Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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It A Decidedly Healthy Market in
Securities Yesterday ,
Fantnra of the l > y Wrm th Unaiunllr
y Miijrlni ; In ClicimpeiiU * A Ohio
No Ilimril MiiatliiB lit
NEW YOIIK , Nov. l.-It was a decidedly
healthy market In stocks today , and tlio
volume of bushiest , though lighter than
during the past few days , was fairly active.
Two gicat features of the Now York mar
ket were not In operation , It being a bank
holiday In London and Chicago exchanges
being closed on the occasion of Mayor Har.
rl&on's funeral. This tended to restrict tlio
dealing and loft speculation practically In
the hands of the local operators. The In-
lluiMiccs affecting the speculation wcro
mainly such as concerned special stocks.
The sllvor bill was regarded as practically
out ol the way , Us passage through the Html
singes being a matter of mom routine. The
news that the house had agreed to the sen
ate amendments did not reach the street
until after the close of business and it Is not
likely It would have caused any movement
had It been done during business hours.
The cancellation of the outstanding clearing
house loan certificates , which was effected
this morning , closed an Incident of the day's
panic and/u as accepted as evldenco of the
remarkable rccupcintlvo power of the local
finances , Thu ilrst issue of these ccrtlllcatcs
was made on .luno 17 , the total amount
authorized having been $4li'.KUOO : ) , and atone
ono time some said fcW.OdO.OOO were in ex
istence , which , within the space of four
months , were wholly retired ,
Among business features of the day was
the unusually heavy buying In Chesapeake
ft Ohio , the purchases being credited to the
Vandcrbilts , who , It is claimed , arc anxious
to obtain a strong representation on the
board of directors of the company. From
the Louisville & Nashville contingent came
the suggestion that , the directors of that
company would shortly announce that they
had taken their option to buy the Chesa
peake & Ohio road. The Associated press
dispatch , stating that tlio lialtinioro A& Ohio
company had floated a $3,000,000 loan In Ten
don , was acceptcdi as evidenceof
a return of confidence in Ameri
can corporate ) Institutions on the
part of the English capitalists , nnd taken
in connection with the other favorable In
cidents of the day , assisted hi developing the
strength of the market and induced pur
chases for the long account , as well as in
viting the short interest , which it is said
is very large , to cover. After a lairly steady
opening the market became active and
strong and for half an hour prices moved
upward , hut the bears began to offer blocks
of the giangors , industrials , Western Union
and New England , which resulted in send
ing those shares below the opening and the
general list fell off in sympathy.
The reactionary tendency was. however.
quickly checked and from 11 o'c'ocic. ' until
shortly before ! 2 the movement was in the
main upward , the occasional reactions being
slight and quickly recovered from. At this
time rcali/lng'salcs depreciated values somo-
xvhnt. but m the final dealings the market
recovered its tone and closed strong , the ad
vance for the day ranging from } $ to 2 % per
cent , the latter in Chicago Gas , Michigan
Central and Lackawanna ; 2J < per cent in
Plttsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis
preferred ; Uj. per cent In St. Paul and 2 per
cent in Hubbcr ; 1JC per cent in Manhattan ,
Dclavuire & Hudson ; 1 % per cent in AIls-
bouri Pacltic : IK per cent in Baltimore. &
Ohio and Uock Island ; 1J per cent in West
ern Union and Distilling , and 1 per cent in
Heading , Pullman , Burlington , Chesapeake
& Ohio , Sugar preferred , Cotton Oil pre
ferred and Iowa Central.
The following are the closing quotations of
the loading stocks on the Now York ex
change today :
aaked ,
Thejlotal sales of stocks loday weio 314,100
( hares , Including : Atchlson , 8,000 ; American
Hilgar , 23,300 ; llutllngton 31,100 ; Chicago ( Jus ,
20,200 ; Chesapeake & Uhlo , 19.800 ; Dofowiiro ,
LucUuttumm & Western , 3,400 : Distillers
A , Cattlofecdlng , 11,700 ; Loulsvlllo & Nafdi-
vlllo , 5,000 ; Missouri I'aclllc , 4,000 ; National
Jj/JE.11.0' / } ! 'v30 ° : Now York & Now England.
20,700 : Northworttorn. 3,500 ; Ontario tc
Wcntcm , 0,200 ; Reading , 13.700 ; Rock
Island , 9,300 ; Ht. Paul. 50,000 ; Union I'acitle.
4,100 ; Western Union. 33.300.
Now Vork Money Market.
I'Al'nn-Sffi ? ' } percent.
riiKiu.iMl KXCIIANHI : null , but steady , wltn
nctimlhuslnchH | n hankcm' l > | | ls at $4.83 > { < &
4.83y for demand and M.80'4.80y ' ; for sixty-
day hills. 1'osted rates. ft.834,80 , Com
mercial bills , f4.70 > i < 4.70 > { .
BII.VKII CEitTU'icATKS 00(4 ( < S706e ! ; last quo
tation made several diiyn ago ; today was
quoted itl d7c boilers , GOo bid.
UovfcitNMi'.NT llONDS-rirm. State bonds ,
wllliont nunonteiit.
The closing quotations on bonds ;
Sun Fmnnlacu .Mining
HAN riiAM'ibCO , Nov. I. Tlio oniclul closing
nuotatlonu fur uilulnj ; btoclcs today weio an
Alia , 10 Mono , Ill
llellu lulu , . . . . , 10 Navajo JU
livelier n.'i Nevada Queen 0
Ili'Bt i lli'.flii-r. . . 17U Nortli Ilellu iBlo , . . , fi
HoUluCou. JO Onlilr. . . . 145.
llulwcr. i , . . , . I'D 1'otobl 70
CLollar 4(1 ( S.ivaifu. , . . . . llo
Con. Cal. A. Vu. . . . : < ( I3 Sierra Nevada . . . . US
Cruwn I'ulnt , . * , . r > ( ) Union Con 0
OoidilACnrry . . . OS Utah 15
) lalni Norvrowi. . . UU Yellow Jacket VU
Uexlcuu , . H3
St. J.ouln Mlulue guotattons.
Louis , Nov. I.-Mlulug stocks dull ud
unchanged. .STho following Jire the closing
quotations on mining sharcsT
Hid , AskPd.l "tlidT AsKod.
AdninN $ , f > 0 . , - , , - , nrnnltoM. . l.Ml 1.75
Am Kettle .V. . " . .nil KllzibMli. . .0.1 , OIM
Hnirtatlle .ijJ .83 jllopa. 2.5H . . . . . _
rirmnclni Notrn.
KINK * > > Citv , Nov. 1. Clearings , (1,305.-
NKW OHI.EANS , Nov. 1 , No market , holi
IUI.TIMOIIR , Nov. 1. Clearings , (2,210,283 :
ulaiiccf , $374,070. .
NEW YOIIK , Nov. Clearings , 1104,021,071 !
alaneos , (0,711.4U3 ,
I'llir.uiKi.r-illA. Nov. 1. Clearings (11,138-
787 ! balances Jl.745.428.
MEMPHIS , Nov. 1. Now York exchanito sell-
iK At 11.50 jirrmlum. Clearings , (350,127 ;
jujnncos , (92,702 ,
NKW YOIIK , Nov. 1. Money on call easy at
! "rl2 per rent , last loan 2 per cent , closed
offered til2 percent.
LOMHIN. Nov. 1. The amount of bullion
withdrawn from thn Hank of KtiRland on
balance today Was 4,000 ,
ST. I.OUM , Nov. Clearings , (3,500,041 ;
Imluncoa , (400,740. Money quiet at GJlfl per
cent , Exchange on Now York , OOc premium.
llosTov. Nov. t.-CluurliiRs , (18.271,252 ;
lialnncus , (1,004,451 , Money , 2 per cent. Kx-
chaiiRu on Now York , Io'ibl7c discount for
a h.
LONDON , Nov. 1. Kate of discount In the
open matkot for short hllU , 2\ < i 2'i per cunt ,
and' ! '
* percent forthree-tnonthsbllls Money ,
1 percent. Capo su ar tiulnt but Hither easy ,
centrifugal's Juvn , IGsCd ; Muscovado , falrro-
Iliilnjr , 13s 9d <
U'lntrr Whcmt Linking Kino flnttierliig
T tlm Cotton Crop.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 1 , U was cooler than
usual last month In the uppcr.Mlssourl val
ley and all the 1'ucllk ; coast states. The rulti-
fnll during October wus hugely deficient In
the tippet MKsl.sslppl nnd lower Missouri vnl-
li'js , and In the gulf .states , Very little ratti
fell ( Inline the month In Iowa , and
fiom Nebraska southward to TOMIS ,
o\ur which region the deficiency
itimres from ono to four Inches. There was
inoio than the usual rainfall from the upper
Missouri valley to thu north I'aclllc const , the
excess iimolinUng to from otic to two Inches In
western Washington and Orceon. Upon the
whole the month has been fuvorablu for such
farm work us Is usually done ut. this fceuson.
Winter wheat Is up und reported its looking
well In thostutes to the east of the Missis
sippi , and while the crop Is In fnlr to good con
dition In Kansas and Missouri rains would bo
benellclul In those stales. liiTcMistho gen
eral uhsonco of lain was \cry favorable for
cotton picking , which was Hearing completion
In some sections us eatly us October , the re
pot t gcnci ally Indicating that picking will be
completed In that slnta earlier than ttstinl.
In Arkan-as , lionaxor , the cotton crop will
not be completely seemed before November
10 , und poislbly not before December 1.
Hit Week's Work of the Superior mill
Iliilntli .Mills.
MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. 1. Tiio Northwestern
Miller savs : The seven mills In operation nt
Superior and Dnluth last week produced
00,073 bbls. of Hour , against 52,371 bbls , . the
preceding week , 28,023 bbls. for the corro-
Rnondlng tlmo In 1H02 und 18,224 bbls. In 1801.
All the mills tire being pushed to their limit of
capacity to llll orders for shipment before the
lulu * MOUSOII ends. The maiket Is In a healthy
condition , but most of the millers have booked
their order ? so fur uhoml that they ate obliged
to lofuse aiders for lake and rail shipments.
The Htock of Hour hero Is 277.410 bids. ,
iiKiilnst 254.421 bliN. a week ago und 200,060
bbls. In 18'J'J. The output this week Is the
laigest u\er made.
flinalm 1'rniluco Alnrket.
IHtTTKH Choice butter , that Is. butter that
N vood enough to take the pluco of creamery
sells very icudllyand Is scarce. 1'ancy cream
ery , 27 < & 28c : good creamery , 20ft20c ; fair
creamery , 23S)24c ; choice to fancy country.
22@24c ; fair to good country , 1820c ; pack-
liii ; stock , fresh.lo17c.
Ktius The mild weather that has prevailed
thu creator part of thu fall makes the egg
maiket ding. Cold Morago eggs uro being of-
feied freely on the market nt 19c. A few
sti Ictly ficsh eggs are golns at 20c.
I'liui.iliv The iccelptti of cnlckcns are largo
and the packers are offering only Gc. Sales to
thu lot ; il lutnll trade , which uiu always small
the 111st of the week , are made ut the sumo
price. The demand , however , Is coed utGc.
Old hens , Gc ; chickens , Oc ; geese 7fii8c ; ducks ,
naoo ; turltuys , 80c.
VKiTho urilvulsduring the past , duy or
two have been Unlit and the market llrm ut
quotations. Choice small und fat veals , 7c ;
thin or heavy , 3 < UOc.
GAME The receipts of game nro falrlv
large , but the market Is low and the dcinuud
llcht. Thn people urn not buying game this
season. I'orhaps cold weather will stimulate
thu demand. Pralrio chickens , 12.00 ; mal
lard ducks and redheads are slow at $2 ;
teal ducks , il ; quail , 81.25 ; nntulopo saddles ,
1 l10c ; deer Handles , 1415c ; Canada gocsu ,
( J.OOa7.00 ! : small geebo , J3.OOIt4.00.
UONIJV Honey Is commencing to move a
little moiofrcrlv , but the demand Is still light
for It ; choice white clover , 10S17c.
OVSTKIIS Medium , IGc ; horseshoes , 19c ;
o\tra standards , 21c ; cvtru selects , 24c ; com
pany select ? , 20c ; counts , 34c.
NUTS Chestnuts nro lower and there Is u
fair supply of choice custom stock on the mar
ket which Is selllnc at 12 < itl4c per Ib. I'ccuns
are quoted ut lU15c. The market on black
walnuts Is low and no ono wants to buy.
Dealers aio asking 70c per bu. .for mnali
lots shipped to the country on orders , but
walnuts shipped In hero would probably not
hi Ing over one-half of that price. Small Inck-
oty nuts on orders , if 1.75 ; largo , 21.25.
UKANS Eastern hand-picked navy , J2.103
2.10 ; weslutn navy , fl.BOjJl.00 ; common white
buans , ILOO IJO.
O.NiONfl-Theio Is not much activity In the
onion market , owing to llio fact that the
local crop Is largo and thn gurdeneis are sup
plying thu demand very largely. Onions nro
quoted at liUBCuc , and on orders nt 70c ; Span
ish onions , per ciate , 81,50.
WATIH CIIIPS I'ut up In berry boxes , per
case of 10 ( its. , 81.Goai.75.
POTATOES The receipts nro larger and the
market N very weak. Isolmiska , town nnd Min
nesota gi own potatoes In small lots from store ,
70c ; same In car lots , GOBGjc : Colorado , from
store. 70Ii80c : Colorado lots. 70n.
CAiiUAdi : There Is a good deal of cabbngo
selling In this nmruot , but the demand Is stip-
plludentirely by the garaencis. Orders for
cabbage from the country nru lillcd at l ! > c per
CII.IHY : Thcro Is considerable poor stock
on the muikut and some very fancy. Uood
stock , 25a35c ; fancy. 50c.
HWEKT 1'oiAToftf Thu supply Is fair ; homegrown
grown , per lib ) . , $3,25 3.50 ; Jeisey stock , per
bbl.J.Ol5i4.25. !
( ! IIIK.\ VioiTAiiiis : : Spinach , per bbl. , S2.25
ft'J.OO ; salsify , 30Q.30c per do/ ; radishes , per
do * . , 20S25c. ; kale , per bid. , J2.
aiiAi-rH-Etthtcin Concoids , per basket , 22 ©
23c ; largo lots , 20a21c.
( Ui.miiiMA run ITU There Is not much loft
on the market ; pouches , cling * , tl. 15 ( 1,25 ;
pears , $2,25 ; grnpos , $1,25.
Al'I'l.KH Thu supply Is light on this market ;
choice eastern , per bbl. , $4,25'Jl4,50j ' choice
wcstcin , f4.OOUft.25.
( 'IIAMUHIIIIH : : Cranberries are arriving very
fret'ly and are In good demand ! Capo
Cou , eaily , iior bbl. , J5,75ao.0 ( ) ; boll nnd
cherry , to.0025,25 ; bull unit bugle , tO.OOa
TitoriCAr , rntjiTi.
HANANAS I'rlcos lemaln about steady ; per
bunch , largo. $2.00Q2.50 ; per bunch , small to
mmlliini. 1.75a2.00. (
I.UMONS Mcsslnas per bov. $4.00a5.00 :
Mlorl , oases , 300 slzi * . $5,50 ; I'lorldus , 15.25.
OitANdi h 1'lorldas uro boiling ut $3,50 ; Mox-
liuna , J3.50 ,
HIDKS No. 1 green hides , 2ljc ; No. 2 preen
hides , 2c ; No. 1 gieon suited hides , 3o ; No. 2
green i-nlted hides , 2c ; No. 1 green salted
hide * , 25 Hit , to40 Ibs. , ! ic ; No. 2 green salted
hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 lb . , 2u ; No. 1 calf. H
Ibs. to 15 I In. , 5u : No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15
Ibs. , 3u : No. Idry Ilint hldos,4ci No. 2 dry Hint
hides ; 3u ; No , 1 dry salted hides , 4c. 1'urt
ctned hides He per Ib. less than fully enroll.
Kllfcri1 1'Kl.TS-aii'Oii bttltetl , each , 35a75c ;
green malted shearlings ( short wooled curly
skliisl , each loai5c ; dry bhearllngH ( short
wooled curly skins ) , No. 1 , each uiiUlo ; dry
shearlingsohurt ( wooled early bklnsi. No. 2 ,
uueh 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and .Nebraska
hutchui woil poltb , per ll > . , actual weight. 10 ®
1 Ic ; dry Hint , lunibiis und Nobrnska murialn
wool iwiiH. per Ib. . wolght. 17iS20o ; dry
Hint Colorado butcher wool polls , per Ib. ,
Hcltiul weight. oaiOo ; dry Hint Coloiado mur-
lulti wool pelts , jiorlb. , actual weight. 7 < a'Jc !
dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 5ii7c.
Mllxmukfu . . „ .
MII.WAUKEC , Nov. 1-ri.oiiii-Qulot.
rnJ"EAv lluy ! ; VeCL'nc1'UO' ! ) ) ' < ci No2 spring ,
58J4-o No. 1
; northern , 03yc.
( 'OllN-Sleudyj No. 3 , 38c ,
wldlS-S-.15' ' ' N ° - U * "It0' 3 ° Ci NO' 3 |
- .
ot | iw.KV Stfndy No. 2 , G3tfej sample , BOiJ ®
No. 1 , 4aJc. !
| 1l ( 1 < | vwio.NS-Xomlniil ; pork , 110.05lard ,
- 23--
Oil Slarket 7
OIF , CITY , I'a. , Nov. I. National transl-
cerllllcuU-bopoued ut 73 * highest. 73'i ; low-
rm'tJl-isjO bllkl" " ' ( J " . lW " "to. ,
I'lTTsnuiio , Noyt l.-Nutiomil transit
Mlnueupnlti U'livat .Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 1 , The continued laroo
receipts of wheat 111 the Interior with the
Vrweut large arrlvuU hero nun at Uululb cro-
fttcd considerable weakness The late longs
wuc discouraged by the falluroot a rlso to
follow the i > u agoor thu rep ml hill and tholr
holding coming out caused tlio decline.
Kiirmers ate selllnc very freely , nnd such
sales promlso to conllliito whllo Urn wonthor
favors tlioni ] > , vcmhirop"iicd u < rSi , rH'.ic
and sold don to 5Hi' at the close. May oponcd
at 01 He nnd old down to ( i.l'.o and closed ut
04'iC. Wheat In lore closed : Hard , COoi No.
northern , 5Rc ; No 'Jnoilhern.bOlic. Wheat
on track was He iibiuo prices In store. Mil
lers biiuvht thu lallot fniely and rlovntor
companies boiiRlil considerable. Shippers
were rather light buyers. The 518 car * re
ceived woto all picked up by these buyers
shotlly after the middle of llio session , oothat
receivers ha.1 u sallsfaclory dennnd. No. 1
northern went at ( J8Ui08 ( ( > 4'cs No. 2 northern
ul5714c. ItccolptsulHcarv.shlp.ncnts , 38 cars.
N > w Vork At in Let .
NKW YOIIK. Nov. -rioiw Hocolpts , 00-
100 bills , ; o\part , 20,1)00 bbls. ; sales , 10,700
pkgs.j tnarkot qulut and wtmkcr to soil !
city mills , iialontx. $4.254.50i winter
patents , J3.5033.80 ! clly mills , clears ,
* 3.G5 < 3.70 ; winter -trnluhts , $ 'i86ap.30i
Minnesota tmhniN. f3.85a4.10 ; winter
rxtras , $ i.-252.75 ; Mlnnesotu bakers , $2.35
® 280 ; winter , low grades , $1.70 3.30 ;
spring , low gtadeo. $1,05 .1.05 ; spring , extras ,
$1.05 ( 2.55.
COIIN MIIAI , Stnuily ; vullow western , 12,40 ©
3.li5 ; llriindywlne , $2,8b.
Hvu-Diill ; boatloads , 52a' lc.
IHni.r.v- Dull ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 05c.
HAIII.KV MAI.T Dull ; western , tioa7oci six
rowed ,
WllKAT Ilfcolpts , 330,300 Int. ! ovpnits , 08.-
000 bit. ! sales , 2,285,000 futures. 370,000 llll.
spot. Snot market moro active und 'Ju
lower ; No. 2 ted , In sloie und elevator ,
O7' c ; ullout , Gee. ! f. o. ll. , G8Mc ; un
graded red , CG'4 < rHWct } ( No. 1 northern ,
71UC ! No. 1 hard , 72No. ; . 2 northern , 05 i ©
OB jr. Opt Ions opened ifc lower und quickly
dpcllnud , © Vc further on liquidations of long
wheat. At midday the maiknl was dull , but
steadied up later on n fair demand for cash ,
closing steady ; March , 73ia73'ic , closing at
73 c ; May. 7ua7Gc , closing ut 75jc ! ; Novem
ber , C7Hrt ( ( > 7a e , closing ut G7 , ' c ; December ,
08 l-lG < aG9' < c. closing nt O'Jc.
nCoilN Hecelpts , 47,300 bu. ; exports , 72,100
Gil. ; nulos , 08,000 bu. futures , 182,000 bu.
spot. Spot market opened eusy , hut closed
llrm ; No. 2 , 4G' c In elevator , 40 ® 47'ic '
ullout. Options opened > ic lower with wheat ,
und on the bid deliveries on November con
tracts sold olT another Me ! May , 48r.49 { ! $ < * ,
Closing nt,40'ic ; Novombor,45'4G4c ! , closing
at 40jcj ; Decumber , 4G'i8J47UC , closing ut
47'c. '
OATS-Uecoipts , 70.000 bu. ; exports , 03,100
bu. ; iiiles. 76.000 bu. fiituics , 76.000 bu.
spot. Spots Uc lower , closing quiet ; No.
2 , 34Vi34Mc ; No. 2 , doll\ored , srijjc ;
No. 3 , 34No. ; . 2 white , 3G3G'c : No. 3
while , 34'J35c. ' Options opened dull , clo-ed
llrm ; May , 3Gc ; November. 34"i34 ? c ,
closing ut 34 lie ; December , 3535ic ! , closed at
llAY-fllondy ; shipping , GOSGBcj good to
choice , G5S86.
HOPS Dull ; state common to choice , 10 ©
23c ; I'acillc coast. 10323C.
HiDES-Stpady ; wut sailed Now Orleans ,
selected , 4G3ulllw. , 3'tKc ' ; Texas , dry ,
2IS.271bs. , Go : lluenos Aytcs , dry , il24 ! Ibs. ,
WooiQtilet ; domestic ( leeco , 2028c.
I'ltovisioNs Cut meats , quiet , steady ;
pickled bellies. * 10.0011.00 ; pickled shoul
ders , $7.00558.25 ; pickled hums , $10.0010.25.
Lard , quiet ; November closed ut$9.80 ; Janu
ary , $8.00. 1'ork. llrm ; new mess , $10.50 ;
cxtiu prime , $14.50ai5.00.
HUTTKII Quiet ; wcstotn dairy , 1922c ;
western creamery , 2a29S4c. )
< : IIIESK t'art skims , 30'5c.
Eiisl'lrmor ; western fresh , 24c.
TAU.OW Quiet ; city ( $2 per pkg.l , G 1-1G ®
6'nC. -
COTTONSEED OIL Steady ; prime crude , 3G ©
3GJc. !
1'ETnoLKUM Steady ; United closed at 72c
Kom.v Firm ; strained , common to good ,
Tuiii'KSTlNB Firmer at 29VS30c.
ltici-Steadyj domestic fair to u.xtra , SJiffi
64l * .
MOLASSES Steady1 ; New Orleans open kettle ,
good to choice , 38ii48c , for now.
SwiAU Kaw , nominal , unchanged ; mould A ,
5 3-lG35 e ; standard A , 4' © 4 15-10c ; con
fectioners A , 6 13-lGc ; cut loaf , 57-lG35 ic ;
powdoied , 5H@55c ! ; cubes , 5f5 ! 7-lGc.
I'Kl IltON-Dull ; American , 11.0014.00.
Copi'Eit-Dnll ; lake , $9.75.
LKAU E.islor ; domestic , $3.30.
TIN Firmer ; Ktrults. S20.GO bid.
HPEI.TCU Harely steady ; domestic , nominal.
St. Louis .Uurkutf * .
ST. I.ouis , Nov. l , Fixuii Depressed , but
prices unchanged.
WHEAT Plunged downward this morning on
heavy selling , depression In Wall street nnd
prospects of obstruction to repeal In the house.
A i ally came later on news of exports and thu
closu was firm , but lie below yester
day ; No. 2 red , cash , 58Uc ; November , 68yc ;
December , 59'iGOic ? , closing at 00'iSGOWc ;
May. G8 ! < o bid. .
COIIN Was "too dead to skin ; " No. 2 mixed ,
closed ut 35 lie bid ; November , 34fjc nominal ;
December , 34'jc ; year , 34c bid ; January , 34Uc
bid ; May. 37'c bid.
OATS Nominal ; No. 2 cash closed , 20 0 ;
November , 2G'jc nominal ; December , 27 > { c
bid , nominal ; May , 31"jcbld.
Kvc No. 2 , 2U coirnicd.
ilAlil.EY Quiet ; Hales of Iowa , GOc.
HiiAN Higher ; GGc , east track.
l'lAX S RED Salable ut 99c.
CixVEn SEED Higher. $7.00S7.80.
HAY Dull , unchanged ; pilmo to choice
IlUTTEit Unchanged.
Rnj-IIIghor ut I8c.
LEAD Steadier , $3.17 ; spelter , $3.30
COIIN MIAI < Unelmneed.
WIIISIIY Unchanged , $1.15.
IIAOOINB Unchanged , 5SG < Jc.
COTTON TIES Unchanged , 95c$1.00.
I'novisiONS Lower ; ilttlo doing : pork ,
standard mess , $18 ; lard , $9.769.87K ; drv
salt meats , loose shoulders , $7 ; longs and
ribs , } 9.12'4 ; shorts , $9.37',5 : boxed , 15c moro ;
bacon , packed shouldeis , $7.50a7.G2li ; longs
and ribs , $10.25 ; shorts , $10.50.
KF.CEIPIS riour , 3,000 bbla. ; wheat , 07,000
bit. ; corn , 30.1)0.0 ) bu. ; oats , 32,000 bu. ; rye ,
2,000 bu ; barley 15,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS 1'lour. 10,001) ) bbls. ; wheat , 5,000
Int. : corn , 30,000 bu. : oats , 11,000 bu , ; rye ,
2,000 bu. ; barley , 3,000 bu.
Now York Dry ( iojiU Market.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 1. Tlio hcnellciul effect of
Iho passage of the repeal bill has been further
demonstrated by Increasing quantities called
for by mall orders and by u still larger conll-
denru : manifested by resident buyers In pro-
vtdlmr themselves with iroods. Whatever
weak spots the market bus recently shoun 1110
gindually disappearing und values are from
steady to llrm in nearly nil directions.
Ituslness In cotton goods of staple kinds
shows somb Incieaso , with prlcoi leading In
sellui.s' fuvor , 1'ilnts and printed fabrics rule
steady auto price , with thu demand Improving.
Printing cloths show un advancing tendency.
Ulnghams and woven fabilcs are rnoio active ,
with tha demand walking towards fancy und
novelties. Drois goods of suitable quality for
spring trade are In good demand und linn.
Woolen goods uru slow , except tlio lighter
weights und colors. Foreign dry goods are
doing a llttlo hotter. Thojobu ! ' '
steadily Impiovlng conditions.
Dulntli Wheitt Jl.irlceh.
DUI.UTII , Nov. 1. The wheat market was
\ciy active , with Inrgu trading , but wus weak
and dncllnlng from sturttollnUh , Cloio : No.
1 hard , cush , November und Decumber , Olc ;
Mnv. 07 > lci No. 1 northern , c.isb , Novembur
und December , UOc ; May , GG ; c ; No. 2 north
ern , cash , D7c ; Novembur , 62c ; rejected 4&c ,
On truck : No. 1 noithern , to urrlvu , GOc ,
Flour was slow unci weaker and It was hard
woiu to make stilus , buyers asking for lower
prices than belluis weio willing to accept.
Old ord 114 , hououir , aiu qttllo plenty. Bhlp-
monts,37H'JB bills. ; Hist patents , $3,353,75 ;
second patents , $3.10453.30 ; fancy and o.xport
bakers , $1.551161.05 ; low grades In hags , In
cluding ted do/ . Ul-,1031,20. limn and shorts
uruuwbukcr. llran. t'J ; slioits , ilO.UUiO
10.50. Shipments , 1,102 tons.
Kiunun city Murkets ,
KANSAS CITY , Nov. 1. WHEAT Slow nnd Ic
louer ; No. Uhuid , 62'a53c ' : No. 2 tod. 64c.
COIIN Me louor ; No. 2 mixed , 3l32c ; No.
2 whlto , 3i'Ji33c. ( !
OATH Unchanged : No , 2 mixed , 25i2,2GJ4cj !
No. 2 white , 2GHffl27 c.
HYE-Flllllj No. 2 , 4Ga4G'5c.
TI.AX rJEiu Weak : 88 < ii99c ,
HIIAN I'lrin ; 5758c. '
HAY Steady and unchanscd ; timothy ,
i9.OOaiO.00 ; prillllu , JO.OOaV.OO.
HiiTThit Kas > ycreamory ; , 22a2Gcj dairy , 18
® 22c ,
KGGS Foaicu ; IBc. 0
Ki'.CEiiTH Wheat , 30,000 bu. ; earn , 3,000
bu. ! oats , none.
( jnipMK.NTS Wheat , 08,000 bu. ; corn , 0,000
bu. ; outs , 1,000 bu.
Liverpool Murkc' ,
Livunvooi. , Nov. 1. COIIN stoadyi demand
uioduratu ; mUud nehtein , 4s 4Jiil.
WHEAT California No , 1 , 6s bd35s Oil ; red
western , 4s iid.
I'BAS Canadian , 5s 3d.
1'OIIK 1'rlino mess , ) lno , 88s Od.
llKKF Kxtru India IIIUMI , lOOa.
HACON Long and short clear , 65 llu. , 50j
Od ; long cluur , 46 Ibs. , f.U Gd.
TAI.WIW Ameilcun Liverpool , flue , -In 3d.
STOCKS or HHKAIMTUFM 1'lour. 180,000
sacks ; wheat , 3,014,000 centuU ; corn , 3,140-
000 centulu.
Cot I ( in MurkKt.
NEW Oiu.EANfl. Nov. 1. COTTON Middling ,
bulos ; coastwise , 2,770 bulux ; bHlcs ,
HT. Louis , Nov. Corro.v-Hppculatlvu
markets liow u ll'tlo udvuncu , but < .p.ils are
unchanged ; ordinary. UlMUui goo.l ordinary ,
7 1-lGc ; good middling ! 7 7-10 ; middling ,
7 11-lGc ; middling f.tlr , U 7-10c.
Co ire o ilurkct.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 1. CorrKK-Opilons quiet ,
but clovod dull ut uiicliunKeU price * to 6 points
decline ; suloa , 4,250 bagv , luciudlnu ; Nuveni-
her , (17,1 " > i217,25 ; IW.r"mhnr. (10.00 ; Junti-
nry , (10.45. fiiot colTeo , Hlo , n shtldo easier )
No. 7 , J18.70'jlB.a7'S.
Wool Market.
ST Louts , Nov. -Woor.-ln fair donmnd
for bright , near giown wool of Iho coarse
order , but all others moving slowly. 1'rlces
unchanged ,
ST. IxnriH , Nov. 1.Voot. . Valr demand for
near grown brlglits ; others dull ; prices un
changed ,
. . Mnrkat.
LONDON , Nov 1. Advices from llivaim
stnto the sugar crop will nguroijalo 1,000,000
IORSJ centrifugals. Ju\a , 17s ; Mttscavn , 17s ;
fair lenttlng , 14s 3(1 ( ,
C.'tttlo Tr.idn llrUk nl Mtrnily t'ricos UORR
Actltn nnil l.owflr.
WEIiNr.sDVT , Nov. 1.
Receipts of catllo and sheep nt this mar
ket show a decided Incranso over last year ,
na well ns list month , whllo libgs have
fiillon off. The llgurcs are :
Cntllo. Hois. Shepn
Itcplsfor Oct. . . . 107,310 107,681 23,161.
Kepis forScp'bor H8.78G 149.230 13,384
ItCllts for Ort , ' 1)2 ) 00,037 116,824 . 16,438
KcptspiistlOmt/s (194,228 1,204,840 207,100
S.imoIOmths'U2 007,882 1,357,104 161,900
Increase . 80,34 0 . 66,140
Dccieasu . . . . . . 152258 .
Conditions on tlio c.ittlo market were simi
lar to yesterday , whllo the receipts show n
decrease so far this week as compared with
same tlmo lust uf ever 4.000 head. There
was n better tone to the trade nnd suitable
beef cuttle sold readily at prices fully us
good us vcsterdtiy. Inferior offerings were
quite plentiful nnd tri'.do on Unit class of
stuff wus dragging. Some peed 1,201-lbJ
corned steers sold for & 1.0J , nnd fnlr to good
western beeves sold nt from $ ' ) to $ 'i.7 * > . Tlio
market wns reasonably nctlvo nnd nt the
close there were very few cuttlo In first
hands" .
Cows nnd mixed butchers' stock sold fnlrly
brisk nt generally steady to firm figures , the
bulk of the fair to good offerings scllitie
IU-OUIH ! $2 to i2l0/ !
Veal calves were lugoaA demand At from
$2 to § 4 , nnd rough stock changed hands at
fairly steady llgufcs. bulb oxun. stags und
tntlings selling nt from fcU > ) to $ .2.50.
The stoekera and fojdurs market was
hardly noticeably different from the two pre
ceding dnys. There wasu very fnlr domnnd
both from rcgtilnr dealers nnd country buyers.
Prices were llrmly held on nil suitable offer
ings , but the under grades wcro moro or less
discriminated ngalnst. Quotations uro :
Good to cliolce feeders nt from $3 to $3,60 ,
fair to good nt from | 2.50 to $3. common nnd
Inferior ut from W to & 2.50. Representative
sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
13 ers , 10G5 $3 35 19 . . . .1070 $4 25
9 grs 877 3 35 39 . . . .1201 4 DO
2 00
2 00
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 1O
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 15
2 25
2 25
2 25
2 30
2 CO
2 50
2 50
2 55
2 00
2 00
2 10
2 15
2 05
2 05
4 00
2 00
2 05
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 76
2 75
2 80
2 80
2 80
2 80
2 85
2 85
2 85
3 00
3 00
3 10
U 15
3 20
3 25
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
15 cows. . . 004 $1 95 Icow. . . . 930 $2 CO
lstag..12'JO 240 20fdrs..l231 3 75
Icow. . . . 780 2 00
1 Mr 1010 2 GO
3 furs. . . . 973 2 25
13fdrs..l080 2 85
2 steels. . 1170 3 25
20 steel s. . 1131 3 25
1 fdr 1200 2 80
1 fdr..1070 2 80
! UfdH..1171 3 00
87 cows. . . 820 2 10
lOstis.tlg 098 2 30
23 calves. 243 3 00
4 fdts. . . . 755 2 50
24 strs/I'xlOOO 2 05
30fdra. . . . 9C8 3 00
1 ov 1420 2 00
9 cows. . . 871 2 05
10 bulls..1127 1 Od
1 bull..1420 1 GO B rdrs. . . 1077 i ! 20
11 COWS. . . 905 225 * 128fdrs. .1007 280
40fdrs\.1078 205 1 steer , .14GO 400
141 COWS. . 810 2 15
8 eows.T. 930 2 05 108 cows.T B97 2 05
1 bull..1070 190 15 bulls..1314 100
liotis Prices on hogs took another sharp
down turn today , although the supply wus
only moderate and tibout 2,000 less than on
lost Wednesday. Packers were the chief
buyers , the shipping demand being small ,
and , as conditions at other markets were unfavorable -
favorable to the sellers , u decline of lOo to
15 < 3 was rcadllv acccpted _ nnd trading wus
quite brisk , the pens being cleared curly in
the day. Extreme sales were ut fT > .75 nnd
fi,10 ( , and bulk ut S. > .85 to $5.05 , against a
bulk yesterday of $0 to fO.05. Representa
tive sales ;
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Ph , 1'r.
OU..192 200 } 5 75 C7 . . .201 240 13 90
73 210 40 5 70 02.324 bO 0 00
9 .333 80 5 75 52..2U9 240 5 90
84 204 440 5 75 C2..2G8 120 5 90
03 265 120 0 80 G2,2H4 120 5 90
74 212 80 OHO 01,284 80 000
71 201 120 080 4'J)10 : ) 40 590
05 .233 210 580 CO..242 210 090
81 " 34 120 0 85 G9 . . .205 200 5 90
G2.28G ! ! ! 120 085 02.257 280 590
74 251 1GO 085 . GO..319 200 590
78 250 100 585- , 08.200 280 590
00 229 80 5 85 ft 03.,208 120 590
44 200 120 5 80 , 04.203 0 00
54 294 80 0 H3 „ , 57..302 80 5 90
7- > " 04 100 5 85 72.,229 120 0 90
75 ! ! 1230 200 5 85 , ) 05..240 200 5 00
70 "GO 120 0 85 n 78.213 1GO 5 90
47 " 57 240 585 " 71,209 80 500
17 238 120 5 85 "i 72. . , 275 280 5 90
5 270 40 5 80 ' GO.240 120 5 00
74 237 240 D 8ft 08.270 200 0 00
03 ! 278 240 5 85 87.230 1GO 5 90
77 230 120 5 85 _ _ 70,248 240 5 9,1
40 254 80 6 8.r ) 72. , . 252 2JO 0 05
05 199 40 0 H3fEf 50. . . 330 1MU 095
08 271 200 0 85 G7..338 480 5 05
(18 ( 281 240 5 85 ' 49.312 100 0 95
03 .242 ! ( . ( ) 0 85 " G8..28'J 120 5 05
73,254 120 586 , / 48,345 40 505
88 " 214 240 5 85 , 02..29(1 ( 120 5 95
Ofi/JOB ! 100 5 87U , 58 107 100 5 05
05 ! 240 1GO 5 87'i 08.253 100 5 00
52 , 308 40 5 90 53.280 80 0 00
GO. 293 240 5 90. v 7274 120 000
04,281 80 5 im1 v 1..U7U GOO
71 27(1 ( 240 590. ' . 69.204 000
47 351 BO 0 90 47..308 120 000
43 343 500 50..243 100,000
70 250 100 5 90 70..200 10(1 0 00
07. . .287 20(1 ( 5 Od 71.,290 100 000
60 . ! U3 121) 5 90 47 . . .449 0 00
51 ! ! .272 200 590 04. , . 249 005
70 'J3-J 200 6 90 115 . , ,273 200 0 05
80. . ,204 120 690 GO..280 40 005
7727H ! 120 6 90 5a.330 0 10
Sii'JU1 None fresh were received. The
Uomniiu U not particularly brisk although
local houses nro ready ' .o iisuulltliut are
offered , und them Is generally some inquiry
from feeders. Prices , howuver. uro very
weak , Ir. sympathy with eastern markets ,
fjuotutions : Fair to good natives. * J 50itJ,10 ( ;
fulrtocoou westerns. fci.esCtf'l.OU ; common
und stock bhceii. MMfoLyi ; good to choice
40 to 100-lb. lain us , # J OJyi 17ft.
Ml. l.oui * l.lvu ritockc .Murldit.
HT. Louis , Nov. l. OAni.E Receipts , 0.300
liuftdj Hlilpmvntii l.H'O ' lioiid ; markut ( julftj
fulrtocliolfonutlvu vtucri ) . * 3,76 5 as ; ordi
nary to medium Tux us und Indian gtuurc , f2.40
G23.uO ; Tvxiib pihoii. it-wor on rccoluta of 30
carloitJs. Nearly ull of today's lecolpts were
medium TUXIIIM unit Iniilun * .
Hooa Keculuts , 3,700 lioadi ihlpmonts , 100
head ! tnnrkot lOe lower ; heavy , 10.00 (5.23 ( ;
inlxrd , ? r > .7VftG.20 ; tlelit , * 5.80&0.1 ft.
. StiKKp KccohiU , 1,500 lionili RhlpmouU , 100
head ! market * ) lo\v ; top prices , 13.23. at )
Itrccipt * nnil ninpoiltlon of Slock.
OnicliU ircolptsnml dUpoMtlon of Meek n §
shown hy itio l > ook iif the Union Slock Yard *
company for llio twenty-four hours ending nt
Ti o'clock p. in. , November 1 , 1H03 !
The Omnlin Pncklnir Co. . . 3'J
Tin * (1. H Itninmoml Co . nis 1.17.1
HulttACo 7fta 1,1112
The Ctidnhy Packing Co. . . 0711 J.fiOS
Parker A Co , . 109
WlnAiimth , . 170
Nelnon Morns iun
A.Unas. . , r.H
It. IlcckorA DfKCii. . . . . . 181
Shippers and l..MII
Total. 3.UB3 fi.77S
Chicago Live htoelc .Mnrkot.
CliiCAtio , Nevi 1. Oood to choice natlvo cat
tle wore In active demand today. Of thu re
ceipt * less thuti the usual proportion answered
to that description utid the bidding wns sulll-
clontly spirited toglvo prices mi upward In
clination. There was no considerable advance ,
but the tone was strong decidedly strong.
Luct week's receipts were comparllvely light ,
but thu total for this week bids fair to show a
respectable deciease , und there , Is , v very fait
prospect of un udvunco In thu near future In
all grades cif cattle. Thcto wuie about 17,000
head bore today , of which iiiimliet not more
than 9,000 were natives. They weie In de
mand at from 91 to fO.HO , with sales
nrlticlpnly ut from $1.75 to J2.75 for cows and
heifers and ut from $4 to tO.20 for stcnrs.
Thcro was onu sale ut $0.75 and several at
from $5.2. > to $5.60. Tim ollurlngsof western
rangers amounted to 0,000 head , till of which
were taken on u basis of former quotations.
The 3,00(1 ( TuMins received were wanted ut
from el.25 to $3.25 , thu market helm * llrm ut
thutrutigo. Veal calves sold at fiomJJ to
Thoiowas little change today In thu prices
of boss. Thu maikel pursued the Hither
unusual course of opening ( lull und weak , and
then becoming nctlvi "iind giowlngslionger as
the day advanced , Tlio supply , Including the
stale lots , amounted to 25,000 head. Thn demand
mand called for qultu that number ; Indeed ,
not nil thu ordeis wetu Illled. The best heavy
lots u\eruitos of from 280 to 400 Urn. Hold us
high ns tG.2l ( , nnd thcie were sales of medium
weights at JO.'JO to $0.36. Troiii thesu lltrures
there was trading all along down the line to
$5.75 to (3.9J for poor und common stuir , und
to * 3 to J5 for ctlllH. Thu close was qultu
strong at the quotations g\veil \ below. In pork
the quality of the niTorl.ius did not show to
qulto the advantage us recently , but there
was not much room for complaint on that
KCOIO , thoiivutugo being notably good us com
pared with lust yeur's.
Had the supply of sheep been confined to the
fresh receipts there would h.iyu been a fair
show for un UUuncc In prices but with thu
puns well filled with stale stock the 12,000
iccelvod today Droved a sufllclcnlly heavy
load to keep prices down to their former low
luvel , The market wus llrm for coed to choice
muttons nnd was dull and barely steady for
thin stock. The latter description appllud tea
a very largo part of the supply , und theioforo *
uclcuianco wusoutaf thu question. Stiles of
sheep were on u basis of from 13.23 to 13.75 for
good to choice , und from Jl to $3 for Inferior
to fair grades. Thn range of quotations for
lambs was from $2.50 to $4.00 , though some
thing fancy would bring u little more.
Receipts Cattle , 17,000 bund ; calves , 1,200
head ; hogs , 24,000 head : shuup , 12,000 head.
The Evening Journil reports :
CATTLE Receipts , 17,000 head , Including
3,000 Tex aim and 5,000 westerns : market
active , strong ; top steers , $5.GO5,80 ; others ,
14,605.25. ,
Hoes Receipts , 24,000 head ; market active ,
steady ; lough , JO.801iO.90 ; mUedand packers ,
JO.OOS0.20 ; heavy nnd butchers' weights , $0.20
C10.30 ; lights , JG.20iiG.20.
HIICEP AND LAMIH Receipts , 12,000 head ;
top sheep , $3.50 3.75 ; top lambs , J3.75O4.75.
Kansas City T.lvo Stock Market.
KANSAS CITV. Nov. 1. OATTI.K Receipts ,
12,300 head ; shipments , 3,000 head ; best cattle
were steady , others * -Iow : Texas nnd shipping
steers , Jl.H5Sio. 15 ; TUMIS und native cows ,
$1.003.00 ; butchers' slock , J3.00S4.10 ;
Htoekors und fccdeis , $1,05(33,50. (
Hods Receipts , 5,200 ; shipments ,
800 head ; market opened IDu to 15u lower ;
closed strong : bulk , J5.75@0.90 ; heavy , puck-
Ing and mixed , * 0.80@5.90 ; light , Yorkers und
pigs. J5.0035.90.
failEEl * ICccoipts , 1,700 head ; , shipments ,
300 head ; market blow and steady ,
Isow York Live Study Market.
NEW yoitK , Nov. 1. HEKVES Receipts ,
2,000 head ; market slow : good natives steady ;
common to medium lOc lower ; natUq Htcors ,
J4.00@5.20 ; Colorados , { 3.80(0.4.10 ( ; bulls und
cows , $1.253.00.
CAI.VKS Receipts , l.OOOthead ; market firm ,
shudo tronger ; veals , J3.00G0.25 ; grussers ,
HHEKP Receipts , 10,000 head ; sheep , J2.50
I&3.75 ; lambs , $4.00ft5.50 ; dressed mutton ,
07J4c ; dressed lambs , OJiS9c.
lloos Receipts , 9,000 head ; market lower ;
Kloux City I.lvo Mock .Market.
Sioux OITV , Nov. 1. lions Recolnts , 2,500
head ; olllclal yesterday , 909 head ; shipments ,
481 head : markut lOc lower at S5.700.70 ;
bulk , $0.75.
OATTI.E Receipts , 0,200 head ; ofllclnl yes
terday , 018 head ; shipments , 62 head ; mar
ket active und strong.
Stock In alfflit.
Receipts of live slock ut tno four principal
westotii markets Wednesday , November 1 :
Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omalm 3,208 6.UOG
Chicago 17,000 24,000 12,000
Kansas City 12,300 5,200 1,700
St.Loula 0.300 2,700 1,600
Total 41,808 38,100 15,200
DeWitt's 1ttio Early Ktscrs. Small pills
safe pill , best pill.
JS.\ar.lXlt'S tT HTltlKK.
Intcrcstlnu I'acts mul rignrcK from the
Centnr of the Scene of Action.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 1. United States Con
sul Benjamin It. Becdlco at Sheffield has
sent to the Department of State an interestIng -
Ing report on the present great'coal strike
in England.
The consul gives a brief history of the de
mands made from time to tlmo during
the past several years by the
Minors Federation of Great Britain
for an advance In wages , and
says that in August , 18U3 , < ttio miners were
receiving 40 per com advance on the scale of
wages ruling in 183S , and the price at the pit
for the host Yorkshire steam coal hud risen
to $ J.55 per ton , the average price of coal exported -
ported from the United Kingdom being $3.19
per ton frco on board ,
During IS'Jl and IS'Ji the price , which in
18'JO had rc.iehc'i the highest uolnt it had
touched since 1870 , was falling , and the past
nix months it has been ROlng down rapidly.
In July , IB'J. ! , the price at tlio pit for best
Vorushiro a team coal had declined to fl.70
per ton , and steam coal Is said to huvo sold
us low as § 1.28 per ton.
Notwithstanding these reductions ill the
price of coal , the minors' wages have re-
malncd ever slnco the 1st of Au
gust , 1800 , at the maximum rate hitherto
paid , viz. , 40 per cent above the standard
rate paid in 1883 , and the owners now say
that they will no longer continue tins high
rate of wages In the face of a falling mar
ket , and after asking lor and buing refused
hv the Minors Federation a voluntary con
cession to the extent of 25 of the 40 per cent
advances obtaino.l in 188S , 188'J and 1800 , they
have plvon notice to ttio men to leave their
work unless they will accept such icduclion.
The oulk of the notices expired on July 2 ! > .
The number of hands directly affected is
stated to bo not far short of ! 150,000. a
H is said that the funds at the command
of the various trades unions amount to
about $ l&IUy70. It was arranged that for
the Ilrst three wnoks of the strike the men
should pot receive any strike pay from the
union. There is now in progress a very
severe struggle , tlio effect of which has been
to greatljL diminish trade In the consul's
Which natiiruis constantly git Ing In the shape
of bolls , pluiplca , eruptions , ulcers , c& , Tlieuu
Ihow that the blood U contaminated , and gome
assistance must bo git en to relieve tlio trouble.
Is the remedy to force out these pol-
uons , and enable ) ou to
11 have had for year * a liumor In my blood ,
hlch made mo dread to tlia\e , au unall bolls or
pimplea would be cut , tbuicauiinc thu ghaIng to
boacroatannojanco. AftertaUnf'thrrobottle *
my face U all tlcar ami smooth us it
should bo- appetite tplcndld , ( lecji
well , and ftcl like ruunlne a foot
ali from the use of 8. B. 8. , .
CIIAS. II EATON , 73 Laurel it. Phila.
Trcatbjo on Mood and skin dlseasca mailed free
fiWUI Bl'LVUflQ CO. . AtUnU. Ua.
Oosta Rica Loses Ona in Her Census Oonut of
Noted Criminals.
I.niiilcil from thr Stenmcr t'lixhMI Vi § -
tenlny mid Now Unrnuto for Now
York , Whom llo Will IMond Utility
mill Auk fur Merry.
OIU.RANI , Nov. 1. Francis H. Weeks ,
thejviow York dofnultcr , wanted for cm-
bczzllne , arrived this morning at ! 1 o'clock on
the Foxlmll In tlio phargo of Uolcctlvp
Kollly of District Attorney Doanccy ( Xli-oPs
ofllce In Now York.
The attempt by Weeks' lawyer to tiilto
him out of jail Inst Tuesday wns abortive.
President Rodriguez lionrlni ; of this gave
onlnrs Hint in no c.iso should llio ofllcers In
clu.rgo of Wcoits accept service of the writ.
The government pl.iucd n special twin at
the disposal of the detective to take Weeks
nnd his p.irty to Union , whuro they boarded
the Foxlmll for New Orleans. The ship loft
Wednesday at 0 o'clock , and the trip was iin-
oventful. As n precaution the follow-
ins receipt was taken :
I , George Leslie , captain of the Monitor I'ov-
luill , ha\u received fiont the District of
Minim the Indicted North American , Francis
II. Weeks , whoso extradition , asked for by tlio
United Slates , ImshucngMiitcdhy the goxorn-
mentof Coitu itlca.
I signed tlm present receipt on board the
steamer l'o\hull , anchored In thu port of
I.linon , on OtMiilur2ti ) , 1H03.
This la to certify that Mr. Weeks IK on ho ird
tliostoruiliM Ko\liill ; tothlV , October 20. 1893.
Weeks Is a slim man with n bearded face ,
Jovial in disposition and about 50 years old.
llo Is accompanied by his wifewho takes his
troubles very much to heart. Weeks states
that when ho pots to Now York ho will plead
utility , will throw Himself on the mercy of
the rourt , and refuse to say any more.
The feclitiR In Costa Hlea was strongly In
favor of Weeks , the entire press opposing
his extradition , foreigners also taking part
In his fuvor.
The detectives will Icavo this afternoon on
the through train.Vccks IB still on board
the steamer , where ho has been treated thu
same as any passenger. A largo force of po-
11 co was at the wharf upon the arrival of ttio
boat and would not allow any ono to board ,
carefully watching all parties coming near.
By order of the captain no one was allowed
on board the ship. Even the crow , when
disembarking , were subjected to rigid exam
' ination and had to prove their identity so ate
to avoid the possibility of an escape by the
K. T. Illinium , World'8 1'ulr.
E. T. Barnum Wire Works. Detroit , Mich ,
extensive manufacturer of wlro and iron
work took highest award upon steel Jail
cells , chccso safes , wire and iron fenceswiro
bank and olllco railing at World's fair.
xair si'MrroMti OP CHAMHSM.
A't Ilitverhlll , Mass. , the Mania t for Iliiru-
IIIJT Churches.
HAVEiiniM * , Mass. , Nov. 1. Three moro
attempts at churcti burning wore made last
night. All the churches In this city are now
guarded by special watchmen.
Last evening a youth named MeCloskey
discovered a bla/.o in a pile of lath in tlio
Winter Street church. The flames wore ex
tinguished. This is the second attempt on
this , church within three days.
Ono hour later the choir of the Center
church notified the police that when they
came out from rehearsal a mat in the corridor
rider was found to bo on fire.
. At U o'clock a report was brought to
Marshal Dele that an attempt had been
made to burn the Unitarian church. The in
cendiary piled up cushions and mattresses
and sot them on lire. The blaze was dis
covered in time to bo extinguished without
much damage.
A similar attempt was made last evening
on the Wesley Methodist Episcopal church.
The police believe the firebug to bo a
( .rank.
Htul Shown Prior Hluns of "CrankUm. "
KANSAS CITT , > ov. 1. Mongolia Andrews ,
who was arrested in Now York yesterday
for demanding from Edwin Gould $ .r.,000 ,
showed Colonel Phulps , a real estate dealer
in this city , several months ago , a letter he
had written to Gould asking for $ Ti,000. Ho
said in the letter that Gould owed him the
money for losses ho had sustained by Joining
in a strike of telegraph operators. Later
.A iidraws showed Mr. Phelps a letter from
Gould promising to investigate his claim.
Andrews asked Phelps to use his influence
with M. D. Wood , manager of IhoVelf m
t'nlon company In this city , to secure for
him ( Andrews ) a Better position than that
held ny him In the company's service. An
dicwAnt that tlmo told Phelps K Wooti re
fused him \\hat lie wanted ho would ' 'hi
him. "
OKI A , niltT.
i\ory : Uitlian Rntlnllnil Hint tli * Lynching
IV m thn I'rnprr Thing.
MEMPHIS , Tnnn. , Nov. 1. The trial of
Sheriff A. J. Mclxsiulon , charged wltli
falluin to perform his duty In proven tint ? *
the lynching Of a negro raplit who VM
taken front the Jail n few weeks ago , came
to an abrupt termination today. Out of GOO
talesmen examined only ono juror iv.n
secuicd. Finding It Impossible to sccuro a
Jury the state' * attorney entered n nollo
prose < iul.
M. II. Mitchell , thu first juror called , saldj
I would give Sheriff. McLcndon a golil
medal for his conduct.1
.luctgo Scrtigg oi-dored Mitchell's arrest
mil nsscsscd a $ It ) 11 no and ten days im
prisonment In the countv Jail. Other tnlci-
men with Mr. Mitchell's sentiment wcra
then called , The charges against the mob
were withdrawn and the prisoner released
Mjr doctor sny It nets cently on tlif Monmrti ,
liver and kiilno\ . unit In n jilonnnnt laxative. 1 liln
ilrlnk Is made from liorM. nnd Is prepared tot use
lUCariue. It li cnlloil
AlltlrucKltUielUiair ! ! > nc.nndtl niuiclcage. Ifyoa
ram at cct It , sent ! your aililrcn for a free nample.
l.nnr'i I'nmllr .Mrillcinn move * tlio linnrln
fnrh duy. Inorrtprtobohoimliy thmsno < * pi\ry.
Address OllAiqlir. WOOMVA III ) . I.Klmv.N.Y.
A Now nntl Cnraploto Treatment , constating oi
BUrrosiTimiEa. Cnpiraloa of Ointment end two
lioxna of Olnlmont. A ncvor-falllnjr Cure for Tllei
oi every nntnro uol dpsrco. It makes on operation
with the knlfo or Injections of carbollo acid , nllch
are painful and poldom a permanent cure , and
rcHultluR In dcntb , unnecessary. Why nndura
thla torrlbla dln'aa.o ? Wo guSrantae O
boxes to euro nnv oaoo. lou only pay for
benefits received , fin box , 0 for K by mall. tjumpU
free. GuurantocalsauedIj/ournrontfl.
flflNQTIPATirtM Cured..Plles Prevenlerf ,
t/Ullu I ll ni IUIH ij Japanese Liver Pellet j
Iho trroot MVEH nnd STOXI AClf HEQULATOtt nnd
UIOODFUllIFIER. Small , mild anil plearant to
take , especially adapted tor calldcen'auso. CODoiM
15 cenU.
QUAUANTEES tsstiod only by
Kuhn & Co. , Solo Aponts.Omnhn , Neb
Dueber = Hampden
17 = Jewel
It is marvelous hovr
i these famous Watches
I ' arc taking the place of
all others where accu
rate time is required.
Railroad men will have
nothing else.
Duebcr Watch Works. Canton , Ohio.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Opnahai
BMtCftttl * llo andahojp market lath *
Wood Brotlisrs.
I.I TO Stock Commission Mirohitmtt.
Sonth Omaha Telephone 1137. Ohio I >
Market reports by mill ; and wire cheerful
arnlsliocl upon application.
for Infants and Children.
"CnstorlHlREOwclladaptcdtoclilldrcnthat Ciihtorlit cures Colic , Constipation ,
1 lecommend Itnssupcrlortoany presctlptlon Sour rttoinacli , Dlarrhojn , Kructatlon ,
known to mo. " II. A. AHCUUR , M. I ) . , JCllla Worms , gl\ea bleep , and promjtcs di
Ill Bo. Oxford Bt. , Brooklyn , N. Y. gust Ion ,
Without Injurious medication.
"Tlio USD of 'Cnstorla ll so universal and 'Tor soTcrnt yoam I have recommended
Its merits BO well Known that It hccmx n work your 'Castorla , ' nnd i-liall nlways continue tc
cf supererogation to cndorw ) It. row nro tlio do po as It has Invariably produced beneficial
Intelligent families who do not Keep Cohtorla
within easy reach , " EDWIN F. TinnEE , JI. P. ,
Ciiiuia JUurv.v , I ) . P. , 125th 61 reel and 7th Ax o. , New York City ,
New York City.
U ianufacturers 0 Infers Directory
licmis Omaha Bag Omaha Tent-Awning
linportorn ninl m
turcrj of Hour HOIISI ! COVKUS.
burlai , twlnu. llllKarnun MrooU
Morse-Coe Slios Company.
Huletroom and omcU7MIO.lilt lloxarl 't
nalurr-IIIMUI-IUI Howard St.
We are tlio ovi.v Miniif.iturori of llootjuul
buooiln tlnitMe of Nvbraiki.
Atunern ( In r I tally" UoxtoadJd to all to Intpoct
our IIUIT factory.