6 THE OMAITA DAILY NEE : FRIDAY , DECEMBER 1 , 181)3. ) SHERIDAN'S ' STEADY GROWTH Wonderful Progress Made by tbo New Town in Northern Wyoming. RESOURCES OF THE REGION ENUMERATED Vlnmt Wheat In tlio Worlil li rennIn In the Illc Horn ll.inln Mini Mnile Into I'lonr nt Bhrrhlim. f fiherldnn , Wyo. , Is still holding the repu tation she inndo n few month * ngo when the II , t M. Inid Its rails into that garden spot of the northwest unit tapped what Is to ho otin of tlio richest sections in the entire vest. The city has Just built .1 line city Hall , Ki-aduil the principal streets nnd has tnUcn steps to put In n system of water works the coiiunp year. AJanu hotel has been erected , nnd Is well patronized by eastern parties who pi there to avail themselves of the ilshing nnd hunting afforded by the Big Jlorn mountains. Over 100 stores aim resi liences have boon erected and u romplrio MHtcm of ok-ctrlr lights , arc and inrandcs- i-J'Mt. has been in operation some thfon months. All ihcso Improvements have been made with homo capital. The Sher.'dnn Fuel company has opened tip ono of the llnest coal veins In the state. Is employing IW ) men nnd Is turnlni ; out thirty cars of coal a day , which manes a train' daily on the 11. & M. to tlio towns In Nooraskn. Tills coal Is being used by the htipnru'fliicry nt Gr.ind Island. When the mines nro run to their run capacity it means pay roll of K > < > 0 n day. The World's fair demonstrated to the world that the best whcaV Is raised in Sheri dan county. It carried off the llrst prize. The wheat was grown on the farm of A. A. l-niuurlggcii at UIK Horn , ten miles from Shut-Ulan. Mr. l.umbrlgBen also took the liroinium on oats , barley , burxwhcat and millet soed. Wyoming earned forty-eight premiums , consisttiifj of coal , tin. soda , wool , petroleum , etc. The wheat grown hero runs sixty to sixty-eight pounds to the bushel nml the average crop is thirty bushels to the iiure. Oats average seventy bushels to the aero. The Sheridan Milling and Mcrcantiln company Is turning out tlK)0 ( ) pounds of Hour a day. The other mill is producing 1,000 pounds. The capacity of tlio Milling com pany Is 20,000 pounds daily , and It will bo inn to Hint capacity In a few days , The stock interests form ono of the principal anil substantial revenues of the country. Twelve hundred cars ot cattle have been shipped from that section. Of this amount about ? iOO,000 goes to the small ranchman or farmer , the balance to the largo caitlo companies. On Tuesday of last week 8,000 sheep were shipped from Slier- Wan to Chicago. Farming land can bo bought from $10 to $ : ; . " ) per acre , and at these prices it ofTevs great inducements to the investor , as time has shown in Colorado , where today it is worth from ? . ' > 0 to $00 per acre. Wyo in I HIT 1)11 Flulil-i. K. C. Bnrtlott of Omaha , president of the Cioldcn Hod Mining company and al.so ono of tbo leading spirits in developing the Casper , \Vyo. , oil region , is stopping at the Windsor for a few days prep.iratory to making a trip to the oil region , where his Interests Ho , says the Denver Times. Concerning this practically new oil region Mr. Uartlcttsaid ; "From careful Investigation of the country , which includes the sluicing oC several wells , 1 bcllevo that within a very short time this district will develop into the greatest Held on the American continent. "I will say , however , regarding the plans of our company , that wo are continuing our development work now , although wo were compelled to shut down temporarily during the llnancial stringency of the past summer , not because ol any trouble directly affecting tlio company , but , because other matters de manded the attention of the promoters of this industry. "Concerning the mining interests of our company , In the Miners' Delight region , wo Rtarted up our stamp mill on the Oth of this month nnd the results are most satisfactory. " Imluxtrloiis Momirrh. Aside from the exclusively gold districts Monarch Is probably the only camp in the ( date In which there is not an Idle mine , nays the Denver Times. The question of wages has been amicably arranged , the miners agreeing to the $ " . " 0 ssalo. The out put of the district is about fifteen cars per day , something moro than last season , the Incicase owing to several now strikes , among which is that made in the Fairview lode , mm whi'jh is said to be a 'continuation of the great Silent Friend ere chute. This chute was encountered in the Fail-view tun nel at a vertical depth of about 500 feet , and Bhows 1111 immense body of flue galena ore. A controversy is now on between the Silver Friend and Fail-view people regarding the apex of the lodes. It is likely , however , that the question will soon bo satisfactorily settled. What promises to bo ono of the richest mines In the district when developed Is the Hay State-liidcpendcnco lode. It is the only vein so far discovered in the district curry ing free gold. The vein , a llssuro flvo feet wide , has been uncovered in different , places along ith course for a distance of ovov y.fiUO foot. The property has recently been ac quired "by a company of eastern gentlemen , among whom nro H. W. I * . Hull of the great Abhnclot Woolen mills of Kowllnmpshlru and William Grout , Jr. , of tl o New Homo Manu facturing company of Massachusetts. The company will shortly begin operations on the property. Camp Floyd ( Sold Mlnci. The Mcrcur cyanide .mill put In last MJIU- inor at Camp Flo.vd , in Tooel county , Utah , has already paid f ! > 0,0 ( > 0 in dividends. The uilno turns out S'JO.OOO net monthly. K. S. Do Goylcr , the mining operator , is ono of the mcst enthusiastic believers in the Camp Floyd gold mines , and has proven his faith bv bin works , says the Salt Lake Trib une. Ho nnd bis associates , ono of whom is Senator Woloott of Colorado , liavo purchased the Golden Gate group , consisting of suvcn claims , and buvo a force of men developing the property. The ere is of the same char acter as the Mcrcur , and a mill will bo erected to treat it ov , the cyanide process as boon as the property Is suniclonlly devel oped. The old camp of Lewlston , which is tbo runtcrof the gold operations , has been named Morcur , nnd an effort In biingmado-tOHCcuro u postofllco. Five companies uro now oper ating in tlio vicinity , employing about 100 men. men.Mr. . Do Goyler thinks the Mcrcur Is des tined to become ono of tlio most promising ramps In the territory , but deprecates onj nttempt to create excitement or u "boom , " 'i'ho camp will depend upon its actual re sources lor its growth and prosperity. f _ f Ono D | Ilin Stfucly t'roiliicrri , Among the largo mining interests of Oeorgi'town few liavo been moro steadily worked or moro continuously productive thai : the 7tO : ! group on Hrown and Sherman moun tains , li. M. Grlllhi , the present owner , commenced work upon this property in 1B77. Dovrlopmciit has always been In progress , nnd during those sixteen years not u month has passed without the regular shipments of ere being mado. The development of this largo group of veins embraced In be- twi-cn titty and sixty patented claims has been carried on chlelly through a main shaft sunk in Hrown gulch about the center of the property. This shaft bus attained a depth of 1,000 feet below- the Hercules tunnel level and from it olovoa main drifts or levels nave been run east and west. Several of these have attained a length of 'J.OOO or s,5UO fuet. Above these iigaln is the tunnel love ! which isMX ) foot long , and thrco or four main levels still above this , in all some Jlvo miles of underground passages timbered and laid with "T" rail track. I'uttlnc on TliolrVnr I'ulut. UTho Vancouver World , in a loader , de mands that the authorities take steps to prevent serious results following the ills- affection among lha Indians. A war canoe M Jill a blood marked totem at the prow has been vent up along the coast and the settlers nro thoroughly alarmed , Every Indian vil lage Is at p/cscut fully equipped with tight- ing men , who will bo at homo until the ulmou run and demand for hop pickorvcalls them to lay aside the war paint for money- producing labor. Tbo Indians between the times they are employed hop picking or catching salmon nro uwi ys oj > cu for blood worked orgies. The chiefs nro thoroughly aroused over the fact thfit a whlto man who knied an Indian in a moot rold-bloodcd manner on the streets of thin city is to cot twelve year * Imprison * mcnt , Microns two Indian * ) are to hnny on January 10 for killing ono whlto man. ( jut llriitn tin Um * trlnp. N. U. llufllngton arrived at Salldn , Colo. . the olhrr night with a G-months-ohl llvo cin namon bear which -ho hail -captured by moans of n lasso on Cochctopa croQk the day before. The bear was noticed in a cow path ahead of Hiinington , and by stenthlly np- proaehtni' thcanlmnl on foot the prlzo wns secured with a dexterou. " throw , lie ( ought like a User when first captured and also on the trip to Sallda , which was made at the rate of twonty-llvo miles a day , hrutn being driven In front of a horse. The boar is a line specimen. .Since coming to the city ho is being entertained ut. Attorney McCoy's rosldriice whcro ho is becoming tnmo. Mr. llunington hopes to sell him to tlio manager of some zoological garden. Movnif ; Mountain. Dlv-Ulnn Kiigluccr Ashton of the Union I'ai'lllcha.H been called toTrlnidad to inspael the condition of the Maxwell branch , which Is in a dangerous coii'litlon , owing to a portion tion of Cut.sic 111 mountain sliding from its position. About 1.000 foot of track Is gradually mov ing down hill with the side of the mountain. It appears that the surface nf the mountain on which the track was laid Is covered nt a great depth with a deposit called "slide. " The he.ivy coal trains passing over this portion tion has caused the mass to move , causing no oml of trouble to keep the track In lino. It Is now believed that the slide will have to bo cut through tabed rock or that the sur face will have to be blasted away. Thu lliikolilft. Sleighing has begun ut Dcadwood. SpearlUli Is arranging for tlm establish ment of a lish hatchery nt that place. Horse stealing is becoming epidemic in the vicinity of Minnesota. Lead City's now electric llifht plant is now In motion and is furnishing the city with excellent light. The t-itato university at Vcrmilllon , de stroyed by llro not long ago , will be rebuilt by citi/.ens at their own expense. It is now about definitely settled that the Vnnkton pork packing house will rcsiimo operations In a snort lime. The county commissioners of I'cnnlngton county liavo offered a bounty fl.50 for each gray wolf killed in that county. Thcro ! an allotment of $30,000 on hand to bo paid to Siouv soldiers and scouts who were friendly In ISO'J-y to the government. Judge Campbell has ruled that the pro vision of the law of 18)1 ! ) providing for the condemnation of warehouse sites on railroad rights of way is unconstitutional. Douglas county is after artesian wells. The Hoard of County Commissioners met in special session recently and called a special election for the purpose of votimr on the proposition to drill lour six-Ineli wells. The Lead City Tribune says that the artesian well company at Sonoma Is out of luck seemingly. Some tlmo ngo Its pipe burst nnd all had to betaken up , and now , at a depth of 501) ) feet , it has burst again at about forty feet from the lop. Mr. Wostfall , on early resident of Dcad wood , who operated n yo-stump mill in Spruce gulch on Champion ere , in 1877 , has organized a company at Chicago , which will erect a 100-stamp mill in the spring for re duction of ore from tlio Champion. The bonus necessary to secure the estab lishment of a ( lour mill at Forest has been secured , contracts aimed and work on the building commenced. The capacity of ttio mill will bo seventy-lira barrels of Hour dally , to make which will require U73 bushels of wheat every day. Wyoming. The sheep receipts at the Chicago market will reach L',000,000 hoad. ICdwurds Bros. , the well known stockmen , shipped 10,000 head of sheep from Kawlins last week. It Is estimated that the coal output for this state for the year will reach fo.000,000. Chief Washakic's daughter and four of his granddaughters are pupils at the Shoshone reservation school. The Button creeK and other coal mines in the vicinity of Laramlo are furnishing about one-half of the fuel used in that place. Heports from over the state indicate that cattle shipments liavo been about all made in tlio state. There are very few herds in the state unsold. Concerning the recent report of a coal dis covery near Cheyenne , the Tribune of that city says a careful examination of the ground described had been marie a number of years ago. Coal was found , but an analysis proved it to bo poor stufl' and not lit for use. Colorado. Minors coming into Co'mo from the Tar- ryall hills report the finding of a lead vein. K.tensive development is to bo commenced on the Xenobia at Cripple Creek at once. Tlio oil well at Grand Junction Is being cased , after which boring will bo resumed. A rich strike of high grade sylvanito ere was made In the big Anaconda tunnel a few days ago. It is reported in Aspen that 200 men will bo put to work in the Argcnliim Jumata property in a few weeks. Ore running 5,000 ounces silver and fifteen ounces gold is being raised from the Mouiuo- zuma mine , Pane county. Tuo ere shipments from the Now York and ast Chance , at Crcedo , will probably bo increased to 150 tons per twenty-four hours In a few days. There is considerable excitement over gold discoveries near HarUcl , a station on tlio Midland near South Park , oust of Hucna Vista. Mineral worth 51,000 a ton has been dis covered in the Moss Itosa at Gothic , owned princlnally by Judge Kelso , vice president of the Missouri Pneilio. Two cars of ere from the Good Ilonomino , Hear creek , the Crceito gold district , noitcu at the Omaha and Grant smelter$3,005.-M and fo.HIi.OS respectively. Teams are nt work building a canal from II. It. Holbrook's largo lake cast , so as to Irrlgato 'JO.OOO acres of land , all within a radius of eight miles of La Junta. The Cripple Creek Morning Journal , after Just seven issues , suspended. It was a first- class newspaper , but the publishers con cluded that the camp could not support it. Ore running iS at grass roots has been struck about half way between Alma and Fall-play , a locality considered barren hitherto , The indications are said to re- scmbleLeadvillo. Notwithstanding the hard times , the county commissioners of Pueblo decided to build wo bridges across the river , to cost 111,000 , in addition to the $ ! 0,000 structure now under way. Durintr the lirst twenty days of November the branch mint at Denver purchased gold In retorts and wasblncs to the amount of fl35.UUS.iiU , In the corresponding period in Ibltt the purchases were f8JSOS.vt. ; ; Work on sinking the oil well nt the ranch ot W. C. Henry , eight miles cast of Morrison , has been suspended temporarily. The woli is now 85U feet deep , and them are good in dications of reaching oil in a short dis tance , Ono of the richest strikes over made in Golden Flecco. at Lake City , was made last week in the third level. It is believed n car of tlio ere , which will bo sent out this week , will double In value any car ever shipped before. There is n project on foot to use the largo eoda lakes on the east bide of the hog back for storage of water for irrigation. A tun * nol will bo bored through the hog-back from Turkey creek , throuith wlnoli they will bo supplied. It will bo 1,000 feet long. Or Kuii. Ice Is an Inch thick on the North Santlam lakes. F.ggs are -JO cents on Coos bay and hard to got. Haspberries and cream are in the Coqulllo market. Mining will bo brisk this winter along Sixes river nnd its tributaries. " Apples are 2. ' . cents a bushel on the Coquille and pick thorn yourself. The Nchalem cannery has closed down. The pack for 1603 was 7,000 cases. , At a Port Orford auction sale stock cattle went for ? 3.60 and cows lor fS. Dayton schools are so crowed another building and more teaching force Is needed. Leo Gerhard , a Corvallls business man , is training a captive bear and attracts largo crowds on Ifiastreets. jVre > t Urove will ship about 100 carloads of whoat. Three' fourths of It Is yet held by the farmers. Prof. French of the Corvnllls collie is arranging for an asrrleultural institute for \ViishliiKton county farmers , to bo held soon nt Uillsboru. A colony of thirty Immigrants la settling down In the Wnldo hills. Most likely they will have to rent , those 700-acro fnrmx nro so hard to break up. Green Arnold , who recently died In ft.ion county , planted the llrst orchard on Throe- Mlle crook , near The D.illcs , In ISM. M W. MopUvr. tinPuyalltip hop nnn , has an option on liOJ acres of land near In- dcuendoncn , and has gone to l.oiuloil to en deavor to organize a stock company to en gage in r.ilsltur hops on the ranch. Hlloy Hllyou's dog Frank captured mi eagle south of Kclo after mi exciting strug gle. The big bird was eating a gander ho had killed nnd the dog came upon him un awares. lie nioiisuml six feet eight Inches. A petition In being circulated about Tlllv moon askhn ? congress to appropriate Jl.'iO.OOO for the harbor , and $ I,000OIKI ! lor a railroad Irom the Willamette rnlloj. the latter to bo operated by the pnvurnmont ul cost. The state grand Jury at Portl-'tul has In dicted tbo sheriff , treasurer and clerk of Multnomah county for neftloct to publish seml-iinnuul statements of thccounty'ti finan cial condition , as required by the statutes. The prnaltv , if thootllclals are convicted , is a line of S'.V Ono of the Colfax banks pays $2C.VJ taxes , The bpolllng school mania has broken out nt Cuslor. A Hold of sapplnros Is reported to have been tound north of Spokane. Many of the eggs used In Washington state are imported from the eastern states. The Wllapa Pilot hears of nnother Jam on Smith creek , with about lr.OJ,000 foot of logs fast. .Sixty-four Hvo-laol cans of opium were captured at Hallnrd on an Incoming Great Northern train. On account of the discount on warrants Colfax leaehnrs have been given a 5 per cent advance in salaries. A Seattle man has just received n patent on a contrivance for fastening carpets with out tlio use of tacks. Kov. George II. Leo of Seattle may be scon nearly every diy astride his bicycle , gliding along Iho streets. He makes his ministerial visits hi this way , and also goes on the silent wheel to fill appointments. The Standard shingle mill of Snohomish chums to have beaten the coast , record for sawing cedar shlnulos on a double track ma chine. In n run of ten hours it turned out and paokod liil.OUO , the largest amount In the history of the slnngla business on the coast. The Toledo Tidings published the follow ing wedding notice : Stouckhum-Cosmopolis At the residence of the groom , on Tuesday last , Chief Atwin Stouckhiim. grand sachem of all the siwashcs. and Miss Lannio Cosmo- polls , a si wash belle , the pride and beauty of the tribe , were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Judge W. G. Mchl , .1. P. The Golden Queen mining claim , In the Trail creek region , situated on a leugo paral lel to and between the War Kaglo anil tUo Cliff , has been sold by W. K. Clarke to Will iam Alperson of Spokane and Paul Gaston , a well known merchant of Piilnuso City. Tlio price is understood to bo $70,000 , of which ? 2r > 00 Is cash , the balance to bo taken out of the property. The Golden Queen is sulphide of copper , iron and gold ore. It has llvo holes on it , from twelve to fifteen feet deep. A peculiar accident occurred on a Seattle street car the other day. A passenger , whom nobody seemnd to know , put his pipe in his pocket , nnd a few minutes later began to feel his back getting warm. But ho no sooner felt it than a blu/.e ran up the back of his coal , and bufoitS he could remove it his shirt was on lire. The other nassoncers smothered the llro on his shirt , but before that on uis coat could be quenched the gar ment was burned beyond recognition. Miscellaneous. The Montana Southern railroad has been incorporated to operate southward from Helena. Four men in the Cedar Hirer , Mont. , placori cleaned up $10,000 , the result of the season's work. , The treasurer of San DiegJ has placed the " city's money , amounting to"$30,000 , in a safe deposit box. Plans are reported to bo nearly completed for the extension of the Passadena electric road to tlio const. The town of Santa Ana , Toxis torn with dissension , all owing to a plan to remove the postolllco from the west to the cast end of .ho town. Santa Monica is making a bid for the en campment of the Grand Army of the Hepub- 'io Southern California association , winch meets next year. A loiter to go from Huron to Dudley , Tularo county , loss than forty miles direct , must go to San Francisco , thence go to San Miguel , thence to Dudley , a distance of moro than 500 miles. The tail end of the desert wind that struck Tustin , Cal. . last week proved a bonanza to the walnut men , relieving them of the neces sity of shaking their trees. The last of the crop is all in ill 3 sacks. Aoothcr irrigating ditch is to be con structed near the town of Payette , Idaho. The farmers will own this ditch. An east- crn company will furnish the money and take the bonds. Fifty thousand tons ot boots have bom de livered at the Watsonvillo , Cal. , sugar works , and 2."i,000 tons more will bo delivered before the season closes. Jwor.v ton ihus delivered moans W , or a total of $375,000. .ludife Pritchard of Los Angeles in arc- cent decision of a libel case held ihatii news paper may denounce a candidate for election In most unmeasured terms provided the do- nunclation is accompanied by reasonable proof of its truth. STRONG COMMEIICIAI. IN3T1NGT3 Ilotr Hllilo DriiinnifT Sought to Mnlco n Snl mill MiccnuilHil. Unfortunately it is not always possible to vouch for the truth of a ilrmntnor'H story , but that many of them uro witty and mirth prorokinjj IB not toho denied. Just at tlio present time there is in circulation , says the Now York Honihl , a rather intoi-entiii" ; tnlo which purports to narrate the U-tithful experiences of a salesman for a publishing house as a witness in an assault caso. "Mr. John Smith , " culled out tlio pilice justice. The man's name is not John Smith , but that ciln bo assumed for tlio purposes of the story. The words had scarcely ceased to echo through the court room when a well druascd younn ; man walked quietly to the front , r.vurylhliig about the witness be tokened a gentleman. "Kiss the book , " growled the olork. "I respectfully decline , Your Honor , " was the roply. The tuie of the young man rather startled the justice , and ( lie remark ut once attracted the " attention of the prisoner , counsel and spectators , as well as the cjurt itself. Recovering somewhat from his sur prise , the justice asked , "Aro you an inlidel ? " "I am not. " "An atheist ? " "Not at all. " "And you refuse to kiss this book ? " "I most certainly do.1 "Do you believe in the blhlo ? " "Yes , " replied the young man. "I see no reason to doubt its precepts or origin , but I refuse to kiss that book. " "Ah , I see , " remarked the justice. "You object to it on the team of cleanli ness. Well , I hare no other , und you'll have to kiss that or stand committed for contempt. Such n remark , the story goes , was what the younp man was wnttlnjr for , . "Your honor , " said ho , "fortunately I have ray samples with mo. I carry the lineal line of bibles in the trade. Hiiro's oho , now , which will answer your pur- ppsos nicely , " and with that ho drew one from under-his coat , olTercd to Boll-it with all discounts oil on long time , and , so the story'goes , elTcctcd u sulo. "Do you enjoy going to school11 } asked the youth's unclo. . yie , ilr. I enjoys goin' all right , it's slttiu1 still m school utter I get there thai I don't HUc. " STASTON BACK IN NEW YORK Ho Has Been in fiiropo Since Ho Loft Iho Harbor 6f Bfo do Janeiro. IT" RECALLED ADMIRAL TALKS ABOUT BRAZIL K > Itrllrcnt .Vtiiiit 1IU Oir i I'oiltlon nml DouMlul Wh : > OYu Sly of Mrllo'n Ulrinco * 1'otntcrAliiutt Ilia 3 I'rojrc * * of ttio NEW YOIIK , N'or.'ft ) . Admlr.tl Stan ton , who was rollnvoJ ot his cotnmind of the South American sqd'adron for "snluttiii- , the Insurgent Adtnlr.il Mollo In Kb harbor , " arrived hero on the sto.inHhlp Spree toJny. In conversation with arjportorof tha As sociated nress , who boar.lo.l the Sprao nt Quarantine and canto up to Now York with him. the a'tmliMl 's.ild : ' -I saUod from Hij on October ill 0:1 : thu royal mill steamship Thames , mv intention balnj to sill for Now York on Iho I'.iris , which 1 nilssot by six hours. 1 then nrrairjii 1 to sail on the Spree from Southampton November ! M. ' ' The Associated press nnn nsUo.l Admiral Stanton if he would say anything about the Incident In UIo harbor wnich rcsultcil In his belnt : relieved ot life command. " 1 will have to as't you ti oxe.ua i.n from Hpcnltlng oC that , " he roi > ! icd , "I really know- nothing about It. I j-jcaUM.l a disp.Uch from the dop.xrtmotitordering mv immoJhito return , but 1 have n joHbUl Infornvitlon as to why I am recalled. I of course , know why. but It is not right for mo to speak of it nor say anything on the subject until 1 nave reported to tne secretary "f the navy. I have had scarcely any opportunity to soothe newspapers since 1 s illed from Kto and have only been the Knirllsh papurs. " "Whataroyour plans , admiral ! " queried the reporter. Will ClviTlitinks nt Homo. "I will Immediately upon golnir ashore wire the department at Washington of my arrival. I shall procoud to my homo at Now London. Conn. , and from there to Washing ton. That will bo my prosram unless I ( hid instructions to thu contrary upon my ar rival. " Admiral Stanton was asked to make u statement on the subject of his recall. "Thero is a bright sldo to every question , " smilingly replied the admiral. "It is a ploan- uro to bo again InNowVorkaiidso near land ing on American soil. The anticipation of mooting my family on Thanksgiving after an absence is a very great pleasure which hits comforted mo throughout the Journey. " "Who in your opinion will win the day in the present conflict in Urazllt" the admiral was asked. "That Is a diftlcuH question to answer , and I cannot say anything about it. There has been llttlo effective work done up to the time T loft Uio. On the UOtli of October , Iho Sun day before 1 sailed , a very good shot was made from one of Pelxoto's guns , which hit Ihe rebel fort. 1 went through Kio a num ber of times und no very great damage was dono. Here and there I noticed a corulco of a building clipped off , but the city was but slightly damaged. " liiHiirKcnls Capture Anotlier Town. Brnsos Antes , Nov. 30. A dispatch from Hio do Janeiro says tho.insurgents have cap tured the town of Curiliua , in the state of Sao Paulo. "What do you think will bo accomplished by the lltllo fleet orsaliizod here to aid the irovcrnmont of IJraziU" "I know nothing of this llcot at the time 1 loft Brazil , and. in fact' the people there did not expect reinforcement from the United States , rather believing- anything in the nature of iiuxUIai'.v ships coming from Kuropo. The vessels lilted out hero might , by desperate enterprise , do some damage lo Iho oilier vessels , being In com mand of young fellows who will , no doubt , exert themselves to' 'doi all they can. They nro very light vessels , but they can at least do as much damage as torpedo bdats. " Opinions of I'orolc" Naval ( MUcum. "What is the opinion of the ofllccrs' in command of the foreign warships at Kio do Janeiro regarding the situation1 ? continued tne Associated nress reporter. "That Mello was in control of the harbor and that is all about it. " "How has commerce been affected by the revolution in Brazil ! " asked the reporter , "So far as the foreign commerce at Kio do Janeiro is concerned , it has not been inter fered with by the rebels to any great degree , as the latter have boon very careful in their efforts not to give offense to the representa tives of the foreign povvcrs , or to the ontccrs in command , or Iho warships ot foreign nalions. On Iho other hniid the rebels have seriously interfered with tno coast trade und with the internal commerce of Brazil , as they do not hesitate lo seize ves sels carrying supplies lo the government of Poixoio. I suppose full reports have been received of the explosion near NIetheroy , " continued the admiral , "of the powder magazine. Another explosion has occurred since , which resulted in the death of two or three naval oftlcers. " Finally the Associated press reporter put the point blank question to Admir.il Slanlon : "Do you anticipate being tried by court martlaU" "I can only say that I have no official In formation , as I before said , of the object of my recall , nor shall 1 know until I have con ferred with the Navy department at Wash ington. " Captain Willigorodt of the Spree said that Admiral Stanton had been quiet and re served-throughout tlio voyage across tlio Atlantic. No ono mot him at the steamer's pier. OlI.llllTl' VltllM 'JO CUUtJ' H. DIstrcHS In All 1'nrts or tlio Country Cnuscil liv Kuril TlincH. WASHINGTON. Nov. ! )0. ) I.ottcrs received and Inquiry among senators and members indicate that there nro many people through out the country aslcin ? themsalves whether congress can bo counted tiiun during the ap- pro.ichlnc session to do anything In the in terest of communities which liavo suffered unusual hardships because of disasters or dull times. . Reports generally are to the effect that a hard winter Is lo bo expected ( n various sec tions and that actual suffering will ha ex perience J In many places. City and country alike report unusual numbors'out of employ ment. In the western agricultural regions the low price of grain and live stuk , in Iho south Iho cotton depression , in the Kocky mountains the shutting down of many of the silver mines , In Iho towns of Now ICngland and thaoastorn and middle- states the clos ing of manufacturing establishments and re duction in forces are rqported , while all the causes have had the effect of driving men to the largo cities , thus iiicruusln the quota of fdlo people , unusually , larcn this season , because - cause of the general nnd local causes In the larger centers of population. Many people seem to think thatlt : & .uc" time congress ought to furnish assistance tn some way , eHUnr by gratuitous distribution in special cases or by meaus of pjilillo works. Congressmen , wjien.requested to express their views of the probability of such as- sistarico being k'\'cny ( shako their heads significantly , They , : l > ' this is not u paternal government and each community will have to depend upon Its own resources. When Senator H6'ar , during the otra session , made an effort ut the instance of Miss Clara Barton of the Hod Crosp society , to secure an appropriation for the bonolit of .thosoa Islands sufferers of' South Carolina ho met with stubborn resistance ut the hands of Senators Turnlo and Coukrcll. Senator ilutler , representing tho. iti > to In which this unfojlunat-o people reside , whilu 'not ' antugonOing the , bill , enld ho ilia not iciulojso the principle , and.Senator Poffor xaid that if government aid wq's to bo fur- iiiistied in that-insiHticij he should demand , lllto n iUtanci ) for the people of the west , > ui > oii whom no less u calamity hud fallen. .It was thu ? made apparent that If a .gratuity should bo Riven in uuy one case it would bo demanded in various others , and , us a consequence , Mr. Hour was uuaulo to ocurotho sMghfst o.inM loMllon for bis upproprlatlon. With reference to the question nf Incroas- nsr the outlay upon public works the fact Is lolnteil out that if this plan should bo nt- ; cmptcd It wo'ild have to bo undertaken iipon so big a scale to furnish any real rellnf hat the treasury would bo umiblo to meet ho extra demand upon It , and u is shown hat the trrasury.llko many individuals , Is In iiard straits at the present timo. Kvcn in the -aso of public hulldlnizs authorized by act of . 'ongress no extra efforts are holng made to liavo the work bejun or pushed nlong be- . auso of the condition of the public funds and of the fact that a deficit instead of n ttrplus is In prospect. CHARGED WITH AHSOtf. iulonn Kflpprr Siinillilnil Acotuml ot llnvlnc 1'ircil III * llnllitlni ; . Things wrro quite lively around the police tatlon Wednesday night , and from U to It ! i clock the patrol wagon wan kept golnir on a rot. Most of the arrests were for drunkcn- lo.os or lighting , but there were several i-ases of a moro nerlous nature. Alol Sundblad was arrested on the charge of arson , lie Is a ; aloon keeper and until Monday morning ho ivas running n liquid cafe at Fourteenth and llnnioy streets. The place was dos- roycd by lire early Mondnyiinornlng. Chief hilllgan found enough suspicious olirum- itances to warrant an Investigation Into the urlelti of the lire , nnd Sundblad has been under surveillance since then. The light of the llro ho told the ( Ire- nen that ho went into the place shortly after midnight and found that his safe had been broken open. Me also said that ho went down Into thn cellar and found that some one had shot his bulldog , which wns a ferocious looking beast. Ho claimed that as ho had been in the place about 11 o'clock , the robbery must have occurred afterwards. The firemen found the dead dog , but ho was stark and stiff , showing that the animal must have been dead for several hours. Theofllcors hilin that they luivo discovered enough sus picious circumstances to warrant thcni In ar resting Sundblad. Yesterday forenoon another complaint was filed by the Will lams burg City Fire Insurance company of Now York alleging that Sulul- bhid had set fli-o to his saloon for the pur- ) ese of eolleothi ? : the Insurance. Sundblad Is still in Jail and no effort seems to have been made lo procure hfs release on ball. _ ItnliliHiy nt llortr.iiul. Superintendent Sanford or the Adams Kx- in-css company returned from Bertram ! , Neb. , Wednesday evening , where ho went to investigate the robbery of Station Agcr.t Ivolloy Monday night. Mr. Sanford in speaking of the robbery said that Kelley had eonio out of the station house to go up stairs , whore'his family re sided. Ho saw an object standing near the ps which ICelley supposed was his wife' Approaching the oblcct ho was doall a blow on the tcmplo and absolutely lost all con sciousness 01 what was going on about him. "The bruise on ICclloy's temple , " said Mr. Sanford. "was not made witji-a blunt , in strument , although the agent may have boon sandbagged. The remarkable feature of the robbery is that it occurred within two feet of where the telegraph operator sat , although outside the building. The money was the first received by the agent at Bertram ! and was consinged to the Bank of Bertram ! , by Iho Hastings bank. The robbers bus not boon apprehended , but I hope lo have some thing dcliultc in a few days. " A ( inmblar'8 l.uck. Tom Hayes , a gambler who is alleged to have won about ? 400 off 25 cents ono day this week wound up his good luck by losing most of it again and gelling drunk. He had some trouble with another gambler and struck him with a pair of steel knuckles. Hayes was in nn ugiy moon , nnd abused the ofllccrs in a shameful manner. W lien ho was being searched at the station ho grabbed a telegram which had bee.n 'taken from his -pocket and tore it up beoro the oftlcors could prevent him. It was thought that the mcssago contained something which ho wished to conceal from the police. After much trouble tbo pieces of paper were pasted together so that they could bo read , but the telegram contained nothing of importance. When arraigned yesterday forenoon Iinyos pleaded guilty to being drunk and was fined ? . " > and costs. Then the Judge imposed a fine of Slid and cosls for car rying a pair of brass knuckle * . Flneil for Tliolr Fun. Steve Claudoson and Mlko Cleary , em ployes at the smelting works , went oul hunt ing Wednesday. They succeeded in killing ono lonesome "cottontail. " On their way to town they stopped and imbibnd liberal portions of lighting whisky. When they reached iho corner of Twelfth and Dodge streels Steve thought ho would create some excitement and with a shout of dollanco he discharged both barrels of his gun down tuo cantor of the street , . An olll- cor captured the hunters nnd their guns and the chances are that they will cat their Thanksgiving turkey in the city Jail. In police court yesterday morning Judge Bcrka discharged Cleary , but lined Claude- son $10 and the customary costs for dis charging llreurms inside of the city limits. Illtm- Out the Cim. Two farmers from Tarkio , Mo. , arrived in the city Wednesday night and registered at a lodging house at i-OI Soutli Twelfth slreet as John Carroll und W. S. Belhi. They went to their rooms and blew out the gas. About 7IO : ! o'clock ycslerdav morn ing they were alscovcrod and the ut- laches of Iho house supposed them dead. The police station was notified and Dr. IMboorn went down and done what ho could to relieve tlio farmers until Dr. Tow no nrilved. Then both doctors worked hard for an hour or two and succeeded in saving tno lives of their patienls. When able to talk both Carroll and Belin told iho dosiors that they sura enough had something to be thankful for today. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. .Succosgfiil Scijnrl of nn Unhappy AVomun'H Attempt nt Siilrlilu. Mrs. George Bnxtor , the woman who at tempted suloidoAVcdncsday by shooting her self In the breast with a pistol , died at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. The remains were turned over to Brewer .t Sloan , undertakers , anil uoronor amui was iiouued. i no coroner will determine ihis evening whether or not un inquest is necessary. The wound appeared to bo a fatal ono from the utart. iJr. ICoiloy. Dr. Slabuugh and Dr. Bell were called In Ihe case. The course of iho bullet was downward and In its COUI-HO it larcratod the liver and kldnevs , In order 10 gel at the affected parts the stomach hud to bo out open. Thcro wns hut slight hope for the woman's recovery , although she was given the most skillful attention. The remains will be buried Friday after- noonntU o'clock. Mrs. Baxter was not in the best of health. Her children and stepchildren hud caused her much worry and her mind was not ex actly balanced at times. II Is believed that the act was committed while the woman was in n temporary spell of insanity. A ( 'liurlly Muellnir. All members ot the committee of seven teen of the Associated charities ara requested to moot nt the law omYo ot Adams & Bell on Friday evening. The president is anxious that there bo a full attendance , as a number of active commltloos will bo put to work. Hitrvlcfi * nt the Chur < - liThe > The now Methodist church at the corner of Twenty-third and N streets was filled with hunpy faces yesterday morning. Union Thanksgiving services were held , which 'were participated in by all of the denomlna- 'lions of the city. The edlflco was charm- . When Baby was sick , re gave lier Castorlft. When she tras a Child , Uio cried for Castoria. ; When she became JIlstlie clun to Custorla. When she had Children , she gave them CastorU ncl.decornted and the IiiRlu < j was un- I isuallv good , The following program was I 'arrlodoul ; proclamation . Itomlliy liov.,1. It. lo ! s 3o\ ernor's prtx-lnmntlon . . KCIIII by Hcv. li It , Million lyinii , forcnmtlon . All Joining Vrlptum lesson . Hov. Thomas Stovpncnn ' lyinii Hirst Ito IhoTlo . All InlnliiR I 'raver . Hov. Itolierl 1. . wiinolcr | AnthiMii . Choir , 'Jlfcrlng . 1'or Wonmn's Hcllrf I'orpi ' 'cnnoii . Hov. r. ( J. Pomrroy I > o\olofiy . \ll jnliilm ; , lenodlftlon . „ . . . . . . . . Charles "mlbnwk j A I'lrxKutit Iliiiiclnc Pnri.v. I The Young Men's Institute gave a parts at , lauer's hall Wednesday night that was en- \ eyed by nbout sovcnty-llvo couples. A pro gram ot twenty-six numbers won run through with and nil pronounced the ball ono of the most cnjoynblo over given by the socletv. The coimnitlccs were us follows : Arrangements William Breiinnn , Thomas Flynn , William Quecnan , William Hughes nnd Patrick Hanloy. Keccptlon-B. J. McCabc , I ) . Sullivan. M. J. KHli-y. William Nagulnnd Tlmothv Kvan. Kloor-T. ,1. O'Neill. 1C. J. 1'ollard , J. ,1. O'Kourke , A. M. Uullachcr and D. Keane. I An ttiirortmmto Aicldont. J.owls Xndena , while foollnir with a gun , accidentally shot himself In the IP yester- .lay morning. Ho lives at Thirty-eighth ami l.yman streets. Dr. Id-Hoy was called and t is feared the limb will have te bo ainpit- .alcd al the linee. City ini li. | Mrs. Mary Smith Is visiting friends In Mhion. V. MoUger of Blair is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Denny AlKu-ry. The Whist club incctR.it the residence of t. O. Oiihson Friiluy evuning. Captain Austin of the police force Is eon- Ined lo his home by sickness. Frank Morlnrlly has men appointed cashier nf the Packers National batilt. Mr. and Mrs. I'1. A. Cressctv spent Thanks giving day with friends in Council Bluffs. The Ideal clunvlll give n party at Knights of Pythias hall on Friday evening. Oinuti.i I'r.xliicu Marui't. ItlTTTl.uTho market IH very weak and tlip imoinit of buttnr thai brings ovoi'JOi - Is very small : rlioleo 'ounli v , IHit'JOji fresh iitu-Mng look , I Hi * . lmtssip : I'ori.TUv-Tho bPiisou bus nmvod when tlio ( li'iiiuiiil Is crowing for diesst-d iioiiltry. Ohli'ki'tis , oo ; cci'io and ( IiicKi. TttHi" liirlioys , HlJiOi' . l.ivi : rotii.ritrI'ho nmrkot on I'liloUi-ns Is ivorsuppllod and tlio puckum uro iiiruiliiKonly 4'Jj" ituusoand ilucKs , 7e ; tlifkvyii , 7H7' ' , < - . SiAl-TliPiirrivalH during the mist diy : or twiiliuvo been IlKht , uuil tlio iimrkol. llriii ul pruvlona iinolutlons. Cluurv sinull and fat vouls , il'.lc1thin or hi'iivv , Sttnc. OAMI : The coldnr wor.l hurts liavliiR u vrry lienpllflul ulTcct iiii.in Iho KUIIIO murkot. The duiuuiiil , wlilcli has bi'au llilit all tlu > full , Is Improving und prices uivcoiisi'iiiiisiitly llnnltiK up. I'roin now on hlrds th.it uro nndruxrn will bo Klvon the p re f crone n. I'mlrlo chli-krns , S-UMIJM.SB ! Rrouse , t3.001S3.70 ! qnull , tl OUj l.-u-k Miloe , ( I ; Koldcu plover , $1 : t'un- udii KCUSO , SG.006.l > . .r > U ; smull KPCSO , Jl.Ul ) ( ft-l.Oll ! nriinl , t3.00ic3.60 ; iiiallnrd ducks , fU.70t3.00 ; ludhuad ducks , J3 ; blue wlimtcul ( lllilks , J1.7f2.lHKrecnvliicteul ) ! ducksJl.OUi mixed ducks , f l.'JOGll.fiO ; cunviiNlmcK clucks , $5.0030.00 : Jack inliblm. W.5ia3.tlli ( ) sirall rabbits , % \ . " ' > ; squirrels "OttOOc ; di-oi-suddles , porlb. , 14 < aif > c ; ilcc-r currussra , 1031 lc ; an- tolopu saddles , I'JaiSfj untolopo curcusses , . Kiiiw Thorcoulpts of fresh laid OCRS are % ery light nnd dealers lire asking * ! 23c. ! Thu bulk of the stock is going -IDiWle. . IIO.SKV Honey Is commencing to tniiro a little moro freely , hut thu demand Is .still llilit for It ; eholco while clover , 15-ai7c. OVSTEKS Medium , 15c ; liorseslions , 19'j extra standards , i0c ! ; iixlrasolect.s , 'J3i : ; com pany selects , 20o ; count' ) , 80V. NUTS Oie.slmiis w-arco at. lUIMiie per lh. : almonds IHc ; Ku llshvalnnts , 1'JilHc ; III- hertu , 13e ; Ilruzll nuts , 13c ; pociins , larno , Ui& 14o ; ppciins medium , lOe. The market on black vulmits Is low nnd no ono wants lo buy. viur.T.\ii.iK. : BEANS California hand-picked navy , ? 2 ; western nuvy , $1.8031.00 ; common whlto beans , $1.5'S1.75. ' ONIONS ! Onions are quoted ut fiOQGSc , nnd on 01 dors ut ODIiTOc ; SpanUh onloiii , per ciute. f 1.00. WATI-.II CiiKSS 1'ut up In berry boxes , nor CU--0 of 10 < ita. . f 1.0U3 > ' 1.75. 1'or.vroKSThe receipt ) are larger and the market is very weuk. Nebraska , lowu und Minnesota mown potatoes , In small lots from store , dMVJOiSUIIIP ; In iar : lots , OOTiOSr ; Colorado rado , from Moro , 75c ; Colorado lots 0770c. CAIIIIACK I'ulilmgo Is not so plenty as It was , and It i not always an oisy : niiillur to gut enough lo Illl orders. Orders for cabbage from the country aw filled at HiiWc nor II ) . Some colored cabbage has been iccolved , whli-h Is held at att'U1. CEI.KIIV MOOTS According lo .sl/c , 403GOo nor do/ . CKI.EKV The demand Is Increasing us tlio Thanksgiving holiday draws nearer und u Rood ileul of celery Is being sold ; good block , 30/l3je ? : fancy , fiUi : . KWIIKT l'nT.\iois : Tno supply Is fatrj west ern stock , per bbl. , M.-5Qi3.5U ! ; .lorsoy stojk , per bill. , 44. ( inr.r.N VKIIKTAHI.KS Sptnuch , perbbl. , S2.00 ( t'J.'JA ; salsify , 30ii33e p r do/ . : radishes , pur do20e ; endive , per dm. , 5OTj.ClV ; onion- . , perdiw. , 20o ; i-uiilllloHcr , per doJ3 ; lot- Uicisnar doi. , 5Uo. I'lllJlTS GitAi'M I'astern Concords 2-o" ) largo lots , 2.V ; ( . 'uliiwbas , 29a30e : Mulasus , per fio-lb. bbls. , not , } ( i,50 ; Malagas , per 50-lb. bills. , HIM , 47.00Ti7.00. ( 'jkiiiroiiMA I'ltuns There Is not iniii'h left nn the inurliet ; pi-urs , J'J.f)0 < l/'J.70 : .Muscat grapes , hlnulo cases , Jl5 ; Mnsculs , double UIlsPS , J'J. ! " ) ( ! . Al-l'l.is ThcsiiDply Is llxht on this miirkul ; choice , per hill. , Jl.ao ; fancy woslcin , il.75a 2.110 per bov. Ciiv.Miiinilis : : Crnnborrles are arriving very freely und uro In good demand ; Capo C.i.f. per libl. . ? 0 : bell und bugle , SG.uOj Jersey , ifO.70 ; bell und cherry , i ! > . ntoi'iCAi , mtiiTS. HA.VANASl'rlco iomtiln nhniit steady : per CRIME IN IIIGilPLAC'KS ! Ills not strange that aoino people do wronp througli i noranee , others from iv ( allure to investigate us to the righto.- wroiir ( , of a tnatlc , : ' . But it is struifo : } , thatindiv'ldualB and firms , xvlio nro fully aware of the rights of others , will per sist in parpcitratin frauds upon them. Illt'li-toned , wealthy inatiufreturlncf firms will offer and Hell to retail iner- ehauts , articles which they know to bo infrliigoinonts on the rights of proprie tors , and imitations of well known goods , \Vo want to sound a note ot warn ing to the rotallofd to bawaro ot such imita tions and simulations of ' 'CAHTUK's LIT- Ti.KLiVKK 1'ir.l.s. " When they are of fered to you , refuse them ; you do not want to do wrong , and you don't want to lay yournolf liable to a lawsuit. Han Frunklin said "Honesty Is tlio host poli cy" ; it is Juntas true that "Honesty Is thobost principle. " limi.-h.InrcP Port. . , ) , D. . r IHIH-I | , small lo Ihedlilln. tl ( ; > , i .Mil , I.KMOSS ( inod leliinns , * t.'J.Vi.4 f.O. OiiAMiKs Mcvlrnin or fiorldas , per Iwt , t.ii O-IM > \ lots , u. ; ; > . IIIDIS , ru.t.ow , i.-n' . irs Nn. 1 Rreini hldps , 2'ti" ' ; No. 2 grn-u , IVj No. I RI-I-IMI suited hlp ( | , 3Nn. ; . U . . . , , , , , , . , , . , , , , * i i j 11 III I 11 I M l l IM i i If (1 I V II IM U hide * ! 4c : .No. 1 dry Milti-d hides , -p. ( I'nrt cured hides ' , p per lh. le s Iliuil fully euird , Mir.r.f PM.TS ( ircetinlted , each. flO 7.Vl creon salted Miciirllnss ( short wooled c-urlv Rkltis ) , em-li ltriVi ( ) dry shcarlliik'd ( short wixili'il curly sklnsi , Xo. 1 , ivu-b fiicMV'i dry sbcailbiKsisliorl woolcd i-uily sklim. No. if/ cnrh ocj dry Hint , Kan us and NubraskiJ milolioi-woal pi | | , per Hi. , uotual woluht , lOiSi 'I' " ilry Hint , K'unsas and Nebraska miirraln w < 'I VylK P ; iHi. . , ui-tuil wolithl , 17 JiltV : dry Hint lnloiiili : luili-hor wool polls , nor II ) . , iii-tnulwelulu Ortlo-dry , ; Hint I'olorixilo niiir- rain wool polls , p r Hi. , .ii-nnil wclKht , 7-Oot ( dry pieces und bucks ucnml wolc'it ' , Oii7o. I.imdnii Stork ( .Jllotntlo-K. I.OSIKix , Nov. no.2 p. 111. closlnu- C'onwiis mnhry. . ' . . . " | iAV"SlT'\lMii onlltmry 14 " Consols , ucc ul .IHMII : m. Vnii'pnmmoii tisV ran.iillnn rai-IHc. . TijNiw Ym-lc I'l-nlrat ion lllliiiiUCoinViil. . . . " nn MIX. tvn ni'W 4H Ml' < ex nil. for J.imiai-y , HAII Su.vni : i2d pero/ . MO.MVJiW : , nor cent. Annum ! or bullion cone Inin the Hank of l.ngliitid on balam-os tudny is l'J2,000. It Cum Coldr.Coughi , Sore Throat , Croup , Influ enza , \Vhoopln ; Cough , Bronckllij nnd AiUinm , A certain euro for Coniumpticn In Grit itagei , and a aure relief la advanced utaRcs. Tito at once. You will set the cxcrllent effect after taking the flrtt do > . Bold by dealers ercrywhere. bottlei 60 ccnti and 8) ) 00. JOHNSON'S EVAGraETC ! ! OIL ! Instant Killer ol Pain. internal nnd Cxtornnl. Cures Itlinu.MATISM. OIA , U'inio llnck. Hiirnln" , llrultcr , BIIIT Jelut" . COI.1O nml nstntitly. Oholcrn Mor- i , ( 'rouii.Dliillu-rlii , Horn Throut , ; , unit by magic. THF HflRSF RRANn n-Prt'a'ly ' ' propnrcJ for I lit HUnOL DnflnU , stock , Double HlronRtli , the most Powerful nnd 1'cnctrfltliiKl.lnlmontf or tlnn or JJentt Ul oils teiico. l irgo Jl slzo 70c. , Wte. elzo dOc. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Jtoillcntcit nml Toilet. The dent Gkln Cure nml Fnoo Oenutinor. Lndloo will fniil it o most delicate ami highly perfumed Toilet Honp nn thn innrkot. ltl absolutely puro. Mnkim the hUlnnoft nnd velvety nml restores the latt com plexion ; 1' n luxury fur tlio Bath for Infnnto. It r.lnyn Itrhluir. cleuiiR-B thoprnlp mid iiromotca tljo Rnivrth o [ liulr. .X'rlco'i'Q. Forpiilnby Kulin vt Co. . Solo Agents , Omahn.Nob. [ ' 11 Pull Your Tooth Out for 25c DR. WITHERS , UU Floor , nro-.vu Ulock , , Ititli and Doiiglun. Tclepliono 1775. OR. Is the only SPECIALIST WHO THEATS AI,7. PRIVATE DISEASES nnd DEOILITIESof MEN ONLY , Women Excluded. 18 yi-nrii oxpcrlonce Circulars free. 1 ith nml I'nrnam iiU. OMAHA. NKP A OAK I ) . Owinp to tlio strlnponcy of the times , 1 have reduced my regular chiirtres lo wish pationtH to exact ly ono imlf of t'io ' nrlntod oeulht's foe bill. K. T. ALLKN , , M. D. Kyo nncl Ktir Surpcon. Hooni ' . ' 1)1 ) 1'uxtoii Illo 'k llllli mill I'lirnain KVII-S WIIAK.N'KHSKS , I1KIIII.ITV. IITP . tliiit jiis- iiiiiui.v tin-in In moil Ql'll'KI.Y iiiKl 1'KUMA- NKNTLY ( irilKI ) . 1'uU STKK.S'OTII iiiul toiu ulveii loevi-r.v iiiirnif llul l > olj. I will wmil < * - - KIIKK lo miffi-rcr tlio - cun-ly liaclicd ) uuy iiruHurlji- lion lli.-il iMirwl nitof llif * tiiHiWiM. Aililro-j'i it It. WIIIRIIT , Mnulo lleulur , Hu.v l.'Ji'J , Miir.tlnll SOUTU K : Yards South 0 it Cattle Ho nndSlua ? martatla tli TilV " COMMISSini HO'I3 ' : . _ . Y/ood / BratliJfs. Mm Sto3k CoMirnlailoa Maraiuati. 50'lthOuiahi Telepliona 1IM. Obtain JOHN I ) . DADHMAN , I , , . . . . , " WAl/1'Kll B.V.)0. . > , } " Market ropnrtsliv rn-ill nml wlrn chnflrfnl BOOTS AND SHOES. Morsc-Coe Slios Company. Baloirooiu and Onico im-IIOlll | llo Hl Factory -im-im Howard 8U \V are the ONI.V Manufa ur ri of llooU nal . . . to | np.et our lien factor/ DRY GOODS. M. B. Smith & Co. Kilpatrick-KocliDry c-o. Ilrr ( oodi , notloniur - Notlon , uenu1 furnlih- nliblne oodi , corner Ink iruoU , cor. lllli "J Hlb aud How.rJ &l . Il.rtier Btreeli HAHDWAHE , Hector & Willicliiiy Lobesk & Linn , COMI'A.NV. Dcalo-n In Inrlw.ire ml Corner lOtliniul Jackion lut-chnnlci' lnoli Hlruuti. II'H nuuKlii Strojr HATS , ETC. [ IKONWOKK8. _ _ _ W. A , L Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and Iroa Wlioloiale woittN , lints , f'uui. Htr iw K < x > d9 , Fnfoi.yiiuHi , jnll woo 1 , liluvoi , mliieiK. 12lli Iron liutlun and Hra o > - null llorney blreatl. cuis | . IJuj AiiOroan , Kill ana Juckion COMMISSION. j "LUMBER. " " Branch & Co. John ATYahclleld \ , Import Jd.Auierlcau I'urt * IVoduce , frulti ot all land ccniunc , Mllwau. kuacement anil ( Julocr klmU , oyiton. nlilte lltao. STOVE REPAIR3 Frlck & Herbert , "diiFau. ! Stove Repair \701IKH. Florn ropilri Wholeiale liquor dealon and water alt oliui iiti ( or UT kliiJur mire , 1001 Karnain fit. TAPEIl. OILS.