18 THK OMAHA DAILY UEfii SUNDAY , NOVEMBER 5. 1893-TWENTY PAGES. THE RIDS HIT TUE ROAD Bojs Who Grossed the flontinont and Underwent - wont Many Mishaps. "BATTER DE HOUSE , YOU GITS DOUGH" Obiervntlonv of Hio llro.-ilc Hod Tourlit on TCMVII nnil Comilrjr Touch E p rl- nnrr * Couched In lltprc- Ivc rnrii e < < "You but woecu do fair. Wet ? Go to Chicago and como back wid never n poop at du show ? illdo n bllii' baRRnfjo "orost Wyoming nnd bailer houses nil along fur a lump n como baolc widout takln' ' In do sights ? Wo'so not dat sorl of kids. " Frisco Kid loaned back in a chnlr and blow oipareUo Hinolto through his nose , while ho looked about for approval. Ho got what ho wanted , for the room was filled with boys of his general makeup. Not Suiulity fcchool lads , but tough , it cannot bo denied , and rather proud of it , tboro h no gainsaying. They Imd just returned from a tour of the east , says the San Francisco Examiner. Some of them got as far as Now York. The others Mopped at Chicago. All of them laid over occasionally on the way. This is why the trip consumed four months. ' 1 iMlmlnti'd Into r.MQllnti. "You battered a house for a lump ? Well , what does that moan ? " Thoio wore eight in the group , and it is not ploa-nnt to have sixteen eyes fo cused upon vou in token of pity for your ignorance. Frisco Kid explained : " W'y , it's ' to ask for grub. Sometimes you gets it and HOiuutlines you don't " "You'hO do best on talk , Frisco , go ahead , " buggcs'.ud one of the others , and Frisco wont ahead : "In do fuat place lot mo intordnce do kids. Doors the Napkin Kid , McGlnty Kid , .Tap Kid , State Kid and Kddy Kid , Kid Fin , Mlo- tado Kid and me. We started out four months ago. Wo heard wo could got work at Vacavillc , , but we couldn't , 'n' ' wont into camp. Some of do kids helped a butcher and got paid in liver and such , and wo iisod to lift potatoes from a field. We'd yank up do vines and put "cm back again "after swiping do spuds , and wo ewe a grocor's bill. Hut w'on wo couldn't , gat no work wo begins to scatter and take to the rods. " In tlin I'lrst Illicit. "I got ditched in Nevada"interrupted , Kid Kin , "and was walkm' crest the .desert dead tired , w'en I met Charlie Fair. You know Charlie. 'Ilullo , Charlie. ' pays I. 'Hullo yourself , Kid , ' says he. 'Wat the dovii are you doin' here ? ' IIo gave mo seine stuff , an" I hunted up do rest of the gang. Doy was played out along the track , and wo got fiotno punk ; wasn't much clso to got. Charliu's a sport. " It may bo explained that punk is broader or something CM > that drops into the stomachic void gracefully without being exactly a delicacy. "When wo got to Reno , " resumed the Frisco Kid , "I was chucked into jail. Boss place. Throe squares a day. ' Give mo ten days. Three off for bohavin' and don chased us out of town. Had to run" fho what yon call it ? Gauntlet , yes ; had to run that , and it was a daisy. "Got to Clioyenno. Jeff Carr's mar shal , and ho gives you what you need wid a big sapling club. Ton minutes to leave town. Battered the fort and got a lunch. Got some soldier clothes and a cap ; had lost rae own , off a blin' bagpor. "Mot Tobin somewhere ; you know Tobin ; great people. Tobin ho comedown down with a kerplunk or two. Mot Meyers of Moyors & Kohn at Laramio. Ho wouldn't give up ; said ho was down to , cases himself. But ho handed out some sausage and limburgor. Nut Suipo Soiison. "Do worst thing about Nevada , " said Mickado ( and that's the way ho spoils it "is that can't shoot ) , you no snlpos , and cigarettes is agin do law. You buys your tobacco and doy slings you a package - ago of cigarette paper BO'S you stop on it.can't : oven give it away to you. Ne vada's a hard game. 1 got froze up in a tool box and doy like to never got mo tnwnd " "As I was a sayin' , " resumed Frisco Kid ohco more. "As I was a sayin1 , won Mickado took the floor , I got to Choy- Qnno and got out. But don't forgot do Mormons. Do route from Salt Lalco to Ogden is groat. Dora Mormons gives , you milk and honey sometimes. Won you batter 'om an1 doy won't see it , wy you takes a lump anyhow , and it's all do same. "Down among do Nebraska boosters It'e pretty easy. Sometimes dey chases you out of'town and may bo doy gives you ton days , but farmers amt on , and you batters "cm till you can't rest. Onobloko was driving a lot of cattle and ho said ho wouldn't give mo any stuff , but I could como along and drive a team. Never had a line in my hand before , B'olp mo. and I drove thorn mustangs all over the bloomin' prairie. That night we wont into camp near Gottonburg , an' I says to the cattle man , 'Lot's have Borne dough. ' 'Wat's do matter wid bread ? ' saya ho. So I told him I was going to town. Ho said all right , and he'd hang a lantern on a polo BO'S I'd not pot lost coming back , an' I borrowed his gun and soaked it for throe cases and took to do road again. And comin1 back after boin * clean to Now York blowod if I didn't see do same guy. I waves mo hat at 'Iin from under the car , but ho doesn't ECO mo. " Hutu cm the Lookout. "At Ogden do bulls is on do lookout , " wild the .Fap Kid. "Thoy catches you and you goes to the gravel pit. Ono day some of us wont up the crick an1 was makln1 a Blow. Long comes a couple of stiffs. 'Hi tboro,1 they says , 'tho bulls is coniin',1 and wo cuts and do stiffs gets away wid do stow. "A bull ? Oh , bo's a cop , and a stiff is a tramp wat won't work and don't ' carry a blanket. A tramp wat carries a blanke't IB a 'gay cat' nnd a 'stiff' does ' 1m up every chance. " Frisco Kid could keep silent no longer. "Omaha's a queer layout"ho said. "Lot of us got pulled there , and the old Dutch judge ho ant us was wo guilty or not guilty. 'Not guilty,1 of course , wo said , and bo bald , 'Your a liar. Ton days. ' I didn't know Cheocago much , and w'on I climbed oil do rod I was broke and went to sleep in a park. Uimoby a bull comes along and bo whangs mo over the soles wid a club. 'Wat or you doln' hero ? " ho says. 'I just come from Now York to BOO do fair , ' I Bays , 'an' am oxpeotin1 moneyJrom mo folks. ' So ho didn't run mo in , an1 nftor seeing do fair I wont on cast. Dem Columbus guards is a terror , Well ; McGinty Kid can play do mouth organ and .lap there can do a clog , an' I can pass a hat , and we'd live high soiuo- tiuiea , - , I'rutrctlur Tlinlr Peri. ' -'Buy , dose Chicago Btiffa is dead cunnln1. Doy sleep wid their knees up and fuel flat on do ground , SO'H do bulls can't whang 'em. Do bulls carries big clubs , and when you got a biff you btop drcainln' . " ' 'HocuHok w'on wo got ditched off the limited on th'othor side of Cheyenne ? Stutluns ia far apart , and wo was mighty hungry , " This from Mickado. " 1 sees A inuu ut a sidetrack wid lot o' empty cars ho'd just pot to ship cattio to Chicago cage In. 1 battered him for a food , and ho said boln' as it wat only ono I could go to do cook wagon , t'reo miles away. Do rest of do pang waa layln' low. Wo found do wagon and told the cook wo was from his boss nnd ho waste to feed us , and you never saw such a pllo of grub. Well , I was dyln' for a smoke , and just lifted a package of tcrbacker ami wo went back to the water tank. Pretty soon alcng camoa lot of cowboys , protly hot , lookln' for do torbackor. Wo was on ton o' do tank an' you kin b t wo roosted high , an' wo drlllrd out mighty quick. Dem cowboys would o' done us , mire.1 Frisco Kid was wiggling in his chair. "Talk about hard timo-i here , " ho ex claimed. "Why , it isn't n marker to New York. Pcoplo there sloop out doors , men and women , old women. But wo got along all right. I'd work the docks , and I'd pay ! 'Pleaso , mister , lot mo carry vour valise ? It's a ca o o'got to , ' and ho\l give mo two bits. You can got a square there for 10 cents. ' 1 thought I'd Hud Frisco Kid down around Steve Urodie's place or on do Bow'ry , " said the Stat'o Kid , "an11 did. " "Isn't Steve a hard lookin1 mug ? " asked Frisco. "Ag hard as you'll find , " acquiesced the companion of his tour. So the boys chattered on of their ox- porioncos. They told of Philadelphia nnd the old lady who gave two straight- tips ami a bowl of soup for 10 cents ; of Baltimore , with its old and shabby houses and its distressing .surplus of what they called "niggers. " Cincinnati scorns to have ploasud thorn. "Thoro isn't a bettor town than 'Giiici1 in the United States , " said Frh-co Kid , and the rest gave assent. Tlio return trip was full of adventure of being ditched , of being in jail , of begging , of pilfering for these young pilgrims do not respect tiio tenets of Bot'iety in many matters. "Chicago was good when wo came back , " vouchsafed ono. "Lots of Californiatis there. Bat ter a California ! ! and you gits dough. " JIOOKI > AMI i"Kitoincr.it. . George A , Hlbb.inl writes some pretty tales In the now volume. Nowadays and Other Stories. " The American short story Isprcttiiijr to bo an artistic ploco of work , mul Mr. Hlbbard is not least in the circle of artists. The present volume Is quite a handsome one. published by Harper , and for sale by the Moircath Stationery Company , Omaha. "Tho Duty of ttio Community to Medical Stitcnca" Is the subject of a brioC pamphlet byaeorco . Gould , A. M. . M. D. , In which the writer dilutes on the Importance of be quests to medical Institutions in conncrtiou with higher institutions of learning. George M. Gould. A. M. , M. D. . Philadelphia. Considerable light is shed upon our history In the September number of Magazine of American History , Just out. "Somo of Wash ington's Kin , " "Yucatan Since the Con quest , " "Tho Diary of Colonel tellsha Porter of Hadloy , Muss. " aru among tno subjects treated. Mapaztuo of American History Company , 120 Broadw.iy , Now York. C. TA Allen has issued a book which will bo of value to all lovers and growers of lilies and ether flowers of like naturo. The title Is indicative of Its nature , ' -Bulbs nnd Tuber ous-Hooted Plants. Their History , Descrip tion , Methods of Propagation and Complete Directions for Their Successful Culture. " The book is nicely bound , with n silver lily on the cover , and Is uubllshod by Orange J&dil & Company , Now York City. "Oscar Petersen , Hancbinan and Ranger , " is a story said to bo for boys. In what way the perusal of the boot ; would benefit n boy wo are not advised. Stories rife with Indians , bloodshed and marvelous escapes arc back numbers , and if authors of "stories for boys" are not nblo to find a sub ject outside of this sort of slush , It would bo bolter if they saved their tlmo. Henry Williml French Is the author of this special book , whoso publisher Is D. I. < otlirop , Boston "Bimetallism or Bankruptcy" Is the title- of a pamphlet issued by the Denver Hepub- lican'containlng a serins of articles touching the stiver question that have appeared from time to time in the columns of that journal. It nxgues strongly for an American policy on tinuuco as well ns in everything else , and furnishes an able presentation of the merits of free silver. W. R Robinson & Co. , Den ver , Colo. Oliver Optic has recently added another to his famous "Blue and Gray Series" of stories for boys. Oliver Optic is always a favorite witti boys , and justly , too. His stories are full of a spirit of heroism which is not too exaggerated to bo possible , and arouses latent nobility in the character of a young man In his toons. The present tale is en titled "Fighting for the Right , " and is fully up to the standard. The binding and illus trations are lirst class nnd the print just the kind a boy likes. For sale by Megeath Sta tionery company , Omaha. The approach of the holidays is suggested by the pretty book , "All But One , " that comes llko a sunny srallu to stir the ncartsof our toddling kings and queens of the nursery. Rambling botwncn the leaves ono finds a number of short stories Interspersed with charming pictures and delightful litho graphs ; Tlioso talcs have boon contributed by ttio very best writers for children and the print and artistic taste displayed in tbo tnnko-up plvo It a value above oven the pleas ure it must yield. Raphael Tuck & Sons , New York. "History of Slavery in Connecticut" Is the subject of ouo of the .Johns Hopkins university studios in historical and political science , by Herbert C. Steiner , Ph.D. llo- ginning with the enslavement of Inaians in' the period from 1G30 to 1774 it truces colonial legislation on slavery and reviews some of the trials concerning blavcs in those days. The treatment of slaves during the revolution nnd subsequent legislation touch ing the subject down to the end of the civil war conclude the work , which is an im portant contribution to American history. The Johns Hopkins Press , Baltimore. The twelfth annual session of the Ne braska State Pharmaceutical association must have been a lively ono if the published pamphlet of proceedings is any criterion , The BO'-loty mot at Nebraska City , with an unusually largo number of dolngatcs In at tendance. The report before us contains a number of papers road at the yearly gathering , some of which uro of moro than ordinary intercut , from the fact that a prize was offered for the best ossiy on the sub ject. "Tho Duties of the Drug Clerk. " Mrs. Hullo Hollman of Tecumseh captured the llrst prize. The paper is witty nnd prac tical , showing Mm author to bo a bright woman as well as an experienced ono in business. Copies of the report may bo had by addressing LauJls llcllnian , Tccumsoli , Neb. 'Camp Flro Sparks , " by Captain Jack Crawford. "Tho Pool Scout , " is a brief col. lection of poems reviving memories of soldier Hfo miring the war. The verso Is extremely simple and unpretentious , while oxprcssivo nnd reflecting Just the sentiment of patriot ism that reigned in the heart in these days of doubt and danger , Mr. Crawford lias hosts of friends in Nebraska nnd aouthurn Dakota , whcro ho has spent much of his time in the early days , and llioso who know him will rccognlzo in the lines n reflection of what is in the man hlmsolf , Charles H. Kerr & Co. , 175 Monroe street , Chicago , "Blue and Gray" for October Is out in now dress , much improved in nppoaranco since discarding its former gaudy cover , A galaxy of southern beauties ornaments ono page as a frontispiece and is made the subject of an interesting article. A largo variety of < io. Hshtful sketches and short Illustrated ar ticles give the reader many n glimpse at the men uml events la which blue nnd gray par ticipated. In Its composition and pictorials U Is a typical recast of war times and stands in the van of this class of literary periodicals I'atrloticPubllshingCompany.inutadelphm. ThyJforth Star SUto Is represented m a very affective manner through the pretty pamphlet Just issued , "Minnesota ; a Brief Sketch o ( Its History , Ucaourcos and Advan tages , " published by authority of the Min nesota Board of World's Fair Managers. Its Illustrations and descriptive matter ; ira exceedingly interesting nnd comprise an altogether unique presentation. An excel lent map of Urn atutois attached nnd coupled with the array of facts and Information brought together forms a usof ul coinuendlum of the state aud a valuable Immigration doc ument. George N. Lamphuru , committee , ' Moorchead.Mlnn. "TUoi Gothenburg System of Liquor Trr.ftlo" is the title of a SoO-pngo pamphlet , Issued ns the IHUi spooial report of the com missioner of labor , This troitl 0 embraces j n very cxtcnulvo and elaborate review of thooxpcrlcnco of Norway nnd Sweilon in the I management and control of the liquor trnfllc. 1 In these countries this trade has been a Vono of rontanlion for moro than three centuries nnd for the past quarter of a century they have led the way in ICuropo to lay down a satisfactory basis of control. For this reason the facts nml conclusions derived from this work will bo of Inestimable ) value to those interested in the subject. Carroll D. Right , commissioner of labor , Washing ton , D. C. "Out of the Sunset Sea , " by Albion W. Tour ec , is a narrative of the voynao of Crls- tofcr Colon told in the language of a follow shipmate. This production would have been very readable if worked Into a sketch , but It drags heavily in a monotonous strain through some 4M ) odd pa/es ; with dull chron icles , lacking that human interest that gives the reader inspiration. If it were a literal reproduction the render would regard it with far moro favor , but being itself a crea tion of funny It .should moot the standard of fiction , In which I tun fortunately falls. Mer rill & Baker , 74 Fifth avenue. New York. For onto by the Megoath Stationery com pany , Omaha , "Kastcrn Band' of North Carolina Chcro- kcea , " is the title of an extra census bulle tin very unique in itn character , boimj fur nished with maps nnd illustrations by which thu conditions of lifo ntnotur thcsu progressive aborigines Is well represented , Their homes , picturesque woodland sur- roundincs , their schools , groups of pupils nnd several family groups , as also a largo portrait of their chief , nro presented in the best style loiter press affords , convoying thereby n very ndcqualo linpr ssloa of the wonderful advance toward civilization the Indian has made in this section. Printed at the United States census printing ofllcc , Washington , The Bureau of the American Republics has just issued an important anil valua ble document on Bolivia , containing a largo variety of facts and recent data concerning this rich but yet sparsely settled country. While the Information is hi many respects dcllclcnt through the absence of any prop erly organized bureau of statistics , it is a great step forward toward forming an esti mate of the country rich in gold , silver , tin nnd copper. Bolivia is larger than any European country except Russia , and her population of about yr.POOUO is divided , about one-fourth whites , of Spanish descent , about 700.000 half-breeds , nearly a million domes ticated Indians nnd a quarter of a million Indians in savage state. Bureau of Ameri can Republics , Washington. U. S. A. "How to Make Banks Safe" is made a prominent theme in the current number of Rhodes' Journal of Banking , and it is sug gested that an issue of clearing house loan certificates in the form of money bo per mitted in financial emergencies subject to a tax that would enforce their withdrawal when the emergency requiring their issue had passed away. Under various topics the issue between gold and sliver is discussed , but the paradox of money remains to puz/.lo the arrogance of loarneJ lenorance. nnd the lesson may yet .bo learned that just us legis lators may obstruct ns well as enact laws , so money may carry on an abuse of obstruction moro damnable far than that of legislators , for the act of living is governed by com merce , independent'ami ; in delianco of all other government. Bradford Rhodes & Co. , 78 William street , New York. Yolumo 5 of the Transactions and Reports of the Nebraska State Historical Society ( Lincoln , Nob. , ) conies to UK much in the form of a souvenir of the twenty-tlf th anni versary of the admission of Nebraska ns a state into the union. It puts into permanent form the papers and addresses road at the public celebration in Lincoln nnd reprints Dr. Victor Rosowatcr's article on the consti tutional development of Nebraska , which appeared in the souvenir edition of TUB BUB on that occasion. This volume , perhaps moro than these which have preceded it , Is particularly rich in materials relating to in teresting ton'cs ' in the history of tnls state. "Tables lor the Writing of Exorcises in the Study of Harmony , " in two series , by C. C. Mueller , is arranged ia conformity with S. Set-liter's "Fundamental Harmonies. " The lirst scries is devoted to the writing of intervals , scales , triads and chords of these so re nth and ninth , with their inversions nod , natural progression and connection , intro ducing at the close tbo subject of the "Har monization of Melodies , " with primary chords. Ho announces that "ho has found by long experience that the best way to study harmony is to harmonize melodies. " The second scries introduces all forms of chords , suspensions , anticipations , changing tones and melodies In the bass. William A. Pond & Co. , 25 Union Square. Now York. 'A Happy Family" Is the title of the richly colored lithograph of a group of dogs appearing as frontispiece to "Sunny Tales for Snowy Days. " On the outer board cover the artist seems to hava fairly outdone him self in the production of colors pleasing to the Juvenile eye. Between delightful stories nnd lovely pictures it Is hard to toll which will afford more pleasure to the young folks. "Cupboard fjovo" looks us rich and dainty as a genuine water color , representing a lit tle girl carvinz meat at the table , with two dogs , ono loaning ovi'r her shoulder and the other on n chair with his forcpaws resting on the table , bo'.h eyeing the plato in an ap pealing manner. The very host art Is put into the work and it will bo hailed with Joy bj thousands of little ones. Raphael Tuck & Sons , Now York. By far the ilnest memorial of the fair thus far issued is "Tho Book of the Fair , " by Hubert Bancroft , the third number ol which is now out. The work when completed will comprise twenty-live numbers , representing 1.000 imperial folio pages , l ! > xlO Inches , printed on the tlncst enameled paper on the Michlo press us an exhibit of the fair. The illustrations , of which tliero are to bo no less than U.OOl ) . are simply superband , will go far toward making this the most fitting resume nnd memorial of the greatest uf all exhibi tions. The work begins with a chapter on fairs of the past , from the Crystal pal ace at London in 1851 to the Into Paris ex hibition in IBS1. ) , of course typically Illus trated. In this work every important feature of the fair , every beautiful or picturesque view , every characteristic group , all special events and notable personages are pictured on its pages , making it the most attractive and comprehensive production of the kind. The Bancroft company. Auditorium buildIng - Ing , Chicago. "Governments and PoliticiansAncient nnd Modem , " by Charles Marcotte , is nu attack on republican and democratic forms of gov ernment as Inferior to monarchies. Just nt present our country is not troubled with that issue and there is no danger of any harm from the work ; In fact , any thoughtful reader would lay it down with a smile , con vinced that the writer's narrowness and as sumption was the product of having lived long under a monarchy and itself contra dicted nil his claim. The form of govern ment is u wornout theme , and Is ono that can bo tvoated In a very few pages , but the functions and structure of government , the principles of human development ami growth undorllo'tho question of form nnd tire ru- cmviug tno major shnro or attention from thinkers today , Thu writer all through Is redundant In words , but displays a lack of requisite acumen trlvlng the impression of a school boy's dobato. Charles Marcotlo , 175 Monroe stroct , Chicago , Ono of the loading contributions to the current Dietotio and Hvgienlu Gazette is a dissertation on "Somo Forms of Food Adul teration , " by R. II. Chittoudon. Ph.D. , dwelling on the usa of copper to brighten the color of canned vegetables. The writer is candid enough to admit that not thu slightest trace of harm has ever been traced Irom the Infinitesimal quantities employed , but harps on its evil as an adulteration , Commercial demagogy has plundered the public enough disguised in its howl against adulteration. Statements nboutadultoratcd goods have been persisted in that are false nnd are only nlinod to drive away computi- tton , and loglslatuies have ueun adulterated toshapo laws with the eolo aim of driving out of business thu smaller rivals of &omo of our great monopolies. The less wo hoar of adulteration the hotter , Common liw pro tects the citizen without vapuo adulteration laws aimed to create a false impression in tha public mind and scare them Into paying higher prices than necessary for their wunts , I Ml the professional medical ngltntor begin to purify himself and ccusg to bo the tool of corrupt Jobbers nod give the public a rest about adulteration. It hns enough quucKs in its ears already , and legislation has enough to do to remedy real evils aud to keep Its own hands from nvll. The Gazette Publishing company , 1S18 Broadway , Now York. In his "Outlines of Euounuilca" ( Now York ; Hunt & Katou ) , Prof. Richard T. tily of the University of Wisconsin has amplified nnd broadened Into n moro compre hensive system what was merely sketch wl In hl3 earlier Introduction to Political Econ omy " The urny worl ? follows the same liberal llnc.s ns the old , but Is arranged upon n moro Msteninttibasis. . Dr. Ely divides i'conomlc'3 Into private ami public economics , thus showing tliq influence of his German training , instead of adopting the English terms of political economy nud public finance. The book U largely a compilation of the nut tier's studios upon special topics published separately run ) shows his wide ncqualntanco With the advanced economic lltcrntmo of the day. Ho does not , however , ncoopt In tote ttid views of the most recent writers , but modules many of thi'iu in a way indicating the u.xpcndltura on tils part of much time and thought. A most useful feature co'islsls ' In the very full blbliograph- IIM ana suggestions of topics for deeper study. The "Outlines' * is designed for the class rniim , and for this purpose cannot fall to prove most useful and stimulating. A moil's Christian prohibition union was recently organized In Now York. Cambridge , Mass. , has three pastors who have held their present oharsos for twenty- live years. Archbishop Ro.lwooA of Now /.calami , at present the guest of Cardinal Gibbons , leaves fpr homo hi a month , but will not reach it till about midsummer , which m to say in January in Ills country. The eighth nnnti il convention of Christian Workers in the United States and Canada will moot November U to II ! in Atlanta , Ga. This association claims to bo International in scope nnd undcnomliritlon ; l In character. Rov. David Fenncssy , for many years president of St. Mary's college , Louisville , ono of the most noted CUhollc cducitlonal Institution's of the south , has been called to Roma to become vicar general of the Order of Resurrectionists. There wcro SKK ) baptized in the Now York Baptist Churches lust year. In all the churches but tin eo the lar o congregations nro in the evening. The average HanilHt congregation of the city is about JJ'JO. Only three churches have assistant pastors and fourteen have women missionaries , About 52 per cent of the baptisms are from the Sunday school. Rev John C. Favillc. at the World's Evan gelical congress in Chicago , stated that ho had Increased his evening- congregation from 200 to moro than 700 , revived interest in the morning service and given new life to the whole church organization , by following four rules.t \ ; (1) ( ) good church innslo ; ( U ) printed programs of tnu service ; ( ! l ) peed ushers and a bright reception committee ; (4) ( ) a short sermon or from fifteen to twenty minutes. Miss Helen Heed , who was recently or- daim-d a deaconess by Bishop Nichols In St. Stephen's i'rotestant Episcopal church , San Francisco , la the llrst limy to receive that onli-r in Cr.Hfoniia. The bishop f > ald that the cloration of a woman to the order was merely a return of woman to the place she occupied when in the upper chamber nt Jerusalem , when the Holy Ghost camn down upon the apostles. Hu hoped Unit Miss Heed's example would soon bo followed by others. I'tt.lTTl.R Of Till ! IVf/AttitrKtt * . Eight little ; iecro boys pot on a Niagara street car at tle | corner of Vermont street about 70 : ! ! o'eloclc last night , says the Buffalo Express. , They had boon out to St. Mary's to rehearse something or other ( they were choir uoys ) and tlioy woru then on their way to St. Paul's. , The women in the car talked to them and asked them all sorts of ques tions. They all talked willingly , except ono little follow. whdKvas as black as coal , and who seemed to < bo the butt of the other seven. i 'So you all sjnjt ? " asked ono of the women. 'Yep , " answered tnrco of the boys at the same time. ' Then you arts regular little blackbirds.1' "Oh. no , ma'am. Blackbirds don't do nothln' but cliifpI'm a canary. " "An1 I'm a mockin' bird , " said another , and each boy told what kind of a bird ho was , un til the eighth diie" , the butt before mentioned , was the only ohohvho had said nothing. "And what kind of a bird nro you , my lit tle fellow ! " nslied the woman. ' 'Deed , ma'am , " he answered , "I specs I mus' bo a chicken. 1 gets it lu the ueclc so ofCun. " Time to netlrc Them. LittloDickAuntie says all these pretty things culled bric-a-brac used to bo in rcg'lar use. I wonder w'en they went out of fashion and got stuck way up on mantelpieces. Little Dot I guess it was w'en folks found that some of their chlldrens was goln' to bo boy's. Mamma Harry , didn't I hear you teasing Georglo Jones ? Harry Yes. "Was that doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. " "Yos. I just wanted him to try It on me , 'cause ' I knew I could lick him in a minute. " Auntie You should ask to bo excused when vou leave the tablo. Little Nephew Should It I thought from the way you acted about that third piece of pie that you'd be glad to see me go. Mother Horrorsl How did you tear your clothes so ? Small Boy Trying to got over a barbed wire fence without tearin" 'em. Among examples of "pious sentiments missing their mark , " the following beats all competitors that I have como across. It Is said to como from a tombstone in the North west Provinces. I do not know whether It is new , but it is good enough to boar repeti tion : Sacred to the Memory of The Rov. . Who , after twenty years' unrcmittlnir labor as a Alissionary , was accidentally shot by his Kitmagnr. "Well done , thougood and fulthfulServant. " * * Rev. D. II. L. Wayland tells this story on himself : "On a recent occasion the Itatn- blor , according to his fcoblo light , proauhcd the gospel in a village which is enriched , illuminated nnd sanctilled by the presences of a school of propuots. With such capacity ns ho was possessed of ho endeavored to preach to the people about God , Christ , the immor tal soul , nud the eternity that spreads around and beyond us. A local paper of tbo following \vcok. wishing to do the handsome thing , stated that the pulpit was occupied , by Sivand-So , and added : 'Tho doctor's remarks entertaining. " ' marks were very * Watts I don't believe Jonah was swal lowed bv a whale. A whale's throat is coo narrow for any such performance , Potts But } , binK how small the man must have felt when ho realized that ho was the original Jonah. It is related of John Wosioy that on ono occasion ho w.s riding along a highroad when ho saw a ni'in kneeling by the \vaysldo breaking stones. "Ah I" eriod the great preacher , " 1 wwn i couiu uroaic tno Hearts of stone who hear mo as easily ns you are breaking those stones. " The man looked up and replied : "Did you over try to break thorn on your knect. * ; " "Did you over , " said ouo proachcr to an other , "stand ut thu door after your mirmon and listen to wljat the people said about it as they passed out ? " Replied he : "I did once a pause and u sigh but I'll never do U again 1" "Don't you think Rev , Stilt's sermons are awfully narrow ! " "I suppose they are , but , goodness , he makes up for it , I should think , in the lungtli. " . FRIEND"- ia n scientifically prepared Linimeufc and harmless ; every Ingredient is of recognized value nud hi constant UBO by the medical profession. It short ens Labor , Lessons Taiu , Diminishes Danger to lifo of Mother nnd Child. Book 'To Mothers" mailed free , con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Bent by cinrtrs , cliar ca prepaid , on receipt of price , C1.W per bottle. ORADFIELO REGULATOR CO. , Mania , Qa. Sold t > y all druggists. IF YOU SEE IT IN IF YOU SEE IT IN COOK & SON'S ADV. 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IIUMU an invoat- dress shoes , always considered cheap . niollt ° f & > in any other at3I ! ; the 'JO per cent olT makes ' store in tMo land , but wo T nrlipQ * mcdil" " Eoio 20 l or Cent Now cbq ) i aciies Bhocgln drossy styles OIT , and Only guaranteed to wear , $ ! t shoos , but Ours are only you got our 20 per cent oil , r$4 KI2MKMUKU , All ( joods heretofore Bold at $2 And All $8 shoos now only. $0.40 ' $2.4O They're . All $7 shoes now only 5.00 $1.60. Only All $8 shoos now only 4.80 . . THE OLD South RELIABLE ft SHOE STORE Mu 15th St. Fifth Year. Thousands of Testimonials Do You Know a Good Thing when you' see it ? Oak Stoves for Soft Coal Wm. Lyle Cickey ' & Co. k- 1403 Douglas Street- PROTECT YOUR EYES AND USB Hirscuberg's JNODCU Spectacles aal M MEYER BRO COMPANY. _ A New imH CVimploto Treatment , constsUng of ROTPOSITOniKB , Oapsnles ot Ointment ami two Uoxna ot Oinlmuut. A novor-fntllDK Cure ( or lllc * of nvnry nature an J degree. It mokes an operation With the kulfo or Injections ot carbollo acid , wl..ck are imlnJul nnd eoldom u permanent cure , and of-.cu rmultlun In deutb , UDnuoueenry , Why endure this terrible dlooaoe ? Wo KUnranteo , C boxes to cure anv oaee. inu ouly imy for benefits received .flu box , 01 or f5 liy mall. Otuuplo free. Guaranteesiseuod \ our'u.'onU. PnMQTIPATinM Cured. Piles Prevented , UUIMO I U M 1 IUIM bvjapancaaUverPcllots Iho trrnat I.IVrm nnd BTO5I AOIt HKO ULATOH aii'l ' UIOOOI'UIIIFIKK. Braall , mllU md plenwmt to Ukd , especially adopted for chU iea'i > U2u. WDuicJ IS cents. aUAUAKTECB Issued only bj Ktilm&Co.Solo Agonts.Oraaha , Neb JLJPttll Tooth oxiraclcd in mormiif. Nu w OUCH I usortod title rnoo.i , 1'urfoct lit - haiuo duy Ktur- untuud. Itnl I'uxlun Illuu'.A lUtlt nnd I'nrntun Hf root. Cluvatorou 10th SlrouU Tulnpbuuj 1U3I UICINQ THIS WICU VOU , SURELY CURED. To rnu KoiTon I'lenso iuform your read ers that I have a jx > sitivo remedy for the above uamed disease. Hy ito timely use thousands of hopeless ciises have bccu per- nmuciitly cured. I blmll bo Kind to Bond two bottles of my remedy free to miy of your readers who bnvo ooimtimptioii if they will ttend mo their exprossuud poM. oQlco mldrtm T. A , Blocum , M.O. , Ib'J 1'eurlSt. , New York. ICE TOOLS WM , WOOD & GO'S. The Best in the Market. Exolutivo SolUug Agouta. Send for Catalogue TREATMENT jONLY FOU 1'orO innnllH mi < dionui ! mil Instrument * I'roiJ. ClIIIKIlltUtlull I'll' ) ' . I1' H IIHHIIrJUBBCHl 111 ( ) | lO IrC.ltHIOllt WSHBTOJEP&'iSiulo , Privoto nud Norvoim Dl oa o ! . Wrto | to or consult per- sonully. TKKATilCNT V MAIL. AOdri-wt wllli Ht.'iinii , Tor particular * , which Will bouoiil lu plain uuruluuu. t' O. UoxlIJt. OIlloulU 1 ita utruut , Uuiatia. HoU. Omaha's Newest Hptal. Cor. 12LU and HoivurJ dira'ou. 40roonn t2.ro par duy. to rooms $ .101 per dny. tOrooms with b.itli ulil pordir. ' HO rooms with bath ut L5) porj if. 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