THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 21 , 1893-SIXTEEX PAGES. CONDITION OF OMIIA'S ' TRADE Business Situation Practically Unchaneod During the Week. COLLECTIONS ARE STILL FAIRLY GOOD Jobber * III SI ml l.\nri \ Itcpiirt n Itnthcr yulctIr.ulo Illinium * l.lkrly to Ho .Slow Unlit Attcr the first ut tlin Year. As a general thing oven during seasons when trade Is at Its best the latter half of December sees very little business trans acted by the Jobbers. Hefore the middle of the month Is reached the retail merchants of the country have laid in stocks sufllcicnt to last over the holidays , and during the balance of the month they nro lee btwy In selling out these stocks to admit ot any thought of buying more. As soon as the holiday rush Is over the retailer commences to take stock , which occupies his attention until the coining of the now year. Thus , it follows that the jobber has very little to do in the wuy of soiling goods during the last half of the last month ot the year. As most retail merchants put In peed Blocks Just before tlio holidays It is very frequently tlio ca > o that they are not forced to bu.v to any extent until well along In the month of January , and for tint reason Job bers have como to uxpect no very heavy business during the llrst month of the year. The past week was no exception to the general rule noted above ns roirnrds the vol ume of business , though In some lines there was n fair movement of goods , made up to a considerable extent of small orders for ar ticles that had been overlooked earlier , or for which there had arisen some special de mand. Quite a good many orders for goods intended for Christmas presents were re ceived and ordered shipped by express so as to reach their destination in time. The Job bers of hardware report some trade of this character , and there was a pretty good move ment of fancy groceries. Hoots und shoes , dry goods , hats and caps and kindred lines were rather quiet. Moil reports agree that collections are quite good In Iho country , where money ap pears to bo more plenty than in the cliy. The year will close with few obligations un provided for. While trade during the past week was light , it is safe to say that In some lines the volume of business for the whole month will come pretty well up to tlio mark sot last year , as business was very nutlvu during llio llrsl two weeks of the month. Other lines , however , will full considerably behind last season's record. The KftiUI Tr.ule. Business in a rclatl way In Omaha has been fair , but it has fallen eonsider.ib ly behind - hind last year's holiday trade. There has been a very marked tendency to limit tlio purchases to the more Inexpensive class of goods , and while tlio numb > r of buyers may have boon as largo as usual , tlio amount of goods sold has not been uoarly so largo in the aggregate. This appears to have been tlio experience of every retail merchant in the city , regardless of any special line of business. Ills very frequently the case that holi day purchases const-it very largely of fancy articles which do not tend to reduce the subsequent demand for articles of 'necessity ' or general use. This year a good many merchants are commenting upon the fact that imrohnscrs of Christmas goods appeared to give ttio preference lo arllcles of general utility , selecting such things as might be of immediate use in tlio family and passing b.v the more showy but less useful articles. . ' Cheapness nnd utility appear to have been the two features most sought for by tlio purchasers of holiday goods. The dealers in produce nnd fruits who usually enjoy a very heavy business at this time , amounting frequently to a positive rush , report n- much lighter business than usual , showing that people are practicing economy in the matter ot edibles as well as in the mutter of Christmas gifts. llniilt Oil ft 1 IB * . The dcercaso in the hanlc clearings at Omaha was largo last wo'tk , amounting toiiO per cent , which is the heaviest decrease re corded in n long time. For the llrst unio this winter the decrease at Omaha has been heavier than at Minneapolis. St. Paul leads Omaha , with a decrease ot : ! ' . ) per cent. Den- Tor r > 8 , Sioux City 80 and Milwaukee 51 per cent , while Kansas City only shows n decrease - crease of 23 per cent and St. Joseph 7.2 per cont. The cities of tlio country which liavo suffered the greatest decrease In Iho matter of clearing are Spokane , 74 ; Nashville , C'J , and Denver , 53 per cent. The following will show the clearings at Omaha for each day of the past week- : Monday i907'J31.23 Tnosiliiv 030,700.1)4 ) W.'ilnnsdny 8-U,802.07 Thursday ( i3H.13l.35 I'rldiiy H20..I37.35 Saturday 1,057,037.20 Tolal { 3,189,111.33 AS nux SIKS IT. Weak it ml tlio Coming of n Itrlclit Now Yivir. "Christmas week , " says Mr. W. II. Uobor- son , Omaha manager of II. G. Oun & Co. , "Is always a poor one lu Jobbing circles. Pur chases for thoChrislmas irado have nil been made , and llio opproach of January 1st al ways causes a falling off among buyers , who wait until their annual statements nro com pleted before llguring on llio now year's bus iness. There is , therefore , nothing of Inter est to bo saiil concerning the Jobbing trade except that it is duller , if possible , than usual over at this dull season. "Among retail dealers the last two days of the week have been active , hut the volume of Christmas business has been disappoint ing nil around. Stores nro filled with look ers , but buyers are especially economical , nnd Christmas gifts nro generally Inex pensive. Homo of the houses have had an excellent trade , but generally speaking , it was disappointing. ' Tim last two weeks of nnroinbcr In bankIng - Ing circles am usually marked by a slight Increase in deposits for the reason that de positors tire preparing to a considerable ex tent for January payments , I'sually the money market Is stiff about this season of the year. Interest on bonds and moit rages nnd other clashes of security Is usually payable - able on January 1 and a marked con traction is noted on all sides. After the llrst of thu year money mailers gviierallycaso { up and Iho largo amounts paid out for Interest nnd other purposes nro unloosed. IJy the 1st of February good Judges of the slluallon think money will bo plentiful and bankers will bo inoro willing to nwoinmodato borrowers who can offer reasonable security. Comnuiri' Ulult mid L'liiirlty. "The ( Commercial club Inaugurated n new aeparturo , 1 think , in holding a meeting In the Interest of charity under Its auspices. Ko far as 1 am aware this is not customary , tlio general purpose of the Commercial oiuli being business and not benevolence. It is creditable , however , to tins young organiza tion that its members wcro not only willing to bo Identtlled with a movement for the In terest of ihn poor nml distressed , but that those present promptly nnd cheerfully raised over $700 for the bouellceiit purpose , " 1 Imvo no hesitation at all In commend ing this onranlzallon to the business public. It him established itself here fora dolinlta and Is mailing most excellent head way , Its membership should contain all the business men of Omaha , both those engaged In wholesale and in retail line * , What this city has greatly needed at all times In the past was it representative organization , which could aid nil the business men in the city iu work ing harmoniously for tlio common good of the community. I wish that the now year might ice HM now names signed to the roll of membership. With such a compact workIng - Ing organization preparations can bo made this winter for Improvements and enter prises next year which will po a long way towanli enabling this city to recover from its present depression. ' Company Dulug IliulnuM. ' in my opinion tlio fact that the Terminal company has brought into Omaha a solid tram of cars for one of the lowu lines U very significant. It shows run- dusively that this institution it in l > o > lllon to afford terminal transportation facilities for all lines not now properly ac commodated. It sets at rest also whatever doubt may have existed as to the good faith of the enterprise. U ought to satisfy critics that the East Omaha Hrldgo nnd Terminal company Is not tied ut ) with the old corpora tions , but Is In position to aid them and nil others In Improving the transportation con ditions at this center. The fourth call of the comptroller of the currency was made on the 10th. The stale- incuts have not yet been published , but bus iness people and bankers are greatly Inter ested in the results which will short.y bo shown. "One of the curious things connected with business In ihls city is the method , bv which the saloons are conducted. Of COUMO Ihero are a number of well-to-do saloon keepers In Iho city who pay their licenses and pay them in advance , but a leading dealer in saloon goods Is my authority for the statement that the brewers of Omaha and South Omaha ] advance ever $100,00) In licenses on the 1st of January every year for saloon keepers who are not able to put up $1,000 in cash themselves , idle ( loislp Hurt ) . "Anothercurlous but more rcgrolful fact In connection with business in Omaha is a disposition to circulate rumors affectIng - Ing the credit of old and well established houses. During the last summer this was very noticeable , and scarcely n bank In Omahn escaped the an- iioyinco of this kind of slander. Our citi zens should ho more cautious as well as more loyal In matters of tills kind. In uncertain times n false rumor unfavorably affecting the credit of a house entirely solvent under ordinary conditions may force It Into a disastrous failure. In these days of easy and rapid intercommunication between business houses and between elites a rumor , whether false or truo. may reach from ono end of the country to another In n short time. U is no uncommon thing In our ofllco to receive n telegram from Now York or Boston inquiring ns lo a , report unfavorably affecting the credit of u bouse within an hour after the rumor was lirst started. This will give the reader some thing of an idea of the posstolo dUndvan tacus which may occur to such a tlrm by silly and heedless talk. "Considerable Interest Is felt by Iho Omaha mcmbors of Iho National League of Commission Merchants of the United States In the forthcoming meeting at Cincinnati , to occur on the lOlh of January. The league is organized among commission merchnnis for the bcnclltof members anil thclrcuslouiers. Us purpose Is lo protnolo satisfactory rota- .lions between producers nnd tlio commission dealers b.v offering to the dealers through Iho membership of Iho league the names of thor oughly reliable linns throughout the country. At Iho proposed meuling a num ber ol loplcs Interesting to the trade will bo discussed and the bcnellls of the organiza tion as experienced by its members fully ox- plained. The local league will send one or more delegates , and it is expected that Omaha will bo heard from in the January national meeting. lloct Honin. "The beet sugar mcollug at the Commercial club rooms on Monday was by far the best public meetings 1 have over attended In Omaha. It proves conclusively tint when our citizens properly wako up to the Impor tance of an enterprise they can bo relied on to put their shoulders to the wheel , it is too early yet to announce definitely what will result from the nicotine , but it is en tirely proper to say thatovorything that lias occurred sinoo Monday , and Including that mooting , has been favorable. " I'rodtiro 1'nlntnr * . The American prangocrop for this year is placed at 7,000,000 boxes. The largest pre vious yield was that of 1S9' , which amounted to only 5,450,000 boxes. The special rate on vegetables from Cali fornia which has been 70 emits per hundred to Kansas City and 80 cents to Omalia will ue put back to $1 January 1. The Iowa weather bureau figures the crop of Irish potatoes in that state at 0,172.000 bushels , the average price being 00 cents per bushol. The yield was 50.2 bushels to tlio acre. acre.Denver Denver commission merchants have con cluded to form a branch of tlio National league and senn ropresentallvcs to Iho Cin- clnnati convention. Milwaukee commission merchants are about to nuke a similar move. While there has boon a fair demand for fruits and produce for the holiday trade , the demand has been light ns compared with previous seasons. People have not bought as freely ns usual of the delicacies offered on the market. Now York City consumes between 2,000,000 and : t,000,000 eggs daily. A produce dealer who handles more eggs than anv other concern In the country says that if tlio whole surface of the stale of Now York were covered with hens they could not lay enough oges to supply New York City. From present indications It appears that peanuts will fall far short of an average crop this season. Tennessee advices slalo that early in the season the drouth did much luninco and at harvesting time n heavy rain added to tlio injury. Virginia also shows a short yield , with quality below the average. The lemon market nt this point has not advanced in proportion to the advance in eastern markets. Heports from nil points nilicato that stocks are light and that thcru s an upward tendency in prices. The lemon crop in Sicily is said to bo largo , but ship- nonts to this country so far have been llgbt. Now York City has been struggling with i lemon famine. The buyers tlicro have been at tht'ir wits' end to moot the largo western and holiday demand. Ono merchant .hero remarked that in his experience of thirty years ho had never known such a do- mind for lemons and no stock to 1111 orders. Orange picking began in Highlands , Gal. , Decembers , Growers estimate the IHgh- ands outnut this season at 100 carloads , I'lils Is an increase of > percent ever last year's shipments. This Is quite a good In- : renso , especially In the facoof the fact that ast year there was a very heavy crop of scudlinps , and the crop of this variety is very ignt in most orchards. On the 1st of January , the season when iiralrlu chickens , grouse , quail , deer and an- Lolopo may bo legally Killed and , shippedex- litres. The past season has not been entirely satisfactory to the dealers in game. During Hi- ! greater part of the fall prices were much tower than usual , and ni no time during the season has tburo been such nn active demand as is experienced most years. Florida oranges are ruling much lower this season than last. Tl o grower is not netting more than 40 cents a box , whllo the trans portation companies get CO or W ) per cent more. The gross receipts on this year'scrop to the growers , If calculated on an cstlmalo -l.OOO.OOO boxes , will ho about ? ltXX,000 ) , while the sharu of the railroad and sleam- shit ) lines will bo fully $3,400,000. A fruit growers' convention , with delegates - gates from all portions of Washington. Idaho nnd lirlllsh Columbia , will bo held In Spokane , Wash , , on the second Wednesday of February , ko continue two days. The in terests of tills important and growing in dustry demand that united action bo taken by those Interested to develop their pos sibilities nnd tile fruits of the gathering are expected to bo of great value. President Phillips of the National League of Commission Merchants lias issued tlio following : Uuprescntallves of any agricul tural , dairy or other commercial organiza tions and shippers Interested in the objects and pur | > oscs of the National League of Commission Merchants nro cordially Invited to attend tlio convention lo bo held in Cin cinnati January 10 , 18U1 , To such repro- sontatlvos every privilege to hoar and bo heard will bo extended that the time and business of Iho convontlon will permit. The commission trade has to contend with a good many nuisances , but ono of the great est and most constant is the retail buyer. Kvery person who has an acquaintance In thu commission business feels U is his spe cial privilege to get anything that ho wants lu that line and at wholesale prices. If a commission man attempts to drive away llio undesirable class of custom ho makes his friends "nud. " If ho accommodates his friends ho makes the retail trade "mad. " Whichever course is taken the results ore unpleasant. The question that is agitating commission men Junt now is. "what is the matter with the butler market ! " The local morket Is slow oud tbo demand Is very light. A good many are Inclined to lay the blame ut the door of butterinp. There Is no doubt but what buttermo Is largely taking the place of butler In I lilt , market and from what can bo learned the same is true to a great extent of other market ! ) . Nebraska country mer chants are complaining about the low price of butter anil the fact that they lose money on almost every ihlDmont. The trouble is that butter U too high In the country.Vlio stores are piyln ? the farmers IS to 2J cents for butter that sells mostly at 10 cents In this market. In a vain endeavor to stop the loss merchants are shipping a great deal of their tutlor lo retail slorcs an.l holds , which rocolvo more thin they can use and are compelled to turn , over the surplus to the commission men to dispose of. All this only tends to demoralize the market and make trade still more lifeless , A sample of dried figs , raised nnd cured In California , has been received by Hratich ft Co. from licorgo U. Kellogg , the fruit ship per of Newcastle. Cal. Mr Branch sub- in It ted tlio sample to nn Omaha broker , who has the reputation of being an expert in that hue , and ho pronounce ! tbo fruit equal to the llgs Imported from Smyrna. The fruit was of good size and color and the skins thin. The raising and curing of llgs Is still in the experimental stage In California , but it looks very much as If the problem was about solved and that In the ne.xr future the United States will not bo compelled to look to tlio Mediterranean countries for its sup ply of llgs. The Now York Commercial Hullotln nays : "Not within memory of the "oldest Inhabi tant" has thu position of Iho banana market been so unfavorable as has been witnessed during the past two or three months. The fruit appears to have no friends In the tr.ulo , but when the mat ter Is sifted down for the trim causoof the depression , It can readily bo seen that to the doors of the Importing in terest can bo laid the slow sale and uiiro- munor.uivo prices with which Iho trade Is at present forced to contend. " The Uullctin llion proceeds to show that the unsatisfac tory condition of tlio trade Is duo to the auc tion system of disposing of the fruit and concludes with the question , "is Iho auction syslom a success1 ? This is a queslion which the fruit houses In Omaha that are in favor of the introduction of the auction system in .tilts city may take into consideration. New York .Miinny MnrUnt. NfiwYoiiK , Doi * . 123. MO.NKV ON CAI.I Kaiy at 11',1 per rout. I'HIMI : MKIIOANTII.I : l'.U''4S5i ! percent. STKIIMNII KXCIIANOI : Inactive , with actual luisliic&s Hi hunUorV lillU nt tl.B ( ) ® l.87 for duniiinil , nml nt M.H IHH-t.HI" ) for sixty days. Posted rntiM , tl.BSj&l.ttf'i. Commercial bills , SlI.VEU CKHTIFICATB9 09'iO last bill ) III ) sales. ( OVKIINMKNT ItOSPS Easier. Stale boillls , nolhliiK ( loin ? . Tlio closing ntiotatlonf on bonn i o.v/j Kir.Lun Axn TIIKKK IWKT. KtTuctH of the Cnvo That Caught the Home stead \Vorlcmen * HoMHSTHAn , Pa. , Dec. 23. An accident oc curred-by a cave-in at the Carnegie steel plant at 1 o'clock this mornintr , by which ono man was killed nud three others seriously injured. Their names are : JOHN KNEDDfE , I'olander , aged 40 years , married ; killed. JOHN LOHOAKI , may die. JOHN HAIIKO. ClIAHti:3 llAHlltOr.ATT. All the wounded were Hungarians. Superintendent Alalamphy says the pit would have been completed in n few hours if the accident had not occurred. The men were irimming Hie corners so Ihat the briclc- layers could commence work at daylight. There were fourteen men at work and when the earth caved in the report nuickly spread that all had bcon killed. L > argo crowds soon surrounded the works , including relatives of the supposed victims , and the excite ment was Intense. The report was sent to Pltlsburg and Iho newspapers dispatched reporters lo llio scene in carriages and on foot. The extreme dlflieuliy of gelling any communication to Homestead at all ren dered it n matter of several hours before the true extent of the accident was known here. Extensive improvements were in progress and ttio work was being rushed along night nnd day with the view of having Iho new departments ready by llio time Iho great plant resumed after the holidays , ll was the foundations of the now building thai caved lu. n 111 Tin ; JI.IXK JIHOKH. . I'nynij ; THIrr of tliti Cloned St. .Nicholas Arrested Tor Fraud , Nr.w YOIIK , Dee , 23. The llrst intimation of fraud In connection with the St. Nicholas bank eamo in n startling way. Superintendent Preston nnd Examiner Judson , while exam ining Iho books yesterday mom in ? , discov ered a big delicti in the accounts of Louis A , Hill , paying teller. At noon it had risen to f(2,000 ( , nnd Judge Marline issued a warrant and Hill was arrested at Newark , N. J. , last night. Ho was lakcn lo police headquarters and suDscquenlly was committed for thirty days pending extradition proceedings In Now Vork , and was released on 20,000 ball. Ho said last night ho would go to New York loday without extradition papers. from Iho reticence shown by oftlclals of the St , Nicholas bank and llio mystery sur- loumllng llio affairs of Iho Inalliulloul u Is not unlikely that in the course of the next few days developments of a more startling nalure yet may como out. The actual con dition of Iho bank will nol bo known until Iho receiver Is appointed next Tuesday. It Is understood that U C. Luthrop , the vice president , stands the best clmnca to secure the appointment , Dank Examiner Judson admits that the depositors will be paid in full , but within what time he declines to tale. TO l-'HKEZt : Til KM HUT. Million Company < ; utn l > rrctin ICIectrlo Lump * to Doty CompelItorrf. Cuicioo , Dee. 23. Injunullous falling to rid Die Edison General Klectrlc company of the numerous competitors m the electric llghlin ? business , the big trust has de tcrmlned lo run thorn all out of Iho field by cutting prices below all competitors , A sweeping reduction of 25 per cent on every grade of lamp la manufacture has been made , Uovernori Will \Vrlto on Truinju. Toi'EKA , Dee. 23. Governor I.ewelllng today received a request from the North American Keviow asking him to write a3C > 00 wont article ou "Tramps , " to appear with articles on the sarao subject by Governors Hussel of Mansachusetls , Waite of Colorado , and Flower of New York , Governor Level ling is out of the city , but II is understood tie will comply. OMAHA LIVE STJICK MARKETS H" ' Week Shows a FatHug Off in Qaa'jtity and Quality of Receipts. i SOMEWHAT STRONGER rFEELING PREVAILS C.tttlo Cloto tlioVcck with n Unml Ad vance lint Uncorliiln lli > E4 Still Afford Can so for Much Anxious Spccoliilloii. SATt'iiii.vr , Doc. 23. Hccolpts of all kinds have been light this wook. This Is usually Iho case ilurlnj ? tlio \vook Immediately preceding the holidays , but receipts have oven been lighter than for the corresponding week last year. The fig ures nro as follows : Cuttle. lion. Uocolpt * this week . 13,354 23,310 4 , "Art Receipts lasl week . -0.174 30.2H5 7,007 Same week hut year. . . . 13,007 33,571 2,023 During the early part of tlio week , with fairly liberal supplies , tlio mantel was dull , dragging and lower. The dem.uui was en tirely local anil decidedly limited. Then , too , the generally Iiifcriorqimlltyot tlio offerings had a most depraving < tnllucneo , and the tr.ulo altogotlior was about as moan as it ever gets. Huyors would condescend to lake. Iho fair lo good eaitlo at very low prices , but It was hard to got them to look at common and Inferior stuff. This condition of the market resulted in shutting off : receipts to some extent and since then prices have been on llio menu and a bolter loclini ? Is noticeable in all branches of the trade. Up to Wednesday there was all of a 23c drop in baof cattle values , but this dcclltio has been practically regained during the past two or three days , so ttiat the market closes about the same as a week ago. Supplloa Wore Scarce. There wore hardly oiiotich fresh cattle re ceived today to make a market. Only forty- four loads , less than ll)0 ! ! ) head , wore re ported In , a shortage , compared with last Saturday , of nearly a thousand bead , and u shortage for the week , compared with last , of nearly 7,000 iier.d. Conditions were favorable for a good market , had there been any sjooil cattle here , but the offerings were r.imost en tirely butchers' stocl : and feeders. There was a very fair demand from all the local dressed beef houses , and prices were nomi nally stronger all of a quarter stronger than Wednesday , but the meager offerings furnished an insuflleent test of the strength of trade. A few odd bunches of poor to fair warmed un native cattle changed hands at from $2.75 to ? 3.H. i and a string of pretty de cent western cattle brought ! . ! < ) . The feel ing was linn and everything sold in coed season. The cow market experienced much the same lluctuations that were noted in the market for fat cattle , weak the fore part of the week and stronj * and active later. There were pretty close to thirty loads of oows and mixed stock Inclined in the fresh re- colnts , and with ovor.vcmo after thorn trade was brisk and prices ruled anywhere from I't'cullur lloif/I'rnile , Hog and catllo values n'pi'l ' a peed deal in common this week , Kur tlio first four days the market steadily \vonkcnod , but on Frl- day nnd Saturday UphiJrccclpU and sharp shipping compollllon givvo Ihu market u boom and. prices advanced all of 2.'o In the two days. Nolliitig new bus come lo the surface ami Iho ummlural spread In prices between IIORS and hog products continues to keep the market for both uusolllod , The Price Current remarks : In tlio provision trade the demand cither speculative or for distribution has not vn- lar L-d , and In fact , has boon of a quiet nature throughout thu week , with an almost steady , bul Kriidiml tendency to lower values , in vlow ot current prices of IcadliiK articles of product , It U iinonmloui that r.tluua of IIOKS Khould not bo lowered moro than IUIH hoen thu case , lly wlmt menus prices OIIIIUKU are so well sustained Is not very cloiir. but that they uro relatively higher than product , and have buon BO for a cuujideruulo llmo , buems tiulto au- paitint. Hecelpts were comparatively llht ( , loss than half as many as were here ou last Satur day , anil a shortage for the week , compared with last , of about 7,000 nogs. The quality was fair , nothing extra. It has fallen off considerably thU vreeV , although the aver.iRO wnlcht , 'JOO pounds , Is about ttio same as last week. 1'Yom the sellers' standpoint the market was a very satisfactory one. HoporU from eastern markets were rather favorable , offerings were rather meager ami , vvlnlo there was a fair local demand , Armour cf Chicago was ntraln a lib eral buyer , taking 1,504 hogs , or nearly one-half of the enllro receipts. . 'rlcos aver- aRod oil of lOc higher than Friday , and busi ness was active al the advance from alarl to finish. A couple of loads of cholco heavy butcher weights brought f-'ilVi. niul there \vero seattorltiK sales of underweight stuff and rouih packers down nroiimt ? 4-SO and Jl.tH ) , but the Mi ? bulk of Ihofalrtouood hops of nil welnhts sohl at ft 05 nml $ . " > , \vllh Itio laller by far Iho more popular lleuro. On Friday thchops sold largely nt ? 1.8.1 ami $1.0. ) .iti'l ' on last Saturday the tradtns wi Umalia I'roitiittu .Market. llUTTKll The looal domain ! Is Ilsht and the Biirpltis htock ban to bo shipped In order to keep the market cleaned up. At the same tlmo dealers complain that the .shipping de mand N not very at'ttvu. The market. Is very weak and the amount of butter that brlniM 20c Is very small : cholco country , 18ii20c ; fro-tli packing itoek , llic. PuisSKi : > I'oui.Titr Chickens are plenty and the iimrkut Is low. Turki'y.s are not.coining In very fast yet , but the domain ! h still lliht. It looks as If the tratlo was putting elf buying us lomras possible anil thuro I * Ihibio to bo a ROII- eral srrainblo after supplies toward the close of the wook. Chickens , choice , fie : and ducUs , 7iftHc ; turkeys , cholco , oaiOe. lavn I'ori.Tiiv Dealers gunorally are advis ing the shlpinunt of llvo poultry , ns the demand Is very light , the trade generally preferring dressed poultry. VEAL The arrivals are not liuavy and the market llrm at provlnns limitations ; cholco small and fnt veals , 7ffl7ic ( ; thin or beavy , 3S5c. GAMK Pralrlo chlikons , $1 ; grouse , $3.25 @ ( ) ; nuall , * 1.2o ; jack snipe. Si ; golden plover. Jl : Uanatla gecsu , Ji.Oi ( ) ' ) ; small geese , J4.l)0a4.50 ; hrant , $3.0033.50 ; inalhirtl Uuck-t. 42.75T.3.00 ( : redhoud tlucks , $3 ; blue wing teal tluek.s , tl.T&'ii'J.OU ' ; roeii wlna teal ducks , 11.50 ; mixed tlncks , il.25lJ61.00 ; canvasback - back ducks , } 5.0oaO.OO ; jack rabbits , 2 : small rabbits , II ; squirrel75B90e ) ; tleor saddles , per lh. , 13itlGc ; doer carcasses , lOc ; nntelopo saddles , I'-Q. ] 3e ; antelopa carcaases. Itaos The receipts of fresh laid CRRS are not very heavy and the mtirkut Is 23c. The bulk of the cold storagu stock Is going ut'20& 21c. lIo.NBV Choice while clover , 15c ; Cali fornia , IGc. OVSTKHS Medium , ISc ; horseshoes , lOc ; nxtra .standards , 20c ; selects. 21c ; extra so- lects. 23u ; company selects , 2 < ie ; counts. 30c. NUTS UhuKlmiU , IJJJMftr per lh. ; Italian chestnuts , 1213c ; almonds , iHc ; KiiKllshwal- nuts , 12 14c ; fllburts. 12'4c ; Ilrazll nuts , 12 © 13c ; ppciins , largo. Ii'ftl4c ; pecans , medium , lOc. The markut on black walnuts Is low and no ono wants lo buv. vmiiTAiii.Ks. HKANS California hand-picked navy , $1.00 ® 2.00 ; western navy , $1.83t 1.00cominoii ; wlilto bonus $1.5031.75. UNIONS Onions nro quoted nt 50iJG5c , and on orders at U53.70o ; Spanish onlom , per ctiitu , n.iiO , WATEH C'IIKSS Put up In berry boxes , per casu of lOqts. . Jl. 50. I'OTATOKS Nebraska , Iowa anil Minnesota grown potutous. In small lots from Mori ! , 05 ® 70c ; same In cur lots , ( JUc ; Colorado , from Hlnro , 75c ; Colorado low , OS Oc. CAIIHAUK Orders for cabbage from the coun try are filled nt 2'ic pur II ) . CKi.Kitv MOOTS According lo slzo , 40300c per do/ . CII.KHV : Oooil stock , 35c ; extra funiiy Cali fornia , GOSB5C. Hwr.ET I'oTATor.s Tlio supply U fair ; good Mock , per 1)1)1. , $3.50. CiiiXN VIUIT.UIIIS : : Pplnach , porbhl. , J2.25 ; salsify , ! 10B35 < ; per dunidlshes ; , jior cloz. , 20c ; endive , pur doz. , 75e ; onions , ncr do20c ; cuiillliowor , per ( IDA , $ l,50j,2OO { ; luttiico , pui'io7. , , 5U { 75uiiiiimliursl ; t'J ; tonia- ton.s , pur lb , , 20c ; .string heans , } 2.5U per 'j-liu. box. GHAPKS Catawbas , per ti-lb , basket , 17(318c ( ; Malagas , per WWh. hhls. , not , iJ5.50TiO.00 ; Malagas , pur55-lh. hhls. , not , * G.'iO' < i7.l0. | CAI.IFOUNIA l''iiuiTS--Thuro ' l-i not iniiiih left on tin ) markut ; pun is , $2.50 , Ai'i' Thu Hiipply Is light on this market and prices liiglior ; fancy wuatorn , J1.75 per box ; bollllownr , { 2 per box. CIIANIIKIIHIK.S Cranborrlos nro arriving very freely and uru In good ilumand ; Capti Col. per bill. . J3.25afl.5l ) ; hull und Inigln. 80.0 U.ii.75 ; , iO.23 ; boll nnd cherry , J3 , TltOI-ICAN nitllT.S. IIANANA3 I'rlcosromaln abuut steady : per hunch , largo , $2.00QJ.50 ; pur hunch , small to m < ; dliimtl.75a-.0 ( ) . IjtiMDND Nuw Messina lemons , hl/.o , 300 , } D.25 ; fil/o 3150 , $5. OlUNiir.s Muxlcnns , per bov , $2.75 ; lurgo sires. i2.50 ; fancy Floridas , $2.75 ; chulco 1'lor- Illas , * 2.50'iJ2.00. TANIIKIII.NKS I'nr boy , t2.75. LillAI'i : I'HUIT-l'or heX , ! } 5. KIIII.S. IJonr-Xn. 1 hhiok. Inrse , 120.00(125.00 ; inedluin , * 15 : small , M.XftlO.OO ) ( ; black year lings , large , n2.00iil&.00 ; medium. ilO ; .small , (7 ; lilnck cubs , largo , ( O.OOQH.OO ; miidlum , $5.00QO,00 ; small , J7 ; black Montana and Itoeky mountain , largo , tlH.ooS22.00mudliim ; , ? 14 ; small , $10 ; bluck Monlaiiii yearlings , argo)12 ; medium , fH ; small , i5 ; black Mon- tuna cubs , large , iu.50 ; iiiodlnin , f 1.50 ; small , 3 ; Hllvt-r tip , large , $20 ; medium , J12 ; HmiUI , JH ; sllvur tip yearlings , largo , ill ; medium , J8 ; small , f5 ; silver tip cubs , Inrgo , iOi tnudlum , $ -1.50 ; small , ? 3 ; blown , largo , f20.00225.00j medium , f 10 ; small , f2 ! ; yuui'llngx , largo , JlO.OOit 12.00 ; nieillnm , tH ; small , } ti ; rnlis , large , * 7 ; medium , S5j small , M ; badger No. 1 lariL > , tl.iXKSol.rM ) ; modliim , GOc : Kiimll , 50e : INhur No. 1 largo , * S ; medium , $0 ; small , 41 ; fox Hllvnr. us l < i color according toboauty No. 1 largo , flOO ; nuxlliim , $ ri ) ; hinall , i40 ; silver pule , according tn beauty , large. J50 ; inodlum , $30 ; sputll t-0 ; cross , largn. $7 ; medium , $3 ; Miiull , $2 ; rod , largo , 21.50 ; medium , tl.25 : small , tl ; gray , lurgo 7 tic ; medium , 50c : small , Iw ; kit , large , Due ; mndiuin , 40c ; small , , 30c , lynx. Not largo , * 3 ; moillum , fJ ; small , * l.M ) ; marten. No. 1 , largo , { 2 ; medium , H.50 ; smull , iliiulnk , Nn 1 , lurgo , 8Uc.tiil.00modliim , 7&c ; nuitill , 05c ; mink , dark , No. 1 , largo , it ; iiuiilliim , 7&c ; fiinall , 50c ; inountuln lion , nor- fect head and foot , No. 1 , lurgo , $1M ( ) ( 2.00 ; Imperfect , skins , 25Q50ci otttir , No , 1 , largo , tH ; iiiodlnin , JO. OOftJ.OO ; small , ? 5 ; ottnr , pnlu , No. 1. largo , tl ; medium , 15 ; smull , i I ; raccoon , No. 1 , lurgu. bOci medium , OOo ; smull , 50c ; raccoon , black , as to beauty. No. 1 , largo , ( JOnS ) i'J.OOihkunk-bluck.ciiiivd.No. 1 , largo , 41.25 ; mi'dlum , 7So ; small , & 0u ; short striped , largo , tl ; modluin , 70c ; umall , 45c ; narrow strlpud , large , COc ; medium , 40c ; small , 2Qc ; broad Htrlptid. lurgo. 2025c ; wolvorlno , No. 1 , large , * 4 ; iiieUlum , (3 ; snmll. 12 ; wolf inountuln. No. I , lurgi' , J3 ; medium. < 2j tmall , 11,00 ; prulrlu , hirgu , 7Uii7S ( ! ; medium , GOcj smull , 50c ; beaver p r kln , No. 1 , lurgo , g&.OO&O.QO ; medium , I4.0 ; smull. { 2 ; kits , largo. (2 ; f'O ; small , 75ci miiikratuwlntor , No. l.lnrgo , liK&llc ; medium , Uc ; small. 7cl fall , largo. ec Uc ; medium , 7c , small , Oc ; kits , largo , iii3e. 1HI > KS , TAt.fXIW , KTC. HIDES Ko. I grcoa hldoi , 2 0 ; No. 2 green . . 2 < * j No. I green saltoit hide * , 3c : No. 2 green s.iltt-d liltln * . 2e ; No. 1 grmm iltod hide * , 96 lb * . to 40 lh * . , 3oi No. 8 green suited hide * , 95 lb * . to 40 Itu. , 2ct No. 1 veil : calf , 8 Ihi. to 15 UK. , lint No. 2 vunl calf , 8 tin. to 15 llH.,4c ; No. 1 dry Mint , hldc-tC > o ; No. 2tlry Hint hide * ! -lc : No. 1 dry silted hide * . -Ic. I'.irt curedhldoHc per lb. In * * than fully enroll _ green salted shearling * ( short woo'lotl early sklnii , each lOiilSc : dry shcnrllne * ( short woolod early skins ) , No. 1 , each f > $ UVdry ; shonrllugsishort woolotl oar ly skltn > , No. - each 60 ; dry Hint , Kansu * and Nebraska bntchiTWO ) ! pelts , peril ) . , actual woUht , 10-6 lie : dry Hint , l\ anil Nobr.iika murrain wool bolts , PIT lb. , aotu-il woUhl , 17 "VJiVi < lry Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , pur Hi. , actual wulRlit. OiAlOc : dry Hint. Colorado mur rain wool pelts , per lb. , weight , i ifi'Je ' ; diy plrce.smil bucks aetu-il wolghl , l'nt7c. I'lili'.ijro l.lvn Stock Market. ClltCAOO , l-c. 23. The receipts of cnttlo wrroi'stlmatcd at. Hit ) head , nnkliie 40.001 head for tlin wot'k. Till * Is 17,000 head less than arrived last , week , and 7ODD head less than a yt'ar ago. Tor the otplrt-tl part of Ibis monlli there I * a tlet'roa-toof 42,000 hoad. The dt'iiriml , a * on tin1 privodlni" day.s of the wei'U , was very smull , anil thorctore no one was seri ously put out by the int'agor proportions of today * supply. Not much cholco nntlcaiiiior.s' stot'k was olft'ivd.aml so far in shipping steers wort' fimrortiod the nrirUot existed In name only. Thort > will IIP no trading Monday. Sollt'rs of hears htid auothor good tiny. Thny seourt-d at , ntldltlonal ndvnnro of Itv , and did It oust ly. The market Is now fiom 15c to 25c higher than \Vodnosday nnd from UV to 15f Inghor t han a week ago , today's trading hi'ltit ; at from J5.10 lo } 5.35 for avtirasos tf ) ovur 300 His. , rand at from * 5.10 to Jr > .4i > for llghU'r wiMqhls. Tratlt-was brlik whllo tbo supply histi'il , shlpier.s | bolmj the principal buyers. Kvrrytlilm ; was outof sellors1 hiiiuls lu < fen > 10 o'clock und thu close was llrm. Uecelpts were about 11,000 head , nmkltii : 127,002 for the week , as against 175,150 for last \voi-k and 175,45'J ' : i yeir : ago. blnei' November 1 the iv- fflpls Imvo been about 52S.OOO , or 30,000 than for the simt : > tlmu last yunr. About 1.000 lii-atl of Hhoi'p arrived today , anil for the wt-ok r > 2GW ) . M'ho market was dt-atl. The yards held about 10,000 hi-ad , and It. would hiiMt bet-ii linposslhlo lo i-inpiy thoin at any price that sutlers could mumlluyers wer < i Illletl und did not want another hoof. Muttons are nominal nt from S2.GO to J3.40 for Koo.l to cholco. Halos of lambs were nt lower liguros , raiiKln from J2.UO lo M.GO. Iteeolpls-Uattlf , BUO liL'iul ; calves , 160 head ; hogs , 11,000 head ; .shocp , 1,000 head. The Kvonltig Journal ix'oorls : CATTM : Uccelpt.s , 800 head : .shipments , 1.5UO head ; a fair business for a Sal unlay ; pens ctimrvil ; sales , f 4.00 5.115 for good to extra steers , mill olhur.s , JJ.70ii4.50. lIofH-Hecolpt.s 11,000 head ; shipments , O.OOO head ; markt-t active and a trlllo hlghtir all aronnil ; roimh , $ l.90tO.U5 ; mixed ami packur.s , } 5.1I5.20 ) ! ; prlmo heavy and initchors weights , J5.20ao.35 ; light , $5.253 ; 5.30. Snr.KP AND fjAMHA Itccplpt * , 1,000 head ; shipments , mintmnrkot.slow ; and unchanged ; tup slit-op , U2.76run.25 ; top Iambs , f 3.75V. 1.25 : a lot of 3.000 cootl western owes , averaging HU ihs. sold for 11.85 , thu lowest price on record. NIMV VorU Alitrki-ti. Niw : YOIIK. Dec. 23. HAY Qulot ; shipping , Jfi ; good to choice. JO. HOPS Dull ; statu , common lo cholco , 18 ® 22'if : I'aclllc coast , lu 16221,1 * . llinr.s I'Mrmer ; wet saltud Now Orleans , 4'i © 5Ut : ; Ti-xas , stdectetllitSf : llnenos Ayres , tlry. I0lillf ; Texas , dry. Ci&7e. IjBATiiKii Klriu ; homloi-k sole , llnenos Ayres , light to heavy , 1419e. IIUTTKit Dull ; wi-storu dairy , 18S22c ; wosturil creamery , 20i 2H'Jc : woslern factory , lt ) > i < & 21v ; Klglns , 28'ie ; state dairy , 19ii 20c ; Htatocreami-ry , 22 251- . Cnr.isr. : Slcudy lurge , 05illv c ; small , 104 © 12ie ; purl skims , 4&lJ'/Jc : full skims. i ! ! > 3c. ICotiM Stuiuly ; state nnd Pennsylvania , 2lriA 27os Ice housu. lHtl24e ; western fresh , 22 ® 2Cc : southern , 24it25c. ( ( /'iiTTONsr.Kit Oitr-Dull } prlmu crude , 28c ; prlmo yellow , 34c. IMrriioi.KUM Spot market dull nml nominal ; Washington , JO. KOSIN Dull ; btralned common to good , II * lnll20294'e. ) ; KICK Qulot : domestic , fair to extra , 3 ? ; ® 0iu.Iapan,41n4'ic. ! ; ' MOLASSES Dull , nominal ; NowOrloans , 0)1011 ) kettle , good to choice , 3340c , I'll ) liiON-Dull ; Scotch , $20.00320.50 ; American , 412.00V.15.00. Cm-i'Kli Quk-l ; lake , $10.30. LKVII Klrmor ; ( , $3.25. TIN Quiet ; Straits , $20.05. t-pin.TKH-Nomlnal ; domostlf , S3 50 hid. StitiAit Ituw , tiilot | ; f'llr rollnlng , 2" c ; centrifugals , 2'W.J 10-llic ; sales , HOMO ; rollnod , titllot ; oil A , 3V < St 11-lGc ; mould A , 4'xil ' 11-lGc ; Man-hull A. 4'i'iT.I 5-lGc ; eonfeftloners AIMM 5-lGc : cut loaf , 5 ® 5 li-10tj crushed , 55i5 3-lGo ; powtlorcd , 4 O-lGJMire ; griinulaloil , 4 5-lGlis-Hic ; cubes , 1 0-1G4 13-lGc. Now York Dry ( iiititU .M-.irltot. NEW YOIIK , Dec. 23. The day hnforo the holiday , the end of the year anil of the weolt , all conspired to make a dull trade in any line of dry goods ted ay. In Hourly all branches thu market was almost as coed as clo-eil. Siaplo cotton goods were qultil. Print cloths are ( inlet at 3c , sellers maintaining tin I to a steady front at thrso llguros. I'rlnti.-d fabrics continued dull , with purliaps some of thu up- ] )0r grades of gootls doing hotter than the morooxpoiislvu. In Rlmchums and wash fah- rlc.s hnyi-rs are venturing only a llltlo way ahead. Woolen good- , are Hut. The jobbing trade , as uxpcctod , was almost at a standstill , owing to tlio holidays. C'ollVu Nr.wYoRK , Dec. 23. ( 'oprii : : Outlons opened dull ulun advnncii of 5 points on March and 15 points on Suplumbor , olhom unehangeil , ami ruled quiet , but llrm ; closed sltmdy at 5 to 15 points hot advance : sales , 0,250 bugs , Incliidln ! ; : January , # 10.05 ; February , $10.50 : March , $10.30 ; Slay. $15.75 ; .Inly. $15.30 ; September , * 15.10 ; December , # 17.40U,17.45. , Hpotcoireo , Ulo.qnlot ; No. 7 , $ lH.25 ( > ilH.37li : mild , qolot mid steady ; Cordova , f'JO.UUii 20.25. Sales. 750 bugs. IlAMiitnui , Dec. 23. Qnlot nnd unchanged to ! i pfg lower. HAVIIK , Dec. 23. Dull and lit lower. LONDON , Dec. 23. Quint. Kansas City l.ivu ntuu 3Iarl < nr. KANSAS CITV , Doc. 23. OATTI.K Kocolpts , 1,000 head ; shipments , 2,500 head ; host cattle wti'O strong , others stcadv ; Toxus stoor.s , $2.5033.45 ; shipping steurs , $4.00ii5.DO ; Texas and nutlvu cows , Jl.liO ® 3.35 ; hntchur slock. $3.35 1.10 ; stucker.s and foudors , * 2.O05i 3.50. lions Hecolpt" , 3.HOO head : shipment/ ) , 400 houd ; murlcut stoutly to stiong ; hulk ! fl OO''i.OOj liPiivy , pucklng and mtxutl , $1.50 < } . ' > .05 ; light , Yorkers and pigs , ? 4.0ii5.00. ( ) Sunup Hocuipts , 100 head ; ahliimoiila , none ; markut unchanged. St. 1. 0111 * llv StoitK Marlcot. ST. Louis , Dec. 23. OATTI.K Kurulpti , 300 head ; shipments , not 'ported I . ; mnrliot steady ; nutlvo btuiiM. runge , * ; i.t)0'W.5ll ) ( : cows , $1.75 (42.25 ; fed Tuxas leers , J3.30iJ3.50 ; grass Texas steers , $2.40 3.00. lions Receipts , 1,000 head ; mariict lOc higher ; butchers , fQ.10U5.UO ; puckers , JI.'JO & 5.20 ; Yorkurs , $5,1OS5 25. BilKKl' Huctilpts , 200 lieudj , market tiulot ; mUc-il natives range , } 2.0U3'J.10 ; muttons , { 3.00'if3.50. _ Sloelc in Rpcolpl.sof llvo stock at tnu four principal western marlcun Saturday , Dectjinbur 23 : Cattlo. Hogs. Shoop. South Omaha . 1,170 3.2J8 1.0H7 ( Jhlcago . HOD 12,000 l.OOO KaiisasCIty . 1,000 H.HIM ) 1OO Ht. Louis . 300 1.000 200 ' " Total . . 'ilB70 20.038 2.3H7 Wool IIOSTOW , Dec. 23. There Is no changn In essential conditions In llio wool market. There has beou u fulr atlumhuico of buytirs this wftik , hut they havogatlmrnd apparently to talk turllV and have bought vury llltlo wool. Tuvas wools are weak. Kino wool Is scurco. Pnllod wools nro In fulr request , Foreign wools are quiet. Curput wools uru very dull. Mon * t'ily l.ivo MouU .MiirKnt. Sioii.x CITV. Doc. 23. Ilonn Hoculpts , 1,500 head ; olllelal ycaturduy , 1.33H noad ; HII | | > - imiols , H'Jl hiMid ; murkut 15c higher at If I. Of ) 445.05 ; bulk , } 5.0 a5. ' < 5. CATTI.K ItccelptH , 100 head ; olllclal yostur- duy , 300 huad ; tdilpmtnu , 10'J ' huad ; murkut dull. _ Oil Murkum. I'lTTSliumi , Doc. 23. National Iran-lit cnr- tlllcatos opened at 70 ; closed at 71) ) ; high est , 7U ; lowest , 7u ; no salt * . HollilHy uc lviiiittn City. KANSAS CITV , Dec. 23. No grain market * to day holiday. HTOCK * AMI UONDS. There Wilt uu Aclivn and Wull Distributed Ilu3lne > Yuitonlay. NEW Yonic , Dee. U3. While o\v England was the loading stock In today' * spoculutlon on the Stock exchange and took up a third of the dealings , there was a fully aclivo ana well distributed business in the rust of the list. Trading was mainly on the bear sldo of the market , but the aborts did a llltlo coverinir , which checked the downward tendency at frequent Intervals ami served to Indicate that the short iutcrcst was not prepared to leave out very long lines over the Christmas holidays. The Ix > ndon Stock exchange being closed until next Wednesday kept the arbitrage houses out of the iiiarkel.conllnliiK' the speculation to purely local lines. There were both selling and buying orders In Now Knglaud from lioslon , but Iho former largely outnumbered thu latter and a prominent brouor , said to bo acting for persons usually well informed u to the company's affairs , was ft larpo seller of Now England. When It became Known that n directors' meeting yesterday had appointed Messrs. Mcl eod. Prince , ArmstrotiK and Krvln cominlttet to raise the ? * X.ti)0 ) ) retiulred to meet the January Interest , thus conllrnnnR t ho Ronoral belief that money had not been obtained , there was n rush to sell the stock , which hecnmo moro pronounced when It was rumored that the apposition company had obtained control of Now England's llo.U- Ins debt with the object of forming n ro- eolvorship. Under combined sales of lone stoeit for Iho shorl accounl , prices broke 4a t)0i ) cent ninlil consider iblo excitement. The lower range of values Induced some btiyliiK' , which resultetl In n recovery or \ % per cent , followed nyn reaction of lli per cent nml a limit rally of I per cont. The km on the day was 2' per cent. The only other stock the sales of which reached 10.000 shares , was WoMern Union , whirl ) , atler advanciiiR S per cent nt Iho opening , de clined IV , per com , cloilng nt recovery of J per cent. A drlvo was made on Distilling , winch sent It down 2 * < per ci'iit , beliiB based on alloRod advices from UashliiKton lhat the ways and means com- mltlto had not yet definitely tleclded lo In- vroaao tlio spirit tax. When the pressure to sell was removed the shares quickly rallied and closed 1\ ' per cent above the lowest point touched Atchlson was tieid steadily throughout the day , nt ono lime bo- s per conl higher limn the clos ing llguro of yestcrttay , Ihcn ri'ACtlnt ? per ccnl , nnd then iwovorlnj ? to and clos- tr at yestonlay's prico. There was a gen era ! rally In llio llnal doaliniis nnd Iho mar ket closed llrmer , but from h to JN' per cunt lower on the day ; Now Knglami , ! ) per conl ; Tobacco , I'lltaburt ? and Chicago , Ulovo- land , Cinelnuatl iVSt. tjotili , 1 piTconl ; Na tional Iilnseed nnd ( ircen Hay nvoipts , Ipercenl ; Norther I'uolllc , Distilling , Cot ton Oil common and preferred ami Canadian Southern , I per cent. Now Jersey Central shows an advance of 1 per cent. 'I ho transactions of the week have re sulted In a universal depression In values , there being scarcely a stock dealt In which has not declined from llio closing price of Saturday last. The breaks are : Now England per cent ; I'lillmau , 8 per cent ; Western Union , 5'j per cent ; Kio CJrando Western nnd Distilling , 4J per cent ; AtchlsonIV , - per cent ; Iowa Central preferred , ; l'f ' per cent : Delaware , Tv.icka- wanna it Western and Koclc Island , " % per cent ; Missouri I'uellic , 'J'j ' per conl ; North ern Pacllle preferred ami Oregon Improvement - mont , 21 | per cent , and Union I'aeillc , Oregon gen Navigation anil lJorlington,2 Per cent. The only shares which have advanced on tbo week are : Cordage preferred , I per cent , and Wclls-Partro , 1 per cont. Tlio Post says : From the opening of lo- dny's slock market prices rolletstud extreme discouragement. This discouragement nf- fecicd chiefly Iho professional element. There was , however , some heavy selling1 , and numerous unpleasant rumors regarding corporations were diligently circulated. London market , lee , was closed , which cut 'off possible support from that quarter. In Iho last half hour many shorl contracts were covered , and some stocfk rallied oven nboro the opening llgures , but these were Iho ex- ccplions. The lollowing are llio elosimrouoiailons on Iho loading stocks on llio Now York ex- chnngo today : Atcldson 14H North'ni I1. pr.Td. 11) Adanm KvpruHH. . . ir.n t ) . P. . 1) . iOnlf. . . . . | UJ Alton. T. II IS Northwestern miti tit ) prof.d iir. tlo pruf'tl. 131 Aiiu'rloan Kxpruss II'.1 Now York Ct-nti-al. OS ll.-lHliiloro.tOhlo. . HSi-j N. Y. * N. B OSK1X Canada I'aelllc Onlnrlo A. Western niM ! Canada Southern. . Oregon Imp Central 1'at'lllc. . . . IhVf Oregon Nav ClH'H. A OIllO i ) . H. U.tU. N r Chicago Alton I'aelllu Mall 13 U.ll.'Q " " ' IVorla , Doc. , t E. . . Chic. ( ! as 1IH Consolidated Oas. . I'-'ij ri'nllniHii'l'rthico. . . O. ( iVSt. ; L ' ' ' ' ' Col. Com & Iron. . . Ill IttcliinuiVii Tor. . . . . Cotton Oil ort J7 tin proftl r. . Del. .V Hudson 12SH llio t.rnmlo Wost. . Del. I/i2k. , t West. lill do proftl I ) . , V R. G. prufd. . . DlH.iVC. Fdm.Oo. . . St. Paul KiHt : Tumi tlo praf'd nn Krin Ht. 1'anl .V Oirilia. : tlo prof'd tlo pruf'O 112 Fort Wayne lis Soiitliern I'ailtle. . . jo ( ireat N'ortli'n pt'd. li-j ) Siiyar UiMbifry'.l nil T.-nn. Coal , V Iroa. llooklnir Valley. . . . ism Texas I'aelllc II ? * . . . su Tol. , t ( ) . Cen. pfd. 70 St. 1'aul i. Uidiilh. . Jt Union I'aclllc lll'f Kan. , V T xan nr'tl. U. S Kxpntt * 00 I.nku Krlo , t Went. . wr.,81.1..A1M.S. . . . . 00tin do pref'd tlo pn.-ftl TakoSlioiv > WVlIn F.irjo I'xp. . . LuadTrnat WoHtorn Union. . . . I.onlsvlllu.VN ' ManhattanCon . . . . do praf'd . MemphlH XC in M. .tst. I , - low Michigan Central. . U ! ) 1) . .V U. 15 Missouri I'.iolllc. . . -'US ( Kleutrlc. . . Mobilo.VOhli 11) ) INatlonal I.hiBt-otl. . Nash. .tChatt 70 O. V. & I National Cordage. . Hilt ( ! . V. & I. pitiftl. . . tlo prof'd. . . III H. AT. C , N. J. Cuntral liUli : T. A. A. AN. M Norfolk'd. . HIM T. St. I..A.K.C Kurth Anierl'n Co. . : IH uopfd Northern 1'acltlc. . IX OIToritl. The range of prices us roportcd by ,1. W. Duunu .t Co. , Hoard of Tratlo hull. Is as follows : Stock * . Open IIIuli I.OW. ClOHt1 YCH'I Krle . MM IWi 1'auIllcMall . I ! ) ? * L. AN . I7U 47- > , North western. . . , 0I ! ) Mo. IMoltlo . 2 HI " Union I'.iclllc' . . . , HIM if,1 , , N I'aclllc , p'ftl. ID in N. 1'aclllu com. IDr inM C. II. , t y - 7.-.K 7.J Koc'.i iHland. . . . or , Ht. I'.ml . r.s r.7is WuHlern Union. H''U 7Ui ( 7U ) ( , Now Milk-land. . nod 10 Atuhlnon 10MM 1H4 Chicago ( las. < ll ) Uljh 111 IM 1H llul. .V lIiulHUii. . 1-J7U 1-.W 1) . C. ! ' . II. O. K . Conlanu . 17 The total sains of stocks today were 140,000 shares , Including : Alchlson , 7,200 ; Ameri can Hu ar , 4,500 ; Jlurllimton. 0,200 ; L'hl- cain lias , 0,700 ; Distilling & ( /'attlnfeetltiiK. O/JOO ; ( ionoral Kloutrlc , 2.8UO ; LoiilNVllln & Nnbhvllln. 2,100 ; Ml'i.-.oiirl I'anlllc. 4,500 ; Now York fc Now ICiiKland , 57.000 ; Koek Island , 4,000 ; at. I'aul , D.lUt ) ; Union I'aclllc , 2,100 ; Western Union , 10,000 Miiaiiidiil .Mites. Nl'.W Oltr.KAKiS Dec. 23 , , Cloarlllgs , $2,104- 075. I'AIUS , D c. 23. Three per cent rentes , 9-3f 37'i ! for the account. Mr.Mi'iiiH , Doc. 22. Now York exchange , BellIng - Ing at pur. No cluai-lngs holiday. I'tlll.AliKI.I'IIIA , Dei ; . 23. Oloarliiui , $9,883- 337 : hiilnm-fs , $1,515,051. l < 'or the week , * 22- 1HH..J07 ; bnlunco * ) , } 9,001H70. H.U.TI.MOIU' . DL-C. 2.1. Clearings , $1,890,330 ; halti'ict-H $224,405. I'or the week , cloarlnu's , * l3,2rJ,727 ; hahilicos , * 1HOJ,135. NKW YOIIK , Dot * . 23.-'loirlhgs ( : , JHBG07,851 ; haliiiiei's , J5,8BJ(120 ( ; for the wrote exchanges , If514,500,971 : baiaiifos , ill I.IO'J.C.&O. ' HD.STO.V. Dm * . 23. Oloarlngs , $13G03,710 ; balances , $1,423,31)11 ) ; for Mm week , * H1,738- 448 ; balances , $9,434,350 , Money 1 pm- cent , NKW YOIIK , Dec. 23. Kxportsof Hpoclo from the port of Now York for the weak ending today were : t < ot | | , $75,201) ) silver , } l,083,20l. NKW YOKK. Di-c. 23.- Tim Imports from Iho port , of Now York for the week' muling today : Ui-m-ritl moi-chauillsii , $7,301,0 1 : dry goods , $1.158,514 ; hpoclo. 'J07,828. CINCINNATI , Doe. 23. Monoy. 3uo per cent , New York oxt-liaiigt' , l.V&30u ! promltim. ( 'loar- ' liiK' , $2,034,350. i'or the vvi'Oli , $13.010,050 , I'or ihoKinno week last your , $14,017,251) ) , OniCAno , Dot * . 23.-Now York nxclmngo , BOijiiomliim ; storllng ti.\chanKt > , dull ; actual , $ I.M5'(44.H7'i. ( t'loarlligs ' , $12,117,000 ; total for thu weak , fi 1,025.01)0 ) ; for tha roiTtisiiond- Ing week last year , $100.034,000. plenty ; demand , light- rates u 134 Washington St. , CHICAGO , MUNICIPAL BONDS , Bonds of Electric Street Railway Companies. Illcjh Grade Investment Securities. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED , Ktlicl < llllld rn' .M nut I II 1C. Omaha & Hlkhorn Valley Hnllnuy Company ! Notion Is huroby nlvcn that tlio annual ment ion of thostocfilioldors of thu Omaha & Klk- horn Valley Railway uonipany.for the election of si ; von directors und the Iruimactlon of such other Imilnoi * an may lawfully como lioforo the mcotlm : , will ho htild at the olllco of Johu M. Thurnlon. Union I'aclllt : biilldlnx , Omaha , Neb. , upon \VotinestlHy. the 3rd day Of Jan uary , 1804 , al 10 o'clock a. m , Tfiii vtock transfer hookb will be closed ton days liuforo tlin date of the llnstou , Due , 14 , lb'J3 , Al.KX Mn.r.AIl. Sec rotary , > H-J lidV