Cloths and yarns
quiet and ratlicr easier.
Cotton Mil
Nr.w OIU.IIANS , Jan. 24. Corrox Kulures ,
steady : sales , 70.300 Imlus ; January , $ > a
7.20 ; Kebruary , l7.22O7.23.March , 47.33 ©
7.34 : Alnl , 7.4'-7.43 : May.$7.5KS7.fJ2 : Juno ,
87.fi8a7.GO ; July , $7.G57.G7 ! ; August , $7.70a
7.72. Soot cotton closed easy ; middling ,
7 5-lGc ; low middling , 7 1-lGc ; good ordinary ,
G 11-lGc ; net receipts , 13,200 bales ; sales ,
4,000.bales. .
ST. Louis , Jan. 23. COTTON 1-lGc lower ;
iiulot ; middling , 7lic : sales , 200 bales ; rc-
[ olptsl.TiOO bales ; shipments 4,400 bales ;
block , DG.700 bales.
1'itorlii drain .UurKor.
TEOniA , Jan. 23. COIIN Market steady ;
No. 2 , 33JJC ! No. 3 , 33c.
OATS Market llrm , scarce ; No , 2 white ,
28',528 c : No. 3 white , 28c.
Uvn Market scarce ; No. 2 , 4047i.- .
WHISKY Market llrm ; high wines , basis ,
liKCKllTS Wheat , 1,800 bu. ; corn , 38,300
bu. : oats , 25,300 bu. ; rve " , GOO bu. ; barley ,
1(3 ( 100 bu. ,
hnii'iinNTS Wheat , none ; corn. 0,200 l > n. ;
Dats , 8,800 bu. ; rye , n'ino ; barley , 12.GQO bu.
Liverpool .
Livnnroof , , Jan , 23. WIIKAT Steady ; de
mand moderate ; No. 1 , California , 5s 4d ! ;
N'o. 2 , winter , 5s 2affi5s 3d.
CORN Steady ; demand moderate ; mixed
western , 4s 3Jjd.
PROVISIONS Pork , prlmo mess , Hno , 75s.
[ icut , extra Indii , , 'J8sDd. llacon , long and
diort clear , 55 Ibs. , 38s Gd ; long clear , 05
Iba.-lOs. Lard. ( Us. _
Duliitli U'liiMt .Haricot.
DDI.UTII. Jan. 23. The wheat imirkot closed
i-ery weak at ! Jc ; lower all around than
yesterday. Close : No. 1 hard , cash , Oljfe ;
January , 59'e ? ; May , O3'ic ; July , GS'.ic ' :
So. 1 northern , cash , ( Wc : January , 08'ic ! ;
May , G2ic ; July , G4c ! : No. 2 northern ,
: asn , G7c ; No. 3 northern , 52c : rejected , 4Gje. !
Jn track : No. 1 northern , to arrlvu , 01'ic.
Oil 'HiirUots.
On , OITV , I'll. , Jan. 23. National Transit
: crtlllcates opunod at 80 < | c ; highest , 80'iic ;
owest , 80c ; closed at 80o ; sales , 3,1)00 )
ibis. : clournncus , 22,000 bbls. ; Bhlpniunts ,
148,000 bills. ; runs. 07,837 bbls.
PiTTsniMid , Pa. , Jan , 23. National Transit
tortltlcutcs oiionod at 80yc ; closed at SOJic ;
ilghubt , 80ej ; lowest. 80Mc.
xcltomont of the Day \V 8 I.ursoly ; Con-
llncil to Icullni8 In nusxr.
NEW YORK , Jan. 23. When the Stock
ixchungo opened for husiness today thcro
vus a wild rush to soil the shares of the
Vinerlcan Sugar Refining company and the
irokcrs who had sulllng orders in nils
ttock climbed on each other's backs In an
iffort to got rid of a portion , at least , of
heir burdens baforo the bottom hail fallen
iut , as was expected would happen , In view
if the disposition manifested yesterday by n
mijority of the housooJ representatives in
leallng with the sugar schedule. The innvo
vas expected in the hotiso aim it wits very
ilcar the Sugar trust hud no hope , for in the
ux'scnt temper of the -national law niakors
lie problem of no bounty and free roll nod
lucrur stared the holders of sugar stocks
( juarely in tno face.
It needed no short interest to start a break
n Sugar shares this morning ; 8,000 of the
: omtnon were thrown on the market ut the
intsot nnd the price wont from 71) ) to 7T wlth-
mt allowing tlmo for any Intervening quota-
, ton , then l.OOt ) were taken at 78. GOO at 77 ,
i,000 at 70 and them the decline halted. Then
lUpporting orders \rerorccolvcdund Insiders
ooked upon Sugar as a good buy after a
iroak of 5J4' per cont. This Ifu.ylng induced
utleciions that perhaps thu situation nt
iVushingtan was not so bad after all , but
vhun reports of today's vote In the house
voro received , showing no chunga of scntl-
nont , a break to the lowest point of the
naming came , the trade reaching an almost
in precedential mark for any single stock.
In the late dealings a rally of 1 per cent
ook place and there wns a final reaction of
per cent , the loss of the day being \ % per
: ent. Sugar preferred opened ut a decline
ifI per cent , reacted ? / per cent , recovered
f per cent , closing 3 per cent lower than
The notable and practically only feature
if the general market was the romarkabla
Innuess displayed in the list in view of the
lisnstcr to Sugar. The railway list and some
if the miscellaneous stocks actually ad-
i-iinced during the Sugar panic , which wns
ividcnco that it was not a bear raid on Sugar
f any were needed , but a genuine cuso of
icare. The grangers , Western Union nnd
x'uiv England wcro ( juitc strong in the early
tealings , the latter stock being bought on
ho announcement that T. C. Platt had been
ipponucd receiver. Then some slight sym-
lathy was shown by the other Industrials
'or ' their loader , Cordau-o declining 1 % nor
: cut , Load 1 i > a cent and others fractionally ,
hut Iho speculation was torpid In the special
During the nfrt-filoon the dealings were
very light. Aftorio'clock prices moved tin
a fraction. During the last hour the inarkol
steadily declined and closed steady , h t ° '
per cent below .vesteAlnv's tlnnl sales In the
railway list , and i.'to'lK percent In the
Industrials , exclusive of Sugar.
iho Post says : Considering the nhoclt
sustained through the early break In Sugat
certlllcates , the gbhoral market showed
considerable strength. A few Blocks ,
chlelly the grangers , advanced fractionally ,
even while the Sugar stock was collapsing ,
and advanced , moreover , In the face of
modem to local selling. When the commo
tion In Sugar had subsided the general mar
ket became very dull again and there wore
some efforts to wwvlc down prices. In the
industrial Mocks th so efforts mot with
some success , but 'tho ' general market was
not disposed lo 'yield. " When Sugar cer
tificates hroko again in the afternoon a con
certed professional attack was made on
other stocks , v , Ith u number of fractional
declines as the result. Hut this movement
was of a purely shpcrllclal character and
ended in renewed dullness.
The following are ( ho clostnsr quotations on
the leading stocks on the Now York ex
change toJay
The total sales of stocks today were 272,100
shares , Including : American Sugar , 154.GOO ;
Ilurllngton , 10,000 : Chicago ( ! as , 7(500 ; Oun-
orul Itfpctrlc , 2,000 ; Louisville & Nashville ,
Now York it New
,500 ; St. I'anl ,
. . . ronortcd by J.V
Deano & Co. , Uoird of Trade hall , H as follows :
Stocks. Oiwn High Low. Close YUB.
Erie IMS
Pacific Mull 10
Northwestern IDitHi 101 ioii : < t
Mo. Pacific 2'JK uaH 2"H
Union Pacific 1DM 1UW
N IMcltlc , p'f'il IBM
N. Pacific com. . . . ' 3a
C. II. AQ " 'tit *
Kork iHlniut (17 ? ( S,7' "
SI. Paul fiOk ( ! OHi ,
WcBteni Union H5K
Sutrai-Trust 7H' 7 W 711 HIM
'Now Kiiclaml iiw : UJA
Alclilson ins
Chicago ( Jan C ! f OHM liU'i '
Ueaillmr ' ' -'DM iH 20 ! i
Del. AlImlHoii , . . . ljj. | 1:11 : 1:1:1 : : 1:11 :
I ) . C. P
K. (5. I ! iisji
Conlatfo IK
Now Yitrk Aloliry .Utrkul : ,
Niw : YOIIK , Jan , 23 : MONBY ox _
Kasy all psr cent ; last-loan , 1 percent ; oloi-
Ing at 1 percent. |
I'IIIMI : .Mi'tiCANTii.u I'.vi'cn SJjIJOij per cont.
STKHMNO KxcuANne Dull , with actual
business In bankers' bill's at S4.8GJiO4.87 for
demand , and 4.84' < J4.84if for sixty-days ;
polled rales , $4.b(5i ! > 4.H8 ; commercial bills ,
S1.84Jl4.84Jf. (
Siiviu : ( JEHTiriCATi ; G7c.
aovEiiNMiiNT llXt 7-Stoady. State bonds ,
dull. ' .
Tno ciosiiig"nuptaTion3 on nonn ; ; ' ,
. . . SI. ( Jonnuls , . . 1-J7
( I. H.-lHCOU ] ) . ' SI. P. C. A P. IHU. .
I J. S. .IMs ror ' (15 T. P. L. C. T. UslB. 70
Pacific ( ii of'03. . . . 101 ! T. P. II. G. Tr. ilcts JO
La.aUr.npaJ . . , . 03 West Slioi-j 101 !
Missouri ( ! s . - . 100 R. (3. W. iBl 7(1 (
Tcnn. now sol Us. . 10(1 ( AKUdsoti 4B 70
Tumi , nowujl Os. . OH US y A 3:0ti :
Tenn.nowsetas. . . 74 O. U. AS. A. ( iH. . . . 10(1 (
Canada So. Uiln 103 < lo7 offpred. . . .
D.AU. O. lata 113 II. AT. C. Os
D. A 11.0.44 77 H. & T. C. ( is 101
Erlo licit ) 77W N C. Us ofd 118
M. K. A T. OCH. On. III N.C.4B onU
M. K. A T. Cun. fM 7IJ Tumi , old ( Iu ( U )
Mutual Union ( in. . 1DP Va. CuaturlcB
N. J. C. tut. Curl. . HIM Vii.Ct'iilurleadf , . .
N. Pacllli ! IBIS ] ( )7 ) 1 S. C. Non. fund
N. Pac.'Jits , HI | Ala. class A
N. W. Consols laujf Ala. claua II OH
N. W. Dob. fia KlMit ; Ala. class C III !
St. L. A I. M. G. Sa. 7' ' Ala. Currencies. . . . 115
St. L. AS.F.CJen. M
l : sum Stuck Oiiucitlinm.
I1O3TON , Jan , 23. Call loans , l'/i25 ! per
cent ; tlmoloans , Sfta'j pur cunt. Closln < ] uo-
tatlons on stocks , bonds and nilnhiK shares :
I'MiianCliit' ' NutciK.
KANSAS CITV , Jan. 01011'- ' ' . 1.200,8flO.
NK.W OllMUNS , Jan , U3-OloarliiBH , I2.HH7-
141. j
IlAl.TIMOnc. .Ian. Sir.-nClearliiKS , $2,033,203 , ;
lulaneoN t'JUri.-tlU ,
I'AIIIS. Jan. ' . ' 3. Tlirco per centi rentes , l)7f )
COc for the accounu > '
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 23.-01oarlnK , } 80,420o08 ;
hulani'CH , fU.OOli.TuU. '
110STOS , Jan. 'JiL-CIoarlnss , H4,0u8,052 ;
jiilances , Jl.uOU.OlT. '
I'liii.AiiKi.i'iiiA , Jan. 23. Cloarliiss , tll.KiO-
J37 ; balam-Ds , tl.OOO.H'Jil ,
MIUI : > IIIH , Jan. 23 , Now Vork oxchanco , sell-
Hi ! 7Di ! nromliim. Ol urin , JOOO.OIl ;
llll'OS , IlUl.OUI.
LONDON , Jan , 23. The amount of bullion
gone Into tlio Hank ur KuKland on balance
today was X'lH.OOO.
ST. Louis. Jan. J3.-CloarlilS' * . J3.HOS.87 It
buhincos. I737.M07. Money qulot at Ott8 per
cent. Kxelinnuu on Nnw York , bOo premium.
OIIIOAOO Jan. 23. Money , BV0 { niircpnt ;
call lotim , OJt7 per rout. UlearliiK . $12.CiliO , .
000. .Nuw Vork oxchiuiBe. I" r. , HierJInjj ux-
dull , tt.u74 i > " demands M.Huh for
sixty days. _ _ _
On tlio London Murket.
NEW YOIIK. Jan. 23. The KvonlnK Post's
six-'clul financial i-ublt'crmn fcays : , 'Iho block
nmrkolH were ciuliit and Htondy. Iliiilnukb was
mainly In KiiBibu rullwuya , which uro very
firm. The Indian novornn > "iit atinouncci th
UHIIO of JtJ.BUU.dOU of Klx-months tn-iimir
hllN lo li' paid fur on the ltd proximo. This I
regarded in a ilun that thu Indian round
will not allow tlio sale of bllh atalHiird rate-
liar silver htm recovered toJUI'.jil on Hpiu'ii
Intlvo mtri'lia .M lioro. Tlio price of haruoli
Is barely Hillllfleiit lo keep II out of the bank.
faille Trade CniitlnnvK tn Iniprovo licit ;
Active mid Illzlmr.
Tt-nsiiAT , Jan. 23.
Hccolpts of all kinds of stock wcro falrl ,
liberal today , In spite of the bad wcathor , bu
the two days supply , compared with the llrs
two days of last week , shows a falling off o
about 11,000 , head of cattle and COO head o
sheep , while receipts of hojs have Increase ; :
nearly ' _ ' , f > ( k ) head.
The fat cattle market was slow and no
moro than steady. Uuycra were not want
Ing moro than their usual quota , and as then
were plenty of very decent beeves hero thej
naturally tried to buy them lower ,
Sellers held out stubbornly for a
least steady prices , so that not
withstanding the bitter cold weather
which usually accelerates tradlnir , the move
incut was sltiKKlsh and Unsatisfactory
throughout. A couple of hunches of 1:001
fat beeves brought $ -1.15 and $1.U , ' > , but the
most of the trading In fair to good 1,100 ami
l3)0-lb. ! ( ) steers was at around &I.SO to S3.SO ,
with fair to poor stuff and odd lots at from
$ : i.U | down. The tone to the trade was not
at all buoyant , but a very rcspectahlo clear
ance was effected.
The trade in butchers' stock and canncrs
was considerably better. Over half the
offerings came under this head , hut the In
quiry was peed from all sources and the
Ulty oild loads changed hands freely at prices
fie and lUc higher than Monday , and from
-"ie to ! ) < * c hluhcr than last Thursday , thu low
point. Sales included common to choice
cows and heifers at from ? 1.7ii to $ ; i.-IO , the
biilk of the fair to good butchers'cows sell
ing at from S-.2."i to ? 'J.8r > . Veal calves were
in good demand and stronircr at from M.50 to
$ , ' > . ' - ' . " > . with common stock about .steady at
from * . - . " > to $ ll.c : > . The market for rough
stock was active and llrm , common to choice
bulls , oxen and stags sellingat $1.80 to iy.'J. > .
There was some trading in .feeders , but
not much. Country buyers were in no great
rush to buy and regular dealers tiad enough
on hand to prevent any nnxloty for the Immediate -
mediate future. I'rlccs , however , ruled
about steady and tno looting was linn. Good
to choice feeders nro quoted nt from S3 to
? ; t.7 ( ) , fair to good at from $2.70 to ? n , and
liphter , 1011111101101" grades at Irom & 'J.7C
down. iJcpresentnUvo sales :
It Curei OoUi , Coughi. Sort Throat , Croup , Infill *
on , V/boopln ; Coach , Broncbltli end Aithma.
A ccrttln cum for Coniumptlon in flrit itagei ,
nil t turo relief In ndranced itaf ei. Uio at once.
You will itt the ( xc llnteff e after Uklng lha
fir t don. Sold by dealero everyvibtto.
bottlei tO ccnti and 81.09.
Il K l " . . y in r > sir , tl. ! i .1) . ) a ? .i
list CM I ' 118 3 l ! , fisld-l.s l.\)0 3 2i >
HIHIS lei'i { > iptH were fairly liberal , and
whlto the hoits ran considerably liRlitor
than usual the quality \viis good. The
nmrkut omiied out active and all of a niflu'l
hlglior than Monday. Iteporis fi-ont the were In the main favorable , nnd while
there was no activity on the part of ship
pers and speculator1 , local houses \veio all
wanting and did not hesitate in
pay the mlvuiHT1. l-'or fair to good hogs of
till weights f.'i.lW and $ . * > . ! C ) wan paid and
chok-o light and biilchoiMvcight HtniT
brought $ .V-HJ. Among tlio top sales today
were cloven lo.uls of good , smooth butcher
pigs from Ori'gon that had been fed entirely
on wheat. That Is otto way to solve tlio
problem of low priced wheat. On bad re
ports from the cast the market closed up
wen It , but with about everything out of llrst
hands. Thu nig bulk of tlin tr.tdlng was at
i > . 'M and ; , Vtl"i , as against K > . ! tO Motidny nnd
from $ .V''o to W.U.J on last Tuesday. 1 to pro
sentnltvo rales :
2..GOO 3 50 4 . . . 00 4 00
.Siir.ini * Six loads were received and the
( juallty was not the host. Local houses
wcro wanting some nheep , and dcsir.iblo
grades of both muttons and lambs were
quotably linn , while common stuff
was rather neglected and easier. Good
natives S'.T.Xif.'l.fiO ; fair to good westerns.
$2.5H.ri ! ( ! ) ; common and stock slice ] ) , Si..10
goodito choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs ,
-i.-5. sales
- - . Heprcscntativo :
No. Wt. I'r.
Gii : Oregon ewu 01 $230
140 wustoin wolhiii-.s 121 325
545 Mexican Iambs , fed 50 350
Kr < Tiits | anil linpo < itiin ot Stunk.
Olllulal roiiilpts an 1 disposition of stoc : ! as
shownIV ) ( hi ! liulcsof thj Union ritojit Var.M
company for tin ) twenty-fourIIOIIM ending lit
0 o'cloeu p. m. , January 23,1804 :
Cliifaii ( l.tvu Mori , .tlarkcr.
Jan. 23. Tlio i-attlu ( rado was
rathcMHOV ! , but. salusmun who had sultulilu
stock for the mai-kol. wi > n > In no wlsu willing
to inako coiu'cs ions , and ino only factor thai
stood In the way of u substantial advance was
that , iif : t Ma run In the west , about , 12,000
head In ( lit1 111 ice iirlm'lpal nmrkot.s Omaha.
Kansas I'lly and M. l.ouls. Values are fnun
20c to UOc belter than the jiast wei > k on K')3d '
and useful stcer.s , and the liust grades of cous
and helfors aru selling for muro money. In
tlio Mocker and feeder lliio business was Unlit
and prlct" . Hti-ndy.
In the IIOK market business wa.s active with
tlio hulk uf arrivals .selling at about the sumo
raiiKO as yesterday , a few fancy lots > elllii u
trlllo higher , but. toward the close prices ruled
u strong 5c lower than at the opening , and
a few lotH were carried over. ICough lieavy
may bo qilOlud at from $5.25 to J5.30 ;
packers and mixed from j-'j.-IO luJj.-l.'J ; prime ,
iiouvy and huti'herwel litsfrom 5. 50 to $5. 05 ;
Ilelil , from $5,40 toir5.45 , and rejected from
$4.50 to 14.05.
In tin * sheep market then ; \vaslltlloorno
chaiiKe In prices as compaied with tluiclo-
yo.steiday. The Incrcaso In Iho iccelpls , how-
bvur. hail a londency to check the rather up
ward tendency of yesterday. Thin and com
mon sold at from * -.25 to if'J.OO.somotlilni } better -
tor at from J2.75 to # 3.20 , fair to peed ml.xed
lots of owes and wether.s from J3.25 lo J0.25 ,
weslern owes from { 2.75 to { 3.05 , and western
wuthern from $3.15 lo3.75. Thin and common
lambs sold nt from J2.75 to if3. 1\ ) , and others
from $3. 25 to W. 75 ; ono bli ; band ot Mexicans
at { 4.05 and the best natives at from J-I.5U to
Kocolnls : CaHIo , 3,500 head ; ho s , 20,000
head ; sheui ) , 15,000 head.
The Evening .lournul renorts :
UATTI.U IteculptM , . 3.50i ) head ; market
Wo Otfer I"ou a Jtcmedy
tr/tle/i Insures Safety eo
XIfoof Mother and C/dW.
Itolis Confinement of Its
Fain , Horror anilJllalt ,
AftcrnMnffonobottloof Mother's Frlcml"
B'JOertit but lltlapnliiRCU dliluolcspurluucutlinc
vroakDi'Sj nftcrwnrd tuiinl In such casco. ilr3.
ANNIE UIGI : , 1 jmar , Ho. , Jail. 15th , IbSI.
Bent l > y express , chcrpca pr p ld , on receipt ot
prtco , $1.50 per botdc. lluoli to Uotlicra mailed free ,
OLIJ BY ALL Dnuaaisia
Mrndvt no cilrn MroMh TO nuininnl , 18
. : , ' d * i.J ) 'i.-lii , olliers , } I 7uit ( > ) , lU |
common , fl.'iK/.4 ; . ' ; , .
Ilois-Uccelit.i. ( | 'JO.OOOhcnU , market nrtlvo
and Mtaadyi pacKcr.t and ini.U'd , t5,4 , < hi5,4fii
iirlmu heavy , i.i.OOU.5.0i ! primu llKlK , 10.404.0
'HII'KKP AMI iuins-Uoci-lpts Ifi.OOO lioadi
in.ulicl , Nlifadyt lop sliucii , J3.JOiti.75 : | top
Itimbi , * 4.&
KnnvM City I.IV" MtiirK Al'irltot.
IV\NJ AS CITV , Jan. 23. OATTiii-ttoooiii : | ( ,
0,00(1 head i HhlpmoilK l,400liuadtciWH weak ;
MonrMMciuIyi Texas MI port , tU.25 3,55 ! ship
ping stci-rn , $ lt)00K.nn ) ; TI'MIR and tiatlvo
cons , } l.riCt3.35i Ulltchor otni'k , { 3.00UI.1U ;
Htocki'rs and fei'dor * . JiS.IJWftlr ! > li.
lions--llrculpti , 11,400 licudi MilpmenK
1200 hciuti market oprimd fiidlH ; higher , closed
1015iliiwor ; hulk , ? ft.3iMHi.-irii heavy , pack-
ln and ml\i < d , f5.10if5.55i IlKlit , Vorkem
and plus , f.'i.DOiiu.UD. .
SinitHoccintji : : , 2,000 lioad ; slilpinunts
non'Oi marl.ft slow and steady ,
NIMYork l.lvn Moi'l ; Atnrlirt.
Nr.w YOIIK. Jan. 'J3. llr.iVis-Ui ! : > colt | ) * , 'J2l (
lipaili inaliil > Tor export : no tradoj American
ri'fi-lKi'iitUir lii'i'f , steady ; scnnl , 8'H1 PIT Ib.i
slilpmiMils lonmrrow , 2iiUO qnarfers ot heel.
C.II.VMItecelpts , 142 head : market llrm ;
veals , fnlr to clinlco , * 7,2.Vif.H.50 pi-r cwt.
s'MUH' AM ) I.AMIHlEecidpts , 24,500 hond ;
23 cars on siih < ; market almost , nominal , de-
maiiil very si-ant : 10cars unsold ; sheep , In
ferior lo uoiiil , tJ.TAWI-iVJ'i ' ; fair lambs , 1.50.
llooslieceipts , 4,000 head ; few bunches on
sales ; tlrm at i.'i.HOHU.oo ,
St. Inun l.lvn Mtiinu .Unrki-t ,
ST. Loins , Jan. 23. CATTI.I : Ifei' iits , 3.800
head : shipments , 700 head : market slow on
inferior , and steady on Kooil ; receipts neuily
all To\nns ; fed 'J.V.MIIIM , f3.'JOiii3.35j oow.s , -
* l,705H.lh ) .
HIXH--lleculiits , 4,400 head ; ihlDinunts.
OOOheiKi ; nunket opened li'c higher ; closed
weak but. Idc. 1111 ; best heavy , $ . ' ) .30 < iij.55 ;
tnl.\ed , ifJ.l5-tC5.50 ; IlKllt , S5.35fi(5.45. (
rlKii--Keculils. | : | 2,000 head ; shlpmenH
none ; matket ueak at nrclous iirlce.s.
.Sioux City Live .Monk .Miirid-t.
. Stot'X CITV , Jan. ' . ' 3. ! ( oi < ) IteculptR , 1,000
head ; olllclal yesterday. 150 head ; shipments ,
none : mailcel strong , tt > .25U5.30 ; bulk , J.'j.'Jfi.
CATTI.I- ; . - lpts , 1,000 head ; olllclal yester
day , loghead ; shlDinents , 101 huail ; maiket ,
strung and acthe.
.Stuck in Mignt.
Uecelptsof llvn MIMK at. tnu four tirlmilpil
westein market.- , Tuesday , January 23 :
IJatllo. lloirs. rihooi ) .
Poiltl. O , iaha 2.244 5,75(1 1,315
ChlciiKu 3.500 2ODO ( ! Ifi.OU'l '
Kansas City 0'JOO 0-UIO U.iliill
i-t I.oills 3,81)0 ) 4,000 2,00(1
Total 10,444 30,100 2lii > . | 5
DoWltt's Witch Ila/.oi Siuvo cures sort's.
UoM'llt'a Witch Hazel Salvo cures ulcer * .
County Hoard I'lnn ISIooltvit Uy Cold for
tlu * I'rofti'iit.
Yesterday's Infant bllxzttrd nipped thn
county connnissioncrs' labor scheme In thu
bud and at the saino tlmo provcntcd the Id Id
laboring men from winding their way out ta
tlio Klkhorn road , thcro to earn a dollar to
assist in fiupportinp their families.
At an early hour In the niorninp ; fourteen
able-bodied men showed up at the odleo of
the charity committee niid stated that they
wcro ready to go out and do sonic road grail'
ln > j. Their names wcro entered and they
wcro ready to start when the storm broku
over the face of the earth. When tha snow
commenced to llirt around the corners they
wcro sent to their respective homes , with
instructions to call when the weather
The plan adopted by the commissioners is
this : All of the men are registered at tlio
county agent's olllco , and when ho tinds that
they are residents ot the county they are
given a ticket to the commissioners. The
commissioners register the applicant , tlio
record showing his residence , the length of
time in the county ami thu number of per
sons dependent upon him for support. Thia
being done the man is iven n loiter to tha
foi eman of the work , whuro ho is given em
ployment. At the end of each week the fore
man on the work will maku a report , to the
commissioners , and when any man hau
worked ten days ho will have to lay off anil
allow his place to be lllled by some other
man who is out of employment. Whan men
are receiving aid from tbo county the cost ol
the supplies furnished will bo deducted from
the bill for labor and the balance paid in
not , strungo that some people do
wrong through ignorance , others from
a failure to investigate us to the right OP
wrong of a mutter. Hut it is strange ,
that individuals and firms , who nrolutly
uwuro of the rights of others , will per
sist in perpetrating frauds upon thorn.
High-tonod , wouittiy mtinufruturlng
firniti will olTor and neil to retail mer
chants , articles which tlioy know to ha
infringements on the rights ot proprie
tors , nnd imitations of well known gootls.
Wo want to sound ti note of warning to
the retailers to bow.iro ot such imita
tions nuil simulations of ' 'G'AUTKa'd LiT-
TLK LIVEII PILLS. " Whoa they are of
fered to you , refuse them ; you do not
want to do wrong , nntl you don't want to.
lay youraolf liable to a lawsuit 13on
Frunkliti said "Hono.sty is the best poli
cy" ; it is just as true that "llonouty U
tnobost principle. "
Union Stock Yards Company ,
BiitCatlta Ilo anddlmp nnriatla ths
Wood Brotiisrs.
MTO Stock Coinrals loa Maraliaatu
? oithJnmha Tolophoni IIS ? . Clilaitl
JOHN II. DADMMAV , I . , . - - , ,
WAI/riCK K.V.)0 ) ; > , f B „ r
Market reports by rnall and wlro cboarfnl
nrnlshad upon application.