Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    * * \
Hnydon Bros,1 Special Thursday Ofloringa In
thcso Two Great Departments.
S4-lncli ( leiiulno IImnl-1Vo en Ti | > Silk for
Only BOo'Ynril Our Ir * ClootU unit
' Silk * Cminot Ho Kitmllcd | In
1'rlce In JSebrnikn.
Our ruin proof crnvonotto is tno best
In the land. Warranted to turn water ;
is CO Indies wide ; worth S2.GO. Thurs
day's ' prco | , $1.7. ) . . . . , ,1
Our houanckinirg , camel's liuir olTcct ,
is ono of tlio latest ; -10 inches wide ;
worth $2.00. Thursday's price , $1.37.
Our bnHkot weave housacking 13 a
bemlty and is worth $1.50. Thursday's '
Then we will give you n nlco line of
hopsacklngs. all shades warranted all
wool , ! 18 Inches wide , worth 7Uc. Thurs-
day's price , 500. ,
Ask to see our Columbia suitings In
tlui illuminated effects , worth mo.
Thursday's price. 4Uc.
Our now line of diagonal suitings , now
shades , illuminated , worth 75c. Thurs
day's price , 35c.
Our waterproof serge , 54 inches wide ,
ore worth $2.00. Our price , Thursday's
calo , $1.2. ) .
Now for the children. Wo have some
thing nli-o for them in the way of an
nice , warm and heavy , worth $1.50.
Thursday's price. 75c.
A few pieces left of our Arctic cloak-
Ingn. Bo sure and BOO those. They are
worth $1.35. Thursday's price , 43c.
Remember these goods are 64 inches
wide. -
In our center aisle wo will place on
palo a largo Invoice of dress goods and
our Thursdayjs price
On 75r dress goods will bo 25c ,
On 50c dress goods will bo lOc ,
On 25c dress goods will bo lOc.
Thursday morning wo are going to
place on halo in our silk department 75
pieces of genuine hand woven Sap silks ,
24 inches wide , in almost an unlimited
assortment of shades. These are the
most serviceable silks made , and are
goods thai , for the past two years have
plvon our customers satisfaction in every
respect. Our price for thorn heretofore
has been 83o a yard ; today and the
rest of this week you can have as many
yards as you wish of them at the very
low price of 50o a yard. At this price it
will pay you to buy enough for several
season's needs. Bear in mind that
Christmas will soon bo hero and you will
Buro'y ' need some of thcso silks then , and
it will bo worth your while to purchase
them now , when'tho price is down to bed
24-inch hand woven .Tap silks 59c. The
following is a partial list of the many
shades wo have :
Navy blue , Heliotrope , Old gold ,
Marino blue , Gray , Orange ,
Baby blue , Tan , Yellow ,
Light blue , Scat-lot , Cream ,
TurquoibO , Cardinal , Black ,
Old rose , Magenta , Seal brown ,
Rose pink , Myrtle , Golden brown
Salmon , Nile green , Medium br'n ,
Light pink , Olive green
' 24-Inch hand woven Jap silks 50o a
Following Ara Eemaining Dates for
Friday , November 3.
Saturday , November 4.
Registrars will sit at tlie polling booths in
each voting district until 9 p. m. on the days
above named.
Last year's ' Registration is void. If you
want your name on tlia voters' ' list you must
Unfortunate Vfnmnn ltli Twelve Children
In n Dentil ute Cnnilltlnn.
The Board of County Commissioners hold
n short session ycstordny afteinoon. John
B. Furay reported a case of destitution
which ho thought demnnJcd tlio immediate
nttcntion of the authorities. Dan Iliu-Ie.y ,
who was formerly employed us a pauper at
the Willow Springs distillery , lost his wlfo
last April and was left with twelve chil
dren , of whom seven worn not old enough to
do anything for themselves. Soon after
Hurley lost his position , and since then
things liuvo been going from bad to worse.
It U claimed that tt-.e little children have nt
times been half starved. Hurley was nn old
soldier nnd the committee on charities was
directed to notify the soldiers relief com
mission of the facts. The committee will
also investigate the case and provide such
relief as Is considered necessary.
C. E. Perkins petitioned the board for the
repayment of $3T > 3.40 in taxes which he had
paid on property on "Uodgo sticet between
Twelfth and Thirteenth streets for the years
1887 to IbUl incluslyo. The petition states
that Perkins bought tlio lot of G. M. Hitch-
cook in April. 1SU1 , for $40,000. For the llvo
years picccdlng the lot nad been occupied ov
a building usud by tlio Women's Chris
tian Temperance union , and Mr , Hitchcock
hud oviulcd paying tuxes on It on that
account , claiming that it was used for ro-
llpious purposes. In July , 1BU3 , the commis
sioners , while. In session as a board of
equalization , assessed thu ontlro taxes back
for the period during which the lot was In
the posbcsslon of Mr , Hitchcock , and Por-
Idns was compelled to pay the amount under
protest. The petition was rofened for in
The judges and clerks of election , ns
appointed by the city council , were con
firmed. Llvesoy introduced a resolution
rescinding the resolution passed at a
previous meeting which provided that the
appropriation sheets coula only bo passed at
lha lust meeting in ouch month. Ho con
tended that tlioro was too much delay in
paying bills and that the county could buy
cheaper If the hills could bo reported nn and
the funds appioprlatod to pay them at any
meeting. The resolution was passed after
lomo discussion. The board adjourned to
meet Saturday afternoon at U o'clock.
TJttlo pills for great Ills : DoWltt's Little
rnrly Hlsers.
Urn nit of an Old Feud.
Jack Lyons , an expressman , was arrested
last night on complaint of Will Johnson , a
colored man , \yho alleges that Lyons threat
ened to shoot htm. The trouble oxtsting bo-
twcen thcso men diites back to the tlmo the
Dcgro , Smith , was lynched. Kver slnco
then ho and Johnson have been quarreling.
They had a fight last night , and it is claimed
by Johnson that Lyons threatened to shoot
bun , Johnson was hold as a witness.
Cure Indigestion and biliousness with Da
Witt's Little Early Hlsors.
The follow Ing licences to wed were granted
yesterday :
Numo und Address. Age.
j Dennis I' . Oronln. Norfolk , Neb . 30
1 Coin , Amlon.oii , Omalm. . . . -21
} rrankKplnor , Omaha. , , . . . . . , , . . . . , , . , 23
I FruncU Iliirtu , Omaliu. . . , . UO
DzaKitviSQ CONFIDKSCE. There u no ar
tlclo which so richly deserves the entire confidence -
fidenco of the community as UKOWN'S Buox-
UBUL TuouiiEg. Thoio suffering from
fcituraatlo and bronchial diseases , coughs
| nd coldi , should try thorn. Price , 25 cents.
5,000 , Yardi of Novelty All Wool Dress
Goods on sale Today ,
Not u Tnrd In thli Mncnlllcent Amortmcnt
Worth leis tlmit 7Bo 1'cr Ynrd nnd
from tlmt Up to St.2B Look
Through tills Line.
At OSc per yard wo will show a rnngo
of 200 pieces of all wool dress goods , our
very latest importation , positively
bought to sell at $1.25 , 81.50 , $1.75 nnd
$2.00 per yard. This is a phenomlnnl
olTor this time of the year and should bo
tnkoa advantage of at onco.
The list of our other extra specials for
today. Wo nro giving 20 per cent
off on nlfotir cloaks , capes , jackets and
A $1.50 10-4 silver gray or white blanket -
kot for I)8o. )
A $4.25 11-4 light gray'or white blan
ket at $ n.i5. :
A $5.50 10-1 sanitary gray or whlto
blanket $ .1.85.
A 20e 30-Inch fancy plaid nnd stripe
serge for 7jc.
A 20c 32-inch fleece-lined cashmcro for
A 2oc 30-Inch fancy figured honriotta
for 12ic.
A 40e choice line of cloaking for 25c.
A lOc cream Shaker flannel for Oic.
A lee fancy French outing for lOc.
Special today , a line of aprons
ranging in price from 50c to 75c , all in
ono lot ; your choice 33c.
Special today , 300 veils , all now
goods , all colors , ranging in price from
25e to 40c , your choice today lOc each.
Special today , 150 tinted table
covers , all new goods ; now , pretty designs -
signs , regular value from 50c to 75c ,
your choice only 3Uc.N. .
Kuusas City rackets I > splay Their Envy
'Ilia Day's Doings.
The Drover's Telegram , published at Kan
sas Cit.v.Jmnltcs an attempt to deny the state
ment made in THE BEB that a bunch of split
cattle sold for considerable less money in
Kansas City than in Omaha , Just after
which Mr. Boot , the owner of the cattle
wired a commission flrm hero , "no more
Kansas City for mo. " The Telegram states
that Mr. Boot is employed by a com
mission Jlrm hero and that the job was
put up. This is a bare fabrication. Mr.
Boot is a rancher and a speculator. His
ranch is in Colorado , and if prices were equal
Kansas City would bo his natural market.
Besides running a ranch Mr. Boot speculates
more or less in stoclc. Ho docs so with his
own cap'tal and is not employed by any ono.
He has tried both markets repeatedly , and
now he says emphatically : "No more Kan
sas City for me.1 '
The fact that the South Omaha market is
getting over into Kansas City's territory is
making the managers over there green with
envy. The Kansas Cltv vards have neon
running for twenty-three years and the
South Omaha yards ton. Still last week
the paqkors in Kansas City only put away
21.000 hogs , while South. Omuha packed
! > -MOO.
South Omaha gets 90 per cent of the
stock shipped in from Colorado and yet the
Kansas City market is 100 miles nearer
Pueblo , the natural shipping point , than
Omaha. The people soil their stoclc whcro
they can got the highest price and this ia
why Omaha is distancing Kansas City at
every turn In the road.
A TroHti Ciuo Heportod.
A teacher over In the Fourth ward school
wrote a letter to W. B. Cheek , president of
the school board , yesterday , notifying
him that there was a caio of diphtheria in a
house situated very close to the school
building ; that there was no card on the
house and the promises were in a very bad
sanitary condition. Air. Check turned the
communication over to Chief Bci'kctt and
the chief , In company with a physlclan.wcnt
to the place. It was a house whore a death
had occurred by dlpthcria several days r.go.
The house was thoroughly disinfected and
no further danger there Is anticipated.
Coin Wulor Advocates.
The Good Templars society has elected
the following ofllcers for the ensuing year :
Charles Martin , chief tompjar ; Ella Rico ,
vice templar ; E. Tibblts , secretary : Berton
Hlco , financial secretary ; Robert Funston ,
treasurer ; A. Herman , cbupluln ; FJarryj. .
Combs , marshal. C. J. Bennett was chosen
as ledge deputy. The olllcers will bo pub
licly installed at the ledge room on Friday
evening , when refreshments will bo served.
All friends of the order are invited.
A llruutl Annuult.
A warrant is out for the arrest of Charles
Williams , a butcher , who is wanted for com
mitting a brutal assault upon an old Gor
man. The old follow was sitting In a saloon
when Williams entered and picked a fuss
with him. The old follow is badly bruised
up about the face ana head.
Mus' ' < > Cliy Uuniiip.
J. II. Houschodor Is homo from a trip to
Miles City , Mont.
Ofllccr Thomas found two memorandum
booKs balancing to W. H. Wicker and turned
them over to Chief Beckett.
C. M. Hunt , president of the Packers Na
tional bank , will succeed A. P. Brink ua
cashier , for the present at least.
The final rally of the campaign will bo
held by the republican club at Plvonka's
hall on Friday evening. A numoor of the
candidates will bo present to address the
Mr. and Mrs. John Van Wlo gave a high
flvo party Tuesday night to a company of
friends at their comfortable home , 114 Twon-
ty-llf th street.
Jerosloy Cainy , aged 5 years , died yester
day of pneumonia. The burial will take
place at St. Mary's cemetery this afternoon
at 'J o'clock. Mr. Caruy lives at Twenty-lira t
and Wyman streets.
William Wearno was arrested yesterday
on a warrant sworn out by Max l-uiul. The
charge is assault and battery. The mbu had
a dispute over a bill when. Itla * nli\ \ .
struck Lund several severe blows.
Miss Angela J. McCabe , sister of H. J , Me-
Cabo of the Cudahy Paculng company , loft
yesterday evening over the Wabash for Now
Ycytc , ourouto for Belfast , Ireland , on the
steamship Dovonta of Hie Anchor lino.
As yet no btcps have been taken to cot the
election booths In shape for next Tuesday.
The booths are stored away in the street
commissioner's tool house , and as some of
the material may bo missing it would bo a
safe plan to begin on the work before -it Is
too late to complete the utructurcs.
The following onicers have been elected in
the Baptist church for the ensuing year ;
Deacous , A. C. Sloan and lid ward B. Dar
ling j trustees , J. D , May , George French and
George Knight5 treasurer , Itolla O. Haskins ;
clerk. ItobortO , Walker ; organist. Mrs , U.
O. Haskins ; and assistant , Miss Anna
The police made seventy-nine arrests dur
ing October as follows ; Shooting with in
tent to kill , one : vagrnnoy , six ; highway
robbery , one : pout luiceny , two ; Inmates of
nouses of ill fame , thirteen ; drunk , twenty-
ono ; suspicious characters , seventeen : as
sault and battery , flya ; carrying concealed
weapons , one ; larceny as bailee , ono ; lar
ceny , cue ; IncorriKlblllty. two ; insane , one :
fugitive from Justice , one.
Rpolinitn Bell * to Free.
Mr. M. E. Free , the well known
plumber of 1010 Capitol nvo has pur
chased the plmnbinjr business of Jtr. ) \ \ .
II. Spclman nnd has removed his entire
plant to Spolman's old location , 313 S.
10th st. , just south of Fnrnnm.
Mr. Free extends an invitation to his
old friends nnd customers to visit him
In his now quarters.
Mr. Spolman leaves for New York
city in n few days nnd the below en
dorsement of Mr. Frco is published nt
Mr. Spolman's request.
To My Friends and Customers :
Having sold my plumbing nnd gas
fitting business to Mr. M. K. Frco , the
well known plumber , I bespeak for him
n continuance of past favors , knowing
Mr. Frco to bo n first class man in his
business. \V. If. Si'KLMAN.
Two l.i'Knl l.tghU niio JSotcr Hpiwk _ nil
Thsy Tims lly.
There arc two lawyers in Omaha who do
not speak as they pass by on account of a
wordy controversy which occurred in ono of
the equity court rooms yesterday morning ,
whcro Judge Gregory 19 sitting ns referee. In
the course of his argument W. II. DoFranco
questioned the veracity of ono of the wit
nesses for the other side. John L. Kennedy
was the opposing attorney , nid | when his
turn came ho proceeded to tire hot shot at
what ho termed the "insinuations" of his
opponent. Mr. DoFranco interjected the in
formation that it was not nn insinuation
but a square assertion.
"Then I say that the man who made it is a
liar , " retorted Mr. Kennedy. "That is an
other square assertion. "
"I will settle with you for this when wo
pot outside the court room , " vociferated Mr.
DoFranco , to which his opponent replied
that that was exactly what ho was looking
for. Both attorneys were trembling with
excitement and matters were becoming de
cidedly mixed when the court insisted that
they sit down nnd cool oft. Mr. DoFranco
Insisted that ho had been Insulted and do-
mandcd that Mr. Kennedy bo reprimanded.
Finally matters were adjusted sufilclontly to
allow the argument to proceed , but it was
very evident that the differences were
neither buried nor forgotten.
Mr > . Itosaer Tut Her Cash mid Confidence
In u Jti'lutlvo's Keeping.
Mrs. Rosscr called at the city jail to report
that her bret ) er-ln-law , Sol Saulzor , who
has been doing business at 7-2 South Thir
teenth street , Is missing. According to the
story told the police , Saulzer came hereabout
about two months ago with his wlfo and six
children. Ho had at that tlmo about $ UO in
money and opened a small watch repair
The sistcr-ln-law was about to return to
the old country and in preference to putting
$300 she hud saved Into a bank loaned it to
Saulror , who promised to put it into his
business. The money was turned over to
him Tuesday afternoon. At 5 o'clock Saul
zer started for his place of business , but did
not go thero. Mrs. Rosscr thinks her
brother-in-law has skipped with the money
and has llled a complaint with County Attor
ney Knloy , who will request the ouiccrs of
the law to arrest the man on sight.
AX A u UA va.unyxa.
"The Girl I Left Behind Mo , " which has
been the dramatic sensation of the past two
years in all the principal cities of the cast ,
will receive its initial presentation in this
city at Boyd's theater this even
ing , and it will be presented by Chailes
Frohman's company from the Empires
theater , Now York , with all the wealth of
scenic effects and surroundings which char
acterized its production in Now York for 200
nights , and in Chicago for six months. "Tho
Girl I Loft Behind Mo" Is conceded to bo the
best Amorlcau drama ever written , nnd .Is
of the Intense , soul-stirring kind which
touches the heart of the most phlegmatic
auditor. The stow deals with the love
affairs of the daughter of the general of the
garrison. Tlio hero and the villain In the
play are lieutenant ! ] in the army , and both
love the general's daughter. The bravery of
the ono and the cowardice of the other flguro
prominently in the story , which moves al
most simultaneously with an uprising of the
Indians , the bosicging of the post , the help
less peril of the Inmates and the final rescue.
The engagement Is for three nights and Sat
urday matinee. Tno sale opened yesterday
morning and was quite largo.
x Stoppeil tlio Celebration.
A crowd of lawless fellows have been mak
ing tilings lively for the past two or three
nights in the territory between Fourteenth
and Twentieth and Center and Vinton
streets. They have removed and over
turned out houses , peppered the residences
of citizens with eggs and rendered them
selves generally obnoxious. Tuesday night
they started out to wind up with anottier
roundup of the vicinity , and , as a beginning ,
throw a quantity of oilcrlfcious lion fruit
against the door of J. L. Wclshans' resi
About this time tlio residents In the vicin
ity concluded thev bad had enough of this
sort of fun and a half-dozen revolver shots
greeted the rounders. Before they had
tlmo to recover from their auiprlso another
volley whistled through their ranks and the
party lied in all directions. As far as was
learned no ono was hit , but tlioro was no
further attempt to celebrate Halloweo'n In
that particular locality.
Hllvlii WHS
The Jury in the case of Silvia HIalts against
Pat Ford for personal Injuries sustained by
reason of n defective stdowullc In front of the
defendant's promises , returned a voralct of
$ 185 , in favor of the plaintiff yoalerUay after
- The guaranteed euro for all hcadachese
Bromo-Solt/er. Trial bottle lOc.
THIS HK.II.TV .M.Yiticir.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Novem
ber 1 , 18D3 :
E It Hume and wlfo to Carrie Van
Kunui , uiicilv 1-0 of s it sw mv 8-
15-13 $ 7,000
IMdollty Trust compiiny to N I1 Deiui ,
lot215block , Avondnfo patlc 1,800
Union Block Yards company to South >
Oinnlni Lund company , lots 10 , 10 ,
20 und 22 , block 1. nnd lots 10 , 20
and 21 , block 1 } } , Drown pnrlc 1
South Uniuhii I.uiul company to Union
Block Yurdi company , 0.41 acres In
HW U3.15-13 i
Sumito V V Freeman , lot 14 , block
1&2. South Omalm , relllu , 882
0 M Hunt and wlfo to N M .Mayflold ,
nVi lot 14 , block 129. South Cmnlm. 675
Julia bliaw and husfmnd to Fnuu
Kalowlcz , lot 0 , fihuw'shubdlv 1,000
11 Ulovrles to U U Mclntyio , lot 1-1 ,
block 20 , Haiiscom l'lai-o , 2,000
1) I1 Thomas and wlfo to II l Iannlng ,
lot 0 , block It , Hliliin'u 2d add. a 4
fcot lot 110 nnd n 21 foot lot 40 ,
Kcillck'H 2d add , 10,000
U K MuuuliiK to 1) ) U Smith , same 10,000
0 U HarrlH to J A Mcblume , s / of u
South Omuha I.und company to Pub
lic , vacation of part of blocks 224 ,
220 , 220 nnd 227 , Houth Omaha. . . , . .
13 O 1'ago ( special niUHtur ) to U V
Thomas , s 4 fcot lot SO und n 21
fcotot40tltedlcv'n2dtuld ] ! 2,100
12 U Dundy , jr. ( muMor In chancery ) to
biuue , lot ti , block It , Hhlnu'a 2d
add. . . , , 8.2SO
Total amount of transfers. , t 39,140
Affidavits Piled in tHe District Court Which
Promise IntcrcaLwitc Developments.
I'romptcit by n Ucnli ; * to Influence n Ver
dict In Which the Qmnlin Street Hall
way Company -\\nv Interested
Severn ! Implicated.
A case of alleged jury fixing has been
brought to light In tl.o district court which
promises some interesting developments.
The persons implicated nro Frank A. Green ,
clnlm'agcnt of the Omixlm Street Railway
company , nnd I * P. Norborg , tlio bailiff in
Judge Walton's court room. The facts as
far ns ascertained tend to show that notno
ono has endeavored to defeat the ends of
Justice. A strict Investigation will follow.
The alleged effort to corrupt a Jury oc
curred in tlio caseof Ingro Mndscn against
the Omaha Street Hallway company , which
was on trial before Judge Dufllo early last
month. O. A. Fowler ana D.V. . McNamara
were the attorneys for the plnlntllT. It IB at
their instance that the Investigation will bo
Inaugurated. They filed the petition asking
for an investigation yesterday afternoon
and also the aflldavits on which they base
their claim that an effort was made by the
agents of the street railway company to
arrange matters with the Jury so an to make
sure of a verdict In their favor.
Homo Interesting AfllilnvitH.
The aflldavits of Messrs. Fowler and Mc
Namara state In substance that on October
27 Norbcrtr admitted to Mr. McNamara , In
Fowler's hearing , that ho had apnroacbcd a
juror named Hans Falk with a view to In
ducing him to secure a vrrdiet In favor of
the Omaha Struct Railway company , tie
had met Falk on the street and had asked
him "what ho was going to do ab6ut the
case and how the Jury stood. " Falk had
replied that ho did not know. That evening
ho had goao to Falk'a residence to sco him
again , but Falk was not at homo. Norbcrg
had said that ho was sent to sco the juror
by Frank A. Green of the street railway
company and that he hud not paid any fare
on the street cars for two .years and that ho
had boon the proprietor of a regular pass
since last spring. These facts are repeated
in the affidavit of Norberg which is ap
AVImt tlio Juror Snyj.
The story of the juror , Hans Falk , as re
lated in the nfUdavit , substantiates the facts
related by Norberg and adds others of a still
more damaging nature. Falk sajs that Nor-
borjr approached him on the streets and they
held the conversation given above. Norberg
then added that if ho ( Falk ) could Induce
the jury to return a verdict for the street
railway company or Ucop the verdict for the
plaintiff down to 8100 or $200 ho would got
him * 10U for his trouble. Ho would pay $20
down and the balancoiat another time. Falk
said that , ho was not to bo bought and the
conversation ended for the present. That
night , wbllo ho was away from homo , Nor-
berp called at his IIOUKO. Norberg Inquired
for Falk , but when ho was informed that ho
was not at homo refused to make known the
object of his visit.
The aflldavits of S. II. Uush and J. B.
Shccan are impended , which are to the effect
that Falk related the same story to them
that he told to Fowloc and McNumara.
Mr. Fowler's Statement.
Mr. C. A. Fowler was scon lust night in
regard to the alleged crookedness and said
that his firm push the matter to
an issue.
"Wo were the attorneys for Mrs. Mad-
son , " hd/continned / , "and the amount of
damages' claimed 'was $12,000. The Jury
brought'id a ' , verdict for thowlatntiff tin the
sum of $1.000 , when on the ftice of the evi
dence wo believed that If wo wore entitled
to anything at all wo should have had (0,000
or $8,000. We ascertained that ten of the
jury insisted on returning a verdict for
$8.00C. and the other two wauled to find for
the defendants. They wore out for ten
hours , and In the end the ten were Induced
to compromise on the verdict rendered.
"Wo thought that there was something
rotten on the face of it , but were uuablo to
got hold or any evidence to back UD our be
lief until ubout a week ago , when Norberg
approached mo on the sticet , and in the
course of conversation lot out something
about having spoken to Falk about the case.
Mr. McNumara cumo up whllolio was speak
ing and heard the remark. Wo concluded
that Norberg knew something that ho might
bo mudo to toll , and the next day McNamara
uent over to the court room und asked Nor-
borg to come over to the ofilco. When Nor
berg saw him coming ho'asked him It ho had
a warrant for his arrest , and then laughed it
off and came over to our ofllcc. McNamara
took him into the baclc ofllcu and I sut In die
next room , wheio I could hour the conversa
Mr. Norbtrs ; Weukonoil.
"Tho result was that before Norberg left
the ofllco ho had succeeded In making him
think that wo had a dead case against him ,
and ho went to pieces and gave away the
whole business. The next day wo got hold
of him again and ho made an affidavit of the
facts as stated , which 1 now have in my
possession and a copy of which was tiled
with the petition this afternoon. I wont to
see Judge Dufllo in regard to what I had
discovered , and ha advised mo to fllo the
affidavits and ho would sco that if any
such proceedings had been indulged in in his
court the facts were brought to light und the
guilty parties punished. "
The case will probably be set for hearing
some time thl ? week.
.Mr , ( Iroen Was Itctlcmir.
Mr. Green was at the performance- -
Boyd's opera house , whou ho was asked for
a statement regarding the charges.
lie Btild Unit it mis all news to him , hut
beyond that refused to make any affirmation
or denial. Ho was very anxious to have the
matter kept out of the papers und hud noth
ing to say for publication.
Itullilliic 1'ernilts.
The following permits to build were Issued
yesterday by the inspector of buildings :
Morris Sorcnson , 1035-37 North
Twentieth , Huts 8,000
THO minor permits , 200
Tliroo poriiilt1 ? , agKropatlng , . $ 3,200
Y. M. C. A. Kocvptlon.
Rev. S. Wright Butler , Dean Gardner and
others will deliver addresses at the recep
tion at the Young Men's Christian associa
tion building tonight. Tlio program of the
evening will Include speeches , musio and a
general good time.
The Madison ( family hotel ) , 21st and
Chicago. Transients , $2.00 per day.
Kolttt * at flic Una or lee * under lhl heail ,
ccnti ; wch tidtiltlonal line , ten cent * .
UlIAl'l'lCi ; Dr. II. II. . at his homo la Jlullovuo ,
Nub. , Tuesday , October 111 , 1B03 , at 1 p. in. ,
uEcil B3 years and 11 duvs. I'nnunil borvlccs
at the Hullevuu church. Friday , November U ,
at B ! > iii. Kenmina wilt bo nuut to hla old
homo In I'omuylvaiilu for burial.
GIMIOHK , William , Oct. 31.1803. of typhoid
finer. ugo 20 years , U ) months , i'linoral from
rubldeiice , Tliur UJt 3 p. in. , 4109 N. 2b A > o.
Intoiuit-nt Torsst iwij.
MEIUUAM , Mw. Mattlo I ) . , In Cresco , Howard
county , fowa , Sunday , October ! ! U. lb'J3 ,
aged a'J yean , 10 months aud 16 days.
The ouly Pure Cream pf Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
Brings comfort and Improvement nnd
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. Tlio many , who live bet
ter than others nnd enjoy life more-with
less expenditure , by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being , will attest
the vnluo to licnlth of the pure liquid
Inxntlvo principles embraced in the
remedy , Syrup of Figs.
Its cxccllcnco is duo to its presenting
in the form most acceptable nnd pleas
ant to the taste , the refreshing nnd truly
beneficial properties of n perfect lax-
ntivo ; effectually cleansing the system ,
dispelling colds , headaches Mid fevers
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession , because it nets on the Kid
neys , Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them nnd it is perfectly free from
every objectionnble substance.
Syrup of Figs is for snlo by nil drug
gists In 50c nnd $1 bottles , but it is man-
ufnctured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only , whose name is printed on every
package , also the name , Syrup of Figs ,
nnd being well informed , yo.u will not
accept nny substitute if odercd.
i f-t JL tS I / \ *
JtLOOD , SKIN nnd IC1UNKY Diseases ,
1IOOO UUREO , iiiutull forim of
and successfully cured. ilotlioJ uo\v unl unfallla ;
TUKAT.niJNl' IJV MAIL , n upcolii'.ty.
P1LKS , FISTULA , FIS3UIIE , permanently ourjl
without tlio HBO of knife. 11 ; ituro or c i.istla.
All maladies of a prlvaio or dollo.ito niturj , of
cltliprsox , positively cured.
Call oil or adJrtm , with afitnp , for Clr34Ur >
Free Uoolt , Heelpj * anil Sympto 11 lilan'M.
First stairway south of postolTlco , room 7.
Dr. Searles & Ssarlas " ' 8t >
. , 118tn"lJ'i.5V ;
.S ! 'S
Mandrake Pills have a value as a house
hold remedy fat- beyond tno power of Ian
gungeto describe. The family cau
hardly bo true to itself that does not
Iceop them on hand for use la omorgoa
la the only vegetable substitute for that
dangerous mineral , MEHOUHY , and
while its action as a curative is fully
equal , it possesses none of the perilous
In Constipation , Mandr.iko acts upon
the bowels without disposing them to
subssquont Costlvenoss.
No remedy justs so directly on the
liver , nothing so speedily cures Sick
Hcadncho , Sour Stom31 HI 5 %
ach , und Biliousness as 111 I
those % *
For Snlo by nil Drusalsts. 1'rlco 2.1 ot . per
box ; 3 box 03 for C3 cts , ; or sent by mall , post
age free , on receipt of price. Dr. J , II.
BuhoncK < 5i Son. L'ulludolpblu.
Made a well
Man of
Jtl.SUI.TH IN BOJJAVO. Clllr.oll
Nerroun > l < oaie . Fajlnir Memory. , . , . - ,
1'arerli 8le iil < ii nc . Wcnkncweii , etc. , > O
ml quickly hut ui ely io tore l.o t Vllnllly in oldloi
ybiniK. hailly carrltilln vrvtpockrt. l'jliilll
uaiknile. HU for r > . O wllliunrlKrnBunr nl < ; t <
rure or luoiicj rrluinU > 4. Don't lit niiy uiiirlii | < liilr d
diUK Ut neil > ou any /.n/il / / oinitiation. . Jn Ut on
liavlnBlNI AlM > . If lie lm not Lot It. we will rtni
Itby iiinllupoiiiecilptof pilie. Pamphlet In ncaleil
rnvrlopo fi re , Aildi 1'i.s OrU-ntal Mtdlful Co. , i'ropi ,
ChliBKo.lll. , orouruKi-nl * .
BOLll l > r Knlm * Co . Cor. IMh anil Uouoltti SM , and
J. A. ! ullrrrt : Co , Cor lllli A Duunlan Ht . OMAHA )
byraiil O. Bclincliler , Ml llrondway AC Trail BU
CUU C1I. lll.UH'B.ainl J.eadlnzDrue" ' ' -
Wltli Nurvo Ueuis. now vozotuble discovery
of marvelous power , positive .mro for All
nerve Iroubins , inch ua nervous prostration
eleepICHsness , uoapondiMioy , pallia In Imolc unl
Bide , Blolc hoatlaoho. dyspepsia , loss ot nppo-
tlto , etc. Wonderful noivo tonlo , makoj rloli
pure blood , tones ontlro system , tl a box
onuujih for two wooka. At ilniKKlsts , or by
mull , Nurvo Dean Co. . HulTula. N. V.
I'or6 months modlcl'nos uul
Instrument * L'roo.
Consultation i'rcr.
u unsurpassed In oho treatment
of nil _
Chronic , Private aim
Norvoun Diseases. Write to or coniult per
sonally. TKEAYMnNL1 BY
Addrubs with tt.iinp , for particulars , wlitoliwiU
be uut lu plain onvetotia. I * O. lloxOjl. Oltlcolld
. 151U struct. O-uulia. MuU _
BITCUTCThomaal'.SImpv ) n. Wellington ,
rJtlCnldl ) . O. Nouttoruoy's fee until
patent obtained. Wrlto for Inventor's Outdo ,
IS ccrtnlnly none of our business
TT whether you prefer quinine pills to
nn overcoat , Nor Is it our affair
where or when you choose to buy one.
Hut It Is our business to let you know
what we arc a-iloing. No harm is it ?
Just now we are all overcoats Nebras
ka , Iowa , Dakotas , Colorado , Montana ,
Wyoming , Idaho , Arl/.ona , Minnesota ,
Utah , Kansas. Missouri , Is well repre-
scntcil , even Oklahoma seems to have
got onto us everyone Is buying overcoats -
coats looks like a conspiracy or per
haps prices we quote this season arc
powerfully magnetic. That's It. We
never could buy coats as cheap as we
sell 'em for now. You ought to see one
of these seven 75-100 overcoats , come
In two tnoilest shades , navy blue and
every day black ; made of first-class
OF THE kersey cloth , draped with Itallene , silk
velvet collar , doiible-stitchcd edge , fit
as good as your skin aud tailored into a
sack cut style for comfort or dress use.
Not only just as good , but an honest $15
value sure's you eat.
Again the magnet works when we
show these twelve 50-100 overcoats.
We'll go any $20 garment ever sold by MONEY
man , cards and spades and it
hands down. Ours is a black raw edge
Melton ( the most aristocratic fabric
known ) , draped with satin about breast ,
lined thoroughly with California wool
of check or stripe pattern , silk sleeve
lining , tailored as a half box , double-
breasted , as per latest fashion , and designed -
signed for n treble silk stitch on edges.
Don't have to be as "straight as a polit
ical candidate" to be fitted precisely.
Want to know some more about over
coats ? Show us your countenance , and PANIC.
we'll put a smile onto it. .
Not too late for Catalogues Your address That's all.
ARROW and sword and scabbard pins are most
sought after now.We have a new line mounted in
pearls and diamonds.
Corner ICth and DouzUl ? StrdBti
Canoor. Tumor. Catarrh , Pl'cs , Fistula , Exzo"
ma and allS iu and
CANOTll of tlio NORO , Eye , Lip , Ear , Neck. lire lit. Stomach
ach , Womb In f.ict , all lntcriul or uxturnal orc.inH or tin-
HUCHCurcMl without tlio luilfo or but-nliif pl.iHturx , but wltti
Bootlilntr aromatic ollu. llcwuro of fr.uuls uml Imlnuoru , na
there are othcra who liopo to prollt by advuitlulnir to euro
thubo dlBeasus with unoll.
fifTV rPTTrtt"IfT'P nnrtBomlU for IlliiBtral
IrlioUU 1
UU i book on the auovo dl
cases. Mailed fiuc. Address
DR. D. M. BYE , Combination Oil Cure ,
Portsmouth Bldg , Kaums City.Ka *
New York Hospital
Ifor nil
Chronic , Nervous ,
Surreal ,
Private anJ
Special DlsmsiJ
of both
Stricture , Hydrooolo * Vorlosoo. ? ,
And all other froubotoa-od | at reasonable
eharscs. CONHULl'ATION li-UUli Cull on
Opposltollaydon llro'a.
U , S. Depository , Omaha , Nab.
Officer * and Directors -Henry W. Vales. Presi
dent , U.O.Gi hlns , vice president. ( J. S. Maurice ,
W. V. Mo.-ao. Joint B. Collins , J. N. It lUtrleK
Lewlu 0. Kood , castilur.
. . _ , . _ - _ , _
KWU.VEAK asSB DjEDILlTT.rO.riila *
company tbsm In men QUICKLY and > &RMA
CBNTI.V connfi. ruii flTaBNOTB oi toni
clteatoovtry PMloJ the body , I will Mod ( t * .
l ackd V II9 to Mr uff r r t prctorl.
inferior photos when
you can obtain the
best and most artistic
at almost the same
cost at
Higli ClutM PliUou
At 1'opular I'rlocs.
313-315-317 South 15th Str ot.
Teeth Filled
Painless , Gold Crowns and Iirldro Work.
4th Floor , Brown Dlock , , 10th and Douglas.
Tolephona 1770 ,
A. Full S13T
Tctth extracted In mornmr ,
Now oneslnscrteduf ternoou
sanio day , 1'crfeol Ut iraar *
lOt/i unil I'nrnum Bteoot ,
Klevator oa 10th Street. Tclopboaol03JJ