THE OMAHA JAILY BEE : TlUtTfeSDAY , JANUARY 4 , 1801 , 8PEGIRL NOTICES. AnVKHTWKMKNTS FOR TIIK3B COUJMN3 will Ixi t.tknn until 133Up | , m. for the ntenlriir mul until H.ilOp , in. ( or tliu morulnc mul Sunday IHlltlOllH. AdvortlBoi-B. by rrotioMlr.i ? n numbered check , run linre Ilirlr ( inBWfM ndilnwwil to ft wimbprod IMlnrlncnroofTiir. HUB , AiiHWcru no luldnwied will \m \ ilmlviTBd upon iircm-nUllon of tlio chock. M ALE HBLP. l'Xc ' ,1 won ! first Innrriilon.le n Wonl there- nfier. Nothing tnltrn for lc i tlian 'Jlte. BsdniniTOtts. "TKAM"S "FHUNISII KU j IN- ulAlhiicnt ffoodH. American Wringer Co. , 1009 llownnl t. OUS _ AO KNT8 , 8ALA11Y OH COMMISSION. THK * n'M' > Hl Invention pf tlio nif , T ! Now P.itnnt niiMiilcnl Ink Kfnnli1 < r Pencil. Soils on Blunt. Work * Ilkantncle. AKCIUH nro making 91GM9 to KlUli.OO pervwk. Kor further pattlciilnra wrllij HID Monroe KKUMT MfB. Co. , X 30 , La C'roBBO , Wl . II-WANT pinsr OIARS KOMRITOHS. CAN J Jcam $2 to 13 tier diy. ; Adilrow X 03 , Ili-p. IJ-WANTBl ) , PLACES IN PU1VATBKA.M1U KS. .Drctttaiirnntfi , holols , i-ic. . for youinr mi'ii mid Indict * , lo work for hoard. Holirboiitfh Ilroi , Com , Hit' i"d Dotiirl.m MRtfH 10 " " . NKIIIIASICA .uid Iowa. Also Hliln llnu tnnn.MBH1 Pninalrn CliturCo. . Chicago. III. MBH1 ft 1 > WANTKH. 2 NKWS AKNT8 TO UtJN ON JJtRilnHt * ' . ' ( l.OO c.iHh tti'cnrlty rcanlml. Aniiiy In IMTHOII lo It , K , NOWH Co. . Lincoln , Nob. 1IU1t r > -\VANTKI ) , SALESMAN ACQtIAINTKI ) WITH J Julollunif anil fnriilHliliiK triiili > In Nobrahkii and IHWII to rcpn-Hiint HUiiiiiinrcliithlin ; hoiisu on com- inlHHloii b.-iHlHfiiUn-ly. Apply to A. Yp t A Co. , liua Ilrondwny , Now York. MU l i 4 - WILT. START YOU IN A PDKASANT B-WB himlncSH. No capital reiiulriil. No peddling. Either x. $00 a wi-ok easily inndo. W.vntuni Supply Co. , 81. LoillH , JI . Jl * ) 1 M 4 WANTED FBMALE HELP. RntPR. IMonwoninnttlninrttoii , lea wordthero- _ 2C4NothliiK ) taken tor IOBH thanJJJc. "wANTKU LADIKflI AtflToKNTf.I IKN , Vqtj pan wirn from fa to $15 per wouk Uolnif hlrlctly homo work for UH ; no canvasslnir and Hteady work. Liberty Supply Co. , lloston , Mass.Mnun Mnun V / 1-WANTBD. AN KXPKlUHNChD SKCOtID v Klrl , nont , nllallo and Hti-adyi rvfcn-ncvH no- Klri'd. Langilon court , fonrtli hoimu from tlm cor ner of Sonlh'J-lth HtreeU JI800 ri-WANLEI-GIRL FOR OENERAL HOUSE- V-/work , Dane or German preferred. Mr . ( J. S. llenawa , ! l'3 ( ) Hurl Hi. 0"1 - - . GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - C--WANTED. work , 1 Kill South : ilnt. i > fA COMPETENT 01RL IN FAMILY OP TWO. V /MiiHl bi-nood cook unit lanndrL'HH. KeforenccH required. JlrH. Prank Raingo , IB'Jl Davenport jtt. C'WANTED. . GOOD (3IRL FOR GENERAL WhouHuwork. lOL'l Park avenue. MK1SJ B H-WANTEH , STUDENT NURSE , AT W. ( J. A. l , Council lllnlT . M'.lli _ ri WANTED , COMPETENT GIRL FOR ( SEN- Unral hoiiHowork. Inaulro of Mrs , Uetiol. U201 l > onjlan HI. ICHI ItBKT HOUSES. RatPH , lOcalliiuracli Insertion , $1.50 a line per 9ionth , Nothing taken for lom limn use. . -HOUSES IN ALL PAHTS OF CITY D I Tlio O. F. ll.ivls company , 1003 Farnam. 007 -D-ROOM COTTAGE , MODERN , CHOICE IN D Stanford clielo. C. S. Klfc-uttor , ' . ' 01 Uou bliljr.COS COS IV .HOUSES , P. K. DARLING. BARKER. "LOGIC. -NINE- ROOM * MODERN HOUSE. HANSCOM D t'lacuclieup. J. W.Sunlru'IS Ui-ublilg. IIIOQ - - - HOUSE , MODERN. FURNISHED OR imfnrnlHliiil. Apply llli ! S. 10th. UW. D-FOR RENT , MODERN ItESIDKNCK. 10 rooniH. 0t ; ( ) S. 171M Htrcct ; liouxe , K roonm , tvater mid jraHii7 ( ! S. 17th avi'imo. Jolm II. F. Lcli- inaiin or ot Mr. Sklimer , room 310 , N. Y. Llfo. 'ItNEW MODURN ROOM HOUSE.U1 ti MASON -HOME ELEGANT HOUSES. WITH ALL CON- venlences. Uronnan , Love i Co. , Paxlon block. _ . . . . . ' TWO GOOD SHVEN-ROOM HOUSES AND D onA nvo-room houso. near business couier. at * in.OO , 1UO.OO and' 823.00) ) J , D. Zlttle , llrown block , 10th and Douglas streets. M4ia . -FOR IlKNT , THR SOUTH ELEGANT E10IIT- D.FOR orlck. 'Jflth anil Iziinl , block from Walnut Illlllliie.iS-JO.uO. Inquire conptrollor'soltk'i ( > . _ ( TO A SMALL. F1UST-CLASS FAMILY , A. vcrv ileolr.iblo nlno room , modern IIOIIHII , illll No. aoih Blrcot , roaoonablo rontal. lloirirB A Hill. fi77 JH - ' ll-ROOM COTTAGE , CITY WATER , D-NICE' ' N. 3Uth. KeynoxUilooriiorlh.MOli MOli ! 7 * - S AND R.ROOM HOUSES IN CITY. D-I1EST ' Illondo Rtrco > , M1IJ3 fU RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. . FOR RUNT. DESIRABLE FURNISHED E i-ooms. Inqnlro 1011) Dodge. M'JOO ? DK3IRAI1LB ROOMS. 1721 CAl'ITOL AVK- iinlio. ' MI07 Jill * EN1C ROOMS ; STEAM 1IEAT ; 17'-it : DAVEN- poi-U - ROE FRONT ROOM WITH MODERN CON- E-LA ' 1)21 North lllth stn-et. Hfi' ' - ROOM , 'J017 IIARNF.Y ST. E-FURNISIIKD ST.UW UW ( 8 * - 8THAM HEATED ROOMS , FURNISHKI ) OR E8THAM ' , U1U5 noilb'O. im-l. E-SOUTH BOOM , SUITAHLH FOR. ONE OR two tri'iilloniLMi , with or without board. > : ! 0l Douglas. FURNISHED ROOMS AWD BOARD. Rales t ! e a word flrst Insertion. Ic a won ! Ihoitsiflrr , Nothing taken for ICHH tlinu 25o. -i 'J YOUNC ! WOMEN'S YfoME UNDER CARE OF 1 ! Woniua'a Chrlstlun association , ULS. 17th st. 1112 I--.FOR RENT-NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS L' wltli board al 2010 Callfornlif ntrcol. , CflU ' 17-FURNISHKD ROOMS AND HOARD. IIOTH I1 gas anil steam heat , f-l.SO and * 3.00 wenk.Ill North 1 Ith strucl. 'Ii5. ! I'XVO HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS 1 for rent with board # 10 permonth for two. prl- -alitfamllyr2.llu Plereost. f > "l 4 . -FURNISHKI ) SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , WITH board. 17'JO Doditc. MHO II. . 1 > NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH HOARD J. al Ihu Webster , "ilH N. IDIh stroiit. Milan ! FORREMT STORnS AND OFFICKS. Itati-H , l ! 'c iLWonl first insertion , le a word Iheraflei- . Nothing tiikun for Uws lhaii ' 'Au r FOR RP.NT , LARfSK H-STORY HIOOINS J barn. IHIh and Loavtinworllit lldrtjliorauH mid tlorni.t' . J. W. Snulro. ii 18 lloo blilif. Ula T l-6lt RENT , THE 4.-STORY 11RIC1C 1UULDING llltll Farnam Hi. Tlui liiillillnir Inixa llrrproiif COT muni liaHeiui'iit , ooinplcln ntuam lii tlnir tlxtunis , tun all Iho ( loom , ens , otc , Apply ul ilia of- IVOR RENT. MY NEW BUSINESS BUILDING \\-lthiibout la.UUO fuel lloor spaeu. 32x111' ' , lit UIOS-10 Farnam Htroet. John H , F , Lehmanu.Miin -Miin AOJiJNTS ! Rates , .1)011 ) Unit o.ich lnsi . > rllon , $ l.0a lluo pur nuiilli. Nolldnz lakvn for ICHH l ilian 'i. > c. I AOKNT3 . . EVERYWHERE . . . . . . . . . . . . , . TO . . SELL OUR , . . , I'ollH ; lartroronunHHlgji paid. AiUlru | Iho ) A. R. riniinhm OlH.'n. , CU'Volanil. Ohio. MKMS I KXl'LUHIVH TERRITORY GIVEN TO i' iiKciilH , "minor female , on salary or comnds- iloii. Tim IliU'Ht Worlil'H FalrHtlli-r Is K'lng put now gi'iierally on Ihu market. Thu bust housi > hold Hrtlcliiovar Introduced. Snml rufi'mnres anil ' . ' . , i-i'iits for sample. Adihx'ss Hlllroth , SUvi-i-Hlou & 'o , St. Lonls.Mo. MUlit I * WANTED TO Kuli'H. JU ' wonl It rat Inwerllon. l\a wonl Ihcivafier. Nolhlng takuu for less than a.'c. T W ANTED , TlOARD FOll ONE CoT'l' LK IN .IVjniiilorn hutihiiaiul ptlvatu fsnnlbj- , will funilsh the l-oouis. Aildri' > > n A 2(1 ( , lluo oltli-o. Hint WANTEI TTO RENT. a bTt F ROOMS Vulu K lHhfil for llchk housekiHiplng. nioilcrn con- 'iii-cM , ih'slrablo locality , AdilrosH room aaa,1 t Natlomtl bank liMir , ' uii-i : : : * fnmltilii'd room with board In llrst-olass prlvuti.1 bo.mtlui ; IIOIIHO wlthmoiuriicoiiv ] iilriK'i < , Ivlllilu S blocks of P. O. 'AilOiX'Hs A ' . ' 3 , this paper. JlOtO ; 4 * 8TORAGK. ltatr lk ( < a Ihu * Urt > l hiscrllon , $1.50 a Him per month. Ni > ) dni ; tahen for lt-ni than aoo. STllltAUU , WILLLVMs" CROSS , lU ' 014 FOR HOUSEHOLD v iulcho.ipr.ila. R. Wullx , till Furiiaiu HIS "WANTED TO BUY' l'i n wonl Ural disunion , lo a word ' Ilii'rt'iifU'r. Kollilnj lakuii fur lw > tlitu : UJo. AUOtt | lv < > ruunm ; Innlilu property : will pay not morn tlinu * : Ioim.UU ; $1UOO.OO cash , bfilaueo lo null HIIAiUlreoa ! A 11 , Had. M3S3 a jvfVAKTBU TO BUT , THE "LvCBST C1TV ltvuil map. Cluuaer & A ten , room St , I'ltltureini dock. M'JIT 4" WANTED-TO BUY. Canttnutd. TV-WANTED. TO I1UY SECOND-HAND PAPER 11 ciittor. Must bn In Rood con < llllon : Hlzc , B2M Inchon or Innrrr. Itarvry A. DcLanir , lli llryant Hlrcut. Council UlitflH , low.l. MIMH 4 FOR SALE FURNITURE. - E FOR SALH CHEAP. 1222 / North HWIi Btrei't , up Blairs. ll)8-t ( ) FOR SALE MISOELI.ANEOTJS. . o n won ! flrxt Innorllon , In n word thereafter. Notldn ? taken for Ic8 tha Q- K 1800. Diamond Importur ; bcdroolt. Oil ) J3 Q-KOn flALK CltKAP , 1 TWO-RKVm.UTION Cnnipboll nowRpniHT prpRS nnd I ilonblocylln- ilur Taylor , air Hprinir. with two fohlnrn : ( food con- illllon. Adilri'tji for D.irtlculare Lock liox 8 , South Omnhn , Nub. 017 Q- FOR SALK , OIIBAP , FIR3T-CLAS3 CRANK liyilratillu panHeniror oluralor. liiuid lover , In ( rood order , nearly now. Iloaton Store , Omaha. MlliiJ'-'l Q-FOR SAI < K. rOLUMIIIAN IIICYOLK ; PRICK $100.01) ) . hnltcash. Iimnlru ! > 07 Flint National hank bnlldlnir. MWI t * Q- POOL TA1ILK. 11RUNSWICK. NKARLY NBW. \VlUIMimt ; Mlttan , room Hill MuCan < > lialldlnt- , Qliposlto pOHlofflco. M1I27 0 -CITY WARRANTS. $1,300.00 WORTH FOR nalo. Wllllanm .t Mlttun , room 313 , MoCatrno bank. MOM 4 MISCELLANEOUS. UatfH , lH < ; \vonl llrstlniprtlon , lea\vonl there after. Nothing taken forlc than 'J3c. iiV.WBSinN'BnOOTSniBBAN'Di rKoYAI.T IviirHt-claHrt barbers. Shave , UJo : hair cnttlnir , ' .TJO ; baths , yoo. 140J Faniiiui , buutnunt. : r R-FOR LBASB ADOUT 100 AORK3 , SIJIT.MILV ! for dairy , irantcit or fannnorthwoHtof Flnrunco lakn. Hogg * , V Hill. 07U J 'JS OI.AIE.VOYANTS. RatifB , lOca llnnonch Insortlon , $ l./iO / a line per month. Nothlni ; taken for IUSH than ' 'fie , MRS. IH. IL WARREN. liable hnslnoHB inwlhnn ; 7th year at 110 N. Kith. MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. IL-itrs , lOcnllno each Insorllon. $ l..r 0 a line par month. . Nothing taken for lean tlianl3c. ! , Room .I. Ma.isao , vapor , alcohol. Bte.-iin.iiilphur- Inc and aoa oatnn. .M87 1 U' rpJIMB. . STOWK , MAONKTIC HKALKR. ROOM I 30 , Hotel Brunswick. MSU1 8- PERSONAL. RatoH , lOca line each Insertion , $ a line per month. Nothlni ; taken for lean than -.Ic. nial batlm. Scalp and hair treatment , manluiiru and chlror.odl8t.Mra.l'oatUlUMa.lOthWUhnell bile. 1110 U-OMAHA FURNITURE RKt'AIR WORKS ) UP- holHtcrtnif , m.-ittrass inaklu ? . .pollHhlnir and packlni , ' ; carpet laying' , A. K. Gay Co. . 'JHOS-IO FarnatiiHt. M4B1 J23 U- SWALLOW TAIL SUITS LOANED OUT AT low prices. Call on E. Sujrarmsn.llll Uonalas. i > 7..J8 U--PERSONAL. THIS IS GOOD FOR TEN days' frio tre.itniiMit If presented at ofttco of The DliiHiuoor Rutnudy Co. , Shcely block , Omaha , lllooil polBon any Htairc. Uncured Hot SprliiKH C.IHMH eBpeclally dcslrod. Cnro enarautoed HO to IK ) ilayH. M5SI J- ' -ILLUSTRATED MARRIAGE JOURNAL , containing photo engravIngHof persons iluHlr- luif corruHponUenla , mailed free. Grown Pub. Co. , Tuludo , O. M1IU 1 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOo a line each innertlon. $ a Hue per month , Nothing taken for leas than t5e. w.MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. The . O. F. Davis Co. , 1303 Farnam st. U20 W-LOANSON 1NPROVED AND UNIMPROVED city property. $3,000 and upwards. to ( IK per cunt ; nodelayH.W.ITarnam'-'OFarnam. ; U-'l W ANTHONY LOAN AND TRUST CO. , 1118 N.Y Llfo , lends at low rates for choleo security on Nebraska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W' MONK Y TO LOAN AT LOWES T RATES ON Improved and unlmproveil Omaha real estate , 1 to 0 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Far iam. 023 W MOJJKY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATES. Apply to W. B. Melkle , First Natlpnal bk. blrtir. W MORTGAGE LOANS , A. MOORS' , 801 N. Y. Llfo 11I1-J7 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Hales , lOc a line each Insertion , $ l.i)0u ) line per month. Nothing taken for less than 2.u. LOAN- Wuwlll lour yon any sum which yon wish , hmall or lorgo. at the lowest poaslblo rates , In thu iinlcki'st ponslblo time , and for any length oftlmo to suit yon. Yon can pay It back in sueh InstaU- inenlsaH yon wish , wiion you wish , and only pay for It : m loir ' aw you Uenp ft. You ran borrow ou HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE , OR ANY OTHER SECURITY , Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , MOII SOUTH KITH STREET , First Hoer above the street. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. U25 _ X I MONEY TO LOAN. 702 N. Y LIFE HLDG. JO -DO YOY WANT MONEY ! : Wo will loan you ANY SUM yon wish "n your : : FURNITURE , PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS , : : CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , i > tc. : : We nlvo prompt attmitlou to all upplleattoiiH , : : and will carry your loan JIH lonif as you wish. : : You can nxlucu the COHI gf carrying your loan ; : liy a payment at any lime ; There In no publicIty - : : Ity or removal of property. : : FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO , , : : Room . WllhiiPll block , : ; * Cor , lOlhaml Harnoy Htn. : X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF security : strictly confidential. A. E. Harris , room 1 , t'ontlnitntal block. 1)27 MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSES , WAGONS. pianos anil fnrnlturo of all klmls , Ilnslness conllilentlal. J. 11. 137 Ramgublock , H27 BUSINESS CHANCES. Rates , lOen line i > acli Insertion , $1AD a line per month. Nothing takim for less than 2,1c. -conNTH ; v""DANIC"FOit sALE "wi'Lti IIE" tain what paiwr pnruhasoiMloes not want , Also a Improved farms near town for sale. Address A III , earolteo , MSII3 7 * SALE , A CONTROLLING INTEREST In a slatu bank localeil In n good part of Ne braska. Hank has gooil ileiKislts anil a good busi ness. Flvo to fifteen thousand dollars it'iiulreil. Satisfactory ivasotm given for soiling. Address llox 274 , Omaha , MI'II 10 * FOR EXCHANGE. llatra , lOisa line each Insertion , $ ( ) a line per mouth. Nothing taken for leas than a3u. y i OWN "ioiTFARMs "i TNEim As'iTr.'licANsTv's /Jaiul Dakota. Will sell cheap or nxcliingti for niih > e.hoi'HCH and " oattlo. 7UFi-.inkfortliid IIUU r/-STOCIC OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS ; /i want horses ami cattle. IJox"J5. . Frankfort , InJ. tllto rPOR EXCIIANaE NATIONAL UANK STOCK "for land or clly pi-operty. Address A-1U , lieu. fi71 4' ' / WILL TRADE GOOD OMAHA RESIDENCE / property for shuup , hogs or cattle. Aihlres * U I. South Omaha M3SU l r/ FOR EXl'HANr.E. HEAUTIFUL MODERN * JivHMeiiei > ami bank stock for good notes , llox 7PU. 'lty. ' MS71 7 _ y-PAHM , 100 ACRES , IN CENTRAL NK- /Jhraska , to tnuln forclty or town property ; 118 ai-res In cultivation : all good land. Williams A : .Mlllau. room ait : , MuUJguo buliaiuv , opposite postofflco , Mlias 0 Z-TO TRADE FOR FURNITURE. HURRY. harneas , South Dukotu farm , AddreHS A 23. lice , Mll ) 1 4' _ rTO KXCHANUK. TWENTY-ROOM IIRICK /JHIO.IIII heatmt hotel for land or steam swliir. Aililri'ss llox U3. Dunhip. lowu. 032 F2 rTHIS IS A 1'I.NE FARM , ALL UNDER CULTI- /Jvallun , Kooil ImprovfinentK , 3 nilli-a from HID town of Dllca , Nuu. Anybody can trmlo fcu-ilil farm If tboy put In : i 1I1U money , a. small stuck of vooilH tit HomiMunaU town prvfwml. AdilrcnsO , W. Mlililmiith , Utloii. Neb. MO HI H _ V FOR TKAUB , GOOD IIUSINESS PROP- /Jrrty , coulrally located , clear , forlnrjo tract ut land near Onialia ; will nsnumo lneuiubr.iiu-u or pay dlnvrenuu , Inuulro room 323 , Omnliii Null , llauX blag. M1UU _ _ _ HORSES WINTiiRfcD. Rales , lOualhifto-tah Innirtlon. il.30 a Una par mouth. Nollilny ukiin for loj lltan aSo. l&Son , 207 N. Y. Ufa bnllUln ; , loiophouu 1011. 1000 J7 WlNTKllltD. $3.0(1 AND * LOU A Addre < M Hopper lira * . , UlXUoni. Neb. UlUi J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Kate * , 1 Oca line ooeli In wrllon , * l.SO a line per month. Nolhlnif ' taken for loaathari 23c. _ . ! } , SALB > ur trade. F. 1C. Darling. H.if kcr blo.'k. 031 I7OR I1ARO A1N3 I HAVE HOUSES ON FAHNAM -L Ht. . uad HI. , Uunlutlc St. . llltli ami Mason anil nnvcral In South Omaha. Way down pries * . Also farms for Halo and exchange. 1) . J , Kcnda'l , ' 207 So. ICth Bt. 1V Jt > FRUIT FARM AT A RAROAIN ; 74 ACREfK miles from limit423 ! nppln in-eBsrp.ooi ) baarlng ( frat > pn : 100 cherry trws ; 4l ) phnns. U. J. Hutch * liiHoiiACo.,017 IlWay. Council lllnffs. MI103 J3 I7OR SALK-ORMAT IIARGAIN ON A SPLEN- J. ' diii DID aero farm , I ) miles BOUIII of K.-arney , . M nal sell now. Hoggs A Hill. fi7H .128 _ FOR SALK-KASTERN LADY , SAYS. SELL MY" 40acn > s at DcSota for $1,000. If yon can't ert more. Who wants H ? Raru bargain. Hoggs & Hill. f,7S J2H TTOR SALK-A * IOO PARK FOREST LOT. * 230 I- ' takes It. Bo ga A Hill. C7H J 2H _ IJUBMH. IfiO ACRM OR ! I20 ACRES. IN CEN- I tral Nebraska , partly Impnwd. prlco ifH.IIO per acre , on time. Williams A Mlitan. room : lli : , Mu- Cagno building , opposlto postonlci : . MU21 U f roil SALK.FINH RESIDENCE PROPERTY IN 1 llansoom Placo. One-half block from Park. Eight room honi : > with modern eon vemi'm-i'S.gooit locality. Address X , Coi : First National liank building. 007 O-io.iitin , WASH. WILL IIUY THK HUSINESS Jblock at 1(112 ( Farnam. next N. Y. Life ; nets tl percent on KSO.OOO ; a lift ! Investment ; ruluro value Ifiiarnntecd. D. C. Patterson , 11)23 ) Farnam. Farnam.UQt Fl Rates , IKo a wonl first Insertion , lea worlthoro- aflur. Nothing lakun for less lliau'JSe. LOST. 'TUKS vV APTRKNOON , A LADIES' Jlack llk lianilb.-Kr. Finder plonso rottirn or li-avo won ! at llc-o ofllci ; . ' MU11B CTHAYBDOlt STOLEN BAY HORSE. 15 HANDS Ohlifh , Weighs about 1,001) ) poundH. had on Bnildlo and bridle. When last soon wan hitched on UStli Nlrwl. near Lalk , DecemberSl. Ri-turn to owner , ' Mist Illiinuy Blrjet. Liberal reward. MIUU T OST-GOLD WATCH , WALTHAM MOVEMENT , - IJImiitlMicaso. . Hmoolli , with nionouram M. I ) . J. on oiitHlilt * and name , Mlnnlo Johnson , ottgravnl on InslUuof c.'iae. Reward on roturulnif at111) Etnmetl Btrent. MII18 4 * LOST , A KNIGHTS TEMPLAR SCARF PIN. Namt ! on back , Return to room 511 Ilco hiulcU In ; ; and rucoltQ reward. Chaa. U. Townsuml. OST , RED IRISH SETTER PUP , 10 MONTHS old ! answers lo Kaiser. Return lo Win Mar- nolle. 014 8. llllh Bt. and rcclvo roivunl. UIKWI * DRESSMAKING. Rates , lOo a line finch liiBertlou , $1,80 a line per month. Nolhln ? lakun for less Ihan 'J3C. IT1 KINE SEWING ; LADLES' UNDERWEARAND 1. baby onlllts a specialty. Mra. linrton , 1721 Cap- llol avenue. MliiL' J8 NGAGEMENTS TO DO DKESSMAKINH IN families solicited. MUsSlnrdy , 1'JIS Nlehnlns. MID' ' J ! > TJ RESSES , $1 ; WRAPPERS , $2. 000 N. 21 UNDERTAKERS ANDEMBALMER3 Rales , lOc a lluo each Insertion , $1. BO a line per month. Nolldug lakuit for loss ihen 23c. C. W. BAKER ( FORMERLY wlTU JONN G , Jacobs , deceased ; later wllh M. O. Maul. ) iiiulor taker and cnibalnior ; 1)13 S. Itith Bt. Tol. UOU. n 1C. HURKETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cinbahner. 1(118 ( Chicago St. Tol. Ill ) , uyi DANCING ACADEMY. Rati'H , lOo .1 line each limortlon , * l.S ! ) a llnu pur month Nothing taken for losi tliau ' MbuANO\S DANCING SCHOOL. I..IU HARNEY HtrtHit. Thunililwlntcrturni beslns tldH week. New classes now forming. Children Tuesday p > . , Saturday 10 a. m. or : ( p. in. Adults Twwlay and Thursday K p. m. Private lessons dally In al thu now dances. Call for terms ; a halls to let. MH72 .1:10 : SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Itutps , lOoallne each Insertion , $1. fill a line per month , Nothing taken for less than ' - ' . " - . " AND GENTLEMAN CAN SOON acquire a working knowloilgi- shorthand anil typewriting at A. C. Van Saul's Hcliool of shorthand - hand , fil ! ) N. Y , Life. Typcxvrltqra to rent. Ui3 ; TAKEN UP _ Rates 1 We a woril Hrat Insartlon , lea worJ thora- after. Notldne taken for loss than ' . ' 3u. AY HORSE TAKEN UPON BRISTOL ST. MON- ilay niornlner. Owner can have name by paying all expenses. Jno. Jlrcnton7th and IIHstol Sts. PAWNBROKERS Rates , 10ci line each Insertion. $1.30 a line per month. Notujug taken for less than - ' . i ; . "f SONNENBERG , DIAMOND IlRo7 < ER , TS ( ) , 1 ' Donslas Bt. Loans money on illamonils , watches , etc. Old gold , and silver bought. Tel. 10.18 COLLECTIONS. ( Rates , lOc iv line each Insertion , $1.50 a line per : inonth. Notliltif taken for less Ihan ' . ' . ' . . . room (101 , Merchants National Dank bnlltllng , makes a specialty of city collections f.BU 3' SCALES. Rates , lOo a line each liiHcrtloiu l.flO a line per inonth. Nothing taken for--l s than L'Sc. 1 > AildreHs Donlen .V SelleclcCo. , Lake ut. , Chicago Ut7 ; MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Rates , lOc n line each Insertion , $1. ! > 0 u Him per month' Nothing taken for less than 'Joe. V. GF.LLENnEC'K , UANJOIST AND TEACHER. 1HIO California St. DM BUREAU. SURS& CD. . SOLIOITOHS.HOO s , OMAHA. NEU. Advlco FIJEB. RRILWRY T1ME6RRD Omaha | Depot lotb and Mason Sta. I Omaha P,4iiim.KansasCity | Day Express. . . . ! 0.15 pir. 11C. O. Night Bxp. via U. p. Trans. I tl.goain Lcavoa 'JIIIUAGO , R. 1. , t fAClKld. lArrlvm Omuha I Union D pot lOih&Maruy Sti. | Omaha 0.iOamOklaiiom-i.vrux.isExp.Kx.Sniii : | ( I la.K ) am J.05 pm.Culorado ! Llinlla I. . . , „ _ , . ! 4.3 LVaVTs" ) llNro-NTOT'Irlcr ' FAi- Omaha I Union IKippl lOth.VMaruy Sta. | O 11.50anil Di-iivcr Express I 4.u. > pm .M"ipml. . . . . . . .Overland Flyni- I ojuipMi 11.45pmllli'atrk'e.tstrouisb'tf Ex ( x Sun ) I'J.ilUp.n . Pacific . . . . . . 0.10pm * > itu Express ( , > , n.OSain O.ilpm : | . . Denver Fast Mall. . . . 4.20 mu leaves rXJHinATnjrSlTrnCSTTTATJu I An-woi" Omaha I U. P. Depot mid Maroy Sts. [ Omaha > l > . : ,3 | > ml Chicago Llmltod I 0.40am 1 l.UOam I. . .ChIcazo Exim'ssJox.Huu. ( _ „ , . . ' 3.3U p.u Liavc T F OHIO"AGCJ A'NO'RTH'WESTN. Omahal U. P. depot , llllli .t MarovStrt. I ll.n.'iaml Chicago Express D.lOptn I .0.1 pin I VuHllbulo Llmtliy't H.-'il a n ( l-llpui ) Eastern Flyei ' . ' .Mptu U.IIOpm ( Ex.Sat.CIdo. ) PassEx ( Moil ) -.Ipiu U.35 ainj Mo. Viilloy Local lO.'Opm IAMVCS I M E ! ! fUUI PAOIFH1. UVrrlvoi ' OmuUal Dapot 1311. and WeuitorSH. ! O I'.V.'O pm St Ijiuls Bxprca. ) fll.OOam 10.00 pm St. Lonls Express , . ' 4.1ilu-n O.lApai Dally ( ex Sun ) Nebraska Luual.l 11.10 am LoaVcs" ! tCST. P..MT&T5 : [ Arrlvj OiiiRhal Depot ISIIi anil WubslurStT. I Omul. . . "RTwiain . .Sioux cTiy AccoTiiiTiotlaUon. . D.O.I pm' -M5H1" s'011 ' m,1Kl > w tK . suii.ia,40u ) | n.lApm St. Paul Llmllwl ti..tu.n Q.lOpiu Oaki.iiiil Pasaaiuuf ( Ex. Sun.i ; 8.1.1 am I "sTSUX ClTYiPACfFu" " DUIK . It ) am.JI.ircy ' _ Sts. " il.33'pm | ! . . ! . ' . . .SI. Paul EJCpryiiSV. . . . .llO.'oOan'i CBUVIM "T SfiTtJX CiTWi'AinV'HJ Arrived" " - ' Depot. IStltaiiiiWitMWrSU ; Omaha 5.43pint , , , St. Paul Limited. . . I ll.-.VuuC lUl'iL.Citlcaaol.luilUMl. . . . . . . . . | U.'Jiaia _ Ouialia.JirP ; thiiioi. lutu'aua ilarcy OraaU * , TSt. Luuit C4UUOU fliir UUlW f ' ! ) , n , . ! Doming to Grow Sugar' Beota ou Holt County's Fert o , Boil. --j / NUM3ER ALMOST A THOUSAND ALL TOLD Moro tlinu 100 Fnmllli'j o IJo Located In Mehrnnkn on Forty-Aoro Fnrins t'onnt llrtirl I.nDlf fcl HoiuUtlio Movement TlielrVlu iin. 1'otlfth citizens of the Sixteenth ward nro preparing for an exodus next spring. The promised land Is Nebraska , mid March 1 Count. Henri Lublcnakl will lead over 100 * Polish families toNellgh , Antelope county , m the northeastern part of the state , 153 miles west of Omaha on the Fremont , Klk horn & Missouri. Valley railroad. This migration will decrease the population of Chicago nearly 1,000 , for the immigrants , will bo followed by their cousins , uncle. ? and aunts , who will Join them In establishing the first Polish colony in Nebraska , says the Chicago Nowa Kecord. Count Lubtenskriias associated with him In this enterprise Adalia Sati'.leckl , presi dent , and Michael Maiowskl , treasurer of the Polish National Alliance of the United States , a benevolent and political organiza tion.having 10,000 members gathered In 1MO groups , with the central group at 574 Noble street , Chicago. The alliance , as an organt zatlon , la not backing the enterprise , but prominent members of the society are directly interested In the plan which will tend to roliovn the congestion In American Polish districts. The Chicago .Northwest- orn railroad Has given- material encourage ment to Count LublensKl , for the colony wilt bo located on ono of Its leased linos. ( Suing tu llnlse Knots ( or Sugar. The Poles are going to Nebraska to raise sugar beots. Count Lubienslci , who has boon connected with the augur beet industry in Poland from a youth , was ono of the con cessioners who operated the Polish cafe at the World's fair. His attention was called to the beet sugar exhibit In the Nebraska building , nnd when the fair closed ho visited the sugar heet bolt of that country. At Nor folk and Grand Island ho found the beet sugar refineries of the Oxnard Bros. , which have been in successful opertitiou for several veai-s. Ho traveled ull over eastern Ne braska and western Iowa , and selected Nc- ligh as the most suitable place forhis colony. A few weeks ago lie closed negotiations for 4,000 acres of land , which will be divided up into 100 farms of forty acres each ouo for each family. The colonists will pay for their farms at the rate of $20 an acre , and will bo given six years , without interest , to pay the $800. They will not pay cash , but will pay in sugar beots. The farms will bo divided among the colonists be fore they leave Chicago. They have enough money to lido them over Iho first year , and will bo able to plant crops 'next spring. In the fall they will plow , -for the sugar beet , plant the seed the following year , and re ceive cash returns the following fall. The Oxnurtl beet sugar faotqrVat Norfolk is.only thirty miles from th pito selected for the colony , and the PolishcolOnists will lind a ready market there for- their lirst crop of beets , for the Ox'nards have not boon able to secure all the beets thpyrequire : to run the factory to Its fullest capacity. Count Lubienski returned from Nebraska a few days ago. Yesterda-i' he gave the re sults of his work , and nnfoldcd the plans of the enterprise. "Tho Ywoplo who are-going to Nebraska , " he saidv "wero born in u country where the sjigar.ocpt is considered the most protitable of agricultural products. In Poland there are over JJ4Q .sugar factories , , which require A sugars beotarea of IJiOO.OOO acres. The industry Is oveV.4Jyears ( Ofd tilt Iceland , and tius flourished in spitb of the/ same prejudice against "Itwhich dxis'ts to day in Nebraska. . That Is , a great amount of manual work Is required In the cultiva tion Of the beet. Tne farmer must get down on his knees and pull the weeds. That is ono reason why the only- two factories In , Nebraska have not enough acreage under contract to run them moro than fiftydays. They should have a season'of 100 days. Good 1'lnco to Grow Itcots. , "Eastern Nebraska and western Iowa , in my opinion , is the ideal beet belt. The sojl is a black loam , mixed with sand , the soil that sugar heets love. The cliirate is well adapted to beet culture , and every condition of humidity seems to meet the requirements. Beets only require a rainfall in the spring. A dry summer and fall does not hurt them. A late frost or a late heavy rain is not good for them , however. Leop" ) fall plowing and carofuLwccding are absolutely essential to the fullest and best growth. Ono family of four or live can handle ten acres of sugar beets easily , without any hired help. To prepare the ground it should bo plowed at least eighteen Inches deep in the fall. At tlio end of April tno cround should bo worked over with a cultivator and the seeds planted by a drill in rows sixteen inches apart. Too only good seed comes.trom the seed growers of Saxouy and Franco. .When the sprouts grow they should ho carefully and intel ligently thinned out , leaving the most vigor ous plants about-cight inches apart. Three or four times during the summer the weeds should bo pulled. The boot dislikes weeds extremely it is nervous and sensitive with weeds around , although it is a marvelously vigorous plant , and can stand anything but the weeds and tlio late frost. "Along about the cna of November the beets are ready for the sugar factory. In Poland the farmers heave the beet out of the ground by using a bent , two-pronged forte , which Is inserted beneath the root. Iq Nebraska they use a machine which works on the same principle. When the beet is lifted from the ground the leaves and ttrecn top are cut off with ono weei ) of iho knife , the loose dirt cleaned oft and the beet is ready to bo made into sugar. "The cost of cultivating an aero of sugar beets , Including fall plowing , planting , weed ing and harvesting , Is about SJO. Of this amount JO to S'J'i represents the handwork done without the labor of the horse. It re quires seventeen pounds of seed to plaut an acre. As the su ar manufacturer is directly Interested in securing nothing but the best beets , ho generally stipulates that the seed must come from him. It costs 10 cents a poundjiicludiug duty , .or $1.70 an aero. A farmer iu Nebraska ought to raise at lease twolvotona of boots to tlio aero. Some of them have raised tlftceu and eighteen tons. \ \ 1th the existing bounty of - cents a pound on sugar the factory pays $5 a ton for the beets , providing that thcroils at least 1- per cent saccharine In them , and the average in Nebraska is 10 porcontrtiua.has run up to0 ! ! percent. This gives the tanner an income of $ ( ! 0 an acre , which lsii Viet profit of from $25 to $30 ; an acre , orthrboqr four times moro than ho makes in ralsinjrwlteat or corn. \VqeillDi ; OoiiuIhyiUontract. "Now , the host sohomras practiced in Prussia and Poland , is tha . 'tho farmers do the plowing and ftmijsh , the horses and wagons whenever required , while all the hand work is dona by contractors with squads of laborers. TheyUputract to do ull the weeding ntut other Hnnd work at so much an acre , thus ridding the farmer from tiny concern and at the fiutaa time enabling him to mnko a good prqtHm The great dlt- Ih'ult.v in growing found in the ills- like of the average farra/ir fo go down on his Itnees and pull weeds. Tl * work Is really not lubnrowi , and can rcaiily | bo performed by the wnmeu and children- the family. Then there is n prejudice In America against women and children working In the Holds. Thus comes the conclusion that our best plan. In order to develop the boat-sugar pos sibilities of Nebraska , is tu colouho tha state with the labor which is brat adapted to the purpose , and that labor w found In the Polish people of Chlcugo who peformed it lu PolanO. "ISsperiotico has proved that only largo Children Cry for Pitcher's Gastoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cry for Pitcher1 * Castorla. sugar factories pay. Small ones do not. The factories al NorTolIt nnd Grand Island , each with n capacity of ftvj tons n tiny. I nhdiiUl say nro nbout the minimum for paying fnu- torloa. The re < | iilrumcnt In ustnbllsh- InR n fuotory ia to sccuro by cnntr.ict the necessary acreage of hoots , and the factory should bo placed right in the mhht of the beot'producInK district. Kach fautory should have from 11,003 to 0.000 ncros o { beets to sup- lily it. A factory able to euro for tlio prodoct ot fi.OOO acres would cost in the ncighhor- hoodof tim'-0 ' - ' The method of extrni'tliiR the suar ; from beets is In brief ivs follow * ; The boots itro 11 rat washed and thun out into long , narrow , rlbuon-ltko slice * . They nro then subjected to n process of diffusion , which In siaiply boiling them in hot water , which extracts the whole of the Juice , leaving a pulp that is fed to cattle. The Jutco Is mixed with mill : of litno in order to separate the salts and potash , and tlicu the Hmo Is precipitated by sulphuric acid gas and the preclmtuto taken from the Julco by a press Illter. which leaves eulto < ot lime , , letting the chirillcd Julco escape , The sweet liquor 13 next boiled down in ovnporatuig pans , and thu condensed I hi urnis run into vacuum pans , where it is further concen trated. IMs next placed in centrifugal ma chines which drive out the tnoliw or sirup and sccuro crystallzod su ar. Tills la washed by sprinkling with cold water and is ready for salo. Sometimes the brown sugar is boiled again and the product is the best granulated or loaf sugar. A ton of bouts ought to produce " 00 pounds of granulated sugar. The process throughout is clean and free from offensive smells , The Gorman rellnortcs average USD pounds of gnmulatod sugar from a ton of beets. " Will KmiihlUli n Factory at Oiniiha. Count Lubienski was recently invited by the Nebraska Sugar Ueot association to speak boforc the Commercial club of Omaha. At that meeting n committee of citizens was appointed who , December W , closed a contact - t-act with him for tlio erection and equip ment of a largo boot sugar factory in one of the suburbs of Omaha. The location of the factory has been left to Count Lubiunskl and the committee. The factory will cost about $ 00,000 , and will consume from 500 to COO tons of beets a day , producing from sixty to seventy-live tons ol sugar daily. Tha Commercial ciuo has guaranteed a minimum of 4,000 acres a year , to bo planted in Dous- las and an adjoining county , for ( Ivo years , from 1SD5 to IS'J ! ) inclusive , and will take $100,000 worth of stock. In u year or so a smaller plant will bo erected at Neligh , so that the Chicago Polish colony will not DO obliged to send ttioir beets to Norfolk or Omaha. In the nic.iutimo Polish laborers will bo brought to Omaha , llvo on leased land and assist the local farmers to raibo boots lor the Omaha fac tory. tory.Count Count hublenslti sails for Europe In Feb ruary to consult his associates in regard to the Omaha enterprise. o Ilood'n niul Ouly Hood's. Hood's Sarsaparilla is carefully prepared , from Sarsaparilla , Dandelion , Mandrake. Dock , Plpsissowa , Juniper berries nnd other well known remedies , by a peculiar com bination , proportion and process , giving to Hood's Sarsaparilla cur.-itlvo powers not possessed by other medicines. It ofTOets ro- markublo cures when other "preparations fail. fail.Hood's Hood's Pills euro billiousness. BIG IMPORTATIONS. Ke-poct In Which Oiniili i Custom Ilotun Una H > nu Cloao tu l.euilorfl. . "Speaking of largo amounts paid on single importations , " said Collector Alexander , while in a reminiscent mood , yesterday , ' 'reminds me that the Omaha customs olllco has been pretty close to tlio leaders in that particular. Early in 181)1 ) the Cudahy Pack ing company paid mo nearly $ 'JOUO ou an in voice of tin plate , and not many months after that cnno : a twenty-carload lot , on which the duties were $13,000. Another im portation called for $ 'J,800 , and § 7,000 has been frequently handed in. "A good many largo' , amounts have been paid by our importing merchants , too. I navo-ln mind a big lot of tin and roofing plato , on which the Lee-Clark-Andreesor. Hardware company paid § 3,400 , and anotner lot for Ilector-Wllhelmy company that brought $1,000. Both these lirms imported largely , but the two items mentioned were the largest siuglo shipments. Guorgo ICrug once paid $700 on wines and McCord-Brady company and Paxton & Gallagher have often walked in with $000 to * 700 on fancy pickles , etc. Earthenware has been ono of our standbys - bys and Gatch & Lauman , M. H Bliss and Maurer of Council Bluffs have received several importations on which the duties have goao high into the hundreds of dollars. I cannot recall spccitic amounts , but on woolens , diamonds , tobacco , lares , etc. , our Jobbers and retailers , including Holla & Thompson , Frank Ramge , Peters of Council Bluffs. Max Meyer & Co. , Uosenstock & Co. , ICil- prunok-Koch Co. , Grant Smelting Co. , C. S. Uaymond and others , have on several oc casions , paid largo amounts ut this olllco , And now there comes to mind a big importa tion of salt over 750,000 pounds on which the Hammond Packing Co. paid nearly Sl,000 in duties ; nnd once , about three years aeo , S. P. Morao & Co. paid over $1,000 on a single invoice of hosiery. This latter- item was eclicsed , however , last fall by another hosiery importation on which the Morse Dry Goods Co. paid me over $1,200. I can not recall all the big transactions , nor is it necessary now , as my only purpose Is to show you that at what we call our'great rock in a weary land'l collections have been rather plentiful oven in thiafar-inlaudcity. " A Followur ut , Ciio ( ir)1. ) The persistent cough which usually fol lows . an attack of the grip can ba perma nently cured by talcing Clutnberlain's Cough IJemedy. W. A. McGuire of' " McICay , O. , says : "La Grippe left mo with a severe cough. After using several different medi cines , without-- relief , 1 tried Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , which effected a permanent cure. 1 have also found It to be without an equal for children when troubled with colds or croup. 25aud50 ' cent bottles for sale by druggists. _ Charles U. Yale's "Newest Devil's Auc tion , " which opens an engagement at the Uoyd tonight , has been entirely re written by Mr. Yale , who has secured a number of European features that will uiako their first appearance in tills country. Dur ing the summer interim , sceniij artists , designers - signers and qostumors liuvo been busily en gaged In preparing now work in tholr re- s | > cutivo lines , and it. is oafo to predict xvlicn the " 'Nowcst1 Devil's Auction" unfolds its ono Hundred and ouo novelties to public ) gaze It will bo found to exceed all expecta tions or comparisons in this particular lino. The Rooster String Band , seven rooster , in dress suits , playing musical Instruments is a sight and can bo sceii at the Kdcu Musoo this week. Thu musical Mnsoti's Block , the German Hercules , the Kldrldges. the trained mice , squirrels , pictures nnd other curios constitute u strong bill at Manager Lawler's new play house , 13ii5 Dodge street. The next attraction at thoFlfteenth Street theater will bo "Sido Tracked , " a comedy drama , with .lulo Walters as Horatio Xerxes Booth , the gentlemanly tramp. Mr. Walters Is well and favorably known in the cast for his clover character work , The company promises to bo up to the standard , aim the mechanical effects nro said to ho an entire novelty. "Side Tracked" opona for one week , commencing next Sunday matinee , January 7. Buy it. Try It. You will never change your brand. Cook's Kxtra Dry Imperial I'hurjpagnu uover falls to please. City SnhuiilH , The attendance at the opening of the city KChools Tuesday was somewhat lighter than was expected , owing to the fact that it was not generally under-stood whether the term began Tuesday or yesterday. U Is presumed that the delinquent pupils are in tnoir places today. No now puplla are ad mitted nt tills time , so the ttio roster of at- leudunco 1s about the HIIIIO ; us at the close of ibo previous term , ( icucralty speaking the school attendance of the current year Ls from 800 to UOD In oxuim of last year. Sudden changei of 'wii.ilhcr cause tliroiU dtauasBs. There U 110 moro Ktioctual remedy foerouciia , colds , etc ; , thnn Drown'S ilron- ohlal Troche * . Sold only In boxos. i'rtce HIS HEART FULLY EXPOSED Man Who GOOJ About with a Window in His Ghost. QUEER CONDITION OF A SOUTH OMAHAN aur lcnl Oporntluu fur I'lcntlir , llll ' " " the llcurt Open to linprptliin li.v tlio Nukuil iyr : A I'n/ilor for Sur- KUIIIII mill btuduutn. A rare surgical case , Involving the removal of a portion of the patient's and ex posing the heart to vinvv beneath the porl- cardlum , was niado the subject of an inter esting clinht at the Colte u of Physicians nnd Surgeons in New York city a few days ago. ago.Kiln Kilnml \V. UiKhhousQ of South Omaha , a former employe In thu meat dressing room of Armour's packing house In thai city , was the patient. Illghhoiiau caught cold In May , 1SSS , and was conllncd to Ills house for four months and , although not entirely well , at the end of that time went to his former homo at Warren , Pa. , where ho remained until February , 18SU. Ho decided dually to go to the general hospital In UulTalo , N. Y. , for treatment , having been told that It would bo necessary for him to undergo a surgical operation , lie put him self in the hands of Dr. Koswelt Park , chief surgeon of the general hospital , lie reached the hospital unrly In February , and on the 10th of that month the operation was per formed. More than a dozen surgeons' worn present. Ho was suffering from an abscess In the chest. Theopnr.itlon was on the prin ciple laid down by H.istlander. Ono and a half Inches was resected or removed from live ribs on thu left side in front and from four or live ribs in the back. Uy this means the plcural cavity was opened In such a man ner that the hand could bo put through from ono side to thu other. A laixo < tuautlty of pus was then removed and the loft lung found to bo almost entirety gone. Window In Ills Clmnt. The pleural cavity was scraped and cleaned nnd washed with a chloride of zinc solution. U was then packed with zinc oxide gauze and dressed as necessary. Kthor was the anaesthetic used. Illzhhouso was under the influence for more than two hours , although tin ; operation proper only occupied half of that time. Ho stood the operation well and recovered rapidly. The operation left Highhouso with an opening four inches long ami three inches wide on the left side of his chest , extending through to thu oack and exposing the heart , whose every boat could bo seen with the naked eye. IliKh- IIOUHU was incapacitated for work , a.a in li ter of course , and after u v.iin effort to sup port his wife and three children at Hullulrc , O. , ho decided last month to exhibit , his peculiar physical condition to medical men in colleges , clinics or In private , as a moans of supporting his family. He has exhibited himself to clinics in Chicago , Cin cinnati , Columbus , O. , and Louisville. In Now York ho has been shown to two of Dr. Oilman Thompson's classes at the university medical college , and also to u clinic of Dr. Alfred Loom is in thu nmpithcatcr of Bellevue hospital , lie has also been shown. to a class In the Woman's medical college and In the Long Island hospital. What Highhouse , in writing to a former friend' at South Omaha , says ho Is generally in good health , but lias to take tlio greatest precaution against taking cold or overexert ing himself. He feelrt much bettor in sum mer than In winter , because of the dilfor- enco in the temperature. For the purpose of protecting himself from cold he tills up the cavity in his chest with a couple of hnntlfuls of cotton. Next to his skin ho vears a buckskin 'Undershirt. lie lias oc casionally u slitrhl pain In the rczion of the chest. Ho does not stnouo or drink and H most careful of his diet. Lookout for-cheai > substitutes ! Ilowarc of now remedies. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has stood the test for nearly fifty years. NOTHING BUT DilOSB. ISurghira Itnb ii Church null Got Micly Fooloil1'ollce Xolei. ThePohemlan Catholic church on South Fourteenthstrcotncar Williams , was entered by burglars Tuesday night and the gilded chalUos stolen. Kntraucn was effected by prying open the rear door of the church. It is not customary tor the pastor , Uov. Father Vranek , to lock the cnso in which the altar service is kuptf and after gaming admission to tlio building tlio thieves bad no dltllcult.v in going through the cases where the valua bles tire kept. Every drawer-ami closet whore the priestly vestments are stored was hauled over , but none of the robcH were taken. Father Vranelc said that the chalices wore of Iron and gilded. Thu only metal ot value in them was the cup , which was of silver. When now these articles cost SKI oaelu It is supposed that the thieve * thought they wuro cure gold , but in this they wore mistaken. There is no clew to the thieves , out the detectives expect to catch the burglars if they attempt to sell the stolen properly. Wo could not improve tne quality if wo paid douole the price. DsWitt's vVltch Hiuel Salvo is the best siuvo that oxperluiicu can produce , or that money can buy. SOMEWHAT PEKFl-EXEIJ. lloiilth OlllclulH ConlVniiiml Vt'ltli a Ollrm- 111 : i on til" < > : irhiio OunittUin. The health ofllcials are somewhat per plexed over the disposition of tho'garbago question. The licenses of garbage haulers all expired on January 1 , and the contract with Alexander Macdonald was to be put in effect upon that ditc : , but a temporary re straining order stares Mr. Macdonald in the face with a possibility that a stronj ; effort will bo'iuado by Mr. Ui'cckonridgo to secure * a permanent injunction. The .lanes street dump is a bncl : i.umbor , whuo the Daven port street dump has also bi-en clo Qd. The question now agitating the inltids of the Uoard of Health is the disposition of the garbage in the meantime. With Contractor Macdunuld tied up , the dumps closed and no LMrbairo haulers , it caincs thu board con siderable food for rclloction. H is suid that Contractor Macdonuld will bo ro.iir.ilncd. although ho was at work Tuesday. Ituil\vny Nuti'ri. Clerks and attaches of the passenger de partment of the Union Pacific nro mournlni ; with Mr. John D. Hied , on the iluiiih of Mrs. Hied , winch occurred Tuesday ut the family residence. 717 North Twenty- third street. She .tied of typhoid pueu- munlii. Mr. Hied , who is ohi9f clock in the advertising department and one of the most universally esteemed men in Uiilon Pacific headquarters , was married a llttlo over a year ago at Hurt-oils burp , K.V. , under exceptionally ploa.s ml i-irciimstancL-s. Services weru nold at the homo yc.itorday , after which the body was taken lo the MU- , sourl Piicilic depot and sent bai'k to Hitrrods- burg , where the Interment will taku phu-u. A sweet little baby of 'J mouths Is loft as a log.tcv of n year of \ \ between \ Mr. and MM. Uuid. Yesterday the annual elections of the Omaha & Hcpuhllcau Vailey Hallway com pany nnd the Omaha & Klk horn Valley Hallway company were hold in the legal tlciKirtinnnt ofllces of the Union Pai'lllc , the following illix-elors hointr elected for both rouils : Oliver Amos , Red- omljHdwln F.Atkins. S. H. H. Clark , F. Cordon Duxtcr , Oliver \V. Mink , Alexander K. Orr and George J. Gould , City Passuiigor Agent ( ! corgo Haynes of the Mllwaukf ) han returned .Hot Springs , S. U. , where lie apont u fortnight very pleasantly.i . i . , . De'cclivuVlrtnc. . City Klcctriclun Cowgiil will rovommcnd the unpolntment of' nn assistant in his forthcoming - coming annual report. He saya that ho could luivu moro tltiio to doyolo to Inspec tion nnd other duUctof liia oQlca If ha hutt 3oipo cmo to perform the clerical work af- tochftl to his olllcft In apeuklug of the system of electric wiring In the city , ho said that ho depended entirely upon the instrument test In those- buildlnpa where the wiring had boon pdt In previous to the creation of the oflleo of city electrician. Mr. Cowplll furthermore re- mttrltrd that tlioro was but little doubt thai ronithlornblo defective wirlnir oxlsti i in Omaha. During the p.xst nlno months ho has Inspected ills Insldo electric Itithl HVH * tcm . of this utimbor twonty-nine were unsafe nnd twonty-tluvo were changed to comply wish the city ordinance. H.s believes that If plenty of copper and proper fusing capacity was mod In wiring much danger could bo obviated. In speaking of tlio preaant city elcctrlu light si'rvico , Mr. Cowijill wan plca.iod to note mi improvement which was duo. In Ins estimation , to n change in the quality of carbons used. . i Important , Salvation Oil , the greatest euro on earth for pain , is only ' . ' . " > cents. BOARD OJT TRAlJd FINANCES. nome .MoMi-tary Stiitlnli-H that Will Apnvar In dm , nun it ItKimrt. Secretary Smith has completed the nnnual report of Hio Omaha Hoard of Trade for ISlKl. nnd while the document In detail will not ho published until submitted to the pros- IdtMit and board of directors the advance sheets have been prepared. During the year Jl.liro was received from dui's. Cash to thoamouhtof $1(1,1)10.03 ( ) wat rvali/.ud on rents. The coupon fund has $ iO on hand. Chief among the disbursements was $ I5- S71U8 for supplies and uxpansos of the build ing. The olllco expenses and worn $1,815.S'J. ' Insui-ance , taxes and sundry other expanses constituted total disbursumonts to the extent offJIHIW.71) ) . The trust di'eil bond account r.hows a bal ance of ! ( ) U outstanding on New Year's day. liamts were redeemed for an equal amount. Thu general fund lias a cash balance of } ft.iVI in Its favor. The total amount uf receipts - ceipts from thu Si-rrotary for this fund dur ing I8SM was Sl.-tlfi. Ttio disbnraomonts weru SJ.I r. l The real estate fund has Si,0K3.'Jl : on hand. Thurocuipts from the secretary forthls fund durlmr thu year weru 3 > 0rtS'J.tVJ. Disburse- munts footed up $ 'JI.iril.'jr. The toul amount in the treasury from all funds on January I wus$3U i.4. ; { Accompanying the report Is a financial statement from the secretary. The totals are * UUTSUiU. ( Considerable Interest has been manifested in the selection uf a successor "to President Gibbon at the expiration of his present term. Ho has positively declined to accept n second honor In this respect , but is said 10 be slated for the presidency of thu Com mercial club. Mr. Avres is mentioned lor the placo. Miss Smith has given excellent service as secretary and will doubtless bo retained , while Mr. McU'hortor has no oppo sition for treasurer. DeWltt'H Witch Hazel Salve cures S3tv.s. Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures ulcow. t Jl.tlllUKll AJU. . \ < i 31.1 X. AlltmourlN fJood Soulety Slinnkud by til * AiUliins of a \ VuanliyVlilor ST. Loi'is , Jan. 'J. A somewhat sensa tional story developed hero * today in thu discovery that Mrs. Alice Krsrtino of Hig- ginsville , Mo. , and Charles Williams of th's ' city had been wedded at Belleville , 111. , secretly some days ago , having eloped , Mrs. Ersklno is the six weeks widow of wealthy Charles KrsVino , owner , with Mnrlr Belt , his brother-in-law , of the Kooky Branch coal plant at Higginsvlllo. Et-Hkinu and Bolt , who was a captain under Guerilla Quantroll. were leaders in con federate circles and succeeded In loc.iting the state homo at Hisirinsvlllo. Mrs. Ersklno was a loader among the ladies in the satno movement. Shu has two mari'ind ( laughters , ouo the wife of u judgu of the Kansas City circuit court , and also has gr-inilchildivn. Her now husband is a sales man for a St. Louis syrup house and is but ! W years old , Ttio marriage has so shocked Mrs , Er- sliino's family that ono other daughters in damrorously ill of nervo'is prostiMtnn. wlii n socially matters are so uncnmfortnb.o , she has come tO-this city to live. "Tho Mikado , " Gilbert nnd Sullivan's clever satire on the Japanese craze prjv- aleut a fuw years back , was splendidly given yesterday afternoon by the Carlutcn company at tliu Fifteenth Street theater to ono of the largest Wednesday matinecs.of the season. But never has there been a colder audience seen in a theater this sea son. Tlie opera was prettily costumoJ and .sung with u great deal of vim. notwithstand ing the coldness of tnoso In front. Mr. Carleton makes an ulual Mikado , sing ing the part with tine ability. Miss Tcllula Evans was a winsome Yum Yum , her voice being peculiarly adapted to emu of the very best of Sullivan's huroinus , Miss Vincent as Pitti Sing was a picture of Japanese loveliness , her voi-'o being much stronger toward the close of the perform ance than In tlio earlier scones , thu hoarse ness which has prevented her sinljlnir to any great extent wearing away. Auss Fnnohou was nr.icuful us Pcup-Bo. Mr. Klckctts quite rcali/cd thu part of ICo-Ko. liis humor being decidedly uncUtuus. Mr. Taylor sun- ' Ihu part of Nankl Pee with ease. Lts't , nitflit "The Chimes of Normandy" was re peated. llnw tit Cur. ? I , i ( irlppi * . About n year ago I took a violent attack of la grippe. I coughed day and u' ' 'lit for about ; six. weeks : my wife then migjfustod that I try Chamberlain's Cough Hcmcdy. At first I could see no difference , but still' kept taking it , and soon found that , it was what 1 needed. If 1 got no relief from onu tloso I took another , and It was only a few days until I was free from the cough. 1 think people In genci-al ought to know tlio value of this remedy , aim I take pleasure In acknowl- edginir the benefit I have received from it , Madison Mustard , Otway. O. : > , aim 50 cent boltlca fur sale by druggists. LASTDAV IN OFFiC n. Mucitutli mill llt'iiuutt ( livu Way to r l. N liner mill Dntxol. The last olllcial day of Keglsferof Deeds Mogeatli was ono of the most pleasant of his administration. Last night as ho was about lo leave the ofllce , prior to tiirnlnir thu affairs over lo his successor , P. K. Ehassor , ho was called into the private room , where the clerks presented him with a solid silver llask and drinking cup and a silk ummt'lln. Mr. Mcgoath thanked the donoi-.i In a neat little speech. Deputy Sheriff Lewis lust night balanced up the books , made nut all of the returns in his hands and this morning , assisted by Sheriff Ht'iinutt. lie will turn the ufHce over to Sheriff Drcxel. . % 1'iviirlti : Ituuiuiiy lur r'i < lrlin | ; > , "IJuriiit ; the opiduiiiloof la grinpo C'hnm- oerlam's Cough Hnmedy took thu lead hern and was much butter liked than other cuti h inudlclnu.1' H. M , Bam < , druggist , flints- worth , 111. The gvip Is much Iho samu us : i vury severe cold ami requires prooiuoly ttui samu treatment. Tins remedy 1 ? prompt and effectual and will prevent any tendency of thu dlseaso toward pneumonia. I ' 'or wale by druggists. ii lii No Hurry tu Collector North has received the blnnks for the i-oglsti-iitlon of C'hlneso n roqulrod by the ( lO.u-v law , and. ia now ready to placii the photograph ! ) of tlio celcntlals un file. The Hop Slug * and Wuh Yangs are not full ing over one another , however , in tholr ef fort to comply with thu law , mid it may re quire ii little ax ore ! so of federal authority- gat them all In line , Ono word dn.icrlbo.H It , "perfection. " Wei-o- fcrlu UuWltl's Witch Hazel Sal vo.uures pile * I.IOOHHIH. The following marrlaga licenses weru l - aiied yesterday : Nainoand AdUroit , A M' ' . W. Klwoll. Umnlm . , , , UH I .Mury K. DunUuIr , Uimilia . . . Ui | IV I ! : . Mnliln.Ointihu . . . . . . . . Ill I N. M. Murlmin , Omaha. . , . . . . . . . ' . ' 0 j Joliann A. Mai'ht , Ornalia. . , . ' 'U 1 leltu-ICrUport , OumUa. . ; , , . . . , . .1 ! ) I I -4 DoWitt'3 Wltchllaicl saiTo euros piles.