'It THE OMAHA DAILY liEK : FIUfAY , JANUARY 12 , 1891. SPECIRL NOTICES. AnvnivrisBMKNTs von TIIKSK COLUMNS will hi ! lalcrn until 1230 ; p , tn. for llm ovenlnir iml until B:30p. : m. lor the morning and Sunday trillion * . . . AilviTilHcrn. by roquefdlns n numbered check , ran hnro their nnnwrrn ndilrM"ed to ft numbered lelier In cnn > of TIIK ttr.r. . Answers no ndtlresned wll ) bo delivered upon pre nlatlon of tbu check. SITUATIONS WANTED. Union , men word firm Insertion.IP n wont llicro nfler , Nothlnir taken for IQM than use. POSITION A3 HTENOOHAPHEIl Oil OLKHK A byyonnif innri , four years office experience. Ail.lrc . s A .10 IIKK. 1811 * WANTED MALE KELP. . won ! flint InnerRlon.le n wont there after. Notlilns taken for less than U30. n SOLICITOUS. TKAMS KltHNISIIKDr IK- .linl.illmentKOOilB. American Wringer Co. . Him ) llowanl Bt. DOB I > AtlR.VTM. HALA11Y OR COMMISSION. TIIK JJcrealest Invention of tlio nire. The Now Pnltml I'hemlcnt Ink KMHlnic I'cnrll. Hell on night. Work * like made. Awnm nrn maUlmr * J5.o to * la.operwiek. ( > . For further parllcnlnrn wrlto thuMonrou Krancr Mfg. Co. . X 30. La Grouse. WlH. JJ-MVB HUSTLKH3.APPLY 17 'l > WANTKDTIIKP.K LIFKIN3UIUNC K J > m > llcltors. Will offer a lltHiral Rtiarniiteo eon- tract to Kood man. Address II. D , Ilrooks. P.O. box IS HI. Lincoln. Nub. MIDI ) 12' ' -WANTKD , KXPKIUKNOKU.STKADY IIOUSK .iJmnii. MunlundiTBliinddlrilnif room work and li.ivu nrot-clnim reeoinmenilatloim. Apply 00.1 Third street , Council lIluffH , between 1 ami 'i. p. m ; or after 7. WANTKD. A'FIRST-OLASS COOK TO ( JOIN B Iho country. Must bo sober ami have Rood reference , Man mid wife preferred. liKinlns nt oineti of .1. J. Johnson20 South ISlh street. In thn forunuon. * ' " * 1 T ) WANTKD. RKLIAIILK SALKSMKN TOSKLL lilnbrleatlmr oils and Bivaso on commission , nx- -olnslvoly or as a sldo lino. Consumers Oil Co. , Clt'velaiul.O. ' MiMHlIi _ ! ' _ T ) WANTKD , KXPKRIKNCKD OFFIOK CLKRK.tt J'good penmen , quick at llsnros : applicants must Male fonnui' positions , salary nud info. Atldre.ss A Oil. Ileo. M'JIl 11 * WANTHD , ACCOUNTANT FAMILIAR WITH corporation nnd mercantile work , competent to takn cliurift ! of clerical staff. Stale age , salary and roiinecllons. Address A fin , lice. M1M31I * WANTED FEMALE HELP. Rates.Ikeawonlflrstlnsortlon. IP n wordthuro- nfler. Nothing tnken for less than a3e. / WANTED , LADIES AND GENTI.KMEN. WE V-/will pay yon $ n to * ir. perweek totlo strictly homework for us : no canvassing , and pr.ompt payment. Send oelf-addreHHcd envelope. Liberty Supply company , Beaten , Mnmt. Ml lit-12' fWANTED. \ . GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- V 'work ; peed wages paid ; references reunlreil. Apply t007 ! St. Mary's avenue. MIU'J C\ \ WANTED , A COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. V Mis. MarHh , Eighth and Plnu Bt. , P.IBI of Jlrownell halt I3U ! 13 * - OH OF.NTLEMAN TO TRAVEL ; MOD- C-LADY to begin ; permanent employment. Address A 04 , Bee. Mala IB * T'-WANTED ' , LADY AGENTS IN EVERY wconnty. Good pay. Kxperlonco nmieceflsary. Kncloau stamp. Geo. W. Hick , York , Neb.MB30 MB30 12 * i-OB BENT HOUSES. Rates , 1 He a line each Insertion. $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for loss than iir c. " " 'The O. P. Davis company , 1003 Farnam. 007 - COTTAOE. MODERN. CHOICE IN Stanford circle. C. S. Klguttur , 201 Bco bldjr. 003 l-v HOUSES , F. K. DARLINO , DARKER BLOCIC. J./ UOD \ -H-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN. FURNISHED OR imfnrnlshed. Apply 1112 S. 10th. Hit D-NEW MODERN H-HOOM 1IOUSE.31 i , MASON 217 "H-SOMK KLKOANT HOUSES , WITH ALL CON'- * Jvuiilcucvs. Urennan , Love & Co. , Paxton bloclt. UU J M - ' SEVEN-ROOM IIOUSKS ANo" l-J-TU'O GOOD - 1 'ono live-room hou.so. ncnr business center , at ff 1.1.ill ) , tPJO.IIU anil $ ' 'fi.)0. ( J , D. kittle. Drown block , lOlh nnd Douglas slrettuf. M41'J D-FOH RENT , THE SOUTH ELEGANT KIOHT- ronin brick. 2lth ) nod Izanl , block from Walnut Hill line , $23.00. Inquire comptroller's oftlce.M321 M321 D'-TO A SMALL. FIRST-CLASS FAMILY , A very fleslrnblo nine- room , modern house , :110 : No. 20th Blreel , reasonably rental. Bogifs k Hill. 077 J 28 -BUST B AND 8-ROOM HOUSES IN CITY. . .1)BUST at 2502 Blontlo street. MU28 f2' . T1 FLAT. L1NTON BLOCK. 0 ROOMS , STEAM -l-'hcat.UMO.OO per month : 1 honsv. " > rooms. 1510 Ixv.venworth , between 10th ami 10th streets ; 1 more room. OlO South tilth street ; all In peed re pair , John Hamllil , ngont , H17 Ltnton block.M140 M140 D-FURNISHED HOUSE , EIGHT ROOMS. ,2000 California. M141 la * 'I"l-FOHRENT-l ANDfl-ROOM STEAM HEATED -I-'apurlmenlH. Clowry buildings , 10th .nnd Chl- cugo ; Roberts , 101-1 Chicago. Ml 18 11 * -3 ROOM COTTAGE. 037 N. 25thst. , $0. In- iinlro at M28' South 18th Bt. 187-10 \--KOR HKNT , 3 ROOM FLAT. WITH 1IKAT , ' balh , Intiulro , enelneer , 70a N. 10th st. SO'-IO * RENT D-KOOM HOUSE 1(113 ( -JD - - , - ; INQUIRE Dorcas st 22H 17' lfOB BENT FUBNISHED BOOMS. Hates. IKon wonl first InsertionIc n wonl there after. Nothing taken for less than 23c. IT - FOR RENT , DESIRABLE FURNISHED lliroomB. IiKiulru 1010 UoUge. M2UU EiDESIRABLU ROOMS , 1721 CAPITOL AVE- Ei ine. M407 Jill' _ - NICE llboilS ; STEAM HEAT ; 1723 HAVEN- pyi-l. MUII2 30 * 1 ? STEAM HEAVED ROOMS , FURNISHED OR 'jniifnnilshud ' , 1000 HoUgo. M171 VI * J7I V UHNISHED ROOM , 2017 HAHNEV'lsT" 18H IS * - -TWO FURNISHED ROOMS , 410 N. oT ETWO street. M207 13' PUBNJSHED BOOMS AND BOABD. Hales IHo n wonl llrst Insertion , lu n word thereafter. Nothing taken for loss than 23u. jy-YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME UNDER CARE OF .1 Women's Christian association , 111 S. 17th st. (112 ( . ' ROOMS AND BOARD. BOTH GAS AND 'Hteamhealt.OOnnd$3. week.411 Norlh 1 IlliSt. USD it' ! 1. NICE WARM ROOMS WITH GOOD BOARD. 1- Hates reasonable. 2020 Hiimwy stront. 1113 13' J- ROOMS St BOARD , HILLSIDE , 18 A DODGE. _ Mlf.2 W FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT ROOMS. WITH J boanl. 1721) Dotlgo. .M224 13' H' HANDSOME SOUTH ROOM , STEAM HEAT , 1. with boaixl ; rufoivncoH. 202 North ISth. M2I. > 12' . ' - ROOMS WITH STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS board , i10l ! ) Donu'hiH street. M22'J -IS KLKOANT ACCOMMODATIONS AND HOMK .1 coniform In a prlvaltt family. Terms reason able , lienllemoil preferred. AiUlivsn A Ml. llee. M'J''U It' r l-'OR RENT , FHRXISHED AND UNFURnished - nished rooniH , with excellent board. A21 N. 23d. M2 1 1 It' _ _ _ _ " " I1 , LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM ANlT BO AH"D" , .1 bay window , housti warm anil mu > lern ; ii-ims reaNonablu , ' .Mllll Cass. M23U IB * 1 > TWO NICELY FURNISHED OR I ' Nr' .1 nlsht'il healeil rooms with hoard. Pleanant home , terms reasonable. 17011 Dodgu. 112-13 12' l-'OKBENT UNFUBNISH'D BOOMS Hnles , IS" n wonl llrst Insertion , Ian wonl ihiM-viiftur. Nothing taken for less than 2ie ( , G"37)R 4 UNFURNIsnTED ROOMS , HI.S. . 18th H 40 14' FOB BE NT STOHES AND OFFICES , Hates , mu ; nwonl nmi niHvrtion , lo a word ihxraltur. Nolhlng UI MI for lo-ia th.m 2il . T * HENT. THKT-STOllY'BiUcirBHLllTNa l < 10 Furnnm HI. The Imlhllng IIIIHU fln-prouf co- mcntbaHcmcnl.coinplcIo siuam henlhur llxtnres , wnlFroiiMl the Itoora , iran , ote. Apply at thu of- Sen of Tim Ike AGENTS WANTED. Rates , IOo it linn fiioli hisortlon , Jl.BO o llno per ionth. Nothing taken for lesn than We. T WANTED , A(5KNTS OR SOLICITORS FOR t Omnha. South Omaha , Pl.ittsmoiith. lllalr and Council llluffs. Good pay vnarantevd. Koallno 13th uitd Ilarncy , Omaha. M107 U' WANTED TO BENT. , IUIe Ufa n won ! Hint Iniarllan , les ward tlwro- iflur Mutldnr tukuii for la > thanJJc. K _ WANTKD. ROOM AND IIOARU 1JJ V1UVATK laiutljr bjruunf oouple. AaJrea * A 32 U < < u. . ' 31 li" 8TOBAOE , Rfiten lOcallnnnrHl Insertion , I.BO line per month. Nojijn * taken for less than 25e. Lney. M-STORAOK FOR IIOIT.IKIIOLD OOODS. clean und cheap rate. II. Wolln , 1111 i'arna m Olu WANTED TO BUY. nates , lOon line p.ich Innerlion.Jl.r.O n line per month. Nothing taken for lens than aSc. V WANTKD. " OOoVMOUEIljrTioUSB'oil'VA- -L > cant lot Iwtween 18th nnd 3d nnd DomtlnH and Onus. Giro description , locution and prlct' . A18 , Ileo , 'JO I 11 * AT-WANT TO IIUY A OOOD STOCK OK OKN- -I' eral innrchandlno. I have cinh nnd noiimirooit rp.nl cut/Hi' Hi exchange for nanio. Addnins K , Ilex 100 , Oruoley Center , Nub. M''li ! 11 TVT-WANTKD , ACHB PIlOPKItTY WITHIN 0 -Ii mile * of Oiimhni trael of II to IB acres ; mimt bo a bargain , Atlilrona A fil , Iloo. 'J'Jll IS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Union , H < e a wonl first limortfon. In n word thereafter. Nothlnir taken for less than ' 'fie. " -KOH HALK , CltKAP. PIIt9T-OLAH3 oTT\Nn liynranlle pa semer pluvntor. hand lurcr , In eood oitler , nearly now. llo.itun Storu , Omaha. MUO Jil ! Qm L DAIRY. COWS , KOUm "oOOU mllkera. lil)5 ! N. i.2dnt. I1D7 1U * _ QPoll SALK , 1CB IIOUSK AT A 1IAUOAIN near Klormicc. About 40,000 feel lumber. Ad dress A-It ) , Ileo. M''OO 15 MISOEliLANKOUS. rtateit. IWc a wonl first Insertion. len word tliero- nftcr. Nothing taken for lew * than 'J.'ic. 1)FOR LKASK AIIOITT 100 AORKS , SUITABLE I Xfordalry. imrden or farm , northwest of Florence lake. Hoggs A Hill. ' 07(1 J 28 17 TINT YOUR WALLS WITH ALAIIASTIN- I Mnc.tlom ) In two colors to Imltatu hur.iln paper ; k'li.ir.intled not lo spill a drop on your carpet ; price , st'j.00 per room. Address orders to A 30 , lice omco. IID8 12 * 1WK SIIINK HOOTS FREE AND EMPLOY ALL JXHrsl-cIass barbers. Shave , lOc ; hair cutting , 23c ; baths , 2c. ( ) 1402 Farnam , basement.MIIC8 MIIC8 27 * -I WILL OUARANTKK TO 11KMOVK ALL cockroaches from your house or bnlhllm ; In three tlavs. Hotels and restaurants a specially. Call or address , R. Relnoclirlebcr , 1532 So. lOlhsl. JO ! ) 14 * 1HOR DISEASES PREVENTIVE. I HKRKDY Ivcertlfy that Henry Coombs , llth and Oumluif St. . Omaha. oiwratLtl on my hoys last August and since the operation my ho/rs / havn done \rell. I bellcvo It to heaKooil preve.ntlvu forallillseiiHes , I also bollove It would pay any man to try It. as I hn coal la HO small. William ( illlesplo. M1HI f8 CLAIRVOYANTS. Rales , 1 Oca line each insertion , $1.50 n line per month. Nolhlm ; taken for less than ' . ' . "c. S-MHaIl. U. wAliilEN. CLAllVOYANTl.-- llablo biislncaa medium ; 7th year at 111) N. llltli. U1B MASSAOE , BATHS. ETC. Hates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.BO a line per month. Nothing taken for ICSH than -"ic. rp-MAUAMK i SMITHS " 602 sVliJTlj 1N ! , -L Room 3. Masnago , vapor , alcohol , stcnin.sulpliur- Inu and sea uatns. .M1II7 13' rp MMK. STOWB , MAGNETIC HEALEH. ROOM I- 80 , Hotel Hriniswlck. JI17I1 10 * rp-MMK. I1KO\VN , 1314 CAPITOL AVE. ROOM Li. second Iloor. Hassagu treatment. Magnetic Iionlcc. M-J33 18' PEBSONAL. Rales , lc ( o line each Insertion. $ l.i > 0 a line per month. Nothing laken for less than 23e. U MASSAGK TREATMKNT. ELECTRO-THER- m.il baths. Scalp ami hair trcalmenl , manlenro amlchlropotllst.Mr8.Posl,318KS.10thWltlmellblk. Oil ) U-SWALLOW TAIL SUITS LOANED OUT AT low prices. Call on E.Snsarman , 1111 Douglas. -PERSONAL. THIS IS GOOD FOR TEN days' free trealment If presented at oftlco of The Dlnsmoor Remedy Co.rooms 200-203 Douglas block , Omaha. Illooil | K > lson liny stage. Unctired Hot Springs cases especially desired Cnro guar anlecd 30 to 00 days. JI384 J2U U-ILLUSTRATF.D MARRIAGE JOURNAL , containing photo ennivlitFTS of pcrspns tleslr- liur correspondt nts , matluil freo. Brown' Pub. Co. , Toledo , O. ' MO 11 1 * -A. MACDONALD , CITY OARI1AQE CONtractor - tractor , ofllco re 0 & 7 Darker blk , 10 & Farnam. 1)34 ) f3 Tr-lF'YOU WANT TO RET 'MARRIED SKND , * Jllvo 1 cent stnmpa for malrlmonlal paper. Acl- dacBK Box 700. Falrbury , III. M103 P8' ' ' MONEY T'p'l.OAN REAL ESTATE. Rales , IHc n wonl llrst Insertion , Ic a word thereafter. Nothhiir taken for leis than 'J.'io. T ioyKV'm''lM'Af JMWF T nATKS. The O. K. Davis Co. , 100S Farnam st. O'JO \T7 LOANS ON INPROVED AND UNIMPROVED ' city property , $ : tUU and upwards. 8 to OJ < per cent ; no delays.W.FarnamSmltn&Co.,13IJOFarnam. 021 " \\r-ANTHONY LOAN ANDTRUST CO. , 318 N.Y ' Life , lends at low rates ( or eholco security on NebniBka and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. \V-MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON ' improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 lo 0 years. Fldollly Trust Co. , 170'J Farnam. 023 \\r MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES. Apply to W. B. Melklo , Flrat National bk. bulg. 021 W-MORTGAGE LOANS , A. MOORE , 001 N. Y. Life. M170 f8' \\r- LOANS ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. > Garvln li.-os. , 210 N. Y. Life. M234 fll MONEY TO LOAN OHATTKLS. Hates , lOcn llnu enah Insertion , $1.00 a line per onth. Nothing taken for leas than 23c. \ MONEY TO LOAN- -v Wu will loan yon any sum which you wish , hmall or lorite. nt HIM lowest possible rait.-H , In llio iiulckest pobslhlo lime , ami for any lengih of tlmu tosultyou. Youean pay It back In such Install ments as yon wish when yon wish , and only pay for It as long : w yon keep ft. Yon pan borrow on HOUSEHOLDPURNITURE AND PIANOS HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 SOUTH 10TII STREET , First floor above the Btreel. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 1125 -WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF - security ; strictly coutUlontial. A. E. Harris , room 1 , Continental block. 027 " X-MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES , WAGONS. pianos and furnltnro of all kinds. Business conlUlenllal. J. 11. IInddockrooni437 Hamgo block. 027 VXX-TUB PLACE TO BORROW MONEY , ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MONEY , ON HORSES AND Ml'LES. MONEY , ON WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , . MONEY , ON PIANOS AND ORGANS , -MONEY , ON WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , MONEY , ON MERCHANDISE , MONRY , ON ANY CHATTEL SECURITIES , MONEV ON gooils that remain with you. MONEY. IF YOU WANT NO PUBLICITY , IN LARGE OH SMALL AMOUNTS. MONEY. AT LOWEST POSS1IILE RATES , MONEY , IN QUICKEST POSSIBLE TIME. MOMEY , THAT you may payback at any time and In nny amount Is nt ROOM 4. W1THNELL block , Cor. IGth ami Hartley Sin. THE FIDELITV LOAN GUARANTEE CO. 020 BUSINESS CHANCES. Hntoa , lOca line each Insertion , $1.50 n Hue per month. Nothing tnken for K'ss thnn'3c. - LASS HOTEL All DOIng - Ing good bubhiena. Address A 2U , lk-o. 101 11' Y-FOR SALE , STATE AND COI'NTY RIGHTS , patent door check. Aildn-SH with stamp , Lock box SI. Council BlntTs , la. 201-f-y Y -MUbTBESOLD AT ONCE , A FINE STOCK Lot hnnlwaru and Implements luoated In county seat town In central Iowa of UMU. ) Will Invoice * 1.000.00. For enah only. AdUress A 47 , Bee. M20D 10' V- WANTED , A FIRST-CLASS LARGE DRY goods and millinery combined , or iargu general Morn to locate In n progresalvo. crowing elty of WfNtarn Nebraska , on C. . 11. .1 I ) , main line ; bent ( ] | x-ntng In thu wi > Ht , For luforutatlon aiUlrusa Drawer No , 1002. Lincoln , Nob. voo 10 V-UIIUO STORE FOR SALE : ONLY ONE IN A I- good tow ntu Iowa. AUdrvbi I. W. H. . all N. Y. Life. Mam j-j' Rnte , lOo a line each hiitcrtlon. $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for IOHH iliiu 23c , "lt'SlNES. f "piufp. y-FOR TRADE , GOOD ! . 'Jrrty , centrally located , clear , for larvo tract ut land near Omaha ; will aasumx Inoimibrauco or ) > uy tlliTeiviicu. Initdru | ruom 323 , Omaha Nail. BanU bldf. _ _ _ _ MiUU y-EXCHANUES. ALKX. MOORL',501 N. Y. LIFE. f _ ' x uaa P3 * r/-STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS ; / want horaet and cattle. Box 21'S ' , Frankfort. Ind. _ ' _ U3I ) /-I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS /J.ir.d Dakota.Will neil cheap or nxcliiiign for iiKlao.lioi-ioa and cattlo. AUd.bot TU.Vraukrorl.luU tiau _ ITO EXCHANGE. TWKNTY-ROOM IUIICIC ' tcam lioaitxl uoiul fur InuU or ttuum awlug. AiWrvo * Uox V'J , Iuulap , IDWX UU. FU FOB EXCHANGE. r/-Jlr..OOO.OO WORTH CHOICE PROPERTY IN ' -JOnmlm , Llapoln nnd Gnlventon , Tux. , to nx * ch.ingR formprclmndlsoornny itood business. Box 373 , Kenrney , Neb. MiitfS 10 * r/ \ BARGAIN , Sl.ROO.OO STOCK OF GOODS fJlor Inml or city tiroix-rlr , or nt a discount for caah. Address box 3 ll.ltcmleld , Neb. 31 tfiit I lU FOB SALE HEAL. ESTATE. , lOcallnec.iuli Insnrtlon. $ liO ! a line per month , yollilii tnhon for lens than 23c. . / * or trade , P. 1C. Darlinir , Ilnrkor blok. 031 17011 SALE-ORBAT IUUOAIN ON A SIT.KN- -L did ino aero farm. H miles souln of Kearnnjr. o IUucn s nt DuSota for * 1 , 000. If yon can't tret moro. Who wants It ? Hnro bargain. lt < w & 11111. _ fi7B J'JH TTOII SALE. KINK UKSIDKNCK PROPERTY IN I HniiHoutu 1'loce. One-half block from Pnrk. Eight room lirmsn with modern conveniences. Kooil locality. Address X , 003 First National bank iMilIillnir. _ 1UI7 . WASH.virb IIUY TUB MISINKSS tphlnck lit Inly Kanmm. next N. Y. Lift's nets (1 ( poreont on fuO.oou : a lirelnvpHtnienti future valnu ( Tuarantuud. D. O. l'atter on , IC''S farnani. 1 OT FOR SALE , CHEAP , FOR CASH ONLY OH J-ncnn payment ! , , lot II , In block 1 , In Sprliurdstlo addition to tboolty of Omalm. Joins Oak. Ixtx 18 , Amlovur. Ill Mlttl i3' ! / VllOlCK KAHMS. C.K.UOATRIOUT , 01 N.Y.LIPE K ROOM COTTAOB AND LOT , lilTII. NKAII Olafoa Htreet. Itlff bunrnln , Ilox373 , Kearney , Nab. DKES8MAKIKG. HnlOH , lOen linn each Insertion. S1.BO a line par month . Nothing taken for lesi than ' . ' .Ic. 1-\HE33KS , S-l ! WitAPPKRS , $ ' . ' . BOO N. ' . ' 1th. ( TT ASH ION AIJLE STREET COSTUMKS AND Iparly ( towns ; perfect lit ; Work by d.iy at re I- donee. Inquire at 1121 Cap. avenue. MDHU 12 * TirANTKD , SKWINO IIY THE DAY , 11Y HE- V > lliiulo dressmaker. Address A 03 Ileo. J31 13 UNDSKTAKEBSANPEMBAIiMERS Hates , lOc.i line each Insertion , Jl.iit ) a line per month. Nothing taken for ICHS then ' . ' 3e. " " " . w. MAKER ( FORMERLY"WITH"JONN o , C. Jacobs , deceased : later with M. O. Maul. ) nnilor takurntid cmibahner ; ( J13S. 10th t. Tel. DUO. K. nURKKTT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND H , embalmer. HUH Chicago nt. Tel. 00. 031 BANGtJVO ACADEMY. Rales , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per month Nothing taken for lusi than 2."c. IvfoilAND'S DANCINO SCHOOL , 1MO HARNEY 1 > slreot. The midwinter term l > jlns this week. New classes now forming. Children Tttosd.tr 4 p ui. . Saturday 10 a. m. or 3 p. m. Adults Tuesday and Thursday 8 p. m. Private lessons dally In id the new dances. Call for terms ; 2 halls-o let. M872 .130 LOST. T OST. SMALL WHITE BULLDOG PUP , BRINLE -L/coloron eye and tips of tsars , Return to 017 South Ifith HI and get reward. 227 12 * L bsT , A PAIR OF GOLD SPECTACLES BET. ST. Mary's Avenue Congregational church and 2Sth street. Reward for return to 020 S. 28th. M23B 12 * PAWNBROKERS. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion. $1.MI a line per month. Nollitng taken for less than 25e. .Douglas st. Loans money on diamonds , watchea , etc. Old gold and silver bought. Tel. IflBB ti3li _ _ _ | COLLECTIONS. Rates , 1 Oe a line each Insertion , $ l. . > Di line per month. Nothlnir taken for less than ' . ' . "ic. P O LLKCTIONS. THENEBHASKA COLLECTION v/comrany , room OU1 , Merchants National Bank building , makes a specialty of city collections. HIM 10' SHOBTHAND AND TYPflWBITING Hales , Klcs a line each Insertion , $1.00 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25e. > KLADIESANIGE yOU a < * iulru a working knowleilrc of shorthand nnd typewriting at A. C. Van Saul's school of short hand , iilil N. Y. Life. Typewriters to rent. 033 SCALES. Hales , lOc n llnu each Insertion , $1.00 n Una iwr month. Nothing jakun foj leHa than -"ic. -VTEW AND SECOND HAND SCALES. ALL KINDS. li Addreaa Bordou A. Sellcck Co. , Lake St. , Chleaso 037 _ MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. Halos , lOc n line each Inssrtlon , $1.50 a llneper month' Nothing taken for less than 23c. G. F. GELLENI1ECK. BANJOIST AND TEACHER. . 1810 California St Ill-l Tin : INSTRUMENTS placed on record January 11 , 1S'J4 : WAHUANTY DEEDS. Dora Portz nnd husband to J A Ollls , Jr , wii lot 5 , block a , ( Jrnmlviow $ 2,300 Same to same , part lot 3 , block 30 , South Omaha 4,000 Same Iowamu , lot Hi , block 4 , UrulKh- tonllolclits 4,000 Walter Vundorcrcuk and wlfo to SI Vundorcrock , lot (5 ( , bloelc 8 , Ini- provomcut assoulntlon acid. . 0,000 QUITCLAIM DIXDS. A M Potter nnd husband to 1'rnnklln Potter , lOOxllGH feet in nw nw " B-16-13 . 1 IIKKDS. ESDundy ( mtistor In chancery ) to oNow Hninpshlro Savlncs bank , lot 14 , block 10 , Kountzu 1'lnco 0,213 Totnl amount of transfur.s i 23,014 BUREAU. SUE ? * ; 03. . SOLICITOUS.R0u lluildln , OMAHA. NEH. Advice FKEH RH1LWRY TIME GHRD Loa vua (011 IC.VGOTTl IIRKI NrTO n"tTntf ( fT Omnhit I Depot 10th siuil Mason Sis. I Oinn 4.45 pm Chlcagh Vestlbiilo 11.31) ) nai U .4 Sam Chlcagh Exiiress 4.23pn 7.02 pm Chicago Se Iowa Looil H.ODaui 11.35am Paclllo Jet. Jjou a . _ . . . . . O.B3pm Loaves I BURLINGTON .t MO. rrlvos Omaha I Depot 10th and Mason Su. O.nilu : oavu H K. C. , Sr J. &G. II. I Arrlvoi in liu | Depot lOlh anil Mason Sis. I Omalit 0.4Snui.KansasClly | Day I-fxpress. . . . ] 6.0.1 pin 0.46 pin 11C. C. Night E-xp. via U. P. Trans. ! ( i.-il am Leaves UIHOAUO , R. I. it PAlHFIU. I Arrivm Omaha I Union Depot IDlliAMarny Sts. | Omaha I ( ) .3nm ( Atlanttu Express ( ex Sunday ) 7.13pu H.OOpm . . .Nlzht Exuross ll.43um fi.OUpm . .Chicago Vcrttluiilo.l Llniltc.1. , -.00 pm 12.10iim Oklahoma Kxn. ( too. H. nv. Sun ) 11.23 am WtUT. I 0.3U am | OklaiiomaATiXasExp.Ex.Sinii ( 112.10 a/n J.Off pm I . . , „ _ . , .Oolorndp LliiiltoJ. . . . . I 4.0 ! ) pit ' ' ' - ' - - 'Loa iiB' | . Omahn I Union Di-init lOlh .VMarcy Sis. I n.SOnm . .DenvorKxpmsfl I .l.ilApm il.lflptn Overland Flyer. . . . . . . . . I 0.30 pm 3.40 pm ileairicq& Strouisb'g Ex ( ox Sim ) 12.30 pai , ,1'acllu ) Express. . . 11.03am ( UlUpm Denver F.IMI Mull. l.-Jil nm T3TIUAnT5. U. P. Depot anil Maivy Sts. | O.naha . . .ChlcagirLhnltijfl . I n. It ) mu i . . .Chicago Expressjox Smu. . . . | . ' .311 pn : F.7irST il Q. Viv LLU V lArrlvoT Omnlin Depot Ifith and Webster Sis. I Omaha P.naam . . .DoailwuoJ Ktpnttii I iVKIp.ii II . (15.1111 ( Ex. SaLIWyo. Kxp. iKx. Moil. ) I n.lOpn u.OOpai .Norfolk . Expivas ( Ex. Smr.l'iy ) . I 111. Ham 0.43pm St. Paul Express. | l.2ii ) : n Leaves I CHICAGO A ; NORTH WKSTN. I Arrives Qmnh.'tl U. P. depjl. llltli &M.iroySH , I Oinahi ll.o.lii'ril ClilcauExpr ss . . " . . . I il.tnpin 4.05pm1 VuHtlbulaLlinllivi ll.20u-ii OJMpm Eastern Flyei . ' 2.1.ip-n O.Sil inn ( Ex.S.il.Chle. ) Pass . . ( Kx.Moin tr.'ipn 0.35 am .J. . . . . .Mo. Valley laical . 10.20 pm Leaves I MtSSOUlU PACIFIO Oinuhal Depot ISthmil WobiUrSH. I Ouii 12.20 pml St. I > uU Exprvs4 il.mi am 10.00pm SI , 1-oulsExpn.M.s 4.30pm 0.10 p.nliiaily ( L'x'snn ) Nebraska l.10am ) Ix'iives" C. ST. P. , M. .V O. [ Arrlva i Uiur.ha Depot 13th and WoualurSls. I Omah ) 8.00am .Sioux City Acconimivjattoii. .1 P.)3pai ( ) I.lfipm Sioux City Exnrois ( Ex. Sun. ) lU,4Upin o.40pm -St. I'uiil Limited O..tam Dmahti Uopot , lOniKtMareySts. " ' . .Sioux Clly Passenjor" . . .IliT.vupin 3.33'pmj. , . _ .St. Paul Express. . , . . . ! lll.Oilam lx > aves j "SioOx'cTTVlCT'TunT'uT'lATrivoV" Omahul , 13th urn ! W'jIisturNtK I O.liaha 5.-15pnTT\ .SI. Puul L luilUKl i u.vsuin jysiwil lmlteU I U.23nm Leavrc I OMAHA isr'LOt'lS. iVrrtvesT OnuhaU. | P. Dopot. 10thjuiil Mareyl Ou h > " . "SU Lgul i'Auii9u 1) 11.j dTANA''MlOXAIRE" ' ' Stocks Two Prospects at 7,000,000 , niul Lots in His Colored Friends in Kentucky. T SILK-TILED DUDES TO ; .Y/ORK / THE MINES Coon Illdcjo AVlll Now Itcmiio n Lively CnmpVhcro Ilaijo/nnil / Sting Will Itoll Ilnppjr Hours Along ( leu. cral Western Nour * . Charles Porter Orovo , who styles himself the "Montana mtlllonatro mine owner , " Is the most widely advertised colored man In the far west , Buys the Anaconda Standard Ho sprang Into prominence ) not very long ago at Lexington , ICy. , ' by marrying a wealthy colored belle of that city. The wedding was an exceedingly swell affair notwithstanding the fact that the Lcxlng ton papers pronounced Grove a fraud ntu adventurer. Invitations to the wedding wcro sent to all the high-toned colored people plo of the town and moro than 200 guests assembled at the marriage fete. Indeed Grove created such a scusntion that press dispatches contained an extended reference to him and his marrlairo. Telegrams were also sent to the principal cities in Montana asking if Grove was known In this state nnd if ho was what ho claimed to bo. No ono scorned to know much about him , excepting that colored man named Grove had been In Helena several times dur ing the past ten years and claimed to bo In terested In mining matters. Several of the state papers contained references to the pseudo Montana millionaire , but very few could place the man. It has recently trans- uired , however , that Charles Porter Grove is qulto well known at Kadorsburg , n min ing camp eight miles from Tos ton in Jeffer son county , and also In * several other mining camps of the state , but very few Know him by that name. Ho was always called and sinned himself Charles Portcrgrove , running his middlogivcn nanio and surname together. Ho owns two mines , or rather prospects , nt Uadersburg , on what the miners of that camp have suggestively christened Coon Hldgo. Ho Worucd 'Km All. Some time ago Grove stocked these- two properties for $5,000,000 and ja.000,000 re spectively. Ho then went to Kentucky , spent money like a prince and soon had the colored population of Lexington bowing and scraping at his feet nnd importuning him to sell them some of his mining stock. The scheme worked to perfection. Ho couldn't write out stock certificates fast enough to supply the demand , nnd soon found himself the possessor of moro mono/ than ho had ever hoped to acquire. The Coon Hldgo mines may bo all that ho claims for them , but if they should proVo to bo worthless there'll bo some fun around Kadorsburg. Grove arrived at that cahlp with his bride and n colony of Kentucky-colored men. The arrival of the parti' created considerable excitement in the camp and no llttlo amount of sport. The Hixtcon imported de scendants of Hum were retired in Prlnco Alberts , creased trousers silk shirts with frilled bosoms , silk tiles and patent leather shoes , while each dude sported n gold watch nnd a slender gold headad cane. Kaon one also was possessed of iiamtinmoth | Saratoga trunk filled with 'line clbWcS. When uskcd what ho Intended doipg , with the dude colored delegation Grovo'.said ' the gentlemen had been sent out by the purchasers of his mining stock to worlc the mines on Coon Hldgo. This statement "w/is / greeted by a hearty burst of laughter from the old-time minors , and even Grovpllfimself had all ho could do to keep his face straight. It is reasonable to gupposq .that when the Mon tana millionaire loin'o q > vner gets through bleeding his colored Kentucky admirers they will have paid pretty dearly for tlieir wildcat mining experience. Mexican Coal Mlnps. * " U. , T. Eilbeck has returned from Chicago after having organized a company of capital ists from St. Ijjiiis to work anthracite coal lands in Sonora , Mox. The capital will bo $10.000,000. The territory which llio com pany will acquire consists of 'J.000,000 acres and embraces all the coal property on the Pacillu coast and the only property which contains anthracite coal. The territory is located within seventy-two miles of lido water. Gulf of California. The company will have a railroad concession exempted from taxation , says the Denver Times , and exemption from duty on everything used in connection with the opening up ana equip ping of the minus nnd the u ulldmgof a rail way and equipping it. The largo deposit of coal is in the valley or San Mar- chlal , within twenty-two miles of an existing railroad. In this valley there are 200 square miles underlined with forty-one feet of anthracite coal , which represents 5'J 18,003,000 tons. The company has a mar ket for 5,000,000 tons yearly between Sun Francisco on the north , Capo ( lorn on the south and China on the west , with all inter mediate islands. The now company will have n complete monopoly. Tim principal shipping point will bo Guaymas , Mexico , and the headquarters of the company San Fran cisco. By the opening of the coal property California will experience a greater bourn than during the gold fever of 18-JU. A rail road twenty-two miles long will be built and equipped with all modern mining machinery and coal cars. The property was formerly owned by a Mexican company. ( irnclcy'8 I'otuto Crop. In an editorial on "Potatoes lu Colorado , " the Chicago Trlbuuosays : "Something bet ter than silver nas been discovered In Col orado ; .10,000 tons , 100,000,000 pounds of po- tutocs wore crowji last year on an area , no part of which is moro than twelve miles from Grcoley , About one-third of the arable land in that section Is devoted to potato growing in rotation with other crops , princi pally wheat. The yield of last year was estimated to have put jl.'JoO.OOO into the pockets of the potato growers around Greo- ley. The yield of this year is not so largo and prices are lower , but the situation is described aa eminently satisfactory to all concerned. The crop Is about 15,000 tons nnd its selling value not less than $700,000. The potatoes are of excellent quality , for which reason they have found a market In many of the states , large quan tities being sent to Kansas , Texas , Mobile and the cities on the Pucllio coast. "The cost of seeding , cultivating , Irrigat ing , harvest Ing and packing the three tons raised on ono aero Is stated at $18.20 , leav ing a profit of f.ili.80 out oil the $45 , realizing at 75 vents per 100 pouliijsj. The price last year was 75 cents toI and some growers raised as much as live tbns't'o the acre. This statement of profit makes W5 allowance for Interest on the valuff 'or the land or for taxes , but after a suitable deduction for thcsu Items the remaining111'u'olH is still a largo ono. " J1 " ' Ilamarkntiln Muiiil , A man who has been thbu'plng wood for n number of years in Pino' Nut district has found it now metal , sayatlvo Carson ( Nov. ) Appeal. Ills stone oven , having been burnt out ho tooksomo clay 'from a Jariru deposit he know of nearby , itndHmlxlng It with a llttlo water imtdu a bav ) ; , built a flro In his steve and paid no moro attention to It until ' .he next morning , and thuuy/ho noticed that his steve back was all gpnc. .ami In the ashes ho found a white , clear'motal with scarcely any weight to it. * It would not break so Ii6 put It on an old anvil outside the cabin and hit it with a RI5INQ "MfiTHFR'Q ' FRIPHR" 1sUl ? , rtui nnii o rnicnu bicsainK over uttered chlhl-bcnrlni ; woman , I have Iwun a ( nlil-wlfo for many years , and tn each rase wlicro "Mother's prlcnd" liad Primmed it has accomplUhed wnmlora and relieved much Hifterlnp ; . U Is the best rcmcily for rlslne of the brciut known , an , : < * nrth the price for that alone. JIus. JI. } I. IIKUKTF.R , Jlontgomory , Ala , Rent by cxprcsii. charccs prepaid , on rccclps uf price , 61iO per bottlo. BRADFJELD REGULATOR CO. , Sold by all druggUU. ATLANTA , OA heavy Immmor. It would driw out , but nclthor craclc nor break. Ho bus slnco ex perimented with It lu various wit.vs. The Clny will molt llko loail , but the itntal pnidncoil will stand n hont Ilka Iron or steel , nnd Is very lloxlble. Ho bu.it out n i ) I ceo four Inches thlolc , sir Inches \vltlo nnd cloven Inolies lonst. The block Is transparent nmi only weighs nlnt ounces. Ho sayn timt thuro is no limit to the clay , ns bo hns soon the snmo It I nil In Rcvoml parts of this nnd other states. Ho Will molt out n block two font squnro mill hnvo lint the Midwinter fnlr for pcoplo to oco. Aucnrs Well fur Cnnprr , The mnmmoth Cnllfornln redwood ol tanks , which Imvo boon expected by tlu local ropi-escntatlvo of the I'onnsylvnnla Oil company ut ( Jnspor for Bomo tlmo , hnvo nr- rived , sttya the Wyoming Derrick. Thcro nrc three ttinks , with n capacity of MO bar- nils each , nnd n smaller ono for llltorlinf. These tnnks will bo put up under .luilgo Mc- Calinont's direction InitncHllatolv , part In Casper and part nt the wells bu Salt crcok. Ono thousand feet of plpo have also been received , nnd larpo quantities of pumping rods for connoctlng up well No. 4 , which , by the way , Is the best oil well In the atato , nnd the most productive huavy lubricating oil well In the world. As BOOH ns thu tanks nro In plnco nntl No. 1 connected hauling on n largo settle will commence , It U about flfty-llvo mlles to the wells ns the road now runs , but it can bo shortened somo. Judge McCnlmont hns about closed n deal for the hauling. This movement means moro for Casper than anything which has over occurred In her history. It is the beginning of the prac tical commercial development of the won derful Mntrotm county lubricating oil fields. It Is only a question of n short time until a plpo line will become nn absolute necessity. Casper is the metropolis of the Pennsylvania of the west. Sloro California 1'lncerJ. AVilllnm Morton nnd George Moesser have returned from nn extended prospecting tour on the desert. About ' 'OU inllos north of San Hcrnnrdlno nnd about forty miles from Color they discovered placer mines never before known , says n recent dispatch to the San Francisco Chronicle. They showed several largo nuggets ns the result of ono day's worlc Before leaving the ground they formed n district nnd recorded their claims , in n few days they will return with n largo party and an extensive outllt to work tlieir claims. The Denson boys nnd several other parties who have boon working Color claims are now in the city , hnving in their iwsaossioti many nuggets ranging from $3 to $ A" > 0 each. They report many prospectors In that region , some of whom nro making money rliht nloiu' , whereas many others Und noth ing and do not kuon how to work. Colorado. Four feet of rich gold ere has just been struck in the Nellie Bly. Lessees paid over $00,000 to the owners of thoAletlm mine , near Sllverton , last season. The town of Buono Vista is almost de serted , everybody having gone to Crooked Creek. Ore running fourteen ounces gold is being taken from the Mountain Lion mine , Boul der county. Scott Tcaguo killed two mountain lions last week at Mancos , ono of which measured S feet 'J Inches. An Aspen outfit commenced the sinking of a 100-foot shaft on the Rocky Point lode ut Crooked Creole. The llrst strike of free gold ere on Beacon hill , Cripple Crcok , was made in the Gold Dollar last week. Castle Itoclc Is to be auppliod with coal from n now discovery on the Kggleston ranch near t ranktown , this county. The mines of the Salida Copper company in , ChafTce county have thus far produced n total of 2,71)1,000 ) pounds of copper. Creedois now shipping 150 tons a day , of which ninety is from the Last Chance and York and forty from the Amethyst. About fifty mon nro at worn nt Wide awake , five miles west of Central City , ono of the early day camps. The old Caledonia twenty-stamp .mill has been purchased and sturtod. up. The usual dividend of fin.OOO , or % cents " n share , has been declared by the "Victor , the Cripple Crook wonder. The Golden Fleece , Lnko City , also distributes 15,000 this month. A three-foot vein of the richest ore yet en countered in the Geese Creek district ivas struck last week by Charles Campbell eight feet from tno surface. The ere is covered with Srao gold. A contract hns boon closed with the Bi- motalllo smelter at Leadville for treating the ore from the Amethyst at Creedo. The production is now forty tons n day , but will bo Increased largely in February. The Santa Fe receivership has closed the Hockvalo coalmine , thro wing out 450 miners , who have not been paid for the past two months. The Coal Crcok mines uro work ing half time , nud Willlamsburg mine full time. It is reported thnt elk can bo seen in great numbers about llfty or sixty miles down the river west of Steamboat Springs. The fierce winds that prevail In that part of the country keep purl of the ground bare , and the elk can llml enough to keep them alive during the winter. The figures given in reporting the recent strike in the Hidden Treasure mine at Man hattan were , by mistake , given far belo-v tneiractual value. According to assay cer tificates exhibited at the express ofilco ono grade of ore has a gold value of $130 and the other of 5100 in gold and silver. A town alto has just been laid out on Myers creek , ton miles on an air line from Del Norto , nud is called Embargo , which also is the true nameof thu crcok. Some hard work is being dope by minors already In the camp , who are certain that they have n budding bonanza. < rec < > n. Coourg is shipping a good many. , fine beef cattle. Forest Grove is borrowing $1,000 to pay Its school teachers. The Denny pheasant has almost disap peared from Coos county. The big AVilcox Hour mills at Salem have shut down pending the consumption of sur plus stocks. Grant's I'nss has passed a week without rccolv'ng ' a visit from n tramp , and thereat- greatly rejolcoth. Ashland is bringing to its aid the chain- ganc : and bread and water diet m dealing with the tramp question. Samuel Anderson of Harrisbtirg is72 years old , but held his end up nobly in n bloody Htrcct light with ICIias I'onlaml. The Astoria Budget is making n hard fight on Us demand that no Chinese bo em ployed In the canneries next spring. It says white labor will do the worlc for the same wages. It Is reported Unit Kecolvcr K. W. Hatlloy of the Oregon Pacific , will make proposals to the employes to accept 50 per cent of their present pay ns wages until such time as the road develops into a paying institution. The men object to such a heavy cut in wages , and urobnbly will not submit to It. 1 ho mine in Josephine county , of which a three-fourths interest Is owned by Deyoo , Drown nnd Hand , is to bo developed. These ganilOMon have bonded their Interest to a Mr. Murfay for (0.000. ( J. W. Hrown nnd son nnd Louis Dyer will go out from Albany to commence operations for Murray at onco. Hobcrt Mays reports the loss of fifteen : ienil of young cattle out of n herd of ( K ) , ai Ills Tygh valley ranch , thnt have died from a peculiar and fatal disease. They scorn to lie in n few minutes alter being stricken , nnd without u strugglo. U'illlam Floyd re ports a similar condition of affaire. In some respects the discnsa resembles blackleg , jut. if It Is , Us Introduction is n mystery. U'yiiinliiC. Kalnmakor .Melbourne wants to enter n law contract with Choycnno for tliu next three years. The stage route to North Park Is reported n frightful condition , owing to the latu storm. Parts of the Big Horn basin , which have lever before been blockaded , are now mac- osslulo. A fatal lung disease has appeared nmoni ; ionics all through northern Wyoming. L'hoso that do not dlo uro rendered worth- ess. 'J ho Ktirokn Cttttlo company has lost a lumber of valuable thoroughbreds. Work bus boon commenced on the tunnel of No. 'J mine ut Carbon. It Is reported that the mini ) will bo worked for nt least four days per week- far the coming month. The Jnlon Pacitlu Coal company has ordoroU Joan P. Jones to utou taking coal out of tho. , mine north of the Union Pacific main line , which tins boon burning , at It may cause an other tire to break dut. The co.il business has fnllon off greatly In tin ) post ton days , The minors nt Kock Springs hnvo been getting In fair time , but nothing llko their full capacity. The inliios in Carbon nnd Hniinn during the same period hnvo been doing nothing , A number uf the citizens of r < andcr nro In * terestlng themselves in n seliomo to establish n dally stage linn from Uawlins.on the Union Paclllo railroad , to Yellowstone park via Lander and Fort Washaklo. Congress will bo asked to ninko nn appropriation to build it wagon road over the mountains. \VaitliliiKtiiii , Palouso City is to hnvo n pottery. Nine foot of snow is reported at Monte Crlsto. Retrenchment has saved Spokane f 1,500 on Its police expenses In six months. Twenty-six ducr nnd oik have been brought Into Sultan City slnco December 1. Ftvo thousand sacks of barley nro on their way from Dayton to n Portland brew ery. ery.Thoro There Is a war among the millers In Spo- icane , and Hour Is selling tticro for US cents a sack. A Whatcom firm has received an order for l.r.00,000 . feet of cedar shingles from the cast. cast.Tho The first house built of lumber In the Touchot valley was torn down last WCCK. It was n pioneer of 1SOO. The fifth artesian well , with n lnro How of wntcr , hns Just boon bored on "tho Moxco , " In Vaklmn valloy. A hunter on ono of the mountain meadows near Camas prairie killed llvo cougars In ono day. The largest was nlno foot long. The Wluitcom Kevclllo declares thnt the folly of Identifying eastern and western Washington under ono slate government Is every day becoming moro nnd moro ap parent. The Asotln Sentinel reports that the Joseph Indians hnvo now In progress their annual winter amusement , the medicine dunce , which will probably be kept up us long ns the winter season lasts. Thirteen carloads of machinery wore re ceived by the Great Northern Sunday for the shops at Illllyard , the invoice Including lathes , drills and other machinery The force will bo Increased to sixty men An interesting and Instructive spectacle was afforded nt Montc.sano about daylight ono morning last week by n party of fashion ables who had been to a parly nt Elina nnd returned on u ha ml car. Owing to some dis affection on the part of thu m ichlnery the gentlemen of the party v.'cro obliged to dis mount nnd push thu car with its fair freight ahead of them into town. Gray's river has a world-beater in the fat woman lino. She weighs o. " > 0 pounds and haste to stay at homo because she would swamp any of the small bouts which furnish the only transportation facilities thu settlement affords , She has a big , warm heart corresponding pending with her size , and her parties , nt which she clears-everything out of the house for the dance , arc celebrated for miles n round. The Dnkotns. Snow is twelve inches deep on the lovcl In Lyman county. A $30.000 Catholic church will bo erected at Salem in the spring. Two now banking institutions opened for business at Hot Springs last week. The Munlcpal Kofnrtn league of Vnnkton is making a move to stop the opening of a now brewery. The county commissioners of Clay county will issue $30,000 to aid in rebuilding the State university. The War department has shipped fifteen tombstones to bu erected over the graves of cx-soldlers at Huron. An Alpenn merchant has shipped moro than 2,000 jack rabbits to Minneapolis this season nnd has orders for 5,0'M , moro. Thu farmers of Hanson county have r. farmers mutual insurance company. It has over H0l ( motnbors , carries ovorKlT.'i.OOO Insur ance , all its losses are paid , $500 in thu treas ury , nud the cost has been less than one-half ot what It would have been in nn old line company. William Newson , n cattle rustler of Ft. Pierre , who was bound over to the grand jury In 81,000 bonds' at llapid City , has skipped out , leaving his bondsmen in the lurch. Ho was implicated with other parties in shipping u trainlond of stolen cattle from IJapid City last August. The Northwestern has agreed to nut in a sidetrack and erect a depot at the junction of its line and that of the Great Northern south of Sioux Falls. Twenty businessmen from this place , Ccnterville , Ynnkton and Sioux City are ready to go there us soon as spring opens nnd boom the now town. The second annual report of the treasurer of the Corn licit exposition nt Mitchell has just been issued. Over § 12,000 was spent in the undortaklnff , while the receipts show but about 13000 ; , leaving a surplus In the treasury of Sl.O'.H in addition to the * J,000 invested in the building and real estate. Ill O lien Tllliti.4 People overlooked the importance of perma nently beneficial elTects and wore satisfied with transient action ; but now that It Is generally Known that Syrup of Figs will permanently iJuro habitual constipation , well Informed pcoplo will not buy other laxa tives , which act for a time , but finally injure the system. JANGLE ABOUT JUSTICES , KdScrtnn'A Circuit Kldlnc Court Objected To by Otlinr Justice * of llio r-icc . The mandamus case against Justice of the Pence Kdirorton was called in chambers yes terday before Judge Ambrose. The action is brought to compel thu defendant to dis continue his ortieo in the city and hold his court in West Omaha precinct , for which ho was elected , A demurrer was entered bv the defense nnd the cuso was continued until ii o'clock this afternoon. It is claimed by the parties pushing the case that it lias been the custom of the do- fcndant to call cases at his office In the Paxton - ton block , and set them for hearing at his residence ) at 7 o'clock in the evening. Sev eral complaints have boon made by lawyers who objected to going out in thu country after dark to try a casu to u juigo after ho bud gene to bed , nnd they claim that ho has no right to come into the city and run his court when six other justices have been elected for the purpose. Fdgorton declares that the case is the re sult of personal spleen and spitework. . Ho says that certain parlies have been ufter his scalp for twenty-llvo ycar and never boon nblo to get It , nnd hn is certain that they will not succeed now. Ho says ho has .secured opinions from some of thu best lawyers in thocityand they liavo told him that ho could hold court any where in the county. Ho insists that ho has all prorojralives und privileges of n Methodist circuit ruler of the oldun days , ind can go about thu county holding court as 10 pleases. KdKorton professes to believe that the city is conspiring against llio county , as ten country constables have boon relieved from duty , und no thinks seriously of on.'ani/.lng the eight country justices nnd South Omaha Into a counter coinoino nnd lighting the matter to a finish. A NXUVXVKMKS 1 .S. The particular pleasing feature of "Dr. Hill , " the merry comedy which will consti tute the attraction ut the Fifteenth Street ; hcatro next week , IK thai every character n the piece Is n comod.V uhar.tctcr : there Is tbsolutely nothing surlous about It. That which tn the action of the comedy might bo grave owing to the danger In volved by mistaken Identity Is really : he consistently humorous part uf t. Thoughtless husbands and wive * , nn imbltious fnthor-In-luw , n lUt-hoadcd dude , nn ox-ballot dancer , u frolicsome variety nu- tress nnd u jealous uupurinicndont of police seem to got hopelessly nilxod In Illriniion mil counter Ilirtalions , but as nil finally tul to behave like rational boingu the harmless- less of the supposed wrongdoers becomes ippnrcnt , und reconciliation gets to In the ) usinuss of all concerned. "Dr. Bill" opens tt the matincu on Sunday. IVorHed .UilU dine Doxvii , CAIUIINA , H , I. , Jan. U. The Cardlnn Worsted mills , the only Industry of Hits ilacu , will close Indutlnltol.v this woulc for ack of orders , It Is the first shutdown in twenty years. Quo word dowrluas u , Mporfration , " Ware * 'er to I so Witt's Witch llatol Sal vocuro4 uucs DISCUSSED BY THE LABORERS Question of Affording Relief to These Out of Work Considered , MEETING OF THE CENTRAL LABOR UNION I'liuis for rurnUliliiK Work fur the Ilnciu. plojpd-\VIU InvpKtlK.ito tlui > 'nw ITiilini Depot I'rnpniiltloii nnd Itrport Upon It Hoon. The Central Labor union held a regular meeting Wednesday In Patterson's hall , and transacted considerable business of Impor tance lo the city. President Hartley an nounced his Intention of going to Washing ton to accept u position tendered to him In the oflleo of the tuibllo printer , aim thuroforo resigned his position as president of thu Omaha Central I bor union. The resigna tion was accepted with rcgiol ami Mr. Hartley was then , upon motion of Mr , Sebrlnp , made an honorary inomuur of the union , the secretary being Instructed to glvo him n letter to that cfTr > ct. Mr. Hartley left for Washington yesterday , and takes with him kind remembrances of all llio delegates to this union. Several new delegates wore Initiated , It being iiullceablo that a largo number of thu unions had sum now men to represent thorn. Mr. .1. I ) . Schupp was chosen to ill ! out the balance of the term as president In place of Mr. Hart ley , resigned. The report of the organization cotmnlttco was highly satisfactory , which showed that a now union had boon organized since the previous meeting of the union. The com mittee on Homo Industry did not have Its report quite ready and It will bo received at the nevt mooting. The committee having charge of the liorscshour light reported satisfactory progress nnd the committee was continued for two weeks longer. Work fur thu Iliirinplnycd , A resolution was handed In from the Knights of Labor committee in regard to furnishing employment to the idlu persons in the city , and a committee was appointed to act in conjunction with the committed from District assembly No. 120 to try to got the city council and county commissioners to start some kind of public work for the rcliof of the unemployed. The union wn unanimously in favor of the proposition proposed by Dis trict assembly No. 120 and placed Itself on record as being opposed to the city employ ing men to do public work In consideration of a bowl of SOUP. The opinion was unanimous that the men should bo paid fair wages. Mr. 1) . C. Pat terson was granted admission to make some suggestions for tbo laboring pooplo. Mr. Patterson's Idea was to start sugar beet colonies all over Nebraska and thought thcru should bo no trouble nt this time in getting 500 families , vho wculd bo willing to try the experiment. He said that if 500 families would settle upon twenty acres each and each family raise fifteen acres of beets that they could make more money and llvo hap pier than the usual worker now In Omaha. Ho sutrgc.sti'd that the land could bit bought on ten year's time and that before live years were up each family could have their homo well Improved and paid for. If the experi ment should prove a success ho thought that Nebraska might yet feed the world on sugar raised from Nebraska soil. Mr. Patterson gave some very valuable statistics showing that mlllbnsof dollars ouch year was sent abroad for this product which Nobr.iska could beat the world in producing. His re marks WPTO received with marked attention and on bchulf of thu union , President Ilarto extended to Mr. Patterson the thanks of the delegates for his suggestions. Messrs. William Sobrmg. August Ilccr- nmn and John B. Schupn wcro unanimously elected us delegates to the Nebraska State Labor congress. 'I he. Union Depot I'ropoKltlnn. The proposition to vote bonds for building a new union depot came up for discussion and was given about ono hour's time. All sides of the question were presented nnd some difference of opinion exists. The ques tion was finally disposed of for the evening by the appointment of a committee of llvo to look into the matter fully and learn nil the facts that can bo secured regarding1 the proposition. The committee after investigation will call a special meeting , it it is considered necessary , and give ono whole evening to the discussion of this very important ques tion. The chair appointed as this commit tee August Bccrman , Julius Meyer , O. Clem Denver , George W , Sabine and John II. Schupp. This committee will hold a meeting at Julius Meyer's room , southeast corner of Twelfth and Fnrnnm strcots.ou Friday even ing , nt 8 o'clock , at which tlmo the question will bo eivon careful consideration. The following letter was ordered sent to the con vention of bricklayers and masons who are now holding their twenty-eighth annual convention in this city : VTrlcomcil the llrlckluyari , OMAHA , .Tun. 10. Tn the International Bricklayers and .Masons Union now In session , Ui-eclliiK' We , IIHI Omaha Cunlral Labor union In rcKUlur Mission usstinililud , do huroby extend lo your liunornhlu body our very best wishes and trust thai ynur di'llbunitions may cnnlliiuo In 1m prolllahh ) and pleniiint.Vn Kindly welcome you to our city nnd trim Unit you iniiy all carry away pleasant runicm- brancus of Omaha. LKI : IlAiiTi.fv , l > resident , ! ' , II. MniiTo.vSue-rotary. DcWItt's WitchH-.i/.ol a.ilvo CUPJJ pil.ii. Mi.t. < itiltltfU TillKI.KVTKH ] .lltU. OMAHA , Jan. C. To the Kditorof TIIK BEE : In reply to Mr. Cowgill's answer on my arti cle , "How to C'assify ' Klectrlc Arc Lamps , " I wish to say that it is evident Mr. Cowgill did not quite understand mo. If Mr. Cowgill will bo kind enough nnd rend it again ho will Hnd that his addition of "loiv tension" is entirely out of place. The term low ten sion was used in order to show how thcanglo of highest intensity of light varies under different conditions In the olectrio arc. Why did Mr. Cowgill not add "alternating' ' also ? I used that term , but old not mention from which point the most Intense light is de rived , lu the alternating arc tuogjnoi.4 considerable wider than In the high and low tension arc , equally distributed above and below the plane of thu carbons. As to photometric measurements , I still maintain that the arc cannot , bo measured accurate. It can bo measured fuirl.x. but that Is not what wo want. Wo want HOIIKJ- thing positive. Thorn will oo always a varia tion shown , according to thu air.'lo from which the measurement is taken. An nnglu ol ! " ) = will give ) tlu ) best maximum. It u not now good practice to rate arc lamps by candle power. It Is by far the best method to rate lumps by th \\niitieo consumed in the arc , It boingundur.iload that the so called standard iJ.OJU-camllu power lamp shall con sume not less limn ! , " > : ) watts In the aiv. the standard being basml on U.O nmperx'.s of cm - rent at fnrty-ulght volts. All modern spi-ci- ticatlons should bo based on 450 toll ) watt aro. This is the most satisfactory , as It ex presses a certain energy or light-giving ca pacity In the arc Itself. Mr. Cowgilt'H sinlomunt that a T. k II. lamp , properly adjusted , will only snow l.U.V- ) candle power , measured by Dr. Webber's in strument , may or may not bo correct. With good carbons the angle of light meas ured from position of 45s will show up fully 2,000-candle power , In fact , It wilt as a rulu show up a little nbovu this , provided the carJnni ) : are purj , BO that the proper crater will bo formed. As regards Mr. Wblpplo's trcatlsoon inn- nielpal 111'litiiiu' , I am In no particular need of It at present , out 1 am pleased in learn that Mr. Cowgill pal/onl/os the Omaha ll'mir.v. ' ICinvAitnciii'itiu. . When nihy "Yds etck , n gave her Caetorla. When nho was a Child , chu crfwl for .Xstnrlt , When slio tiocamo Mlii , nho cluni ; to C.'astorlv Whcc alia bail Cull Jruu , ouu gave them Cauurlft