Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Citizens National of Grand Island Foroid
to OlcsS'Its Boon.
l-renlitent of tlio Initltntlon Ilefiuc * to
Til Ik further Thnti In Ueclnre that
the Deponltor * Will Suffer
No Ivi , * .
GUANK Ist.AM ) , Dec. 4. [ Special Telegram
toTnr. HBE , ] The heaviest crash
that has struck this city In a Ions , ' time was
announced this morning by this simple notice
jested on the door of the Citizens National
Owing to slow collections , the hniml of di
rectors of tills bank have ordered the same
to DC closed. .
G. A. , Cashier.
In lean than an hour after the closing of
tlio lilyik anxious creditors and depositors
occupied the corner of Third nnd Ix > cust
ffrreets , where the Citlzcn unlc Is located.
There wcro no tingry worm , nor was there
any sccna of tliat kind , oven depositors sym
pathizing \vltli thu Institution , which luis
liccn liberal and enterprising. Jt was
rumored that deposits amounted to fl3WX ) ,
with only Slfi.OKO cash on hand. Tills could
neither bo ascertained to bo correct nor was
It denied.
l ! . A. ICocnlp , president of the bank , was
seen by Tun Ben representative and told of
this rumor , but said he could say nothing
about It.
\Vnltlnt ; for thu r.x.inilnm. -
"Wo can make no statement , " ho said.
' You must wait until the batik examiner
conies nnd can make his report. Certainly
If wo had the cash to pay the depositors wo
would not liavo closed. Wo wcro below the
legal icscrvo. "
Bank Examiner , f. M. Grlfllth has tele-
fcraphcd that he will arrive tonight. Upon
Ills rcnorl to the comptroller of the currency
n receiver will bo appointedand It Is thoupht
by sotno there Is plenty of collateral In the
bank to moot every rent duo the depositors ,
but It will take time. At the sumo tlino
tlicrn uro othcrb who are not so sanguine as
to the outcome.
Largo holdings of real estate , slow collec
tion or farm and other notes are unautborl-
tattvcly eiven as factors in the bank's closj
condition , which was aggravated by n largo
withdrawal of deposits , such withdrawal
being Increased by Individual suits against
several of the stockholders , fho street rail
way Is closely connected with thu bank and
It IB feared It will bo seriously affected.
There have been no runs on any of the other
bunks and none is feared. Assistance was
nought from other banks , but was declined ,
the reason being given thut the Cltzous
paper did nnt war-ant It. The bank was
the oldest In Grand Island. It was organ-
i/cd In 1371 and had a capital stock of ? GO- ,
000. TJio directors were : .Tonn Jj. Means ,
O.A.Abbott , liust.ivu ICochlor , Henry A.
Kocnrg , William A. Haego , A. H. Baker ,
Gconrc A. Mohrenstcchcr.
Ono Katlmutu of tlio Situation.
The following figures as to the condition
of the Citizens National bank nro given by n paper tonight : Liabilities , deposits ,
JIKV.UO ; rediscounts. $20.000 ; assets , notes
discounted , TOiil.lS ; ( ; cash on hand , $13.-
r,01. This , if it nil were available , would
IPJVVP. after the payment , of deposits , a sur
plus of t7'J,811.i7. ; But there is soruo doubt
that n part of the assets are collectable.
How largo this portion is nobody can tell
now and during tl.o present depression of
business and of the money market it will un
doubtedly take n good whllo to realize on
outstanding notes , which are collectable.
U-'ho ortlcials are meeting with the best of
good will and no hard feelings exist against
thorn. They all declare that the depositors
'A'ill bo paid in full ,
Ulnny ISduciitnra or Northwestern > cliriiiku
Moot nt Ulitidruu.
CnAnnoN' , Nob. , Dec. 4. [ Special to Tim
BKI : . ] Pursuant to a call from State Super
intendent A. 1C. Uoudy a Convention of the
teachers of northwest Nebraska mot at
Chadron Friday nnd Saturday.
On Friday about sixty teachers assembled
to listen to a very able address by Superin
tendent Goudy on "Educational Convon-
tlonsi" Mr. Goudy rovlowod the organiza
tion of the state association at Omaha in
1875 and compared the attendance of forty
teachers at that tlmo with the 'attendance
last winter ut Lincoln of nearly 1,000.
Ho also enumerated and traced'tho devel
opment of the various sectional associations
of Nebraska. A paper on "Hyglono , " by
Mrs. Meredith of Crawford , called forth
many Interesting remarks.
Jn the afternoon of the ilrst day Hov. John
Joffcries of Crawford discussed the "Uela-
tlon of Board to School.1 This subject pro
voked very earnest discussions from Princi
pal W. A. Norton of the State Normal
school. Principal W. H. Siders of Crawford ,
Superintendent J. O. Taylor of Clmdron and
An addicsson the "Study of Psychology. "
which was delivered by Principal W. K.
Siders , was handled In n very able manner.
Ho outlined the subject of psychology , giv
ing its relation to pedagogy and the art of
teaching , suggesting thut teachers should
found their methods upon the precise knowl
edge of the psychology of the growing mind.
Mr. Goudy led in tlio discussion , and gnvo
the teachers some valuable of the ne
cessity of studying this subject. Hov. John
Power also made some very apt remarks.
In the evening of the same day the con
vention mot at Pulnam'ti opera house , where
a largo uudlcnco was assembled to listen to
nn address on the "Educational Forces of
the State , " by Superintendent Goudy. Mr.
Goudy Is always good , but this was unusu
ally Interesting. After giving a brief re *
view of thu school forces of the state , ho
spoke of the annual and biennial election of
school ofllt'ers , and gave statistics as to the
number of school boards , school otlloors and
teachers In the stato. Muslo and recita
tions wcro Interspersed throughout the oven-
Ing's program. Judge Barlow iicted as
chairman of the evening's mooting.
On the morning of the second day Mrs.
Goudy delivered an Interesting address upon
tlio subject of "School Library. " Mrs.
Goudy thinks the school library to bo sadly
neglected , and made u very earnest plea for
tno attention of the teachers to this all-im
portant subject. The enthusiasm of the
speaker called forth a unanimous discussion.
Principal Bunnot's paper on "Tho Field of
the Academy" imparted some now nnd valu
able thoughts to the association. Ho stated
that moro students enter the higher institu
tions of learning from the academy than
from the high scuool and that they wore In
variably bolter prepared ,
"Duties of Outgoing Superintendents , " by
Superintendent-olect'C. E. Foster , was next
read , tbo opinion bclngr that the outgoing
superintendent should rotlro ns gracefully as
possible , The speaker was followed by Miss
C. L. Muika , the prnsont county superin
tendent , on the "Duties of the Incoming
Superintendent. "
Mr. A. G. Shears next presented a paper ,
' "Thoughts for Toachora. " The nrticlo was
well named , for It was indeed full of thoughts
for teachers and all others interested In the
cause of education.
In treating of "Arbor Day nnd Its Uses , "
Mr , Charles W , Jonea of Hay Springs pre
sented arguments for the necessity of tree
planting , concluding his address by quoting
Bryant's "Planting of the Apple Tree. "
Mm. J. I ) . Sheldon of Chadrou read n
paper upou Jho "state and Student. " argu
ing for Individual Instruction of the pupil ,
allowing him to study in what grades as
vvoro necessary. This called forth n heated
discussion , for a majority of tno association
thought differently. The author of this
subject did not bollovo In the cfliclcncy of
graded schools.
OnSuturdny evening , at the residence of
Mrs , O'Llun , a reception was given to Prof ,
and Mrs. A. 1C Goudy and Prof. Owens of
Iho officers for the next year nro as fol
lows ; President , John N. Bcnnot , Chad-
ron ; vice president , W. It Siders , Crawford j
ucrutary , U. \ \ ' . FallenChildren ; treasurer ,
"rolled" uu Opium Joint.
HASTINGS , Dec.Special [ Telegram to
a'liB BCK.j Thu police today arrested
Charles Young , n Chinaman who win run-
nlnff n laundry , on the chargcf of running nn
oplam Joint. Ho inmates wcrrtcnpturnl at
the tlmo the raid wnn made , but thn full
paraphernalia now adorns the station. Thli
Chlnamnn and another wcro running a
laundry In partnership nnd thoono arrested
was denounced by the other ns n thief nnd
the firm dissolved partnership.
Teeuiiiteli Note * mill I'or i n l .
TBCUM9EH. Dec. 4. fSpocKil to THK BEE. ]
The Misses Amanda Hurscll nnd Lucy
rinrko nnd Mrs. A. B. Allen visited In Lin
coln the lltat of last week.
Mlsi Leona Ofllll of Kcarripy is visiting
friends In this city.
Miss Lulu Hcdrlck of this city wns taken
dangerously ill whllo visiting friends in
Lincoln last week.
Charley Hcudrlck , who Is attending school
in Lincoln , spent Thanksgiving at homo In
this city.
C. C. Hlckman , formerly of Tecumseh , now
of Kansas City , Is renewing acquaintances
here ,
Thu Misses May Ifnssctt nnd Ella Me-
Creaky and Fred Wright , who nro attending
school In Lincoln , spent Thanksgiving in
this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. .Tohn W. Battrcall nro
mourning the death of their daughter ,
Auodn , which occurred last Tuesday , She
was 0 years old nnd died of typhoid ( over.
Mlas Fnnnlo Thatcher spent last vrcok
visiting relative * In Mound City , Mo.
Charley Falrnll nnd Will Jones visited rel
atives in Lincoln Thanksgiving day.
Gcorgo S. Strong died at > hls homo In this
city Thanksgiving night , aged 30 years , of
J. H. Easterxlay Is on a visit to Baltimore ,
Major S. P. Alexander of Hamburg , la. ,
spent last week visiting his son , F. P. Alex-
under , In this city.
The Johnson County Teachers association
mot In this cltj Saturday and hold n very
pleasant and profitable session. Prof Foss-
ler of the State university delivered an in
tcrcstlng 1 cot nro to the assembly on the sub
jcct of education.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken lost their
0-vcar-old daughter , Mary , last Monday. The
cause of her death wns typhoid fovcr.
AftHlrn nt Fremont.
JVitEMON-r. Dec. 4. [ Special to THE BEE. ]
Tun BEK now conies to the city so that Its
abundant news from the world centers maybe
bo digested with the mornlni ? coffee.
The funnral of Mrs. Ella Cuslck of Snyder
yesterday at the Catholic church In this city
ivas very lamely attended.
As Benjamin Arnold , living near Jamestown -
town , was leaving thu city Saturday after
noon , ho mot Charles Paul and two others
drlvlngojattlo into town , when , without any
provocation , they struck the top of the
buggy with their whips , knocking him down
nnd quite severely Injuring him. Ho carao
Into town today to issue complaints against
them for assault and battery.
Efforts are being made by the business
men of the city to got up excursions from
the northwest to this city , and a mooting
has been called to consider the matter.
r.lllfiltlon ut .Nelleh.
NEMOH , Nob. , Dec. 4. [ Special Telegram
to THK BEK.J District court mot today ,
Judge J. S. Uoblnson presiding. M. C.
Hi7cn of Norfolk Is reporter for the term.
O. A. Williams of this place will take his
place as reporter for this district. Judge J.
J. Sullivan of Columbus arrived on the evening -
ing train to try those cases with which
Judge Robinson has been connected.
The Knox county cattle thieves' cases are
sot for trial tomorrow. This will bo one of
the most hotly contested , criminal cases over
tried in northern Nebraska.
Another criminal case against Korth , from
Pierce county , is also set. for trial. Hon. W.
W. ' Quincy , county attorney of Pierce
co'unty , Is here , to assist County Attorney
Boyd in the prosecution. This Is n case of
alleged embezzlement of $33,000 as county
AlcL'onl Junction AtT.ilr ,
McCooi. JUNCTIONNob. , . , Dec. 4. [ Special
to THE BEE.I Ex-Stato Senator Matt
Hawol , whoso foot was crushed by a horse
falling on him , is now rupidlv recovering.
State Bank Examiner U. M. Wells was
hero Monday.
Ten divorce suits are up for trial at the
present term of the district court.
Captain W. , C. Henry of Fairmont was
hero Tuesday visiting his daughter , Mrs
O. O. Eaton Inst Saturday gave a cluitte !
mortgage on his stock of groceries and dry
Editor J. F. Albln has been dangerously
sick , but U now able to bo out.
( ofThloves Arrciteil.
CB.NTOAI , CmNob. . , Dec.Special ( [ Tele
gram to THE BUE. ] This city has , for several
oral years , suffered from the potty stealing :
of a gang of thieves. Lately cars , have been
broken Into and Hour , groceries and coa'
taken in largo quantities. No arrests wen
made until last night , when Detectives Han
som ni.d Miller of Omaha , assisted by
Sheriff Porter , arrested A. L. Young in a
car thi ? morning. Young , to save himself ,
cave the names of Malon Flint , Lester Flint
Fred Persons , Bob Nanco and Hugh Mllloi
as the gang who did the stealing. They
have been arrested and the stolen property
found i& their possession.
Threatened Kpldemla Averted.
HASTINGS , Dec. 4. [ Special Telegram t
THE BEE. ] The city Board of Education
met tonight and after duo consideration o
the subject dccldoa to reopen the city
schools , which for a week past have been
closed. This action of the board Is loaned
on us an oniclnl announcement that the
threatened epidemic of dlpthcrla has been
W. U. Snyder , whoso son Claude died a
little over n week ngo , Is now very 111 with
the disease nnd bis only other living child is
very low and not expected to live.
I.a\rronco HrevitluH. . >
LA.WHENCE , Nob. , Dec. 4. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Mrs. Mary Wlobolor fell on the side
walk In front of her store , breaking her
hand and wrist.
John Kerr , ox-merchant , has accepted a
position as station agent on the Wvoiniug
division of the B. & M.
Mrs. Banker Christy spent the past week
with a sister in Guide Hock.
City Marshal Meredith Is cntnrtuing u
brother from Kansas.
V. Al. r. A. Convention Closed.
FAIUMONT , NOD. , Deo. 4. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBE. | The Young Men's
Christian association state convention held
in the Congregational church In this city
closed last night with services In the Metho
dist church. The session throughout was a
grand success in every respect. Delegates
from every part of the state wore In attend
ance and great good and benelit resulted
from the meeting.
\\hyHhe Left Hump.
DAKOTA CITV , Dec. 4. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BBE.J Helen Bouton , the young lady
who so mysteriously disappeared from her
homo Tuesday of last week , has been located
in Sioux City , where she hired out as a do
mestic. She claims to have left homo to
evade the company of n young mm ; who had
threatened her lifo If she refused to marry
Unlou 1'ucillo Miml.
KBiitNBT , Dee , 4. ( Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. I Mrs. Elizabeth Plckott filed suit
today against the Union Pacific , claiming
2,000 damages for Injuries sustained while
riding on a freight tram from Kearney to
Grand Island , being thrown from her scat
whllo the train was switching at Sholton.
VVrnt Tlirougli lilt Clorhri.
WAVEKI.Y , Neb. , Deo. 4. [ Special to Tun
BuR.f Thieves entered the room of Peter
Hose last night and ox I roc ted i from his
We could not Improve the quality If wo
paid double the price. DaWitt's Wltoh Hazel
Salvo Is the best saivo oxicrlouco can
produce , or that money can buy ,
Wlurock' * Home rtcorclietl.
The house of L. Wmrook , at 3015 Seward
street , caught flro last night from coals
which dropped from the stove. An alarm
was sent in and the blaio was soon ex
tinguished. Tlio loss wns small. No one
was at homo when the lira occurred.
DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures soros.
DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures ulcers.
Largo sock ; ot pluuos und orgaus. 120
N. J5th at
Lincoln Man Attempt ? to Sill Himself and
Violent Symptom * of Insanity Hnddouly
Dcvnlopeu l.inroln Minister Arcuied
nf Heine Too Zealous In III *
InTcntlEWtlon ot Kvll.
LIXCOI.X , Die. 4. lSpclaltoTnE BBB. ] , T.
P. Nowcomb , for some time a resident ot
Lincoln , was this afternoon examined by the
Insanity board as to his mental condition
nnd sent to the Insane asylum. Nowcomb
was formerly n Burlington engineer , but has
boon incapacitated for work for some tlmo
by Illness , Two years ago ho suffered from
nn attack of the grip , nnd when ho recov
ered his physical vigor It was found that his
mental faculties had become impaired. Ho
was not considered at all dangerous , and so ,
instead of being sent to an Insane asylum ,
ho was cared for by- his friends. Ho was. re
moved to the northern part of the state ,
where he was given a homo with his rela
tives. 01110 few months since bo was con
sidered well enough to come back to Lin
coln , since which tlmo ho has been living
with his wife at 1C35 N street.
Ho never developed violent symptoms until
yesterday. His wife noticed .yesterday.
however , that ho was extremely irritated
over something and baforo the day closed
she realized that bo had at last become-
violently Insane. She tried In vain to quiet
him , but before she could secure assistance
or alarm the neighbors ho attacked her
with a small pcnklfo.
Ha evidently intended to cut her throat ,
but only partially succeeded. She received
a dcop gash on the left side of her neck ,
which caused a painful but not dangerous
wound. Then she made her escape. While *
sue ran to a neighbor's house her husband
tried to cut his own throat , using an old
razor which had been lying around the house
for some tlmo. Ho succeeded only in malting
n gash in the sldo of his neck. Ho then
calmed down nnd offered no resistance to
the ofllcors that came and placed him In
custody ,
Will Kxpliiln to the Eldfir.
The controversy over the existence of the
social ovll in Lincoln has assumed an en
tirely different phase. Some weeks ngo
Hov. Mr. Shepherd , a Methodist minister of
this city , made some startling assertions In
regard to the extent of the evil , claiming to
have galnod his Information by personal in
vestigation. Mayor Weir and the excise-
board seemed to doubt his statements , and
together they made a tour of the prescribed
districts of the city , going over the same
ground covered by the clergyman. As a re
sult of their Investigations the mayor and
thn members of the board published u state
ment denying the assertions of the reverend
gentleman. Not satisfied with this the
mayor has laid the matter before Elder
Sleotb of this ron foronco. Ho charges Uov.
Mr. Shepherd with distortion and exaggera
tion of the facts.
Heart In n Ilex Cnr.
The dead body of an unknown man was
found m any empty box car in the Hock
Island yards near the state fair grounds thU
afternoon. The man had evidently been
dead fora number of days. There was ab
solutely nothing by which the identity of the
man could bo estaolishcd. The coronor.held
an inquest and the Jury returned a verdict to
the cltect that the man came to his death
from causes unknown.
Church llo ve' Serious Case.
The announcement made this' evening for
the first time that Hon. Church Howe of
Nemahn county was lying seriously ill at
the Hotel Lincoln from the effects of a
painful burgical operation , created genera
surprise. None but his most intimate
friends had been apprised of the'reason for
his visit to Lincoln Friday. Hoarrivcd in
the city in the evening nndthenixt morn
ing consulted a physician in regard to a
tumorobs growth in the right bide of
his throat and neck. Ho" was Informed
that an Immediate operation -was nec
essary. Saturday ho was subjcctol tea
a severe test to see whether ho was
In proper physical condition for the opera
tloa and yesterday forenoon ho submitted
himself to the surgeon's knife , the con
ditions having been found perfectly favor
able. Mr. Howe was under tno influence of
nn anesthetic for an hour.
The tumor , which is described by the sur
geons as a tubercular growth or enlargement
of ono of the principal glands , proved to bo
as largo as an ordinary hcn'.i egg. It had
grown downward and Inward and in order
to remove it It was necessary to expose the
Jugular vein for several iuches. The physi
cians who performed the operation state
that the tumor would have been attached to
the jugular vela In another thirty days and
that In that event the removal would bays
been fatal.
Mr , Howe stood the dangerous operation
remarkably well. Ho suffered intense pain
yesterday all day , but Is feeling much better
today and his physicians say that ho will bu
entirely out of danger by tomorrow or next
day. 2 Ho is being cared for at the hotel by
his son , Herbert.
Lincoln In Itriof.
Walters and Fender , the men charged
with complicity in the robbery of the store
at Wavcrly some two weeks ago , have been
hold to the dlstrlofcourt.
Patrick Burke , the man accused of mayhem
by John Markin , was today discharged by
Police Judge Waters. He wns immediately
rearrested on the same charge and taken
before Judge Foxworthy. The case will bo
heard tomorrow forenoon.
Defective Malone returned today from
Atchlson , Ivan. , where ho arrested J. M.
Downing , one of the men who entered G. B.
Skinner's residence during the lattcr's ab
sence and stole the carpets , the furniture ,
curtains and pictures , Downing was ar
raigned before Justlco < Foxworthy and his
case continued until Thursday morning.
Miss Theo Laws , daughter of ex-Congress
man Laws , is expected to dlo before morning
from consumption. Her father is In Okla
homa , hut all efforts to get word to him by
telegraph have failed.
Llttlo Creilcuce IMnccd In Mn. l'oy' Btorjr
of HID Gronln Murder.
CHICAGO , Dec.I. . Ono of the assistant at
torn uys for the prosecution in the Coughlin
case emphatically denied today the state
ment that Mrs. Fey Is insane. Mrs. Fey Is
the woman who told the sensational storv of
the Cronlu murder alleged to have been
gloauoJ from her husband , who , she claims ,
was one of the conspirators , ' -The- Insanity
tale is ridiculous , * ' said the attorney. "No
Insane woman ever told n story like that.
But the defense will undoubtedly bring wit
nesses to testify that the woman talked with
them and told other stories , and It will come
down t" a question of voracity for the Jury to
decide. "
hi the trial today the search for Jurors
was continued , The defense exercised its
peremptory challenge on Herman Dusch , a
restaurant man , who has lived la Chicago
for three years and who said ho hail unvcr
heard of the Cronlu case until last Saturday ,
Jcrrv Flynn , the clerk suspended n weo'x
ngo on suspicion of having tampered wth (
the Jury list , was reinstated today. Flynn
tiled an nfllduvlt declaring his Innocence of
the charge against him.
Ijuul Claims In Mew /Mexico / ,
SAXTA FB , N , M. , Dee , 4. The court of
private land claims today handed down the
following Important land grant decisions :
Jose Lobato , grant in Hlo Ariba county , con
firmed for 100,000 acres : the Plaza of Colorado
rado colony grant In Rio Ariba county , con
tinued for 1V.OOO acres ; the Chuvjeloia grant
in Socorro co'unty as a community , grant for
234.000 acres.
The following was rejected- The Antonio
Chavcs grant lo bocorro county for 180,000
The Pena Blanca land i-raut for 10,000
acres and the Abtquin land crunt for 14,030
acres , both in Hlo Arlba county , are
stilt held under consideration for further
evidence of title in the present claimants.
The grants themselves are valid , '
llond CompanyQulin Undue * .
ST. PAUL , Dec , 4. The North American
Bond Investment company in a circular to
its members , eta , nnnprnipcs Its suspension ,
owing lo the advergddpclslon ! n the guaranty
company case In ChleAgo. The circular In
closes a blonic ncrcemoatlto such suspension
which the bondholders arp asked to sign ,
Conduct of follco OlllfJW ITIll llo Invfitl-
gatml lllnodixt Out tic rtnle.
At the meeting of the city council last
night art ordinance wnt introduced revoking
the saloon licenses of Frank Crawford , Hart1
&QulnnM. Lynch andl'Thomns Olllcsptc ,
the parties convicted of selling liquor on
election day. " ' "
OBlccr Ben Davis was''fcranted flvo days
leave of absence. ' ' ' '
Mr. Schultz said ,' ' bo had boon told
that several policemen'habitually visited sa
loons and drank whllo on duty nnd that
others had not tiled bonds. Ho wanted nn
Investigation , and nn investigation was or
Mr. Wyman complained of the amount the
city had to pay doctors for sowing up the
broken or cut heads of drunken prisoners ,
nnd the city attorney will , by request , sub
mit soon a written opinion oa the ultj's lia
bility in this respect. The city attorney
was also asked to elvc an opinion on the
locality of tnu city treasurer rotatalnjj foes
for the collection of delinquent taxes.
Co in I UK Alter "AVIIoon.
Chief Beckett last evening rcccivd through
the mall the complaint nnd warrant tor
Harry Wilson , the man held for falsely ob-
alnlnc possession of " ,500 head of sheep.
The Information states that Wilson repre
sented to the Thurlow Land and Live Stock
- ompany at Hugo , Colo. , that ho was the
owner of 300 head of cattle and forty acres
of land In Nebraska , and by so doing falsely
represented the facts. An onicor will
arrive from Colorado with requisition papers
today or tomorrow. In the meantime the
money received for the sheep is being bold
by the commission linn that disposed of
them. Wilson is taking his arrest nnd Im
prisonment very coolly and refuses to talk to
any ono but his attorneys.
- S.trillnld l.ltnrxry Ulub.
All members of Sarsllcld Literary society
are respectfully requested to attend its
nest regular nicotine on Thursday evening ,
December 7 , nt 8 p. m. , sharp , to complete
their annual literary program. By order of
"iterary committee.
Charity Meeting Tonlglir.
A meeting of the delegates from the differ
ent churches and charitable organizations of
South Omaha will bo held at the High school
building tonight to organize for the active
work of the Associated Charities.
Mnjrla City Gossip.
Councilman Wood has a young brother
visiting him from Montreal.
There Is a case of scarlet fever at the
homo of Mr. Kummcs in Albright.
Diphtheria is reported at the residence of
Mr. Carter , 710 Twenty-fourth street.
The oftlclal board of the Methodist church
will meet at the church on Tuesday evening.
Miss Nellie Cone is down with diphtheria
In the Keystone house at Twenty-sixth and
P streets. '
For the last throe or four nights the police
station has been tilled with men who applied
for a night's lodging.
On Friday evening of this week Uov.
Frank Crane of Qmahd will deliver his
Inimitable lecture 'on -'Babies" at the First
Methodist church. \ j ,
The party given .by Ideal club last
Friday evening Is pron9uncud hy all who
attcncteu to bo the most enjoyable ono ever
given by this club , fi , n !
John Havtman was" fined $5 and costs in
police court for using urofano language it :
the presence ot the \Vlfo of Lewis Hoffman
Hoffman filed the complaint.
The Drive whisticlub has changed its
tlmo of meeting to next.Friday night , when
the party will bo held ut the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. D. L.'Holmes. The change
was made to give the members an opportun
ity to attend the parties given , by tno Ideal
club. -
Idaho Kcpubllcnn Uoconien a Popall t
.BOISE , Idaho. Dec.4 ? William H/CIog-
gelt , who contested Vhe'seat of Fi-ed'Dubdls
in the United States' senate two years ago
has written a letter which will appear in the
Boise papers ton\orrowronouucing allegiance
to , the republican parly and Joining his
political fortunes with the populists. HI
letter , which is in reply lo a letter fron :
Senator Stewart of Nevada , declares in sub
stance that both old parties are Incapable
and unwilling to grapple with financial
questions arid servo the Interests of. the
North Onialia'he\ror.4.
The question of permitting the contractors
to proceed with the work on the big NortV
Omaha sewer has been nnder consideration
by the Board of Public Works. I ist week
when the weather man turned loose white
the board's inspector called the contractor ;
\7orkhassiocoboondelayed. . The tern
poraturo was too low to permit of good ro
suits from the mixing of cement. As the
atmosphere was moro balmy yesterday the
board decided to permit the contractors tc
proceed until such a time as it grows colder.
Mlnot , N. D. , Citizens bank has gone Into vol
untary liquidation.
Thomas Axworthy , defaulting treasurer o
Cleveland , U. , U dying of Ilrlght s disease.
John Dunlap of 8'2 ? > West Lake street. Chicago
cage , ( .hot und killed his wife and himself.
l-'Iro dauiazcd the 1'owrrs Dry Goods corn
puny of St. Paul , Minn. , to the extent of . } 100.-
From 100 to 200 families In Richmond , Inch ,
are dally fed by charity. The poor nnd unem
ployed sutler greatly.
To close a partnership the Henry Kvcns-
paard HlryclOKjoinpany or rorgusKnlfs , Minn. ,
has asked for a receiver.
County Prosecuting Attorney M. K. lirown
promises tbo punishment of the ofllcors ot the
Continental Trust company.
Colonel J. It. Ilallowoll has promised his
friends In Kansas to allow himself to bo nom
inated forcongrobsman-at-Iargu.
There Is no prospect nf cessation of the Imt-
teih' lockout at Danbury , Conn. Merchants
bogln to feel 110 cessation of business keenly.
When the Destroyer was about to sail for
Ilrazll.sbo was detained on the part of Con
tractor John N. Itobblas to satisfy a claim of
fo.400 ,
Nine liovlor miners charged with Intimidat
ing mun In a mlno tlmt was In the bunds of a
receiver have been released on promise of
good brhavlor.
Curtis Davidson , assailant and murder ot
Miss Illrdle JInuKh at Alllnncn , ( ) . , Inxt month ,
died yesterday us the icsult of his otfort to cut
his throat uflor the crime.
The Bovalrd ft : bofang Manufacturing com >
pany , makers of oil well supplies , Plltuburjr ,
has assigned. It has u capital of J500.000 , and
will bo operated hy tho.rocelver.
Mr. Mils , president ot.Uho I'lrst National
bank at Llttlo Hock , lyuann the witness stand
yesterday In his own ( lufnusu and denied In
tote the evidence advanced against him.
At Eastlond. Tex. . tLoJiollor of a Texas &
Pacific enulnu drawlnu. thirteen cars ex
ploded , killing nnglnc'arH'harlcs Klllott , I'lro-
man Charles llevors and Urakcmon Kranlf
Bncnco. * , , I ,
Green U , Ilanm , Jrii'8on-ln-law of the ox-
commlftblonor of puiMlonv and u grocer ut
Perry , Ocl. | , h is falleif ( ia aqcount of Ills dim-
rutty In collecting mmray from tlm Oj JBO
Indians , " "l
Governor Wulto iWrcHrWed State Peniten
tiary Commissioner KeytiMds on the ground of
malfeasance la otllcaTllo calculates that by
the appointment of hls utco8 > orlu ) will gain
control of the bourd OJAbo ( \ able to got rid of
Warden Mcl.later. TJiu-.warden declares lie
will May where ho Is until thU courts decide
ngiilni > t him. Ho Ima appointed guards to de
fend him.
> i . .in
World-HeralcVs Cowardly Entreaty to tha
Fire and Police Commission ,
Plcnila ( tint Nn Sworn StntMiidiUot ClrcU *
latlnn Ho Dcinniuloil to Drtoruilno
AVImt l-iipcr Slmll I'llblllli
l.lqiiur Nutlcci ,
Tlio mnttcr of inibllshln ? the nuiillcntb
fnr lliivior licenses came up nt the nicotine of
the IJonrd of Fire nnd Police Commissioners
last nlpht. Hcproscntatlvcs of the news *
papers interested and ot the breweries , wcro
thcro to present their claims. The subject
wns brought up by the following communi
on t Ion from the World-HeralJ :
Wlit'ions , A controversy oiUN between tlio
VVorliUllt'riild und HKU us to which jiiipcr U
L'MllllL'd to tlio imbllsliliiir ot lliiuor notices ,
niulWliorcns , Tlili innttcrN now pending In the
latprcnio court of tlio Mate In thociiso taken
ill ) from thlu boiinl , nnd
AVheicni. Tlio law contpnitilatos tlmt onch
npntlrAiil for n license simll dccldo for lihu-
suir which iiews.ipur | ) luw the turgosl circula
tion ; and *
Whrroni , The supreme court of Nohrnslcn ,
In I.itinbort iiKulnsi Stovoni , UOth obraslta ,
Imsili'clniud thut If nn iippllcnnt cxcrclsei
tsood faith In inaKlnclili soli-ctlou ot a nows-
pitpcr , ho simll bo untlllod to a llccnovhrtlior
li M'loots tlm prouur nowspapur or not ; nnd
\Vhciuiis , TliNdccNIon protcrtt till honest
uplillcnntH in either the World-llornlu or Itr.v.
until the Riiprcinu court rcndurs Us decision
und Hnttlcs the doulit ;
Now , tliurcfnrc , thn World Publishing com
pany hereby enters Its protest against any ut-
tonipt by this board to pro In it I no the question
but\\coii \Vorld-IIorivld nnd Tin : HF.K ns
bryi MI the power and legal utltliurlty of this )
bourd ut tills time.
.Mr. Itosowuter' * rosltlon.
Mr. Edward lloscwntor. oaltor of THE
Ben , w s nvitcd to address tbo board on
thoniiUior. 11 3-U tint no did not sio
why ihcio should bj any further delay la
this matter , as thcro could not bo a decision
of the supreme court before January , 1804.
Ho tnoupht It oven possible that If tlio ques
tion wcro declilea tomorrow It might not
settle the matter definitely. ' 'It Is only
necessary for the board to comply with the
law,1' said Mr. liosqwator , "anil the board
should order tlio notices printed in the paper
having the largest , circulation two weeks
baforo the granting of licenses , so that if
nnvono bus a remonstrance to inako against
the granting of a license ho may he Informed
of Iho application In duo season. A notice
published in the Sunday edition of n news
paper is not legal , although THE SUNIUT UEIS
lias the largest circulation of any paper In
the western country. "
Ho referred to the fact that in a similar
contest , in which the Chicago Tribune was
concerned , the decision of the supreme
court of Illinois was to the efleet that no
publisher could Include moro than one
edition in n statement of circulation. The
AVorld-IleralQ Includes tbrco editions in its
statement against ono from THE BIE. : In the
past such Jugglery as now attempted by the
World- Herald never took place , when the
old Hepubllcantand Herald had greater circu
lations than the World-Hernia now has.
Mr. Hosowater showed up the falsity and
absurdity of the claims of the World-Herald
regarding Its circulation. Ho wanted this
question decided uv the boar 1 as a matter of
prinriplo and ho want HI it decided on Us
mci it land the notices ( .1 von to the paper with
th : largest bom lldocirculitionin compliance
wllh Judge Kpysor's decision tnat only on
edition of any paper should bo considered In
the matter of circulation.
Mr. Uosewatcr requested that the board
specifically designate which paper is en
titled to legally print these liquor notices.
. Suloou KcppemVunt ricuren.
Motz Bros , and o\er fifty druggists and
saloon keepers submitted the following
statement :
Wiieroas , Tbo Inws of Nebraska require nil
pcrsoiK socking licenses to sell mult , spirit
uous nnd vinous llqiiora to publish notices of
the applications for such licenses In tbo ntnvs-
papur having thu largest circulation In the
county In which'said business Is to bo con-
diluted ; und
Whereas , Last year much confusion , delay ,
litigation and expense was Incurred by appli
cants for license ; nnd
Whorons. The courts have decided each edi
tion of a newspaper bhiill bo considered a sep
arate and compluto newspaper ; now , there
fore ,
\Vo the undersigned brewers , .saloon keepers
and druggists , In order to save time , trouble- ,
litigation and expense , do most respectfully ro-
iiiust | your honorable body to aslc the different
now.sp.ipcrs In thU county to ( submit to you at ,
once statement , under oath of thu circulation
of that edition ot their resoectlvo papers
which has the largest circulation In this
county , HO ns to enable us to determine lu
which paper our notices ahull bo published.
The Fred ICrug Brewing company asked
that the board designate the newspaper
having the.largest circulation In this cits'
and in which publication of notices of appli
cation for liquor licenses may bo mado.
Mr. CoburnN Ill-solution.
Commissioner Cob'irn ' IctroJucel the fol
lowing resolution :
Resolved , That the publishers of "news
papers In Douglas county , Nebraska , are
hereby requested to submit to this
bourd , at or before 7 o'clock p. in. ,
of i the Gth day of December , 1833 , u
statnment. under oath , showing the number of
copies of tholr respective newspapers in circu
lation In this county during thn months
of .September , Cctobur und November ,
180.1. Under the decision ot the courts
only ono edition of nay newspaper
can bo considered us coming wltliln the meanIng -
Ing nt the statutes , therefore publishers are
requested In making tholr statements to this
board to designate the edition ( or which they
claln the largest circulation In this county , ex
cluding from said statement any edition pub
lished on Sunday and all sample copies and
papers returned "not sold" by newsboys and
newsdealers ; be It further
Hesolved , That the clerk nf this board Is
hereby Instructed to ttansmlt by mall to pub
lishers copies of those resolutions.
"How the .Mayor Stood.
Mayor Bomls called Commissioner Hartman -
man lo the chair and seconded the resolu
tions. He said that the board had been ap
pealed to by all the parties concerned to
settle this question in order that they may
secure tholr licenses and avoid the trouble
which occurred last year. Ho wan in favor
of settling the matter at once by giving the
publishing of the notices to the paper having
the largest circulation.
Ktrlcklnr'H-"Legal Opinion. " '
This would Knock out the World-Herald
and Commissioner Strickler came to tlio
'front with a legal opinion in which ho sought
to show that any paper could publish thcso
notices and they would be legal. It was
learned that the World-Herald would not
submit n sworn statement of its circulation.
Air. hiuiin saiu no was wining to noiuo uy
the decision of Judge Koysor. Coburn and
the mayor stood by the resolution and the
matter became the subject of a general dis
cussion , Mayor Bomls censured the board
for its delay In the inattor , and said that the
question should bo settled at once in justice
to more than 250 persons who deal in liquors.
Votoil llio llekoliitloii Iloirn ,
Attorneys representing the brewing coin-
panics nslted that the board ascortata the
circulations of TUB BEE and World-Herald ,
so that they might have something by which
they could bo governed in the printing ot
those applications for licenses ,
Tlio commissioners seemed to bo undecided
as to the best plan of procedure and they
looked for the easiest way out of the matter.
Thpy wanted the men who would mai'e
application for licenses to go to the pub
lishers of THE Bee nnd World-Herald and
get from them statements of their circula
tion.The'resolution introduced by Mr. Coburu
Highest of all in Leavening3ower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ,
was voted on nnd lost. The vote stood :
Mayor Borala and Coburn , .10.1 ; Hartmnn ,
Stncklcr nnd Smith , nay.
1'nnl'n Cft ! o Until ; * I'lrp.
The trial of Officer Pool , who wns charged
with wrongfully nrroUina W. A. Gordon on
the cVcnlna ot November in , wns taken up.
This Is the cfiso where young Gordon 1 < snld
to have been trying to stop n runaway team
near Sixteenth Und Davenport streets early
in the evening , nnd the oflicer nrrostcd the
young man on the chargn of creating n dis
turbance after the runaway had been
stopped. Kicli sldo had n number of wit
nesses , and considerable tinio wns taken up
In hearing the evidence. The ofllcer
claimed that ho was justified In arresting
Mr. Gordon because of the language the
complainant used toward him when ho came
up to see what was the trouble. Tno matter
was laid over for another vtock owing to the
absence of ono of the witnesses.
Chief Hcavey invited thu commlisloncrs to
attend the state mooting of chiefs of police
on December 13. The bo.ird accepted the In-
vllation. The moating will bo held In the
city council chamber , nnd , upon the sug
gestion of Commissioner Hartmnn , the board
ordered nn Inspection of the ilro nnd police
departments to bo bold that day.
It required 'J.141 meals to feed the city
prisoners during November , nt a oost of
Coolirnn Wit * Nnt There.
Chief Scavoy reported thol fifty-six per-
ions wcro arrested during November who
ivcro discharged when arraigned in Iho
> olleo court , because the city prosecutor
kvould not ille complaints against .them to
cover the charges preferred by the ofllccrs
making the arrest.
Ofllcer Byrnes was granted lo.ivo of ab
sence , without pay. to go to Madison , WU. ,
whore his mother Is dangerously 111. Ofll-
cers Vanous , Hccltn , O'Brien , Fahoy ,
Flynn nnd Sullivan were grantml annual
loaves of absence. Fireman Earnlst was
granted i ten days vacation.
Ofllccr Davis reported that during Novem
ber the pawn shops did the following
amount of business : Amount pawned ,
$ ! tUO'.t,01) ) ; nmo in t purchased , ? 3W.70 ; total
amount , SlO.iWfi.Tl ; stolen property re
covered , I328.CO.
Otto Chandler reported that George
\Vhltmoro. overseer of city- prisoners , tried
o porsundo him from appearing ngalimt
Charles Howard , who Is accused ot stealing
Chandler's watch. The board ordered an
Vlulntcd tlio Slocninl ) Law.
The police court officer submitted n report
showing that during the past year sixty-two
saloon keepers wore arrested for violating
the Slocumb liquor law. Thirty-four of
those were tried and discharged , seven wore
dismissed nnd two had no action against
tlu'in. ' The others were either found guilty
or appealed to the district court.
In executive session the board appointed
Jharles A. Hopper nnd James L. Downs as
nctnbcrs of the Ihn department.
Will Matthews Trie * to Kill llnrlcnilor W.
' 1' . Gim-lty.
Will Matthews became angry nt W. F.
Garrlty , a bartender In the saloon nt Ninth.
: ind Capitol n venue about 2:30 : o'clock this
morning , because ho would not sell him
a drink. Ho followed Garrlty to a house
: icar by and llrcd two shots at him through
the window. 'Bill D.ivis , a colored man , ran
to the door and Matthews snot him through
the right hand.
The shooter mndo his escape.
The Oi.Ht-at.irV Itilll.
The telegraphers of Omaha and vicinity
have made arrangements for giving their
charity ball at Mctroplitan club on Christ
mas night , December 25. The Musical
Union orchestra will furnish the music and
the Women's Christian association the sup
per. Everything points to a pleasant and
successful undertaking. The proceeds are
to bo devoted to a laudable object , and all
that is required is a disposlton to help them
out "by purchasing tickets ,
SusportR ArrcKtocl.
Two fellows , civing the names of Thomas
Murphy anil James Gaffney , were taken In
charge last night and slated 'as vags and
suspicious characters. The police are of the
opinion that they now have the parties who
committed the daring hold up on AY. J.
Hughes , the druggist , n few evenings ago.
Ed Haggorty was caught last night whllo
In the act of stealing several pairs of shoes
on North Sixteenth street. Ho is also sus
pected of being the party who stole several
blankets from H. Cohen , a tailor doing
business at Dili North Sixteenth street.
the 'female complaints" nnd
weaknesses that make woman's
life a misery. Thoy'ro cured , by
Dr. I'ierco'a Favorite Proscription.
For all the derangements , disor
ders , and dl&eoses peculiar to the
BOX. this is the only remedy so
certain that it can bo guaranteed.
If it over fails to lienoflt or euro ,
you have vour money back.
It's a legitimate- medicine for
woman , carefully adapted to her
delicate organization , nnd never
conflicting with any of her condi
tions. It regulates and promotes
all tbo proper functions , builds up and in
vigorates the entire system , and restores
health and strength.
Are you weak , nervous nnd ailing , or "run
down "and overworked ? Then it will bring
you special help. It's the mothers friend. It
loGsons nain and insures life of both mother
and child.
Don't decide that your Catarrh is hopeless ,
simply because you haven't yet found n cure.
Dr. Bago's Catarrh Remedy cures just such
cases completely. Its proprietors offer $500
reward for ail Incurable case of Catarrh.
Instant Klllcrol Pain.
Internal and External.
QIA , Ijimo Dock , HprmuH. IlruUus.
BwsllnH ! , Stld Joints. COUOnnd
JCUAMl'S Instnntljr. Cholera Mor-
"ibus , Croup.Dlptliorln , Bore Throat ,
_ jjlKAIUOilKii9l ( bymaglo ,
thoraost Powerful ucJPeneUHtlDBLInlmontfor Hun
or Beast la oxUlence. Large 11 clzo 7Sc. , Me. Blze iO ; .
lledlcntud and Toilet. The Great Skin Cure and
Fnoo Denutlflor. Lndlea will nml H o roost
delicate and highly perfumed Toilet Beep on
Ilia market. Itin nbanlutoly puro. Makes tbo
tklnooft and velvety and restores tlio lost com
plexion ) i n luxury lor the Bath for Infanta.
It alnys Itdilny. cloausos Uiooculp cad promotes
tbo crroTrth of balr. VrlcnSc. For'iUoby
Kuhn & Co. . Solo Agents. Omaim.Nob.
blackhead * , red , roiiKli nnd oily Ala
and Imuda , dry. Iblii , und lulling
lulr , and 111111110 Luliy blrniltlira
are prevented and cund by CUTI.
CUBA Heir , moat efiritUo ( kin.
purlfyliiK and beuullfjluu tojjiln
che uorld , IK well as | iurc > t and
i woolen t of toilet and uuntcry
Bold Ibrouguoulthu w arid.
Man Dovolojied
I Klver. CUIMUINE. will
n-iilorii all the irrneralivo
organs. Inn olancy tin-
imetl. Send for Ir.-o clr-
dilurH and ti-Htlmoiil lH.
P. O. Jiox H07U , Sin 1'ran-
vlBco , Cat
Owincr to tlio stringency of the
times , I Imvo reduced my regular
oharpea to cash patients to exact
ly ono half of thu printed oculUt'u
fee bill li T. ALLEN , M. D.
K\'o \ nnd Bur Burgeon.
Room yoi Paxlon lilock , 10th and Kaniam
_ .And all the tralu of
company llifiii In men QUICKLY und 1'KltMA-
NK.NTI/Y CUIlKll. Full HTHKNGTH und toua
Klveu lo every part of the body. I will Bond ( BO.
curvly packud ) r'HKK to any autferor tbu prescrip
tion tlril enrol ma ol Ili94a trouble ! . AddranO
IJ. WIUGHT , Muslo PMler , JlOJf' ! , i ) ,
shall Cliltilrtn Studj- Out nf Sohnnl MiinrnT
llulnoil Kyp < Hcnilrtfli Nprvnufi L'ol.
IIIIKO I'lijrulrliiii'n Ailvlcr ,
It Isnn old roinnrk that boys \vlio slilno
nt schuot soklom tnnku the rcntost
llnnro when they grow up. .
If ono think ? over Ihd prl/.o boys who
\vont to school with him ho will lltul tlmt
inntiy suddenly stopped short nml turned
out grcit : lUincos ut lust , whllo others ,
not so forward but \vllh hltth honlth niul
spirits , hnvo turned out the prlzo men
nnd women ot the world ,
Too mnny studios , const'int uxumlna *
tlons nnd study out of snhool hour * , ftiln
the nerves , niiiko palo fnccs , wonk eyes ,
and rulnod hopes ,
At the Ilrst intimation of overwork nnd
oxhiuistion , Iho safest mid siucat nerve
tonic for chIUlron. young and old. ti
Pninots uolcry compound , u i cmody Unit
physli'inns prcscrilio nnd educators rp-
commend , bccausu It Is the proscription
of etui of the ablest of physioinnri nnd tn >
struelors , I'rof. Kdward K. I'liolps , M ,
1) . . LL. 1) . . of Dartmouth college.
Watchful mthors nnd mothora iinpro-
clnto this. Never hnvo tosilnioniiils
rom so mnny grntcful p.ironts boon so
tinrcstrlotodiv given as Rilno'a celery
[ iompound. It has entered moro homes
[ luring the year throughout Iho United
slatoa than any other roinedy. So ro-
lontodly has It succeeded la curing
icrvoiia wcnknoss , slcoples.saeH ? and Ins-
Itudo that ho gained the conlldouco ot
ill physlciniis , hbsts of molhora , nnd
tunny hundreds of child ron. Try It.
Maudrnko Pills luivo a value in a liotm
liold i omody fur beyond the power of hin
guafjo to describe. The family 0.111
litirdly bo true to Itself Unit , dooa not
; oop thorn on liund ( or uaj In
Is the only vogolublo substitute ) for that
dnngcrous minor.ilMuuoaitv , tind
while its notion us a curative U fully
equal. It possesses none ot tbo parlloua
In Constipation , M-indrako acts upon
Iho bowels without disposing them to
BUbsaquont Costlvonoas.
No remedy nets so directly on the
llvor , nothing so hpeedlly euros Stole
Hoadiicho , Sour Stomach
ach , and Billousnoss as
KorSalo by all OruitJlsU. Price 31 ot * . par
boxjll boYos forlVicli. ; or sant by mall , post-
ace free , on receipt ot price. Dr. J , U.
B l JL ' KJ -
Is a duty no person should neglect. As
the sight begins to fail it is of the ut
most importance to proouro proper eye
glasses. Sight is priceless mid its pro-
oor preservation is a matter for the
moat earnest consideration of every ner-
son who values their eyes.
An imperfect pair of spectacles will do
incalculable injury nnd a properly fitted
pair will greatly aid in prolonging the
sight.Prof. . Hirsckierg
Has gained a worldwide reputation In
this country and abroad In consequence
of his original and Hcicntiilc mothdd in
connection with the adjustment of his
renowned non-changoublo lenses , nnd
all those suffering from defective vision ,
no mutter from what cuuso , will find it
lo their interest to consult Prof. Illrsch-
borg , who bv special request has con
sented lo visit MAX M IS Y lilt & BRO.
CO. , from
December Gth to 12th
At the Store of
No Charge for Consultation.
The Mercer.
Omaha's NewastHots ! .
Cor. 12th and
JOrooms 42.51 per d.iy.
40roomsJ.UJ per day ,
lOrooms wllh D.itli ut il nor dr. . '
10 rooms with h.itli ut f 1.5) par 1 if ,
Modern In livery Kotpnot.
Newly 1'uraliliD I Tlirnu rJnut
C. 8. ERB , Proa.
Sancho Panza said :
"God bless the man who first In
vented sleep. " Loss nf Bleep Is the
forerunner of loss of healthlosa of
life. Nervelleausstopit euro , "A
borlscnouph" one dollar the mat.
Bold by all druggists , or by mall from
OMAHA , Nin. : , NOVKMIIKII 1 , 1803. v ,
Notice in hereby Rlvon to thu stockholders of 5
the Oxuliilla hand and I'attlo iijnipany : that -Z
thu annual mcetlnyof the stockholders of ilia &
company will bo held at thu ollluo of thu salil a
company In the city of Omaha , In thobtatoof a. .
Nebraska on XYi'dnusduy , December 0 , A. I ) . "V
1H03 , at - o'clock p. m. , fur thu purpose nf,1
nicotine a board of directors for the company ,
to horvo durlni ; the ensutne year , nnd toirans-
act any business which may lie proscntcd at
Biich moetliiK' . I
Incuse the ofllco nf said company , In aald
city nf Omaha , hhiill not bu large miougli to
uccommodalu all the utockholderii who may bu
presfiit ut Biich unnuat meutln ; ; , thru such
meeting will adjourn from lliurniiipaiiy'Molllcii
tn the hate ) known as thu Paxton house ,
situate at the southwest corner of Fourteenth
and Farnam bln.'ets , In said city nt Omuhu ,
and the meeting will outer upon and contliiiiu
its dellberallonn at said I'axion home.
Tl.o dlri-ctorii earnestly rtijiitst ouch stock *
holder lo be perhonully present at fiald stock
holders' ineotliiK , audit Impossible to ha proi-
fciit , to appoint a proxy ,
' '
Attest : President.
JONATHAN Amu : Hccrctury ,
. Notice tn I'
Notice U hereby plven that soiled proposals
will bit received it ( thu olllre oJ t'io ' county
tilerlc of Keyu Palm county. NnlrusWu , until
Jununry 1st , IbVI , for furnlshln ? BulU county
Two G ijulro deed records.
Two fl quire morUuco recordc ,
One 0 ( jtilru Indux ot mortzacoj ,
One Oinilro Indiii of dfuuit
And also all oilier records In Orjulro booUs ,
nnd loKal blnnkH , ptun , holders and ucnclli ,
rubber tinndu. etc. . for thu yo r 1H9I. cuinmU-
Blotters reserving thu riplit to rojoci any und
all bldn ,
Hy order of county boinl nf Koyu I'uhu
county. Nebraska. YY.T. THOMAS.
(15-12-19 20 County Ulork.