Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Homes of the Feopo ! Lighted with a Menac
ing Stuff.
Iteroirne llrnndtil n llcndtleht nnil Bold
ut ranty Price * Found to llo 1'otltlvcljr
Uniigeronii Under n Proper
JtcMilt of IiiTcgtlgntlon.
Kerosene oil Is being sold in every town In
Nebraska" that would be rejected and
branded as dangerous In any other state In
the union. Samples of oil purchased In va
rious towns of tno state have been tested by
Tun line and only In n few Instances has the
oil been found up to the requirement of the
Btato law , while most of the oil purchased IB
absolutely dangerous and should not bo al
lowed in the state.
In two preliminary articles Titii DEC has
explained the Nebraska law providing for
nnd regulating the inspection of Illuminat
ing oils and has also shown how the law has
been misinterpreted nnd Its ohjoct lost
through the Indifference or Incompetence of
Inspectors ,
The manner of testing oils has been fully
explained nnd now the results of tests made
of oils purchased in various parts of the
state Is civcn.
in ascertaining the actual Hashing point of
the various samples of kcroicno oil collected
for these tests the Amiens & Armend cup
was used. This is the cup used by the Iowa
Inspectors. It. or some modification of it , is
used in tlio majority of states where an ac
curate nnd strict system of inspection Is de
manded by law. It is n slight modification
of the Elliott cup , which is considered the
standard Instrument. It is the name in prin
ciple , out differs radically In construction
nnd method of manipulation f lorn the Foster
cup , which is used in Nebraska. Ohio is
about the only other state that usrs the Fos
ter machine. The Standard people at their
great refineries In Cleveland , U. , where the
bulk of their oils are rcilncd , do not depend
upon it in making their own tests , but use
the Elliott or the Iowa cup.
Mndo for Political linptcton.
The Foster cup Is a double-barreled , nuto-
. malic concern that is supposed to do all the
work without the assistance of any of the
intelligence of the operator. It seems to
have been designed like seine of the Inspec
tion laws , to bo used for paving political
debts. Anybody with skill enough to fill the
oil cup , rend a thermometer and strike a
match and set the thing a-going is possessed
of all the requirements supposed to bo nec
essary for a full-Hedged oil Inspector. Ho
gels the machine started and then sits down
calmly and awaits the results. The result
sought for is supposed to have been achieved
when the oil has been heated BUfltcicntly to
generate enough gas to cxploJc nnd sniff out
a little alcohol llamo tluit is supposed to be
burning In one of the tubes. The heavily
curburettcd hydrogen , heavier than the nir ,
must bo released from the oil until It fills
and overflows the chamber of the machine.
Then if it has not found an escape elsewhere
it will fill up the tube until it is Ignited by
the little llamo alluded to and the miniature
explosion extinguishes it.
During this time the operator has been
lounging around in the vicinity and is sup
posed to have noted the little Hush and read
his thermometer shortly afterwards. Ho is
not supposed to know thnt the flushing point
of the oil has probably been reached nnd
passed , several minutes before , and that the
oil has been emitting u combustible gas in
big enough quantities to blow him up under
proper conditions all the time within the
previous ( Ire minutes. After the thing goes
oft no complacently reads las tnermomocr ; ,
which has also been given a healthy boost
by the heat of the explosion , and records the
Hushing point anywhere from 5 ° to 120 =
hiKhbr than U actually is. Samples of all
drawn from barrels thnt bore the Nebraska
inspector's approval stencil oOicially declar
ing the oil to bo 118 Hash test were found to
be short of the 100 mark by several degrees.
The inaccuracies are great enough in the
hands of u competent inspector , but In the
charge of any ono who wishes to ' manipu
late" the machine n tnlo ( , u variation of 1U =
can bo readily made in the same sample of
oil without removal from the cup. Under
these conditions it frequently happens that ,
oils are otllcially approved that are posi
tively .dangerous.
This Cup Warns.
The Iowa cup cannot-bo loaded up and shot
off lllto a pun , hit or miss. Its operation re
quires some intclligriiico nnd a little famil
iarly with chemical apparatus. The green
deputy requires considerable training be
fore ho can tnako an inspection. Then , noth
ing is relegated to chance. The oil to. bo put Into u closed cup and the tem
perature slowly raised. When appearances
indicate to the practiced eye that the llnsh-
inp point hus been nearly reached the alco
hol lamp is removed from beneath the
water bath and thd minute cas taper , with a
llamo not to exceed onn-uiithth of an inch in
r length , Is Inserted into the chamber above
the oil. This U done at every rise of 2 =
until near the Hashing point , when It is In
serted with n quick , steady motion at every
degree , reaching to within a quarter of on
Inch of the surface of the oil. The naked
llamo ignites the gas whenever it is emitted
in sufficient volumes to bo Ignitablc. The
only question that can raise a doubt In the
inspector's mind is tlio question of what
constitutes n ( lash. Upon the insertion of
the taper when the oil is near the flashing
point a blue flame will surround it often as
largo as a hlckorynut. AVhllo this is un
questionably the actual flashing point , the
point whcro a combustible gas Is emitted ,
s. many inspectors will continue the test until
a deirroo or two hlghcrls reached and enough
u of the heavier gas generated to emit u de
cided flash.
In the tests made by THE Bnr. the inspector
specter chose a medium ground , avoiding
both extremes. The deproo ilxed upon will
consequently always bo n trllla higher than
what should bo considered the actual flash
ing polilt of the oil tested. It should bo
understood thnt the flashing point is the
danger point , where an explosion of n lamp
is possible if not always probable. There is
no possibility of an explosion If the tempor-
nturelaovon within I0 of this point , though
that temperature bo maintained for hours.
When the flashing point is reached the
t'cnoratlon of explosive gas is constantly
maintained , although the temperature of
the oil In the lump Is not increased , and an
explosion Is always possible. When It is
recollected that the temperature of the air
is often 100s It will bo seen that there is
danger even in the honestly approved oil
which meets the state's low legal test.
nt llnatrlce.
Investigations were made among the oil
dealers of Beatrice. ( lore the Consolidated
Tank L.ino company , by the exercise of its
characteristic propensities , has long had its
own way , and monopolized all the oil trade
of the thrifty little city , not only in illumi
nating oils anil gasoline , but all the grades of
machine oil. However anxious the dealer
might bo to accept the better prices und In
ducements offered by other 611 companies ho
dared not do so. The experiment had been
tried frequently and always ended dis
astrously to the dealer. If one dealer
bought a consignment of oil from another
company , no mutter what , thu price paid or
what Ins reasons might bo , ho was forced
out of the oil trade unless ho camonsu
suppliant at Urn feat of thu big monopoly
n ml gave bonds that ho would never buy
another gallon of any kind of oil from any
other company , Ho was Iniinedlutely natt-
lied that the Standard would not sell him
nny more oil nt tiny price. If ho had paid
the rival company the murknt prke , say 10
rents , nnd uos totalling nt IS cents , his next
door neighbor would immediately gut Ins
orders iiotn the Standard to retail iho name
grade of Illuminating compound at 10 cents ,
nnd would recclvo coricsiKniding robati-s
from the market unco. Consequently his
oil \\ould grow old on his hands or must bo
Buhl ut i'usi 01- less If a number of iner- '
vhunuould conclude to buck the big con
cern together and take advantage of the
more liberal offeisot other companies , the
tilundaid would pa into the retail business
unit uupply tlio consumers ulth lu-ceut oil ut
6 centu a gallon *
Only Klilr ( UrKrer * short.
TUB BEE reporter "as engaged | soiling
oil , nud , ho canvassed the merchants indus
triously , lie tempted them sorely with lib
eral terms and low prlcci. prices thnt Indi
cated n worse panic In the oil regions than
Colorado over know In her silver mines , but
with a Christian fortitude thnt challenged
admiration the tempter /wag repelled.
Many of the merchants bojnmo visibly agi
tated at the mere auggcttion of buying
cheaper oils from other i ompanics. " 1 could
not handle a ci\r of vour oil If you were to
give it to me , " said Mr H. ! < . Spraguo. drug
gist , at COO Court street. Whether 1 want
to or not I have to buy of the Standard. I
know when 1 have enough of anything , nnd
I don't want any more lights with thorn. 1
wouldn't handle oil ut nil If 1 wai not
obliged to. I only Itecn n little nnd that of
the very bestqtmllty ( for my trade Is all of
the better clmi. "
"What do they glvo you for the very
"Nothing but headlight , sir ; nothing but
hc.idlight. "
"What Is the flash test ! '
"I don't know much about the pesky stuff.
or nnvthliiK about a flash test , but they .call
at U5 and guarantee it to stand thnt test. "
"That is the llro test , not recognized by
the Nebraska law , " the paper man sug
gested , "nut if It Is ITS the Hash test should
bo 124 , Wns It sold to you on a guaranty
thnt it had withstood the Kobraskiv test ? "
"Certainly , sir. It was crimrantucd to bo
175. I sell it to my customers nti0 ! cents n
gallon. "
The Inspection of Mr. Spraguo's hcadlizhf
showed It to bo shnply water white , that
the flro teat was not l"i but only 129 , nnd the
Hash test l > . " , nnd that the stuff should have
been condemned by the Inspector na being
llvo degrees lower than the point where the
Ncoraska law says coal oil can bo safely
burned in lamps. In this Instance Mr.
Sprague was dccolvtd by the Standard poo-
pic and buncoed Into paying more than the
market price , nnd was led to chat-go his cus
tomers a big prlco for an Inferior and really
dangerous oil.
At IDS North Sixth all-cot F. E. Allen &
Son run n hueUincr grocery business nnd
cater to all classes' ttJde. They want
good stuff , but they want It cheap. They
show singularly sound wisdom by buying , nnd
selling only str.ught water white oil. which is
furnished them b.v the Standard's built wagon
nt 8jj cents , nnd they retail It at 15 cents.
Mr. Allen wouldn't buy anything but Stand
ard oil nt nny prlco , but he sold a quart to
THIS BIIK man for a nickel. The Inspection
shows this oil to bo incidentally tlio same as
Mr. Sprnrjcuo's "KiV , " the w mo specific
gravity , the same deficient 1)5 ) flashing point.
The Standard company at Beatrice has a
storage n'.ant ' in charge of Mlko Heeler , a
veteran In their service , and an all round
Jolly good fellow. The deputy who Is sup
posed to inspect his oils Is K. A. Brown of
Ncdraslta City , who comcsftip. as Mr. Beelcr
courteously Informed THE BEE , "whenever
I want him to. "
Not all iho oil sold Is deceptive. About
three out of fifteen samples collected at ran
dom over the state stood n test beyond the
legal requirements , sonic of them reaching
an exceptionably high. decree.
Sold Cailrr rul o
Charles E. Dean , druggist , nt Arapahoe ,
buys all of his oils from the Standard people
ple nnd expresses his faith In the' reliability
of the blc bold legend on the ends of their
barrels , "warranted J50 test. " The sample
of water white flatted into "Perfection , "
sold by him to Tin : BEE , was a hlghlv combustible -
bustiblo stuff , with n flashing point of SK = >
nnd a very light specific gravity. It is dan
gerous oil nnd should have been condemned.
S. M. Hogcn of Blue Springs bought a con
signment of the sumo lot of stuff , with the
93 = > flashing point and same specific gravity ,
but ho saved a little on the price by getting
It from the Standard company as straight
water white. It would bo interesting to
know just how many lamp explosions und
how many hired girls Bent heavenward this
lot of fahsly branded dnngorous oil has bcon
responsible for. It seems diftlcult to bcliovo
that it could ever have passed through the
hands of a competent inspector.
The Preston Drug company of Oxford sells
the Standard company's illuminating com
pounds. The sample of prime white thnt
they sent THE BEE was only 2 ° too low to
moot legal requirements and , while it
should have been condemned , It was fairly
good cheap oil.
Deceptive nnil Hlfflily Dnngeroug.
Ono of the most deceptive anoMiipnly dan
gerous lots found by THE BEE was in the
possession" Mr. Asa 1C. Xconard of Nor
folk. It was sold to him by the Standard
company , with the understanding that it
was headlightnnd the big blade letters , an
nouncing It to be warranted " 175 Test , "
could bo read as far awny as it was safe to
stand while the oil was being burned in an
ordinary lamp. It was a very light , dangerous - ;
ous volatile water white , nnd a Httlohit
heavier than gasoline , but equally danger
ous to burn in lamps. Jt emitted a vicious
Hash at 0.1 ° . ami its burning point Instead
of being " 175" was 122. Although no doubt
it WUR a good lumlnant. for it was rich tn
hydrogen teas , it was about as safp for house
hold use ns dynamite. Air. Leonard paid
the homllicht price for the stuff , and Inno
cently sold it to his unsuspecting customers
for the safest oil mado.
Ono liciail nncl One Unit.
in happy contrast to this the sample
furnished b.v Mr. Charles -Anderson , wtio
sells oil nt Mlllurd. It was furnished by the
Standard pcoplo and was an dxtra rich and
fine article of headlight , alihouirh It was
bnuule.l nr.d sold os "Brilliant Safety , " a
name that has the siirnilloanco of flatted
value. Its flash test reached the extraordi
nary flgure of 183 ° .
But this Httlo ray of satisfaction is quickly
dissipated by the test of the water wnlto
sold by the Standard to Mr. .lames Kcay at
Weston. It was a light gaseous compound ,
with a decided flashing point of IH. The
only meritorious thing connected with it Is
the fact that the Standard people found Mr.
Keay too nstuto to bo buncoed Into paying a
flat ptlco uud got the condemned stuff as
simple water white.
Edgar & Flodmnn of Mcndo were also not
seriously deceived , although they furnished
Tun Bun nn excellent article of headlight
under the vague impression that it was
called "white prime. " Its flashing point
was 122 , but it was not sold by the Standard
Oil company. They bought It from the
Itocky Mountain Oil company of Overton ,
Colo. , a small concern that has succeeded in
escaping the uinw of the big monopoly by
fleeing to the mountains and hiding away.
- Uiid Oil nt Kvery 1'iilni.
At Pierce the ( standard has it all its own
way , nml the Omaha house sold Mr. W. B.
Donaldson a cargo of prime white that was
supposed to huvo boon Inspected and dis
covered to have been above 100 ° and ap
proved. It only stood a toil of 04 ° of heat
before it was ready to go Into the business
of smashing lamps and working universal
destruction. It could not have been bold In
any state of the union except Nebraska ,
At Indlunola the Standard had unloaded
a Job lot of water \\hHouuon W. MoCallum
with the assurance that It was "Perfection. "
It lacked u couple of degrees of having
enough perfection wrapped up In its oleagi
nous depths to moot thu requirements of the
Nebraska statute. It should have been con
But at Hartley J. A. Alexander got hold of
some oi the Standard's real headlight that
Justified the branded warrant of 175 tost.
it required lUi ! = > of heat to evolve enough
gas for a flush.
I'oslflvoly luiil In Oecrlt.
Jamrs Johns , a drucrglstnt Cambridge , has
been convinced by the Standard that ho has
a line , critical class of customers who will
not bo satisfied with anithliiK but the best
Illumlimnts. Prime white and water white
they hud HO usa for , and oven good old reli
able genuine headlight would not fill the
bill. So the oil company convinced him thnt
"eocene , " the highest priced oil in iho
market , was just whut lie wanted. The ono
pint sample sola to Tim lir.a uy Mr. Johns ,
had but one of the characteristics of genuine
eocene ; it was u bright , very clear fluid ,
In nil other respects U resembled the
Standard's vratcr wliito , with a small per
centatro lees of the 3 cent fuel oil that can
only bu safely burned in mochlnism similar
to u gasoline stove. If it was oxer inspected
the inspector should huvo condemned it. fur
itvu capable of getting up a very energetic
flash ut07 < = .
The .Muilorii Mother
Has found that her little ones are improved
more by the pleasant laxative , Syrup of
Fig * , when in need of the laxative effect , of
a gentle remedy than by nny other , and that
It U moro acceptable to them , Children
enjoy It nnd It benefits them. The true
remedy. Syrup of Flfjs , is manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup' company only ,
The lunch bcfnt' tcrvod by the ludles
of all Suintb' chinch iithu Life build
ing will bu continued tcduy. 1'rlco , 35
centB ,
Coasting Party MccU with antAccitlent anil
Three Are Badly HnrU
Voting Mnn nnil Two Tonne Inrile § Mndo
Inleimlliln by tlio Shock , lint it I *
Thought thnt None .Arc I > nn-
The first serious accident of the coasting
season occurred last nlpht at the corner
of Twentieth street and St. Mary's nvc-
nuo. This street Is ono of tlio favorite
coasting courses tn the city nnil Its ley con
dition last night made the sport dangerously
A largo number of young men nnd women
word engaged In sliding down hill on "bobs"
nnd tlio Iron shod runners teemed to fairly
, On ono of these sleds wore Ous White-
sides , who lives at 1810 Farnam street , Mtss
Bellinger , daughter of G. W. Balllngcr , 505
South Twenty-fifth nvoutio , Allss Hallingcr's
nelco and two other young ladles whoi , I
names could not bo learned. The happy
crowd started off down street and were
going at a high rate of spood.
Collided with n Telephone 1'olc.
At the Twentieth street crossing Ous
Whltcslclcs , who was steering the sled , lost
control of It. nnd the bobs dashed Into 11 telephone -
phone polo directly In front of Air. Kennedy's
Tlio whole party was thrown violently
from the sled and the Misses Balllngcr and
young Whltestdes were rendered uncon
scious. The other members of the party
were not seriously hurt ,
The injured people were carried Into Air.
Kennedy's house and Dr. Gllmoro summoned.
Suimtticil Serious Injurlci.
Gus AVhltcsldcs was the most seriously
injured. Ho was struck in the stonlach iy
tlio handles of thoslod and received internal
injuries of a , serious nature. Ho was taken
homo nnd the attending physician believes
that , he will recover , although his exact
condition could not bo determined last night.
Miss Balllngcr received a severe gash over
the right eye nnd suffered the loss of con
siderable blood. She was also badly bruised.
Her ncico was bruised and skinned about
the legs , but she will soon recover. The
ladies wore taken homo in a carriaso.
The accident stopped further sport on the
Ask Your I'riemU
Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparllla what
they think of it , nnd the replies will bo posi
tive In Its favor. Simply what Hood's Sar-
snpanlla docs , that tolls the story of Its
merit. Ono has been cured of indigestion or
dyspepsia , another linds It indispensable for
sick headaeh&qr billlousncss , while others
report vcnmrknmo cures of scrofula , catarrh ,
rheumatism , salt rheum , etc.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable.
Police InreUlgiUlon I'roinls s Small He-
suits O hrr Mnclu City Now * .
Councilman Bruce is quietly working on
his report showing an investigation of tno
police force. At the last meeting of the
council Mr. Schultz stated that 'ho had
learned In an indirect way that' certain
officers visltea saloons and drank liquor
while on duty nnd that a , numocr of the
policemen had never even filed a bond. Ho
moved that the force bo investigated by the
committee on police and the melon pre
There Is a rule that no oftlccr shall enter a
saloon lor tno vmrposo 01 unmans ; wniio on
duty. This rule has never been ll\ed up to
by those on the force who take an occasional , .
smile , hut it will bis n chilly 'lav foe the po
liceman caught in the act In the f ut\irc. 'Ate1'
lone ; as the police force is controlled by a
political machine and the chlofof the force
has no authority over his men it cunnot bo
expected that there will be muen discipline ,
The committee on police of the city coun
cil hold a meeting in the city clerk's office
last night to take evidence against any
members of the force who have boon guilty
of neglecting their duty or looking Into the
bottom of Jjcer mugs when they were attired
in their uniforms and supposed to bo on
duty. But little in formation was developed
last night , and if no more effort is put forth
than has already been the whole thing will
amount to nothing. The men who are said
to bo guilty are not worrying any.
Clmngn la AMlson'n Case.
The charge of obtaining the 2,500 sheep
b.v fraud and forgery has been withdrawn
against Hurry Wilson and he now stand ?
charged with being a fugitive from justice
and with grand larceny. The man who waste
to arrive with the requisition papers has
been long enough on the roau to travel the
distance twice nnd has not yet putrln an nn-
pcaranco. Wilson's attorneys say that the
governor of Nebraska will not grant u
requisition on such n warrant , and this may
bo where the hjtch is.
Mr. Thurlow , president of the company
that claims to have been swindled by Wil
son , is still hero. He proposes to take Wil
son back to Colorado if such u thing is
possible. _
Want a County I'hynlclnn.
The trustees of the Associated Ch'arit/cs /
will soon make a strong effort to have an as
sistant county physician appointed in South
Omaha. They feel thnt the population Is
BuDlciently largo to require this and think
that it is no more than just it should bo
granted. The physicians oft South Omaha
nro charitable gentlemen niid'iill of them do
more or less professional work for which
they do not recclvo any pay. But they do
not care to do work for which the county
physician and his assistant are paid. There
ire many more poor pcoplo , In proportion to
the population , In South Omaha than in
Omaha nnd tlio city is without cither n city
or county physician.
City uo < frp.
The pupils of the Brown Park school will
give an entertainment Friday evening , De
cember 8.
The Infant son pf Patrick Duller died , and
will bo burled this afternoon in St. Mary's
lr ) , Slabaugh has reported n case of scar
let fever at the re&ldoni'O of Joseph Dawsou
ut TwentviUUianc ] O streets ,
Rev. Frank Crane's lecture on "Babies"
has been postponed until Tuesday evening ,
December 10 , on account of Mr , Crauo's
Bruce McCulloch and William Vossbcrg of
the Dally Stockman have gone to Kansas
City to attend the annual mooting of the
National Live Stock exchange.
The police nro looking for Julius Foalsch
again , It Is the sumo old complaint , While
on u spree ho assaulted the mombirs of Ins
family nnd run them all outof the houso. It
has been only a short limo since Fodlsch
did thirty days in the county jail for the
same offense.
Sweet breath , sweat stomach , svveot tain
pert Then use DoWln'sLlttlo Early Ulscrs
MruiiMM'ln Uinnlm.
An audience of fair proportions listened tea
a creditable rendition of "The Hooslcr
Schoolmaster" at Chambers'
Dancing acad
emy last evening , The elocutionist was Mr ,
Preston 1C. Dlllenbcck , who certainly pos
sesses marked ability. _ lie successively rep
resented seventeen different characters , nnd
in the sequence of the dialogue succeeded in
preserving the peculiarities of each so that
they were easily recognized by iho audience.
The familiar story furnished un excellent
Hold for the dlsplav of his talents. The
nasal twang of Jack Means , the trembling
fulse.tto of Da mo Sanders and t ha rasping
articulation of Mrs. Means were ( riven * with
marvetou * effect. Mr. Dillonbeck Jms con
densed the original story /or his purpose
und the reading furnishes a very enjoyable
evening's entertainment. " * r - '
One Klmbull organ $25.00 ,
At n Itlpo
itr. E. T. Flynn , Inspector for the watcr-
vrorlcs company , has been called to Yutna ,
Colo. , to attcuil the { uucrul of his father ,
Mr , M. Fl.ynn.-h&Mflied suddenly Wednesday
nt the ace of B9yoBrs.
Mr. Plvnn wronlvod n letter from his
father Within rfffew days , written In A ,
steady Imiul , Imwhrlch thooid gentleman ex
pressed hlmselfina enjoying better health
than usual.
TUB MOUSE IlltV ( lot ) 1)3 CO.
10 Fer Cent Bkunonnt : Sxte in the Itnie-
Only two days more In which in so-
euro 10 per cant on china nnd bric-a-bi-nc.
Avoid the crowds of 1 ho next two weeks
by buying yonr presents Friday and
Saturday. Wo do thia for the comfort
and convenience of our customers.
Enlarged department , heavily stocked
with now poods , now on first floor.
Special sale for Friday nnd Saturday of
stamped tMios nnd linens of all kinds.
Sue the three great lota wo offer on tlio
bargain counter.
$2.00 AND $2.f > 0 DRESS GOODS , $1.00
Our grand holiday bargain. Don't
miss it. Wo are closing dut all of our
sonsonablo dress goods now. This is the
dross goods bargain of tlio season. Sat
urday wo invitu the public to come and
BCO our beautiful Christmas stock of per
fumes , toilet articles and fancy goods
display in our enlarged notion depart-
'moiit. ' Special sale for Saturday only.
Look for particulars Friday night.
Saturday night Santa Clatis will bo
lioro for a while at 8 o'clock and dis
tribute free Christmas cards to the chil
Lunch today in the Life building.
Homo cooking 33 cents.
Fine $ . , ' N. 15th St.
lllitcu Cheviot lil t r * S3. 75.
Wool lined duck coals Ooc.
Leather cents $2.75.
Men's full suits $1.03.
Knit , jackets , red or bine mixed , GOc.
Heavy ribbed underwear 2oc.
British hose , any size , 2k.
Men's fur caps 89c.
Eider down caps 23c.
High Scotch caps , blue , 2oc.
Men's pants J8o.
Extreme heavy wool pants 09c.
Scotch twocd suits $4.75. ,
Fur collar and oitff overcoat $0.50.
50c four-in-nand ties 25c.
Leather faced mittens 2T > o.
Boys' ' ulsters , gray , IWo.
Sheriff's sale ,
115 So. Kith street , near Douglas ,
Opposite Boston store.
P. S , Tomorrow wo will sell silk vel
vet caps for -ISc.
Wooubridgo Bros. , 120 N. 15th st.
SOB.fiO-Cnllrnrnlit unit U-turn S05.150.
The Union Pacific offers to the Cali
fornia tourist for the winter of 189II-1 a
rate of $00.50 for the round trip from its
Missouri river terminal. Quickest time
and best service. The only line run
ning Pullman palace sleepers and diners
through from Chicago to San Francisco.
For any additional inforinamation call
on or address H1. P. Deuul. 11)02 ) Farnam
street , or E. L" . Lomax , negornl passen
ger and tioket-agejit , Omnha , Nob.
Largo sock of pianos and organs , 120
N. 15th bt.
- Cnlllnrol.i
The great central route weekly exclu
sions to California via the Union Pacific
are the thing.
Time , trouble and-expense saved by
joining ouo'ol these panties- Passage
may bo taken ait any point betweoii
Chicago and Ogden , Ulah. j
For full particulars call or address F.
E. Shearer , manager , 191 S. Clark
street , Chicago , or your nearest Union
Pacilio agent , E. L. Lomax , General
passenger aud ticket agent , < . pxnaha ,
Wegman piano headquarters. 120 N.
15th st.
Thn Nortlnvoitorn Line.
The eastbound local , No. 8 , now leaves
Omaha daily at 11:05 : a. in. The "Chi
cage Limited , " No. 0 , leaves at 4:05 : p.
in. , arriving at Chicago 8:15 : a. m. , and
the "Eastern Flyer , " No. 2 , leaves at
0iO : ! p. m. and arrives at Chicago 0:30 :
a. in. by all odclo the most convenient
train from Omaha to Chicago. The
equipment remains unchanged , because
people expect something "above the
average" on "Northwestern" trains.
City ticket office 1401 Fai nam street.
Snntu Claug llunnl I'rom ,
SITKA , Alaska , Dec. 7. [ Special. ) Lot
the people nil see In the great dally Ben
( hat soon I'll be down to Nebraska , and will
start on my flight about next Sunday
night from my homo up hero tn Alaska. I
will surely contrive to on Monday arrive ,
and with thousands of things I'll oo Indent
Let your readers all see my houdqua'rtcrs
will bo , in the store kept by brothers called
Subject * OlRCURtflil nt the Ohnutiiuiinu Col-
loco l.Hftt KvenhiGT.
The college was given an in
tellectual treat at the First Methodist
church last night by Mrs. F. A. Tucker , who
road u paper on the hfo of tlio Germans in
early days , anil 11. W. BrecUinridge who
discussed the Hfo history of Napoleon. Mrs.
Tuclcer's subject was ably handled , She
Illustrated her remarks with largo crayon
sketches. She spoke of the domestic sim
plicity of the German people , their habits
and methods of llvinir.
Mr. Brecklnridge spolco of Napoleon ns a
soldier , a statesman and a man. IIo
claimedthat Nupolcon hud.boon repeatedly
mullened by nearly all English biographers.
The speaker said that , too often pcoplo did
not.realize the true -
greatness-of men be
cause of too con taut with them. Suc
ceeding generations would have n bettor
of tlio errant deeds nf Hlnitm
Grant and others than the present one.
The gentleman i fwvo the audience an ex
tensive view of the Ufa of the great soldier.
Next Tliurbday evening Mrs. Keysetwll
read a paper dealing with events In Italian
Llttlo pills for great ills : DoWltt's Llttlo
Early Klscrs. -
Mow Yurie.
Fred Luchesl.'tbo absconding bookkeeper
of the Omaha News company , was captured
in Now York ; yesterday nnd an ofllcor
will go after him.i
Luchesl swindled his employers out of
about 700 and 'Skipped nut several weeks
Pills that euro Hick headache : DoWltt's
Little Early Uisers ,
Bo Remnant Day in the Silk
Clonk Drpirtmcnt OITera n Men
Jnrket for 82.08 thit -Worth fully A Mon Stylr\Vortli ' Collar
Chltilrcn'c Olonki for 84.76.
Hundreds of other thing.- * just us cheap
in this immense department.
Lmlles' capo , Kussinn coonoy fur ,
worth easily 822.00. Our price , $12.00.
Electric sonl shoulder cnpo , latest cut ,
Worth collar , 24 inches lon-r , $22.00. No
better garments nro bold in Omnha for
$ o5.00.
Ladies' jackets in blue , brown and
tnn. Nice warm garment worth 50.CO.
Friday only $2.1)3. )
Ladles' fur capos worth $7.50 , now
only 4fiO.
The best electric Boal cnpo in Omnha
for $22.50. Sold everywhere for $35.00.
A nice beaver cloak , fur trimmed ,
Worth collar , full alcoves , olcnRant
back. Latest thing out. For Friday
they tjo at $5.50.
Marshall Field's ' sample line of misses'
cloaks on sale Friday.
All kinds , all prices , in nice , neat win
ter styles.
Splendid protector from the cold ,
heavy cloth , well made and trimmed ,
Worth collar , fur trimmed , ages 4 to 11 ,
$4.75. < i
Jt's a $10 garment in every detail.
Bltjpost line of children's ' cloaks in
Nebraska. *
Friday will bo
n our silk department.
Wo have thousands of remnants in
silks , velvets nnil plushes , suitable for
loll drcstos and fancy work , at your own
Those Columbia suitings are the best
offer wo have umdo for some time. They
are in several colors and make a very
icat dress.
All wool Columbia suitings worth
! 0.00 a dress imttcin will go at only
$2.13 for the full dress pattern.
A full line of hop-sackings basket
weave , worth 75c , will bo sold at 4Uc.
Our $1.75 whip cords , all the now
shades , will be sold at $1.15.
A now line of uloakings , 04-inchcs
vide , worth 85c , will be sold at 3Uo.
Our Hoc and iOc dress goods will bo
sold at IGc.
In our black goods wo have great bar-
jains in store for you.
Priestley's silk warp hcnriettas , the
Inest in the land , reduced from $2.00 to
$1.25 , from 81.85 to $1.00.
A fine $1.50 honriotta for Sl.OO.
Our $1.23 gorges for 75o.
Our $1.75 mountain serges for 93c.
Our 75c serges for 47c.
Our 75e licnrietta 4c. ! !
Our7oc crepou for 40c.
( Upright piano iJoO.OO , 120 N. loth st.
The I.a t liny
That the ladies pf All Sairlts' church
will serve lunch is today.i Thoyask ; for
the patronage of thjyjHjWld. LunuU , '
A splendid $525
for $400.00. _ _ - . , „ . „ , r-
A flno 8400.00.StiffeF laTno fiScd ono
month for $300.00 , call and see these
bargains. Ford & Cai-loton Music Co. ,
1508 Dodge.
Leonard Graver's most successful play ,
"Lost In New York , " with its river of real
water , real yachts , rowboats , steamboats
and other striking realistic features , will bo
presented la fine style at the Fifteenth
Street theater all next week , commencing
at a matinee Sunday. The piny is one of
the best of tno realistic dramas , and while
it is full of sensation It is entirely free from
the "blood and thunder" and "clap trap" of
the usual melodrama. There Is no ono
killed , no shot Orcd , pistols drawn , nor
bouso burned in the whole five acts , yet
they aro.chock full of thrilling climaxes unit
there is not a dull moment in the play. T vo
carloads of scenery are used.
Object to CiMlet Tonchcrt.
The parents of the children who attend
the Farnnm Street school are very much lrf
earnest in their war on the training school.
Another/ petition , protesting against the
practice school at tlio F.irnnm street buildIng -
Ing is being circulated and will bo presented
to the Hoard of Education bcfoio the matter
comes up for consideration , Ono lady who
has two children at the school called at Tun
BEB office yesterday to explain the griev
ances which they wished to redress.
"Thlsyear's experience with oijrchlldren , "
said she , "is sufficient to show why wo lire
opposed to the training school , The school
was opened \vlth competent tdachcrs and
the clusses'wero"making excellent progress
in their work. Then wo suddenly rcceivoJ
notice that n young nnd inexperienced irlrl
was to take charge of from forty to fifty
pupils , JBho taught for four weeks and .then ,
just as she began to be of seine sorvlcc , uho
was taken uwayand another girl was sent
to take her place. The result was that with
the continual change of teacherh who
started in without experience or ability the
school was n farce as far as teaching our
children anything was concerned. Now wo
want tolcnow whether wo pav taxes to support -
port this sort of schools. Wo also fail to
see where the practice is of any advantage
to the Hoard of Edu-ation. They pay the
principal of the training school Jl.'JOO a year
and her assistant $1,001) ) , Lust year out of
ten pupils only two were succcsslul. Consequently
quently these two te.ii'hora cost the board
$1,100 apiece. They could have supplied ex
perienced teachers forconsldcrablo less than
that and the school work would have reached
a much higher standard. "
World's fair pouvenir coins of 1893 for
tale ut Chabp & Kddy'u. 1518 Farnam fat. ,
DIM ) .
_ _
Antlers nf file Una nr lmi unttenlili licut ,
cent * ; oicJi tiMlilnntil line , ten cm' *
McDONAKII rs , Mlclmol , njsud fia yoiua.
Kunuinl S.ilnnlny , Ducmnhoi' U , nt H:3U. : nnd
from family rtuldunci1 , 101U Houlli Kllli ,
tn hi. riilloiiiPiuiK Hunch , luluiinuiil M.
Mary's ri'inelciy.Mrs. . Mi'Diin.ilil husmml
In OiiKilm yriiisuml U kiiunu by tnciy-
bully hi thu county.
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair.
f '
The tyi'.y I'ure Cream of Tartar Powder. NoAtumonia ; o Alutn.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
The Nebraska Begins the Cardinal Record Breaking Sale
Unparalleled in Records Ever Planned
By Man *
Samples on exhibition in our Douglas street slVow
window ( east wing ) . Casta glance and ponder how in
genious brains help to fead the poor man's necessities.
A Christmas Rule.
D.on't force upon your friends
things of foolish beauty ,
" , apologies in useless art give
I them things of ever lasting
" quality with all the beauty
" you can find We'll lay them
away for you , if you like.
Corner Ifith ana Dougla Strecta , Omaha.
11lls great VcgclnblB
uu iiutiwav o. - .u Vlmlirrtliercsi ! | ra
tion of n famous rri-ncU physician , will quickly euro you of nil nrr-
\ oils or dlsi ftst-t of the gcuurutlro oremn , Hiich in Jxwt Mmihmnl ,
Insomnia , I'nlnsln tlio tmhslim , hc-ryoiis Uplullty.
J'lniplci , unlitncsa to Marry , UxlmusUng Drnliii. Varlcooelo nnd
_ c Ul > li > KN E clonnscR tlio liver , the Itldncyo and the urinary
i BEFORE AND AFTER orsauuor sill Impurities.
CIH" 11 > HNH BlroiiETthcns and restores Binnll weak onrnns.
The rpason HUftVrnrH nro not onrod liy Doctor * IH DOC.IUHO ninety per cent are troubled w 111
ProHtitUU CHl'lDENB IB tlio only known remedy to euro without an oponit on. B.JIUO tu -
llmoiilala AwrlltoiipiJaranteoBlven nnd money r.'tnrnd If hlx boxes doj'i not < | ffcct a por-
mmint altox.Blx . . mnll. Sunil for clreulnr Jind teHllmoiiliilB.
00 for $3.00. uv
core $1 "
Artdn-M bAVOf"MKIUOINU CIO. . P. O , llox " 07(1 ( San rr.mdlijco. For s llo by
Goodman Druff Co. , 1110 Farnain St. , Omaha ; Camp Bros. , Council Bluffa , Iowa.
/ I V LH I
313 , 315 , 317 S ) , 15ti ! St. , Omafc ,
The only really sucr Mful prcxcnllx nml cure
' of jilinjil , , lildiUnudii , rul.'toilljll
liilnU t.illiUKliiilriindkab ) Mi in.
LiuI. I. Iho il-L'tn.lcd CU1II I'll ' *
fcoM' , criMiim of rkliJ | Mirlllir
ruiI In mtllrr | , u cll " t mtt
nnil mm Hf I of tollci anil nnuiry
luiijm Only pipu-ntltu ;
U. 8. Depository , Omaha , Nab.
CAPITA ! , , - 40D,009
- 105,000
Offic < > naiul UlroclOM-Henry W. Vales , prail-
flent. n. rt , Oiwlilnr. vlcu pnulilant , tt 8 'MuurUj.
W , V. A10M9. Jilltl . Oollld . . "I. It iMtrlO *
Li ; US. BwJ , chiller ,
i * J . i I rt * ,
IB n dutv no person should neglect As
the slcht begins to fail it is of the ut
most importance to proauro proper eye
glasses. Sight is priceless nnd ita pro
per preservation is a mutter for Iho
most onrncfat consideration of every por-
BOII who vulues their eyes.
An imperfect pair of spectacles will do
incnleulnblo Injury find u properly lilted
pair will fiiontlyuld in preserving Iho
sight.Prof , Hirsclikg
Has gained a worldwide reputation In ]
this country nnd abroad li consequence
of his original nnd Bciontiflo method '
connection with , the adjustment of h ,
renowned non-c'lwngoub'.o ' IOIIBCH , ant.
all those suffering from defective vision ,
no matter from wiint CIVUHO , will find ill
to their Intel-cat to consult Prof. Hirsch'
borg , who by Bpcolul rcquobt has con
sented to visit MAX MKYKH & BRO.J
CO. , from
December 6th to 12th
At the Store of
No Chure for Couauliatlofe