THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 29 , 1803-T\VMNTY PAGES. OCTOBER'S ' CiOSiSG GAYET1ES Mrs.'Copelzrl8 ] Afternoon Beception Inau- guraUs the Season's Bound of Pleasure , FUNCTIONS ANNOUNCED FOR THE WEE Trinity I'nrlili linn Ilia Honor of Oponlnc Mr. niiil Aim. I'rnnk .Tollman's New Ilmno nn 11 u rnry Street Hoclnl Clmt ( if tlin I'm ! Seven Dnji. Society emerged from Its lethargy last week , and tlio bang of cnrrlngo doors , the shouts of the drivers nnd the calling out of cnrrlngo numbers was a welcome sound to the votaries of Dame Fashion. Mrs. Frank Colpctzcr had the honor of giving the first ftf tcrnoon reception of the season , nnd the crush sometimes wns something prodigious. Mrs. Frank .Tohnson throw open her now house to the public on Wednesday evening , and the compliments the hostess received must hnvo more than compensated for the trouble , which nvcn tlio smallest function entails. Then there wore several card par ties , a Kensington 01 two nnd several teas , BO that the debutantes had a forolaito of what the suasoii has in store for them. * Ono of the most * stylish nnd popular gloves Is the "mocha" or caster elovo , which Is a comparatively nmvcandidate for general favor. It Is only a few years since it was first. Introduced , and during the past two years It nns hccomo known and liked ni one of thu most stylish forms of hand cover ing. The reason is that the mocha glqvo is ' far tnoro ilurahlo thati the undressed' kid , ono palrof tlio fotmcr outwearing at least two pairs of the latter , whllo It cannot bo distinguished from undressed kid without the most cutoful Inspection. Tlio mocha glove Is made from the skin of the mocha sheep , which abound In Arabia. Abyssinia nnd around the head waters of the Nile. The hides are shipped ft urn Port Said , on the Suez canal , ami uro n f.ivinlto m.tlcrial ot line glove manufacturers. They are nil Imported In the hair and nro dressed In this country. The supply Is limited , especially of tno lamb skins , and hence tl.o glove will probably novcr hu as generally sold as Is the kid , which It now rivals or surpasses. It 1 susccutlblo of the most beautiful coloring , suitable for slreot wear without Injury , and It is no wonder that It has become a favorlto of the feinmlnu as well as the masculine divisions of society. Musically , the season promises great things , il being the intention of Mr. Hans Albert and Mr. Gahm to civo a scries of three subscription concerts of chamber music , with the assistance of the now 'cel 1st , Gustttr Fochringer , who comes to Omnha highly recotmiic-idcd. In addltioi Mr. Albert will organize a string iiiartct ] for concerts , interspersing the with violin , piano nnd 'cello solos. Chamber 'music Is the most delightful form of enter talnmcnt. thu world's greatest composers having given iiraeh attention to composi tions of this kind. During the lifetime of the great German classic composers the no blllty took the greatest possible interest In fostering music nnd engaged men like Haydn , Mozart and Beethoven as their composers. These musicians who wrote for the private apartments of n priiico , Haydn alone writing over thirty symphonies in the service of the music- loving Prince Esterhazy of Austria , were called "Katnmormuslkers" chamber ( com posers ) und their creations for orchestra trios and ( juartcts were classed as "Icam mormusik'1 i. c. , chamber music. To Haydn belongs the honor of having invented the string quartet , his compositions for first and second violins , viola nnd violmccllo being among the stroneost works now played. But the perfection of chamber music was scaehcd under Beethoven , whoso creations have not been surpassed , if equaled , by composers of the ultra modern school ns Brahms , Tsclmlkowsky or Dvorak. The effort of Messrs. Albert and Gahm to introduce this feature of musical thought into , the artisric life of Omaha is deserving of every success. The llrst concert , it is thought , will DO given before the holidays. The reign of the chrysanthemum is over. Now York's fnshionatilo Four Hundred has given the flower of the Orient a death blow. The Sun , speaking of the passing of the flower of the Mikado , says : "Certainly the position of Mmo. Chrysanthcmo remains em barrassing. After four years of such vogue that no coat in October was complete with out her shaggy petals somewhere on its lapel , and nn tea table properly dressed until she was enthroned somewhere on it In wbluo-and-whltc china Jar to bo forgotten by the world 1 Mot only forgotten , but ignored for two ye.irs and put up in n florist's window to bo slighted until she wilted I But that has been the fate of the chrysanthemum , and in whatever form she appears to the public it will have none of her. She may bo white , with long petals that stick out like a porcupine's quills , or bo crisp and curly in white , yellow or pink. The public won't oven look at her. but buys violets or roses without usking'at bow much the florist values her. And ho doesn't think much of her now , or ask much for her. "In the crowd that promenaded Broadway yesterday afternoon the chrysanthemum was very llttlo in evidence. There were a few In buttonholes that didn't signify much as to whether or not fashion had abandoned Mmo. Chrysanthemo. Formerly thny were In every smart woman's corsage and distin guished every genuine or would-be swell as invariably ns a gardenia does in London. Now there are only a few scattered about , and auvbody that doubts If chrysanthemums are still the proper thing need only notice the people who wear ( hem on Upper Broad way in tlio afternoon. " Tl > n ColHUzcir | JU'crptlon. Society donned its best gowns on Wednes day and crowded Mrs. Frank Colpotzor's handsome resilience throughout the hours of the reception which was given as the formal cntrco of her daughter , Miss Susie ColpcUcr , Into the arena of the swells. It was the llrst reception of the season and per consequence the wives , mothers and sweethearts of Omaha's men availed themselves of the opportunity to begin anew friendships formed last season and ce ment those of longer duration. Mrs. Colpetzor was assisted in receiving her guests by Mrs. DuBols , Miss Susie Col- polzer and Miss Cady , together with Miss Palmer , Miss * Helen Mlllard , , Miss Jon tie. Yntcs , Miss Woustcr. Miss Burns , Misa lieu 01 Cincinnati , Miss Wnkcloy , MI s Emily AVnkoluy , Miss Hughes and Miss Mary Dandy , who aided in the good cheer that prevailed throughout the flower-deco rated rooms. In the dining room Miss Wadlclgh and Miss Maud Wndlelgh presided with grace over the tea and chocolate , the table being exquisite In its white damask cloth with a beautiful rose bowl ill led with la Franco roses In the nmlcr. The reception was brilliant , the crowd ghowy and everybody scorned to bo glad to bo back again In the social harness after a summer on the Midway , the mountains or at the seashore. Mrs , uoipctzor were n pretty costume of blue corded silk , cntralno and , trimmed with blue velvet , dueliesso lace und a Jeweled passementerie. Mrs * Iu Hols was in a very sweet gown of black ilk , ornamented by a eropo bertha crossed In front. Mi s Colpctter , the attractive debutante of the occasion , were a dainty tlrcss of white inullo. trimmed with Valenciennes lace , a Uerchlof about tile neck , from the ends of which depended ribbons tied about the waist , and she carried laKranco roses. Mia * Cady , anotherof theseason's 'buds , " were an effective costume of while silk orna mented \\ilh white lace. Tlio pretty picture the dcbutuntci of the season presented brought many a sijrh to the older people who In the presence of these young girls , lived over their first seasons in society with couilderablu bean- aches. Mui Clara Palmer looked lovely in a gown of pink and white with vrblte satin sleeves. MUs Flora Webster carried herself like a joung ijueou , gowned styllihly in white inullo over yellow sitln , with yellow satin ribbon * aoout the waist , a ruff at the neck , giving tone to the costume. Mii HoUa Wlilard nor * ft latWy wblU STOVES lANT'HOME ' ST Monitor and Mejeetic Steel WE MAKE TH EVERY STOVE AND RANGE WARRANTED. I f 14TH , AND NS FAKNAM. and pink crca.tion simply but very effectively made. Miss .Icntlo Yates , pretty nnd piquante , graced a pink and black silk , trimmed with black silk not and pick ribbons. Miss Burns were a gown of pearl brocade with green velvet sleeves and trimmings. Miss Bell was in a French costume of pink colored silk and red velvet , Uuchesso lace falling over the sleeves. Miss Wnkeley wore a cown of old rose , covered with black lace and red roses. Miss Kmily Wakeley also wore n costume of green anil pink , with deep pink satin yoke and sleeves , u fetching bag depending from the waist from which violets swung. Miss Hughes , a line looking girl , were white silk , the waist ofvliito brocade car rying American beauties. Miss Dandy was petite and fascinating in a gown of white illusion very sweetly made , the yoke being edged with forget-me-nots. Miss Wadleigh was In mauve brocade , whiio her sister wore an old rose benrietta , trimmed in white lace. Among the ladles present nro recalled : Mcsdamcs Yost , Morsman. Pritchett , Paxton - ton , Uoutant , George Sqnjros , Charles Squires , C. N.Doitz.IUrkondall , Swobo.Eddy , J. T. Duryea , General U.indy , G.V. . Doane , Mcrcor , Charles Keller , Hultr. Mclntosh , Sharp , Gilbert , Green , Chase , Mcikle , John- eon , Whltmore , S. S. Curtis , Sheridan , Cudahy , George Palmer , Cornish , F. M. Metcalf , McICcnna , Drako. Missus McKenna , Itodman , Florence and Besslo Yates , Daisy Doano. Lvnu Curtis , ICountzo , Brown , Miss McKoll , Miss Hlmebaugh , Miss Abblo Tuft of Colorado , Mrs. Wallace , Mrs. Burns , Mrs. McKoll , Misses Millard , Helen Smith , Mary Barker , Amy Barker , Vaill. Mcllona , But- tcrllcld , Sharp , Ida Sharp , Sargont , Pratt , Hlmcbaiigh. Balch , Thcdo Balch , Ha\\loy , Uandcs , Moore , Baum and Cupelami , Mrs , W. II. Alexander , Miss Llta Alexander , Mrs. A. I' . Tukoy , Mrs. Sargeant , Miss Tukoy , Mrs. Wnrron llogers. Mrs. Tom Kogerb , Mrs. II. B. Smith , Miss Deoring , Mrs. Dcurlng , Mrs. J. B. Hixwloy , Miss Hawley , Miss Clara Hawley , Mrs. Nason. After the reception a tea was given at 01U : ! for thn ladies assisting , as many gentle men being invited in as there were ladles to round the evening with dancing. There was n llttlo music too , participated In by Miss Maud Wadloigh , Miss Palmer , Miss Jentlu Yates. The men were : Mr. Charles Wil son , Mr. Dean , Mr. J. Baldrlge , Mr , Joe Morsmun , Mr. Charles Kountze , Mr. Georjo Palmer , Mr. Jack Baltln , Mr. Plorro Garneau , Mr. George Mercer , Mr. Randall Brown , Mr. Will Hoairland , Dr. Summers , Mr. Will Uo-ino and Mr. Art Guiou. For tlio llonutlt of ( IIII..MIIHIU Funil. The reception given Wednesday evening by the lad IBS of Trinity Parish Aid society for the benoflt of the music fund of the cathedral , tit the residence of Mr. and Mrs , Frank Johnson , Tlilrty-alxth and Harnoy streets , could not have been a more churm- ing function try as the hostess nnd her associates might on devising u ploislng on- tcrtalnmont. There was a delightful lib * , seneo or ostentation. It was it gathering largely of friends socially as Well as in u church sense , and the short musical program vyus In keeping with the charm of tlio enter tainment. Omaha is gradually growing rich In beauti ful homes , the now residence of Mr. Johnson being among the handsomest houses of the city. It is essentially n home of culture and rcllncmuut , the good tnslo of Mrs. Johnson being everywhere scon , not alone in the fur nishings but in the mural uecorutlous nnd wood carvings , its pictures and brlo-a-brac. The parlor Is a beautiful study In the Liouls XVI style ot ornamentation , the fresco work having been done by a well known New York artist , working under the very competent direction of Paolo Puveslch , who decorated Boyd's theater. The celling is a gem in mural effect , the frieze of flowers being ns dainty in its way as the water colors ot Du- ran. Tb carpet is solid in color , toning in with the furniture and the wall painting , giving ono the impression of rcilneii luxury that Is captivating to a degree. The library Is Moorish iti design , and a cosier library there Is not one in Om'atm. The big bay window to the north has a deep window seat , beautifully upholstered , whllo the tlroplaru to the loft of the bay is rich In Moorish til ing , luo upper portion of the uiautol sug gesting a bit from the Al ham bra la its artls- tto tracery. But the room that attracted most attention WM the Jap ue o cosy off thu parlor. FiuUawl lu WrU' eye taajife made to represent bamboo , the windows oven being beaded with small rounds of the cane. The fretwork over the mantel Is thoroughly in keeping with the rest of the apartment , the walls being hung with a weave some what suggestive of burlap. There are por- tlcrs of rich Japanese stuff , and Japanese pictures on the walls. The dining room is hung in embossed loather , the colling being divided into squares by n dark wood and in keeping with the pretty room. Above stairs the architect has been just us hapoy ns be low , the rooms being largo nnd finely lighted. But this is a fcaturb of the whole house , as there are windows after windows , giving ouo the Impression that the interior must bo broken up and not admitting of any strong ornamentation , but a glimpse Into the man * sion will show a very different condition , and to add to the very charming effect there were stands of chrysanthemums about the rooms that assisted In bringing out all the bo.tutles of the place. Incidental to thu reception there was a short musical program. Mrs. Iless-Fuchs pluyins several piano uninl/ors very credit ably. Mrs. Cotton sang , as she usually does , brilliantly , her volco snowing stronger than usual , because of hcrrcstful summer , Mrs. Will Wood sang Ncvins' beautiful ballad , "Little Boy Blue , " in a manner that showed her the possessor of a swcot , sympathetic contralto , and for an cncoro she gtivo n catchy French composition , "Colcsto , " phvy- Ing her own accompaniment in this instance. Mrs. Wood is not hoard of often enough in public , aud it is to bo hoped that there will bo other occasions this season \vhonMrs. Wood will bo heard in concert. Mrs. J. J. Dickey , who has n beautiful volco for recita tion , gave most appropriately ' 'The Organ Builder , " and for an cncoro a story of n ooy umpire that brought tears to those in front. Mrs. Johnson , who is president of the so ciety , deserves u world of compliments for the success of the affair. After the must- calo refreshments were served. Among the guests were : Dean Gardner , Mr , and Mrs. Barkalow , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bradford , Mr. nnd Mrs. MoAVhorter , Mr , and Mrs. ICIrkondall , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. N. Bubcoclc , Mr. nnd Mrs. Chase , Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wheeler , Jr. , 'Mrs. F , M. Hlclmrdson. Mrs. Will Wood. Mrs. Motcalf , Mrs. Cornish , Mr ? nnd Mrs. Arthur Hninf'gton , Mr. nnd Mrs , Adolph Muyer , Mr. . .nd Mrs. Harry McCormlck , Mr. and Mrs. J , J. Dlukoy , Mr. and Mrs. Wavron itogers , Mrs. Deoring and Miss Deoring of Portland , Mo. . Mrs. John Barker , Mrs. Churchill Parker , Mr. nnd Mrs , Gcorgo Itarkor , Mrs. Cook , Mr. Thomas Kinsman , Mrs. O , M. Carter , Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Dims , Mrs. A. B. Hudson , Mrs. Hairy Heed , Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan , Mrs , Martha Hoth. Mr ] and Mrs. C. S. Montgomery , Mr. and Mrs , Patcrson , Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Squires. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Kemp , Miss Amy Barker , Miss Kathoryn Barker , Miss Balch , Miss Thcdo Balch , Miss Hlmobamrh , MUs Cham bers , Miss Toft , Mrs , Lowlslleod , Mrs. F. A. Ulnohart , Miss Val'l , Miss Doano , Miss Mabel Balcombo , .Miss Moore , Miss Cook , Miss Crandnll , Miss Besslo Peck , Miss Carter - tor , Mr. W. G. Chambers , Mr. Colos , Mr. Hoth , Mr , Hnydcr , Mr. Jordon. Mrs. John son was assisted by Mlsa Gertrude Cham bers , Miss Hluiobuugh and the Misses Buleh. KnccptliM ) ut Motropollt'in Club , The inaugural ball of the Metropolitan club's season of ' 0,1-4 was ono of the features ot last Saturday night , the guests enjoying the opportunity to "trip the light fantastic , " u flora summer of idleness , Some of the gowns worn by the ladies were new und very beautiful. Among the guests were : Mr , and Mrs. Moritz Mayor , Mr und Mrs. I. Wise , Dr. and Mrs. O. Hoffman. Mr. anil Mrs. I. Obcr- fcldor , Mr , and Mrs , B. Newman , Dr. und Mrs. Charles Kosewater , Mr. and Mrs. S. Kntz , Mr , und Mrs. K. Soligsohn , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cabn , Mr. nnd Mrs. D. It. Siller- stain , Mr , and Mrs. II. Colin , Mr , and Mrs , J. Ixibman , Mr. und Mrs. Klrschbraum , Mr. und Mrs. F. Adler , Mr. and Mrs. Martin Calm , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heller , Mr und Mrs. Alex Polack , Mr. und Mrs. Aaron Cuhn , Mr. und Mrs. I , Now , Mr , and Mrs. A , Mandolbcrg. Mr. ana Mrs. L. Roths child , Mr. und Mrs. 11. Kuhfeld. Mr. aud Mrs , Joe Goldsmith , Mr. and Mr * . Ij. I. ix > evoy. Mr , and Mrs. M. H , Cook , Mr. und Mrs. K. Grotto , Mr. and Mrs. A. Haas , Mr..und Mrs. G. Becker. Mrs , M. ( tollman ; Missus Mautound Dolllo I'olncK , Uryjuss , Ixjbumn , Nowuun , Rothschild. Mitchnl , Haas , Goldman , UocUcr , Schlcisluger , Adler ; Messrs. Julius Meyer , A. Dclches , S. Frank , E. Strauss , II. Langstador , Dr. Frank lin , Charles Uoldsmlth , Slg Meyer , Max Meyer , P. M. Hose , F. Seligsohn , II. Bambergor , Dryfuss. B. Rosonthnl. Went \ < Niittlusr. A delightfully original party was that given by Miss Marie Price Thursday after noon. About flfty young people , chaperoned by Mrs. Price , took the ono o'clock train for Mr. J. B. Market's summer homo 1iear Do- Seta , known as Woodstock farm. At the station largo hayracks were wailing to con voy the icorry crowd to the woods where many bushels of butternuts and chestnuts were gathered. At 0 o'clock a dainty luncheon was served on the porches of Mr. Market's residence , after which came danc ing in the parlors. The hayracks were then again called into 'requisition to take the party to the train , which landed them in the city at half past , 'J after a most enJoyable - Joyablo afternoon. The Invited guests were : Misses Grace Christian , Besslo Pock , Mabel Brown , Helen Pock , Lou Burnotte , Anna Pickaro. Blanche Josslyn , Mattlo Stone , Mabel Kelly , May Mount , Nelllo D.iy , Grace Derby , Stella Brown , Emma Crandall , May Bartlett , Edith Orcutt. Harriet Marsh ' , Ella Gibbon , Bcula Sharp , MaudoStaloy' , bucilla Parmcr , Fatinlo Coburn , Ilolllo Burgess , Fannlo Cogschcli. Mauel lioyd , Jonnlo Gregg , Marie Price ; Messrs. Georco Purvis , Frank Par- iner , Wilbur Cliristlan , Frank 'Coad , Evan Floyd , Hulph Connell- Herbert Morse , Karl HotTman , Percy Jensen , Frank Buffet , Joss- lyn , Benedict , ICuouso , Charlie Pratt , Henry Allen , Will Gardner , Irving Gardner , Bert Butler. Sam Burns , Jack Coburn , Leon Boyd , Howard Tlldcn , Jonn Burgess , Harry Lludsoy , John Larimer , MuCluro , ' Kolly. Frank Van Horn , \Vlll walker , John Brown , Otto Bauman. ' She Wniitnii u Until. Thcro is an indignant school teacher in Omaha who threatens to ask for u raise ) of salary , and It looks as if the oxtrn demand that has been made upon her services would amply Justify such a claim. Opening the door last Thursday In answer to u knock what was her nstonlslimont on being abruptly greotcd with the request : "I want to got n bitth. " Now , the only bath to bo obtained 'in that school room was lu the sunshine of the same school teacher's sweet smile , und after her llrst surprise , no doubt , thu caller was served with ono of this kind. It happened to bo.'i middle-aged woman of respectable uppoarnnco , who had been at tracted to the plaot byn sign on the build ing , reading : "Baths iift cents , worth # 1 , " I'hu building In which * the school Is kept is located on Thirteenth street , being tempo rarily occupied until the completion of the Center street school , now in course of erection. ' 4 , Unco A tain. Ono of the pleasuntest Kensingtons of the season was that given Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. C. H. HoWL-s , 1142 South Twenty- ninth street , in honor * of Mrs. M. J. Greovy of Spokane , Wush. formcrly a resident of Omaha. The room ? ) vere prettily decorated with ilawcra , and the afternoon was one to bu remembered by tlo ) guosts. Delicious re freshments were soiled , and the ladles be tween gossip undjjioedlo work , passed a charming attcrroofl , P , The guests were ; Mesdames M. J , Groovy , Shcrudeu , F. L. Fuller , Camp Burns ; Howes. Rnrprlieil on I lor lllrtlidujr. Tuesday evening Mr , and Mrs. John Kervan entertained a party of friends at their home , 1820 Burt street , The function was la the nituro of a birthday surprise in honor of thu hostess' sister , Miss McUutre , who is visiting in the city. Cards , dancing nod refreshments enlivened the evening and sent the merry makers homo wishing the young lady many such Joyous anniversaries. Those lunttendancu were : Misses Baumer , Bertha Buuiner , Beck Margie Book , Hannah , Kelly. Nellie Kelly , Fitzpatrick , Risa Fitzpatrick. Besslo Fitzpatnclc , Flun- nlgan , Carrel , McGulro , Mrs. P. Carrel ; Messrs. Hussoll , Moriarty , C. Furay , F. Furay , Mullen , D. Carrel , P. Carrel , Fitz patrick. Kelly , Clark , Butler , Berry , John son , McKillip. 1'rotty I > lnner for II r Friends. Thursday evening a very pleasant dinner was given at the homo of Miss Agnes Leech , 2119 Farnarn , to her younp lady friends. The table was beautifully decorated with Marcchal Nicl roses and handsome napcry. Those present were : Misses Mary Meyer , Jennie Farr , Eva Schiller , Besslo Harding , Grace Stem , Emma Johnson , Motllo Havorly , Stella McChesney ; Mrs. C. White. Mrs. Dennison and Miss Dennlson of Bloomington - ton , Mrs. Leech and Miss Agnes Leech. Mr. Nate Horton was the only gentleman present. I'rorc aivo High 1'ivn. A pleasant progressive hieh live party was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bouk , 118 South Fifteenth street , Thurs day evening. Mrs. Smith won the first prize , Mrs. James W. Bouk second , while Miss Emma Nelson having the largest num ber of green stars on her score card , was awarded t ho "booby prize.1' Among those- present were noticed the following : Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Searles , Mr. nnd Mrs. David Smith , Mr. and Mrs. Bel- nap , till : Arthur Chancy , Mrs. M. A Cooper , Miss Emma Nelson , Mrs. Moore , Mrs. Wy- diek. Mu lo anil Mirth. A prominent member of the Young Men's Institute has surrounded blmsolfvith a. group of amateur stars anil has undertaken to produce u combination musical and minstrel entertainment. Several well known vocalists will participate lu the musical part , nnd in the latter will bo seen a number of mirth-provoking young men In full burnt cork regalia. The entertainment will bo given iu St.'Pliilomcna's hall , November 15. Hoc-mi unit I'emimul Clint. S. U. Rush has returned from the fair , Mrs. Guy Barton has returned from Chi cago. J. A. Boll , wife and son loft last night for Chicago. Attorney W. R , Kelly of the Union Paciflc is in Chicago. Attorney McCoy visited the World's fair the past wcok. * Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Pundt are assisting In closing the World's fair. Miss Abbey Tuft , formerly of Omaha , is the guest of Miss HImobaugh. Mrs. G. W. Mogoath iinu Mrs. Cox of Denver - ver have returned from Chicago. Mrs. Wonlworth of Jamestown is the guest of her daughter , Mrs. 1C. W. Leo. Mrs. Cass Richardson of liornullsvllle , N , Y. Is visiting nor sister , Mrs. S. W , Niles. Miss Nettle Hlmoo of Kansas City is visit ing in Omaha with her brother , J , 1C. Hlmoo. Miss Dundy und her sister , Mrs. Newman , rciurnotl from tlq ( World's lair Wednesday. Friday evening Miss Alice McCormick en- tortuined delightfully at curds for Miss Sar gent. gent.Mrs. . G. W. Mcgoath has Issued cards for a tea next Wednesday in honor of Miss Toft. Toft.Miss Miss Brownlo Baum was the guest of Mr. aud Mrs , D. 1C. Thompson at Liucolu last week. Miss Agnes White is visiting at Chicago , ana will witness the closing ceremonies of the fair. Mrs. W. H. Hunter has returned from n visit to Canada and is accompanied by her mother. Mrs. MoKnow is again the puest of Mrs. Doherty. She will return to the cast on Tuesday. Mrs. S. S. Curtis. Miss Curtis and Miss Cartta oCurtis returned from Chicago on Tuesday. Mr. und Mrs. Charles Stewart of Council Bluffs nro to bo congratulated on tbo birth of a son. Miss Cameron , who has been visltlnc Mrs. II. Conrad , has returned to her homo in Hastings , Nob. Mrs. Churchill Parker , Mrs. John Barker ami Miss Barker have isiued cards for next Tuesday afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Von Avery have re turned from a week's visit to Chicago and the World's fair. Mrs. L. Conrad , mother of J. II. Conrad , has gene to Kansas City to visit her daugh ter , Mrs. L. H. Fuller. Mrs. H. A. Ober and Miss Obor of Beverly , Mass. , uro visiting at the residence of Mr. F. W. Ober , son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. W. R , Bennett , child and nurse , ' have returned from a two weeks visit to the World's fair. The Bon Ami club had its first tncotlnir of the season Monday evening ut the residence of Mr. und Mrs. L. J. Drake. H. C. Botterman , wife and daughter re turned Friday from n month's visit In Illi nois nnd the World's fair. Miss Lib bio Anderson of Princeton , III. , is spending u few wcoks with Mrs. J , C. Patton , 2117 Furnam street. Mrs. Bird.inothorof S. S. Curtis , nnd Miss Wood urrivfcd yesterday and are the guests of Mrs. Curtis at the Miidlsou. Miss Woolworth returned from Chicago , accompanied by Mrs. Gay Howard , who will bu a guest ut Courtlanu 1'laco. Mrs. Thomas Schumacher , who has been quite ill at the Presbyterian hospital with typhoid fever , is convalescing , Mrs. C. Voglo of Allegheny City , Pa , , is visltim ; her sister , Mrs , Nathan itothchild of South Twenty-fourth strcot , Thu Union Pacltlo council of thn Royal Arcanum will give a high llvo party in the hall Friday evening , November 10. Miss Hlmohuuph lias asked u few young ladles to spend Tuesday afternoon very in formally with her to meet Miss Tuft. Mrs. Nancy Hulso , Mrs. Chase und Miss Alice Clmboaio expected in Omnha about November 15 , utter an extended trip abroad. Mrs. Pr. Lualngton , accompanied uv her daughter , Mrs. Charles Hill , tutu ono to Cnicago to enjoy thu lust days of the World's fair. fair.Mr. . and Mrs. Kirshbruun returned from Chicago Tuesday. Mi. Kirshbraun'.s mother , from California , is paying them u visit. visit.Miss Susie Woolworth of Albany , N. Y. , will arrive in Omaha nbout November 0 , to ba the guest at Courtland Fluco for some time. time.Mrs. . Lcavitt Burnham loft Omaha on the 31st for an absence of several weeks in southern California , on account of illness of a relative. Miss Boll , who was the guest of Miss Burns for a week , loft for New York on Friday , Miss Burnt accompanied her as fur as Chicago. Mrs. John I * Webster and Miss Webster I Ugliest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE have issued cards for Friday evening , 4 to7 o'clock , i'ho season's debutantes will assist in receiving. Mrs. J. W. Swallctibure returned home yesterday from Chicago where she has been , visiting her sister and seeing the fair for the last three weeks. Mrs. E. Wakeley gave a delightful card party Tuesday afternoon to about thirty-llvo ladles for Mrs. McKnow , who was the guest of Mrs. Arthur Wakeloy. Major and Mrs. Wilson arrived In Omaha Tuesday and nro at the Paxton. Miss Gertrude - trudo Wilson arrived Thursday and is tlio guest of Miss Gertrude Chambers. Mr. Will Crary nnd Mr. Guy and Will Doano , Master George Doano , Will Paxton , Messrs. Gould and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lcnmer returned \Vodncsdny from Chleauo. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Windsor entertained most pleasantly at dinner Monday Mrs. McKnow , Mr. and Mrs. Artnur Wakeley and Mr. Boughton , in honor of Mrs. Mc Know. Mrs. O. Goldsmith , formerly at this city but now of Deadwood , loft Friday morning for her homo , having spnnt several days in Omnha on her return from a twenty-day visit ut the World's fair. Mr. Albert M. Hopkins and Miss Pearl E. Tyner were mnrrloil October ! $ at the resi dence of Mr. W , Goldsniith , 2207 Farnam , Hov. Charles W. Savidgo nfliciutlnir. W. C. Bartlett waa happily surprised bv n number of his friend ? Wednesday evening , it being his birthday. The evening was spent In playing cards , after which dclluloua refreshments were served. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Hughes , who resident 3078 Mason street , returned on Wednesday last from their o.ibtorn trip. They have ALL SIXES IN STOCK. IJut only onoouuUty TIIK BEST Lutoat Bimpos , Perfect fitting. FUK CAJPJSS. Lnrtrcst variety of ALL NK\V STYLUS In Omiilui , ropreeontintf nil faulilnnnblu ftii'H , capes of ono specific fur or combination of fuw , See our 5 , $8 , SHI , $12 and SIC fur , NUW CLOAKS MONDAY for tills wuek'H triulo. ( MKS.SUHS.FIIRS. COR.I6THAI1D FARIIAM STS.QMAHA. Mux Meyer & Hro , CO.'H Old Stand. fy } New Entrance on 10th Street. MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber and Elder Flower Cream CREATES A PERFECT Wo are eolo aiccnta for Mmo. flrnliara'tt celcbrat * cxl tolliHurllclou. Any cjwi of pimples or faulal blcmUlira puHltlvely ctinxl Hcrawny iiL-ckn unu liolIuwMlvliixikHdutuloixal , Ainu ole aeuila lot tlio Janiea Y. Itonlou Human llulr Iluruf. No J.acol No Wire ! No Molt-jwlf nt ' Acuiitu for the IdVul Hulr linioli ( IniporUxlj-u lullel n eb Uyr iiu- luo blUirUu brlatlu lu au ulovUio alrnuntilou t > o4