THE OMAHA DAILY REE : THITKSDAY , DECEMBER 7 , 1803 , THE DAILY BEE OOUKCII. iii.t'iTs OFFICE. NO. 12 I'KAUIhTUKCT TWvrrrdliy r.inlcr to tiny part of the city II.V \ TIJ.TON Matinper i NiwIne-nOfnVe . 5i2 .g - . , . Ngllt | ; | | . Xo.23 Boston Store , cloaks and holiday goods. A marriage licrnso was issued yesterday to Oslo Ilrnndago and Inic Andrews , both of rVimti'll IllnfTo. Thntr mmx nrn ' 211 find 15. The Junior league of Trinity Methodist church will render an Interesting program at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening In the ciiurcli auditorium. llov. S. Alexander was splltthiL' wood last Tucsda.V evening whc-n the bond of thu ax flow off and struck him In the forehead , in- Dieting a painful wound. Council Bluffs subscribers of Tin : Hr.r. ran obtain the art portfolios of World's fair views hv bringing their coupons and their dimes to the Bluffs nftlcc1. II. H. Inman of Council Bluffs has been riiirngcd to conduct the .Umasen auction sulo In Omaha. Ho Is rccn nl/od as onn of the moil successful men In the west In that line. line.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo A. Hnyncn celebrated the thlrty-IUth anniversary of their mar riage at their homo last Tuesday. They wcro married at , i house on North Main street which is still Mtlindliig. Next Saturday evening nt 7IO : ! o'clock the Willbons will glvo ono of their i-iiiu'erls lu the Trinity Methotllst church. Admission tickets will bo required at this door , but they will bo free to all applicants and can bo secured at the usual uluccs. Jack Barton has found a pony that war stolen from him four years ago , when ho kept the St. Jon barn. H was lu the posses sion of a man named Wright , whn hail traded for It. Barton is looking for the man who traurd with Wright , and Itopes to iind traces of another- horse which was stolen from him at the same time. Ono of the largest audiences of the season gathered at Dohany's lust evening to witness the performance ot "A Trip to Chinatown , " at the hands of nn excellent company. Vho nudicnco was an enthusiastic one , ami thu success of the entertainment was a Midi- cient refutation of the ctiarco sometimes mr.dothat Council Bluffs people will not go tea good play when they have It on thlssluu of the river. Preston 1C. Dlllenbcck appeared at the Hoyal Arcanum hall in the Brown building lust evening m a dramatized version of Kdward Kggleston's well known novel , "Tho Hooslor Schoolmaster. " The hall was' well llllcd , and a most enjoyable entertain- jiiont was given. Mr.'Dlllcnbeck is n good : imitator , an elocutionist , and kept-ins audi ence in a thoroughly good humor throughout the performance. The cnsoof thoStato of Iowa against .1. M. Campbell , charged with cheating Mrs , Mary Hayes , wife of Captain W. A. Hayes , in a land deal , was put on trial in police court yesterday morning. A demurrer was Hied by the attorneys for the defense , and all of the morning session and a good part of the afternoon was occupied with the arguments on the demurrer. At the close the judge nskcd for more time , and a postponement va taken until December 1. Mr. r.nd Mrs. 1C. C. Shepard left last even- jng for a trip through South Dakota. The Wlilsons continue to attract largo au diences at Broadway Methodist church. A goodly number have professed conversion during the meetings. ICvangcllst Willson is h faithful , fearless minister of the gospel.- who docs not always prophesy smooth things. During the past week he'has been stirring up the saints ns well as tlio sinners. Tlio meetings are becoming more and moro decidedly interesting. They will give a grand farewell concert next Monday evening. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Montgomery have In- trt auguratcd a plan by1 which the young men of the city will be entertained at their home , 215 Fourth street , every Tuesday evening. . The first of these "At Homes" was given last Tuesday ovenhjg. A large number were present , and all wcro entertained most agreeably. The plan is intended for the hcneflt most particularly of young men who ure not acquainted in the city and who con sequently have but few homes in the city thrown open to them. Dr. Montgomery and his wife deserve muclu Credit for their thoughtfulr.css. \Y. A. Olbbs , a well known citizen of Council Bluffs , died suddenly yesterday morning at 2:15 : o'c.lcuK of dropsy of the heart. He has kept a confectionery store at. 1003 Broadway , and lived in the storo. A boy who was rooming with him was awak ened b.v him during the night , nnd when ha had lighted a lam ) ) he found that the old man was dead. Montgomery K. Glbns , the son of the deceased and tlio only relative he had , so far as known , will arrive In the city this morning and accompany the remains to his homo in Chicago this evening. W. E. Chambers' now dancing hall in the Shujiart block will ho open by De cember 10 for tlio U8o of the public for parties and social functions generally. Any music desired can also be arranged lor. Fiill information can bo hud from the elevator man at the Pearl street entrance , or b.v addressing W. ! ] . Ulium- bera , corner Seventeenth and Douglas streets : , Omaha. Dancing classes every Wednesday. Full elevator t-orvico fur- " nlfthcd f of "all patrons. Have you. seen the new gas heaters at the Gus company' olllco ; ' Ask your grocer for Domestic ) soap. V I'JHt&O.VA r J'A It. I Hit A J'/JX i Born , to Mr. nnd-Mre. . F , E. Van.Urunt , a daughter. Sherman Goss , formerly of this city , ia DOW running a news stand in Kansas City. -Ixiuis Bechtelu has returned from Port land , Ore , , for a visit with his friends in this city. J. 1 1. Formnna \ \ was stricken with apoplexy several days ago , was reported very low yesterday , lie Iind partially ro- Fanicil the USD of hiH speech , but it was not thought that lie could recover. Edward Pitch , father of Mrs. H. J. Cham bers of this city , is reported worse than at nny time since his long illness commenced. Night before lust thu family wore keeping him allvo by means of RtlmuluntR , nuti they do not think ho can lust very much longer. Mrs , Chambcnt Is b.v his bedside. Frank Gulttaiv who has been lying very low from thu ulTccls of a stroke of apoplexy which ho sustained lust October , is now Ij-iiiK nt the point of death. Ha is one of the oldest enttlers of Council Bluffs , uml his name ' was identlilcd with the city's growth ihnos't from ttio timu nt the city's founding. \Vhrro ilia You < ! et Hint Ie - Hull ? Is ft question often asked of people who had their clothing or dresses cleaned or dyed nt the Twin City dye works. If you have , not tried this oxporimoht do KO at your curliest convenience. The dye -works is located at-'tliO' corner of Avemtn A and Twenty-HlxUi street. Telephone number , .110. Oiimha ollico , ] 52l FarnamHtreot. Telephone , 1621. All work called for and delivered. G. A. SUHQKIKSACK , Prop. DomeMio soap is the mst. Will Upon .Toil ay. Superintendent Harris of the Ornulm HriJge nnd TcrminQl Itoihvny company was In tlio city yesterday. Ha states that the wane on tlio now bridge is r.iinost couiplcted und will bo thrown open for teams today. . Tno price for toanis. will uo the saitiu aa charged , m the .Omuha.aud Council llluff * railway Lrhlgu.vrhlle fool pAsscngers will be charged f > cents. Trains are passing every duy and Ilia company expects to do u largo switching business , ss it gunrnntoca work to be done in three hours which has heretofore re quired any vrliero from ono to tire days. C'orpl MifurCurii ! Tr.v the Council Hlnffs SUgur Corn. The bestin the nmrkut ; AbbOlutoly nochumicals nsed-to bleach the corn white. U .Is 'ounj , * , tender , swont , ejeun and .wholesome. Domestic soul ) is the oust NWS FROM rnn\Tii RIHFFS iihllO 1 IVUill vULilvllv LiljUllu Froposi'bn ' to Ecquiro a Bond from the Terminal Company Grows in Paver. ONLY AS AN EVIDENCE OF GOOD FAITH Sentiment of Simpleton Siinicieiit'y SI rune to l'riTcnt Any Kxti-nilnn of tlio Clmrtcr Without n Sulmtiiutlal Uiinr- niity In tilrtrn. The Idea of requiring a bond from the Omaha llrldgo ami Terminal Hallway com pany to Mccuro the building of Its proposed HMO between the two cities has met the ap proval of some of the nldcrmcn ami a largo number of tliu citizens sinceit was llrst stiKRCstcit through Tin : Hun columns , ami It is llkuly that some such proposition will bo iiiiulo the company in the future. The ' feeling seems to 'bo MmoHt universal that It the tcnnliiiil company means business and will put In a new line of railway it should by nil means ho allowed to do so , and bo given all the encouragement necessary to bring aoout so vnlUabln an acquisition to the city's commurclal interests. There have been so many simpletons cir cumstances , however , lending to the bullof that the company's professions and inten tions do iiolvt.-illy , that the extension of the time without any conditions would meet with u storm of disapproval fitmi the citizens. A number of the tircscnt city council expect to run for otlier unices in tlio near future , uml are therefore rather chary of stirring up n public suntimrnt against them thnt might react at the polls.VltU a suitable bond It is thought that an extension of even two years might lie sulely granted , as this would do away with all the uncertainty that now exists as to the ultimate construction of the lino. With tlio assurance that the cnurter is demanded in good faith and not , merely to sell to the Omaha and Council UlulTs Hallway and Hridtro company the handwriting on tlio wall proves to foe inspired , them Is little doubt that the citizens gouurnll.V would appiove of a suitable extension of time. AXOTIIKH NASUV TOUCH HI ) . Wheeler1 ! drove I'ouofllco Visited liy tha Oitlthmri Iliti-glur- , . Sheriff Hazcn received a letter yesterday from I , . I ) . Woodmancey , postmaster of Wheeler's Grove , a. small station In the -southeast part of the county , informing him that the postonice had been burglarized and robbed of over $1,000 in cash and securities. The burglary was committed last Friday night , but Woodmaucey lias carefully con cealed the fact in the hope that ho might capture the guilty persons. As n detective ho did not prove to be a success , however , and the chances arc that tlio burglars have had time to get so far that they will never return. 'Ihe stolen stuff was kept in the safe , and the entire door of the sufo was blown off with gun powder to allow the nocturnal visitors a chance to display their grabbing powers. The money drawer contained ? SOO in cash and between $700 and $800 In notes , but when the uostmaster awoke the ncx * . morning his wealth had taken wings. All the money excepting $20. which belonged to the government , wnsWoodmancoy's , and the notes were also made payable to his order , bo that they will have to be endorsed before anything can be realized on them. 1 ho crlmo is supposed to be the work of the same men who broke into the postonice at Oakland a week ago Tuesday night. Those men will be remembered , a short distance from Oakland and were going in au easterly direction. The next thing heard of Is the burglary at Wheeler's , which is about fourteen' miles southeast of Oakland , and it is thought quite probable that the two pieces of work were done by the same hands. liKKAO CASTONVATKI15 IIKTITKNS. \Vlllinm Itupp round It , Itutlirr nn Unp.ll- llt.ilili ) Sort < > l Still ! ' . Eighteen years ago William Happ was bronchi up with u startling suddenness be fore .ludgo Heed , who then occupied the bench in this county , for transgressing the liquor law which was in force at that time. Ho was fuund guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of J11D. He entered a plea of poverty and told so heartrending a tale that the judge let him go. From that Utiy to this the Judgment huts been on the books against him , but no effort bus been inado to collect it. In the meantime things have gene a little better with William and ho bus been able to amass a little property. Yesterday Deputy Marshals B. S. Harrington and N. O'Briun went to hi pluco at 8Ut Seventeenth avenue and levied on the establishment on the judg ment , which , by the interest that had ac crued , hint increased to the sum ofS150. . The building was closed and in the bands of the deputies all day until evening , when Hupp secured the money ami settled. The place wasat once reopened. He was con siderably surprised at being compelled to pay a judgment which was so old that ho liad forgotten it was over in existence. A ( ii-eul allowing- . The Council Bluffs Insurance Co. makes a eomjiarativo statement that will challenge attention and cull for favorable criticism on nil sides. State ment of premiums received ami losses paid for the lirst eleven months of each year since 1889 : Premiums. Losses. 1890 $29,570.11 $12.827.75 1891 30.9U4.U3 14.275.00 1892 fi5.W8.43 15,084.09 1803 71,153.87 15,798.97 Tills not only allows the steady and healthful growth of the company during these years , hut it shows the character of the rinks it has taken , u wutch fill careen on the part of agents and company that puuranteca safety and tlio ability to make prompt payment of louses. Clr < ! lllltlU I'alltlfllll. The meeting that was held In the Sixth ward lust Friday evening m the interests of a 5-cent furo is to bo followed by another tomorrow evening , and the expectation is that a much larger crowd will bo out in case the woiithcr is good , A movement haa been set on foot toward organizing similar clubs In every ward in the city , whoso plan is sot forth in the following copy of the papers now being circulated in a number of the wards : The undurhlencd , rcslilenu of the vrurd of Council Illnlfs. by their signatures hereto upuuiidixl , associate thumsolvus together ah u chili to ilUcuss and dcllbenitu upon the rights o ( Council lllulTfi In lla btrnut riillwuy Harriet * , and piirtlculurly Its lights against tlio now operating motor company , \\ltli n. vluw to uuvibo means to enforcetne city's rights and tiibt'curou D-eoiil furu iMHweon this city uiui Omaha. The otlli.-i.-rs of thUcluh , to be elect ttl by u majority vote at Its first meotlnj for organization , shall ha u president , secretary und treasurer , whose duties hliull Uu orUlnurlly purfonm'd by such ollli-crs. and who shall hold their olllcea for the period of M.\ months nt-xt following tliclr election , livery person blsnlnj ; this paper pledKus litmsulf to exert hU Inlluunco fur enforcement of nil ttiu City-it rltthU , ua ugaliut the motor company or any other t > tree | . railway company occupying the si roe IK of the city , to Inilsl upon u 6-cent furo to Omaha und to support every uieitbiiio tending to fcccuro llu'su ends. The ) ast'chance tor a Uoiyid Oak this year ; only 25 left , and can't get any more. They won't last over ton dayu. A very few Radiant Homes loft at Cole iVColo's , Main street. S. M. Williamson still fed Is the Stan dard and Domestic ut 10U South Main street , und has not removed to ttroad- wuy , as has been reported. Ask your gro'cer DDinebtio arup. . - Nurrow l.icupr. , Mrs. J , W. Kelly , wtio lives on East Ptorco street , .had u narrow c&capo trout death Tuesday evening , She was getting supper , , \vhou he otoopcd over the gasoline stove. Shc'got a lltllo too close to the tluoio uuu her dresa cuught tiro. In an inataut her body was wreathed lu flume * , but her sou happened to bo near nnd the prompt applica tion of water saved her life. Herhnlrand eyebrows were singed nnd her face was somewhat burned , but her Injuries are not at i U serious. OI'KN 1JV T.N IN OS. Tlio llontnn Slnro is open every evening unill nftcr the hoiltlnvp. ForilKHlNOHAM , WHll'Kr.AAV & CO. , Council Bluffs , la. One Corporation' * ( .hrrU. Couxrit , UI.ITFO , Dec. 0 , 18i3.-To ! the Kdltor of THK UEP. : This city granted to the motor company the use of its directs for the operation of its motor line unon condition that tlio company would pay for such paving as might thereafter bo laid between the rails and one foot outside thereof. Later , certain streets Were ordered paved that wore occupied by the motor line. The con tractor of course had to get his money. The company refused to piy for the pavingantt the city has these thousand ! * of dollnts to pny. As the motor company uses the street , and is directly benefited by that paving ; us the city would never have pavett these streets , but for thn obligation of the motor company to pay for that paving , as the motor company received n valuable charter In consideration of its promise .Ao pay for such improvements , what a glaring outrage u | > on this city and Us people is such conduct upon its parti And as the law explicitly declares that this company shall pay nnd provides the machinery by which payment may be speed ily coerced , what possible e.\cu o can the mayor and pity attorney offer for their delay in enforcing the law while the treasury of the city is emptied to pay for this paving , built for another ? William Vickory has bought out the conl nnd wood husi'uess of J. H. Meyers , Nos. 37 nnd 39 South Main atrotit , and would bo glud to BOO all his old cus tomers and many now onus. For nciit job printing , prompt , delivery nnd lowest prices tro to 1'ryor Bros. , Dee job olllce , 12 1'c'ftfl street. , Suioku T. D. Kliur & , CO's Purtugas. " " "Unity Club. Howelts' farce , ' -Tho Hlovator , " will bo given at the Unitarian church parlors to morrow ( Friday ) evening. Followhi is the cast of characters : Mrs. Holiorts MUsTnlhifcrro Mr. Itohcttx Mr. II. S. Mmiu Dr. l.iuvton .Mr. II. I' , l.owls Miss l.awton Miss 1'anlino I.owo Mr. lletnls Mr , William Wallace Young Mr. lleiuta Mr. N. ' . Tnllafurro Mrs. Cumuli Miss Mary Wallace Mr. Uui'wcn ( ' .intaln l.awrcnco' Mrs. Miller Miss Wlllirlmlim I < ewe Mr "Millor Mr. C. S. Loblnelcr ' Mr.s. Crushaw Mrs. II. I * . Lewis Mr. runipbell Mr. W.V. . Owen The Klevator Hey Ollon Curl Is Heady for llolliluy Trixilo. Our stock of holiday goods is now complete. Visitors will bo cordially welcomed. Come and see us whether you wish to purchase or not. In the well selected stock of n chinu store there arc hundreds of articles suitable for holiday presents , and wo shall take great pleasure in showing you our goods. Don't forgot about the line lamps wo are now selling at reduced prices. Wo have something new 'n ' olive dishes that will interest you. LUND Unos. , 23 Main Street. Ladies , if you desire absolute peace in the kitchen ask your grocer for J. C. HolYuiayr & Co.'s Fancy Patent Hour. Trade mark Blue Rooster. Ten carloads of poultry wanted. High est push price paid. John Dunn , -110 Upper Broadway. Mrs. Trcyiuir Denit. \ Mrs. T. P. Trey nor. who has boon lying Jit the point ot death with pneumonia for some time past , died last evening at 10 o'clock at the notne of her son , Dr. V. Jj. Trey nor , on .South First street. Furlhcr.aunouucements will be made later. A largo stock of line pottci } plants and shrubbery for sale at wholesale or re tail , at greatly reduced prices. Also cut flowor.s. Leave orders or address Fos ter nurseries , Harrison street , or H. G. McGee , Merriam block. .1 W. C. A. hospital fair opens today at the Klseinan building. Dinner and sup per served by the Presbyterian ladies. 2. ) cents n meal. George S. Davis , prescription druggist. W. S. Baird , Lawyer , Kverett block. VIIIV KiO'.f l.\1K3' llUJtltillt. Cable Truller .Iiinim the Tr ck anil Lands in Front of Another Car. Cuif'Aoo , Dec. 0. In a cable car accident on Milwaukee avenue six people were seri ously injured. Their names are : Mas. AMANDA HIDWFI.I , . MIPS WINNIK Tiiourau.Y JOHN tiiiEEN. JUI.HM NKI.SO.V. A. T. STICHKU. H. WILSON. A northbound trailer with fully fifty people - plo aboard jumped the track at a sharp curve and stopped directly in front of a southbound grip. The latter was going at a high rate of speed and crashed into the de railed car with great force. Uoth crip and trailer were shattered and the passengers wcro thrown in all direc tions. It is thought that all the injured will recover. t'.Tf. Michael McDiiiiaid Ovnd. Mrs. Michael McDonald , 1010 South Thir teenth street , died at .lSO ; last night , atter an illness of two weeks with typhoid pneu- 'mouia , She is survived oy her husband and five children , all grown. Hho was 04 years old and had been a resident of Omaha thirty-ulna years. The funeral announce ment will be made later. 1'nlr nnil \ Viirrnnrvllli V.irMMo U'liiiln Icir NVIir mUi. Dec , 0. For Nebraska Fair ; slightly warmer in eastern portion ; variable winds. For Iowa Generally fiur ; warmer ; south erly winds. For South Dakota Snow flurries ; slightly warmer , except stationary In extreme west ern portion ; winds becoming southerly. 1.drill llecnrit. Owen or THE WEATIISH UntEAir. Chun * , Deo. It. Omaha record of tompornturo and rainfall comp.ircd with corresponding day of past four years : 1803. 1892. 1801. 1890. Miixliniun temperature 1G ! = > 335 'JHO 'jas Minimum tunipuraturc. 183 Ii7 = 17 17 = Avurueo tumpuiaturuJ aus 2'J3 'J'J = I'rcclpllatlon. . , OJ T ,1 ,00 Statement allowing the condition of torn- liorr.ture und precipitation at Omaha for the day and since March 1 , 1SU3 : Norinul tuiuporuture , 3to Detlclunuy fiirtho day , 90 Dellcloney slnco March 1 'J05 = > Nnrm'il pn-cliiItAtlon 04 Inch Dpllulcncy tot tlinduy. . . . . . . . , , . , , , . .03 Inch DctlclencYfclncoMiirch 1. . . . . . . . . . . . 0.20 inches Hepurt * from Other Hiutiunn ut B | i. tu. "T" Inillcatiw trace In-low zure. UCUUUK K. SAFE BLOWEROtCH HAUL * n\ \ Jewelrj Tirm at IncllauW , la. Oleaned Oat inOne-Nidit. FIVE THOUSAND DOLbi STOCK STOLEN No Trace lctt Ity the jTlilavci to AIToril Hie AntliiirltlfK n Olcir tonl ; Miner ) In tlio Uoi Moliu-ft District f -tr. INMAXOI.A , la. , Dei' . fi-rtiPpeclal Telegram toTiir.UKC.l Lasit nlgiit Hutlor , t Miller's jewelry store was entered by burglars and robbed of $100 In money ami $ . " ) ,000 worth "f Jewelry , Including the entire stock left for repairs. The entrance was affected by prying open a rear window. A hole was bored through lha front door of the safe with a heavy drill and the lock poundoJ off , nftcr which the inside door was penetrated In the aatno way. Tlio sifo : was robbed of its cn'.iro contents. Mr , Hutler was in the Btoru until U p. m , and the burglary was committed between that hour and morning. The losses of patrons of the firm are con siderable. There Is no clew to the perpe trators of tlio crime. TI'O store of Dovore & I'attersou nt Put- torson was also robbeu of about $100 worth of clothing last night. Descriptions of the stolen goods have been scut to all parts of the country and rewards are offered for the arrest of the burglars. riil ) THK Oft'tOIAI.S. ( 'cilur Knpld * Tux Ctio Mcetinilric ISallicr u SnrluiiH .Mutter. CriiAti HAPIIIO , la , , Dec. 0. [ Special Tele- pram to TUB IKI.J l ate last evening Judge Glffcn , upon application of those opposing the now assessment , issued bench warrants for the arrest of Mayor Daniels , Hecorder Blaine and members of the city council who voted to adopt the assessment and made a levy upon it for contempt of court in violat ing the Injunction by such action , and citing them to appear before him at 10 o'clock today and show cause why they should not bo punished. ITach one today made answer , declaring they had not violated the Injunc tion inasmuch as they hid : not imuiu a levy for taxes for 1SU1 ; upon any other assessment than the ono made by John D. Blain , as sessor of the city of Cedar Rapids. The en tire day was occupied b.v the attorneys ar guing the sufficiency of this answer , and lute this evening , upon motion of the attorney for the contestants , court adjourned until next Monday , when thu matter will bo argued further. MIKKKS MAY STltlKi : . Not SatUllod with tlio Manner In Which Payments Are .Mnile. LES MOIXES , Dec. C. Ono thousand miners , employed in eleven of the coal mines in this .district , held a meeting today nt noon. They unani mously decided to order a general strilto until th3 operators revoke tholr decision to withhold two weeks pay instead of one. The miners demand pay every two weeks instead of once a month. The teamsters union held n meeting also' and resolved to stand by the minors.- Several operators wcro interviewed and declared they would not accede to the demands of the miners. The indications are tlfcittho dispute will re sult In alt thn mines remaining close. ! for an indefinite period. ' ' Shorills in Convention. Dr.s MOINES , Dec. 0.t-Spoeiiil [ Telegram to THE BEK. ] The regular1 annual meeting of the Iowa Sheriffs association begun hero today and will continue tornorrow. Court being in session ' 11 most of1 tlio counties cuts down the attendance somowhat. The object of the meeting is.'todlscpss'thc best methods of conducting the pftlco ( if1'sheriff nnd to formulate measures.that'fieed"tho ' ; attention of the coming legislature. Among those present today wcro : ' Vlfli'am Desmond of Clinton , president ; , AVAfteV Dale , C. W. Heyuolds , Tom Rrbwji , ( iflmdy Center ; 0. H. Odell. Manchester ; II. R. O'Neal , West Union ; N. N.Jones , Atlantic ; II. B , Hoxie , Waterloo ; Alex K. HolanJ , Mount Ayr ; W. II. Noycs , Primghur ; W. P. Campbell , Glen- wood ; Ixswis Akcn , Chirluda ; G. N. Riddle , Ida Grove ; P. R. Schapp , Orange City ; J. 3. Lewis , Spencer ; T. J. Griggs , Spirit Ualto , and Gcorgo R. I gan. Red Oak. A banquet was indulged in this evening. Pet Stock Aamirjrn Meet. Missoum VAI.MJV , la. , Dec. 0. [ Special'to THE BEE. ] The Boycr Valley Poultry and Pet Stock association opened its llrst annual exhibition today in this city with a largo number of entries in tlio various classes. J. L.Toddof Atlantic is acting as judge. Monday evening Anchor lodge. No. 00 , Knights of Pythias , elected oftlcurs as fol lows : O. B. Walker , chancellor commander ; R. U Kendall , vice chancellor ; S. S. Elliott , prehttoj. ; . Liudsley , keeper of records and seal ; .1. S. Do well , master of work ; II. I' . McTwiggan , master of llnancc ; W. M. Car lisle , master of exchequer ; W. O. Heed , Hiastor-at-arms ; J. C. Morris , inside guard ; George Thompson , outside guard ; J. S. Dowell , W. M. Harmon , W. O. Reed , trus tees. TronblcKome Kplilemlc nt Fart Ioil e. FOHT DODOU , la. , Dec. 0. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Ono of the annoying features of a diphtheria epidemic at Tara is the quarantining of the postonlco. There are several cases of diphtheria in the family of Postmaster Wood nd the health officials have established a quarantine. Mr , Wood has been isolated from his family and al lowed to continue his work. It is claimed , however , that the postmastervlsUs his homo secretly at night and citizens refuse to po to the postofllce to gel their mall rather than run any risks. „ Sentatumul H.IIUUKB Knit. DUB MOISIW , Dec. 0. [ Special Telegram to THE UBE , ] The $10,090 damage case of Emory Loj'd ! , an old farmer residing near Kunuells , this county , against Dr. J , R. Puskott of that town is drawing largo crowds to the district court. Lloyd claims that I'ucltett alienated the affections of his wife , nnd induced her to give him a mort gage on property valued at several thousand dollars that was deeded to her by hur hus band. AU the parties to the case are promi nent. Sporting < uoil luiiit In Tronhlc. Sioux CUT. Dec. ( ) ; < [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] The sheriff took possession of the Lyon Sporting goods hotiso toJay under execution from the district court ajrgresrat- ins nearly ? 7OOU. The Judgments are against H. A , .Lyon , George hyouclaims to own the stoclt and will contest , passcssmti with the sheriff. The judgments' wo'rw obtained on accommodation paper signed by Lyon. The stock is worth JSO.OOO. Two limit J''nflUjf . CEDAKlUruw , la. , DJU. 5. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Oharles Tullu , a well digger , while cleaning out n well ut Ui unity Center today , was Instantly killed by a cave-in. i Tliou-year-old dauchtWjOf Theodore Las- tork , while playing about the stove , caught llro and was so badly'burned that she died in a few hours. ' ' ' Iowa Jtepublio4iulll Turn Out. DBS MOISES , Dec. 0.--Speeial [ Telegram to THE BEE. ] President P/H. Conawuy of the Iowa League of HoptiDllcAn Clubs was in the city today canvassing 'tlio. proposition for a monster parade of republican clubs at the in auguration of Governor Jucksou next mouth , lie will call a meeting next week of local re- puolican clubs , ana hopes to mike the scheme a success. KulibDd HU I'urtner , Sioux CITV , Deo. 0. ( Special Telesrram to TJIB BEK.J Dr. McGregor of the firm of Wood Sc , McGregor , proprietors of a sanita rium , who had charge of the local business while Wood remained in Chicago , hub ab sconded , taking about f5.0X ( ) belonging to Wood. Troublu Ov/r Tme . CEDAK lUriua , la. , Deo. 0. { Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. J-This inoruing Mavor Dauiclb directed the city treasurer to notify the Shaver & ! company thai there was Justly duo the city the sum of JtOS of unpaid taxes on their First street property. This property has been assessed at $ tW. ( It is claimed ll should have licon M.OOO and that the error win slmply.clrrlcal. Incases where such mistake ) are made the law provides that the treasurer can proceed to collect the taxes would have boon duo had the mistake not bcci mado. Mr. Shaver Is nm of the men who has been moat active in lighting ttio now assessment. AFFAIK3 AT HOUTH OMAHA. Grocery Cleric 1'iilN n Victim to nil Olil TilcU. The old swindle of "bring i-hanco for $10 with you'1 was successfully worked in South Omaha yesterday. The victim was lL. . Fry , a clerk lu Ha/loton's grocery stiro. About4 o'clock jesterdaj afternoon a young mnn fmtornil thn ttnrn iilnl nmvlmfciMl SLnil worth of pwvisloiis. lie told the clerk he had a JH > bill tit homo ami asked him to bring $3.i > 0 in i-Vaittfo with hitm Krv took t'no chimgc with him and the stranger rode on the delivery wagon with Fry , dinvtlnir him to an out of the way place In the Third ward. When they reached the placi ; where the follow said he lived ho told fry to give him the change and lie would stcn Into the hotiso and get the hill , ill * wife , lie said , was very sick or ho would Invite HIP clerk in. Pry gave up thu J .WIand the last hoHawofhls man was when ho was going over the back foncoata'JMU clip. The Omaha and Conn * clllUluffs polleo wcro notified at once and say that a mnn answering the dlscriptiou is known to the pjllco of both cities , I'lKliUiiiOver \Vllftnn , Mr. Thurlow , president of the Thurlow Land and Live Stock company at Hugo , Col. , arrived in tlio city yesterday. Mr. Thurlow is a man who has had years of experience In thu stock business and admits that ho was taken in in great shape by Wilson. He nays that Wilson came to him well recommended , but that ho ditl not take the pains to in vestigate the rccomnicnditloi'.s. The parlies ho was referred to were all strangers to him , but he took it for granted that the fellow was all right and closud the deal. Mr. Thurlow claims that Wilson gave his comnany a mortgage on the sheep and ! ! 00 head of cattle besides. Wilson saya that the mortgage does not cover the sheep , but ad mits that he gave thu mortgage on the cat tle. Thurlow admits tliat ho assisted In loading tlio cattle , but si.\s he did not know they were coming to South Omiha. Wilson 1ms a wife and four children and his attorneys arc trying to effect a com promise in the hope ot securing the re lease of thoirclient. Attorneys Dayluss and Edgertouhave boon retained b.v Wilson and they were closeted with Mr. Thurlow tlio greater portion of the day. Wilson so fur has only secured $35 on the sheep. lie could have had SIXX ( ) as well as the amount he asked for. About 1,200 of the sheep are being held at thu Chicago stock yards eating their heads off , as the commission firm was wired not to dispose of the bnlanco after Wilson wr.s caught. There Is nothing very smooth about Wilson. Ha is a plain , every dav rancher. Unless a compromise is affected this morn ing Wilson's attorneys will aslc for his dis- chirgo. If cranted , however , the fellow will no doubt be rearrestcd. A Hie .it on til's lu lne- . The following business was transacted at the South. Omaha pesto Wee during the month IS umber domestic orders Issued 27H Amount of orders } fl,014.'J3 Domestic orders paid 3,002.18 Postal notes Issued , IDfi Amount of postal notes 271.00 Postal notes paid 227 Amount , of postal notes naUl 0-11.ill Number foreign ord rn Issued 45 Amount foreign orders 440.08 Number foreign orders piild 0 Amount foreign orders paid 210.00 Total utnmpst postal caicU , etc. , MJld 4,271.03 There were 1SH rcglstore.l letters sent and 2IJi ! received : O.U'Jl pounds of newspapers weighed through the malls and the postage paid on same nt this ofllce. The average daily sales on stamps , postal cards ami stamped envelopes amounted to104.30. Cremation of Doc * und Cats. The origin of the Ahlors fire is a mys tery. Mrs. Ahlers and the children locked up the house and w > nt to Omaha in the morning , 'leaving a sm.\ll fire in the heating stove. Three doas and a cat were otulhc inside and it is pre sumed that while playing hi the room tno dogs upset the stove. The dogs and cat burned to death. There was no insurance on the house or goods and it leaves the family utterly destitute and without even a chaneo of clothing. Mr. Ahlers works at Swift's plotting house , and oy close shaving ho managed to save enough to pay for his little home. Mrs. Abler * is greatly affected over tlio loss and the family has the sym pathy of the community. Clirlntiiii : Cliuroh Concert. A concert will be given at the Christian church this evening. The following program will be rendered : IMano uolo Miss Olfci Htratlinmnn Anthem Choir Instrumental Solo K. M Itonnull Sons .Mrs. Albert SehwiirU. Hecltiillon Kred (1. niter Yocnl Qtinrtut Mi-h.hukf.MliM I'oineroy and .Mebsrs. Hn//.ilIu and I'niiieroy Vocnl Solo , . K. O. Kozzullo I'AIITII. Piano Solo Miss Cornelia I. Davis Anthem Choir Vocal luet..Mr ) < . fe'uliw.irtzund Miss 1'onifioy Iloeltill Inn Miss 1'i-n.nU .lui'n' ' t Vocul Hole Mrs. i-ehwarlz lust rumen tnl Solo -K. M. lion null Anthem , Uholr On lor thu .Niitlunnl Mmllng. A special train carrying the delegates to the meeting of the National Live Stock ex change , which convenes in Kansas City this morning , left South Omaha at 10 o'clock last night. The delegates from the local ex change are : W. B. Cheok. Colonel A. L. Lott , W. I. Stephens. D. S. Parkhurst , Wil liam Kelly. John S. ICuox and J. J. Murphy. The alternates are Messrs. W , N. Babcock , Samuel Oosney and 1C. M. Kichardson. James Oi Martin , J. A. Hakoand Ao Wag ner are members of the National exchange executive committee. Mr. Martin was ttn- able to attend. T , H. McPlieiuou went as his alternate , W. N , Dabcock , manager of the yards hero , will attend the session for a day before it closes. ( irnnil Army Olllcer * . Robert U. Livingston jwst No. 237 , Grand Army of thoHapubllc , has elected the fol lowing oflicurs for the ensuing term of ofllce : Commudcr , Hiram Harding ; qcnior vice commander , II. Walker ; Junior vice commander , J , M , Fowler ; chaplain , J. O. Eastman ; quartermaster , J , T. Blair ; ofiieer of the day. K. Winan ; officer of the guard , \Voslo.v Clued ; post surgeon. Dr. J. M. Glasgow ; trustees , W. M. Kelly , J. Carroll and D. N. Cottroll. Hour I u IMilcHtliil' , The school board had a very short meeting Tuesday night. In the absence of President Cheek , J. Jones occupied the chair. The auditing committee looked over bills to the amount of 210,000. The bills contained the linal estimates on the now buildings and salaries of the teaehora. A few minor de tails of business occupied the attention of the board for but a few moments. lloyal Aru.iuum Ofllcer * . The members of No. 1,404 , lloyal Arcanum , mot at Knights of Pythias hall Tuesday night and elected the following ofllcers for the en suing year : J , C. Cur ley. regent ; Onke Ihan , vice regent ; O , M. Uich , set-rotary ; OTHINU LIKE SWIFTS 81'KCIFIO iu totally unllko auy I otllcr Wixxl jneaiclire , JtcurcHdUcaBcsuf " the lilooU and oklii liy reiuovlnir tlio j.oitdii , . at the tame time vumillej gpoil blood tu tliu ted parti. Don't bo hnpoead on by 6iib tl- mics , which are said to bo lust aa good , / ; it ittttrue. Nomcdldmi IU TIJC lUHDI ft hoai > erforineiltamany In II1C wlUIILlI wonderful cures , or ruiered no much suffering. " My blood waa badly poisoned last jear , wlilcU gr.tiny whole system out of order dl eai > ed and a constant wurco of Buffering , no aptlto | and no enjoyment ot life. Two Imttlesof brought roe right out. 'Hiere la no better remedy ( or blood ill-eaten. "JOHN GAVIN , Dajton , Ohio. " Treat Ue on blood aud Bkln dUeaees mailed f re a , l' Si'KCU'IO CO. , AtlacU , tia. Or H I * Hl .viii ! . collector. Uoitn.v Albcrry , treasurer ; \V. H. Cannon , Btilde ; 11. t' . Yountr , cliaplnin ; Trot. A. A. Monroe , orator ; 1-1 II. llobortsvnnlen ; IJavry Tac , sentinel ; J. U Martin , trustee. Mnqlc Oily ( inmlp. llcrmnn Whcl and Abblo Kobfrts were mnrrlcit j-cstciilny by , ln tlco Levy. Hev. Krank Crane ot OmaliaIHlffturo at the MothodlU L' Trulay til hl on "Unblcs. " Mr * . Cook and Mrs. llurnull o ( t'lilrnc-o arovlsltliiR at tlio home ot Mr. aim Mrs. John Owens. H. T. Maxwell toolt out a permit to build a cottnge on Thirteenth street between N and O to cost $3T > 0. The Daughter * of Veterans wilt clvo a basket social at Knights of Pythias hall Monilay oveuhi ? , A colored man named Mitchell ami his family , llvlnR In Albright , are said to bo SICK ana destitute. The election of oftlcors of the Union Stock Yards company will take place next Monday nioruhit * . Miss Cora Hrochctl left yesterday for Colorado Springs , where ho Will Join her sister , Mrs. Ur Hlaboushs. The SntirslluUl literary society will meet Thursday "VctiliiR to nrrntiKc ami complete its miminl literary program. A case of scat-lot fovcr at the rcslilcnco of Mr. Chapman , Thirtieth ami H streets , was reported by Dr. Thomas ICcllcy. Herbert MoDouyall has sovcrod his con- nontloti with U. A.'Melcher's rtruj ; store , lie will bo succcoilcd by Tom Montague. Mnglc City lodge No. UK ) , independent Onlorof CJooil Tcmplurs. will hold a sro ill meeting Tnumlay evening at Its hull on Twenty-sixth street. The meeting of dclccatcs and those Inter ested in the orpaiil/ailon of the Associated Cli.ifltlc.suL thu High school building Tuesday niRht was adjourn'ctx until Friday afternoon at ! l50 : ! o'clock. The s.ilo of blooded cattle at the stock yards was very satisfactory to the men who Inaugurated the nntcrpriso. Two carloads of line red polled anliui'.s wore auctioned at a fair figure. Ktl.l.l'.n H.II'I-J AKtllH. A Well Kiiown li-rniiilcriimn Shot 111 Al * hrrtn by Tmn I'urcnll. Lr.TnniiiuiKic , Alberta , Dec. 0. Lust even ing Tom 1'urcell , au old time whisky trader , came to town and surrendered himself to tlio police , statin ; ; that he had shot and killed D.ivo Akcrs efFort Fort Whoop-Up. Akcrs has been his frioml for forty years iiiid was known uml respected In the western country from Alberta to Ari zona. This is the trairtc ending of an old score between them regard mi ; n c.ittlo deal. Tom claims that ho acted in Bolf-dofunsc , Akers having attacked ttim with a rid lug whip. Coroner Ilicginbothnm and a jury loft for the scene uf the shootlog and returned bringing the body of Akors with them. An inquest'Is now proceeding. Clcnr I > lil It. A lighted cigar left on a window sill iu Myrtle hall , Continental block , set lire to some draperies at Ui0 : ! yesterday morning. Dr. Stone and some others did good service ns firemen with spittoons for water buckets before the arrival of the hose ttotuuhmeiits. The loss was estimated at about $100. is often equivalent to getting ill. If loss of flesh can be arrested and 'dis ease baffled the "weak spots" in the system are eradicated. is an absolute corrective of " weak spots. " It is a builder of worn out failing tissue natures food that stops waste and creates healthy flesh. Preire | < l bv Scott A Howne. Chemist . New Yurk. Sold \iy \ clruftlsl. ureryivbtrn Mandrake Pilla have a value ai a houaa hold remedy far beyond ttio power of Ian ( juapro to dosoi'ibs. The family c\n : hardly bo true to itself that does not keep them on h.ind for 1133 in oinoi-goa. eies. Is the only vegetable substitute for that dangerous mineral , lilKiicuriY , and while its action as a cunitlvo is fully equal. It possesses none of the perilous effects. In Constipation , Mandrake acts upon the bowels without disposing them to subasquont Codtivcness. No remedy nets BO directly on the liver , nothing so speedily cures Sick Headache , Sour Stem * ach , and UH those Tor Sftlo liy a'l nriinlnt.i. I'rlco " 1 ct > . uor boxttioxo ; : % for Men , ; or S3iit by mall , oost- BKO ( roe , on rncolpt of nrl.-o. Ur. J , II. Bchonvu & b'on , l > iilUdollil.i. | ITCHING HUMOB8 Torluiicg , dltflgurlini erztiiu , and c\try ap clioflKiiip ) : , lut . Intr , Bi-afy , crunted , oml pimply i-klii und rrnln UlteuFc" , ulihdry , Ihln , nd railing hulr , rt-llcwd by u Miiyle nilUnllon | ] , end tpcctllly anil erunomli.illy cured by tko CtTiiciiA RnncniEi , when ibo bent i'hj' lcian lull. Mnu. Developed RENfi'ED 'IMIK OUKAT MFK LBVIT. | CUI'JUINK. will rt-hlorn ull thci it-iieritlvu ; oreuntt. Iinpntiicv Illl- poHHlblnU UUI'iniNE li iiBHil , Hi-nd for ( rjo clr . , , inilarH anil li-HllnionlnlB. F ] > AVr < JIKDICINB CO. , % l . O. llovJ07II. . San Fran * BAILEY , LEAPING DENTIST Jl.\KK-i A FULL SET ON RUBBER $5 ° ° Teeth oxtraotnd nulnlosdy In innrnin ; . KKW TEKTIl HA MB 1'rooonH. Ilrldzo aud Crown work , lino-it und best ut lowust prlcua. All work warranted , Paxton Blk. , 16th and FarnamSta. Kutruuvuoii lUtliSt. Tclttpliuue 1085. . U. 0. No ntturnur'B f eo un tt patent oi > tuln d. Wrlti for Inventor's Quldo ' tt'r"eyi''t-i ' * tlce ia't. , , s federal court . KOJIU * 331-7-a-'J , block found ! bluff. In. I'npt. It. l\ Lull SuDerrd Ultti U for - . lie Storvnl nt Anilprnonville-rntne'n Colcry Onnipoiinil inntle Him wtll. Whatever else poca wrong dipcRtion must o rltrht , unrt for this to go right the nerves must bo in iuno , Pnlno's oelery compound regulates the nervous sy lom , and the nerves regulate digestion. Pnlno's celery compound cures dyspopsin , for dyspepsia is chro nic indigestion. A poor nppoiHo for break fist , during the morning a faint , ull-goiio sensation at the pit of the stomach , struugo son- sntlons In the hi'itd , all point to Indlgcw Pnliio's eolery compound soon CAl'T. It. C. l.Ut.T . . . . . , . dlsslpixtes the symptoms , oven In ehro- nic case * . Here is nn example : Capt. II. 0. Lull , who is prominently indcntlilp.d with the G. A. R. In Ver mont , was taken prlonncr at the battle of \Vlldernes3 und sent to Anderson- villo , where ho suffered starvation as few men hoar it and live. Capt. Lull now lives at Montpelier , VI. A letter from bun reads : "Having- been u mitTorer for a IOIIR time with dyspepsia , I found relief b.v the use of ono bottle of Painos celery compound. Having a personal acquain tance with that eminent physician , Dr. I'helps , it ga-vo mo assurance that Piunu'd celery compound was what 16 purported to be. 1 put but little confi dence in what I BOO advertised upo'n barns , bridges , and fences , but. tlnnlc * I know whereof t uflirin when 1 say Paino'-i celery compound cured mo. I cheerfully and without , solicitation re commend it to all.1. Paiuo'a celery compound sustains fatigue , conquers indigestion , sick heacf- aeho , and dread dyspoosia. It does It by bringing the nerves into harmonious notion. ( L W. PMELE , M. D. Tha Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Eiptrience. READER OF DISEASES OF MEN AND vroMEM. ruorniKTOR OF TILE WORLD'S HERBAL DI3PEN- OF I treat the following Diseases : catarrh of the Ilcod , Throat , and oasoaoftho Eye and Enr.FIUond Apoplexy , Heart Disease , Llvor Complaint , Kidney Complaint , Nervous Dobillty , Mental Depres- eion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , Diabetes , Brlghfs Dl ea s , Et-VltM' Sanco ; mieuihatlsin , I'oralycls. White Bwellln ? . Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula > n ano removed without the knife or drawing a drop Q1 blood. Woman with her dolicnte erR ns re * gtorecl to health. Dropey cured without tipping : Special Attention given to privoto Diseases of all kinds. S5O to 85OO forfeit for nny % Dl0 CBSO I cannot euro without moroury- I'spe WormH removed In two or tlireo houra , ot no pay. EcinorrhoUla or Piles cured. THOSE WHO ARE AFFOCTED \V111 eave life nnd hundreds of dollars by calling en or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL ffiEDICINES. The only riiy lcla.n who can toll what ntU a person without t king a queiltou * All corropondcnco strictly confidential. Medlcinl VIA by ciprcsa. Addrcu all letters to G.V. . JP-AATCX/B , M , D. rC r llroutlwuy , Cauiiall liluftt , lese 4 ci'iilb lu HUitnpH ( or circular A.RB You going to buy a suit of Un- dorweur today ? Our store la full of warm winter Underwear. YOU Can rig yourself out hero at u great saving. After you have , visited the other Btorei run iu hero and lot us surprise you with Komo llrst Quality gooda at low prices. COLD S- Wave weather is here come to stay , too bettor como in today and lot us mtiko you comfortable. Good Underwear it too cheap lu deny yourself of anything. MATTER AND FURSISHSR , 502 Broadway. A saving of from $5 to $15 on Sulta U order. Bee our samples. . Special Noilcesj Bl'lfMi ' woric . In - touniuiddoliiif a eood , piylnr Iuilnct . Goal y Ujl. : . | \O YOU know til at Day i llusi nave OJI3 -I'elioleit bur.-alna lu rult ittia u arJan land ueir lliluc'ltyi A HSTUAirrS and 10.1114 Farm uuaolty prapirl/ flttoushl and bold. I'uaoy A , Tlionai : , Council _ _ _ _ \VANTK1) 1'lac.UH ( or Ixivu ana flrlu to wurlc 'T fur roam aud board while uttfiulliuf colleKu. Addrc-BHW. 8. l aul on _ AItDAaKrainovnJ , coatpuolN. v.uilu. oil ! uiisy cleaucxl , Kd liurku , at Taylor's eracary , 91) - . ' - A 4-rooin Jiousj. Inquire of V. U , aia South IHI Btrout. \lfANTKU-A youne man to work boit | Iiuuso tlaudbarii. Apply utonico of l ionard KvcietU \irANTKU To trade , a youiiif a-mlniU lior u tor coed imi-iinntlo llrcxl blcyclu und a little canti , 'H x 4iil. Cuvmcll lllutta. _ * UU ! o7i-m , utoru room fonmrly ocoupla by Union I'aclilc Ten Co. . 400 Ilroadwuy , ut 1)1 K barcraln for n-uialndur of uuntli : aluu tucuud floor ot ucw locaUwa , 4Ui Uroadway , C U * t tea