Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Pork Advanced Nearly Ono Dollar Yesterday
on Unusually Heavy Buying.
On I.ownr Cnblcn the Uhent Mnrkot
Opcniul Wrsk-Oirerhic * of
Wheat nt the Stnrt Wer
CIIICAOO , Jan 10. Pork shot up
today , ndvancInR 77Jtfo P ° r bblon hcavy
buying' I1"1 nntl rlbs r ° llowod at ft ro"
ncctftil distance. Wheat was weak on
lic.ivy selling , May closing l o lower. May
corn lost ? o ntid May oats a Illto amount.
On lower cables the wheat market opened
wi-nk , with May ) < o lo.Tcr nt 07 , ' i5. The
olTcrlnKs of long wheat at the start wcro
liberal and prices declined steadily for a
time. The light receipts , however , caused a
reaction , on which some of the early lo"
wni overcome. The total receipts nt oltfht
primary markets amounted to UIO.U'JJ . bu. .
compared with 023.000 bu. n year ago. Prices
wet e steady for a time , or until Hrailstrcet's
visible supply report was posted , llratt-
itrcct's llgures on stocks wcro not ns
cticouragitiK to holders as they might
liiivobcon. These llguras show a decrease
of : i7ll,0K ( ) bit. cast of the Hookies und nn in-
ITO.-ISO of ! ! 00 , < > 00 bu. west. Australia in
thrco weeks showed nn increase of l.iuu.ouj
bu . while European stocks showed si do-
ci-raso of lt I.OOO bu. The report was gem-
orally regarded nt bearish and Pnnlrlilgo.
who mirpri 'l the pit by buying ut the
parly decline , began soil UK. Other traders
followed suit and n decline followed. Clos
ing cables were easier and the market was
heavy ut tlio close , May finishing at Hie bottom
tom figures of the day After opening
lower May declined % c. advanced from Uo
to V , declined from | fc to Jgis and closed at
' Vla'y corn opened lower in sympathy with
wheat , May starting Jfo off at 38 tfc and then
declined > /c. On liberal export clearances
mid rather free buy lint tlioru was a reaction
later and Mny closed j s from the oottom at
Oats wcro lower la sympatny with wheat
mid corn. May opened c lower nt dp/'tfc
and sold down ? do. Kreo selling by Bar lett-
Frazcr & Co. and others kept prices down
nnd May closed ' &C above the bottom ilgures
of the day at I0c. !
Provisions opened higher and advanced all
( lav with few slight reactions. PorK wont
lip' in a scries of good-sized jumps and
il ragged lard and ribs with it. Ono of the
pauses of the heavy bdylng and consequent
udvanccs was the failure of heavy receipts
to materialize. A bullish rumor was ; nlloat
to the effect that o shortage of 1,000,000 hogs
In the stock of the country would be an
nounced. Shorts covered freely and the buyIng -
Ing was general. The strength continued
throughout the day , subject only to the tern-
porarv reactions of a somewhat limited char-
ictcr'ovcry now and then on a little realizing
bv holders. The closing Ilgures were nt the
outside prices of the day in every Instance
but one. The demand for shipment w.n
fairly active for both consumption nnd con
tinental export. Compared with last n ght
May pork Is 77 0 higher ; May lard 3J ! < fc
higher ar.d May ribs 0o higher.
ICstlmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
f.-i cars ; corn , HC5 cars ; oatS , 150 cars ;
hogs , M.OOO head.
Tno loading futures ranged as follows ;
Cash quotations wcro as follows :
l''i.oim Firm and unchanged.
WIIUAT No. a spring , GmGlf'c : No. 3
iprlii'02lje03c ; No. 2 red , Ol'i01f ' c.
C ) HN No. 2 , 34J4'c ; No. 3 yellow , 34c.
OAIS No. 2 , 27l4TjD28c ; No. 2 white , 291JO
10'ic ' ; Nn. 3 white , J8US20MC.
llVB-No.2 , 45 c.
HAIU.KV No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 40352e ;
No. 4 , 37ffi45c.
TI.A.X SEED-NO. 1,11.8BJJ.
TiMornv HEHII Prime , JJ.20.
I'OIIK MCBS. per bbl , , * 13 0513.C7W ; lard ,
per 100 Ibs , ; u.37Vi : short ribs sides ( loose ) ,
l7OOJi7.0j ; dry sal'od shoulders ( boxoiii ,
tO.25UO.50 ; short clear Bides ( boxed ) , 87.00
B7.25 ,
WHISKY Distillers' flnlshod goods , par gal. ,
HtmAim Unchanged ; cut loaf , $5.29 ; cranti.
laled , J4.48 : standard "A , " $1.48.
Tlio following were the receipts and ship
ments for today :
On the Produce exchange todav tlio butter
mat lint waa weak ; creamery , 10@24c ; dairy ,
1C&21C. Eggs , dull ; strictly fresh. 18 19c.
Now Vork Markets.
NKW YOIIK , Jan , 10 Fl.OUH Hocolpts.29,900
bbls. ; exports , 85.400 bbls. ; sales. 8,750 pkRs , ;
market was dull and weaker , owing to the
droptn wheat ; exporters nru. still out of the
maikct ; cltv mill patents at $4.16-1.35 ;
winter patents , J3.4033.00 ; city mills , clears
I3GO'33G& ' ; winter straights , J.764.16 ;
Minnesota patents , $3.863.00 ; winter extras ,
t2Ha2.GO ) ; Minnesota bakers , U2.3033.CO ;
winter low grades , $1.0032.25 ; spring low
( trades , fl.OOSl.OO ; snrlng extras , 41.0014
2.40 ; soiilhoin Hour , ijulot ; common to fair ,
iiMrn , ? 2.20&2,70 ; good to choice extra. $2.70
( 3.00 ; rye Hour , steady ; superfine , J52.70 ®
2.85 ; fancy , S2.85J42.00 : buckwheat Hour ,
dull and nominal at Jli.76Q3.uo.
HliCKWiiKAT Nominal ; state , $8.0038.33.
COIIN MKAI > Dull : yellow wcstoin , $2.55 ®
2.76 ; llraiidvwlne , $2,70.
KYI : Nominal.
lUm.KV Dull ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 05ffiOOc :
two-rowed state , ( VJAOSc. '
lUui.uv MAI.T Dull ; western , G5 < 380c : Cana-
dliin. OlMlDSe ; six-lowed , 80 < S485c.
WltBAT HccolplH , 10,7001)11. ) ; exports 6" .
490 Int. ; Rales , 1,250,000 bu. futures anil 3,000
bu , spot. Bpol markotdull ami weak , No. 2 red
In store and elevator , O7'ei .iiloat , 08 ac ;
f. o. b.,08cNo. ; ; 1 northern , 78Jc. Options
weak and lower on free selling of long wheat
disappointing cables and absence of foreign
foUN-ltecolpts218.200 bu I exports , 153,000
liu.i sales , 430,000 bn. futme.s , 4,000 bu. spot.
Hnot market quiet , closing easy ; No , 2,4314
4'.J'fiIn ' elevator ; 43'ic alloat ; yellow , 43c :
Mi'umor mixed , 41Hfi.2c. ! Options opened
easier with wheat , declined later on the big
Increase In the llradstreiit's ami closed uoak
at. 'jc net ( lei'llne. January closed at 4'Jc : roll'
i nary , 42\Jii424-e. \ ; doM-d at 42Jjc ; March ,
43i4T443yc. ( closed nt 43-ic ; Afrff closed at
44J4Ci May , 44 ll-10c , closed at4454c.
UATS UeceiptK. 73,700 bu , ; exports , 100
inlxi d western , 34 (35c ; ttacK. whlio western ,
BfMllOi" track , wlillo state , 3&'ii40c. Ontlons
Null and lower with the rest of the lUt , closing
HAY Stonily khlpplng , $0 ; good to choice ,
(0,110 ( 8,50.
HOPS-Dull : Jtato , common to choice ,
3'Jiii'I Paelllc coast. lb2'.H4c.
HIDKH 1'lrmcr ; wet sailed Now Orlea
t in < ii i * MHI i f i YJIII i ui > it miiu.
Ayiw , light to heavy wulglitn. MOlOc.
I'uovisiONH llpi-f , lirm ! family , * l,00 ®
Ui.lHi ; mtra menu , JH.iKHTtH.K'j ; lieef hams ,
H0.011 ; city extra Imllii inubs. fl'J.Oaii''a.OO.
L'ut ' meats ( Inner ; pie I ; led Hollies 7i ! H c ;
pickled MionliliTH , 0U,7)i ! ) : pickled liami ,
0 > nl.ard , firmer ; wculern hteam eloseii
at JH.70 hid ; January clo-ted at tH.4& ; May ,
IM.lOt IVUrunry , f8.4A iiHked. 1'ork. active
nml hlKher ; IIIUT nie.i. tl4&OA10.00 : extra
prlmo. family , il5.76OlO.5t
kliort clear ,
IIUTTKit Uurt wrnterii dairy. 16iJ ( lfi : :
weMoriicrpmiiory , 18a.5 c ; western factory ,
l _ < aiHci ' Klclim. vaiio ; MtalB dairy. ll > fl.3o.
part kiitaiO | ) i full
rei.u ' - . . RP vr
TAIMW ) rinnersrlty ( f2 per pVc./ ' " , :
I'RTiiot.eru Uulotj United closei ] rtv 7W
hid.Una 1 1 - . „ ! " rj strained , common to good ,
litcn Quiet. . ,
MoMssES-About steady i NowOrleans , open
keltic , good to choice. 30it3Hc. . , ,
( JoTniMUBKiiOii * Mrincri prime crude , 20i !
annul oITcrude , _ C 'JHC ! prime yellow grades ,
na33ci prime while , 38j40c. { .
I'lOlttON-Diill ; Amorlcun. M2.00316.00.
Coi'i'Eii-Ouloi : lake , lio.i-'j. '
IjKAD Quiet ! iloincMtlc , t.l.lO ,
TlN-Sti-adlor ; Straits.0 bid.
stic. J3.46 bid.
HmiAii-Knw , steady ; fair rollnlng , 2Ko ; ron-
trlfugal , DO test , 213-lGc , No. 8. 3 0-1GJ&
3 c ; No. 0. 3'f.3 ' 11-lGc ! No. 10 , 3 7-10' ' 3 < i' !
No.ii 3'W3U-10o ' : No. 12 , ns-lcaSKc ; No.
1.1 , 34C ! ! oT ( A , 3WIC ! mould A , 4 ft10 ®
4MCNtandard A , 3 16-10fM'fc : eonfec-
tlonori A , 3 15-lCi34iC ! ! cut loaf , 4 l.l-U.ft
Oci crushed , 4 13-lUc ; powdered , 4 0-lOc ;
granulated , 4 1-lCc ; cube * ! , 4 rj-10S4'ic.
Oninhii I'rniliieu Miirlcet. The recolpti continue heavy and
the market Is slow. Mint of the sales arn to
packers , but there Is .1 demand for shipping
purpose * ) nt 13c : choice country , IGwlUc ;
parking stork , 1314i' .
DiirHfni ) I'ot'i.Tiiv The doinand Is nominal
and the market Ix slow at n slight decline from
yesterday's Ilgures. ( ihlckctiH , 7Ji8c ; turkeys ,
UfilOc1 ! i-eesn and ducks , OfllOc. Infcrlorstock
would Nell below the above llgtirns.
I.tvr I'oin.Tiiv Dealers generally are advls-
Irig attains ) the shltmicnt of live poultry , as
the demand Is very light. Hie trade generally
preferring dre < sed poultry. The few saie
made are at rVft7c.
VKAI < The arrivals are not heavy and tbo
market Ilrm at previous quotations : choice
small and fat veals , 77'ic ' ; thin or heavy ,
OAMK Prairie chickens , quail and venison
are out of neason. Canada geese , $0 ; nrillnrd
ducks , U'-.riOlM.OO ; jack rabbits , $1.75'J.OO :
small rabbits , Jl : squirrels , " 70c.
EIIIIS The market Is weak ami dealers are
finding It a hard matter lo clean up their
stocks. Hales can ncaieoly be made at any
price. Kri'ili stock , 17c ; cold Klorage , rffll7i' .
HONKV I'hoico whlto clover , IDo ; Cali
fornia , lOc.
OVSTKIIS Medium , lOc ; horseshoes , 18p ;
extra standards , 20c : selects. ilcs ! extra so-
leols. 2-ci coinpiiny nclccts , 20c : counts , 30c.
NlfrriChiHttiuts , 13S150 tier II ) . ; Italian
clie.stntits. lff.lic : ; 'ilmonds , iHc : Kngllsh wal-
nutH , l-JftMc : Illborts , I'JKci llrarll nuts. Ii ! ®
13c ; iiecans , large , l-ft4c ! ; pecans , medium ,
lOc. The markoton black walnuts Is low und
iioono wants to buv.
VWJF.T An 1,1:3.
BEANS California hand-picked navy. JI.90JJ
2.00 ; western navy , $1.851.00j common whlto
beans , tl DlMil.78.
ONIONS Onions are quoted at fiOSOSc , and
on orders at G5t&70c ; Hpanlsli onlona , per
ciato , tl.fjO.
WATHH CHINS 1'er do/ , bunches , 7Gc.
1'OTATOKS Nebraska , Iowa and Minnesota
crown potatoes. In small lots from store , 05 ®
70c ; same In ear lots , GOc ; Colorado , from
store , 7 ! > r ; C'olorado lots , G570c.
OAIIIIAOK Orders for cabbage from the coun
try are tilled at U'tC p"r Ib.
CCI.KUV Itoow According to size , 403GOJ
per do/ .
CKI.CUY Deed stock , 30c ; extra fancy Cali
fornia , G0cf 1.00.
SWCBT I'OTATOKS Tno supply Is fair ; good
stock , per bbl. , $3.r > 0.
tJnriN : VKilKTAHl.ES Spinach , perhbl. , $2.25 ;
salsify , 30IJ35C per doz. ; radishes , per
doiiOc ; endive , per diu. , 75c ; onions ,
perdo ? . , 20c ; caiillllower , per ( to ? , S1.GOS2.00 ;
lettuce , perdo00375c ; cucumbera , $2 ; toma
toes. per crate of 20 Ibs. , J _ ; string beans ,
J2.00 per Vbu. bo\ ; parsley , per doz. , 30c.
Gn\i'ns Catawbas , per 0-lb. basket , 1718c ;
Malaeas , per 50-ib. bbls. , net , f5.SOaO.OOj
Malagas , per 00-lb. bbls. . not ,
OAMFOIINIA I'HUITSThere Is not much loft
on the market ; pears , $2.50.
Ari' The supply Is light on this market
and prices higher ; fancy western , $1.70 per
box ; nollllower , f2 par box.
CiuMiniiniBS Cranberries are arriving very
freely und : uc In Rood demand ; Capu Cod.
per bbl. . JG.2j G.50 ; bell and bugle , iG.OO
4JG.7S ; Jersey , 10.25 ; bell and cherry , $5.
UAN.\NV < S 1'rleos rninaln about steady ; per
biineli , larjie , fJ.O'J'l'J.GO ' ; per bunch , small ta
medium , * 1.76'sf-.00.
I.K ! . ) NSNow Messina lemons , size , 300 ,
J5.25 ; Hl7o3GOt5.
OIUNIIKS Mexicans , nor box , J2.75 ; largo
sl/es , $2.f > 0 ; fancy Florldas , $2.75 ; choice 1'lor-
Idaa , 12.DOa2.GO.
TANOKHIM1 ? Per box , $2.75.
GIIAPR Kituir-1'or box , $5.
Bear No. 1 black , large , $20.00325.00 ;
medium , $15 ; small , $ B.OO@10.00 ; blackyear-
llnsrs. large , $12.00315.00 ; medium , $10 ; small
87 ; black cubs , large , $ G.OO8.00 ; medium ,
J5.00SG.OO ; small , $7 ; black .Montana and
Kocky mountain , large. $18.00322.00medlum ; ,
$14 ; small , $10 ; black Montana yearlings ,
large$12 ; medium , $8 ; small , $5 ; black Mon
tana cubs , large , $0.50 ; medium , 44.50 ; small ,
$3 ; silver tip , large. $20 ; medium , $12 ; small ,
{ U ; sliver lip yearlings , large , $11 ; medium , $8 ;
Final ! , $5 ; silver tip cubs , large , $0 : medium ,
$4.50 ; small , Jl ) ; blown , largo , J20.00S25.00 ;
medium. JIG ; small , $12 ; yearlings , largo ,
$10.0012,00 ; medium , $8 ; small , $0 ; cubs
largo , $7 ; medium , $5 ; small , $3 ; badger No. 1
larire , $1.00 ® ! . 50 ; medium , GOo : small , 50c :
Usher No. 1 largo , ? 8 ; medium , SO ; small , $4 ;
fox silver , as to color according to beauty-
No. 1 large , $100 ; medium. $00 ; small , $40 ;
silver pale , according to beauty , large , $50 ;
medium , $30 ; small $20 ; cross , large , $7 ;
medium , $3 ; small , $2 ; rod , large , SI 50 ;
medium , $1.25 ; small , $1 ; gray , large.
75c ; medium , 50c : small , 40c ; kit
largo , 5Uc ; medium. 40c ; small , 3 < > c.
lynNe t large , ? 3 ; medium , $2 ; small , $1.50 ;
marten , No. 1 , largo , $2 ; medium , $1.50 ; snmil ,
81 ; mink. No 1 , lane , BUcjiM.OU ; medium ,
75c ; small , G5c ; mink , dark. No. 1 , large , $1 ;
medium , 75c ; small , 50c ; mountain lion , per
fect head and feet , No. 1 , law , $1.00 2.00 ;
Imperfect skins , 2550c ; ottur. No. 1 , Inrge ,
$8 ; medium , $ G,007.00 ; small , $5 ; otter , pale ,
No. 1. largo , ? 7 ; medium , $0 ; small , $4 ; raccoon ,
No. 1 , large. 80c ; medium , . GOe ; small , 50c :
raccoon , black , as to beauty. No. 1 , large , SOc'S
$2.00 ; skunk-black , cused. No. 1 , large , $1.25 ;
medium , 75c ; small , 50c ; short striped , largo ,
$1 ; medium , 70u ; small , 45c ; narrow striped ,
large , GOc ; medium , 40c ; small , 25c ; broad
> inifuu , lurKii. ; * Aiy.uii wuivuruiu , * > u. i , liir e ,
$1 ; medium , $3 ; .small , $2 ; wolf mountain , No.
I , large , $3 ; medium , $2 ; small , 81.60 ; prairie ,
largo , 70&75e ; medium , GOc ; small , GOc ;
beaver per skin , No. 1 , large , $5.0030.00 ;
medium , $4.50 ; small , $2 ; kits , largo , $2 ;
medium , $1.50 ; small , 75c ; muskrals winter.
No. 1 , large , lOiJlle ; medium , Do ; small , 7ci
fall , law , 839o ; medium , 7c ; small , Go ; kits ,
largo , $2@3c.
nitms , T A i , now , KTC.
limns No. 1 green hides , 2ic ! ; No. 2 croon
hides , 2c ; No , 1 green salted hides , ! lc ; No , 2
green raited hides , 2c ; No. 1 green salted
tildes , 25 Ibs. to 40 Iln. , 3c ; No. 2 green salted
bides , 25 Ihi. to 40 UN. , 2c : No. 1 veal calf , 8
Ibs. to 15 Iln. . Gc : No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibto 15
lbs.,4e ; No. 1 dry Hint bides , 5e ; No. 2 dry Hint
hides ; 4c ; No. 1 dry silted hides , 4c. I'art
cured hides > 'tc per Ib. less than fully cured
SIIKF.I * I'KI.TS Green .salted , each , 35a75c ;
green salted xliearllngs ( short woolod early
skins ) , cadi 10 < &l5c ; dry shearlings ( short
woolod early skins ) . No. 1 , each 510c ; dry
shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 2
each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
butcher wool pelts , pur Ib. , actual weight , 10 ®
lie ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool bolts , per Ib. , actU'tl woUbt , 17tt20o ; dry
( lint Colorado butcher wool pelts , pur Ib. ,
actual weight , Oif.10 , ; dry Hint Colorado mur-
laln wool pelts , per Ib. , weight. 7'Jo !
dry pieces ind bucks actual weight , GW7C.
.St. I-inli Miirkets.
ST. I.oms. Jan. 10 , Fi.oun Quiet , firm ,
iinchnmed ; patents , $2,05'j 3.10 ; u.\tra fancy ,
t.G52.75j fancy. f-VJlWMJ.UO.
WIIKAT Opened weak , losing tic on heavy
selling by bears , reacted temporarily and
then went steadily down to to bulow yester
day's closing price , where It stopped for the
day. The weather and llradstreot's report
were thi ) factois. No. 2 red , cash closed at
5U ) < c ; January 58fc ; May , G3ic ? ; July , G5c
CoiiN-Sympithl-.i'd with wheat but In a less
degree , closing with a loss of He. No. 2 ml.xed ,
cash , closed at33n ; January , 33'c ' ; Kobruary ,
33We : May , 3&i.Vi : > .
OATS Very dull ; No. 2 , cash , closed at 29c ;
Jnmriry , 2814e ; May , 31c.
KYK Loncir ; No. 2. eastsldo , 47c bid.
HAIU.KVI'Mnii ; Haloa of Iowa and Minnesota ,
50c , free In elevator.
HIIAN I'Mrm ' ; sales , east track , GO c.
H.AX HKi-.D-K-nrcoand Ilrm ; $1.32.
Oi.ovr.ii SKBII1'lrm ; * H.75' } 0.60.
TlMin n v Sl'.Kt-f4.00a4,25. (
. IlAv-lhicliaiiKedj prlmu to choice timothy ,
JO.5O ® 10.50.
JiP.l7''ll ' TlJm'1Ultr''i ' ! ' ( ' separator creamery ,
_ 2 > it-Uc ; choice daily , lOtt'.Oc.
Mint-Lower nt lc.
lKnStendy3. .
tipui.iKii-riim , hUliur ; 13.30.
COIIN MKAL-l'iiehiinged at $1.05.
\S nisiv rnchaiiKud at $1.15.
II.KlillNOI'nelmmied ; 1345J21A Ib , 6aCc.
ConoN TiKsi-lJiielmiiKi'il at OSctMi.oo.
I'liovisiONH-.siroiiK , higherwith bettor de
mand ami fouling. I'ork. xtamlard mess , $14.
Lard , primp steam , $8.15. Dry salt moats ,
loose'shoulders ' , fG.25 ; ( ones and ribs , 7. |
shor s , J7.15 ; boxfil , ICc more. Ilacon. inickod
. . -
ItKO-llTfl-Kloiir. 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 18,000
bu. . corn , Ot.OOll hu. : onts. 14,000 bu.
Sllti'M-NTS-l.'lnur , 4.00D bhls. ; wheat , ,000 ,
bu.i corn , l&l.ooobn.ioats , 30,000 bu.
Nurlhumlrru Hour Stookn.
MiNNKAPOus. Jan , 10.Tlio Northwestern
Miller says ; Of the mills at Huporlor and
DulUlhonly three of them were In operation
JhrougtiO'it ' last week. Tlio output was 37.111
bbn. | , agaluHt 4Go.4 bbls. thu week bofnru.
Three mills uro In operation thin wenk , at thu
end of which ull will probuiily shut down to
wait for an Improvement In thu market ,
Flour maniifactureis Jmvo sulilom found the
market In winite condition than that which
now confronts them. Tnero'urumime Imjuirlfit
for Hour , to bu biire. but the ai'ejnitnnce of the
bunt otlcru uitaun u dead luta ut Itiy tu l&c v r
lilil to null M nnil nonfl nf tlionifati do niti'li
liiHliiOM under therir umi'tiiiirv * I'ortbml-
ness rcm.ilns dull and tlio trade ImlllTorciit.
The export shipments thli week wore 4,49
hhls. , against I-.G-U blil . tlio week before.
The Mock of liniir nt tlio h ( < nil nf tlio lake
miioiinM to 03,100 Mils. , against 23,705 bills , a
; vcek ago. _
Cotton .Murkct ,
J > it 10. COTTON I'lilures ,
st oo : i
7.58) ) Pcbrimry , 7.65.r < > iS ! Min . . . * ' .TOW
7.77 ! Aiirll , 7.Sca7.87Miiy7.oa ! 7.p7lJii. . ?
IB.04 < B8oSj ! July , JB.I-I A isiM . , ; 8.17g. .i )
September. Mltldlnn , 7 ,0 !
Jew middling. 7cs good ordinary , 7ej
not receipts , 7,48 1 bales : gross re
ceipts , -101 bales ! exports to Orcat Ilrltnln ,
8,100 bales ; Prance , 10.H-7 bales ! ronitwlsp.
H.870 bales ! Miles , 4,000 bales : stock , 370,418
bnlos. . , , ,
Hr r.ow ? , .Inn. lO.-C'orTON-rirmi mid
dling ? , ( ! sale , 1,100 balci ! receipts. 2,300
bales ; shipments , 2,000 bates ! stock on
band , 601,100 bales. . , ,
( : < m > .vJan. lO.-Corro.s-Hteadyj mid
dling , 7'4 e : low nilddllnu. 7 fi-lGe ; good ordi
nary , 7cj recelptH , 3,81)3 ) bales ; exports to
( Itoiit llrlliiin. 8 , 7-1-1 link's ; miles , 420 bales ;
stock , 100,731 baloa. _
Minneapolis Wheat Miirkrt.
MtNNRAi'Oi.ip. .Ian. 10. Wheat opened this
morning nt ( ) _ > ( ? for May unil 04c for .Inly. It
closed : January , 5D ci May , 6laic : July ,
( iP < r. Trni'icrlcMod ! Hard , O'JUU ! No. 1 noilb-
orn , GOVi No. i ! northern , 5lr. ) Tim demand
was fallfo i track grain , but loss active tliun
ycstotilay. The largo mills shutting down tills
week causes the xlack demand for track grain ,
which fell lo IfSfrlcnmlor May. Tlio mills are
expected to be started next week , when tlio
imeli request will bo larger. It Is hardly t.rob-
ublo that the country elevators will blp In
much of tlio stored israln without tlio track
urlro touches the May price , runners ere
soiling Irfit Illtln tills week.
The Hour output Is light , aggregating about
21,000 bbs. ! for tun day. 1'rlces steady , llrun
nnd shorts Hi tner.
KIIIIIIIN I Uy Alurliets.
KANSAS CITV. Jan. 10. WIIBAT JJc lower ;
No. Hhnrd , tttt'if. No. i ! red 5Gc
COIIN Slow : .V ) , 2 mixed , " 40 loner at 30 ®
30UCJ No. I ! white , 3131Ur.
O.vas Nominally Sic lower ; No. 2 nil.xod , 28
ffi2t"ie ; No. 2 white , 29020ic. !
KlW * Active ; Me.
JCvi- : Steady : No. - . nominally 40c.
I-'I.AX SKII : > Incuular ; $ l.'J3 < il.4.
IliiAN-l'Irm fiHf&COe.
llAV--DulI ; timothy , $8.0039.50 ; prairie ,
lll'TTKiiriimcr ; cicamcry , 10 < S23c ; dairy ,
ItKORiPTM-Wlieat , 28,000 bu. ; corn , 1,000
lii. ) ; oats , none.
SiiiPMKNTd Wheat , 0,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oat.s , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C'olteo AlarKot.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 10. COI-FKI : Ontlons opened
steady , 0 to 10 points advance , closed steady
at 10 t < > 15 points not advance : sales , 0.700
baps , including : January. J17.UOiJ17.05 : [ > ] ) -
rtitiry , $ lG.I > 5ai0.70 ; March , tlfUO&in.&O ;
May , 810.05 1(5.10 ( ; August , $16.40. Spot
eolfee , Klo , qnlot and steady ; No. 7 , J18.75 ;
mild , market quiet but steady ; Cordova ,
llAMiumu , Jan. 10. Market steady at ! Spfg
IlAViiK , Jan. 10. Market quiet , U/5f ' ad-
Kio DE JANKIHO , Jan. 10. COFFKE Market
nrm ; No. 7. 16.70.
LONDON , Jun. 10.Qnlot ; 3d advance.
MIMVAUKUK , Jan. 10. I'roim Steady.
WIIKAT Weak and lower : No. - spring , Clc ;
No. 1 northern , OOc ; May , 034c.
Cons Steady ; No. 3 , 34'ic. '
OATS Lower : No. 2 white , 30c ; No. 3 white ,
HAIII.KV Lower ; No. 2 , OOc ; sample , on
track , 4251'ie.
ItYE Stonily ; No. 1 , 48c.
rnovisio.N.s _ Higher ; pork , 113.35 ; lard ,
UccnipTS Klour , 2,550 bbls. ; wheat , l-t,300
bu. ; barley , 30,500 bu.
SiiiPME.vrs Hour , 8,710 bbls. ; wheat ,
1,000 bu.
_ _ _ _ _ _
I'uorJit ( Jrnlu MarUet.
PconrA , Jan. 10. Cons- Market active and
steady ; No. 2 , .Wjc ; No. 3 , 33c.
OATS No. 2whlto , aaji'iiaaijc ' ; No. 3 white ,
KVE Mat kct nominal ; No. 2 , 4748ic. !
WHISKY Market linn ; hlKh wines , basis ,
Hixnirrs-Whent. 8,000 bu. ; corn , 07,000 ,
bu. : oats , 20,400 bu. ; rvc , GOO , bu , ; barley
0,300 bu.
SHIPMENTS Whc t , 1,800 ; corn. 49,400 bii. :
oats , ' 01,700 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 4,200
iilvurpool MurKulH.
LivEHPOOf , , Jan. 10. WIIKAT Steady ; de
mand moderate ; holders olTur moderately ;
No. 1 California , 5s Od5s 7d ; No. 2 red
western iiirlni ? , Os 2S5dffJ5s 4d.
COIIN Qulut ; demand poor ; middling west
ern , 4s 2Hd.
I'KOVISIOXS I'orlc , prlmo mess , fine , 78s 5d.
Beef , extra India , 107s 2d. Ilacon , Ion ? and
short clour , 50 Ibs. , 39s Gd. Lard , 42s.
Oil .Hurlicis.
On , OITV , Jan. 10. National transit certifi
cates opened nt 79 ; highest , TJ } { ; lowest ,
79 ; closed at 79H ; sales , 2,000 bills. ; clear
ances , 18,000 bbls. ; shipments , 00,100 bbls. ;
runs , 71,709 bbls.
1'iTTSiwwi , Jan. 10. National cer
tificates opened at 79 ; closed at 70 ; high
est , 79 ; lowest , 79.
Now York I > ry Goods Murkot.
NEW Yoiuc , Jan. 10. TLo dry poods market
In tlio main Is quiet but steady. Cotton goods
rule ilrm and steady. I'rints and printed
fabrics show a moderate dcmaird for dark
poods and some Improvements In fancies ami
light colors. Dross goods uro generally slow.
The Jobbing tnulo Is conservative.
Dlllikh Wlinut .tturlcct.
Dur.tlTn , Jan. 10. WHEAT The market was
dull and declining todav. Close ; No. 1 hard ,
casn , 08c : No. 3 , 53c ; rejected , 47iC. ! On track :
No. 1 northoin to arrive , Glic.
ST. Lenis , Jan. 10. Woor/ Weak ; un
changed ,
Vo'nme ol Itnslncm In Srciirltles AVna Even
Lighter Tliun Tu - ilny.
NEW YOHIC , Jan. 10. The volume of busi
ness on the Stock exchange today was
lighter than even yesterday , and , accom
panying the dullness , was a marked depres.
sion , which , except during one or t\vo brief
ihtcrvals , when slight rallies toolc place ,
prevailed throughout the day. Sugar was
most prominent in the dealings and furnished
nearly a third of the total transactions. In
the early dealings the common stock rose
\i } per cent , but the improvement was
short lived , the failure of n majority of the
stocks to bo reported at the annual mooting
having o depressing effect anil sending the
common down : ) ? & per cent and the preferred
IJ-i l > or cent. In the late dealings the com
mon rallied 1 per cent , reacted ? f per cent
and recovered % per cent at the close.
Various theories were offered to explain
the fact that a quorum of the stockholders
was not on hand at the mooting. It was
suggested that the reason was that the
largo increase in the number of stockholders
and the wide distribution of the shares
throughout the country made It moro dlftl-
uult than usual to got in tlio proxlos , and
this led to a rumor that largo stockholders
had been quietly getting rid of their shares ,
a conclnsency which the traders on the ox-
clmugo did not regard as entirely favorable
to the vuluo of the property. H was moro
generally believed , however , that the man
agement of the company hail arranged it sea
a quorum should not appear , being desirous
that the figures of the annual statement
should not bo mndo public at this time and
become available to tlio tariff makers with
the prospect ahead of their being used
against the company in its light for a reduc
tion In the sugar schedule and for an In
crease in the figures of the Wilson bill.
This is the moro prob.iblo theory and , If It
bo correct , it is an argument In favor of an
appicclatlon in the shares rather than a
bear point.
St. Paul was sold in good sUed blocks on
the belief that the earnings of the roait for
the llrst weuk in December would show a
serious decrease. When tlin figures wore
published , showing a smaller loss than was
expected , there was some buvlng , but the
last sulo was at a recovery of only } per
cent from the lowest price. A drive was
made in Hurllngton on the reports that the
next dividend , to bo declared In February ,
would bo nt a reduced ratoanil it was offered
at llt , percent off is said , any
takers. New Knglaml nmdo a gain of % par
cent on the day , after early losses of an
equal percentage.
General Klecirlc was in good demand In
the morning and recovered an advance of
1 > 4 percent , but receded with the rout of
the market during tha afternoon , breaking
1J < per cent , with a llnal rally of ? „ percent.
The gonenil market nmdo a slight rally In
Him ! deals and elosoU fairly Ilrm , but at u
decllno on Uio day of from i4 to 2 per cent.
'Die I'ost says ; Little need bo added to
.vesterdav's sketch of th security market.
Such setnblanco of activity as there has been
fur u furluluul 1'ust ha a oriuluulud iu the
ventures of half n iloj n strong nnil
sagacious spocuIJtdr * . Just now every pre
siding genius of the sort Is Idle anil the mar
ket lapses conscquPtitlv Into Its natural
condition. This niotms n atnto of perfect
dullness. < rlHcntcs alone attracted
Interest from the fact that tha annual state
ment was hourly expected. Tno market held
steady for n short time after midday and
some en a rei advanced a fraction. A drive
was made on Sifgar ; which broke the com
mon Si per contmuil the preferred 1V per
CCn . ami caused the rest of the market to
decline In sym jTiv ' to 1 per cent.
Delaware , Mclr/winna / ft Western nil-
vanccd l"f per cohl and Baltimore tt Ohio 3
percent. The market continued weak and
additional declines wcro made of 's to % per
cent. In the final dealings the market Im
proved. Sugar rjUqd ) % per cent and the
general list a sim\ll fraction.
The following are tlio closmcr quotations on
the lending sto6ks 'on ' the New York ex
change today :
Atohlnon North'rn r. prnfil. lll'i
Ail.iniH K Ill ) ( t , I1. . 1) . A.Unit. . . .
Alton. T. II 18
do lucfJ . nn do profit
American lixpruss 1011 Now Vork
Ilalllmoro.VOldo. . us N. Y. AN. K
Camilla I'nclllc . 7 a Ontario A Western
Ciliind.-i Soulhorii. . ' 4HM Oregon Imp 13
Ontral I'nclilc . . jo
Clios. .VOlilo . lll/i Of Si - i \ " * * jor
C'hU-niro Altun . . . . 1.10 Paellle Mall it
B..II. A Q . "ISM'eorl.i , UM. A K. .
C'onsnllilato.l Oas. . liiJlu IMttshtirir.
0. ( i .VHl. f . . . . Ul'i ' Pullman i'.ilauo. . . 108
Col C'oai A. Iro.i. . . Ileaillnir
Cotton Oil Ort . Illohmunil Tor. . . . .
Do ) . Allnclscn . iiiXI ; : ilo pref'd
Del. rask..t West. 1(1.1 ( lllo Grande West. .
I ) . All. O. nrufil. . . .limit doinvfd
Ilia. AC. Kiln. Co. . . " Hook Island
SI. P.llll
Krlo m. ilo profit.
do pntf'd . St. I'anl .t Oniihi.
Fort Wflyno . im < lo priif'd lid
Omni N'orlh'n pfil. KM Southern IMeltlc. . .
CM. A Hist. Ill.pfil IM ar llelliinrv. . . . HIM
llocUhitf Vallu.\ . . 111 . . .in. Coal A Iron. ir.U
lIllnnlHC'ciitriil. . . . 111 Texas I'nellle 7'i
HI. I'anl A Unliilh . . . T. A O Ceil , profit. 70
Kan. A pf'il. MU.UnlonPai'lllc IH
LakoKrliiA West ' M " S Kxpreas . . . . fill
Uo nri'fM . . . 111 IW..SI. I. APae (1 (
I.aUnHliorc . IB : ! ill ) liref'il 111
Lunil Trust . 75 Wc > llH P.i o Kxp. . J3 ! !
l.oiiIsvllli'AN. . . . 75H Western Union. . . . HI'-i '
LnillHVtllu A N. A . H Vhoollni.'AL. K. . . '
.M.inhattnnCun . . . 121'i , do pret'i !
MoniplilH AC . 10 M. A SI. I . nn
Mlc'hlraiiCViitml. . ! > ! ' . ! < il > . A U. II HI
MlHsourl P.'iolllc. . . Conoral KIculi U' . .
Slotilli- Ohio. . . . Ill National Linseed. . 1 !
NiiHlnllIc. Cliati . ( i" ! < i C. K AI ' . ' 4
Nntlonal I'onlaci' . . ' * n. K A , I. pref'd. . . . GO
( In pivfU . 18' H. AT. O
N. J. . un T. A. A. AN. M GOP
Norfolk A W. pfil . T. HI. I..AK.C
North Amcrl'ii Co. . ilo pf'il U
Northern IMulIu * . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The range of nrlces as reported by J. W.
Doano ! f Co. , lloaidof Trade ball , Is as follows :
Stocks. HlKhLo\v. |
Krle U 14 14
Northwestern UUU 100 1)11 )
Mo. Paclllo 21 _ 0S
Union 1'aellle
N 1'nclflc , pTil
N. 1'aeltle com. . . .
O. H. A Q
Hook Island or.w
St. Pan !
Western Union 85
Sugar TriiHt 81
New Knplaml * 11
Atchlson iS im
Chicago Gau. . ' 01) ) IMH
Hcaillmr IH
Del. AIIiulHOn
U.C. I1 J0' < _ 5M
K. 0. K : i < M ar.H
The total sales of stocks todav were 140,500
shares , Including : American "Sucar , 44,000 ;
Iluillngton , 12,900 ; Chicago Gas , 5,700 ; Dis
tilling , 4,300 ; ( Klcctrlc , 11.200 ; Louis
ville & Nashville , 3,000 ; Now Vork k Now
England , 7,500 ; Northwestern , 4,000 , ; Head
ing , 4.100 ; llock Island. 4,700 ; St. Paul , 20-
000 ; WeslcinUnion , 5.800.
Now York .Honey Murkct.
Nr.w VOIIK , Jan. 10. ' MO.NEVOX CAr.r , Ea = y
at Hi percent ; last Ibun , 1 per cent ; closcil
olTered at 1 pnrrout.
I'HIMK Mr.RCANTli.K I'APKH-SiiffiS'.i ' percent.
STEIU.I.NQ EXCIIANOB Very lirm , with actual
business In bankers'bills at $4.8G'54.87 for
demand , and nt J4.B41iS4.85 for sixty-day
bills. Posted ratf"-- , M.BGK4.88. Commercial
bills , $4.83 , ( iJ4,84.
IJOVKKN.ME.NT llONDj Dull. HtatoboilllS dull
Tlio closing qujiations on Donctsi
IIoHCnn Stock ( Jnot itioim.
IlOSTOS , Jan. 10. Call loans , 3'iQ4 per cent ;
time loans , 31 4 per cent. Closing quota
tions on stocks , bonds and mining shares :
On tint London Al.irkor.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 10. The Post's Lon
don financial cable says : Six thousand
pounds In gold came In today from Paris. Sli
ver was good but weaker on a rumor of a prob
able announcement concerning the Indian Im
port duty on silver. Kupoo paper recovered
to G5Vd. There were no applications for India
council drafts today. The stock markets were
fairly cheerful , chlolly for Investment stocks.
Americans simply rollcctcd Now Vork prices.
Itlsbollovod hero that l > oulHvlllo has earned
over2 percent , but no dlvlnond Is expected.
The Greek mercantile failure reported today
la a small one.
asked. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
San rrnnomoii .Hiring ( Juotntloiu.
SAN 1'in.NCisco , Jan. 10. The ofllclal closing
notations for mining stocks today were aj
? ollows ;
London , > jt'uOk
, Jan. lO.p-4 p. m. Close :
Consols , money , . .
Consols , UL'o'm OSfalSt. I'anl eummun. .
Canadian Paelllo . 74 H Now York H- )
Krlo 145J ! Pennsylvania 40U
Krtu 'JdH ' 701 Uendlnj : OH
IlllnolH Control . . . - Q.imMux , ( 'en. nmv4H. . fiHj (
liAHSll.VKII314'd peroi.
Mo.suv lOl'i pareiipt.
The rate of discount. In the open market
for both short and .three . months bills , 1 'J-10
© 1 ? percent. _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ST. Louis , Jan. KWDio following are the
' ' - ; quotations on inlnlrig stockH :
litd. lliil. Anked.
Am.Nettle. * .23 S. Ilopea..M
' ' IIo | > o L'.73 . . . .
( Jranlto M. . I'.OO Vll7.1l Ilarcuutcr .13 . . . .
lllmetalllo. ' . ' . ( li ) ,61)t. )
KANSAS OITV. Jan. lO.-C'loarln. ' , 11,000,071.
IIAI.TIMOUK. Jan. 10 , Clearings , t ! ,543,104 ;
balances , f-QO.OlO.
I'AtlKt , Jan. 10. Three par cent rentes , 07f
UOc fur the account.
IKWTON. Jan. 10.-Clearlngs , 111,040,0-1 ;
balances IH.640.30U.
NKW VOIIK , Jan. lO.-Clfatlngs JllO.881,033 ;
balances , ( M,407,303.
l'iiiiaiKi.i > iiiA. Jan , 10. Clearing ! ) , 18,785-
341 ; balances il,371'J40.
LONDON , Jan. 10. Amount of gold gone
Into thoilunkof England on balance today ,
Mi'.Mi'ius , Jan. 10. Now Vork luchaniro sell
ing at par. Clearings , JJ6 , 'Jil ( ; balances ,
ST. J.OUM. Jan. lO.-Clearlngs. (4S00.7B.i
balances , (507.07. Money. ( | illot at OfrH pur
com. ICucbiiimuon Ni < w York , bOc preiiiiiiin.
UUIUAUU J-u. .O.-Uiumlu. * , ilD. 'AUuU.
NIMT York ex-hinge , 7V premium strrl tig
rxi'lmiiKc , dull , steadyi actual. $1.84 Vul 80 > 4
Money , stcndyi rnlm unchanged ,
. , NEwOiir.KAN ! , Jan. 10. C'parlngs$4.on9,4Hn |
Now Vork uTclmngc. bank , Jl per ll.oot
promliini ; commorclal , U5o per 11,001
Nnw VOIIK. Jan , lO.-Tho gross earnings of
the tlrcat Nortliprn railway for the il\
montlMPiidlng DecoinbcriU were 19,110,001 !
decrease , t4-7,30.
0.11A IIA l.lVi ; N1OLK .M.VIlKIIT.i.
Cattle Trndn Unevenly Dull nnil f.oircr
Hog * Ntron _ , Antiro und Higher.
WKINF..sIAV ) ) , Jan. 10.
There was only a moderate amount of
stock on sale today , the three days supply foot
ing up 0,008 cattle , 11,070 hogs and Gl I slice ) ) ,
against 7,031 cattle , 10,430 hos nnil fi.Ml
slicep for the first thrco days of last week.
The cattle market was very dull and un
evenly lower nil around. Tidy fat beeves
that Just suited the dressed beef men sold
little if nny lower than Tuesday , but tlio
fair to pretty good stock that niadu up the
big bulk of the offerings mot with nn in
different demand even at prices that were
fully 19o lower. Thorn was hardly any In
quiry from outsider.1 ! , nml with ampin
offerings It was late before the cattle had
changed ham's. A hunch of choice steers
nnd heifers brought f4.l ! > , but fair to very
coed 1,100 to l.tOO-lb. : beeves sold at from
W.S5 to f I 15 , and 1100 to l.KMMb. hirers nt
from til .VJ to $ : ) . r > . Hair fat nnil poor stuff
sold all the way down to $ J HO.
The cow market opened out nil right on
good to choice stock and lower on common ,
out it was uot very lonp after the opening
when dealers wcro nil iiuotlng n lOc to Ifio
decline on nil grades. Poor to fancy cows
and heifers sold all the w.iy from ( \'S \ > up to
fi : bO , with fair to good butchers' stock
mostly at from > .CO to S.'l , Calves ruled
steady to weaker at froml.2Tito$5. ! ami the
same was true us to rough stock generally ,
which sold all the way from tl.L'5 to l.f > 0.
There was not n great dcai doing In
stoekers and feeder. * , but the feeling was
unmistakably wcaxer and tr.idlng was gen
erally on the basis of at least I lie decline.
Hood to choice feeders r > rc quoted at from
$1 to $3.00 , fair to good at from W 75 to $ . ' ! .
and lighter , commoner grades at from $ -.70
down. Uoprcbontatlvc sales :
1 htcor.
. - - . -
1 steer 1H20 4 00
{ ] 0a ( , Tim supply fell considerably short
of what dealers were anticipating , being
fullv.000 short of a week ago , und not over
twoHhlrds as m.iiiy hogs as worn generally
looked for. Thociu.ility , however , was very
good , and with slightly moro favorable con
ditions tr.ido ruled brisk , und prices
averaged a shade higher than yesterday all
around. There was a moderate shipping
ami speculative inquiry , in addition to tint
usual good demand , and the light re
ceipts were not very long in changing
hands. The range of prices was , us
of l-te , nurruWi A couple of choice heavy
Good Housekeepers are always provoked ,
When delayed inobfamincr
AM GBOCERS should keeP
in stoch.
foritisan indispcnsabfo
article in good
Is far superior to nny other in tlio market , ns bright women nml bright
grocers know. Sold everywhere.
lybyN. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , Chicago , <
Morsc-Coc Sho3 Company.
Satasioom nJ Omco-llOT-llOl-lllt Ilo.rurl t
( nctorj-lll'J-lI31-ll2i ' IIutT.irJ St.
We are tha osi.v MtuiufAnureri of Uoots arU
Slioealn the t to of Nobraixi.
A itenoriil Invitation | j uxto.UoJ to all to Imped
our now factory.
Kirkcndall , Jones & Amcr. lland-Scweil
COMPANY Wholesale
mfrs , Bsonts Iloston O. . boon , shooi
ItubbcrHhoo Co. IIU'- end rubber ( tooiK'Mi \ -
iL'7 ritroct UIO Ilaruer
M. E. Smith & Co.
Dry Roods , notions , fur-
nlinlnx uooJs , corner
Illli nnil Howard Ms.
Joli'ison ' Bros ,
OciS Fnrii.tin Street ,
Ouiah.i , Nuu-
loads brought $5.-t ! ! , nnd two or three
bunches of wagon hogs wont to a speculator
at ? . " > ! „ > . Homo poor , light stun sold clown
to . * . ' ) . 1. ' ; , but fair to good hogs of nil
weights sold largely : it ? r > Ifi and . 3.0. ns
against $ T > .10 to $5 20 on Tuesday , and $ o to
So. 10 on labt Wednesday. Hcpix'scntativo
sales :
No. Av. Mi. I'r. No. Av. Sli. I'r.
02..215 400 ? 5 12' ' ; 62..324 bO S5 17'J '
69. . . 278 5 15 1. . . 380 5 17'i '
5'.208 1GO 5 15 63..3(17 ( 120 5 17"
20..280 80 5 15 64..238 40 5 17'J '
67. . 270 80 5 15 G1..245 40 5 1755
2..440 5 15 68. . 275 120 5 17'j '
GG. . . 280 80 5 15 GO..208 G 20
60..307 1GO 615 GO..278 620
71..249 820 0 15 67..311 440 5 20
32..293 G 15 GO. 238 40 520
44..281 r. 15 75. .195 5 20
GO..20.80 5 15 GO .235 120 5 20
81. . . . 253 1GO 5 15 39. . .241 120 5 20
07..213 240 6 16 74. . .280 100 5 20
78. . .278 120 6 15 70. .278 100 5 20
05..214 80 5 15 ISO. .2H8 80 5 20
06..282 3GO 5 15 72. .310 100 5 20
23..32G 80 5 15 03. . .301 100 5 20
50..273 80 5 15 75. . .217 80 5 20
.405 5 15 05. 222 80 5 20
CO. . . . 234 1GO 6 15 79. . .210 40 5 20
15. . . .302 G 15 G3. . 325 5 20
42 . . 2GH 200 6 15 59. . .201 120 5 20
82 . . 28G 200 5 15 03. . .208 210 5 20
07..297 100 5 15 5G. . .255 120 5 'JO
70..200 Hit ) G 15 GO. . .232 210 520
30. .211 80 5 15 01. . . 270 5 20
21. .318 5 15 15. . .229 5 20
49 .289 40 6 17'4 ' 58 , . 361 40 5 22'i
2 . . .325 5 IT' 04. . .330 80 6 22' ' ,
80 . . .217 120 5 17J5 1" . . JUG 5 25
8..333 5 17'i ' 12 , .291 5 25
08. . . 228 1GO G 17'/i 30..290 5 25
rics AND iiomin.
1..380 300 25. . . .Ill 600
Sniii' Fresh receipts were meager and
tlio quality far from oliolco. Tliuro was
a fair demand from local houses for good
muttons and lambs at quotauly steady prices.
Fair to good natives. f-J.7./i.5 ( ! : ( ) : fail-
to peed westerns , $2.i3@i.2. ! ! > ; common and
stock sheep , $ I.riO S.-"i ; good to choice 40 to
100-lb. lambs , ? a.50W4.50. ( Representative
sales :
No. Av. I'r.
81 native mixed 100 { 310
114 native owes 82 280
07 native mixed 110 310
63 native mixed 91 325
Iti'cuiipts anil DlspiMliiiiii ot Stoclc.
Officialrneolpts and clUpi < ltlun of Ktoalc ai
shown by tlio bodki of tli3 Union Sto'c ' var.U
company for tlio twenty-four hours uudltiz tu
5 o'clock p. m. , January 10 , 1894 :
Cam "Heail " I'urn. .Hoail C.ira. lie. id L'.irH. HcaU.
"ll'.T-.TGUl r 7'il.4ii8 ' 375
ItlirKH * ) . llllliS.
Omaha Pni-hlnir Co 1 ! )
TlinO. II. llaiiiinoiul Co. nil 1.00(1 ( 178
SwlftACo UU7 H-l ill
TliuCiulahy Packlne Co. . lnr : , 811
Shtolalr 1:1:1 : :
Ni'lHon Mori In
A , llaan
It. lloakcr A DPUI-II Kill
Lubiiiau > M
II. AS : u
Shlppcru anil ( uudora 318
l.lvo MOCK . > lnrl or.
Cllir ooIan. . 10. The cattle market was
woakur for sloors. Tlioy ( 'onuially solil Hlc
Inwor than yesleiday inoriiliiK. I lioro uiih a
irood ( loinuiiil from liu'iilsliiiiislitoiersanilimsl-
Irn lmvi'isand 'xpirtors ) lioiwht with inoioor
io-.s fri'i'diini , lint the supply was Illicrnl and
lln iiickstiiu forlowi-r prli-i" . wasKroutci than
liuldiT'.roiildvlthstiind. . .Moid futriittlnMII -
jIViMi-d than on any pri-vluns day within the
tail thriit ) or four wcoks , hut aftur all the
iMMiiKoiluallty was IMIOIOI than Is ofiun sut-n
n Ihoyaidsatthls tlinu of the year. Thi'ro
wiun iiM-oiillnKly few Imni'hiiH that were irood
uniiimh to lirlmt mini ) than Jo , and from i3.00
oJI 7(1 ( was the price at which the stock wan
itclKheil , The iimi-ki'l for Imli'hoiV and I-OIH-
nun stoi'U hhuwfil taorn stalillity than did
hat for hl < M'is. The olloilngs nf cous and
iilllhiiiidsiirh otlii'r HOI-IS as mi to tliumt two
| js t sof hiiyurs wont none too Jlhmal. and
rui'siluy'n in li't's were wull Mippurtcil. Sales
weto lar olv at from < - loM. 10 , roiiiniiin to
huli'ocows , hulfoi-H and bulls bi'lllng ut that
"rollers had no fault to find with the hot : mnr-
ttil today. It was ns active as tlinnioslnxai'l-
ittc could wish and was htronit In all pints.
< hlliicrs | had liberal iirdiir.sto III ! and Iliu
iiteKIng demand wan brisk from the Marl. So
sharp wax tint competition that an mh .tiico nf
. ( W per 100 Ibs. was oaHtly oatahllxhed , the
naiKol eat ly iuoIni ; up to finm JC..1U io 5.5i )
or common to rlmlco iiualllles. There It
Mood Ilrm to thu filmTnoru \\tib only a Uni
ted amount of liadliiK at IIMX tliun f5.2n , HID
Hllk of tint hogs HUllllIK at fioin * . " 25 lo fti.40 ;
fcuvutal sales wtiiu made nt (5.45 and a fnw at
rein t5.47lt lo f : " ) . ! ) ( . Thu llrmor tone \uisitt-
rllmted to thu clrcumitanres that ii'culuu
ontlnno todlsappolnt expectations , llnyors
> nro expci'tlnt ; iroia UH.nuo to 40,000 heail
oday , wliuruus only ubout 32, ( huad
The sheep and lamb markut was In hotter
orm today. It wits not iiuicli higher than on
ilonduy , but the activity and prlcou worn more.
Irmly naid. There was not un ovorHiiiiply of
act block , anil for xnch tlio avnrnno of prices
vas atout u nlcknl lilgner. OIT Kradea nuru
oi ) plunllfiil to admit of any advance and the
Irmiiess In that branch of the market \VHH In
ympathy with the Improvement In KOOI ! to
tiolco xradoi. Thu ilumund , us huiutoforo ,
was conllued alinobt wholly to local HlutiRli-
woioou abusuof fium (1.2& to
Hector & Willicliay Lobcck & Linn ,
Dcule-s la hi\rctw r I'll
Corner lOtli anil Jackson moclianlcs' looln
htrueti. Uu4 Do lullSinn'
W. A , L , Gibbon & Co
Hull , cups , nlr.iw goods ,
Vloroi , mlllent. Utli
aud llarnoj otroati.
John A. WakcficlilT
Imprirtiil , American Port *
land rumani , Mllwau-
kooCO'iiont and ( Julocr
I wlitto llrno.
Carpcnlcr Paper Co Stiindard Oil Co.
Curry n full Block of
prlnttnttl wrnpplnff unU Koflaorl and lubrlo tni |
wrliliu papers , u rd
CtC. OIU , azU xrvaii ) , '
Unon Stooi Yards Company ,
UtJtCmtlo Ilo nnd marimia lha
Lire 5tok Coinmlsiloa Aloralmnti ' '
ioitb Umaba Tolnphono 1117. CalOill
JOHN IV OADUM AS , I . , . - - - ,
WAI.TKK U. WOOD , f Mnasjsrr
Market report * by mall and wlro cheerful
arnUhod upon application.
J3 60 for poor to rholco sheep and $3 to ft.73
for lambs. I'rom J2.25 to $3,25 bought most
of the former nnd from if t to $1.05 were Un
popular prices for the latter.
Itccelpts : rut ilo. 10.000 heart ; calves , 48(1 (
head : lions , 32,000head : sheep , 12,000 head.
The Evening.loiini il renorts :
UATT/.K Iteeelpls. 10,000 head ; .shipment' " ,
none ; market stonily ; top steers , J.VJof&S 55 (
others , $1.2551,1.90 ; common , $3.00S3.00 ; ,
lions Ueeolpts 32,000 head ; shipment ! ! ,
noiio ; market active , hluher ; rouih mil
heavy , ? r > .025.15 ( ) ; ; mixed and packers , * 5.2 < (
(15.40 ; prlmu heavy ami butcher weights ,
$5.40(85.45. (
SIIIIP : AND I.AMiH-Kilcolpts , 12,000 hoadi
.shlptiimitx , none ; market steady ; too sheep ,
$3.00S3.75 ; top lambs , it.0oa4.00.
wi : Tnix IMCKINO
Mnrlccil C iln for tlio Wenlc In Output itlth
I'Jttmuito ' fur tlio Sonxon.
CINCINNATI , Jan. lO.-IKpeelal Telegram to
THK IUi : : . | Tomorrow's Price Current will say :
Western pucklm ; since November 1 aKKi'f-
Kated 2,780,000 liois , against 3,030,000 a year
ago. The week'- , total Is 325,000 comp-ued
with 225,000 the preceding week , and 200,0(1(1 ( (
hist year. IMImuleil packing for remainder
of the so.isou omlliis.March 1 , Indicates 2,17 J- ,
000 , against 1.005.000 last year , polntlnx to a
total of 4,950,000 for the winter , compaied
with 4,033,000 last Packing to datoati
prominent places compares as follows :
Yorlc Live Moitii .ttnikct.
NKW VOIIK , .Ian , 10. lliinvKS Kocolpts , fifiO
head ; inaikut dull and lower ; bct > t grailu
Ktecis , steady ; dry eows , U5ilower. . Nnllvu
stueis , good in filily prime , f 1.7')5jri,00 ) ; mo- \f A
dhim to fair , f I. IfXtM.05 ; eonimon to ordinary ,
t3.75'f.1.35 ' ( ; stags and o\eu , < l.'JO-ai.36 ; bulls ,
ti.5K'.3.00 ! ( : ihy iiitti1. 1. IdLCI.'JJ.
'ii.VK- < -Kei-elptH , 1)00 ) head ; veals , good td
eholi'e , f.'j.DUjtH.Oil ; barnyaul and fed cal\cs ,
ili.50ii3.l5. !
hliHii' : AM ) I.VMIIS Hecolnts , 10,000 head ]
market active ; sheep , SJOc higher ; poor In
pilme , ti.riliil.'Jl ! ) ; lambs , common to choice ,
| .5O4J.HO.
lions Iteeo'pth , 8,281 head ; maiket hlghei
a t jo.ooa 0. oO.
KIIIIHIH City l.lvo MUCH ; Alurkel.
KANSAS Uirv , .Ian. 10. OATTM' Uocolpts ,
0.100 head ; hlilpinents , 'J.UOO head ; market
slow and declining and weal , to lOc lowei ;
Texas MUDM. W,75'3iH.75j ' shipping steels ,
f [ : ) ; Tevus and natho cows , $1.35u >
3 _ . "i ; buleher lock , * : ) . _ 5iOl.l5 ; htockers and
feeders. * _ .H5'it3.0 ' ( ) . '
lions ltccelit | < , 10000 head ; Nhlpinonls ,
700 bead ; market stiong nnd aetlvo ; bulk ,
ij 10' ; heavy , paelilng and mixed , $5.00 < a
5. Jo ; light , Voikiirsaml pigs. ! $ 1. 0035.20.
Suci'.l'Uecelpls , DUO head ; bhlpnicnts ,
none ; maikethlnw ami dull.
St. I.IIIIIH l.lvu Murk .Uarkiit.
ST. I.oui ! " . Jan. IO.-CATTI.G Itccolnts , 3,000
liead ; HhlpineniH , 000 ho. id ; market lower
generally ; 01. Unary to fair natlvo sieei-H , $3.00
441.UO ; fed Texas. steers , ( a.lO'tn.&U ; cows ,
tl HOiCJ 10
II Dim Ueeelpts , 10,100 head ; shipments.
'J.'JOO beau ; market opennd lower , closed
htiong ; lop prli-es for biilchers' gradex , < , r.3D ;
mi.MMi , * i.inKit.'Ja ; light , M lOTf.ri.iU ) .
Sni.KI1 lleeelplH , l.-'uo head ; hhlpments ,
mine ; ntnilietstioiig ; n itho muttons , ID.OiHO
I.UO ; TUMIIIS , fj.7.tt3,5 ( ) .
hlonx City u Muelc Alnrlcnt.
Sioux CITV , Jan. io , I Ions Itccolnts , 1.500
liuad ; olllelal yesli'May , 'J.'Jlfi head ; shln-
miintH , 155 lieadiinarKet & < j410c higher at 85.05
025..0 ; hulk , TS.Khi&.ir. .
( IATH.BHeeelptH. . 400 head ; olllelal yes-
teidny , 1.733 head ; Milili. | nl4 , 450 Imuil ;
stoekurs Ulc lower ; COWH stuudy and strong.
Stiiuk In
Iteciilptxof UvuKtiieK at inn four prlnclpil
western markets \Yednuhday , January 10 :
t'atth ) . I lot's. Hlienn.
fiouthOmalm.750 3.4.H 375
( 'hlcago . 10.00U .TJ.OOO 12,000
KamtaHOIty . 0,100 1O)00 ( ) OIK )
Ht. I.oula . 3,000 10,400 l..OO
Total OSB'Ja 14175
Tlin llnsl n.lttcr.
Tor pain In the chest there is nothing boi-
: orlhm ; u llam.ol cloth saturated with Chaui-
borlain'i Pain llalni und bound over the stub
of tula , For sale by UruaUU.