- n ' P'T THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 18 , 1893. 8PEG1RL NOTICES. A DVTRTISEMKNTS b . unUl 12 FOR SO p. THESE m for the COL0MNS erenlne and tinlll 8.3" p.m. fortbamornlnf and Sunday A"biVo"lhrlrVniweW J ddrrw l to " " " f" ! letter In ran * of Tim HKE. An < iwe p nnnreiwca will N dellTf rvd upon proncnUtlon of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED.ort it mcftword flmt InwrUon. lea ort there- f UT Nothing taken tor lem > than ggc EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WANTS A poMUon Good cfercnces. Acliln-M W _ 4T B < . M3 il I. SITUATION WANTED AS CLERK IN OEN- A erxl ore. Addrws 810 West 2 < t St. Daren- , la- 3" port - _ WANTED SITUATION "T WET NURSR A.i to Dr ClmcaaVn. 171S Dodfe. 414 la * WANTED POSITION BY TOO'SO MAS AS A bookkpfperaml wcnofraphcr , irofxl ' < ; T,5S . . . ! tiii VT 67 B.-C M4..4 _ _ 4'W \NTEO A SITtTATION AS PRESSMAN BY A.i irood eompetenl man ein fnrn lull t on.1 rnf- prencen.ddress D. P Walck. 40U IW1 SU Bf 2H atrlco Nclv M4U WANTED MALE Rates tUea wonlflratlnwrtlon tea word there- ner Nollilii * tnkMi for ICM than 25 . T > SOLICITORS. TEAMS FiniNKtlKD : EXTRA JVrr w men wllh rigs. American WriiifrerCo. , liloi ) llowanl t. " 11 THE NEIIHA9KA GO WIASTKB SAINGS J } ml Investment company wauls n fewwntle- men of peed i < ldn-i > s to act as > llcltors. Appjr at rooms 22 and 2:1 : Douglas block. * " * TAO".NTS. SALARY OR COMMISSION THE B irreatpst Invention of the aye The New Pat t CJtfnilcal Ink Erasing- PencIL Sells on slirnt. Works llkomade. Aernts are makln ? S2T ( Ml to W 29041 per week. For further particulars wrUj t-o Monroe Eraser Mfir. Co. , X 3rt. La Crosi - WANTED FOR OUR CITY BUSINESS. B-MAN paid weekly. Call at 1310 Dou.J Jn0i ; -WANTED , A RELIABLE MAN IN EVERY town In the witnrn states to handle Dodees Rheumatic pills , sure cure and lareti Promn. J. A Dodgp , 120U S. 23th St. , Omahi , Neb. 201 D10 TJ-WANTED AT ONCE , A NUMBER OF POUL- a'lry pickers , cowl steady lob to rielit parties. Cudahy raeklnir Company , South Omaha.ngfl ngfl WANTED MEN IX EVERY COUNTY TO ACT is private detectives under Instructions. Ex- . National Du- perlrneo unni-cessary Send stamp. icctlve Bureau , Indlanapolla , In > l.M102 22 * Tl WANTED , MEN TO HANDLE LUBRICA.T- -IJInir oils and specialties , alnne or as n side line. Address Easlo Bx-Bnlns Co. , Clovulantl. O. TV-A CORSET PU.VYER ! ONE WHO CAN iJteaeh a band. Address Secretary , Jlonron banil , Monroe. Neb. M43d - ' - VANTED A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT iJman to take chante of Hit' sales department of .1 p.-imu-d uoods nu < l noup department of a Inree pack- Inir house. Must thorouclily understand the busi ness aiwl know the trade /Uldress Htatlnir ex perience , references and salary expected , v , . .0 , Ilee. 511-4 lii -WANTED , MEN TO TRAVEL : $3O TO OO per montl ) . Stone J. Wclllncton. Madison. Y Is T > - WANTED. MAN TO PACK GOODS. THE ! > 9 iJeent store , 1310 Farnam stivct. M45U 18 T ) -CONTRnjUTORS AND REPORTERS J'Either BCJC. Pays welt Experience not essen tial. Send stamp for Instnictlons. Interstate Press AHsoclatlon , Indianapolis , Ind. 31113 2U' WAITED. SALESMAN FAMILIAR WITH B jnwery and saloon trailo to work In Omaha and Council Bluffn , on salary and commission. Ad- Un"t Be orace. Mlu.t 19 WANTED ? EMA E HELP. Rates. IWc a word first Insertion , lea word there- after. Nothing taken for less than 23e. -WASTED COMPETENT GIRL. MRS. FRANK C Wllcox.S. W. corner 29th and Douglas at. 300 IT rt-WANTED-A COMPETENT COOK AND laundress. Mr ) . James E. Boyd , 1008 Daven- 395-17 * . IKirlHt. _ _ _ _ _ _ nWANTED. . FIRST-CLASS COOK. NONE Bothers nfv < l npplr. Best of references required. Apply 2701 F.arnam. _ 330 17 * -WANTED , A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL hounoworir. Apply at 2.09 Dodjo. Mrs. Win. Harden. M401 18 * _ OWASTED. . GIRL TOR GENERAL HOUSE- uat be eood cook nutt laundress. 11.10 et. > S 412-22 .VOTED. 2 CHAMBERMAIDS FOR OUT v > we nt. Prlvatu family cook. * 3 00 nnd CO plrls for all klnds.of work Canadian office. 1500 Far- nmu M4S8 19' -WANTED. . 20 LADIES FOR BURLESQUE CO. L 'Call ' formauagerat Pullniau house , 130S Dodge street. MHO 18- FOB BENT HOUSES. Rates. lOc a line each Insertion. $1.50 a Una per month. NothUis taken for less than 25c. , -HOCSES 'IN"ALL PARTS OF THE crf - . D Tlie O. F. Davis company , 1BOS Farnam. J0o ? l-fi-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN. CHOICE. IN > btanford circle , C. S. Eltrutter , 201 Bee bldir.H07 H07 j.REXTAL AGENCY , 007 BBOWN BLOCK. j./ - - HOUSE , 1S13 CASS. J. JOHNSON D-10-ROOM . M1.13 Ty HOUSES. F K. DARLING , UARKER BLOCK. FOIl IlKNT ROOM FLAT. INQUIRE Dodte street. D-HOUSES. 3 TO 0 HOOUS. COS NO. 13TII. JI583 NJ1 \ NINE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. HANSCOM /Place cheap. J W. Siulre , 248 Bee. . M 115 DP-ROOM HOUSE , PERFECT CONDITION , newly painted , modern ; small f.imlly ; location 310 Nonh 2Uth Htrect ; rout rcwu.ibio. liot'sa.\-HHL U33 U.I TI-FOR RENTIh'M CAPITAL AVE. 14ROOMS , .1x1813 Capital nve. (1 ( rooms , 21)21 ) Webster si , U rooniH. Henry W fate . 23U Ii ) TFORRENT'COTTAGK CORNER s.vnr AVE am * Dodirit : modern Improvuueiiu ; tlrst clniu It-pair lnqulr 2. U DtMlguHt. 2011 TV-FOR KENT 1(1-ROOM ( HOUSE , AND FURNI- J lun < for aale. 2021 Farnam mruel , M lt.t la * - FOR RENT 13-ROOM HOUSE WITH STA- bl for 4 horsesall modern conveniences. No. 10111 Park a\enui , now occupied by ( XipUlu A. lllnl 1T-S A. . ixiHwHislon clven letot December. Apply ut 322 Dex bulldlnir or 1021 Park avenue. DTO RENT SF.VEN-ROOM HODSE. S2J.OO ; l.irnlfdcHlnil nlco lann. Irees , city water t-lsliTii < ineiitisl cell irs , hath , near motor. See imnur I ) . Vt. . VIMIH. i > 01 Paxton bhick. M3.'U ) DEST 5 A"D H-ROOM HOUSES IN CITT. J Lou UHt riti-H Inquire 23112 lllundo utm-t. MODS N23 DFOR UENT 3-ROOM COTTAGE , OR THREE ivoiiiHOf H.UIIO for hoUBckeepui ; , fcOii s. JDth. : UU-17 * FOR RENT , IH14 DODGE , RASEMENT SUITable - able forkiH-plnir boanlere. Rent taken out In bo.ml Reten-uce nxiiilrMl. SOrt 17 * D 8-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. FURNISHED OR imfnnilfthi-d. Apply 1112 S. lOlh. 413 TV V1LEGANT tl-ROOM HOUSE , ALL MODERN , J-'neart oclir lines , $30 OU , 711 No. 20th. In- culra 2OU1 Hurl 41S 24) DFOR RENT NKW 4-ROOM COTTAQE , COR : itih ) nnd SahliT- cellar , cUlcni , city u-uler ; H.M > . luqulruljm yaniNii M425 lu * D IXUR-ROOM HOUSE 031 S. 17 St. * 11.0(1M412 ! J ) FOR RKNT MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE , new , ty luipeml and lulnteU lu aud out. f I .lot ) . ard , lniiulra2SltSvanl. . M14 10 * 7 ROOM MODERN COTTAGET WITH OR uithuut barn South J4th and 1'raucln Bin-flu. M43 < 1 24 > 1 i N1CB H-ROOM MODERN HOUSE WITH .Uuaro , 4123 Utiullton. MI32 24' _ JTJBM1SHED HOUSES. ill's , lOoaUuooacli Intertloi < L5u a Ilua per inoulli. Nothing talteu tor lena Uqu 25c , TTV FRHH RENT , WILL FURNISH COMFORT- liable elrht ruoui houxo. rent Ireonlx months to rUht uany Addrets W 83 B < x > . _ 430 X7 OitOB BENT gPBNISHED BOOMS. IVtoa wonl firm la ertloulo a wordthera Nothing taken for lens thin 25c. 17 TWO "FURNISHED ROOMSFOBGENTLE" Ljuieoioolr. Cl'l boulh ' ' . 'Uth MtvcU 017 C < -BOOM WITH OR wrruoui U'u , oat s. is , JV itaitiH * _ _ P-FCRNLSHEU ROOM WITll IIK.VT $7 OU PBB JCttuoulh. 14 S 29th btrxt-u Mj.13 ID * FOR BENT , FURNIbUED ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 jgcuUemun. UI47 UtKltu ativgu M3UU Et-VUBNUiUKD ROOM. 2017 UARNEV ST. Jbli 21' _ 17 FOB BENT. 3 ROOMS FUUNIiHED COMA - A likMe lorllvht UaUB tixplui013 No 19th. ETWO LAROE , HANDSOME UOOMS , FULLY fumlkt > a. fur feuUejuun ; mo i dealrnblu loca tion tu thu city. S. W. cur. 17IU aud Vwlgv. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M447 19 , W- LAUGH SOUTII FROin * ROOM. GKNTLK- J moi pretcrmL IU2t Uoojclaa blrttst. blrttst.MISS 1U eNICKLY FURNISHED BOOJU FOB UOITSK- kr'gjilrf , 11 K. liU ) Mnct. Vt l att * FUHNI3HED BOOMS AND BOABD. Rateo. 1 He i word fintt Inxertloti. lot wort there- ftrr. Nothlnr Ulten for lei thin 330. N mMn sbF.iVcA'nE OP Women's ChrlRtlan awtocUtlon , HIS. 17th M. 809 TV- UOOMS AXD STItlCTLY FOIST CLASS JL board t 2100 Dontlan lrr ' _ MOOT - AND ROOM. STEAM HEAT. OAS , bath. (4 20 and (3 00 per week. 411 North 14th. M770 M * THE DOLAK , 209 AND 311 N.19THST. 17-sicp.r.T FtmmstiED sotmt FUOJJT -I lor bn ! room IIp.it nml nil mmlcm eon venlencei ; also smaller rooms with board. 2OCO Hnrnor , M.tM 19 * _ 1SOUTU HOOMS , LOW UATE3.2534 HAUNKT. 1 : tiai D F-noOM ASn BOARD FORTWOOKNTI.KMKN S2t South . Olh.ive. 37111 T7-A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM WITll BOARD X for two , In private family , ' "J15 Howard St. FOHRENT UNFUBNISH'D BOOMS Rate * 1 Vc .1 won ! tint Insertion Ira \vorJ thcra- nftcr Nothlnr taken for loss thaiit. \7211SMtamaat A 1.1 G-2 OR 1 t'NFURSISnED ROOMS. .MOO FAR- nam street. M'JUS 18 * G-l-nOOM FL.VT , 1C03 LE.VVEXWOHTII ST. 3111 20" NICK UNFIJRNWHRD 11OOMS. WITH ath , $7 00. 2115 Enkluo t. . North S4t1i. G , FINE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping , 2011 SL Mary's avenue. 438 lfl JOB BENT STOBE3 AND OFFIOE8 Rates , me wonl fir t Insertion , lea wort ! thero- nflor Nothing taken for II H than 25c. T FOR RENT. THE t-STORY BRICK BUILDING -IniG Faniam st. The bullillni has a fireproof ce ment basement , complete steam hivatlnir tlTtures. w tier on all the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the offlca ( .1 TIIEBEK. 010 r-STORE , 321 S. 15TTL STEAM HEAT. L M733 NJS * I-OFFICES W1TUNELL BLOCK. STEAM HEAT. M7.IS N2S * I- FOR RENT. LARGE 3-STORY HIGGINS onm , 10th and Lenrenworth : thirty horses and storage. J.W. Squire. 218 Bee. M311 AOENT3 WANTED. Rates. l ! c a wonl flrst lnBcrtli > a.lc a word there after. Nothing taken for less than 2. > c. J AGENTS. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE $250 before "Xtnas ? " We can put you In the way and will prove It or forfeit $300 ; this an nouncement may bo your stepping stone to a for tune If taken adv.ant.-uri ; of at once. Address. "Manufacturers , " Box 5303 , Boston , Mass.M203 M203 23 J-AGENTS WANTED. LOCAL AND GENERAL , for a quick Hollluc patented novelty. 1OO to 150 per cent profits good solicitors can make from SlOOOOtoftilOOOamonth : territory fresh : wrllo for particulars. The Ohio Novelty Co. , D 1. Clnclu- natl.O. M187 J-WANTED , BOYS AND GIRLS WHO WISH TO make money when out of school , H nd name and w e will tell you how No money wanted. L. Stiy- ner & Co. , Providence , R. L M3S5 20 * f MEN AND WOMEN AS MANAGERS TO EMploy - * ' ploy agents ; 573 00 nml expenses ; yearly con tracts ; credit given : nrtto ullh stamp. Mesaba Mfg. Co. SU Paul. Minn. Mill 20' T-AGENTS INVESTIGATE ! FINEST SELLING I article out. Address Room 20 , Crelghton block. Omaha. M409 10 * J-RESIDENT AGENTS OR DEALERS WANTED to liandliour preparail gums , mucilage , glues , pastes , finishes nud slzlngs. Award received at Chicago exhibition. Liberal commissions. Sole agency to satisfactory party. The Arabol Mfg. Co. , 1J Gold SU , New York. M42U 18 * T WE WANT YOU TO WORK FOR US , THUS ' making $12.00 to $33 00 per week. Parlies pre ferred who can furnish a horse and travel through th * country : a team , though. Is not necessary. A few vacancies In ton ns nnd cities. Spare hours may bo used to good advantage. B. F. Johnson A Co. , llth and Main streets , Richmond , Va.M123 M123 23' T AT LAST WE HAVE IT. KEEN , BRIGHT " and brainy men and women wanted e\erywhere to take orders for Shepp a World a Fair Photo graphed. Only book of copyrighted photographs of buildings , sccuua and exhibits of the World s Co lumbian exhibition ; authorized by the exposition management ; official ci-nllicaio accompanies each volume. Bonanza for workers : drop every thing and handle It ? you will maku money fast ; books rpaily : credit ( riven ; big commissions ; Illus trated circulars , terms-free. Address Globe Bible Pub. Co. . 358 Dearborn street , Chicago. 111. , or Phlla , Pa. M417 18- r AGENTS WANTED FOR THE "LIFE OF " Plillllps Brooks. " One lady sold 20 books In H hours. AJI agent in taking 81 * orders only met with ( I refusals. Onr new Book , of Photographs boats them all : contains twice as manv pictures at half thn price. Wo have the best World's fair book , 5)0 ( ) pictures and besthollday book. 'Lowest price4 * , larst-st commissions , premium with every book. Don't remain Idle an hour. We can put jou In the waytomako money. Position * ith ua should be worth $10OO : > a month. Adlress nt once , John K. Hastings , 47 ComhtlL Boston. Mass. M140 18' WANTED TO BENT. Rales 1J..C a wonl first Insertion.lea wonl there after. Nothing taken for less thau 25c. Tr WANTED , TO RENT FOR CASH. FARM -linear Onraha. Address W 38. Bw. M.IQ4 20' TT WASTED. ROOM AND BOARD FOR MAN JLVandulfutn private family , statu price. Ad dress \V 32. BEK office.OJ17 * STOBAGJ5. RatPH , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 : t Hue per mouth. Nothing taken for lesi than 25c. M STORAGE , WILLIAMS " A. CRObS , 121J HAU- ucy. 814 M-STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS , clean and cheap rates. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam 813 WANTED TO BTJY. . mo a wonl flrjt Iniertiou , lo n wonl thereafter. Nothlns taken for leftt than 25c. M-WAJ.TED. COMPLETE SET OFFCE OR 11 bank flxtnruH ; pjrtltlons , aentea , etc. Lewla , 1017 Jones nt. 417 10 TVT-WANTED , C.VSII FOR A TYPEWRITER Jmachine. . Addre t with prlca and condition ] W 41. Ifc-e. 42U 10 FOB SAtE . Hc a wonl flrat Insertion. Ic a w enl thunMftcr. h'othluz UUiMi for lean than 23c. 0STOT3 | OF ALL KINDS GOOD AS NEW. Wells Ancttrai Co llll Farnam St. rtltl 0-FOK S.VLE CHKAPyUllNrrURE IN FIRST- clasH boardtnir hoime , well located and full of rood p ylii r boanlan Halloa for sollluc. leav- Inirlhoctly. Iiiituln ) ot W. H. Kreldler. J52il Pax- Ion block. MIO.I lu * ' ' " " TOB -MISCEI.L'ANEbTTar" Rateu , 1H a word first Insertion , la a word thereafter. Nuthln ? taken for less thau 25c. -ONK BKUNSWIck IHLLiARD TABLE AND onu pool table , us d it monthai coud a new , f or Mlu cheap. AddreaaP. O. bordU , West Point , Neb. 5'JD CHEAP 1 TWO-REVOLUTION WCampbell newspaper pruHH aud 1 double cylin der Taylor , alrxprln ; , with two foldera ; coed con dition. Addrena for partlculara Lock liox a , South Omaha , Neb. JT'J -IHOI SPRING FRAME NO. 2 PNEUMATIC RambliT. cootl an now A bargain. G II. Jer- oin , York , Neb , M422 22 * CLAIBVOYANTS. Uatfs , lOo a Him < ucu Insertion S1.50 a line per month. Nuthlnc taken for lu than 23c , . edium , fithyuarat ll'JN liltu. H17 MAS3AGK , BATHS , X.XC. Kates llo aIhio each Insertion , f 1.51) a line pur moiuli. Nothlnif Uken tor lean than S5e. Ti-MADAME SMITIL WW 3.13T1I. 2ND FLOOR , RoomXMasuicv. T poralcohol Btcam.tulpbur. 110and aua inlua. M.ll' ' IB" 'P-MME. CARSON , 1121. DQUiL.VS , THIRD iHoor. room 7 , iiiAasOi-e , alcohol , miluuur and htabathx. 1341 111' rp-MMK. LA RUE , MAbSAGE , 411 } SO. 15T1L . . A. M390.SU * PEBSOWTAL. . UatPH , lOa a Him each luiumloii , * 1.5O a lluo per W iMitu. KolhliufUten fur lefts thJUl 25C. U"WANTED. . r6R"COMEDY CO. , U YOUNQ Izdlea. 2 comexllaiu * , No.1 tenor and tilanlst. Addrean WBJ > 11 , M431 17' U-MATRIMONY OR PLEASURE ! NEW DEAL. Sftul 2-vcnt uuup to 1 * O. Uox exit Hsutlni-a , Neb. M720 N2U TT-WASSAOBTREATMENT. ELKOTRO-TIIEU- U inal Ualhtk Sualp and hair trt-alniunt manlcura aadchlrupodUUMra Poi > t.31U S.13lh Wllhucllblk M18 _ _ _ _ ' UILLCSTR-VTED MARRIAGK JOUUNAL , cuuiaiulnz pUoio-ejijravluiB cfmmwim Ucalr- , luallud ttvu. Urun a Pub. Cu. , Toktlo.O. MJUU 2t > * I r LADIES , SKJJD NAME AND ADDKKSd TO U VUrtCu , COI H. Y IJIa Kiiif. . tor a * > O-paeu kualtb. book. U U.-e uuiuulutluu true ; lady lu at temlanee. T f2100 FARNAM STREKT L.VDIES UK U cctTod PD tun } t > 4 liuriuj r-OH nCTUfM- nCTUfMM367 ! MONEY TO \N-BE A Li ESTAT3. Halo * in n line each Insertion , Cl.SO a line per month. Nothing tnkon for IMS than 25e- -MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TheO F DavlnCo 1505 Farnam street. 819 \\r-LOANSON IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED > city property , * XOOOnnd\ipwnrd , S tons r > * 'r rent ) nodclays.W.Karnam Smith ACo.U2UFarnim 821 \ \ T MONEY TO LOAN AT CURRENT RATKT Apply to W , B Welkin , Firel Nfttlontl Ilk bid ; . 822 \V-MONKT TO LOAN AT LOWT.3T RATE3 OX ' ' Improved and imlmnrorml Omaha real estate , 1 to 3 yearn , Fldrllty trust Ca , 1703 F rnam. 82 < l \V-ANniONTLOANANDTROSTC0.3HN.Y * ' Life lends at low rates for choice seeiirlty on NcDriBka and Iowa ( arms or Omaha ctlr prorxrtr 82.1 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Rates , inc.n llnncnch Initortlon , tlJSO a line per month Nothlnr taken for lesn than 25c Y-MOSET TO LOAN- * * - We will loan you any < mm which yon wish , small or lartre at the lowest possible rxtes. In the nnlckpit posfllblo time , and for any lenirth of time to suit you. You can pay It back in mich Install ments as yon wish , when you wish , and only pay tor It O.H long an you keep It. You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNTTUnE AND PIANO3 , HORSES , WAOONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS MK CIIAND1SE OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without publicity or removal of property. OMAHA MORTGAGE IXJAN CO , 31HJ SOUTH 16TH STREET , first floor aborn the ntreot. THEOLDEST. LARGEST ANDONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. 321 X WILL LOAN MONEY ON ANY KIND OF SE- curlty : strictly confidential. A. B. Harris , ruom 1 , Contlnent.il block. M-0 r-DO YOU WANT MONEY1 : We will loan yon ANY SUM yon wish onyonr : FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES WAGO.VS , : CARRIAGES. W.VREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. : We give prompt attention to nil applications , : and will carry yanr loan as long as j ou wish. : You can reduce the cost of carrying your leant t by a payment at any time. There la no publicity 'or removal of property * : FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO , : Boom 4. Wlthnell block. : Cor. 15th aud Hamey its. : 823 BUSINESS CHANCiS. BAte , lOc a line each Insertion. Sl.iiO a line per month. Nothing taken for less than 23c. V WE FURNISH CAPITAL TO START YOU IN J. business. Wo want to establish one honest , re liable , enterprising person , man or woman. In .1 legitimate money-making business In every county In the west. Bnsiness Is clean , easy and legiti mate. Rlgmoney for parties with push and pluck. If you can t furnish flrst-cl iss references don't ap ply. Remember , no money required. Write at once , before some ono with more enterprise se cures your territory. The Dr. Starr Herb Remedy Co. . 204 East 43rd St. . Chicago. 111. SJ7 V-FOR SALE. AN INTEREST IN A MANUFAC- -L turlng plant ( with position In the office If so de sired ) , $10 000 00 to $15,000 00 cash required. No trades considered. The company has an estab lished trade on a ready selling article at a good profit. Address S 50 , Bee. 828 V-FOR SALE. DRUG STOCK AND FIXTURE ! JL Address E. E. Howcndoblcr , Bertraud , Neb. 332 Y HARNESS STOCK. NO OPPOSITION ; MUST be sold before January 1 ; about $ S5000 cash required , balance on tune , George E. Gill. Utp , la. M30U 25' Y-FOR SALE , CHEAP , THE BEST LOCATED saloon in South Omaha. Enquire J. W. Tlpe agent. 2118 N street. M278 18 * Y-FOR SALE. A WELL LOCATED AND finely furnished hotel with Hue bar attached Address W 39. Bee. 31300 20' _ Y -STOCKS OF GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD W. C. Ritchie. Pender. Neb. M370 31 _ V WASTED , TO MEET A GENTLEMAN HAV- i Ing from SJ.000.00 to $ --.000.00. who isdcslr- ous of entering Into a profitable mercantile busi ness for which Omaha affords an exceptional op portunity. Llttlu or no competition . Best of references given and requlrel. Address W47 , Omaha Bee. M405 18 * _ -DRUG STORE FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OS sickness. 10th and Chicago , C. IL Suhaefer. YFORSALE FOR 6ASH , CHEAP. RE3TAU- rnnt and bakerrr good stand : good trade ; oppo site Rock Island depot ; good bread trade ; goo < restaurant trade : reasons for selling * single man must bo married. Address WCS , Bco office. Omaha. .M444 18- _ JOB EXCHANGE. Rates.lOc a line each Insertion. $1.50 n line per month. Nothing taken for less than 25c. I OWN 100 FARMS IN NEBRASKA. KANSAS and Dakota. Will sell cheap or exchange for mdso.horse and cattle. Add. box 7liFrankfurt , Ind 8JO I/ CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. WILL Jtakorcalcstatcmoncy. Box293 , Frankfort , Ind 830 7 $14 000 STOCK CHOICE MERCHANDISE TO "OKChango for # S.OOO land and $ U.OOt ) caalu WU trade ill or part of stock for land and cash. Box bfl. West Point , Neb. 954 Z FOR EXCHANGE. CLEAR IOWA LAND TO tradu for stock of general nu-rcli iiulUc. o.-books and stationery. CouUdunllal. C. W. Xiekwii Sioux City , la. M37II 23- CLEAR EASTERN NEB. LAND TO EX gu for rndsc. P. O. Box JO J , Fremont. Neb M442 DI7' FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. Rates , 1 Oca Una each Insertion. fl.50alluu par mouth. Nothing taken for les * th in 23c. FOR SALE. CHOICE LANDb CHEAP : ON 10 years time. Also lands to exchangu for Htoclt mdse. or live stock and casli. J. W. Welptou Grant , Neb. 44J N10' EARM FOR SALE. A choice , v. ell Improved 40-acra tract InSarpy county , n Ithln one mile of the lou n of La 1'Jattc , and only threu miles from new Fort Crook ; two rallroul stations ne.ar bv ; taxes light lu this county : nearness to Fort Crook , Omaha nnd South Omaha Insures good and permanent markets for garden truck , small frultn. butter , eggx and poul try , besides usual farm products. 1 can offer this splendid property at an attnicth e price for a short time. Waller G. Clark , 1218 Hartley Ht. 370 Dl.l BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS , AND FAKMS.SALE or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker blk. 8.11 \\TK HAVE SEVERAL NICE IIOCSRS FOR * * rent near HanBcon * Park at from $3300 to $15 (10 per mouth. These IIOUHVH have bath , fnr- nacu. gas , sewerage , etc. Are In a splendid neigh borhood aud close to car HUH. schools , churches , etc. Hicks' Real Estate Agency , 305 New YorU Life Building. 420 111 T HAVE FOR RENT A FINK STOCK FARM. J-1.000 acres In Webster county. Sub..loo In culti vation , barns , sheds , houses. Itrln ; water. Denim to m > H farm Implements and stock to tenant , u 111 sell fannu 1th or without slock. Also formloor rent.alarge ( ami uearCouucll Hinds , la. K. A. IleiiHOiv 112 N. Y. Llff. M42118 4 BIG SNAP $2,000 BUYS A $ i.003 PROPERTY. coubl tlnc of a U-room house and bam , nlco location. Oaialia Real Bstato i. Tnml Co. R 14 , Bveblrtg. 140-111 BECUBlTI S FOB SALE. Rates , lOo a line each IiiBertlon , il.50 a line per onth. Nothing taken for IBM than 23u. ; iar iitiuniAUKs. AMY AiiuuK r , u. G , Wallace , Urowu block , IQih and Doucla * . 832 HIGH GRADE OMAHA CITY MORTG VGKS. lielllnc purchaftera food raid of Intervnl , nunis of from * 10U up.for Bala by Glolw Loan A.Trust Co. , lUth A Dudeo , Omaha. Particulars on application. H35 PERCENT MORTGAGES FOR SALE , SECITR- Ity abnolutuly aafe , Amea Real Estate aency. 1U17 Farnam. Id "iTOR SALE CHOICE FIRST MORTGAREsT" . J. A Kendall , Drown block , lUlh mid DoiiffliH 220 LOST. Rates , IKo a wor4 first lns rtir . lo i wori thereafter. NolUlor WXun for li > i < than 23& T OST SMALLWHITECURLYPOODLE BITCH. JUNovember 1.1. Return to E. W blnicnil , 350 Bou building , aud obtain reward. M.IO.I TrTFKNOVVN puvsu TUB BOLL OH - > money , n tlh nama und addretm on tint Uuilu-r cover. If returned to owner one-fourth wlllbu i'lven aa n > ant aud no question * aakcd. 388 21 r O3T TWO COWS AT CUT OFF LAKE : ONK JUWark ml , about It jeara old , hejvy with rill ; other "HuUlelii. " .1 ynira , black and white. Finder notify A. Boyd , Swift's ice hoUBu. ami nt- culre reward. M100 22 * T OST A SMALL DIAMOND SOARF PIS AT EN- IJtertalumem 2418 bomb Itlth street. Literal nivtard It led at Wattrh > o Creamery attnoclatloii , 1U13 Howard htruet. if II. Brooks 441-17 * LOST-AT OR IN THE VICINITY OF 111)5 FAR- nam Btrect. on Friday , a dc d of a huusaaiid lot lu lied Oak. la. Finder will U > rowarilitl by rvturuliur mane to J K-SU1I , 1105 Farnam ntntet. M457 lb FOB B NT HAX.L3. Kales. lOc a Und oacU luaartlon , * l.5J a Ilua p r month. Nothing taken for le4 ( U.ui viic. A 1U10RY HALL. 1714 CAPITOL AVBMUfi-AND Ji-Mornnd's aa mbly rooiub 1510 Uamey aliwl. for balU. club portlei , uuwUufa. fcU- . rant vary" cheap ; halts Orat-cUss. Cullol IJlUUaruey. MIPS D4 .DANCING AOADEJEY , Bateawloo n Uuaujciilaiiirtlua. * l-3'Ja ttaarpar mouth. iioUitiigtnktMi fur I.it tUjtaaXfa * MOEAND'9 DANCING SCHOOL , HW HARSKY Binwt. Luuon > foradnluTue iAy juiiiThure- < lay ( i p. m. . cUiUlrou. Tu > ukl > ty 4 p. iu. . &Unnlay IU a. ui. * uJ J iU p. m. T.MM14 rery reuu > n bl . 01 ] Bob6Buitfncj ? ! "Vouijcedn' hanju - - , - > SANTA' ° Ufiwnmfu5 CLAUS M M l 6oapSndU5ajsifetifc ( ? _ / / SOAP bw cpmadesoofcoui ; = - ' N Sank&Co. Inere is a Sant Claus ! cuicaeo. HOB3ESVINTERED. . Rntei , lOc i linn eaoh InHortlou , $1.50 a line per month. Nothing taken for lest thnn i.V. rrORSES WINTERED , FAIR GROUNDS frtA. .11 mo. ; leave orders ntJ.T.VlUirow'n. . Tele inn. U22 N 23 * ORSES WI.VTERED A SPECIALTY. APPLY to Cotton's barn , corner 15th and CAM street * . Maaa D9' HORSES WINTERED * > 1 PER MONTH. AD- drusa W. JL Mlllard , Oniahn National bank. an on TJ. FLEMINCJ HAS LEASED THE WOOD > CHfT stock farm at Calhoun , Neb . owned by J. E. Markel. and I ) now ready to tiku mock for winter. Stock box nulls. fT.lf ( ) . nnd Htinrln sttllu , $0 OU. For particulars address 1J1U Firnani street. Omaha. M3S.I 18 * ORSE3 WINTEREDSTUBENl'J3t ) PARKAVK. M3IJ2 TTORSES WINTERED AT WINDSOR STABLES , d. 10th and DaTenport. Will receive best of c r . Terms rva onable. at .181 DH DBE83MAKHIO. Rates. lOo a Una each Insertion. $1.0 a line per month. Nothing taken for leis than 25c. TARESSES , $4 ; WRAPPERS , $3 BOO N. 24TIL DRESSES MADE AT 1421 HOWARD ST. ANY stylish gown for W 00. 337 21' TJNDEETAKEBa AND EMBALMEBS Rates , lOc a Una each Insertion. $1.50 a line per mouth. Nothing- taken for less HIAU 25c. CW. BAKER ( FORMERLY WITH JOHN G. JucobM , deceased ; 1 iter with M , O , M.iul ) . under taker and cmbalmcr , 015 3. lOtH at. Tel. (100. ( H K. BORKET. FUNER VL DIRECTOR AND . enilxilmor. U118 Clilcotfo a. Tel. 1H ) . M151 SHCBTHAND AND , lOca line each Inneriiou. $1.50 a Ilua per month. Nothing taken for les than 25c. _ OUKO LADIKS AND OKITTLEMEK CAN SOON actiulro \vorkln ? knowloiU-c of Hlionh.init and typewritlnff at A. C. V.in Sant' school of short- hand. SU y. Y. Life. TypCTvrlUTs to rent. tKH PAWJiTBROKERa Rntps. lOc a line each lunrrtlpn. $1 "n .1 line per month. Xothliur t-Ucen for leaith , in 'J. ic. T SONNENDERG , DIA3IOKD BROKER , 1303 tf .DonslaH st. Loann nidney on dlamoudH. watclico.etc. Old srold and silver boiurht. Tel. 1S5S TYPEWBITEB.9. Rates , Kc .1 line each liitertlon. * U"0 a llno.pev montlu Nothhnr t-ikrii for lea * than 'J3e. nEMINOTONS.C.VLIOItVPHS ; EVEIIY SMITHS unheird of prices. Tol. 3S. lioyles JL Babe , Oin X.Y. Life bide. SuuU for saniplon. wa7 Rates 10o. line each liiHOHlon. $1. . " > (1 ( a Hue per month. Xotliinir taken for less than -.c. ' \TE\V AKD SECOND HAND SOrVLES ALL KINDS , il Address Bortlen i , SwlleclcCo. , La'Ke Ht.Chleio. AE.T AND LANGUAGES. Hates , lOc a line eich Insertion. ? 1.30 a line per month. Nothlnir taken for less than J3c. r. GELLENUECK , BANJOIST VND TEACHEli G.I . -lO California HL ui 1 TIIK 11K.1LTV JI.VKKKT. IKSTRUMENTS placed on record Novem ber 17,1S'J3 : WAnn VXTY DKEIM. AV R Kohl ot al to A G Tagscr , untllr J lot 8 , block 3. I. ilm's .idd . . * 2,500 W ri lliitclilnioii to J U IlarrN , lot-i 'J , 10 nnd 11 , Ha.ts'subdlv 1,000 I'atrlclc Manlon to Margaret Uraudou , o S lot 'A l ) ! < H-k 01 , Oinalm 10,000 Henry Hell und wlfo ct al to Katlu UohlLvn , w H w nnd so sw 9-1-5-11 . 4,000 EM 1'roncli and husbnnd to .Inmes fook , lot 18. blocks. LaUe View 1,500 Prank Krcnuk und wlfu to RaMiiIni ! Anderson , lot 3 , block 3 , Potter .t C's add to Houtli Omuha 700 Kurul Dlvls tu Jacob Mimhrhllck , - . 'i lotaa. hloclcl , Oruhiirinllll GOO Albert Dlvls and wife to iiiine. n'i same , 500 Total amount of transfer * < 21,200 a ° Lm&&Am&ffM1 * ' RRILWRY TIME GRRD Lnarcs ICIIICAOO. BURLINGTON A. a Arrlroi Uaiah i I Dei t 10th and Manon SIH. Om.ilia 4.30pm ! . Clilcach Vuntloule . ItiSUam 'J.lSumj . Chlca h ExpreHH. . ' 4.23am 7.02pm , , . . .Clilc.iTO Jt Iowa-Local . S53pji 11. .13 am' . . . . . . . Local lex Sunday ) . ri.oil.uii -Leavun riiUllLI.S' . ; ToS' X Al J. UlVF.Ti : r\TriTor Omalu I DH3JI lilili aul M.H3-1 31 . | Oui'ij 10.15,1111 , . Denver Kxiiron . ' .UlJ.vil lU.lSam , . Deidwood Express. . . . . . M 4.nopm 4.SOpml . Dourer Kxpreni . 4l)0pia d.&Opii'.NebranIc.i txicnl iKxuciUSanl. . U.3Upm J 13am . .Lincoln Loci ! ( Except Sum ll.23.un Liru a I K. C. , i > r J.4.C K I Arrives Oinana I Depot 10th and Maaon SU i Omaha 9.43am , . .JtanHas City DiyllxprDHS. O-Slp-n 0.45 pn. 1 1C C. Nl.-ht Exp. \ la U. F. TraiiH II SO am Leaye I OIHCACj , R.T ' . ( . PACli'itt , Arrival Omaha I Union Point 10th A Mtnsy a ' Omaha _ I _ EAST. _ I _ UJluaml . Atlautlt ) Ktnrcsn . 7 ISpai H.OOpni ! . NUbt Exnruf * . . U.43aii SOU 11.11 i Rhtcairo VV tbuloj Llmltol I 2.oilpm 12.1llamOfclJlioina | Hxp. Hnt ' , , U. < Sum 1123 am - ( Ex.S I n1 12.1(1 ( a-n 2.O3piii . . . . Culprado LI nltai . . . ' 4 5Jpu tcaveMl - lISTONTjfCn'TC ' : - TATnveT Omaha i Union Depot llUh Aaiarcr Sta I Omaha . . Iiri'r Kn > rv ( < . . . . . , . .i t.U3pni 2.13pm . Oierlanrt Fiver . . . . ' 700pu ' ' ' * ' . . . .Pacific Express 110 41) l.U . . DtjuverFaHt M ill 4 2(1 ( nil ' ' " irHieACo.'Ant.'sW ram * U P Depot and Uxtcy bU . . . ( hlcattTLIiniluil ChlcaKoEjprv < j ; ejt Sun i . p E.&MO VALLEY Omaha i Depot 13th and Wn UT Sin. . .Ufoduoo.1 l.iDpn iKx. SatlXVjra. Ufa Kc MOII.I . 4 SOp-u Nortollc Kiureii ( Rt. S miiyi 10 l' au : S.lSpm , . > 1 Paul MVproa * . . . . ) U23au Leavot I ClIlCAl.Oi S Oaialit ! . P. dumt. llltUX H I Omahl i llllipin 4D5pmi I fl.2U.ui 7X10 pm Eauturu Flrct . 213pu 343pm . . .Clilc. Pam . l'J.15pn Leaves | MISSOURI PACIFIC. Ouialial D > -pot 13th aud Wobalvr St * . 12 43 pm | . . SU Loul * Ex . U 00 am lOOOpm. , . .bt. Loulu Expru . 443pll C 4J pail Neora lta Local i 8.45 am Leaven | U ST P. . M A O. Omaha Depot 13th atid WcbuturSla. Accotu nodatlon _ _ Leav I SUMHC CITriTACIVlC 7A"rrt von Omahal DepuUlSlli aud-Wjo I Omaha "S.45piu ( .St. PauTLEnltud lii'i aui . Chlcaro Lliultut. I Oil Ail A. A "f Lodla i rrtraiiT " _ UP _ U pot. lOUi and VUrerl Omaha 8.43pui | SL LouUC uuoalUU.l' | J3oia ST. GALLEN A wholevrao tonic. Dollcloni lo the taita. > Grateful to the Stomach , thurifying to the' ' L bluoil and stmnKtbenlnK t th system. . Umurp * l n prarcntlToof nnd cure for' MALARIA. IIYHPEPHf A. and partial- . rlnrly cfflcaclous In caicsof weakened dlgc - ( tire organs and complications vising there- ( I from. Prepared principally from Ilerbi ind Itnali , known for their ndmlrnhle ' iprapnrtlei to remedy torpidity of the , ' liver and bo\veU. ABBEY UBORATORY CO. . 1428 MISSISSIPPI AYtNUE. ST. LOUIS , MO. ' k Upon receipt of 40 cents to defray our or- < . pcn ej. wo irlll mull to any ndilres. , PU IIKO ) prepaid , n trial buttle , containing four ounces , ( securely packed In wooden doe. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ' K rjco 81 per botUo. S5 for O bottles , lull ij joj Special tcnns In laisor lota. IHDAPO TIIK ( .RLIT HINDOO REMEDY RESULT * IJ BODXYS. Cure * all Nerroui UlseMen , Halllnir Memory. lare.sl,8leeple&Rne.M , Weaknesses , etc. . and quickly but runly restores l-ont \ Itnlliy in old 01 3 .unir. t slly carried In e t pocket. 1'rlrv loo. utzkage. SU for # % , < > < IIh written EunniiileeH rure. or money refunded. Don't If IAIIJ unprincipled dnlKtrlst ell roil any kultt of tmftatton. ln l-t or IIAVIUI ; IMIU'O. If bo lias not k-otlt. we 111 rend It by null up n receipt of price , t'uniphlrt In sealed envelope free. Address Oriental Medical Co. Prop * * Chicago , 1IL , r ourucenl * . SOI.UIir Knlin.t Co .Cor.ISth nrt DonffUnSK . aT > ! J. X.Kullcr.tOS. , Corlltli.t DotlEllnStK. . OMAHA ; by 1'nnl U Schneider , UI llrniulwny .t 0 Pearl SU COUNCIL rtLUirs.aml LeadlnsUrocelrts. JOHNSON'S MAGNETIC OIL ! Instant Killer of Pain. Internal and External. Cores RHEUMATISM. NEDRAL- OL\ , Lame Back. Sprainsllrnltes , ; SwelIhi 9 , Stia Joints , COLIO and "UMTa ln t ntly. Cholera Mor- . . js , Croup.Dlpthorlo , Here Throat. BHEADACHE , as if THE HORSE BRAND , the moat Powerful and PenetratluslaaunentforMan or Beast In existence. Large SlcizaTSc. , GOc.elzolUc. JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. Medicated nnd Toilet. The Great Skin Cure and Face Beautiflcr. Ladles vrill find It o ma-t delicate ncd highly perfumed Toilet Boap on Uio market. It is absolutely pure. Makes the pfrtTi soft and velvety nnd restores the lot com plexion ; M a luxury for tha Bath for Infants. It alays Itching , cleanses the scalp and promotes the growth of hair. Vrlceiic. TorsAlnby KubuCo. . , Solo Agents. Omaha.Neb. "LIEBIG COMPAHK1 Thcso two words ores known in every well ordered household throughout the world an designating1 the oldest , purest , best and alwaystobeuependcd - upouEXTRACT EXTRACT OF BEEF ALL FIXED BRIDGE WORK 22 k. CE I'ur COLD < PO Tooth And Attachmenta cn.ALL GOLD CROWNS COLO CLASP * Warranted tjfi ! k. OO Porcelain Crowns for Front Teeth. . _ Removable llrldir ft at pricu of Rubber 1'Iaten. A Full ! -et Teutli on QC Hituber. 03 Tc lli tllhwl ind extracted Itli out palu. All noric\v.irr.iuu l. BAILEY , RELIABLE DENTIST Paxton Blk. , 16th and Farnam St . uu llijll-it. iiil | iliun "u The Hler&er. Omaha's 6lpw33tHot3 ! . Cor. Utli and Howari aireati 10rooms xtr ) pord.tr. < 0rooms J10J per liny. UJroains with liatli.it IT nnrdir. ' oOrooms w.iu batli ut tl 1) par J17. Jluilcru In Kvery Itunnect. > uivly rnraiilie I riirnaUt it C. S. ERB , Proo. DMTCUTCTllomasil > .blm son.vVnrhln tan rAICfsldU. O. No ntturnuy'ii Coo until patent otu.tlned. Wrlto for Inventor's Quldo , Arm tronp-IIoiklii | * Cd Next ilondny ovcnln ? a concert will bo given at thu Young Men's Christian Associa tion ball , by tlio Armslronir-Hopkms Indian fimlly composed of six natives just from Hlndooitan. It will bo a unique and inter- cstlag entertainment coiihistintr of native songs enlivened by tbn coatumos and cus toms of Hindoo life. Odu musical lustru- menu , idols and other i-ara uxtiibits of un ttitercsiini ; and novel cbaractcr wilt form n feature of the concert. Mrs. Isaac Ander son , a Christian Jen ess and a nativoof Bom bay , who speaks seven languages ilucntly ; Ell Ilur , a Hindoo musician of renown , and an Indian family constituta the personnel of the performance , Thu concerts will be pl > en Monday , Tues day and Wednesday evenings next week and proceeds will ho donated to ttiu Armstrong- Hopkins hospital for women and children of this city Little pills for great ilU : Do Witt's Little Early Itisers Who Want * a ll'iy. The Omaha Bovs and CIrls Aid society wUhes to dntl a namu in thu country for a boy 13joirs ) ld , whcro ho can have a good place and attend school. Ho Is willing : to work , Tho. mothec baj > bren deserted by her liuabanU , leavtns four children without suppuru. Tlio ussootation has found names for tm > and. lliu mother can earn her sup port | ( .t can llntl a good home for the boy Application may ba made to Cadol Taylor , president of the Omaha Boys aud GUIs Aid society. DUN'S AND BRADSTREET'S Bnsiness , Though Gaining Slowly , Shows a Marked Improvement. CAUSES WHICH ARE KEEPING IT BACK Good Shcmlrnr M.icln In Ylrw of ttin Iteront flrent Flimnolnl Drprcmloii t'nnilitlon * of the ( Srent Inrtiutrlrt I.H t TVrek'n Failures. N ew YORK , J ov , 17.ft. . O. Dun & Co.'s weekly review says : Business Is gaining , but there Is a constant complaint thnt the Improvement is slow. This Is because very fo > v realize how heavy n load business has to drag after It In climbing uo again. Legis lative uncertainties weigh heavily , but the past depression with trading and manu facturing failures , involving more than f25- 000,000 in nine months , besides banking fail ures of enormous liabilities and failures of railway and other corporations having heavy indebtedness to individuals and linns , In volves continual embarrassments which men are prone to forget. There has been great encouragement during the past week in the fact that November payments are fur more satisfactory than was expected , and yet the extensions of the month would have scorned alarming otnor years. Merchants who col lect part of the amount due are rejoiced , but their buying power is not ns Inrce as usual. The extraordinary shrinkage in purchases for consumntion. If lessening , hns still made it , impossible for many firms to go on as be- lorc , and the larpest failure of the past week , that of the Thurbor-Whyland com pany , illustrates embarrassments which can not be terminated in a week or a month. _ Not Leaning on the Treauiry. Monetary difficulties no longer hinder. It is true the treasury cash has fallen to PJd- 333,933 , ofhlch only * S5,490S9l was gold , but there is no such alarm as there was when the gold reserve alone went below $100,000,000. Business is not leaning on the treasury and it is well that it is not. Ho- ccipts for thu month thus far are about $ . ' ( ,000,000 less than expenses and the im ports in October decreased about { 20,000 , partly because of mliated valuation of goods imported last year. Weekly Imports nt Now York decreasol iu part.from the sarao cause. The condition of industries improves , but they wisely wait the revival of purchases bv the consumer. Twenty-four works of all kinds have holly or in part resumed against fourteen closing. Yet less than half the iron working power is active , and out of ninety-nine woolen works In the east only ten arc working full time , while forty-fl\e were shut up November 1 , the production for four months in men's woolens being 14- 343-jit ; yards , against 2o.V 4,300 last year , A factory inspector reports that out of 00.- 000 persons formerly employed in textile mills in Philadelphia only 17,500 are now at work. lu the Hoot nml Shoe Trade. In boots and snoes there is a decided im provement in spite or tno tact tuat orders are smaller than usual , and most factories are receiving orders , though not for fu 1 em ployment. Shipments from Boston for the wek were only D per cent less than a year ago. ago.ilio decrease In the volume of business , though the clearing house continues about the same , for the past week , is 1S.S5 per cent. Tlio failures during tlio weelt have Deen 3411 in the Cnited States , against 20.1 ; last year , and twenty-six In Canada , against thirty-Dvo last jcar. Besides one bank in Ohio and the Thurber failmo there were four with "liabilities over $100.000 and sixty- eight others over $ "i.OOO. The volume of in debtedness of hrras tailing In the previous week was $3,727,407. against 1,407,3411 tne week before , being larger cast than south. CLCAKIXG HOUSi : STATHUKNTs. None of tlio I.nrcor Cities .Show an In. crease Over I/nt Year. NEW YOUR , Nov. 17. The following table , compiled by Bradstreet's , shows the total bank clearings for the week at the cities named with the percentage of increase or dccreaso as compared with the sane week last year : down value * of both railroad and In- rtmtrial stocie , followed by covering of the short contracts thin created with a corn spop.iUns hanloninc ten dency In price * . t.eneral tendencies were lacking , although the covering of shorts was n little more pronounced on Thursday than on any previous Uay The explanation was a minor that the iloparlura for Kuropo of Mr .Ionian , the assistant treasurer of the United SUtcs nt Now York , Is for the purpose of negotiating the silo of a , ffovernment bond issue. The fact that the president viMtcd New York : ho previous day Is niso nllrgcd to have some connection with the matter , and although denials are forthcoming , bears showed In creased timidity and bought stx-ks loan extent which temporarily advanced the market. It was , however , noticeable that there was no effective bull leadership , the largest operators bcltifr apparently unwilling to take any decided sl > i > s In that direction In the face of existing uncertainties. iiiiAi ) < miiir" : UKVIKW iirTitvnK. Inipriixcinrnt Nolnl lit the Sontli UrporH friini the Oittcrfl of llu lmn. . NEW YOIIK , Nor. IT. Ur.ulstrcofs tomor row will .say : General tratlu nas been IrrcR- ular without actual increase in volume. At the south Improvement In tloimml U noted. In leading Tennessee and Texas counties heavy sales of southern pig Iron and the breaking of the drouth In the southwest are features. Demand for rails Is checked because of the out from $20 to$21 In prlco and theto is an outlook for further reduction. At eastern cities there is a moro hopeful feeling , but no improvement In demand , ox. ccpt within a day or two for clothing , woolens and shoes. Net railway earnings for September and nine months rolled unfavorable trade fea tures with n dccreaso of 0 and 5 per cent , respectively , as contrasfHl with like periods last year. Not one group of roads showed a gain of gross earnings for Sontem- bf > r , while only one ( the Central Western ) showed a g.im In net. At Baltimore Jobbing is ll ht and the volume falls behind that of Will. Tnoro Is no improvement in demand for staples at Pittsbuiv , business bcinp confined to actual wants. Makers of pig iron and steel rails continue to refuse contracts for 1MM delivery nt present prices. Dili Not Mlimiliitn llunlnpos. The arrival of cold weather at BulT.ito it too recent to h.ivo any effect In stimulating a scasona bio demand. General trade at Cleveland tontlnucs to show only a moderate activity , though there is some indication of activity m industrl.il lines. There is a slight gain In demand for mcruhnmlbo at Cincinnati and vicinity for pig Iron. The trade with the interior at Detroit is restricted , although an improvement is looked for with the continuance of colder wc.ither. There is a fair demand for groceries and dry goods at Louisville , but activity centers In dnmand for now crop tobacco. There has Ueen some gain In general trade Tit Chicairo , due to cold weather , In clothing , woolens and shoes. Northwestern lumber mills are closing with large stocks on hand. The demand for dry gooJs and hardware at St. Louis is tmnrovcd , and there uro moro inquiries for piir iron and steel. General trade at Kansas City has been unfav9i-aniv affected by mild weather , ex- cent in hardware , the demand for which Is improved. Omaha reports collections slow iu spite of greater case in money. Collections are not reported favorably at Milwaukee and jobbers still uxorciso unusual care in extending credit. There is no material change at Minneapo lis , although n hotter fueling among mer chants is seen. Kxportsof wheat. Hour included , from the United SUtcs and Canada , both coasts , this week , criu.il 2,1510,000 bushels , compared with ! ! , SisOOU : last week. 3.U34.0UO in the scc- oml weclrof November , 1SU2 , and r , S83.000 Jn in that wceK of 1SU1. Hood's Sarsapaiilla has cured many afllicted with rheumatism , anil wo urge all who suffer from this disease to givo'Xhla medicine a trial. FIXING PRICES 02J jult or a .linn IVIio Una Sp.ii-itrilrrom III * UiRltfl. In thu law division of the district court , presided over by Judge Dufllc , William M. Mains has taken it upon himself to establish the fact that lingers are worth > , GOO earn. in the markets of the country , and that for two of these digits , which ho lost some months ago , ho should recover an even $10,000. During the fall of ISIU Mains was em ployed by the Ciidy Lumber company. On November 2. > Uo was promoted to ttio posi tion of feeding a Jointer and shoved hh flnijcrh under a gang of knives which Hero Intended for cutting boards , wo of his lingers wore cut oil and carried away with the chips and shavings. The defendant In the suit alleges that oven a child could run one of the machines and that if Mains had exercised the amount of caution possessed by an ordinary man thu accident wnulil not have occurred. Before Judge Ilopewoll a Jury has been called in the en so of Magpie C. Kearney against thi Oranhn Board of Trade , who 13 seeking to recover $ iUOO damages for per sonal injuries sustained during the day c ! March SI , Ih'JJ. Thursday the crial of the case of Jeppe Lorcnscn against Swart/'Sundci'land was I'omniem'ed iu Judge Scott's court , thu plaintiff suing to recover 310,000 , which La alleged was the amount of money which hu .should receive for tlirce broken ribs.Vncn Ivorcnseti conceived the idea that ribs worn worth any such money ho was mistaken , for a court and a Ju.-y nave decided that in this particular case they are not worth a cent. Elizabeth Tnttlo biied Juhu Didam for $10,000 , alleging that ho fed her husband on u poor quality of liquor and an imtncnco iiuun- tity. During the curly days of the weolt the case went to trial before Judge Dtilllo anil ; i Jury , where It held tlio board ! ) until yestorJv morning , at which time the Jucvr returned tv verJ'et. ' ilndlng for tnu plalntltf and assessIng - Ing her damages at $100 , $75 of which was rendered against Dldam and the balanca against the bondsmen. In a petition Vincent Daltosa alleges that he has been married for ten ycnnr , und that he has been doing everything in bia power to make a good homo fur his wife , Teresa. These efforts , hownver , ho avers , she has not appreciated. At this time hu wants n divorce and the custody of the chil dren. The First Methoalst Church society of South Omaha has been enjoined froji i.sin 1U now church building which bay Just butit completed. The Omaha Art SUuncd Glass company has brouzhD suit iu the dlsiri. t court tu recover WW ( , which amount Ulon ; pabitiuo and unpaid. Judge Scott , who presides over lav room No. 2 , has completed the call of his doiucut and hna announcoJ that ho will hear no inure Jury cases during thu present term of court From now until the date of ttm ad journment of the term ho will duvoto hu time to bearing inotlous and equity cane * . Judge Ogden , Clone Mooros of the district court and County Clerk fiaekott drew another lot of Jurors uho will report for duty on Monday , December 11 , These Jurors will continue to absUt tlio Judges until tlio adjournment of thu Keptember term , which , will bo about ChiUtnum. ItVn ( in f u l'al < o. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 17. The report to tha effect tlmt Mbs Helen Gould was to wuil Actor Harry Woodruff and that the latter would take a two years course at Y.ilo to tit him for the bur was emphatically denied on the authority of Mr , George ( jould at tti- Wuateni Union building tills ufternum Sweet liMt i , sweut atouiarh , sweet Uun- j > or < Then u * UoWltfs I.lulu , Utrly Klsera. \ Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.