Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1893, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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orncE ! NO. 12 rnAHL
DcllvciedViy cnritcr to any part of the city
11. W Tl I/TON - Mnnngcr
J TUlllncvsOITlcR . No. 43
TEU'.PIlONr.SNlg { , | , r-xlltor . No.23
Hoslon Store , 10-dny salo.
Hood Sunday dinner , only 2,1 ! cents , served
nt Balrd's ifo today , fi to 7 p. m.
The fall term of the Western Iowa Normal
unit Business college closed Friday for a
week's vacation , after which It will open up
ngnlti for the winter term.
Men Wobbcr returned homo Frldav morn
ing at 7 o'clock from the hunting trip which
lie looit Thursday night to avoid testifying
Jn the Nicholson Investigation.
.Tohn .Stork , who works for the Wnro
Works romp. r , Is laid up with n broken
arm. The fiarturo Is nt the elbow , on the
mamo arm which was fractured once before.
The Patriotic Daughters nnd Sons of
Amcilca will servo dinner and supper next
"Wednesday atUl South Main street for the
benefit of the Women's ' Chi Istlan association
There will bo n "mothers' meeting" nt
Miss Hald win's , Mil Willow avenue , Tuesday
nfloriioon at ! l o'clock. All who am inter-
rstcd in kindergarten culture uro urgently
invited to bo present.
I est , envelope , addressed to W. A. Maurer ,
containing papers relative to claims , be
tween wabash nnd Hock Island freight
depots. Finder uleaso notify Maurer at
The Young Men's Christian association
people have concluded arrangements for the
npnear.inco of the Schubert Svmphony club
nnd Ladles' quartette at thu opera house
1'Viday evening.
Lost , Saturday nlternoon. between Benton
It-cut on Washington avenue nnd North
iftrsi street bridge , unmounted water color
marine scene , about 12x18. Finder please
leave at BuEofllce.
The case of Swain and Brown , the two
Milwaukee employes charged with the theft
of a number of articles from the company's
freight depot , 1ms been continued In-
definitely. The ofllcials of the company
will prefer a less serious ) charge so as to
keep the men out of thu penitentiary.
All members of lUuffs City Council No. 7 ,
Junior Order United American Mechanics
are requested to meet at Scottish Kite hall ,
No. 27 Pearl street , at I o'clock sharp to
take part in the parade to South Omaha
November " 8 , 18'.K ( . By order of council. E.
V. Wagoner , recording secretary.
The B.tbcock divorce case , which attracted
o much attention during the trial in the
tlistilct court a couple of weeks ago , Is not
likely to bo appealed. Word was received
1 yesterday that Babcock had negotiated n
loan of 1,000 with which to settle up the
plaintiffs claim for alimony , nnd this Is re
garded us a good indication that ho intends
to accept the Judgment of the court.
The Chicago & Northwestern change of
time will go into effect today. The Denver
Limited for Chicago will leave the local depot
nt 40 : p. m. and arrive in Chicago at 8:15 : n.
m. The Overland Flyer will leave the local
depot now at 7:10 : p. m. and arrive in Chicago
cage at ' . ) : ! > 0 a. m. The local train will leave
nt tip. in. , instead of 4:05 : p. m. The train
which formerly arrived here at 11:40 : now
reaches here at 8 : ISO a. in.
Alderman Hathaway is laid up with a
Rvcro attack of hemorrhage of the lungs ,
to xrhlch ho has been subject for some time
past. Hud it not been for Ins illness the
contest between him and Glcason for the
Third ward nluermanlc seat would have
teen tried in the district court yesterday.
It has been continued until some time In De
cember , and it is hoped jhnt in the mean
time Mr. Hathaway will recover.
Sam Friedman , a universal uncle of the
three-ball variety , was taken in the other
day by a man giving his name as S. W.
Adams , nnd representing himself to bo a
traveling salesman from a Cincinnati
wholesale house with which ho had done
business. Aduins induced him to endorse n
check for $ r > 0 , which proved to bo a forgery.
The Cincinnati house claims Adams to bo a
fraud. The police are on his trail.
A Iteuiitirul ChrlitmtiH Present.
Can you thinic of a moro beautiful
present to give to wife or daughter , one
that will tiring moro happiness , sun
shine and joy than a piano ? It elevates
and purifies the homo , and makes it
nearer the ideal sanctuary it should bo.
The Royal llardman is the homo piano
of the world , unequalcd for its sweet
tones , nnd its perfect adaptation to the
music of the homo circle. And you can
Ret a nardman now for about the same
price you would have to pay for o
cheaply made inferior instrument , am ]
like u violin , it will improve with ago.
You cannot got a llardman anywhere
else than at Mueller's , 103 Main street.
The Twin City Itya Works.
The Twin City Dye works is now the
largest and most complete in the west
The now building is equipped with the
newest approved machinery , in hamlB o
expert workmen. All kinds of dyeing
cleaning and renovating ladies' and gen
tlomcn's garments , fcathcre , etc. Al
work guaranteed. Office and works a
Cth btrcot and Avenue A , Counci
Bluffs ; Omaha olllco , 1521 Farnamstreet
G , A. SUUOKUSACK , Proprietor.
Ladies , if you desire absolute peace in
Iho kitchen ask your grocer for J. C
lloffmayr & Co.'s Fancy iDatent Hour.
I'EltitUA.lK 1'AU.HiUAVlta.
Born , to Mr. and MM. Frank Wright , t
M. C. Van Dervcer Is bajk from an ex
tended biihlncbs trip ,
W. M. Drew of Toronto , Canada , Is In the
city , the guest of his brother , O. G. Drew.
Frame Compton Is traveling for the whole-
ale grocery house of Franklin , MoVcagh &
Co. of Chicago.
The condition of the child of Mr. and Mrs.
William Arm ! , who has been ill with
diphtheria , Is reported Improved.
Superintendent II. W. Sawyer of the city
chools has been confined to his room for
cvornl days by a severe attack of Inflamma
tory rheumatism.
Catholic ralr.
The ladles of St. Peter's church will
liold ti fair or ba/aar in the Elseman
building , beginning Tuobduy , November
A ) .
Many and valuable gifts have been
donated toward it , among others , a
"URffy hoi-bo , n line wardrobe , a bedroom
eot , u soft ecal heater , rugs , pictures , a
rng carpet , t-ovoral mantel clocks , a
tjroat number of articles of ladles' fancy
work , which will bo found very appro
priate for Christmas gifts. Lunch and
imppor will bo borvcd every night ; a line
Thanksgiving dinner on Thurbday. Ad
mission , lOc.
Give the ladies ncall during the week
and leave them some of your cash.
AUnnilcd u ClillH' * Allrrtloni.
Eunice HOES und Jonathan Hess are the
plaintiffs in n suit which is on trltil In the dis
trict court , to recover $1,700 fiom J. A. Boren
for keeping the lattcr's child for ten years
utter the death of its mother , Boren claims
the child wus allowed to live with the Itosses
at their request , so that nothing is coming to
them for board. He further puts 111 n
counterclaim for damages to the amount of
110,800 , alleging its grounds therefor that
over since they have hail the keeping ot the
child tlit\v huvo steadily worked with a view
to alienating her affections from her father ,
and that they have kept him from tujojing
her society and tno woric shu might hnvo
done for htm. A jury has been empanelled
end the trial will bu commenced tomorrow
morning , _ _ _ _
llrur Aleut
At Motzgcr & Handlett'u market. Fin
est dressed chickens , 80. Dressed tur
keys , lOo to 12jc.
W. E. Chamber * , dancing academy ,
Masonlo temple. Classes each " \Vodues- \
fluy uf toruoou and ovuuiujf.
Tragic Death of Peter Johnson While Re
pairing a Ons Main ,
'ccullnr Acclilcnt In Which n 1'nlthrul
Kmplojo of tlio City ( la * Company
Lost lllii Mfo Details of
Peter Johnson , an old employe of the gas
company , lost his life In a tragic manner last
light. His work for years past lias been to
oca to and repair leaks in the gas mains.
Yesterday evening a leak was discovered In
ono of the pipes leading frolu the main on
Main street at the corner of SIxt'centh av-
cmio and Johnson went at once to repair it.
Ho had taken up Iho pavement aim dug
lowu to the main shortly before S o'clock.
Jo was alone nt his work and ns the street
s poorly lighted at that point no ono noticed
anything wrong until a horse fell into the
ditch and was badly injured.
The animal was gotten out about 8:30 :
o'clock , and the crowd that had collected
went away cursing the gas company for its
nt'gllgenco in leavimr nu open hole in the
street unguarded. The fact that the man's
coat lay there did not scorn to attract any
mention , but half an hour afterward it oc
curred to a newspaper reporter to loolt into
the hole and see what tbero was at the bet
tom. The gas was coming up from the bole
with tei-rlllc force , making a roaring sound
that could bo heard halt a block away. The
reporter braved thu danger and touched the
bottom of the hole with his feet. The touch
revealed the body of a man , or created the
suspicion that the body of a man was there.
Miulo n Sickening Discovery.
The asslitanco of a man with n lantern
was called , and their efforts to hold the Ian
tern so that the light would shine into the
hole resulted In the Ignition of the rushing
volume of gas , and a terrific explosion oc
curred that sent them flying backward. Two
other explosions instantly followed , the
flumes shooting high into the air , and crrad-
ually subsiding into a ghostly flicker above
the mouth of the pit. The light of the ex
plosions revealed the body of tlio dead man
lying on his face In the bottom of the bole.
Kopcatcd efforts wore maao to secure the
body , but all were fruitless , many of the
men attempting it beinc overcome by the
choking volumes of gas. The company was
notlflcd. hut the man whoso duty it was to
turn off the gns and who know how and
whcro to do U , was lying dead in the pit ,
and it was nearly midnight before any ono
could bo found who knew whcro to go and
turn It off. In the meantime heroic efforts
were made to recover the body with hooks ,
hut the lire had burned off nearly all of his
clothing , and there wns nothing to grapple
but the naked , blistered flesh. At 11 o'clock
one of the gas men resolutely went down
into the hole and pulled out the body.
It is not known whether the man was
overcome by the escaping gas or was injured
by thu horse falling in upon him. The
struggles of the horse evidently broke the
pipe and let the full force of the gas escape.
Johnson's home is at the corner of Eighth
avenue and Ninth street. Ho leaves a wife
and several cnildren. He has been in the
employ of the company for years and was a
trusted and valued employe.
Our Special 1'rico l.lot.
We advertise nothing wo don't have
and everything advertised will bo found
just as we say. The following list , prepared -
pared for our sale , is by no means nn ex
ception. Our annual sale is going beyond
our expectation , considering the uni
versal dull trade :
Read the list carefully ; sure to bo
something to interest you :
$ ± 25 11-4 blankets , 81.48 a pair.
$ : i.50 J table napkins , $2.33 a dozen.
$1.25 blirunk flannel skirt patterns , 80c.
A big reduction on muslins and sheet
J2jc cotton batting , Tie a roll.
$1.00 gent's lleeced underwear , 79c.
fiOo gent's underwear ( soiled ) , 25c.
. ' 19c bovs' and misses' underwear ( odd
lot ) , He.
8c ! ) ladies' clouded vests and pants ,
Fit * e.
COc Egyptian ribbed vests and pants ,
lOc yard wide twills , 3c a yard.
12c } ligurcd twilled suiting' . Sic.
13est quality indigo blue prints , 5c.
2"ie and IJDo infants' cashmere hose19c.
: iT ) dozen imported wool hose ( samples ) ,
no two alike , worth from 40c to " 5c ,
choice ' . } pairs for $1.00.
Children's mittens , all wool , lOc a
nnit * .
Ladies' cashmere and double mittens
25c , worth 3'Ic.
$1.00 7-hook kid gloves G9c a pair.
Sample line silk embroidered hand
kerchiefs , 33c each.
COc all wool dross goods , yard wide ,
( i)0 *
07e fancy dress goods , 40-inch wide ,
$1.00 plaids , camel hair and hop sack
ings fil-ineh wide for 09e a yard.
$1.00 high class novelty wool goods
now $1.lit.
1'rices on noats have to bo teen before
you can appreciate them.
Plush sacqnes at cost price , $10.00 to
$15.00 garments , $4.08 ; $3.50 and $5.00
eoatrt , $1.1)8 ) each ; $0.50 to $12.00 coats ,
$4.44 each. noSTO.v STOKE ,
F. , W. & Co. ,
Council BlulTs , In.
Fancy glass Dottles at a bargain , 12jc
grade fie , 2oc grade lOc , 39o grade 15c.
Florida water , 50o bottles 12jc.
Hay rum , 25o bottles lOc ; perfume ,
5u ounce.
Glycerine soap 2c a cake , Pears' lOc ,
Cuticura 14c , C'astilo three for lOo.
F. W. & CO.
Council Bluffs , la.
Wo oloso every evening at 0 p. m. , ex
cept Monday and Saturday.
Voiitiff People' * Union Service.
At the Broadway Methodist Episcopal
church this evening will be held a very in-
terestlng service , participated In by the
members of the various Young People's
Societies of Christian Endeavor , Baptist
union and Epworth league societies of the
city , A very Interesting program has been
arranged , The rn'iblu ' will consist of solos
and quartet singing from some of tlio best
local musicians. The Wlllsons will also
probably assist in this part of the exercises.
The pubhu is cordially Invited to attend , and
the young especially will bo welcome. Tills
is the iirat of a scries of such meetings to bo
hold in thu different churches during the
winter months for the purpose of uniting
moro closely In religious worlc the young
peoplu of the city.
You pay your money and you take
your choice either Dr. Jcfforis1
Diphtheria Remedy or a funeral. Thirty-
live years trial proves Dr. JolToriB1
diphtheria medicine infallible in putrid
sere throat , KS in malignant scarlet
fever or malitrnant diphtheria. For sale
by Ik-ardsley , Davis and Do Haven , also
3101 ( . 'tuning street , Omaha.
S. M. Williamson still Bolls the Stan
dard and Domestic at 100 South Main
street , und 1ms not removed to Broad
way , as has been reported.
Ask your grocer for Domestic soap.
Noult Hound Oirr ,
Bob Koott of Big I-ako avenue was brought
up in police court yesterday ana given a
hearing on the charge of stealing an over
coat frota W. T , Staples. The evidence
against him was conclusive and ho was
Iwuud over to tuo craua Jury , His bond was
fixed at J.100 , and ns ho was unable to fur
nish It ho was remanded to the county Jail
for safe keeping.
Another serious charge has been preferred
ngalnst him and ho will have a hearing to
morrow morning In police court. Yesterday
W. T. Brown filed an Information alleging
that ho grabbed a carving knife the other
tiny while they were enjoying themselves nt
Price Gibson's place on North Main street
and attempted to commit murder , with the
complainant as chief victim.
Strnnco Cniio or n Council lllnn" I.niljr.
A well known lady in Council Bluffs
adds her hearty testimony to the many
wonderful cures that have been made hy
the Swcctland remedies. She was
afflicted llko thousands of others with a
complication of disorders that ballled the
physicians. She has voluntarily put
into writing a statement of her case.
Among other things she says :
"I had been sutlering from constipa
tion and jiiles for 20 years nt least and
had Ircquontly been operated upon by
physicians and surgeons. Until re
cently I have been suffering from an in
cision made by the knife , which had
been kept open for weeks. Around this
serious ulccratlons formed , extending
upward. Tlio same kind of exceedingly
painful ulceration had troubled mo for
years and affected my spine and brain.
Two years ago I was prostrated with
spinal meningitis , or spinal fever , since
which time I have had severe pains in
my head , back and limbs. The only re
lief I ever got was when I tried the
Svveetlanil Remedies. The pain in my
hcnil , hack and limbs loft mo with
the first injection almost , and the second
injection brought away tlio cause of my
trouble , more than twenty ulcers and
kindred fungus growth and two hours
later at least half a pint of ulcerous
mucus. For many days there continued
to pass largo quantities of ulcerous
matter , much of it of a dark red char
acter. 1 have never enjoyed such perfec-
robust health since girlhood. My eyes
sight has returned and 1 can read at
well as over and us long ns I choose. I
am happy to recommend the Remedy to
nil ladies suffering from such com
plaints. "
By using the Swectland Magic Rectal
Injection Fluid till ulcerous and cancer
ous taints are eradicated from the body
by its po\ycrful purifying elements and
by removing the impurities and vegeta
tions that clog up the bowels , it destroys
the geruis of discabe. The olllcos and
laboratory of Drs. DoPow & Swcotland
are at ( JOOi Broadway , upstairs , Council
Are fresh groceries good ? Are the
best things in the markets , tlio newest
delicacies and novelties , desirable ? If
you can got them for your Thanksgiving
dinner , and got them cheapt wouldn't
you rather have them ? Ask Homer
about it. 538 Broadway. Corn ! Mi iir Corn !
Try the Council BlulTs Sugar Corn.
The best in the market.
Absolutely no chemicals used to bleach
the corn white. It is young , tender ,
sweet , clean and wholesome.
School PrucefMlliigp.
President Field and Directors Thomas ,
Shubert and Brideustcin were the only ones
present at the meeting of the school board
which was held last evening. The evening
was spent principally in the ti unsaetlou of
routine business.
Superintendent Sawyer made his monthly
report of the attcmlanco during the month
of October , which was as follows : Number
of boys enrolled , 1,829 ; girls , 1,017 ; total ,
3,730. Average number beloncing , 8,4'J1. Ho
recommended that the schools bo closed next
Wednesday and kept closed until the follow
ing Monday in honor of Thanksgiving , and
the recommendation was adopted. He also
recommended thilt dents bo nailed down upon
the iloor of the tire escape at the high
school In order to make it safer , and this
was also acted upon. His report also con
tained suggestions that the holiday vacation
last from December ! 2i ! until January 8. that
the first semester close January SJO and tlmt
the second semester last from January 20
until Juno 8.
The committee on buildings was instructed
to have new blackboards put in Miss Haber-
maas' and Miss Hnight's rooms.
The question of ventilating the school
buildines was brought up , and the commit
tee on heating was instructed to confer with
the superlntendct and devise means of se
curing a moro even temperature.
Chairman Shubert of the buildings com
mittee reported that the Thirty-second
street buildintr Is completed and ready for
use.On Hallowe'en a number of young people
toro up the stops at the nigh school and
these were replaced at an expense of $27.37.
After some discussion President Field ,
Superintendent Sawyer nnd Prof , Eastman
were appointed a committee to secure a
settlement of the bill out of tnoyoung people
who did the damage. Later in the evening ,
however , Thomas moved to reconsider , and
Ids motion wis carried , with the result that
the people and not the guilty ones will have
to pay for the sport.
Chairman Shubert again reported that the
Steeple Fire Insurance company of Man
chester had failed , and tvso policies , which
the district held , aggregating JTir 00 , were
worthless. The buildings on which these
policies had been carried were ordered re
insured in other companies.
Four children living on Harmony street
were represented by their parents , Messrs.
Hishton , White , M.vnster and Bean , who
wanted thorn transferred from the Harrison
strcetischool to the Pierce street school.
Thu request WAS referred to the president
nnd superintendent , who were given power
to act.
The appointment of Miss Emma Myers ns
substitute at a salary of S''O a month wus re
ported and ratified.
Thu committee on supplies was Instructed
to purchase two moro Remington typewriters
for use in the schools ,
The Woman's Christian association
will servo dinner and nupper live days
in the Elsoman building , commencing on
December C. They will also have for
sale paper dolls , dressed dolls , fancy
work , canned fruit nnd jollies. Remem
ber the time and give this hospital
benefit a duo share of patronage.
Abe Lincoln post No. 29 , Grand Army
of the Republic , will give a grand ball
on the evening of November 28 , 1893 , at
Masonic temple , for the benefit of the
relief fund of the post.
Domestic Eoap is the onst ,
Where toViirilil | > .
First Presbyterian church , Key ] Stephen
Phelps , pastor Preaching by the pastor at
10:30 : a. m. und 7:30 : p. in.
Second Presbyterian , Harmony and T.ocran
streets , U Alexander , pastor Preaching at
10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : u. in. Sunday school at
12 in. Youug people's nicctm ? at 7 p. m.
St. John's English Lutheran Services In
Morrmm block hi Young Men's Christian as
sociation chapel at 11 a. in. and 7:30 : p. in.
Ilov. G.V. . Snyder , pastor , Sunday school
at 0:45 : a. m. Lecture on catechism to young
peoplu at 7 p , m.
Bureau Baptist Preaching by the pastor
morning and evening. Sunday school at
ll-ir : , n. in ,
First Baptist Preaching In the morning
by the pastor. Sunday school at Ji ! m. Sun
day school at Twenty-ninth street and
Bethany missions at 3 p. in. Young people
will Join In the union young people's service
at Broadway Methodist Kplsuopal church at
7 p. m. No p roach hi g in the evening. James
H. Davis , pastor.
Congregational Rev , John Askin , D.D. ,
pastor. Morning subject : "Tho Tests of
Christianity. " Evening subject ; "U ho Prin
ciple of the Crust. "
Gr.ico Church Corner Union and Pierce
streets. Morn
ing prayer at 10:30 : u. m , Evening prayer at
7liO i > . in. John E. Simpson , rector.
Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal Cor
ner Fifth avenue and Eighteenth street.
J , Indus Farley , pastor. Preaching at 10:30. :
A special sermon to the Grand Army of the
Republic. Evening sermon 7:30. : Subject ,
"What's It For. "
Broadway , Methodist Church Preaching
by Evangelist Wilton ut 10:110 : u , m. , subject ,
"Tho fard'A Vine. " I eve fcaitat n30n. ; m. , '
led by Ilcv. Henry DcloncA union meet-
liit ( of nil the .Young People's societies of the
city at 0:1)0 : , fpllpwed by a revival sorvlco
conducted by.lUo Wlllsons. H. 1 . Dudley ,
pastor. . | .
Trinity Mcltjocllst 1' Corner
Fourth street nml Ninth avenue. Alfred
Knoll , pastor. Keaidcnco , f > i1 Fourth street.
I'rcachniK nt IfliJiOa. m. nncl'7DO : p. m. Sub-
bnth school at U m. Junior league at 4 p. m ,
Kpworth lenguutit Unu : p. hi.
There is no oilier such line of lamps
in the city as yon find at Lund's.
Carving pets , lincst warranted blades ,
$2.1)0 ) per pair up. Our largo fall stock
of pocket knives , razors and carving and
table cutlery is now in. Cole & 'Colo ,
41 Main.
.IAMFAUV , nmui : > .
lion. Turns linker llan HI * . Uetorcnil
1'nster Arrcstcil ,
Iov. K , .Tanunry , piiBtor of the Colored
linptlst church , was nrrcsteit yesterday
under a complaint made by Hon. Texas
Hitkor , a former member of his Hock. The
charge made against him \vns breaking Into
Halter's house , AH tlio indications were
tlmt it wns n mere piece of suite work , as
Texas hns already served a term in the
penitentiary and bus a generally bad
reputation , while the pastor Is regarded as
an estimable gentleman. According to the
story which January tells , ho had bought
Bilker's home , and linker Imd agreed to
turn It over to him on tlio 14th of this month.
On that day January , accompanied by Oscar
Jones , another colored man , went to the
house and found the door open. No ono wns
there and they walked In.- Soon Uakcr ap
peared upon the scene , and over since that
time Ivp 1ms steadily refused to turn the
house over to January. Yesterday morning
January went to a Justice court anil got a
writ of replevin by virtue of which ho was
placed hi possession of the premises. Ho
nnlleil up the doors nml windows , and when
Ualtor came nround to get in he found every
thing barred ngnlnst him. ills wrath was
unbounded when ho learned of the march
his ex-pastor had stolen upon him , and going
before the city clerk ho Hied nn information
upon which ho was arrested us above stated.
January wns released on his own recogniz
ance to appear tomorrow motnlng In police
court , lie considers it spite work from the
fact that Baker took no steps toward hav
ing him brouirlit to justice for his alleged
house breaking until after January had
seized the house.
For neat job printing , prompt delivery
and lowest prices so to Pryor Uros. , Bee
job olllcc , 12 Pearl street. .
Ask your grocer lor Domestic soap.
Mutual Protectionists.
The executive committee of the Mutual
Protection Society of Pottawattamio and
Harrison Counties held u meeting yesterday
afternoon nt the court house. These present
were : (3. W. McGtivern , S. T. Cox and W. D.
Jones of Harrison county , J. B. Mntlack ,
Ailliam Currio and P. A. Coos of Crescent ,
and Jacob Hanson and D. D. Smith of Hazel
Dell. Mr. McGavern was elected picsident
and Mr. HatiRcn secretary. After selecting
Hazel Dell township us the place of holding
the next annual reunion the committee ad
Have you seqn the new gas heaters at
the Gas company's oillcoV
George S. Davis , prescription druggist.
Allanmiiainmunt In Orphans' Home.
Colonel A. Hfogcland , the well known
"newsboys' friend. " will speak this evening
at the First Presbyterian church , reviewing
his work in behalf of homeless children.
The subject of his remarks will bo "Mis
management in Orphans' Homes , " and ho
promises to make some Interesting dis
closures. He wishes all the churches in the
city , as far as possible , to unite in the
service. '
Unity Guild of Grace Episcopal church
will serve a New England supper Friday
evening. December 1 , from f > to 7 o'clock ,
followed by a party. Tickets 25 cents
each ; no extra charge for dancing.
W. S. Baird , Lawyer , Everett block.
Smoke T. D. King & Go's Partagas.
Domestic soap is the best
Muon , Ahoy.
Regarding the seamanship of one of
the members of the Massachusetts Naval
Review : The incident occurred during
the recent trip on the cruiser San Fran
cisco , and , voluminous as was the com
mendatory report of its doings which
was bent to the Navy department , it did
not include this incident.
On the pccond night that the reserves
were at sea ono of the amateur tars was
on the watch. Ho was n Boston man.
The night was clear and beautiful.
Myriads of stars twm'cied ' in the heavens ,
biit thcro was no moon. Suddenly the
1 eservo sang out :
"Light , ahoy ! "
' 'Where away ? " asked the officer of
the deck.
"Far. far away , " replied the would-be
man-o'-war's man.
When the officer had recovered from
the shock occasioned by this unseaman-
like answer ho looked over the rail in
the direction pointed out by the man
from Boston. Then he had another lit.
The atcrn discipline which prevails on a
cruisnr at pea did not allow him to
swear , but there was a world of meaning
in the wav in which ho growled out :
"What's the matter with you ? Can't
you recognize the rising moon when you
SCO it ? ' "
"Moon ! Moon ! " stammered the embryo
seadog. "I beg your pardon , Kir. " Then
ho shouted , as if making amends for his
error , "Moon , ahoy ! "
anil the I'r.iiico-licrmnn War.
I-oxuox , Nov. 2o. A dispatch from Paris
to the Times snyt. : A posthumous document
will bo published tomorrow , written by
Charles Gavard who was charge d'affaires
In London in 1605 , relating to the assistance
England rendered in preventing n Gorman
attack upon France , u narrative of the
records of Lord Derby's efforts to preserve
peace and a ninnbor of alleged interviews
bstween I/ml Derby anil M. Gavard , In
which Lord Derby assured M. Gavard that
HuBsIan influence had been moro clllcachus
in preserving punco than oven that exorcised
by Knglnnd. J. rU Derby is also Raid to
have believed that Prince Blsmark did not
meditate war. but only wished to fool the
European pulse , M. Gavard , In his notes ,
adds that the dfio tie C'amlcs wrote to Lord
Derby thanUliip.him for his intervention.
The Ficaro this morning says that a well
Known Gorman declares that Prince Bis
marck once toi | | him that ho prevented u
small military party from maltim ? war upon
Franco lit 1BTC' . but that Prince ( iortschakoft
had claimed the credit of preserving the
IIU Coimcloncr.
Washington'3 ' Star : "Mister , " said the
granger to tlrd hotel clerk , ' 'do you mind
uartlu' wcth that sign ye put in my room ! "
"Which one ? "
"Tho ouu that says 'when through using
turn out the gas. ' I'll pay whatever yo say
Is reasonable for It. "
"Why , I'll make you a present of It. But
what on earth do you want it for ! "
"Well , 1 don't s'poso I kin do much in this
cnsie , but I wantor feel thet 1 hove done my
dooty uu' lifted my waniln" voice 'as best I
could. I wantor take thet sign und hang it
up on the door of the oeimto. "
Detroit Free Press : The young man hud
been there faovcn.l hours , but ho wns ono of
these who are oblivious of Iho passing of
The girl hail yawned behind her cambrio
handkerchief until it actually had a nap
on It.
Still ho staid on and talked ,
The girl's evident weariness at last ap
pealed to him.
"Bless my soul ! " ho exclaimed , "what time
is it ) "
She shook her head hopelessly.
"Time ) " § no nikcd. "it must bo eternity.1
Developments in the Romance that' Qot
Reiser in Trouble.
Impromptu llnttlo tor Pilcltlstlo Sitprcmncy
t'hnnco for Ciipltnl Asouclntoil Clinrl-
tlcn repirliiR for n Iliutl Winter
of IntcrrU to Smith OmMiniis.
Shortly after the trade shooting of Henry
Holsor a letter wns received by a party In
South Omaha from a woman who claimed to
bo the wife uf Iho victim of the shooting.
The letter was dated at n small town In
Illinois. She said they were married and
that Reiser mistreated anil finally abandoned
her. An effort wa > made to get more letters
from the woman , but she suddenly stopped
writing. It Is Intimated that llclscr's In
surance money will go to the woman In case
he should do ! , and that for this considera
tion she has concluded U policy tor her not
to write any moro letters.
Holscr's condition last night was about
the same as It has been for the last three
dnvs. Ho Is very low , and It Is not believed
that ho can survive much longer.
WntiU u .Metropolitan S.vntntn.
"Tho police force of South Omnbn Is ex
pensive enough so the taxpayers should
take enough interest In It to sco that this
department is properly managed1 said n
clti7cn last evening. ' 'Chief Beckett Is n
good ofllcer nnd ho has a number of good
men around "him. He hns no authority ,
however , to expel n man for unbecoming conduct -
duct , ns the wbolo machine Is controlled lu a
political way. The chief is not allowed any
axpcnso whatever. Ho hasn't oven got u
book to illo away descriptions of criminals
who are wanted or n book to keep a record
of stolen property that may bo reported to
bun. Thcro is no Jailer at the station one-
half the time and at night the
place Is deserted entirely. The man
who is assigned the jail Is also
given a long boat tn cover and
if ho happens to bo within hearing when the
telephone rings ho answers it. Otherwise
the call Is lost. There is a rule that all oftl-
ccr.s shall telephone in to the station once
every hour. The men tried this for awhile ,
but as they could only catch the garbage man
or some citizen who had dropped in to an
swer the 'phone , the rule went hy default.
Other officers 'refused to report , because
they 'didn't haf to , see1 ? If the city council
would look into the police department a little -
tlo and accept the advice ot the chief mat
ters'would , no doubt , bo improved. By all
moans ono man should be kept constantly at
the station. "
I'rpjiiirliii ; for the Poor.
The Associated Charities are gottlng
nicely organized in South Omaha nnd will
be ready for active business aflcr next Tues
day night. On Tuesday night a mass moot
ing of the best citizens is to bo held in
Baur's hall. A splendid program of songs ,
recitations and addresses is being arranged
for the occasion. Some of the best talent in
the city , ns well us some from Omaha , has
volunteered to assist in the entertainment.
The affair will bo free to all nnd the ladles
are especially invited to attend. The purpose -
pose of the organization will bo stated and
other Information civcn out that will bo
beneficial to all good citizens who are inter
ested in taking care ot the worthy unfortu
nates of the city this winter. It will cost
you nothing and you will receive a great
deal of information. The program for the
evening will bu published in Tuc BEG Mon
day evening.
Chnncod HIM lriice lor Him.
Dan Shanahnn and Tom -Redman started
In to box a few rounds in Collery's saloon on
YInton street Friday night , when Kedman
fouled. This made Shanahan hot and ho
went after his man like a wild cat. Shana
han was too much for Kedman , however , and
as others joined in Redman was lucky to
got out ullve. Ho finally got away from the
crowd nnd got onto a South Omaha motor.
When ho reached here ho went direct to the
station house , where Dr. Cornish sowed up
Ills face nnd bend. When called before
ludge Fowler yesterday morning Redman
liad a face on him that was a study. It was
the worst bin honor had over seen and the
follow was discharged.
Scmtlincnt Acalnat Sundny Closing.
While many of the people of South Omaha
are in favor of enforcing the laws ns strictly
ns Is practicable , there Is a strong sentiment
against closing the saloons on Sunday.
Mayor Walker is Inclined to bo lenient on
this proposition and unless the suggestion is
forced out by some of the councilmen who
are indignant over the conviction of the men
who wore convicted of selling on election
day , nothing will como of the rumor. The
saloons of this city have been allowed to
keep their back doors open on Sunday nil
the time and the police gay that all of them
have kept quiet and orderly places on that
day. _
f.ltwreiice-McDoimlil U'rililln ? .
' R. II. Lawrence nnd Miss Ella McDonald ,
two well known young people of tjiis city ,
were married at Normal Park Presbyterian
church la Chicago October 11 by Rov. P. M.
Hlndman , D.D. Miss McDonald is the only
daughter of T. C. McDonald , ono of the old
est citizens of South Omaha , and is promi
nent in church and social clrcl/s. The
groom is well known both In this city nnd
Omaha nnd was city engineer of South
Omaha under Mayor Sloano. Al/- . and Mrs.
Lawrence begin their wedded life with the
best wishes of a largo circle of friends.
They Mill be nt homo at ' . 10 J street.
filching for it Slnkc.
C. A. Evans , proprietor ot the Metropolitan
hotel , say that ho has a man who can lo
cate a "chert" within a few miles of Omaha
that when dug up and pulverized nnd moist
ened goto hard enough for pavement uso.
Ho says it is equal to the chert used in At
lanta and Maeon , Ga , The gentleman also
announces that he can positively locate coal
within a few miles of the city. Tno land ,
ho says , can ho bought very cheap and Mr.
Evan's would HUe to confer with nuy persons
who nro interested in booming a business of
this sort. Ho has everything necessary but
capital. _ _
City Ocinnlp.
Rev. Thomas Stephenson will preach thla
morning on "CUUonshlp In Heaven , " nnd
in the evening on "Tho Story of Dooms. "
Rov. Robert L. Wheeler will talk on
"Thanksgiving Thoughts" Sunday morning.
In the availing tlio topic will bo "Tho City of
South Omaha. "
Airs. Wardak , n widow living on Twenty-
eighth and J streets , is in Indigent circum
stances , She has four small children who
ore In need of clothing and 1'ood.
RhodloRodmond was arrested Friday night
by Captain Austin , charged with being
drunk and disorderly. His hearing wus sot
for Monday. Redmond Is out on ball.
Airs. Alary Faust , living in Albright , died
yesterday morning at the ago of 4U years.
The burial will bo on Friday afternoon alt !
o'clock. Interment ut Laurel Hill cemetery ,
C. S. Folch , the head timekeeper at the
George H. Hammond company , will leave today -
day for Chicago , where ho will bo marrlud
during the week. Mr. and Airs. Falch will
roaldu in South Omaha.
AUss Mabel Sliver , who Is well known In
this city ami was formerly a teacher in the
High school here , has returned from an
extended visit nt her old homo lu Vermont ,
nnd Is now the guest of her brother , Mr.
James A. SllVor.
W. II. Russell was arrested last evening
on n warrant charging him with disturbing
the pence , Russell was sued in a justice
court a few days ago and during the trial he
called Attorney Sulton a liar. Hcnco his
present difficulty.
The police have been notified that Fred
AIcKnlght wandered nway from his homo In
Grand Island , leaving his horse hitched In
the street on Thursday. AlolCnlght is a
young man and It Is feared that ho has pone
insane , us there wus no apparent reason for
Ids disappearance.
The Anon Siniflng society Is growing
steadily und the rehearsals are well at
tended. Some of the belt slngcra Of lue
Why This Evidence Is
It Is Not to Excite Wonder That Those
Stntcmonts Are Given , But to Quiet
the Fears of These Who Mistakenly
Believe There Is No Help for Them.
It Is not to excltn wontlpr Hint tills testimony Is
bolus published. If mich remit * BOOIII liilriUMilout
It la became they arc brought Into contrast \\ltli
roiwatecl fnllurcs anil [ IK'viipoltitnirnts.
It Is , porh.iivj , nut nnnnturnl MifTrrertho
linvo tried thin doctor ninl Itint ono without being
curcil HhoiiM In HhocrdK-oniiiRiMiifnt bellovo that
their elirontc troubles arc ronlly Incurable. Doc-tors
hocannot euro them may encourage tlio bi < lli > fniid
so there may \vomluroccasloneil by i < \ Idi-noo
week after weikjenrafliT year , cuinlntr from tliu
bcBt known cltlreim of Iho community , ami prov
ing beyond doubt that lra. ) Copuland and Slieimnl
cure these illBe.Wfl.
H IS not to ( Viclln wonder that tliese eavi are
lirlnted. It Is loplro IIOIHJ flnd corn-ages IntotrUo
Intelligence to those who mistakenly bclluvu that
thcru Is no help fortlioni. It Is to demount rate to
all and for all ( hit tbcis troubles 1-111 bjonreds
not temporarily relieved , but ponnani-Mitlv and
completely cured ,
H In to Iho well Informed no marvel that Drs.
Ropclnnd ami Slicmr.l euro UIOHO oatrs. It \ \ onld
bo a m.irvfl If they did not euro them. 11 Is their
business to euro them. It la the woili for \\hlrh
they wen ) especially educated and trained. It Is
the work In which they have Iho l.iivuot and \ \ Id
em experience known of medicine. Theirs Is Him-
ply the mtecess which cornea as the result of ilo-
\otlma llfntlniotuppccliloilt.of concentrating
cncrcy and Hklll npon ono Bpeel.U llnu of pr.xetlue.
No piulenl permitted to pny itlicmi u til-
flliiK fco month , Ineltiillnt ; nil incilleliicii
niul expert trimtmeiit tn Itunl cure.
Asthma I'litlcntH Cured at Iliiiiic Qnestlon
llliinlM Mulled to Applicant * .
Mr. J. 0. 1'iiiiliiker , of D.illas city. 111. , prominent
In connection with Iho Dalian Transportation Co ,
linn thla to say oMhoCopcUnd mall treatment for
asthma :
"My trouble was of many j ears standing , origin
ating In catarrh of the head und throat , but \\its
brought out In Its worst form by the gilp in the
winter of 110-01. 1'iom that tlino until I began
treatment with Dr Copehmd , a few mouths ago , I
Buffered all the ngonlcsof asthm.i In Us ndvauved
singes. Lant winter , at ono time , for four nights
and throe days , I hud not Hlept a wink. Iconhhrt
lie down a in'incut without bring so choked for
breath It seemed as If every mlmilo was gulng to
be my last. Tliero was a kind of ili-ath-rnttle In
my client and a blubbcry sou .a lusldo \ \ Ith ex eiy
"I really felt as though nothing could save mo ,
but I had heard considerable ) of the N.\H-
tcm of mall treatment-md wrolo for one of their
free printed question lists , mid after illltui ? It out
returned it. This enabled them to mnkuu scien
tifically correct Htmly of my C.IIP , and tlio mcOl-
elnes they neiit by express not only gave mo Iniiiiu-
dlato relief but eventually brought mo an absolute
and permanent euro of asthma. "
Win. Truslovo suy * tlnit ho millcred from
tistlinm sob-idly tlmt ho conlil not ( deep nor
brcatltn lylne down. I r . Copelitiul and
Shojiurct Rave him wniulorrnl rnllcranil rei-
orutliMi , lie resides at P ami : :4th streets ,
South Omulin. Go unit son him.
city are Identified with the association , ami
success Is assured. A concert will bo tfiven
in the near future , at wliich some of the
Uest singers of Omaha will take part.
The McCoy-Taylor prize fight has been de
clared off and the money was taken clown
Friday night. The disagreement arose over
whcro the mill should take place. One side
wanted to fight at Snrpy Mills and the other
over at Missouri Valley. The men are in
good form for a red hot "go , " but as there is
no money in sight it is not likely that tlio
men will como together.
Among the musical organizations of South
Omaha that Is doing good work is what is
known as the Collins orchestra. It nieels
every Tuesday evening at the music store
for practice. Mr. T. H. Fritz is the conduc
tor. The membersof thcorchcstranre : Mr.
T. H. Fritz , cornetist ; Mr. Bert .Underwood ,
violinist ; Mr. J. Kriskova , clarionctlst ; Mrs.
H. A. Carpenter , pianist , and Mr. C. .1. Col
lins , bass viol. It is a young organization
and composed mostly of amateur musicians ,
hut the music is fairly creditable , and
speaks' well for the timber of which the
organization is composed.
Ilnril T.uclc of u GIIIK Who Wanted to
Scare a Yankee.
"What was your interesting1 experience -
perienco in this country1 tlio Now York
engineer of ten years' experience , who
was sitting on the veranda of the Little
Frenchman's hotel in Tohuantepco ono
day last spring.
"That's " he said. "It
an easy one , was
when I was hold up with a ilo/.en others
hy a Connecticut man named ,1. Phillips
Thoron. It was when wo wore building
the Mexican Southern , and wore within
about ton kilometres of Oaxnea with the
rails. This Thoron eamo down to tlio
terminus ono day with llio train , hound
for Oaxaoa as a tourist. Yon never baw
Biich a cheek as * ho had on him. lie had
to wait over until the next day for some
reason I have forgotten , and before night
ho had the boy.3 wild. Ho just went
around where they were at work and
fired oil his opinions about the way they
worked and didn't work and how they
were dressed , and every time ho biiid
anything to a man ho'd laugh in a way
that makes mo wonder no one jumped on
him out of hand ovorv time I think of it.
I wanted to kick myself to think I hadn't
done it myself before ho'd gene away a
hundred motors from where ho'd tried
to guy mo , and yon bet that night I
wished it more than over.
"At the table , at night of course ,
everybody was tearing mad about him ,
and no wus cussed on all hands , till
linally ono of the boys suggested giving
him enough of a scare to teach him but
ter manners. They thought a rope
would do it about right Jo take him out
as if to hung him , you know. Sandy
McLean took the lead he's over in
Guatemala on a colTco finca now. Sandy
wont around to the shack where the
fellow was stopping and gave the cham
bermaid two bits to put a watch under
the fellow's ' pillow so that we could ac
cuse him of theft and huvo some excuse
for hanging him.
"It was a sly game , but Sandy hadn't
sized tip the girl jtint right. Ho didn't
know that Thoron had been making her
think the earth she walked on wan cur-
poled with velvet. She took the watch
and the money and then gave the wimp
away , oh ? You hot. Fooled Handy and
the rest of us nllck.
"About 7'iO : ' o'clock wo went around to
the shuck just a board bhanty built
into the shape of a dozen rooms , all
opening on the road , and wo knocked on
Thoron's door. Sandy did the knocking ,
but I may as well admit I was oloso bo-
sldo him.
" 'Come in,1 , bald Thoron. Wo all
recognized that buporolllous voice , and
it put us in humor to make him quake.
'Come right along In , " Thoron con
tinued , anil Sandy with a Winchester
that wasn't loaded in ono hand and the
end of the rope in the other kicked the
door open.
"Lord ! wo were looking into the muz
zles of two forty-fours , and wefaawtho
hammers rising as wo looked.
" 'Hands ' up , gentlemen,1 fcuid Thoron
In that same d d voice.Vo were all
crowded together and there was no help
for U. Wo bailed up like hobos.
" Til have to trouble you to drop your
ASTHMA in rarely a rtlnoaio of IHflf It arisen
from numerous cause * dlse.ii , t > f the ludnf } ,
Mom.icb , heart , nerves , Inng * , bloo 1 and note. If
Iho several causes were well midersloo.l , nnil
treated accordingly , there n onld be fever lra i-lbo )
asthmatics. Catarrh of the nose , moist dry , alro-
pie , hypertrophlc , Is now ivpanled llm most tro-
queul causes of nsihnm reflected nsthma It Is
called. Xasat polypi are frequently the cauoo of
nferavnlln ? asthmatic Rymploms. Thee.mse.of
course , Indicates the troatmeat cure the catnu-li ,
correct the deformity lu the nostrils , It lho : bo
nuy , and the nsthma u 111 disappear ,
Misiitns : : or OATAKUII.
Hail lllnnil mill Uul .stomach , llcncluclic ,
lllurrril Sight mill Drulnrm.
Mr.Joseph llii Mere , llljfl California Mreet. an '
employo at the suielllns works , describes bin suf-
fcilmrs from chronic catarrh till hla ireatni' t and i
euro by IV. slicpard , thusi f
JOSKl'H lU'SSlKIti : , I.IOO California Street.
"Tho eatanh trouble for which aerv short
course of treatment \\lth Ir ) brought me <
entlro relief benn KOIIIO ten jears nco In the head i (
and sleaillly worked donward u-itll th'j Htomnvh f
was about mined and my blood thoroughly pot-
Boned. 1 was woiklnir In n tannery In Vermonl
where the steamy dampuoss of the place Htnitul
Ilia catarrh In my head. My nose blocked up en *
| tliely.aslf Healed \\llh clue. ThedlHcharKeH weiu
forced down the throat Into the stomach. My head
was always ac1iln ? a heavy , blinding p-iln throvich
Iho foiehend and lemplen. I could nhvnjHMuull
Iho ealarrhal matter lu my head. My eyes wens
Min-rod and watery , ami I shrank from thu Hunt.
My hcarlmj was poor and Hinelllui ; and lalteeio
almost cone. All kinds of fowl had about tin ) t-am
tawte. 1 would Mpeudli.ilfuii hour i-xeij nioriilii
irairKlui ; and irylnu to clear my head ,
"f.ater on my Htomneh failed. 1 did not know ,
\vhit : ailed me until I read of eases llltiimlne. 1
eciiild not eat half that I needed. The Hlomaeh felt
as If ahoaxy Btono vaslvhiK on It. and after a fuw
moiithfuls 1 could crowd lu no more. It m-emt'd
JIUo Irvine to till a Hack with more tdi.irliiKs than
Itonld hold. That awful iMek-drlppliii ; IIIIIUIH
from the he.ul had Inllaiuecl the whiiln Htumacll.
'llm food jnat seemed to forniiras till I thontht 1
would luirHt.
"Dr. Shepard quickly ehaiipiil all this and iiinda
mealliliiht. A very llillo ticatment did It. > lj )
head Is nil rlithl and my Htomneh too. Ittcnulef
m.\Helf tthoin > : itc > liniiKu In me. Allliouirh lam
a poor man , I would tint take Inmdiiils of ilollurn
foe the bi-nelllH I f.-el. lr. Shepard's tix'alinci
cniub and quickly , too. "
To accommodate thu publlo l rs. Unpelnml
and Mhupnnl will nee patlonia on Thanki-
Day from U n. in. to 1 p. 111. t\O
i ritEr AND Kvr.uv surrnuKu KUOM
Office Hour.s-'J to It a. m.2 to > p. m , ; 7 to ) D
in.Sunday 10 a. in. to I. ! m ,
Special INfolicesi
? ORSAtiK Acompli'ta bottllnsr woiks , In KOO !
town nml dolnx a KOO 1 , p tying buMni'M-s , i.uua
iv.isons for b'jllhif. AililruHS ( ! J.I , Ilru olll J3
TOWA PAllMS-STOacros , $2'J.fiO twr aeros 5i3 !
Aacrc-j , * f..OJ ; MM naroi. * JS.o. ) ; : IU UCNI.
* 1.-1.00 ; 1UO airiSH , $ J3.0Jj SO aer-M. fjr.n > . l.iiv > i
list oT farms , fruit and s.trjj.i lull. John
Bton ti. Van Patten.
YOU know that Day , t Heas nivo flomo
cholco barialim In rnlt und t'.irdeu land near
tiiiBcity ;
A11STRAOTS and loans P.inn nml city propart/
bought and Hold , Pniay A , Thomus , Coancl
GAIUIAOP.removed , ccsspnolH. v tnllH. clilinnay
domed. Ed llurku , M Taylor's uracary , 31.1
Mil KENT A l-rooni house. Inquire of V. 11
L Levin , U18 Foutli Iht Htruct ,
17011 SALE OR TRADE A linn brick rpHlilenca
J. cunlially loeal'il.ln Council llhiffH. J. K.lllco.
. tori'iit oltlicr fnmlHlied or nnfuinlbhed.
KOO.MS Willowiixuuuo.
weapons , ' ho continued , and every d d
gun nnd the rope foil to the ground.
' "Thank you , gentleman. ' no said
and then laughed in that rasping way o (
his. One of the boys blurted to roach
fin-11 L'tin. hut bo Rtotmcd when ordered.
' 'Now , what is this all about ? ' asked \
Thoron. Sandy was game for a blulT.
" I'm a constable , " ho bald , 'and ' I'm '
hero to , ' hut Thoron stopped him.
" 'You'll oblige mo by dancing a jig
first , ' bald Thoron. 'Form a ring , boys.
If you prefer you can make It a waltz.
Marie mild you waltzed beautifully when
I questioned hci' nt the time she brought
in the watch , " and again ho laughed In
his cackling way. 'Which will it bo
now , a waltz or a jig ? ' i
"Sandy was clean beat , so were all ot
I\F. \ The d d Yankee was game , ami
bchidos ho was a Yankee , and we havo' '
learned tlmt Yankees have no buelneba
quarreling in Mexico. Sandy said : (
" 'Won't you make it a bottle ofi
whihky instead of either ? I've eo
enough. You riled us this afternoon bj
your cackle , and wo thought wo'd glvoljJ
you a lesson. Wo find you don't ' need" '
any. Wo are the kids. "
"The fellow lowered the guns nnd in
vitcd us to como In once moro and try
some of his. Wo felt pretty d d meatlBf
but wo wont in , and wo lound his llqtio (
as good as his grit , and blnco then who
anybody asks mo about startling ndvei
tui'os In Mexico , I have a htory to toll
How llttlo.for instance , is it gonornU
realized that down to Shukospenre
time , and oven later , the English chai
nel , In the trading season , net null ,
swarmed with Algorlno and HUH
pirates ! It is recorded that on ono occt
blon , when the lord deputy of Ireluiu
us the viceroy was then styled , was pr
paring to put forth across the Irish ute <
to govern Erin as "King's represent
live , " a Salleo Hover nicked up of ! th
harbor the cat-rack "carrying his Ion1
bhlp's linen and pluto , valued at & (
which would ho today X'0,000 <
7,000 , und , with a consort tit darin
and impudent us horcolf , shut the grcii
olllcor up at his port of embarkation.
Nor wus his excellency able to sail fo
Dublin until a ship of war cumo to hi1
rescue. AH Into as IGli.j a Kill sailin' '
galley entered Cork harbor and currtU
oil an Irish boat containing eight flsho
men , to sell them nu slaves at M
lllla. The fate of biieh prisoners w.
always hard , and sometimes terrihl
unless , as many did , they embraced U
faith of Islam. If , however , the ron
gudo forsook his now religion , or Eoug'
to escape , the wrath of hU Moslem inn
torn know no hounds. They used
show to visitors atthoCasbuh of Alglo
a horrlblo exhibit of the o times tl
impression of a man's whole form in |
mass of hardened bitumen , the mcmi
rial of bomo poor Christian captlvo wl ,
had been Hung nllvo and stripped In1
the molted pitch. The Halloo rove :
sailed as far north as Iceland , and mo
than once ravaged the Iliuiboatlo tra ,
in IJultio waters. Joined by adventure
from the Levant , and enriched by pic ,
ings of the opulent Spanish tralllo wl
the Indies , their chiefs often bcciu
great and famous men , and built palac
along the African coost , lllleil wl
Christian treusuro and pale faced bc
tics of Christian towns.