T1I12 OMAHA DAILY 131513 ! FRIDAY. 1WKMBER lo. 1R03. DAILY HEE 1IM.M-TS NO. 12 PRAIU. STUKirr to nny part Of 1 c pHy II.V \ TII.TON - Manager TPT Fimnvra J IlintnamiOnicc . X ° ' * 2 TELEPHONES , Mgt | , K.lltor . No.B3 Ml * t'K MKXTWf. "Boston Store , cloaks ami holiday goods. The new tturllngton depot was thrown * open to the public yesterday , Regular meeting of tlio Woman's Relief rorps this nrtcrnoon nt 2IO : ! o'clock In the Urn ml Army hall. The funeral services of the late Ivlwnrd ritch will ho held at the family residence I" Avoea at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The- Sixth Ward Klvc-Cciit club Is ro- Miir teil to moot In the council chamber this , Friday , night , Instead of Its club hall. H , C'.ladden died at 1 oYlccl ; yesterday nfturnoon of la grippe. at his residence , -M-i ( Sjouth Eleventh strrot. aged S4 years. ICll Kunyan culled lit thu ofileo "of Justice Vlcn yesterday and nied an It-.fonnatlon chanting his son uau with Unociiing nun down. Switching tracks are belnt ; put In on thu lots lying north of the MeCormiek bulldluir , now in process ol erection , for the use of the company. Kilns Short , n colored man , who stole a pair of trousers from the Kovero house , was Kent to the county Jail for ten days yesterday in police court. S. T. Walker Is an applicant for the posi tion of neputy state oil Inspector. Hu is well known In the city and hus many friends who wish for his success. .lustlcoVlon performed n double wedding ceremony Wednesday , the parties being John Skclton and Annlu Jones , and Kdwln I ) . Lambertson and .Icnniu Hkelton , all of Crescent. The 1/ullr.s Aid sicloty of Kt. John's Kngllsh Lutheran church wlllhuvu an apron sale next Thursday afternoon and oyunlnp at the now Uoyal'Arciiuum parlors in the 1)row ) hulldine. Another sunplyol World's fair art port folios. No , 1. has been received at the Coun cil DlulTs ofllco , and nutucribors of 'I HE Hr.n In this cLy can present their coupons anU their dimes at 1- Pearl street. The funeral of .1. I. . Forma n took place ycstertlay morning from the residence of his'ilaughtcr. Mrs. Haymer , Hov. 1-1. J. Hah- cock ofllcl.itlng. A lareo number of sorrowIng - Ing friends were present , among them retire- Bontatlons from the local lodges of the Uoyal Arcanum and the Ancient Order of United ' "Workmen. Dr. J. II. Cleaver received a telomMin " \Vedncsday announcing the death of his mother , Mrs. I. M. Cleaver , at the ago of f.l years , Mrs. Cleaver was well known hero , having spent two years with her son. Shu had been ailing for seine time , but death came sud dcnly. John Johnson tiled at M o'clock hist even ing at the riisidcnce of his grandson , D.ivul Kutcllffc , GL'0 Itorili Ninth street , aged 7S years , from the effects of a paralytic stroke. He was an old settler of Council IIluffs , and for the past twenty years had been employed by the Northwestern railway. Ii. K. Phillips was arrested yesterday and given a hearing before Justice Vicn on tno charge of threatening to kill V. .1. Hrcch- till. His size and the manner In which he invited Hrochlill out into the street seemed to have been ttte two main considerations in leading to the filing of an information by Hrcchtill. There was nothing In his talk , however , to warrant a prosecution and ho was discharged. The last Issue of the Homo Dolieht. pub lished in the interest of the Union Christian mission , is accompanied by a souvenir portrait trait of Uuv. and Mrs. Delong. Mr. Dclon ? also writes an interesting article giving the history of the mission since Its organization , two years ago yesterday , tlo s-iys that thcro have been 'JtVl conversions and 'Jiil ! > persons clothed. An account of the pros- rcss of the Girls Industrial school is also given. Moitiirn Iliiuk 1.1st. 1)00 ) cloth bound , 12 mos. , good titles , worth 25c , for 12Je. See bargninsi in 12 inoH. n.t Ic each , worth . 10c ; FJuu Jliir , ! ) Sc each ; Mary Juno Holmes' works , ! > 8c ; Mny Agnes Fleming's works , 9Sc ; Aupustn .lane Evuns1 works , 81.39 and $1.75 ; lied Line and Roston store edi tion of joctB , ( JOe ; 1 "added Seal 1'cotH , OSc ; Stoddard's Glimpses of the World , $2.7" ) ; Dora illustrated books , ! ) So ; Co lumbian Atlas of the World. 31.89Voh : - htor'w unabridged , cloth , $1.19 , sheep , $1.45 : Borthu M. Clay's novels , cloth , 2T > c ; Mark Twain's books from fiyo to $2.25 ; Hue's Les Miberubles. 75c ; Dickens , Ji" . vol. . cloth , SX98 : Hulwor Lytton. 13 vol. . cloth , $3.98 : Irving's , 9 vol. . clolh , W.81I ; Tlmckor.v. 10 vol. , cloth , $2.98 ; Chambers' Kncyclopaedin , 12 vol. , $5.00 ; R.llott , (1 ( vol. , cloth,31.-1S ; Diimns , 8 vol. , cloth , $1.09. Key of Heaven and Key of Heaven Combination ISjiistlo and Go.spi'ls , ( Jem of Devotion , etc. , etc. , till at our usual low price always to be found at our book clopi'.rtmeiit. Now arrivals of popular books daily. FOI'JIERINOIIAM , WHITKLAW & C-'O. , BOSTON RTOUK. Council BlulTs , la. Sterling silver ten spoons $3.75 per set nmi everything in silverware in the sumo proportion at Maurer's. After January I. Brown's C. O. D. grocery will close each oveninir ut 7 o'clock"except Saturdays and Mondays. J'KltSOXA I , JM It AII HA I'llS. Judge J. K. F , McOco , who has been con- lined to his home by serious illness for a week past , was able to bo out yesterday for the llrst tlmo. Alderman .1. J. Hathaway was about the streets yesterday for the llrst tlmo slnco ho was taken down by tils recent severe sick cpull several weeks ago. T. 13. Casady of this city Is mentioned as a possible successor of Assistant United .States Attorney Howell of Keoktik for the bouthern district of Iowa. Ask your grocer lor Domestic soap. ; Miirrlnuu IIconic * . The following marriage licenses wore issued by the county clerk Wednesday : Niimo and Addrest , . ARC. I Henry (1 , llnrrown. Ashland , Noli 40 I IliinimhU. Him oil , Ashlaml , Nub 40 j It. II. Lit tin , Lincoln. Nub iB ! I Anna I' . Coy , Lincoln , Nub " & t Murtln H. Kllltl o. Council liliilin 'JO I Mnry L. llrown , Minneapolis , Minn " 0 .1 John SUellon , Crcsccnl 25 1 Annlu .1 onus , Urocont - ' - I dwln II. l.ambor-ioii , Crescent 30 't JiuinUt Miiilloii , CruM'uni W The Morse Dry Goods company's Santa Claus wagon , wnloh is attracting Btich widespread and onthuslastio ntteiuiou in Omaha for its novelty and originality , will exhibit in Council Hlulls Friday all day on the principal btreots. Got a Christmas gift that is useful and beautiful , There never wore such beauti ful things at Lund's china shop and so cheap. At tistie lamps , dinner sets , tea tuts , chamber sots , bric-a-brac , odd pi : eos , ete. Will ( lite H 1'iirly. Arrangements have been made by the young men of the Council DIurTs 400 for a brilliant narty on. . Thursday evening , De cember " 8 , ut Chambers' hall on Pearl street. They promise to make It the event of the season and will , no doubt , keep their word. Chambers' dancing academy , Shugart block. His elegant now hull can bo se cured for parties , and any such desired will bo arranged for. For information apply to elevator man , at Pearl street entrance , or address AYK. . Chambers , 17th and Douglas , Omaha. Dancing classes every \Vo.lncsduy. llaxo you seen the now gas lieators at the Gas company a ' Another Bocd Investment Company Squelched by the Law. TWO PROMOTERS ARRESTED YESTERDAY Srrcet anil Vnnnnttajit Into Ciutuily by n tlnlteil M.irnliul lor Violtitlnc tlin l'o titl As foretold In Tin : Hr.B yesterday morn ing , J. B. Sweet and S. P. Vannatta of the Kqult.iblc Investment company weie placed under arrest during the day on tln > charge of using the malls fur unlawful purposes in furthering u lottery scheme. Deputy United .Stales Marshal Hlchards tnude the arrest on an information tiled by Inspector Mercer. Both mi'ii succeeded In putting up a bond for ? 1IHKJ and were released ipendlng the action of the federal grand jury in March. From the investigation of the olttci.ils it ap pears that this company has not done so largo n business as the Perpetual Maturity Investment company. The latter was or ganized last Fcbiuiry. while the former dlit not coiiincnco operations until some months later. Mr. Vannatta claims that he has known comparatively little of the workings of the plan. "Sweet said It was all right , " he re marked , "and I went In with him without paying much attention to the business. " All thu interested p.irtles In both of the companies are well mid favorably known in Council Hluffs , and while the fact of the arrest did not occasion much surprise in view of the recent crusade agaluat similar companies in other parts of the country , they nevertheless receive a good deal ol sympathy from the public generally that is not given the promoter * of like schemes , par ticularly those In Des Moincs , who skipped the country to avoid being prosecuted. The winding uu of the affairs of these two concerns will leave a great many people out of poi'kt-l in bums ramilng all ( he way from $ 1 to g."iO , or more. It. is safe to presume that somu who bought bonds had doubts as to Hie outcome , but each one hoped to uet his * 1.000 out befori ! the llnal crash came. Many of those who bit at the scheme of gettinir something for nothing are backward about letting the fact bo known , and the chances are that most of the prosecuting will have to bo done by Uio United States authorities , while the patrons try to bo as contented as pos.sihlc with the smashing of their air castles. lo it * Co itliiucd. Owiiijj to the unfavorable weather of Tuofrilay , and to { 'ivo every ono a chance at the ihaiiy bargains at our half-irlco counters , we have aocidod to continue our sale to tin * I'litl of the week at the same prices , which ai o just half the original price. The following articles are tu bo lounii at our half-l rico counter for the re mainder of the week ; Vienna glassware , rose jur . numer ous kind of vases , fancy colored baskets , handsome card receivers , etc. . ete. ( IHKMAN AN'II AfSTHIAN t'ltOC'KKHY. Cracker j.ir.-s after dinner cotl'ees , bread plates , fruit plates , fancy plates , salts , pitchers , bread and milk sets and nuinv "other us-eful articles in the crock- erv line at uOe on the 81.00. K.XTUA t.IST. "f " 11 kinds from $ 1.M to umbrella stands , lire screens , tables , dusters and statuary. All ut half price. DOU.S. 400 dolls of all kinds and sixi'S. iiKihiil- ing kid body , from ( i inches to : ! " inches , with bisque heads , slightly soiled : prices vary from f > i ; to 5 = 2.00 each : youi choice of the lot ut IIAI.V I'HU'K. FOTIIIKIXUHAM : , Wnmr.A\v&t'o. : , Council Hlult's , la. KKMKMHKK SANTA Ct.AUS lias an engagement at the Moston Store Friday afternoon from II to f > . Those wishing to sec the old gentleman can do so then. BOSTON" STOKK. fireat sale of skates , sleds , pocketknives - knives , velocipedes , boys' wagons. Those are our Christmas specialties , and you can buy u pair of club skates for 50c , or a good slctl from 51'e to " . "m. Hig line of lo ! " knives. Cole'sII Main street. M. Wollman will help you" select u beautiful Christmas present and at the Kimo time help you to save money. OIlli.rNT/.KI ) C1IAIUTV. I'laiiK Heine l.-ild to Help thu Poor 111 a Syn- tomatlu Milliner. A movement Is on foot to organize an asso ciation of charitable people of Council Bluffs for the purpose of supplying the worthy poor of the city with such help as they may need. A meeting of the pastors of the city will beheld held nt ! l o'clock this afternoon in Dr. Phelps' study at the First Presbyterian church , and n call wilt bo Issued by them for a nms'i mooting of clti/.ons , to oa held in the piu-iv mrt of next week. It has been thought advisable that the call for the mass niecliuKbe made In this way , although It is not to bo understood that tlio churches are to monopolize the work. There are scores of families In the city that are in need of the common necessaries of life. Some of them nro worthy and others are not. The plan is to separate ono class from the other and bo- Htow aid only whore it Is deserved. The work will ho carried on systematically , and every charitably disposed resident of the city should feel an interest. OI'KN HVHXIMUS. The llostun Store is open every evening until utter the holidays. FOTHEUINailAM , WlUTHI.AWiSr Co. , Council BlulTs , la. Ladies , if you desire absolute pcaco In the kitchen iit > k your grocer for J. O. IIolTiimyr Co.'s Fancy 1'iitout Hour. Tnulo murk Blue Hoostor. Shutlnreil I'lnto duns. Charles Hlerworth and J. " V. Collier , com monly known as "Bullhead , " became In volved in u fight yesterday afternoon in front of the Hotel Ininan. Colllor has had considerable trouble of late , having boon lined for healing his wife. A second case growing out of the same wlfo-hoallng opera tion was dismissed yesterday In Justice Vien's court on the understanding that his wife would pay the costs and ho would stop beating her. A' , thu tinio Collier was ar rested about n wcok 11120 thcro was intense feeling against him m the noichborhooJ In which ho lived and talk of lynching wns freely Indulged In on acount of the shameful way in which he had abused hU wife. Hler worth teems to have been ono of the neighbors and Interested himself to the ex tent , of helping Mrs. Collier when she was turned out of homo by her husband. There was consequently no love lost between thorn , and when they met In front of the hotel yes terday there wn trouble. IJlerworth , according to the statement of eye witnesses , was the aggressor , trying to strlku Collier with a loaded rano. Collier went at him and In n few moments had tlin best ot him. In the course of the fracas Hlerworth was forced against the plate glass window in the front of the hotel with such force as to break It. Mike Kildaru separated them. Uicrworth'B hand was cut , but no further damage of s very serious nature was done to either of the contestants. The window \vat broken Into several million pieces. Collier and llicrworth hud eacti other arrested on the charge of disturbing the peace. For neat job printing , prompt delivery and lowebt prices 10 to 1'ryor liros. , Bto job office , lii Poorl btroot. , Strnuiu All Jtlfht. M. W , Strouse , the North Eighth street man whoso wife reported that ho had disap peared , together with several hundred dollars lars that ho bad ou his person ut the tlmo sliO lost aw him , turned un < ifc and "Oiind at .t Into hr.irc4iieiiitnj niuii * Hr spen the evening at the free public 'ibrnrA ' ami later went to the meeting of the deitjxr.Uii" rltib. Ho was considerably surprised ulicn ho lennicd of the apprehension his wife was caused by hi * absence. Illc ItnlULtlon In C'lonlm. Fothcringhnm , Whltclaw ACo. . of the Uoston store were this morning in receipt of the following telegram from their ow York agent , that will in- forestall : Niw : YOUIC , Dec. 12 , ISO.I.-Fothorlng- ham , Whltclaw & Co. , Council UlufTe , la. ; 1 have just bought for you 1100 sample cloak * at fiO per oent.ofT from OIKS of the best manufacturers. A nice , clean lot. K.x press todav. todav."A. "A. C.SMITH. This shipment will reach this city seas as to bo put on sale Saturday morning atS o'clock , December 111. Twrilly Per U it llfocimnt On all silver and plated warp. Slor- ling silver teaspoons tit $ -1.00 i > cr set , in cluding engraving. C. U. .liioquuniiti iV ( 'o. Smoke T. 1) . King iV Co's Partaga * . STIl.l. T1IKY , I.\M. l.lttln Pi-ogre * * Mmln in tlio Control Ov < * r the Sheriffs Olllnr. The coiitest over the Pottawnttamle county shrievalty was resumed In the south room of the court house ycstcrdny morning. ' The attorneys for Haen had made the desired iivestlgatlon Into the statements mauo by heir opponents last Monday and tiled their uiswcr embodying their claims. In It wore contained the allegations that the b.iliots of Wright and Knox townships had been counted correctly ; that two votes had been .brown out in Hazel Doll which should have joen counted for Hnzon : two in Crescent and two In Valley were also thrown out ; two in Center were counted for Scaulan which should have been for Hazcn , and that mistakes had been made in counting the liallots in Wavelaud and Miiidcn townships. Liy which Scanlan gained one in the former and two In the latter. The llrst witness put upon the stand was County Auditor Matthews , who was culled uuon to tell how securely the ballot boxes , poll books and other apparatus connected with the last election had been kept since they were turned over to him. Ho was also culled upon to Identify the poll boons of the First precinct of the Third ward and the First ol the Sixth , which had been se.iled up by him -after the Board of Supervisors decided to throw them out on account of the failure of the Judges and clcrlis to certify them properly. In the afternoon W. A. Wood , one of the judges of election in the Third ward , First precinct , was put upon the stand in order to 1'tcntify the poll book in his ward. Ho tried to < lo so , but his attempts were rendered useless by the storm , or rather steady drix/.lc , uf objections of the attorneys on t he onposlto side. These attorneys have adopted dilatory tactics , It seems , and their one ambition Is to delay matters us much as possime. AI me present raic 01 uroprcss the contest is likely to be completed about the time the present term of oflli-e expires. Some people who don't know very much about politics supposed that all that was nec essary was that the boxes should bo opened and the ballots counted. It was not until affr the lirst few guns had been tired that they found out " just how much wrangling and jawing and objecting and hairsplitting and other things Incident to the legal profession had to bo gone through with before the boxes could be opened and the judges bo allowed to ascer tain by a recount Just .vho had been elected. The question which will have to be de cided first of all is whether or not Uio ballots can be brouirht in in those precincts where the Judges forgot to make the proper certifi cates. As all of these precincts happen to give Scanlan a majority Hazen's attorneys claim that a return Is no return at all unless it is properly certillcd lo. Consequently there was in cfl'ect no election in those pre cincts and the voters might as well have stayed ut homo. In the precincts that were thrown out by the Board of Supervisors there are enough votes lo throw the scale one way or the other , and so here is where the real light conies , after all. The only thing the public is to do is to hope that Ihu attorneys will kindly allow the Judges to mukc the agony as short as possible. Miirur Corn ! > itir : CornI Try the Council Bluffs Mignr corn. The best in the market. Absolutely no chemicals in-ed to blench the corn white. It is young , tender , sweet , clean and wholesome. - v Solid silver teaspoons ffclt.OO per set. Wollmun's , 4011 Broadway. Domestic soun i * the best hl'KCIAI. TA-VKS I'lnn Whcrr.uy tlic City \\lll Ha l-iiul > le.il to Seciiru .llorc Prompt Collections. Ill the suggestion made by Mayor Law rence and Cit > Auditor Uould to the council Tuesday evening with reference to the col lodion of special taxes there is embodied a plan which , If followed out , will give the city , It Is claimed , the use of mutiey any where from lifteen to forty-live days earlier than u.ider the present sysiem and will alto prevent a deficit in the city funds which is constantly growing larger. At present all special taxes arc collected by the county treasurer and the result Is that the money Is loft lying in tne vaults at the court house , it Is claimed , sometimes as long ns three months before It is turned , over to the city. If the law provided that such taxes should bo collected by the cH.i treasurer there would bo no such delay and there would also bo lho advantage gained from putting the collection in the hands of an oftlcer who was closely and personally interested in see ing that the taxes were paid In us promptly as possible. The deficiency above referred to re sults from lho rather strange way in which the interest on special taxes is collected. Ttio property owners are required to pay for paving , grading and the like in uay.nents of one-fifth , duo every two years , At the time each payment is made the interest on that payment for the tlmo it has been run * ning is collected. Consequently no Interest hus bocri collected at all on the hist fifth until eight years have passed , when it is all paid In a lump. In the meantime the city ha been paying interest on the full amount to the holders of bonds that were issued to cover those expenditures and the deficit iroes on growing until the eight years have elapsed , when it Is all evened up. This gives rise to considerable annoyance , which could easily bo done away with by simply requiring property owners to pay interest on the i entire unpaid nnioimv annually , as the law now allows. The city ofliciuls who are back ing this plan claim that u great deal of the present dlniculty would be evaded by nmklng it a part of the duties of thu city treasurer to collect this fix , The change would re quire n special net of ttio legislature , miin move is now on fool to introduce u bill In thu next session of the legislature containing the desired provisions. Gold plated onyx top table piano lamps with olcetriu burners and shades only * IO,00 at Maurer's. Ask your grouer for Domestic soap. Illc Mfrtliii : Tonight , At the council chamber this evening will bo held the meeting referred to In TUB Hr.u several days ago between the city council and the citUens for thu purpose of deciding upon a policy with reference to the nickel faro question , A meeting of the council and the motor company is to bo held In the near future In the hope that the now exUtmg differences may be settled. The meeting thlp evening Is held for the purpose of dis cussing' the matter and drawing up a list of demands , so that the council may know just what the citizens demand from the company n the was of concessions and know how tenet net intelligently. A large attendance is ooked for , us this is a matter iu which ovcry cmo is deeply interested. Genuine Roger's knives $1.40 n sot at Wollnmn'u , 40 ! ) Broadway. < : . > > . Wrli'lit. Sherman ( Joss , who until recently made his homo in this city , and Miss Ida Wright of Beatrice Neb. , were married last Wednes day by Hov Frank WIhrcafor ot the Cftv- airi Baptist churuli of Kansas City , nt his homo , lho groom wu&.tu business here for a number of years and Is well known. Slnco his recent departure ( rnm his old homo ho has boijn running n 119 * agency In Kansas City. The noxvs of tils marrlngo will bo of Interest to his many friends here , all of whom will extend congratulations. IVitl ( live You noe't'n ' Head Th ! < . This notice , Ifcutbht 'mid ' brought to W. W. Chapman , is .good for .10 cents casli in payment on lho purchase of any paftlol or etching ntv lilJ holiday head quarters , No. 18 Main street , which ho 1ms secure' ] for this "special sale. Five hundred framed subjects , just purchased by Mr. Chapman nt a-.forced sale in the east , are olTarcd byf lbn | at less than manufacturer's cost. A.U new , artistic ally framed , perfect gems. Maurcr will sell the balance of his wholesale stock of dolls , etc. , at less than wholesale prleci . Diamonds nt Wollmnn's , 4011 Broad way. DlMrlrt I onrc llitpienlni | ; . Mary Uakcr , who shot a nun somewhere In the vicinity of her sister in-lnw's bend , will only spend thirty days In the county jail as the consequence of her bad marks- iminshlp. The Jury brought In u verdict yesterday ( hiding her guilty of assault. Instead of assault with Intent to commit murder , and the sentence as above slated was imposed on her forth with. Chester Kgbort and Harry Mark , the latter n colored boy , were brought before Judge Kinith yesterday as candidates for the relorin school. The ISgbcrt boy has been mixed up in almost innumerable cases of thieving and his companion Is almost as bad. The latter was ordered tiiKcn to the reforma tory at Kldor.i. Judgement was postponed In the other case , but the probability is ihotiBht to bo by the attaches of the court house that ono will not ire without the other. Harold Kgbert , a brother of Chester , has also had an examination and Is now serving n three days sentence In the county jail for thieving while walling for the jadge to render a decision. The nrgumenls of the demurrer In tbo criminal cases ap.iinst A. 1C. Stone and Her man Parr , charged with criminal nezllgenco In connection with the motor accident on .South Main street , are likely to bo heard to morrow. In case their attorney , Smith Me- Pherson. can bo here. The contest ease of Gleason against Hath' away , over the olllco of Third ward aider man , Is looked for to bo tried today. Ella 1'ullls has tiled a petition in the dis trict court asking for a divorce from her husband , Sherman Tullis. They wore mar ried in January. If-lU , at I'iercc , Neb. Mrs. Tullis claims her husband has not been true to his marital vows , but has committed adultery with Fanny Hamilton and Mrs. Comllnear of Omaha. She also says ho abused her and stole the furniture of her house and sold it to net money with which to continue his wild and wierd career. Anna B. Forrest filed a petition asking for n divorce from John H. Forrest , to whom she was married in Eldora. Kan. , in 18sr. She chums he deserted her after one year of married life. Rev. T. J. Muekay will lecture on "Western Life and Humor'1 in thu Guild rooms of Grace Episcopal church , Fri day. December 15 , 8 p. in. , lor the bone- lit'of the Busy Bees Guild. Tickets. 2oe. Reserved seats , fiOe. On sale at Bracket's corner book store. Gold plated onyx' ' banquet lamps with elcctriu burners"ami shades $ -1.00 at Mauror't ; . , "W. S. Baird. Lawveiv Kverett block. free Snup llumr. , Mrs. J. B. Atkins and a number of other Council Bluffs ladies are discussing the necessity of starting a free soup house , whcro ihe poor people of the city can be supplied with suftldent food to relieve temporary distress. Mrs. Atkins has pushed the matter to such tin pxtcut that she is ready to take up the work. She has dis covered that there is a grcut deal of real dis tress in the city , many latmllcs absolutely suffering for food. OneYnso is reported of a llttlo girl pupil at the Bloomer school who bcuun co ing in the schbol room the other morning , and when the t'encher inquired the cause was told with sobs that she was hunury and had no breakfast , because there was nothing in the house to eat. Inquiry revealed tbo fact that the family were sadly distiuite , the father out of work and unable to provide even the imrc&t necessities. Other cases equally pitiful arc reported. Mrs. Atkins says the chief difficulty 10 bo met at the start isle lo secure a suitable room , and if nny one will tell her wlicre this em be. provided she will commence the work at once. The butcher and grocery es- tibllshments haio been canvassed antl enough incut and vegetables can bo had to make largo quantities of soup daily , which she purposes to give to those who need it niul let them carry it to their homos. There are nianv energetic women who will join her , and 11 lho work is undertaken it will bo promptly and thoroughly done. llnniUoinn llolliljy Dltplay. Looic all'along Broadway and see if you can ilnd anything that compares with Davis' display of line holiday goods. And they will bo sold , too , if beauty , merit and price mean anything. S. M. Williamson still sells the Stan dard and Domestic at 10G South Main street , and lias not removed to Broad way , as has been reported" CliHint > rr ' Opening. Ono of the most enjoyable social even is that has taken plnco for a long time was the opening of Chambers' hull Wednesday even ing. This is the hall used by Prof. Chambers for his dancing acadoniy for several icasons past , but it has boon so entirely nltcrcd that its best friends did not Know it in Its now dress. With walls and coiling papered and frescoed , olcgnnt curtains at the windows , the carpet and furniture of the reception room just from the shop and with neat toilet rooms for both ladies and gentlemen , ihcro was ndccldcduirof newness and convenience nbaut the place. A largo number of the society pcoplo of Council Bluffs and Omaha wore present , and u program of thirteen dances and three extras wns danced to the music furnished by nil orchestra of ten pieces. In one corner of the dancing room wns a lablo where punch and cake were ' served. The company was a'brilllunt one and the occasion was ouo long to bo remem bered. Ten carloads of poultry wanted. High est cash price paid. John Dunn , 410 Upper Broadway. George S. Davis , pre.scriptiou druggist. Domestic toil ) ) is t'ne neat. THU UKAI.TV M.YUICia1. INSTKUMKNTS philed , 1'on record Decem ber 1-1 , Ib'JU : . , ; , WAHIIANTVPKKIH. K J JiiuiKo and wife to C lJuciiuumiii ( , lol 3. CoiirlluiKl I'hire ' J : * H.OOO Nicholas Krluhs ami wlft''ln Aiixilhlii K'lilchl , lot 10 , block 1(5. ( i ; V .Smith's mill ; ; . ' - H .M Molir and wlfn to K li Aid re or. lot 3 block 1H , and lol 10 , Llock fi.Wul- l.llt Illll. . . . . . . ! 2,000 l.ori'iix. Kocnlt : and tvlfu to \ \ I Jvihimekert , w ! 't lot. [ 10 , bhn'U 'J , 1'litlnvluw 1,600 Same lo Antolno Hachssi'otl ' same. . . . 1.IJOO Mllus fi Thompsun lor MS Wilson , hit ll > , block 3 , Coiner A An-hor's add. . 400 Tlinmuh Morllmer and ulfu to ( icor o Wardull , iiiiwG.lUH.u ! H.OOO yurr CIUIU/'IIKKIIS. Omalm und Lincoln ICuuUj fompany to W A l.unttworthy , lut-Ua , Archer I'Jiice , . . . . : 1 J H .Mellil'iand wife to ti T Mndley , lots 17 and 1H , lilnclc 110 , Jiuniluu I'lueo ! 10 J K lltlln und wlfn lo I C llulln , n - ' fret of lot'JO , block 'J , Armslions's Ibt , . . , 1 Antolnn Hachsto und liuebaiul lo W K "cliunckert , w ' . , ' of lot 10 , block 2 , I'iulnvltnv. , ! 1.000 DKCIIti. 0 W McNniimru , bpeclal muster. loG II Tzsclnick. lols U , m , V23 , 33. block 1 ; lots 1 , 3.1 , 10 , 10. 17. 31,32.33block J ; lolf , Ib lo 'JI. 'J7 to 33 , block a ; lotH 1 , . , ( ! . 10. 11. 14. 15 , nluck 1 ; . lots ti und 0. block 2 ; lots 17.'U. . 34 , block 3 ; lots Ib , ' 21jj , block 1 ; lols 2.13.14 , 10. block U ; lot II , block 3 , iforruianTciruce. , . . 2,200 Total amount of transfers t 'J2.23 WORK OF IOWA KIDNAPERS' ' Two Giila at Sioux Oily Horribly Mistreated - treated by Five Men. TAKEN TO COVINGTON AND..DEBAUCHEO rmiiiK Attracted by Their Scrcnnu Coinn to Tliclr Itr cno Alter Tltf.v llnve Hern Itetnlnril All Mu-ht- All the .Men , Iiltnl. Storx CITY , Deo. H. [ Special Tclepram to TUP. 1H-.R.1 Martin , Tom and John Fisher , ham Humphrey and Tom Dolan are muter nrrrst hero on the clinnro of kldnaning and criminal assault , l.ulu Kelly and Mat > cl Hart , two young women from Miniu-apolls. are the complainant * . They were in a restaurant early Sunday evening and started homo In a hack. The live men stopped the hack , overimwercd the driver , and takini : the girls prisoners , drove them to Coving- ton , Nob. , a town across the river made up of prostitutes and tratnblors and crooks. There they forced them Into a room , where they lomiilncit with them all night. Monday the girN's cries for help were heard by men at work in n feed mill , who rescued them and sent them back to this city. Not nn Itiul in Anniiiiniiod. IOWA CITV , la. , Dec. \ - ( Special Tele gram to THE Hr.n. ] Although the announce ment published that IVIl. Williams had cmbcz/.lcd quite a sum of money wm con- Ilrnuul yesterday by bomo of the parlies In terested , William Uoone , who was connci ted with the Hoard of Trade , tolls altogether a different story , and ono which puts Mr. Wil liams In a different position before the pub lic. He says that for borne tlmo wheat and con. had been dropping and the local dealers who had invested heavily were required to put up margins. This they failed to do and Williams had closed up a number of doals. There is only ono instance in which he did wronir in closing a deal , and that rcsuitc , ! only in a loss of KU.-5. Mr. Hoono further says that he has tlio records there to provo everything ho said. When asked why Mr. Williams had left the city ho said that there was no more business lo be done , and therefore It did nut pay him to stay here. IIU Crlinti round lllmjilt. DK > MOINKS , Dec. M. [ Special Telegram to TUB Uii : : . ] Deputy Sheriff J. H. Lewis of Howard county. Mo. , called at the gov ernor's oftlco yesterday and secured a ro- quisltlo for Heason Forbusli , who is wanted at that place for murder in the llrst decree. Forbusli is now In Jail at Ottumwa. Thu crime for which ho is wanted was committed at Glasgow , Mp. . In 1MI2. Ho murdered a negro named Uranvllle Hays out of jealousv , and after committing the deed dragged the body of his victim a distance of a quarter of a mile , tied a rock . to it and sunk it In the river. The hijli water of the next season floated the body out on the .shore and from this a chain of evidence was con structed by which the murderer was run to earth by Deputy Sheriff l.owis. Forbush has been spending his time In various parts of the country , largely in Iowa , under the name of George Leason. I own Vctrrlnury siirtie" ' " Meet. Dr. * Moixns , la. " , Dec. 14. fspscial Tele gram to Tnu Hr.u. ] The sixth annual ses sion of the Iowa State Veterinary association began yesterday. Those present arc : C. A. As'hworth , AshawayV. ; . H. Austin , Newton - ton ; T. A. Drown , Cliariton : .1. IS. ill-own , OskaluosaS. ; H. Hownian. Dubuquofcorco ; ! J. Howell , A. B. Morse , DCS Monies ; W. U. Nllcs , M. Stalker , Ames ; 15. K. Savorst Al- gona : ( ' , . F. Starkey , Boonc : .1. O. I.inncoko , Stuart ; A. II. McICellcr , Des Moincs ; K. Ji. KliiRcrv , Creston : K. O. Hicti , Fayottc : F. ( ' . . Wheeler , Pella , andV. . U. Lincoln , Orange City. The newly elected officers arc as follows : " "President , W. W. Miles , Amos ; secretary ana treasurer , J. E. Brown , Oskaloosa ; llrst vice president , E. E. Bayers , Algona. Missouri Vallry \ > tcr im. iMi--oum VALI.BV , la. , Deo. H. ( Special to THE BEE.J At the regular incetini ; Tuesday night Uclden post > o. r/J , (5r.iml ( Army of the Kepublic , elected officers "as follows : Commander , A. II. T > lvingston ; senior vice commander , C. Al. Foster ; Junior vice com mander , S. H. Gray ; quartermaster , W. 11. Campbell ; surgeon , A. 1C. Siegfried : chap lain , A. C. Harder : oflk-pr of the tiay , C. K French ; ofl'.cer ' of the truard , F. LI. Davis ; adjutant , Harvey Miller ; trustees , J. I ) . lirown , F. U Davis and George Jaco ; dele gate to division encampment , NY. II. Camp bell ; alternate , A. C. Harder. Will ( in to the Milwaukee. DES MoiSEti.Dcc. M. [ Special Telegram to THE Bun.j It is said on unusually reliable luthority here , that after January 1 the Dos Moincs , Northern & Western road will lass into the control of thu Chicago. Slilwuukce & St. 1'aul , which , in his | event. will secure the Mil- vaukeo independent entrance into } es Molnes and allow it to compote on even onus for freight and passungor business vlth other lines. There has heretofore nccn a trofllc agreement between the roads from .his city to Madrid , a distance of forty niles. Death fit H Carauii Lilly. CAII'-OS , la. , Dec. M. [ Special to THE IKE. ] Mrs. M. L. Warren , wife of ono nl the prominent ) business men , died last night of consumption. Prof. A. J. Burton has resigned the post- .ton of principal of the local schools , the resignation to take effect January 1 , when ho enters upon his duties as county superin tendent of schools , to which njiico ho was elcctcji last fall. The school board has so- ccted Prof. M. U Dakln , ex-county superin tendent of Harrison county , to superintend the schools for the remainder of the year. Tln-y Wiint I'rotfoiloii. DF.S MOINKS , Dec. 14. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. I At the state convention of Iowa veterinary scientists the legislative committee was instructed to push a bill for passage In the legislature nslclng that an Iowa state veterinary board bo created. This board is to have flvo members , 0110 of which Is to bo a member of the faculty of the Iowa State Agricultural college at Ames. This board is to have the power to prevent quack horse doctors from advertising their business and Imposing on the people. Attrlliutuii to tlio I'.inlc. Drnrqru , Dec. 14. [ Special Telegram to THE BKE. ] ICx-Governor Uarrabce tonight said the prohibitory law should bo retained , but nobody could tell what the legislature would do. If Governor Boies had done hia duty every saloon In Iowa would bo closM today. The statement that the anti-pro- hlhlllon republicans won the victory In Iowa was absurrd. The panic did It. The repub licans this fall could have elected a wooden cigar sign governor on any platform , Kcil .Men r.lect Oltlcern. Missorm VAi.i.r.v , In. , Dec. H. [ Special Telegram 10 TUB KEB. ) Cosbayuna tribe No. 3'J ' , Improved Order of Hcd Men , elcctcu officers lust evening as follows : Prophet , H , ,1 , Milhirj'Biichcin , A. H. Walker ; senior biiuMinoro , .1. W. Anderson ; Junior sagamore , F. J. Arthur ; chief of records , I ! H. Gilkoy : keeper of wampum , H. Taggert ; trustee , C. S. Hoar ; district , deputy , U. Kobmson. Ten Tlimimiml I.OIB. DIM MoiNKrt , Deo. H. ( Special Telegram toTnn BIK : , | Fire at Waukee , la. , llfteen miles northwest of this city , this morning caused a loss of $10ou ) In the principal busi ness part of the town ; partly Insured. CEHAII KAriD * . Doc. U. Business houses nt Bancroft were destroyed by lire this morn ing. Loss t5UOGO , partially insured. llrnvy Intercut * Invulvoil. Diwqi'E , Dec. -Special [ Telegram to THE BEE. ! Ex-Qovornor l-irrnlitu today sold his coal mine in thu Black Hills teA A , L Sweet of Chicago. Ills stated that a company will bo formed in Chicago Monday to build u railroad through It and from St , Paul to Pugct sound. Colored 1'rnnclivr Dueler Arrrot. DCS MOINES , Dec. H. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE.J Hev. II. Skulm , pastor of the First Baptist church ( colored ; , at Cliariton , tii 11 1'iuU-r ' .tvrts * hero t < . r oMa niti' nulcr false | I'-tonscs , TiicoiDplnlnant li Mrs K.intiio F.irsHl of I'.iU city , also cx > l- oivd , who charges that the preacher promised to marry her , uftor lirst helping her to get a divorce , and that on the stivnglh of said promises ilio lo.vied htm a sum of mono.v , after which ho refused to fulfill his agron- nicnt. Cr.iiAii lUriii * . In. , lco. l-l. ; spcclal Telegram - gram to TUB Hnn.- ) The arguments In the contempt cases against Mayor D.\ntels and eleven alilcrnicn were conoludcd before .ludge ( Hffcn yostenlay. The Jiidco an nounced that ho would reserve his decision until after the arguinc-nts on the Injunction upon Its merits , the tlmo for these having been fixed for Friday of this week. to ttii < Scheme. 1)1 nrgi'i : , Dec. H.- ! Special Telegram to Tin : Htc. : ) Thcpra' Uoof the Ancient Onlcr of t'nllcd rkmen of Iowa yesterday tiled suit to c.ijoln the loyal cr.uul lodge of the same name from nrganizitu : or doing life Insurancn business under this or similar name. linluntly Klllrd. MAI.VKHV , la. . Deo. H. [ Special to THE Hnr.,1 Frank Ash by Df Uetl Oak was in stantly killed last night by fullins twenty feet while ntlcnipllng to alletit from the caboose on No. Tl , through freight , west bound. _ II JC.I 7 lllilt KHlhV.ti TU. It Ulll lie iinnoiMlly I'ulr l > recrilod liy Until or Minw in Ni'hriuliii Todi.r. U'A'-IIIMITOX , Dec. U. Forecasts for Fri day : For Nebraska f.oncrally ! fair , pre ceded by light rain or snow In western portion tion ; easterly winds. For Iowa Haiti : southeasterly winds. For Houth Dakota - Huow Hurries : norlh- easterly winds. Iorul llrcord. Orrii'tsopTHB Wr.vTitRit Hntsvf. OMAHA , Dec. -Omaha record of temporatinv and rainfall compared with corresponding day of past four years : I80n. 1802. 1801. IH)0. ! ) .Mlidiiniin U'inprrailiro. ' . ! 3 = illl = . = 30 = I'lvi'lpllatlon . T T t.OH ,00 Statement showing the conditijn of torn- pciT.turcnnJ prai'ipltation at Omaha fur the day and since March 1 , IS'JU : Normal toiiipeniture . 2H * ItollrltMiry fur tin * day . - = Dellcleiii'y slm-e March 1 . iM-i - Norimil pirclpltallon. . 03 Inrh Diilli-luiicy for llipdtiy . 03 Inoli li 1 . l > - 4Inclus < n-om Other Suit loin at H n. in ,00'OUmily. ' .Dl'lUaln. .O'J ( Moutly. T ( 'lowly. .00 Part < -U > mly. .Ill Cloudy , . ( lit'Snow. ' imlt'lomly. .llO'Clear. ' TlKiisruy. Imlli-ntcH trace. helnw 7ero. Uii : > niiK K. Ilr.vi' . Local Fuivc .V7J OK.III. Vetorau Actor Dies ut I 111 lliinin 111 San KnincNro , A ceil Kiglity Veirs. : SAN FiiAXfiMro , Dec. 14. Charles Thorne , the veteran actor , died at his homo In this city last evening , aged SO vears. He came to California in > IS-li" " , but returned "east again and managed the theaters in Boston and Leavenworth , Kan. He c-aaie to California again in 1804 and for a long lime managed the Metropolitan theater. Ills first wife was an actress known as Marie M. lista.ver , long since dead. Ten years ago ho married Mrs , Stark , the widow of another nctor. The deceased was the father of the late Charles H. Thorno and I'Jitudln P. Tnorno. Deutli ol Fntlter Smith , INDIANAPOLIS , Dec. 14. Uov. John Orovo Smith died at his homo in this city yester day evening. Father Smith was ono of the best Known ministers in lho Episcopal tie- nomination in the country and \\as regarded as a minister of unexcelled usefulness. Ho was SI years of ago. Vlcnr ( ienernl McCnho. \Vooxf OCKET , K. I. , Dec. M. Vicar Gc.i- cral McCabe was found dead in his boJ this morning. CIUMK IN IIIGHPLiACRS ! it i s not stranpo that some people do wrong through ignorance , others from a failure , to investigate us to the righter wrong of a matte1.- But it is stiMiijro , that individuals nud ( inns , vvho uro fully nwaro of the rights of others , will por- alat in porpotratlng frauds upon them , Ilif/h-toned , woilth.v : mtinufrcturlng flrraa will offer und neil to retail mer chants , articles which they know to bo infringements on the rights of proprie tors , and imitations of well known coods. Wo want to sound n note of warning to the rotailora to beware of euoh imita tions nuil simulations of ' 'CAU'rat's LIT- TLK LIVER PILLS. " When they are of fered to you , refuse them ; you tlo not want to do wrong , and you don't want to lay yourself llnblo to n , lawsuit. Bon Frunklin said "Honesty is the host poli cy" ' Is just as true that "Honesty Is thobost principle. " SPE014L15T ' " ' " EW'E T" l , DlSI'Ii.V.SAKY. Cniltilltilllnll I'fff , ' In uasnrjuHBoJ In tlio trcat.non' of all Chronic , Private and vNorvous DHoaseH , wnlu ill ) or consult purhomillv. THEATMI5N I' IIV M AIi , Adcln'HH wllli Blamp. for par- whloliwill Im HIMII In pliiln oiiveljpj. I' U Vus J01 , uniuj lid S ISlli utruui. O.iriii. ! : Nj ) - ° " " * . - It Cut * Coldi , Coughi , Sere Threat , Croup , In8o < cnia , Whsoplnir Ccujh , Bronthltii ndAithra A certtln cure for Caniutnptlon in flrtt itAtdi ind a ture rtlltf In sdt ncd tt.ige > . Visit enee. Ycu will it * the cxc llent effect after tnkioe the Brtt dote. K U by 'f 1" * fTerywheri. larRr WATER Rtt STODKr conu WOOO 04 CODS Tills Tank Heater win iti-i-n larwe nlzeil tank frum freezing Ini > Uu > \\iMtlier. . Kow t-toi1- men realUo tinM.ivhu to tli lr t-attln In ould \venther. Mnileuf t-xli-.i ln > i\y ialradzoil : Iron Will last many jeart wlilio'it r 'p.ilr. S-nit tu any un receipt ot4.1)0. ) . COLE & 89LE , iU i , . Boftnltp Immlf , vhaprly anllf. an ( lUlcinl-linl Hklu , uucl humlnut Lulr niriirmitiiiM 1 v tlio rclclirutrd CfTl- ct'iu HKMKriii * when ull ullii-m full. In f.iclnl liltml'lic1 ! * , or tlio mtvi-rot bu. inoti" anil dl cj c. of tlic xlvlii and tralp , \\llh I HI uf hull- , wen \\hrn rcrofu- lone nr liornllai.tlioy ! arc equally -u ! t-ald uveiythcic. kv m * wAT uJ § wi * MII j M wv n * m a v Or ( lie Ilitior Itnlilt l' ltli < > l. > CurcU by nilniliiUKTlnu I > r. Iluliioit' , It can bo ct7en In a cup of oolfcu or tea , or In food , without Ihe knowledge oft he patient , It Is absolutely harmless , and will cn > cl n permanent and upecdy cure , \\hpther tha paU ut U a uadoratc drinker or an Ucoholta wreok. It has liecu Klvon In tbouitnda of cnocs , and In every Instance a pArfoctcura has fol lowed. It Nc\rrrulU. Theorstemonceltuprecnat d with tbo Bpeclflc. It bccomea an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. GOI.IM'.N HI'KflKM ) CO. . FropVi. flnrlnnell , O. 48-pase book ol particular * tree. To bo had of Kuhn&Ca , Druju'lsts. l.'ilh and Douglas Bis , Unialiu , Nub. DR. E. T. iEYE NOSE EAR THROAT SURGEON. ! Paxton Block , Omahn , Noo. I ? 2 Cuiat-rli I'ow.lcr caras c Hi O Allili-n.-sUts. 51) ) cent * . StnnlilinlilorH Ol'PirE OK t.KK-CHUKR-ASlWK.BSKX IlAltU- Aiin Co. , OMAIIA , Nub. , IK-e. 8. 1H'J3. Noilcn Is herehy cl veil to tlin slneklioldurs of the Ice- Clarke Aiidrecson Ilardwnro cnniuaiiy that lin annual ir.ootlnir of Ihu bluekholdurs oi tlin company will I in hold at tha iillh-es ol ilio said eunipany , 1'JIU , 12'J1 and l'J2i : llarney streut. In the city of Omaha , in the slate of Nebruskti , hn Tues day , .lannary U , A. I ) . , lri'J-1. at U u'cloul : p , in. , for the purpoio of olerlliii ; : ! hoard of directors for the company to SCI-VD during lho onsiiln year and lo transact such olhor husliiChS as may bu presented at.stu-h nutetlni ; . II. .1. LKK. President. Attest : W. M. ( ! i.\ss , Secretary. 1)8UIJH ) ( ] : ) ht unit holders' Ali-i ( IIIL' . Omaha & Kllihorn Valley ItailwayCoiiipniiv : Nolleo Is herohy Ktven thitl lho animal munt- \\tif \ \ of tlio stockholders of the Omaha & Elkhorn - horn Vnlley Htvllwiiy eninpany.for thuoleutloii of suvcn dlrOL-lor.s and the transaction of such other Iniblncssns may lawfully como buforo the im'iMlnirvlllboliutdat the olllco of .lohii M. 'I'jiurslon , rjilon I'aclllc hulldliiK , Omaha , Neb. , upon Wednesday , thu 3rd day of Jan uary , 1H'J4 , nt 1(1 ( n'eluclc a. in. Tin ! stock transfer books wilt bu closed ten dayx hufnrn thu ditto of thu ineulln ; . ' , Huston , Due. 1-1 , 1U03. Ai.KX MIM.AII. Sue rotary. 1) ) 14d 'Mt , Special I\Joticcsj DDUN3IL BLUFF ) ; 7OH SALE -A complete boltlhiy worka. la K03 \ toxvnaiul Uolnir n ifool. p'lj'hu linslnortH , doji AtlUrcHi tJ.l. ! . lleuofllua DO YOU know thai Day k Han Have HO no choice bargains In rnlt and L'-inliiii land iiujr llilHclty AIISTJIACTS ami loa-is Farm and nlly propjrt/ bought and Hold. 1'uHuy it Thomai , Couiul UlnflH | GAlUIAf.i ; rnniovit I , c H.spuols , v.inlH. clit nuoy i cleanoU. KJ llurku , at Taylor's itroeory , olj llruadway I/O I HKNT A l-rooai liouso. Ill jinrj of R U 1 Lovin.1 .South lrt Hlivut. WANTKITo Irailc' . a yonni ; : ! mliiiitii horwi for KOO < | | > nunmatlutlrril ulcyHu : KOUI | ulmiicu fur bariraln. AddriiHH box I'-'l. Council HhiitH. IP YOU want a food horHu. boirianil liariic-uu for * 75.oo , nUilrc'HH A. laa Ilanelm atruot. COUNCIL BLUFP3 STEAM DYE WORK ! All lilndiiit Dyolnj nndUio-iniiu done In the hUliost Htyln ot the art. l'ulo.1 an I ktalnod fubrljj made to lool : u < i u'oo-l ID now. Wont promptly done un.l dollverol In nil purU of tua counlry. djnl fur prluu llit. A. MACHA.V , Proprietor , IIroadway , near Nortl wuitorn ilopot. Teluphonu A 1 2-TonS-a-DfiV Machine at a 10-TonsaDay Price. - ual Our Warranty Goes with G-.cli Machine. r , irelcuiacli''jo. ' It-has thu largi-fcl feed any t'oiUlnnoii lionlilu-Ktioku the World. jinlcs tlxlit ; draft Capacity ; Construction ; Durability all the-UEST , Now Is the time to buy u Uiy : 003 machines sold in the last 1)0 ) du.yn. SANDWICH MANF'G. ' CO. , COUNCIL BLIJFF3