TTIE 03FUIA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. "DECEMBER 2U , 1 03-SIXTEEX P VGES. GEN , GRANT'S GRANDCHILD Colonel Fr Ts Daughter One of This 8 a- Boa's Debutante ! in Hew York. WILL OE COURTED AND PETTED BY SOCIETY . - - * - % . v.- _ - Dlnnmlon at tlio American SyMom of nilu- cntlii ? Vaunt ; \Vmncn Icrliuiu' * Srlinnl for Women FPinlnluo. mid I'ntlilun Nate * . P ubnbly none of' this season's debit- * .n NTOK- York sociuty will receive | u jrc attention thnn Miss Julln Grant. Iho laughter of Colonel Fredurick D. lirnnt , who will bo courted nml putted quite na much for the nnko of her own and accomplishments i i.armlng porsormlity ments UM UCCHUSO of her Illustrious linen - on o Miss Grant is extremely pretty , havtnir ncrfcctly regular futitures and aountlnnt lluily li'lit ( , htitr. 5ho IB tnll and slomlur and carrioa herself in a manner very stately for a yomitf girl. Her Nv York dubntvai not her first exior'onco in fnshiomiblo gayotic * . for hlic was presented at court in Vienna lant vear when Colonel Grant was min- inter tiustria. . iind has seen something of f hieijjo society since the family s re- t.irn from Europe. C hii-airiatiH. in fn"t. hud just bngun to claim nor for their very own , when r ilonol Grant took a hoiibc in New York for Uio vMiitor and established his family in the motroplla. The house SB rather email and unpretentious , but Colonel and Mr * . Grant will do a great deal of cuter .iimiif * in their delightfully in formal fashion , and , it 1st needless to say , wisl H > ( "instantly entertained them selves. Mrs. G.-ant , it .vill bo rumem- borotl was Miss Ida Honorc of Chicago. but tier accomplishment ; ! and tactful- nesi have made her as great a favorite in Now York as in the Lake City. Miss fnliava * born in the white houbo ilurinir the last year of General Grant's term tut president in June. 1S70 , to bo more exact and as a child was a great favorite with her illustrious grandfather , of whose hous-ehold ho and her parents were members at the tinio of his death. Her .ifo abroad has developed her won- derfullv. and it Is not diflleult to foresee that before the winter ia over she will bo one of New York's reigning belles. - * From head to foot , from ton to toe. the girl of OH IB a thing of color and life and movement , of picturesque clleet and pleasing personality. Illogicallydwssbod ? Why. of coursu ; there has been too much common -onto in this world. Per haps the girl of ' 03 is going to the other extreme. That sometimes barrens. \nd what of it ? Have you over thought how imicU. the world owes to woman's frivolity.-1 Tlio Englishman's preposterous habit of carryinir a moun tain of luggage with him wherever he goes has covered the known world with railway lines , so it would bo hard to point to an industry which hadn't been helped by frivolity. Or to a discovery or improvement in sciuuce or art that frivolity doesn't reward by maki'n : use of it. Take one iuhtanee because it's the newest. A Swiss aluminum company announces that after January 1 alum inum will bo sold at 45 cents a pound. Frivolity has found a Ufao for the cheapened product. An aluminum rib- ben , light , yet fair'y ' btltr , pleasing in color if shown , but easily concealed , bending but not breaking , is now not uncommon in the hem of a smart gown. Fin de siccle. indeed ! Denr girl , remain frivolous forever , or wo shall an-hungored be , many of us , and a-thirst aim n-onld ! B more than ever frivolous , an them mayest. these dreary days when mills are stopping and work is scarce ! Shine , for thy Binning means work , art , food , fire , Hhelter ! Fling hiu'h thy pretty alcoves and cares , or primly prune tnem as it pleases thee. Not I , at least , shall say thce nay. The American system of educating young women seems to be a popular sub ject for discussion , articles upun it hav ing appeared almo t simultaneously in good journals and magazines , hays Womankind. We seem on the path of radii-al reform. Arc we all our own fancy would paint us. ab educators , or are wo producing a hybrid ? The true aim should be to develop womanhood to its perfection. Are wo perfecting woman , or are wo trying to bring out a new creature , wholly and totally un known to past generations ? Dr. Edson claims , in an article , that American women nro over-educated and do not become mothers as a result of mental Htram and phyMeal dolleieney : alto the nondesiro of American intel lectual women to bear children. Other articles are against co-education , as making the sexes too freely equal , and brushing oil that charm of the fern- inino inlluenco. the hoftoning of rough ness for women's take. When a woman becomes a ehum or a comrade she loves the irrcator charm that hovers around her , bt'caiiFu alio is a possible loved one. Tno dif-cubblon of those questions can hurt no ono. Wo struggle toward truth , as walking along a thorny path. The light is ever ahead , and wo pursue it , but wo remember the rough places and pitfalls , and would warn others A uioro important subject than the best HVbtcm of education for these young daughters , who now are conning their A U C's , cannot bo found. They are the questions of the ago. "What shall wo do with the ( "jming young women ; " ' la a query not only of interest to ua as par ents , but to future generations. Old records say that the law once took n hand in reducing the size of women's sleeves in Venice. That was in KlO.'l , und its olTeut was soon s-eon in the ex travagant trains women added to their gowns. Aa soon as the puzzled luw- mnkors realized what was the mutter they curtailed tlio skirt by a hccoml edlot , to be again circumvented by the great mugniflceni-u of both skins and sleeves , which were blazoned with em broideries of gold and bet with precious Etenes , These too were enacted out of fashion , but only while the women wore getting breath for a fresh contust and a sloeva that exceeded in eo t anything that had gonu buforo , for they wuro both wide and long , reaching oven the hoin of the dresa. Thu&o were the arm coverings that called forth the lost edict from the Venetian somite. * There IB at Reykjavik , in Iceland , a most interesting school for women , which re profits the patriotic lava and 6 U euurltico of Icelandic womur , us it was founded and is supported through the exertions of ono woman , who lec tures In Europe on the noedn of liui nutivo island , says the New Yortt Sun , and the generosity of uthor women , wlu brought thuir heirlooms and pourotl them into the lapof the founder , that she mignt soil thum und appropriatu thu procoodu to the kchoul. Thut > o heir looms were quaint and beautiful bolts illlgreo tubes for confining thu tassel on the every-day cap , snulf horns and sil ver embroideries , huveral women huvn been bant to Farnpa to ba trained us Uuiuhura with the money ihaa raited , t and many more at home have received a higher form of education than otherj j wire would have been powibla. Women | student * nrtj admitted to the median ! k and theological seminaries for Instrucj j tiou and Hnal examinations , and U ) the | Lfitln ftchnol for exnmination , if they i have preptirod therawlves. A diploma from any ono of the > institutions admits io the Univenily of Copenhagen. Mrs. Leland Stanford , after nor hus band's donth , assumed the administra tion of the business affairs of his large estnte. No other woman In the country controls so many millions. She Is wid to be at her desk nt Palo Alto earlier in the morning than most business meu. and is kept busy thu whole day. She approve * all bills , and looks personally into all the vast interest * left by her huslmnd. Her plan is to put nil the en dowment properties of the Lelntid Sjan- ford university in a condition to yield thu largest possible income to that insti tution. It is thought that the uni versity trustees will find but little op portunity to Improve on her work when the property tlnaily reaches their hands. Mrs. "Stanford Is OS years old. in good health , and displays great vigor and endurance. Women clerks , or. ns the British scribe delights in calling them , "fomalo clerks. " are to be introduced into the Bank of England. They are to be em ployed mainly in the department which deals with the Lssuo and receipt of note- , and will not be > on view to the public , for tholr presence at the coun ters weighing' nut sovereigns In shovels might Imvo a demoralizing effect on young stock brokers onculing day. but once these women clerks have been tsiken Into the embraces of the "Old Lady of Threadneedlo street. " no one can tell to what extent they will displace men in her alTeetiuns. They may even get the upper ha id altogether. At Rothschilds and several other well known houses women are employed in considerable numbers in the coupon de partments , and are found better adapted for thu work than men. It may also bo mentioned as a. sign of the times that Mr. Brass , member of the Metropolitan Asvlum Board , proposed that four now clerks whom it is proposed to appoint should bo women , and Sir Edwin Gals- worthy admitted that the appearance of fair dames would introduce a charming variety into their business. * * Some pretty frames for photographs that sold readily at a woman's exchange , says thu Now York Times , were of coarse heavy white lace painted with ivory- white cuaiuul , with- the tlowers and leaves in the pattern touched with gold paint. The edges of the frames were bjund with gilt. The lace was used on the same frames that are usually cov ered with whitu embroidered linen or leather. Frames for small or medium- sied pictures to be hung up on the wall may be mndu in the same way. Take Torchon lace , for instance , and lay it on a plain pine frame that is cjvcred with shcllack. When the shollack is cli-y , glue on the lace , caver it with the white paint and lot it dry. Cut the luce at the earners so that it will fit smoothly where the frame U mitred. Gilt or colored paint may Do used entirely for these frames , but is not as pretty as the white and gold. f It is an interesting fact that in Switz erland , where the same educational ad vantages are extended to bath sexes , and in whoj-o famous universities women stu dents from all parts of the world con gregate in greater numbers than in any other country , Higher education for women , parallel with that , fo.- men , is not viewed at all favorably. If a young Swiss girl is to continue her education beyond wiiat slio getd at the secondary -cliool. slio ia sent t > some female insti tute , where she goto a course of study supposed to be adapted to the feminine mind , and consistin-r chiefly of modern languages , literature , history and music. Perhaps the < = aino men who sit in the cderal council and help to keep the imversities open to women would dis courage , if not decidedly oppose , their sisters or daughters entering the classes , indeed , public opinion is so Htronu- against it that there are few Swiss women regular studentg at thu uni versities. In Morrison. 111. , there lives a gentle man by thu name of Green. It is now flomo twenty years slnco Mr. Green be came the delighted father of an infant daughter. In a moment of gay facetious- fic-B , inspired by his joy , ho named the baby Olive. It was not many years be fore Mr. Green was once more a father. Again it. was an infant daughter , and the " \ibtlo poibon of that first christen ing having worked in his blood , ho named thu second onu Myrtle. A third time the joys of paternity became Mr. Green i , and a tliird in/ant daughter was added to his household. The fattier s-et his teeth grimly , got out thu family bible , and wrote in a firm hand "Ivy Green. ' ' He nirthermoro assured his friends that if lie should bo presented with a son and huir ho should look out Tor tlio youngster's future bv naming him "Apple Greon. ' ' for then no daughter of Eve could over resist him. A certain Mr. Horace Plunkot madu a ipeuch in thu English Parliament the other day which i > ont the members otf into tits of laughter. The occasion was the debate on the woman's sulfrago clause in a proposed bill. Mr. Plunkot 1ms lived ten years in Wyoming , and there fore spoku as ono having authority. Mr. Plunkot excited the merriment of his libtener.s by referring to "a female jiibticu of the peace. " with whom ho was well acquainted. He said shu know how to use her authority and her revolver. But thu funniest thing was when Mr. Plunkut told about women jurors. That practice , he iaid , had been abandoned in deference to tnu protest of onu man who complained that ho had to take care of the baby all night , whilu his wife was locked up "with cloven good mun and true. " I'aslilcin Xnte * . The latest caprice in footwear ia thu white antin slinpor. Mustard-colored gloves with black stitching are fashionable in Paris and London. Aluminum buttons are among thu noveltiu.s , and thcbu are haudsomo and artistic. Ruches of colored crone are used to head lace tlouncos on satin or watered- silk dresses. Fancy mulTa madu of velvet and other rich materials are elegant rivals of the plainer drum inulTa or furs. Narrow bands of sable hoadnd with jet passementerie about an inch wide is a modish trimming for cloth gowns. Mariu Stuart b innuts are again in fashion and as they are extremely becoming - coming to many faces will no doubt be popular. A new tuxtilo for ball tollata closely rosumblus crape , axoupt that it shines like satin und is manufactured in the moet bountiful colors. A great deal of narrow black lauo in sertion or fancy ribbons are usou in moot capricious wava on chic littlu wool and bilk-und-wool gowns. l 1 muled molro antique is a fiuhionublo falnie of thu season und gowns of it , trimmed with guipure do venl&c , are I w > rn by both young and elderly women. Beautiful dancing toilets are mudu changeable * atm brocades , trimmed -vith lace insertion and edging , with skirts of accordion-pleated crepon set to a yike of the brocade. ( "ropons are considerably les the rngo than they were last "eason. French cash mere , namel's hair sacking in its varied qualities and effects , serge and vigogne being strong 'ivals. Handsome silk-striped wools are being formed into pretty "holiday toilets. " ' These make charming drupes , as the material is fine and the colors bright and well combined with softer neutral shades. Now moires show novel and attrac tive patterns. They nro striped , shot , ilowored , dotted Or barred with velvet or satin on either the large waved antique grounds or the moire Francais surfaces in finer ripples. Silk and wool mixtures will be largely u < -cd in the making of street and church costumes for tho. spring. In its weaving the silk threads are thrown almost whooly on the surface of the goods , and a rich , lustrous effect pro duced. Point d'Angleturre Is very fashionable for wedding veils. It is very cobwebby and falls more gracefully than any of thu laces used for that purpose. But tullu is mfli-c becjining and fulls in such light , shimmering folds that it remains llrst favorite. Milliners are just now showing par ticular partiality lor all the rich brown shades and the different varieties of green , combining them with soft tints of yellow or pink and varied shades of red , from magenta , beet root and dahlia , to the vivid Russian dyes. t'cmltiliio Notii . Maids of honor to Queen Victoria re ceive a salary of 31.00 a year and are In attendance at court thirteen weeks. Street car conductors at Hannibal Miss. , are forbidden to aid women in getting on orolT the cars except when re quested. English under servants , who are al ways excluded from the housekeeper's room , refer to this sacred spot us "The Pug's Parlor.1 A letter of George Eliot's , in which she complains of the literary criticisms of certain persona , was recently sold at auction in London for 325. Partridges nerved with stowed peaches is a specialty of a Dresden hotel , accord ing to a European traveler , who found the combination n happy one. Jean Ingelow appears to be a vary hospitable woman. She gives a dinner party three times a week. Her guests are twelve poor people just discharged from thu London hospitals. In October of this year the authori- tie ? of Dublin university. Ireland , an nounced that hereafter the junior fel lowship of the university will be open to students of both sexes on the same conditions. Barnard College for Women , an annex of Columbia cjllego , now has 103 stu dents and has secured 5100,000 for a building fund. It has received 3100.00J from the Fayerweather estate and 330- 000 toward an endowment fund of $100- 000. 000.Miss Miss Ethel Arnold , a sister of Mrs. Humphry Ward , is said to be an un usually brilliant talker and has been frequently urged by her friends to write a book. She had adopted tins sugges tion and is on thu eve of publishing a volume called "Platonics. " The philosophical faculty of the University of Heidelberg ha"s resolved that women students can be admitted to the-degreo of doctor there. In Gottin- gen also similar facilities are permitted , and two English ladies , who have already studied mathematics at Cam bridge , are attending lectures there. It was a German woman. Mine. Emma Seller , who first discovered the mechan ism of head notes , thu highest tones in the female voice. She devoted herself to the study of thu lurnyx at the dis secting table , and was rewarded by find ing two small cartilages in the vocal chords which produce these sounds. At the five Swiss universities 27. > women matriculated , and 102 who had not been examined were admitted to the lectures last term. Of all these only five studied law , the rest belonging to thu mudical and philosophical schools. tVmong the matriculated students K1S came from Russia and nineteen were tVmuricans. Manuola y Palido of Madrid is the only woman lawyer in Spain. On ac count of this unique distinction her pic ture was placed in the bpani&h exhibit at the Columbian fair , and her permit to practice hung near. She is a remark ably handsome young woman and prob ably does not lack for clients. Miss Matt Crim , the well known young Georgian writer , has many a smilu over thu reference of reviewers to'Mr Crim. " She is a girlish-looking blonde , with simple and unaffected manners , and a modest opinion of her abilities. Shu makes it a rule to write every day , and , us Mr. Stedman says that she has gen ius , she may ba expected to succeed. A good deal has been said abaut a young English woman who is an indexer and has mudo a reputation by indexing thu records of thu Houses' of Parlia ment. It may not be generally known t\\ii \ \ ; a woman has been employed in the same profession in this country. Miss Boveridgo lias , during several adminis trations , as = istud in indexing the Con- grossijimi Record. TllK Jminm' . wn lians Hi" inutlotosf" Null of Hello and Nun. Nun hlufclitid , mid sulil shj didn't know ; Ilu'lf tried Indlfforunce tohliuw : Nell didn't drop thi < auDjcut , though , And tliuy duvlbed : t pl.ui. They hung It nn thu clmmloller , Hi-foru tlio ChrUtmas iron. And Hollu .mil Nun boon in.ulo Itclcar i To every youns man .mmiliit ; nedr Jim \Yhnro It inn. by feigning fear , Aim bo got Ulsseil , you sec. Hut Nell , I noticed , shutinoil tliu jilny , Tnough of the tlinte mo > t fulr. Hut tTliuii the rokt- were iolnur awiiy Hut shyly motioned me u > * tuy And hnutohlnimitt a littlu spray , Hhu liTlnod n in hur hulr. The football ornaments are now in se.ison. Thu over papular wraatti now surmounts hairpins of gold and shell. Thu most beautiful riuis and ornaments of thu auason are iu opals and diamonds. It Is n masculine taste to huvo thermom eters mounted on tusks of ivory and horn. Thu tnreo strands at a ncoklace of pearls are gnthured up In festoons by a lava knot. Mnrquisu rluh's are now three inches long. Thuy arc evidently , intended only for idle hands. The battle axes of par/orated ilt trith a gam at thu summit jiru pretty and less fre quent than the sword. Spoons with unumelea bawls .j not seem rittin . Tliuy aru. however. Interesting. Anew now | K > 3n has the Ainariuau flay m thu bowl. Enamel ia certainly having a line show. Thu small boxes of tuumel grow prtiuitu- and more dainty woe * by wouk. The heart- shaped baxui are charmingly quaint. Vienna clocks are uumty panels of enutnol set m temples of brass. Waltcau acontia are chosen. The No 0 Wheeler & . \\'iutan witn Us ro- arv movement , is the li < tiu t runuinijd maiHlniMu ttu market , and is unequaiiu. fjrMi' 1. lurutiilit and luaill , if w.irlt bt J JV W t.iu liizr & Cj , UU South Sis teeutli street _ , . . /.ut ir. The onrvrns nearly full , when a moJlshlv dressed voting man. loadwl mth nn ayc lnss and general air of Ihslttude , oarofulh gathered up his elongiltfa coat tnils .in i < settled hlmsolHn the o raer sent. Next to him sat a matrunly looMne woman , whoso face wn * expressive ot wrene contentment Her Ian was loaded 'with- parcels and from the well filled basket afjftor feet the sturdy drumstick of a mcm H-o s turkey provoked pleasant tntk-in uon& . of Thank irlvin chwh Across the We was n broad shouldered worklntrmati. whose frayed troupers and throsdbaraorerco\t betokened hard times and short hours and a ceaseless strnccle uiih adversity. As tlioitndljh yoiine man contemplated tlu army of parcels distributed nmotu ; the pas sengers the semblance of an Irtea flitted across hts iusipU face. "Do you know. " he vontureJ. ( ? latu-inif toward thu woman with the turkey. ! dnn t sec why people should celebrate ThanbsBlvloc this venr. Every body so unlucky , you know. ImiKB breakIng - Ing and all that , and p oplu 10 duuced anx ious after thuir bills. I haven't atn tiling to be thankful for. I'm sure. ' The man iu the shabby suit bad been nn interested listener. "Youiu : man , " ho in quired , "have you earned .1 dollar this year' ' ' "Why , I don't work , don't you kno > v I'm a gentleman , " rejoined chappie in discust. "Have you pone home \\lthont a Job ir a cent in your packet to meet the wife .tail little ones that you did not know how toke ko | i warm and feed ilnntii ; the long winter' Have you seen the pile of coiil in the bin prow smaller and smaller and the crorory bid grow bu.'gor and thu rent oomoduu wtnlu you wore out your only pair of shoos in a vain endeavor to earn an honest dollar' " "Sir. I'm uot a iwuper " "liavo you missel eating thrae tltnos .1 day or tramped the streets at nlcht without n quarter to buy a bed while lights from bright windows reilected thu luxury and happiness beyond your roach ! " "No , b.ih Jove : " gaspsu chappie. "Well , then , po home and thamt your luckv stars that God protects an infernal idol who don't know enough to take care of himself.1' Fifteenth stroot1 ! yelled the conductor , and thu victim of hard times buttonnd his shabby overcoat around his neck and atonped oil. while the modish younif man ac quired a headache trying to imagine why they all smiled. The fact that Con Uallashcr has ueen in Washington , very much in search of the ap pointment as collector of customs for the port of Omaha , whliu the indications are that the plum will not come his way , sug gests the Idea that it Barney Shannon wcro still on earth Mr. Gallagher would have .1 b.icUor whose utterances would at least at- tact attention , ovca if they did not take a priro for elegance of diction. In the tfood old days of S4 Shannon , Gallagher and Jltn Stepaunson wore numbered araon ? the solons wnoso views on municipal nnanco \\uro aired at the meetings of thu city coun cil , and it was at ono of these sessions that Barney , after being frigidly sat down upon by the chair , relieved his indignation and at the sama time upheld the righteousness of his cause in the following strain : -Mishter Prisidint , Ol don't know mooch about parh- menthery laws , an' I don't know mooch about parlymenthory usage1 ; , but I do know this mooi-h Con Gallnghor is ttiu proatest par- lymentarravan that ivor passed on par- lym nthery p'ints in any parlymenthun body m the sntite"Uv Nubrashky. and tic says. Misther Pnsullht. mind ye , ho says , i that It is a weil established fact in all par "lymenthery bodies tjiat whimvnr two mm. both numbers of the sainu parlmenthcry body , both roise to thuir fate at the sainu oime and adonss the chair , thu fursht man oop has the Uuro. " In those days one of the principal d-awmg arris at the council meetings was the dead moral certainty of a red hot dcbatu between Shannon and Stephenson , who. when not en gaged in bombarding each other with ink wells und such other bncK-a-brac as was not tieu down , indulged in oratorical pyrotechnics technics that mvanabjy paralyzed the lobby. On ono of tluse occasions Slephenson was unloading a pasbionatojiarangue , in which the vehement sentences wore punctured with gestures that could uot fail to not a job as ad vance acent for a Kansas cyclone. For a few tninuies , the gentleman trom the -Bloody Third" listened patiently , an.l tlien interrupted to give expression to this belief , which had apparently assumed control of him : "Mistticr Pnsidml. if Oi had th'illj quince uv th' gmtlemon frum th' Sixth , combined wid my brains. 1M be a howlv terror in this coun cil. " Stephunson immeJiatcly sat down , ap parently satisfied with the compliment , but it seemed to wear upon him , and from that day to this the top of his uranium nas been as guiltless of hair as a billiard ball. At onu of its meetings the council seemed determined to pass a resolution calling for the laying of a four-foot sidewalk , very much azainst the wishes of Barney , who was equally determined that the walk should be "eix fut 'r nuthm' . " "A four-fut walk's too narry , Mistnor Pnsidint1 ho declared. "It's too narry Now , suppose , for th' sake uv a little argymmt. Mist her Pnsidint , that this ( indicating wita outstretched hands ) is a tour fut sidpwalk. INOW vo an1 yer wife , Misther Priaidlnt.aro comm down this four- fut sidewalk. Yo an' yer wife are comm1 down ( with a gesture that indicated long practice in shaking down loaded sacks of tSratn ) an' me an1 rae svifo are gom' OOP this fourMut. sidowalk. Mo an' rau wile are aoin' oop ( and thu accompanying gesture evinced a desire to shoo a nulf aozen of the neigh bors' chickens over the back yard fence. . ) Now can't yo see , Misther Prisitiint , that yo an'er wife 'ud have to shteu off ter wan sidu to let mu an' me wife go pastit ? " * * At ono time duringShannon's incumbency in the council a few enthusiasts started a scheme to have a number of gondolas placed on the artincial laUo in Ilanscom park. It seemed to take , und when the matter came up for action before the council it contem plated the ourchaso of a whole fleet of gen dolas. It sa happened that Barney hud never run acnus a gondola on his native bo ? , and ho had not extended his acquain tance m that direciion after arriving In this country , but , ho was very certain that Omaha could got along awhilu longer without adding any of that kind of live stoclt to her possessions. Ho seemed to bo imbued with the idea that a gondola was aorao kind of a duck , geese or swan , and when the time carao for him to air his views , hu said , "Misther Pnsidint , Ol am very mooch opposed to this wasteful nxpindf- churo uv pooblic foonds. Wo don't need all these gundolvs , and I'll bed d If Ol will ivor vote for thim. It may be slower , hut It is my opiuyin that wo can pet along wid two at the pnsmt nino. I will vote for only two Kundolys , i raalo gur.doly and a female gun- dolv and let nature take its coorso. " Barney was liliowisu struggling with an attack of municipal economy when thu ques tion of a now city jail was buiug agitated , and he contended that inasmuch as it would render thu old structure a total loss thu proposition was too extravagant to oa en tertained fora moraont. Ho llatly declined to favor thu measure unless it was agreed to UEU the brick in thu old jail walls m thu con struction of the nuw builaiiiL' . Onu of the members wanted to know what was to bo done with the prisoner * in in a meantime. "ICape tlmn In th1 qd ) Jail , av ooorse , ontil th1 new jail Is donn , ' ' was the triumphant reply And there thg matter has resold to this day. DeWItt's Uttlo Early Risers. Small pills safe pills , best pills. "Did you dread proposing to me , John ? " "Oh , no. I hud been told beforehand you wouldn't accept uio. " "So ( he young widow is foias to marry Mr. Jingles t la ho a good catch" ' "I sin cerely hope so They Ray she used to throw roiling pins at her nrst husband. ' A young woman in Indiana , engaged to on married , backed out on the day ui for thu nodding , giving as an excuse that shu had boon warned agamfcl the union bv a dream. ' I've noticed ono thing about widows' weeds , ' * sud his reverence "What's that I" asku.1 his honor. "They rnroly interfere with tbu growth of orange blossoms on the sumo soil.1 The wedding of Mrs Jonnle Cecil Li on , daughter of the late George Cecil , of New York City and William O. Murtu. a son uf S F1 B. Morse , thu inventor jf the teu-graph , WOK place n Now York last week. Prince , Peter TruuvisKoiUn Russian nobleman who Is pamttnc Mr ( jlad&tout portrait , U engaged to be married to a . .ouu during the q winter nights which now come on apace will § shed its mellow radiance over in many N 5 happy households. There will be home-chat g and music and games , and , best of all , -SUPERB- -ART REPRODUCTIONS- § official U. Government Pliotoffinplis. 1 . SSS TA/TTTTMTn The United States Government. r An m m OF lllliJllU Famous Statues and Paintings. jS Si > " 2 WITH MANY SCENES OF SUPREME NATURAL BEAUTY AND INTEREST IN J > | JACKSON PARK5M1DWAY PLAISANCEl HOW TO SECURE THIS ; EDDCATiOML SERIES. THE BEE POINTS THE WAY : LIP 0 Art Portfolio Coupons of different dates fi-om n.ico 2 of It-is paper , and send or brine them with 10 c nts in i om to Art Portfolio Department , IHE OMAHA BEE. Omaha. Neb . anil one iKirtfolio , containing 10 pii'tures - * v / llxia inches in size , with mterestinR and autln > descriptions , will bo mailed or delivered. Thu entire series of ttl 5j portfolios. 2T.G photographs , if purchased .it rrtail would cost at a low estimate 31S5 00. No such opportunity was 5 cvrr hffrro pi-pscntc-d. No such opportunity can t-ror acain bo ollc-rcd in Omaha. " " REnEHBER T"s ! P P r lias ihr cxcliislrr right to nintc the dUtnbutlon of tlicse reproductions from Hie official Government ? * S _ PhotORiophs for preservation in ilie archives at Wnshitigton * , 5 SPECIAL REQUEST rlcasc favor > our ' "ends who may not be regular readers of thu paper by informing them of tlie S5 - - particulars of tins unequaled offer t RACK PORTFOLIOS canbg'ccured in exchange lor ! S Wcet.Uv inl I qumlav Comvm. Dy saving the extra coupons each ireet ill * . . .i * * * * I'nitfolios heretofore issued can mi& be rai.v jijtamtu * * 5 In-enUms for Portfolios do not include itherrrue . , t9 CAUTION anv rrrue | mqmnes. or business with vour order m it is nnpo sible to % 5 answer letters in this department l-lcs'r > tntr plninlvthuh nortfolio you desire givinrIs number. Send or br ngcouoonsto i g . - Art Portfolio Department , THE OMAHA BEE , Omaha , Neb , S English woman. Miss Ethel Wright Ho s six feet four inches tall and bam to bo an unusually hnnd&omo man. Mr. and Mrs. William Morse , a Taunton , Mass. . couplu have just celebrated their sixtysixthedding anniversary. Mrs Morse , in her eighty-fourth year , is doing her own housewor : : . and hur husband , who is ninety-two , is still blight and alert. "Well , young man. " ' said old Mr. Breezy "while you are at my house I hope you II feel just like ono of tlio family. ' "ThanK you. I'm sure I have every reason to ' "What do you mean. " "Yourdaughter has just said she would be a sister to me. " The wedding of MIES Katharine Sands and Mr. Theodore Haveraeyer in Now Yorlc was much hlco all otner weddings in popular Grace church. The lights were soft , tbo ilowers lovely , and there was no hint of poverty or hard times in the sumptuous costumes of the congregation. QLiuutenant Sallos. a Spanish officer , who was severely wounded while , lighting Dt'sido his chief. General Margallo , who was killed , during the recent hostilities between thu Spanish troops and the Hit ! rebels , at Mu- 1 ilia , was carried to the residence of the general and nursed by the latter's daughter. The tragedy has rounded up with a romance in thu marnago of the lieutenant and Miss Margallo. How many people know that it is lawful in Massachusetts for a Uttlo girl of ia to become - c-omo a wifef Who could believe at first thoueht that many Uttlo girls in short dresses have been legally married in Boston during the past year and that the law. even in the hands of thoughtful oftlcials , was powerless to prevent it ! The reports of this year show fifty-seven marriages of girls of 17 or less : thrco of these were 15 and one a child of 14. The Now York Herald hears from excel lent authority that Miss Pullman , of Chicago cage , is not destined to become a Princess Von Isenberp-Birstein. Lilto u careful father , Mr. Pullman , who was considering the offer of marriage , wrote to the prmco's family in Germany , which could not or would not satis factorily answer all his questions , and while ho was willing to setllo a hand some dot on his daughter , ho did not euro to pay thu debts ot the pnnca. The mrm brilliant wedding that has taken plauo m Honolulu for years oi-cnrrod on the evening of December 4. whun Commander William Henry Whiting of thoUnitud States navy was united in marnago to Miss Henri etta Afong , at Central Union church , by Uov. E. W. Beckwith. The woddlng had been the chief topic among society people for weeks , and great was the desire to ob tain invitations. These , however , were con- lined to thu 400. to which , of course ; , tno American and foreign naval officers wcro admitted. _ /.Y TllK EI.KVTUIli.lL The electric railway has penetrated oven the fastnesses of the Tvroleso mountains , : i road twenty-seven miles long boitig projected between Uiv.i and Pinzolo. It is reported that the Egyptian govern ment has decided to authorize the construc tion of a system of tramwavs in Cairo , and that electricity will bu the motive power. Eugenu Baldwin , an amateur electrician of Montreal , has devised a wind wheel which , in connection with a dynamo and storage batteries , furnishes all the lignts ho needs m his houso. The property of rubbed amber , oleetriuity. was perceived by Thalcs as early as thu sev enth runtury oefora Christ , but heat and electricity , as practical pruuu movers , are developments of the past " ( X ) years. The generation of electricity in a simpler manner than is now followed in the combina tion of engine and dynamo has long been dreamed over and uxponmnnted upon by Hciuntisis , and various patents have been taken out for producing a current directly from a source o' heat. A bomuwhat moro direct mtjtlicid than that foliowod m the usual system was outlined at n meeting of the Now York Elemric soi-iety on November "J. by Nluola Tesla , whabo namu U always sugcostive of novel things. His motor , ro- gatiiud as llttio inorn than n toy a few years ago , forms the basis of thu eluvtrio apparatus which ii to inako thu fulls of Niagara of practical usu. His incandescent lump , glowing without metallic connuuttou of any * orl with a dynamo , was characlur- uad by thu Engineer of London , --opening up vistas of intiriiio possibilities."and now hu baa developed a itoam ayuamo of pttcullur form to vibrate a cell at wire in a niBgnutio neld and thus give a current. While thu thurrno-dynaimo efficiency of thu apjumtus mukt ntxuitsanly tw llmitod to the sainu laws as Jiher blearn ' 'chinos , in thu fuglnc-dynuino ( he inernauirai fflilenry is said to ) as nigh as ' . < - pr "i-nt , and prrssura it .AO pounds jntuiiu-d 4n a if peculiar Jeslgn is to . o dstd. OF OMAHA. ABSOLUTELY INCANDESCENT FIRE PROOF. ELECTRIC LIGHFJ PERFECT A DARK VENTILATION OFFICE IN THE BUMHG HiGHT AND DAI ELEVATOR 68 VAULTS , SERVICE , DIRECTORY OF OCCUPANTS : BASEMENT FLOOR : PIDELITV TIIUST COMPANY. Morlgaso ( REED JO _ I'lUNTINO CO. Loans. A. ruovvK. iimrot. Wl'CKOia * . SHAMANS , t IlliSr.niCT. Horn- It II UAMl'IIELU Court lloiuudo. Clarj anj Incton rypenrlturs and siiupllBi. Tcitiuuca _ ifOUK.iT I.A .VN < ; i : ilKTKUV VsaOOIATION THE OMAHA LOAN AND H UII.T5INO A3- WAI/TEH EMMONri. llnrbur bliop. SOCIATIUN. H. M. NnttinciT. fncrotury. UMAilAUKAl , l.srvj'i ; AND fUtHTCO MUTUAL LOAN AND UUIL1J1.NU AbSO. \V. N. NAMN. Agent Union Llfo Insurance CIAT1U.N. Company. FIRST FLOOR : DHE IlIISINCiB . P. 1' . EKENHEUO. Fro oo Painter AMhHICA.N WAT Hit WUIIKS COMl1 VNY. SIJl'EUlNTENOKNr I IKK HUrLUINO. . 1'KANC ItnEVha.t CO. . CoiitnuKirs. WESl'EK.N UNION TELEJH.U'U Ou'u'l UEI'UULICA.N CI TKAL COMMITTEri SECOND FLOOR. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIlt : INHUK- HAHTMAN k ROIUITN3. AhCi ; Ct ) . U. HART.MAN. liuunclor 1'lrn Ins'ir.-xnoe. C. A EUJUTTEIl , La-r Office , MANliArr.VN LU'B I.NHUUANUKCO , IHAAl' AIIAMU. Liw UHlcii. U. A.\VA < ; NKU. .V.'oiitUaltjI-it.itj * Arsiaenl OH. CHAHLKa HO.-nWATKK. . cHHian -CIENCK umn : ? HOOMS. nil. J. E. I'iUZaNRLL. NO < B and Throat. ! . -QITIltl' Loan * . EOUITAIILK LIl'K A33UIA.NUK UEO. E. TUUKINOrON Attornoy-at-Liw. JOHN A. WAKEl'lELD , Lumber. THIRD FLOOR. H. M. PVTUH'IC. I..nrOtncn . EQUITY COUUT. Room NO. fl UT. ITEI ) STA TE3 LII'E I .VriUHAXC CO. I'HOVIDENT > A\'l.-\Oa MI'K CO. A.X < a.l .AAU'.HlCA.N MUllTUAUB & CHVSC OIL ri. It. I'A'L-TliV. Dnntlot. COMPANY. TUB UIIA.NT Ail'llVt , ! ? I'AVINO AND DH.O. rfi.AcuM rinc co. Jl. U. ntAUEItMANAttiirney ( iKOUUR II SMITH. .Iiistlooof thul'oaco. EQUITY COUUT , Itooiii NO. 7. CENTUAL LOAN AND rilUdC UO. n. W. falMEUAL. WM. rfl.M EIUL. L.I L.IFOURTH FOURTH FLOOR. PACIFIC MUTUAL I.IVC AND ACCIDENT CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIKE 1NSUR , A.NUR CO. W A VEMpTKi KoiU Citato. BTAl'LETON LAND CO. WEHaTKH. IIJWAJU ( ) &CU. . Plro Irsur.ince. I'K.NN MUTUAL LII-'U INSI ! ANCE PO. HAMMOND TYl'IIWItlTKIl CU OMAII/t TITLE AND INDEMNITY CJ , J. L. HLAfK. Olvtl Enslnisor. A. M. IIUl'KI.Nr. Court Htminrruplmr. G.V. . SUns.VCO. , Sollultoronf PatenlB. INTKHNATIONALlMJHLI&lIlNfiANDPJri. bTANDAHO ACCIDU.N'C INhUllAMCE ; CO. . THAI I'CO. I'orov U Kurd. Agent. UNH'OHMCOLLHCriNH AND IlCl'ORTINU OH.UUA.NTCUUiMOIinOcu.lstaua AnruU AGENCY. OUAIIAIX . . . . W. u CSO.-S. Cnal E I * EV.NH. . 1'eonlu's Invpstinunt Co. W. K. IMNDLKY , Arahlloat. MO. VALLEY LOA.N .t INVESTMENT CO. O. C. HTANLBY. I'utautHtshH. Cll 0. V , CHUOKS , Norvci. Hlumach and RDWAIID U MOONEV.Murtiajesand Loam Huart. FIFTH FLOOR. AHMY UKADQUAIITEHS , DEPAUTMKNT | OF THE I'LATTE. SIXTH FLOOR. DRK EDITOItlAI. UOOMS. VALLBYOnAINOO. URRCOMl'OalNO UOOM. 11 All 1LPON LOAN . rUUfiL'.UO. C. V. URINOOHI'K , Arointuct JlA.NUKA < JTCItUt : AND A3- U. b. UOVEllNUKNT I'HINTINO OFF CE. SOOIAT1ON. SEVENTH FLOOR. UOYAL AIICANUM LO DOE HOOUa. I A few more elegant office rooms may be had by applying R , W , Baker , Superintendent , office on counting room floor , 1