Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1893, Editorial Sheet, Page 10, Image 10

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    f S ww' vfri w *
Sunrlsj and Sunset on the Lovely Waters of
the Raccoon.
Cnmpctl In n I'ookct of the Itllln-Oiir
llllnil In tlio Iliulicn-.V Uattlo with
tlio Hlri4 ! Tim U yM Work
nnil Ilcposo.
N October mornlne
in the Lugonboel
Tlio long line of
serrated bluffs , in the
incfoaslhg light ,
_ looked llko some old
J & 1/ rampart of the dark
f" ( C jv aces , frowning down
_ upon the shadowy
waters of llaccoon
It was our flrst
morning out Stocky
Hoth , Billy Slmoral
and myself and the
sccno being ono of
exceptional beauty ,
especially In n duck hunter's eyes , wo stood
awhile In rapt enchantment.
The mists lilted rapidly from the surface
of the lake , and soon the sun came up ever
the rim of Iho eastern prairie , sprinkling
willow , reed and rlco ns with golden rain ,
nnd sottlmi the twittering blackbird * In delighted -
lighted motion. Tbo honk of the wild goose
resounded from ( ho distant marsh , then n
.Omul nf liinla nroao and In a harrow-
Hhapcd flock went oft over the hills to their
feeding grounds to the -south. The scene
with each passing moment bcwuno more and
' and drunk
more picturesque and wo'llnRcrod
Jt in with inexpressible rapture. On the
" farslloroof thollttle inland sea there was
n grand sweep of barren sandhills , now
r laved in alternate lines of crimson
and topaz , swelling from the very
edi(0 ( of the Hhlinmorlng waters. Across the
. the hoavcm floated tre.\t masses of fleecy
vapor , fiery-edged , dropping their lights and
shades upou the bosom of the lake llko the
play of color on velvet. Now the rounded
tops of the towering bluffs glowed us in the
glare of' a prairie conflagration , and then nn
Immense shadow would nrlso from the
waters , llko the Afrito from his crystal
vase , and clumber off ever the walls of the
lilllf , the startled sunshlno shrinking before
llko a thing pursued. A playful breeze
cornea rustling through the tall , ttiwnygrass
from the south and , brushing by us , pounces
upon the lake , streaking the surface Into
darkening ripples , fanning the reeds with
Us delicate wings nnd melting away la the
bordering rico fields.
Such was the picture that greeted our
vision on October U last. Wo were out for n
ten days duck shoot nud had just reached il
spot ncreca upon for a camp ground. It
was In a snug little pocket in the foothills ;
but n few stops from ths lorzy banks of Hay
crceit , which came winding down the open
valley likb a huge serpent twisting its way
through the yellowing herbage until it turn1
bled tumultuously into the lake.
Filled with the enthusiasm of our glorious
surroundings wo wore soon dumping our
carapluggago from Nowberry's big wagon
upon the dried sword all about us. It was
no child's play to got things'In proper shape
for such' prolonged stay , and work nnd tug
and sweat and fume and swear as hard as
wo did , it was late In the afternoon before
the tents wuro up , beds made , wood chopped
nud the spot began to assume the air 'of n
> hunter's homoWo named It Camp Mer1
ganzer. ,
The big lent fnccd the , south and with
" flaps tied back displayed a pile of now-mown
buy , with blankets of green and gray and
scarlet striued drawn over it. Oaf the rear
tent-polo hung hunting coats and waders )
pun cases ntid other paraphernalia , while in
the corner loaning against a rudely im-
provlsod bench wore our guns and fishing
rods. From the front polo , looped with a
pleco of twine , was a brace of grouse , their
uiotlcd hues warm in. the sunglow , and
which Slmoral killed before it was hardly
light enough to see on our way ever from
"Old Spot , " Stocky's blue belton setter ,
nnd as true n friend as over snuffed the
scent of chicken or quail , noses about , occa
sionally bonding on his haunches totako a
dip at some peregrinating flea or lick his
paws , crouching to stare keen-eyed from be
tween his pnws at our every move , or curlIng -
Ing himself up for slumber , only to start up
almost instantly to smell at our heels again.
Loyal brute , ho know what was up as well as
-wo , and was taking every precaution to see
that no ono left the camp without him.
John had brought us a load of wood , nnd
the rougher work about the place having
been all duly attended to , n tire was quickly
Bpiittoring in the shectiron steve and our
first meal in process of preparation , which
function unhappily had fallen to mo.
It requires lots of tlm < 4 to put up two
tents , chop wood enough to last a weak ,
inakocupboard and table and arrange com
missaries , plates , pans , kettles , cups nnd
saucers , knives and forks' and a hundred und
onoothor things , and it wasn't long cro' I
was forced to call both-Slmcral'and Hoth to
mv assistance. *
Stocky , with gray shirt rolled up to the
elbows and corduroys to the knees , in his
stocking fcot , peals the potatoes , while
Bllllam , In tan colored hunting wamraus ,
deid grass breeches and rubber boots , strips
the grouse , nnd I mix the cornmcul , slice
the onions and mnko ttho coffoo. In a
twinkling the scene was nlivo avith our cul
inary preparations , and the gridiron , sauce
pan and collco pot mudo music that shamed
bird and rlpplo.
An hour later and the top of the moss chest
Btoamcd with our first dinner , nnd with
nppotltcs us big as , McICinloy's majority in
Ohio , wo draw up our shell boxes for chairs
nnd fall to.
The Kvnnlni ; night.
The whole outlook Is soft and rich , as well
aswildund rugged , steeped as it Is In the
mellow charm of the October sunset. The
sun soondisaupears , and In the transparency
of the first twilight every object , from the
scraggy outline of the distant bluffs , way
cross the marsh to the west , o the mlnuta
tracery of thb water grasses in the limpid
creek near by , were penciled as clear and
sharp as at noontide. The \\hlto buffalo
blossoniB look like tiny lines of silver resting
among their broad , hu.u-t-shapoa leaves ,
while the clouds above burn In vivid hues ,
the prnirlo is golden brown , and Huccoon's
waters hko u mine of vuviod Juwols In liquid
Wrapped In the marvelous beauty of such
n scene , could sportsman ask for move ? And
talk about your banmiots in palaces , what
nro they compared with a feast in
u duck hunter's camp , with the peer
less picture around nnd the r.idmnt
roof nbovo ? How the corn bread , toothsome
Ki-ousa stow , i > otatoo , with cnions , fried tea
a turn , und Old Government Juvu did disappear -
appear , and without meaning to toll tales
out of school , I must say that Shueral's
Umiach on this occasion RUVO mo a hotter
Idea of thn bottomless pit thau anything yet ,
human or dlvlno , I have run across in my
trawls , Uut them any ono will toll you that
a huugry duck hunter is the most voracious
thing oxtant.
After our. meal the dishes were washed
and refuse cleared away and wo betook ourselves -
solves to clgura and comfort. Stocky lolled
ngalnst the upright of the lent ; the lawyer
bcspruddled hlmsolf across the moss chest ,
while I lay on thu fiat of my back on the bed ,
withiuy Iittlo feat braced ugaiust a big box
\Valsrodcishulli. .
Our conversation was'light nnd flippant.
The fading light of day lay soft und dreamy
over the soar pralrlo and through thoopon
tent wo could see , stretching uoforu us , the
glittering crest of the silout lako.
"I bclluvo I'll stop out uud see whether
there uro any birds flying1 oosorvod the
lawyer as ho slid off the moss chest aud
strode olit Into the open air. The next in
stant we hoard him calling : "Say , if you
fellows want to BOO a sight good for sore
eyes , coino out hero , the * ky U full of
biros. "
We were with him la a Jiffy and true
enough there vras a big flight ot birds ,
Flock after flock canio in over the sandhills
from off toward Kcshaw'a , and settled down
najre , ibero and everywhere , among the rlco
nd In the owm water , where fancy
bed them. Tb.s * w r many mallards
amontr the incoming birds , with a good many
widgeon , and canvasbacic , nnd fre
quent wisps of teal.
"There is going to bo elegant sport in the
morning , boys , " remarked Stocky , "and
what wo want to do Is to decide on a plan
yet this evening , then yet a good night's rest
and bo off by B in the morning. "
To this tiimeral and I gave rcudy assent ,
nnd ns we stood nnd watched the clouds of
water fowl , which seamed to increosn
r.ithor than diminish with the deepening
Bhados of evening , wo agreed upon the
morrow's program. It having been decided
by lot that Simcral was to superintend the
cooking the next day wo concluded that it
was best for Hoth and I to take the bout in
Iho morning , while the lawyer skirmished
as best ho could along the shore.
The gray twilight was notv yielding to the
darkness of night. The distant sandhills
grew gloomy nnd mysterious , then disap
peared ; the water blended with Iho
shadows and myriads of stars c.imo forth.
Wo were quickly in bed. Nothing disturbed
the quiet of the autumn night save nn occa
sional moaning howl or nnapplih yelp from
some skulking coyote , nud wo slept llko
Our nilncl In the Kuslics.
The morning broke fresh and-rndlaut from
her dewy bath , and after a burned break
fast of bacon , eggs , toast and coffee , wo
were off with the first gray of dawn , Sim ,
with Spot nt Ills heels , started down the
narrow cnno-eovcrcd peninsula that poked
its tangly HOSQ fur out lute the lake from
the south , while Stocky nnd I hurried to the
spot where our pine scow had been moored
Iho day boforo. It was laborious work In
deed , rowing and pushing oven this light
craft across the lake to a headland of
reeds and rice wo had selected for n blind
from Iho shore. The water in the lake was
very low , lower , in fact than it hud been for
years , and floating an inch below the surface
was an almost impenetrable matting of
aquatic moss. Wo reached the spot ntlast ,
however , only to find still moro and harder
work awaiting us. Thcro was scarcely
enough water hero to float a feather , but
the mud > vns knee deep , nnd wo hud to pull
up our wadurs and got out lute it before wo
could force Iho boat securely Into the
By the tlmo wo got her well anchored , the
decoys out aud the lops of the rico bout over
to facilitateshootlrie , the rose tints ot dawn
hud faded , thu distant hills had warmed into
broiuo and the reeds and'rico Into gold. UUiu
sun was fast kindling the thickest cann and
willows into yellow llfo ; hero sprinkling the
dark groan moss with color , there striking
a shimmering ulslq out Into the lake , until
at last all was ono broad Illumination.
"Uungl bang ! " came the report of the
lawyer's Loluvor , and ns the thin smoke
curled up from a likely ppot in the cane well
down the peninsula , wo hoard a mighty
Happing and scurrylnc on the water , a
thousand startled quacks , and as If by the
wand of prostldlgltatour the air wa In
stantly filled with ducks. They arose in
great black masses from a half hundred dlf-
lereut points , sailing up into the air singly
and in great Docks , then circling round and
round as if endeavoring to locate the source
of danger or taking their bearings for a de
parture from thc-couptry.
"Murk ! ritsht in frontl" excitedly whis
pered Stocky as a bunch of mallards came
cleaving the air straight for our blind from'
the south , "you take the right aud I'll tano
the loft. "
The next Instant his gun cracked and a
suleudld big greenhead , in the full blazonry
of his autumn plumage , lot go iind whirling
in the air , tumbled dead amidst his wooden
prototypes. In the shallow waters before us.
As the rest of the fiook lifted themselves
aloft and turned to leave they received a
dual salute from mo and Hoth's ouiainlnR
barrel. Throe moro birds foil , two as dead
as the proverbial mackerel , but the thlru , an
old hoiif-came down slantingly with but a
broken iving. She squawked aifrhrhtly and
began to dig out for the nearest point
of reedy aelvodgo , almost burying
herself in the witter us she scurried along.
It was but a second's ' work to slip In another
shell and In another moment her ashen-
boliy was turned skyward nnd her otango
legs were kicking spasmodically into empty
space. * '
'Bully 1" shouted the waterworks man ,
"we've got-four of 'em four big fat nial-
' 'Mark ! " mywarnlng exclamation caused
him to fiqqat with such precipitation as to
uonvly turn him ever the gunwales , and before
fore ho could recover himself nnd got into
shape to shoot a bunch of gk-eenwings skim
med over the decoys , .fairly under his nose ,
so close were they to his end of the boat.
We both pumped up hurriedly but the four
loads wo sent aftop them failed to stop a
feather. The single moment lost sufficed to
carry thorn out of harm's way.
"That wasn't quito so bully , " 1 remarked
with some aeerbrity ; " nnd if you want to kill
dunks you will have to keep down. Can't
you see good enough without standing on the
gunwales ? " \
"Put a cork In that mug of yours 1" testily
rejoined Stocky. "I think I know my busi
ness , i ook out yourself I there comes a lot
of birds now , right up the channel to your
loft. "
Sure enough there they came , n small
bunch ot widgeon , with their black and gray
ish specked breasts glistening llko silver
sheens against the sun as they came swiftly
on over the water from off somewhere in
their marshy feeding grounds.
Stocky and I wore crouching low with our
Lofevers protrudlug through the reeds , but
not un elbow did wo crook until the unwary
birds had dropped their pale greenish legs
auct cupped their wings , when wo lot them
have it.
Llko experienced duckcrs wo had both so-
looted our bad luck would have It ,
and as is the case so often that it Is incredi
ble , we both Selected the same bird. Our
iifecc. * cracked llko a single gun and the big
gest bird In tho" bunch , a crested iiid proud
old cock , flovo down into the mud aud moss-
hoadforomosV'heavlor possibly by a couple
of ounces from the quantity of load wo hid
put. into him. With that marvelous
speed for which a seared widgeon is
Justly note'd the lomainlug birds wheeled as
If upon so many pivots , but they were no
quicker than our morel less solves , and in
much less tlmo than It takes to toll it , they
got our other 'barrels. Wo both got our
bird , surprising ns that was. Neither , how-
ovi > r , was killed dead , ana , realizing the ah-
brovlatod time it requires , a wounded
duck to put himself boyond. the roach of the
most penetrating hammcrloss , wo both
hastily reloaded and begun pounding away
ut them. Ono keeled ever at the first shot ,
but notwithstanding wo nont a half dozen
charges nfter the second , which had fallen
and fluttered a good way out , wo were
chugrincd to see him cleur the entangling
mossy Hhallows , glide out Into the open
water nnd make oft for thu nearest line of
rushes on the other shore.
"Well , lot him go , " philosophically quoth
my companion , "he's old and tough , und wo
don't want him anyway but great heavens
look I loook ! there comoa a thousand of'em 1"
The bight was really ono well calculated
to make a duck hunter's heart leap , und sot
his blood n-tlugllntr , for. it there was a sln-
glo bird approaching , there were truly , as
Stocky hud ejaculated , a thousand of thorn !
They were evidently coming from the lower
lake , and within the feathery cloud
woro-mnllards , redhead , wldgon , bluobllland
teal , and from their course wo know they
must pass directly ever our blind.
Uungl bangl goes Slmoral's gun as a
couple of outlying stragglers cross the ponln/
sula and , although we caught a glimpse of a
falling bird , wo could not help but IOOK upon
his shot ns a calamity. The mass of birds
approaching at onuo began to rlso nnd
s\\crvo off to the loft and wo felt that the
auriferous opportunity had passed.
Hut there was ono bopo loft. Squawk !
squawk ! quack | quick-quack-quack ! Indus-
trlously I worked my caller In imitation of n
solicitous hen , una what was our ineffable
delight when the next instant the birds bout
balk ever the body of the lake and again sot
their pinions on a downward course , making
u straight dive for our decoys.
The advance guard was actually settling
among the wooden dummlci when we nroso
together and began /usllado the llko of
which the most persistent duckur experi
ences but few times iu his whole career ,
A half dozen birds fell at the first volley ,
but so many moro were tuoro und so great
was the momentum and Ignorance of the
swarm in the roar that they cumo on In con
fused , and erratic flight , over and by nnd nil
around us. The very air seemed a mesh of
frightened and squawking duuks , and as fast
as wo could load und shoot the Intense ex
citement wua maintained. Without exaggera
tion it must have been a full two minutes bo-
fora the hut distrulghl bird had regained
his course and cleared the dangerous crypt
In the perfidious rushes from which u storm
of Riuoko and shot and death had Issued.
"fly the gods. I thought they wpro eoing to
rout us. 8-iudy ! " brake out Stockoy , turning
his flushed and steaming face upou mo , but
there wai uo tlmo'yet for congratulations ,
I ?
nnd I simply replied "tho crlpi , " n t poked
my RUU out from among Iho rccds
nnd banged away nt i\ splendid hlg
grconheai ) , who , ilesplto tils shuttered winp ,
was Jnlrly lifting himself through the
scant water nnd fatal mosses. Hoth wis
quickly to my aid , and , although there wcro
no loss than flvo wounded birds striving to
escape by Ulvcrs routes , wo turned over
every mother's son of them before the
longed for havcu of rlco and rushes could bo
These , with the seven wo had ex
tinguished outright , mailo n plump ilowrn wo
had pulled out of the flurry-rslx mallards ,
Iwo redheads and four widgeon.
"You lake hlml" U was aslnglo bird a
hen mallard nnd she had Just rouudod a
Jutllng pohUon Stocky's side , nnd , although
I could huvo killed hur mysulf , I Old not
llko to shoot so close over his hoad. The
shot was an unoxpootod ono -and ho was
placed at n dUnavanlngo , ns Iho bird was
coming up from behind him. Ho turned
( lulckly , however , nnd , despite the fuel lhal
It wan a stint ) chauco , bo tnado a dead center ,
dropping hur lustouisldo thu dccovs.
Hack In Uainp In tlio .Smuut.
Wo could now see great clouds of birds oft
In the distance , nil of which seemed lo bo
leaving , bill wo didn't c.iro much , ni tvo hud
just hud such a royal tlmo wo were glad of a
spoil for congratulatory conversation.
"Woll , sir , thu llrst bird I "
The waterworks man's jubilant outburst
xvas cut short by a swish nnd a splash. A
brauo of hluobllls , like apparitions , had
plumped themselves right down in Iho mid
dle of our decoys , coming whence neither of
us hid Iho slightest suspicion.
Uusportsmaii'llko I pushed my gun out
throttgh the blind with the whispered ad
monition thai I'd pol > om both at ono foil
swoop and banged away. Instead of gently
reclining upon tlio water's -surface , as I had
Implicitly anticipated , bath birds lopl from
the water ns If from a spring board aud llko
a twin pair of buildts shot away toward tlio
open lake. With nil explanation bolltliug a
sporllng editor's uiby lips , I cut loose Iho
second barrel , while Slocky gave them both
of his , and although wo saw that ono of the
birds was laggy nnd bard hit , they both not
away , continuing on across the lake , then
out over Iho hay Holds and the sandhills
until incrospecks ng.iinst tha distant back
ground sky. "
And thus the sport.continued , with" Inter
vals of rest , throughout the entire day. Of
course there \\ero ninny Iittlo oxcltlug Incl-
douts , such as a flno double by ono or the
other , a ludicrous miss , and dozens of other
happenings that always go to make up Iho
whole of such an unexampled day's shooiliig.
but of tlioso I can only speak In a general
way. as the record of len more days is to bo
Not until the red sun was within an half
hour of. the western bluffs , howov'or , did wo
leave our reciiy concealment and bcglu the
herculean task of retrieving our dead ducks.
The last bird deposited in the boat , I ffavo n
sigh of regret that the happy dav was gone ,
and with Stocky using the polo in the stern ,
I b'r.isped the oars and pulled oft for the
landing across the lake.
Tired and hungry as wo were the trip bacl :
lo camp was otio lhal will remain ever
memorable. In an cnlranciug sunset and
with n boat full ofllucks hovy could it bo
otherwise ? As wo slowly proceeded through
the low water and clingine moss the sun
cropped well behind the frowning hills and
yet the lake was checked with'masses of
light and sluido. the Chiro-oscuro of the
Master hand , The weird bravura of the
loon or the wild scream of tbo'lish hawk , in
perfect keeping with 111 J wild region , greeted
us now and -then. Across Iho darkening
lake we slowly crawled , exquisite twilight
pictures gloamlnfr oul as wo passed. Hero
n. brown muskrat house , a colonnade of canes ,
an arbor of matted rlco , a sedgy hung pool ,
llko a pooping eye , where iho gamoy bass
loved to disport ; n half-whelmed , cotlon
\\ood. with the water still sparkling around ;
an islel of water liliesor a oil of bog where
Iho cano stalks cut Iho breeze into plaintive
murmurs , and the spla.tter-dock curled Us
spoiled dishes among iho rushes and fuzzy
cal-'o-nine-tails. Sometime' } a playful wind
stooped lo Iho surface , brushing il into
darksome ripples , then fanned our faces aud
melted away.
It was good nnd dark when wo reached ,
camp , but iho lawyer was before us and ho
not only had a trlorious tire roaring away in
the stnvo , but had iho tent lighted up with
our three lanterns and u supper reaay that
would have tempted the gods , besides a bae
of birds , including n big Canada goose , that
would have knocked any of your ordinary
hunters into a fit. Of course-ho told us of
his adventures down the peninsula , and
while ihoy were varied and inierosliug , will
keep for another week. >
The day's work Had admirably prepared us
all for Hie enjoymonl of n dreamless bod.
and wo were not slow in tumbling in and
were soon lulled to sleep to the plaint of the
coyote , whispering winds and brawling
Nebraska's Football Toim.
The history of the Nebraska football team
Illustrates \\olllho uus and downs of iho
sporting fratornlly. f
Heretofore Nebraska has never had a good
football team , bul Ibis year ihoy made an
offorl lo keep up with the times , and secured
the services of au eastern trainer and
coach ,
They thought themselves qulto fortunalo
In gelling the services of Frank Crawford of
Michigan , who last year coached add de
veloped so successfully the Dakor University
Crawford found n dismal prospect indeed ,
but by dint of hard , worlc ho scraped to-
gcltier a crowd of greenhorns and sot lo
work to teach them the game. . .
They were a sturdy crowd , Improved rap.
idly , and very soon earned iho general repu-
lalion of being the bcsl loam in the west ,
the title lo which they have since forfeited
by bointr defeated by Kansas and Missouri.
But football Hko high ilvo is largely a
game of chance , and Hko lhal famous gatno
also , success depends upon who cheats most.
Each individual contest Is very largely do-
Icrmlncd by that team which happens to bo
in the best condition.
Nebraska when she is in the pink of
condition has shown herself probably the
best team in the west , but it is said thai her
substitutes nro very weak.
Nebraska started in wiih n game with
Douno's stron ? team , and surprised every
body by boating them 23 to 0 , while Baker
trying to outdo this score * and show her su
periority over Nebraska could only beat
Uouno 10 to 0.
Nobrasita then played Baker n Ho piimo ,
10 to 10 , Out everybody present knows that
Nebraska's team was superior ,
Tlio third game was with the so-far In
vincible Denver Athletic club team , which
had slaughtered Missouri , Iowa uud Kansas.
This game also was a tie , 4 to 4 , but ttio
fact is Denver would not allow herself to bo
beaten on her own grounds , und she resorted
to all expedients , honorable and dishonora
ble. This wus Iho climax of Nebraska's
work. Denver frankly acknowledged llial
she was iho strongest team in the west.
Nebraska's supporters were jubilant and
looked upon the pennant ns already won , but
alas I how soon were tholr hopes shuttered.
Luck , ftito , everything seemed to conspire
Against Nebraska , and she lost the next Iwo
mimes with Missouri nnd Kansas.
The boys were up all night before the Missouri -
souri guuio , on account of a wroolc , and they
did not have iho oiiduranco for a gamn of
foolball. In this gauio Owryand Flipplu
ami Whlpplo were hurl , and could not got
lute condition for the Kansas gutco , which
toou place last Saturday , und bealdeu , that
harmony requisite to success was wanting
In the team. I'uco. thinking it beneath ttio
dignity of his roval nolf to play upon the
bench , when all his follows wished it , and
everybody know it was for tbo best , sulked
llko a high school boy , resigned the cap-
tulncy ami quit ttio team ,
The Thanksgiving day's game will bo a
hot ono , because If Nebraska wins she will
bo tied for second place. If Iowa wins she
may win the pennant yet , and it is thu com
mon verdict that her teum Is the strongest
and most powerful or any in the league , and
she will light , desperately fo down her old
rival , Nebraska.
I'uller'ji Shoot Across th
Frmi Puller , the well known rlflo Shot nnd
nll-'round ihoroughbrod sportsman , will
conduct a big turkey shoot on the shooting
grounds at the other end of the big brldgoon
Wednesday , November U'J. All the shooters
are invited and can rest assured that Fred-
crlkus will furnish them plenty of interesting
and healthful sport.
The No 0 Wheeler to WU&on with Its ro-j
ary movement , is the lightest running d
machine in the market , and Is uneiiuallo.
for speed , durability anil quality fa work ;
Sold by W. Lancaster & Co. , Oil rSouth'Slx
tucnth street
nii _
t liuu
Ilia Story That WflJ5 Htjard Over Sundry
( '
Top ,
Among the Huny yiiqrMtnon AVIicct
perinsr The JMIJ iir l the Hut Mexico's
Lnit llapo 011001110 * tTsnnl Weekly
Grist otYtroczy Spnrts.
Billy Plnkorton was in the city several
days last week keeping tab on n Job lot of
train robbers nnd diamond thlovus , and
Thursday evening 1 ran into him and the
two Jacks Moynlhan _ nud Wood. They
were breasting tbo mahogany down nt the
Dollono nud discussing the merits of a bottle
tle with an inflammatory too when I was In
vited up aud another cut glass ordered , ditto
another bottle.
The hand of Father Tlmo lies lightly on
the head of the great sleuth. Ills f urtivo
oycs nro as keen and bright ns over , and his
sable moustache oven glossier than it was
ten years ago. That Billy is a good looker
wo all know , nnd erect us a Norway piuo , In
lavender topcoat. With an anarchist's signal
coyly peeping from the breast pocket , Jaunty
Derby nnd proper stick , hu looked moro the
swell than ttio nemesis of desperate crim
inals ,
The wlno exhaustively analyzed Moynl-
linn abruptly switched the subject with the
interrogatory :
"Well , Billy , how shall I bet on the flghtt"
"Fight what light ? The otto that will
never come oft ! " nnd the dotectlvo held up
his glass and through Us nmbor contents in
spected the electric light.
"You'vo called the turn , " replied Jack ,
"tho ono that will never como oif. "
"Woll , If you want to win and judging
from the antiquity of that tile of yours , I
think you uo bet Just that way that it
will noror como off. " "
"You think sot"
"I do. It is a caio of one Is afraid and the
other dusseht. "
"Or , as Iho gentleman who roforced the
Mace and Coburn fight down at Now Orleans
a few years ago put it , 'one is afraid and the
other afrnldor , ' eht'1 Interjected Jack Wood.
"That Is the size of It , " continued the
dobonnalr Pinkcrton. "But lef mo explain.
A man , ns you all Itnow , can go on drinking
whisky for ten years , and ho may get full
0 very day at that , , can brace up any tlmo ,
leave the stuff alone , and nurse himself
back almost as good as now. But there are
certain other debilitating and vitiating
practices that you cannot indulge iu for the
thousandth part of that tlmo and over bo the
man again that you were when those vices
were a stranger to you. You know Charlie
Mitchell and you know Jim Corbott. Mitch
ell is a winodrinkeraud , lives for a good time
only ; ho is generous to prodigality ana the
best off-hand bar room talker on either side
of the pond. Corbott doesn't.drtnk wine It
costs money but them are other nnd worse
things that ho 1 " guilty of , and I
don't think ho .ili , particular about
mooting the Englishman. Mitchell Is
six or seven years Corbott's senior , yet
despite his couviviaj.'Dfhichant ' , looks ns if he
would be a pretty t'o Ugh sort of a customer
for any champion fQV.adozon years to comer-
1 do not know whoty'of ,1 am making myself
very i > lainbut you caq.gucss , can't you ! But
in all candor I do In at bellovo cither man
cares much about lygl/tlng / the other , for If
they did they'd go aud' flght. The law sim
ply shuts thorn out if. ) the oily limits , but
there are plenty of jonco ( corners out in the
isn't therol"
country almost anywhere ,
"And the old fcllo'w , ' Billy , what do you
think of him ? " queried Moyulhan with that
quizzical looic of nis. ' * "
"Tho old'feUdw wild ? "
"Why , the Big Fellow of course. "
"Oh , JohaL. Wflll , Sir , hones tJy propcrly
groomed , I think , liQ youlu lick either ono of
them yet today. flght down at
Now Orleans ! I think I could have punched
Sully out myself on that occasion. But what
a broth of a boy ho was back in 'S3. Why ,
it only required him ton minutes to stop
Paddy Uyan "
' 'Yo3"lntcrruptedMoynIhan _ , "and I know
that every politician In Chicago went broke
on it , too. "
"Lot mo see , " proceeded the dotectlvo ,
"Ryan won the championship somewhere
down in Virginia by boating old man Goss ,
didn't he , and it took bim something less
than 100 rounds to do it at that. Notwith
standing this fact , though , after that Paddy
was the lion of the day and a good many
misguided sports were willing to stake tholr
lives that the man did not llvo who could
whip him. About this * tlmo the Boston boy
began to loom up. Ho had already thumped
the couceit out of George llooko , big Prof.
Donaldson , Steve Taylor , John Flood and a
slather of small fry , and was finally .matched
against Hyan for $5,000 and the champion
ship. I llko to talk ever those old days , and
by the way , Jack , " turning to Moynthnn ,
"wasn't you with John L. after that didn't
you see him kill Paddy the second tlmo out
on the coust ? "
"Yes , I was the advance of the combina
tion when Pat Shcedy had the Big Fellow ,
and 1 never enjoyed such another night as
that whou John retired the Trojan to private
life. "
"That was In " 83 "
"Eighty-six. Al Smith had Sullivan In
' 83. You recollect Paddy always blamed his
downfall at Mississippi Citv on n defective
truss and promised all his friends to lick the
Big Follow if ho ever got another show.
Well , ho got ono. It was at Madison Square
garden , Now York , just' nftor the holidays
in ' 85 , but the police interfered in the first
round. Paddy pulled a nice pleco of
money out of the gnto and shortly thereafter
migrated to Chicago. Our combination was
in 'Frisco in November , ' 88 , and John
Li. and Ryan were again matched ,
this time for four rounds uud 75 and " . " > of
the gate. The fight took place Saturday
night. November 13 , nt the Mechanics
Pavilion , on Market street , and a great
night ic was. You never saw such n jam.
The big building was crowded by half past 4
in the afternoon , and this vast assemblage
sat there , with moro or loss patience , but in
perfect order , until nearly 11 that night.
But I am getting ahead of my story another
bottle , please ; yes n big ono vje hud the
toughest tlmo getting the thing on. You
BOO Davlos was there at the tlmo with
Dempsey ana Burke , and It was a race bo-
tweeu Shecdy and the Parson who would
got to snow first. There were days of
wlro-pulllng. nnd It wus. . only through the
friendship of Chris Buckley , the blind poli
tician who was on the democratic throne out
there then , Ed Buckley , the actor , Prof.
Harry Maynard , Pap" Sullivan , the big
whisky dealer , Ad Kymun nnd Billy Kinur-
son , the minstrels , tviipjiail u great pull In
'Frisco iu those days , aud Hush , the hotel
prince , that Shecdy b'sat the Parson out. So
solid did Chris Bueklofhiuko us that Chief
Crowlovsout a-oundUW ) pohco to maintain
order during the performance , which only
goes to prove oiico mpfu that God is good to
the Irish , Of courseutJiero were some pro-
llmlnarios , I-aBUuct.o and other vege
tables but do you ca'ro to hoar about the
fight ! " And , ns Juckiturncd to us , ho took n
big gulp of wine , andfMiwns only to do this
that ho stoppod. "J l tfght , then , " ho went
on , "When the tlmo j ( nu for the Big Fellow
nnd Paddy to go on , n .Sullivan was thoro.
and the big house bga.n to apprehend that
ho wasn't going to bi ) , jVboro do you think
lie w&s down at the Grand Opera house
with his wlfo , in a bax- for which ho paULa
$100 uolo , the outetkwinient , whatever it
was , bnlng for the earthquake sufferers at
Charleston. I got into a b.irouoho und hud
the Jehu gallop down to the Grand , and I
got Sully out. Ho was in full drois , but
climbed into the wagou and wo were
driven rapidly back to the pavilion ,
The Big Follow went straight into the green
room , laid aside his swell togs , nnd wan in
his tights before you could say scat. And
mint ) you , ho was hog fat , hadn't trained a
lick for the match , while Hyan had bean iu
careful preparation for over a month. What
a yell wont up when John L. swaggered out
of the files. I thought the roof would go up.
Hyan quickly followed , nnd it being U
o'clock , i llrarii Cooke , the referee , soon had
the men facing each other.
"Sulllran hua his wall known guard up ,
ready for business , but Paddy was pale and
slow and loth to begin. John suddenly
dropped his band to lit ? aides , and in a volco
loud enough for all of us in the prois boxus
tohear , sala ;
"Now go on , Paddy , smash mo make a
showing for yourself 1'V '
"Hyan didn't know vfh l to m k of this ,
nnd was nwfullenry , but ho finally feinted
and as the Bljr Fellow never made a move to
protect himself ho prepared to swing on his
"Smash nwny , " rofmuroil John TJ. , "you
must make n showing for yourself ! "
"Biff ! Paddy landed a ntco ono alongside
ot Bully's Jaw. It sounded lika smacking A
fat hog with n clapboard. John simply
tossed his head llko n big bull , nnd again
stuck out hh mug for some more , nnd , en
couraged by his first essay , Paddy hit him
again. This tlmo , howcvct , before ho could
got nwny , John poked his loft pretty hard
into Hynn's mouth , nud all ho tried to do in
the rest of the round was to spit out the
blood and kcnp away.
"Tho second was n repetition of the first ,
only Sully hooked Paddy in the back of the
neck townrd the close nnd came within n
short straight of ending the b.ittlo right
there. John came out for the third there ,
there , man , -don't slop It over , till Billy's
glass and there was gore In his eye , nut' '
Air. Hvan lustlnctlvcly felt that the
cllmatcricnl parlod had arrived , The Big
Fellow started right out to got him nnd
Paddy HUccbctlca In eluding him for n
moment , but was finally penned in his own
corner. Thcro was n couple ot stiff Jabs ,
then that right came round and across with
n swshnhd | the big Trojan wont down on
his belly dca.d to the world.
"Sullivan knelt down and assisted COOKO
in raising himto , his foot , but ho was limp ns
n dish rag. and they sat him in his chair ,
Sullivan exclaiming ns ho funuc n"hlm :
" "Give the big sucker plenty of tlmo to
como to , captain ; bo's moro scart than hurt.
I only tappeu"hlm. ' ,
"Hut Paddy roluiod to como 'round ' , and
Cooke gave the fight to John Well , sir ,
Hynn got out of the affair Just Sy.tS . iilunk-
ors , moro monoV than ho had over semi be
fore. . This included his per cent nnd ex
penses to and from Chicago , whluh the Big
Follow graciously allowed him. Through
the ndvlco of a lot ot stiffs , Paddy uut all his
stuff Into u saloon and went broke ocforo the
bluebirds began to bloom. Oh , yes , nil of
those \Vlso guys may talk about Sullivan ,
but I would liked to have seen Corbott face
him that ihght seven ienrs ago. Ho wouldn't
bo the champion ho had. "
And the genial Jack heaved a' weary sigh ,
d ml nod his glass and shoved It across the
bar for more.
In discussing the champions and ex-cham
pions it might bo added that Sullivan did
not know when to retire. This may also Do
thi ) case with Corbott , nud 1 hope It may.
When it docs the halo of the prlzo fighter's
greatness will bo exchanged for n crown of
nonentity. Sullivan refused to acknowledge
any deterioration of bin wonderful powers
and the proud reputation that took him years' "
to build up was destroyed in ono brief hour.
in tiny pursuit of. llfo it .Is much easier to fall
than torise.
Tommy Kynn writes mo from Bridgeport ,
Conn. Ho has pone lute the hotel business
doubled up with Merritt , the pedestrian ,
with whom ho has been baud and foot since
Ills sojourn In the east. Tommy aud Sam
will make a strotig pair of bouifaccs , and
woo betldo the luckless individual who trys
to jump his bill. , It will require but a short
time for Morritt tpovertako him and Tommy
less to extract satisfaction out of his hide.
A peed name for tbo house , after the old
English style , would , bo the Duke and the
Ono woo doth tread upsn another's heel , so
fust they follow. Hardly had the governor
of Florida aud his name is Mitchell , too
put his moccasin down on the proposed big
fight than the telegraph announces thai
Corbctt and Mitchell have both taken the
road with iheir respective theatrical snaps.
They intend to imitate that great actor ,
Jolm L. Docs it look like a fight ?
What suckers they bothjiro Charlie and
Jim. They could shako hands , give exhibi
tions nnd gut Iho country.SANUT
AixswouTir , Neb. , Nov , 23. To the Sport
ing Editor of Tun Bnu : I hereby challenge
any boy in the city ot Omaha to wrestle mo
Grccco-Koman style , "Lancashire rules to
govern , for from ? 25 to $50 a sldo. I am 10
yo'ars'old an'd 'weigh' 130 pounds , and will
wrestle any boy of that ago ana pounds.
Will bo pleased to hear from any boy in the
city. O. T. CUUTIS.
' - i -
Out In the Cold.
At Indianapolis on Tuesday last Iho now
Western league was completed , and Omaha
was left out , notwithstanding that Dave
Howe aud his musical jaw was oiVhand and
did lib utmost to stem the tide wilh the
Gate City on his back. And so , for anjthcr
year at least , It is semi-professional ball for
The new body will start out with Indian
apolis , Toledo , Grand Haplds , Detroit , Min
neapolis , Milwaukee , Kansas City ana Sioux
City a1 ? members. My old and esteemed
friend , Ben Johnson of the Cincinnati Com
mercial-Gazette , was elected president , sec
retary and treasurer , and a hotter man
couldn't have been found throughout the
length and breadth of the laud.
' .the constitution is almost identical with
that of the National league. One clause prohibits - '
hibits the sale of players to clubsoutsido the
league during the playing season. Gate re
ceipts will bo equally divided. Ten per cent
will go to the sinking fund. Each club must
deposit a forfeit of j&OO till the sinking fund
reaches $8,000 , when the forfeit money maybe
bo taken down. Sunday ball Is to bo per
mitted. The salary limit will probably be
fixed nt S1.5QO or $1,800 per month , That old
Philadelphia jvar horse , SVilliam Shursig ,
will manage Iho Indianapolis club , , but as
yet Billy Pants Harrington hasn't caught on
with Sioux City.
Mexico's l.uot mill Only Hope.
ST. Louis , Nov. ! i5. [ Special Telegram to
THU BKE. ] The City of Mexico may yet bo
chosen nsitho scat of war for -tho grout In
ternational contest between Corbott and
Mitchell. If tbo governor insists in his de
termination that the battle shall not take
plnco nt Jacksonville , Tom Kelly says a
syndicate can bo organized iu St. Louis that
will contribute n purse of $70,000 or $25,000
foift inntst bntwccii Horbett nnd Mitchell
to take place in the City of Mexico nt the
race Irack managed by Colonel Bob Pate of
this city. Colonel Pate is wlllinir to go iu on
this scheme directly ho Is Informed oftl-
clally that the Florida officials will forbid
the flght. Thqro nro several prominent
lurfraeu in town willing to contribute to
ward a purse for the intornutlo nal fistlo
contest in case they can make satisfactory
rates with the railroads for round trip
tickets to include udmlssion to the Pnto
track , which would bo the scene of the mill
If it is to bo brought off in the City of
Moxico. As Colonel Pate can furnish the
track free of olmrgOi Iho only outlay would
bo Iho purse and advertising expenses , On
Pate's return from Mexico , which Is shortly
expected , stops will bo taken atonco to
bring the mutter to a head.
the I liny Hpnrtimen ,
Rob and John Patrick , with n couple of
friends , took n duy off last week and bagged
something llko six duicu quail ,
J nek Morrison nnd "Choi" Hulott of the
Merchants were Clrarllo Williams' quail
shooting guests nl Missouri Valley n couple
of days lust wpck. They bagged bomothing
llko a barrel gf birds.
George Field , ono of North Platto's genial
sportsmen , is iu the city , Says three of
thorn loft North Plutto lusl Sunday after-
noou and bagged 'slxty-thrco quail , and that
any ordinary shot outcht to got sixty or
seventy iu n duy's shoot , t
Iu the departure of Billy Nason the Omaha
Gun club hus lost u good mini. Hu did much
to promote the shooting interests of Omaha ,
and will bo missed at all future tourneys.
The club should bo careful in selecting his
successor , Frank Cunuiuhaol would make a
good man for the position.
Hud a little outing Morrison and I with
Newt Tliornly Iho host shol In western
Nebraska and Harry Abshlro of Suther
land last weak , Harry and Newt make a
pair hard to , beat when il cx > raes for enler-
laining and taking care of u couple of pil
grims. Will surely see thorn again.
A , Hospo and Jucksnipo Knowlos were
after gceso one day last week , and , In fact ,
are still after thorn. They were down near
Ashland and saw lots of birds , but the river
was so choked with ice that they couldn't
kill eighty ot ninety , so they killed throe-
all big Canadas. They said that ono of them
weighed twenty-five pounds in his s looking
JobnJ. Hardin has at the Uxldermist's
shop of Brown & Scow ono of the most mag-
nlupent speejai ot ( U , gpjd a yaglp ever
captured In this part of the country. It was
n present from .John D. Platt , who resides
In the northwestern part of the stato. The
big hlrd wi * caught In a atocl trap , nnd Mr.
Platt says that It U the onlV bird that can
stand with ono loot on the peak of ttio
Kocklcs and the other In the AUcghcnlcs
and dip his beak in thn Mmlsslppl. Hi fur
ther stated that the eagle had open around
his ranch for years ana had carried olTtnuny
half grown lamba In Its time.
Speaking about R , T. Lamb , thn crack
Iowa shot , the locM gunners would ItUo to
know Jim who ho l . Jack Knowlos says lie
knows him and that ho Is a Swede , who n
few years ago couldn't hit n barn If ho flt-cd
his gun off Inside. lie shoots n Xulu and
couldn't kill forty ducks In forty years.
Hilly Hoaijlaud says ho Is n HusMan nnd
couldn't hit a balloon with a busoball bat.
Ifanlln says ho Is mi Indian nnd wears
feathers to church. "Spike" Kennedy says
ho Is a U.igo nun traps muskrats In the winter -
tor and peddles bananas In the summer. I
guess , AhIimb. . you ulll have to stop up
nnd lot us see whut you lools like.
OMMIA. Nov. 21.- Sandy flrlswold , 8portlnir
ijdltorpr Tin : UK ) : : I uotlco In .Tin ; HKI : of
November U2 n fntiuminlciUlon fnim \ \ A.
noun ( if Uiitilnti , In. , ntiont proposition I
niiido to yon noinotlino nKo to shoot tlioso Unit-
lnuclialluiiKGrs Indlvldtmlly. ( ) t cour o 1 did
iiotcxppci you to publish wlmt. I Mild , but us
loiiRusyoilmiw pruunr to do so 1 will nmkoniy
proposition Rood. I will shoot each of the four
men immiMl by Mr. Demi ti match of flfly llvo
birds for 150 u sldo , and toss u penny for the
cliolco of grounds Omul u or Ounhip. I will
po further. I will Muint thuso four mm 100
llvo birds uauh for J1UU , or nny nuiiiliur or for
nny tinmuiil they may profnr. Mr. Doun siys
lie dousti't c.iio about this nuitlor helm ;
pir.idi'd In the iiuwspiipors. Why mil ? When
u man wants u shoot for thiU kind ot money It
Is well enough tolul the levers of the trap
know about It In ordur that they can see Just
where u fellow stands. I am not anxious to
shool. any matches , out \\lll not allow any of
this kind to escape. Yours tesncclfully ,
JOHN . ) . ll.Miin.v.
Anso Nowborr.v , the sago of Cody and the
best .sandhill crane shot west ot the Missis
sippi , has been In the city for several days ,
the guest of friends.
Tiips with the nilinrn.
There Is no law against prlzo fighting In
The Emoirc Athlotio club of PliHiulcOnhtii
Is a now ono and wants Gcorgo Dixon and
Billy PHmmor for the opening card.
"Sam" Merritt , the pedestrian , nnd
"Tommy" Hvan , the pugilist , have irene lute
the hotel business at Bridgeport Conn.
Jack McAulllTo savs ho has retired from
the rinc for good , llo is cnrouto to 'Frisco ,
where ho goes on the block as a bookmaker.
The Duval Athlotio club of Jacksonville
proposes to glvo a ilstlc. carnival in Januarv
maybe. In addition to the bii ? International
mill , Dan Crcedon and Hob Fitzsimmons are
expected to meet there.
The lloby Athletic club , It is alleged , wjll
reopen n week from Monday night , when
Dannio Noedlmni and Jim B.irrou of Aus
tralia will meet for n ten-round argument ,
and Jimmy Hum * und Johnny Connors will
go on for twenty rounds.
Aproposo of. the comparative roughness or
brutality in football anil pugilism , the action
of the recorder of Manchester , liugland , in
a recent case may be of interest. Two pugi
lists who had been engaged in an unusually
severe contest were up before the recorder
and pleaded guilty. In Interpreting ttio law
the recorder went on to say that It was
equally applicable to footbill. Ho pointed
out that In view of the tendency toward
violence on the football Held where an at
tempt was made to counteract skill by brute
force it becomes just as much u criminal
offense as a bare knuckle fight.
Tlt-Tntllo cil thn lilnmond.
Dave Foutr. will succeed Dan Brouthers at
first base for Brooklyn.
The schedule meeting ot the league will beheld
held In Now York February 20.
"Dad" Clarke finally signed a Now York
contract at New York's own terms.
New York lias formally returned ICing
Kel. to Boston. Kel. is going on the roud
with "O'Dowd's Neighbors. "
Big Mike Sullivan has boon transferred to
Washington and "Dummy" Hey will lead off
at bat for Cincinnati no ct season.
The league has sensibly rejected the
double umpire idea. HwJsidcnt..Young was
authorized to appoint a start not" , to exceed
seven In number. Kmslle , Lynch and Me-
Quado are three likely to bo called.
Captain Ward has secured George Van
Haltern from the Pittsburgs. The Dagos
will likely play Jake Stenzel in the Hold in
Van's place , while the latter will supplant
either Burke or Tiernnn in New York.
Secretary Georco Munson as the repre-
fuiiL.iuvu UL < - > \unuurjuio spuaKs "oy
the curd'\when ho talks about the bunt.
He declares : "I bellovo that the bunt ball
will be penalized by calling It u strike every
time it is batted into foul ground. ' ,
niK * of thn Waapl.
H. C. Tagger , lateiof the G.inyracdcs , but
now a member of the Tourists , is u frequent
visitor at the club house.
Hurry Hattenliauer of the Ganymedcs of
Council Ululls , Austin Williams and H. C.
Banit : wore visitors at the club house last
H. E. Fredrlckson still leads in the pro
gressive high-five tournament of the Tour
ists. Ho has also won two special prbcs In
the scries.
Last Sunday was indeed an Ideal day for
cycling. The Tourists had a run scheduled
for Mattsmouth. E. ' 1. Yatcs nnd A. W.
Melton rode to Logan , la. , covering forty
miles In throe and one-half hours.
Manufacturers of bicycles are now vicing
with each other in the perfection of their
J8W model. Ono of the first to arrive In
Omaha Is the "Hailaduy Temple Scorcher , "
weight twentynlno and onn-huif pounds ,
now on exhibition at AI. O. Daxon'a. It is a
Some vicious person slashed Secretary
Yates' tires Thursday evening while his
wheel was standing in the Seventeenth
street entrance of thu New Yoik Llfo build
ing. The matter has been given to a de
tective , who will ferret out the perpetrator
if possible.
Question * nnd Antwcrg.
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. ii ! . To the Snoitlns
Editor of Tin : JIKK : Will von kindly Mum In
your rUiiduy bpoi linn column thu u\uct dlll'ur-
tiiiuo between the Maiqulsof Quecnsbji ry and
IiQiidon I'rlrj King lulusutid uullgo. A A'lim-
ber of Homier- ) .
Ans. Ouconsborry rules tirovlUo for 11
twenty-four-foot , ring , or us near that uizo as
possible , a fair stand-up boxing match , no
hugging or wrestling. Uouuds three min
utes , one mlnuiQ rest. Londou rules ring
must bo on the turf , tivunty-four-loot
squuro ; two Judges und ono referee. Each
round terminates with a fall. Thirty seconds
rest. Cannot fall without having received
a blow , but can slip down In u clinch to avoid
punishment , Wrestling allowed.
iMitAsnu. Wyo , , Nov. 151 , To the Spotting
Keillor or Tin : IH-.K : Will you kindly declilo In
iHinitiiy'H llKU u iUU | ! > tu > ii no iloulit uflun
ubUuU but ulncli I cannot now icciill. In u
guiuu of hlgli llvo the count la foity-nlno on
both Nidus , thu bld < lL r niuKcs hUli , uume. luft
llvu , the utliur low , Jack , ilgnt live. Which
wins the guinuV i : . J. Hoyd ,
Ans. Ix > w , Jack and the right five , in a
gumoof fifty-two points.
OIIKHTON. Iu. . Nov. 20 , To tbo Sporting
Editor of Tin : llKKi 1'leaso atato lit nu.\t Hnn-
ilay's ItKKlf thuro Isu liii'iiiliiin
buck of berlos 1H. No. 6uU'Jlof Muich 1U.1UUU ,
uctof Kobriiary lift , IBO'J. If you don't know ,
buy vrlioro 1 cun Und out. 1) . V , I'lslier ,
AnsYrlto to 11. L. Allen , University
building , Now York.
IUYJU CITY , Nob. , Nov. 20. Tq the Bportlni ;
Keillor ot TilKltitKl 1'Juuio htitlu whutdUpo-
bltlou wits niudo of the IxKly of llooth , ilio
Hluyurot 1'ruslUeut J.incoln , mm ulillgu. May
AIIB , It was burled , May ,
OAIIIIOI.U In. , Nov. 21. To the Sporting
IJIHoruf'l'llultKK : I'leabu clvomuuniiuswurtu
thu following inuMlu" in 'l 111 : lIKr u boon us
you possibly cun : Whatyuuruiid > iiioiith wua
Uhurluy Mltcliull bornV The man that Is now
miituhfd tollKbt JliaC'iiibutt. Jly bo tlolng you
will t-Teutly ubllgu Ulmrk'M llonuu ,
Atis. October , IbOl.
Four MBAUK , 8. 1) ) . , Nov. 20. To the Sporting
Edltur of TUB DEI : : Will you , orcuri yon , f nr-
nUli mo with the following Inturnmlloii
thruugb thu coliiums ot TUB HKKI U Dick
EUKUII , the Montana Kid. who li to huvo thu
llglit with Tommy Hyuii , the same "Kid" who
truvoloU with Juvk J < yncli of Saglnaw , Mich. ,
through Moiituna In 1B8 ( . , giving uvlilbltlonsi
I undurbtund ho hud a bout with u boldlur from
I'ort Kill * , Alout. , ilurlnt ; lliut tlinu , whoniudu
It very Intort-HtliiK for thu "Kid , " nnd UH I am
acuualntud with Tammy Jtyan 1 am cuiitldunt
tliut tills "Kid" , It It'a thu kutuo ijian , will not
"bo In H. " When Wax It ho ktood Jack Ujuip-
boy oir , and \vliui oV A tiub&ctlbor ,
Ans. His the eamo man. In Portland ,
two years ago.
OMAHA , Nov. 20To the Snorting Keillor of
Tun UKKI 1'loabu answer ihrough the columns
of your paper what duy of thu Houk the 17th
ot March full upon In tuo years 1U87 , Igyti and
lbbU--Abub :
Am. Thursday , 1687 { Saturday , 1833 ; Sun-
Colvln , La. , Doo. 2 , 1880. My wlfo tisod
MOTHER'S FRIEND bsfnri her tliird
confinement , and eaya aho xvouM not bo
without It for hundrodo of ilolltiro.
S nt by cxrTr s on receipt of pticc. i I 0 per hot-
Ua llook" To Mothers" mailed f reef
uaoKt * . ATLANTA , OA.
OFFER 12 Cabinet' , each ononn
atuiroprlatnUlirlstimm tiros-
Hontiind u bonutltul Mlu-
ihn Glnoo Photj nil ter
If TnltOH TIMli ( o f itrn out fi
' ) lt ,
313,315,317 , , SD. lOtti St. , Omaha ,
Owlnjr to tlio stringency or the
tlmos , 1 have reduced my ruffitlnr
churiros to cash patients 'to exact
ly ono half of the urintotl ooulht's
foe bill. E. T. ALLUN , M. I ) .
Eve und Ear Surpcon.
Uoom 201 Pnxtou niask , llllh ami
1'lnk' ' . Inminus'.c oil
nnd rubber .
emi forciUilosruLIIU
Knrnnm U
Fred Krug Brawlag
Our liottlu.l Cabinet Gnir.intml to oqatt
beer delivered to unr ouuliljbrnili. Vlonni
J.i rt or tlio city. 1UJ7 axiiort boitUl Mat ila-
UCks on sU I llrurj 1 to f inillloj.-
S. F. Oilman , Omrti MHlla ! 0
. . omen I Mill.
101.115-17 N.llHh lit nn
C. K. Slack Mmiaior. 111.1 N. liith t.
Reed Job Printing Page Soap C ) ,
COMl'ANV. Munurncturnraof Union
Ilco Uulldlnz 115 Illckurxst.
Private anl
ClItiHIllllltKlll I'riM * .
AVe ouvo Catarrh. AUDI annoy of the
NONO , Throat , < J io < t stazuioh ) Mvor.
Blood. Mciu anil lUJiioy JJisojsoi. Fo-
miilo WoaUnosioi. J'Oft Mauhootl.
btrluturo. tlyilraoolu , VorlTia ilu , rite
I'll.U * . l''li TUIA AVK KKOTM , IJl.'lKIH OlirUll
without imlnor dutontlmi turn l
Call AII urmUliuNH wUi | nt.iuni for vlr.nilnrH , irj )
book uuil iiicelplH , Hint HUlnv.iy noutli of post-
olllce. loom 7 ,
Dr. Seines & Series ,
l 1'rrr.
In tlio Irratnionl
of all
Chronic , Private nutl
Norvouu Dj oft u . WriUl
tu orrmisiiltlurtioinmy.
TitiAT.Mi.vr in'siA-ir. .
_ _ , . AdUn'Hi with Ntiitiin , for par-
tlciilurH , whUili will Ixi HIIIII In | il iln uiiv oloi > o. 1' ,
U lluxthl , O.lljj 1H H IStli Htiuut. Ouialm , No a
llLin UUljAml fill thn train fll
KVI1.SVKAKNis3iS : , DKIIIUTY , UTO. , Hint ap
company tlu-iii In moil QUICKLY nnd i'KKMA-
plvcn loovL-ry inrtof tlio body. I will wnd IHO-
curcly j ) ickcif ) t'HKK to nny mittorvr Iho tnyhcrlii-
lion thai cnrml mo of thoto trouble * . ArtdrcH * ( J
II. WHiriUT , MtUlO Do.ilor , Uox 1'SO , il a rail all
How nttixlnoil how ro-
Btorwl how preserved ,
Onllimryorkaon 1'hy-
slology will not till jou ;
tlio ilon tors ran' I or
Vfon'tl but nil tlio eumo
youvilsh to know. Vmr
\nrothoKcyto \ Ufo nnd
. , - . „ _ . . . . ! Us reproduction , Our
DOCK wya bare the truth. Every man who
would regain sexual vigor lost through JOllJ/
orilovclopineiubcwwiMik by nature or wastea.
by disease , uliould wrlto for our scaled nook ,
"Perfect Manhood , " No churgo. Address
( In confidence ) ,
JUS Mf D1C.AI. CO , , Buffalo ,