Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1893, Part One, Page 4, Image 4

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Mrs. L. J , Drake's Pretty Dancing Patty for
Her Daughter , Miss Drake ,
" . '
ronctlon In Wlilrh the Swell S t lln : flff-
Mr . Ktrn Mil-
nr < ; < l Mont Promlnmtly *
Inrd Limnetic * Her Punchier on the
\Vnvn of .Social .Siiocfli.
The week has been rich In dancing parties ,
receptions , high live seances nnd Kensing
tons. Although the demands of the social
season have been orcrous on the society set
Ihcv have found time to keep up the grand
round without much display of "that tired
feeling " Tim present week also elves evi
dence of affording society considerable
pleasure , the Christmas musical of Mr. and
Mrs. H. G. Hurt opening the week aus
piciously. Wednesday will occur the mar-
Jingo of Mls Johnson and Mr. Chart ton at
Trinity cathedral , Miss Kounuo on the
tnmu evening giving a swell germnn at
"Korcst Hill. " Thursday will crown the
events of the week , the visit of the Mo
Glee and Banjo flubs , making a red letter
occasion In the lives of the debutantes at
least. _ . _
Minn iirnltii'n Doliiit.
Miss Urako could not have had a more
ntisplo'.ous entrance Into the world of society
than was tendered her Wednesday nvcnlug
V by her parents , Mr. and Mr. L. J. Drake ,
\ who gave ono of the most charming dancing
parties of the season In her honor. Assocl-
' utcd with the fair dcbutanto In the enjoy
ment of the pleasures of the occasion worn
Miss MnoBano nnd Mr. Scth Drake. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Drake , Miss Drake and
Miss Macllano received the guests ,
who were in the most part
members of the young society sot who have
lllumlnatod tlio season by a series or
Junctions that have not been equaled In tlio
social llfo of the metropolis.
Mrs. Drake is an Ideal nostnss and the
house , whllo beautifully decorated , showed
n discriminating taste that was the acme or
perfection. The rooms were ornamented
with palms , whllo the mantles and ilro
places wcro banKed with roses and car-
tuitions , whllo srallax served as n
background to the beautiful coloring.
The whole lower floor was canvassed for
the dancers , the orchestra being stationed
in n room off the hall. There was n delicious
! punch served throughout the evening , while
elaborate refreshments nt midnight gave
the dancers renewed life.
A feature of the dancing party most re
marked by the guests was the presence of
sulllcient men to fill every dance program ,
nnH , , . , , nmtitnnnniH'n thfil'O was not U wall
llowcr observed , the young people enjoying
the evening without a single heartache.
Mrs. Drake received In a beautiful gown
of gray silk , trimmed with gray velvet and
Miss Drake , a very pretty and accom
plished young woman , were pink silit
trimmed with pink striped chiffon and car
ried pink roses.
Miss Macllano was costumed beautifully
in white trimmed with dark velvet and lace
mid were yellow roses.
Miss Alice Drake , just homo from school ,
nndastilleinglyprotty girl , were blue sill :
and blue chiffon with bands of blue ribbon
as an effective ornamentation.
Miss Colpeuor , light nnd dark blue silk.
Miss Cady appeared in a graceful gown of
palo , yellow silk , which her well.
Miss Curtis were white brocaded silk with
a rufuo of white chiffon around the top of
the skirt , and a brocaded silk waist.
Miss Amy Barker , n favorite In the social
llfo of the metropolis , was gowned sweetly
In palo lavender silk.
Miss Margaret Cook were an effective
though very simple gown of white dotted
silk trimmed with blue ribbons.
Miss Hughes were white brocaded silk
with ruftlos of pink silk.
Miss Maud Hecso looked particularly well
trimmed with vel-
In a white cloth costume
Atiss Palmer , n simple gown of white silk.
Miss 13arso of Kansas City , pink and white
ilk. , , ,
Mrs. W. V. Morse were a lovely gown of
gray brocaded silk.
Miss Van Camp , a gentle costume of white
The guests were : Miss Barso of Kansas
City , Miss Hushes , Miss Barnard , Miss
Curtis , Miss Colpctzcr , Miss Hoeso , Allbs
Pimke of Lincoln , Miss Cady , Miss Pratt ,
Miss Moore , Miss Short. Miss Norton , Miss
McKcll , Miss Cook , Miss Blessing , Miss
Katharine Barker , Miss Palmer. Miss Ham
ilton , Miss Belle Hamilton , Miss Alice
Drake , Miss Alexander , Miss Uulli and
Misses Van Cnrcof and AlaeBane of Fort
Dodge ; Mr. and Mrs.V. . V. Morse , Mr. ,
and Mrs. Simlcr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wheeler ,
Mr. Chatham Hedick , Mr. Clarke llcdick ,
Mr. Heath , Mr. Guiou , Mr. Wakcloy , Mr.
llalph Richardson. Mr. Harry Mooros , Mr.
MeKell , Mr. Charlie Marsh , Mr. Wheeler ,
Mr. Hicks , Mr , Cook. Mr. Will Clarke , Mr.
AVhltbrcad. Mr. Allen , Mr. Wllkins , Mr.
Cockrell. Mr. Heartly , Air. Christian , Mr.
George , Mr. Kdward George , Mr. Jossolyn
of Council Bluffs , Mr. Walter Smith , Mr.
Baldrldgo , Mr. Palmer , Mr Howell , Mr.
Short and Mr. Tyler of Davenport.
Thn Ni'iilnr CIHKH HntiTtiilni.
The High school was filled with a jolly
crowd of people , Friday evening being the
occasion of the seniors' first reception. Over
fifty members of the class of "Jl and a largo
number of their friends were present. Tlio
guests wcro met nt the landing on the
lecond floor by a reception committee
consisting of Mm Ruth Phiiippl and
Mr. Erwln D.i von port. The literary pro
gram , given during the tlrst part of the
DVonlng , was In the shape of u delightful
farce by Grace Livingston Furnlss
entitled. "Tulu. " Tula Seersucker became
a charming American Ingcnuo In the hands
of Miss Maud KImball. who lilted llio part
perfectly , playing it with just the audacity
that the author Intended. Miss Hullo Adlcr
was just the person for the part of Polrolla ,
Tula's sister , slightly more dlcnltled withal ,
but still possessing an air of American free
dom. Miss Kdltli Wutormnn , as the Duch
ess of Toedmui ? ; formed n line contrast to
the oil mugimto's daughter with her Knglish
silliness and constant exclamation of
"atrocious , " at the impudence of her lanato
friends. And the male characters of the
play were not far behind the othcrsox.for
a more villainous personage than Mr
Ross Tnwle as'Lord niazonborric , the spend
thrift , son of the duchess , has seldom boon
scon on the local amateur throntrtail stage.
The part of Jack Ryder , nu ascending Ameri
can , was acceptably Interpreted by Mr.
Archie Pratt , as was also that of Dick Chot-
wjti.a Jolly young photograph llend , taken
by Mr. Philip Russol. Mr. Charles Dot-
weller , al.hough Illlm ? a minor part as Rob
inson , the butler , field up the honor'of the
, ilouso of Tocdmag In u very faithful imiu-
Dancing followed the play , and refresh
ments were served in the course of the ovou-
A MlHileioo 1'iirtr ,
The Misses Savage entertained a number
of .their friends at the residence of J. D.
Courtney , 141T North Twenty-fifth street ,
South Omaha , Saturday evening of last
week. The rooms were docoratou with evergreens -
greens uud gay paper festoons branchoi
from Christmas trees In the cnntor of the
rooms. A line musical program of six numbers
was rendered by the hostess , after which n
luncheon wus served and presents dis
Those In attendance were : Messrs."Tnl-
mage of Omaha , Porrln of Clinton , la , , Gra-
hum of Iiiulunavolla , Theodore Bennett ol
Oiuuha , Gosnoy , Gates , Lou Ktter , A. Ben
nett of Omaha , K. Kttcr , Mr. nr.d Mrs. Grif
fith , Mr. nnd Mrs. Courtney , Misses Snnllof
, r Lincoln. Ivan worthy. Uosnu.v , Harding. Kill-
ott , Iluuhlis : of Omaha , Gosney of Union ,
NOD. . Lllllo Saavgo. Jessie Savage.
Sir. mill Mr * , llukrr'4 llih Mvr.
Friday evening Mr , und Mrv Benjamin S.
Baker entertained a largo company of
friends at high fly * Thirteen tables wore
In use and every effort was made to render
the occasion enjoyable. Mrs. Baker lus bo-
uomo no favorably known us uu entertainer
that an Invitation to her delightful homo U
considered a passjwrt to u particularly geol
time. It has generally been noticed , more
over thM the gontfil United States attorney
In n valuable necond lo his wife In these
-friendly gatherings. The rooms wcro taste
fully decorated , the refreshments wcro
daintily served nnd nil through the evening
Iho music Irom Sutorlus' Mandolin quartet
kept the guests In excellent humor , Mrt.
BMdrlge , Mrs , Onnicr , Mrs. Chtflln , Mr.
Pinto and Mr. Purvis captured the pretty
The Invited finest * Tvoros Mr. Mid Mrs.
H. II. Halrldtro. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Thurs-
ton , Mr. and Mrs. II , F. Weaver , Mr. and
Mrs. 13. A. Cobb , Mr , and Mrs. O. B. Boggs ,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Megoath , Mr. and Mrs.
C. F. Wollor , Judge Mid Mrs. E. S. Dundy ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Alexander , Mr. nnd Mrs.
John Francis , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. V. Sholes ,
Mr. nnd Mr . R M. Bartlett , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Robert Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ransom ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. William H , Wymnn , , Mr. nnJ
Mra. A. U. Wyman , Mr. nnd Mrs. Alonzo
Thompson , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Kennedy ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. D. Fowler , Mr. O. B , Coon ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. U Loomls , Judge and Mrs.
Frank Irvine , Judge nnd Mrs. Maeombor ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Wattles , Mr. and Mrs.
H. B. Palmer , Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Garner ,
Mr. nnd Mrs , A. M. Pinto , Mr. nnd Mrs. J.
E. Baum , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Webster , Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Offutt , Mr. nnd Mrs , A.
W. Kinsman , Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Dundy , jr. ,
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Goodrich , Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Claflln , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gillosple ,
Mr , and Mrs. Chubbock , Mrs. U. H. Palmer ,
Mrs. li C. Freeman. Miss Mabel Pratt.
Jlr . llnrlmch' * llirotitlon.
The reception given last Monday nlternoon
by Mrs. John A. Horbach marked the com
mencement of the past week's festivities.
ThoaiTalr occupied the hours botwcen'3 ' nmlfi.
Mrs. Horbauh had ns assistants In receiving
Mrs. Bourke , Mrs. Benjamin Smith , Mrs.
Charles Shivorlek , Mrs. Victor Cnldwoll ,
Miss Gertrude Chambers , Miss Dewey and
Miss Alice Chnso. The Sutorlous Mandolin
club was hidden behind palms In
the _ hall and furnished their best
music iduring the nftcrnoon. The
refreshment table was decorated with pink
roses nnd lighted by candles shaded with
pink. At one end Miss Chambers served
the coffee , whllo nt the other Mrs. Victor
Cnldwoll poured the tea.
Among those present wcro : Mrs. Alvln
Saunders , Mrs. Russell Harrison , Mrs. Kll-
Patrick , Mrs , Yntes , Mrs. Warren Rogers ,
Mrs. Dccrlug , Mrs. James E. Boyd. Mrs.
Shiverick , Mrs. Alda Bddy , Mrs , Lncoy ,
Mine. Powell , Mrs. Joseph Allllurd. Mrs.
McKcnnn , Mrs. L. S. Reed , Mrs. William F.
Council , Mrs. John L. Webster , Mrs. Cowin ,
Mrs. Worth Ington , Mrs. Ford , Mrs , Bennett ,
Mrs. John Barker , Mrs. Clement Chase , Mrs.
Balcombe , Mrs. George W. Linineor , Mrs.
Frank Haller , Mrs. Green , Mrs. Bradford ,
Mrs. Dan Wheeler , Mrs. James Ilyrcs , Mrs.
Beall. Mrs.V. . V. Morse , Mrs. Hitchcock ,
Mrs. John MeShane , Mrs. Victor Caldwell ,
Mrs. Robert Umgwnlt , Mrs. Cecilia Collins ,
Miss Summers , Miss Vates , Aliss Lemon ,
Miss BCSSIO Yatcs , Miss Johnson , Miss
Fisher , Miss Boyd. Allss Burns , Miss Jessie
Mlllard , Miss Collins , Miss Hoyt of Utlca ,
N. Y. , Miss Redman , Miss McKcnna.
Hop lit Iliu ( lurrlson.
The bachelors of Fort Omaha cave n very
entertaining hop nt the club house nt the
post , which tlfoy prepared without the least
assistance from their feminine friends nnd
did it in tip-top shape , too , as the hall was ,
by their dextrous hands nnd varied Ideas ,
arranged in a most exquisite manner. The
stngn was draped in Hags and bunting ,
lighted by gorgeous lamps and varicolored
shades. The effect was delightful and re-
Heeled real credit upon the painstaking
hosts , Henry Hincs , Bookmiller , Prince ,
Marquart and Powell , assisted in receiving
by Mrs. Abercromblo , Mrs. Waring and
Mrs. Worth.
Among those from the town nnd
garrison were : General and Mrs.
Brooke. Dr , and Mrs. Summers. Col
onel Bates. General and Mrs. Dandy ,
Captain and Mrs. Sarson , Captain
and Mrs. Turner , Captain Crowdor , Captain
Day , Major nnd Mrs. Worth , Captain and
Mrs. Waring , Major and Mrs. Humphrey ,
Captain Kinzlc , Lieutenant and Mrs. Aber
cromblo , Lieutenant and Mrs. Pickering ,
Lieutenant nnd Mra. Wright , Captain and
Mrs. Uhlio , Lieutenant and Airs. Penney ,
Lieutenant and Mrs. Chrissman , Captain
and Mrs. Ajvrs , Mrs. B. Smith , Mrs. Porter ,
Dr. Summers , Lieutenant and Mrs. Wllkins ,
Major and Mrs. Cushlmr , Lieutenant and
Mrs. Webster ; Misses Yates , Fisher ,
Lemon , Jentlo Yatcs , Unicom DO , Chambers ,
Recce , Thomas , Warden , Wakoloy , Klnzlo ,
Woolworth , Redman , Tlldon Cushing , Ham
ilton , Dandy , McClelland , McKcnna , Van
Camp ; Messrs. Hlnes. Powell , Bluer , Book-
miller , Saunders , Hoth , Baldrldge , Guiou ,
Ross , Redlck , Wilson.
U'lHhliiK 1'iirty.
Wednesday evening of tlio week past , at
the residence of Miss Helen Matilda Carl-
sen of Twcnty-llfth avenue , was hold ono of
the most unique cntert.ilnmcnts of the sea
son. Miss Carlson proved herself a most
charming hostess. Each guest was fur
nished upon arrival with a Uozon wish bones
daintily gilded and tied with tinted love
ribbons , the wish bones ranging in size from
that of the liny "wot my lips" ragtcl to the
largo Canada goose. A merry oxc.hango of
wishes followed and Miss Christine Larson ,
who is a very pretty and lovable girl , was
the successful winner of the first prize , the
prize being awarded to the ono retaining the
largest number of the long cnas of the wish
bones ,
Mr. Hermann Prcsscn carried oft the
gentleman's prize , gaining the honor
by winning only ono more wish than
Mr. Oscar Swanscn. Tlio decorations
wcro In keeping with the Cbnsimastido
season , greens In profusion being artistically
suspended In graceful designs , whllo white
holly berries gave color and tone that was
simply charming. Chinese llllles growing
from exquisite jardinieres were placed
about the room , their rare exotic blossoms
and subtle porfutiio olieittiTg unlimited ad
miration from all present.
The refreshments wcro prepared nnd
served under the immediate supervision of
the charming hostess , and were both unique
and happily original.
Among those attending were the follow
ing : Misses Ella Nelson , Annlo Swanson ,
Freda Johnson , D.inle Jensen and Messrs.
Oscar Swansen , John Swanscn , Guslavus
Carlson , Gustavus Anderson , Charles Lend.
Iho I'.IkH ICnlortiln. :
A very delightful social nnd high flvo
party was given Thursday evening , Decem
ber''I , by the Elks at'their club rooms.
High flvo formed the principal diversion of
the evening. Miss Emma Potter nnd Miss
Hortor Taylor ofllcinting ns score markers.
The llrst prizes were won by Mrs. Perkins
and Mr. R. Smith , the second prize-going to
Alrs. C.rorory , whllo'tho consolation awards
worn carried oil by Miss Stella Bedford und
Mr. Mulvihill.
Among the guests wcro : Mr. nnd Mrs.
George Shields. Mr. and Mrs. C.ulot Tuybr ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. MoBndo , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Dr. R. S. Angllii , Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tay
lor. Mr. ami Mrs. C. S. Potter , Mr. and Mrs.
C. P. Cronly , Mr. nnd Mrs. Reynolds , Mr.
and Mrs. T. S , Ballou. Mr. and Mrs , C.
Franklin , Mr , and Mrs. D. J. Donuhuo , Mr.
and Mrs. T Mnlvihlil , Mr. ami Mrs. F.
Gregory , Air. nnd Mrs , S. S. Caldwell , Air.
mm Mrs.V. . Abbott , Mr. und Mrs. I. W.
Miner , Mr , und Mrs. D. E , Hamilton. Mr.
and Mrs. G. Sohrlvor , Air. and Mrs. Brarder-
hurt ; , Air. und Mrs. Perkins , Mr. nnd Airs.
Shropshire , Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bryson , Air.
und Mr.s. J. S. Jones , M.1. and
Mrs , A. Angler. Air. nnd Mrs ,
J. S. White. Air. nnd Mrs , W. S ,
Struwn , Mrs , G. S. AloMnnuus ,
Mcssts. C. H. Briggs , T. C. Brown villa. A.
G. Benganen , R. Smith , G. T. S.
Flam-con , P. H. Philbln. W. C. Blshoi ) , J.
W. Bedford ; AllssesClJU.IlaCaldwell , Jcs.ilu
Hughes , Nora Bnggs. May Hackctt , Stella
Bedford , B. touviit , Brandt , A. Ilitt.
Mr. aul : 'Irs. O. U. Urairr Kntorliiln ,
Among the festivities of the pant week was
a very enjoyable partv Riven at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. CragorJS18 Duoatur
street , Tuobdoy evening , Thcru was no at
tempt made ut any elaborate decorations ,
the simplicity nnd artistiu elTccts of the line
palntingi which adorned the walls , wrought
with the congenial countenances of the
hostess , needed little to nrnku tbu room
beautiful , yet dainty bows of ribbon worn
fastened in conspicuous places , whllo the soft
rays of light shed from the chandelier
gnvo to the double parlors n very handsome
appearance. The brlo-u-br.ic , which added
much to the attractiveness of thn scone , dis
played n taste fornrl seldom surpassed. The
rooms wore redolent with the scout of choice
tiowfim nnd house plants , which gave the
place a very refreshinguppo.irranco.
Merriment reigned supreme Iroui the as
sembling of the hivppy Darty until n into
hour. Social conversation , mingled with
several games , aided In making up a most
delightful evening Mlu Km ma Nelson won
the Inurols on this occasion , scoring the
greatest number of game * . A most
superb luncheon was served by the hostess ,
who had loft nothing undents thnt would tend
to further the enjoyment of the guests , nnd
not until n late hour did the gathering dls-
persenf tor expressing their thanks for an
evening so pleasantly spent.
Tlio Mlllnril Dnnclng
Mrs. Ezra Mlllard , for her younsost
daughter , Miss Helen Mlllard , gave a "lunch-
Ing" party that was distinctly ono of the
memorable events of n brilliant holiday sea
son. The house is juit suited for a dancing
party , opening beautifully ono room Into an
other , whllo the pictures nnd bnc-n-brno
show nn artistic temperament that Is very
enjoyable oven to the surfeited society swell.
From the ga fixtures bunches of holly were
suspended , while evergreens artistically fes
tooned gave n Christmas effect to- the res
idence that captivated everybody. The
mantles were gorgeous with palm ferns and
potted plnnts. Receiving with Miss Helen
Mlllard were Airs. Mlllard , Miss Millardnml
Miss Anna Mlllard.
The debutante. Miss Helen Allllard. was
costumed beautifully In white figured sflk
trimmed with ruffles , whllo an algnotto
of feathers gave tone to n very
effective ensemble. And she was completely
weighted down with pink nnd whllo roses.
Airs. Mlllard wore n lovely dowager costume
tumo of gray nnd black.
Miss Mlllard was In whlto rhlffon trimmed
with whlto ribbon , wnllo Miss Carrlo Millard -
lard was In pink.
Miss Lemon were n pretty gown of white
swlss with blue velvet bodice nnd whlto
Miss Johnson , yellow silk.
Miss Sndlo llnmbloton was picturesque m
pink organdie trimmed In pink ribbons.
Aliss Jcntto Yntcs looked lovely In palo
yellow silk and dnrk rod roses.
Miss Pink Balch were blue silk , while her
sister , Allss Thcdo Balch , was very beauti
ful ! h pink silk nnd pink passementerie.
Allss Kouutzo wore n quaint gown of white
Allss Palmer , n blue inullo accordeon
pleated over blue silk.
Allss Burns , n fetching costume of blue
silk , trimmed with i velvet nnd effectively
edged with fur.
Miss Helen Smith , plain pink silk with
pink ribb'ons.
Aliss A iirgarct Brown was lovely in whlto
silk ornamented with white silk inullo.
Allss Brownlo Baum were n dainty dress
of whllo with whlto nnd green llowers.
Allss Huttto Cady , whlto silk.
Aliss Alice Chase were a lavender silk
trimmed with chiffon and caught up with
Among the guests -wero : Mr. and Airs.
Thomas Kilpatrick , Air. and Airs. James
Ayres. Air. and Airs. Robert Carr , Mr. and
Airs. W. R. Alorrls , Air. and Airs. John Ring-
wait , Air. and Airs. Will Popploton , Air. and
Airs. Myron Learned , Allsscs Redman ,
Palmer , Barso , Yates , Bcsslo Yates. Jontlo
Yatcs , Lemon , Fisher , Johnson , Kountzo ,
Hnmblcton , Decrlng , Colpotzer , Cady , Burns ,
Alargurot Brown , Alargurot AlcKell , Hlmo-
baugh , Balch , Thcde Buleh , Chandler , Flor
ence Kilpatrick , Chnunto , Ociavia , Chaunte ,
Clara Brown , Dewey , Weoster , Dandy , Alice
Chaso. Alossrs. Baldridge , Gannett , Bert
Watson of Chicago , Baxter , Clapp , Clifford ,
Smith , Joseph Garncau , Charles Wilson ,
Ralnh Richardson , George Palmer , Charles
Chnunto , Joe Alorseman , Cook , G. M. Ilitch-
eock , Kennedy , Talliaforro , Randall Brown-
Harry Lymun , Dr. Gilford , Alossrs. Suun-
dors , Ifinos , Charles Kountzo. Gulou , Jor
dan , George , James How , Turner , VailL
A ClirUtmiis Mil si rale.
Air. and Airs. H. G. Burt , 202 South Thirty-
ninth street , will celebrate Christmas by n
musicalc , the program of which Is as follows :
Trio ( for piano , violin and 'coloK.Mciiiolssoin ] ] !
Messrs. Qahtn , Albert and 1'oolirmner.
llovcrlo Vlcux temps
Mrs. Hans Albert.
( riourcc , n minor HachStSaens
< Nocturne , G Hat i . Urussln
I Allegro Moderate , from Sonata Grieg
Mr. Joseph Gnhm.
Komnnzo Schrclucr
Mr. Giittnf l < "oclirlngor.
Hulladonnd i'olonalso Vleu.xtomps
Mr. Hans Albert.
Kroutzor Sonata ( for piano and violin )
Dee t ho ven
Messrs. Gahni nnd Albert.
Valso , A Klnt Chopin
Nocturne , I ) flat , Op. U7 , No. Z Chouln
Polish Songs Chouln-hlszt
Mr. Joseph Guhin.
Oborun Fantasia Weber Goltormann
Mr. Gustaf Foeliilnger.
I Uomruico Svcndson
I Spanish Dance Surasuto
Mr. Hans Albert.
Trio Beethoven
Messrs. Gahni , Albert nnd Koehrlngcr.
Mr < . Irvlno'h Kecoptlnii.
Airs. Frank Irvine gave a reception Thurs
day afternoon from 4 till C in honor of Mrs.
AI. L. Irvine , who is visiting her. The dec
orations were holly and evergreens and
formed a pretty combinaimtion.
Airs. Irvine wus assisted in receiving by
Airs. John L. Webster , Aliss Burns and Aliss
Iho costumes were many and beautiful ,
tliosp worn by some of the ladles being
something new in the way of reception
gowns. These were invited :
Mrs. J. N. H. PatricK , Airs. John Cowin ,
Airs. Charles Oftut , Airs. William Aloiklo ,
Airs. Joseph Lehmer , Airs. Ike Congdon ,
Airs. Frank Richardson. Airs. George Alar-
pics , Airs. Gilbert Hitchcock , Airs. Heller ,
Airs. John R. Brooke , Airs. Talnrorro. ! Airs.
J. C. McKoll.Alrs. Huwlcy , Airs. H. C-Smith.
Airs. Lucien Sloven , Airs. Ed Baum , Airs.
David Baum , Mrs. Clement Chuso , Aliss
McCaguo , Aliss Curtis , Aliss Huwloy , Aliss
Clara Huwlcy , Aliss AlcKell , Aliss Alex
ander , Miss Pratt-Aliss Funko , Aliss Baum ,
Aliss Brownie Baum.
Mrs. Ilrnry rulnii-rN Function ,
For Aliss Palmer and her guest , Allss
Barso of Kansas City , Mrs. Henry Palmer
onlcrlained delightfully Wednesday from S
to 5. The house was exquisitely decorated ,
the mantels , sideboard and table being pro
fusely ornamented with roses , lilies of the
valley , ferns , etc. The table was dainty
with its decoration or- pink ribbons ,
with Howcrs scattered botwcon the
angles in an artistic manner. The
door leading from the hall to the
dining room was hung with a portiere of
smllax ; whllo the stairway and balustrade
were entwined with the pretty green ten
drils. Airs. Palmer , Mrs. Holdrodgc , Miss
Palmer and Aliss Burso received , assisted by
Allsscs Alargarot Brown , Hattie Cady. Sinia
Colpolzor , Jentlo Yiitos , Amy Barker , Louise
Drake. Alls * AluoBano , Allss Burns nnd Aliss
The shortness of the hours brought all the
mvllcd guesls logolher pleasantly und was
pleasantly commented upon.
Diuirii nt Krlllnc'a Hull.
Ono of the most successful dancing parties
of tha holiday season was that given by thu
N O. B. S. club lust 1'Tlday ' nicht at Er-
i in 'a hall on Sherman avenue. This club
la. , now organization , composed of the young
men of the North side.
These present wcro : .Misses Holland ,
Peterson , Bean , Axford , Shields , Willis ,
Alacomber , WIlcox. Campion , Gilmore , Hall ,
Cowles , ShooU of Minneapolis. Hnmllii , lias-
sett , Byrne , St. Goyor , Dunham , Ale-
Lain , Luluy , King and Bowman ;
Alessrs. CoUctt , Andrews , Short , Thorn-
sett , Claud Stouknam , Charles Stock-
hum , Willis , Al Uarstow , Tom Bui-
slow , H.ilsteail , Huuilin. Robinson , Ale-
Donuld. Biirdick. Van Court , Bowman , Loo-
dor , .Schneider , Perkins , Berlin , Bailey , Pol-
tor , Giucomlnl , Squires , Corby and Angell
( iinU Oiirn Mnrr.
The Kountzo PJaco H. T. c.lub mot at the
residence pf Air. and Airs. K. Lowls , Kountzo
Plueo , Thursday evening , The avonlng was
spout playing high live , nflor which elegant
refreshments wcro Hcrvnd , The first prizes
were taken by Airs , C. ( ! , dinno nnd Judge
Bradley. The consolation medals were car
ried off by Mis , Drla'oati nua Air. Fred W.
- .
Those present wcro : Rev , Airs. J , P. D.
LIwvd. Judge mill Mrs. Bradley. Air. nnd
Mr * ' , Briab.ui , Mr. und Airs. A. C. Powell.
Mr. and AIw. FroJ'W. Race. Mr. and Mrs.
E. Van Court , Mr. and Airs. C , C. Chase , Air.
uud Mrs. GV. . Holbrook , Dr. und Airs. E.
M. Park , Mr , Spencer Otis.
I'liiyml Ill'ill I'lvp.
A number of young ludlcs and gentlemen
of North Omaha enjoyed a very pleasant
evening at tlio resilience of Air. L. D. Fowler
ler , 1813 Win street , Wednesday evening ,
the occasion being Iho third meeting of the
U. O. A I'.alJCurth Rile high flvo Hub.
Card * wM-oplnyod mini 103) . nft r which
very dnlqty rofreshtrti'ntu ser-e < t
Tlioso present wen * ' Allssi-s lAjwlrr , Van
Court , Hall , M. LeMtnrr , R Lohmor. Hos-
totter , Lmminger , Jones , Kelly , Klnslcr ,
Althau * , Brighton 6f Chicago , Stafford of
Nebraska City ; Alc srs. Cooley , Colt , Has-
Veil , Bauman , Jonds ; " 'Schneider , Dickey ,
Boudlnot , Walker , TotnWoton , Stickler.
The prizes were won by Miss Althaus nnd
Mr. "
Ht tire Drllonr.
Friday evening Mr1 , nnd Mrs. J. J. Gibson
pave n novel danclng''party ' nt the Hotel
Dollono , which wii ! the delight of these
who wore fortunate tnongh to bo there.
The dancing program ) consisting of four
teen numbers , gave great pleasure to the
guests ,
The guests were : Alessrs nnd Alesdames
George Fisher , Blfdsall AIcAlllstor. E. , V.
Lowls , George W. Shields , Harry Lowrie ,
Herbert Portorflcld , George A. Brown , E. D.
Van Court , C. J. Frlco , 11. B. Hop
kins , C. F. Woller , J. W. Allnor-
James A. Casey , C. H. Rood ;
Allsscs Corby , Turner , Cnldwoll , Bates ,
Bowie , Jessie Bowie. Fowler , Van Court ,
O'Hnnlon , Woller : Alessrs. Pope , Green ,
Lambert , Bowie , Wel'or ' , Davenport , Bates ,
Mr. ninl .Mrs. Uotvlo * SurprUnil.
In honor of the nineteenth anniversary of
their marriage Mr. nnd Mrs. John Cowlos
were made the recipients of n pretty sur
prise Tuesday evening nt their residence ,
2.YM Charles street , nrranccd by Mr. nnd
Airs. George Kapplcy nnd Air. and Mrs. O. P.
The surprise was complete nnd a very
pleasant evening was spent In card-playing
nnd dancing , A syppor was served nt 12 ,
partaken of by the following : Mr. and Airs.
O. P. Blacit , Air , and Airs. George Rapploy ;
Allsscs Jcniiio Hade , Lulu Starks , Selltna
Dalslrom , Alimilo Milieu , Barbara Smith ,
Victoria Smith , Alablo Crampton , Lllllo
Stockman ; Alossrs. George Stnrks , Joseph
Doylcs , G. A. Keck , Robert Dalstrom , C.
Willis , Ed Alaruoll.
DitlitC * In Siiclnl Clroli-o.
John W. Paul Is In Chicago on business.
Air. Charles Barton is expected homo
today from Texas.
Ed and Dwlght Swobo are homo for the
Christinas holidays.
Air. 'and Airs. Guv C. Barton returned last
Sunday from Now York.
Airs. Slay back of St. Paul Is visiting her
sister , Airs. Schwan , at the Paxton.
Miss Alano Downr has gene to London ,
Out. , to spend the Christmas holidays.
Allss SHlowny arrived Tuesday to bo the
guest of Air.- and Mrs. Harry AlcCormlck.
Allss Alagglo Kane of Chicago Is visiting
her cousin , Airs. J. AI. Dowllng of this city.
Allss Weiss of Topeka , the guest of Dr.
and Mrs. H. C. Alooro , left for homo yester
Aliss Jennie Hade loft Wednesday for her
home In Illinois to spend Christmas with her
Airs. C. E. Squires has returned from
Cleveland , accompanied by Allss Louise
Aliss Alarkham of St. Louis arrived
Thursday to bo the guest of Airs. Alyrou
Learned. .
Mrs. C. B. Havens has been visiting the
past week In Genoa , Nob. , the guest of Airs.
H. Riloy.
Air. Allan Alarsh returned from Williams
college yesterday to spend the Christmas
Airs. Alyron Loslio' Learned received Fri
day from 3 to 0 in hohb'r of her guest Aliss
Murkhain. '
Colonel and Airs. Vroora , who wore mar
ried nt Fort Lea ven worth , on the 15 Ut , are at
the Paxton. „ .
Airs. Car'.ar of FortiBridger , who has been
the guest of Airs. Warren Chase , roturncd
homo Sunday. ,
Air. Plerro Gurneau left Saturday for St.
Louis , where ho Is spending the holidays
with his family.
A cablegram recoiled Friday announced
the safe arrival of , Mr. and Airs. Victor
White at Liverpool. ,
Miss Jessie Dickinson , daughter of Air.
Edward Dickinson , returned yesterday from
her school at Ogontz , ' Pa.
Colonel John C. Butcs entertained last
Saturday evening at Fort Omaha , in honor
of Alajor and Airs. Schwan.
Allss Grace Allen and Aliss Alabel Taylor
returned Friday from Lasell seminary , to
spend the holidays at home.
MisCarnahan from Fort Wayne , Ind , , Is
expected in Omaha about the 27th , to be the
guest of Airs.Varrcn Rogers.
Air. and Airs. Ossjood T. Eastman arrived
from Chicago this morning to spend Christ-
mus witli Air. and Airs. Samuel Burns.
Airs. Al. A. Xanner and son , Frank , from
Faribault , Alinn. , are the guests of Air. and
Airs. J. J. Stubbs , at 1M07 Capitol avenue.
Airs. James Bishop , sister of Airs. W. F.
Allen , and Airs. Wardoll of San FruneUoo ,
are expected hero this week to bo the guests
of Airs. Allon.
Misses Junith and Alary Underwood and
Miss Webster of Lincoln will spend a few
days this week with Miss , Ura Kelly , 2222
Howard street.
Airs. Berry , who has been visiting her
daughter , Airs. E. C. Ker , for the past two
weeks , returned to her homo in Chicago
Wednesday last.
Airs. C. B. Davidson of St. Louis is at Fort
Omaha , where she will spend the winter
with her daughter , the wife of Captain
Webster , U. S. A.
The engagement is announced of Allss
Alattlo Belle , daughter of Air. and Airs.
Alexander Polaek , to Air. Frank Douglas
Rubol of Chicago.
Airs. Cecilia A. Collins and Aliss Collins
have taken possession of their former resi
dence , Capitol avenue and Nineteenth street ,
and are at homo Thursdays.
W. B. Smith nnd Lawrence Ilnydon of
Chicago will spend the holiday season in
Omaha. They will bo guests of Mr. Joseph
Huyden , 2210 Douglas street.
Allss Gcrtrudo Branch returned Wednes
day from Hlllsdalo college , Alichigun , whore
she is taking a course in music. She will
remain until after Now Year's.
Fred Picitens of Omaha , who has been con-
lined In St. Murk's hospital. In Salt Luke
Citv , for the past four weeks with typhoid
fever , is now slowly recovering.
Allss Halcn Hoagland , who is spending the
year nt Miss Graham's Now York school ,
will bo in Omaha for Christmas , bringing
with her a cousin from Massachusetts.
Air. and Airs. T. Wollstoln nnd daughters
of Chicago , enrouto to the Midwinter fair ,
arc spend iig a few days In Omuhu , visiting
the family of Air , E. Sellgsohn of South
Twonty-secDnd street.
Airs. A. D. Alorso , who has boon In China
for several months , arrived nt Vancouver on
the 20th by steamer Empress of India. She
will visit friends in Seattle , Wash , , for u
few days before coming to Omaha.
Airs , Charles F. Draihl bus kindly con
sented to assist the chpir at the First Bap
tist church In thu rendering of its Christ
mas music this morning. She will also sing
us a solo Oaitaldon's i'Chrlstmas Song. "
Alias Susan Mllwurd of Lexington , K.v. , Is
the guest of the Alis.scs ( Baum. Allss Mil-
ward accompanied Aliss 'Sadlo ' Baum from
their school , Hollldaysb'uvg som'nurv ' , and
they will return there after the holidays ,
Donnell Fisher of 'Chicago will bo the
guest of Mr. and Airs : JJ' > anols this week.
Air. Fisher JsonoofvUielHwellsof Chicago ,
for whom Mrs , Francis will give ono or two
small functlous during his slay lu Omaha.
Air. Kitchen hue kindly donated the use of
the cafe al the PuxUyj.fqn. an entertainment
on Thursday evening.January , , lor tlio
boncilt of the Trinity , rudustml school.
Two plays will bo glveji , , with Airs. C. P.
Pi-cU i\ml Mrs. Matboson r.nd Mlssr Imhop ,
Drnno , Jrtto Yntcs , DandJlurn > . Ilnlcii ,
and Alfssrs. Wnkolcy , Wilson and Harry
liyninn In the r.ists. A most luttlial luvlln
tton Iscxtctulel to all.
The Woman's club will moot socially nt
the Cominorclnl dun roo'iis , Sixteenth nnd
Farnani streets , Now Year's afternoon ,
from 8 to f > . Members nro requested to
bring their husbands or gentlemen friends.
Air , Augustus Kountzo nrnvcd yesterday
from Now York to snetid the holidays with
tils family. Ho was accompanied by two
guests. Mr. Robert Carnaiian ami Mr. Xlnln-
gcr. The Messrs , Uereer will also bo guests
at Forest Hill for the holidays ,
Airs. S. A , AlcWhortor received the sad
news of the sudden doatn of her mother ,
Mrs. K. S. Mllllkln , nt Dcratur , III. , Tues
day , who had been 111 with la qrlppo for
several weeks. Airs. AlcWhortcrwasunablo
to accompany Mr. AloWhortcr , who started
nt once forDocntur.
Airs. John C. Cowin entertained nt dinner
Monday evening. Her table was bright with
silver nnd glass , and gorccous American
beauties nodded from their vases. The
guests wcro : General and Airs. Hrooko.
Air. and Airs. Lynuin , Air. and Mrs. J. N. H.
Patrick , Air , and Mrs. Ouy C. Barton.
In honor of Allss Fisher , the guest at
"Hillside. " Airs. Thomas Klluatrlck enter-
t < uned nt luncheon Tuesday noon. The
table was as dainty ns could bo and decor
ated In pink roses. The young girls present
were : Allsscs Fisher. Lemon , Johnson , Jon
tlo Yatea , Dandy , Alice Chasn , llamblotnn ,
Alargarot Ilrown , Webster , Florence Kll-
Allss Cora Knnpp was agreeably surprised
last Wednesday evening by a number of her
friends. The evening WHS passed with panics
nnd music. These present were : Misses
I'ultcn , Sharp , Ivlns , I jailor ty , Sotilo , Rey
nolds , Coppotik , Thomas , Couvcry , Potter ,
Reynolds , and Alessrs , StlllUMn , Kiupp ,
Ilradlcy , Patten , Reynolds , Ilatiscn , Slinno ,
Con very , Sceifkln , Reynolds.
Cards of Invitation have been Issued by
Air. nnd Airs. J. A. Kllno of Throe Rivers ,
Alien. , to the marrlago of iheir daughter ,
Allss Katharine Kllno to Air , Ijanilroth P.
Sine , Wednesday evening , January U. Mr ,
and Mrs. Sine will bo at homo after January
20 , 511) ) South Twenty-sixth street , Omaha ,
Nob. Air. Sino is connected with the Car
penter Paper company of this city.
Wednesday evening nt U o'clock the mar
rlago of Aliss Jennie Lafferty and Mr. Robert
Reynolds was celebrated at the residence of
Air. J , Hunter , 'WlONorlh Thirty-Ural street ,
Rev : J. G. Powell of the Hillside Congrega
tional church ofllclatlng. After the ceremony
Iho happy couple adjourned lo 8027 Franklin
slrcot , where a reception was held from 7 to
I ) o'clock. After January 15 Air. and Airs.
Reynolds will bo at homo nt 2U27 Franklin
strcot ,
Last Tuesday evening Airs. Clayton \Vcl-
don ffave a charming rccuption at her homo ,
Koiinlzo place , for her Ruest , Aliss Ada Hen-
well of Indianapolis. Assisting the hostess
in receiving were Allssos Alargarot , Riley and
May Deo. The evening was spent in music
and dancing , the parlors , vestibule and dinIng -
Ing room being caiivnseil. while dainty re
freshments were dispensed on the stair landIng -
Ing by Aliss Canan. About eighty guests
wcro In attendance'
AIi-s. John C. Jones entertained very In-
fornmllv nnil vnrv nnlnvMtlv MnnHnv nftnp.
noon. A number of girls were usucd to
spend the afternoon and wear or do some
thing to represent the title ot a well known
novel. Allss Dandy gave correct answers to
the greatest number of hidden tlilcs and
was awarded n dainty blolter book as n
prize. The girls present were Alias Emily
Wakcloy , Allss Alollora Woolworth , Allss
Baum , Allss Brownlo Baum , Aliss Barso ,
Alfes Dandy. Aliss Webster. Allss Cady , Miss
Alabel Balcombo. Allss Palmer , Allss Funko
of Lincoln.
Among the very pleasant social events of
the week was a progressive hitrh flvo party
given by Air. nnd Airs. H. C. Wertz at their
residence , 1014 Burdotto street. Cards were
played until 11 o'clock , when n most do-
llcious luncheon was served. These com
prising the guests were Air. nnd Airs. Bab-
cock. South Omaha ; Air. and Airs. AlcDon-
ald. Air. and Airs. Luten , Airs. Crouch , Airs.
Pottls , Mrs. Giffey , Allss Cumming and Aliss
Reynolds , Air. L. Giffoy , Air. B. Wortz of
Marvvlllo , AIo. , Air. W. Kamsor , AI. E. Gib
son , L. Littlotlold , J. F. Scobeo , Air. Tucker ,
Air. Styor nnd AIr..J. A. Wortz.
That there arc people In Omaha who nro
ambitious for recognition in the theatrical
world Is evident from the announcement
that there is to bo produced in the near fu
ture a now farce comedy , entitled ' 'A False
Face , " by Charles Al. Breckcnridgo of
Omaha. Air. Urockenridgo's friends have
long since recognized the fact that no has
ability In this dlrciition nnd nro confident
that his play will prove an entire success.
A capable company has been engaged and
the Initial performance will occur in the
near future. The Seventh Ward orchestra ,
ono of the best known musical organiza
tions in the city , will appear in conjunction
with the company , which Is n guarantee
that the musical program will bo of a high
Airs. F. Al. Ford gave a delightful Informal
reception to members of her department of
tno Omaha Woman's club Alonday afternoon ,
at her homo , 1SJO South Twenty-fifth street.
Airs. Nicholas gave a talk on Hull house ,
which she has recently visited , and
answered many questions in relation to the
management of this modern haven of happi
ness for working women. Airs. Ford read
an extract from Charles Kingsloy's poem ou
Christmas , after which tea , cotteo and
waters were served and Social Science dis
cussed in the most sociable manner Imagina
ble. The fifty or more women enjoyed the
afternoon and lingered until long after 5
o'clock , gottlnc boiler acquainted than would
over have been possible lu u formal meeting
at the club rooms.
Dr. Gunsalus , the renowned pastor ot the
Plymouth Congregational church , Chicago ,
who will bo Dr. and Airs. J. T. Duryoa's
guest this week , has volunteered to fjivo a
lecture ou "Savonarola" nt the First Con
gregational church Tuesday evening , the
proceeds to bo devoted to the charity fund.
Dr. Gunsalus Is not on the lectuio platform ,
but taking , us ho docs , an cnthuslaslic inter
est In charity work , offered his services to
Airs. Duryea , which wcro accepted. Airs.
Duryca in turn deciding lhat the pro
ceed s should bo turned over to the charity
committee of the Ladles society. The
lecturer needs no introduction to Omaha
people. Ho stands at the head of Congre
gational ministers ' .n the wnst , hla. litorury
work having brought him .a most enviable
reputation In'Kuropo as well as America
"Savonarola" Is ono of his favorite
themes , in fact the preparation of the lec
ture was n labor of love with him , und It
abounds In beautiful Imagery , high thoughts.
Omaha Is to bo considered fortunate in being
able to hoar this eminent divine.
An Ofllcor lie-covers ft to I on 1'rojirrty , but
Fall * to ( iiit Ills Mini.
About fi o'clock yesterday morning Ofllcor
Alauor wus standing at the corner of Six
teenth and Furnum streets when ho saw
a man cross Farnnm , nt Seventeenth
strcot , carrying ailarno bundle on his back.
The ofllcor skipped through the alloy north
of the Now lark Life building and tried
to heud his mnn oft . Ho caught up'with
his man m the alloy north of Douglas
street ana ordorod-hlm to halt ,
The thief , seeing ho was closely pressed ,
dropped ills bundles and Hod down the alloy
toward Sixteenth street. The police ofllcor
gavq chase , but soon found lhat ho was
belnir distanced. Ho then drew his revolver
ana flrea two shots ut the thief , but failed to
stop him.
Thn thief's booty consisted of a big roll of
Brussels carpel and n sack full of clothing
and underwear.
Pills that euro sick headache : DoWltt's
Little Early Risers.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U , S. Gov't Report.
The fire burned by tits nnd stArls in Iho
elf fashioned grato. Now nnd then sodden
clouds of sitioko relict ! up thn chimney , ns
the wind blustered , fretted nnd fumed with
out , whllo the snow boat ngalnst the win
dow panes Itko light hall. There wcro
wraiths of ChrlUm.tses past In the dark
vapors that rose chimney ward , twilling anJ
eddying In long spirals up the dark D.issAgo.
Suddenly the ( lame Dickered bluely athwart
the smoke , caught nt n tiny twig on the
green hickory wood , rolled 'round the stick
nnd lit up the whole body of smoke and blitzed
out cheerfully and bright nnd then sank Into
Christmas eve 1 a night of reflection nnd
retrospection for the man of flvo and thirty
who sat silently by the .lying oiubm-s watch
ing tne whllo nshes gutticrlnc fast over the
bed of lire. There wcro pictures In the
coals ns they faintly glowed , warmed occa
sionally Into thu semblance of life as the
wind scurried down u | > on them.
A student Ininu burned dimly on the table ,
pulled up near the lire , whllo the books and
papers which littered It sncmed to absorb
the heaviness of the atmosphere 'round
about. The wind continued to play fantas
tic obligates to the solos of the siunv sprites
ns they sing from out the Nowhere into the
The cold grows moro apparent to the silent
watcher by the lire nnd a chill passes over
him u.i a tiny llamo dnrtt through thu ashes ,
catching nt n remaining twin , lighting up the
surrouttuliiRs near by , and then flickers ,
wavers ami gors out.
Prontls Mulfonl pulls his well-worn dress
ing gown closer about him , rises and turns
up thu lamp. Hcluites up thu poKer mid begins -
gins lo stir the smoldering embers with
nervous energy. The fire , roused from its
lethargy , begins to roar up the chimney , and
the smoke Is dissipated in the blare that
shines out beamingly utiou the rather coin-
monphica furnishings of the room.
The warmth somewhat restored , Mulford
takes up bis case , preparatory to lighting
ono of the cigarettes , when his o.\o fulU
upon n lonely clrgarette lying near a page of
manuscript , directly under Iho lamp. The
clgnrolto was old and dry. So long hail it
been in existence that the rlco paper about
the rolLof tobuoco was worn out nnd stained
with Its''bontouts. A tiny strand of blue
ribbon encircled It. The ribbon was tied In
a true lover's knot. Tumi hul ; made Itself
manifest on the ribbon , for It was faded.
There wcro memories of the most poignant
kind written nil ever the bit of paper tuut its
knot of blue , memories mayhap that would
have long since been forgotten If they could.
In that solitary cigarette , lying npart from
Its newer and brighter companions that seem
ingly grow whiter In the mellow plow of the
lamp light , a history was enfolded , the hap
piest , suiklest period in Prontls Mulford's
Ho took up the senseless bit of paper , nnd
the knot of blue , grown weary of holding in
the tobacco , possibly , fell over his ilngcr ,
which brings Mulford with a round turn out
of his rovory. Ho tenderly removes the rib
bon from his hand and places both cigarette
and ribbon on the top page of the manu
script ,
A cheery stop Is hoard without , the crunch
ing of the snow giving forth a sharp , metal
lic sound , whllo n loud knock nt the case
ment sends the echoes Hying through .the
Mulford pulls himself logclher and , walkIng -
Ing ever lo Iho door , throws it open.
"The compliments of the season to you
and the merriest Chrismas in all your life , "
sang out a hearty voice from the darkness
and Alulford Invites his visitor within.
"Why. my boy , t am delighted to sou you , "
said Alulforl as ho grasps tlio hand of Jack
Byron , a dunpor young fellow of two and
twenty , who Is in his war paint , so to spouk ,
in his dress suit , wearing a stylish Inverness
with a jaunty dobonnair manner that marks
the society swell In every curve and contour.
"You must congratulate me , " said Byron ,
Dorothy has Jusl consented to bo my wife
and the wedding is set for the llrst Wednes
day after Lent. Como , old fellow , lot's drinlc
n bumper to the happiest Christmas of my
life. "
No morn room for Intrepid forays of the
imagination with this llesh and blood young
gallant In the room , no moro dreaming ,
thinks Alnlford to himself as ho "walks over
lo his rather meuger sideboard and takes
down a bottle ot good Scotch whisky. Ho
hangs a small kettle on Iho hob over Iho Ilro
nnd as the water commences to sing lullabies
to the ilatncs he gets the bowl of sugar , a
lemon and prepares to give his cheery young
friend a real Christmas greeting over a glass
of hot Scotch.
Byron having tossed his top coat over the
lounge in the corner , pulls up the big old
fashioned chair nearer tlio Ilro and turns the
tublo to got u cigarette , when his eye falls
upon the old'ciguretlo and the knol of rib
bon lying on the written page.
"Hello ! " said Byron in his Impulsive
fashion , "what new fad have you taken up
now , AlulfordJ Surely not collecting old
cigarettes ! "
The tone of the young worldling rouses
the older man nnd after mixing tlio bum
pers of "Christmas cheer , " takes n seat
near his friend at the end of the table.
"No , not a fud , " said Alulford , "but I
seem to bo making n collection of memories ,
on this night of all nights , hardly consonant
with the spirit of good cheer that animates
everybody nt Christmas time. Shall 1 lell
you the history of that clgarottot"
"Certainly , " responds Byron ns ho takes
up a cigarette , lights It nnd then lounges
back In the depths of the chair. "But no
ghost stories. 1 am entirely too happy for
any tales of apparitions or hobgoblins. "
Alulford moves his chair to one sido-of the
hearth. Ho kicks the front stick winch
sends the sparks Hying in nil directions nnd
then having sallstied himself lhat tno lire
would burn for souio little time , turns bacic
the pases of llio bygone and begins to swoop
away the cobwebs of the past.
"With that faded cigarette , " said Alul
ford as ho gazed upward toward the celling ,
"is associated the happiest period of my
life , my ilrst and only love affair.
"Twelve years ago ! It seems like
as many centuries , so slowly
does time go , singe Nelllo hung
that bit of ribbon around the bution
ot my CDat. I see her now , wllh her great
bluo' eyes , her ivonllh of light brown
hair , her poachllko complexion and her
neat fitting and becoming gown of white
crepe , Just as she appeared whou the cigar-
rctto was given lo mo , Wo wcro At i
onm-lng party toppthof Tlrml of wnltilnl
tvo went up stairs , I into the nmoklng room ,
but. there were only cigar * thcro nnd I dlJn'l
cnro much for cigar * then , ns I don t now.
I hero was no ono else in the rooms , nil th
guests beine below stairs , nnd I nsked Nollli
to rome In nnd have n chixt. I told her tin
only thing necessary for my tmppinrss was n
clearctto. She salil 1 should bo happy nnd
forthwith hastened to her brother's over
coat and lllched three cigarettes from ono ot
his pockots. Ismokodtwoof them and whllo
M engaged she took n piece of blue ribbon
that was fastened about lior wrist and tlctl
Unround the cigarette , suspending the knot
of ribbon from riiv coat ,
"I was young then , Just out of college , nnd
the world seemed full of happiness. Only a
short time before I had discovered that this
beautiful young girl cared for me. As she
tied ( ho knot of biuo on the button of my
coat she said something nbaut not smoking
It until and I finished the sentence by say
ing , 'until M nro married. ' 1 can see her
blush now. Refreshments were announced
and reluctantly wo wont down stairs.
" 1 put the olg.irptlo away.
"Journalism was my chosen profession , 1
so wrote it when the class historian nsked
for my profession , with other of my Individ
ual characteristics In coiwwtion with hi *
class history.
I oxpeetPd to bo an editor of some great
MM growing dally paper within a your nt
most. In the nientiiimo 1 had secured the
position of city editor of the only dully paper
in the place lu which 1 had been horn and
broil. 1 was poor.
" / ) ' young ilream wont on. Suddenly
Nelllo was enveloped In sorrow ; her brother
was taken sU-k niul lled and her father fol
lowed soon after , the Inttcr's death being
very sudden. Our engagement was not
known , so ll.rvas tipomml best for mo not to
osrart Nellie at cither of the funerals ,
altliouk'h I had i-hargo of eai-h of thuiu. Nel
lie's mother made the division and thcro was
no oilier recourse than to respect her wUhes.
The ostnto was badly Involved and Nelllo
and her mother found themselves with no
property when they each supposed that Iho
esinto would enable them to live in the
style they had boon accustomed to. t'mler
thi'so elreuwstniH-es a visit to n rich relative
In the east was decided on.
"It was plain tome lhat Nellie's mother
was averse to mo as a son-in-law , biv.imo 1
was poor. She was old In the world's ways
and know how much misery is caused by
poverty and was therefore delormlned that
Nellie should marry a rich husband. Ana
she succeeded. For something was said In
ono of Nellie's letters to mo at which 1 took
offense nnd the engagement , as a result of
the qnnrrol , was broken off. Nelllo nmrnod
a rich mnn , I have never scon her
since her marriage. As for the
eignreito 1 suppose 11 must have got
down In the folds of my old Iruint ,
which I had occasion to go to today to ? ol out
a story 1 had written some time ago for tlio
"It was twelve years ago this Christmas
eve , that Nulllo and I eamo to understand
each other's heart , when I asked her to bo
my wifo. 1 was -Just thinking before you
ennio in , Hyron , what right I had to keep a
souvenir of the past hi which the wife of an
other man plays such an impoi'lant part "
Ho took the well worn bit of paper nnd
striking u nmleh lighted thb cigarette.
"A truce lo the past , " said Byron , "lots
have another Scotch. Now n tonst , bore's
to brlghtt-r days , moro congenial friends , a
larger measure of charity and u peaceful
exit from llfo's singe when the ilnal net is
over. Hello ! what's this ? " taking up the
manuscript that lay under the lump. "God
bless mo if It's ' not u poem and dedicated ta
Nelllo. " And then ho read , ns thu Christ
mas day dawned , his friend's trlbuto to a
love that wus dead.
"When the wild birds southward fly
And the gray climns 11)1 ) the sky ,
And the red leaves scattered lie ,
In the dust.
Wlicn tlio purling brooks grow still
And the wild Mowers li'iivo the lilll
And tlio wind swoops biculc nU chill ,
When the moon grows wnnly bright
And the frost lies cold and white ,
And tlio mist wraps all the night
In uliazo.
Then 7o miss the scenes of yore ,
Hut wo droiim thnin o'er und o'er
Till our fancy brings once moro
Summer duys. "
Tlicy llcjoico Grcxtly tit tlio Mlccllnii of
Cntliiillc ; Slnj'orof ClilciiKO.
AloxTiirJAi. , Due. 211. The French-Canadian
Catholic press of Montreal and Quebec Is
very enthusiastic over the election of John
Hopkins , the Catholic mayor of Chicago ,
Prominent French-Canadians in Chic g6
wired Senator Tasse lhat 0,000 French-
Canadians voted for him. The La Minorvo
adds that the election of a Catholic m Chicago
cage Is a great ovcnt.
"Tho position of mayor of Chicago , " It
says , "is equivalent to thai of many leaders
of states , seeing that the city expends $33-
000,000 annually , as much of the whole of
Canada. Though the late Air. Harrison did
much to give the Catholics their shnro of
patronage , much remains to bo done. It
would bo a mistake to believe the United
States is a tolerant country enough for Cath
olics. They merely have the crumbs of
piitronago. This Is qullo evident when wo
remember the 10,000,000 of Catholics In the
United States have not n single representa
tive in the Cleveland cabinet , though it
owes its existence to them. We lire far from
being of the opinion of his lordship , Mgr.
Ireland , when ho lauds the United States as
being the no plus ultia of tolerance and
Christian civilization. But every time our
neighbors will break down llio barriers of
prejudice and imllalo Iho example of llio
Catholics of Maryland , wo will always bo
happy to appreciate their improvement , and
we may hope that at a not distant date n
now era will dawn for our co-roliglonlsls on
llio other side of the border. "
North Curollim Town Ilnrnoil.
COI.UMHUS , S. C. , Dec. 23. A spcclnl to
the Register from Winsboro , N. C. , says
that there was n nro raging In that town
and about a dozen stores were burncu. J ho
latest news says the fire Is under control.
Artistic Stationery :
Such ns invitations to weddings parties clc cngrnvcd
in the most tastuy manner.
Your mime onsravod on 100 onrds ,
Comer IBlh and IKmalai Street * , Orinhv
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Iini'orii'il ( Ji'rmim t.iimrl < n ,
wirriiiitiHl rnllt'iu $ :'J ' uauli.
Kxtr.l IlnuHuli-clKtt rolli'TH * 1.SO
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YIMIIIC Mttxlvaii I'arroU. war-
. anttil talkvrH , tflll ti > * ! ' . ! u.icli.
i ( iulcll'lHli : ! . - , < > , Htlror Mull ' 'Soi
[ . Jii ; > .iimnn Kintall 75 < ) tclit Hull
il.'n uiiwunla : arjuurlii
-.V. m > j iidiuntlu
_ | HT Imnoli. Flii Ht H < > .
ii'Cllon o ( hliil ruircHvi ! t of
JNmv York. Citxua ( rum 73u ui |
'to $ ' 10 , Whuu In iiuml of u
liauilsomo Xiuux | iruii > nt wrlto
GoUlor'H Bird Kturo ,
100 N , lUlli Ht ,