t * 18 THE OM/UTA / DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , ] DECEMBER 17. 1803-TWENTY PAGES. IS THE LUGENBEEL MARSHES An Afternoon with tlio Grouse and the Incomparable Jack. AN OLD GANDER MEETS AN IGNOBLE FATE ftlmornl Shown Ilin U'nrlil How lo t.-inrt n Jllnck HUM nnd Hicks Ilin llonit with Onu's-l.ullmt to n Hiipprr nt lor thn - Mtecp liy tlio Cojriilb'n Volp. , = i , VIDBNTIA- was IV g | j a very obvious fact lr\\ LE Uiat nolhlns human /'y\ ) ' 1 collUl BWCrvo lho x Hl ' lawyer from his laudable tlotermlna ' tlon to try the fish and ns hunter * nl ways crave fish when they think they are not to ho had. Stocky nnd I wcro perfectly satis- lied that he should. In the meantime wo would act upon his "suggestion and glvo r.- _ _ .J lho jacks a whirl. "The ducks will Hy no more'until evening , fcnyway , Stocky , " I remarked , "and I think wo can mane n nice bag of the longbllla , There nro tlio finest grounds in the world , nil around the norlhniid west sides of the * lako. " 'The sooner we arc oft then the hotter , for If there Is nnytliing I am stuck on next to duck shootiiiB it is the jacks , " replied Heth. "It nro the jacks , you mean , " broke In Stmcr.il , as ho husiod himself rigging his rod , "whero'd you go to college , anyway ? " "Council Bluffs , " nnd Stocky emptied another box of No. Os In his outside hunting pocket. Everything , was In readiness In a very brief tlmo. Ulackstone , rod n-shouldjr. had already started oft through tlio golden grass to the south , and calling Spot , who was curled up In the hay in the shndo of the tent , wo started up thu little arroyo to the north , intending to skirt that sldo of the hinds In the hopes of knocking over a grouse or two before wo reached the snipe grounds. Wo were not disappointed , for wo had Imrdly traversed a stone's throw from Camp Morganzor when Hpot stuck out Ills nose and began to snuff deliuatoly. That the autumn atmosphere was tainted by some lurking hlrd wo both well know , and wo both got ready for a shot , Quickly the dog trotted on several yards , then slackened his pace tea a slow walk , as if treading on thin ice , and finally stopped , and with eyes half closed aud d'rippmg crimson nostrils expanding and contracting stood as rigid ns if carved from stone. Stocky and I had all too little tltno to enjoy the thrilling plcturcsquencss of the situa tion , when an old hen grouse , with that an gry cluck-cluck-cluck of hers , arose from the grass nna made a futile endeavor to clear the brow of the low sand hill. The hen struck the sand , with a thud and n Hurry of flying particles , well up the hill , then rolled on down until she landed against ono of these clumps of cactaceous plants so numerous in this region. "Oh , no , 1 can't kill grouse , can 1 ! " inter rogatively exclaimed the waterworks man aa ho slipped In another shell. "Nobody said you couldn't , " I rejoined. hreaking my gun and loading the empty bar rel , "but. had 1 waited another second that bird would Imvo cleared the hill. " " Waited you you don't mean to say you killed that bird , , do you ! " nnd ho gazed at mo In blank astonishment. "Why , man , you didn't shoot ! " "Didn't t though ? You saw mo just put in n shell , Oidn't you ? Yes. And you say you shot1' "I should smilo. " "It's no wonder thei\sho came nearly bor ing a hole through the sandhill. She got a double dose. Wo shot together. " Chicken and quull shooters will doubtless nil appreciate this occurrence. It will hap pen , mayhap , a half dozen times a day whore two men arc shooting , without pre concerted undcx'stindmg. over -single dog. It is almost miraculous , however , how you will both press the trigger at the same time. so close that the two reports blond into one , leaving each ignorant thut the other had shot. Wo tramped on for a quarter of n mile further , meantime killlnsr four moro grouse , before wo ascended the blufT that overlooked the snipe grounds , as well as the whole en vironing country. Wo halted for a moment's rest and to get aviowof the beautiful surroundings when wo reached the Drew of the hill. The le gendary Unci.'oon never looked more entrancingly - ingly picturesque , with the playful summer m-eo/o for the weather could not have been moro bland dnrting over its gloss and the sunlight kissing it into riant smiles. As I gnzcd cnrapt I thought what a splendid wilderness of shining water , glittering sand , waving reed , rush nnd grass , the whole scope within our vision made ; so lonely In its encompassing details , so Imposing in its sweep of grandeur. Somewhat like Thor , it does not require n stupendous Niagara , with its reverberating thunders , a beetling crag , inaccessible panic or wild anil majestic canon for mo to discover the beautiful in. l 'ar to the south , through shimmering haze , loomed the Nlobrara bluffs , while between stretched a very network of dew drops , fragments of the sprnwllnff lake , guttering within rice ami cane. To the cast , through an em- bouchuroof the sandhills , wound the lonely Hay creek , dim artery to the core of the whole region's heart. Us gloomy fantuossos ana tenobrlous &lmdcs , the diurnal lioino of the skunk nnd thu coyote. 'Isn't this great. Stocky ? " I remarked , still pool In ? eagerly , us If I would punctruto to lho greater mysteries boyond. upon the measureless stretch of pictures before me. "lroat ! ! 1 wish I owned the whole busi ness , but the snipe , lot's got after 'em. Look how Spot is begging to go nhead. " A few moments later and wo were In the hog y mlro that hemmed the lake in clear around to the tote road leading to J.NOW- berry's. The waters of the lake , under the Increasing brco/.o , wuro now all it-chop with little white cajscauslng It to gloani nnd cor- vusculo in the yellow sunshine like an ex * pause of shifting gems , The yellow logs. with n curlew hero nnd there , and hordes of the over restless nnd incessantly piping lesser wudcrs , still fed undisturbed In tlio shallows , because they were too fur out'to be retrieved without a boat , nnd wo know that to shoot them and leave them lay over night was only to make banquet for musicrat and owl. Bo wo tramp on , Spot working cautiously just in the van. A bunch of green- wiiius rise from a bed of smart weed just out of rantjo in front , nnd co whizzing out into thu lulco ; n brown heron spread his while Kiiils from a liltlo mucky islet , whilu the red- tall hawk , always vldlblo hero , two , three , four of then ) , circle anil float and dart over the rice linlds , blackbirds twitter nnd start up with u whir of wing from every flu inn of roods , whllo off there , sweeping over thu rolling background , Is n largo uaulo , the fenthoi'od mnhloin of Undo Sam , Presently wo reach a point where the grass , peeping froom out this brackish pool and that , looked as fresh nnd green as In May , and I admonished Stocky to bo on the qui vivo. It was u sort oS wild muadow , aprondlng away clear to tho. , foot of the northern sandhills , and was aa softened and toned down with such a rural nspoct that I almost caught myself looking for the farm hoiisu. As I have frequently remarked before , I care nothing for n dog for snipu shooting , but it would have been nn outrage to have chained old Spot In camp that bright after noon , when ho enjoys the sport EO thoroughly , and wo wore all out for nn outing together , and , ot course , L know ha would not come amiss la recovering the killed , for u dead inlpo lis all experienced gunners will bear mo out la about as difficult a thing to find as that proverbial needle in the haystack. Without the aid of u dog the most extreme punctiliousness sn'ust he uxcrcUod in 1 marking them down the moment they droo , ind then they should bo retrieved a * iromi'tly ' at the nature of circumstances will permit , for the homoseneousness ot any first i-lass snipe ground N n never ceasing source ot wonder nnd pnrploxlty. Spot wns noir springing ( illicitly about among the conical tussocks , llo made a cir cle , thoii trotted up to in , but n wnvo of the hand hied him on. llo advanced rapidly but gingerly throuuli the bracklih puddles , and ns ho searched grassy crypt and reedy cavern with outstretched nose ho mndo n picture well calculated to Jict the blood to tingling In nt least his owner's veins. If not In these of auy true SDortsmnn. Wo know by his actions that our game was close , but suddenly , before he had made any 'sign of coming to n stand , wo wcro startled by a vcrv chorus ot the gallinngo's lluihmi ? cry. Sko.ip ! skcapl skcap ! and nway here nnd there anil there nnd there darted n little while and russet slinpo , some flying n ? ofT over the cane nnd others low over the bog , a& If to disconcert us ns much us possible. Hut the si-homo wns onlv partially suc cessful , With our four barrels wo got down three. There must havohocn at least fifteen or twenty birds flushed , but why Spot hndn t gotten onto them I cannot sny. Vrounuli > the sudden change * from Iedlocato * I'hasoanollus to Scolopax wns too much for him. Stocky and 1 nt once realized that wo were in for a royal nftcrnoon's sport , so wo went nt It systematically nnd leisurely , ( jo- tormlned to make ns big a kill ns possible. The sultrv weather had rendered the birds lazy nnd sluggish , and those that rose high In the air oven did not go tar. They dropped scattcrlugly over about a half acre ot bog In our ndv.incp , among the low reed * nnd In the grassy sloughs. Spot still stood crouching , with his great eyes fastened wistfully upon us , but at the command to "go fetch" ho was quickly busy , and in the shako of a lamb's tall wo had our dead birds pocketed. Then wo went nt It , nnd ns the assistance ot thu belton's kci-n nose wan now absolutely unnecessary , If not a downright hindrance , the waterworks man ordered him to heel , llo followed us meekly , ns all well broke dogs should , but with nn abused and entreat ing look In bis human-like eyes. The change In the sport was delightfully revivifying. Stocky took the north suiooi the mlro nnd I the south , und wo hadn't gouo more than llfty yards until wo jumped an other Hurry of birds , out of which wo got two more. Then I made a clean miss at n slnelo-shot too quick at the zigzagging , little rascal-neither biirrcl being siifilclont to stop him. And to make this .noro tanta lizing , the next moment Stocky executed n superb doublo- the right and left the latter fulling not ten stops from whore I stood. This ono I retrieved myself and strode ahead , resolved to redeem myself or jump lu thu lake. For the next ton minutes wo wcro both exceedingly Industrious , and the crack , crack of our I * o fevers was some thing after the fashion of a skirmish line on n small scale. The birds were exceedingly plentiful , ami ns fat nnd almost ns big as woodciTck. In fact 1 never saw the Wilsonll In such line feather , not ovou back in my old Kiii-'lish Lake days , where I used to think the jack cot bigger nnd fatter than any place In the world. Youthful enthusiasm , , however , goes n long ways in enhancing the size nnd quality of came. Ilcth niul I finally converged together at the upper end of the patch ot bog wo had been shooting in , nt the mouth of a 'imall slough , which twisted away half hidden be neath the soar and cracked leaves of the splattordock- fallen swamp grass , un doubtedly the lurking place in the summer time of bati-aclan. pinkeye and garter snake. Wo both felt confident ot finding more birds on such admirable grounds , nnd together wo started up the run , That , our Ideas were correct was shortly exemplified , for In less than a quarter of an hour wo were in the thick of another storm of birds. There couldn't have been less than two dozen of them. As in the first instance they nil getup up tocethor a rare thinpr with the Jacks save "in the early soring time and went whirling away in all directions , some drop ping down ngain like ghosts among the nig ger heads , but the most of thoui rose right up Into space as fast as they could climb , many of these beinir probably the ones wo had flushed first. Stocky nnd I watched the birds in the air a moment to see what they meant to do , and wo wcro vexed to see them still ascending until they were more specks against the lleece-covorcd sky. Ilere they circled and fluttered ana convoluted in the jack's well known erratic way , until finally they went off to the south und disappeared entirely. All about us , in the soft , noli soil wo could see where they had been boring for worms and larva : , while the poiicillngs of their delicate leet , crossing and rccrossing like network , showed thut the spot was a favorite ono for both feeding and play. "Down , Sandy I down ! greso ! " wnsStoclcy's abrupt , maudatory warning , and as if by in stinct in n flash 1 was on nil fours in tlio soft mud , trying to secret as much of my symmetrical form among the scanty cams stalks as possible. The waterworks man was Hat upon his stomach , while Spot , who was half submerged in a convenient pool , re freshing himself , remained ns itnmoblo as if ho was n stationary adjunct to the wild scene. 1 peered eagerly through the cnno without local in p the birds , but honk * ahhcnk ! ahhonk ! was the thrilling melody that lllled my hearing. The next moment I son- them a line of some ten or n clo/on big Canndas with measured wing stroke was advancing straight onto us from over tlio bluffs , not.thirty yards high. With hearts pulsating savagely , though absolutely move less , wo keep our strained positions and wait. Neither dared speak to the other , nor move a muscle , nnd think ot it , wo were loaded with No , 9s. Jt was a tryingsituation , yet a rapturous ono. On they came. It is a hard matter to curb one's self under such circumstances , but my pard.and I were equal to the task. On they came , swiftly now it seemed as they were getting close. The lender , a sturdy old veteran of many an Artie exploration , I'll bet , was a liltlo in the ad- vauco of the main line , about tlio middle. Regularly ho sounded his resonant honk that all was woll.llttlo dreaming of the inveterate foe nrouching in the weeds and grass. They are now so close that wo can sec the white * of their eyes ami are raising percotibly , as they invariably do on approaching open water. There was no tlmo for further loitering , and llko electric machines Stocky and I were both upon our feet. The birds break for the uupor regions squavvk- ing , awcstrlcken , bewildered t I gave the old pilot my first barrel plump In Ins gray holly , ana as ho drops his pliuclsh less with a discordant honk and bau-lns to climb I pour another ounce and a quarter of snipe shot ; hilo liiui. A half second after another report - port breaks sharply on the air ; it is Stockv's second barrel , nnd the old gander > ; cts It. Still lie docs not lot go , but badly hurt ho turns and goes oft slantingly toward tlio Inko. It required double the time for Stocky and I to reload in our excitement that It would In ordinary times , but wo finally cot the .shells In and both culling for Spot logo got him. wo start nell moll through mud and weed nnd water after the falllucr poaso. Ho rcacho * the lake nnd half tumbles , half plunges Into its translucent depths , There Is inuoh confusion nnd flying spray and Hap ping of wings , hut he rights himself ilnnlly uiul sinking the bulk of his lavender body benoutn the surface , starts oft majestically for the nearest line of rushes , leaving nplntchra of froth and bubbles in lib wnko. Spot sprincs out Into the nllmo of the shal- IOWH and as speedily ns ho can force his way through the obstructing mud and reeds takes after him , whlln Stocky and I kcop pumping nway at him us fust as wo can shoot and load , In n fortuitous moment Hctli fishes up n t > hcll of No. IB from the Uonths of his hip pocket nnd with clumsy llmrors gets It into Ills gun. Then follows u dehherato aim , a report , n little louder than usual , nnd the gander's HOCK con.es down on the water llko a string , ho Haps ono wing viciously , rolls over on his buck dead , or the next thing to It. His logs nro at ill beat ing the air convulsively when Spot makes n couple of snatches at him , us If ho intended to bite out a mouthful or two for his uhuro of the work , then those broad jaws close over him , and half carry ing , half dragulng , ho brings him in , lie wns n urand bird and may bo Stocky and I weren't elated over this rare bit of fortune. . Wo then resumed oursport with the jacks , but as our pockets are already bululng with game , our clothes soggy aud steaming from our perspiratory 'exertions , our loirs wak and unsteady , and n sort of a goneness In our stomachs , wo soon start for camp , In tending lo string rouud the lake to where wo know wo would find the lawyer engaged in his Ichthvologlcul pursuits if he had found things like ho sworu he would find them. It was getting well alons toward evening when wo reached the point on' the lake shore , out from wiiich , with waders pulled well upon his hips , wo found the lawyer , in the wutor and whipping out the fish just about as rapidly as ho could handle thorn lie hadn't boon lit It very long , for , us ho explained - plained , he hardly reached the lake shore after leaving us at the camp , when ho fell in thn crass nnd broke the second spllco In his rod squ.irn oiT. llo was mail , hut strode valiantly back to camp , mended the stick , which took him qtillo a while , then returned nnd truly ns ho had declared , found the waters of Kuccoon fairly teeming with finny p-lzci. It was the most propitious honr-harrlng the early morningJust before sunset , for the angler , and Sim was making tip for lost tlmo. "Liook In that clump of grass there to your right , you fellow * , " culled out Hilly ns wo reached the shore , "If you want to see what I've ' been doing , " and thorn wns no nilstalc- in ? the exultant twang In his voice. \Vo did so. and wcro not only astonished , but highly delighted , to find about ns hand some n lot ot llsh ns you over saw. Pickerel , gordon and small mouth black bass , not ono or two , but a score or. moro 301110 of them reaching as high as lour pounds in weight. "What nro you halted with Sim ! " inquired Stocky , ns wo stepped down ns eloao to the water's edge as was advisable. "Only the fly the professor hut watch mo kill this follow. Whbwl I'll hot no's a daisy ! " I In had n strike ! Off wort the sU'lckpn llsh llko a flash , but the lawyer holds iilm skillfully , with rod bcndiiu , but line taut. Deeper plunges Mr. Pickerel or Mr. Ilass ; then ho ohnngos his course and comes swiftly toward the keen angler , who reals In ns swiftly ns hand Can nets now ho lets out ag.tln , as lho fish Is off lu a nothordircction ; now ho goes round , cutting the water Into froth as ho skims lust beneath th3 surface , then down into the cool depths once more. Illllv ploys him with en viable adroitness , switching him bide from this barrier of moss , working him nway from the rocus ; giving him llncand taking It uwny from him , bur all this time approaching the bank backwards , gradually , but suroly. Ho is now up in the shallow water and the llsh is fatigued ; there Is ono or two moro feeble efforts , a Hap at the tail on the surface , n general collapse , ono more vigorous plunge , n skillful jerk , nnd the lawyer tosses out n throe-pound bass upon the aatlg.v hank. Stocky nnd I turnhltnovcrandovornmlnd- mlro the fading blazonry of his blackish green ' sides , and feel' that the feat we Just saw so expertly Dei-formed by our leual comrade tully cmmllod our own nohioveineut with the big Canada , and wo hath mentally resolved that there .should bo hut precious few more sunsets before we took a little of It in ours. Wo remained there nnd wntcheil Sim until he got through , which wns not until the tender tints began to tremble away Into the soft pearl of the ( looping twilight. The rushy islands and rlco beds In the west threw masses ot shade on the western rim of the lake ; the suusot sky with its straggling nebula , was one glitter of light , nml the water brolto into a glory of color. Not a fragment of cloud , not a flying hue , but now found upon its delicate texture its exact imitation. Tints indotcct- able in the atmosphere kindled its rlpplinc open stretches , changing Us appeaiMiico almost momentarily. Now it smiled in tcmlcrrsi nzurc , then u little breath of wind lighted upon it and n gleam of silver cut athwart ; noxtaouio Impalpable shade turned It Into purple. Finally H settled into softest quiet nnd dlvinist colors , then blackened and as the sun's light waned , lapsed into the dull grey of nicht. The gathering darkness around , the black wall ot the hills , the murky prairie ; the plaintive singing of the breeze , the hoot of the night owl nnd the distant riio'in of the coyote all made a scctio of solitude you would have thought impossible an hour before. Maul how far off ho appeared , aud how near the Master. In llio night tlmo , the prairie anil the sand hills nnd the stooping lake combines in one great toncuc , speaking uncuislmtly lo our hearts ; inciting us to laiowlcdce of ourselves and to love of the Supreme Father. Not in the solitude of tlio woods , the desert , nor on the objectless bosom of the mighty ocean do wo more deeply realize His presence than wo do in such a lonely and seemingly barren waste ns tlio Liieonbcel marshes. Hero , with all outdoors for our worshipping temple , our hearts expanding nnd our thoughts wcllini ? up unhindered and unfettered , away from all the turmoils of city life , we seem to stand before Him , face to face I As wo trudged slowly thronch the grass to camp , each ono silently surrendered him self to the influences ot the hour , and it was more like a funeral procession than the return of a successful and light hearted hunting parly. Once within the canvas walls of Camp Morganzer , however , the llru roarin-'in llio stove and the lamps lighted. oviH-.ytluiifj changed. The clay's bouyaucy of spirit returned , and each endeavored to outdo the other in his recountal of tlio after noon's experience. Tlio lawyer , of course , was the most volu- abl nf us all. The usufriietiiiiryjubllanco of his fishing achievements was fairly consum ing himnnd tlio talcs ho told us and he told them well would have made Mm.chauscn l.lde his face in shamo.and anorainnry.ovcry- day sort of a sportsman go bury himself alive. Ho wasn't a bit tired , so ho claimed , nnd as Stocky und 1 had had a pretty hard tramp of it all the afternoon , ho insisted on getting supper all by himself. And what a .supper ho did got up. Baked pickerel , par- nishod with wild cress , baked sweet po tatoes , shrimp salid , corn bread , tomatoes , delicious coffee , and tea , too , nnd fluffy corn broad , with a nip of Jack Wood's peerless - less McICibhon fora starter and an appe tizer. After all the good things had been cntomod , nnd the coed things s-iid , and wo lay in n row , like the babes in the woods , on our couch of blankets and hay , wo must have resembled , so corpulent had wo become , a trio of Henry Vosscs outstretched in a line To the mournful sussuration of the south wind , as it toyed with tent flap and crass , and the coyote concert on the distant bluff's side , wo fell into the embrace of nuturo's sweet restorer sleep. SASDI- Tliu Urines iinil P.\lii Division. In the division of their stables down at Syracuse last week , Clinton Hrlggs got Alamlto and Hurlyburly and Ed Pyla Hob- bio P and Chnrlcs Caffrcy. Alamito and Hurlyburly are royally bred and a pair of splendid trotters , while Koliblo P is an almost incomparable follow. Mr. Briggs also got a big batch of finely bred fillies and vill doubtless soon bo in charge of one of the largest und best breeding farms in the west , for whoso management hn is admir- ibly qualified and equipped , Ho will also lave a bis card in his trainer and driver , the veteran Dick Tildon , who is not only the most popular western roinsmiui , but ouo with few equals as to ability. Mr. Hriggs' stables will bo wintered at Lincoln. \Vhut tli Dtokny lllrilH Sny. John Clnrkson has been secured to coach Vnlo next spring. Ilucltonberger will again manage the Pittsburcs next season , Watty has already hooked exhibition games with St. T ouis for April 14 and 15. Milwaukee has snared Pitcher Jack Luby , and Cushman says no's got n gem a regular jam-gem. Krod Koat will bo found in the Crescent City next season , but "Kid" Baldwin is to bo turned down. Amos Iluslo lias written to Captain Ward asking that Dig Jack Mllligau bo retained to Imndlo his ( ( olivary. Captain Hilly Clingman of the Mllwaukccs desires to see Will Hurt Join the Hrowcrs ami cover first base , The Minneapolis pcoplo are after Inflclder Lemon ot 1'ist sasou's Johnstown club. They only want to squeeze him , Phil ICnell would make a good loft hand pitcher for Boston. Just what they want to sandwich in between Nichols nnd Stivotts. Ilostou ( ilobo. George Hottgor , who once pitched nnd won oiiu gumo for Cincinnati und was then re leased , bus signed with Toledo. Lack of control was Hcttgcr's fault , Hoth of the Cauips , WInllold Scott aud the "Kangaroo , " nro wintering In this cltv. Wintlcld coos to IlaHlinoro nuxt sprlng\vlillo Ixui ruturns to the Chicago Colts. Watklnsof Sioux Cltv has lined up George Hogrluvor , the old "Hogg.v" of St. Paul ; "Lefty" Murr , the Cincinnati freight car , and "Kunipus" Jones , the mossbnck. Manager Watklnsof the Corn Husuors is talking about a scries of games with the Cincinnati : ! at Jacksonville , Fla. . about tliu tlmo of the big light. .Maybo Watty hasn't got n hond on him , Count Cnmpaii Is in Now Orleans , whore ho is to act In nn official capacity during the winter meeting of thu Now Orleans Jockey ' club. Ho denies that ho will bo one of Ou's Sclunt'l/'s Senators next year , nnu says that he expects to manage the Pelicans. The Young Men's Christian association base hall team has secured a gjod man In Frank Crawford , who'caught and played Bocend base for the Michigan university team last season. CHAT WITH'- THE BOXERS Tha Plowar State Sports Making Big Prep arations for Ohnr'.io and Jim , WHISPERINGS OF THE WHIRLING WHEEL Midwinter Hull Oomtlp-CIInt HrlRRS OeU Tiru ( lroil : Itncn , llonrt Tlio I'liR * llomnln nuil Ilia ttjiinl Orist of t.br.tl Sport. NKW Oninn ATIII.KTIO n.rn , HIMTOX. MASS. . Due. 12. Sandy Urlswold. Sporting K.dllor of TllullKK : As you < > o iihovo. I am In Jinan- lown boon here over two weeks and IhlnRi , 1 think , nra conduit my way. Tliuro aroint * of bmurs liuro , mid any of tlu-in who can light Will lie ulvon a clmiico lo got to tlio front. I urn trylnjj all I know how to gut on u iimleh with ( Un Crooduti , anil us Dm Isn't stopping- nvoii In tliu diitiin wiinl whom tlio Vundqmo M located. I thlnlv bptoro long wo will bo matched. .Summit tlio sports hero lire tulklns nlioiit matching mo nziiinst Mick Dunn , und ( hey can't do It. luo ( iiili'.k. Ho N In Now i ork i.ow , hut will proh.ih.y ho hero to box moon tho'Jlst. WullH.tnily , this Is surely n creiit. old phico for snort * I'hlnaito Isn't In It. I snvr tlio llik ) : O'llrlwi-.luck MctJon Ilirht n cnuulo of weeks since. It was poor. Mctleii lining out classed In ovury particular , lin * If O'Hrlon over meets Wily Smith It will lie Roodby O'llrlon. 1 do not tlilnkas well of him ns your friend lluml-'omn U.ui Murphy tlom , and do not rate him with tliooudurs by uny moans. llii'V think here now that thot'orbett-Mltcholl lltfht Is usiini go , and whllo most of tlio mun with the coin will wuiit to put It on .Mm. MIU'hi'H has a lot of followers and will glvo thorn a run for tliulr l lift1. AddivsH mo care of the Huston 1'iHt. Mr. llunton Is tlio sporting editor and sends re-sards. Says ho will write yon In a few days , nnd I endow his plctnro. Ho s a gruut looker , Un'lhu ? Will notify you If I got anything on worthy of your atti-ntlon. DICK Moonc. That Dick has pulloil away from the north west ami landed In the Hub does not sur- . Drlsomo. Ho nindo a pot of money on his last tlirco lights in St. Paul , and for a won- dur has kept the most or it oft Iho high card. Ho lias boon coining f-ist in the last year , and Is now nuikod by s.u % h excellent judges as C.iptiln Cooke with the best of the mid- dlcwelghts. I cannot help but suspect , however - over , that Dick Is aspirins ; a trlllo high when ho icaehcs for D.in Crocdon. Uut ho knows his business , judging from about twenty straight wins in the last sixteen months , and if they ever do meet I'll stake my reputation that ho will make the Aus- tralhn realize that there tire a couple of 'em In the ring. Tlio elaborate prop.irntions which nro being - ing made by the Jacksonville Athletic club should bo a sufficient guaranty that at last no interference Is anprshcn led ul the hand a of the law. While the bis light is not yet as sure ai death or taxes , thorJ Is more than a tolerable good show for Us takiim place per the Florida schedule. The club has secured the big Plant pavilion i on the fairgrounds and a largo force of workmen have boon hammering find sawing away there for some thing like a week. Kx tensive im provements are in process and when completed , it is said , will constitute the most admirable structure for the purpose there Is in the country. Corbett is already located at Muyport , his training quarters , and has oven this early begun light work on the roaii mid. in the gymna sium. The chamrnun , while ho professes every confidence drctho snap before him , is too mercenary and too crafty to over look a bet. Mitchell has done no real train ing , so ho says , but it Is known that ho is in an unusually flno i-.oudltion for him , and that ho indulges in moro or less pcdestrimiism and boxes ntfu' wrestles regularly every day. This is certain to roaw.ikcn the keenest interest in the affair , lor while It is true but few men have , taken anything but small stock in Chnrjlio and Jim's over meet ing , it will bo uno.ue.stionably the most im portant battle siiicq that in which John Li. lost his crown. I must acknowledge It finally looks some what like a light even to me , but yet I am. exceedingly uncertain. The only question which now obtrudes Itself is , will the men come to time ? That Corbett means business beyond quibble or-argumunt I do not pretend to doubt. Ho ought to bo ready to light any man living at the drop of the hat , providing there was enough In it. lut ! the English man , docs lie wuit to fight ! If so J cannot see why. There is no particular call for him to take any such chance ? , only for the glory there is in it. Ho has plenty of money much moro than Corbott and is making moro of it as fast as ho can. Ho is eating Die tlireo or four times a day and once or twice a nicht , has lots of swell clothes and Is a handsome fellow. That comes pretty nearly bclnc the proper thing , doesn't it ? Now what in ducement Is then' for him to talto chances on loainir a whole lot of stuff , cottini : mussed up and tiis good looks destroyed , for lie cer tainly knows that this is at least highly prob.iulo if ho over does mix up with the American champion. Do not think that I want to dlsparago Mitchell's abilities to take care of himself in the least , for t do not. I only hope ho will discern sufllcient inducement to inllucnco him in keeping his contract , and that in fulfilling it ho will give Jimmy such a lambasting as will send him back to the slope as second class matter. Without qualification I can't see how Charlie can do this , though , and I am honest cuousih to acltnowledgo It. I think Corbott the wonder of the modern ring , to say noth ing of the big Job it would uo to find any thing to compare with him in tlio past. But Mitchell , too , is undeniably clover , quick and strong , and if ho enters the ring will surely ho in form to light for his life , and must make a good showing. The indications already point to the fact that Corbett will ho an overwhelming fa vorite , simply for the reason that most sporting people of any considerable note be lieve as I do. In his meeting with Sullivan , which /mm the standpoint of fight should not bo taken as a criterion , lie thoroughly demonstrated , however , that hovas the acme of science and agility , and a man of almost exhaustions unduranco. His maneu vers in the ring that night were a revalation to tta oldest lovers of the art present. While the almost unanimous verdict was ttiat ho could not hit as hard us many other men in the same business , it was patent to all that ho could hit often enough and hard nnough for all practical purposes , and at the samu time keep from Dotting hit himself. Such qualities must triumph. Again , ho 1ms every natural advantage over the Knglish- man , youth , height ami roach and an Irro- sistlblo Incontlvoi to do his host. Ho hates Mltchollcordlallyand , Mitchell reciprocates. So there you nro. Yet it will bo the natural advantages Coruott possesses over the Briton that will cause the big bitters - tors to play their coin on him. It may DO all a mistake , and 1 hope it will , to make an odds-oil favorite of the California ! ! , bur. that is what ho will bo long before the day of the light. In referring week or so ago to the al leged estrangement between Mitchell and MuAuliffo , In a discarded notebook 1 liml the substance of a conversation I had with Jack in the St. Charles tlio morning af tor the SulliViin-Corbott light , when thu press down there wuro blackguarding Mitchell because ho had'prcsumod to telegraph a challenge to Corbott just boforii Iho battle was on tlmt memorable September ulzht. It wasn't so much the challenge that made Iho Molasses City people unhappy , as it was the fact that through the shortsightedness of Uoforoo Duffy or some of thu other clue ofllclals , this chaUungo was read in the rlnj ; . They were hot to think thut tlio clover liritisher hud succcudod in gutting in Ills advertising work ao beautifully before the biggest crowd of American sporting representatives over con gregated together. "This talk about Mitchell , " said Mo- Auliffo , "makes mo sick , "ho has his faults like the rest of us , but at thut they are not serious. Thuro is one thing about him that I cannot help but admire , anyway , and that ia that he is exactly what lie pretends to bo. Ho ia uo slob or parvenu - vonu , cither , and yet you haven't heard of his prattling about being a bank cashier or u gentleman , have you. Hut if blood counts for anything ho comes from far hotter stock than Corbott ever dreamed about. His father Is tvhat is known in Kugland us a 'gentleman,1 sure enough. Charlie was ostracised by c&rtaiir cliques because ho took to .fights f.nd fablers , aud when ho did that ho surrendered nil claim * on gentility , as that clnnsffoes. l it any man sit down and talk with MUcholl and ho will think vastly different of him than what ho does by reading of his exploits In common Hfo. Of course it Is only hh questionable doings that gets to the public. Anylwdy who has been close to Charlie cannot help hut like him. and any theatrical manager \7ho has over had him on his list will tell of the numerous delicately su | > crscrlbcd aud perfumed mos.i.igcs that ho has returned un opened. The domnsilo side of Mitchell's life U sonlotlng about which the American jnibllc knows hut little. Ha 1ms u lovely wife in Kncrland and four lovely children , and he thinks as much of thorn as any man on the face of the earth thinks of wife and kids. Ho also always kcopi her In mind and ! eve < and respects her and her children just ns much when thn Atlantic separates thorn ns ho does when at homo , Hn seldom speaks of his pcoplo or own homo among ills associ ates of the town. And then , too. ho Is a polished , well read follow , and could hold his own In any uirclo of society. At the time ho entered pugltl.sllcs ho Was n promis ing incdlc.il student. Tlmt Is what kind of a man this illiterate and vicious tough is. " The little scrap ( Jcorgo Mlddloton had with Scotty Oordon the other evening f.iised George immensely In the estimation of the rod-hots. Krom his two longdrawn out draws with Joe Mclilroy the general opinion was that ho only wont Into "understood" nfrnlrs and that ho wasn't much good any way. Those who know the little print , however , know differently nil along. Ho love * lighting for lighting' * sake and has over been willing to' meet any man , at any time or place , for mud , money or mush , no matter wnat their reputation , size or weight might be. If lie could afford the gang a little nport ho was only too willing , When the match with Scottv was made , about every nliiot.y-nino out of 100 sports who knew the two men looked to see Scotty sweep him into oblivion In a round or two. llut ho foolc.l 'om all , and Kcotty was fortunatoiu not taking a nap himself. In the first round , in one of his devastating rushes , Scotty got such a stiff one in the mouth tlmt ho was leary for the balance of the evening. And in the fifth , when the typo-operntic-pugilist put him on his beam's end with a solid crack in the jaw , ho thought ho was up against It and no mistake. George has Improved measur ably , and , in an equal match , is capable of putting up quite a light.S.VNIIY S.VNIIY GllISWOM ) . NIHIKAMv.i How llio Spocldml lluuuilc * llavo Thrived In Citrttlii Struiim * . Nnuan , Nob. . Doc. 10. Sandy Grlswold , Sporting Editor of Tun Hen : Outdoor sports nro about over for a few months. Only a fo\v moro days with tlio quail , and then the gun must bo laid away to keep company with rod and line until winter releases his icy fetters from marsh and lake. A retrospect of the past season In this section and the Indications for the future might not bo uninteresting. Chicken shoot ing the past summer has been much above tlio average , and there are still fully ns many , if not more , old birds leftover than common , Qaull have been more plentiful than ever known , but strange to say no excessively lanro bags have been reported.- This is duo to the fact that they are to lo found in the very thick second growth timber along the river ami cannot bo induced to leave the heavy cover whore the gunner can get an open show at them. They are plentiful enough , however , that n fair bag can bo se cured most any tune. Duck shooting ncvcramountsto much hero and it has been oven poorer than common this fall , owing to the dry weather. When I last saw you wo were talking of the experiments in stocking Nebraska streams with that gamest of all fish , ttie trout. 1 have Investigated moro fully the results of the work in that line in this sec tion since returning , anl ; 'give you tlio re sults. Some experiments in this section , as well as many other parts of Nebraska , failed for the same reason. The parties who made the experiments were possessed with the idea that , the only icqulsitu was a clear stream of soft water , but in most cases they overlooked a very important factor , tem perature. From my own observation and what I clean from others it appears reasona bly certain that trout will not live in water auovo OU = . Very few Nebraska streams fotne U ] > to this requirement , and none of which I have any knowledge do , except toward their source , where tnoy are fed by springs. Numerous small streams in this county were "planted" to trout , but in only ono of them have the speckled beauties thrived. Tlio VcrUcgris , in the northwest part of the county , is an ideal trout stream for several miles from t'le head of the various branches ugwn stream. Tlio stream Is clear as crys tal , running in shallows and deep pools , and being spring fed exclusively the tempera ture of the water varies but a few degrees winter or summer. Hero they have thrived aim 1 am informed by various parties who live on the cast brunch that in the early summer months they have all the trout they want. I regret to say , however , they are caught with the very unsportsmanlike bait of worms. It won't do you any good to have a fit when you read this statement , for when the average granger wants flesh , fowl or tisih ho is very apt to adopt the most convenient method of obtaining it ro- uardloss of what sportsmen may think of it. Ucslaes , split bamboo rods and fly hooks don't grow to any alarming extent on the rolling prairies of Nebraska. I have never fished the stream myself , but my informa tion is a reliable person who has lived in a country where trout auounds before coming hero , and certainly knows a trout when ho sees one. I'Juaso call the snorting man of the Chicago cage Inter Ocean down for me. 1'n n late issue he records the catch of u seven-pound two and a hall'-'ounco bass in a Wisconsin lake and states it Is tlio largest fish of thu klr.d on record , it may bo the largest caught in these particular waters , but falls short of being a record breaker by numerous pounds , in fact , iir many of tlio waters it would not bo considered a phcnominally largo llsh. nuu HATCH. As Bug Eater truly says the Interi Ocean's black bass falls far short of the record. I have seen a blade bass weighing ten and throe-quarter pounds taken from tlio waters of Licking Jake , In Ohio , unit HUVCII and eight-pounders were quite common , - Si'OHTINU ElllTOII. WlilHpKruiuM ill tliuVlionl When all the irons urn luntloas and fluids are brown and bare , Ami the rabbit Imiuils the woodland and hounds go chasing hum ; When Iho Uy Is dull nnd lailun and the ulrln crisp and hlmrp , And HID wind blows through the trcotops a bis .Kolhui harp , And the mountains all nro snow capped and the brool.Hiiru humid with Ice ; Vt'hon the roudsaro fro/.en solid In a grasp jiiit lllio a vice And your breath nil frcc/.oson your lip as 'long tili road you KO , Why , iliuro's lots o' fun a ridln' Whim Winds ( V whiter Illow. It may bo kinder coldish when you start nut fast or slow , Hut your face soon K'ls alt reddish and your lilfxitl hoL'lns In irlovr. And your : iri may IbiKlo fora while ; n rut may throw you down Hut tliu lox llH's in thu tuveni an' a dinner with Boodclict'i1 ! And a pipe 'at sorlur soothes you nnd nil troubles dl < mppnir. : The comfort that au-alu o'ro you , only liardy cyclists liiiow , I'oithoro'H loU o' fun a ridln' When Winds O' wlntor Illow. l-'roni The Whrol. The famous Irvingtoti'Mltburn course will soon bo only n memory ot the past , An oleu- triu railroad will bo built over tlio course , Thuro are llrj'M persons given employment lu the English bicycle factories , The capi tal Invested In thu business will exceed ii5,000,000. The following item will bo of interest to the many readers of "Whisperings , " na it is an authenticated list of the now short dis tance records to data. Whist tournaments , football games , turkey grabs , rafllles , social sessions , club imokers and annual banquets are the features of the wheelman's ' club life now. Ullss and Dlrnbergor , the "Rambler" flyers , are clipping the short distance records In great ahapo with the aid of running horses down In the south. The retail cycle dealers are agitating a sort of protective union , after the manner of other trades associations. The agitation U n movement started In the eastern cities nnd will dnublloss extend from boast to const , Ono hundred nnd twonty-flvo dollars seonn to bo the universal price for a high grade wheel In IS'.U. ' Many factories have announced - nouncod their determination of putting out their 1SOI stock at this price. Some go oven further and como under this llguro consid erably. C. M. Pali-child , ono ot Chlcaeo'a veteran riders , has ridden twonty-elttht centuries since Juno 18 , ISM. This is record to date. The gentleman used n twenty-six pound wheel nnd n not of light raclnir tiros. Hols n whoolinan.of fourteen years' constant rul ing experience. Danver cyclUts affirm that , should the 'PI national moot como to the Queen City , n prize liu that has never boon duplicated will ho made up. A cinder and clay track will bo built with commodious training quar ters , nnd n n nmpithcalcr , with n seating capacity of fi.OOO , will bo erected. Western divisions will all favor the Denver meet. 1 he east has hnd the meet Innumerable times nnd can surely afford togo west" once In the history of the league. Hy E. Kredrlckson , ono of the staunch members of the Tourist Wheelmen and also ono of the sturdiest of local road men , has left Omaha behind him and has taken up his abode In darks , Nob. , whore ho takes charuo of the shoo department of a blR de partment stnro operated by the Moody Hros. , both of whom nro wheelmen nnd well known in local cycling circles , Henry's club mates wish him nhundnnco of success In his now position and regret his departure from their midst. IJIcyclo plays have "caught on" In great style with the theator-jjocrs In gay I'urcc , to judge from the following clipping : In thu l ? , ° , Tllu't ; ' ' d"o la Gaito , Paris , a play called I ho Cyclists" is having an immense rutt. Iho hero Is a champion , who. under certain , conditions , will bo entitled to a great In- heritanco. In seven beautiful tnblcux it Is shown how these conditions are fulfilled and the here receives the favorahlo news while coming homo the winner ot u gro.U road r.ico. Tlio ballot is mounted on wheels , a eyclo track Is shown ; also tlio exciting finish of a race and many other features ot n cyclist's life. This play Is something similar , no doubt , to the American farce- comedy "Cupid's Chariot" of last season. It is > a mistaken idea that the average tier- son who rules a wheel is at some time aflllutcd with the "racing fever" about ono out of every 100 is the nvoraco rule , nnd about ono out of every 100 of these succeed. ' .I ho great armv of cvclists. which i nnw i > n- camped upon this little planet ot ours num ber hundreds of thousands of persons of both sexes representatives of every walk in life , as hardy , healthy , active and rnbust a lot of people as ono would wish to see. Statistics show that there are fewer , people of weakly tendencies , physically and intel lectually , in the cyclists ranks than in any other body of pcoplo who could bo brought togottier. Wliyf Hocauso the exercise an swers every purpose to build up and make strong and bright. Records Accepted- The Racing board , at its recent meeting in Cleveland , accepted the following records : A. A. Xlmmormau One-quarter of a milo , flying start. 20s. , and one-third of a mile , flying str.rt , Dos. : made at Hartford. Oovcmbor , HO. W. W. Wlndlo One-half mile , flying start , f > 0 Il-fis. , made October U ; ono mile , flying start , 1m. 50 4-r > s ; three miles. Hying start , fim.lis. ! . , made Oc tober 17 ; all tit Springfield. Harry C. Tyler One-quarter of a mile , standing start , iili l-5s. , made October 0 ; oae mile , standing start , yin.l-fis. ! , made October U ; both at Springfield. 1C. A. McDufllo and J. Clark- One mile tandem , Hying start , 2m. 1 l-os. , made at Springfield , Ootooor 5. John S. Sohnson Ono hundred yards , standing , 'J ' l-is. ! : 100 yards , ll.ving , n 2-r > s. ; one-eighth of a mile. Hying , 12 2-os. ; one eighth of a mile , standing , 17 1-Ds. ; one-quarter of a mile , fly ing , 24 2-53. ; one-quarter ot a mile , standing , 2Si. ; one-third ot a mile , Hying.(4 ( U-Bs. ; Onb- thicd ot a mile , standing. W ) : i-5s. ; one-half mile , standing. 5'J 2-5s. ; one-half mile , Hying , Ms. ; two-thirds of a mile , standing , 1m. 21s. ; two-thirds of a mile , Hying , 1m. ICs , The board threw out all records made with the aid of how.'s. 1 hi ) Horses ittul Horseman. Billy Paxtou reports that his stables are all wintering in splendid shape. Fred 1C is undoubtedly one of the Rimes t race horses on the turf and is of the Shade- land Onward pot. Already the plans are being formulated for a big trotting mm running meeting to beheld held here in Juno. J. W. Xibble. the well known trotting horseman of Tipton , la. , has moved to Cedar Rapids , in the same state. Alix , the little racing queen , is being win tered at Red Oak , la. She is by a horse and out of a mare unknown to record. Chnrlio Ashingor , the b.vkeiboat Jack Alexander on horses , in a twcnty-llvo milo race at Madison Square Garden last week. The yearling record of Hello Acton , 2:20V : , and the 2-ycar-old record of Online,2:11. : still stand as the world's records. They are Ne braska horses , of course. John Ellinger of IMckroll , Nob. . Uas pur chased Sharp , 2-l : ' 4' , of Dick Tlldun , while John Ellinger of the same place has bought Tyroon. Senator Dorscy , Fred Do Ii Alntvr , N. I. Rnnin and Charlov Wlnshin of Fremont make a quartet of live and enterprising horsemen. They ought to give Fremont ono of Iho best meetings in the west. F. 13. Baldwin of Ottumwa. la. , has sold the weanling colt. Jolly Time , by Mark Time , 2:1U , to George I. Towno. Mollotte , S. D. Jolly Time has the successful McGregor- Romulus cross , nnd his present owner is doubtless well pleased with him. Gumbo , by Charles Catfrey , that dropped dead on the Syracuse track last summer , was probably the fastest of the get of his sire. Mr , IJriggs drove him some very fast fractious of miles nnd asseverates that ho could pace a mile in 2:10 : or bettor. Western Resources. Clinton Briggs has secured the racing prlvUeiies of the Council Bluffs track , and may hold a sensational meeting over that course next spring and If ho could , as Editor Rood says , .Induce Monroe Salisbury to stop on his way cast , and liavo some of the fast ours'in the country cast of the Rockies meet him , the natives of four states would turn out en masso. 'Twas but a coupln of weeks ago tlmt Nut Brucn. Burlington , la. , visited Beatrice , and from the farm of James G. Lulil : took Ru- publican to his home , Mr. l-uhl : , no doubt , selling him to Mr. Bruen in such n manner ns to liquidate any and all indebtedness hold ag.iiust him by Mr. Union on the purchase of Lobasco , 2:10V. : ; There seems to bo a fa tality connected With duals between tlio two gentlemen ; Lobasco died last spring and Re publican lived hut about a week alter. Hill. Will llu .ulti. Pompadour Jim Corbett lias docldt-d to train at Mnyport , at the mouth of St. John's river. Mrs. Corbett will bo installed as the official cook. Horace Leeds nnd Ktnnton Abbott are likely to bo nmluhod to box either fora purse or the box receipts. Abbott has had hard sledding since ho arrived in the States and his idea of bit ? purses has undergone a con- Hldcrablo shrinkage. Charlov Daly , who was sentenced at Ed- mondsvillo , 111. , to three months imprison ment for his part in the Crosby-Sharpo mill , made his oseupu from the officers nnd Is now in St. Louis. Ho cannot , bo extradited and is snfo as long ns ho stay ! ) out of Illinois. The headquarters or mo ivioriua Aiiiiouc club will bu tit the storeof George V. Bur- bldgo In Jacksonville , Fla. These wishing good iscats for thu Corhott-.Mitcholl light would do well to write to Mr. BubndKO nnd no will eo that they are well taken care of. Charley Mltcholl has nothing but tnonoy thcsuduys. Ho ought to drop In at Wash ington mid help out Mr. Cleveland nnd Mr. Wilson. At Philadelphia Mr. Mitchell wanted to bet r > ,000 , that Corbtitt will do the first sprinting at Jacksonville , and another $5,000 that ho would score the first knock down. "Bantam , " writing of tlio Now Orleans doings , bays : "Thojiatrons of glove lightIng - Ing are making a hard contest in n qulot way in the courts of this city. They want to bo allowed to have their little umusu- munt with the mittens , and In truth It must bo smd that they h vo scored the only opinion made in the contest of the State vs the Olympic club. " ( jueilluiit unit Ans\rcr . OMAHA , Doc , 14. To tlio Sporting Kdllorof THE UBK ; I'leatio glvo inuln the Hniuluy Hut. tliu uddruHi of the heal , noaruat and cliuujiey bird dotf trainer and obllKo. An Amateur. Aus. H. P. Hubbard , Broken Bow , Neb. DKAOWOOII. S.I ) . , Deo. 10To the Sporting Editor of TUB llu it ; I'Jouso wrllo inu ilu ad- dreii of some rollixblo dealer In Orri\t Ii no ilnjs tiuut convenient to Pond wood. Wi In Jones. Ans. No questions answered by mntl. \\rlto to W , J. Estes , manager Palnco stables , Omaha. rirrr.KSTii STIIEMTIIRATKII , OM ut.i , HOP IS. rotlio Sport Ing r.dltorof TUB HKKS .siatoln Sunday'sixirtlmt columns Iho lint tltno the iNlnsnra was crossed onn roponnd by whom , Arolal. Ans. Juno .TO , 1850s Blondln. lUNcnoi-T , Neb , , Doc. 13.-To the Pporllni Kdltor of the linns Please f\\o \ me address of tlmboit shotgun loaded shell fnrloryj also Blvo mo some Information co'ii-ornlnis tlio I.rfoviT anil I , . Smith suns. Will look for Information In Sunday's llF.t : . T. II.V. . Ans. The Peters O-irtrldeo romp&ny , Unclnnall , turns out the best and cheapest loaded shell In the market. You need uo no further than the I/sfovor gun If you want ono that Is o. k every way. The ' Ufovor's exhibit at the \\orhVs f.Ur nttr.ictwl great attention , and they secured the highest medals nnd awards. Their ejector gun is n model , nndvns thotmly ono In America that was on exhibition. 'Iho Ixifovor Arms com- p.iny Is building n hlcher crado of suns than over before , and thelroutput Is equal to all other gun manufacturers in the couulrv , OMAHA , Nob. , Deo. U.-To the Hfmrttn'ji Kd- Itor of the ItRRi Will you pleixso sialo In your .Sunday Issue ot thn UKK If Iho Kourlli of July ' } a " .Nni loiial" holiday , to decldo a wacor ? llcnilor , Union 1'aelllo Headquarters. Ans.It Is. . .I',1,1151-1,1 , ? l'ITVM ! > - ! > ' ' < 13.To the Sporllni Kdltor IIKH : A wMii-s to ratlin a Indy's anil KUIII s wiitt'h by Hit-awing hhh ill . High illrototiikuiliu Kunt'Httiitrh mid low illco to take the liuly's. H , t1 nnd U throw three I irons o.ich and K throws ono throw. Hutting tliri-o ( luces , and refuses to Hlniko again ; Is ho vntltlnil to tliu lady's wutch ? Thi-rn Nutlls- puto on this nnitlor nnd all parlh-s liuvn ngroi'd to leave It to von. I'loaso answer lu nu.U Sunday' * IluK , Ans.He Is. KANSAS t'ttv. Dor. in.To thn Snot-linn Kdl tor of PiiK UKK : To decldo a small waiter but n blgiiupnii ) ploftso publish In Sumlav'.s II KB , If possible , tlinoMu't HIM of JouClioynskl , also ns u matter of Information give his looordas a IlKhlur. Itobort It. Johnston. Ans. Ho was born November 8 , 1SOS. Ho has defeated Frank Glover , Jim Fogartv. Mlckio Dooloy. Billy Woods. Jack Fallon. C. C. Smith , Joe Butler , George Godfrey.S'n * beaten by Joe Goddard twice and Jim Cor- boll oncu. Nou-- IwTo - - , ? - - - - - thi > SpoitliuKd - ItorutTiiKlluii : 1'lensn sa.v In neM Sunday's UKK who In Omaha broods Itlnck Sumatra Ciinm fowls. 1 wish to purclnisn or trade for a Komi cocktvl to lirei'd from during 1HUI , I Imvo two good cockroM to trade. I < : J. rosier. Ans. Tlioro Is no breeder ot Black Suma- tras in this city. t.HAM ) Isi.AN-n , Noli. , Dei10. . To thoSporl- ItiK hdltorof Tlir.llKK : I'loaso Inform mo In next Suiuinv's llii : : thu host papin- for n furmur to talio and the mldruss , and oblluo a reader of 1HK Hr.B. A. II. i * . Aus.-Tin ; Wiiiiy : : Bui : , Omaha , Nob. OMAHA , IKv. l'J.-To the Sporting K.lltnr of I UK UKK : To docldo a wager will you please stiilo In Sunday's llin : whiu. month ami day.s of the month was llio republican imtlo.ml con- vV'iitlimvas hnld In MliinoapnlU , uUo OIL what daytlu-y nominated the caudlilatu'/ Hub- scrlhor. Ans. Juno 7 , 8 and 0. Nominated on the Uth. ! pee THE BEST. RELIEVES PROMPTLY and v < CURES QUICKEST , SUBSTITUTION SURELY CURED. To Titr. KniTon Please inform your rend , ers that I have n positive remedy for lho nhovo mimed disease. By its timely use thousands of hopolesr cases Imvo been per manently cured. I shall ho glad to fiend two bottles of my remedy free to nny of your readers who have consumption if Ihoy will Bend mo their exprcRsnnd postoflico uddirKS. T. A. Hlocum , M.C. , 1331'carlSt. , Now York. SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS Phrnnlo WE Nervous 'rivaU ' and Special i seascs , 'I'KliAI'.lll-.NT IIV M\J. ( inmiltiitiii ! I > 'IMM- . Wo.ourn Catarrh , AUDI oaioi oft'ia Nose , Throat , ( Jim t Stomach , Llvir. Blood , tiltiii nnd Klduoy I > is3 < istn. to- miilo Waalcuosioi ) Xiost M'trilioxl Stvinttiro , tiydrnooto , Vorlnioilj , ito I'lliBI. I'MTUIjA ' AVII Il5n-th ( Ul.'lilH Ullro I without , pain or duUmtlon from Uiisliiiiss. Call on orailln ( > mvllli Htvnn furnlr 'iiliin. fr boofc anil nvulplM , ilrst Hlalr.v.iy HD.itli of 1 > JU- i. roam 7. Dr. Seirles & n88ouJlZ1NBV ! , SPECIAL OFFER. 1 FOK XYIAS. Inilioricil ( inniKici C.marlni , w.'irranli-il roller * $ : i.nn nacli. Kxlra llniiBulwli-d rolli-rHiFI.su iwcli ; fi-ncili-H * 1 ' ! . ' n.-ic-li. Yoiinif Miixlr.-in I''iiTiilB. war- . iinli-d talkurH , * l tu f\'J \ cauli. ( .olil I'lHliilStHllvur J-'lHh' ' ( - , Jup.-uii.-Ht > I'anlall I' " ' nauli , llsli - lohi'H ; io iinwunlH ; aquaria oniamcnlH ' . ' . ' ' un10111111110 ; lilanlH l fie pr < Ijiinoli. l-'humt HU iliH-lion of bin ! c-airiH wi-Ht of S'mv York C.IITCH from 7ic ! up to $ .10 , When lu iii > i"l i f u liamlnumu Xnnm lire-Hunt url.j to'n Bird Store , 40D N. filth St. PRESERVE YOUR EYE SlliHf. -USE- Solo Agenta for Omaha. TOSTlB FAILING MANHOOD , General and Nervous Debility , WeaVnoss of Ilody nnd Blind , ICircola of Krron or KICWJTOB In Old of Young. JUibUBl , Ndbli Manhood fully Itustoiud How to KnMrKu iiuc KtrcnKthon Wt-uk , Un. ! ilovdoi > cd OntnuH and I'urU of Hod- . Abso lutely unfullliiK lluiua _ , , . Treatment UonuflUlnit day. .Muii testify from DO KlulcJ and l-'urdun CuuntrloH. Wrllo them. Dcscrlptivu Ihxjlc , eii'luuutlon ' and proofs mailed ( uculod ) fruv , ERIE MEDICAL GO , , Buffalo , NV , TIT I ? M I ? V OAllUriUKlaur c-ir.it o lurri lillvi > 111 OAllUriUKlau Vs | > M ItH ! 3l 3lr r