TIIT5 OMAHA DAILY NRR : THURSDAY , DRf'RMHEU 28 , 1303. Til 111 DAILY BEE COljNOlI , HU'l'KS NO. 12 I'KART. STKVXT to nny part of tlio city It. W.TII/rO.N - Manager Ml.\UH MKNTWX. IJoMon Store , rlo.ilts and holiday goods , .Inmca Donahoo VIM lluocl t'iO.'iO in police coin t .U'stiTdtiy for drunkenness and buyglng on thcstiect. Tbo ( Irnco Kplseonil Krntdny scboolylll liaVo n festival and Christmas tree this evening In tlioclinrr.il parlors. The Interior of tbe room \vtll ho handsomely decorated. The I'nlon Paclllo railway lini been granted n now trl.U of tlio JIO.OOO damage suit brntiKlil against It by William Orlmmclman , whoso ion was burned to ( loath In thu round boiiso in Vhls city a couples of years nk'o. The -wi-loty younjr men of tbo city Iwlll Bhon inrty this ovcnlue In Chambers' ball on I'earl street. Elaborate preparations have been made for tbo ovrnt nnd It win doubtless bo a brilliant affair. About seventy-llvo couples are expected to bo In Htlimdaticp. K. ( . ' , C'n'tln commenced action In tbo dls trict. court yesterday to secure an Injunction closing the Columbia HottlliiRvorKs , at tbu corner of Hroadwavand Ninth streets , as a piano when * Intoxicating lltiuors are sold contrary to the state law. 8. Goldstein , C. llrovvn. Rciincii llrowi and Julius Ungnr are made dufundanls. K. 11. 1'ollolt is just rocoverlne from a SIM latin accident lie had about ton dny.tnco. lln hail tlio mUfortuno to fall on an tuy side- wnlis and sprain Mi rlirht ankle so badly that ho has Open conllncd to his bed ever sini'o. llo has now recovered sumdontly to walk about tbo itreots u little , with the aid of a pair of crutches. A boy who was passing tbo Christian home with a loaded gun In bis hand Tuesday afternoon raised tbo weapon ami IIredit Kmlly Anderson , a llttlo ptlrl , nn inmate of the home. The ball from tbo pun passi'd through her hair and nairowly escaped irnnsforintiiir her Into an aiiccl. The hey \vlio tired the gun will bo prosecuted If ho can bo found. John Hardln , Arthur Allen , Harry Halt and 1.0117.0 Stabler , four small boys , Inuo been ctiLMijed for some time pnst In tearing down ono of K 11. Shoafo's barns , on the corner of Aveauo 11 and Sixteenth street. All four of them were arrcslcd yesterday on an information Hied by Sbeafc , and on trial before .ludRO McGee were sentenced to spend ono day In thocity jail. Through the courtesy of W. C. Burrows of Lcavrmrorlli THE Br.i : Is In receipt of an Invitation to bo present at the ceru./iotiles attending the formal oiienlmr of the Leaven- worth Terminal Hallway and Bridge uom- pany's now bridge spannlntc the Missouri river , and of tbo entrai.cuof the Chicago , liurilngton & Qulney railroad and 01 the Chicago , Itoclt Island & IMcltie railway into T cavenworth , Ifcin. . Tuesday , January ! 3 , 18'JI. ' ( Icoi'KC Davis , who lives in thn northwestern - western part of tbo city and was arrested several days airo for beating his wife , was to have bud a hearing In poliro court yester day morning , but the woman refused to pros ecute him. Ilo was accordingly discharged , but tbo court , rememborimr that ho had Itecn up on similar charges before , gave him a ton ml led tire before dismissing him. promis ing bima he.ivy punishment If hoover turned up in jail airaln. An express wagon ran Into P. A. Hixby's horse and buiriry yesterday afternoon as they stood hitched in Iront of tbo Kvcrott block on Pearl street. The buic.v ; was tipped over on tbo Hixby horse and . \ general imaslnip followed. Tno horso's foot was satight liclwecn the spokes of ono of the wheels , but bo fortunately escaped without my broken lean. Tbo Uugtrv was badly damaged , ono of the thills and the dash board helm ; broken off , and tlio horse was considerably bruised. HUSTON hTOHK. 1'ur the Iliilnncii of tlioVnoIc. . Everything in ur.ANKivrs , TOYS , DOLLS , CiLASSWAUK , CHINA WAKE , ami FANCY HOLIDAY GOODS lit HALF PKICIJ until Sluiurduy nifjiit. BOSTON STOKI : , FotlionnKlmmVhitoluw & Co. , Leuil- er.H and Promoters of Low Prices. N. 13. ytoro closes every evening nl G p. m. except Mondays iintl Saturdnya. I > ft.V > . \.11. I'Ali.liltt.lI'll 1. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Baker , a son. Huv. 10. . ( . Babcock is confined to Ills home by an attack of la grippe. ' Pred'K. l.qvcrottof MeHamley , S. D. , is the guest of his brother , \V. ,1. Levcrott. Andrew Kastnor , who left Christmas eve on a business trip for Denver , arrived homo jcsterduy from Walnut , la. Mrs. Harmon of Sioux City , who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. M. A. Arkwrlght , loft for her homo last ovoiilm ? . Mrs. .lossolyn , who has been visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. N. 1 * . Conant , for the past three weeks , baa returned to her homo la Hvanston , 111. HcrdMimhter , Miss Mabel , will remain here for some tlmo longer. Ten carloads o { poultry wanted. High est cash price paid. John Dunn , -110 Upper Hroudway. Able your grocer for Djinostlo a ap. I'lincrat of .Inmeg A. .InnkHnii. The funeral of the late James A. Jackson took place yesterday afternoon at tlio rcsi- dcnco of A. T. Hice , corner of Fourth street and Willow avenue , There wore a great many friends of the dead man present , and the services , conducted by Kov. ( Jeorijo H. Cornell of Sioux City , were very Impressive. At tbo close tbo remains were escorted to the grave in Pali-view cemetery by a long procession of friends , accompanied by a band of music. The pall bearers , selected from tbo Masonlo fraternity , were : Judtru W. C , .lames , Captain O. M. Brown , A. T. Kl- woll. W. O , Wlrt. W. A. Hlglisinlth and John Sltlnklo. Besides these ttiero were the following honorar.v pall bearers : W. II. M. I'uaoy. Judge A. V. l.arlmcr of Sioux Citv , 1) . C. Bloomer , J. .1. BrownJ. W. Cross- land and Captain II. U llunry. * ' lliiiii'iiii ; I'mrllcn. For boKlnnors , every Monday. Junior class , -I p. in. ; mlnlu , 8 ] > . in. Advanced junior class every Wednesday 4 p. in. Assemblies every Wodnosdiiy 8:110 : ji. in. His elegant uciidoiny in thu Slnif/art- Heno blouk can bo Bocnrcd , with elevator hurvlccts for parties and iiiiiMeiilos. Apply to Mr Winters tit oloviitor. Tlio best of innate cuu bo furnished for nil Abk yo i1 urocor lor Domestic soai\ Binoko T. 1) . Kiiiu' fc Co's Purtusjas. The following parties tool < out licenses to wed yesterday in the olllco of tb'o county clerk : * " Nnmonml Addrccs. Ajt < . J 8. O. jti-od. Cimnell lllulTa . ! iO I MIT * . r.lla.Mullyar , Stiiusburi-y , Mo . ' - > > JUharli-y 1 , . Dlckoy , Grand Isliind , Nob.- . . . 'J5 I Omrlottu I , , 1'lle , Council HliilTa . ' - > . ' > II I II. niiiidnllyp. Ciiunrll ltimr . 'J5 II I llurtlullruhHruuiiull HlnlTN . 10 I \V. M. llarcourt , C'ouni'll Illuir ! . . H3 ) Mlnnlu KliiK , ( Viiiiicll Illull'b . ! I4 ITIuniiiiK II. llloUcy , CHincll Illulfs ) Julia Kliix.rouncll llluira 'J3 Mm. Mury A. .Smith llontl. Mnry A. Smith , \ridoxv of the latn James Smith , died yesterday morning at 4 o'clock , ugcd titl years , after a ten days Illnons with la grippe. Khu loaves three daughters. Mrs. C. U. Norton , Mrs. Ira F , Heiidrieks und Mrs. K. U , Francis. Thu funeral will take place from lliu residence of her daughter , Mrs. llendridcs , tv.'s Third avenue , Kov. J. II. Davis oflldatlug , The deouuscd was n member of the First Ihiptlst church. llmo you Been the new gas hunters nt the Gas eoinpany't ) ollluu1 George S. Davis , irescrii > liuu < Jriiigist NWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Jutlgo McQeo Promise * n Decision on the Motor Company's Charter Today , CONFERENCE ON THE FARil TO BE ENDED Cltixcn * ' Committee Will .Meet the Council and 'lliu Director * Acnlti nnd Knit till * .Matter Ono \Vnjr or the Other I'oroTor. For several months past Judge McGee has had under advisement the suit brought by Spencer .Smith to bavo the motor company's charter declared null and void because of tbo icfusal of the company to operate under It. The announcement Is now made that the decision will bo rendered this morning at 10 o'clock , and notices to that effect were sent around among the Interested attorneys yesterday afternoon. This Is a case in which the public is Intensely interested , and tbu decision of the court will bo watched anxiously. This afternoon at ! i o'clock thn directors of the motor company , the committee of seven citizens and the city council will have an other meeting for Hie alleged purpose of ar riving at some conclusion with regard to the differences now existing between tbo motor compa'ny and the cltUcns. The council held a meeting yesterday afternoon and dis cussed the matter from Its standpoint , but what they decided to demand from the com pany could nut bu learned , as they nil main tained a clam-like sllunco. Ono of the com mittee of seven st'ated yesterday that this will be the lust meeting at which tlio com mittee will ho present. If no settlement can bo arranged now , none over can be , they think. TOO STKIINMl 'IO VIOItlC. Ono Cnso ol Ijrnlltiition Hint .Will lliirdly Itn ItellrviMl , Hev. Henry Delong runs across some queer specimens in making his customary rounds among the poor ot the city , and so ho is not surprised at much of anything. Last Sun day , however , ho found a case that for gcuilliio shirtlessness almost capped the climax of Ins year's experience. Two little girls called at his mission that morning and asked for something to eat. They were miserably clad , their teet being wound with rags , which took the place of shoes and slockinu's. Mr. Pelumr began to question them ami learned that they lived in a tent in the eastern part of tbo city. Taking It for granted that no ono would choose a camper's life of his own free will ami accord when tlio mercury was bustling its livcllst to get down into the bulbhe started on" with tbu girls to visit their homo and Hud out for himself just what they needed most. When hi ) reached the place he found that the family hail dug a hole in the side of the bluff and had spread their lent out in front of It so as to form two looms , a reception room and a bed room. Air. Delong did not stay iu the reception room , but pushed hts way back into the bed room , The whole place was a miserably poor excuse for a human habitation. There was a bed covered with dirty clothing ami this , the man and his wife said , was oc cupied by them. Underneath tbo bed was a lot of rags and w.isto stuff on the floor , which was used bv the two llttlo glrla and tlio b.iby as a sleeping place at night. A rickety chair , loaded with dust and dirt , was in the room , and this the housewife hastened to cle.in suflleicutly so that the rev erend caller might not soil his clothes In tbo act of sitting. At thu time of his entrance tbe man and bis wife were slttluir on the bed enjoying a souliil game of high flvo , but they stopped the game long enough to explain that they could not got eiiouch to eat r.or to wear. The man of the house displayed no anxi ety to L'cl any work , although both he am his wlfo looked plenty strong to do work ot a much more arduous kind tliun plaInf , hleh live without feeling it seriously. Whoi asked why they did not hunt some hettei place to live they said they only expected ti remain in Council Hluffs a little while am they thonirht it would hardly pay to take the trouble to hunt a house. Mr. Dclonz wisely concluded that they were not so badly off as a good many other families In Council Bluffs , and he kept thu supplies that were on baud for some more deserving , people. After January 1. Brown's C. O. D grocery will close ouch ovoninir at 7 o'clock except SiiUmhiys and Mondays. Domestic Miii ) > is the boat Xo Tit lor T.it Tlinre. Coi'.sciij Bi.rFW , Dec. 27 , 1MI ) ! . To the 1'Mltor of Tim HUB : A groit.deal has been said of late by u certain evening paper published in this city with reference to Su perintendent A. K. Stone of the motor com pany. Muuh of It has been so extremely bit ter as to show that the man who writes It is actuated , not so much by a desire to see an improvement in the management of the road as by a llxed determination to have Mr. Stone ousted from the company's ser vice in revenge for some real or fancied slight given by him to some at- tacho ol the piper. Willo I am not especially friendly toward Mr. Stone. I nevertheless like to see justice done every man , nnd with n view to showing the thankless spirit of whoever dictates the pol icy of the p.ipcr 1 want , to tell you some thing that came under my personal knowl edge and for which I can fully vouch. Not long ace , your readers will remember , Charles Nicholson was suspended from his position us chief of the lire department , awaiting the Investigation by the city council of a cliargo of drunkenness while on duty. Among tlio witnesses against Nicholson was a conductor on the motor In which Nicholson returned to Council HIurfs on tbo night of the alleged de bauch. Ills testimony was understood to bo very damaging to tbo lire chief , ami there was consequently a strong desire on the part of tbo men who were cng-inceilng his de fense to got this man out of thu way. The conductor himself was very willing to bo gotten out of tlio way , but ho could not leave the city on the day when tbo investi gation was to bo made without , absenting himself from work , Quo of the men con nected with this ovcuini : paper accordingly visited Superintendent Stone , and as a favor to himself and to tlio p.ipcr ho represented asked him to let the conductor off for that day in order that ho might pot out of testi fying against Nicholson. Whatever tbu nowspapnr man In question may have to say a bout the accommodating spirit shown by the superintendent on other occasions , hu at any rate found him accommodating enough that time , Thu conductor Inft the city until alter the investigation was made ami Nicholson was reinstated , a thins which could hardly have been donu gracefully , oven by the present council , Imd it nofbcen for Mr , Stone's doalru to pleaso. Drivel thought they ho , remarks of so vindictive u nature como with very poorgr.ico from a paper which could not possibly have pro tected Ha pet from the consequences ol his own misdeeds withput the assistance of the man whom it now proposes to have removed merely because of a personal matter. The people of Council DlulTs are not particularly interested in the quarrels between Stone and any newspaper , \yiiiit they want Is to have the company which Stone represents brought to us milk , ami the sooner the Glebe ilnds this out and gets off the track the less likelihood will there ho of n arnashup , In which a certain newspaper will bo one of the chief corpses. U.M'llKJUIIICi : . Domestic boap is thn nest. M until H llncircT , Mary K. ICdgerton commenced proceedings In the district court yesterday for a divorce from her husband , 12. U. lOigcrton , to whom she was married in Newton , la. , in Ib75 They lived together until two years ago , but Mrs. Kdgerton claims that ho was in the habit of beating , choking and accusing her of iiilldolity , and ho llmilly ended by desert ing her. They have ono child , Charles , 13 years of ago. . , hue * n ll'iiiuuy. ' S. 1C. Fllcklnu'er commenced a suit in the district court icfctcrduy against tbo Omaha Irlilgu an I irriMti.il cmpaio. Iho plaintiff llcgcs that she is the owner of lot 7 , block . " , In ll.i.tlm .V Pa'nici ' s addition , ami that icr property is damaged to the extent 3f .VWl b.\ the piiMapo. of the defeiidnnf.s line of railway on Kightcbiith street , adjacent to he propi-i ty In question. She wants a Junge- nentln the sum of K > 00 .tnd also wants tbo allway company enjoined from running tains along the street until the amount hall have been paid , ICMNAMSf UUMNANTS. UIIMNANTS. llniton Hlnrc. The holiday trndo In our dress goods department lias left us with n Krent many rvinnnntB nnd short drc .s lengths ) f vury dusirnblo goods , raiiflng In englhs from three to nlno ynrds. These joods wo have marked a peed deal less linn manufacturers' prices and will ) liii'o them on sale Tlinmlny morning , December 28. Sale to last three days. Como nnd look them over. You may liul jiint what von want , nnd at surpris ing prices. llOSTON STOHK , KOTHKUINGIIAM , WimT.l.AW & CO. . Council HltitVs. Dlilrlcleil tlin City. The executive committee of the Associated Charities has divided the city Into fifty ills- tricts for the purposes of soliciting nnd also relieving any cases of destitution that maybe bo found. Thov have taken tlio liberty of selecting and naming the committees. 'Ihey liopo alt parties will join in making tins a s'icccsH and to that end they trust no ono will decline to lead a helping hand. Hooks will be issued to all committees , givlnp full instructions. They are divided as followsj I'ppi'r ' llroadway , uhovo Oak street , Mrs. J. Q. Anderson , Mr * . I , . Hammer ; I'pper Pierce , above. D.ik. Mrs. iVIt , Mrs. Wllrox , Mrs. Mc- I'hurmin ; llroadwav and i'leice , from 1'listto OaK , .Mrs. V. .lumiliigs , Mrs. t' . ( I. Saiindeis , MNs \YlcUmiii ; tenltory enst of 1'leree and north of I'ninklln a\enne , Mr" . Allfriut He-res- helm , MIH. Charles Helm ; terrlloiy east of I'leico and north of I'lrst , Mrs. lloll , Mrs. Mul- hollandi Lincoln avenue , above I'errlu ave nue , Mis. Henry Cnkur. Mi . P. A. IIKby ; Moinlngsldu , Mrs. .1. McCabc , Mis. Matlee ; I'list , fiom Methodist Kplscopal chinch to ( iraliam lueime. Mi . A. ( ' . Craliain , Mr . J. ( . ' . Hlxbvi I'list , above * 'riilmm uvcnuo , Includ ing Wilson Teirace , Mr" , II. Slnven on , Mrs. I'oi'tei : lirnham avenue and I'eriln , above I Irst , Mrs. .1. W. I'liKm-oii ; wcM of llroadway , from ( teuton to llocl. , Mrs.Vt heeler , Mrs. I'utdy ; west of Ilioadwiiy , from North I'lrst to Ilim- tou , u-Mundlng to I'oster'ti gleetihoil-e. Mrs. Dlckev , Mis. Mitchell , Mis. T. A. Clark ; all terrlloiy nboxo 1'iMei's gtcenhouse , Mis. l.alleily , Mrs..I. II. I'ryor ; llroadnay , from Ilryiiut to I'list , ( icorgu S. D.ivH , Ralph Wil liams , Jacob Neiimayer : llroaduay , from llryanl to Se\eiith , Sir. rotliuilmdmin , O. T. Olllcer , V. Itadulet , deiieral Test ; Park avenue , Ilioaduiiy to end , MI-H. Tulleys , .Miss Dell Dohanv ; Ulen avenue to the end , fiom llroadway , Airs , ( ilcason , Mrs. .Imlgu Keed , MIssN. ( Jeiner ; ItlitlV and Third sireuls , Uleii to Sixth avenue , Including Turley's lileu , Mis. Henry Van Ili-uut , .Mi * . Itorkni'tl , Mrs. Mr Simons , Mrs. Mcllrldc ; 1'oiirtli stieot , Ilroad- ttay to Sixth avenue , Airs , Davenport , Mrs. A. T. Klce , Min. llau Ciuilug ; ItlillT stieet , Sixth to Ninth avenue , Fourth slieet , Sixth todil- cage , lluilttiglon & Qulney depot , Mrs. .1. \i , Stewart , Mrs. Stevens ; Thlid slieet to thu paik , from Sixth to Ninth avenue. , Airs. I'rnnk 1'usey , Mrs. Ogden , Alls. Haliis ; Third street to thu bluff , from Ninth tnciiuo to Klglitccnth , Airs. Wyekotl' , Mrs. Johnson , Airs. Himhes ; all cant of Chi cago. Uock Island & 1'aclllc tracks , from Eigh teenth to Woodbtiry avenue. Airs. Dr. ( iordon , Itov. C5. ( ! . Klce , Alls. U. ( ! . Hoblnsoii ; south cud of ( iiaham avenue ami betueeu the mount untami rail-mount park , Airs. Chapman , Airs. Keith : all territory south of Woodhurv ave nue. Mrs , II. W. Hothert , Miss Hamilton ; all tin iltory between Kli-'hteenth ami Thlitleth a\emies between Thlid ami Sixth stieuts , Alls. Thomas Mitchell , Mlss.lo-le Duncan ; all terrl- tory between Sixth and Sl\teenth stieotsaud south of ( 'lileago , Hock Island .V 1'acllle Hacks , Mrs. I , , Illaiichaid , Mrs. Thomas Smith , Airs. H. HaU > r , Alri < . ( Jeome Dalton ; Main stieet anil Sixth to Sixteenth avenues , Dr. Patterson , V. H. li.ivls , Henry Ste\enson ; Main , Sixth avenue to llroadway . A. Wood , K. Cole , J. ( . ' . Lee ; I'oarl slieet , Sixth aveuuu to Hioadway , Ohio ICuox , J. J. llrown , V. J. H.iy : I'lrst to Sixth avenue , between 1'eiul and Si\euth stieets. Airs. Judco Alcliee. Mrs. AIc- ICiuie , Alls. Chapman , Alls. C. It. Watte ; Seventh to Twelfth avenue , between Main and Seventh street. Airs. John Schouut- gen , Mrs. Kimball , Airs. Mergun ; Seventh to Twelfth streets. Hrnadnnv to Sixth uveiuie , Airs. K. C. Smith , Mrs. J. I'oiogoy , Airs. Colonel Dalley , Mrs. Tied Hill , Mrs. S.T AIc- AICU ; pevenin 10 i weuiii sirceis 10 rour- teenth avenue , Air ; , . Jlooic , Airs..I. 1' . Weaver , Airs. James Patterson. Airs. Underwood ; Twelfth to Klghicenlh streets , Ili-oadwav to Sixth avenue. Airs. Sllcott , Airs. ( Jray , Mrs. Talbott ; Twelfth to Eighteenth streets , Sixth lo Klxhtcciith avouu ? , .Mrs. McMillan , Airs. lllKhsmltli ; Kighleenth to Twenty-third Rlieets , llroadway to Sixth avenue , Mrs. Sklnkle. Airs. Salisbury ; Eighteenth to Twciily-thlid stieets , Sixth to Klghtoentth avenue. Airs. Kohl , Mrs. Otto ; all territory south of Iliondway fiom Twenty-Thlid street to the ilver. Keys llros. , Mis. II , Swan , W. W. ( 'ones ; all lorrltory noith of Ilroad- viiiy , between Tweiity-thlid stient and thn rvcr | , Mrs. Dudlev , Airs. C. Armour Mrs. Uraves : all terillory north of llroadway , be tween Eighteenth and Twenty-third streets , Mrs. Charles Ware , Aim. A. W. Johnson , Alls. ( Ice , IAl. . Shuhcrt : all tenltory noith of lioadway between Eighteenth mid Twelfth o Avenue K , Mru. Koblnson. Airs. Mai tin. Alls. lenry Alud e ; nil torrltoiy between Eigh- eentli and Twelfth , fiom Avenue 1" noith to i.aKu , and all territory uoith of Hioadway to \\eiiua I ! , between Seventh and Twelfth Micols , Airs. J. Al. .Miller , Alis. Ciomble , Airs. Love ; all terrlloiy north of Avenue E , be tween Seventh and Twelfth stieets , same committee ; north of llroadway to Scott , and julween Seventh , North Alain streets , Wasb- nptou 'iMMiue to Oakland avenue. Airs. J. 0. Dellaven. Airs. Hammer , Airs. Warren , Alls. Louie ; nil torrltoiy on Oakland avenue and ntnrsi'i-tlm ? avenues from Cemetery to i'lnteher avenue , Mrs. O. Al. Hail , Airs. E. i.ougi-c , Airs. Nat Sheiiard , Alls. Lucas , Airs. Level lit ; all teirllory on WashliiKloii a\emiu between Oakland avenue and North First stieet , and between llroad- iv.iy and WashliiKton avenue , Includ- ng North Second IHH ! ( irant stieets , Mis. liohliison , .Mrs , Spencer , Alis. Smith , .Mrs. Aithiir , Alls. Itohror ; llroadway fiom .Seventh street to Chicago .t Northwestern depot. Dell Morgan , J. H. I'aco ; llroadway from t'hlcngo t Noithuestern depot to ami Including Slicotsvlllo , A. C' . Harding , W. W. Cones. corn ! Sucrar Curnl Try the Council UlulTs sugar corn. Tlio best in the market. Absolutely no chemicals used to uleacrh the corn white. It is young , tender , sweet , clean and wholesome. Great clearing sale of upholstery goodp , fringes , China silks , dotted Swiss , Kouian htripe.s , etc. , at less than cost until .Innnury 1 , ! ! ) ! . Council UlutTs Carpet Co.107 Hroudway. AlllKlllllcniit. OIIICPH , The curious part of the public that drops in occasionally to watch the work of remodeling Masonic 'emplo hall , changing it from its quondam lisa as tlio arena for all Kinds ot public events into suites ot omccs for the United Slates Masonic Benevolent ami the Guaranty Fund Life associations , get a last opportunity to reali/o tbo immense magnitude of the great hall , it was the largest hall in the city and 0110 of the largest In tbo west , perfectly lighted and ventilated , and it is with slnccrcat regret that tbo peonlu see It closed to public uso. Hut the demands of business tire inexorable , and the growth of thu great Masonic Life Insurance company mid Its vigorous young associate , the Guaranty Fund , has been so rapid that the en tire building is required for thu transaction of the business. The work of transforming the hall into ofilcos has been going on tor a month and is now so nearly finished that they will bo ready for occupancy by January II. With the completion of the work the llncst suite of oftlccs In the state will bo at the disposal of thu olllcers of the companies nnd the force of clerics which takes care of tbo vast volume of business , The west trout of the hall has been divided into three apartments , "O.\r ! > feet each , which open into an enrlitcon-foot hallway. The first room will bo occupied by Secretary . J. Jameson and will communicate with the old suite of oftlces by a private doorway leading through the mailing room. The second apartment will bo for tlio use ot Medical ICxamincr Dr. T. 1) ) , I/accy , ntid thu one ad joining n , fronting south and west , will bo Judge J. H. Heed's ofllcc. These ofllccs , with their eighteen-foot ceilings and numerous immcnso windows , nro as nearly perfection us any man could deslru. At the end of thu hallway is u smaller room titled up for the exclusive usu of the agents. The remainder of the hall , with the excep tion of the southeast corner Is in one big room und will bu occupied by the desks of the clerks and assls ants. The corner re ferred to contains ono of thu most important features of the change. It is the largest and best vault In the state or In the entire west. It is Ifix''O feel Iu sua , with eighteen- foot ceiling and walls three feet thick , Ono largo window m the south cad lights up the mfiMlvo slrom : bo The window Is pro tee ted by double Irotiiwilt doors opening from the Inside. Only tiMI of the wa'l ' sp.iro is covered now , buCllilit gl\cs nearly 1,000 plKoon holes for tiling , papers and boons. With the vault doori anil window open it will make a pleasant Vbb/n / to work In , and it is the only vault in tW'L'ountry ' where ref erence work can bo dona1 in tbo sunshine without taking the uooks and papers out of the vault. ' ' ' 'I ho remodeling Involves Important chances in the old oflkS , which will greatly facilitate the work of the clerks by con centrating every thing' on thoono floor. Tbo old vault , which was llm-.largcst In the city , will still bo used , The j old rooms will bo used for the cashier's pnt.L-0 and the mailing and supply departments. It will perhaps glvil th& best idea of the cxtcnt'of the entlrolsnlto of oftlccs to say that tbo floor area occupied Is 8.SIJO square feet. It also best Indicates tbe growth and popularity of the great Masonic Ufo Insur ance company , for less than six years ago tbo business was all tr.insictc.l in one llttlo room less than' twenty feet squire. If yon desire nosoluto iicaeo in tlio kltehcn ask your groom1 for ,1. 0. HolTinuyr & Co. ' 9 Funuy Patent Hour. Trade mark -llluo Rooster. 'IWII Wc Mr. H. Claude Dye and Miss Bertha ( , rnss were married last evening at the residence of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grass , on Scott street , Ucv. John Askin , D. D. , pastor of tbo Congregational church , of- ilclatin ; . About sUtj friends of the parties were present. Miss ICathorlno Ogdcn acted as bridesmaid , and Mr. Dvo , a brother of the groom , at best man. Both tbo young people are well kjiown in Council Bluffs social circles "and have many friends who will extend congratulations. Alter a short bridal trip they will ' eturn lo this city and eo at once to housekeeping. Mr. Dye holds a responsi ble position in the county treasurer's oftlce. Mr. Charles U Dickey of Grand Island , Nob. , and Miss l.oltlo Pile wore mnriled yesterday afternoon at the residence of the hitter's parents on l.lnjolu avenue , in the presence ( if lm"iodlalo relatives and friends. Hev. H. P. Dudley of thu Broadway Meth odist church performed the ceremony , and Misses Josie Clausen and Jenntu Pile acted asmahlsof honor. Thov will leave at once for their new home in Grand Island. Donsmore typewriters , supplies and repairs for all typewriters. ,1. T. Find- ley. Tel. 1(11. ( Ilnrrliiutun Waul * Ninv Trlsl. The plaintiff filed a motion for a new trial yesterday In the c.iso of M.irtba F. lUrring- ton against tbo city. She wanted a judg ment o. " $ ii,000 ! ! , but the Jury did not look at it that way and gave a verdict for thocity. The plaintiff Insinuates very strongly In the aflldavlt which accompanied the motion that tbo jurors , or at least a part of them , were guilty of improper conduct , in that they allowed certain members of the city council to approach them with reference to the case while the suit was on trial. Joseph Louis ot Nrw Voik was arrested yes terday ns a defaulter. 1'at Kll/iuiald , a flagman for tlio Dettolt , Grand Union .V Milwaukee lullwav , has fallen helrtoliK,000. : ( ) The New Minilton block of Providence , It. I. , was lilted by Urn last u lull t , Onu man por- Ished. Loss , i'JOO.OOUr The Colored Slate Teacllors association of Mlssoutl Is now In session lit Jeu'cison City. The session began Tuuhday. Gangs of robbers aru , teiiorl/lne the small towns of Oklahoma , ( 'ulo and Lacy ha\e ro- cehed visits fiom thu gang. Harry L Mellvnne.lut onetime a wealthy coal ineichant In ( 'hefetcr Pu. , rominltted nui- cldo yesterday hy haiiglutfhhnsolf. I , P. Huston , after attempting to murder Kd- ward McDonald In St. I.mils , throw himself In tiont of a tialn ami was dccanltated. Hush J. tiran ) of Nt\w York was sworn Iu as receiver of the St. Nicholas hank vu tcrdav. He had piovlously given Ills hond ot J250.0UI ) . Captain John H. ( iasfoii , county clerk for twenty-six yearsjiiid ainumber of Concral IJusk's roglinenl , dlud eMe'iduy at Vlroiiuu , Wls. ' S.uow hccan fallliiB bqiLvfly balwcon 8 and 9 o'clock lust ulKht tit St. r.iul , und at 11 o'clock over four Inches covoied the ground nud It waHhtlll falling. A dynamite bomb was exploded on the porch of Lilly Auty'.s house In U.ikluud , I'a. , hist night , breaking thn floor from the hinges und smashing all the glats in lliu hotisj. The case tit Chicago of Henry It. Shields , thu weallhy Ohio man rliurci'd with Mdnap- lug Mr. llyerj , a I'ltt hui'K mlllloiialie , was ye.slurday continued until .lanuary 5 , Luahs , ItoseiiUran/ Co. , ' .wuerw of the Golden I'aglo clothhitf stole of Oshko-di have , assigned to Joseph Kloeckner. The assets are placed at J2GiL ) ( ) ) and the llaullltlLS at J17.80U. The llr.st engine and curs crossed over the Missouri river on HID new lliirlliigtou lirldgo lit llollefotitaluo Illulf yesterday as a test hy the engineer. The test proved very satisfac tory. John P. Hopkins was inaugurated as mayor of Chicago In ihe courcll cliombcr last night In thu presence of the greatest gatheilng of I'lll/tMis onr iibscmhled on any pru\ Ions simi lar occasion. Tlllmaii ( Ireen , the trusted carrlngo driver In u prominent family living li'n miles from Coluinlila , Mo. , was in rested Tuesday for an attempted assault on his mlstiess. llehroke Into her room. The cerllllcatesof orgiinl/allon of the United States Coiilage company , the outgrowth of the National Cordagiicompaiiy'sfalluio , were IIIo.l yesterday In tlmolllco of tlie sectetary of stale at Trenton , N. J. The jury in the Anna Wacncr poisoning c.i'o at liidlauapolls returned at G o clock ycstoi- day evening. At 10 o'clock no iigreomunt had been reached and .Indue Cox oiduiud the jury locked up for Ihe night. The United Plates Cordage compiny re- ceived Its charter yesterday. The now lioard inotycsteiday lit Xew Voikfor organl/atlon. lludolph Keppler was elected prebldent and W. II. Corbln , vicei.icsldenti Tim motion for a now trial and a motion In arrest of judgment in the casu of William K. Kohcitson , the S.illda. Colo. , Danker , uein overruled yesterday mid Itobortson .sentenced to one year each on three charges. Five hundred employed men of Allegheny City , I'a , , met last nlKhtand adopted lesulu- tloiisdeclailim that It was the duty of the municipality lo furnish work for the unem ployed to support themselves and families. Thorn was a sweeping reduction In wanes Inaugurated yesterday at thu Kurd Cllv , I'u. , Plato Glass nolle * . The cuts run from 7 to HI ) per cent , according to the grade of pay , thu higher grades gutting thn heavier cuts m pio- purtlon , At the meeting of the ofllcers and executive olllcers of thu Hood TcmplaiH of Kansas yesterday at Kinporla a law enforcement league wns created , which , It U Intended , shall hereafter piny u prominent pail In temper ance matteis. Tlio extraordinary grand inry of New York reconvened y < stciday and began hearing Die chnigcsof Huv , Dr. I'arkliurst. Dr. I'arkhurst was iircscnt. It Is reported that Inspector Willis Is among these against whom charged are to be prefei red , A telegram received by Sheriff A. O. Thomp- Mm of I'liiu 111 u IK Arjv , status that Hans llydrlck and Claude > hejherd ) , who escaped from'.jail there August 1& , ami nho neru churxed with murder and burglary , have been iccnptured at JacUsop , & { | SH , Hverythlng Is ivilut | lU Wlldwood , I'la. , but there vet remains unuasTiiesi , . Isaiah Kyan U the only negro positively known to have been killed Soimuif thu nepipcsrhonciulcadcin and took part In ihuiilQt have been urie.stcd and taken by Hherllf ( Jhmiman to Hiiintcrvlllu Jail. , Wllllnm Slovens ami aMr. Stout , two pioml- nunt farmers near Uiirniirvjlle , Alk. , iiiai- | leledV dnnsday about liiouoy iimtlcis and a woman , and thu formerUishaulted thu latter nlth a knife , cutting andVitnbbliighliii so\ural times , and then hho UJiij to death with a re volver. , , At n conference ftn a coinmlitee of the Aiiiulgamatcd Sterl Workers association ves- leidnyat rueblo , Uoloi'bilpuiliitundent Hob- Inson of the I'uubloStuttli ' works proposed that on thu resumption ofmurjf.tho I'lttsburg wagu > < ciilo bo adopted , 'lyj fiiiiimlitL'u ; uskud time consider. to n Inspector Ilouok udegfuphed I'ostofllco Tn- buector Johnson at Kl , I.ools yesteiday that lliu search for the tialn roliliers who went through thu .Mlssuu I 1'acllle tialn from mall car tu coach below Colloyvllle , In thu terri tory , nag progressing u'nil wintUI te ult In thu capture of all the liuiidlt.s. The sale of thu Cherokee bonds Issued upon thu sale of the Cherokee Strip to thu govern ment and guaranteed by the. scciclary of thu treasury , liux ill last been accompllsl ed. Today Kdward Chuddlck , agent for thu Kr- lungur xyndlcata of Londoii , paid Into thu St. UmU National bunk SIOU.OUU an guaranty , or earnest money , About 100 delcKates , rcproscntlng KJ.OOO coal miners of rwitrul Pennsylvania , met In convention at Dubols , I'a. , yusicrduy Uiellecl n permanent orKunl/.atlon. Thu merits of the Knlghtb of Labor. I'nlted Mine Workers of America and I'edeiiitlonof Checkwelgh I'umU , all of which huvo organizations la this region , weru dlbcussud , but uctlou was postponed until the mcetluij today , TEACHERS' ' ANNUAL IIEETIXC Iowa EJucntora of the St xta Association iu Convention. EIGHT HUNDRED MEMBERS PRESENT V.irlnim Minor OrcnnU.itlnni Iutrrc tpd In the ( iccusloii t'onnldcnililo Iliulnosi Accntnplliliril Y ( t < Tlny \ \ 111 Adjourn Tomorrow Dns Motxr.s. Dec. 2" . [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hni : . ) About all the prominent scbool teachers of the state are In the city in attendance upon the twenty-ninth annual session of the Iowa State Teachers associa tion which began hero this evening and will continue two days longer. There will beTOOorSOO of them altogether , many of the members sllll arriving. The Woman's Hound Table hold an Interesting meeting this forenoo.1 and half a do/en department Hound Table meetings were held at various places this afternoon. The educational council also held a meet ing today , presided over by .Stato Superin tendent Knacpller. Tbo following subjects were discussed : "Needed School Legisla tion , " II. II. Scerly , president State Normal school ; H. W. Stanton , Iowa Agricultural college , Amos ; A.V. . Stut'.rt , city superin tendent. Ottumwa ; W. F. Chevalier , city superintendent , Ucd O.ik , and others. "Svstem of Issuing County Ccrtlllcatcs , " J. .1. Mcfonnoll , State university , Iowa' City ; .1. W. McClcllan , city superintendent , Vlnton ; F. J. Sessions Cooper , city superintendent , West Dos Molnes , mid other * . "How Shall Wo Diminish tbo Waste in Our Present School System In Graded ami llleh Sehoo.l Workf 10. N. Colomancit.v superintendent , Lemurs ; Lvdl.x Illinium , principal high ciiool. Kast Waterloo ; W. F. King , president Cornell college , Mount Vernon ; ( ! . A. ( S.ilcs. presi dent Iowa college , Orlunell , and others. At the opening session of the state asso ciation proper this evening President Frank H. Cooper of Dos Molnes delivered the annual address. It is expected that Piesl- dent William Heardshar of the State Agri cultural college will bo the now president of the association. Interesting1 Meeting Concluded. Dr.s MOINI : , Dec. 27. [ Special Telegram to Tun HISI.I : The low.i Academy of Sciences closed Its meeting today. The elec tion of ofllccrs resulted : President , L. W. Andrews , Iowa City ; 1'rst ' vice president , 11. W. Norrls , Grlnticll ; second vice presi dent , C. H. Keyed , DCSIouis - secretary and treasurer , Herbert Osborn. Ames ; executive committee , C. ( J. Nutting , Iowa City ; Prof. M. F. Aioy , Cedar Falls ; W. S. Hendrixou. firinuell. The following fellows were elected : 11. F. Bain , C. W. Mully. 15. II. Lonsdale. A. G. Leonard , Miss M. Howe , DCS Molnes ; W. It. .Mocker , Ames ; A. J. Jones. Orinnoll ; F. M. FullHurlington ; A. C. Pago. Ced-ir Falls ; Dr. I. W. Smith , Ames ; W. S. Windle , Oska- loosa ; Dr. U. M. Hobby , low.i City. Asso ciate members : Prof. H. Flr.le , Kijctto ; D. H. Hisley , L. 11. Spinney , L. Thurlimann , Ames. The ncadcmy listened to President Pain- nvel's address this morning. It was a scholarly treatise on "Bacteria , " showing ; the relations of bacteria to modern medi cine , art and sclciititlc industries. The addi tional papers by L. W. Andrews on the "Assumption of a Special Nascent State , " presented some original calculations and evoked much discussion. Will Prolmhly ito Mmttninrll. CEIIAH Uu-ins , la. , Dec.J" . [ Special Telegram to Tun Br.i : . ] Arguments were concluded today on the merits of tbo temporary injunction issued by Jiidgo Giffcn restraining the city oftlcials from making a tax levy on tbe new assessment of ra.il and personal property based on Its cash value. Tbo court made an important ruling on the mutter of the tlmo of com pleting' the assessment. Though the law requires assessments to bo completed before the ilrst day of Juno , ho stated that it was not mandatory and that the question would not invalidate the questioned assess ment and low. The only question that re mains to be decided is whether or not the assessment was regularly and lawfully made , and from remarks of the court it is inferred that ho will sustain the validity ot the assessment. The contestants asked per mission to Hie an amended petition and were given until o'clock tomoi row to prepare. Final decision in this important matter is then expected. Pnlluro at binux city. Sioux CITV , Dec. S7. [ Special Telegram to Tnc BEU.J Olsen , Carlson & Lundquist , clothiers , failed today , with assets of about $7,000 , consisting of stock and accounts. Following are the creditors and amounts ot their claims : F. H. Ludlow , Sioux City , 312:1 : ; Tilda Carlson , Sioux City , ? 'JOO ; Kock- ford Suspender company , HocUfoul , 111. , * J7 ; Wcrnbcrg & Uhlofoldcr , Now Yorlc , &S78 ; Hofiron Llonchan , Glen Falls , jiM ; Fisk , Turner Co. , Minneapolis , $2G7 : MclCibbcn & Co. , St. Paul , * IST ; C. Strum Sons , Cin cinnati , ? I,8Si : ; Henry W. Fisher , Chicago , &S7 ; Carter Holmes , Chicago , fi2 ; I/me- ley , Low Alexandria , Chicago , $718 ; Cowyne. Stone Co. , Chicago , C-831 ; II. W. King Co. , Chicago , SSSII. T.nnU l.n ( iranne'M Tronhlrs. Cniuu HAI'IIIS , la. , Dec. 27. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIK UEK.J Louis Lc Grande , lawyer I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below tlio knee , and was cured sound and well with two and a half bottles of I Other blood medicines had failed to do me any good. WILL , C. IIKATY , Yoikvillc , S.C. I was troubled from childhood ultlinn OT- grqyiited case of Tetter , mid thrco dottles of ] 1 cured mo tierinanetlv. V/ALI.ACI ! MANN. Manntlllr , l.T Our book on Illood and Bkln Diseases malli'd tieo. Uwi rr Brccii'ui Co. , Atlaut i , U BAD COMPLEXIONS blacklicadi , red , rough ami oily Mn mid Jmiiil * , dry , lit ! nd ialllii ) > lialr , uiul tlinjilo Liaby tleinUlicii nro prevented und cured by Cirri. CUIIA Ho.u' , mott c'ffdtUu tUi > . purlfjlnu und ln'natlfjhig boip In tlioorlJ , in well us jmrcst nnd n * + Jgurctoit gurctoit of tollfl mill mirnry soip . Kohl tbroiinhni ! ! ihu world , Stockholder ) ) ' Mnrtinir. Omaha .V r.lUhorn Valley ltalh\ay Company : Notlcu U hereby given that Hit' annual meetIng - Ing of the. stockholders of thu Omaha & K Ik- horn Valley Uallnay companyfor tlieelecllon of bin en dliectors ami thu traiisaetlou i < r such other business us may lawfully cotno liufiuu thu meeting , will bo held at thu olllco of John M. Thurston , I'nlou I'aellle building , ( Jmaha , Nell , , upon Wciliiesdiiy. thu 3rd day of Jan- limy , 1804 , tit 10 o'clock a. m. Tin ) stock transfer books will bo closed ton dnys beforu the date of thu merlin ; . ' . lloston , Dec. II , 1UU3. Al.lix MiliAil. ( wrotniy. 0 Md 201. htovldinlderi. ' 'Mt'ftini. . Union Hluviitor company of umaha. Notlco Isheieliy Klveu that Ihn iiiiimal uieollng ' thu stockholders of thu I'nliiii KluvaUirco pany , for thu purposu of ideetlng seven dl- iectot > und such other bu > liius > , as may pioiJ- urly coma bufoiu tin mi'iilliiK will bu liuld at riiu olllco of John M. Thuriitoii Union I'aclflo bulldlm : , Omaha. Nub. , up in Mondny , the 1st day of January. IH'JI , liutvveen the bourn of 10 o'clock a , m. and U o'clock p. in. Al KX MII.I.AII , Seen'lary. lloston , Ducembar H ) , 1BU.I. liid2'Jtiu ) : Nollcu to htoeb ! < il < lor . Notlco Is hereby given that the annual meeting of thu stockholdcis of the Omaha Union Depot company w 111 bu held at thu olllco of thu Union Depot company , at the liead- itiiuteri | of thu Union t'acfllc. Hallway com pany , In the city of Omaha on the Hth day of .lanuary , IB'J-I , at 3 o'clock p. m. , for the elec tion of directors and transaction of any other business that- may legally comu before the meutliii : . ( Jinaliii. Dec. 1H , 1HU3. J , U. TAYI.OII , Hoc. Oniahu Union Depot Co. IJlOd'JOt and IP ttircr ho wanarrrsli'lua the chnrco of forgcn , Ii.is been rcioa > rd fiom prison by Judge Cilber.Honvho held that thn evidence addoced before the committing nuBl tiatc did not warrarit his dotctituoi. LotJrando was Imincdl.itelv rrarrcsted and ti\lu-n to day to Vlnton , Hcnton coiml. ' , . whew bo Is wanted on some charge growing out of the purchase of a buggy. In I tin Itnndi til it l IOWA CITV , la. , Dee. 27. Tlio Iowa f'ity opera house ami other propcity of Hon. liroklvl Cl.vrk went into the hands ot a re ceiver this afternoon to satisfy a judgment of JITV.OOO in favor of tbo owner's former partner , John \ \ . Caldren. tlio Aliierlnin 1'iirntlitl , LONDON. Dec. 27. The Times this morning prints a three column article hp.utod "Amer ican Side Lights on llumu Hulo. " It Is de voted to refuting what Hstjles Mr. Glad stone's repeated assumptions that the Amer ican constitution affords a complete parallel of. justification for his Irish policy. It quotes long extracts from Do Tocqueville , LocUcy , Mr ice and other Hrlilsh his'orlaus. Another lliirinlrM Dllfl. ST. PuTUii tiruo , Dec. 4J7. V duel ha licon fought near this city between Prhico Oagarlnl. an ex-oftlcer of the lmpcrt.il guards and aldu-dr-camp to ( Irand ittike Vladimir , and Captain Mlateff. duly two shots were exchamtcil mid neither ol the combatants were hit. The encounter grew out of a love affair. Sliort brcntti , paliita- | colils , aslhma and broil- thitis relieved in OM : MINI ir. by Hie I'm- Cl'HA Asil-1'AlN 1'lAsilit , the hrst nud nuly instantaneotu juin-Killiug plaster. Tor weak , painful Kidney. ' , luck arhc , uterine jiaitw and weakness , it is simply \\om1criul. It ri/tthifS l'ic ' nervous forces nnd hence curiM nervi-us jwitw atnl mus- tular weakness when . \11 utliurs tail. I'rkc ! 951 : f\\t \ , $1.00. At all diiiRcnti or liy nud. I'oriEK IJKL-O ANO CULM. LUMllo > toii. Pimples , blotches ? | 5and eruptions completely - ( $ pletely vanish before ( $ a steady use of ( Beecham95 /VYurth.1 duinr.11 \ ( T.isiclcbs ) land health again ( D ) glows in the pure skin ® land clear complexion. ® PRESERVE YGiJR EVE SIGHT. Solo Agents for Omn.hn. SPECIALIST tllfl AND lHUimm-i > : maU In lliu If. ) Union' of all Chroiiio , Private nul Nervous Dlsoasoi. H ntj to or I'onsiill puraoually. TKKATiliNr : ItVMAIL. _ Aililr < ' with Htump. for p.ir- lliiidtrH , whluli will IKbiintla pUln u'lvulJ.u. 1 * O lloxOJl O.'Iioa 1H S ir.lh Bl.-oet Om I'l I. NJ Easily , Quickly , Permanently Restored. ' \Votilciirftiv. - . . . . . . . . . T Debility , anil all thu train of ovIUIiom e.uly crinrsor Inter exc mi * , the i etiillRof ou'i'vuiik. Htrkiiunj , worry , ele. l''ullhlreiiRthilovel- npmcnt andtoiuiclicii to -every organ and portion , of thobody. Hinplfnat- \ ntitl iiiplliodii. Iminedl- , , . „ „ . . , . , , ) nti ) Improvement heen. Failure Imimsslhle. S,0 , l rcferenccti. Hook , eilihiimtlnn and proofM mulled ( tealvd ) flue. JRIEJED1CAL CO. , Buffalo , N.Y. BAILEY , LKAiTNO DENTIST m A FULL SET ON RUBBER Teelh o f tract n J irilnluisly in iiiormii ; . NIW : TKr.ru KAMI : D\V. -t llll iii e A'ou * I' ItruUo anJ l.rown woik , ( luost nnd host at lowtislurici. * . AM worn w.irr intod. Pnxton Blk. , 10th and FarnamSts. ICiilniiifu nn lUlli fit > T lK | > linnn 1O 1 OS. IViCGREW U the only SPECIALIST WUOTUEATB A.e. PRIVATE DISEASES and DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY , Women Excluded. IB yran orperlunct Ulrculur * free. 11th and Karnain hu Nrn SlmsS Balnbrldii court * ltj'in 2)-7-i'J , 311:1 ; block Counull lliu Hi U id Time Methods of treating Colds and Coughs \vcro based on the idea of sup pression. We n o w k n ov that "fending a cold" is good doctrine. of cod-liver oil with hypo- phosphites , a rich fat-food , cures the most stubborn cough when ordinary medi cines have failed. Pleasant to lake ; easy to digest. l * A.1"1"1 ' ' * > .J' AIMn rrl l , g. W. PAMLE , M. D. The Good San&rikn. SO Yean1 Experience. BEAUKtl OF DISKASr-S OF MEN AND WOMUTf. I'UOritlRTOH O1T TIUi ) WOIU.1V3 HKUltAfe UISrilN. BA11Y Ol' MUUIGINE. fireat the following Diteasts : Catarrh of the Head , Thrott , nnd I.unRa ; DW Oflflcaoftho Eye and ICar , Pita and Apoplexy , Itcnrt Dlncnse , Liver Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Somlnnl Weakness , Diabetes Bright a m caro.Bt.Vllua' iWiico. nhcumatlrin , Varal > Bl8. White Swelling ; Scrofula , Fever Eores , Cancers , Tutnoru and Fistula in ano removed without the knife or eJrawinc n drop ol blood. Woman with her delicate orimns re < stored to uenlth. Dropsy cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private Diseases of all kindo. case i cannot euro without moroury S-.SPO Worms removed in two or thrco hours , or no pay. heinorrhoiib or Piles cured. TJJOSH 1VIIO AUK AFFLICTED Will Eavollfo and hundreds of dollars by calling oil or using OR. G. W. PAflGLC'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. The only Physician ivbo can toll ivlmt nlla a ) > CTM > \ilthout uaklug a qucutluii. All rorrespondeticoBtricllvoonfldeutlul. lledlcinl suit by express. Address all letters to G.V. . PANGLB , M. D fl..1. llroiii/u'fi.v , Coiifio/l n"Kne\ovo \ I cents In Ht.imps Inr elrualar WARM WATER FOR STOCK. -J BURNS COflL. WOOD 0/1 / COOS TlilH T.'inlt IlPiui'i'viM itivp ill-no wml Rtocll tank ( ruin fn'c'/lnj ; In i-oldcui wfiilhi-r. row Htoc'lt- ini'ii iv.illHIP H'lvln lo tlic-lr cattle hi colil Wf.itlicr. MiuliHif I'xii.i ln-avy iralvnulzuil Iron Will 1-iHl many leant wltliuiit ii'ii dr. Sent tu any aclihvHK on n culpt of $10 Ul ) K O. II , ncicj Dlbcouul to thu tr.idc' . COLE & COLE , ifcti. ia. CHRISTMAS MEATS I'ho mnst for tbo money ami best In the city. If you want to see the llnesl dtanluy of moats. Huh , K.IIIIO and poultry , and If you want to sot the best meats for the least ; money , to to I'oUoiny'a mnv inurUot , a'l : ! Hrondwny ( Mesehendorf's old stand ) . Ilero'H prices that talk. Head them nnd sea If it ii necoasury for anybody to go hunpry : Koast beef from lie to 'A > ; bolllnif bcof from toOe ; sirloin stenii from Hj ) to l e ; portcr- IIOUHO HlcKik from KM to l''c ; round steak from 8c to 10c ; fibs and cliuuk uteak from Ho to 7i.oj } corneil beef from 'Ii5 to CKJ ; clods ( boneless ) , Ik' ; pork rhnp3 , lie ; pork butts , Kle ; Halt pork , Hlc ; mutton of all kmdu from Tu ; to UK ; ; veal of all kinds from 7o to lUo ; pork Haiibagt's from Kc to IUc ; Ciillforniu hams , To ; bacon , l-'j'o ' ; lard from 8 o to UJo Those price0 are subject to chains. \Vo make our own sansiiKcs ( nil kinds ) , Wo sell Ainm.frr.i.v ( jnr.Ariii : thnn any markut in town. \Vo huvo thu largest nnd llnest fish and trair.o diaphiy at low-cut possible prices. A , F. POKORNY , 333 Broadway SENSIBLE PRESENTS USEFUL PRiiSEmj Presents that can be us d as well as looked at. SktitoH , SlctlH , Cnrvhif , ' Sots , Cutlery , illvur I'lntotlraro. . ( JhriBty KnivoH , Fancy Tctv und C'olToo 1'ots. Prices away down. P. C , DoVOL , 504 Croadway Special CO'JH3lt ' BL'J7/S ; 1AO YOU Xuo.v lint D.iy & Hois nave I-/c ho icy bvr aliHiti mil uuU thin city1 A1ISTHAOTS niiU loans P.inn atu city pron irl/ uud nulu. ' It . lioiUht I'uniy Tliouu * , C/o.nul llhitlM _ ( AHIIAniroinovixl. : . coH | niol > i. v.uiltu chl uniyi Jclw-inoiL ia llurXu. ut Taylar'tt itruoury , JU Ilroiduay lVi KKNT-A l-roo : IIQ-IHJ. liviutrj of F. I Uivln.-llSTToutli Itl AUUKATU.iiKUhii tuoucri'H hiHlduclly IhnltHi I'oino nnd Htiiiim. UN II iiiiiul IMJ Hold , uhluldn , Nlchulbou Co , , Council Uluttu.