Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Bnlt Against Ei-Treasuror John E. Hill to
Eecover State Punrk
Question oTilnrlidlctlon Uncldnd Alone the
Line * ItnUntt bjr Ilia Dnfrnio lleforo
Jndcu IlnTl * In DutiBlit * County
Mnxwcll IHnsants.
LISCOI..V , Nob. , Jan. a [ Special to THE
UBE.J The supreme court toany handed
down its opinion in the c.iso bvouplit in the
tiamooflha state against ox-Slnlo Treas-
urcr J. } j Hill iintl Ills bondsmen to recover
the sum of f-K0Hl.U ! ; ) : ) , this bctnir the amount
lost to the stale by the collapsa of the Cap- *
Hal National banlc in this city last January.
Tliu uuilon was originally brought In Uou-
las courtly and en me up before Judge Davis.
In thu district , court the attorneys for the
bondsmen , who wore not residents of Doug-
Ins county , objected to the jurisdiction of the
court and Judcc D.ivU sustained the objec
tion. Judge U'akcluy , who had been cm-
tilo.ved us special counsel for the state
tlion brought the matter to the at
t tention of the supreme court. The de
cision of the court today sustains
the decision of Judge Davis , the opinion bo-
In" written by Commissioner Irvine and
( iff. pied by the supreme court by a vote of
tuo la one , Justices Norval nnil Post votlnv
In thu nlllrmatlvo and Chief Justlcu Maxwell
Jin-hilling ox-Treasurer Hill , the following
bundHiiiiti of olllclal were represented
in tlnj defense : Victor B. Cjlducll , Samuel
JJ Kngers , John P. Coad. John 1. McClay ,
J'ohn B. Wriclit , C. W. Moshcr. D. K
Thompson. J U. Macfariand , H. ' ; . Outcalt ,
John KUzRciiiliI , J. K. Smith , S. 13. Smith ,
John Kills , U. T Hoggs , N. S. HnrwooU and
VranlcColpet or.
K.\-TiPisiirer : Hill Is too much pleased
over the result of the case in the supreme
court to conceal his satisfaction. His pleas
ure only suggests the fiiut that ho considers
his cnso more than half won whim the court
defines that the state must attack him in
the courts of ijincnitcr county.
Hut there is at least ono fly In the ox-
treasurer's pot of ointment. Judirc Walcoloy ,
in heiinlf of thu state , alleges that when the
x-tru.iiurer duriiiK his term of ollleo do-
pOMlted the state funds in the Capital nnd
other national banlts ho thereby converted
the I'unus to his own use , contrary to the
ntntules. The supreme court confirms this
view. The language of the court Is explicit.
It says :
\Vhen Hill removed the money from the
treannrer'n olllco will ) the Intmit of depositing
itconlrnry to luw ho wnsjtnllty of a convcr-
Blon and H caiite of action ueciut'd. nppo4u ,
Iristvnil of ili'io ] > .ltlnK the money In Oiniilia , ho
hnd di-poslt'-d It In New York or Chic igo.
ConlU Ithus.ild that Itwas only upon the du-
poslt of the money thntn canso of action nc-
crued ; uid that no < uill would lie In this state ?
The \vioii was done and completed HO far as
.the state was concerned ulicn the money was
roinii\ed from Its treasury at Lincoln.
The language of the court is significant ,
and as far as the court itself is concerned ,
when the case again comes up on its merits
the burden of proof will lust upon ex-Tieas-
urcr Dill to establish whether or not the
state funds wore illegally deposited in the
Capital National bank.
Jadco Mitxivoll'H Opinion.
In his dissenting opinion Chief Justice
Maxwell brushes aside tlio cloud of tech
nicalities raised by the defense , and strixes
directly at the ono all-important point in-
_ volvod. Ho says :
"Tho solo question presented is the right
to bring the action in Douglas county. * * *
If the allocations of the petition uro true ,
the defendant. Hill , took the money of the
etato , and in the face of a direct prohibition
of the statute converted thu same to Ills
own use by depositing it in two banks at
Omaha. Section 124 of the criminal cede
declares : 'If any ofllcer or other person
charged with the collection , receipt , safe
keeping , transfer or disbursement of the
public money belonging to thu state or any
county shall convert to his own use or lethe
the use of any other person in any way
whatever , or shall use by way of investment
In any kind of security , stock , loan , property ,
land or merchandise , or in any other man
ner or form whatever , or shall loan , with or
without interest , to any company , corpora-
lion , association or individual any portion of
the public funds * * every such act
shall bo deemed nnd held In law to bo an
embezzlement of so much of the said moneys ,
which is hereby declared to bo a high crime ,
and such olllccr shall bo imprisoned in the
pacitnu'iai'y not less than ono year nor more
than v.vcnty-ono yo.ira , according to the
magnitude of the embezzlement , and also
ray n line equal to double the amount of
money so ombe/zlctl. '
"This act . for the
was p.issod express purpose -
pose of prohibiting the loaning of the punlic
fuuds. The experience of other states has
been that the loaning of such funds tends to
foster corruption in its worst forms by plac
ing the surplus funds of the state In the
hands of a few persons to bo used for their benolit. These persons stand in
with the publiu ofllcial , whoever ho may bo ,
and manage to keep on hand a much larger
surplus than necessary. Prior to 183T > the
surplus funds of the United States were
kept in banks. The effect was found to bo
favoritism nnd corruption , which had a de
moralizing effect , not only upon party or
ganization , but upon free government itself.
* * The statute of Nebraska places
an absolute prohibition upon the loaning of
publiu funds or depositing the same in a
bank. Stronger languagu could not bo used.
The offunsu is declared to bo embezzlement
and thu punishment Is fixed. Hut it is said
tnnt the treasurer is guilty or conversion by
carrying tlm funds out of Lancaster county ,
and therefore that county Is the only ono
where the action can bo brought. The nn-
BWOI * is , the prohibition of thu .statute is not
against carrying the funds Into another
county , but in loaning the same to ono or
inora b.uiks. The overt not the loaning
took place in Douglas county , and thuro
alone can a prosecution bo had , and no prose
cution for that offense could bo instituted
and maintained in Lancaster county. "
bottled an Importune Point.
Another opinion handed down today holds
that the county and state depository not ,
passed by the legislature of IS'Jl. Is constitu
tional. The constitutionality of this law has
been ficquently challenged , but no actual
-h > jul attack was directed uu'.iinstll until the
case of John H. Hopkins against Uarrott
tjcott reached the supreme court from Holt
On March 1 , 169 , ' . lion id us filed a complaint -
plaint before the .Hoard of Supervisors of
Holt county , charging thnt Ilnrrqtt Scott ,
treasurer of that county , had been guilty of
oftlcinl misdemeanors , especially in that ho
had deposited and loaned In certain bunks
tlio money belonging lo Iho counly and con
verted iho interest on the same to his own
use contrary to the provision * of Uiu depos
itory law. Scott's attorneys allacked the
cnnUltuilonallly of the depository law. The
Riiprmno court ileoldes thu matter In thu fol
lowing language :
"It Is urged that the act of IS01 Is unconsti
tutional , as containing more than ono sub
ject. Thu ncl provided both for Iho deposit
ing of state funds and for the depositing of
county funds , and it is touU'iidod that each
of thcsu forms is a sopamta subject of legis
lation. The general object of the act is to
piovldo for the safe custody of public funds ,
unit li seems to UA that this is a single sub
ject of legislation , whether tlio funds aru
gtaluor couniy. The object of thu act is
plainly exprvfbcd in its title , and the combi
nation of provisions in regard to both state
and county funds presents none of these ob
jections which Inlliiencrd the adoption of the
constitutional inhibition against uniting-two
or moro subjects In a single act. "
friyllubt ut Ileoliloni ,
Following will bo found thu syllabi of the
vovonil decisions handed duwu by the court
Dunn against Dlotz. Error from Lancaster
county. Afllimcd.lOplnion byHagau , C.
The only n-.slcmni'W of error In this cnso
being that the trial Jmltfo was wrung In a
curtain conclusion of fact , the ovnlutico KX-
ainlnml and hold tu tiipporl thu court' * lindlu
and Us di'CtxHi ulllrmud.
Furquhar against Hlbbon. Error from
Douglas county. Artlrmod. Opinion oy
Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell.
' Thu toMlmony luntulns the claim of the
4 rtobtor that thu property luvled upon was
exempt and not subject to viloupon execution
t J. , .n Inventory of nil the property ofu
debtor , who described his property In goncra' '
term a * "threo barrel * of liquor1 saloon and
nxturcs nnd claars , and meek , ron l < tln < ref
bur , liquors , glasi nro nnd mirror , at No 'J20
South Tlilrcanlh slront , Om.iln. h not void.
Although Informal , the court will look at Ilia
ulMtanoo nnd hold It sullli'leiit when It ap
pears that all the propjrty doicrlbcd was
fpurld nttho plnco designated.
Karll against Kuhn. Error from Douglas
county. Raversed and remanded. Opin
ion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell.
In an action which Involved the good faith
of the purchaser of an entire stock of goods of
thu vnluu of it.DOO. which worn pnld for by thfi
transferor eight lots In an addition to Sioux
City , of the alleged value of (2,100 to thn
seller's wlfu nnd tlm remainder In notes of
third parties , having some time to run. Held ,
that tlio proof nnd Instructions wuro too much
restricted to anhmlttho matter In full to tin )
consideration of the Jury.
Svanson ngalnst City of Omaha. Error from
Douglas county Kovcrjed and remanded.
Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell.
After thn grade of a street had boon estab
lished a lot owner adapted his building on his
lot tu conform to the grade , Afterward a now
grade wts established , l.j mason of which Iho
front of his building was left inoro than fifteen
feet nbovo the street. Hold , that n clear pre
ponderance of thu evidence showed that the
damages to tlio property greatly exceeded the
special honollLs.
Stanwood against City of Omaha. Error
from Douglas county. Kovcrscd and ro-
mnndcd. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice
On an appeal from an award of damages for
the construction of a viaduct It appeared from
the proof that the damages weru grossly In
adequate. Thn verdict ami judgment , there
fore , nio sot aside and tlio cause remanded for
further proceedings ,
Kitten house against Hlgclow. Original.
Dismissed. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice
In cities which contain 10,000 Inhabitants
the taxes must bo equalized by the town
board , and the appointment of a clerk of such
board U not Illegal and uimnthorlzud.
tiiivurinns hiilnrriptlonn.
Egan again. t Honacum. Error from Lancas
ter county. Affirmed. Opinion by Com
missioner KY.UI.
A subscription contract having nrovldod
that each subscriber thereto became bound to
pay such sum as should bo placed opposite his
name , to enable u designated committed to
erect ono building and topalr another , Ixitli
buildings belmr sufficiently designated , llnld ,
that suit was -opurly biotiKht for thu collec
tion of such subscription In thn name of the
olllclnl or dignitary In whom was vested the
tltlo of the real properly proposed to bo Im
proved , as plalniltr , the tltlo being held and
the suit bulng brought for the Use of an unin
corporated association and Its Individual
munibers , too numerous to bo named , as
Harto against Castettcr. Appeal from
Washington county. Appeal dismissed ,
Opinion bv Mr. Justice Norvnl.
A motion Hied In this court to dismiss an ap
peal on the ground that the appellant has
drawn from the clerk of the district ciuirt tie !
money awarded him bythodecreu sought to
bo reviewed , will bu heard , notwithstanding
nolteuof said motion was not surfed on tin )
oppoiltu party until after thu e.\plratlon of
tlio tlmo proscribed by tlio rules of this court
for sei vlng brlufs In the caso. when It nppoars
appellee had no notice or knowledge of the
facts upon which the motion was based before
the briers were due.
'J. Uulo vlll held not to apply to such a mo
3. A p'irty who , after appealing from a de
cree In his fa\or , voluntarily accepts the bene
fits or recelvu ! > the advantage of the dec.ree ,
Uthoiohy precluded from afterwards prose
cuting hU appeal.
McBrien against Uiley. Error from Doug
las county. Reversed. Opinion by Mr.
Justice Norval.
A dlstilct court Is without power to va-
c.ilo or modify Its own judgments subseoucnt
to the term at which they aru entered , ex
cept for the gioundj-enumerated In section
Gin ! of the code.
2. Where an appeal Is taken to the district
court fiom a judgment of a justice of the
peace the appellant Is not required to give
notice ) uf the appeal to his adversary.
3. When a defendant moves to vacate a
judgment rendered ugnlnsthlm by default , ho
must accompany his application with an
answer setting up u meritorious defense to
the action.
Damon against Omaha. Appeal from Doug
las county. Affirmed. Opinion rendered
by Irvine , C.
No briefs having been filed by either party
and the judgment confirming to the pleadings
and evidence , ft Is therefore ulllrmud.
1'licnlx Ins. Co. vs Ueams , 03 N. W. Hop. , 1074 ,
Howell Lumber Company against Camp
bell. Error from Sarpy county. Affirmed.
Opinion by Mr. Jubtice Norval.
It Is the province of the Jury todutermlno
the credibility of witnesses and the weight
which should bo given their testimony.
2. A jury Is not required to decide a dis
puted proposition of fact merely by a count of
wltnvssL-s , hut.should deteimlnu which aru the
most worthy of credit , and , where thu uvl-
denco U conflicting , a verdict based upon thu
testimony of the minority of the witnesses
will not bo disturbed by this court on error or
appeal , unless It Is miinlfustly wrong.
3. Hold that thu Instructions fairly sub
mitted to the jury the disputed question of
fact In thu case.
Mills against Leavitt. Error from Lan
caster county. Afllrmcd. Opinion by
Hyan , C.
In an action by a real estate agent to re
cover a commission alleged to have been
earned by himself In procuring a satisfactory
purchaser of the re-il property of the defendant ,
the solo matter In controversy bavlng boon
whether payment was essentially conditioned
upon the happening of a subsequent uvent , the
vuidlct of a juty upon that point being sup
ported by competent evidence under proper
distinctions of the court In respoctto the mat
ters In controversy will not be disturbed.
Levi against Fred. Error from Douglas
county. Afllrmod. Opinion by Mr. Justice
It Is a well settled rule In this state that an
appeal to the district court must bu trleu on
tlio Maine Issues as In the court from which the
appeal was taken.
'J. An objection that a petition filed In the
district court Introduced a now of action
will not bu considered by thUcuuit where It
appears that no objection was made or excep
tion taken on that ground until after trial In
the lower court.
3. While on appeal to the district court the
plalntllT must prosecute thu .samo cause of
action as In thu court of original jurisdiction ,
yet. In drafting his petition ho Is not.confined
to the allegations contained In his pleading In
the court below , so long as the Identity of the
original cuusu of action U urcson ud.
t. Instructions will not bu ruvlu cd by this
court where no exceptions weru taken by the
pul'ly complaining at the tlmo the charge was
leiut to the jury ,
Dodge county against Komnltz. Error from
Dodge county. Affirmed. Opinion by Mr.
Chief Justice Maxwull.
When far the deceased mother of a bastard
child the proper county has been substituted
as complainant In proceedings , under chapter
xxxvll. , Compiled Htatutes , the judgment and
order of the court upon a verdict of guilty
should require defendant to giva security to
savu thu counly harmless from any expense
which may bo Incurred In thu support of said
lluiv Hill \Von u Point.
State against Hill. Error from Douglas
county. Afllrired. Opinion by Icviuo , C. ,
Maxwell , chief justicu , dissenting.
Suit was brought In the district court of
Douglas county upon thn bond of a former
state treasurer. Sumu of tfio sureties upon
the bond resided In Douglas county and wuro
thuru served with biiinmons , and summonses
woru Issued and ser\od upon the other parties
elsewhere. Thu petition alluded , first , thu
failure and refusal of tbu treasurer to ac
count for and pay ovur to Ills successor a
curtain sum of money. Second , the loaning to
and deposit In thu U haul ; In Lancaster count v
uf a slmlhir Mini. Third , thu loaning to anil
deposit In the M bank In Douglas county uf u
ceitaln sum. 1'oiirlli , thu loaning to and de
posit In ihu United States bank In Donghu
county of asttlt further sum. Judgment was
ttblvcd for thu amount averred not to have
been paid ovur and averred to have been de
posited In Hie Chunk. Held ,
1. That section clxxlv ot the revenue law
applies only tu proceedings for the purpose of
distributing ruvunues upon thulrcollectlon to
thu proper funds and nut to such suits us that
ut liar.
3. That the proceeding was ono upon an
aHlclnl bond or undurtaklng-of a public officer ,
and must bu brought In thu county where the
cause , or bomu purl thereof , uro-o.
3. That It was the duty ot the treasurer to
account for and pay ovur moneys In bin humla
utthe close of hU term of oilloo to hKsiic-
cuhsor In the counly wheru the. suutof uovorn-
inunt Is locutud and Hint an action for falling
to do so must bu bioiiKlitln that county.
4. That It was thu duty pf iho tiuiuurer to
keep thu moneys of thu statu In the treasury
ut thu seat of government otcupt ax he should
dlsbnrsu them orotherwhu dispose of them as
provided by luw. thru u conversion took place
upon his removal of moneys from the treas
ury with thu InlonUon of making un unlawful
use of ilium by depositing thorn In the bunk ,
and that iho cau o of action for such
conversion arose upon his removal of thu
moneys from thu treasury and nut upon their
Drp nlli'ry I.a\v Uriel ( ioail.
Hopkins against Scott. Error from Holt
county , Judgnieutof thudlatrict courtni-
verscd nnd that of the Hoard of Suuer-
vlsors affirmed. Opinion by Irvine , C.
Chapter 1. , Soailon Laws , 1H91 , minting to
thu kottplng of statu und county lumU , U not
In conflict with the coiutluiuoii , ulthur ua
cuutaluluii uiuro onu subject or bccauso
of Its providing tlmt It shall not npulj until
thu expiration of thi t rms of olhYo ot tlta
Rt.tto treasurer anil of thu invoral county
ire usurers In ofllco at the tlmo of Its passage ,
a. That ncl did not npento to repeal nrtlclo
II. , clmptcr xvlll .Compiled Statutesrelating
to tlio removal of c.ounty olllcers.
3. Nor was nrtlclo II. , chapter xvlll. , Com
plied Slntnti ) ' * repniileil by the act of 1879 ,
specifying powers f county boirds.
4.Vluinj In proceeding ! to remove u county
ofllcer theolllcor complained ngalnst makes
on nppo-irancc , obtains a contlniianca nnd at
the tlirto to which the contlnuanco was had
proceeds to trlnl without further objection
bccauso of thu time of hearing , he cannot ,
upon proceedings In error , bo hoard to urge
Hint siilllclent tlmo was not allowed to pre
pare his defense.
5. In such proceedings the fact that some of
thi > super-vigors who tried the easu woru also
witnesses duus not Invalidate thu judgment.
G. Nor Is It necessary that all members of
thu Hoard of Supur\lior < bo present ill thu
hearing. A quorum Is sulllclent.
7. There Is no authority of law for the settle-
men t of a bill of exceptions embodying thu ev
idence t iken on such hearing.
Maxwell , 0 , J. , dissents to suvonth point.
A.SinVAY'S 2iniAlN4
1 IOIM thnt lie Committed Hiilclcto
VUillo Unilrr thn Inllnoiicn of Liquor.
LI.VCOI.X , Jan , 3. [ Special Tolu to
Tun Bun. ] The Investigation of the
coroner's Jury this afternoon settled beyond
nil question that the man who was found
dead In a cornllcld near this clly New Year's
day was \V. H. Ashtray of Omaha. The re
mains were fully Idonlitlod by Mrs , E. F.
Collins , n boirding house ? keeper at 10-JO
Twelfth stroet. Omaha , with whom Ashway
boarded for moro than a year.
Ashway came to Lincoln about two weeks
ago ant ! stayed at the Capital hotel. Ho
was drinking heavily all the time ho was
there , but paid his bills regularly until
Christmas. Tncu ho told Ihu clerk ho
was broke , but that he expected money from
Omaha. The next day ho told thu
clerk that ho had telegraphed to Omaha for
money and asked if a telegram had not come
for him ; upon receiving a negative response
Ashwny went away und was not seen again
at the hotel. Half an hour later a telegram
came for him , hul he never called for It.
It was opened last night for thu llrst lime
and it contained n notice that a sum of
money was awaiting him at iho telegraph
onlce in this city. Night Clerk A. S. Whtto
of the Capital hotel fully Idcntltlcd the re
main * . The coroner's Jury returned n verdict
of suicide. U was developed at tlio inquest
that Ashway's mother lived at Mount Car
roll , III. , and an undertaker telegraphed hej
tonight for instructions regarding Iho dispo
sition of the remains.
Alrg. John Tlbbotn Injured.
, Jan. 3. [ Special to TUB DEE. ]
Mrs. Johu P. Tlbbets , the wife of a farmer
living on the outskirts of the city , mot with
what may bo a fatal accident the other day.
Tnc family were moving their household
furniture , and Mrs. Tlbbots was pushing a
largo , old-fashioned safe into the wagon ,
her husbind pulllntr on the safe from above.
Suddenly his hands slipped and the safe fell
on Mrs. Tibbcts , striking her on the chest
and shoulders. She was badly injured in-
The Adams County Sunday School Supor-
intcndents association mot in Ihc Christian
church Monday nlebt , a fair si/ed audience
being present. Prof. E. N. Brown read n
' ' the School " followed
paper on 'Grading Sunday ,
lowed by Griff Evans. "Essential Points in
the Selection of Teachers" was taken up by
Mrs. J. K. Van Jloughton and W. S. French ,
and the usual " Box"
"Question was con
ducted by J. A. Ferguson.
C. B. West , a commercial man , wns sud
denly taken ill with pneumonia while in tno
city and is now at the Lupin in a precarious
condition. His homo is in Springfield , O.
The County Board of Supervisors .net hero
this morning in special session , the purpose
of the mooting being tlio approval of the bonds of the county olllcers-elect ,
who will be sworn in tomorrow.
To Help the 1'anr.
GUAND ISLAND , Jan. 3. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Committees from the various
churches and charitable societies met in the
cily hall last night to organize a board of
Associated Charities. A constitution was
adopted providing for the election of twelve
men as a board of managers. The board
consists of : C. F. Boutloy , George Andrew ,
W. H. Harrison , U. J. Barr , \V. F. Mc-
Lauchlln. W. F. Mecum , W. It. McAllister ,
James Cloary , H. Ji Palmer , J. S. Merrill ,
M. V. Powers und Henry Kosencck. The
board of managers will mout tonight and
elect officers. A housc-to-houso collodion
will bo made on Saturday for securing pro
visions and clothing. Tnoy will bu stored
in the city hall , an officer will bo placed in
charge and Iho slock drawn .from as ihe ap
plications come In. Thu worlds to bu pushed
with vigor from now on.
The stock and fixtures of the Grand
Islaud Cigar Manufacturing company , which
failed some time ago , were sold yesterday to
Otlo Kilian for $3,273. A stock company
has been organized , under the name of the
Grand Island Cigar company , with a capital
stock of $10,000 , and business ivill bo re
sumed at once.
Liwrenco Mention.
LA.WUENCE , Nob. , Jan. 3. [ Special to Tna
BBE.J Archie Hawthorne has returned from
an extended rumble over the Cherokee
Mrs. E. Wilkins of Norton , Kan. , is visiting
hero. -
The Locomotive was not issued last week
owing to illness of the editor.
Thcro was u grand ball last night in
Schecm's hall.
Twenty-five persons "mado a start" Now
Year's evening in the Methodist revival
J. 1C. Dooley has been seriously ill.
Miss Jessie Evans of Normal spent vaca
tion here.
I.yniiH Thlui Arrmtoil ,
BLAIII , Jan. 3. [ Special to THE BEE. ]
Sheriff Menko went to Kennard yesterday
and arrested n man that suited the descrip
tion ofu thlof who robbcJ n Lyons barber
shop last week. Ho gave his name us Fred
Barlen. Sheriff McUrow of Burt county
came down last night , identillcu him and
look him to Tckamah.
Guy Mead , clerk for W. D. Hullur , the
drugglsl , was badly burned yesterday while
working ou-U gusolino stove.
Illow n Sale fur Sixty Dollnrs.
JONUTA , Nob. , Jan , 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE , ] Thieves tried to force the
aoors of Stack's store last night without
avail and finally sncured entrance through a
rear window. They then piled sacks of
flour around the safe and put a heavy charge
of powder into the safe door , blowing it en
tirely off and breaking it into pieces. The
burglars secured about $ iiO , and escaped
without leaving any cluw to their identity.
Killed l > y u Vinous Ilor .
STROMsnimo , Nob. , Jan. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEB.r Alfred Bjurk , 30 years
of age , in the employ of Mrs. Bergman , was
It [ cued by a vicious horse ycstcrduv evening.
Ho lived but a few minutes after the acci
dent. Thu victim was a man of good habits
and well rospoutod by his associates. The
remains will be buried tomorrow under the
auspices of the Stramsburg fire department
of which ho was a member.
AnxloiiH to hoouru .
DAKOTA CITV , Nob. , Jan. 3 , [ Special Tele
gram. to TUB HUE. ] Sheriff Hynn today
lodged m jail IT. A. Blalouk , whom he
arrested in I'onca , for stealing un overcoat
from Euguno ICc-ufo out of the Merchants
hold In Jackson on. Now Year's night. He
promises to plead guilty to got lodging and
board for a while.
Suffered u HruUua Lei ; ,
KBAHNEY , Neb. , Jan. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Hun. ] This afternoon while
Joseph Josophson , who livus fourteen miles
in the country , was coming to town his 10-
year-old sun foil from the wagon nnd the
wheel passed over his lug , breaking tau
member. _
Work of Norm Htfinl llurglurs.
NOBTH UKNII , Nob. , Jan. 3. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BKIS.J Hurglnrs effected an
entrance by prying open the front door of
A. Pullur & Co. 'a general merchandise store
this morning and carried off clothing and
underwear to the amount of $75.
liuur.mco Uuta * HuUed.
NKWUSKA Ctrr , Jun. 3. [ Spuclal Tele
gram lo TUB BBB.I Inurauco rates have
been advanced In ihls clly by all companion
from 'M to 50 per cent. Local agents have
protested , but without effect.
Ambnrry Batca Killed in a,0aloon by James
T , Willie
Ha Clnlm * Sair-lef0nr , Jiit the Cnrnncr'i
Jury Itotnrn * a Vrrtliot of Polo-
* *
nluiu Nhnojllnit Story
of the { Crime ,
DAKOTA CITT , Nub. , "Jan. 3. [ Special
Telegram to Tun. IJR&Thn llrst murder
ever committed In Dtkota City occurred
last evening at 5:30 : , when James T. Willis
shot nnd instantly killed Am b.-rry Bates.
Iho shooting occurred III iho saloon run by
Willis , which ho wns operating under n
license Issued lo George F. Hunmiar. Bates
came up from Ills homo in Biyuurg , about
ton miles south of hero , In iho afternoon
and , as wns his usual custom , proceeded lo
Iho saloon lo get full. Ho nnd Willis drank
freely together. About 5:20 : the bartender
went to suppur , leaving Willis nnd Bates ,
nnd Wycoff nnd Bert ICinear In the saloon ,
the tivo laller naiued being exceedingly in-
loxlcatcd , while Willis und Bales wore
merely slightly under iho Influence of
At 5:30 : a shot was hoard , and a few min
utes thereafter Willis rushed into thu
Eurck.i hotel , which is next door to the
hotel , and summoned some ono to go after
the sheriff , saying ho hud shot Bates. When
witnesses reached Iho saloon Bates was
lying ou his back , his feet on the bav rail
and his body stretched nt full length. On
asking Willis who shot him ho replied :
I'ronil of Ills \\nrli.
"I did. by - , Just liku a llttlo man.
Bates was In front of ll.o bar and reached
over and slapped mo. Then , roachintr loward
his hip pocket , ho said. 'Como out from be
hind Hie bar. you - ' I pulled my
gun and shot him , the weapon snapping four
times before it exploded. "
On the arrival of Doputj Sheriff Carney ,
Willis immediately gave himself up.
There has been . 5 grudge of long
standing between Bates nnd Willis , and the
tragedy of last night was not unexpected.
Willis is an old resident of ihls counly , his
parents being among the pioneers of the
county , but now residing in Kansas , Ho loft
here about twcniy-llve years ago with a
criminal charge hanging over his , re
turning about , twelve years ago. His wife
died two years ago , leaving him three small
The murdered man , Amborry Bates , is an
old river man of this section , and is known
among that class of people as far down the
river as St. Louts , and in an early day was
considered ono of the toughest characters
abroad. Ho has killed several men in his
time , and was of a qunrrclsomumaturo when
intoxicated. Ho was about o'i years old and
leaves a largo family. %
WnllcC of the Cormier's Jury.
The coroner's Jury this afternoon returned
a verdict finding Willis guilty of feloniously
shooting Bates. Two shots wore fired by
Willis , ono making a scalp wound , the other ,
which was fatal , enturiug the body about
three inches below tbq top of the breast
bouo and striking the spinal column.
A w.h-raut has been issued by Charles
Bates' , deceased , son. for Willis' nn-ust.
Willis is con lined in Jail. No weapon of any
kind was found on Bates.
An important witness was found today
who happened to bo In the saloon when the
quarrel started , but was not seen by the
principals. He gives'ihis name as D. P.
Brown of Sioux Falls * and his testimony be
fore the eoronor's jury was straightforward
and is believed , while the others were so
drunk at the time thu killing occurred that
laey remembered nothing.
Willis' pieliininnr.Vi hearing will bo hold
Friday before the incoming Judge , D. C.
Heffernan. Willis has retained attorneys.
Ho has Jaw sympathizers , as his actions
were thought to have been uncalled for.
The town board will meet tomorrow nnd
revoke H.immar'u saloon license , under
which Willis was ruuning.tho place.
List of Olllcers Klncti'U for the Ensuing
Yviir In nnturti ! Uump.tnlex.
FKEMONT , Jau. 8. [ Special to Tun BEE. ]
Quito a number of the manufacturing com
panies of the cily clecied ofllcers and di
rectors on the first of the month. The Ne
braska Creamery company officers are : C.
H. Barnard , president ; John Dern , vice
president ; Otto Huetto , secretary ; E. W.
Morse , Iroasurer , nnd M. H. HInman. man
ager. G. W. E. Dorsoy and C. W. Stephenson -
son were added us directors.
Fremont Bruwing company : John Dern ,
president ; J. M. Diels , vice presidoni ; E. W.
Morse , secretary ; L. P. Larson , general
manager and treasurer.
Fremont Foundry and Maclnno company :
Directors , J. S. Soolc.y , W. U. Wilson , E. H.
Barnard and L. D. Uichurus.
Fremont Saddlery company : Directors , D.
M. Wolty , Johu Tluelen , E. H. Barnard , J.
T. May , E. N. Morse , John Dern and A. D.
Nebraska Binder Twine company : Di
rectors , Wilson Ueynolds , Fred Meyer. E.
N. Moiso , James H. Hanson , W. E. Smails ,
B. W. Itoynolds nnd O. H. P. Shivcly.
An invention has been perfected in this
city converting coarsu material , including
stalks , weeds , straw , etc. , into fuel by a
mixluro of chemicals nnd oilier che.ip'm-
grcdicnts. The claim is made that it uill
bo us good ns coal and at n cost of not moro
than SJ.50 per ton. A patent has been ap
plied for.
The old German , Godfrcld Disba , who was
brought to this city from Omaha as a wit
ness in the Carleton murder case , and who
since Ihou bus been kept by ihu countv , has
been scnl lo his native couutry by action of
iho supervisors.
Tliuro is vigorous objection against the
raising of lusuranco rates in this city , and
threais are made that many will carry their
own risks rather than submit.
Will Loucks , operator for the Union Pa-
clflo road at this point , has been transferred
to Gibbon , Nob.
The petit Jury for the February term of
the district court for Dodge county lias been
. Auburn lliikliivHs dinners.
Aunimx , Nob. , Jan , 3. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEE. ] Thomas S. Horn , for over
eight years ono of the principal business
men of Auburn , today sold out to J. W. Dar-
rah and W B. Klshcr. who will continue the
business. D.irrah and FIsher nro both old
residents of this place. C. D. Lloyd retires
from the firm of Thompson , I'cery fs. Lloyd.
Poor health Is assigned ns the reason.
litntttlntlon * .
ROCK , Nob. , Jan. 3. [ Special to
Tim BER.I Cypress lodgrt No. 41 , Knights
of Pvthla * , gave n public installation
Monday evening. Af tor a song by tno male
quartet , Ola Grining , G. C. C. , Installed the
foliowlnir officersS. . II. Dopp , P. C. C. : C.
K. Judklns , C. C' . ; W. S. LIndslov , V. C. O. ;
George Scoit , P. ; C. I. Norns , K. of H. nnd
S.O. ; li. Martin , M. of F. : W. H. Wilson ,
M. D. . M. of E. ; Mr. Slamllfor , M. nt A. ; A.
G. Wheeler , I (5. ; Frank Nail. O , G. An
address was made by Hov P. Van Fleet of
Peru. The lodge and Its friends were
then invited to a .sumptuous repast at thu
mansion of Ola Grilling.
ToiitAs , Nob. . Jan. 3 , [ Special to Tun
BKB. ] Easel lodge No. 137. ICnlghts of
Pythias , held n public installation of ofllcers
at their hall this evening. The following
officers were Installed : W. H. Taylor , P. C (
F. Llpplncoll , C. C. : .H. B. Shull , V. C. ; M.
F. Fraulz. P. : C. S. Finiclo , M. at A. ; C. I.
Clark , 1C. of kandS. : A. McKlllop , M. of
F. ; S. F. NunemuUor , M. ofE. ; S. FrlonO ,
M. ofW. Af tor Ihc ceremonies the Knights
and their friends adjourned to McCurdy's
hall where a grand suppur was served. Sev
eral short speeches were made by leading
members , The address of the ovcnimr , by
Will L Seism , past grand chancellor of the
Knights of Pythias of Nebraska , was a
brilliant amt masterly effort. One of the
most pleasing features of the occasion was
the pcrfoimancoof llttlu Edith Cogswell of
Geneva on the mandolin and her delivery of
atccliation , "Deacon's Confession. " Her
efforts provoked storms of applause.
liulliiiin In Uluvrr.
LVO.NS , Nob. , Jan. 3. [ Special to Tun
BRB.I The WInnubago and Omaha Indians
concluded their Christmas fcsilvitos yester
These Indians raised good crops last year
and have nol felt the effect of hard times.
The winter so far has boon the best for
them in many years.
It id Condition of tlio Southern Land and
tnipnitemimt Comp my.
Loutsvn.r.E , Jan. 3 In the United States
court at Frankfort to lay Judge Barr ap
pointed .1. W. Buchanan receiver for the
Southern Land and Improvement company.
Tlio receiver wasappointed on a suit filed by
W. G. and Martha Merriwothur , who are
large stockholders la the concern.
The failure of the Southern Land and Im
provement company seems to bo an un
usually bad one. and an invcsligalions con
tinue il grows worse and worse.
The Fidelity Trust company , assignee for
the company , has been Investigating the
funds of the company imd it finds there is
not sufficient realizable funds to pay the
commission of Iho assignment. * Interest duo
on the $ r > ( XOOU ) worth of bonds has been de
faulted twice. There is also $130,000 worth
of stock of the company said to bo valueless.
The original organizers of the company took
1,875 shares of stock each , for which they
gave paper. Aflurw.u-ls , when Mr. J. D.
Black look charge of the company , the slock
was rclurned lo him after some litigation ,
as the paper given in payment for A was
\Viuit to Sell the Securities.
DRNVEH , Jan. 3. JudcoAllcn today passed
on Iho notltion of G. W. E. Griffith , re
ceiver of the Western Farm Mnrtcage Trust
company for permission to soli about ? 1UOJ.-
000 worth of the company's securities. This
is ihoirfaco value , but many of them were is
sued by companies long .since defunct.
Among the securities were ex-trust deeds
on lands in the San Luis valley for which $10
per acre were offered. Thu first mortgage
on those lands had been foreclosed , and the
price offerud was all tno deuds were worth.
It was finally ordered that the sale bo ad-
verlised for len davs and that counsel for
the creditors bo allowed to confer with Mr.
Griffith on any securities of value which are
to bo reserved , and sold for the highest
amounts obtainable.
Humor * Connecting The ISoo with n Libel
Salt- Will lie Vcntllntoil. '
Ever since iho result of tlio voting last
November has been known rumors have
benn cropping out of a prosecution to bo
commenced by ex-Sheriff Bennett against
the editor of THE BEB , charging criminal
libol. So far as is known to TUB BEE , lucre
is no foundation for rumors.
In order , however , to forever sot at rest
any doubts that might exist in this connec
tion , Mr. E. Rosewater went to the county
attorney yesterday and asked lliat ho tuko
the mailer up. Mr. Uosowaler suggested
lhat if Ihero was anything apparently war-
rauling criminal prosecution the county at
torney at once begin action in the police
Mr. Kalcy will investigate the charges
and his course will doiermmo if ihorunors
and whispered charges have any forco.
ftOJtTllll l.K'L''i MILLS ,
Tlioio of Dnlntli inul Superior Ground
Much Klonr I.listVouk. .
MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 3. The Northwestern
Miller says : The mills of Superior and
Duluth lasl week made 40,024 barrels ,
against 40,000 barrels the week before , and
10,0110 barrels for Hie corresponding limo in
1802. Tno mills were pushed pretty haul in
order to turn out a largo output for ship
ment before rates wcru advanced. Millers
report no improvement in the flour market ,
except that the demand for feed is strong
Export shipments lust week were 1S.OL1) )
barrels , airainst 7,800 barrels the ydar boforo.
'Iho flour output for the year as 2,103,119
barrels , against 1,094,4(13 ( in 1SU-J.
Tit 11' H'tlti A H.I It il
liritUh Ship Lost Off the Windward Isles
Chlnt'ao Ltihurorft Orownml.
PltlLADEi.l'iiiA , Jan. 3. The British ship
Volga , with 010 Chinese laborers on board ,
Irom Calcutta to Dcmcrar.i und Philadel
phia , was lost off the Windward islands ,
December 10 , says a report received here.
It is bollovod several Chinaman were
drowned , but Just how many is unknown.
The Volga had on board 500 tons of rlco , be
sides a quaniliy of oilier stores , thai prob
ably wore all lost.
DoWitt's Witch llazui saivo euros piles.
To live comfortably on the modest income of the clerk ,
often requires economy and the saving of unnecessary bills.
Quaker Oats saves doctors bills and is the cheapest and the best
Sold 2-11) .
Only In Quaker Oats Package * .
Ho Eta Again Boon Called Upon to Load
His Party.
I'ciiniylvaiiln llepnhllcnnt Honor the Old
apcniter bjr MnKlnc HI" Nninlnntlon
for Itpprraentiitlvc nt Ij > rRO by Ac.
elnmntlon Tlia I'lntfonn.
HAnnisnunn , Pa. , .Inn. 3. The republican
state convention was called together at 13:20 :
ty ex-Senator Paoucr , chairman. The roll
call showed u full attendance of delegates ,
All the onicers and the committees appointed
at the last convention were retained. The
speaker blamed tlio present depressed con
dition of iho country on thu nalionnl admin
istration. Ha condemned its Hawaiian
policy and declared Iho Wilson larlff bill
was vicious.
The report of the committee ou resolutions
was adoplcd as follows :
Hosolved , That the republican convention
called to nomlnatn ncandldatu for rangross-
mun-al-lnr o needs not to bo reminded of the
f licit lint this Is u representative otllce , thnt
thu situation In Washington nmUfs It not only
of statu hut national importance , nnd that It
invlto * tbu fullest pov lblo ti\prcs-lon of thu
puhllvluw on Tuesday , thu Uuih of I'ehnmry
nuxt , to thu und that ull our land may know
thotunorof ctmunt thought upon thu most
Immediate ) and vital Usuu presumed In the
Wilson bill.
Thuslmplu anllclpallon of this innisiiro lins
clotcd tlious'iniN of workshops. It bus re
duced to Idleni'ss 2,000,1)00 ) of workers , and
soup IIOUM-S now illstilai'u former hltosof In
dustry. Ilhas lodiifiid MiliiPM to an amount
grualur than thu national ( loin. \vtllun- -
litrgo thu free list only upon ptoducts uhlch
employ the grualcst number of American
\Mrknien ; Itlll slilku with equal cruelty thu
farmer , thu minor , thu lumberman , the Iron
worUur , thu uluss worker , ami the tu\tllu
\MirUor. It will transfer work fiom oiirown
mills , mint's and onshops to those or for-
uiun countries.
It iHsoctlonal In its authorship und all too
plainly aimed ul norlhurn Industries , It
slrlUcs southern InduitrhH only nhrru the
samu blow reachesureuter northern Industries.
It fosters thu plantation svstom und destroys
thu farms. It Is an attempt upon the ficu
traders of the .south to reduce tint Industries
of thu north to thu level of ihoio of the south.
It Is vicious In changu from ppi'i'llic to ad
valorem , thu latter covering foiclgn under
valuations und leading to constant and
cumulative frauds upon the revenues.
It Is vicious In reducing Instead of IIHTO.IS-
Ing revenues many millions of dollars , and thu
reduction \\lll mow ulth time.
It Is vicious In compelling the government
to malto up these dullclencli's by means of In
creased Internal and direct lavs ,
It Is doubly x Iclous In coinpulllng Its sup-
portuis lo lusort to the inoslodlous ta.xus
or bori ow money.
It Is u holly ciioneou-i In the theory that tlio
less woik tht'io Is to ( ITT In this country thu
higher will bu the wages of thu woiUnran. The
induction policy convoys the opposite thought
and says that the policy which BCCIIICS the
liiWit amount of work at homo Is the onu
\vhlchsecuies Ihu bust wages to the homo
It thu Wilson bill docs nil of these ) things
In the threats which It conveys
what will It do In It.s fruition ? Tfie
republicans of Pennsylvania and the people
of our great commonwealth , u.s well , declare
war upon It , tinrcuslnxtuar , In house and senate -
ate , and Its .senators and lupro-suntutlvus In
congress , Including thu congrcssniun-at-hirgit
nominated today , aiu i uiiuusted tu maUu this
wuifaie foil In uvery wlso and patriotic way ,
to thu end that by lliu defeat of the Wilson
bill American working men , priHiicuis and
maniifactuiurs may rosiimu that prosperity
which thu country hud but a slnghi year uxo.
Thu resolutions close by denouncing as un
patriotic the foreign policy of the democratic
national administration in the Hawaiian
Thu nomination of u candidate for con-
gressman-at-largc was next In order. Hon.
Ualusha A. Grow aud ex-Congressman James
S. Bierer of r chigh ware put in nomination.
Mr. Bierer then stepped to the front of the
platform nnd withdrew his name in favor of
Grow. The nomination of Mr. Grow was
then made by acclamation.
Mr. Grow denounced thu tariff policy of
the Cleveland administration "and ridiculed
Us position on Ihu Hawaiian mailer. Durlnz
his remarns a spectator cried out , "Down
with Paramount Blount. " The convention ,
adjourned aw : , ra " < - ; 1 * ' 8' > * * iM *
1'rior to th j assembling of the slalo convon-
tlon , a meeling was held , ul which it , was
duclucd lo hold lhr > uuxt state convention for
the nomination of governor ut Ilarrisburg ,
Wednesday , May 23
Mr. aiid Mrs. U. F. Hodgin are receiving
conaraiulaiions. It is a girl and weighs
clpht pounds.
Caniain Ij misvho has boon for Iho past
ten dajs confined to the house with un at
tack of la grippe , is slightly better , but not
ablu to bu out.
Dorsoy Houck. who foil upon an icy side
walk a couple of weeks ago and broke his
collar bone , is able to bo out again and at
tend to his duties.
Jcssio C. Hitchcock has filed a polillon in
Iho olllco of Iho probate court asking lhat
Lorenzo B. Crounso bo unpointed adminis
trator of the estate of William E. Grinlths.
who dlud in this city December 3 , leaving
property valued at ? . > , OUO. „
Before the Chautawiua college at the
First Methodist church tonight MM. Tucker
will road a paper on "Homo Under the
Kings. " Mr. James Clumunt Ambrose , ,
brother of Judge Ambrose , will leuturu on
"Tho Sham Family. "
The meetlmrof the unemployed called for
last night at Knights [ of Labor hall on Four
teenth strcol was nol held , simply because
Ihu invited speakers no''leetod to put in an
appearance. Next Sunday afternoon there
will bo au attempt made lo hold a meeting
at thu same place , whuru Iho preachers mil
lake hold and assist in figuring some way
oul of tlio dilemma.
Sharp , shooting pains ,
back ache , side ache ,
chcbl pains and palpi *
tatton relieved in O.NIC
Ml.NUTK by the
TI.II , the first and only
pain-killing plaster. It
restores vital tltctricily ,
and hence cures ner
vous pains and mus
cular weakness.
Price : 350. ; , five , $1.00. At all druggists or bjr
mail. FOTTCK DIIUG AND CiiEii. Coiir. , Doiton.
. A"vDuUflf ,
Spectacle } ail
U the only
Women EulJded.
18 yo.iri experience
I'lrculurH fret ) .
I itbnnd Karnnm bU
I ? V'Cl CaUrrU i'owUer CUM * catarrh
l OAllilrufk-lhU. ailtviiU.
. O. No ittoniuy'rf foa uut
puteul oijlulunU Wrlla for Juvoutuc'ii Quid
Tim U' ' " ' tlon Uf "Are You rroimr Mlf
If Not , Aoino Verjr Vnlnnbln Ailvlou I *
Voluiilrorril ,
An col lomto of lite grip Is oort.tln to bo eon-
oriu llironeliiMit Ainorlcu Inn very short tlmiv
Already many o.noi have been observed bf
pliyalul.itu In Now York Olljr , ni well ni In
otlior cll'o of tlio liui'l. Ur. Cyrus Kilson of
the Now York llonnl uf Ilonltli , , iys tliut tlia
dUonso wilt manifest Its procure sonor.vlly in
the very no r future. nnd Hint It I * nlrttndj
lioro nioro tlinn 1 itonorally rn.illzi-d , Ho suldi
" 1 think wo will Imvo . \ rlp cpldonilo eon
nnil tliuro are Indications Hint It will bo : \ lon
. Whllo I do nol want to cronto u soaro ,
I would warn people lo liiitriru of It iintl to iu
nil ihu precaution ; ) poiilblo. Ilxpurlunco htu
Rtiown that ciirnli'isiic'H In iml'lls nnd Irroicii *
liir hours render tlio stum lee no ik to
so violent a dl otiso. drip find * omy victim *
Innldpsoplo And Indobllltutud PUMOIIS.
There la Inn ono tlilim for tiny imiti. woman
or rlilld to ilo vrliuu the ! lliilito < t. symptom at
Krlp npt > t > 'i , nun that I * to counteract It at
once. If you fcol tired. linvo pnln * in the mus
cle * inul Mono * . Invo r dull homlnuho. n bad
tmlo hi thi ) inoutli , nrn fo\'rish. ( li.ivo no nm-
lilllonor npptitlte , yon mint. If yon ihnlro to
CHeiino thu crip , ut OMOO tuku n good pnro stlm-
uliint. Tins ill on i ) oiili counter. ict the coming
on of crip. kill the m urohe of the dl o.i o Mid
reitoro you to ho'tlth. Wlillrt thorn iirt > imtny
so called fltlmilliiiit . thorn Is hut ono which ft
pure , si'luntlllit and rocnmmrmlocl liy physi
cian * linlvot-i illy This U HulTyN L'uro Mall
Whiskey. Do not ho devolved l > v htirilrniralit
or uroeor who miif try to Imluco yon to ttk
Roniolhlng ul e. Ketnonibor thit : the ro.ison
usually N thnt ho can multo tnoro money oa
chutptr mid Inferior articles.
Mnndrnlca Fills luivo n , vnlua ni tx hottn
hold remedy fat * beyond ttio power of lin :
Ruaffo to dosoi'ibe. The family c.ui
luv.'dly bo true to Itself that does not
keep thuiu ou blind for vaa la omorgoti
Is the only vofrataolo substitute , for that
duiigcrous mineral , Mnuouiiv , nnd
while its notion as n curatlvo is fully
cqu il. it podsedsos none of the purilotu
In Constipation , Matuir.alfu aoU upon ,
the bowels without disposing thorn to
eubs3quont Costivono3s.
No roinody noU so directly on tlia
liver , nothing so speedily euros Sicif
Headache , Sour Stome an n
nuh , mid Biliousness a.s
forSxIo''y a I llnu IsU. I'riuo l > ct t > j-
boxibo ; : < co4 for Kicti. . or sant by mall , poit-
nao fro * on ru-olpt' of prleo. Ur. J. IL
'wonra A GUINHA A
( Tasteless-Effectual. )
S and MTO
Such as Sick Headache ,
Weak Stomach ,
Impaired Digestion ,
Constipation ,
/ Liver Complaint ,
and Female Ailments.
Covered with a Tasteless & Soluble Ooatlng.
Of all druggists. 1'iicc 2T. cents a box.
New York Dcnnt 16 ? Canil St.
a well
Man of
Me :
Till ! UI1KAT
Itl > 1II/1 H III CO 1 > A VS. Cures all
Nertiim lilivnsM , I'ullinn Memory ,
1'arc. l .Mifplo > fnesiViakiii'si.etc. . . * -
nu r > U > yr > . tnlm. f nmt quickly bu t snroly irst
.o.t .Viuliuad In "III or J ouni ; . Easily carrli it In
nrkpt. l'rlcul. < ( > a.mcknKc. | BU for * ; . . < mul
\vrltton iriiiirniiUt tticure ur nionry rtTui > i1i > il. Don' !
buy an imitation but imlxt on Imvlni ; IMtAIMI. 1C
3 > ourdrtl Fli > MinsiiutKotit will Bundle prepaid.
Orlcnlol .Meillrnl Co. , IIIIC1RO , ILL , , or Oi fr . ( t.nlt.
SOi.l ) liy Kuhn A Co . Car. IMh nnil DOIIKIW Btn. . nnd
J. A. lulUT.VCo , Unr 14111X DoilKlnmHtx , OMAHA )
liy 1'nnl O. HchiH-IJer , r > Jl llmmlwny ft < 11'eurl Bt ,
COUNCIL , ULUiKH.and LeadinglruB l t .
Man Dovolopoil
LBlv < T.CUl'lDlNi : , will
rcBtoio all tlm Kc.'uor.itlvi !
orKiitiH. Inipotoncy 1m-
puHHlulnIt CUl'miNK In
uavd. Semi for frjj clr- and toHtlmonlilH.
I > . O. Hex 107U ! , San l'r.u -
clttco. Gal.
General and Nervous Debility ,
, of Boily nnil
Blind , Klfecla of Errors
or ISxcohsca in Old or
Yoimif , Itoliiist , Noble
Hmuhooil fully Heiitortil.
flow tri KnlaiKu anil
Htrcnutliou Weak , Un-
.developed Organs nn < l
Parts of Itody. Ab o-
lutely uufalllni ; llomn
. . . , , , . .m , , , , . , , „ . 'Treatment ' IJeucflU lua ,
Jay , Men testify from 60 Status and Forelna
CountrlM. Write them. Deicrlpthu llo.k ,
tii'liiuutlon and proofs mailed ( sealed ) free.
ERIE MEDICAL CO. , Buffalo , N.Y.
WAIIK L'o. , UUAIIA , Nuh. , IK-o. H , IH'JU.Notice
Is lierouy KlViin to tin ) HtooltlioldurH of tliu-1/ou-
Ulurlcu AndrruHun IlarJwiiro cointiiny Hint
ho aniuuil niuotlir. of Ihu hlix.'Ulmldur.s of
tlm cuiniiuny will liu lii < ld ul I'm '
olllcus of tliu b.ihl coiup.iny , 121'J ,
I'J''l inul 12'.M llnrnoy slii'ut , in tliu city
of Uin.iliii. In tlio stutiMif .Nulir iil.a , un'1'iau-
day , Junuiiry U , A , I ) . , Itt'JI , ul 3 o'uhx-k p. in ,
far tliu imrpuso of ulootliuu liourdof dliucuiri
for tliiicoiiipiiny toHuivn ilurliu thu oiunliu
yuiir und tu Intnxucl buoli iithur IJIHUJ-I | ,11
may liu prebunled utsucli nitiutliu ,
II. J. I.KK , I'tiwIiJunU
Attoal : W. II. Ol.A.srf. SoLTOt.iry.
Union I.niul uoniunny : Nolluu U hereby
plvun that tlio nnnutil inutitlnx of Ihu MtocU-
liuldurs ot tint Union l < and ooiniiiiny for thu
election of llvutflruotorHund such otliur btnl-
mius nniy prtiuurly cuiuu liuforu thu inuutlni ; ,
will bu liuld ut iFiu nillcu of John M. ThurHtun ,
Onion I'.icllU : billldlnir , Uniahu , Ni'b. , upoii
MonUuy , tliu bth day of January. 1 U4. ut 1Q
o'clock a. tu. lioaton , llcciitnbur ll ) .