THE OMAITA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , IWEMHEU 17 , 181)3-TWENTY ) PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES. I T nvEmrsKMKNTq von THI > H COLUMNS ASm U top " > ' " " be lakHMintil , hnJVin ! ; and Smuuj the monitiif K il until 8 .10 p m for riAiliVrilvm t > y r ni Mlmt n enn have their aiKivvt-r * ) .iddrrwd to a numbered li tier In cum of Tiir. litr Ann * or * so atMrew ! il vriu bo rtfllrercd upon prf KcnlMlon nt HiochefK r""SITUATIONS WANTKDr * "t vtcV 1 ! < o i vv 7rfTfitRl \ H < i lion If 1 vv oni there- f'cr. Nothing l.iltcn _ 2je ' _ _ " " . . . . . A K EH WANTS POSITION XSi. - All thriM Wiuthrlck 1024 Domrlas si. Onnln _ ' - " /TTlXI'TlliTENrETr OFFICE M , yirninl ivmnil ; peed lo ikltreper n urnvn- i ml Moid ralfi salary IU fi rone-en Addiess J' o Ho * 471) ) . _ "TVNTKO. . SITUATION 1IY COMPF.TENT rnco , llithtand water plant aspeelallj AddrjHS 6J , MadlFon Nub. ' ' 1 "AI'OSITlbxTlY ENOINKl'H AND JAN1TOU Jb > colon il mm Address V 1C. llco. _ 31BJ _ ' _ "WANTlTnr . . . IP ' . . * _ ? . . SHOtlT . . . . . OHDKH * AND AVANTI . colored linn Address V 45 line * din 17 ATill ! CITY r.MPIXlYMKST OPKICK HUH A Parnani T. K-phone 1 40 1 We. ean luriilsl. . id kinds of llrol clnw Iit-lp male or female , at a inouicnl R notice. Samuel Motz proi'rUlor tl\lt \ > I I WANTED HKLP. _ "ItntcH Wo a word first lii rrlloiiliyv vv ord there after Nolliln ? taken for Itsth in 2.-i 1) SOLICITORS TiAMS : KURNllIUHl. IN- J ( htallmpnl Boods Ainerlran Wilnjer Co , J''IJ ' ; ' ) luvvnnl Ht 3 ? ara ; or , J1 , ffl sa&otu vfs1 ? ! . Wssffis rl.nuOiierwi-iU Km fmlliir pirllrulm vvrllo the Moi.roo . Eiaser Mfff Co X .Id , L l Cro , Ro VIs T ) AV.Csi'iir'\TENl : < OH"7rrfTr ( " ) TtTft IN TI'V- Unishee AiU-ui'-i .MIssm li-iil , V Ix > dsl in l. ' ' ' ' " ' ! ' .VOlliani Libor U'-iie-j , ! " ' Lire Kramer 1t,7j,1JL1,1'1 ( , 1 > lALl'SMF.N MO MELL HAH1NO i'TvCviTKlT J I\VP \ pill ourV'ooilH In ituiHs rolllnir plus fild (10 ( and - oi cmnmlHSlon Uilrnio inniilh i xpenm-H ll.diliil. I'ovvdcrlo , 7U7 Vim llnreiistreet.Chleipo. . fcCt. J- TI WANT riusT "CLASS MJLK iToiis CAN JJuarnf. loDierdaj | AddiibsA llu , 1 eo y i u * i ti ii SALKSMIN To sTii. OOOIH TO Miit- JjliiutHb > simple flOOOilamoiitliforvvorkers F.MiipluH mid c.isu ( iirnlxliul fiec , encloH" ' stamp Model MfB Co South Ilcnd Inil _ " „ _ _ _ TT-\VANTi : A fJOOu"sUiiTl'OV"ANl ' ) PONY J > locamn Ii rno unite on U.dly J2v ui'nir ee Apply at "CO ollleo It p in. _ _ _ ' _ TTT'Tvn'ooon MUNrwANTnircAi' : 6V JVandnir ti mlary of not leh thin tiOOt pj-r inoiitli , AHB.ileHim-11. for full p.irlleularB send 10- ccnt Blnmp. AddrtBa llox 1U8 , Odell , Neb. t - . iiooKKnipiRsl : SKNOORA lihcrs , lypcvvrllora b.ilesinuii. trivcllnc nun nnd otmrH Bieklnii lilBh cridu mid pnvlii ? iiOHltloiiH , to call oraddreswithHtiinp. bt LoulH IlliRlneHS KxchaiiKe , 712 Uhestiillt Bin o St. Louis , MJJ. _ _ _ Llll.-.i1L T ) VjBob To"tfiOOll THIl W12KK U lNd AND J > 3elllne Old Itell.ibli ! plater I'.iciy f.unllv liau iimly. V.OIH knlvis. foiks Hpooim etc Qnlcklj id.ited bydlppliiK In melted No eMierkncn or hard v\orli a trooil Bltnutlon Address S 1' JlairlHon.VCo.CkiUNo 1 1.Colmnbun , O ilitt ) 1 ( U-WE WILL bTAHT YOU IN A I'LEA'UNT J > aiid piolll.iblu business Can bo donn atoiir own homeNo cajillal required. NolMddUu ? Either sev $ SO nvioU easlli made Westein " Supply Co St Louis , Mo , : Id 1" ' | 3-ACTIYE C.ENTLEMAN OH LAilVsEKKIXO JJuai Inn , pet in ineiit i inploymunt Aililn ss i oo-ii 20 Cri iBhtoii bloek Oinali.i M (55 ( IH' T > -SIDE LIM3. + 2 U 1'EIl TOWN 1'AID TllAV - Jut-Hill ? men to apjiolut api utH No H.impleu Wrllc-S y Kc.vvliih. 115 f.lh avenue. Clilc-ago I1 \ \ ANTED MI'.NIN EVERY COUNT V TOACT J J IH pilx.itu flitcctlvomili r Instructions. E\- p iliuee unneceHKiiy Si nil Hlainp National De.- tietlvn rmoaii Indian ipolls , lud. WANTED FEMALb ] ItiitiH mi av\old first liineiturn le a vvonUhirc- nltei NulhliiK t.-ki u foi h HS tli in'je. . / i LADY Adl'.Vl.S , * . . V'quick H lli H LarKU plolHw Indl n 111 NOMlt > Co LoiMimpurt Ind M.i7 ( 27' WANTF.I.LADY AGENTS AT ONCK rou a fiiHl Hi-llliif toilet article. AddrcbS VKiih Htamp , box iiu , Dakota City , Nub JI2HU 'Jl * n-GOOD ( , IRL WANTED , GERMAN I'RK- Ufurrcd , 1)02 b III street. .10II-17 - WANT vvorlt. middle aecd prefuirud , u2J North Jilth Btrcot. .112 -WANTKD NK AT GIRL ATTENDING SCHOOL or havltik'othei emplovmeiit to ahslHt at llcht lionsevvoik. AddresH , flvlne p.irtkularH , Y 47 , lice. I2T 17' -WANTED , LADIES AND dKNTLKMKN , WE will piy > ou$3 to * lfi pel wedt to do slilclly homework for us ; no eanv.iHHlni ; , aud pronipl p.ijmenl bei d nelf-nddrcHscd envelope Liberty Supply Co , UontOii , M.ISH. M.VJ7 21 * -LADIES , WE GUARANTEE * .l 1)0DAILY ) FOR wrlllni ; at home , bend 2 cent btamp lo MlBu Null A. ChaBubccularboulli lit nil , Ind. ! I28 17 * -ANY LADY 'WHO DESIRES TO MAKE $20 )0 ) pel week null tly at her own home , address v.lth Ht imped i nv elope , Miss M > ri A Gordon Jollct , III This IH.I bon.illilo oflor.and If joiiMn onlv up ire iwo horns per day It will p.ij > ou to lu- > llg.ilo .1,1017' -LADIES WHO WILL DO WRITING EOR Ml" at tin Ir homed will ninkn ( rood W.IITCB Rep\ ! . \vlth Hilf-.idilii Hind , at.impid envelope Miss Mildred Miller boiith lleml. Ind .1.11 17' - mill. . MUST Hi : GOOD COOK AND C-WANTED Iron Applj 117 North 20lh Ht.e-ot 33217 * C ! WANTED , LADIES TO SOLICIT , WORK : llfht Jiul plcafaaiit , Apply 307 1'axton block. : nt 17- /T-WANTKD , 10 SALESLADIES , n CASH GIRLS VJ2 bundle vv rappers Thu U'J-Cent StoreJI10 JI10 0 17 p-LADY AGENTS IF YOU WANT THE IIHbT v/monuy maker you muni have the Hjirnla elec tric cornctH and \valBlH. Send fo * * terms lo Wealuru Cornet Co. 31 Loula.Mo C -WANTKD , WOMEN TO PICK CRANUKRRIKS R. Dlnt'liam .V Sou , 1701 Loavunw orlh. 337 17 * I'OR RENT HOUSES. Raten , lOe a line oich InHerlloii $1:30 : a line pur month. Nolldni ; lakcn for less tli in 25c D I-IIOIISES IN ALL I'ARTS OF Tin TheO , F D ulH company , 100 1'ai mm 801 DiUROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. OHOIUE. IN 'Stanford ' circlu. C. S Eltfutte-r.201 lioo bldir D -HOUSES , r K. DARLING , DARKER 11LOCK 1 \ NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , HANSCOM JJ l'lace , oheiiii. J W Sudro , 2IS lleo. MJ13 - - HOUSE. MODERN. FURNISHED OR imfmnlulie-d Apply 1112 S. 10th. 41J B-NO 1704 CAPITOL AYE , ELEVEN ROOMS , kite-hen iiiniro. bath and clohut. Suited to rouiiicmnml bo.inle-rii. Geo. J , Fox,12lS Ilarne ) Ht 7.IH-d.'U 1V-"W SO. 30TII AYE. FINEST AND REST J-'ljiiIlt 10-room reuldeucn in Iho city , bath , laun dry , oily and e-lsloin water , electric bells IMS , fur- naco. full cellar and every conveniences , hard v oed llnlbh and oak ( loom Imiulro ut 10'Jtl 7l.UD.i7 . I-v-IIEbT 5 AND 8-ROOM HOUSES INtTHK CITY X/atlowest r.iti'H. liuiulru 230J llloudoMM14 MM14 Jl TV-FINK TEN-ROOM 1IRICK DWl'.LLINO , IN -l fi nilnnti'Hviilkfroiii liualnebu ee-uter. W F. Clark , 220.1 Douglas. M212 18 * -FOR RENT , MODKRN RESIDENCE. 10 rooniH. ( 8 17th Hireetj house , H rooms , water and caHil'JT b. 17th avenue , John H F.Le-h- iiianii or of Mr. Milliner , room 310 , N , Y Life.MI18 MI18 D ( -NEW MODKRN 8-HOOM HOUSK , 31STAND Miibon , 217 TV bOMK KLFOANT HOUSES , WITH ALL CON- lAeiileiicc-B. Ilivmiaii , Love A. Co , Paxlon block , 2IU J 14 _ D-FOll RENT. MOST CONVENIENT AND iliw.iiKiht Hlx-ioom lottate , wllh bath , hi elly , 3UJ1 CallfoinUBlix-et , .H4.I 17 * _ D-A MODKHN TEN-ROOM HOUSE IN KXOKL- lent nelirhburhood , North 24th Direct. Will make Bpeelal IndiieimentBtocood part ) . A r.iru i-hancu. 7oH Now York Life. 348 17 * D-FOR RENT. A HANDSOME MODERN-IHIILT elirht-room IIOIIBC , wllh clly water , elBlern , b.Uh , furmieo , tie. Splendid nelvliboihoiKli JUHI thu place for a cozy home , t.15 00 , Hicks , 303 N. Y , Ufullldg. 30(1 ( 17 _ FOR RENT FTIRNISHED bdMST Raica , u it vvonl 11 ml liiHcrllon. lea word Notliliur taken for le'HH than 23e. EFUUNISHED HOOMS , AT IU23 CAl'lIXJL ove. " MU.3D2J * HOOMS , 2U22 UUUT. 11037 DJ1 E-FURNISHED ROOM , 2217 HARNEY ST. 257 10 * E-FOH KENT. DKSIRAIILB FUUNISIIKD roonib. Jnqulro 1023 Dotlvu. WVI10 E-iFURNlSHED ROOM ; HATH ; WOO MONTH. 1011 Furnuiu Btroet. M.IU4 111 * [ 7-NICKLY FUUNISHKD FRONT ROOM AND E l two back ruuaib , ntvuiu Ittat , van ai.d tuth. 20J lOUtU 24ttt U 300 17 * TOR KENT FURNISHED IIOOMS ttlil'lllfil I.1 VOH IlKNT FIIHVISHEI ) HOOMS WITH 1 ipas bith and fur inee heal l > ! t N linli clreet M270 10 * 7 ? "V5ll ItFNT"KT.KO \NTLY KHUNISHED. IVMCHIII he-.ili d rooiiiR , UO. S I3lh street nlO-22 IIOOMS , u.ia CA < S slrcet. MJ24SO * 17-FOH uiNT "OUT ! ! KUUNl'SHEI ) ItOOM Ivtrlth bnth. Miillcmtn prcfcned UV22 Hurt itreet. : l4il 17 * _ Fuklnsiliiii nooMB AND BOARD ! Tj YCUNirvVOM E r5"lToM E llNMKU CAHE OP 1 . Wainin'H ClirlHtlin as < oclatlun , 111 H , 17th st. bOO l -THi : IlOLAN , 200 AND 211 JJ 1STH ST If IIOOMI , fiOOl ) I10AKD , HEA'ONAIILK 2105 Doi cl.ix h57 Jl * i ; - ' oirriTnloNT HOOM WELL HEATI'.I ) 1021 I1 Tarn mi 111 22 * iDi inAiir.r sKroNn-rt.oou MH'TII UOOM J at The Frcnzer , " 111 ! Noitli Uuth sin ' t N2S2 10' ; -KiniNlslll'.I ) IIOOMS WITH Olt WITHOUT board , in mi n asunnble U' ' . ' South ISth nt il)7 ( ) 17 * -NICELY riJUNIOHED 11OOM < WITH OH 1 vvlthoiil lioird al Iho Wibster , 61S N llllh Hi. Bill 28 * vin t.Aur.i : softii tonMSIKVM 'hcntaiul boird References - ' ( ) . ' No iMlhSt M Ids IS' IIUSlNr.1- ? MAN CAN KIND conifiut ible luoni and bond In private fanillpi , M Inth niul In.'ii , f-venltii ; dhiiiur $ ' . ' 000 , Ad- ress Y-U Hie. BIS 17 * VOHKKNT- UKNiSH'D ROOMS Rate" , IH ( a word llrii liiH rlloii lo n wont hereaiter Nothlnir t iki-n for less th m 25c p -i : N t'Nrt'iiNisiiKU ROOMS CIUAP. : 720 VJN.'JJ ndht no i-litldreii ivfeionciH .11117 * FOR KENT SI ORES ANt OFFICES. 1 FOll U12XT THK 4-STOUY IIUICK III'II.DINO Jnill rariiain Ht The biilldlm. hu a tire proof ee- nenl lfiHi > iiieiit ion tilelu Ble.ini hPatltn ; lixtmes. \.ilci on all Hie llooie , KIB , itu. Appli at the uf- Iceof 'Jhi II1 U10 i IUSTiij : o.irn , llllli niul liiMVtnvviirMi , thlitj holies anj btoniRi J W NitiliiM'ls HI-I > M.lll 1-roll UKN'T. MY NiW : llt'Sl.Vr.SS III'II.DINO Juilh.ibjut 1LMIUII feet lloul hpu-e .t'JM.l'J , lit IJIOS-IO Tainim street John 11 t LchmaimMHO MHO I-FOR JinST VIRST-ri.Ass MI2AT JIARKl'.T foi rent toiilM lee Lux , itc. Addn-bs II d Duhl- imC.IHPII VVjomlm : MJ 2 14 ! * 1-FOU RUNT &TORK Wl I'll ROOMS AIIOV12 , I'J llh 'Hill Cuiulnp slieets t'ju i)0 ) per mouth J. A Harris i-j I lice bnlldlnp. -Jilt AGENTS WANTELI. Rales IJjo n word first tiixMtlon , toil woril tln.if.ifiuNolhln ; taken for less tli.ui ' _ ' "n' . 1-AOrXTS $100 TO $5UO .UA\'cToi " country. C.Ul707 Haiiillton , 7 to U a m. &D7 1)20' NO MAN orwoiinnnetdeoinplalii ot hud Umos vvldlo wo otter Mich liber il Inducements to agents lo h mdlu our fist Helllm ; ciiaiautced heib rcmcdloi No inoiie.v leiiiilud VVork e isv .ilid hl.fl Iv prontible Kullirllcldtis1f | vo.iahk foi thiMii The Dr "t in- Herb Remedy Co ,2'Jl Us it I tut sv , , Chleijo , III. 4W 7 WANTK1) Itr.LIAKLi : M1-N. ALUKADY > 'travelliii ; HI'KIIII-II ) 10 earn our Inmleantsasa Hide line M imif.iautc.T' , OH Co , Cle\el mil O M271 27' 1 AltKNTS WANTK1) TOSl'.LIi A I'ATKNTIHJ " houHi-liold device. Avi. mini i bIho World H Columbian \poslllon Lnie prollts : ex- cliiHlveteriltoi } . Middleman Co ,1 llOUnltvIlldi ; , Cldc.ieo M.IOO 17 * J-AO 1 1 NTS VOR OuTl NKW 1'ORCKLAIM KIR12- tl IV i ooltln v essels W.IKCH 0. ! ( ill to $7 00 per d.iv pisivcn'J \ \ Adduu-iC'i.liibton A. Co , \eul.i , O 1-AdKNTS l.IAKK if MM ) A DAY GRKATKST "kltihen uteimllvei Invented Rel.dls .fie _ ' to li hold inoverhoii'ie Snnpli post.ige paid , Be McMaklu i. I'oishi e riueli u ill , O IN ix- : elusive tcrrltoiv Om M ifes sell at Hlphtliiclty or countiv Agents Hit-t In Held tetn.illj ( retiliu rich. Oi e IIKI nl In on d.i.v cli.uiil iH > l GO. bocan > ou Piouts niul catilOEiie fue. Addrews Alpine Sifo company , ; ii-,71 ( ) Cl ilk hliect Cluelnnatl.O i -WANT'KD , AOKNT& m'TiiiYwiiKiu : , LADIKS ' ' or eentlcmi n i''fi ( ) ( ) pei vviik silarvorcom- mlHHloii "llie Woild's Fair 111 W.ltul Culois , ' ] ut out , nothlmr like It. exiciited on heiv v plated cardboard detachable , not like a book , fmu art poitfollo. 01 islualHcost * * ( , ( ) no let.dlif ] fill , great cr.uo ; lllu-ial teniiH c-rcdlt clvon , fielKht pdd. No exieiii | nee ntcesw iry Iroi | over.vtldm ; iml bo llr.Ht In tintli nl Full Bimple poilfollo forl)0 ( ) I'aitknlaiH fun Wiltotodaj. Mom oo Hook Com- inny , IJenv er , Co'o. .1 j. ) 17 S , T001II RRUSHAN'KNCir , 'holder combined , of Hhut metal and kathi-r. F.iHtHellor. Illfpioilt. riim linlsh saiiinle , tfio. S S. Fov , Maikin , O .1 1. 17 * ' i "LAUY Mm : a1 1 1 oo LAST WKKK SKLLINO v 'LoiiK's Solid Musll ice penellH ' " Whj uotvim' AddrcHH C A. J.oiib , Sl'f I. , JJt Uearhoi n Htreet , Chicago , 111. : ! 2-j 17- i wANTKi ) . ACINT : FOR ciiKAPKbT AND ' beHt Nlckle in the blot nrichlnn on the market Sc-llH on hidit ill ) OO to J2500 per dav c.isllj made. Wi lie for temiB. O' Mfir Co , 10S Kn- dlcott Au.ide. bt. Paul Minn. it.t" 17 * 1-AdENTS , SIALK AND KiaiALK. WANTKD 'ev erj here ; llchtnlnifillei. . absolutelj new , no tnlklm ; prclllH linnieiihe and HIKIC-SS aeei- lainl } . Iho AbbottMfB Co , K.bpilnnliold o. : ill 17 * STORAGE. RateH , ] 0c a lluoeach Insoillon. $1 fiO a line per month Nolhln ? laken for lous than 2.0e. - STORAGKroR CARRIAfiKS AT WINDSOR utabk-H , Hith and Davenport 407 D 17 M-ST , \ \ ILLIAMS .V CROSb , 121 i HAR- ney , f-IW M-STORAGK TOR HOUSEHOLD OOOD3 , clean and cheap rates R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. 810 WANTtD TO BUY. RatesI'feavviml ( hvUlimMlion lo i vvorJthtirj- after Notldni ; liken foi Icsi Hi in . ' " > . . N'-LIST RIIAL KSrATK WITH 1D. . WKAD 10th and DoiiKliH M3SU FOR SALK FURMiTURE. Rates , me a word first tns-rllon , Ic a word thereafter Nollilm ; t iken for less linn 23c. 0-STOVKS Ok" ALL KIND * UOJI ) AS NKW Wells Auction and Slora.'o Co , 1111 I'aimm HI. 811 0-FOR SALK , I1KDROOM &KT AND Ul'HOL- blond furnlluru , etc. 414 N U'Jtn ttn ct M'J',15 17 * FOR S ALB HORSES , WAGONS.ETC woril llrhl liiHi-illou lea word theiu- after. Nothlnir taken for ICHH ili.ui 2r u P-IIOHT-YIAR-OLD : : HORSI : . SODND AND L gentle ; nafo for any onu loUrhu. bin bo. llllh M2SI 17' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Rales , lH a wonl flrht Insertion Ic : i word lliereatler Nollilng lakcn foi lens th m asc Q-FOR .SALK -OLtJToN Campbell inmHiiiper piesn and I doiiblu ejlln- derTajlor , alrHpihu , wllh iwo foldcr , BooJ eon- dlllon AddiubM for pailtuularu LocK lloi d , Saiith Omaha. Nub. jfj'j Q KOH SALK , 1'UO I'Ul'IMKS , 1H1X HURT Hlrtet M3UO DJO' Q -1IUIIERMAN.IKWELKRCOR 1 I .UOUGLAb eil 1UUU , Diamond Inipoitcr , In-dioek. OKI J I Q-KOII SALK , 1 SKTRAR 1'IXTURKS CONSIST- Inn or front bar , tuckbir. mliroi , lluuor eaiiu , clKnreaHuand comili r Hereim , n-filiieratoi , Mi-em- tiny , 1 Cleveland lioer pump , mid I Nation ii c.iHh rek-lBler Above lixtiiii-H - . . lie-en ui > od uno > i < .ir. AddiiHH John Heldclk. Falrbury Nub M.MI IH Q-FULLllLOODMAbTJFF FOR SALE CHEAP , at''llt ] Lociihtbt. M21UI 17" Q-FOR SALK , UPR10HT PIANO , STANDARD make , neul > nu\si uplendld bargain 411 Kar- bach block 317 17 * MISCELLANEOUS. Riilt-H , 1 lluii Him liiHurllon , * 1.SO a Ihio per monlli Nothlnir lakuu for lonn lhaii 23u , 1FoTl RENT OR SA LE ,2 if.-ACRE FARM. (10 ( -IXmlleBcaul , ( . ( Id N. lath Bln-et , ,111-vV RatcB , lOo a line e ich Inw-rtlon. * I.SO a Hue nor mouth. Nothlutr I ikc-n for lusi th in 230. S MRS. NANNIE V. WAKHKNrorTATlivOYANTi reliable buulucaa mudlurn ; othjoarat lit ) N.lllth. Bl.l MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. Rules , lOonlluu each ItiBcrtlon. * 1.50 a line per mouth. Nothing taken for lens than 230. ' "p-MADAME SMITH , 60JI m'lL SU FLOOR , 1 room 3. M.iHk.iKo , vaporalcohol , Bleuu biiipliur- luu ami Boa balhu. M342 23 * ' | V-MiIE. LA llUli , tlAbSAOb' , 410 SO InTII. 1 US70D21 * MASSAGE , BATH9 , t'ondlliicd. P MMF CARSON 1121 DoroLAS 1 floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , milnhur find tea baths M214 17 * tP MMR STOWE. MAIINBTIC UKALKIt ROOM I 0. Hole I Ilruusw k-X M13S 2.1- PERSONAL. R.itts , 1 Oca linec.ioh Insertion $1 Mta line per month Nothing taken foi less lhaii 25c. U " " - " > USSA OK TTiR TMT ! tnal bitli * Sealpniid Inlrtieitmeiit miiilciiro and chiropodist Mrs Post illtl'iS 13th Wlthucll blk Ml t UIF YOU EARNESTLY K tIlK QUICK AD- vantaneouM houorible mirrlnvo scud lOe for New Years Number New * Merour mailed In iililn train ! envelop. Mereur. 2JS I'.ist Othslreel , Now Yoik. M7IU ) 27' U-\'lAV7 IS A HOME TREATMENT HEALTH book and constitution fiee. fccml iiameiidl N Y 1.1 re Hilly l.iilj niteiidiul MS77J2 * -FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFT DO NOT FAIL TO Klve one lint Is pleasure ctvlmr useful and lafilluir The llcht rmmliitf Demesne .ew Inn ma chine Is a pi rffel treasure For sale bjE L Love- ] oj 118N If.lhst 105 gft U-MARRY IF YOU WANT A Ht'MllANI ) OR wife , ilcli or poi r 'eudlOct" for matrimonial piper Sent Healrd tti plain wr.ippei. Mr and Mis Dialte Ceiilial Hinli building Cldeago. LADIES , TONTE IS THK ONLY SUCC1' - fill hn l dpvelopi r known Never ( falls2 00 , full eoiiliilenllnl pntleiilaiH ( sialed ) mi 2entamp JiltB Dr H T Miller , 21 Qulncj Hln el Cldrairu USANTVO FOR MF.N ONLY GREATEST RE- Hlorer and developi r known btrenulht IIH. In- \lcoiati H Prki'12 oil ( iiiar.mtcrd bend stamp for contldeiillal illctdar. Dr. H T. Miller , 21 OlIlneVHtriel Clde.iro. ( ATTENITIONINDIES' EMMA MUST UK- veloper vvlll enlareeioiir busl ft JIIFUCH Oiiai- auteiil Seali d liislruelloiiH 2e , or 24-p.iire Illuo- trited c.italoKiie , Ocb } mall. Kmma Tolli.t ll.i/.ir , llostou M.IHS. Rl'.SPECTARLK YOUNG GF.NT DESIRES the annialulaiieeofii joiing Ilid ) AddreBS Y f.l Uee. 33417 * WANTED TlY A YOUNG GENTLEMAN come Iidv eorrespoudenlSM. Addri-RH vv llh pir- llculirs. P O. box 222 I'hllailclplili Pa. ; < 20 17 * - DR.v7l.LIAMS , DENTIST , MAKES T1IK lineal Gets ot ti eth at loweol prlceu In the clt.v All other dtiilal work puarnntecd. Tieth ex tracted free where other work In done 1322 Done- IIH. : . ' 143 17' -WILL QUIT DOCTORS , THE COOK MKDI- clno Co MiiHonle tnmiile Chic IKO , alone KUII- nnuocttre of blood poison lu ,10 itajH , Wille them for pamphlet and proof * ( . 'hu He. .IIH 17 * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS ! Rites lOeallnceieh liiBertlou $130.1 Hue per monlli Nolhlnnr taken foi less thin 25e V-A FAMILY WITH NO CHILDREN WOULD like child lu lake eaioof. Y.HI lite ofllee. 2HO If. * MONi-Y TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Kites , 10e a line eieh lns"rtlou - 1 AU a line per month Nolhlnir lakeu for less than 23c TheO V D iv Is Co 1803 Farn uu st. 815 W-LOANSO.N IMl'ltOV UANDUNI.Ml'ROVKI ) ell ) piopcilv $1 000 and itpwanlH fl to UHi pur cent.iioiU'l.ijs VV ratnainSmltli&Co , l.l'-'OF.ini.i n 810 TV" AN 1'IION Y LON ANITUUTCO , H18 N Y Life lends at low rates foroholce Becurlly on Nebraska niul Ion a fat ins or Omaha city propei iy o7 MO.NT.Y TO LON AT LOWK3T RATKS ON Impioxedand imhnproved Omaha roll estate , 1 to CjcaiH. ridulltj Trust Co , 170. t'.iinam aia _ _ _ W -JIONI2Y TO LOAN AT CtJRHKNT RATKS Applj tu W 11 Mclltle FlralNatlonnl lllc bldi- w MOR'1.AK LOANS. -MOORE , Ml IN Y. Lite. 101-J7 * \\7 WANTKD. AT ONCK , APPLICATIONS I'OR 'i first class loans on Omaha properly from f2,00totlOOOO. ( ) 1'ldellly Trust compinv. 170. ! Faunmsl .city. ill \\r-WILL MARK CHO1CB LOANS ON 1M > proved propel CcnlialLoiu & Trust Co , room : ! 0i > , IU o building 2fib 17 * MONEY TO LOAN 0 HATT RitoH lOcalhteeach Insnrtlou S-l Ml a line pel month Nothing t ilten for les th in 'J"ie We will loan von anj sum which von wish , small or lar e at the lowest possible i.itis ! n the Quickest puBslble lime and foi anv lensth of lime 'OHiiltjon You can piv It biek In ueh Inst.dl- meulB as ion wish , when .vou wlBh. and onlj pay for It as long as j on keep It. You canboiiuvv on HOUSEHOLD FURNITI'RE AND PIANOS , HORSKS WAGONS AND CARRIAOK1. VVAREHOUSnRKOKIl'TS.Mni'.CHANDISE OR ANY OTHER SHCURITY. Without puhltclij or removal of pioperty. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , ildil SOUTH KITH jTKKKT. I'll Ht tloor abov e thu KII eel THE OLDKbT , LAKltKST ANUONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 20 r DO YOU WANT MONKYi : Wo will loan.vou ANY SUM vou wish on your1 IFURNITURK , PIANOS HORSES. WAGONS . : CAURIACr.S. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS etc. : : Wuelvo prompt.mention to .ill appllc.itloim , : : nnd will c.urj jour loan a Ions as > o'.ilnh : You can i educe thecost of c-.iu.\ln ; , ' jour loan : : by a pij anj time. IhurYj Is nopubllcllv : or removal of properly. FIDELITY LO VN OURANTEE CO . Room I , Wlthnell block. Cor. 13th and Ilaruey stn. h21 "V MONEY TO LOAN ON HORSKS , WAGONS. A pianos and fmnlttiro of all klmU IluslneHs Fred Terr ) . room IHO , Ranse bloek. Mllhlt Y-WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIVD OV MI- -' A E Hauls loom 1 , Couth bloek 822 -MONEY TO LOAN 70J N Y LH'E IILDf , . M154 JO BUSINESS CHANCE3. Hates lOe a line each Insertion , $1 ,10 a line per month. Nothing l.ilfijii for li HB th m 2.r.c AFA veRA IILK opoiiTeiNTY TO ENTKR an old utabllHlied buslneHS Will bo open Janu ary 1 Increase of bimlneHs , maklnir desirable ad ditional capital which may bo active or silent on euai.inti.-f < l leffltlmatu leturns CorreHpondonco oriiiteniow Hollelted. Win. FlemliB A , Co. lllh and Htieet. M3II2 Y-OH "SALE CHEA11. THE HKsT LOCATED J-Biloou In boulh Omuh.i. Inniilio J. W Tlnr 2418 N Htreet M''flO l'J ' ESTAI1L1SHKD DROC ItUSLN'Kbb , CHEAP , J. and I-.IHJ lerniH. Ilox.MH , Oui.lh I 27 I 20 r-FOR SALE. STOCK Ol' FINE JEWELRY AT Leacilllce. Addre-HSYll lien M304 ll ) Y-STEAM LAUNDRY OUTFIT AND DYING room , wllh all iieceHHary llxiures , need Uie-a- lionlow ri nt , for Kilo cheap. Apply 1513 C.ipl- lolavoorJODS. 17lhHt. you Y-STOCK OFGENKRATTMERCIIANFlSfT Foil lailu al abaiualn If taken quick. AddrehH W C , Ritchie , Penik-r Nob. srtl 17 r-WANTKD , A STOCK OF MERCHANDISE AddlDHHW C Ililulilu , I'enderNib. 3 > ll 17 V-1'HOTOGRAI'HIC OUTFIT TOR SALK YERY J. cheap ill Rood Illlln town ; muHl M 11 BOOH Ad- drubH V Hi id , Ullca , Neb 3i0 ! 17' Y-FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ONK-T1IIRD Inteieht Ilia Nebi.iHka een al mill , ilohif , ' reed CUB loin Hour and feul trade. Owner le.nlni ; dlHirk-t Would takn city pioperti No inertliaiidlHo AddieHH Y lit , Hi e MH11I23' V-A GOOD LOCATF.D AND WELL FUR- ililHhed and nicely fuinlHliid IOOIIIH for H.ileoi liiido Ovv ni-r hut ) olht r liimlin us. If Hold will five time. . AddUHHY4H IVuoDlce 4ll 18' - SALK OR RKNT. A 1'IRbT CLASS -L pliotoeraph callerv Incliidliii ! nil fiirnlturi ) and ilxuirua Will HI-II che.ui for eiiHh. AddrehH Ho\ lll.ll , Red Oak , Iowa , MUI1 2.1' FOR EXCHANGS. Rates , lee a Him i ach Insertion if 1 r.o a line per month. Nothlri ; t ikon for h HI than 2. ' > c. " ' FARMS" ! : ! NEIIRASKA. KANSAS . Dakota Will bell cheip or fxchaiii-o for mdse , horHcs and catlle , Add llox "d.rnuikfoit.lnil -.STOCK OF MILLINERY AND NOTIONS , i-alllo. lJot2i)3 trankfoil , Ind , H2J5 V-CLKAlt EASTERN NKII LAND TO KX- /Jchaiijo for mdso. 1' , O. Uox . ( OJ , Nub. ai42 D17 V-SO ACRES CLEAR LAND TO TRADE FOR * Jcroeciy Block. 1'rko. J..OOIM ) I. l mlleB from Ccnlral Cliyi 10 acres In cultivation , balancii lit for uiilllvallon. Address lock boin I. ( , ' < Mitial City. Neb. M470 DIM' y-iyo TO i.-'oo ACRES CLEAR IILACK soiT. ' -'and cash foi mdso. I ) . J. Wilson , Norfolk. Neb MtlUS 1)J t y-FORSALEOR EXCHANGK. GOOD LIVERY /-Vbirn In foml ( own. Will Irado forHloek of jrooiln , hardware.L-ood work hoisis or for irood land HavoKood land In South Dikoln will triidn for block of toodB. Address , J. H. Euvlu.IdaGruvn Ia 72iid2l' rTQ EXCHANGE FOR KANSAS CITY 1'ROP- ' erU. tliu hoiibu and lot ut N W.corner of 42d mid llurtbtu. The lot Is CO fi el front and thu proixrl > Is free ami clear of enciiiiibranee. What liavu you to offer. Address William H. I'aret. real t unite ureut , No. 314 American Hank Illdir , Kaunas Cll > , Mo. M2UH IT ' / TO EXCHANGE , CLKAR FARM FOR J'lANO , cirpctBiiiid houiH'lifjld irooda W , D. Mathuwu , Mtuliuula l.uljl , MoudJj and Tucuday , aJO 17' FOR EXOHANOF. TOR.MHANF OLKAl IMPltOVKt * OMAHA "properlv for NebJTiBtcior lnvvii land also laiirc clear ranch neni1 Council Illuffn lo CTPlmnre for Om.dii pri > pertv ImpfOveil Shrlvi r A O Donohoe , 1 10.1 Farnam Mm t , - M.WH 18 / - IMPKOVUU INH1DK 1.USINKS9 IMIOI'I'-UTV 'Jlncoilip bpnrlnc litUir > lnioxcliiinirr * for rloir landlii Ni lua kn ot l ( m" iv Atldress Y 40 lire. FOR SALE KEAL E3TATK. Hnlr > s locnllncnaiib IdsTllon , $ l.AO a line per monlli , Nothing tnlom for k-ss thin 'J.'o , , TIME TO WDL IS A OCOD TIME TO btly and when It eoiiieslo billIntr vvu have by far the I'lccrst barealhS In the city From our Im proved II"t we Hole inp following No 1 New fl loomJipu'-o , vvllh fine full lot two oloc-ks from car line'\vtll bo KOld nt about cost of Improvements : JllHlOt ) cash and monthly pay meuts No. fi. Well loealed andehrap busdnefm proi-ertv , routine nt 10 pirn-iftof olllne prices risv terniH No U. Seven-loom incdeni eoltape. Have sold pit sliullni ones this vrar. A Iliu-corner nnd very cheap Simill paviuent Wo will evi h pieces of Hitch prop er us Hitabou all desirable for well located vacant pioperiv A Miip fortliono havlnp unpro- dncllve ival eHtate , Fidelity Trust compinv. 1702 I'.IMI mi mi eel JIJ51 21 ennternNubiasU.1 I' . O box 10J , Cri > ston Netx M718 1)23' _ _ _ BAHOAINi HOfSlN LOTS AND KAllM3Tsvi7K orlrnile T K Dnllusr IHrkei bill 8Vll ! irutTiTrAiiM AT A IIAUO'AIN. 71 ACUIW tM miles from limits rj.tapplpln.ea nnmi bmrlni ; s 100 ilienj ill-is , fill plmim I ) J HiitPli- .V. C'o HIT Ililvvav Council lIluRs MIHH .15 f0tl 1IAUHAINS I HAvTriTotTSKS ONl.'AIlNAM' l u-jil N | . IlunlL-tte Ht llHh unit Mason and Noveral In South Onriln. Wnj down urleeH Also fnrnm for n.ile mid exchange. 11 J Kemli'l ' , 1OT ! So lUlh Ht VJO J8 IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN ACHE 1-Miropertv just went of the cliyi the > biilldlmr of the IMU U I'latle river cauil and vvnlei power H.VH- teui will create a treiueudoiiHadvance1 In real e - Inlo v aim Hlu that loealltv. If .vou vvlseaiid lued ihosluiiB of the timed , you will Invest now and reap Die beticlU of this iimli'it.-iklnir. Now IH tlio time to Reciiren choice five , leu oi Irael JUKI went of low u We can offer acres at from $2751)0 ) to $1f-0 0(1 ( per ncie If .vou have Home miiiiev to In- VIM < I In propei tj 1h it Isabsolnlelv mfn and liable lo adv tmeo , )00 or-ioo per cent call and HI-O I.B. HIckH Estate Apeucy. 805 N. Y. Life bide ! ) U7 17 "IJ'Oll SALE CLEAR IIUMNESS LOT. ROOD JvviHleni town will excliaiife for plino or oigaii Address Y 52 llee. .1(1.117 ( * 17011 SALK F1YE IMl'HOVED lltlilC.ATED I f.irniH viell watered , onlj td.OOperaeiv fi veals time Colorado I/iud Compniij , ! 110 New Yolk LifeIlulldhu : Oiiiaha Neb H 3 17 * V ° " CAN nliVurr i IN HLOCK is. OUCHAUD 1 Hill addition foi $500 00. ixnulres but JOO 00 cash Don t let xiieli .1 Inrralu e e.ipo vou. Ad dress \ DEsiiehuan.Seatllc.Wanh M.IM1 111 * rPHEltE IS 111(1 MONEY IN SMALL I'llWIT. 1 Himphenles and Htravv berries alwnvHCOImiiand peed pikf-H In Omaha A few acien Het out to bor- ilcn will vleld sidendld re-limn * . Now In the limn lo Heciiu-fi or 1(1 ( aeris JiiHt went of clljj small eish pavineulHlonir lime. Hicks , Room 305 N Y Life llulldlinr. a07 17 BAKGATN&TN rAinf LANDS. 1(10 ( ACHES In Kno\-county , Neb , SV ' < section lli-211-l Jtir.opei nere. ICO ACHES III How anl count j , Neb. N. K. sec tion 15-1(1-11 ( , $11 oil per aero. 1(10 ( ACHES lu Wheeler county. Neb N. E ' { Bee-lion 21-22-11 100 acres under cultivation ! one of the best fainislu ihecounU. $1J 50 per acre. 800 ACHES In Onelev coiintv , Neb Secllou 17 amis E < i section 18-18-12 , enl 2 mlh-Hfrom North Luup , ou the U I > . Hv . and 4 mticH from Htatloii on the II , \ , M H H Good Boll , l minim ; water ite. : ! FS un pi rae-ie. I.IIFO ACHES 111 I.OK.UI comity evHleriiColorado ) poodHoll. plenty of water , i le . can plow three- fourlliH , oulv ten miles fiom Lodue. Pole Neb . on U 1' Hj Owner must Hell and wo can offer the cullio Iract at ir.l 75 i-er acre Hicks Heal Entile Acencv , 3G7 17 H03 N Y. Life Hide. HORSES Rate , Idea line eieh Iii8nrllon $1 50 a line per month Nothing laki u for less ihin 'J5o .lV MS02 HOltsl'.S WINTBRUP I'I'.ll MONTH. AD- dicHS lloppet HfO , Klkhorn , Neb. . , M507 D22 I rORSKsWINTKRKH 'ADDRKSS A VV 1'IIKLl'S -11 i bon. 'JOT N. Y Life bullilliib' , tcluphonn KH4 ! 1000 . ! " TTORSKS WINTKHBD , $100 AKI ) $1 00 A J 1 month AiUlrettH Hopper llros , nikhorn , Neb. M11I3 JO' ORSKS WINTKUJp. : fO.00 1T.R MONTH , caicd foi unit ilellveied without charge , peed care iuaraiitce < l , VV. Ii. MlllardOmaha N it'l bank. M14iI ! ( DRESSMAKING. Rates , 10c aline each Inseitlon $ l.nOaUiiu per month Nothing t ikcn for less thir 25c. r\RKbSUSl. WRAl'I'ERb , $2. DOG N. 2llh. 827 "WANTKU KINK SKWING. LADIES' AND IIAHY ' oiitnis n specialty ; Mia Urn ton , 1721 Capitol avenue Ml''J Jii * _ NOAOKMKXTs TO DO DRESSMAKING IN families holkltcd. Mlm SUnilj , 1J18 Nlehol.m Mlb'J J'J * _ YVANTKl ) , DUKbbMAKINr IN FAMILIK . KKK- ' cri-nce Klv i n Address Y nil llco ) 18 * RTteH , Kle a line eich liiBi-i , lon SI nil a line per month Notldni ; taken for less th in 23c p W. IIAKKR IKORMKRLY WITH JOHN O vvjaeobH , ill ceased , I Her w llhM . O Maul ) , miilur- l.iUci and eiub.ihnor , 01 J S. loth St. Tel. OUt ) . S.U HK. HIJRKETT. TUNKRAL IJIRKCTOR AND embilmei 1(118 ( Chluiso Hi Tel 1)0. ) 8J _ ' SLCUR1T1ES FOR SALE. Rales , ] 0c.i line each insertion. $1 SO a line per lontli Nolhlnt' taken for less than 26o. WK ARK OPPKR1NO A. NUMRER Of T1RST cl.iHnnioilc.ireH on Omali.i properly In Hums of $2RO 00 to iF. > 000 00. Noneexirltj Is better than a good llrsl mnrnraire. See im befoni inakluir an InveBtment FlUellly Trtisl company , lleo llldi ? , ( 'round lloor. IIH7-H1 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES Ritew , lOe n line each Inseitlon , $1 fid a line per nonlh. Nothhik' taki > n for leh Ih.ln 23c. Gp. OKLLINDKCIC : , HAN JOIST AND TKACHBK , .1810 California HI. on MRS. THOMAS , .ARTIST , HAS M'.VKRAL water toloiB fur B.ile bludlo , 21 Il.uliel block. : i : . ( ) 17' PAWNBROKErtS. Hales , lOe a line each luneitlon , $1 riO a Hue per iiionlh Nolhliii , ' taken for lean lhaii 25c. T SONS'KNIIintO , DIAMOND IIHOKKR. 1.105 > ' i DoiifldH Ht. LOIIIH money on dlaniondH , v\atchub , etc. Old cold and stiver bought. Tel. IMS 811 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. ll.iteH , in < ! nllnaeach hiHnrllon , $1 SO.t Una par month. Kotldnir taken for Ions than 23o , acquli o a w o < klmr know lodif o of Hhorlh and ami typowrttlnu at A O Van S int'H Huhool of shorthand - hand CHIN. Y. Llfu TjpovvilterB to tent. 8JH WANTED TO BORROW. R lies , Ida a Him each Inhcrtlon , f 1 no a line pur month Notlumr taken for lens th m 25c. TO TEN 1'EH CENT 1'AID ON ANY , in iimmj loan Becured b ) Hrst luortifairii on good Omaha leal estate. Alex Mooru , not New York Llfu bulldlnt ; MB4I D.'l ) ' SCALE 5. Rateu , liiunllnucich Innortlon. a Him pa month. NolhhiK taken for lens than ' 'Sc , NKW AND SKCONlHANn.SOALisALLKINIS : Aildix-UH Ilonlen As.Selleck Co. , Llko Bt..Chlc'iiirc K.U Stiicl.lMililiiru Aleutlii OFHCR or JiutCMiihc-ANimi : IWN IlAitn- WAIIK Co , , lM MU , .Nob. , Di-c. H , IH'ja.-.Noiloe ' is hereby Klven to Ihu/HtockholdorH of the l.uu- CliuKu-Aiidieehen llurdvvuro comnaiiy tluil Im unnuiil niuutlmr of the stoclilioiduih of the company will ho held nt thu olllces of the uuld company , 1'JH'J. 1'JJl uml 1223 llarney street , In the city of Om.ilm , In tin ) btulo of im Tmx- day , .Iiiuuary U , A. 1) . , 1HU4. ut a o'clock p. m , foi Ilio purpoMi uf ulwtliin'u hourdof directors for thn company < oborvo duilnt , ' the ensuing year ami lo tiunsact such other biislneiti us may hu prchenteil at such muotliiK. II. J. IEE. J'rcbldent. Attest : W , M , GLASS , Hecrutury. % DS0301J8 htocldioldrr * ' Al Omaha .vr.lkhorn Valley Kalluiiy Comptinv ; Notlcii Uliuruhv Blvcn Unit the annuul meut- Inx of thoEtockholdurs of the Oniiilui X Klk- horu Vnlley Hallway compuiiy.for thuelnctlon of seven director and thu trnnsactlon of Ktich oilier liiislnubs lib may lawfully como before tlio ineutiiiu' , will hu hold nt the ollleo of John M. Thurston , Onion I'aclllc ImlldliiK , Omaha , Nub. , upon Wi'iim-'fcdiiy. iho 3rd day of Jiui- iiuiy. 1894 , ut IU o'clocl ; n. m. , The ktock transfer books will lie closed ten ( layu hrforo the ( Into of thu moctliic. llostoii , Due. H , 1 * > 03. AI.KX MII.I.AK. hicriitiiry. U Hd 2Jt. 'ATRIOTS ' PUT ON GUARD'I ' I Ilawni'nn Officials Must Eo Loyixl to tlio Provisional Qovcnimcnt , SUSPECTED PERSONS BEING WATCHED WlttinM . 1 % AVundcrbiirf ; llcinovcd from Onicc The Ilcvnlutlunlits Still llicntlio Dcflnncr They AMU Not TolcrMo Iiitcrfcrcncc- . \Copyit \ lital 1(03 1 > u Ihc Afinefi ( il J'rtff \ Hoxoi.ti.u , Dec. 0. | \la Steamship Australia to San Francisco , Dee 101 Although the .situation has not virtually chanced in the thrco days which have elapsed since the salllup of the steamer Oceanic , several matters of more or less Im portance Imvo transplted nnd the latest diplomatic communications between Min ister \\illls and the provisional povernmeiil have been seemed by the Associated pi ess On November1. ! ) 1'iestdcnt Dole addressed n note to Mlnistci Willis In which It vvas stated that the provisional covernmcnt had received notice fiom Minister Thurstwi of Secretary ( Jrcshtun's letter. The provisional government wished to Inquire , Jlrst. If It was correct , and , If so , Intimated that it vvas duo to thorn to bo Informed what wore the intentions of the L'nltod States in relation * to the recommendations of the secretary. On December'J n reply vvas , received by President Dole In which Minister Willis staled , in substance , that ho considered the letter of Secretary Orcshain a domestic matter with which hoiltis ( ) had nothing to do. It was his opinion , however , that President Cleveland vv wild come to u definite decision and send him institutions nccord- luijly as soon as hn had iccclved ccitaln ad vices which had already been tiansmltlcdto him. It was Minister \Villis' opinion that Picsidcnl Cleveland would lose no time In comlnir to n conclusion because he was anx ious to have the Hawaiian trouble speedily settled. Apievlousuotohad also been iccctved from Minister \ \ ( Ills in which It Is understood ho acquiesced in the notice sorvpd upon him that no ti oops should bo landed from the United States man-of-war without the writ ten consent of the piovUional government. 'liirnini ; Out 'Iriitlius. On December T the executive and advisory councils of the government met to consider the question of investigating the conduct nnd lovalty of a number of employes known to be loyalists or loyalist sympathizers. The matter had been discussed in the cabinet , but uo conclusion had been reached , and Minister Damon suggested that the advlco of the advlsoiy council bo asked. The mat ter was taken up in open session before a large number of visitors and icsultcd In the passage of the following resolutions with but one dissenting vote : Itcsolvcd , That 11 Is the opinion of this nd- visoty council that the u\cciitlvo should pio- ceed upon uiT Investigation as to the loyalty of all employes of this government and the biip- porl given by them to It ; Kesolved , That In the determination of the loyalty of the employes of the government the standard slutll Include active support to this gov eminent and Its purposes In the Ilntch ( liven Itoiisons. The grounds upon which the advisory council bat > ed the necessity for its action aio bielsummarised ! ! . from' Mr. F. M. Hatch's speech in their support as follows. Wo aie In an anomalous condition. Though thu existing an I only KOVOIIIIIICUI Imvo been dNcn dlted in tlio ejes of the woilcl hy the utterances of Secioluiy Oreshamo now liavo our vvoili to doovei a aln. Wo limit lion settle the iuolloii | of restoiatlon oui- solves. The lady across thovvuv uttll claims to lie ( im en and appeals to u foielgu povvuithu United States to lelustato her. As long as this stuto of iiffalis continues we aio in tlio inldbtof a coiillict ami must Uoep In the cm- ploy of the government only those whoso loyalty Is uiiiuieMloncil. This Is not miiieslloiiof civil sei vice icfoim or iiiiythlng of the Ulud. A deopui and moie fumlimental question is Involved.u i-aii have no tialtois In out midst. We may nt any moment have to c-ill upon mil followers tosuppoit us ut the ilsl > of their lives. Nothing could ho more demorall/lng than the suspicion vvlitn appioacldng the reiide/vous Ithc executive hulldhiK ] , In a mo ment of duiiKOi. tiuachciv might ho found there. Ono m two dotei mined tialtors could do Immense d.unago under such clicum- stauces. Mr. Hatch illustrated the necessity of action by ilting alleged attempts lately to cause desertions from the ranks of the llie- incu In the pay of the government to make BUREAU. SUn .t O ) . SOLICITORS.Uc.3 Utilldlns. OMAHA. NKII. Advleo I'llfiti RRILWKY TIME GRRD Loaves CHICAGO llURLlNr.TWX. Omah l I Depot lllth .1111 MiHOiiSts Oiirih i U 50 a H 11 IB. ill' . .Chlciih Kxpruss . 4.25 I u 702pmi . . . Chicago It. low l Locil H III.i ) n IKJIIiaml . _ _ _ .Locll _ IJi 5j pill DjpJt _ Oji i u _ lO.inuiiil . "DmTvof iSmt's-j. ' lO.lflam' ' Du.ulwood EYuros 1.1 ( ) ] ) n 4. HO pin | . . Dem er Express. 4 lOim U no pui .Nebraska Lou il ( Except S m ) 0.50 p I- H IB am1 .Lincoln Lo.-tl ( Except Sum 11.2un I c-avis I if. Osr .1 , vO H l Arrives Omah i J Depot 10th .111 lMasjii Sts _ | _ Omalu _ D.fiani , . . .KIIIIH isl'lty Oiy Etpi.iss. . I 5.55pn JM3 PU.IK C Nljfhtl > n v i l II 1' . Tr ins I ( l.jUaiu Oiiuha I Uiilon Hjjijt ibtli M ircy Sis | Omaha I' U III am I Atlantic. K < pim o < c Simd lyi K 00 pm . . NU-ht KXPICSS . ( SOUpm Chlc.ig-o VuHllbiild I Limit jl 2 00 pm 12.10aiiiOklalio.n | l Kxii HclO H ox Sum ( J.23aiii I WfJST. _ "I ' ' ' E Su 112 loan n.'lUaui'Oltl inomi vi'nYisCvp < < u iiOTliin . .Colorado LI illli I _ . .I 4.5 I p 11 " 17-avTHl ATrTiuT Omahii I Union Dopjl loth .V M ircy SlH Om 1'it ' il 3011111 . Denver EXIII ess . ' . ' 10pm . , Ove-rlllU Flyer 3.43pm lle .ilrlCD.VStrouiHb ir E < cu < cSiin ) ( I.IOpm , .1'aclllj Express . II 30pm Denver F.iHlM'dl . " Omaha I U 1' Depot and M uvy bin Chleao Llinllu'l , ( I Illaiii ILJOiiml Chicago E < CIIIUHH ( o < sm D 30 p u LiaveH I i\TT : Arrhu * Oinnhil Depot 1 3 Hi mid Wiibsti r StH Omah i U 1)3,1111 . .DoadwooJ K < cpi'il , 310 nil DllSim ( Ex SitlWyo , Etp > Uv Moil i 31pii ( . . OOp n .Norfolk Express ( Ex. SmU lyi 10.S3 1 u S.43pm | . , Sl. 1'aul l)23tu ) Leaves Clfil'AGO.V NORTH WIJSl'N" Omah i | II. 1' . depjt Kith t. MliiJV His Onialit Leaves MISSOURI Arrlvoi Omuli.ll Depot IStt. , ml Wiib-tlorS _ I JI n u l"2,20pm | . . St Lonlu'ExpruHj . T (1 ( 00 am JO ( Ml pm. ! , St. Louis KxpruHs . . 4.30lll | B lil pin li.ilb ( ex Sun ) Nebrahka Local ! li.lo am LeaviH 0. ST P . M .V O Omaha Depot IBIliiuid VVebBlur _ Sis Omdu * K.GnTif ( ) Sioux Clly Accoiumodalloii | HO'ipiu l.lSpm blout Clly KtiinwH tEx bun ) iI2 lOpn t > 43p n . St. Paul Limited . . 11.214111 fi lipm ) ( ikland l'ausoiue-r lEic 8.4'i.mi Li-ave SIOUX CITY A , 1'AOIFC. I Arrives" Omaha Depot , 10 am' M ucy Mt I Oinilii "ifstiam Sioux Clly P.isson.'or 110 2(1 ( pin U.55pm St Paul Express 110(10 mi Ixavi-H hlOUX OirY.V-1'AClt'IO lAnlviiH Oinahal Dejioi , ISth and WabiierSts I Oinalii ' 6.46i.m | SI I'anl LlmlleJ . I 112'iaiu 5 45 inn I Chicago Llmltixl. OMAHA A. ST LOUISrrlvcua . Depot , j Ollijiud Marcj Oniqlia n.D5 pm * Tbi LoulH Cannon Hill . . . ir..Jjliiu SlocKliililer ' Al Union riovalor eniniiiiny of Umnlin , Notlrn Is hereby Klven that tlio ( in mm I meeting ot thu btockholdura nf the. Union Kluvator com- puny , for thu purpo-.ii of electlnu fcevon dl- rci'toru and huuh othci Inulnuss IIH may prop erly Ofiino before thu nif'UtliiK. vtlll I'O neld at the ollleo of John M. Tliurstim Union Pacific Imlldlnir , Omaha , Neb , upon Monday , iho Jut day of JitnuHry , 1894 , between thu hours of 10 o'clock u , m , mid 6 o'clock p. in , Al EX Mli.l.ili , Secretary. IlObtou , December 10 , lt)03. ) 1113il22 m th\t ! f ( 1'i-c lrvinui'lnt In rnso I lues slio.ild he ninrtcd during nu nttnik upon tlio provshiial Bovoinmcnt l > > tlio ro.vallsts inninn Dunpprnved Minister D.imon UIs.ippro\cd ot notion In the matter nt tlio present tlmo , basing his ni-Rumtnt upon tlio clnuso In tlio pioclnmn- tlonot last .lantmry icquliliiKonli thdoatli of ofllcofiom these retnlnctl In ofllce bj tlu > provisional ( Tovornmcnt. The same ovcnliijj tumor was sttirteil that Minister Damon Imtl icslirucd , orhnd told two roynllst olHoc- holders that ho would rosiRii before hr vvotilil consent to tholr UlsmUstl. In an Intervlovv with .1 representative of the Associated pi ess Minister Damon de clared that ho hud no Intention of icslgnliiB "You can posltivulv state that there Is no dissension In the cabinet , " ho salt ! "Theio vvns meiulj a lUfTereneo of opinloji on the matter of policy. That Is now suttfcd , ami If necessary , removals will l > o made In m.v ilopartmcntR as elbcwhcie 1 icfused posi tively to icsign when nsU'd to do so b > two persons.1 \Viiiiilenlinii ; Tiirneil Dnvtii , The mvcstii-'atloti of the alleged miscon duct of P.V. . WiintU'iibui'K. onu of tlio chief vvltni'sses cited b.v Sccretarv ( itosliam fiom IJlount lepntt , hns been concluded.Vuii - dcnburj : u-fused to testif.v airalnsl himself on certain points mid thereby prevented the attoinuy general from blinking In testimony as to e\-Mluister Stevens' acilons on tlio Kith of .lununry 'Ilm decision ol the supreme premo court , signed bv all tluce judges , was Hied jestcrdiij and concludes : ' 1 be res | nmliMit Imvlm ; IK-CII voluntarily ciiiitliilied In nlllec under the ptesiMit toverii- mint uflet lx | rmiiidalIon oucie"peiM unit lojallj to II , even If lie h IM not tnl.iii soli mil onlli Insuppnit uiid lieai iilli-gliinre to the Koveimi-iit of thu Iliuviillan Island * , us In thlIMM - he did. The teMilt of this liiViMltfallon limit us to oidei tlin re- niOMil of Ihe re-iiomlent \\iiiuleiilmri i : . f nun Ills olllfi < of di plltj cleil. of the .liiilli-liuj du- pailmonl uml rleiU of Iho ciieult court , Hut circuit , vihle-h Is done. accoidliiKly. This decision eudoiscs the miuclplc upon which action was taken un last Thursday bv the advisory council legardiug ictnovals ami is impoitutit , us uo fuitbor opinion of iho supreme couit will boitiiuticilbofoto acticn. Itcad.v niul l ) ! l-i mined to | ; ( , I < | . When seen this moiiilnu Pieshlont Dele stated that investlirallousof mlscomluot and dislo.vatly In ollleo holdcr.s under thu provisional goveminent would begin at , ouco nnd whenever lemovals vvcio lotintl necessari they would bo made without or favor. This method would his continued until the Rovcinmcnt was assured It surrounded by 110110 but its actual fi lends. When again asked If tlio ijovcinment would lesibt any Inteinal or cxtcinal al- tack , President Dole omphatlcally icplled that it would. At the same tune ho hoped matters had been already taken up by the United States cojigress and slid ho belie veil 11 would ultimately bo settled there. C'niiiiiht'H I'ropostil. President Dole conliimcd the statement of vaiious members of the chamber of com merce that iho pioposition made to that body the day the steamnr Arawu sailed by lion. M..ckeu/lo Uowol , agent of Canada , was not included In the topoit given the ptess huie. Piesident Dole haul to the As sociated piess man this momlng that Mr. Uovvel advised Ihu chamber ot commerce stronglj to cancel the reciprocity treaty vvitli tlu Utr.lud States , whii h lie claimed was ahcadv defeated by tlio action of ; the iMcICiuloi bill. lo\vcl ! further said tint both the Canadian poveminent and people vvcio anxious to enter into political and trade lelations with Hawaii and ho hoped negotiations m thai diiection vvoulusoou he opened. Membeis of the chambar ot com- mono state thUt Mr ] 3owol has intimated that such negotiations would 11ml the favor ami support of l ngland , if necessary When asked if ho thought Kiicland had a hand in the matter. President Dole binilod and said ho could not answer , as ho had no inloriua- tion on that point. JIo thought overvono couUl draw his own conclusion In the councils ou last Thuisday Minister Damon , in answer to a newspaper denial that the t-vfueon | had asked the protection of the provisional co\eminent , sta'cd pos itively that she had , and that such protec tion continued to bo gi.inteJ her by the guard around Washington palace from the police dcpiitmcnt. riii.lures Still r.ivor.iblo. The favorable financial condition of the government continues. Tlio uiiiilbtcr of lluancc has announced that ho is leady to transmit fHJOi ( ) duo for uiteicst on the English loan .lanuarj' 1. 'I he balance duo the HisJou lion vvoiks of S-loOOt ) will bo paid about Iho same tlmo. The Hawaiian htar has printed the state ment that a tmo calabash will bo forwaidcd by the i.ativv political society by the steamer Austiaiia today beaiing the following m- sciiptloir To .1 , H. Illouut , fiom IIill Kalahina foi te-rv 1 'es The Honolulu Bulletin and other roiallst papers ilciiouueo the stiteiiieut in luio , while some , iiicliidiugmcmbeis of the native society , admit Us li tub , but deny tuo cor rectness of the inscription as given liiiyallsts Iliivo l.o-u llnpe. Interviews with several prjiiiiucut royal ists show that iiianj of them have given up hope of iiumediito lestoiatlou ami bplicxo the situ ition w 111 be reviewed by Ihu I'ulteil Statescongiess. Utheisarcof the opinion that the ox-queen will bo tcstotcd within foity-olRht hotira after the tu rival of tl'O ' steamer Alameda ou ( he " 1st lust. In MICIUC- mc on this point mcmbciHof thocabinoi said they did not think any action would he taken upon the anhalof the Alameda. til though should Cleveland iloteimino to utge matteisthci would bo imiiiudiately notified by Minister Willis as soon as ho iccolvod such outers J'his much ho had promised the govei nment veil ) illy Membcisof the advisory council nmpha si/o Iho fact that the policy of tchislaiieo now being frllowed by this government was dotermliiod upon twenty-four hours boluto Iho nuws of I'lPbiileut Uluvolaml'b attitude leached Honolulu. The ranks of the American league are growing dallv. At the present it Is esti mated that the govcinment can command " ,5UO aimed men la case of need , Lollllil llliler VVliltlni ; VVeildml. 1 ho wedding of ( Jommamlor W. H. Whit ing , U S. N , to Miss ICtto Along took place on the evening of December 5 It was a giand affair. The entrance to the Central Union cliuich was blocked long before thu doois vvoioopon The ushois vvuro Lieuten ants Cartel and Kane , Paymaster McDoiaid , AsslH i Ktiglncer Coi.anl and Hiibigns Wlllatd and Xlc lineir The church waa ciowiled Mmistur Willis and all HiuolllieiH of the 1'iillcd htatcs vvaishlp , vvilh maiiv fiom the liiltibh cruiser Champion , all In full uuifoLiu , won ) piosuut , bbides members of the dlplomatio corps Prusldenl Dale ami other mcmbi rs of the piovlbioual gov ernment were present An uxteiihlvo ic-icp- tlon was giveii dining the ovi'iiiug at the family resldimco , whloh was attfiided by hundieds of fashlouablo people Commander Whiting ami biido leave by ihb Australia today. After spending .1 short tlmo in San Francisco , they will go lo New Yoilc and ihcnco to Washington. rllj lrnl IlrhUtillieo rjellfeil. The following losolution adopted at a meeting of the executive committee of tno Annexation club held laht.Satuiday evening. Hesohed. That Ihu cluh dunounces any and all piopoillions looUliin' to u political coiii- liromUu which nli ll Imvu for llh objei-l Iho lempoi.iiy or puimaiieiit Ksloiatloii nt Ilio liiiu.illini tliionu mid th it It iili-dgus Its iniiial ami physical it'sUluiiru lo all ine.uureM or men that may bu eulUted In Mich heh ilf. The losolution was pieRoutod to inn executive - ecutivo council of iho government and Ilio following reply was received from Attorney Smith' "In regard to your resolutions against propositions of'compiotnlso , which may have in view the tompoiary orpurmanent icstorn- tlon of the monaiuhy , wo need onlv nay that thu lusolutlon nt.ites fully the policy of the government on this point. " I.Uit of th Trulll Kuhbur * Sentenced. ST. I/Uis , Deo. 11) ) . Samuel liobiiisou , thu last of the Sand Hill train robbers , was sen tenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary at Hoi man , Mo. , for complicity ia thu San IVancUco A : .St. I ouls attcmptcu tobbery un September IS last. lltWiRIXTIIEFIRSTDECKKE Barney McGinn Found QnUlj of the D.rttli of Edward McKcuna. HOW THE PRISONER RECEIVED Till VERDICT fntareillugr QnMI < ui ItuUed ni to tli 1'eimHy tlio ( lullty Onn sluill Sunn1 , anil tlio Vnllilltv-of the I'millne Cniltil | : rniilitiiiieiit I.UVT. Harnoy McGinn was found guilty of murder In the llrsl dc reo jestcnlny for having caused the death of IMvvnrJ Mi" Konnn on the ovcnlng nf Jtilj ' , " . > last The cnso was on lual in thedlstiiet couit the | jieater put of last week ami the sub stance of the testimoiiv developing thn history of thocrimo has boon alrotulv pub lished In Tin : Hi r. Pitiiav nlitlil the case \vns submitted niiit nil ; tu o'floi'k .vestorda.v mornin a M-rdii't was ngi ccd upon , thnii h Itvus not imuto public until tin ? eonvonltitr of lotltt l > .itlv moinluK it was nolscil abo'iUlut the vordif l was readi to he pie- sented to .tudpii Si-ott. and as a tcMilt the I'omt room was full of spectators when tno bailiff rapped foi older. 'I lie prisoner , palo ami vlishUv tieivous , was bunutht In ami seated beside his attorm-.vs iimt u moment later the Jmois Hied in niul toolt their places In thoboN As thi-.v did so .lutlRO Scott nsked , "Uenilcmon , h.tvu joti antoed upon n ver dict f ' fVo " \Vo have , your honnr. ' icspnmloit the foreman , as a sealed envelope was passed up to the I'lcrU llneri1let Kriul. The etlllness of the loom was painful , and as the clerk tote open the docum < Mitary eover the uio.ilcinirnf tlio piper sounded as loud as the- passing nf a VV.IROII over the stouu pavement. ( Jltitu tup attho paper , vvl.llo tlio tiliot | lccniiiu ) minioppiesslve , the eloilc lead iholimllur , which was to lliu ollcct that the pilsoiiei had lu-en found RUlliy of murdi'r in the Hist device. Asijli ; of relief was the only sound I hat escaped from thu utrat .tuillt-iiuo ami that was luibhed In n second MHilnn , whn had vvateliPit ovoiy move ment of the clerk , worked lib lluRurs lu : i , . nervous manner unit allowed the eoiuors of I his motitii to tvvileh as the word "fiiilltj" 1 ivas ptoiiouuceil 'f ' .1 ulgo Ki-ott thanked the jurors for thu ' patieuee vvhu-h thej had illspl.i.ved duriui ? the 1 rial and thru onleied their ilisohaiue. Turiiili toSheilfl nemiell \ > o ilislrui'ted him to talto .MiCiiiu bai-K to Iho e-ouut.v Jail uml keep him in close coiitliieiiicnt until thu 1 ronouni'iiirf of the senteueo. llo ( ho IteAiill Win Itinnhed In the juiy room several ballots vvcrn taken before the vcidiet v as reached Tnu Ihst ballot talten at t > M ) nVlock Friday nluht mid tno lesiill was as follows Nine votes for minder in the llrst , decree , two for mmdcrln the second device ami onu for manslaughter ' 1 ho becoud was taken at 7 111) o'eloclc and resulted the same as tlio first , though on the thlid ballot , which was taken at s.tIO , Iho Jutor who had voted for man slauphter , voted for im.t.lor in the Ihst degree Ou the font tli billet the man who hail boon \olliif ! Cor in.uibl.iUKlitcr went for > ] muidei In llio liist demeo and ono of thu ( J men who was in favor of murder in the Ihst diopped to murdi-r hi the seeoud do- gici1. On the llfili ballot Micro vveio iiino who were lor muuli-r in Hie Hist ami thrco who wanted minder m the seeoud dej.'ieu. 'Iho siMh billet , whiih was taken at lint ) o'e-loek , stood i-loveii for minder m the Ihst degree and one lor mtudur in the second. Thirlv miiiuies later another ballot ivis t lUen nnd all ol the twelve im-n voted for muidci in the Hist deie-e ; Allot si nmi ; the veidii't tin- men slept until moitiiu The ictiitnimr of this verdkt iloes not end the case bj auv , means , as the attotuevh for the prisonei li.nei alreadj moved fora iiovv tiial ou tlio Biomms tlitil llieto weto on on durititr the lu-ariiiK and ulbo hi the itibtiuc- lions. Tins mot ton will bo alined , and if denied , thcv will take an nppeilto the s\i- \ pii'tnu eoui t , w liU-li vv ill di-lay anj scntcncu vvhieli the couit may impose , so that it ia it will bo fully a year before the penalty is impose I. Hereafter Mc-Ciiim will be kept in the steel cape which was lormoilv oioupied by IH Neill , thommik'ier of Allan ami Dorothy Joui-s Ho uill be fed upon better food than the regulation jail diet , as it Is the custom to give convicted murderers the best that the inr.iket nftouls Thoveiilie-t of the jury has raised iv line local point ami one which has drivensomo ot the lawyers to sea to bomo extent , as thev are not finite sure vvhe'lher them has been u trial or not. Ouc'tl in < if the reualty. Prior to the last session of the IcKislaturo the statutes provided that In tiials for mur der the Jurv should icport its , IhulliiKS , IcaviiiK the vntmice to oo imposi-d by the eoutt , hut that law 1ms been changed ] .ial winter the leffisl Uuio nmondcil the ttoneril law by passinp a substitute. , oaviiiK that upon conviction of murder in the lit so decree , the paity "shall suiter death or shall ue impiisoned in the penitentiary dur- mp life , in the discioliou of the j iry " This law was approveJ April s. 1SU3 , ami as tnero was no umorfjoiirj iliuso. BOIIIO ot the attorney s.u sued that it could not go into cIToet until tin en months later These uttnnie.\s contend tiiat the time for thenou law Kolng Into o licet could not until the Hist dav of the uoxl month , wliiflt in this event , would boon M-ij 1 If this ia true , thov claim that the commission of tlin Liimo was not under the construction of ilia now law , which vvould ha\o IK.I ome operi- tivcon Anifllfct 1 , I .M With this view n' the case they hold that Ilioeidut Is good even If it failed to deMfnat > inu penalty. Other atioimns ilaun tlrit tha law wont into olleut im April 11 ; , mid that on that date the old law wa wiped from the statute books. 'I bin claim that theio is a defect m the vcr.lict. as thtecfull months elapsed biHw con the ap proval of the now Invalid the commission of thociimo Konu of the Intoiuslu.l piilius will talk iijion thohubject , though Mi ( Jinn's attorneys claim that thlils oi.o of the ijui's- lions that thu supiemo couit will ha culled , to pass upon. _ rni it iy r/ : . / : . JMr . \ \ , l > , I'lirJuir riiiiniH tn ! In > u l.iiratccl Her Ivliln-iprd > i > n , CIIICAOO , Dec Hi .Mis U \ , I'nikor of Chicago claims tint she has located in Cali fornia her boil who , Mio siys was. kidnaped thirty ; \eai \ h ago b > Ins fathei Ctuoigo .Mer- rll , a l.os Aiirelos ( , millionaire. Alts I'.irkcr had Bccurod adlvoico from Men il and was awarded the cnstodv of the boy Harold , who soon aftornaiilH disappeared After three decades of anxious hoarchliiB ahu no\v siiyn that she IIIIH discovered that hei HOII is llvlnsonu lancli near Ix > s Aiij'oles but ahu has not boon able to commiinieiito with him. Koboi t Bruce , a dotocllvo who has been oupaRcd in the boaich , elalms that the l.oi'a , father olTeied him inonpy to diop the case and icpoit to Mrs I'atker that the identl * ' illation was a i u < ; i..ituc * iHI.1.1 ri.u\ ( ihnii at tlui Ooiiclillii 'Irliil into llui Itrnllni.- Ilio UIIDIIH. Ciiic.uio , Deo. Id Aaion OoUlmim ies'i ' lied In the Couj'hlin tate today to having collected the rent of the Ulaik stieet Hit. hovoral times ho found thu rooms still fur nished , but dcbuiteu , and Imallv ho le.uuca thai thu furniture had been lemoved , Hakeu Mai tousoii , an expressman , tcbtiflcd to having hauled the fuinituru from Clarlc street to the O.ulsoii uotta o. Ho ttatcd that ho hudliubboquentlv iicen the man vtho hired him to remove Ilio oods Thu man was Martin Hurko , bo said , and ho had eeeix him in the Winnipeg Jail , Other wltnossos tuslllled to liiviu ' car ried furniture to and from the Claik stieefc flat , and to having acea the mjstcnous ' J. H. Siuonds" there , lluporled lliinn un Iniiilent , i , III. , Dou. 10 The insurance uupcrlntundt ut has ru ( > ortod the J'eoii * Ktato Ucnellclary association and the 1'eorla Assessment InHUianco company to the attor ney general as iiisuht'iit , 'J'his was don * uftor uxamlnatlou by the uuw imturaneo di > { partiucnt.