Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1893, Image 1

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Queea Eil'a ' Thnno is Still Somewhat Out
of Active Occupation.
Eaja Ho is Looking for Furthar Instructions
from President Cleveland.
News Received of the Administration's '
Course by Way of Now Zealand.
AVIioii the Moanicr l-ftl ProMilent Hole
Win Still III Vowcrnmn hero Wim.No
1'ronpcct "f ChiiiiKO Till the
Motional Arrived T iil y.
if , 1SW , 1 > U the An.icti.itrd l'rcix.\ \
Uo.voi.VLi ! , Nov. 10. [ Via Steamship
Alamcda to San Frtncisco. ; ] Tim main
change In the situation since the Australia
sailed has been otio of increased .strain and
greater business depression. Since his
formal call to present his credentials , Min
ister Willis hajj not communicated with the
The most slsniilcaut happening which has
taken place occurred last Monday , when a
comiDlttoo of the American league , the
lately organized auxiliary club , called on
the now minister. After welcoming Mr.
Willis the committee stated that thu mem
bers of the Icaguo earnestly desired that the
Hawaiian islands should become part of the
United Stales , and with that object Iu view
the organization would supnart the present
provisional government of Hawaii and in all
honorable ways aid In accomplishing annex
ation. The address also contained an offer
of aid if avony limn the minister saw lit to
command them.
Minister Willis' answer 1ms not yet leaked
out here , us the committee Is pledged to
secrecy , but the Associated Pi-ess is enabled ,
after diligent inquiry and careful com
parison of the versions of the minister's re-
niarlts as remembered by three members of
tno committee , to 'glvo the following nearly ,
if not quite verbal , report of the reply. After
welcoming the committee and speaking in
pleasant terms of ills visit to Hawaii , Minis
ter Willis said :
fllltmtur WIllU' AVonK
"I am an ardent American. I would like
to see the stars and stripes waving , not only
over Ha wall , but over all the islands of the
Pacific oc.can or any other territory which
would bo beneficial to the United States.
I have my Instructions , which 1
cannot divulge. You will understand
this. But this much I can say , that the
policy of the United States is already formu
lated regarding the islands , and nothing
which can bo said or done , either hero or
there , can avail anything now. I do not
come hero as did Mr. Blount. I come as an
executive oflicer. 1 como to act. When the
proper I line arrives I shall act. I am sorry
1 cannot ton when or how. I wish you to
understand , however , that knowing the
policy of the United States , I could not have
accepted the position of executive omcor had
It bison In conflict with the people hero.
Americans hero will have nothing to regret.
" \Vhllo performing my duties In carrying out
the United States' policy 1 shall have no
need of aid from you or other resident Amer
icans. However , I wish to state positively
that any outsldo Interference will not be
tolerated by the United States. "
Kxiuutini | ; ii I'ruUictor.ite.
The provisional government considers Min
ister Willis1 rom'urks as significant and from
other information obtained it is the guutn-al
belief among Americans that a United States
protectorate is to bo declared over the pro
visional government with the understand
ing that a stable form of government bo or-
gant/.cd hero within u limited period. Some
are of the opinion that action will bo taken
between the sailing of thu Alatneda today
and the arrival of the Monawal on the " 3d.
This opinion has been expressed on board
thu Philadelphia within the hut low days.
Minister Willis' delay In action , coupled
with his refusal to divulge or even hint oftl-
clally at what the polloy Is to ba , has caused
the present strain to bacomo very great on
both sides. As u consequence rumors are
thick. The govcrmmfnl has also in
consequence bean on the lookout
the past few days for threatened attempts
of royalists to solzo the executive building
miner thu theory that if they could hold It
now thu Unltml States would support thorn
us tlio existing government. Some of the
leading royalists deny that any such attempt
has been contemplated , though others re
main bllent when questioned ,
DUtrlhiitlnir Kvtrii Ammunition.
In consequence ot thin stiuinoJ condition
of affairs u detachment of sharpshooters
was stationed iu the executive building last
i . jnght and will be continued with the regular
l\ | troops until the matter Is bottlo.1 , As a fur
ther precaution thu government issued
thirty rounds of extra ammunition to each
man of thocitiicns guard butwcen dark and
midnight lust night.
Three cabinet meetings were holu yester
day to consider the situation. At thu first
there wore present besides the mum bars of
thu cabinet Euvural members of the advisory
committee and J , H. Sopor of the military
und Marshal Hitchcock of the police depart
ment , *
At U o'cloc * thjs morning President Jolo
paid a visit to thu' United States steamship
Philadelphia ami was m.-uiv'ud with the na
tional salute of twcnty-onu guns , At half-
past 11 he returned and was again accorded
the salute.
Last Monday morning the cx-quccn some
what unexpectedly called 'upon Minister
Willis at the united States legation , She
was accompanied by her former chamber
lain. She remained ut the legation about
twenty minutes. Minister Willis has not returned -
* turned llio call. The ox-queon's action cre
ated much unfavorable , comment. It sur-
jn-lsi'd tlio royalists as well as'thoannexa-
UoulsU ,
llau'nlt'a riuuruhlni ; Trcusiiry.
This afternoon thu minister of nuance will
submit u statement at the regular session of
tno oouncil which will show that the favor
able condition of the finances ot the govern
ment continues. The statement will show
that the cash surplus in the treasury rtands
at f litO,650.Ti : and that the total amount of
bonds sold to date under the loan act U $1U7 ,
000 , This will allow thu Government to carry
out all tlio appropriations authorized under
section 'j of the appropriation bill for which
no provisions were made , and leave a bal
ance of | 3Ca.fc'J on baud , be idc ( he caih iur-
plus. The minister of finance states thnt all
the country expenses of the government to
November 1 have been ordered paid , and
that under the present favorable conditions
ho soon expects to largely Increase the sur
plus cash In the treasury.
It has been learned from ofllclal sources
that the reason for Admiral Skerrott's call
from this station was because he personally
attended n ball given by the Annexation
ulub to the officers of the United States
Rtcamshlp Boston , as a farewell , and to the
ofllcers of the United States steamship
Philadelphia , as a welcome.
Admiral Irwln was officially received at
the executive building on Satunlav , Novem
ber 10 , at 4 p. m. , with military honors.
Upon the arrival and departure of the party
the band played American airs.
Agitation for the removal of the royalists
from oflloo will probably rest In abeyance
until something definite Is heard from
Minister Willis.
Wultlnc lor Further Instruction * .
The Associated Press correspondents have
just had an interview with Minister Willis.
He declared that the first part of the reply
to llio American Icaguo should he qualified
to road : "Ho would like to seethe stars
nnd stripes waving , not only over Hawaii ,
but over all the Islands of the Pacific , " etc. ,
"under the proper conditions. " Ho declares
he iiuvef said the result hero would bo HUch
as Americans would not regret. He added
that nothing would bo done nor would any
notion be taken until ho again heard from
Washington after the Alamcda left. Ho
said this at ° . : BO. The steamer sails at 3 p.
m. His lust words to the Associated Press
reporter wcro that any trouble preclpttated
on either side would uo stopped at once by
the United States forces ,
Grout Ne\V4uppr | Scniiii ,
The Honolulu Commercial Advertiser pub
lishes the following in an extra edition on
Thursday , November 10 , the day the Alameda -
meda sailed for San Francisco :
EXT 11A-1:30 : P. M.
Our press having been delayed till late
this morning waiting for the Alamada's ar
rival from Australia and Sydney , and the
edition having been printed without the ex
pected news , wo hasten to give in an extra
the more Important items received by her.
As President Cleveland can act in thu
Hawaiian matters only by the authority of
congress , it remains to bo seen how fur con
gress will sustain him In the proposed
restoration of the monarchy. As the telegram -
gram is via of London It may not be strictly
correct , but wo give it as received. The
following Is clipped from the New Xcaland
Herald of November , with Washington
date ot November " , or iivo days later than
our news that we have received here :
WASiiiNino.v. Nov. 2. President Cleveland
Isdrafllngnim'hsuKO locoiiKrass In favor of
restoring tlio monarchy in lluwiill.
When -the attention of Minister Willis
was called to the Sbovo dispatch he declined
to express an opinion. It is the belief that
the dispatch is unfounded.
At the Jaat moment the provisional gov
ernment declares It hub no further informa
tion , but it is certain it will bo able to main
tain the peace. .
STll.l , A jUY.vriillY.
Cleveland' * I'ullcy In thn Ilitwallnii All'iilr
us Yet Cluutletl Jn Doubt.
WASHINGTONNov. . 'J.I. It was largely a
day of speculation at. thecapitol reeardlng
the Hawaiian situation. It was definitely
stated long before the arrival ofthe Ala
mcda that the administration did not expect
to learn by that steamer that Minister Wil
lis taken any action. It was not ex
pected , either , that any Information would
reach the islands concerning the intentions
of the administration. It seems , ' therefore ,
that the report , which came byway of Now
Xea'and , that Presiduut Clavehind had de
termined to restore the queen was a sur
prise to the administration. The manner In
which Minister Willis has boon carrying out
bis mission only adds n.oro mystery to the
situation. It is evident , however , that it
was-not his intention nor the intention of
the administration to give any Information
to the Uawaii'ins of the intention of the
president until Minister Willis was ready
to act.
Might Ilepoiit Stlivonn' Act.
There has been a theory , which at the
State department is said to bo visionary ,
that it would bo the policy of Minister Wil
lis to allow the tension to become so great
that the supporters of the queen would or-
canizo and establish her as the head of a
government and thnt baforo there could be a
clash between the iueen | ami the provisional
government , but upon demonstrations being
made , the marlneu from the Philadelphia
would bo landed for the purpose of protect
ing American life and property , and when
the queen had accumulated sufficient
strength to warrant it , ho would recognize
her. This view was taken owing to a belief
that a repetition of the action of Minister
Stevens , as near as possible , la to bo tlio
course of Minister Willis.
There is also speculation to the effect that
Minister Willis will bo anxious to act before
the arrival of the steamer which will give
definite information concerning the action of
the administration. These speculations uro
indulged in all the more , because up to 50 : ! !
this afternoon it was denied at the State
department that Minister Willis had mailed
any communication to the department on the
Alamcda , It was belluved , however , that
some foreign information was received , that
nature cf which it was not possible to ob
l''rk-ml ' * of 'hiKnpulillo Hopeful ,
The information contained In the Asso
ciated press dispatch of the precautions
which the provisional government were tak
ing against being surprised nnd the do-
icrmiiilnatlon which the members rfsconi tn
have thnt the royalists shall not again suc
ceed to power has given the friends of the
government the hope that the queen can
never bo restored.
The dispatches today seem to indicate to
the officials of the administration that what ,
they havu heretofore asserted , that thu nro-
visionuL eovcrnincnt still stands because It
feels that It is bucKcd by .the moral support
of the United States and thus far Its acts
have been approved by that government.
Thin is assorted to bo the case , because the
members of the provisional novi-rnment do
not credit the report byway of Now Xonliuid
that President Cleveland intends to restore
the queen. At the sumo time it was plainly
evident that the armed reshtenco to the
loyalists which tha provisional government
was making pare the ofllclals of thu govern
ment no llttlo concern.
Secretary Gresham having refused to sjiy
anything In reply to that portion nf tlio
news which stated that Minister Willis had
said no action would b < ; taken until ho
had communicated with the American gov
ernment by the Alnmeda and received a
reply , there Is gru < it speculation as to the
character of the dispatch , if such _ vvas ro-
ilreclmm anil the Heportrr.
There was a notable lack of the excite
ment which characterized the arrival of
news from Hawaii by the Australia last
week In llio reception of the news by the
Alatuoiu today. There was an abundance
of interest , but Secretary ( Irosluun was con
tent to heir : the news without rushing to
consult the president in regard to it. M'lie
copyright letter from Honolulu was read to
him by mi Associated Press reporter In the
diplomatic room of the slate department.
At the portion where Minister \Villls Is re
ported to have said he should bo glad to sco
the American ( lag over Hawaii and oyer.v
other Island Iu the 1'iii'ilk1 , the secretary
suld ; ' ! don't bollevo that. "
Kvcn us subsequently modified b.v Minister
Willis with the iiddlllonal chtUbu , "Under
proper conditions , " the secretary said the
Usual Scenes Oharticteriza the Reassembling
of the Italian Chamber ,
It Produced u Ocup sensation Upon the
Member * I > i cii loii Shut Off by the
1'reMdont Vdjourued Ainlil
Mtouti mid
HOMLNov. . S3. The Chamber of Deputies
reopened today and was attended \\lth moro
than the usual amount of excitement. The
first Incident was an attack upon the gov
ernment by Slg , Imbrlani , the radical
leader. He madu a violent speech , in which
ho charged tbo ministry with leading Italy
upon the road to ruin , nnd offered to support
any motion whoso object was the impeach
ment of the cabinet.
President Z.inardclll finally announced
that the bank commission had handed In
Its report in a healed packet. A short de
bate was ordered and then thu chamber
eagerly awaited tlio reading of the report ,
which was begun at once.
Briefly , Hie report says the commission
had no documentary evidence of political
simony in the relations of thu bank with the
government , but thuru had boon a sys
tematic disregard uf order and regulation in
the action of the government toward the
banks since IbSO. The commh-
slon expresses strong disapproval of the
concealment of tliu substantial portion of
Blagnl's report of the Banca Uomana and
speaks of tlie fact that somo-of Taulongo's
seized papers were withheld from the magis
trates who were deputed to conduct an in
quiry into thu criminal aspects of the bank
scandals. The report concluded : "Italy is
pitssitig through a great period of difficulty ,
but she will cmcrgu unscathed and glori
ous. " '
The reading of the report produced n deep
impression upon the Chamber. When it was
finished several members of the oxlrcmo
left started to their foot and requested per
mission to speak. The president refused to
permit any discussion , however , and de
clared the sitting closed , amid hisses , pro
tests and a general uproar.
Onil.n.\.NY'5 CO.UMKItOlAl. TllfiATIKS.
They Were thn .Subject. u ( 'Much Comment
Yc&turday in the Itelohstuir.
BmtUN , Nov. ! ! . In the Keichstag today
the bills to ratify the treaty of commerce
with Spain , Houmanla and Servia wore road
for the first time.
Count Limburgstlrrum seized upon the
occasion to open the agrarian and conserva
tive campaign against the proposed treaty
with Russia. The count vigorously opposed
the treaty policy of the government and de
clared tlic party would agree to no treaty
which imposed fresh burdens upon hus-
'bandry without compensation.
Baron Bioborstcin , secretary of state for
foreign affairs , combattea the count's at
tacks and declared ho had failed to adduce
evidence In their support , und that ho had
brought nojirguuieuts. to alter the govern
ment's conviction that the commercial
treaties were beneficial nnd that the Keichs
tag deserved thn thanks of the country for
adopting the treaties of 1802. Adverting to
the currency question , Baron Bioberstein
said the men who wore content to say Ger
many had a good metallic curiency and
cared not what happened abroad made a
complete mistake. He himself was bound
to declare that the present situation was
not one of the best , and nc thought it in
cumbent upon Germany to watch closely the
development of affairs In America and India.
Herr Sickert spoke In faror of the com
mercial treaties and declared that the greed
of agrarians -was unbounded.
Heir Liuber opposed the government's
statement that the treaties now under dis
cussion were u sequence to tlio treaties pre
viously approved. The hitter , Herr Lieber
said , wora the great achievements of a new
era , Kit the government could not bo deaf to
the protests of German farmers against the
treaties now proposed.
Herr Kanltz insisted that the now treaties
would mike : the home market woiso than
over. Toe government would do better to
negotiate with Austria , with , iv view to ab
rogating the convention with that country.
i ; Oiilot on tha Inlands The New
Clilof , Iiintce ! Arrive * .
APIA , Nov. 7 ( via San Francisco , Nov. 23. )
There-lias been no actual disturbance of
the peace in Samoa , but the natives are far
from quiet. Fear alone apparently prevent *
a now outbreak. Her majesty's ' ship Khar
toomba left hero October III for Fiji , but
was not replaced until October ! i3 , when the
David arrived from Fiji. The German man-
of-war Sporbor left today. She is to call at
Fuknofo and take Mntnafa to his new homo
in tlio Marshall islands. There is some
talk of disarming the natives , hut , so far ,
no steps have been taken. The steamer
Marlposa arrived on the ad , having
H. C. Idc , chief justice elect ot Samoa , and
W. Leo Chambers , United States land com
missioner , on board. Upon her arrival I.
H , Donvors , clerk of the supreme court , pro
ceeded to the steamer In Mallotoa's boat ,
manned by native police , and brought Mr ,
Ido on shore , where ho was mot by the thrco
consuls. Proceeding to Mullnun , they were
mo1 , at thu court house by Chief Justice
Ccdcrikan/ British Consul Asccnz , who
Introduced Mr. Ido officially. The retiring
chief Justice welcomed Mr. Ido to Samoa
and Mr. fdo responded , The consuls then
look their ofllcial farewell of Cederlkanz
and left for Apia. In the evening ex-Chief
Justice Cederikanz left by the Murlposa for
Kuropo. _
I'rixuto Must Walt for Ills Klilpi.
Nr.w 'YoitK , Nov. ! J. ) . The Niotheroy ,
whic.h is now supposed to be headed for
West Indian port , where she will await the
coming of her sister ship , the newly named
America , so that together they may proceed
to Brazil , preparatory to blowing Admiral
do Mollo out of the water , will have a
longer wait than > vus expected when she
loft thrso shores , Work on the America , as
liiu Bi-itiinnlca must now be called by virtue
of Minister Mendonca's certificate filed with
the customs house yesterday and by vfrtuo
of the fart that her new name has been in
scribed upon her stern , is not proceeding as
rapidly as was hoped , Slit ) Is now at the
Morgan iron works ut the foot of Kast
Ninth street , and although a whole array of
mon uro laboring upon her Insldo and out ,
she will not bo ready for sea fur several
days , whereas It had been expected that she *
would suil not later than last night.
Atmrrliutu In
, Nov. 88 , The police of this city
have raided a number of houses In the Euro
pean quarter and have seized a largo num
ber of anarchist pamphlets aim documents ,
which reveal an extensive conspiracy , in
cluding a plot to blow up thu French h\w
coiH't and the now mosque whore the native
cases are heard ,
Sovural loaded bombs nnd quantities of
explosives have bun scUea by thu police in
the village o < Hussein Uci , near Algiers ,
I'roparod for Thorn in
Loxiwx , Nov. 23.A high oftlciul of Scotland -
land Yard , interviewed by an Associated
press reporter regarding the anarchist dis
coveries iu Spain , said no special precautions
hud been taken In England against anarchist
outrages. A plan had , however , btxw settled
upon and thoroughly prepared by which
every anarchist In Ilia kingdom can bo ar
rested and expelled within twenty-four hours
bhould a dynamite outrage occur ,
In Ncol n | ItuliilorceineatH.
Citnz , Nov. VJ3.The Spanish fortress at
lUo do Ore , on the wet coast erf Africa , the
governor of which , place , hns reported that
the factory there Is tliroa\oopd with attack
by n.OOO Moors. Is only garrisoned by thirty-
five Infantry soldiers and the fort Is only
armed with one small gun' . The minister of
marlno Intends to send a gunboat with rein
forcements of men , arms ; Ammunition mid
provisions , .
ii.icTKioXi : , i.viMius. : ! :
Nutnliln ( lathering ut London nf Thonci In *
tt-rmlnd In tint Seicnrn.
Los'DOK , Nov. ' & ! . There was a notable
gathering hero at tlio annual dinner of the
Institute of clcctrlctl cngmours the
president of the board of tradeMr. Mundcll ,
nnd other prominent men being present , In
cluding Mr. Ward , honorary secretary ot the
United States.
Mr. Merely said Knellsh success with the
telegraph had placed her In the foremost
rank among nations , oven If she was not en
titled to claim to have surpassed America.
Mr. Mundcll mentioned th success of the
electrical standard committee , which the
United States , Franco and Cicrmany were
ready to adopt. Mr. Mumoil ! added that
the prospects of un-intcrnaitonal arrange
ment were so bright that ho would soon
submit an order in council adopting the
electrical standards as thu standards of
Great Britain.
President Prccco said there was only one
branch of the electrical industry in which
the ISngllsh favorably compared with
their American cousins. They were , ' 10
said , certainly ahead in telegraphy , but
behind in every other branch.
Ccunmuntn on It by 1'rlncu Itlmimrck'8
Ulllclal Organ.
BEHMX , Nov. 23. The emperor arrived at
Kiel last evening. Ha was received by
Prince Henry of Prussia.
The Hamburger Nachrichten , supposed to
be Inspired by Prince Bismarck , renews the
attack UDOII the government's policy toward
liussia. It refutes the contention of the
geml-ofllcial press that Prince Bismarck
abruptly severed friendly communications
between Berlin and S.t. Petersburg iji 1870 ,
or that Prince Bismarck's spouch ot Feb
ruary ti'J , 1SSS , made after the publication of
the treaty of ulllanco with Austria , caused a
coolness at St. Petersburg. On the contrary
it says when Prliico Bismarck quitted office
the policy of the government was in the
direction of mutual -confidence , capable of
further development toward both liussia
and England. The Nachrichten suggests
that the present coolness is the outcome of
the commercial treatles'tconcluded in IS'Jl.'UOI'KHIiY 'C'LOTIIBD.
Soanilal AVIilcli Ii at I'ruieiit Occupying ; the
Attention nl Urltl'li'Army OlDcorii.
Loxnox , Nov. 2 ! ) . There is much excite
ment iu military and otbir circles regarding
what the St. James Gazette calls a "mili
tary bcandal , ' ' and referstD the alleged in
adequate clothing of British soldiers during
wintry weather. This stir1 nas been created
by the publication of the fact that two sol
diers perished near Portsmouth during the
recent storm. The two soldiers referred to
died from the exposure'oil ' Sunday niglit
while attempting to walk across a hill to
their barracks. It now appeal's that these
two men had just returned from Aden , and
that-they were attired in light tropical uni
forms , and that thoyhidno * overcoats.
Lord Wemyss , whe .is an authority on nil
military inatjtcrs , has written a letter to the
Times , making an euorgatlo protest , against
the Inadequate clntfjlng' ' dfrshc soldiers.
Gowns' ' "Hcila u ! rilRiml Fnllure ,
LOXIION , Nov. 2J ) . Sonsoffnowhites to the
Times that he has | ftthd/rwit'"Cowns' ;
"Signa" because "at tho4pcoj\d'porformuuce \
of tlio opera thojiCLcfptft of the theater
were the smallest on record , ana further ,
that Cowns1 friends'1 in London were decry
ing "Medici" ' in order to boom "Signa. " He
advises Co > vn3. to cut his opera down to two
acts , the subject of wliiuh he treated not ad
mitting of greater driunatic development.
Ho will then meet success in Ujjgland. Son-
sogne says ho intends to open a grand lyric
theater in Milan in 180-1. at his own exuense ,
and produce successful operas of all nation
alities. '
Mtpjht Coninii-nco I'nlnc t Any Time.
LONDON , Nov. 23. 'iho parliamentary secretary -
rotary of the foreign oflioev Sir Kdward
Gray , in the House of Commons , replying tea
a question on the subject , Baid today it was
unfortunately true that circumstances might
at any time precipitate the bombardment of
Kio dc Janeiro In spite q'f tho/efforts of the
diplomatic corps and thc.naval ofllcers. The
British minister and the naval ofllccr in
command at Hio , Sir Edward Gray con
tinued , were acting in concert with tbe rep
resentatives of the oilifit- powers hi their
efforts to protect life and property.
Sir ilnlhtn'u Sm-uesuor.
LONDON , Nov. 23. The" rumor that the
marquis of Dufferin will 'DO appointed Brit
ish ambassador at Washington is not gen
erally believed. The livening News says in
regard to tin report : ' . The fact that the
government intends to'intcrest itself actively
In South American 'affairs is given as a
reason for Lord Dufferia's succeeding Sir
Julian Pauncefoto. It is hinted iu some
quarters , however , that the friendship ex
isting between President Cleveland and Mr.
J Davis of Now York father-in-law
, , the - - of
Lord Terence Blackwobd , 1/ji-d Dufferin'a
son , is the real reason. ,
In the 1 Vouch Olii
PAIUS , Nov. 23 , There was an animated
scene in the Chamber.of Deputies today. M.
Lockroy denounced M. Dnpuy's statement
of the policy of the government , thnt while
the government was. 'willing to concede cer
tain freedom of action , he would resign if
it. declined to support even thu principle
of proportional reurohcntation in iho now
electoral reform bill.
l.iihby mill I ho .tlutuhulo r.
LONDON , Nov. 23. Henry Laboueherc lias
tnado another attack upon the British South
Africa company in n speech delivered at
Chelsea , showing up ( ho cruelty of the
Matabelo war. Mr , Labouehoro declares
that the inuhsacrud In Mauibnlo land were
for the benollt of n number of greedy and
needy financiers , headset by a couple of
hired dukes. i
IlMI-ll UII-tll < JUl-U. (
LONDON , Nov. ! )3.-Jt 'is said that Baron
Hershcll , the lord iilghj chancellor , will in
troduce a bill In the House of Lords abolish
ing thu right of action Tor breach of promise
except for the recovery of nctuul pecuniary
loss. Sir Henry.fames tis expected to sup
port thu bill In the Houss-of Commons.
Will l.on-thon ( h .Session ,
LONDON , Nov.23. ' lr. | Joseph Chamber
lain privately expresses the opinion that the
claueo of the pariah councils bill dealing
with woman's frunchite > wlll lengthen the
debate on thn measure rdnu days , and that
it now seems certain that the session will bo
carried well into 1SU1. '
Uovelupliigitlio Huiiclan ,
PAIIIS , Nov. 2U , A decree has been issued
placing Ftench So\idimiuhdcr , a civil gov
ernor , French rule tyivni ( { been firmly estab
lished , the decree save , ft becomes necessary
to organize and develop the vast resources
of French Soudun and HI alto It u valuable
colony , '
OverTwo Ilunilreil I.ivrs J.onf ,
LONDON , Nov. 'A As far as ut > certuincd
2U7 lives were lost off tliu British coast
during the recent ( rule , und Ml.IIyes' ) were
saved by the coast guafdamon and -life-hav
ing crews. e
\VlpliiB Out tlio Kcyjil Ian Debt.
ALEXAXUHU , Noi. * S3. The Kgyptlan
Tmdgot for 18'Jl shows.'a surplus of 'i'E500 , .
000. U is proposed to further reduce the
tax by i'ElHJ.OOO ,
Cupiurc of l.obengulrt.
LONDON , Nov , ! i3. A dispatch received
here says that it is reported that King
Lobeugulu has beou captured ,
Guns of Oue of Peiioto's Forts Win a-
Signal Victory.
UlUclnl Ktntcmcnt of tliu Situation II.T Ilrn-
zlt'a Minuter nl I'orclcii Airilr Mexl-
i-iin ItnvolutloiiUm Still Disturb
ing Hint llcpulillc.
\Copyrttl1itctl \ ISM bil JmiiM (7 union
Nr.w YOIIK , Nov. 2t. ; Ibpcsial telegram
to TUB Bun. 1 President Peixoto of Brazil ,
through his minister of foreign affairs , hvs :
sent by cable to the Herald another oflloial
coininuntcatlon , giving news of the slutting
of the Insurgents' Ironclad , The Juvary , by
the puns on Fort Sno Joss.
Hio nc.tA.NUimi , Nov. 123. To the Killlor of
the llcrahl : Tliu lionchid Javary , a ri'ljel ship
carrying their heaviest artillery , was sunk
this afternoon In the um-t by thu loyal I'ovl Hao
.loas ( S t. .lohn ) .
Thu northern column of the army , which
operates In Santa t'ntlmrluu , unilor command
of General Argollo , destroyed thn rebel forces ,
which lost gun cim-lngc * , munitions "und
horses , leaving many dcnd and wounded ,
MlMSTBII Ol' roillilflN AlTAIIIS.
Detail * of llin All'alr.
MoNTKVitiEo. Uruguay ( via Galreston ,
Tox. ) , Nov. 2JI. [ By Mexican Cable to the
Now York Hera lit Special to THE Br.u.l
An oftlclal telegram has just been deceived
signed by the loyal admiral , Ooucalvcs , reporting -
porting the sinking of the rebel ironclad
Javary. The ship was struck by a shell
from Fort Sao Joas off Nlctheroy and sank
almost immediately. The first reports an
nounced that all on board the Javary were
drowned , but later dispatches announce that
all were saved.
She had been used by Admiral Mcllo as n
floating fortress. Her maohlni'ry had been
disabled and shqjvas being repaired. It is
not stated how many were aboard ol her
when she went down.
The Juvary was n large , powerful vessel ,
built in the Mediterranean in 1870. She had
two revolving towers , armed with four
Worts cannon , each throwing S10 pounds of
steel. Her armor plates were twelve inches
thick and these on the turrets sixteen
inches in thickness. The Solimocs , her sis
ter ship , was wrecked in May , 1892.
Private letters from llio de Janeiro , dated
November H , have been received here. In
them it is stilted that the diplomatic corps
had left for Metropolis , having decided , eri-
dently , that they could do nothing with
President Peixoto. Whatovcr happens they
nro now too far away to interfere. Peixoto
is doing nil lit his power to convince for
eigners that this is a monarchlstie revolu
tion , but nothing has happened to justify
this statement.
liitllcitlniiH 1'avor Mallo.
News as late as November 17 has been re
ceived , indicating that the situation is
changing In favor of Mollo , It appears that
the iiisurgon .have succeeded in seizing
two vessels at Pornumbueo which had ar-
riYelrtliciv6"ror Poixpto. Tliscaused | an im
mediate declaration of martial law In that
state. Josn Mananu , the lender of the in
surgents In that state , Is very popu
lar. Ho is an old politician !
though somewhat of a demagogue , but ,
is the strongest man in the state. Ho could
easily raise an army of 3,000 or1,000 men to
flglit Peixoto. If Pernambuco revolts the
state of Bahh is sure to follow. This would
he a serious blow to the loyalists' cause.
The fourth anniversary of the republic on
November 15 was celebrated by all the in
surgents , showing their adhesion to the re
public. The cruiser Almiranto Tamandare ,
which was built in Hio do Janeiro , has been
put in good order and is now nblo to navi
gate. She is equipped with good guns.
IIInlnrB In I'nru.
LIMA , Pern ( via Galvcston , Tex. ) , Nov.
21) ) . [ By Mexican Cable to the New
York Herald Special to THE Bui : . ]
The Kcuadorcan legation and consulate
in this city wcro attacked last night
by a mob ol disorderly men. amny windows
In the buildings were smashed by stones
and other missiles before the police dis
persed the mob.
Triinliln Fcnri'il t Blimtevnlco.
MoNTEVinix ) , Uruguay ( via Galveston ,
Tox. ) , Nov. 2'.l. [ By Mexican Cable to the
New York Herald-Special to Tun BKE. ]
The foreign residents hero are alarmed at
the prospect of serious disorders on Sunday ,
when the legislativeclcctluus will bo held.
Some persons predict the restriction of inde
pendent opinion at the elections so as to e-
cure the success of the oflluial candidates ,
will cnuso a revolution. Foreigners living
here are uneasy , as there are no gunboats in
the port for their protection.
All Iiunrjjont't Cnptiiriul .Slid to Hi ; Kxc-
ciited Without rni-m ilily.
1813 bu Jd lies Oonlcm Hitmtit.l
JuAiuMox. . , ( via Galveston ,
Tex. ) , Nov. S3. [ Now York Herald Tele
gram-Special to Tun HKK , ] Activity Is
Htill manifest in military circles , but no
authentic news has rcacliod hero from the
scene of the disturbance. Ho.ids are pick
eted nml travellers can neither come
nor go. The locul press has been
"called down , " and the Mexican ofllcmlu ,
while not exorcising a full censorship of
press dispatches , are preventing any news
from being sent out , on the ground that it
keeps up the excitement mid informs the
public of what is really transpiring , some
thing they want suppressed , The revolu
tionists arc still active , and In the streets of
Kl Paso , Tex. , are hundreds of strange Mox-
leans who gather In groups and confer mys-
Constant requests are made on Texas
authorities for the arrest of Mexicans sup
posed to bo in sympathy with Pure ? and liU
followers , but none are being made ,
as there Is no evidence of their
having violated the neutrality laws. . Fed
eral troops are not doing a great
deal of lighting , being afraid to encounter
the revolutionists in their strongholds.
Stragglers are summarily executed , but not
even a record- mndo of their taking oft ,
The ofllcers deny all knowledge of these
executions , but the revolutionists assert that
it is a nightly occurrence to take out and
shoot suspects. The 131 Paso nowbpapers
have been called on by the Mexican consul
and requested to suppress all news of a
revolutionary character. The government
of the state of Guerrero proclalmed'amnesty
on Tuesday last to all Insurgents surrender
ing themselves within five days.
Ilurlcil by mi .V
PAWS , Nov. 23. A dUpatch from Pau
tell * of a terrible accident near Oloron , In
theBmos IVrsiujss. O.i IMnJiy\vhllo
party of nine villagers , Including the mayor
and mayor of the Alpine commune
of Louvre LoubiroH , uero p < usiutf beneath a
steep mountain , they were engulfed in an
avalanche , only one escaping nllvo.
itMtntia uv L.niDit.
AntM'nudr-rljr Mnn hcnrrd n Decided Vic
tory Yemertliiy.
Pim.Aitni.rim , Nov. " 3 At the meeting
of the general assembly , Knights of Labor ,
today the position of the factions was
chanced mid the vote for general worthy
foreman is taken as an Indication ot Pow-
dcrly's strength. There wore two candi
dates for the place , Michael ,1. DUhop of
Massachusetts , recognized as thocandldito
of the llayos faction , and opposed to
the master workman and thu present incum
bent , Hugh C'avnimugh of district assembly
4H , Cincinnati. The election stood , Bishop
So ami Cavanaugh SI. The Hayes forces
ngain carried their candidates to victory
the election of a general secretary and treav
urcr was ordered , the vote standing , Hayes ,
So ; Martin , Si.
One of the autl-admlutslrntlon delegates
aid that If thn election of the general maser -
or workman hart pone over until today
Powderly would have hoot , defeated.
In respouso to an Intimation that many
delegates believed Sovereign was not a can-
didnte and would not take the office , as ho Is
a friend of Powdcrly , the delegate said :
"That Is a mistake. Mr. Sovereign is loyal to
the order , as allot us are , and lie consider *
the good of the order above Powdcrly or any
other man. The trouble is. some men , after
holding olllco for a long time , bclleVe they
have a mortgage upon It. The- Knights of
Labor tlo not depend upon Powdcrly for an
existence , anil would go on just the same
without him , It is Powderly's ' methods that
wo arc lighting more than the man himself ,
and he now his : u fair warning to mend his
ways or got out. Ho has been dictator-ami
assumed to run things to suit himself long
enough. "
"The result of the election was not the ef
fect of a compromise then f"
"No , Indeed. It was a straight-out llgttl
for supremacy , and wo won , that is all there
is about it. "
Among other business transacted several
documents were received mid referred by
the committee on distribution to subcommit
The committee on law reported adversely
thu umundmeut to the constitution proposed
by the state assembly of Colorado , provid
ing fora change in the laws , so delegates to
the general assembly will ho elected by a
popular vote in the various jurisdictions , iu-
stcad of by districts or local assemblies , as
at present. The report was concurred in
after some debate. tOlt K.tXSUM.
Three Prominent > ow .Upxicinn Miide Citp-
llvcs by .M\lt\n UplinU ,
El. PASO , Nov. 23. The only development
today in the border trouble is a report that
the revolutionists have taken captives , for
ransom , the persons of Guadeloup Ascarato
ana his brothers. Santiago and Juan , who
live in Las Cruces , N. M. , but who own a
ranjh , called La Phlotada , about four miles
west of the town Of Jauos , which is south of
Palomas. This report is current also at Las
Cruces , the homo of 'tho alleged captives.
The thrco Ascarato brothers had gone into
that section with n purchaser for their ranch ,
and it is reported that they had sold the
property for (40,000 , It is not known
where the capture took place , but It Is
supposed that the Ascarates were-returning
home. Gualdaloup Ascaratc is a prominent
Now Mexican , well known throughout the
territory , and if the news of his capture
proves to bo true , all of southern Now
Mexico will Join in a rescuing party. It is
known that tlitT revolutlonist laclc funds
and this raakes-the rumsi-'likoly truo.
SANTA FE , Nov. S3. Secretary Grcsham ,
at.tho request of Minister Komcro. bus re
quested Governor Thornton to-nirt in seeing
that no bands of revolutionists are organi/.od
in southern New Mexico. The governor
1ms instructed the sheriffs in southern coun
ties to Keen a sharp lookout and to enforce
the neutrality laws and report to him
promptly any movements by Mexicans in
that section.
AM.v.s.i * ' iitina.irtojf
fllnjor I'iMTCll Adtlressoi the Delegate !
The Klectltin of OrUucrs.
KANSAS CITV , Nov. S3. The Star's
Wichita , Kan , , special says : The address of
Major Powell , director ot the United
States geological service , was the feature of
this morning's session of the irrigation con
vention. Ho spoke of what must De done In
the way of topographical and geographical
surveys before any valuable opinions could
bo advanced as to the best methods of over
coming the drouth of western Kansas.
Storing water , ho considers the most im
portant source for that region , hut how to
store it must bo a subject for in
vestigation. Speaking of the per
cent of the western part of the state
that could be irrigated , Major Powell
said there was not more than fl to 7 per cent
that could bo thus watered ; that In southern
California , only seven-tenths of 1 per cent
is under irrigation , but that with ! i to 7 per
cent of land under irrigation and the bnlanco
farmed as the .seasons permitted , a square
mile of western Kansas land would bo more
valuable than u similar area in eastern
Permanent organization was offo'stod this
morning us follows : -President , 1C. M. Frost
of Garden City ; vice presidents , ( i. W. Cle
ment of Wichita , and Martin Mohlor of
Topexa ; secretary. 1C , B. Cowgill of Topolca ;
treasurer , .1. F. Grcenlpo of Hutclnnson ;
consulting engineer , II. V. Hincisloy of
ini.i. ini'iiin THIS .ttiSKrs.
l\y mi Order or I hi ) Sii | > i'inn Court 11 Koclvty
Is l' * irrml Into Liquidation.
BAI.TIMOHE , Nov. lill. Judge Harlan this
morning ordered that the charter of the
supreme court nf the Kqultablo League of
America ho annulled , that the corporation
bn dissolved and that its assets bo dis
tributed among the members oiititloit to
them. To fulllll this order George H. Willis
and S. Johnson Pee wcro appointed receivers
for the league , each being required to give
$400,000 bonds.
The Icaguo has $315.000 in ih vaults of
the Safu Deposit and Trust company and
the Mercantile Deposit Trust company. The
membership is estimated as being between
SOO.OOO ana ! ! 00,000. The amniluumt of the
charter by the supreme court of the order
makes it impossible for Its braneliM to con
tinue in other states.
ir.iAa .1 sun ,
Convicted InvuBtmviit Company Bwindlunt
Not Nullullmlvltli Their Soutrnun.
OIIKJAOO , Nov. 2:1. : Next Monday Judge
Grossoup will hear arguments in the motion
fora now trial in the case of the ofllcers of
the Guaranty Investment company convicted
of using the malls in the iiuorcst of a lot
tery. Ttio prosecuting ofllt-ials liavo no fear
that n new trial will bti granted , U is gener
ally believed that the principal
and the general manager of the company ,
will receive the highest penalty , Which la a
line of $10,000 and Imprisonment In thu peni
tentiary for oiio year. Stover.son and Swear-
ingcn will get off with a lino. It is said that
an action will Immediately bo begun against
the ofik-ers and promoters of the company at
St. l/juls , on the charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses.
Arreitcd uu Keillor ,
YANKTON , S. I ) . , Nov. S3. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THKBBE. } I. IVR Pooro , udltorof
thu Yuuuton Telegram , the ofllclal organ of
Yunkton county populists , was arrested to
day upon an Indictment charging him with
adultery Pooro's wife is now in Portland ,
Ore. , living with a daughter , She loft her
husband two years ago.o .
Movement * of Orenu Htviimeri , Nov. ! j3.
At New York Arrived Aller , from
Bremen ,
OAt London Sighted'Spree , from New
At Bremen Arrived l/ahu. from New
Detroit the Scene of n Deadly and De
structive Conflagration.
Over $700,000 Worth of Dry Goods Went
Up iu Smoke There YestorJay.
Ihrco Shocking Scenes During the Pro
gress of the Fire.
Driven to the WImloWH ny the Unit llit-y
.lump to the Piitciiicnt unit Aio
Crimhoil to Drutli-l.onie * mill
J limit-mice.
HBTIIOIT , Mich , , Jsov. S3. One of the
worst fires that Detroit has experienced In
manyyears tod.iy completely destroyed thu
llvo-story building at the corner of Jefferson
avenue and Bates street occupied by Kdson ,
Moore & Co. , wholesale dry poods , and
damaged several adjacent buildings , causing
a loss of $700,000. Thrco men , employed by
the dry goods Hnn , lost their liven In the
flames and llvo others who are missing lira
supposed to hayo perished. The dead :
Dcuil mm flllsBlnir.
JAMKS M'KAYlprlf , aged 38.
llltADI.KV A. nt'NMNH , porter , iigod-U
Kl ) OKNTIIKK , entry clorlcMusic , , aged ' . ' 8.
The missing nro :
ICinvAiin N. Vniir , order cleik.
l'ATiticKM.\itKiiis : , aged 3'J , leaves widow
and thrco children.
HINUY : Knir.u , paekiir.
I'll Ail r.KSV. . KiuniNKH , clerk.
The lire started at l'J0 : ! ! o'clock , and so
ciuick was the work of the Humes that in half
an hour the building was completely gutted.
The blaze was first seen on the fourth
Poor , and In the beginning it looked as If the
lire would be .kept in subjection , hut the
llames spread as quickly us though the build
ing were a great wooden structure. A gen
eral alarm was turned in , which called out
the entire department of the city. A strong
wind blowing from the northwest sent thu
sparks Hying everywhere and It was feared
other llrcs would break out. However , the
flames wcro confined mainly to the dry goods
uuilnlug , which was entirely consumed anil
considerable damage done to the adjoining'
.liinipKil to Tlirlr llcntll.
Ixmg before the many engines responded
to the general alarm two mon could bo soon *
on the window sills of the llftli story of the
building. So rapidly had the flames pro
gressed that the men undoubtudfy had no
time to get.out Qftho'buildlng.Canght.Hko
rats in a trap , with.tlio flames roaring uuovo
and beneath them and spreading every Hiu-
mebt , they w rc driven tb thu windows and
when they could stand the intense heat no
longer clung to the sills. A bale of jute was
procured by the spectators and placed below
the window on which Bradley Dunning was
perched. He sprang from the window ami
landed on the bale , but bounded off and fell
to the sidewalk where ho lay limp and ap
parently lifeless. An ambulance carried
him to thu hospital where ho ( tied soon irftt-.r.
By this time the Dromon arrived and
spread a net to catch McKay , who fell into
it. His injuries wcro such that he , too , died
soon after being taken to the hospital.
Anothnr Trngnily U'lUlosiml.
Hardly had this double tragedy transpired
than another man was seen near the upper
window nearest the corner. Ho was evi
dently nearly suffocated for , although ho
succeeded In revelling the sill , his strength
apparently gavoNiit and after an oITort to
raise himself ho slowly sank back and dis
appeared fropi view , being swallowed up in
the furnace behind hiui. Ho is thought to
have boon Kd licnthur.
After the lire the firm established tempo
rary headquarters and established n reg
Mon on the. second and third floors had
barely time to escape. The ilro wont down
through the floors to the ground with incon
ceivable rapidity. Thu elevator boy say.s
when the flro broke out ho held the elevator
for several moments at the top door and
begged the employes there to got In and go
down , but they seemed so rattled and ex
cited that they paid no attention. H is
thought that the flames started in u loiof
cotton batting on the top floor ,
Hillmiitu ol tint I.ins.
James L. Edson , senior member of the >
firm , said the loss on the stock would bo - ,
about 5,000,000. It Is well covered by insur- -
anco. 1
The burned building belonged to the es
tate of Frances Palmes , The IOSH on it IH
total. It was covered by $ r > 0o)0 ; ) Insurance.
Other business places wcro Injured to thu
extent of $ SO,000. John J. Bugley's tobacco
works , winch are situated immediately in
the rear ot the Palmes building , suffered to
the extent'of 25,000. The Detroit Litho
graphing compa'ny , which occupied portion
ot thu Bagloy building , sustained u loss es
timated at $ ' 70,000 , amply insured. Several
other linns in adjacent buildings suffered
smaller losses. x
It Is impossible to got an accurate state
ment of iho losses unit insurance ) tonight ,
but late estimates place them as follows ; ,
Loss , about § 700,000 , ; insurance , about > ' & ,
COAI. vissii : : ,
llrllUli Ship on I'lrn In thu 1'iiclllr , hut Her
Oruw | Sale.
SANTA IlAiiiuiuC'ul.Nov. 83 , The British
ship Gosford is on fire oft' Point Conception.
She is a four-masted Iron vessel , loaded with
coal , HOdujs from Liverpool for San 1'Vaiit
cisco. No lives were lost and the crow is on
shore. It Is thought thu flro can bo oxtiii.
guished and the ship saved ,
PI re was noticed in the hold on the lust 1
day of iho long voyage and thu captain and
crow bent their efforts to get to laud. They
succeeded In reaching Coja yestnrduv , when ,
the llro was ruging so fiercely that tl'.a 1
crew loft the ship nnd put ashore in boats.
When iho Santa Itosu , winch brings thu
news bore , passed them iho moanier Casper
was alongside doing what she could to save
Iho Gosford and her cargo , As soon an llio
nowu reached bore the tug Monarch of Sim
Franciico , which was In the harbor
awaiting the cruiser Olympia's ' trial , loft Im
mediately for tlio scene of the llro. The tire ,
spread with amudng rapidity , as early In the I
afternoon the decks wcro ablaze. Thu tthlii'a
papers , Instruments and the chests ot thu
ortteera and crew are understood to havu
been saved. late lust night the Uosford
was u mass of flames.
The British ship CJosford , which has been
on flro off Point Conception , wait scutllcd
and sunk today , All bauds lauded sufcly.