Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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'cot'Nt ' n. iiu'
ui I P J. SO 12 l'B 3TUKET
i'1 Ijyarrltr to nny iftrt of the rlty
II. WTILTO.N - Manopct
I nu lnr nmcc No 43
mi i t iiini i j
TI I.I I'llOM . < , Ngh | , No.2J
3i K * r/o.v.
Boston Mtore , lOrli } sale
bpcclal meeting of Agusl.i prove this
tvenmir at Woodman hall
A marriaec llctn&e was iuued } estcrda }
lo K. E McClure and t.ucla A Crcx-ker , both
> f this city Tnelr ages nre 82 and W
Mr Joseph A. Crafts and Mrs Bessie
Mat ti.ill , both of this citv. were married
Wcdnosdaj b } Hev J Alexander , pastor of
the Scrotid Presb } terian church.
Tlie rerilict of the jur > In the 'lemon
essence" case of Britton against Usher
was opened In the district court } csterda }
nnd fouiiil to bo for the defendant.
'I he delegates from St Paul's church to
the council at Sioux Citv on December .1
nre W .1 Jameson , D C Bloomer. A I
Kiroaml M Duquette This church will
try to t also Us assessment by the collections
next Sunday , hoping to realise 50 cents per
T. S. r-ostullar is the inmo given ba mnn
who tan off with Hi Hiird s overcoat
Wednesday night. Baird put chase after
Mm and caught him , recovering his over
coat and landing the man In jail He was
fined for drunkenness In the police court.
but there will Iw no further prosecution
Coitollir lias been working for Baird for the
past few weeks
JuilgoSmlth issued an injunction last even
ing resli .lining Jusllcoof the Peace Tex from
iMiti'iiHg a judgment in a case in which the
Kansas Cit } , St Joseph A. Council Hluffs
Ilalluav cowpan } was inlcicsted. The notlco
of the suit was ssneaonW .1 tlivenport ,
lull Ine company alleges in Ihe Infoi motion
that Da > enwrt | had no right to accept
heiiii-uaud thenolice vvas Ihorefore void.
'Ihrt-o i hlcken thieves wet e caught ply
ing their liado near llio transfer about . ' !
o'clock vesterday morning and a call was
scut In for the patrol wagon After .1 ride
of several mllps In the ficezinp cold. Driver
Sandul reached the tiansfer only to find thnt
thntlilovcs and theircaptoistiadcipllulalcd
atid'lhe crovvO had dispersed , the chicucns
nnd their ilghtful owners vanishing iu one
direction and the thieves in another
Mr. Uhailrs Belcher of Hambuigaud Miss
Lena II Bird were unlled in marriage
\\Vdncsday evening at the home of Ihe
bride's parculs. east of the city. Hov. V W
AVilliims officiating A beautiful bride.
elegant trousseau , excellent music and
elaborate refieshments were a levy of the
principal feJlures of the evening A select
narty of friends were present and many
valuable presents were bestowed upon the
j oung couMle
John AI fialvin commenced a suit } ester-
day afternoon in the district court to re-
stiain. Adeline E Witt , by means of an in
junction , from disposing of a piece of prop
er ! } near Neola. Galvin commenced suit
against her husband for $ . " > ,000 for attorney
fees and atlached llio proper ! v in queslion
It now appeirs lhat Mrs Witt claims the
( iropert } is hers and the plaintiff alleges that
she is endeavoi ing to put it out of her bauds
Ulic Injunction was Issued.
Tlio Young Men's Christian Association
Choral L'nion class will meet this evening at
its rooms in the Mernam block At the last
meeting of the class about forty were pres
ent anil a profitable hour was spent in voice
cultuio 'Ihe class is taught by Prof I * . A
Touens of Omah.i. and both ladies and gen
tlemen are admitted to membership. 'Ihe
members of the Young Men's Chiistian as
sociation arc admitted free of chaige , and
; hose not members of the association pav a
vmnll fee for the privilege of the music. 1 tie
.Dlata meets over } Friday evening at s >
The Wilsons , the eelebiUed evat.gchsts
und gospel singers , will conduct meetings al
the Broudwa } Methodistchurch every night
this week except Saturday Their meetings
ate very interesting and the sincing is
Ijeiutiful. Tno Wilsons carry their onu
organ , a very sweet-toned instrument. It
lias quite a history , having traveled with
the evangelists throughout the Unlled
Slales half a dozen times , across the At-
luitlc , and uu and down England. Ireland ,
Scotland and Wales. Saturday evening Ihey
vv ill conduct a uuion meeting at De Long's
llie Twin Cltj Uje Works.
The Twin City Dye works is now the
largest and most complete in the west.
The new building is equipped with the
newest approved machinery , in humlh of
export workmen. All kinds of dyeing ,
cleaning and renovating ladle-- ' and gen-
tleincnS garmentp , feathers ? , etc. All
woik guai antced. Oflice and work ? at
Siitli street and Avenue A , Council
JJlulii : Omaha ollleo , 1.V21 Farnam street.
G. A. SCHOBUS.M K , Proprietor.
W. K. Chambers , daneing aeadeui } ,
Ma-onic tein ] > le. Classes cai'h Wednen-
day .iftemoon and ev dning.
GeorgeS. Davis , jire-cription druggist.
Mr and Mrs. K. J GItoeit left last even
ing for a visit to Chicago.
Mlsn Udlth Schultzof Delavan , Wis. , is in
thecltv , Iho gueslof Mrs C. 11 H. Camp
Mr , and Mrs C. B. llandlett returned
jCitcrdav from a visit with relatives in Con
cord , N. H.
President T. A. Call of the ICoistono
Manufacturing company ot Sterling , 111 ,
was in the city jcstcrdaj.
Mrs. Clara Slrock of Oli mpln , Wash , is
\isiling her parents , Mr , and Mrs. Thomas
Johnson , on 1-ast Ihoadwny
Inerulmm 11 cnmlliinte.
It IX lugraham of thU city IB a candidate
for the ofllco of state printer and his fate
will bo decided at the icpublican caucus
w Inch U to bo held at the opening of the
coming session of llio legislature. Ho has
IKJCII connected with the Nonpareil In tno
capacity of business manager for several
juars past , nnd his capability is well known
to the business men of Council Bluffs There
aio but two ether candidate * for tno posi
tion , and they aru bolh from Ihe eastern
part of the state. The west has uover re-
iclvedtnnlch recognition from Ihe repub
licans of llio slaio and Mr. Incranaui will
probably receive considerable support from
the vrestein men In the legislature. His
i hancos for appointment are considered
KOod. If ho U successful it vrill necessitate
Ills removal to DCS Molncs.
Carving sots , finest warranted bidden ,
W.OO per pair up. Our largo fall stock
of pocket knives , ui7ors and carving and
table ( Uitlcry is now In. Cole & Cole ,
41 Main.
You jmy jour money and you take
jour choioo either Dr. .lolTetis *
Dlphthi'i ia Homedy or a funeral , Thlrty-
live yeats trial pro\es Dr. .lefforfs'
diphtheria inedicino infallible iu putrid
h'iro tin oat , us in malignant noarlot
fever or iiuilit'nuut diphtherin. For sale
by Ueatdsley , Davis and DoIIavon , also
: ilM ( Cninlng street , Oinalm.
Suciir t'oru ! sucar Corul
Try the t'ounell Bluffs Sugar Corn.
Tlie best in the market.
Absolutely uoeheuikals used to bleaeh
the corn white. It is young , tender ,
elcan and wholesome.
Have ion seen the new gas heater * at
the Gas company 'a ofllce ?
S. M , Williamson bttll bells the Stan
dard and Domebtio at 100 South Main
htroet , uud hat not icuiovod to 13 road -
way , aa lias been reported.
There Is no other such l ne of lumps
in thu city nd you fliid at Lund'b.
For neat job printing ) prompt delivery
and lowest prices ( ro to iVyor Bron. , Bte
Job ottico , J2 earl street. .
Uoiue tlc tottp ia the
Ohiof Nicholson of the Fire Drpaitment
Reinstated by the Council.
Alter n In tlall ( < n of Comlilprabte Cl
ient tlie Olllcrr Un I'ully Htoner-
leU Wll Known Vounit M
( lone \\ronic.
The clt > council met lat cvenlnp for tnc
purpose of investigating the charges made
against Chief Nicholson of the lire depart
ment. All the members were present ex
cept Alderman liaihivrnj.and the room was
filled with s | > eotators The proceedings
were opened bj the reading of the formal
charges , alleging tlio chief haa been guilti
of "gross intoxication and other conduct un
becoming his ofllel 1 position as chief of the
nre department. " Both sldss wore repre
sented bi counsel , Clt > Attornej Hazelton
backing up the charges and Ware and
Trimble looking after the defense.
After rcadinc the charges the attorneys
for the defense submitted A written protest
atrulnst the invcstlKiUloii of anythinir else
outside the bpeclflc chaise of intoxication ,
claiming that the other charges ware indefi
nite and vairuo and that the council had no
authority to Imiulie Into anj thing but the
single ihaitro had been specifically
maue A written motion was attached
that all other charges Intimated In the
words "conduct unbecoming , " etc , be
stricken out In support of the motion \Vure
claimed that the investigation of the
charges c.illeii for the exerol'oof Judicial
functions the count 11 did not possess City
Attornoi Hn/elton i-ombatted the proposi
tion and claimed that the council sitting as
a committee of the whole had full powers to
Investieato an.v cliargo that might be made
acaitist the chief or any bther appointive
officer of the elti A vote to stuko out the
other charges icceivel the live democratic
voles and Tibbctts' vow , who was evidently
vvillin ? to protect his brothci-ln law , the
chief , Aldonnan Smith alone Toting against
rii.ulcd Nol Guilt } .
Immcdiatclv after the announcement of
the vote Nicholson s attorneys announced
that the chief would plead not gulltj to the
charge of drunkenness The investigation
then proceeded Ihuolton called Nicholson
to the stand This called for a v igorom pro
test from Ware , who claimed that it was
contiar.\ . all law and all judicial procedure
to call the accused to the stand as a witness
for the prosecution Alderman Tihbetts
moved to sustain the motion and all the
democratic mombcis voted aje. Smith again
registoi inir a big no Harrl'on stated that
it might bo necessary to adjotun the inves
tigation until other witnesses could be pro
cured , naming Webber It was finally
decided to put Officer G ! . Martin on the
Mai tin testified thiUhe saw the chief on
thenlzht of the incendiary tiresr August 11 ,
l\ing asleep under the haj chute in No 4
hose house 'I lie oftieei was accompanied bj
Officers Prank Scnnlan and Martin , jr.
Nicholson was a leep in his uniform , and
thev were led to his couch by his energetic
snoring Webber vvns asleep beside him
Thei onlv awakened Nicholson , when Ihei
pulled Webber out bodilj after repealed
tails and shaklnes Nicholson got up and
followed them downstairs , thought he was
di unk. .is he staggered ana talked with
difficulty Ofllcer Mai tin , jr , saw Nichol
son after he came down stairs that ultrht
He believed lie was intoxicated He acted
like a drunken man and staggered. Asked
his opinion as to whether he was drunit ,
Waie objected and the objection was sus
tained b > the solid six
ScanlHii's Kiperleuce.
Officer Frank Si anlan tola his eiperlence
on that eventful night He had seen enough
drunken met to Unow one wlieu ho saw him ,
and hodiseoveieJ tnanj , if not all of the
svmplonut in the chipf't. condition The lat-
terdidn't wake up until they had shaken
Webber and tailed him repeatedly. He
hen stagfeicd as lie followed them down
tairs and out upon the vvalic The officer
hen blushed the liaj off Nicholson's back
ad he staggered up stairs again.
Objection was made to cart of this testi-
nonv , and the hi * ' six. prompt ! ) sustained It
An affidavit made bj A J. Spiegel , the
Omaha hatter , in whose store isicholsou
iistincuishcd niniself by shoving his fist
hrougli a hat ho had asked to ba shown
ind thru declared it was no account and ro
used to pav for It , until he was
Inciitcncd with arrest vvas produced Bo-
bie the affidavit was read it was , closeli
scanned bv Waie and Trimble , who
objected to it foi the icason that Spiegel was
lot present to identifj Nicholson as thu
nan who made the spectacle of himself in
the hat stoic , and also that n largo part of
.ho affidavit pertainrd to matter that was
stricken out b > lha council.
After extended rentalks bj the counsel on
both slues the council decided to reveiro the
affidavit Jennings. Keller , Smith and Tib-
> ctts voting vea The aBldavIt slated that
Nicholson came into the stole and picked
out a iVKent cap and ftauted Spiegol lo lot
him have It lori'i cents He linallj told tlie
mircnant tn wrap up his lireinan's cap , and
nhlle he was doing 10 Nicholson was unius-
himself bv punching the new hat full of
Wat Kraily to Fight.
When he lemonstratcd Nicholson wanted
to lick him and was very abusive as well as
drunk Ho Jinnlly snatched the fireman's
i"ip from the dealer and left the store , rofus-
[ ijg to piv for the damaged cap. The hut
man followed him into the stioftand for
sevial blocks , until he met Officer Donahue ,
who was asked to airest Nicholson. The
chief wanted to thrash the hat man In the
presence of the officer , boasting that he was
chief of the Council Bluffs flro department
and could do a good job. He was onlj vrilling
to desist when told bv the officer that he
would i uu him In as a ifLunk despite the fact
of his official position Nicholson finaliv
paid a quai tor for the lut and disappeared
into a convenient saloon
A motion bi Hazelton to aujourn the in
vestigation until the piosecution could get
Webber and other witnesses was voted
down and tlie defense called L'alMajnard
Heforo hn tcititied a new affidavit from
.Spiegel was read by the defense. In this
affidavit Spiegel said that two men , whom
he behaved wore City Attorney Hazelton
nud Officer Wialt of Council Bluffs came to
him and offoiea him 5 if he would come to
Council Bluffs and testify that Nicholson
\tas drunk , and that ho refused to come over
rl ho affidavit , however said nothing about
Nicholson's conduct.
Mayuard was ttien called upon to tell wnat
1m Uneir about thq chief's condition on
August 11 , the dutc of thu hat episode. He
saw Nicholson at the bill game there und
was positive ho was not drunk. Jim Nicn-
ols corroborated this testimony.
J. J , Shea also siw Nicholson in Omaha
at 4 ) > . m. He was not drunk then ,
1C M Whitlesey saw the chief Just before
ho started for Oniana anil ut t > o'clock when
ho returned. lie was perfeotli sober both
Fueman Walts of No 4 hosa honss testi
fied that Nicholson was not drunk at U.30 on
the night of tha arrest of Webber.
rireman O'Uricn of the snrao hose com
pany corroborated the testimony of the wit
nesses who saw Nicholson In Omaha , and
also that ho wa < soocr when the airests of
the iiiemeu Tteio made , , or when he saw him
shortly afterward.
Other * Thought Ilia Chief Sober.
Peter ivu.v feudal and Robert Huntlugtont
member * of No. 4 hose house , testified that
they did not think tl.o chief was drunk
when they saw him on his return from
Omaha and when thu officers awakened him
vrhou arresting Webber , Hunlingtoa , bov-
over , fell sum he had been drinking some
and thought the couch of ha ) under the hay
chutawasat least an extraordinary place
for the chief to sleep.
I ( lniUt it th Offlcer.
This ended the testimany and the attor
neys con&iaerately refrained from arguing
Ihe case. The vote of the council upon the
question of Hustalulug the charges was then
called for. The big six. Jennings , Olese ,
White , Kellar , Nicholson and Tibbets voted
nay and Smith ( tie only jea , but Qrilb a Rood
deul of vigor Aidenrmn Keller theu moved
that the couucil reinstate the chief and Tib-
ueu sococded it. with a 6 to 1 result.
When thu result nas announced ) > > the
ilerk lliw wvre three or four bauds clapped
in the back part of the room Htce the reluctant -
luctant popping of popcorn nftcr a long
roast in n popper Then , to make the counUl
feel peed and justifj its action , Attornov
Wart presented a petition from n number of
insurance inefl asking the chleTs rclnstite-
mcnt ItM signed ly .lohn T. I.'itz. .1 ( . '
I nge , M F Hohrer. William I irsen. S H
Wadsworth A. Co . H C C > ry , K II , Odoll ,
Forrest Smith , K B Howmaii , W C James
and P JHmg. !
ov iit : nee t.vt < i : '
At tli HcMton store ! re t TenUajale. .
Over fiOO ca oof holiday goods re
ceived. Wo must have room to display
them. We commenced our gieat ton-
day clearing ale Saturdaj last to make
room forour immense stock of ( . 'lirlstmas
goods , which is much larger this t a on
than ever before
A few of the thousand * of bargains now
to be found on our countoi :
: tJc storm bcrgo. txtia weight , during
this sale , " -o.
ttegularoOcali wool cheviot-'Uiincho *
wide , now "Wo.
Don't fail to see our a ortment of 2"o
good- , including a big i.uigo of goods
from Site up , in otic lot at l ! . * > e.
Si.Wquality gout's lleoct'd underwear ,
71k ; each.
. "Oc L'rai underwear. IlSo.
$ l.lT > aH wool scarlet underwear. Toe
Me and .1- quality ladies' white and
gray riboed mateiial underwear , now
AH our plush coats during sale at cost
42.00 and $ J.2j w Into and gray blankeU
at a new price for thi- , sale , "J1.4S.
Table napkins , Jl.'Jo and Sl.S'J ' quality ,
for ? 1.00 do/en.
19c ladies' wool riblxid hose , ale price
12e } a pair.
i'Jc fancj embroidered hatutkerehicN ,
sale price , 12Jo.
Ladies' wool tnittoiis. l'c ) si pair.
Children' wool mittens , JOc a pair.
39c inutTs , i'lc ' each.
Our stock of fur c.ipus. in two lot- * ,
31.08 and W.'JSt ' each.
Children's white and gray vests and
pantK 1C and 1" , for tie each.
llo'-ios STOIIK.
Fotheringham , Wliitcla.v \ Co. .
Leaders ami Promoters of Low 1'rices.
Council UlnlTs , la.
Story of IImr n Cuiincll lilnrr < Vouuc Man
Went VVrouc mill In Nmv .Ml lu .
Charles Huff , son of L C Huff of this
cit > and a young man who is well known
here , is Implicated in scvcial shad } transac
tions , and if he can be found it will keep
him hustling to explain awa some
of the cnarges that aic made
against him Tor seveial weeks
past ho has been out of the
city , but his alleged victims kept their
mouths closed out of sympathy for the
voung man's family , who are universalli
respected. Bi means of chocks , which aie
claimed to be forgeiies. lie managed to lake
quite a little pile of monej together and
then suddenly left the citj H A Baiid
cashed a money order foi tM which was pre
sented to him by Huff Tlie ordei had 11 I
Forsvthe's mine signed to it. but this , so
Forsjthe now claims was forged Bell &
Son cashed a 'check foi & ! o and
Metcalf Bros another for fcM , both of which
were signed C t. Huff 'Jhese aie also
pronounced forceiics U.uing ttie time
when these forged instruments weie passed
he was emploied in the office of the Hoosier
Drill company , along witn his father and
Forsv the
After leaving here he weat to Oianoakc ,
Kan . where he had an uncle liviue1. He
wrote to his uncle in advance , telling him
that ho was coming down to settle up some
bills of long standing which ho hud con
tracted when he lived theie He seamed to
hove olentj ot money , and staved there for
some little time. While in Kansas he be
came acquainted with the agent
of the Adams Expiess company. After
he hid spent several dajs loaf
ing about the comparj's office he
suggested , one Sunday evening , that he , the
agent and a third mail w ho was there gi to
church Thev started , but when they
leached the door Huff made an excuse for
leaving his companions. He wont back to
the office , slipped in thiough a window , and
stole a f."i bill and a couple of blank money
ordei ? . These he filled out for the amounts
of 247 50 and f4b respectivelj and went to
the next town Theie he was acquainted
with thoi superintendent of the schools.
whonT he Induced to go with him to tlie bank
and Identify i him. He secuied the money
on the orders , left town on the next train ,
and was not seen again.
Ah these ciooked tiansactions coming out
at once nave set a number of different offi-
ciils on his track The postal authorities ,
tne express companv officials .uid the differ
ent banks ana business houses whom he de
frauded are all after him and it seems to be
merelj question of time when he is loJgoi
in jail Indeed , the postal authorities claim
alrcadi to have located him in Chicago
Young Huff has been m a number of diner-
cut scrapes before , but he alwa.vs managed
to escape through his father's influence
Now however , his father is quoted as sav
ing that he will do nothing more for thoboi
and if ho Is caught , his cnances for a good ,
long retirement seem excellent In addition
lo his financial tiansactions ho is saio to be
implicated in an affair of the heart which is
quite llkel ) lo result in a divorce case being
started by a prominent joung traveling man.
Ladies , if jou desire abioluto peace in
the kitchen ask your grocer for J. C.
Iloflmayi A. Co.'s Fane } Patent Hour.
Ask your grocer lor Domestic soap.
llnr .Meit
At Met/ger i Randlett's market. Fin
est drcs'-od chickens , Se. Dressed tur-
kejs , 10o to PJjc.
City Attorney Ilazelton'i Itecord V.Vhi'
Srvliic tlio Miiiilclpulli ) .
A democratic sheet pjbllshed in this city
makes a rather broad statement , and one
that is not in the least In accordance with
the truth , when in a recent issuolt says Mat
"City Attorney Hazelton has made an un
broken iccord of failures , having lost every
case that ho has tried for the city since he
was elected , to his present position " An
examination Into tbo records would have
shown whoever penned that statement that
it is an unmitigated falsehood. A state
ment of the actual facts In the case will
doubtless be intetesting , not only to Mr.
Hazelloa's friends , but to these of his polltl
cal enemies who dil not have the necessary
ambition to aicertaiu the truth before they
commenced to write.
KMCK In the Cu .
City Attorney Hazelton has tried nine
cases since he commenced his present lerrn
of office. In all but two of those he was as
sisted by his paitner , W. S. Mavne , who has
practiced law in Council Bluffs for the past
sixteen years , and is universally regarded
as a good lawyer. Of the nine the'etty won
four and lost rive.
The lit si one lost was that of Elizabeth
Patterson against the City , in which the
plaintiff sought to recover damages for per
sonal injuries by reason of a defective slJo-
nalk on Fifth n venue. She got a Judgment
of im
The second was that brought by Mitchell
Vincent to recover tfJO.OOO damages for the
refusal of the cit ) to allow him to complete
the construction of a sewer in the somheru
part of tne Litv. The city did not question
the contractor's njht to J'OO of this sum ,
and Vincent securej a judgment for 2UOO
more than that sum.
The third case was that in which Mrs. L.
L. HendrU was awarded a Judgment of
$1,200 for personal injuries received on ac
count of the track of the Interstate Hallway
company on North Eighth street. The city
would have been glad to have compromised
this suit , but it was thought best to go on
with the trial in order that the railway
company might bo compelled later on to rc-
imburbe tbo city. The city's liability was
'llio fourth was the suit for attorney fees ,
prosecuted by N. M. Pusey. She city would
have settled for * 1 000. bu.t I'mev insisted
on a trial and cot a verdicTof ( t 400.
The fifth suit lost vva > that of ( teorgo A.
Holme * , who sued lo cotlw * ? ? . ( A attorney
fees. Holmes secured a-vorJiet for tJ.HO (
the other day. AsctcrS lmv > crin the city ,
and almost evrri one eiwi hnovvs , it is next
to Impossible to beat anstttornes vvhou ho is
suing for fees As Ht ml thing the only
question Is what amount iill bo allowed
him. , . / ,
On tboolt'pr hand , tb c4ty attorney has
won. first , the suit brounhtiiy Mis .snootier
for 11'JOO daniaeej for change of grade , second
end , that of Sarah Fields , for f 1,000 for de
fective construciion ot tlic sewer , third ,
t/imphcro A , Kennedy , the famous meat in
spection case , one of the * most hollj con
tested law suits ever the I'oilawat-
tamlo count } , barand fourth5thccaseof Kruc-
per , administrator , agilnst the city to re
cover damages for personal , injuries which
wen1 claimed to have tcsulled In death The
list case occupied elirht dij s on li lal The
pi ilntlfT in another < iut ! in which the parlies
were the same and the allegations preclsi-li
the name , lesulted in n verdict against the
cili for fi.'iO , "but in the ( ase tiled b.v Mr
Ha7el oti the damages VTCIO reduced to fl ,
just enough to throw the costs upon theclty
Abe Line iln post Ko. ill , ( irand Atvy '
of the Kupublic. will gtvc a grand ball
on the evening of Xovcmlwr U . I 'HI ' , ut
Masonic tcniplu. for the bcnelH nf the
i elief fund of the po t.
Good supper for LW'at the iJongtcga-
tiotuil church tonight , l ! o'clock
Ask jour giocer for Domcstiu iap.
McCnrcitr llouiiit Over.
Kiull Scliurz , whose face H A MiCargar
robbed of > vvoilh of beaut ) after an in
effectual attempt to collect a bill for that
amount , filed an information bcfotc Justice
Pox jestcrdaj inornlue and had McCargar
arrested on the charge of assault uith in
tent to do great bodily injuri Schui ? in
troduced evidence to show thai McCai gar
had been spoiling foi light when he cnteicd
his oftlce. and showed 11 bi laking off his
ovcrcoit and handlim it to the elevator
man , tolling him ho was going to tiave some
fun w nil Scliurz. Ho also mtioduced sev
eral documents with bright led drops of
something that looked like blood on them
and several lone gashes on his head , all of
which went to show that when
leveled nis chaii at him he me ml business
Mi.Cnr.jar was finall.v bound ovei to the
grand Juri. and he cave .1 bonu of $ .200 for
his appeaiance when wnuied foiinnately
bolh of Iheoung men aio so silualed lhal
il cost * them nothing to 'litigate "
W. ri. Baird. Lawyer. Hverett block ,
btnoko T. D. Kinsr & Co's Pat tagas.
Domestic soap is the ocst
.1 H/TAtSS
beuiatloiiul IVuture of nn Iowa Murder
Trial at OttuniMj.
OITIMVV 4 , la. , Nov. 2J tSpecial Telogrini
to THE BEE ] In the trial of Edward
Walton for muider of Amelia Cook today ,
Edna Cook was on the witness stand and
was sharplj questioned by the prosecuting
attornei regarding hei past history She
was gieath excited and with Walton , weie
with difficulty restrained from atticking the
attoincy At Ihe close of her examination
she seized a pitcher of water and gavelhe
altornei a showei bath' | failed to ap
pear in the aflornoon antt tier faiher said
she was a raving maniac The case will go
to the juo tomorrow. ,
Icinn Kmhalmerm Itaut licttor Law * .
CEIIAH H i'iD" , la , - Nov l3. ! [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE J The legislative
committee of the Iowa Association of Under
takers and Embalineis , consisting of W.I
Hobenschuh , Iowa CitJ , M. II Miller , Tip
ton : J B Turner and J. 1. Krebsof this
citi , mel hero nday auti formulated a bill to
present to the ne > t general assemblj for
passage. Ihe object is to secure lo Ihe people
compelenl persons lo takecare of Ihe bodies o
the dead and to see that exer > piecaution
is laken lo piev vent the spl-cad of diseases
The plan is to have a board of examiners ,
who shall see that all persons who make ap
plications for license as embalmers aiccom-
pctent and possessed of the requisite skill
and knowledge of em balmimr. It is not in
tended that the bill shall in g" > manner
affect the sale of coffins or burial coodj ,
neither will it prevent an } peison who does
not make a business of embalming fiom tak
ing charge nf a buiial , as is ellen necessary
in couuli } places.
Oil Fit Terms In HIB Ten.
BOO > E la , Nov 23 [ Special Telegram leTHE
THE BEE i In the district court today J. D
Bennett was senlfncecl by Judge Hindman
lo fifleen 5 ears in Ihe Fort Midison peni-
tcntiar } for the crime of criminal assault
upon the person of n 14earold gill at
Momgona a few months ago Bennett is a
married man and declares himself innocent ,
but tne charge was proven
Clarence Ramse } of Luther was sentenced
to fifteen months in the penitentiary for
stealing * I00 I from a farmer He retuined
Ihe monej. bul was proseculed He now
sav s that he regrets that he did not keep
the monej
At this lorm of court four men have been
convicled of selling liquor conlrar } lo law.
About fifteen .vere indicted , bat the balance
have become sick since hearing of the con
victions and Iheir cases were conlinued
Most of the men a few mouths ago operated
under the cit's license plan , but latel } have
run without a license. The cit's boo s
vrei o used in evidence against those con victed.
Iowa Convicts I'nrdunetl.
DBS MOISES Nov. 23. [ Special Telegram
lo THE BEE ] Governor Boies today
granled pardons to G. W. Potts and Joseph
Howe , The former was convicted of bribei }
in connection vviih liquor cases and was
scnlonced to three years in I ho penitentiary
The latter was convicted of murder in the
second degree for killing Constable Logan.
who was engaged in searching 'a wholesale
liquor house in which ROVTC was cmDloed.
Both cases are the outgrowth of tlio
notorious searching season in the early days
of the prohibitory law.
1. 31. C. A to ileet.
MAtvrnv , la. Nov 2J [ Special to THE
BEE ] The Council Bluffs districl convcn
ifon of the Young Men's Christian assocla
tion will be held at Milveru. Decembers to
10 The district erobncf-s fifleen counties
in southwest Iowa Arrangements will bo
made to oiterialn all delegates who wish to
attend free of charse who send their names
to E H Hamilton , Malvern. on or before
December 5.
.Mltilnlppi l emeu Over.
CEDAII lUriw , la , .Vov 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE.J A cold wave struck here
last night and this morning the ther
mometer registered ? ere , Ibo river is
frozen over and it is growing colder ,
Bum IMVIO : . , la. , Nor. 23 \ cold vvavo
arrived hero this mdriiu < * , The mercury
went doirn to 7C abovo.zro.
( ouut I' - ckl.
ST. PETEHsni'iio , Nov. ISO-Count Potocki ,
the imperial cup bearer , died today
Anne Cliarle * jfcrrl * on.
PAHIS , Nov. 23 Ex'ihjjstcr AnnoCheries
Herrisson is dead Hewisrborn October 12 ,
IKil. and was a minister of public works in
1S.Sand ! minister of oomniorce in
Hanged for a UruikliUoubla Murder.
OzAitk , Ala. , Nov. aii-T itchell Woolen ,
convicted of the brdUlhnurder of an old
couple , Mr. and Mrs Mf wain , was hanged
yesterday. On the { ration. * bo protesle-i his
nnocence , but afew day's before ho volun
tarily confessed having pommltled thecrime.
win riEiit to n * ini ii.
PiTTSBtiio , Nov 'ia-i-The final aep slTof
the stakes of $1,000 a side have been made
at Youngstown , O. , for the fight to a finish
between James ( Jallagher of Pittsburg and
Jack Malone of Youigstown , to lake place
next Tuesday.
' - H.
John IX.N tin 'i IJaucliter ijarrlecl.
I.Nt > UMijoi-u.Nov. 21 Miss AromoaaNew
and William Kiley Mo feenjr. , were married
here last night. 'Ihebncleis the daughter
of Hon. John C. New , The groom is the son
of III ley McKeon , president of ( be Yandalla
Easiness on the Lehigh Not Being Trans
acted with Any Great Rapidity.
far During the strike no Overt Act 111 *
Uoinmlttrd Troopt Held In
HrRdlnmt to urpremt lllsurtler
The situation.
JIH-.FT CITA. Nov ' . ' -The Lohlgh Valle }
stiike < tliuitlon seems without material
change < lnce last night. The compan } is in
creasing the number of its men and l mov-
m ? freight slowly. Although there Is no
present probablllu of the 11111111 being
called out , orJcis have been issued to the
fourth i-cglment of New Jersey and to the
Kmtiogltuent In Phlladclphit for the men
to not leave town without peimission from
their officers and to he in readiness for an }
emergency In Wilkesb-urc and in the
Wyoming valie } the l.0X ( ) miners thrown
out of work bv the sttike are sllll maintain-
me order and tlie local authorities fear no
A number of engineers and firemen from
the west have arrived at Sarc and Buffalo ,
nnd dlspitthes from IHirltncton. la . icport
that scores ot idle Chicago , Bui Huston &
Quint1 } engineers inin } of whom were old
Heading und Lhigh employes who went
west to fill llio places of the Burlington
stiikeis several vears ago. are now on ihetr
way cast to appl } for Lehlgli positions. The
strikers still profess confidence nnd si } they
are determined lo hold out nt anv cosl.
nr.iri.Y ; IMIH.N \ > T.
VV'cJtorn Itrotlirrhond 'Mfli tlrnr the lle-
l > orl Srnt hint About Ilicin.
G iLsHiKO , 111 , Nov. 2) ) Deep indigna
tion prevails in brotherhood elides here
over the blalement telegraphed from Buffalo
that tlie Chienpo , Burlington & Quinc } en-
ginceis wlio 1m e gone east to take the
places of strikeis ot. llio Lahigh Valle } road
aio the men who went out on llio Huillnglon
during the great strike Tfie reverse is true
The sixty men wlio Inve gone fiom hero , in
eluding those who went lasl night , and fiom
Burlington , la , are largelv men who
took the pi ices of the Bui-
linglon stiikeis Manj of them
tame from Iho east liere Not a
few are men who Ind been laid off b } the
Builington foi wtecks or olher causes The
local lodge of Ihe Brolherhood of Lpcorno-
live Engineers has s.enl lliree of Us members
lo Buffalo lo denv Ihe statement sent out
from there Neailj allot the old Burling
ton strikers have runs on union roads or are
engaged iu olher business
Cult * oo , Nov. .KJ "Our road has sent no
men east to lake the sinkers'places on Ihe
Lchigh nnd will not do so , " said Geucial
Superlntendenl Hester of the Chicago. Bur-
lluglon X Quinc'A number of men who
have boon in our employ have cone east to
see if thev could not secure positions , but wo
did not send them. 'Iheir aclion was en
liiely voluntar } . "
Orinteu thu Men's Demand.
ST Loii < , Nov 21 The conference be
tween Grand Chief Arthui of the engineeis
and Giand Chief Saigent of the lailwav
( hemen and General Manager Itamsay of
the f l Louis B .lgt and Terminal company ,
which has beci ! held for three das past ,
concluded today and resulted in favor of the
men. The trouble was about short tuns
Hereafter when engineers and fiiomen aie
called to make short runs of an hour or so
hev will bo paid for a half oa's woik
Messrs Arthur and Sargent will stall east
tonicnt to take a hand in Iho Lehitrh Ynlle.v
BtrrAio , N. Y. , Nov. 23 On Ihe fifth da }
of Iho slrike Ihis end of the Lehigh Val
ley is in a mucli better condition than it has
been at any time since tne trouble began
Freight is moving east slowlj , but then the
blockade has not beiMi broken Tne company
is gelling picnl } of good men lo lake Ihe
places of Ihe stnkois'and is getting into boi
ler coudilion than evei to huslle llie fi eight
that has accumulated as soon as tne condi-
ditions at Sa } re w ill permit t-aie contin
ues to be the point of blockade
looU Brighter for the Coiujiiuy.
\ViiKE iiAHKE. Pa. . Nov 23 The compan }
appears to have tlie best of the situaiion
here toda } . Passenger trains are makmc
fairlv coed lime , id some collieries have
been supplied vviih empl } cars. Twelve
engineers from Ihe weal an iv ed Ihls mnrn
ing and w ere a stirneJ lo dul.1 . he strikers
lefuso to acknowledge that the\ have lost
ground , but claim that the outlook is
brighter now than ever
Itumilnc an Occasional Train.
UOCHCSTEII N Y . Nov 2. ) Tlieloial slij.
alien of the Lehigh Valle } sliiko has undei-
gene no Imporlant changes , the compinv is >
running an occasional train over the Roi liesI I
ter branch. No passenger lickels aie being
It'll n Complete 1 ll'p. l .
Porrsviiir. . Pa , Nov 2.1 No trains of
any Vind are running on the coal branch
loday It Is a complete tie up of r.ll Uaffic
Officials arc now Uinc lo get out a few
trains themselves.
II / : t TIlLll'OKt
I'rftr , with I.iclit Suotra in the U'estcrn
Portion * of tlie stain.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 23. Forecast for
Trlda } Tor Nebiaska Fair , winds shifting
ing to raslerlv ; fair southorl } winds , possi
blv lislil local snows in weslern porlion.
For Iowa Generally fair : north winds ,
becoming variable , warmer J-Mday night
Tor South J akota Increasing cloudiness
and light local snows ; winds shifting lo
eoulh and watmcr.
I.ortl ( lecoril.
\Vben Baby WM lcVre gate br CartorU.
\Vhen she wa > a CbllJ , hho crivxl for Oastoria.
Whco tbo become Jllas , the dung to Cactoria.
VTbn the hail Children , &b e o them CutorU
Tlio lirslllii'onimltilnner tins lUoUrfil tli\t
small pox Hcplrti'inlr In I hlcaRo.
A ilcinon-.trftllon o ( Btmn-liUtH nt imUnno
ycnlcrdny a npprc ed In ! t Inolpienry by
ncold wave and a snow turin
( lustav Trutin , well-to-do farmer In HuOi
I.nke lonn hlp , Mlnnrsots Ulllcil hl wltonnd
child yesterday while In A fit ot in nulty
II Is e tlmfit < Ml that thecoitl output fur Col
oradofor IH'J.1 lll r Hch MIMHNMX1U ; for
\\yoinlns , * 5,000.000 , Now Mexico , 4.000 tW
President Eb rhard of the \\lndow ( Slnss
\\orkors bi reci-lvod word that the " .culphnd
been Menod l > y the Hartford , 1'n. , lla ) i'oin-
The blif-tocV barn on tlin oM.ito of Colonel
Vdwnrtl Morrcll at TorrvMlalt- , wn burned
vestprdny Mnc valuahln blooded ninrc *
wuro lint. 1 ho IoN ! 50.00tl
Although > c < > tordny wns ilo l n.Hti'l ( nt > dnv
of thinVoelvliic li tlio Koxernni of Onicon , H
Hii nol olHorvrd in sucli , evcept bj the stale
oniclnls and commeriMiil Instltiilliiii-
Tlir M 11 tinncrnnd liatirc 102. wliloli have
bton lo-l nn I.ako' uperlor for lwcl\t > div
nrrlxpil at Uuliith vcti'rda > nflcrnnin I lit-
barco wnscovurtd thickly with Ire
S-linplt/er X H iti oholT , dcalor' < In ladles'
fiiriiMtlniM nml clink * alill Lake , IIIIMni -
| RIKM | The llnbllltlos are iilniilt ( TiOOO
llio nvsetsovcccd the llubllltle * tl It clulincd )
The ( . 'nrnrctp Mteli'oinpinv In * po > ti-d n
o thnt ttiu nnll mill it lleivpr ails would
shutdown fornn indeHnltopi'rlod This throws
liotwi'rn 'J50 mid 3041 men out of employ incut
The committees of the I nlted I'resbj ti'rlnns
ot VlniiiniHitb 111. , SJIMM ! Imvc rcfn ed IOMIS-
tain Itcv J II Mcnnrt the licatliiKCVancellst
Ho was Mtspi'iided from the ciiiircn and min
The Mercantile1 Tru t nnd Deposit company
of llaltlmore and I-d nurd Ausiln hive tuvti
appointed ici-ol\er- tlie vniorlcnti < * NMialfjr
compitii , und po es lon has taken liy
1'rank KIINou , wlio was sentenced to live
years Imprisonment lecpntly for as iiult In
llio scconu disrec upon llrokerllllnni lluii-
rhtt | t of New Vork , was ttkcntoMtu ' luff
1 bo supreme court of Michigan Ins denied
the uiplicatlon for u writ of h ihi-tts coi pus in
tlio casoiif stonewall Dol'miiei' i liirn-il with
forgery nt KalHiui/oo uud who > o uvainiiiiulon
IM pond I lit :
The rilnt ( \\orkoraiinlonof I'lltsbiirc
Pa . has ettled down to a tone Il/iil Tin-
members of the owintratlun decline thev
have un hope of n settleniLiit nltbtliu I nltcd
* -tatcs dliss
comp my
Neither the gold ie er\e of the I nltcd ' talcs
tieusurv nor tin1 curroMcv biliinco showed
much change vcsterdaj , K-Inc touethir about
$160,000 higher than vtstpidnx i < lb.0ti4,414
Of this amount the cold resei XLU f < 4 r.f.s . joe
' talcs Attorney Kerns of l nU u o i Inhns lo
liavo discovered non pvliletn'i ! in tlio l ronln
murder case which will not onlv onnvUt llan-
lel ( .pughlln , non uwaltlni ; trial lini ronnei ts
other men nol heretofore Uno n In thu
The new cruiser Oljmpla niriveilol ' anta
Harbira ( itl , vusicnl i > Iho otliicrs report
a KIXM ! trip No effort was mnde toil to t fon-o
speed Theolllclul trlul will b inn this morn
liiKoveru fort v-three-knot i-otii- to 1'olnl
( oiu'uptlon and rctuin
In the hiiperlor coui t tan Trail -Uco C 1'
prerkels.ind II M Wojlei liiva coiumonced
suit against the Hawaiian ( ' nnn
iiKar company for an accounting \n ordur
Is asked for restraining tlie dufcndanl from
Ir-vn aclliiK any bti'lne s
Thomas M Nam > who has been held bj the
Chlcagoi oroner with two others us the mur
derer of tlio Into city Hinploje , I'liintv his
betn Identified as Tom MoL'all s lid lo Gu one
of tinmot ( lp < | iflrato ciltnlnaU who ever
operated on the I'nrlflccoast
JohnnnVIIheltn WnUtelniT ( in man bv
birth but a re-Muiii of < alro. Kzviit , and re-
cenlli of the Midway ulils.uii-e , jistordaj Hi
Columbus. O . wedded Fll/ibctb VUgor. . iilso
( ierriuin and lately In ihu oniploy of llie
' streets of ( alio , " In tin. Vlldwaj
\'sstnnt | serrotarv of the Interloi lau irt-
inciitInis Ins rendered n decision liolillni ;
llmt the surplus Hnds In the ' hothone reser- A\youilne. cun be le-is.ed . foi RrnzliK ;
purposes und thnt the lenses should bu mudo
for live year" , or tbreo years at the minimum
The annual convention of tha Nitlonal
I'aint. OH and \ arnlsb assoi latlon , which has
boui meetliiR .it I'lttsbmi ; , I'a , adiourned vex-
terduy aflurnoun after elei'tlnz oflfi'ors as fol
lows President , Jo-eph N Norton , Koston *
and , flr t vlco pre > idcntilllam \N ter ,
The fasl freight on the Uun = is flu , Mem-
nbls .V rllimliiicham road ron DMT three cows
In it cut al Carbon Hill , \la , yesterdiii morn
ing , and the engine and eleven cars wore
wrecked. I'lroman Hurry Mutwllilei and Kn-
plncor H Honurd worn fntally s.jldtd and an
unknown man was badly hurt.
Tlie ex-imluliij : trial of tno men charged
wlthlynchlnp D O Nelsoncolored of Lincoln
county.A rkuninswas Heldand Yancj liawuins ,
Kduiund Tavlor.ind Tom Itiloj were held on
Iho cb.irpe of murdei In the Hist ocsrcp , and
Tom Hey kin , . ' brnbam \ \ asbln toti and t-t ro
Tllsley were held as ncci - . .orleslllliupai -
tles are colored.
The employes'liability bill has pas-eil Its
third rciulni ; In th Fnsllsh Mouse of Com
mons without a ( llv Islon.
Mr and Mrs. dladsione aud Karl ' pencer
first lord of llie ailmirallj , accoiniianiHil by
( . 'oniitess ' pencpr. have arrived \\lnd"or
ca tle on a v Nil to the iiiet'ti
The steaniur Mlowera , wlihb has been
sshoro at Honolulu since o-tobei 2J , basbeeii
Homed. Shu was but slightly damaged , al
though she was llflous davs on the reef
You golnjr to buj a suit of tin-
dorvvchf todayv Our slow is full
ofvnrm winter Under war.
Can rig jour elf out hero at a
great saving. After jou Imvo
visited the other stores run In
here and let us surprise v on with
some first qualltj goods at low
Wave weatbor Is Iioro rmo to
stay too Ixittor oomo In today
and let us make j oucomfortiblp ,
(7ood I ndenveur is too ehc\p lo
deny joui elf of nnj thing.
502 Broadway.
of from $ o to $15 on Suits to
order. See our samples.
The Mercer.
Omaha's Nev33t
Cor 15th ami Howard svrsots.
40room * 1VJ per day
40rooms W-OJ per Any
. ' .Orcorns with b th tl SI pjr 1 IT. '
LO rooms With balti nttl 5 > psr 1 if ,
.Mullein In K\rry Kptprct.
> \rlr I'uniKlirl riironj.'i IS
C. S. ER3. Proo.
Is thei out/
Women ExclJded.
18 yenri experlenc *
Circular * free.
14th and rarnam bu
A C.\ltl > .
Owine to the strlntrency of the
times , I have reduced my "regular
cinirtres to ca h patients to exact
Iv one half of the limited oeulUt's
fee bill. i : T. ALLEN , M. D.
Kyo and I'ar Surpeon.
Kooin 201 I'axton lllock 10th anil Farnaui
Cm obtain
Tnlnl s m- Free
) - * - -
! > < !
rei > * lior thunder
u ) Lust Indian Item
fdy which CFHTA1M.T. IH'K'M.V und I'KltMA-
> r. > TI.V cures All forms of nvr ou * debllltr. lo t
manhood. lliil IOMBC * . atrophy , phftlinl KmLne * * .
tie. Adarci < ) llli.M-AI. Mf.lilCAI. t.i > . , thu e .
m ) "V r ? V' < < "au-rli I'OUIK r cares citnrrli
vJN Ci X MI ilrueclsts. 'ill cents.
Special Notices ;
council BLun :
ii'OKSVLK Aconiplete bottlili/ works In cool
toun and ( luliuj30 1 | u > ln ? business ( iual
ri-axoiif forsollltiif Adilr o-ttt . " ) H HOlHua
TOVVA PAIIMS 870 acres * . ' _ 50 IIT airj. e > 33
-l.uri'S , StiOJ 10) T-rei JJu Oil 113 are
$1500 100ar H S.'jOO so a TCS $ 7 OJ
llntoffarms fruit ram * amtjirj n ! > ! I Jo'ia
Moil k Van Pattf n
DO YOt' know tint Day A Hp-ii m\e oan
cliolif > i3ln mil ami iraiJcn Und
AHSTR CTS and loins Finn mil oltj prop rtr
bousht and sgld l'n j A. Tlio IIHJ , Conuel
GARBAGE remoi l cesHpdols > lulls chl'nns ) I
cleaned. Ed Burij , al Ti > Iors eroje-y , 5l >
. 'O- KKNTlnioiu lioinIniiuirt - ut 1' . U
' 'IS Sonlli IM Htrt-i t
I7OR S VI.K OK Til VUE A HUP brick re ntilence
-L teiitrally loiatwl , In Council llluffh J H Rice.
Meyer Exfcra Quality 20 ,
New Jerseys 20 and 12 ,
Amazons 20 and 12 and 12
Excelsiors 45 Straight.
Star Hraml priv ate prices. Hif ? stock Felt Itoots , German Sox and
i-nd for price list. No goods at lotail.
All IduiliOf Dyelnz
and Olutulri ; duiio In
the hljheit btyln or
llio ru I'a loJ iinl
stulnoil fabric made
to iool ; us cooi a < i
nooru prutnutl/
dunu un I dellvdral
in nil parti of taa
country deal ( u ;
pried mU
H oailway , near Ncitl
we lern depot
Telephone 2i
A 1 2-TOflS-a'DaV Machine at o 10 Tons n Day Price ,
uaj Our WarranT , Ooe | wh | , Etch ftactllne >
Southivlck BallnzPrcfi Is a"lior&eful' * , "irclo machine ,
has Iho large&l ft-ed oix-iiiueof
any Contlmious-Ilallnj ; ,
liouble-Hiroke rtett Iu
tlio World.
Haleh tleht ; draft light.
Capacity ; Construction ; Durablllt } all the BEST.
Now is the time to buy a Iny prosa , TXD ) machines sold in the last 00 daya.