THE OMAHA DATLY KEEt TTirilSDAY , DECEMBER 7 , 1803. CWHIERCIAL AND FINANCIAL PlifirU Were Scared by KradHrect's ' Visible Itopply WHEA1 OPEHLD AT A SLIGHT ADVANCE Kurly Flnnnrm nt the MnrketV a Itrnkon hjr Jtepnrll of Llglil KXtnrt | Clour- i und l.nxrcr I'm If fnbloi. CmciGO , Dec. 0. The deduction from Uraitalicot'i vhluls mipply report , that country 1 1 or Its mitslJo of llioso places co\ the stntcmcnt , linvo ceased to In- cieasc , oca toil shoiti toilny and with this DIP Uitlit north wuHtcru icccipts caused u g.iln of J c forM.iy ami lifer December. Coin K-ilnod " c , outs c ntul pro\lslons nlso bewail nt a slight ntUniu'O and held itoady for a time , despite ulllii | ; by 1'ard- rid so nnil T.oainliig , Krntiult , Hopkins & Co , . kiul ItnldvritfKnrnitm. I'aiMrldgo inado trade witln Pcolo of 800,01)0 ) ou , tlio fanner tnVting that quantity of December mil r'lvliiK on ( itinntltv of Mny In t.vcli.uipo for It nt O'nr ' premium for May. U'lio proiniuin thus paid w.-w J8'i ! moro than liocn generally cnncnt , and n llttlo later fiom fi'ifi ! to Ti o wax all Hie picuilum obtained. 'J'nocaily Dimness of the marl - l > ot VMIB duo to small receipts hero and ic- rUits | at Minneapolis and Duluth of but U I'nrs , which \verc about onu-lhlrd of the C.UB H'crlvcil at those points the correspond- ] iif date last year , l.lglu cxpoil n no reported nnil a c.iblcKiam from Paris qtuitctl prices lower. With this n nurUcd decline occuricd nnd Mny toiu'lipil the low Htfuro of the dav , l/.lj c. Ilien Uradslreet'o mpnit came in and \ \ as followed by a shnrp nilvnncc. Tl > o leport innflo tlio IIKHMSU cast of thu locUIcsS'.iScno { bu. niul the decrease wc-sl lUO.IKX ) , much less than \\as looked for. The short * immediately decided that country stouhs lin\e ceased to increase and thu pilee went to Mi\'c. Cnllcs wcro lower nnd a slight tcnutlon occurred , but the beaiscrc ucll supplied with nerve nd the market closed strong but , jo under tlm top ilguicsof the day. Iay opened nt Wi'jij ' , lost ' < c , sold up y c , lost 1,0 , advanced f. i : and lost } ( o to the close , ' at iKl'jO. 'J'he corn market started without anima tion. The movement in the country , how ever , was reported to be disappointingly uimill , shorts became alarmed anil ALiy took n spurt of Jfu nnd closed but Vc under the ilirv's top llgutcs. The opcnliif * for May wan < ( ' ( e , orB ' low or , anil after holding there for some time and going V lower it ad- Vinceil % c and closed utlo ; ' . O.its , aided by the ilrmncss In corn , to gether \\Ith mnilcrato offerings nnd good looal demand , advanced nc , after opctnnz with May unchanged atyi'b'c , and closed at the top. Provisions started easier with heavy hop receipts , heavy estimates for tomorrow and a decline of from no to lOc in prices nt the jaids. The firmness of the praln markets caused a rally , howo\or , and closing prices uoro higher. Ascompaied with last night poric Is 7yte higher , January lard 5c up and January ribs'Ju'o higher. estimated receipts fortomoirow : Wheat , "I * i- ' . " ) cats ; corn , 2d5 cars ; oats , HO cars ; hogs , > 1,000 , head. Tno loading futures ranged as follows : O'Jijj nux : ir H 40N 28TS SJI ! ; 8-j i"3H Cnsh quotntions were as follows : ri.otin UiicbiuiKod. < ; onN-No.2. aoijc ; NO. n yciiow , aojfc. * * " $ $ & & & ! Bwhlvai ® HYI : No. 2. 40iii40'ic. 3 , 40@50c ; No. " VIAX .SKKD-NO. 1 , S1.23VJ. TIMOTHY hrr.ii-1'rlmc , W,7n. ' ° * 1212.7B neSS | ? ZnlM : > - - ; Inrd , FA il ? ) ' } 8 > " ° ! , Sl"lrt , Pl1"1 Sltl09 lOOSOl Ir'oliS i-r { ! \lry \ wll ! ° < l kl"'iH lors ( boxed ) H , UOdfll.oO short ; clear bides ( boxed ) , $7.5oa - finished goods , per gal. , t Iciuf , 5ej ( tiann- lie rei-elpts On tlio I'roilneo exrlmnpo toduy the butter rUct WHSiilot | ; croumury. 21St27H ; Unlry Cie. ! KgKs , ntcr.dy ; strictly fresli , 22@ Noxv Vork , Miirl.ts. NKXV VOIIK , Dec. 0. Ki.otin-UccolpK 25,800 bbls. ; exp irl 10.000 bbK ; suk-s. 7,000 pl s. ; Bllo % , ! ' ! stuilly | ! c y mill patents I4.26ia4.50j winter pulcntH. * 4.80 4.fiOj clly S''i1mlB'tr ' ? ' Ia'atxa3.4o : xvlnterfltrulKhts * 2.bO IW.201 M nni-hota patents. * 3.70SJ4.To ; winter BNtiii , 12.20(32.70 ! MlnnoKotn Imkors , 82.30f4 B.70 : wliilor , low crudes. * 1.70ffJ2,25 : low liudcs.Jl.OOai.OO ; extras , $1.05562 45 COIIN MiiAir-Klrm. UVB Nominal ; cur lots. 50@i2e. ! 1JAIU.I.Y Dull : No. a Milwaukee ) . 020,030. HAIII.EY MALT-Dull : westcin , OSaBOc ; ' , oanr.i ; : Cnmidu. o . WHEAT Hccolpts , 23,0(10 ( Im. . oxnorts 27 . 000 Im.i sulns. hkooo bu. fntnros. Im" pot. Kiwi market dull , clocd Urm : No. 2 re cjf. o. b,7i ( ) , i70Ko ; niiKnulcd red . , 7uc : No. 1 northern , 72ii72' c. Options ODOIICI vuiy dull , hut steady , hold off towHtd noon but turnud mm Inter sliort" dun In Ihn iiiu > vi.r.t. > , on ll , , coxerlns - . . . . , . . by . " " " 'v1 ' 'u.uniiiui , U-4 < UUCIU , UIOSIIIK lit ( iOSC. COIIN Uecelpth , 70.UO ( ) un.i ox Dor u 49000 bu.i S.ileB . , f/JOOOO hu. fnttircs , 1UOII ( 'hu. Kpot. Huotmiuket dull.oloslni ; llrm : No " Ui'.i' In olovuloi , 47'4tl7e ! : No 3. 44U kO'ioc * opiions , Motdy early und tirniDr later mi dccronsu In HruiUtrent's vUlhlo biipply , du- In tlio moven.oiu and recent KOOC ! Hiiani111'loMMl strong ute not ndviuico fi , ' ' 4 f.4'0' ' ' } closcil nt , 4&aj ' Muy , I./ATH uecoipts , 117,700 bu. ! oxnorls 10 son bu.t salwi. 2luloo hi. future * . 00000 b'n.s'not ft ' ' ' * " " ' " "erutolv , ctFxoi ? ! . . 'A'Jrrwt ? ; , ! ! , . ' Nil , 'J,34ii.M'bf ( ; ; No. lido Ixuii'l,35ffi30l.ei ( N. ) a. 1'h'lhorV1' a3ue : Noa wiilto. 'aow UaOKcj .No , 3 white. 34 etract mixed xvesiern , SBQaOc ; traek xVhlin jxehtom. aO 40c | trm-k , whlto Hti to30 ' 4ic ( Outlons xxerciiulet ullhiy.butKeiinru ly ilriiier' y44l J.lV1 lll , Bt % ? l 'lY ' M 7 : . ' .l4llOJ4l ri'lnscdat a4 > ct May. atlitiityose nt'ai'cut SUi 1)ecuillUoraaV a44B , cibsod llUTTKn rtnnj xvcstorn dalrv , 17 < a22c . : creamery , 2Xi28i ) ; - - - liken , TAM-OW-Stcadyi city ( ! 2 per pkg. ) , 6S'o. . / . - " " ' " "f nm ; i iiuuu elosoil ut 77Uo bid ; rimiisylx'unlu oil , kpot sale , none ; Junu. ury opt Inn lulM , none , closed ut 771 0 bid : 77ltC iiaked. l.lniii oil , kales , none. ItosiN Siendy ; btralneil , common to good. Il.27)i ) < % l.i2 : i , TUHI'BNTINU Kosy nt20maaOc. JClUK Quiet : domestic , extra , 3M25ic ! , MoiiABhKS Qulel ; Now Orleuns , ouen kettle peed to choice , 3S(4Uc , ; I'lfl IliON-Qutut ; Anierlran , 112.0031600. I ) Curreii-Hlendy ; lake , bid. If , I.KAM Easvi domestic , J3.30 , Tit. Itarefv bteadyj blraltn , t20.0S , Hl'lLTiut-Mcady : uomestlc , 13 Hd ; sales on 'uhiuiKe , lOtonsHiiot tlu ut HiU.135 and 60 tons llecumbar ut { 20.J& , HAY-Firm j bhlppinK , I0.60 | good to choice , iloi'X Dulli fetute. conunon to choice , IOC " 3o | I'aclllcoonM , li)3'J3c. I'uovisiohs Hoof , quiet : family. 12u > 10c ; txtra luebn. lH.6lxao.Ou ; beef Imun , 117.76 ; city extra I ml in men * , HH. < Mt23.uo. ) Cut meats , Iteuilv ; nlcklcd bolllos , battue : pickled bboul- . r,0 i- , 6M ) tlrrco nt * H K.T8 'Hi Hoi -nilivrc hwil nl Jfl 50 ; Jntitmrv , * H J2' ' Pork , dull mtfiUiulvl new mess. ( fO.NKAir > .vit rxtiii | iHim % t3 ! & 0 l-l ; < Wl fnmlly , 110.5031700 ! short i' Ilo oOwlO ( K ) . lltntB rirni xxcl Nallril'Non ! terleil. 4raor. llw , n < c < t4Vi Tox-ii , M-lPflKil , n&aoollis. , 4a. lIucniH Ayrt'i. dry , U ( ) < l'J4 llw. , 10't ® 1 lc | Tpii , dry a4Hm HiIV. . l/KATiir.ii-1 Irni ! liumlix'l--iili' , lliu'iuii Ayrot , llKlit tolieivvxvp'lil | < . 14Q10i < . Cm TON si rn on , \ \ > nk nnd iliill ; ptlmo rrndf , 27a2Sc : ofT Ktaihx. 'JOft'lTr : > clloxx , butterBradi .aUfiyolloM.rlioIrc.ilHei xollow , pilme , anita-ir ; yellow , off grKdes , 3O333cl prime white , UrJU'JOc. Omilii 1'rjiilnrn Alnrkrt. ntlTTFiiThe loral dotnaml Is llichl nnd HIP uriilns stock Ins to l > o xhlpiicd In order lo keep the innrknt rlciinod tip At the sainu tlmo dealersrnmplnln Unit the slilppltiR < lo- mandls nolxciyncllXK. Thn mnikot li \i < iy \xc.'il < and the aiiimmtiif hutlurllint InlnpsSOi- Is xcrysmallj choice countrv , IM'i''Oc ; fresh pnrklna ttock , IT"1 , nnr"sK I'ori.inr T kln Into conslcpr.i- tlon llio fact ilmt It Is only Um xxcrl , nftvr ThankiclxliK ; thi'ilctniiml for pnnllry Is xoiy fnlrnnd Iho iniirkot l < t ki > | > t well i-loiitu'il up. I'llcni nrolnu nnd thai may tend tostlmiilnlp tlio ilctii'uul. I'lilckonx , choice , 7c ; gccio nnd duck" , 8c ; tin keys , OtSlOi1. I.IXK I'ofi.Tiiv DvalcispLMicinlly arondx sINK - INK against the shlnmenl of llxu poultry us the ncmiiml Is xrry llRht , thu ( indu Keiivjtully pre ferring dressed ( lunlliy. Vutt Thoarihnlsiliiilns the past duy or twoimvo IICPII Hitht , nnd Ihu m itki-l flim nl proxhms < iuilatIoiH. Clinico small nnd fut ypuls , OVi'js7'Si ' % ! thin or hoax v , 3il"ic. (1xiu ( - ' 1 hu n'colpls tire inttdn HD largely nf prnlrlo clili.'l.cns : uil ( itiiill | mill Hie lalter nto romhiK In su ficuH thnt a drop In prices would not occasion niiy surprise. Hiihhlis nro aJMi hocomltif ; x-cry plcnly and will not stand Riich hlKh 'itiotattims ns In the piist. I'nilrlo chlckons , M.lH4t25t ) icroilsp , 13.25 duck ! ) , $1.51) ) ; mlMid dnrkn , Jl.'J.'j'jtl.f.U ; rim- xnslmck ( lurks , t.-j.O')3G ) 00 ; jack i.ilihlts , * I.7fi ( a OOj small rnhhlts , tl ; siiulirHls , 7&UUc ( ) ! dcel sadillos , per lh. , 1 Iffiliic ; dorr cnciissrs , loSllc ; nntnlopn baddies , t'JttlUci untolopo carcasses , Hft'Ji1 inn : < > The reiS'lpts of frush laid PKKS nto > oty IlKhtnnd < lnalermui ; nsklni ; Ule. Thu bulk of the sloe ) ; Is Koine afJIi'i Jlu llo.Nnv llonoy Is I'oninioncllu : to tyoxu a Httlo moro freofy , Iniiiho dorn mil Is slltl Ilitjit furlt ; choli'ii xxhltucloviir , lf > 3.17i' . O STBits Mi'dliini , lOc ; lioi.i'shoi-s , lOc ; ( ixtrn stnndnrds , "JOi" sclPi'txllc : c\iri : selects - lects , l3c ! : comp my solci-is , 'Mi' ; coiinls , 'llc ) , Nuw-Chostunls , inai'ic per II ) . ; itnlhin rhostnuls , 13i : ; aliiioiiil < : , 18c ; Knullsh u.ilnnn , iaai4r ! tllhort , rj'c ; Hrn/ll nuts , I'j&lHc ; jioc.ins , litic | , l'Jitl4i > ; pi-canv , meillmn , lc. ( ) The mnikot on hl.ick xx.ilnuts Is low and no unexants to buy , VMJCTni.ta nK\NS-rallfornhi h.iml-Dlckod n.ivy , 52 ; XTestcrn naxv , Jl 85ULUO ; common wlilto bo.ins , il.OO81.7o. O.MO.NS Onlon aio iinotod al 5014050 , on onleis at COQ70os bj ) inMi onions , pur ciato. 91f > 0. WATHI CHINS Put up In berry boxes , nor CUM ) of 10 ils. | . Jl.UOfftl.7u. POTATOM Nchr.iska , lo\xa and Minnesota Kronn potnloos , In small lots from sloio , ( , ' ' > ! $ 70i' ; sumo In cur lots , ( iOilliSi1 ; Colorado , from titore , T&c ; Coloiadn lots , OSJiTOo. UAniiAdh-OrdorsforcahbuKu from the coun try are tilled at 2c poi lh. CEi.itnv ItDOTS-Accoiilliif ; to sl/e , 403GOc prr doz. CriKitv OootlFtoclc , 35ci c\ra ( fiincy ( Jall- fornln , ( > oa75c. S tiTl > oT\T < ) rs-Thosuiplx ) Is f.ilr ; xrest- ci n stock , pur bll. , $3.00. ( IHEKV VroBTAui.uu-Splnach , perbbl , 12.25 ; salsify , SOaaSe per donidUhes ; , per do20c ; endlxe. pi-r do ? . , 7Cc ; unions , pordo20c ; caulllluncr , pui no12 ; let- tnce , per dor. , 50i370o. F11U1TS Oinrr.s Ha-iterii Concotils. 23 < a24c ; Inrjio lots , 22c ; CatauhiR , 3f s ; Mulaitas.Der fiO-ili. bbla . not , JO 00J7 0.00 , Malusas , p = i 55-lb. bbls , . 0\MroiiNlA Kiiuiis Thcie Unntmueh loft on the ninikcl ; puai" , J2.75 ; Muscat crapes , shulo cases , tl lOQil.'Jo ; Tokaxs , douhle cases , $3. Ari'ii.s-Tho supply Is llsht on this market ; choice , per hbl. , il.&u fanuy xxCatuin , $1.70i5 a.lOperbo\ I'll VMIKIIKII : * Cranberries aio art Ix Ing x-i > ry freely and .iro In Rood di > inind ; Oano Uo f. per hbl. . JO.'JuSJG 00 : boll and Itusle. JO.&O 4tor76 ; Jcisey , ? 0 ; boll and clieiry , J5. inoi'iCAi. KitiriTS. KA\\NAS I'rlcas icni iln iibotit steady : nor buni'li , I.IIKH , $2 , ( iW.r.O ; pur hunch , binall to medium , M.75S-J 00. IjGHONs Good lemons , $5 nojt0.50. OiiAMiEt-MoNlc.uib or PloiliKis , per bo\ , $3 ; 0bolots , $2.70 , n in i.s , TAIIOXV , inc. HIDES-NO 1 green hides , 2'o ' ; No 2 croon hide ; , , 2c ; No. 1 ieen hultod hides , 3c : No. 2 preen Baited lildes. Uc ; No. 1 creon salted hides , 2j hs. to 40 Ib3c ; No 2 grcon sailed hides , 25 lh * . to 40 11)5. , 2o : No 1 calf , H Ibs. lo 10 Ihs. . Oc : No. a x ual calf , 8 Ibs. to 10 Ibs. , 3o ; No. 1 diy Illnthldca , Or : No. 2 dry Hint hides ; 4c : No. 1 dry siltPd hides , 4c. Puit cured hides ! Jc poiIb. . less linn fully cured. hiiRCi * I'M.Ts-Groon snltod , i-ucli. 35a70c ; Kreen s.illed sln-ArlliiKS ( slinit xxooled caily Rklns ) , each 103l5cj diy hhoarllmfs ( short xvoiloil eirly skins ) . No. 1 , p.icli OSlOc ; dry shourlliiKsshort ( xvoolcd early skins ) . No. 2 uach 5c ; dry Hint. K.uisus : md Nnbi.ivlr.L butcher x\o > l pi-Its , peril ) . , aeliml xvelsht , 10 ® lie ; dry Hint , nnd Nchiaska inurialn wool bulls , pop | | j , notu il ixolslit , 17@20o ; diy Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per lh. , actual xvolRht. oaiOo ; dry Hint Colorado mur rain xvool pelts , psr lh. , ictmil xvolght , 7Uj ; dry pieces and bucks , actual \\ulligl , d' < 2 > 7c. illliiunaiinlts .M.irkut. MiN.NE4fOMS , Doc. C. xxas Inactive in thoearly putof thosi'ison , but lth bet ter demand and a iiilx.inco moro uctlxlty noted. Liter reports fiom the country ; } butiithoi qnlcLfarm imirkotlnt , ' . Ui > colpts hero and ut Duluth and hnpoilor x\oio llKhtor , glx-Ins cncouiaKomont that the liinjo moxonuMit is past , for tlio present , at least. Tho-,0 feollnsss , xvlth the hlKh rol.itixi ) pileo fortrark xvheiit , wits Imek ofthollrinnesbxvhoiipx'ei nhorts hOKiintocoxor. homo of the HiirronndlnR mills thattmy wheat heto to ship tire shut down , and , xvhllo the ro- colptsuro tuning oir , thoilummd xvlll ulbO bo less and tiuek xihoiitmny notdrnxv.iny closer to the pi Ice of Mny until the holidays , . Noth Ini : to bcak | of was done In Dfjenilioi , ab th it XThcnt Isnoxv held for siorago. Muv wlieat opened at 03' < c. sold up to l34'u ! ; and closed them. Track xrhoat rlovid : No. 1 hard , G2e ; No. 1 noitliurn , 00 > ic ; No. 2 north ern , 60c ; iccelpts , 271 curs ; hhlpinonts , 84 cars. . Tliurush in uctlxc , with a x-pry strong domiind from local millers. KlevatorcompanieH hut bought llttlu , thn prlco M llorsKminrally ropit'sont w-attorlnfj siiles of Hour , which , ( ikon us n whole , nmko ufiilr amount dally. Wheat prices uie claimed to ho high compared with Hour prices , and this checks all uttetnplM towanl moiu small uuslne- . j Im pmdnutlon Is not IUIKO , how- over. The llonrshlDiii'onts today weio large , butthoy Incliidod llxodays shipments on tliu "Sou" road. Slilpmonts , 40,270 hbls. rirnl palonts , (3.3503.75 ; eecoml uutonts. $ J.Orfi 3.35 ; fancy nnd uxpnrt b.ikurs , (1.&OJ2I.UO : low Kfftdcs In hiiKs. tl.VOftl.'M. The uddml daily output of inllla u'rlmllns today will piohubly nKRi-ncrutii 22.HOO iibfi. The food in"rrn 1A ? , ' > t1e"ylra"'J'r'0al0'00i ( ! l" > rU , JD,5oaiOt)0 ) , iii bulk , f. o. b. on cars , bhln- ments , 1,430 ton . L'ouv Ailvnnci'il nnd closed W ® ' c nbovu SSro MniC30 ' ' ! 'OC' ' ' ' 1)Ciu"llor'34''ci ) ) January , , , ( * - cash and December , HVK NoolTurlDBs ; 47c bid. lAHi.BV-UiillanUwo.iU | ; loxviv sold at 47c bid ; MlnnoHolu , 03c. ' lild. .HAY In bettor dem.ind : timothy ranged. fl)0vaiaHljnrulrle.t7.003H.50. ( ) ( Hl'U.Tt II -l/lrni lit fa.CO. ri.AxKKit > Illi > hi. rit$1.15. : - ! creumory , S2Q20e ; Koiirt CnehaiiKod ; 21'iiifor fiebli. Cpllf , MCAIr-Qulolat * 1.75. WIIIHKY Moady ntll.ia. COTTON Tu H-Unrlmnircd ut OSuOJl.OO. 1 noyisjONH l.uhlur uml t > uino sales Inwor : pork.lohhlns. H4 ; Inrd , 8.00 ; looho dry salt ; iiouldcrsl.50j longs and ribs , * U BO ; shorts. J7 ! boxed lots , 16o moro : bacon , shouklurs. I7.2& ; loiik-H nnd ribs , 8H ; short ! . , J8.25. KECEll'TH-l''lour , 3H)0 , ( ) blU. ; whout. 8P.OOO bu. ; corn , 82K'o ( bu. ; oats. 42,000 hu. bllll'HENTS-nour. o.OOO bills. ; xxheut , 3.000 bu , ; corn , 123,000 bu. ; oats , 20.UOO bu. Mllxtunkre AlnrKeta. MII.WAIIKKK , Doc. 0-rw > un-Ouet. | WiiBAT-Klrin ; M y , 05 , cj > 'o. U spring Ollio ; No. 1 nortliiirii , 051.C , OATS -htoadyj No. 2 white , SOIJc ; No , 11AIU.KV hteadv ; No. 2 , 40c ; saniplo. 40a45c. KvK-lllKher ; No. 1 , 4HVi % ; " " ! ? " ) , ! - ' ' ' " ! ' " ' - ! ' . 12.70i laril.fB. r. 0,200 bbls.i xvhelt. 31,000 bu. ; barley. 10.0OO bu. billl' ; wheat , 7.800 bu. ; barley , 0,400 bu. foiiiin .U-irkur. , tatON , Dec. Comix-Quiet ; mld- . 7ic ! ; Kood ordinary. 0u ; roceliith. .o buloa ; export * lo Urfat llrllaln. 4.485 bales ; uli < . 700 bales ; htoeb. 2O3.0UO bales. f 'IIIMIIBI I'lllA. 1 > CC. C.-CoTTON-htUllllyj mlddllujt , u l.itici low inlddllnif. 7 15-lGc ; Hfiaqr.'llnarJf4 ' 9 O-UH ) ! net und giobg receipts , W)0 ) bulek ; stock , B.840 biUcn. fthW OllLlLahU Jo b-- slendy snlo , Oft.OOO bhlois Itproinbpr. 1730 bill , Ituiinri J7.4037 00Ipluunrx , tl HV 7 7'i ) Mnrch. t7rHt7fi < l ; April. ST 7u < t7 70 : Mny. 18 02Tf s 03 : June. } 7 'I lr ' 7 t2 ; July , } ' -)7 ) ftT'jH ; middling 77trci Ion mfildlitii ; , < 3-lOci KIMX ! ordimiry , it 13-lri ( % ! not rvrt ipts 15,000 I in Irs ; mo s ipiclpts. 15,1100 bales ; p\- | pulls In ( It-put Ilrllnln , 7iIHl ) lilrst ) : coml- \xlsc. n,500 bales ; sales , 0.000 bales j Mock. 3IR.7I1 biles. "T. Lot'is. Dec , 0. ( 'OTTON-llerlliiPd , mni- kct iiilet | , l-10r loxxrrs .ulev 8i. ( > briles ; ordi nary , O1Roodordlmiry ; , 0\ci Ion mldilllntr. 7' < c : inhidiliK ; . 7' ' c ; good middling , 7V : middling fair , V. K.-III IK * City xiurhctK. IxxNs-5 C'ITY , lnc. ) O.-WIU-AT-III fair de mand ; No. 2 bard , f > 3p : No. v > ied , S5V , ' ' ) i v Indeiinnilj No. 2 mlxcrt , 30'.a30 4C ; llvu- Very th in ! No. 2 , GOc. ll.AVSEui-ririnntt.lo. 1'HAx-Actlxo ' nnd nrm nt fio. lIlY-Qiilot nnd steady ; timothy , $8.00 ® 2. ) | pralrlo , J ( ! 003.7.00. erciunoiy , 20a25c ; duliy , , . Hrccinshcnt , 11,0001m. ; corn , none ; oats none. Sim'MLVTS-Wlioat , 4,000 bu. ; coin , 1,000 bu.t oats . , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ Now Ynik lri ( lo.nls Jlnrkrt. NEW YOIIK , Dec. 0. Thn xotumeof trade dc- Milnpeil so far this month Ins been smalt nnd thcioli-isnot lioenniiy upeul il Intoiost f-hoxvn In nny line of tegular trade KOods. The ile- mind ; forstaplu cotton Koodsfs oiilut , but tin price of G4-squaios Is steady ul 3c. Thuielsti dunmuil for o\nort in brown shcctliiKs and drll s. riliiKhnms niu showing a xciy so\x ! trailp , xilth the outlook for sptlnc rather un- sntlsrnctoiy.ooluii goods contlmiu cood. Jobbing iradti has duxelop d llttlo fiMtuiu this xx ecu , tlm attendance of bio CM being less tlianiiiitlcltutcil , I'ltnrln drain .Xtuixot. 1'ronn , l > riMi. Conx-MaiKet steady ! No. 2 , : iuiiJO'4c : ; No. a , 34 > , c. OAT8-.MnrKel imsler ; No. 2 xxhlte , 21)15 ) 30No. , ; . : l white , 28''S20c. llvr. Nonr. WnisKY-MiuUel flim ; xxlnus , $1.10 ; sphlls , HeUBiPTs-WluMit , 4,0001m , ; corn , 03,600 bu. ; oats 34,100 hu. ; no. none ; bailey , 1U.100 siiifxu > -Wlical , 1,200 hu , ; i-orn , 21,40(1 mi. ; oats , 2.1,100 hii.jiyi. , noiui ; biuiey , 11,000 , f.lxcrpool . Mnrltrln. . , Doc. O.-WIII.AT Quiet , but stuid ! > ; doniaml poor ; holdpis oiler moder- aloly ; No. 1 c.illroiiiln , ns ( ; dj > 0s7d ; No. i ! red western , sprlnc , Os Ail@"ib il'.jd ; No 2 led XMMtorn , inter , Os 2'JdaOs 3'id. ' t'oiiN-riim ; demand fair : mlvedxcslctn , I'liovtsiONS-l'oiU. llrm ; prime mess , ( me , 05s ; hepf. e\ti.i India mess , 100s ; bicon , lone and Mmi t clour.0r > Ibs. , 47s Od ; long cloai , 10 Ibs. , u&s ; laid , nos. 'J AI.I.OUAmerican T.lx'orpnol , flue , 28s. . Coltro llurliul. trl'SJJ ' Yo."K' ? ) of > < ° ' - ( ' < > t Ptn-Oiilions opened 10 ( 20 points litKlior , closed llrm , nel mix IIIIL-O of 5320 i.olnts ; s lies , 0,000 b'iKs , Including : nocoiiiber , $1000(0.10.70 ( : Jantiary , IlGSOffp 10.40 ; 1 ebrunry , $10.40 ; March , J10.HDR10.05 ; May , 415 40. isnol colTee , Hlo , steady ; No. 7. 118 ; mild , m.trkot stciidy ; Cordova , J20.00J6 IlAVitc , Dec. G. Steady ; ® lower. KIODE.IASKIIIO. Dec. 0. 1 inn 5 No. 7 , tlo.30 ; rei-clpts , 8,000 bugs : stock. 130,000 hairs. LONDON , Doc. 0. 30d lilxlioi. Oil Alurkot . OH. CITV. Pec. -National transit cer tificates opened nt 77'i ; highest , 77 ? . ; low est , .7' , ; clQVHl , 77' < ; site5,00u bbls. : clcainnces , 24,000 bbls. ; shipments , 115,205 bhle. ; runs , 81,710 bbls. I'lrreiiiriKi. Doc. O.-Natlonul transit cer- tllieatus nnunud nt 77U ; closed at77'4 ; high est , 77Ui lovxebt , 77c. } DiilnlhVliu -llnrlcet. . , Dec. 0. This mnrket xvas oulet but stimij ; today. ( . 'losliiK pilces : No. 1 hard , cash. ( JUic ; December , Ol e ; May , OO'iu ! No. inortboin , cash , OOlJc ; Derombor , ( jOic ; May , 60l o : No , 57c : No. a , 52ijc : rejected , 48' c ; on Hack , No. 1 northein. to anixo MMie. _ _ \Vonl Alni-Knt. FT. Louis , IPC. G.Woor.Markct xery quiet nnd uncliaiigvd. The only s ilo i eported xvas 400 sucks of inl\od Ion on pi lv ute terms. . Irinlliirhu > otH . oKANS\s Our , Dec G. Uioarlnsj , J1.021- Onr.EA.vs. Dec. G.-CIcnrlngs $1,840- llAi.TixionE. Dae. 0-CleaiIiiss , J2,3G9.3'30 ; bnlunqcs , $907,130 cent r ° lltus MEMIMIIS. Dec. O.-Cloaiings , S347.C08 : bal ances , ? 07,340. Nuw York exchange , selling -it $ ItOUt OISCIN.VATI , Dec. G.-ClouiiiiK ? , $1.107,000. Money , 4ap per cunt. New i'ot k exchaiiKe. 50 © 70c pronilum. ItOSlON , Dec. G.-CIcaiings , 815,854,234 ; bal ances , 11.771,200. Money , , per cent. K\- chunxeonNett York , par and Oo premium for ST. Louis , Deo. 0 dealings , , J4,103,72G ; balances. $00,138. Monuy , .mfut al 7fta per mluViiLNClll""u ! ° " Ntnv v"rk. fcOS"5c pie- Ciiirxnp. Doc. G.-ClearhiKs , $10,924.000. New \orkc\cliaiigp. 25c preininin. Hli > rllii oxclianKC. qulot , Him ; ni-tual , $4,84iii34.87. Money , plenty ; lates , 5 7 pur cent. STOCKS. < VNI > UO.NDS. Dullness Clinructcrlzoit De.iHncs | n Sccnrl- tl n ( inner illy VeHterduy. NEW YOIIK , Doc. G. The feature of the market on the Stock oxcnango today xvas dullness , only six stoclis selling abovu 10,000 shares and one other above 5.00J. The four leading industrials did three-fourths of the entire/business. The status of thu Atchlsou company xvas again a subject of Interesting discussion , the cabled denial jcsturday of President nolnhnrt not having by any means satisfied the street that all smooth sail ing xvith the corporation of which ho is the executive. The cable xvas used again today in an effort to got news of noxv developments , but without icsult , except that late In the afternoon it was announced that President Relnhari had sailed for homo on the Teu tonic today. If his mission , if ho had one , was successful % vas not disclosed. The re port of the November earnings , showing a consldorabiocomparatlvolncreaso , had nn un favorable effect on both the stocks and bonds. .a ho stock , after nn eaily advance of tf per cont. fell off % per cent , xxith u flnnl recovery of , > / per cont. Early in the day there was Rood buying In Sugar , which sent Hup 1 % per cent , but interests , xxhicn possibly desired to pet the shares at a loxvor llKuro , put out rumors that the di rectors , who wore about to meet , would not declare the regular dividend , nnd , ns a re- suit , a decllno of 2 ' per cent was cn. ginoorod. Upon the unnouncomont of the dividends near the close of business a recov ery of % percent ensued. Sugar preferred declined I . per cent on llio day. Ulstllllnir xx as hold very strong , owing to a rumor of incrcascu tax on xxhlakv nruventlnir urw nnn. I * * fMijrniii in slderablo selling and the uncertainty re- strlutlng purchases. The stock fluctuated within a r.ingo of % per cent und Rained i per cent , Cienoral lileotrio rose % per cent on the opening , and then on selling for the Uoston account receded Ijtf per cent , but quickly rallied on puiohases induced bv the lower Inures , recording Itf per cent , of which. 15 per cent was lost at the close. J'he list wan extremely slum-lsh ol movement outaido of a foxv specialties A stiong tone prevailed nt the opening and for tlm llrst hour , but was rather xvealc dur ing tlio second , In the afternoon the specu lation became tlrm ngain , coutlnutnu so without material advance until 1 o'clock , xxhen a pressure to sell sot In and xvith It a reaction , which xxas kept In narrow figures Kon-jfally. In the tinaldoaliugs a covering movement xvaa developed , xvhlch caused a small rally. The 1'ost says ; In Its general features today's market was similar to that of cstorday. Although at the opening there xvcre several fractional recoveries , baseu in a measure oy the higher range of London prices , both in Ixmdon and Noxv York the gnins wore llttlo. It is now pietty generally conceded that the attack on prices yester day xxas a cleverly concerted movement bo- txxeen the speculators on both sides of the ocean. Their plans , hovxover\xcro not abun- donca today and after txxo hours of dullness and irregular recovery professional selling betran ajrnin and prices yielded. Tlio onlv features in the day's oarlv trading xxere the advance in tjiurur certificates anil the de- ellno in ( Jcnoral Uleetrio , The professional selling of the afternoon xvas based on no particular uoveloumenli. icsplto , how ever , a pailUI recovery , the stock market closed at material declines. The stock matket continued weak until Just before the close. About S o'clock u raid xvas nmdci on Siiflnron rumori that the divi dends xvouhl not bo. Jeo.ared nnd the iloerf hroVo PM iicrtoilt tysj. but on the declara tion of dividendinlly was miulo to S3 , nnd In the Hnnl dealltiRs a ralli ol from k to \ per cent x\rs cffcitfrf In the pencrnl list and 1 per cent In MW | < ilppl , t Ohio , nnd the closlng tone wns falrlji linn. The folloxvlng , tlv > tlie. elosine quotations of Iho lending sto M "on the New York ex- ehnnpe toJa.v : ' " " Atchlion ISVNorth m I'.prnf it. AilnniR I IM ilU. I1. . I ) . AOtllf . . Alton. T. II. . . 1fl. " > iIXorlhvxpttrn. . , . , J4.V..I ( lo prefil , . , 1:10 : Alnorleln KxnrvHH 113' Now YnrftTYntral ll)2' ) ' < llallhnoro.VUhlo. , 1 jN. Y.&N. K Cnn-nii iMcltk- . . 17 raiiii.t omiu > rn. . 'nlW Oicffun Imp , . . . II ) IVntrnl IMi-lflu. . . lvj Oroffon NHV : io Plirn .VOlilo . . . 'IIU'So S I. .VU. X. . . * riilrazoA. Alton. . JS7 Jp clfU.MalU' ! . . . in ( < > ' ' " ' ' - , * WHtunrg. , / . . . . , ir.o Oonn'olliliti.iYtlas' . ! Pullman 1'alaee . 17'6 o d r ASM , . . . _ U e.iili ilk' Col. Coil A. Irot „ . > 1U lUlclitnonilTar. . . ' Col ton oil fort , . . -'SI * do prefil I'l Hoi. & Hudson. 1.1 W llioUi.imlc West. . IS Del. I.isk. .V Welt. It'll ilo pro ! il I- 1) .in H , proM . m Hook Inland l > H..V.nr3 ! ( Co . ViUi St. Paul tiu liiiHt Tvnn , . . 11 ! ) Hrlp 1U | st.l'nnl A ; m do pri't d .tij do iirofil ] l nil ' Foil Wax mi . . 1fl ( ) Soiitl'icni I'.icUle. 2(1 ( In-ill North npt'il inn Hpllnnry , si I'lil. & Hint , HI , | if a tl' ) Tcnn Coal A. Iron HookhieVnlli > r . . Texas P.u llio . . llllnoInCeinril . . . Till. .VO. Con ptil , 70 St Paul A Dnlnth . 2 Ufc Kan , . Tex.n jif il nl IJ S. Kxpti-is . . fiU ' limV , St.l. .ll'.ie Uo im-fil . , liH I llODK'fll . . Lain-shore l'J7 ' Wells V.irvo Kxp. . ' ' JH < I\Vtslrrn Union. . . Ss ( l.onlM A'N.'A 111)1 , Wlirullmr .V L. K . If. ! in Coi , , , ilo prutil ny'ii Mi'inniila.ic . . 1(1 ( M.A.SI. I * . . . . Mloliiiran Ci . K ) Jl ) , V U. (1 10 MIsBoiirllMi'llle. idencial r.loclrle. . . MOIUlo.Vohlo. . IN.illoiril Unsueil . Nnsh XUIrill. . . . . . . \G. \ r. > \ i l'll ) C. K..II invf il . . ilo inelM. . II HI. A.T. ( ' N.J. ( IIS , IT. A. A. , VN. M , . 'Ijn T. S > t. I..IK.C . . Not 111 Ainerl n Co. , Ill , ilu proril Nmtin-ill I'ai'lll" . The lanppof nrl.'c's as repotted by .1. W lluane \ ( . ' < > . , llo.iril of Ti ado lull , Is us follou s : ' " RIoikH Lux- , ' " IMi'llii'Mair" . IT. j 1 > . 1. . .V N ' " ; ; ( ! 1'1 MnlllXUHIIMIl. . , .Mo. I'.iclile uil'4 tlnluii IMetllu. . . N I'.icllle pfd. . . , iidjf vjili I-J' ' N. 1'avlllu. ioin C. 11 A < J. 80 Hiu'k iMlnml. . , St. 1'ani , Wi'siirii Union . . , SlIKIll TlllHt Atclilsuii Hcatlhu. . . ijcl. .Ulmlsun. 1) O.'r' Coi-ll.lFl. cine , 4,000 ; Western Union , 7,500 , Nexv York 'Munuy Mnrkot. NrwYoitK , Pec. 0. MOSKV ON ( . ' \r.i. Ki y ul ll'i per cunt ; lust loin , 1'J per cent ; closed ut 1'J per cunt. I'IIIXIE MKHCAMII.K PAPFII 3'a5 } > ; porrent. SlEiti.t.MlKxuiiANOK I'll m , xxllh nutual busi ness In bvnkors' bills nt S4.84ViiH.H7 for deinund , und ut 84.84UIi4.H4- shty-d.iy bills. Posted rates , J4.a5'i4.H8. ' Coinineiclnl bills , J4.835i4.a3i. fli.\ni t'KllTin < < 4rECO'1jC bid. OovEii.sME.Nr lioNDb-Diill. btnto bonds , firm. Ttio closing nuotiuons on Dnnns : u. s. 4sree . . . . 11.1 SI , I , i.S P.fcil M II , S. tsconn . . . . 111 St. I'anl Consols . H S. 4H rcir . . . in SI P. O. i.I . IBIS 111) ) I'acinoUsoC'llj . . . 101' < ni > . r. ( j. TIusts T.n aninnvl 4s . . tiit't ' T. V K C ! Tr Huts Missouri OH . . . . ion llnlo'i I'.ic Ists . . 1UI Tenn new B ° t Us Jin . , X\'e t Shoie ni Ti'iin new Bet ( is luu U G W. lat . . . . Tcnn. now set 3 . . Alchlsan 4s /in / Cnmda So.'ds loiit iloL' s claHH A. CVnlnl Pau lst . fl. II ASA OH . U.fill a Isls. . . ( J. H. A.S A 7H . D A.K. R. 4s If. A.T. C fla 107 Kil < > iMB UO H 104 M. K.&T. ( ien. ( iH ' I C. Ub 11H hS'S M. K. 4. T. Gen Ss Uo4 nu Miitnil Union Us . ID'J Tunn oU ( ! H. . . . nuo N.J. C. Int. Celt . . . C4'i N. Pac. 2(1 a. . . . 88 iVa Centnrlos ilf . i-M N.V CoiiboiH. . . . WS'gfAl.i olassA 07 N. W. Deb B Ill8 > i Ala class U 0.1 SI. I , .V I. M. O. fis. Tfl'jlAli. Cnrronelus. 111 ! ItoHtou Stock IJnut iMnim. K. Y. AN. K 4iS Hnblior 41 Franklin 11H , San DIotro f > Ke.iracu 8 Union Paclflc. . . . J19fi Osoi > ola JIO'-j ' WPSI Knd II' ' ynl'iui lafi dODiufd 8:1 : Iramarack Iti4 Knn rraiirinuit .lllcini Onot ttlons. NCIMO , Doc. 0. The onicl inotitlon > > for mlnlns btojks toJay weie in ' " - - - Nuw torlc .Mlnlnc . > uitntloiH. Nnv VOIIK , Dec. 0. Tlie folloln0aio the milling ( juol itlona : fholor ( iii ; ] > ivmontii . . . . 7. Uo CIOHII Point . . . . SO'S'o-ra ' ' Jfuxail.1 . . . ILMI Con. ( Ml. A. Vu IH.'i St. ! idiinl 100 Drailnood 10lInlonCon | 10(1 ( Ooulcl JL Cnrrj. . . . Ilo Yolloxv Jacket Ill ) Hnlo i Norerusu . . . HO Iron Sllu-r in HouifHtake 00oQiilfn , hlln'i- in Mi-xkMii Ilo1 do pu.fii moo Oniiulo fi" > 0 Uulwor n Olihlr 1M > | . I. ci nil o n Stuck ( { notations. LONDON , Dec. 0. Close : Consols , money. . . . 1I7H llllimiH Cuntral . Uli' OonsolB. aco'nt. . . . 03 Moxlcan ordinary IB C'anadlan Pddflu. . 701f'st. ' I'anlcominon , . IIUW Erlo . IBMiNcw YoikCunlral KlftW Kilo -Jda . 78 | Mi x. run nuw4 . 6H' < I SII.VFII 32 1-lCd ( MONEY ! J per cent. Ituto of discount In tlm opan market foF * both short and throe months hills , 2 7-10&2' ' ; per cent. _ _ St. T.oum Hiulni ; Onomtloiu. * ST. Louis , Dec. 0. Mining Morkb unchanccd. The following xxero the closl- ! ) quotations : Ilia. AskuU Ulil. Ad.ini8 . . . . $ , : ifi $ Mf > Granite M.$1 , U $ 1.7.1 Am Ncttli' . , 'J3J < . HM S. Hopes , .f.5 .I17W KlUnbeth. . . ! > ( .2 ! 4 Hope ' . ' .no 300 Ultnetulllc. ' . ' .00 . . . . Leo um ; O.HAII.V MVU bTOUIC 1IAKKIIT5. Cuttle Trade In n I > euior.illzed Slute Hoc * Actlxe but l.inrer. WBD.NKSDAY , Dee. 0. Hecolpts of all Id mis wore ruthcr lluoral today , the three dnvs. supply compared with iho first half of last neck showing nn Increase of about 2,000 cattle , xvhllo hos nnd sheep receipts show a falling off of about a thousand head caohi ' The supply'oi mtklldni und poor cattle was Imgo , but there xvas a dearth of good , ripe beeves. Tuesday' ' sldw , mem trade was repeated today xvith Interest. Dressed beef men -worn wantlAw a few cattle , and paid nearly stonily pricesjfor wliat suited them. An active demand' for feeders Kept the market from fcpirfg' ' to smash on the poorer _ grades , but the butulu' anil botVtecn Buffvas u drug on the market , und all o'lOcnnd ' 15\t lower than' the llr t of thu "week. " Talr to very peed beeves sold at (4 niitl { 4.50 , but the poor to fair stuff sold nil tlio xray fiom $ J.K5 u | ) to M. There xvas udt/iuuon / clmngo to the mar ket for westerns Und TOXUIIH , UH there was veiy-littleof H hero. * The general tone to the trade waa weiCk at the close und tnoro were still a good fr.uny cattle unsold. The cow markup xxas dull and lotxor. Tneto weic all of nfty loads on sulo. and xvlth only un ordinary ucmund they sold gpucrully fie to IDo lower than Tuesda v Sales included poor to good fat wnvs and heifers nt from | l to O.tUi , with fulr to good butchers' jstouk largely around fJ and (240. Veal culxes were ID active demand nnd firm at from fc ) 50 to ( S'J6 , whtln common largo stock and .vear- linga xrcro dull nnd Axe-ak ut from $1,119 to ! 75. Poor to choice bulls , oxen and slags sold nt from $1.00 to $3 25 or not far from steady prices. liuamess in stoclicrs and feeders xvas llxclyundon the t > ulablo | offerings prices rulod.strouuer , xvbila no jiiullcular change xx-at > noted In tlio nun Kit for tlm commoner grades. ( Mciings.boiu ftcsb uud stale , fnlrly llbcrnl. but the ilonmml xvii poml from nil sourer * nnd the movement free throughout OOi ) I to cholro feeders were Muotcd nt from $3 to $ ! J 00 , fair to good nt from $2 TJ to tS , with Inferior to fair grades nt from $2.10 to * J 0V llourrsontutlvc sties : bOt.'TII 1 bull . .1400 1 76 3 cons . .1000 2 10 5 fdrs 1100 335 3 cows..010 175 10 fdrs 1100 335 12 cows. . lO.Hi 240 HoQh Hcrelpts toilny were fnlily liberal nnd btiicis said the quality of theoffetiius was the best for months. Sellers hud the uorst of the ; situation from tbe stnrt. The Chicago inniUot was lower niul theio only : in inaiiriullcanr .shlppin } ; iluin.ina I ocnl bouses all vnntu _ hnpplies , ho\\over. If the.v could ( jot them low enough. Hids HCiclOctolGc lower than Tuesday nnd us sellers cuulil taku off that much or keep their hoes the movement v\is ; tolerably Iroo at the decline. The range of prices was Aery imrtow. Choice butrher xxeights sold tip to io 10 , while common tough packers sold down to fl.'J5. The bljj bulk of the fuir to Rood hops of nil wights , however , changed hands ntr und Ki.Hl , IIB ugalnst 15.10 and (5.15 on 'Inesdaynnd ft. 10 to f5.15 ons week ago todny. Koirescntativo | sales : Siirui' Kecelpts woio liberal enough and included lots of sheep of all Kinds uxcept the right Kind. The market xxas nominally unchanged , although the inquiry for good muttons npd lambs \xus very notho and prices were quotably btrong. Tail1 to good natives , $ ' . ' .75 ( : t 50 ; fair to good xvest- ems. p. .25 ( < f)25 ; ; common and stock sheep , $1.50fftJ4jr ) ; good tochoico40 to 100-lb , lambu , ! .Wl.OO. Heprcsontatlvo salct : No. ' Av. I'r. OJ4 Coloiudomlxvd 08 (230 Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. oa nmlxo mixed 10-J " \ 10 213 imtlxo mixed 00 J 15 llrcoit | mill lii p Kittn-t o MnrK. Ofllclalt-ccalplsall 1 dUpwlllnn of slo-v at slumnhv tliobookint th > Union * * tojk YnriM coinp.inv for Ihn twontv-fnnr Inmri ending at 0 o'clock t > . in , , DsccmbjTO , iflo.i : \rn.k , fiirrr. iiuniri * MI.I Cars jtlPMl Can [ Heiil Can It rail I.SMI l tllslMISITIOV. .lM' Sinok Alurltnl. Dee. 0.-Todn > 's i-nitlo in-nUcI i-olli'is nu coinfoj-l. I'r.nlc dn\i < lnnrdn llMluinnrn life tlinn ClriiAi'lcrli'i'il II M-slcr- day nnd the day befmo.lini It Inul mil tbein - lieiirunce of nclhlly nnil prices \MIIO imnin \\cnV nnd Miilulitu. Tim ilresscil liouf iilnl shlpplim sons ccnctnlly vilil HV loner , thonuli Instnncos or.i tint wnnttnirlu < u > tliu ili'cllnn lunonniL-il to loc. 'I lie innrKi't fet llio aliinu descriptions Is noU id , tovln > n It na < * nt tin ; Ii0lnnlirn' | of lust \\o l < Tlirin wain siiln lids niornlni ; ul ft ) , nnd noinollilni ; fnin'v inl lithavo liroimht fiom Jil 10 lo fit , 15 , but choloo cuttle wore iinolcd at from t.VJ'Mu f5.f > 0. nnd very few cif tlio oirorlnuslnid Hio iiniilllv to litlnc tlioso llKiin" < ( 'oinnion lo peed stci rs sold nt from S3 25 to ! t 50 HutrnoiH' nml dinners' stock us In full i , - ipii'st unit rnln I slo uly , with suit's ( irlnclp illv ut from $2 to Jl. The receipts \\oiu v < tlinitMl : nt 10,000 lii-.ul , iiinkliiR 1 1,557 for ( Inllt > t liulf of this \M-ck , us iiKiilnst 32,001 u wool. ilRo , nnd 54,408 u your IIRO. Thoio wore enntiKli Rtuli- cultlo In ihiiynids to s i-U tod.i'HKiiiilv | | to 20,1)00. ) The duinnml dhl not cull for neuily tlinlimmbci. 'I'lio IIOK niurltpt rcinulncd In nstntnof mi- settlement. Itcontlmi'Ml to slion n tendonry ( o KodowinMird , thoiiuhllliln thopft thii'o dnys thuin bus lii-en iishilnktiKi'or 2V ( pci 1 00 Ibs. They contlnttooak nnd dccllnlni ? In pplto of the fuel tint ii'ci'lpts sinlluhlir Hum In nny pun Inns Dccembur within the lust twenty vi'iiiHund thu pilcos mo inino thin SI pi-i luotlis. hlKhi-rthun they wi-io twi'lxe months HBO. Toduy's tiudliiRiis clone prln- i-lp.illy nl from J5 15 ID Mao , fulr to oed piuik-s selllm ; ut tlml iiuiue A fmcholfo lienvy lots folched J5.35 , uml tln-io wi-io sox- crul suh'sof pi linn ll ht nnd ineilliini wi'ijjhts ut from 15.40 to 15.45. Common uniKli lots sold iiiotiml ? 5 , nnd thuro wus llttlo Icmaml forcnlls nt from J2 to JI.50. Tin-in HUS n falily iicthomovpinent ut tlm modlllcd prlcux , nnd not iniuij of tin1,01)0 ) brad on 'ili- hud to bo I'anluil oxi-i. Thofiosh : urh ills VMM ! ) os- tlmutod nt 3.1,000 , nmkliiR 00,215 for the i-N- plMMl pnrl of this wccl- , which Ihiilionl Ihu sumo nninbur us for the sumu tlmo List wci-k und 5,000 head less tlinn for tlio sime tlmo liiht yi'iir. Ifihurouas any Improvement In tlioshci-p inuiknt , hollers were not aw iroof It. Supplies continue to como forward with u freedom t ut pieclntlcs the possibility of nny t nbiince- mnnl ofnliios und toduy's inurKi't WIIH us iiu-nii us sellers luivo exnurltmccil liilclv. At llio cloiii of business ju t rilu > tinpeim were still well filled with unsold stuck and , us the fresh recuIptH run up to nhnnt 15,000 htmd , buyers up.iln hutl thtnis nil tholrinm way. The bulk of thu sheep sold nt f ron. $ J ! lo * 1 , nnd from S3. 00 t < > { 5.30 took the creator p irt of the Inmbs. rimleu sheep uro nuoted uronnd JJ 40 nnii I'hrlstmas stock mluht sell at from H 00 to J5 , while thin , uiKm'd lotn were not w.uilrd at fiom ? 1 totl.OU. ItocelptH : Cuttle , 10.000 head ; cnhes 500 bond ; hosf , 33,000 head ; sheep , 15,000 head ThoE\enlnK.lnnrntil reports : OATTl.R-Hecolpts , 10000 head , InolmlliiK 1,000 'loxans ; market slow nnd we.ik ; Chrlsl- inns. J5.855tO 25 ; oed to choice , $4 40 < RO 25 ; mpillnni , ? 3.HOft1.2& : coinmou to fall , JJ.8ra 3.75 ; rows. $ l.loa2.76 ; Textins , ( J.4O33 25 ; westerns . Jl 00&4 30. lions -lecolts | , 33.OOO head ; rnatkct steady to fie lower ; common nnd loimb , 1 1,7034 03 ; p-icklim nnd sblpplii ( ; , * r , . 0035.20 ; bulk , Jj.10 (65.15 ; medium and bntcherK' , $5.30i25.40 ; llKbt.r > .20a0.5lmlkofsois ( ( ) ; | , ? 4. HIIKKIAM LiMiM Ut-eolpts. 15,000 head ; inuikel dull and weak ; J3.1HWJ3.25 for best sheep and H.)0@4CO for best lambs. K ns is City I. no Mode Market. KANSAS Cirv , Dec. -L'ATTIK Itocelpts , 5,500 bend ; shipments , 400 head ; mnrket we.ikeiTuxas ; stoeis , $1.5033.40 ; shipping sleeis , J4.10B5 55 ; 'lexis and imtlxu unws , J1.&OB1.40 ; bntclicis' stock , $3.25S4.15 , slock- uiH.ind fuedeis , f J.3r3.0D. UonH Kecolpt-i , 8.0UH heud ; shipments , 000 head : maikotrililOo lower : bulk , & ( iu'ilfi.10 ; beaxy , packing and mixed , S4.005 20 ; lights , Yorkers and piRs , ? 3 05505.25. Hecoipts , 2,01)0 ) bead ; blilpinents , none ; mnrket slow. Sloui CltJ llv 1 1onic AInrliet. SIOUX CITV , Dec. 0. Hoes Itecelnls , 0,300 bond ; ofllclul yestcrduy , 2,000 head : sbln- mentH , 1,770 heud ; muikut uctlxe , lOitlfn : lower than vesleiduy ; uxui.i'e | , J4.00 JS.OO ; Imlk1.00a4.05. OATTI.E Hucelpts , 500 houd : oHIelnl ji-stci- dny , 1,400 heud : shipments , 001 head ; maiKel xeiy dull : block stcerb higher ; block cattle Stoclc In night. nec-olpts of live stock at tut four principal western maikots Wcdnesduy. Dccenibei ii : C'attln. HO H. Miuop. HonthOmnha . 4.750 5,801 1,281 UlllCiiRO . 10,001) 33,000 10,000 Kansas Ulty . 5,500 8,000 2,000 fat. l.Ollls . 4,300 4,01)0 UOO Totul . 30,050 & 0,80t 20,081 PK01M.U K'0\OMI/IXG. U I < 1'inprr anil lUtc'itAnlutblo ' Sil | ! frtttlnn nil Din SuliJiTt lur .Ml Itnnif- litildrr'i ' Tliotv li MnUtf a mirt o" xxomnn In An.c ca M ho dopi no ! fool ilcntwlntlon and do dining xnltiMInn of .11' klii'Nof prnivrtr ) in < ili ( > > - lTclnm ! : ulll poiillnun ui c.ivni'ivouoinj for yraw td co-no. ' Thli rcmnritni miulo bx n lonllnc American Inn1 < i < rliieijtix < " uilon xxllli the vxrltor "TliHeenminix nuiMlt'inl nn | onU to 1 xurici Vnt 10111:1115 : Mlicrtiluf ! lllnoludci the uo < .ol Miles of life mi'l ' tli rninlm ic-nn or lirallh When'mi or xxo'iirna-ii vunk.itnl drprcwil 01 o tlio llrM > Mpl.inn of n t-ojjl or I Mcftiu" * lot It bo imi'iimont i of .inx oilier IMMSO | | tin- ) < < : i < i niul should sixo.i proluhli latve ( nturn rIIHO \ by oomil riellielnsl.inil > ( lie llr t njinii' tonmof miohtivuMfH ir i oplrftn1 clilll tlit.y should : u onop t.ikn win * stimnlint lo oxinomt It In this way DIM xx Ilium on'vsHxoi'xpm'p \l lint iioMoluly nltmir Illnrwh' < li mli-hl cnsiir ilirf tlio ) not tnluiliiut ml mi i nr < to proxpiit Kolh In ? oiii xn niiU klv HOi-nrt ilulx iiouoniplhU till * m L'rotl moillulnilhlnkix kmixxn ns Dilttv t Pine Mull lit nellOM In < | Nli'.s nnil complete II toutitornetH tlu > UrM uppiii ioli of mix. tleirrlplUin of i old iUHllit' pmllHmMitlnx 'flintiest el usea of thr ( nimnnmlx iw It omMinlU for this pur IMIHO ami ii1iXHlr > linn ivcitiiiiiipiiil It contlnii lilt 11 Is put iii | in Hi ii' H\H \ liutlli H : uiil In mlilllliin lo It1 Mi | 'Horn.nMltx tut nl lu > H.i en * Hi im.intllx' tlur mix oilier miHllcIn il Mlmnl i il In Hi innrkol U l\ trni' ri'rmlii ilc.ili rn otli'ii Hick to m'llortlln.ti'H \xliKcli-H i-l iliiUni1 tlii\\ nip jiiMinHirooit , bin linn ttlio arc \M 11 xi-vmil aiv tu \ < iMliwIv i-il ntiil Inilxi nmmliixlnr itinimlx pure ot tlio klmlUtiDvxn In lliooilil SEARLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS Nervous WE ai I CUSiEl Diseas tl t II. ( in.Hiilliitinii rum. Wo ournCatarrh. AUDI oaioj oFtat NOHO , Throat , J iot atouioU , lAvnv , BlnoilMclunnil Kitluoy Ulsoasos. Fn- male \Voaliunnios , J < nst Mauliooil , btrioturo , tiyilrooa'c , Voi-loooalj , tito I'u.r.-i. i'i < > iui.AMI UKTAII Ui-tiun enrol wlthonl pilnordotontlon tro'n tmslnots. Call on or.ulilieHs with HI imp for circular ) , fru nook ami leceliits , Hist ot.UrA.iy Honth of pait- olllee loom 7 Dr. Series & Sejrlas ' ' ' 1Mgout'la . , , ) . ! ; ; , Dueber = Hampden 17 = Jewel Adjusled Watches. It is innix'doiis lioxv these fninous Watches JEWELED RUBY nrc taking the place of ADJUSTED nil othcis where nccu- WATCHES me , , ; intc time is required. Railroad incnwill hnve nothing else. Duebcr Watcli Works. Canton , Ohio. Omaha's New23t Cor. 12th nnd Huir < 0rooins Jt0 per d ly. XO rooms J-IOJ per duy. lOrooins xvlth bath ut $1 nor If. . ' LO rooms xvlth bulb utTl it par 1 if , Aludurn In Kxery Ituipoct. > mvly rnrnliheil I'lirun ; : i jat C. S. ERB. Proa. Union Stock Yards Goinpaaj , South OjnaVia. BeitCftltlo Ho nnd Sbe JP mar ! lathi trtiv CQr Hl8S10 ; < HOUSii. _ , Wood Brotlian MTB Stoalt Commission Merohitatt. EoitbUinabn Tcloplioao 1157. Uhloitt JOI1ND OADHMAV , I , . . , „ n X „ r WAl.TKIl U. WOOD , f Marltot reports by mall and vtlro choorfnl arnlsbod un > n iDDIIratlnn for Infants and Children. "Castnrln IsKoxrcllndnptrdtn children that rnslnrl.t cures Colic , Constipation , I lecommend It n-iiU ] ? rlorto.itij i inscription Sour Kto-nnch , Dliirrha-n , Knictntlon , lno n to me. " II A , Aiicnni , II , 1) ) , Kllh Worms , t'lvis uluep , pro'n.tes ( It 111 So. Oxfoul St. , lrookl > n , K Y. Ket > tlon , Without Injurlou I iniillentlon. "Tlio ti'o of 'C.utorla It KO unhorw.l nnil "For soxcral jean I Imxo n > coinmcniled Its intrilH MI xtc'lt Knoun thut It w' ( ins u ork jour C.istorla , ' nnil lli.ill Alnn H conllnuo tl of Eujxrcrogatlon to ( mlorsolt. I'uu uro Iho do KO an It II.IH Invariably iiroilnced beucflclal Intelligent families vho do nut kit-ji Cabtorln M Hliln ca-iy reach. " invtK : r. IMmiLr , M , I ) . , C'AiiLoa IlAiino , I ) . P. , laith Street und < th A\o. , Nuxv Yoilt City , N w York Clly. COMMSV , 7 ? Mfniuf fiTiirur , J 'iw YORK CITT. OMAHA U buhduieis * 1