W 1 v THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. 81 ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , DECEMBER 17 , 1893-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY F1VK CENTS. * p . &Mr. HA ROTHEvRp * Notions And Fancy Goods Here is a list of bultab'.o holiday gifts at closing out prices : Ladles' flno cmbroidot ed silk hnnkorohlofs , lOc. Ladies'fancy oinbroldotcd and drawn work. 28c. Ladles' fine chiffon handkerchiefs , 2T > e. I Lndlcs' fancy Initial handkerchiefs , 15c. / Ladles' all silk honibtltchod , extra length tics , lOc. / Ladles' all silk line reefer scaifs , 76c. / Ladies'genuine bcal pocketbooks with solid silver corners only $1.50 , worth $2.60. Special sale on German Plate Mirrors , Genuine meerschaum pipes from $1.25 to $2.50. Genuine French briar pipes ! t5c to 50c. Gents' elegant cigar cases J at low prices. Look at our fancy enamel ware In foot stools , hat racks , fancy baskets , oto. Job lot hand brushes at 60 each. Job lot hair brushes at 25coach. Job lot cloth brushes at 25c. Job lot dust brushes at 25c. Noodles Ic per package. G packages pins for 5c. Wo have the largest stock of ladles'fancy neckwear in the city. Look at it. All stylus , at cut prices. Fur Trimmines. All styles of fur trimmings in beaver , cooney , astrackhan , mink and opossum ; all nt cut prices. Holiday Books * Wo have THE Book Department of the city. Monday wo will offer 5,000 juvenile books at 7c each ; ever ton different series , viz. : Little Ones' Play Days , Pleasant Times. Boys' and Girls' Holidays. ' . . " * - - Easy Word Story Boolcs. ; Joyous Days. Little People , etc. , etc. Those are regular 15o and I8c books , but wo wish to close this enttro lot on Monday , and 7jo will do it. We Also Offer Drummond's Addrose , Scarlet Letter , The House of SovonGables , Reveries of a Bachelor und Dream Life , at 23c each. Emmorson's Csaays , 2 volumes , 81. Wo are offering a special line of bibles and prayer books for the holidays. Dress Goods. Something Nice for Christmas. 150 pieces high grade novelty suitings marked down from $ i , $1.25 , $1.50 and $ i-.75 to 630. - This is for Christmas prices only. Cheviots marked down from $ i to 500. This is just what you want for your wife for a Christ mas present . Our Priestly Henrietta marked down from $1.50 to 88c , from $1.25 to 750 , from $ t to 63c , from 850 to 5oc. We have them in all shades , war ranted 46 inches wide and strictly all wool. Any lady will be pleased to find a dress pattern from one of these in her stocking Christmas morning. Come and see our novelty suitings at $2.15 a pattern. These goons arc all "wool and worth $6. Christmas price $2.13. Ask to see our 54-inch storm'serges , all shades , marked down from $1.25 to 650 for Christmas week. week.We We want to give every person a chance to pur chase a nice black dress for a Christmas present , and in order to do so we have concluded to sell all black goods at 500 on the dollar , This is for Christmas week only. Cloaks ! Cloaks ! Final week of our great Clearing Sale of Cloaks , Jackets , and Capes. All styles of garments and all prices , from an all-wool Jacket at pSc up to the handsomest late style Cloaks. This department is showing the.largest and most complete' stock of Shawls , Skirts , Tea Gowns , Waaps , Jackets and Cloaks in high class stylish goods west of Chicago. Prices the very lowest. As a Christmas Novelty We have in this stock a few Gentlemen's-Smoking Jackets. The two leaders are a $7.50 garment that would cost you $15 in a clothing house , and a $5 garment , worth $10. Silk Mufflers. I Gents'Gloves. PolUa dots , OSo. in gents' driving gloves Black sllU mulllcrs , $1. $1.25.81.GO. for holiday tiado , 60o , 760 , $ 1,81.60. Cream bilk mulllors , $1 to $3.60. Wo are now showing a very line Cents' Initial handkerchiefs , lin line of gents' bilk umbrellas ; come en. ISc. with beautiful handles. Gents' silk Initial handkerchiefs , Ladles' bilk mitts , kid ploves , kid 35oCOc,7oc , mittens ; an elegant line to cheese Gouts' white Japanese silk hand from. kerchiefs , 25o and up. A beautiful assort men t of ladles' Gents'colored slllc hnndkorchlofa , fancy lisle , silk and cotton hosiery. 23c and up. Wo are showing the most popular Genta' Xvhlto hemstitched hand- line of ladles' fur mulls in the city kcrchluts , lOc and up. at low prices , Holiday Gifts. In no department can there bo such olegint nnd at the same time useful pres ents bought as in the ctocKery and lioitso furnishing goods department What is moro elegant than a fine china dinner sot ? Wo have them in 100 and 112-pieco set" , twenty different decorations , at S17 and $21.1)5. ) The regular prices of thcso eels are $30 and $10. Wo have over 500 dinner sets in 100 ploces each that range in price from $7.25 to $10. Our line of hanging lamps is complete. Wo have con tor draft round burner , with automatic light lifter an spring oKtoutioii , at $2.85. You never bought ono under $0. 0. You have 200 different styles to select from. Banquet and Stand Lamps A flue , solid nlcklo banquet lamp , center draft burner , at $2. Don't go and pay 85 elsewhere for the stimo lamp. Gardiner's Aihambrian ware , in beautiful ambar , groan and gold , from 4 to 15 inches high , from Ode up. Carving Sots Without an exception the finest and largest line in the west at prices from $1 to $18 per sot , with or without cases. G O'clock Teas In wrought iron and gild , with vapor lamps , at prices within the reach of all. Glassware Fine cut glass tumblers at $1 per sot that you can't buy ar.ywhoro under $ & 50 per sot. Cream Sots In ruby , crystal , amber and gold. China Fiuit and Cake Plates Wo give you a china hand painted fruit or caito plato at 80c. You yoursalf would consider It cheap at $1. Cups and Saucers You never SAW such a nice and largo stock to select from in teas. , coffees , mustache and after dinners , in French _ and Aubtrian china , In hand decoration and unique shap , Q froomlOs up. A full line of blue on'imel ' ware just in. A small selection of blue ware would make an exceptional present to any houiowife , and p.-ices no higher than common tinware. Vases A full line of Austrian vases , same as wore exhibited In the Austrian section at the World's fair at Chicago. There they wore sold at fabulous prices. Wo have duplicates ranging in price from 12c up to 89c. Also a full line of water sots fiom the same display from $2.50 up to $1.60. Toilet sots from $1.05 up to $10.50. It would take several pages to enumerate , all the beautiful and useful presents that can bo selected in these departments. jewelry Dept. t Only a few moro days left in which to buy your Christmas presents , nnd don't miss this opportunity. + f Ladles' bolid silver watch , jewelers' price $8 , our price $2.95. Ludios' gold filled hunting case watch , Elgin or Waltham wo 'Its , jewelers' price S18. our price $0.76. Gents' gold filled hunting case watch , warranted twenty years , Elgin or Waltlinm work's , jewelers' price $25 , our price $12. Pearl opera glasses , with fine achromatic lenses and morocco leather cases , jewelers' price $8 , our price J2.95. Set of six solid sterling silver teaspoons in aboautiful case , jeweler's price $10 our price $4.K5. ! Largo si/o black morocco leather opoVa glasses , with gilt tube and leather , casea < jowe'crs' price $8.50 , our price OSc. Solid gold pens with pearl holder , joweleifc' prica $2.50 , our price OSc. Sterling silver hair ornaments , jo\velcrs' price $1.CO , our price 49c. Genuine diamond rings , 1 karat stonoi iu solid gold setting , jowolors' price $35 , our pi-ice SI.50. : ! ' Genuine dlrmond rings , jewolors' price $10. our price $3,85. Genuine diamond baby rings , jewelers' price $2.50 , our ptico OSc. Sterling silver souvenir spoons , jeweler's price $1.50 , our price 69c. Quadruple pTMo silver tea sot , jewelers' price S2 ! , our price $5.05. Solid gold baby rings , 25c. Solid gold misses' rings , 48c. Ladies' solid gold band rings , OSc , " Silver rings , 25c. 1,000 novelties in silverware and jewelry at ever half jowolors' price. Got ono of our porcelain Dutch clocks , OSc , worth $3. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. .Pianos arid Organs SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFr R : on a largo invoice of pianos and organs Arderod for the holiday trade. Wo must dispose of these instruments within the next week and Imvo made prices accord ingly , i , Your Choice of 10 Different Makes at $10O less than yon can buy ; the same instruments anywhere clso on earth , Wo are solo agents for the world famlm ? CHICKERI&Cr FIAKTOS. Como nnd see our piano eas > o organs. Sheet Music. Standard shcot music , Co per copy. All the LATEST Pollps fl5c each. In struction books [ all kinds ] at half price , Thn very latest now sough and instru mental rauslo always in stock at greatly reduced prices. How Are These Prices ? SMALL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE , Stewart Banjos , $10 up to $25. Strattor. Banjos , $5 up to $20. Violins , suitable for beginners , 9o up , . Violins , suitable for advanced amafeilrs , $5 to $16. Violins , suitable for artists and professional pluyors , $12 to $300. Guitars , manlo inlaid odco and center , $3.50. Guitars , mauogany , plain front , $5 , Guitars , oak , handeomoly polished and inlaid , $8. Guitars , rosewood , handsomely polished nnd inlaid , $12. Gultais , rosewood , handsomely polltihci } and inlaid , $20. Guitars , bird's-eye maple , handsomely polished nnd inlaid , $21. Mandolins from &Q up to the price of the Washburn Mandolin mado. Wo handle EV13UYTHING in small musical merchandise at co/rcspondlngly low prices. , WHAT ARE THE WI&D WAVES SAYING ? They nro talking about reductions all alone the shore. So are wo. For this wcolc , from Monday morning 'till Saturday night REDUCTIONS IN FURNITURE. Wo always nmrkoJ our good in plain figures , our customers know this. Therefore , when wo give you S and 10 nor cent discount on certain articles , you know you are gelling a bomi-lido reduction , " , NOW , THEN , For thin week wo shall give 10 nor cent dicount on nil ROCKERS , CKNTKR TABLES , BOOKCASES , PICTURES , SOFAS ( > nd COUCHES. Exceptions : Our $1.26 , 51.US , $1.6J and $1.75 Rockoia , and the desk wo uvo selling at WO , oa thcbo we can glvo no reduction , on the rest It is yours , s-t * 5 PER CENT OFF on nil BED ROOM SUITS. SIDEBOARDS , EXTENSION TABLES , DINING ROOM CHAIRS , CHIFFONIERS. Exceptions ; Our 85o chair and cheap 0-foot tables. Do not delay , but come. Toys and Toys. Hardens Imvo cot the toys and they are marked nt prices that will soil them. Wo don't nsk fancy prices because wo luivo llio atouit to select from. The time Is short , only 0110cok to ole < o this immense stock.ro don't ilupeiul on the iirollts of tills department , but only keep U up in order to accommodate our regular trade , whicl ) domiuuls us to supply their wants , Grott e.iro hns bson taken In selecting this stuck ; years ot experience assist us in gott'iiy ' tlio right articles for our trade. It is a pluasu to huar the complimentary remarks made dally by our customers. Satisfaction prevails all over the house , as our prices are always the lowest or inonuv cheerfully refunded. Thin po.isonvo \ uro showing a great many now novelties in maniemo sots , both in trimmings and cuse , at otic , 7-5e , It'ic , $1.23 , $ l."iO , $1.7" ) , $12.1fla.oO ! iiHl up to $10. Combination soK the best selection in Om ilia. Toilet sots 7"i ! , ! ) "ie , $1 , $1.2" ) and up. And such a line line of work Inxcs jc ( ) , 7oe , SI , $1.2 > , $1.50 and ui > . Those poooJi nro lower this season than ever. Wo IMVO a great many odd pieces \ \ hich are being bold fast because ttiey nro no\\ and no dupllcitob are to bo had. Now is the time to malco your selections. llavo you teen our clUp ny of albums ? You will find stvlcs unioncr them shown only by Ilaydons. $1.00 buys a line album. Wo have the finest line of albums at $2 00 , tt.fill ! , $2.7o , SU.OO and * ftO ever displayed in this city. Children's china tea seta have always been a great seller with us. Our block ' this season is larger than over at 2oc' , See , 8ie ! , 13c17c , 50c , lioc , 08c , 7Jc , $ l.OU , $1.23 , Sl./iO / and 81.7o 11 sou Musical Instruments. This Is ono of our gro t attractions and crowds gather tboro all day. Wo have almost anything you mav ask for in this lino. Look at our pianos at 25cJoe , Gflc , floe , S1.2T ) , Sl.flO , $1.1)8 ) , Jii.o'J ' , Ki.UO , So.OJ , SO.oO. * 10,00 , $12.00 , Slfl.OU and WO.00each. Violins , guitars , aueordoons , hnrm.tnlcas , zithers , inandoHns you could not tlnd a more perfect dop.irtment in this line anywhoto. " \Vheio is the boy that don't like a drum ? Wo have thorn and in lartro quan- titles. The 2j drum wo soil at 15c , the 50o drums at ; tjc , and so on. Did you got one of our boys' conbtcre ? We bad a carload and they wont fas-t. Only a few left. Wo could not understand why tliev sold so quick. Yesterday wo found out the cause , The fancy hand p.tiiiled sludvosold at 50c each is being ottered by three other houses at $1.25 each. Quito a dillotonco. The coaster wo sold ufBl.iK Is helm ; sold at 8"-5 , Thcfco ate fuels. It will bo well for you to pern } out-self on some of our prices before you make your purchases. Iron toys arc cho.ipor this voar than they have boon in the past. Look at om it-on trains at lc ! ) and 25c. Toy c.irts at otic were ! )3e ) last season. Great variety ot tin toys , a gtoat stock to select from. Now designs in toys. Nov styles in wooden toys. Chicken dispute gnmo is going fa&t at lOc. I ow building blocks. Wooden tea sots oc for a sot. Buy your little girl a trunk. Wo will soil you oao for-15c , 7oc , $1.00 and up. Toy figures and animals of every description. Wo have too many eamos. Reduced bomo of thorn to just one-half what others ask for the same. Look them over ; you will find what you want at Ilaydons tnul save money Losidos. Cbristtnas Tree Ornaments. The dazzling display wo make Ibis season excels all previous efforts in tbis line and in order to have your trees trimmed in the latest fashion you should make your selection at onuo and got all the now novelties and odd pieces at lie , oe , Kle and lee each. All sbes In iron and wooden wagons , veloscipodcs , carts , wheelbarrows , tri- cicles , hobby horses , shoollys , bovs' and girls' sleds , writing desks , dolls' bedsteads - steads in wood or wire lOc. 25c , fiOo 7t5c , $1 00 , $ l.i5 ! and $1.75 each. Fro.ii now on it would bo wibo. for you to do your shopping iu the morning aim avoid the rush and jam in the afternoon and evening. Dolls. Dolls. Dolls , m It will do you good to look ever our price ? on dolls. Wo have too many " and are making prices to sell them ; at 3c , 5c , lOc , loc , lc ! ) , 25c. H5c , 30e. 50o and "up to the best in town. Big line of dressed dolls ; all the latest btylci of dressed dolls. Doll buggies luc , 2-jc , 65c , 03c and up to $0.50. Big line of buggies and cradles from 5c up. BlanketsBlankets. . $8.50 white California blankets , fancy Jacquard bordots , reduced ' .o Sl.Oo pair. Look ever our nricos on blankets and comforts. Comforts from 23a up. Special Bargain. On Monday we place on sale all our on tire stock of fancy woven cotton eider downs , which are worth from 20is to U5e , all in ouo lot ou Monday , choice lOc yard ; only lOc yard. . Fine Linens- Fine linens bought expressly for the holiday trade ; towels , napkins , table cloths , lunch cloths , t.iblo cloths napkins to match in eels , plain , fringed or hem stitched , at Ilaydons1 popular prices. Satine. Only a few more of those fine satino drees patterns , dark styles , made express ly for the holiday trade , put u in boxes 10 yards to a pattern , worth $2.0' ' ) , on sale at $1.50. Got ono befuro they are all gone. Flannel Skirt Patterns- 200 fine all wool bkirt pattern's , fancy woven borders , all styles , dark colors , very line shrunk llamiel , only $2.60 and $2.75 a pattern. On sale tomorrow. \ \ orth double the money wo ask. SHOE DEPT. IN IT. Gives Away'Ladies' Fine Storm Fleece Lined Rubbers Tomorrow with Every Pair of Ladies' $3 Shoes. BIG SALE OF XMAS SLIPPERS AND LADIES' FIXE $3 SHOES A Grand Opportunity for the Lnilics to Get Extra Tine Shoos for $3 ami a Tine Pair of Storm Fleece-Lined Rubbers Tree. LEGGINGS. - 81.75 ANO $2.40. WORTH $2.25 AND SH.SO. Boys' flno leggings in leatherette or WORTH DUO. GIVEN AWAY TO leather at cost tomorrow If yon wish MORROW. to nmUc your HOD a nice and Uboful Xmas ' The nhovo showd the stjlo of Indies' present tneso are Jho thing. fine llooco storm rubbers to bo ( { Ivon tuvny with every pair of our Indies' line W shoos on Btilo tomorrow. They nro worth UOo ovorywhoio. Como and BCO thorn. Croat Sale on Xmas Slippers * w 2.COO pull B on fculo tomorrow. A grand $ * opportunity to buy chonp : Extra line goody. Handsome stylcb in suitable ub X 600 AND 76C. WORTH 7f.C AND 81.25. Ladies' ovcrgaitcrs In this sulo at 7dC ! WORTH $1 Zr , cost. They nro the Etylo and every lady The above allopor is of extra good would appreciate a pair for Xniaa. style , mid our price tomorrow la "oc. OSC. WORTH 1 50. MEN'S AND BOYS' . The OSc slipper is worth $1 59. Lien's satin calf 82.SO shoca , $1.60. WOvorgaitci-b are Iho style this year. ' ' Men's buckle arctics , $1. artbolltntr thumnt wnolom'o prices. o art- llL/uUoi' Hno 8-point houho slippers nt Hoys' solid bchoul shoes , $1.25 ; worth . .hint the thlnp for Under feet , l.udles' $1.75. fotblippei-B , 'Gunndilorth $ lto$2 Youths' eolar tip school bhoes , f 1,1)0. )