Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Eitrmo Dullness and Narrow fluctuations
tbo features in Grain.
nnil Hipecieil Innromo In
l.o r Cublci
Korthwofttcrn Heerlpl * Cnimcil that
Cerent to Ileclmo Mllil
Asnln l Hie JlnrUct.
CincAtJO , .Inn. 12. Extreme , dullness nnd
narrow lluctuatlons were the features of the
grain mnrKota today. Lower cables and ox-
pcotcil Increase In northwestern receipts
icnt wheat down after an early advance ,
but Miiy closed only } c lower than yester
day. May corn closed " 40 higher , May oats
unchanged and provisions slightly lower all
around ,
Wheat was quiet ami lluctuatlons were
confined to u rnngo of > fo. May opened ' o
lower at OCc. On ruthcr free offerings at
the start thcro was a slight drop , but there
wern buyers for the wheat thrown on the
market itnd prices advanced. The advance ,
amid not bo long maintained , however , In
the face of the discouraging early news ,
fables were generally lower. The mild
weather was against the market and aided
the ( let-line. Uccolpts hero were light , Chicago -
cage getting but 72 cars , against U14 a year
ago. Northwestern receipt * were also less
tliiin last year , but this news was m jro than
olTsot by rumors that rocolpts in the north
west will Increase largely next week.
Trades were very few , but such as were
made showed a steady dccllno until Ai'iy
touched Or.4'c. Then thnro was a reaction
which almost overcame the previous loss.
The advance was caused by the export
cleani-ices , which from the four principal
Atlantic ports amounted to 400,000 bu. In
whcr.t and Hour. Closing cables came weak
and lower , and they , with the rumor of an
excess of 1)0.000,000 ) bu. over the require
ments of the Importing countries to the end
of the present season , prevented a further
advance and May closed midway between
the top and the bottom of the nay nt OGo.
May opened at COc , lost } < c , sold up ? c , lost
V > reacted J c and closed easy at the opening -
ing figures.
A very moderate spcculamo trade oc
curred In the corn market , which held
fairly steady all day. Speculative offerings
wore less free , whllo the demand , especially
for the new year deliveries , was consider
ably Increased. There appeared to bo good-
l/cd buying orders In the market for May
around -8S c , parties who have sold at
higher figures being anxious to buy back.
May opened at JtSJu'c , and , after advancing
> f'o on buying , reacted to the opening llg-
urcs and then advanced * { c to ! ? 8 > i'c. where
It closed , lluctuatlons having held within
40 range.
In oats there was a fair trade and a
weaker feeling early , prices receding
slightly on free trading , but later reacted
from ' .fe to % eon buying by Captain Phillips
and closed steady. Heccipts were SOU cars
with 'JOO cars expected tomorrow. May
opened J c lower at ISO' e , lost Ve , advanced
? Ne and reacted } o to the close at 80 c ,
tluctutitlous having been conllncd to } { c
Provisions were quiet. The general tone
was weak In response to the decline In Hvo
hogs at the estimated liberal receipts for
tomorrow. The filling of n few orders nt
the opening caused a slight advance , but as
teen ns this was dotio tlio market sagged off ,
pork UQII lard being carried down by the
break In ribs , the packing institutions that
had bought the day before selling out. A
llriner feeling prevailed later , particularly
for lard , but there was not much doing and
shortly before the close tbo market became
weak and lower and so closed. Compared
with lust night May pork Is lOo lower , May
lard fie lower and May ribs liy o lower.
ICstimatcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
B3 ears ; corn , 510 cars ; oats , 200 cars ;
hogs , 4J1,000 heart.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotntmns were ns follows :
1'i.otnt Kloady and iincliangcd.
WIIBAT No. a spring , Glc ; No. 3 spring. CO ®
C3'sc ' ; No. 2 icd , ( Sic.
C.'OIIN No. 2 , 341'c ; No , 3 yellow , 34c.
OATS-NO , a , 27Mi : ; No. 2 white , a9 > { Q20ic ! ;
No. 3 wbilo , a8K1i29)4-c. )
IlVB-No. ' . ' , 45c.
llAiii.nv No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 41Q64c ;
No. 4. 30S41C.
KI.AX HURD-NO. 1 , J1.35V5.
TIMOTHY Sr.r.u I'rlmo , 1.20.
I'OIIK Moss , per bhl , , $13.2013.25 ; | nrd , per
100 Ibs. , } 8..27i8.30 ! ; sliortrlli.s sides ( loose ) ,
IO.07HWO.72St : dry sal'cd shoulders ( boxodl ,
M.25itG.60 ( : short clear sides ( boxed ) , $7.00
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal , ,
SiidAits Unchanged ; cut loaf , J5.29 ; grauu-
IntetJ. } 4.48 : > , tamrard"A"J4,48.
Thy following were the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the Produce oxcbaiuo today the butter
innrUui wns iiilot | ! cruamory , 1924c : dairy ,
10'JlC. Kgga , dull ; strictly fruah , 17@18c.
Now Vorlt .MiirUom.
New YOIIK , Jan , 12. Ki.ouu Uocolpts ,
28,800 bblh , ; exports , 42,700 bbls , ; ualos
4,000 pUg . : miirkut very dull ; cltv mill pat-
( Hits , $4.16 < iM.35 ; wmtur patents , f3.40ita.00 ;
clly millsclours , $3.00513.05 ; wlutorstrnUhts ,
Ml,75(24.15 ( ; Mliuu'iiota patents , i3.85ft3.90 ;
wlnti-r extras , * 2loa2,00 ; Mliincsotu bilkers ,
12.30143.00 ; winter low unities , J1.0Kit2.26 ( ;
spring low griidos , Jl.00ffll.90 ; snrlnji extras ,
11,90162.40 ; southern oxtrn , 12.20(22.70 ( ; good
to i-holco extra , ! ' 2.7051.till : ) ; southern Hour ,
dull ; rye Hour , ( lull ; Mipurllnf , J-J.7 ( > it-.Hij
fiinc-y , 2.H55i2.90j buckwheat Hour , Hlondy at
llttCKWiiKAT Noiiiliial ; state , J8.00tt8.35 ,
( 'OIIN MKAIi ( JlllUt.
ItVK Nominal.
lUiti.KV Dull ; No. 2 Milwaukee , G6 < 30Gc ;
two-rowed state , 0203c.
lUui.tiY MAI.T Dull : western. 05 < 380c ; Cana
dian. 9a95c ( ) ; six-rowed , HOft85c.
WllKAT Hucolpts , 5,000 bu. ; exports. 60-
400 bu. ; sales , 075,000 bu. futures mid 102,000
bu. spot. Spot market steady ; No. 2 red ,
In Mtoru unil ulevator , ( Hl , o ; afloat , 08c ;
f. o. b. , CHc : ungrndcd rod , 02UftOOc ( ; No , 1
northern , 72c. Options , dull and i-asy during
the morning , rallying later on reports of
r.xport huslneKs , closing dull at ! i1iC on
udvaiu'o for the day ; No. 2 red , January ,
Cil'fttUHUi ! . cloved at flH > 4c ; Jlny , 7O 13-10o ,
I'liiM-d at 71 ; Juno closed at Yl'ic ; July ,
72 , ® 72a4C , closi'd at 7UUc ; Dc-cumbcr , 77wo
77 , c. closed ut 77 > fc.
COIIN Hucelpls , 227,000 bu. : exports , 189-
40U Int. : sales , 350,000 bu. futures , SO.OOO bu.
( .put. fuot market dull : No , 2tl i ; In ule-
vntorj ! a'jo alloatj yellow , 42Uc. Options
iipeued hioaily ; Improved later on large expert -
port bhlpmciilH ami sympathy with wheat ,
ami'd llrm at unchuiigcil to ! > c net ud-
vniu-oi January closed ot 41 n ; I'ebruary ,
426-16 42iC. ! clost-il at 43 iot .March. 43iiJ
43 , c , closoil at 431iu ; April closed ut 44ici !
May , 44 ° , a44Hc , closed at44c.
OATH Ui'Ceipts , 78.100 bti.t exports , 2,500
bu. ; sales , 125,000 bu. fiitim-a , 24,000 bu.
fcpot. Spot.inarkel very dull , but ; No.
'J , 33 < < c ; No. 2. delivered , 34 > to ; No. 3,32iic ;
No. 'J white , 35o ; No. 3 white , 33c , track ,
mixed wi'hturu , 34 iQi8& ( ic ; truck , \vblto west
ern 30G(40c ; truck , whllu state , 3040ci
option market dull , but generally steady , clos
ing at ' o net advance ; January closed at
33Uc : Kobrimry closed at 33ic : March
< 'losfil at 34 > < c ; May , 34'iU34 , c , closed ut
84 St'i
UAV Outet ; bblpplng , 10 ; good to choice ,
tO.OO < aH.60.
Horn -Dull ; Htuto , common to choice , 16ii
221ic : I'uclllo coast. IWWaiic.
Hints-Stoudy ; wet suited New Orleans se
lected , 4&QU5 Ibs. , 4iQ6Mc : Texas , selected ,
35 < iiuO Ibs. , 4ft.0c : Iluenos Ayres , dry , 2OU21
Ilin. . 10'ic : TexcN. dry 24&301bii. . Oo.
I.EATIIKit Steady ; hemlock solo , .llucnos
Ayreu. light to heavy welglits , 14@10c.
\Vooi , About stoiiilv ; doinostlo lluecc , 1055
2-.V , pulled , 'JOIf-'Co ! TOMIK , 10ISc.
' ' .uuVJiliwa-ilccf.u.ulut uud llrm ; tut uieaU ,
tcr.ily | ) lckle < l bolllrs. 7 t'ltO'tOi ' pickled
shoulders O1 , "Wiei plctdi'd lmm , 0 ; < ia9 50
J.ard , nulot but llrm wi-stcrn stdam closed nt
f8.00hld , } H70 n kcdi miles , uono- January
cloiod at (8.00 nomltmli rohriiary , (8,30
nominal ; May. ( A. SO nominal i rollnod stcadyf
contlnent9.10 ; 5 . A. 19.25 ; comimunil , 10,60 ,
fork , dull , but firm ! now mos < t , (14.60 16.00 ;
extra prime , tl3.5tvttl4.00 , family , (10.76 ®
10.25 ; short clear. ( lO.OOit 17.00 ,
OOTTO.SSEKII Oni'troiiir ' demand , moro
nctlvo ; nntlclimtcd reduction checks ofTor-
Inns ; prime crude. 30S31cj off crude , 25&2HC ;
yellow lititti-r Brados , 20cs cbolco yellow , 87 ®
Saci prime yellow , n&n.noei yellow off grades ,
33c ; prime wblto,3H40 ( ( ! . . .
lliiTTKii-Wonks western dairy , 16IUBC !
western Rrenmory , IBttWiC : western factory ,
14fM7cj ( KlglnsJSHci imitation creamery ,
l6'i1il9CMnto ! dairy , 17(22 ( 1C. . .
„ „
CiiKK9K-Sliiidy ! ! state. Inrjjo , Oaiiyct
small , llfll'J ci part skim * , 410c ; full
sklm-t , 2.7J3c.
Eons Slcndyj receipts. 5,021 pkg ? ! Ice
house , 14Itl7ci western fresh , 19S21C ! south
ern. 19S20HI.
TAt.mwStrong ! clly ( f2 per pkg. ) , 6j'ii5 |
country ( pkgs. free ) , 6VJW5iHc , aj to quality.
I'KThoi.BMM-Dull ! tJnltiMl closed at 70c
bid ; Pennsylvania , stiotsalps , nonoi lobruary
option sales , IIDIIO ; closed 7'Jij bid , Lima nil ,
* ales , none ,
WHIN Dull ; strained , common to good , $1.15
KICK-About steady.
MOI.ASMN Steady ; Now Orleans , open
kottle. good tochofen. 3033fli- .
I'm IKON-quiet ; Hcolch. $20.00320.50.
Coi > i > iu--Kislert ; : lake , $10.
I.HAD-Hrm ; domestic , $3.10.
TlN-Dilll ; Stralls , $20.20 , nominal.
.Hi'Ei.TKitQuiet ; jlomestle , $3,45 , nominal.
HUOAH-Haw , firmer ; fair rolmlng , 2 0-lGc ;
nentrtfiignl , 90 , 2 13-lGc ; active and llrm ;
reflned.t No. 8 , 3 lO-l&S.TtiC ! No. 0 , 3H < ffc
311UicNo. ; . 10 , 3 7.1033 ? i' ! No. 11 , 3'iftt
39-10CI No. tl , 35-10B3'ic ; No. 13 , 3 > 4C ! OIT
A , 3Vjii4 < . " , mould A , 4 5-lVft4'ic ( ' ; standard
A. 3 ifi-inTM'ic ; confectioners A. 3 15-1(1 ( ®
4Hc ; cut loaf , 4 13-lG45c ; crushed , 4 13-lGc ;
powdoied , 4 5-lGc ; granulated , 4 1-lGc ; cubes ,
45-lC 4'ic. '
Olll.llm I'roditcn Market.
IIurrKlt--'riio market continues to bs well
supplied and prices shadosteadlly lower. The
bulk of the receipts consists of packing.stock ,
and there Is but a .small amount of really
choice btitteron the markot. Cholco country ,
I5filipaiklmr ( ! ; stock , 12c.
DitiMSKD Potii/ritY The market Is very weak ,
especially on turkeys. ( Jeeso and ducks re
main llrm an account of the limited supply.
Chickens , fiftHc ; turkeys , OSlilc ; geese and
ducks , OtJIOc. Inferior stock would sell below
the above figures ,
IiiVB I'otn.Titv Dealers genornlly are advis
ing airalnst the shipment of live poultry , as
the demand Is very light , the trade generally
preferring dressed poultry. The few salc
Hindu are ntiiJ7o. (
VKAlTIm arrivals are not heavy and the
market , firm at previous notations ; cholco
small and fat voals , 77'Jc ; thin or heavy ,
UAME I'ralrlo chickens , nuall and vonlson
are out of season , and there Is but llttlo on the
market except ducks. Canada geese , $0 ; mal
lard ducks , $2.0032.50 ; jack rabhU.s , $1.50 ®
2,00 ; small rabbits , $1 squirrels 75c.
Kflis ( It Is dllllcult to ( iliolu the mnrkot
( otlny ns it nooms completely demorall/.ed.
Nothing but thn best Block Is called fnr and
oven that meets with but few t.alns. Prices
are a shade lower. I-'resh slock , 14315c ; cold
storage , 12i : .
HO.NKY Cholco whlto clover , 15cj Cali
fornia , lOc.
OYHTKIIS Medium , I. X. L. , 13c ; horseshoes ,
18c ; extra standards , 20c ; selects , 21c ; extra
selects , 22c > company select. " , 25c : counts , 30c.
NUTS Chestnuts 120 per Ib. ; Italian
chestnuts , 123l3e ; almonds , 18c ; English wal
nuts , 12 < 314c ; Illbcrts , ! 2Wc ; Ilr.izll nuts , 11 ®
12c : pecans , largo , 1214c ; pecans , medium ,
lOc. The market on black walnuts Is low and
no ono wants to buv.
VF.OF.TAHM : ' * .
TIKANS California hund-plnked navy , f 1.00 ®
2.00 ; western navy , $1.8531.90 ; common whltu
bent ) " , $1.5031.75.
OMONS Onions are quoted at. 503050 * , and
on orders at G5370c ; SpanUh onloiu , per
ciate. If 1.50.
WATIII CIIE B Out of the market.
POTATOES Nebraska , Iowa and Minnesota
grown potatoes , In smalt lots from store , ( iOTO
70c ; same In cur lots , GOc ; Colorado , from
store , 75c ; Colorado lots , G8S700.
CAliliAon Orders for cahbugo from the coun
try am lilted at 2c per 11) .
OKI.EKY Koors According to slzo , 403G03
per doz.
CKI.UIIY Rood stock , 35e ; extra fancy Cali
fornia , SOe < 3tl.OO.
HwKirr POTATOES The supply Is fair ; good
stock , per bll. , $3.50.
( ! itr.i.v VKOKTAIH.IIS Spinach , per bbl. , $2 ;
salsify , 30335i ; per do/ . ; radishes , per
doz. , 35c ; endive , per * doz. , 75u ; onions ,
per doz. , 20c ; cauliflower , per no * . , SI.5032.00 ;
lottucc , psrdoz. , 50375e : cucumbers , $2 ; toma
toes , per cr.ito ot 20 Ibs. , $2 ; string beans ,
J2.50 per ! j'-bu. box : parsley , per doz. , 30c ; egg
plant , per do/ . , $2.50.
rnuiTS -
CHAPES Thorn are no Catawbas on the market
kot ; Mulacns. nor no-Ill , bhls. . not. $6.25G.OO ;
Malagas , por55-lb. bbls , , not , JG.n036,50. ritutTS--Callfornla fruits are
entirely otf the market.
Arri.KS The supply Is light on this market
and prlcos higher ; fancy western , $1.90ffl2.00
per box.
CHANHEitiiir.3 Cranberries are arriving very
freely and are In good demand ; Capo Cod ,
per bbl. . $ C.ootiG.50 ; boll and buglo. 80.50 ;
Jersey , IG.OOao.25j boll nnd cherry , 15.
TROt'lCAl , FlItriTS.
BANANAS Prices remain about steady : par
bunch , large , $2.00152.50 ; per bunch , small to
medium , ? 1.75-i.OO.
LKMONS Now Messina lemons , slzo 300 ,
$5.60 ; hl/.o 3GO , $5255.50.
OIIANOKS Moxlcain , per box , 82.50 ; largo
filzus , $2.23512.40 ; fancy Florida * , $2.75 ; cholco
Flnrliliii , $2.00.
TANflnitiNUS 1'or box , $2.75.
( JHAIM : FiiuiT-Por box , $4.
near-No. 1 black , lareo. $20.00325.00 ;
medium , $15 ; small , $8.00@10.)0 ( ) ; black year-
lines , large , $12,0031,5.00 ; medium , $10 ; small
$7 ; black cubs , largo , $0.0038.00 ; medium ,
$5.01X30.00 ; small , $7 ; black Montana and
Rocky mountain , largo , $18.0032 .00mcdlum ; ,
$14 ; binall , { 10 ; black Montana yearlings ,
large$12 ; m dluin8 ; small , $5 ; black Mon
tana cubs , largo , $0.50 ; medium , $4.50 ; small ,
$3 ; silver tip , largo , $ 'JO ; medium , $12 ; small ,
$8 ; sllvor tip yearlings , largo , $11 ; medium , J8 ;
small , $5 ; silver tip cubs , largo. $ G : medium ,
* 4.60 ; small , $3 ; brown , largo , $20.0025.00 ;
medium , $10 ; small , $12 ; yearlings , large ,
$10.004i > 12.00 : medium , $8 ; small , JO ; cubs
large , 97 ; medium , $3 ; small , $3 ; bndgor No. 1
lame , J1.00B1.DU ; medium , GOc : small , Ode :
Usher No. 1 largo , $8 ; medium , $ Gxmall ; , $1 ;
fox silver , as to color according to beauty-
No. 1 largo , $100 : medium , $00 ; small , $40 ;
sllvor pale , according ti bounty , largo , $50 ;
medium , $30 ; smalt $20 ; cross , largo , $7 ;
medium , $3 : Hinall , $2 ; red , Inrgo , $1 50 ;
medium , $1.25 ; small , $1 ; gray , largo.
75c ; medium , 50c : small , 40c ; kit
large , nuc ; medium , 40c ; small , ! )0c. )
lynx , No.l largo , $3 ; mndlum , $2 ; small , $1.60 ;
marten. No. 1 , large , $2 ; medium , $1.50 ; small ,
? lmlnk. ; No. 1 , largo , 8Ut-Q.l.OO ; medium ,
75c ; small , G5c ; mink , dark , No. 1 , large , $1 ;
medium , 75cj small , 50c ; mountain lion , per
fect head and ft-ot. No. 1 , largo , Sl,002.00 ;
Imporfi'i-t skins. 2550u ; otter. No. 1 , largo ,
38 ; medium , Hi.0037.00hinali ; , $5 ; otti'r , pale ,
No. 1. largo$7 ; medium , J5 ; small , $4 ; raccoon ,
No. 1 , largo. 8c ( ) ; medium , OOii ; small , 50c :
raccoon , black , as to beauty , No. 1 , large , fiOe > }
$2.00 ; skunk black , cased. No. 1 , largo , $1.25 ;
medium , 75c ; small , 50c ; short strlpod , largo ,
$1 ; medium , 7dc : small , 45c ; narrow striped ,
large , GOc ; medium , 40c ; small , 25c ; liroatl
striped , large , 202oc ; wolvurlnc , No , 1 , larso ,
$4 ; medliini , $3 ; small , $2 ; wolf mountain , No.
1 , large , $3 ; medium , $2 ; small , $1,50 ; prairie ,
largi70375c ; mi'tlliim , GOc ; small , 50o ;
beaver PIT skin , No. 1 , larse , $5.0030.00 :
medium , $4.50 ; binall. $2 ; kits , largo. } 2 ;
medium , $1.50 ; small , 75c ; muskrats winter ,
ISo. 1 , largo , lord Ic ; medium , Oe ; small , 7ci
fall , large , BQ'Ji : ; modlum , 7c ; .small , Go ; kits ,
largo , $2 < 33c.
HIDES No. I green hides , 2'ic ; No. 2 croon
hides , 2c ; No. I green salted hides , 3c : No. 2
green alted hides , 2c ; No. 1 green salted
hides , 25 Ihs , to 40 11)4. , 3c ; No. 2 green salted
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ihi. , 2c : No. 1 veal calf , 8
Ihs. to 15 llH. . OiNo. : . 2 veal Calf , 8 Ibs. to 15
Ibs. , 4c ! No. I dry Hint hides , Be : No. 2 dry Hint
hides ; 4c : No. 1 dry salted hldo-i. 4c. Part
cured hides 40 per Ib. less than fully cured
SllKKl1 I'Ki.Tti OriHin halted , each , 3575o ;
green baited shearlings ( short woolcd early
skins ) , ctiuli 10315c ; dry bhearllngs ( short
wooled early sklns > , No. 1 , each SffilOu ; dry
bhearllngsshort ( woolnd early skins ) . No. 2
each 5e ; dry Mint , Kansas and Nebraska
butcher wool pelts , per Hi. , actual wolght , 10Q )
lie ; dry ( lint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool bolts , per Ib. , nctu-il wolght , 17O20i- ; dry
flint Colorado butcher wool paltn , per Ib. ,
actual wolKht. OftlOi : ; dry flint Colorado mur
rain wool twits , pjr Ib. , actual wolght , 7(39o ( ;
dry pli-cra'ind bunks aotutil wolght , 037c.
MIMVAUKUK , Jan. 12. ri.otii-Htoady. !
WiiKAT-Qulot nndsteady ; No. 2sprlngG9c ! { ;
No. 1 northern , G5ie ( ; Mtty. 03c.
COIIN ftoady ; No. 3 , 34'4c.
Steady ; No. 2 , 49cj ! $ sample , 30 ®
llvE Steady : No. 1 , 48c ,
IJiuivwiONSLower ; pork , (14.25i lard ,
ECKU-TS-nour , 4.400 bbls.i wheat. 0,100
bu , ; burley , 42.700 bu.
SllU'MBNTS-Klour , 3,000 bbls , ! wheat , 700
bu , ; barley , 4,200 bu ,
Iluliltli AVIiOHt M.irkut.
not.UTH , Jan. 12.-\ViiKAT-Thls markel
ruled blow with fair trading In May early.
Tbo market closed dull but Hrm. Close. ! No.
- ' - - i * " - rf \ ( * v > jJVlW |
On trucks o , 1 northern , to arrive
Now York liry ( KIIHM .MnrkrU
NEW VOIIK. Jan. 12. Tl o dry goods district
presents a somewhat eheorful uppuarance ,
with u uood uiuuy uut-uf-lo u buyury uuU uu
Incroawl number or local trmlora
about , Tlioro U iiiio Int-reino In the volume
of transaction * , which Is still measured , however -
over , by tlio ni'ttlal wants of Jho trade. Iho
further advance In cotton Nilmulntas an In-
torcst In cotton RooiH of till kinds , and prices
are generally steady to it Mimlo firmer.
St. I. nuts
ST. I.ou ff. Jan. l-A l-'Miuit-Qiilotj buyers
holding off for lower prices ! extra fancy , * & 0i !
4J3.7D ! buekwhcat Hour , ! ilr > oa0.76.
\ViiBAT WiMik early In the .session owlnsr to
thoclosliiR out of "non-ads , " rallied sllfthtly ,
rtlleil unsettled and closed 't'BUc' below yester
day' . * Una ) prli'es : No. 2 red , cash arttl Janu
ary , closed at 07V ! May , 03JCJ July , 04Ke.
foiiN-\Vas steady and quiet ! No. 2 mixed ,
cnsh and Jiuniary , closed at 33ci lobnwry ,
bATs Weru 'nealocled ! No. 2 cash closed
ataoc ! Janiftry , 2 ! { ci .May , 30'ic bid.
Urn Notniiilni.
ItAiti.r.Y In moitorato demand ! sales of Iowa
atC3c. . ,
HIIAN Lower ; OOc hid east track.
KI.AX 8Eii-l'lrmatJ1.32. : )
cr.Mvr.n Hiin : : Actlvo and unchanged at
HAY Unchanged ; prime to choice timothy ,
. rncliaiiBcd ! separator creamery ,
227(230 ! choice dairy , lOfMOe.
Knew Unchanged at I3n.
I.IAI ; > Um'ImiiKod ! 13 asked.
fi' riii'hamicd ! J3.27' asked ,
CoilN Ml.' ed : $1.05.
WlllHKV t'lltfllllllKOlll $1.1 u.
llAiiiiiNOI'nohanu'oil ; 1-VW2' ' ( Ib ,
COTTOM TIBS rnclittiiKeil ; U3cM.OO.
rnoviHioNMLower for hoof , but steady for
pork. Standard IIH'.HH , f H. Lard , prime steam ,
JU.20 , Dry sail moats , loose shoulders , 10.23 ;
IOIIKS and ribs , } G.B7'i ; shorlM , $7 : boxed , IGc
more. Ilacon , narked shoulders. $7.20 ; longs ,
17.50 ; rllHf7.0'J > i ; shorts , ! 7.H74.
ItECRiiTrt-Klniir , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10,000
bil.j corn , 87,0001)11. ; nats , 27,000 bu.
HIIIPMB.NTH Hour , 4,000bbls. ; wheat , 20,000
bu. i corn , 47,000 bu. ; oats , I'J.-OQO bu.
. 'Minn uiili | xviirar. .Market.
MINNEAPOM ? . Jan. 12. May whont opened
atOlfjc ; July , ( ! 2'ie. t'lo < eil : January , 59c ? ;
May , 01'C ! July , C3c. Hei-elpts , 1(57 card ;
shipments , 14 card. The demand for rash
wheat wasai-tlvo and sales were made only 'in
below May unlit at the close Iho difference
was Jji delivered and "if on track. Itccclpts
In tbecoiinlry are very light , and wheat has to
bo taken from elevators to nrlnd. Thu activity
of the demand will bring In wheat from the
Interior elevators , where considerable Is
stored. The farm marketings are very small
now and accordlm ? to reports lack much of
meeting the current milling demand of the
northwest. Mills are not grinding much this
week. The output of mills In Minneapolis to
day Is only about. 15,100 Ibn. , ns seme of the
larger mills urn doing nothing. Home ot them
will start next week again. 1
There Is no Improvement In the flour mar
kot. Sales for eastern and export account nru
very light. A moderate amount Is being
booked elsewhere. 1'rlcc.s are about tbo same.
The strength of cash wheat compared with
futures Is ngalnst sellers. Plenty of flour
could bs sold at about 15c reduction In the '
price , but to suit at oven a Ninall pro ( It just
now Is a dllllcult undertaking. Shipments ,
10,012 bills , ; llrst patents , J3.30S3.35j second
patents , $3,0583.35 ; fancy and export bakers ,
Jl.50ai.00 ; low grades , in bags. Jl.2Oiil.25.
The added dally output of mlllH grinding
today will probably aggregate 15,100 bbls.
Drati and shorts strong and advancing. I'ro-
diiiHlon Is small and there Is n good demand ,
largely local. Quotations are $10.0010.50
for bran and $10.50 < iill.25 for shorts , f. o. b.
Cars , In bulk. Shipments , 481 tons.
Wool Market.
HOSTOX , Jan. 12. The Commercial Bulletin
will say tomorrow In Its report of tbo wool
market : Business Is at a standstill and will
continue so until some action Is taken on the
tarllf. The sales of scoured wool are compara
tively large , as manufacturers are buying from
nand to mouth and carrying as llttlo ma
terial as possible. The opening of heavy
wolght cloths up to date Is a flat failure. IIos-
toii has almost succumbed and Is now sending
sheepskins to Canada because It docs not pay
to pull them. Even scoured wool can bo landed
by rail from San Francisco at a cost of Ic per
Ib. The sales are 1,303,000 Ibs. domestic
and 117,000 Ibs. foreign against 2,075,000 Ibs.
domestic ami H72.000 Ibs. foreign for the same
week In 1893 ,
ST. Louis , Jan. 12. WOOL Weak and still
without uuotublo chango.
Cnll'tM ! .Market.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 12. COKFEK Options opened
qulot from unchanged prices to 15 points de
cline , ruled dull and rather weak and closed
" - - - - -
dull at
baes ,
_ _
market quiet but steady' ; Cordova , I20.66ilj
SANTOS , Jan. 12. No advices.
IlAMiiuiiG , Jan. 12. Market qutot and un
changed to ' , ( pfg advance.
HAVIIB , Jan. 12. Market steady at HI ad
vance. '
Itio HE JANKtno , Jan. 12. Market firm ; No.
7 , $15.45.
LONDON , Jan. 12.Market qulot and un-
chanted'to 3d lower.
KiiiMim City .Mnrkuts.
KANSAS CITY. Jan. 12. WHEAT Unchanged -
changed : No. 2 hard , 53c ; Mo. 2 rod , 55ic. .
OOIIN Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 30c ; No. 2 v iltc ,
flic.OATS Trlllo lower ; No. 2 mixed , 28ffl28ic ! ;
No. 2 white , 2929'/c.
lire Steady : No. 2. 50c.
FLAX SKKD irrocular : $1.231. 24.
IlllAN Klrm at
HAY Very dull ; timothy , t8.0039.50 ;
prairie , $5.502.0.50.
UUTTKII Steady ; creamery , 19JJ23c ; dairy ,
Eoas Dull and weak at 13Jc. !
KECKIPTS Wheat , 8,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none.
Suii'MENTS , 3,000 bu. ; corn , 2,000
bu. ; oats , none.
Cuttiin .Miirkot.
ST. Louis , Jan. 12. COTTON l-10c higher ;
firm ; middling , 7 13-lGc ; sales , 1,500 bales ;
receipts. 1,500 bales ; shipments , 1,900 bales ;
stnckH , 00,200 bales.
NEW OIU.KANS , Jan. 12. COTTON Klrm ; mid
dling , 7 13-lUo ; low middling , 7 0-lCc ; good
ordinary , 7 3-lGc ; receipts , 0,128 bales ; gross ,
0,228 bales ; exports to Oreat llrltliui , 111
bales ; exports to Trance , 77 bales ; coastwise ,
2,500 bales ; futures stcadv ; sales , 85.100
bales ; January , J7.05 bid ; February , $7.79 ®
7.80 ; March , 47.89 ; April , $7.97 ; May , $8,07 ;
June. $8.15ffi8.1G ; July , $8.2308.25 ; August ,
$8.3108.33. _
Tuorln. ( li--iln .MurKot.
PEORIA , Jan , 12. t'oiiN Market oaslor ; No.
2 , 33Uc ; No. 3 , 32lic.
OATS Market steady and firm : No. 2 white.
28' { < B384c ! ; No. 3 white. 27 W-37&C.
HYE Markotstoady ; No. 2 , 4748 c.
WHISKY Mm kot llrm ; high wines , basis ,
$1.15 ,
KECEIITS Wheat , 8,000 bu. ; corn , 79.950
bu. ; oats , 2,750 bu. ; rve , GOO ; barley ,
O.fiOO bu.
Sllil-MBNTS Wheat , 7,200 bu. ; corn , 80,400
bu. ; oats , 61,700 bu. ; rye , 000 bu.j barley ,
5,500 bu. _
Liverpool Alnrkutn.
LivEitroou Jan. 12. WHEAT Easy : de
mand poor ; holders nITer fairly ; No. 1
California , 5s 4dU5s 5d ; No , 2 red western
winter , 5s 2iid5s 4d.
COIIN Qulot ; demand moderate ; mixed
western , 4HJII.
I'IIOVISIONS Pork , prlmo moss , flno , 77s Cd.
Ilcef , extra India , u)5s. ) ll.icon , long and
short clear , 55 Ibs.lO.s ; long clear , 4S Ibs. ,
42s. Lard , 42s , ( id.
Oil MurKuiM.
On , OITY. Jan. 12. National transit certifi
cates opened at 79 ; highest , 79 ; lowest ,
79 ; closed at 70 ; hales , 13,000 bbls. ; clear
ances , 80,717 bills. ; charters , 71,592 bills.
PiTTSiwiKi , Jan 12. National transit cer
tificates opened at 7'J : closed at 78'1 ; high.
cst , 79 ; lowest , 781i. No sales.
It Wns a Very Dull I y In Securities
New YOKIC , Jan. 12. U was a very dull
day on the Stock exchange , the total sales
being loss than transactions ot a single
hour on nu ordinary aetivo market. The
tone of the speculation was , Inwovor ,
heavier than ou yesterday , and the traders ,
who weru sellers for n decline then , todnj
were anxious to cover. Perhaps the most
potent inlluenco in the change of specula
tive mind was the moro favorable prospect
for the passage of the bill providing for the
coinage of silver solgnlnrago in the treas
ury , which the traders accepted as likely to
Increase the volume of speculative invest
ment. Another factor for butter conditions
was the announcement in the Washington
reports that the secretary rf tlio treasury
was determined upon the Issue of bonds
under existing laws calling for a high rate
of Interest , If congress did not enact a now
law giving power to Issue low Interest bonds.
The discussion of the gold export question
mm the reported understanding arrived ut
by the banks to not furnish specie for ship
ment abroad , thus compelling a drain on the
treasury reserve in case gold Is wanted for
exportation to ICuropo , did not scorn to have
any effect ou today's market and It Is not be
lieved that gold will bo withdrawn from un-
modlato shipment.
Union 1'aclllo was neglected and did not
move oven on a reported formal agreement
of the several interests upon a reorganiza
tion plan which contemplates limiting tlio
Uxud charges to f8.000,030early and asitlus
the government to take 11 2 per cent bond
for its indebtedness and the other security
holders a 4 per cent baud. This assumes
ho total Indebtedness of tlio company
to bo $300,000,000 , The plan aUo contemplates -
templates giving the b'OVfruiucut a ma
jority of the directors nnd for this reason
and because of Up further provision that
the now bond Isst/d iK/mado a b.isls for state
or national bank cntroncy , congress Is ox-
pectcd to favor the plan. The stock of the
currency closed at .vcstorday'B llnal figures
after reacting ' 4 " " | ltF ( cent nt the opening ,
only 500 shares i-hauMnif hands. Save for
brief periods or weakness at the opening nnd
about 1 o'clock the general market was firm
and closed wlihiim upward tendency to
prlcos , the Imttrovtmimt ranging from > 4 to
% per cent. Ati'IrtscAi Was ilrmly held on a
report tnat the llrst and second mortgage
IraiulholdcRf haj nrrlrod nt nn upi-eomcnt In
regard to the reorg.tniatlon.
rim Post says : " * Bulii speculators as enRaged -
Raged In today's mnrjtot accented the pres
ent bond Issue discussion as a fnvor.ibto cle
ment. This was partly hce.iuso of n report
which circulated jVo the effect that If coll-
Kress continues to 'delay , Mr. Carlisle will
take the matter Into his own hands under
the general statutes enacted eighteen years
ago. Tlio advance In prices wns also due ,
however , to the enlargement of the specula
tive share account within'tho last day or
two. which made It possible bv a mild bull
demonstration to drlvo thosnmllcroporators
for the decline to cover. This process con
tinued with occasional Intervals of total
dullness throughout the day , so that the
volume of business was exceptionally small ,
the closing showing n series of not gains in
The firmness continued up to 1 o'clock nnd
prices further advanced } \ to 'i per cent.
The improved tone was largely' duo to the.
announcement , that the bill providing for
an Issue of $ .V.000,040 ) of silver certificates
against seigniorage on the bullion now in
tbo treasury Is likely to become a law. The
shorts bojan to cover on this news. A raid
was then madoon Ixuisvillo & Nttshvlllo.
which sent It down \ \ percent nnd the
rest of the nctlvo list } percent. tx > ulsvillo
& Nashville led an upward movement , which
sot In shortly before 2 o'clock , with nn ad
vance of 1' , per cent and the rest of the list
sold tit ) k to f. New York Central llrst
preferred declined 2 per cent. The market
generally closed Hrm.
The following are the closinu'quotations on
the loading stocks on the New York ex
change today :
The total sales of stoo'lts today were 121,600
shares , Including : AtclJUon , 4,300 ; American
Su ar , 12,100 ; Hiirlliiinon , 8,300 ; Chicago
Cns , 7,800 ; Distilling , 0,100 ; Loulsvlllo .t
Nashville , 15.400 ; .Naw York & Now Knjiliiml ,
4,300 ; Northern 1'aeino , 3,000 ; St. I'aul , 24-
400 ; Western Union , 11,900.
The ranjtc of prlcos ; , as reported by .1. W
Deano & Co. , Hoard of Trade hall. Is as follows :
Stocks. Open IllchjLow. Close ! Yes.
Erlo 14
Pacific Mall 14 14'
L.A.N 4'JW 41 ;
Northwestern 09 H IWJ
Mo.l'.iclflc ; i
Union Paclllc 17K " . 17M
N I'.iclflo , pTd MM ! < ! MH
N. Pacltlc com. . , . .
C. 1) . A Q 74'
flock Inland , , 04 IIS
St. Paul K > .7M OtiM
Western Union.- ; 85 Trust , . . . , 8W 82 ! <
Now England ' . * lli'i
Atcldaon & 10
Chicago Gas n r. 04M
Ro.idlner ifta 18
Del. & Hudson 134
n.c. v 1'fiJ * -4M 25H
E. G. E 35 SOU
Cord .ice 18M 1ST * 18X 18
Now York .Money Markot.
percent ; last loan , 1 percent ; closed offered
at li ! per cent.
PitiMBMKiioANTH.BPAPEii 34S5i ! ! percent.
STKHI.IMI HXCIIANIIK ICasler , with actual
business In bankor.s' bills at. J4.8G't4.80 ! > { for
demand , and at * 4.84tf(34.84a ( ? for sixty-day
bills. Posted rates , $4.85'Jtt 1.87i. ! Commercial
bills , $4.83U < 34.B3i. !
GOVEUNMKNT lloNDs Steady. State bonds ,
dull.Tho closing fnotations ] on Donas-
ISoiton Stuck ( JuotiltlDiis.
IIOSTON , .Tun. 12. Call loans , 2 per cent ;
tlmo loans , 3'.t'ic4 per cout. Closing quo
tations on slocks , bonds and mining shares :
Now Vork .Mlnlnc Quotation * .
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 12. The following are the
.San I'r.memoir ,11111 " Unotntloin. v
SAN KitiNCisco , Juo , 12. Thoolllclalcloilng
nuotatlons foi-mining , stojlci , today were in
follows :
Alt.i .Ill ) , , Mexican till
llelcher ,70 Mono Ill
Host A Iloioticr. . . . i'.l Ophlr 170
IludluCon 1.1 1'otosl 71) )
Ilnlwer t'ifij ' Savuco KO
Uliollnr UD , Slerr.i l' ' " >
Con. Va. . . . 3'J.r UnlonCoa 85
Crown Point 'Aft Utah r
( loiild.t Curry US Yellow Jacket 00
Hulo.tNorcross. . . 70
London Stock ( JnoliitloiiK.
3x , Jan. l'A'4 p. m. Close ;
ConBolH , inonuy. .llfffll'lit Mexican urilliiary. 13
CoimolH , utu'iit..U4 13-1(1 ( St. I'.iul eoimnon. . D7H
Cnnadlun I'.ielllo . 74 > i New York Central. 101
lirlu .Ms 33s Kt-ndliu | l
llllnolH Cuutrnl IMux. Cun. nn\v4B. .
II AII Hn.VEii 31 { d peroz.
MONEY 1 per rent.
The rate of discount. In the open market
for both abort and three months bills , H9
percent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. I.ouu Minlns tJiiiiiHtlom.
ST. LOUIH. .Tun. 12.-Tio | following are the
closing tniotatlons !
Hid. A ki > d urn.
Ailanm. . . . * , : io * .lit ) . * .lh
Am.Ni.'illo.'a B. Ilopvu. . .70
iiiuii-t.iiiiu. ' . ' .no 110i | < i -.7i
Uninltu M. . 1.51) 1.7S llarcuuvtT .10
On tint l.tiniliin .Uiirkol ,
NKW VOIIK , Jan. I'J.-Tlio Kvfntne
Bpcclai iluuuvlul cablu fioui J.uuUuu > uy
17,000 Bold oamc In today. Silver wn
I'l nct-d. Kupoit paper li.n fnllcn to u5il , It
li timlefttODd Lord Klmberly'.i Illtif i hrs
aoloeait'COf llm poiipoiii'iimnt of sllverlnr-
porld'tly In India , Tnn ntoi'k mnrkcU were
dull and today.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. l2.-Cloarlns . l,4C4,230.
HIHTON , Jan. 12. Clearings , } 15,21ri,535 ;
balances , 11,730,434.
Pittt.ADF.t.riii.v , Jan. 12. CloarIiiK * , 18,077-
505 ; balances , $1,130,177.
, LONDON , Jan. 12.-Amount of bullion gnno
Into thn llanl ; of Kngland on balance today ,
CINCINNATI , Jan. 12 , Money , 3JIO per cent.
NoMr Vork cM'liango , 25c premium. Clear-
lllR.I , < 2H)3,760. (
-Nr.w OIIM-AXH , Jan. 12-Clcarlnss.f 2.244,504.
New Voik exchange , bank , $1 per $1,000 pre
mium ; commercial , 25c per $1,000 premium.
ST. I.OUH. Jan. 12-Cloarlnitt , $4,001,117 ;
balances , $789,878. Motmv , otllot at Oft-H per
cent. Kxchatigoon Now York , 80 ( ! premium.
Clllr-Aiini Jan , 12-Cloarlngs , $1 ,67M ( > 00.
Now York e\clmnic , 7i' ( ) premium , Sterling
nvclmnge , iillot | ; actual , Jl.H'i'itM.87'i.
Money , steady ; rales , O'lUO ' percent.
Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. | 2. Tlio Steamship Sorvla
will tnku out tomorrow 5,025,000 ounce.1) ) of
Hecclver.I. p. Mcftiltough of the Krlo com-
has received since the books closed on
Siany 7 fo.t ho special mooting to tiulhurlro
the now morlgtiuo , thirteen proxies represent-
Init $0,000,000 of .stock.
" ' ' ; balance" , $0,210.310.
O.MAIIA I.IVi : TOtlv ! 31 AUItKTi-
Cnttlo Traili Slow nndTc lt ( Icnornlly
Hot' " Dull nnd l.cnror.
FKIDAV , .Tan. 12. '
So far this wcolc , comparcil with last ,
thcro has been an Increase of about ! l,400
catilo and 2,200 bogs , whllo the falling off
, In sheep supplies amounts to over -1,500
The gqiicral cattle market was slow and
weak. Thcro was not an unusually largo
supply on hatul , but the quality , as n rule ,
was decidedly indifferent and the demand not
at all urgent from any quarter. Prices were
hardly qtiotably lower than ot > Thursday ,
but It wns hunter worlc to sell the cattle.
In general values averaged 2.V to ! ! 0o lower
than last week. The fair to pretty good
steers weighing from 1)50 ) to l.tMO Ibs. sold at
from $ l.fiO up to $4.10 , while poor to fair stuff
brought anywhere from ? J.75 to f't.fil ) .
In butchers' and canncrs' stock the market
was decidedly uneven. Something fat and
smooth 'that suited the dressed beef men
sold at very nearly steady prices , from
$2.75 to $ U.4l ) , but the ordinary run
of butchers' stock at from $ 'J.t"i ! to
$2.75 and the canning grades at from $1.50 to
$2.10 showed all of a lUc dec-line. The move
ment , too , was sluggish and the feeling
weak. Calves sold about as usual at from
$1.75 to y > , and thcro was little noteworthy
change In the market for rough stock , sales
of'poor to prime stuff being made at from
11.83 to $4.
Thcro was some Improvement in the feeder
trade. Receipts were light , the demand
good from all sources and prices a shade
better all around. Goad to choice feeders
arc quoted at from M to $3.00 , fair to good at
from $2.75 to $ ; ) and lighter , commoner grades
at from $2.TOdown. Representative sales :
It is very difficult
t o convince
children that
a medicine is
"nice to take"
this trouble
is not experi
enced in ad
coil's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil. It is
almost as palatable as milk.
No preparation so rapidly
builds up good ilcsh ,
strength and nerve force.
Mothers the world over rely
upon it in all wasting diseases
that children are heir to.
I'riptrtdbr Scott * Downe. N. Y. All clrnulil * .
a oo
a oo
3 OO
a oo
3 OU
3 00
3 ( H )
a oo
3 00
8 00
3 10
3 10
8 10
a 10
B 16
3 16
3 25
3 60
2 60
4 00
a oo
3 00
3 00
3 0 < )
3 00
3 00
a no
3 00
3 OO
a oo
a 05
3 05
3 10
3 10
8 15
3 10
3 15
3 16
a 20
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
12 COWS. . . 905 ! 2 06 20 idrs. . . 01)7 ) J3 50
1 stag. . . . 8UO 3 00
COI.OIt.MM ) .
1 fdr..lOOO 250 a fdrs. . . . 850 315
2 blllh. 1370 210 2 ( mils. . .1135 2 6O
I fdr.1020 325 1H Mrs. . . .1027 360
12 bulls. . 1225 205 I bull. . .1350 180
68 fdr.s.,10)0 ! ) 3 02"
Hoes Receipts today were heavier than
they hnvo been for nearly a month past , and
the quality , ns a rule , was very fair. ' The
liberal offerings and tha bearish tone to
eastern advices caused a slight reaction In
prices , and the market opened with buyers
bidding 5i3 to Hc ) lowc'r than Thursday.
Fair to good hogs ot all weights went at
S.VJO to $5.2."i , with a load or two of choice
butcher aud heavy hogs at ( A.1 ! ! , , and K.'M.
Thcro was no demand from shippers and
speculators , anil with no outside support the
market weakened as the morning ad
vanced with buyers bidding to. 15 to $3. 20 ,
or all of lOc to IHo lower than Thursday.
Trading bccamo dull and at the close there
weru several loads still In llrst hands. As
far as It went trading was Inruoly at from
$ o.20 to M.2o , as against fS.JIO Thursday and
85.15 to $5.20 on last Friday. Kcprcsentutivo
sales :
1..330 460 .29..208 300 500
SiiKui' Supplies wore rather licht and the
quality of the. offerings nothing fancy.
Thcro was a very good demand and fie mar
ket was active nnil strong. A couple of
doubles of fed Mexican lambs averaging 00
Ibs. brought J3.40 , and some fair mixed na
tives sold for Sa.'X ) . Quotations were as fol
lows : Fair to good natives. S'.T.V I.riO : fall-
to good westerns , M.'jr > dt.'J. : ) ; common and
stock shocp , $ l.i"iUiiv'J.3. ! > ; Kood to choice 40 to
100-lb. lambs , $ i.59t-l.50. ! ( Hciu-cscntatlvo
sales :
No. Av. I'r.
i buck 210 1200
80 nativenil.xed Ill 3 30
517 Mexican lambs , fed CO 3 40
UhluiiRo l.lvo Stiu'U .Market
CiitOAdo. .Inn. 1'2. Rood c'attlo did not i'ut
much of a llguro In today's supply , whllo of
strictly choice thert < was tioiu * . l-'or anything
grading butter thiin medium , therefore , the
iniirki't rmimlnud llrm , thorn tu > lmt u fnlr de
mand both for custom and fori > l ii account.
Tlicru was also continued linum-'H In butchers'
mid cannur.V block , in which cl.iH llcathin are
cowholfirs and bulls. The supply of tho-o
di'fcrlpllons Is not equal to the current dc-
nriinl , tJood to fnlr moors wolxhlni ! from
l.iiOO to 1.350 Ibs. constituted the bulk of tbo
offerings , and for such there was a dull ami
weak inurkat. Thura was no loss of strength
lam seventy-seven years old ,
and have had my ago reneued
at least twenty jears by tliuuse
of Swift's Specific. My foot
„ and leer to my knee was a
running sore for two years , and physicians said
it could not bo cured. After taking liftec" small
bottles S. S. S.there is not asoje ; cm my lmibsandS _
have a new lease on
life. Von ought to
let all sufferers know
of your wonderful remedy. IRA F.
Palmer , Kansas City.
KKMKDY-eipeclally for
old people. It builds up
the general health Treat-
tid on t free.
Atlanta. Ga.
In the slockor market , nnd Iho prices pnld for
vrnl calvpn were fully up Io the murk.
The leadline features of the lion mnrktt
weio In marked contrast with those provnlltnit
yesterday. Instead of the-activity and buov-
ancy then prevailing ( here WHS Inaction nnd
extreme weakness. OpmiltiK hid * were from
lOo to 15c off from Thursday's Mutilations , and
Rollers found It Impossible to do btiMiieM on
any bolter ImK Huuli sort * M were tukou
Kreedlly yesterday at from M.OO to 16,05 could
nol bo turned over nt prices holler than J5.6H
to $6.66 today , and the shrinking In values ol
common to fair ( trades was .still creator. Trade
was low at the decline , and several thousand
head were left In sellers' hands. Heceltiti
were estimated at 85,000 head , making 100,405
head for the expired part of the week , against
140.9(13 ( u year ago and 240.410 In 1892.
The sheep market Is without radically now
feature * , While tin ) demand Is sdlchtly morn
active than during thti closing weeks of thn
old year It has not canitht tip with the HUpply <
c. ( > n oiuontly | values lemiilu In the state o (
utisottlenientleaning tt > weakness. The fit-
tureof the market docs not hold out much on-
couraKomeut to sellers. The surplus .sheep of
the eastern and middle stutc.s hiivo now been
pretty well worked nirnnd there M , tlioroforc ,
u prospect that shipper * will Ibid u hotter
market , hut the west Is full of Hheup which
tbo holders am anxious to unlimil , and the In
dications ate that for sometime tocoino Km
supply will continue to exceed the demand
and that prlcos will rule very little holler
than they are at present. The bulk of tlti <
Mioop hero within the pail week wont out of
sellers' hands at prices below } ; 1.25. A few
hits of very Hiip'iriiir quality fetched from
$3 , GO to 13.75 , and there wi-ro thousands of thin
sheep that t-olil below J3 , not a few golm ; as
low as fnmi ll.&O to JI.76. The lamb market
also Is tower than U was a week ngo. It In oil
from { 3 to $3.40 for poor to cholco iuilltlc | : .
There were scattorltic .sales i > f fancy at from
14.85 to tn.20. 1'i-d western wethers sold as
hlKh as $3.60 and there win u sale of Texam
at $3.20.
Receipts : Thttlo. 8OO ( liuad ; calve , 200
head : | IOLS , 85HKheadi ( ) sheep , 10,000 head.
Tim levelling.loiinril reiiort-s :
( 'ATTi.i-Uocolpt.s. 7,01)0 ) head ; market ,
Kteaily ; topNloers , * "i.5ia5.75 ( ; Kood tocholce ,
* .i.0hj5.20 ( ; others , * 1,60 4.05 ; common , J3.76
llods-Uecolpts. 35.0110 head ; market slow ,
Ij-l5c ) lower , clo-iliiK weak ; louirh and heavy ,
t.i.i ) ( > i/i5.10 / ; paekers and mUed , J5.3HiJ5.4il ;
prime heavy aim hulclior weights , J5.45ta
5.6o : prlmu IlKht , J.l.&i ) .
SlIKKl- AND lAMin-ltocolpts , 10,000 head ;
market active and stroui * ; too Hheup , J'J.OUu )
3.75 ; top lambs , * l.60ti,5.ii ( ) .
llrrcipts and DMpixliion o : Stock ,
oniclalrocolptsau t ill m nltloii of stoc ! < ai
shownby the bnakiof Hi ) llnlo-i StJJk Vir : U
company for the twonly-four lioun cliilln : at
5 o'clock p. m. , January 12 , 18'JI :
Kinnl : : City I.lvtStocK Miirkot.
KANSAS OITV. .Ian. 12. CITTI.K Itocolnti ,
8,100 bead ; shipments , 2,400 head ; 6@lDi ;
lower ; To.xas steers , < 3.25U4. 00 ; Texas row- , ,
tl.90 [ 2.C5 ; shipping steers , { 4.00 5,35 ;
native rows , J1.4O33.35 ; butcher stock ,
t3.16ft4.lD ; Mockers ami feeders , } 'J.053.05.
lions Uerolpt' , 12,000 bead ; shipments ,
1,100 head ; market 510c lower ; bulk ,
t5.25'i,5.30 ; lu'uvh's , packers and mixed , J5.05
© 5.35 ; lights , Yorkers and nlRs. i5.05'ii5.33.
Hmii'Uccoints : : , 000 ho id ; shipment- ) ,
100 head ; market .stonily.
.St. l.niiit l.lvu MiiitK .M.lrkot.
ST. Louis , Jan. 12. OATTI.C Kccolnts. 2son
head ; shipments , 1,100 huad ; market loiter
for Tcxans ; no irooil natives on sale ; fed
Ti'Mis steers , $3.20113.05 ; grass cows , tl.OU
HDDS Koi-olpts , 8,100 head : shipments ,
4,400 hpimj market lOc lower ; butcher grades ,
S5.30&5.55J mixed and lUht , { 5.2025.45.
SHEW Keoolpts , 000 head ; shipments ,
HOMO ; market steady.
Sioux City I.lvo Mni'K . ( Iirki > t.
Piotix OITV , .Inn. 12. lions KecolmX 3,2fl < )
head ; otllrlnl yt'sturunv , 2,559 head ; ship
ments , 1,0'Jl bead ; market 10tJ.20e lower ut.
J5.10a3.l5 : bulk , S5.15.
C'ATTi.t : Ueci-lpts , 200 head ; ofllclal yes
terday , 474 head ; shlpinOiils , 390 huuil ;
market slow ; cows lowor.
block in M tii.
Receipts of Hvo stortk at ttio four prlnclpil
western murkuH Krlday , January 12 :
Uitttle. lliv.'s. Shoon.
Fotltli Omaha . . . . . . 2,742 6,085 004
Chicago . . . . . ' -7.003 35,000 10,000
Kansas City . 8,100 12.000 OOO
St. I.oilla . 2,800 8,100 90O
Total . 20,042 00,785 12,104
McKuno' * IndlctmtMit docs.
BnoOKi.vx , Jan. 1'J. In the Mclvana and
other election cases Judge Uartlett denied
the motion to quash the indictments. _
Sty doctor nays It acts cently on the stomach ,
liver and klilncvs. nnd Is n pleasant laxative. 'I Ills
drink U made from lierhs , nnd la prepared for USB
as easily as ten. Ulicidl il
AlldruirKi tBinillltBtsoc.niMli irackiMe. If you
ronr-.ot e\-t It , Henil vonr nililress for n fren iiamplr.
I.nnr'H I'nnillr Medicine nin-n-n the lionrrl *
rnrhilar. lnnn > ortnbpti iHliy tills Is iii-oewarr.
Altllr.wllHA'IHll.l- " ' T.vnvVY
Unon StocK Yards Compiny ,
Soutb Ornalia.
fltit Cattle Ho nnil < li3jp rasrist laths
COMMISalO I _ HOi3U ] _ . _
Wood Brotliero.
Mrs Stok ( 'oiiuul-nlon MarahitmU.
toilbOrn Totephona 111 ; . Cblotn
\VAI/rKU U. WOOD , fu
Market reports by mall and wlro cheerful
arnlsliod upon application.
Morsc-Coe Shoe Company.
SaUirOom ana Olllce-HQI-IIOMtll Ilowai
Factory-HW'llJl-UJI Howard St.
\V r the ONI.Vnnur ! : turorj of Iluoti nJ
Shoetln the it.itnof .Nabrn k .
A nenornl luTlliillou li uxtundiil la Ml to Iniioot
oar new factory.
M. E. Smith & Co.
Drr eootJi. notions , fur-
nlitdng nootli , corner
Illli and Howard SH.
, \ Jobnsoa Bros.
10o3 Kurnuai 8ir ! 0t ,
I OuiaUu , W U
Hector & Willielmy Loleli ) : & Linn ,
Denlo-n In hnnlwtraiul
Corner lOlh ana Jnckion luucbnnlri' Inoli
htruetj. Hlruv. .
W. A. L , Gibbon * Co
Ilali , c pi , ilr.iw nooi1 ,
glovet , nillteni. lull
and llarnor blrvota.
Jobn A.
lin.nrtilAiurrlaaii | 1'uri *
land commit , Mli .ni-
kuoruinent ouU Ouluur
vvlil-.o lltiio.
Frlck & Herbert , OiiKiiidStoveHCiiair
\VotKM : Horn rnuilri
Wboloialc liquor daaleri nntl watur att oTirundli
for n f klml'if iti/i
1001 Farnam HI. iu\i\ ten DIIU < II <
Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co.
Carrr n full itock < > f
pilnlluul wrapping onj lutirn | ti'i ' |
wrlltnir pdl > , - < ,
i W . . OlU , ,