Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1893, Editorial Sheet, Page 9, Image 9

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We will give away at our glovs de
partment an elegant World's Fair Prompt attention is
souvenir spoon , worth 5Oc each , to
every lady purchasing one pair of to all orders by
our fine double Saxony mittens. This given
is dons to introduce the line. Ex
pecting u big rush for these spoons mail , the aim being to
we have secured enough so every
one can eret one. ship goods on the same
These mittens are being sold at
50c per pair and arc good value at clay the order is received.
this price.
A few dollars have now the purchasing power of a handful of gold. These prices can only be un
derstood by those who see the splendid goods that go with them.
DRESS GQQDS'DEPT : Linen Sale. Jewelry Dep't
Monday wo will malco another big Prices are cut down in ortior to reduce Ladles' solid silver , 10. jowolcd ehuto-
iuut In prices nncl it will bo to your We have purchased the entire stock of wool unclewear stock. nllnc ? wiUoh $2.95 , worth $7.50.
nlorost to come curly ami got seine 00-inch ercnm damask now 50c. A Liberal Offer , Ladies' gold tilled hunting case , war
of the bargains \vlllhtivo for yon. from the Lackawanna mills. Look out for bargains , it goes on 00-inch hand loom tublollnon , 50c. ranted 20 years , stem-wind watch , with
The Indications uro thiitvo w'll ' sale tomorrow morning. Having done the largest underwear 00-inch bleached damask now 50i\ n line Elgin , \Vsilthum or Roekford
liuvo a cold wintortind wo will miiko 00-incli red and white Chocked ( lam- In our Furniture Dopt. wo intend to movement , $12.50 , worth $2" .
It possible for you to _ keep warm if trade this fall of any season for years , we will cap the climax usk , 50c. soil goods entirely subject to the conditions Ladies'11-kl. solid trold watch , hunt
low prices lu cloaking will huvo tomorrow in giving the greatest chance to buy underwear These prices will draw crowds Every ditions of trade. ing case , Mtom wind and sot , with a line
anything to do with the nuittor. you yard of this clumns'lt thut loaves our store It will p.iy you to bring this list nnd Elutii , Wnllhnmor Roekford movement ,
will ever have again this season. will bo an advortibcmont for this depart come and sea us. $19 50. worth V.U ) .
Whllo In the store bo sure nncl ' ' ' ment , 3 pleco solid oak bedroom suit , 20x21 Gents' gold lllled hunting case watch ,
Gents' camel's hair shirts and drawers Ladies' jersey ribbed \\oolvests , worth
sco our ' 58-inch Turkey red damask , 2'ic. French bevel nlato mirror ( remember Warranted to wear 20 yotvs , with Klgln ,
only ; J3c each , a bargain. 75c , at Jl'Jc.
go 58-inch rod and French best cotton Springfield or Walthum movement ,
'HERCULES CLOAKING. Turkey green , 25c. plato ) , our ton.
Gents' heavy wool natural gray shirts Ladies' 7uc underwear go nt "iOc. 58-inch rod bordered diunask , 2jcyd. mattress , our best woven wire sprlntr , SI2.50 , worth $25.
Tills cloaking Is something now , and drawers only 50c each worth $1.00. SOO do/en of children's wool underwear Tlicso prices arc below cost. Wo carry oak cano seated chair , 1 oik cano Gonts' Elgin or WnUh-un watch , stem
nnil wo huvo it in twenty different Don't miss this bargain , gents' heavy at half price. the largest stock of line bleached dam seated rocker , the whole outfit for $19.50. wind and sot , in silverlno e.iso , $1.95 ,
patterns jlnin and slmdos and snowlluko , consisting uffcots. in fleeced underwear regular price $1.OU , Gents' wool sox , 9c , regular price 2oe. asks , with in pit ins to match , and out- This at Ilayclon Bros. Furniture worth $3.50.
) , stripes today O'Jc. ' 100 do/on ladies' nightgowns only 39o , prices uro mnclo to soil the { foods. Dopt. The suit alone is worth this. Elegant pearl opera glasses , with
it ia extra heavy iind will not require - ' worth "oc. 10x38 full bleached linoii "buck towels , With every bedroom suit wo will give ichroinatie lenses , $2.93 , worth $8.
1 lot of fine ribbed thtrts
. Warranted gouts' jersey
quire tiny lining. to turn ' mittens knotted fringe , worth 19c , on sale IOc 1 woven wire spring , and not raise the Black morocco leather opera glasses ,
and drawers worth $2.00 each Ladies' all wool 20o
WIND , HA IN , SNOW n ml WATER , today ' Saxony , , cadi. price of suit with leather case , 9Sc , worth $2.50.
only 89c. 2oe , 'loo and 40c. cadi.We That celebrated Ludlow shoo which
nndis5l Indies wide , Regular price We show the largest nil linoii damask With every purchase of $1.00 or more Misses' bolid gold sot ring Doc , worth
' wis made to soil for .
' SI.50 uncl
How is this ? Gents' all wool shirts TiO clown laundered shirts worth always
gouts' , towel for 25c will will 1 of pillow sham 76c.
$3 , but we got it you Iind in Omaha. wo give pair soils for that
FOR , SIJOT CASH. and drawers , worth $1.50 , go ut 75e. Toe , go at 20o. Turkish bath room rugs , wcroOoc , now holders. Ladies' solid gold band ring $1 50 , shoo department price , the Is now going nt our
500 ON THE DOLLAR Ladies1 jersey ribbed voats and pants Special sale of gents' gloves and mit 50 c. Bo sure and ask the clerk who waits worth $3. on them at the start. at price wo named
, only 25c cadi. tens for today. c.We have too many napkins. The on you lor all we olTer. Solid gold baby rings 2jc , worth 75c. Just $2.18 two .
nncl will ( forty-eight
tbo benefit of - )
wo give '
you stock must bo reduced. Sco what wo Wo have an elegant line of pictures Gents' watch ehains. gold plated , on Wo might marl 'em . of
the bargain and soil it on Monday ' ' is low for the German silver 45c worth $1.25. ? up a. couple
AMERICA'S oll'er. Look over our stock. and wo know the price , , coins in have
oraor to little in
AT $1.50. ' 12-dwt. knives forks S1.25 a change
The linen stock must bo nnd will bo Rogers' - or price , but don't
wo juggle with figures
Remember this is AMERICA'SPIANO reduced. It will this Another lot of $6.00 oak roclcers at sot.
, a bargain , as pay you to attend per just for looks , and at $2.48 they are the
the cloaking is strictly all wool. PIANO sale. Those goods wc'-o bought for cash , $3.50 each , silk plush scuts , tissorted Solid oak , eight-day strike clocks best value in a high class ladles' shoo
\ \ ill bo sold for cash , can therefore uflord colors. $1.7."i , worth ? 3.SO. wo can offer. Only a few loft , all sires
OUR ANGORA CLOAKING to make low prices. Wo carry a fine line of pillows and Nicklo alarm clocks oSc. and widths. Wo ought to sell them all
Again Triumphant. are selling them cheap. Special drive Solid gold nock charms 98c , worth $3. .
. at $2.48 in the next .
For the little two days. They
ones must bo soon to
and clock . at reduced
. Watch
built. rep.iiring
on A I line feathers
bo appreciated. Wo have thorn in Selling Goods for prices. worth all of $1.50.
plain , plaids and stripes , 51 inches
wide , worth $1.60. Our price HIGHEST AWARD , Cash Only. + HAIDES BROS ,
MONDAY , 76c. ,
If you have the " cash , you are Indepen First-Class Goods at the Lowest Prices. Japanese SilKs. School Shoes
Wo huvo received another invoice - CHICKERING & SONS , BOSTON , MASS. : dent ; yo.i _ can" trade anywhere ; your - . *
voice of the celebrated is best friend.
money your Dp you suppose
24 inch hand silks
pose wo could muko the following prices
SAMPSON CLOAKINCS Wo report that , this exhibit deserves an award , the tone quality , which is of wo sold goods on credit und had to For 59c Yard
AND SUITINGS , the HIGHEST GRADE OF EXCELLENCE , possessing great volume , being deep , vait six or twelve months for the Cloak Department. in an almost unlimited assortment ol
Rain proof , 51 indices wido. Take lonoyV This is the way that cash talks alludes.
thorn along on Monday at IOc. They full , musical und sympathetic ! ; the duration and singing quality of the tone are of t Haydons' : "We Carry the Largest and Best Tlicso are the most serviceable silks
uro worth 7oe. the s.imo high ehurj.otor ; the scale , which Is evenly balanced , and throughout free Mill rofnnnnts of soft-finished bleached Assortment of Ladies' Garments nude , and uro goods thai , for the past
from weak spots , SCIENTIFIC ALLY AND MUSICALLY CORRECT , the most nislin , 2Jc yard. Our Prices Are the Lowest wo years have given our customers
Do you want something neat in a Unbleached cotton flannel , 3jc yard. utisfuction in every respect. Our price
warm and durable winter suit ? If powerful strokes fai ing to rovoul any harshness or break ; the action Is of the Mill remnants of bedford cord , 2c yd. We Will Save You $5 to $8 on or thorn heretofore bus boon 8.r > c a
you do , uslc to BOO our HIGHEST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT , rocrulatod with EXTREME NICETY ; AH colors of the best lining cumbricut a Fine Garment. ard ; today and. the rest of this week
that bo desired elwiractori/ed ic yard ; remnant of the best cambric , on can have us many yards as yoi :
HERCULES SUITINGS the touch Is all may , bDing equally / by JjELjC AC Y. Ladies' latest
, Jo yard. fancy jackets , vish of lliom at the very low price ol
Warranted all wool , extra , heavy , ELASTICITY. RESPONSIVENESS AND PROMPTNESS IN REPETITION ; Indigo blue print. 6c yard , style , with br.iid trimming , in 9o a yard. At this price it will pay
64 inches wido. Cheap at S3. rino chocked 2Jo . black , blue , tun und gray , worth to for several season"
dotuil of construction the are used the work- apron gingham , yd. on buy
Monday's price , $1.50. i every ; - Bed comforts , 2oc each. * 2i60 , Monday at only SI 1.50. iceds. Bear in mind that Christ- Children's pob. grain , A. S. T. tip
lanship is of THE BEST , and the cases are chusio and artistic in design. shoos , OSc.
blankets 25o each. will bo hero und will
Gray nus boon you
Wo have another invoice of [ Signed ] MAXrSCHIEDMAYER , Judge , 3Q-iuuh-wido serge , "wyurd. / UTo'y ' need homoof these si Iks then , und Misses' pob. grain , A. S. T. tip shoes ,
3C-inch-wido oil comforter t will bo worth while to purchube
- - figured
, ? H.UGORE Pl > csidont and Misses kid heel
[ tip , shoes
All shades. This is the newest thing . . , Secretary , irint cloth , 5o yard. liom now , when the price is down to bed $1.2.5. spring ,
Board of Judges , Liberal Arts. Dark or light outing flannel , fieyard. . ock.
in the dross iroodt , lino. 10 inches - Boys' N. K. calf , button , $1.
40-inch-wido darlc skit t 35o 21-inch hand Jap bilks 59c. The
- , - woven
wido. Monday's price , $1. patterns Boys' satin calf , luce , $2 shoos , $1.50.
Our Anything wo can say would not strengthen the high ouloglum of this each. ollowing is a partial list of the many
COLUMBIA SUITINGS Fancy cider down flannel , loc yard. liados wo have :
uro still in the load. Wo have ro- WORLD CHICKERING PIANO 11-4 Marseilles bed spreads , $1 each. vavy blue , Heliotrope , Old gold ,
celvcd seventy-vo ! ! now pieces and FAMOUS , All linen toweling , Hie yard. larino blue , Gray , Orange ,
they were bought at a great reduction In ordnr to all chnnco at 5ubv blue Tan Yellow Meis Shoes
Vhlch adds now laurels to its crown at every competitive contest. give a , , , )
tion and will
, wo give you an extra ese bargains , a limit will bo put on .light blue , Scarlet , Cream , *
Wo are solo western agents for the CHICKERING. Wo also huniHo
cut of lUc on the dollar and close sov- '
where the quantity is not largo. 'urquoibO Cardinal Black '
, ,
, Wo men's shoos
uro soiling cheap.
thorn out atIDc. . ul other first-class makes of pianos ( over twenty different styles and prices ) . Seal brown
Hd robe , Magenta , , Monday : u $2.50 biitin calf shoo at $1.50.
lie and them.
sure see DRY HOODS PROFITS ON PIANOS. Notion Dept. ! ese pimc , Myrtle , Golden brown $2 B calf shoos at $1.50.
Hero SMALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE "almon , Nile green , Medium br'n , .Wo load on ovorgaltors ; 76o and $1 ,
comes OF ALL KINDS. WE'VE GOT THEM ! light pink , O'.lvo groon. worth $1 and $1.50.
BIGGEST CUT OF ALL , THEY'RE C-\TCTIIN I 24-inch bund woven Jap silks 5c ! ) u If you want to bo In style this sonson ,
Aid ) you will find it in our center YOU'LL GET THEM. urd. looic at those ovoreuito.-B. They are
itislo , in the Bhnpo of cheviots , The lowest prices on line staple heap.
homogpuns , hopsuoklng'j , kniokor- notions und fancy goods ever niuclo by
boekor and llannol biiitings. any house In the country.
In the notion aisle wo have Tliroo Groceries.
piece STRICTLY ALL WOOL. The best Sew ing Machine big bargain 60 whore counters. louse Furnishing
Ono nt you ran buy
Not ono niece worth less than Gr > c. for the least 10c corset steels for fie. 20 Ibs. granulated sugar , $1.
money ever 80 Iba. ( J , $1. oods.
and from that up to $1.2o. In order 10o crochet cotton for oo. sugar .
to fjivo you an extra bargain , wo IOc dross lacing lor flo. California dried grnpos , 3jc.
will muko the ontiio lot " 00 offered to the public. We Now California 2 crown raisins , 5c ,
, over 10c metal bucked combs forOc. Ilangiiiff lumps , 100 different stylos.
jc , 7Jc.
pieces , on Monday's suloll3o. 20o red cotton lloss for 5c.
The finest assortment in Omaha.
Now California 3 raising. Oc
secured of these celebrated crown ,
100 1 do/ , collar buttons for Be. A $7.50 lamp for $3.60.
io 8Jc 12jc.
Wo have something good in fatoro And several other articles worth , ,
100 difToront
Banquet lumps , stylos.
Now London raisins lOJc 12Jc.
for you in the way of u brated machines of the from lOo to 20c for Cc o ich. California Valencia layer 8jc. , , The finest assortment In Omaha.
QUAKER SUITING. At the second tubio you can buy Imported loose Ouduru , rutslns 123c. A $10.00 for $3.50 , and $5.00 solid
Tills is uxtra heavy , and wo will manufacturer , who was in 15c combs for ic. ) Evaporated raspberries , 22jc. loud lump for $1.75.
soil It on Monday's sale at 19c. 25e silk hose supporter for Oc. Evaporated blackberries , 5c. Parlor lamm , 100 dllToront styles.
loc tooth brushes for ' . ) ( : . The finest assortment In Omaha.
need of ready cash and Cherries ( California ) , 12Jc.
, 25c all silk Wliiclbcfo ties for Oc.
Coino onrly uiul got n pick at our Diiod apples , 5c. A $3.50 solid nickel center draft lump
20u Bilk handkerchief/ tc. )
* $1.60.
REIVINANT COUNTER. will sell them Ladles' In black worth Now California nectarines , 12Jc. or
at for jackets ,
once And several good il-Joarticles for 9c.
- " Buy a Juno Fount for $1.25 and make
' $11 will ut only $5 76. Good Turkish * , "m.
OVER 5,000 TO PICK FROM. Do not miss our 'j , go prune " center draft lamp out of old
' UulUonil raisin cured " "jc. your
From 1 to 8 yards. Fix the children $15.00. Every machine Special Sale on new Gi-nut burgulus ' in Indies' oipcs. Now California i prune" , 12Jo. , lunging lamp und wall lamps.
Ludieb'jiickots , in tan und brown , upricotn
coinfort'iblo fur ndiool and Stumped linens. .
dren got 1OUO different kinds and
, styles .of
worth $7.60 , Monday only $3.75. Now evaporated pcuchos , 12 c.
nice house 2oo will buy '
yourself u wrapper or fully warranted for . Vorld'a Fair PrUo Austrian vases from
5 years. Now evaporated 12Jc.
L idles1 In black blue , pears ,
jackets ,
. liO-lii. stamped pillow shams worth ,
dress. , Suuor kruut 7Jo. 2o ( ) to 8c ! ) , sold ut thu fair for $5.00 per
Komomhor ' nil at 40c. brown , tan and gray , with fur , per quart ,
, they go just alr.
THIS IS YOUR 40c.72ln. . scurfs worth trimming and silk lining , worth Imported chow chow , per quart , ' 15c ) alr.Fine
ono-third tlu ) rcgulur pi ice. OPPORTUNITY , - stumped conpnddo , mixed pickles Ifio. Fine China gold band cup , saucer nncl
MC. ; s ? $15 , Monday take your choice Imported fancy ,
< ISe worth $1.00.
Pure buckwheat ( lour ! ! jc. ,
ut $7.50. ,
BLACK GOODS. Third Floor. Hemstitched tray cloths , worth ! IOt\ Genuine cut glass tumblers , cut with
' Solf-rifilng buckwheat Hour , 3c. }
Children's cloaks , sixes 4 to 8 ,
33o will buy a 6l-ln. fringed dresser stars $1.00 sot worth $5.00.
Our MOUNTAIN SEKGE is a Pancake Hour self-rising , JlSc , , par ,
regular price $1.50 , Monday only $3. , ,
wide worth $1.60. scui f , worth GOc. FIne decorated ton sots $2.05 worth
4U inuhes ' ,
beauty ; ; Children's cloaks , fil/cs 10 and 12 Haydons' Best Flour , 5X , $1.10.
' 39o buys adroBsor'sc'ari worth 75c , ,
Monday's price , $1. Plllsbury's Best Flour 4X $1.10. $10.00.
IOc buys yard of . worth $5.60 , will go at $3.50. , ,
Our ALl'INU SUITINGS 40 a 20cffrlngo. ' Snowllako Hour 05c. 100 piece Imported dlnnor sot $7.60 ,
, Ladles'fur , wo , th $7,50 ,
U5o table worth 7oc. capos ,
Blankets & Comforts Crackers. buys a cover worth $15.00.
Indies wide nil wool . Best Hour OOo.
, btriclly Bujorlatlvo
, uro Monday at only $1.60. ) ,
Go do/.on the best lloss.
buys n
/ spoolb Pine china fish sots 1C $0.05
' , pieces , ,
cheap at 75c. Monday's price , 4ic ) , Ladles' electric beul , worth Pure rye flour , $1.25.
IOc i othe be.t Knitting silk. capos
buys o/ .
Ginger snaps , lemon creams , frosted $ worth $23.00
Our STORM SURGE will turn Wo are overstocked on blnnlcots nnd and assorted cookies 50c buys a nice Too silk hand-painted $35 and $10. Monday our price will Choice rye Hour , $1.15.
crcums at 7jo Our ie ) counter contains 600
ever use
water. All wool , 38 Indies wide , comforts. Wo still have some few pairs price 12Jc. Soda , milk and , regular drupe. bo only $18 and $22.50. Good rye Hour , $1. ful articles. Among them are articles
worth 76o. Monday's price 48c. of blankets from the Bull stoclc which oyuto Great reduction on all Indlce'
, crackers , 5c ; faiiowlluko crackers , 7Jc 30c buys n pair of luqe pillow shams that are sold elsewhere from lOo to 25o
Afow pieces loft of those PER will bo sold this vvcolc , nleo eomo of the regular price IHc. Wo boll cracker worth 7fic. garments , woolen suits , shawls , each.
SIAN CREl'ONS. soil comforts from the Bell stock. Wo must skirts and Infants' cleans. Fish and
Always ut cheaper at retail pi ice than others cai Oysters. The best white granite cups and
76e. Monday's price , 45c. reduce steak ; wo need the iconoy aim buy at wholesale , ' ' saucers IOc per sot.
must have it ; wo have cut dowp the MEN'S AND BOY'S At Iluydens'you will find the lurgost , Dlnnor plates ! ) Jo each.
prices , BO you can't uflord to pass this Butter Cheese flnct und most complete stock of all Breakfast plates ! io each.
Drug Dept. uonartm-mt , Tea and Coffee. HATS. , klnts of fish west of Now York. Pie plates 2jo each.
. Mb. gray wool mixed blankets Mo Baltimore solid moat oysters lOo per Sauce and fruit saucers 13o per Bet.
and Preserves.
nalr5J-lb. ; 11-4 gray wool mixed blan Monday , crushed * coffee 12c } , wort ! Huts and caps for men , hoya and chil . quart , always fresh ; also the best calory Chambers 25c ouch.
Ayor's Cherry Pectoral , 75o. kets , $1.15 : nil wool sanitary blankets , 25c. drcn ut prices loss thnn one-half of hat- In block at lowest prices. Suited black Cream sots , containing sugar bowl ,
Bosunho's Cough Syrup , largo , 05o. $3.50 pair ; all wool gray blankets , $2.50 Cracked Java and Mocha IOc , wortl tors' prices nnd quality equally as good , Country butter , 17jo , lOo and 21c buss , 12jc per pound , .Molt nnd roe Nor butter dish , spoon holder and creamer ,
Bosunku's Cough Syrup , small , ! ! Jc. a pair ; nil wool red blanket ? , 91.75 a 28c.Choice Boys' cloth hats 25c , worth 75c. Boys' always Irenh from Nebraska dairies way horrinsr , six for 2oc. Norway fat 18o per sot.
Chnmborlnln's Cough Syrup , largo , 75 pair ; 10-1 white blankets , slightly boiled , Choice Rio 25c , Golden H'o ' 28c. winter caps nnd turbans , 25o worth 7fic. creamery , 23c , 25o and 2"c , all mud molchor , a very nice herring , throe for Fine decorated toilet sots , 91.Oa per
Chumburluln's Cough Syrup , mod. , 40 reduced to clobo to $1.50 pair ; 35 sample Best old govern mont Java und Modi Children's und boy's fancy caps nnd tur from separator cream. It will pay yet 5o. Fancy undiovlof , lOo und 12Jc ; In bat. woith $5.00.
Chamberlain's Cough Syrup , small , 20 pairs of line white California blankets , 3 llm for SLOT. bans , none worth less than $1,00 to$1.60. to buy vour butter hero. jars for 35o eneh. Family white fish , 60 Wo carry 0 dllToront kinds of enamel
CiiBtllo soap , white or mottled , 3 cuke slightly eollcd , nt about half their value. Touh Dust tea lOo ] 2oand } 15c. Men's houty genuine Scotch caps , 60o , Wlbcbnsln full cream cheese , 7jc , per pound. Wo have the Inost mock- kitchen utensils and wo neil at what
for 5c , Bed comforts of every size , weight und Wo sell you a choice Japan tea for 25c worth $1.00. Boyb1 plubh caps and tur- and 12Jo ; eastern process pure cream oral you ever saw , 12ic , loc and 17io. other doulorH buy.
Pulno's Cclory Compound , 75c. description 25o , 60o. 76o , $1 , $1.2o , * J,50 , worth 60o. bins 60c , worth $1.60 , .Mon'u fine feclo- 14o and IOc ; brick clieeso , 12Jc , 14c und L'irgo round shore herring , bo von for Lump shades 3o ouch.
Proscription tint vary lowobt price an $1.76 , * 2. * 2.2o. $2.50 , * 2.75 , S , $3 25 , Moyuno gun powder tea 860 , 3Sc. 42c iti in black and brown 81.08 , none worth IOc ; Swiss , 12io und ICc ; Noufshatol , 7j 2Co. Best cod fish. 7jc , lOo and J2o { Oriontul packages of carpet tacks 3
from fresh nnd pure diugb und chem $3,50 and $3.75 each. All we uak is for Pin head gun powder tea 48e , 68c. lots than $2.60 to $ n,60. Men's linn per pkg. Wo have any kind of chooB Smoked white fish , lic. ! ) packages for IOc ; generally sold at lOo
you to look them over und compaio the Cngluh bicukfust tea 85c , 80o , oVc. derby hats In the latest Knox nnd Dun- you may want. Bo sure you come her Smoked sulmon , 2-5c. Sturgeon , 17Ji ; per package.
Cull anil BOO us &t our drug deparl prices. ' Wo don't expect to "boll you If Colon g48o , COo. lap shapes $1.08 , worth $3.00. Come and for prcborvcs , jollies , apple butter an English bloaters , U for 25u , and oilio Cup , saucer and plato easels lOo each ,
Those all
mont. you don't tlnu our prices the lowest teas are now pickings. got our prices and convince yourself. mlnco meat , all at very low prices. kinds of fish too numerous to mention. Coal hods IOc each.