'IK fsif yffif 'IKX THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 15 , 1893 DAI'S DOIHCS AT THE COURTS Thrco Women Engage In a Legal Battle Over Some Realty , MARIA HANSEN'S REAL ESTATE DEAL Prnnk llotiot Wlnrf 111 * ( Jrocory Cnne Hi Court HnllllT .NorbnrR Oao to .lull A lunrnnlUt In i rd Mick-Other Court Cnsi'D. The record has now been broken and a suit has been commenced in the county court , wherein all of the parties to the ac tion are women , there being ono plaintiff .irraycd against two , and the promise Is that t will be a legal light to the finish. As plaintiff Maria Hanson charges that OarrloT. Vannlco and Fnnnlo Kyan. part ners In the real estate business , have con spired together , and that by reason of such conspiracy they have damaged her business reputation to the extent of a cool ? l,000 , for which amount shu wants a judgment. She ivvors that during the winter of 18M she he- came possessed of (1,000 , coin ot the realm , which fact was known to Funnlo Hynn , who called and introduced herself , s.iy- ing that she was tlio agent for a cer tain city lot that was a snap at the price of $ ) . Not wanting to Invest in Omaha dirt , the pldlntltT refused to make the deal , but that did not end the matter , for a few days latter Carrie T.Vannico called and Introduced herself , saying th.it she was n friend of the Uyan woman , and wanted to borrow * . > 0. This loan was refused , but before leaving the premises the plaintiff alleges that Car rie told her that Funnio was the agent for a lot out in the town of Humphrey which chuld bo secured for f IBO , and that It was worth double that amount. In fact she said that there was an Omaha man who would jump nt the chance to buy the lot for SOW , hut ho did not want to let him In on the deal. deal.This was what caught the plaintiff , Maria llansen. who at once paid the f450 and after taking the deed went out to hunt the man who tinted to blow SOM of his moiie.s ilgaliisi the Humphrey town lot. For months and months she walued the streets , trying to iind such nn Individual , but she found him not. Giving up all hopes and still having the lot upon her hands , she has concluded to try and recover home damages as well us the return of the money which represents the original investment , Kfttlod n Crliiiln.il Cane. A criminal c.iso has been settled outsldo the courts and in a manner which has proven satisfactory to all of the parties con cerned. As the story goes , Szha Grccnbanm , a mat 7r years of age , c.imo to Onuhn a few weeks ago , removing from Germany , where he hai resided during the whole or his life. Ho was the friend of Hannah Newman and hci ihusband , and after coining hero ho made his home under the Newman roof. It was given out that ho had a barrel of money anc that there were no heirs to the vast amoun of wealth , As time moved along Nowmai got hold of the money , W80 , and taking i to tlio bank , mudo a deposit in the name o Hanimh Newman. Soon after that the oh man wanted a-fow dollars and was told lha there was none ho could have , the Newmans claiming that it had been given to a brother til-law , who had skipped the town. Green baum did not take much block in the stori and at once ho consulted an attorney , who advised an arrest. Tills followed and yes tcrday the money was returned. llct/.i'l'H ( Irocrry Tronule. Some of tuo Iletzcl cases which have beet agitating the minds of the courts for sovera 1 months have been disposed of by the re turning of a verdict. Nearly a year ago Lev ! Hetzol was running n grocery store at Cutmng and Twenty- fourth streets In this city , while his brother , Frank J. Hetzol , had a store on North Six- leonth street. Creditors came along and cleaned Levi out , after which they levied on the property of Frank , claiming that it be longed to his brother. A suit for the return of the property was instituted by Frank J. Ilct/el and the case went to trial before Judge Scott , where It was continued during the period of two weeks. Yesterday , how ever , a verdict was returned , the court hold ing that Frank J. Hctzcl was entitled to the rctuin of all ttio property which was taken from his store. A iloumulUt In Ilarit r.uclc. Joseph Llskovao was in the criminal court yesterday , where ho was charged with grand larceny , but after an investigation the county attorney allowed the young man to plead guilty to petit larceny. Joseph IB a Bohemian reporter and was on his way from Cnlcago to San Francisco , goiug \ la tlio box cur route. When ho reached Omaha ho was aricstcd and picked from his hiding to bo charged with having tried to steal the entire contents of the car. The investlg.ition developed the fact that while in transit the young man had eaten a lot of dried prunes , winch ho had stolen from a sack in the a\r \ , but only enough of these to sustain life during the long and lonely Joutnoy. Claims the- hlovntorVa Defective. The case of Walter Knapp , a boy 15 years of ago. against B. O. Drown and F. P. Kir- kcnu.thl , the ouncrs of the Douglas block , at i the covnor of Sixteenth and Douglas streets , fe | received the attention of the court and jury 1 < i in Judge Scott's i-ooin ycsteiday. ' ' The plaintiff Is seeMnff to recover the sum of ilfi.UOO for personal injuries sustained. In makinir Ills case he represents n horrible spectacle of u youth who had an encounter ' with an elevator. Last January the lad was caught by the car of the elevator and sus- ' tallied sundry cuts , wounds and bruises and \ now ho alleges thut the accident was duo to the defective condition of the machinery which operated the elevator car. j ' , Norhrri ; ( iorn lo .lull. 1 Louis P. Norberg , the b.i'llff who was con- f ( vlcted Monday afternoon of having at- 1 tempted to corrupt a jury and who was lined i . i50 and the ros's of prosecution , was ort - t dorcd committed to Jail last night for having I- " ' , t. failed to walk up to the ( 'upturn's ollico and maico the settlement. His attorneys are ilgurint. on taking thn case to the supreme court and if they do they will apply for a writ of habeas corpus. C , II.Vllhml has been appointed bailiff in Judge Walton's court , taking the place of Louis P , Norborer , who was convicted of tampering with and trying to corrupt a Jury. Myntcrloiis DJIIIUBO Suit. Ono of the heaviest damage suits In the history of the courts of this county was brought yesterday , Lurrabeo M. Campbell of Chicago has sued Frame O. Johnson for KiO.OOO dtinmgeu. What the nature of the charges are is not known , as the petition was withdrawn immediately after being placed on lllo and all of the parties refuse to talk. A Chilli r.njoy * The pleasant tlavor , gcntlo action and sooth ing effects of Syrup of Figs , when in need of a laxative , and If the father or mother bo costive or billons , the most gratifying ro- BUlts follow its usoj so that It U tlio bust family remedy known , and every faintly should liavo a bottloon hand Tlio Madison ( family hotel ) , 21st and Chicago. Transients , $2.00 per duy. The following marriage licenses were Issued yesterday : Nome and Addicts. Alto ( John llolann , Omaha . , , . ! 2 ( 1 Anulo 11 lloltermuii , Umulm . . . . . . 2 1 1'rank Vonnsck , Houth Omitlm . Q- lAjigcubka Vaguorouu , South Oinulm . is i Andrew Km ey , Oiimhu . , . . . * . , , . . 2B I Christina Johnson , Huron , 8 I ) . , . 'J 1 William Ooopur , Omuha . 65 ll.oii McUfUClicn. Uiualiu . , . 89 . 1'luutl for bhopllltlnsr. Joe Knight Was flned f 17 and costs In the police court for shoplifting nt Hai den's Btore Monday ovculug. + ' Wo could not Improve tlu quality If we paid double thoprlco. DoWHt's Witch Huze Salvo is the best salvo that experience wi ) roduo0 , or that uiouoy can buy , HAY nr.s unos. Bneclftl nrgnln AVnlncatlny. Mill remnants of bodtord cord , 21o ard. 32-inch mill remnants of Louisiana cloth , fie yard. Unbleached cotton flannel , 3)c. ) Gray or white 10-4 blankets , GOc a piur. Van Dyke victoria turkey red dam ask , was 60c , now 2oc yard. C-lnoh ( ) cream damask , was C9o , today iOc yard. Mill remnants of best lining cambric , 2Jc yard. Mill remnants of turkey red figured calico , 5c yard. All wool French flannel , 2.o yard. 0-i ohonlllo table covers. 7Jo ( each. Turkish bath room rugs , wcro IKic , now "JOo cnoh. Mill remnants of a2-inch wide turkey rod comforter chintzc , fie yard. Special bargain in largo ttho bed com forts , 7oe each. You can't buy them for " that price except at IIAYDKN BROS. ' DRESS GOODS. 2. " > 0 pieces to select from. Thcso goods wo luive in all shades , In plain , stripes and plaids , all new goods , this tail's purchase , , ' 10 inches wide , and are worth from H3c to 50c , now only l'2je. Hero is a choice plum. Thcso goods are all wool , HO inches wido.cxtra heavy , something warm and neat for a street dress. These goods are cheap at fiOc and 03c. Remember all wool and only 27c. These are in our center nislo and-aro a fine all wool ladles' cloth , fit inches wide , a choice line of shades and always sell at 7f > e and 83c , Wednesday HOc. How docs this suit you for a light weight broadcloth , strictly nil wool , fli inches wide , any shade. Those goods are cheap at $1.00. For this week liltc. This is a hummer and cheap at "oc nnd is in the shape of a 54-inch cloaking , just what you want for the little ones , only 'I7o. Wo have just received a now invoice of 40-inch honriottap , till the leading shades. These goods are warranted all wool and are cheap at $1.00. 'Tn this tale only Ctc. : 1IAYDEN BROS. THAT MOSHER SCANDAL. I'oderal Gnintl Jury llusy Stories ol tti'o'AVrockrr'B Kc\elrlr . The federal grand jury met yesterday and received Instructions trom Judge Dundy who directed that the grand Jury first take up the investigation of the Mosher scandal. Ho said that certain minors had been float ing around nnd a number of charges had been made reflecting on the court and its onlccrs that called for the strictestinvesti gation. Particular stress was laid upon the statement that the marshal scorned to suffer most from the charges made , and it was duo to that ofllclal to see that the charges wcro emphatically refuted m case they were not true. It was statbd that if Mosher had simply pone out of jail to his meals in charge of an ofllcer , and had p.ild for his meals with his own money , there was nothing out of the way in the transac tion , as ho had been in custody outside the jail just as much as If ho had remained inside , but if ho had been allowed to go out without a guard it was different , as that would constitute an escape , and could not be otherwise construed. The Jury was directed to complete its in- , vcstigation of this matter before taking up any of the other cases that demanded atten tion. tion.The body at once proceeded to the grand jury room In charge of Deputy Marshal Allen , and began the examination of wit nesses , E. nosewater being the first ono called. It Is stated that the investigation till occupy several days. Colonel Frank P. Ireland of Nebraska City Is foreman of the jury and United States District Attorney , Baker is attending o the subpoenaing and examining of wit- OBSCS. ' Deputy United States Marshal Heller arao in yesterday in charge of Francis ) upals of Falls City , who is charged with racturing the federal statutes by selling ooze to a rod man. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT , lly Tlio .Morse Dry Goods Company. Wo are going to have a big clearing out sale of dress goods , > commencing ? hursday and. lasting for ono week. All novelties will bo closed out from 25 to 50 > er cent off. Wo hold the sale in order to consoli- late our stocks and make room for holl- lay goods. We must have the room. Che dress goods must go. No half mcas- ires. You cannot afford to mis * this sale. They'll never bo as cheap again. Particulars this evening. THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. COMMISSIONER , BLALOCK TALKS. Interview with n I'rnmlnvnt Citizen of tlio Stuto ol Wmhlnirtoti. Dr. N. G. Dlalock.presldentoftho World's Talr commission of the state of Washington , Is at the Paxton. Dr , Btaiock Is a resident of Walla Walla and is now onrouto homo after several months sojourn at the Colum bian exposition. "I believe that the World's fair will par ticularly benefit the western states , " ho &ald last evening , "tho various displays of resources and fruit culture , especially in the slatn of Washington , attracted the general attention of the visitors at the exposition , and will result In a number of in vestments in that state. The fruit exhibit of Washington compared favorably with any state of the union , and being a now stall ) , drtnv universal attention of investors. California is not oxecptcd In this statement wltli the exception of semi-tropical fruits. The flnu samples of cereals raised In Wash ington also attracted fittontlon and caused many favor.iblo comments. The state has a great deal of vacant fruit land that can bo made to yield , In llvo years , from f-UU to f 1,000 per aero annually. This certainly will Induce people to avail themselves of such a golden opportunity for investment. " 1 nm a fruit grower and have been ship ping fruit to Chicago heretofore , but today I btopprdia curof my fruit , In transit from Walla Walla to Chicago , at Omaha , and I in tend to inaUo this city a distributing point In the future , Instead of Chicago. I nm sat isfied that Omaha possesses many advan tages m this respect. I realized this year , off of t-ovoral acres of 0-year-old fruit trees , $1,000 pur acre. This Is not an'unusual amount to realUo on an acreage of peara , prunes and cherries. Apples do well , but wo do not rcnli/o so much from them , Washington Is n eroat fruit coun try ami a trip there will convince the most skcutlcal. The great Columbia river vallov Is the most favored portion of the state for fruit culture. Clark , Klttltas. Walla Walla and Ynkatna counties are all good fruit producing localities , "Tho destruction of the beautiful AVlitto City at Chicago has a depressing effect upon me. It reminds mo of the mangled remains of a line specimen of humanity. The World's fair grounds at present look llko the path way of a cyclone , strewn with all that is loft of ono of the greatest enterprises in the history of the world. " Fined lor . MoktiiL" < ! uh I'lny. In the pollcucourt yesterday forenoon C. F. Dawlor was lined $5 and costs for carrying concealed weapons. According to the story of the police Dawlcr wont down on the low sldo Monday night and blew in twenty hard earned dollars. He wanted his money back and enforced his demand with a revolver. A policeman blotr in about the time Mr. Dawler was making his Hash with the re volver and took tbo gentleman to the lockup. PLED. Kvttctttbt fife Hne orItit underIhttluaJ , Aft\i \ tint i ; rac/i / uii < tluiui ( ( | lint , ten c nli. I1 AYNK- Theodora , daughter of Mr. < 3. H. 1'Hyiie , aiii'd 6 years , ou Nov. 14 , Funeral bci v lei's TliuiMluy at 10 o'clock a. m. , at the homo , 4112 I.cuvcmvyrth uvc , FrloiHls In- vltud tu attend. HAVE GOT HIM ON THE LIST Samuel Mncleod's ' Name is on tto Note Book of Educational Ko Eos. FURTHER RESULTS OF AN INVESTIGATION Conduct of tlio Superintendent \Milch Itn * Condemned IllmWlmt Members of the lHmrd * > f Kilucn- tlun 8 y Aiiout It. Yesterday tlie members of tho. Board of Education were disposed to talk more freely respecting the causes for tlio prop6scil ro- movnl of Superintendent Maclcod tnan they wcro Monday. H appears that tlio hasty adjournment of the board Monday night was not owing ilono to the weariness of the "members after the canvass of the election returns , hut that Maclcod's friends gqt wind of the resolutions directed ncainst him and brought about an adjournment before - fore other members were really aware of what was going on. The feelltiR agamst Maclcod , It appears , was "brought to a head by the pecu liar circumstances attending the removal of a steve from tlio supply house on Jackson street. On Saturday , November 0 , Itobcrt Macleod , the superintendent's brother , called at the supply house and re quested the anslstant there to leave the door to the rear warehouse unlocked when ho went away In the evening as he wished to got a steve from there. lie told the assistant that ho might talto the keys to the custodian and say nothing about It. Hut when evening cams ho told the custodian what Maclcod had said to him and that ho had loft the door unlocked. The custodian went to the warehouse , where ho saw that the steve had been drawn out Into the middle of the room and some pine placed by it. Ilo locked the door him self. Monday morning ho found that the lock had boon removed , and the steve was gone. A little later Hobcrt Maclcod tele phoned to the supply house asking If . .thero was a package there for him. The cus todian. who answered , asked Maclcod If he had not bettor send him an order for that Btovo. Ho said that ho guessed no would , but up to date no nas not done so. A day or two ago Superintendent Maclcod "announced that he had sold the steve to his brother for the use of a sister. It was a Hound Oak coal steve rated as being worth $10 or $15 and the superintendent received $ . " 5 for It. Violation of Clio Halt p. The members of the board look upon this circumstance with uinrh indigna tion. Some of them say that they bollovo that tlio superintendent did not intend that tho'stovo should be paid for. This case Is cited by tnoni as only a flagrant instance of the disposal of property by Mucleod without authority of'the board. The law expressly provides that no school property of any description can bo sold ex cept by a recorded afllrmatlvp vote of two- thirds of the members. This law , the mem bers say , Maclcod lias raid no heed to , but has in many cases sold property at his own. will , and his accounts are in such shape that the ex act quantity cannot bo learned. When ho makes reports of sales he often fails to specify the quantity of property disposed of. This will bo onoo , the chief'charges made against him. Complaints of Extruvncancc. Complaints against unnecessary and exorbitant orbitant- expense for repairs have become notorious. It Is openly charged that ho habitually causes repairs to bo. made where they are not needed for the sake of giving employment and profit to his friends. It is'also charged that In numerous instances ho has shown gross incompetence. As an example of this some work at the Cass street school is re ferred to. Here Maclcod caused a boiler pit to bo dug flvo feet below , and at the side of the footings of a heavy supporting wall in the interior of the building , leaving nothing to support the wall foundation. The result was Unit a portion tion ot the wall sank and fell out. Mr. .Mor risen says that ho thoroughly inspected the job. The wall had to bo repaired , and a Job , ho savs. that ought not to have cost more than f300 , did cost about 31,500. It la well known that Macleod Is an enemy to the dry closet system , and some members of the board say that In some of the school buildings where the system is used Maclcod has instructed janitors to keep the lire down in the stackers and to open the basement windows in order to make conditions un favorable and give the system "a black eye. " DiHclmrRO of Coiiiprtont Men. But , as four of the members of the board seen yesterday expressed it , the crowning outrages of Maclepd's administration were the discharge of Janitor Mat Gabion at the Walnut Hill school , and the recent discharge of Mat Hoover , foreman ot repairs- This Is the culmination , they say , of the dirty , vin dictive work that Macleod has been doing in small politics ever since ho went into ofiicc , mm oven ueroro. i no majority or tlio mem bers scorn now to bo convinced that the discharge of Uahlen WAS the result of a conspiracy in favor of one of Maclcod's friends , but the clr9unistanno caused so much talk at the time that Instead of working to got the position for that friend ho favored giving It to T. H. McBrlde , a neighbor of one of the mombcrs'unfrlendly to Macleod. This memoer says ho supposes this was done to placate-him , but It will not placato. The majority of the members are In clined to behuvo that tlio reason assigned by Matt Hoover for his own diaclmrgo is the correct one. This Is that contrary to the importunities of Macleod hu voted in the primaries In the Seventh ward for Dr. Schwenck the city council. Mnc- leod disliked Hoover for other reasons , but this was the unpardonable sin that ho committed. in Hoo- vrr's place Macleod put Mr. Cohen who , it is charged , is not employed half the time , except In doing political work for Ills his chief. Members of the board , who claim to know the sentiment of the majority , say that there Is no doubt that both Hoover and Gahicn will bo reinstated. Hoover had been employed by the board for twelve years and had always been considered a faithful and competent man. Miich'od'ii Story. Mr. Maclcod declared that any ono who said that ho meddled In politics was a liar. He denied that ho had discharged Matt Hoover. Hoover went out and ' 'got roaring drunk" and could not work for lilm. any more. Ho could not keep track of all lumber and supplies ordered to the various buildings for repairs , but tlio workmen checked off the material delivered and ho O. IC'd the bills. With respect to the removal of- the Btovo from the supply house , ho said ho sold It to his brother and told him to go there and get it. As to his selling property without author ity of the board Mr. Mucleod suld that under a resolution passed by a two-thirds vote several months ago he Vus authorized to sell old desks , Iron and other unheeded and worn-out articles for an Indefinite time. Mr. Maclcod further says that at no time have members protested' to htm against his sale of property , alleging that it was in violation lation of the law , The superintendent de clares his willingness to inbuilt to an Inves tigation at tin ) hands of Impartial citizens or by n committee composed of fair and intelll- gent mouibtrs of the board. Sheriff Sntflnfef Clothing. That w\lo of furbishing goods nnd clothing bought fram the St. .loo sheriff is now in full hlakb at the Glebe nnd judging from the store being continually crowded with customers it scorns to bo n grand success. Although a thrco days' sale has made n bipholo in the hlg pllos there is still Berne bargains loft. In overcoats especially wo can do you lots of good. Men's tilstors , fii" ) . Extreme heavy chinchilla ulsters , S4.50. Genuine Kersey overcoats , well made , $ o,75. Overcoats with fur collars nnd cuffs , $7.00. $7.00.Tho ( The fur on nbovo coat nlono is worth $0.00. ) GOo knoopnnts up'to age 14 for 23e. ' UTio wool mitten , fie. lee long1 rlbbud wool hose , 15c. Hoys' overcoats , SOo. Mons' black jeans pants , all sizes , ItOc. Mcns1 double breasted suits , with qnllted lining. $ T > .7f > . Mons llaiinoi lined duck coats , ( Kic. Turkey red handkerchiefs , iM-lnch , 2c. Mons dark brown Windsor caps. lOc. Extreme heavy wool underwear , yel low or red , with silk front ( fully worth double ) , fiOe. .Metis j wool shirts , all sixes , ( how is this ? ) liic. Choice of 5 styloi of mons pants. 48c. ' Mons leather'llooccd mittens , lOc. Laundered white shirts , ! Uc. ) Boys long pants suits , up to ago 18 , $1.7f > . Genuine Rockford 1 hose , 3c. 50c oxtrcmo line neckties , lOc , oto. This stock consisted principally of the finer grades of clothing and furnishing goods and as wo bought this stook"nwa > down , ether houses arc not in it , our prices being below the cost of produc tion , but remember wo nro not losing anything as there is still n small margin left for u * . THE GLOBE CLOTHING CO. , 115 S. 10th street , neat1 Douglas , oppo site Boston store. P. 8. Wanted experienced clothing salesmen. FAI.CONiil'S : DISCOUNT SAI.K. 20 lor Uent Oft" on All Our Drcis ( JooiU nnI MlltB ntul Ladles' Cloth 1'upcn iTnckrt * and U'nips. Wo nro offering this liberal discount right in the middle of the buying sou- son , it is the best proposition yat made , a discount of 20 per cent off of the regu lar price of choice , seasonable goods was never olTcred before. Wo are also offering uOc , 05c and 7 o dress goods for U9c par yard. $1.00 and $1.23 all wool colored dress goods for f 0c. 81.00 , $1.10 and $1.25 black dross goods for GSc per yard. $1.00 velvets all shades-He. $1.00 colored bcngalino dress silk at 1-lc per yard. Laces , ribbons , embroideries , notions of all kinds at a less price than they have over boon offered before. Wo will place on special sale 50 pairs of $1.23 wool blankets today for 73c per pair , and as the quantity is &o lim ited wo will only sell ono pair to a cus tomer at these prices. Our entire stock of blankets will bo marked down for one day. N. B. FALCONER. P. S. On Thursday wo will place on special sale a largo auction lot of towels and crash toweling. Tlio prices will commend the goods to all. N , B. FALCONER. MMV 11/vTE KXtiUKSION To Houston , Tex. , nml Upturn. On Saturday , Nov. 18 , a , p'eeial excur sion for land buyers will leave Omaha for Houston , lex. R&und trip rates 827.25. Address , It. G. PATTERSON , 425 Ramgo Bldg. , Omaha. NO TUOUIII.U TO YOU. , They Are INirnoimlly Conducted. The Great Central route weekly Cali fornia excursions are in charge of ex perienced conductors and a uniformed porter , who accompany the party to des tination and look after the wants and comforts of the passengers. You will save time and expense by joining our next party. Send for folder giving details. F. E. SunAREli. Manager , 101 South Clark St. , Chicago. E. L. LOMAX , General Passenger and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb. TO CAMFOUNMA. VIu Denver anil Suit Ijiko City. Patrons of the Great Central route weekly excursions to California via the Union Paoilic can have their ticketsread via Denver and Salt Lake City without additional expense. Send for folder giving details and advantages offered. F. E. Shearer , manager , 191 South Clark street , Chicago. E. L. Lomax , general passenger and ticket agent , Omaha , Nob. _ Homo Ktcouon Contents. It is announced authoritatively by mem bers of the democratic central committed that Tracoy will contest Sackott's election as county clerk on the ground that a number of Tracey ballots wore not counted. Tracey's name appeared twice on the ballots , us the democratic and populist nominee , and it is claimed that several voters put two X's opposite the nanio on this account , and the judges throw tlio.A out. 1 ho contestant is already scouring the afli- davits of members of the election boards to this ofTcct , the purpose being to show that enough votes were thus thrown out to have elected Truov. There Is also talk of contesting the elec tion of .ludgo Ambrose on the same ground , as Curtis' naino appeared as the nonpartUan and democratic nominee , and It is claimed that ho , too , re ceived enonph votes to elect him if all had been counted. The successful candidates for Justice of the poaca are Baldwin , Bartlett , Cockrell , Crosby , Lonp and Smith. rrmlerlclc Dnuirliun' Lecture Pottpnnecl. A telegram from Hon. Frederick Douglass , who was to have delivered his famous loo- turo on''Lessons of ttho Hour" at Ho j el's theater on Wednesday evening , has been rcL-ejvod , stating that ho has been prevented from coming by a death In his family. In acconlanco-wlth this advice , Tuesday evening , November , has boon fixed as the now ( Juta and on that ) evening the venerable orator will deliver his lecture. hum Old Story , William Jones , a farmer living near Oak land , la , , complained' to the police last even ing that ho had been < robbodof f'-0 ! In a house of ill repute. The farmer did not discover bis loss until ho had loft the house. Camtllo i/dBiillo was arrested for the crime , hut de nies that she robbed Jones. CE'S aking owder The only 1'ure Cream of Tartar Powder , No Ammonia ; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years tlie Standard MOTHERS ! MOTHERS I ! To know that a single npplicn tion of the Cuticura Remedies w ill afford instant relief , permit rcr-l and sleep , and point to a speedy and economical cure of torturing , disfiguring , itching , burning urn1 scaly humors , and not to use them without a moment's tcla ! > is to fail in your duty. Curcr made in childhood arc spcciiy economical and permanent. BolillhtouRbout tlio world. Pornin Olir.M. Com1. , fok ) proprietors , llotton. Ori-\l ! AbouttliolllooJBklnlBcapnnaiInlr"malTctirtcu ! 0 < y-rncl \ lllpmUhcR , falling hair and Blrapk tmby rushes Jiruvcutcd by Uutluurii boup , If tlrnl , nclilnci norvoan niolli- ! era know the comfort , strength , nnd 1 vitality in Cullcurn rinntorii , they would nc\cr bo without them. In e\ery way the purest , k cotuet ami best of piasters. TRIUMPHANT VICTORY MTl/T IJLJJDo IT Ac Her Complexion Hemedios Awarded the Highest Medals and Di plomas at the World's Fair , Chicago , 1893. Tills will permanently settle In tlio minds of llio nubile whluli rqiiieiUea lo use Mint1. Yule's only for purity uud niprl ) . Cultivated. IWf/i TJioso Fninoirs Jfo iiOfJ/os. CONSULTATION 'FREE at tlio Tcniplu of Beauty. Fnclnl Mmaivu ami Muillcatod Fnco Steaming. Tieatmunt free wllli avery purchase. Ladlea iinrchaalnir their reinedlos thlBl \\cek wlll.reculvo a jar of Mine. Yalo'a fr.i- [ Brant and dultuloua Almond HloBSom Com- ) | plexloii Cr cam. 1'rlco 3-1 per Jar. Sent with mall orders also. IffiESBCOOD FOR ONE PRICE LIST. Gray hair turned bault to Its orlKln.il color wlth- oiudju MME. YALE'S ' EXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC IB the llrwl and only medlelno In tlin IilHtory of the worlil known to turn er.iy hair back lo HH oriel n'H ' oolorwithout djo. Stops hair falllni ; In fiom 24 honra to ono w cek. Creatua a luxuriant growth. Guar.mtei'd pure. Price $1.00 per bottle ; u for $5. FRECKLES REMOVED. LA FHKCKLA will remove any oabo of Freckles. It mattcTB not If they havu oven from childhood to old auo , Every hottlo uuarantped to clear the BXln and leavu the complexion beautiful. Price $1.00 per bottle. WRINKLES REMOVED. "KXOBLSIOB SKIN FOOD , " iuir.intced : to romeo - mo\o wrinkles and every trace of ut'e. Two sizes , price $1.50 and $3 , SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED. OKEAT SCOTT ! IH the only ii'inedy known to Hclentlfle chemistry that permanently IXMIHUCB and UcHtroya the L'rowth of mipcrtluotiH li.ttr. , Price $6. MME. YALE'S GUIDE TO BEAUTY \\lllbeinnllod ladles sen'lliiff (1 ( ocnta to p.iy post- uifo. KritG to cullers. Olii'tt i-xtracts fiom Mine. Yulu'H famous lectures on llea'.Hy Culture , Olves valuabli ) advice and prleu list of luincdu * ? for m- movlnir every facial dlHllKUrcincnt , developing the bust , ete. MAIL OUUIMtS promptly tilled. ADDKUSS ALL OKDlMtH MME. M. YALE , Ileauty and Complexion pcelallit , TKMl'LK OF 1IEAUTY , 501 KARBACH BLK. . 1GTH AND DQUOLAS STS , OMAHA , - - - Nl-113. DOCTOR SEAPtLES & SEARLES , SPECIALISTS TKI..V I'Mli.NT UV MAIL. OoiiHiiltiitiun I'rtif. Wo ojiro Catarrh. AUDI cane * of the Noio. Throat , Outset Stomach , liivor. Blood , skin audit id uey Ui oiiKoii. Fo- uinlo WeaUiie o * > . J.ost Mnubood , Stricture , riydrooele , Vorioooolo. to I'IJK. . PIBTUI.A AND UKCTAI , UI.CKIW ourod without pain or detention from business. ( ' .ill on ur addrrHtt with utamp for clrcularw , frco book and ruculbta , Jlrol Btalrvvav Boutli of-pont- olllci1. room 7. Dr , Searles & Searles , ALL FIXED BR10GK WORK _ - - Tooth nd Attachments ALL GOLD CROWNS OLA6P4 WairanteU tfi kj K VJ i'orcomln Croupe for C Front Tooth , l9O Itvuiovablu Ilrlilirm at prlc > > ol Kubhcr I'luU'H , Al'till fc'et Teeth ou ( R KuDuer. v > Titctli tilled and extracted Hli _ out palu. All work warranted BAILEY RELIABLE DENTIST Paxton Blk. , 16th and Farnam SIB. Kulruuto ou JOt H bl. ' cI J > liouB 1085 BET A HUNDRED Against n sample ballot that we'll croalo n crontor commotion with that Snoclnl Suit Sulo this woolc thixn tlitl the election. Going to hitve iv "PoH" of our own you know-trying to dofont Hint warm spoU-tlmt ko t it tow thousand citizens from huylnjj winter clothes. Wo don't bollovo in playing n wnltliir | cuino olthor. Might on well oijor you a 810 gold ploco for $5 when you can nnprcolalo it. You need u winter suit right now help yoursolf- Special Price Help yourself got a couple - plo 1000 of 'om. . You might Regular Price consider yourself its lucky as Miiyoo Uomls it you bought the mutorial nlono for $0.00. They're of the latest dotiblo- brunslod out. A splundid Scotch cheviot , of the mixed gray series , with iv mnnll chuck. Sale Help yourself. Have a Special suiglo-broasted Irish homespun - Former Prio ; spun of a mixed brown uat- torn , with a 4-1)1111011 soft roller or a double-breasted , Twill basket , extremely dark grayIsh - Ish cast. $12.00 was our for mer price before our dis tinguished buyer gobbled up the second load of 'em. Special Value Help yourself just shut Used fo Be your eyes and have ono wrapped up. Dirt cheap at $16.00. If you wore 0110 of the lucky councilmen who receiv ed the privilege ot being at lavgo tlio other day , you could wish for no bettor clothes. A very pretty pin - chocked American cassimoro of bluish single and double-breasted , out with or without u fronrt oil. Pit like a charm and faultlessly dVapod ) Couldn't get clothes any cheaper than that , were you to wail 'till ' the 20th Century , The new pearl stick pins and the ever popular sword and scabbard pins are being received today and will been on sale tomorrow. RAYMOND , JEWELiR , Corner ICtli nnJ Djnil.u StrJiti. M The Original and Genuine ( WORCESTERSH8RE ) Imparts the most delicious taste and zest to KXTJIAOT SOUPS , or n LCTTKit from a MEDICAL GKN. GRAVIES , TLBMAN at Mad ras , to his brother FISH , at WORCKSTKlt , Way , 1631. HOT A : COLD "TpUsMjcjl LEA A ft , MEATS , tlmttliclreauco Is lilgUly esteemed In GAME , India , and is In my opinion , the most \VELSH- palatable , as well us the most whole some wuico that la made , " Beware of Imitations i see that you get Lea & Perrius1 Eli-nature on every botlla of Hie orlcln.il nnd genuine 90IIN DUNCAN'S SUNS , NU1V Fort ) months mmllolno * uuJ Iiibtriiiiiunty I'roo. lii uha tro.itmom 5of all Ohi'oulo , Private and Nervonv Diaenscn. Wrlto to or consult pur- lm Bent In plain envelope. l O. 15lh Btroet. Oinuhu. NcU > C Catarrh Powder euros catarrh O All driiEeibtu. CD tunta. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK. U. 8. Depository , Omaha , Neb. OAPITAI. , MOO,01)1) SUKPIAJS , Officer * and Directors -Henry W. Yatej. President , . H. Miurloa , 0. dent , ll.aou hlnr. vlcn Ifrcbldent W V Morso. Jolm H. Colllutt , J. H U. I'utrlolt LowU S. lloud , Holler If your wife traded with n grocer who throw a few hanilfuls of BUIJIU- ' ntul ' ' ueseod into a bug 'ff she had a uound. " You'd talk scales to her. Why not talk Hcalos to yourbolfr1 Aren't YOU 'guessing'1 about the circulation of some of tlio papers you us > o. CAUTION Tlioro'H no gucbs work in dctilliifr with this pnpur. Out- circulation's printed on the editorial pa n. You know what you're- buy ing nnd you get what you pay for. WATCH FOR OUR GRAND CHRISTMAS OFFER AD , At I'npulur I'rlooi , i3ianrinsoutu : : ii > tu street. The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hots ! . Cor 12th ami Howard HiretU lOrOiinntiMpordtty , < 0rooin IJ.OU per day Wroouu nltli battialll periUf , ' liOrounvi with Uatli t I.Aj p rU r. Mudi-iu In i\try : llnpect. .Soul } ' Kiiriiiiho I Tliruusiiual C. S. ERB , Pron.