Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1893, Editorial Sheet, Page 9, Image 9

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/ " \T TT T 1 'f l ST" 7C 71 N C r"T ST T 7 T C T 4 \ S T A "F fe / T v
Monday We Commence SI ; Shine Prices to Reduce Stock ©
Dress Goods Dept.
Will have .extra bargains In store for
the Indies. Wo have received now goods
In all lines and on iMouday wo cm show
you till the now shades , styles , colors
nnd weaves.
Those ave not a
of old shop worn and moth oaten goods ,
but are all now , nnd this season's poods '
and wore bought from first hands and .
factories that were compelled to unload
in order to raise money. Wo gotthomfor
nnd wo will glvo you the benefit. Come
nnd see for yourself and bo convinced.
Boolnc is believing.
Our rain proot Cravonotto is the best
in the land. Warranted to turn water ;
is CO inches wide. Worth $2.50. Mon
day's price , $1.75.
Our hopsackings camel's hair effect ,
is one of the latest' , 40 inches wide.
Worth $2.00. Monday's ( price , $1.37.
Our basket weave hopsacking is a
beauty and is woith $1.60. Monday's
price , 93c.
Then wo will give you a nice line of
hopsachings , all shades , warranted all
wool , 38 inches wide , worth 79c. Mon
day's price , 5Qc.
Ask to BOO our Columbia suitings in
the Illuminated effects. Worth 75c.
Monday's price , 43c.
Our now line of diagonal sui.tings ,
now shades , illuminated. Worth 75c.
Monday's price , 85c.
Our waterproof serge , 54 inches wide ,
are worth $2.00 , Our price , Monday's
sale , $1.25.
Now for the children. Wo have some
thing nice for them in the way of an
nice warm and heavy. Worth $1.60.
Monday's price , 7oc.
A few pieces loft of our Arctic cloak-
ings. Bo sure and BOO those. They
are worth $1.35. Monday's price , 43u.
Remember these goods are 54 inches
In our cantor aisle wo will place on
sale a largo invoice of dress goods and
our Monday's prlco
On 76o dross geode will bo 25c ,
On SOc dross goods will bo lOo ,
On 2oc dress goods will bo lOc.
Black Goods Dept.
A nice hopsacking , strictly all wool ,
40 inches wide. Worth 85c. Monday's
price , 50c.
Our 7ou oropon is cheap at the ptlco
but on th's sale wo will give you them
at 40c.
Our storm serge , strictly all wool , a
nice heavy goods and well worth 75c.
On Monday wo will give you the bonollt
of our purchase and eloso them out ,
at 48c.
A strictly all wool Henrietta bought
to sell at 75c. Monday's price , 47c.
Silk Goods Dept.
Ilundrodg of Onvilri's fomlnlno popu
lation have vhltqd our silk department
the past two days to BOO these extra
heavy 22-inoh wldo China silks wo were
Boiling for 25c and not ono of them failed
to purchase. Ono lady in particular
buying 25 yards in ono yard lengths for
Ghmtmas fancy work , for which it will
bo of oxcalloat service. It will make
handsome and durable ovonlng dresses
and waists. Wo still have thousands of
yards , and as long as they last you onn
buy us much 01 you want of them at 23o
a yard. Wo will guarantee that you
never have before bought us good and
heavy silks as those are for 25o a yard.
Now desirable goo Js , not sjhopworn or
damaged by ( Ire and water remnants ,
Wo have thousands of other sllkn on
which wo are making equ-Uly as low
prices. No matter what you want in
ellkd you will llnd it to your interest to
make us a visit before you purchase.
Changeable surah silks , 49o a yard.
Changeable taffeta silks , 49c a yard.
Hundbotno colored bangulinos , 49e
Sallti brooudos , njl colors , 75o yard.
Faille francolso , all colors , 75o yaid.
Black satin rhadzlmor , COo yard ,
Illuek gi oss grain silk , 09o yurd.
Blunlc mitiu duohesso , OSo yard.
Extra heavy colored surahs , 60c yard ,
All the new shades In satins , GOo yard.
Fine quality colored satins , 7oo yard.
Plaid India twill silks. 60o yard.
Double faced black bcngr'lhes , OSo
yard.Hundsomo black novilty silks , OSo
Now black and white silks , OSc yard.
You can't boat our prlcoa on mlus in
this country ,
Big Special Drives.
Wo have purchased the entire stock
of an eastern jobber at about 23o on the
dollar. Tills gives us the largest stock.
wo have over had at any one time. It
must bo sold at once , no matter what
price wo got for thorn.
Gents' line jersey ribbed shirts and
drawers , worth $1.00 each , go at 50c.
Gents' line natural wool underwear ,
75c each , worth 81.25.
Gents' scarlet shirts and drawers ,
worth $1.50 each , go in HUB sale at 93o.
Gents' all wool camel's hair shirts and
drawers , worth $1.75 each , go in this
bale at 9So.
Ladies' natural grey vests , worth 50c ,
go at 25c.
Ladies' heavy cotton vests and pantu ,
jersey ribbed and extra line , never sold
for less than 73c , go at f > 0e.
1 case of ladies' natural wool vests nnd
pants , worth S1.25 each , go in this sale
at 75c each.
Don't forgot that you can buy chil
dren's underwear today for less
money than you have over bought them
for before.
Hats and caps for men , boys and chil
dren at prices less than one-half of hat-
tors' prices and qualfly equally as good.
Boys' cloth hats 25c , worth 76c. Boys'
winter caps and turbans , 25c worth 75c.
Children's and boy's fancy caps and tur
bans , none worth loss UTnnSl.OO to $1.50.
Men's heavy genuine Scotch capa , SOc ,
worth $1.00. Boys' plush caps and tur-
bins SOc , worth $1.50. Men's line fedo
ra in black and brown $1.08 , none worthless
loss than $2.50 to $3.50. Men's line
dovbv hats in the latest Knox and Dun-
lap shapes $1.98 , worth $3.00. Come and
got our prices and convince yourself.
Valises and Bags.
Wo have just bought the entire sam
ples of a largo manufacturer and can
now sell vou a bag or vnliso at what
other dealers pav for them.
Attend this sale if you need anything
in this line.
Our Stock of Cloaks is Too
Large We Need the Room
and Must Reduce the Stock ,
but Prices We Make
Ladies' jackets in tan , brown , blue
and black , latest styles , worth from $25
to $110. wo will sell Monday from $14 to
Ladles' jackets , in different styles nnd
colors , worth from $12 50 to $15 , Monday
woill soil this lot for only $7.50.
Ludlob' Capes at Grout Reductions.
Ladles' fur capos , in black , worth
$7.60. Monday only $1,50.
Ladies'fur capos , worth $15 , Monday
nt only $8.75.
ChlldronM clinks in plain or plaid ,
latest btylo capo * , sUes i to 8 , worth $5 ,
Monday only J3.
Lsdiuj' woolen suits In hluo nnd tan ,
worth $15.50 , Monday at $ J.M > .
Ladles'stioot jersey jackets in b'.uek
at ono-half price.
Great Bargains in Shawls and Skirts ,
Infants cloaks in eieum and tun at Ooo ,
$1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $ 'iSO , $2.75 , 33.60 ,
93.05,84.50 , $5 , up to $ &
Special Money Losing
Linen Sale.
The linen stock 13 too large ever
$10,000.00"cold cash tied up in linens ,
which don't pay those hard times. Our
last fall importations just arrived. Wo
have also hoard about these special
linen sales around town , and have hoard
of the low prices that have , boon tnndo ,
and wo fully roali7e that in order to re
duce this immense stock of linens , wo
will bo compelled to make prices away
down , lower than over quoted in order
to got a big rush after our linens.
There are two important facts wo
wish you to take notice of : First , wo
buy our linens direct from the maun-
facturors nnd in larger quantities than
any house in this' city. Second , wo
don't sell goods on § credit or. long easy
payments , but for cash only , our prices
will confirm this , while our stock in
sight will settle the lirst fact.
It is utterly impossible to do justice to
our stock in this advertisement as wo
will not bo allowed the space , but will
give a few facts. Wo are showing some
handsome lunch cloths in 4-4 , 6-4 , 6-4 ,
. 10-4 and 12-1 white , hemstitched
7-4 , 8-5. - - , plain ,
stitched , with or without open work ,
fancy colored borders and fringed
cloths , napkins to match same , linen
dresser scarfs , a great variety to select
from , scarfs marked to sell at $1.2o ,
$1.89 , $1.50 , $1.69 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.25 , etc.
Will give you choice of the whole lot on
Monday'at 51.00 each.
Fringed glass napkins , 25c , 85o and
60c dozen.
3-4 all linen bleached dinner napkins
at Sl.OO , $1.25 , $1.50 and $2.00 per do/ .
5-8 all linen napkins , OOc , 75c , 85c and
$1.00 per doz.
70 inch all linen bloaohod damask re
duced to 69c yard.
66 inch croarn damask , extra heavy ,
50c per yard.
58 inch cream damasic , reduced to 35c
per yard.
58 inch Turkey red damask , 25o yard.
58 inch Turkey rod and green damask ,
25e per yard.
All linen red bordered damask , 25c.
Fine 72 inch bleached damask , 75c and
. . ,
60 inch silver bleached damask , 75o
per yard.
Turkish bath room rugs 'reduced to
59c each. ,
fiOc Turkish towels reduced to 25c.
Knotted fringed , all linen bleached
: iuck towole , reduced to lOc oacli.
20x52 nil linen damask towels , 2oc.
11-4 wliito Marseilles bed spreads ,
$1.00 o.ioh.
Very best bleached Turkish wash
rags , fast coloiod borders , 6c oach.
- All linen unbleached crash , ! U and 5c
a yard.
18 inch all linen embroidery crash ,
reduced to 15c a yard.
80 incn unbleached butcher linen reduced -
ducod to 15o and 20o per yard.
Closing out our shirt fronts at lOo
each or throe for 25c.
All colors in line tnrleton , dotted ,
figured nnd plain SwIsBos , mulls , chock
nnd striped nainsook ; in fact you will
find what you may bo looking for in our
linen department and at Btioh prices
Lhat will tomtit you to buy , as the stock
must bo cut down. Our loss will bo
your gain during this sale ,
To these who wish to save money and
are searching for bargains wo would ad
vise to go to Ilaydon's on Monday and
got their prices on Blankets , Comforts -
forts , Flannels , Skirt Patterns ,
Outing Flannels , Tickings ,
Muslins , Shcetines. Cotton
Flannels. Linens , Wash Dress
Goods , Ginghams , Calicos ,
EtCt , us prices nro made to reduce
stock. Wo need rnora room and must
have it.
Dept. No. 50.
With any 25o purchase in this Dept.
on Monday wo will glvo
a Domestic Fashion Review worth lOc
* "
or a
Paper poltorn worth from lOc to 50o.
And aside from these gifts wo will
quote the lowest prices on notions , ribbons
bens , laces , etc. , in the olty , viz. :
Linen thread. 20o per dez.
Silk thread , 10 ! ) yards , 4c.
Silk twist , lo per spool.
The best corset stools , 5e per pair.
The best btocUlnott dross shields , Oo
a pair. ; ,
The finest dross steele , 7c a pair.
Etogiint silk hose supporters , " 10oa
Fine olaalio huso supoortors , 3jc per
yard. ,
(1 ( pkgs pins for 5c. *
1 do/en nursery pins for la
72 inch linoncommodosixarfsstumped.
25e. i .
SO inch stamped pillow shams , 25o a
0 inch stamped linen dress scarfs ,
fringed , 25o
Silk drapers , 25c each.
Tto finebt crochet sllli oalv Itta unnaL
Just opened , tho'i ' handsomest line of
figured fast black > Batino sllicia which
was ever brought to Omaha. They
como in neat stripoa.and neat Httlo fig
ures , also all plalfl. You want to see
them ns they are th'd best value for the
money ever offered , 25c a yard , would
bo cheap at 33c aiid"40a All colors in
the best make of Aumbries at 3jo yard.
Now padding , crinoline , now ducks and
canvas just received. Hoydens carry
the larcrest and finest stock of linings ,
as well as they make lowest prices.
Choice of all our hair cloth , which was
85c , ' 40c , 60q and BOc , reduced to 25o
Millinery Dept.
The latest shapes in hats for street or
All the newoat accessories for trim
Wo buy from the factories and supply
the Omaha market with the newest and
most stylish things us soon us they are
All grades and nil prices.
$2.48 "LDDLOW" WORTH $4.50.
Great Sale of Ludlow Shoes.
Hayden Bros will Eoll 700pair ! of Lud-
low's make ladies' $5.00 hand turn tip
shoos at $2.48 a pair. Every lady knows
what the Ludlow fine shoos are ; those
are some ot the Qnost ho ever made. No
lady should miss this $2.48 sale of Lud-
low-$5.00 shoos. Como and look them
ever on our bargain counter , it will pay
Wo also put into this sale a largo lot
Wo wish to remind the public that wo
carry a full line of furniture and that wo
endeavor to sell furniture as cheap as
wo sell everything also. Wo are now
making the prices to suit the times , and
if you buy any kind of furniture before
seeing us you will pay more than is
necessary for it.
The best Sewing Machine
for the least money ever
offered to the public. We
secured 100 of these cele
brated machines of the
manufacturer , who was in
need of ready cash , and
will sell them at once for
$15.00. Every machine
fully warranted for 5 years.
Third Floor.
Aggtin Triumphant
Wo report that.this exhibit deserve ! ; an award , the tone quality , which is of
the niGHES'I'jRADEOF ' ( _ _ EXCELL13NOE. possessing great volume , being deep ,
full , musical and eyjriputhotic ; the duration and singing quality of the to no are of
the same high clianiotor ; the scale , which is evenly balanced , and throughout free
from weak spots , SOIENrtFIOALLY AND MUSICALLY CORRECT , the most
powerful strolls'y to reveal any harshness or break ; th o action is of the
the touch is all tuj tnay bo desired , baingequally characterised by DELICACY.
in every detail of construction the CHOICEST MATERIALS aio used ; tlio work-
inanship is of TIII BEST , nnd the cases are chusio and artistic in design.
[ Signed ] i' MAXSCIIIEDMAYnn , Judge ,
L ' 1 Pro8'dont ' a"d Secretary ,
"fi Bourd of Judges , Liberal Arts.
Anything we etui say would not strengthen the high eulogjum of this
Which adds ndw laurels to its crown n't every competitive contest
Wo are solo western agents for the CHICKERING. Wo also handle sev
eral other first-class makes of plunoj ( over twenty dllToront styles and prices ) .
Children's pob grain A. S. T. tip 31.23
shoes , 9rc.
Misses' pob grain A. S. T. tip $1.73
shoos , 81.23.
Misses' kid tip , spring heel SI.75
shoes , $1.23.
Boys' N. K. calf , button , $1.50 shoes ,
Boys' satin calf , lace , $2.00 shoes , $1.50.
'Wo are selling men's shoos cheap.
Monday a. $2.60 satin calf shoes at $1.50.
$2.0u B calf shoes at $1.50 ,
Jewelry Dep't.
Ladies' solid silver , 10. jeweled ohuto-
otino watch $2.95 , worth $7.50.
Ladies' gold filled hunting cnso , war
ranted 20 years , stem-wind watch , with
ii fiao Elgin. Waltham or Rockford
movement , $12.50 , worth $2-3.
Ladies' 14-kt. solid gold watch , hunt
ing case , Btom wind and set , with a fine
Elgin , Waltham or Rockford movement ,
$19.50. worth $30.
Gents' gold filled hunting case watch ,
warranted to wear 20 ycai s , with Elgin ,
Springfield or Waltham movement ,
$12.50 , worth $2o.
Gents' Elgin or Waltlmm watch , stem
wind nnd set , in silvcrlno case , $4.95 ,
worth $8.50.
Elegant pearl opera glasses , with
achromatic lenses , $2.95 , worth $8.
Black morocco leather opera glasses ,
with leather case , 98c , worth $2.60.
Mibses' solid gold sot ring 35o , worth
Ladies' solid gold band ring $1.60 ,
worth $3.
Solid gold baby rings 25c , worth 75c.
Gents' watch chains , gold plated , on
German silver , 45o , worth $1.25.
Rogorb' 12-dwt knives or forks 91.25
per eot.
Solid oak , eight-day strike clocks
$1.75 , worth $3.50.
Nicklo alarm clocks 58c.
Solid gold nock charms 98c , worth $3.
Watch and clock repairing at reduced
House Furnishing.
Milk pans , 3c ; egg boater , 3c ; basting
spoon , 8c ; can openers , ! ! c ; oil cans , ! lc ;
tumblers , ! kr tin nans , do ; milk crocks ,
! ) c ; machine oil , DC ; toothpicks , 3c per
box ; co'it ' hangers , 3c ; screw drivers , 'ic ;
egg spoon , 8c ; ink , He ; stove
polish , 8c ; 8 packages tacks , 8c ;
bread toaster , 3c ; strtiinurs , IJc ; paring
knives , 3c ; tack hammers , ! ) c ; wooden
spoons , 8c ; apple cores , 80 ; bird cage
springs , 8c ; cm ling iron heaters , He ;
curling irons , 8c ; Utablo forks , 3o ; lump
burners , 80
Book Dept.
We have the finest book stock in the
city. Wo have the largest stock and wo
make the lowest prices. Wo have just
received an elegant line of Bibles ,
Prayer Books , Testaments , etc. , and you
can save 60 % on thobo goodd with us.
Wo have all the host authors' works
and guarantee the prices the lowest you
over heard.
On stationery wo aroTIIK LEADERS.
Fur trimmings , gimp trimmings , ser-
ponlino trimmings and braid trimmings
of all descriptions for 25 per cent less
than tiny place in tlio city.
Got our prices on braid's.
The finest line of imported water eots
you ever saw from $2.75 up lo $4.25 ,
Wlno glasses * , 2e oach.
Butler dishes , lie each.
Sugar bowls , Oc each.
Spoon holdois , 3o each.
Creamers , 80 each.
Pieklo dishes , 5o oach.
Celery dishes , 60 oach.
Saucers , lo each.
Finojiut class tumblers , 660 per sot.
Great Sale on
California Canned :
Fruit and California
Dried Fruit.
8-pound can California cggplums,12jo.
3-uound can gtoon gage plums , 12JC.
3-pound can Golden Drop plums , I2Jo.
3-pound can boat Cuifornia poaehcs,16e.
3-pound can best California pears , 16c.
Thi * fruit is put un in granulated
sugar syrup and is extra heavy , nnd
every can was sold by the Bell store for
SOc per can more than wo ask , Never
was ihero such a chance to buy good
goods so cheap.
Now California evaporated peaches ,
Now California- evaporated apricots ,
Now California evaporated cherries ,
Now California raisin cured prunes ,
7 } c.
Good Turkish prunes , 6c.
Good California raisins , 6c. * '
Now California dried grapes , ' So.
NoW Californiaovaporiited pears , 12Jo ,
Now California nectarines , 12jc.
Uood dried apples. 5o.
Pillsbury's fyiatXXXX Hour , gl-10.
Haydon/a bcsLXXXXXJlour , $1.10.
Sleepy Eye best flour , 51.10.
Best Superlative Hour , 90a
Snowlluko , f > 5c.
Rye flour , best , $1.00.
30-poud pail jolly , 85c.
Pxn cake Hour ( self raising ) , 3 e.
Coffees continue to go up , but wo glv
you the following low prices :
Cracked colTco , 125c.
Crushed .lava and Mocha , lOe.
Choice Rio , 2)C. Golden Rio , 28o.
Old Government.lava and Mocha , 83Jc ,
or 3 pounds for $1.
Wo have everything you wish for in
Dust ton , lOc. Japan Dust , 15c.
Basket fired Japan , a first-class
drinker , 25c.
Gunpowder tea for 33c to 50c. Pinhead -
head Gunpowder , & 9c.
English Breakfast , 35-38-50o.
Fancy Oolong , new crop 48-OOc.
Dried grapps 25e per pound.
The house is full of bargains. Thcso
few prices tire nothing to what wo havo.
? 1.00 will buy now just as much goods as
$3.00 after this stock 13 sold. Wo have
5 car loads of cook and heating stovoa
to soil. Wo will soil you a good cook
stove No. 8 for $0.8o. Never was such a
largo Block under ono roof in Omaha as
wo have now. Wo must soil the goods.
Smoked and Salted
Smoked white fibh 13Jc ; smoked stur
geon 17 jo : smoked salmon 174o ; bloaters
fie each , 0 for 2T > o ; linest cod fish 7 o and
lOc per pound ; smoked halibut 12cj } Nor
way anchovies lOo , per pound and in
luart jars for t5q ! each ; fine Norway
herring 2Jo each ; California salmon 12jo ;
wliito fibh Gu per pound ; Halted trout lOo.
Hcmumhor wo have anything you want
in the ILsh lino.
Fresh Baltimore oysters in bulk 19o
quart. *
Hayden's Crackers.
Ginger snaps , lemon creams , frosted
creams and assorted cookies at 7ic , reg
ular price 12Jc , Soda , milk and oyster
crackers , fie ; enowlhiko crackers , 7io ,
regular prlco JCe. Wo sell erackori
cheaper at retail price than others can
buy at wholesale ,
Meats Away Down.
Fresh link sausage , 8Jo per pound )
cooked ham , lOo ; boneless 1mm , Hie ;
strictly Biigav cured No. 1 hams , 12c ;
picnic hams , lOc ; bologna , head chcosa
and liver sausage , fie ; deviled ham , pot
ted ham and potted beef , Co per can :
pigs feet and tripe , Go per pound ; corned
beef , Go ; linest bonelos pickled pork ,
Butter , Cheese and
Country butter , 17Jc , lOo and 21o , al
ways fresh from NebrtiHka dairies ;
creamery , 23c , 25o and 27c , all made
from separator cream. It will pay you
to buy your butter lioro.
Wisconsin full cream cliecse,7jc,0c and
12jc ; eastern process pure cream , Ho
and IGc ; brick ohocso , 12ic , 14o and ICe
Swiss , 12o ] and 15o ; Neufslmtol , 7io pro
pkg , Wo have any kind of ohooso you
may want. Itosuio you como here for
preserves , jellies , apple butter
inluco meat , all at vary low prices.