6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JtfA.riJRD.VY , OCTOBER 28 , 1803. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Market of tli3 Month Was that of YcsUiday : Afternoon. RESULT OF RUMORS FROM WASHINGTON Wltent at tlio Oprnlnc About the Maine n * TliurMlny' * Clmlng Firmer Cabl * Influenced the Courie of Oo- mcttlo apvrulntlon. CHICAGO , Oct. 27. Thoblggcjl mnrUot of tlio month wa cen during Uio lat hour of the bcssion toil n y. Tlicro nro surmises that It was duo to guesses that voting would begin this aftcinooii In the scnnto. HumotB were also current that northwestern re ceipts hfivo begun to fall off. Wheat closed strong at an advance for the day of ! { < . Corn had to thank tha strength In wheat fern n J c advance. Oats and provisions ap peared to loan up against wheat for support , but both closed a little higher than on the day bcffci'o. Wheat at the opening was about the same ns yesterday's closing , followed by cnothor easier feeling and prices declined about K ° then became strong and prices vroro art- ranccd ljc , cased oft a trlllo , held steady and the close was within "fo of tno top. 'L'hc raarkot was partly Influenced by the firmer cables. There Is a largo shoitago in the market nnd the firmness Induced rather frco coverings. Now York parties were reported as largo buyers. Tlio receipts In tlio north west hold up pretty well and nemo advices state that the movement is likely to continue two or three weeks nioro at about present ilgurcs. It was reported that gold imports would start in again and (500,000 was reported to bo shipped from Liverpool to Now York tomorrow. Trading In corn was light. The market was Influenced chlolly by" the firmness in wheat. Option is very much divined as to the amount of old corn back in the country , but loans to the side of small reserves. Fluctuations were confined to H ° range. The close was 's'u from the top figure. Oats wcro very dull. The range was ? e , and the close near the top , with a net gain Of ? fo. 1'rovislona started weak at some decline from yesterday's closing price on aeeount of the hot , ' receipts having overrun the estinmto by 4.000 head. They recovered on the re ceipt of n few scattering buying orders , and In symimthyvlth Uio firmness in the grain market. The last bulge In wheat was taken advantage of to unload some early purchases , nun the closing prices wcro not qulto the highest o [ the day. . Compared with 3 esterday , pork is 20c , January lard 22Kc , and January ribs 50c higher. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 9."i cars : corn , 80 cars ; oats , 185 cars ; hogs , 14,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : CaMi quotations wore as follows : Fixnw Qulot and unchnnpod. WHEAT No. 2 spring , U4c ; No. 3 no sules : No. 2 red , U4c. COIIN No. 2 , 38ic. } OATS-NO. 2 , 28c ; No. 2 white , 30c ; { ; No. 3 while , 2829 c. JtYK-No. 2 , 47Uc. IJAnr.nv No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f , o. b. , 88 ® 64f ; No. 4. f.'o. b. , 34 < Ts4Gc. 1/I.AXSKED-NO. / 1 , 11.01. TIMOTHY SKKD 1'rlmo , * 3.20. ffottK Mess , pcrliul. , 17.5017.75 ; lard , per lOfJlln. , J10.loaiO.15 ; shortrllm sides ( loose ) , * 0.f09.25 | ; dry sal'od shouldera ( boxudl. 7.007.25 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) . S'J.'J5a B.5O. B.5O.Wfiisicv Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , KUQAtK UllclinilKCd. Tlio folluwlni ; were the receipts and ship ments for today. N iw Vork Mrtrl.oU. NEW YonK , Oct. 27.-Fi.OUIl-UccoItls. 20,000 bbls.i export * . 19,400bbls. ; sales , 11,000 plies. ; nmrkot liuiutlvo ; winter wheat , low JJI-IIUOB , tl.70O2.55 ; winter wlicut , fair lo fancy , S2.35 ( 3.00 ; winter\Uioiit , patents. $ ! ) ,5033.80 ; Min nesota clour , t2.35iaa.00 ; Allnnesotti stnilKht < ! , t3.1t > iC3.8U : Minnesota untonts , J3.H5yi.10 : city mills , 3.B5ia3.00 ; city mills , patents , $4.25 U > 4,50. COIIN SlEAi Stendyj yellow , $2.0032.75. HYG Dull ; car lot * . r > t > ari2o. IiA l.cr Dull ; No.2.Milwaukee. 4GG8c. llAiii.KY MAI.T Dull ; western , 05517Uc. WIIKAT Hi'colptH , 103,200 bu. ; exports , 01- 400 bu. ; stiles , 3,100,0110 bu. futures , 240.0(10 ( bu. spot , bpot mtirkut fu hlelior ; No. 2 roa , In store and ulovittnr , 70c ; iilfoat , 70570Ke ! ; J. < > . 1) ) . . 70Vc ; No. 3 rod , 07je ! : iniRruili-d rod , 68ia72c ; No. 1 northern , 73c. Optlens opened sio.idy. closed sllglnly liiKhnr ; N > > . 2 red , Jiniiiiiry. 72 ? 'e ; Kobttniry , clowd at 74)/c ) ; * 'n ph74y75J4c , closud nt 75 ic ; May , CoilN-r-Hocnlpts , 53.000 Oil. ; oxtiorts , l.ilJO bu. ; sales. 275.000 bu. futures , 32.000 bu. spot. Bpots dull ; ISo. 2 , In olovntor , 40yc : allo.it , 47c ; ungraded mlxt-d , 4Gffi47c. Options opened firmer , closed n shade loner ; October cloiod t ,4JHJc ; November. 4Gvffl4G4'c , closing at46hc : December. 47 Il-10ffl48c , closing at OATS-UeceipU. 148,100 bu. ; exports , 1,500 1 > IM miles , 100.000 bu. futures. 46.000 bu. simt. SiitHlnll. | ) Options nponi'ililiill. clo-ed flrm ; Oclobor cloiud ut 34'ft34fc ' ; ; Novoni- yWi4A'.1'f34 ? ul co | l'iK nt 84 .c ; Ducnmlier , B4J , 35 > c , closing at 35.c ! ; May , 3037c closing ut 37ii ; No. 2 white , 3GiidJ304c ; No. aiV.lllcil00 ? ! ® ? * ! No. a. 34cj No. 3 White , 3535Jc ! ; mlxoil \ > olorn. 34 (83Ci' ( . HAY linrelyHtcudjri shipping , I0.6oao.75 ; good t o choice. G.5t < a,0.00. 1'11'1' ' ' ' clluloo > 10Q23u : I'aclflc coast llHJKS-Quloti wet snllod Now Orleans , lolcctod , 4n,7o ( ; IluunoM Ayies , 13lcj } Toxus ' ' Wooir-y'ulut ; doineatlo fleece , 20 < S28c ; HOH , 10iU12c ! ; plrklcd bliouldcra , 74i7 ° c ; Jjiird , tlriiu estorn Hteiini i > io vil at lol&0. I'ork. Htcudyt ' eMru mt'os , lu.0. lIUTTEli-I'lrni ; wemcrn ilulry , 17 tt22c ; western creamery , 21 < 22Bo ; wcbtern factory , alilius ; 4ttOo ! { ; full hoes bleudy ; western fresh , 2HJQ22UC. Tii.uW Wiuikcr ; ollyifj per PICK. ' , fi 1-lOc. CoiTONSKKUiiOii/ Easy ! crudu SCWoaOlic- yellow , 40414 lc. ' ' PBTitOLKiiJi-lJIriner : 72 ! < c for United ; Pennsylvania oil , snot stiles , nonui Novonibor ppllon sales. 5.000bbls. ; closed ut 72'icbld ; Lima oil , naleu , none , ItoniN l < 'u m , Tuiii'ENiiNK-Qulet : 31(33lc ( ) , MOI.AHSEH Qlllot. KiniAit-Slunily ut a fair demand : Bales none ; refined , steady. ' I'm UtON-yulet , 110.60) ) American , 12.0X3 ( I4.u0. Coi'i-KU-Kusy ; lake , 9.401ild. I.KAD-Ktiotn ; ; domustle , 13.4'JJi bid. TiN-rJulh hirulu I20.do. u. . . . . - „ . . , . , i-i. . , , | omcijiC | ( f3.6o. Jbllnneapiilli Wheat Murket. MINNKAVOMH. Oct. 27. At the opening this mornliiK the trudorn generally note In a wait ing mood and for llie llr t hour very llttlo trMdlni ; wtu done , with prices buioly kleudy ml later declined HO to Sc , llrined up again , rulvd Hctlvi- , with a btrong undertone. lpU wvru ( | Ulto liirso autl the Interior .re ported u free movement from farms and gran- , A khnrp domnnd was found to oxl.t for tf CK wliont and ilmrU In covering hid the ninfUut up. J > wcoiuUor opeutul nt c linen nt Olf | Mny opened at 00 < < e and clo.ocl I C7SC. Whuut In Nture rlosud ; Hard , G2)ic ) : No , t northern , COUc ; No. 2 1101 thorn. O'J'.ic ' , Traitk wlivat clokinl ; Hard , 03)ic ) : NCJ. 1. fiurlharn , ( llict ) No. 3 northern , 69 > 4c. Tha rkth innrkut trai ucllvo from thenturt with a o < i(1 dfiinund from local uiUloru and olorBtoni. MUO la Ute Hold aud coualdera- hie quantities were tiikon for outside mlllors. No. I northern. GOJtomi * , .meor twocnwnt i No. 2 northern sold tit fiOtfttGO.V. He- celpts , 520 cant shipments , 63 cnr * . Tlio MoutMimrket It quiet. Hnycri nro bltl- lltiK , but nt. prices that nro too low as a rule. Sllll wllh wlial Is boltiK said , toRothcr with orilentnt bund , xiimo nf the nnlU are putting nut mure than their mnko. Kntcn nro quote ( i it i3lic per 100 Ihs. to Liverpool and London. HilpmrnlH , 32,923 bbls. } llrit pntenti , * 3.60 3.7O ; H'Ooiid patent , (3.25Q3.50I fancy nnd txport Inkert , $1.G.VJ2,1 ? ( ) ! loir ( trades In bags , nclndliiK rnd do ? , ll.2oai.30. I'ollonlng nro nlllors' n UlnK priced In cotton Btickit , 08 and 49 hi ! Hlco Hour , per bbl. . pii'o. I2.GO ! strindurd , 2.20lnickwlicitlourll.CO ! : ; tiDliilnntiRrnhani lour , 12.80. The added llaily outDUt of the nllU crlndlnit today will prohnbly niturnunto 35,600 bbliiv The bran tnnrkct l stonily nt 19.26 nnd nhorln at 110.00 ® 10.25 , and about il nore for middlings. Phlpments , 1,704 , tan * . Ounilm I'roilnco Jlnrket. llL'TTCll-ChoIco butter Is not very plenty , ml tlio market ! * weaker. Homo houses report heir locelpts as lighter than n week ago. Fancy creamery , 27028c : good crcnnibry , J6i32ic ( ; fair creamery , 23(324c ( : choice to fancy country , 23ia.25c ; fnlr to coed country , 18SV.2ei ! paukltig stock , fresh , 1617C. Koos-Tho biilk of the Hales am at lUc. While the receipts are not so very large , they are fully up to Iho demand. I'OUI.THY Thorpculuis of poultry tire quite llbnrnl , but the demand U good nt the prices. Old hriH , GJc ! ! . ( ihlckcng , 6 1070 ! geese and ducks , B Od ; lurlieys , 80c. VEAI , The nrrlvnlsdurliiR the pa t day or two have boon light and the mnrkct firm at quotations. Choice small and fat > enls , Gtf ( it75n ( ! ! thin or heavy , 35 5c. OAMK Thu receipts of game nro fairly large , litit thn market Is low and the demand light , Thn people nro not buying KIIIIIO this season. 1'oMiupt cold weather \\lll Htlmulalo thn demand. I'rnlrlo chluknns , (2.0 ; mal lard ( hick and rodliouds are slow at $2.1HMJ 2.25 ; leal ( lucks , 11.25 ; quallS1.26 ; ailtolopo suddlo' , MffftlOc ; dour siidillos , 16 filGc. HONKV llonoy Is commonclng to move ft llttlo more freely , but thu demand Is still light forlt ; choice white clover , 1G317C. OvfiTF.ns Medium , IGo ; horseshoes , lOc ; extra standard * , 21o ; e.xtruseloclu , 24c ; com pany selects , 2Ue ; counts , 34c. Nwis-Cheslmits tire lower and there li a fair simply of choice custom slock on the mar ket nhlch Is Miltlnc at ISWIGc per Ib. 1'ecans ant quoted ut 12Uic. The market on black walnuts Is sldff at 7&R3.tl.OO nn order , " ; small lilckory nuts , ll.7f.W2.UO : laipo hickory nuts , fl.25Bil.35. VEOKTAIlt.ES. I1KAN8Kaitern hand-picked navy , " 12.103 2.15 ; wrileinnavy , II.BOjil.OOiCOiiiuiOn white beans , * 1.GO < 31.75. ONIONS There Is not much activity In the onion market , owing : to the fact that the local crop Is largo and the gardeners are sup- lilyln thu ( leinnnd veiy lanzoly. Onions are quoted at 603000 , und on orders at 75c ; Span ish onions , per crate , tl.50. WATEII OIIKSS Put up In bciry boxes , per ca oof IGutt.$1.0031.75. ' , POTATOES The receipts are larger and the market Is very weak. Nebraska , luwaand Min nesota grown potatoes in small lots from store , TUcisamo In car lots , 65c ; Colorado , from store , 7580c : Colorado lots , 75SJ77C. UAIIIIAOK There U a good deal of cabbage selling In thtu nmnol-liut , the demand Is sup plied entirely by the gardeners. Orders for c.ibbiiKo from the country are lilted ntliic per Ib. Ib.CKI.BRY CKI.BRY Tlicro Is censldcrable poor stock on the market and some very fancy. Good stool ; , 25Qi35ti ; second grade , 20&2Sc ; fancy , GOc. GOc.SWKKT PoTATOiifl The supply Is fair ; home grown , per bbl. , $3.2503.GO ; Jersey stock , per bbl.,84.00S4.25. rnuiTS. OnAi-KS The grape markets of the country are very weak and eastern grape growers are uoinmonclni ! to consign their fruit to thlslnur- kot morn freely. So fur this market 1ms held up much bolter than other markets , tiistorn Concords , per basket , 22c : largo lots , 2021c. Ai'i'i.K.s Tlie supply Is light on this market ; choice eastern , per bbl. , $4.254.50 ; choice western , S4.00itf4.25. UltANiiKHitius Crimborrlos are arriving very freely und an * In Rood demand ; O.ipo Cod , per bbl. , 5.76ttn.)0 ( ) : bell and cherry , J5.00ffl5.25 : boll and bnsle , ? 5.r > OSO.OO. THOl'lOAIj FI1U1T3. BANANAS Prices remain about steady ; per bunch , largo , * 2.0Oi$2.25 ; per bunch , small to medium. J1.75Q.2.00. HEMONS Messains per box , I4.005.00 ; Mlorl , ruses , 300 size , $5.50. OiiANties Florida oranges have arrived and are belling at $3.50. HIDES , TAr.r.ow , MO. IIinns No. 1 green hides , 2',5c ; No. 2 preen hides , 2c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 3c : No. 2 green Baited hides , 2c ; Nn. 1 green salted hides , 25 Ihs. lo 40 Ihs. , 3c ; No. 2 green salted hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ibs. , 2u ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 lln. to ir > Ihs. . Gc ; No. 2 veal culf , 8 Ibs. to 15 lbs.,3c'No. : I dry litnt hides. 4c ; No. 2 dry Hint bides ; 3c : No' . 1 dry salted hides , 4c. 1'art cured-hldos ! ic per Ib. less than fully cured , SHEEP I'KI.TS Orcon Halted , each , 35375c ; green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each 103il5c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each tiilOo ; dry hhourllngs ( short wooled early tiklns ) , No. 2 , each DC ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher woul polls , per Ib. , actual weight , 10 ® lie ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain .wool bolts , per Ib. , actual weight. 1720o ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , OJjHOo ; dry flint Colorado mur rain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 7OOc ; dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , St. I.iiuls jMnrkots. ST. Louis. Oct. 27. FLOUH Very quiet ; holders ( Inner ; prices unchanged. WHEAT Opened unsettled , though lie higher , ctucd nlT ? > c , and then , on sharp demand , gained rapidly , cloiltig with a gain of lOl'Sc , t-ecnrt'd principally through reports of drouth conditions In winter wheat sections and llriner cables ; No. 2 rod , cash , closed at GOc ; Oclo bor , G0ic bid : November , GlWc , nominal : Ie- ) i-oniber , OlJiaG3c ( , closing tit 0lu : asked ; May , G9a70fii' ? ; ! . closing at70c ! bid. COIIN Wu's dull fmt ( Inn , saining He only ; ISO. 2 mixed , rush , closed at 37i < B38c ; Octo ber , 37-Sic nominal ; NoveuiBor , 34 c nominal ; lecomler,414Ji : bid ; year , 34 ? c asked ; Janu ary , 34'jc nominal : May. 38c bid. OATS Nominal : No. 2 , caib. closed at 2Gc hid ; October , 2G ic nominal ; November , 29 ? e nniiilnal : May , Hl c bid. HYE No , 2 , 42c bid , Mils side. llAKMiY-Dull ; sales of Iowa at 60c and Minnesota ut Olc. JjHAN lllaherGlc ; , cast track. HEBU Lower ; OSJJc. Cixivmt SEEU Sleuily : * U.507.60. TIMOTHY t3.003.20. JlAY Keeling deprexsod , prices unchanged. lltiTTKii Unchanged. LKAD Higher itud voryflrniatJ3.35j spelter , better utJ3,32'/J. COIIN MKAis-stoady at tl.UOai.80 , WlIISKY-Jl.14. lAlIN'n ) ( fiQO'eC. COTTON Tiist U3cQSl.no. I'HOVISIONS Qnlot and unchanged. Pork , Ktundard muss , US. f/ird , ja.H7M. Dry salt meals , loose slmull.-rsn$7. ; loncs and ribs , t'J.3 ; shorts , $0.50 ; boxed , IBo moie ; bacon , piukod sboulders , { 7.50 : longs und ribs. S10.25O10.37 ! ' , : shorts , 810.75. Kr.cr.iPTB-l''liinr,3OUO bbls. : whnnt , 55,000 bn. ; corn , C3.0CO bu. : outs , 40,000 btt.j rye , 3,000 bu. ; harltv , 14.000 bu. Hllll'MBNTS Klour. 10,000 bbls. ; wheat , 11,000 bu , ; coin , 22.000 bu. ; oats. 17.000 bu. . Liverpool MurkotK , ItVKiti'00 ( , , Oct , 27. WiiiCAT-Stoady ; rto- mund niodoniti * ; holdersofTur sparingly ; Cnll- fiirniu , OsOmaSa Od ; red western , uprlng , 5s CORN Steady ! domund bettor ; mixed west ern , 3s 1 Hid. I'ltOYiBuiNO I'ork , prime mesa , fine , 88n Od. l.urd , 5UsGd , Thu cotton stntlsllca for the wuolc ureas follow * : Hulus of the wcuk , 54,000 bales : Amorlcnn , 47,000 bnlcai forwnrdod from fihlp- alilo to spinners. 70,000 bulus ; nctual exports , 3,000 bait's ; total Imports , 3(1,000 ( bales ; Amer ican , 24,000 bilus ; lotul slock. 769,000 bales ; Aniurlciin , 500.OOO bales ; total ullout , 215,000 bulns ; Amorlcun , 205,000 bales ; speculators took 1,000 bales ; exporters took 2,000 bales , 'KnnsiM City Murkd * . KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27.-WiiKAT-Kc higher ! No. S htird , 6454He ; No , a icil , 55 5Cc. CoitN UnchtiiiKud ; No. 2iulxcd,32U&32'c ' ( ; No. U whlto , 34 341'c. OATS hlow , unclmnecd ; No. 2 mixed , 2511 ® 2flo [ No.2whlte,27a'J7Jic. llYK-Klnnur : 34843c. V'l.AXHKKD Steady : BOSOOc. llllAN-l'Init ! 602.B7C. t9.OOaiO.OOi prnlrlo , KECKII-TS- Wheat , 6,000 bu. | corn , 1,000 bu. ; oats , 700 bu. 32,000 bu. ; corn , none ; oats , 3,000 biu _ Milwaukee Murunt * . MlMVAUKEK , Oct. 27. VlAUR-Plrm. WiiEAT-Klriii ! No. 2 bprlnif , 60 ? c ; No. 1 northern. G7e ; lieeombor , ' CoilN Steady ; No. U , 38c. OATS-Stcady : No. tl white , 30c ; No. 3 whlto , S'JMi 20tio. liAiit.Kv--luil : No. S.fisyc ; sample , O. 1 , 4 DC. .I'noviHiONB-HlRhor ; pork , t7 ; lard. 110 , UeCKiiTH-Klour , 2.400 bbls. ; wheat , 62,400 bu. ; barley , 148,000 bu. ' . 0,700 bbls. | wheat , 10,400 bu. ; barley , 0,000 bu Uulutli Wlieut Ttu.UTH. Oct. 27. ThB wheat market was firm , active .nnd hlKlu-r : with largo trading In whoutof-jill nidus today. Close ; No.l hard , cash und October , 63 cj December , G4e : May , 70c ; f > io. 1 northuru , cunli and October , 62Uu ; Dccumber. Ga t Muy , 69c ; No. 2 northern , cash. 69Jfu ; No , 3. G4 e ; rejected , 47je. | On track ; $ o. I northern , to urrlvo , New York Dry UoutU SlnrUet. NBW YOIIK , Oct. 27. The inarkpt l sradu- ally plcklnt ; up und In better slmpo for dry Koodi. rrlntlmj clothg are uttraotlng more uttontlun and 2ic for 04 squares Is easily hcciired. i'rlnta nnd printed fabrics uro In fulr demand. Ginghams und woven faUrlog uUo excite more uttuntlou , und If suitable for the jprliiK trade , hell well. Woolen * and dres teed * of the heavier weights and color receive tuore itUutlou from parties buying for the ftprlnff trade , Torolun dry no ids arndolnsa llttlolinttor. The jubliliig trade more BC- tivo. Speaking for the mftfkPt ( it lai-ito , price * have not vnrto.l < io much , but. the ten dency , It anything. Is lownid a higher level , Col i nit Mnrknt. NEW Onr.EANS. Oct 37. COirnx Mlddllmt , 7Sc ! loit middling , 7Se ; ( rood ordinary , 7r , Uecelpts , 18,086 bales ; gross receipts. 18,864 ball's : exports to Orent lltltnln , 0,440 bales ) continent , 107 bales ; co.itwl n , 3,280 bales ! salci , 4.OOO bales ; stock. 200,8jr > bales. Ku tures bnn-ly itaiuly : sains , OO.noti bnlcs ; Octo ber , J7.U2 bid : Ncvcmbor , 17.033,7.05 ; ] > eri'in- bcrI7.75 .7.77t Jiiutinry , 97.HOit7.Hl : Tobm- nry , $7.87147.88 ; March. $7.9JSJ7.97 ; April , 8.02iSH.04 ; May , t8.OnSiS.ll. ST. J.oui , Oct. 27. t.'orToy Hotter de mand ; ordinary , 09-lGc ; good ordinary , 7 l-irc : low middling , 7 7-ftt. > ; iiilddlltiK , 711-lOe : wood inldtlllng. 7 IG-lGci mlddi.ng fair , 87-lGc. ColTrc .Murker. NEW YonK , Oct. 27. CorrEE-Opened 25 points loner for September and the icstof the market was tincliiuised lo 10 pnlnts up , closed at a nut advance of from 6 to 16 points. Toial sales , 8,500 bap * . Includ ing : October , 17.0 ( ! ; November , $17,00 : lo- ) crmbor , J10.70' < il0.7G ; January , flG.40.ftln.GOi March , f 10.20 ; Mny , SIG.95. Hjiot eoIToe , < | illot hut steady ; No. 7 , Uio , $17.H7-i ! asked. Oil MnrkntV. Oii ( CITY , Ool. 27. National triinsll cpr- tincates opened 72 ; hl hust , 7.1 ; lowest , 72i ! ; closed , 72Xi talc * , 1,000 bbls. ; clear ances , 50,001) bbls. ; shipments , 97)781 ) bblj. ; runs 80,820 bbls. I'lTTsiHMid , Ocl. 27. .Nation.il transit certificates opened at 72 ; closed at 72 , ' < ! highest , 72JJ ; lowest , 72 ; no Mile.- ) . Wool Alnrket. ST. Louis , Oct. 27. WOOL In better demand for Missouri and Illinois combing ; others dull , 1'rlceii entirely unchanged , STOCKS ANI > UONDH. Volume of Iliislnpis on 'Olinuir * ) Yesterday Much Snmltnr tliiin tlnnnl. New YonK. Oct. 27. The volume of busi ness on the Stock exchange today was much less than for the vast throe days , but the tone was much steadier and none the less strong. A now lender was erected for the dealings St. Paul nn unusually heavy buying movement having been Inaugurated therein , this stock , having been comparatively neglected In the recent upward movement. Some of the purchases were for tha .London account and worn based on increased earnings and Im proved prospects of the company. New Yorrf & Now England wns also prominent In the transactions. The movement In the shares wits accompanied by reports that an entrance to Now York had been secured by way of the Second Avenue Elevated rail road nnd that there wns a prospect o fit gaining n through line connection by means of the Lehlgh Valley. At the oponine a higher range of quota tions was established , but thn market mot with some selling orders at the outset which caused a reaction , in which only part of the improvement was lost. The offerings wcro rendll.y absorbed and new buyers were attracted thereby whoso purchases changed the current * of specula tion , and the market was soon again on the upward truck , the improvement continuing until nftcnioon , when realizing sales brought about another reaction of brief duration , fol lowed by a renewal of the advance. About 1 o'clock n heavy tone came over the deal ings , from which they did not recover until 3:80 , at which tlmo prices had receded from lf to 2 per cent. Toward the cloa- sharp purchasing movement was devel oped , which caused a recovery , und the final sales wcro at an ndvaneo over yesterday's closing llirurcs of from } ( to % % pur cent in the nctlvo list , and extending toll per cent in the specialties. The shares which participated most largely in the appreciation in values were : Hubber common , 4 % per cent ; llubber preferred , 4 } per cent ; -Louisville & Nashville , 2 % per cent ; Lackawnnna , \ per cent ; .Chicago Gas , Tobacco and St. Paul , " per'cent ; Mis souri Pncilte und Minneapolis & St. Louis preferred , 2 ? percent ; Nothorn Pacific pre ferred , Lead preferred and Starch , 1J per cent ; Western Union nnd Atehison , lj | per cent ; Burlington , 1' per cent ; Ontario & Western. IX per cent , and Illinois Central , Kansas & Texas preferred , Denver & Rio Grande preferred and Cotton Oil preferred , 1 per cent. The Post says : However slowly , and with whatever Incidental reactions the stock mnrkot may respond to this week's developments nt Washington , it can hardly reflect eventually an epoch-making chungc. For ten years nnd longer out1 silver coinage Dolley has spread a pall over the nation's whole finances. The market seemingly broke nway from Its influence in 1SS5 , when the disastrous trunk line war was settled , and in 1601 , when nature showered her boun ties with unparalleled profusion on Amer ican produce. But fet each of these out bursts there was a speedy reckoning and at each successive ebbing away of bull enthusi asm the load of silver Incubus grew heavy. The following are the closing quotations of the loading stocks on the Now York cx- change today : from Austria nmliJiOO.OOO were sent lo Hol land. The price VirirgiSld Is unchanged. Tlirt bclU-f UcoMllrinrih'lint Uio oxpott of sold It ) Ainnrlra wl I n < Hiflnrw. Silver bi\s Riven way t < iS3 > ( < l wlilfiwotik btivltut ( at November , and 33d for rui > c < jli > > or. The rlM > In Ameri cans continued mull the close. Louisville wns especlallv buoyiint nnd tlioro win n feeling thnt tlio impiovod tone vt111 spread to till the slocks In tlio market. llnstnn .VjjniMR ( Juot itlnim. HOSTOX , Oct 27rOill loans , 2'iU5 per cent : time loans. 147 per Pent. ClosltiRO.iiotuir.on * on slocks , bonds nnd mining shares ! Atch , T.kS. I' . . . _ aiTtTiftuti I'.ieltlo Ill , American SiiB.ir. . . West Kml . ltj : < no nrefprrcil . ii2' Atcliison 38. . . . . . . . H.1 ! ) * N.iy M.ito On * AtchlHon Is . 71 . . . . . . . . . . . . , GCII. RU'O. fin . 711 ItoMon.V myvSiU Atl.r.Ute . I'M ' HoMoiuV Maine , . , ISO Hoilou A Montana 25 O.ll.VQ XI1l < | U lte& llosloil . „ Kltelibnir HI C-ilnmct.VHecU. . 27fi ( ! pn ral Klrptrle. . O'.ihlrantunnlil n'f Mexican Ci > ntr.i1. . . 74 V'r.uiklln lli < N. Y. AN. i : nRVKe.irS'lrso 7 ! < Old Colony ntiu o auol.i 28 ! < Oir. Slio.-t Ltna , . . . 7 > 4'liil ! cy l ° n Klibber 4(1 ( IMinariuih 131 San mcgo. . . . . . . . . . n LONDON , Oct. 27.-4 p. m. Closet IlAti Sll.vr.it 33 Ud puroz .MO.NUY Ji l percent , Ittilo of discount In the open market for both short null ihruo-munth.s bills , 2tt'2J ? ! per cent. Nc\v Vnrjc .MIIIMII ; ( jiiiitatlons. Nr.w Yninc , Oct. 27. The followlns me the mlnliiR iiuotutlom : Cholar. . . . . . . , , I'Ml'lymomh . . . . . 10 Crown I'olnt 'JO Slerr.t Neiada CD .St. I.OIlU Mllllli : ; OmiCltlOllfl. Sr. Loin * . Oct. 27. The following nro thu quotations on mining slocks : Hid. Illd. AHkcd. Adams . $ .HI ) .xr > Hope f'2.MI I ) . , ' ) ! ) lilmrlalllc. . L'.oo 2.75 Ix. n M .0.1 OrnnllpM , . , 1.65 1.815 Am Nettle. . .lStt ! .3JW Kllrabclli. . . .20 .25 Fliiiinelnl Notm. , KANCAS CITY , Oct. 27. Clearing * , fl.425- lUi.TlMOtir. . Oct. 27-ClearltiKS , S1,77G,410 : balances , 8171,105. Ninv YonK , Oat. 27. Clearing ! , , $87,301,171 ; balances , $5,472,367. I'Aitis , Oct. 27. Three per cent lentos , 08f 30c for the iiecounl. riiil.AliKl.i-iliA , Oct. 27-ClonrlnKs J8.544- 700 ; biil.'inces $1,123,183. MKMIMIIS , Oct. 27 , Clearings , t341G07i bull uncos , JU3.170. Now York oxchungo tl.50 premium. CINCINNATI , Oct. 27.-ClourInRs , tl.788,100 Jtonoy , 6 7 par cent Now York exchange , 30 < 3GO per 1,000. LO.NIION , Oct. 27. The timnunt of bullion gone Into the Hank ot England an balance * toduy wus.i'00,000. 1103TO.V , Oct. S7. Olparlligs , 113.184.841 ; biilnncos , $1,804,005. Money , 25J2iJ percent. ExchatiKO on Now York , 1214C. NEW OIU.KANS , Oct. 27.-UlcurlnKs. J1.587- 705. New York exchange , bank , pur ; com- merclul , $2.50 pur $1,000 discount. Sr. Louis , Oot. 27.-ie.irltiKs. ( J2.017.354 ; buliitices , J3G5.407 , Money , ijnlet ut 05 ,8 per cent. Exchange on Now York , 25c piemlum. OIIICAOO , Oct. 27. UluiirliiRs , 115,003,784. Isow Vorkeiulian el 75c premium. Sterling uxchiitige , IrrcKular ; uctuul , J4,824.84Sj. Jloney , llrmly huld ut 7 percent ; on time cull ut GGc. , U.UAI1.V MyC' ' STUUli.MAKILETS. . .1 V Cnttlo .Suppllc.i.Srurct ) anil Trnilo Steady Hotf * ( Vu.ik autl l. < nvcr. ' ' " ! FHIIMT. Oct. 27. Receipts of all'kihds wcro comparatively light today. So' 'far this week , compared with last , cattle supplies have fallen oft nearly 3,000 heati , while there has been an increase of some 4,030 hogs and 8,500 sheep. The general cattle market today was monotonously steady. Receipts were the lightest of the wuok , and there was no improvement - provemont in , tho.quallty of the ollerings. Dressed beet men till' wanted supplies and p.ild good firm prices for all the cattle they coulct xso. Some lightish cornfcd steers brought $4.20 and $4.45 , and fair to good westerns sold at from $1'to $3.03. On ac count of the generally common quality of tne offerings trading was slow , but a very fair clearance was effected. About a third of the offerings today were cows and mixed lots. The demand was good from all sources and the movement free at steady to a shade stronger prices. Poor to very good cows and heifers sold at from $1 to $3.50 with fair to good butchers' cows largely at $2 to $2.25. There was a fair demand for calves and prices ruled about steady at from $2.2o to $1. Common to choice bulls , oxen and stag.s were freely taken at full yesterday's quotations from tl.no to 82 75. Business in stockers and feeders was more satisfactory than it lias been for sev eral days past. Light rccoints for a day or two have enabled yard traders to clean up their holdings nnd with a continued good country demand prices advanced materially on all grades. Fair to good stock sold largely at from $ i.70 to $3.20. Good to choice feeuers are quoted at from $3 to $3.50fair ; to good at from W.CO to f3 , with common and Inferior at from $2 to $2.50. Representative sales : KIIESSKD Ill'.Uif. . No. Av. i'r. No. Av. I'r. 3. . .1233 J3 80 21. .1134 > 4 45 CO. . .1110 4 20 cows. 1. . . . . .1520siruv BTOC1CEU3 AND FEEDERS. 2 75 2 85 2 85 2 00 2 00 2 00 8 15 9 15 9 20 " , I'r. "ICOW. , . , 700 tl 00 tiblrs. T. OGG J2 25 G bulls..111(3 ( 1 00 2 cows. . 640 1 00 aScnlvus. 248 275 44 calves , 205 2 75 68calves. 160 350 25 sirs..1208 a 65 WVOUINO. 1 fdr 1250 2 75 Ifdr. , . . . 830 2 76 1 fdr . , , .1110 2 75 8 fdrs. . , . 080 2 76 10 fdrs.1150 276 Icow , . . , 060 2 25 G cows..1230 2 25 43 COWS , , , 02G 2 25 25 MM..1118 300 1 bull..1260 2 00 18 bulls..1331 200 1 bull..1660 2 40 Icow , . . . 1100 240 2strstlgl450 2 30 18 fdrs. . . . 787 2 60 48 fdrs.i048 3 10 C2fdrs.1235 3 25 1G1 cowa 780 1 00 2'J fdrs.10O5 8 10 123 hfr * , , . G15 2 20 10 BtS.tUlSlO 200 01 fdrs..1104 8 16 20 COWS. , 867 2 35 14 COWS. , . 050 2 16 7 fdrs.,1241 2 05 8 cows. . . 035 2 60 4 fdrs , . , 8UO 2 00 20 fdrs.1280 2 06 14 fdrii , , . 072 2 00 2 fdrs. , . , 805 2 00 15 COWB..1091 1 UO 1 fdr 1280 3 10 U cows..1165 2 40 56 cowg. . . 865 2 OO 55 fdrs..1020 3 00 17 fdrs. , .1040 2 76 10 COWS . 864 1 GO 43 cows. , 80S 1 76 11 Jiolfer 680 2 00 1 cow . . . 800 2 25 41 cows. . U37 3 25 48 cowi. . . 007 2 45 1 fdr. . . . 940 2 50 1 fdr. . . .1280 3 60 1 fdr..1060 2 50 1 fdr 030 2 60 1 fdr. . . . 1060 3 50 B fdr . . .1318 a 60 40 Mm..1133 2 85 40 fdn . .1114 3 85 16 sirs . .1209 3 45 I rait. i 270 1 50 CO 1,0 IIA DO. 7 bulU. .1734 3 10 HCOWR. . . 030 3 85 53 fdrs. . 802 2 60 Gfdw. .051 2 70 20 fdrs. , . H70 3 06 1 fdr 1100 3 20 17fdr . . . 087 320 1 bull , . 1670 1 75 ( H ) steers. . 939 3 35 27 steers. . 871 2 1ft 1 steer. . . 1160 2 60 1 Ml 840 2 f > 0 ntfltPOM..1103 ) ! 1 35 4blllK..1267 1 85 20 cows. . 833 2 25 2Hcow . . . 823 2 25 49 row * . , . OG8 2 30 Scnlvci. 325 2 76 140 fdrs. . 1077 3 10 73 COWS. UHB 2 40 OH COWS. . . ! )78 ) 2 40 3 COW.1000 2 25 llstuer.o..ltGO 25 1 COW. . . HGO 3 20 34 COWS. . . 881 2 20 4 COWS. . 817 2 00 3'Jstee . ,1114 3 25 01 fdrM. . . 1012 2 00 Icow. . ,1020 1 00 GCHWR..1075 1 00 GO cows. . . 1080 2 60 lHots.hfs.1218 3 8D 63 sis , hfS.1183 3 35 6butU..1400 3 15 7 cows. . . 804 2 15 3cow . . . 080 2 15 14 fdrs. . . . 895 2 80 neons. . OHO 2 00 3COWI. .1000 2 00 17ci > ws. . 8U7 2 00 2lcnws . . 922 1 G5 1 bull..1620 1 20 2sts , tigs 880 2 25 SOUTH DAKOTA. 14 cows..1010 260 88steors .1110 300 Icow. . . 10CO 175 1 bull. .1400 190 43fdM. . . 983 2 GO Hoes Uecelpts wcro lltjht , but the quality of the offerlnRs continues very Rood on nn average. There were quite n few choice heavy hogs on sale , but the light tuid mixed stuff wns generally common. Conditions were again rather against the Rollers , and they had to submit to u further rcduulfon In valuoi of 5c to lOa on all grades. Chicago was lower tuid there was only u limited ship ping dcmnnd. I'ackers were indifferent nnd fresh moat men bearish. Under the circum stances trading could hardly nave been otherwise than slow. The good to choice heavy and butcher weight hogs sold at from ? 0.0 : > to SO.17.Jtf , while the common light and mixed packing grades sold largely nt 15 S5 nnd f ( ) . About everything finally sold , how ever , the bulk of the fulr to good hogs of nil weights going nt from SO lo fil.05 , against J15.03 to ? G 15 on Thursday and ? U.10 to SO.tiO last Friday. Representative sales ; No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 8 , , .157 (5 80 GO. . . .203 120 $0 05 3 , , .283 0 ! ) ( ) 40. . . .280 40 C 05 3. , 270 0 05 GO , . . .2C7 280 0 05 70 , .240 5 05 74. . . 245 120 0 05 73. , .229 120 5 05 30. . . .280 100 0 05 5. , 200 5 05 H3. . . .240 80 G 05 GJ. .180 200 5 J5 r.9. . . .281 240 0 05 64 , , .229 ICO 5 05 61. . . .200 G 05 48. , .200 200 0 00 68. . . .253 80 6 05 00. , .22G 120 C 00 05. . , .2H7 ICO C 05 G8. , 245 1110 6 00 00. . , .272 40 G 05 01. , .202 020 6 00 40. . , .200 40 G 05 70. , .210 80 G 00 03. . , .312 240 G 05 41. , .263 120 G 00 74. . , .252 1GO G 05 72. .211 120 0 00 GO. . , .205 100 0 07 ! i GO. .285 1GO C 00 53 . , .332 1GO 0 07 < 4 67. . ,280 SCO G 00 2C8 C 10 8. .241 40 G 00 53. .250 G 10 70. .274 280 G 00 40. .285 320 ti 10 41. , .270 160 G 00 40.G. . .226 " 0 10 62. .277 120 G 00 G2. .304 "BO G 10 43. , .279 120 G 00' 50. .281 80 G 10 80. . .237 ICO 0 00 70. .283 40 G 10 54. , .300 40 G 00 65. .2GO 80 6 10 78. , .250 160 G 00 54. .282 80 6 10 76. , .239 80 G 02',4 GG. 305 120 G 10 61. .254 2HO G 65. .324 G 12JJ 78. , .250 IfiO 0 05 66. .275 80 G 15 75. , .305 280 0 05 62. .304 G 15 59. , .278 160 G 05 61. .312 6 15 07. , .269 G 05 44. .2U8 0 17(4 ( G9. .304 280- G 05 f ) fins AND nouan. 1..330 0 50 SIIBEI- None fresh were received. Tharo was not a very vigorous inquiry from any source nnd the feeling on all sides was rather easier. Today's quotations are : Fair to good natives , $ y,50@3.lO ; fair to good westerns , $ -2.S. > @ 3.00 : common and stock sheep , $1.50@2.23 ; good to choice 40 to 100-ib. lambs. t3.00@3.T5. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. VU culls 83 $140 Urcotptii Hiid DlH'p" * " " ' ! ' ol Stock. Olllcltilrccalptsnnd disposition of sto < : k as shown by tlio books of the Union Stock Yards company for tlio twenty-four hours ending at 5 o'clock p. in. , October 27. 181)3 ) : HECUIPTS. 1)13 POSITION' , Chicago I.lvo Stock Market. CniCAOO. Oct. 27. There were inoro cattle In the yards today than usually huon thcro on Friday , but the supply for tlio week falls tar short of the average , belnc about 11,000 houd less than for the sumo tltno last wuolc , 5,500 less than 111 1802 and 14,000 less than in 1800. The demand developed u llttlo inoro activity than on yesterday or the day before and buyers worn found willing to taU'o tlio stuff at Thursday's price , or at a reduction from Mon day's quotations of from lOc to 30c. Tlio pro portion of natives was not as large as forsomo days past , otho offerings consisting of about 2,500 natives , 5,000 westerns and 2,500 Te.xans. Thu situation in hogs was almost as had as on the prucedlns two days. The fresh recolpts were the sinUllost slnco Tticitlay , but the sup ply actually on sale was as largo as for any day iccently , ainountlnz to 35,000 hoad. The demand did not call for that many and holdeis were obliged to submit to an addi tional di-cllno of from lOc to 15c , ln-avy weights forced down to from $5.80 to $0.4(5 ( , and light gradus to from $5.00 to 10.30. The Jutter had no friends , and for the llrsl. tlmo In many weeks were ut a discount us compared with heavy and medium weights. Duyors Utd not want to pay moro than $ j,25 for anything weighing undnr 200 Ibs. , and .some very decent lots changed hands nrmind S6. The bulk of tlio sales were at from $0.10 to J0.30 for heavy nnd medium weights and at from JO to $ G.20 for light. This week s receipts or sneop wore almost as lareu as for the wuekhuforo , amounting toSO- 000 head. It Is needless , therefore , to say tlioro has been no Improvement In prices. Neither do we have to note any further de cided doptoclatlon In values. Prices were al ready about as low us they well could ha , for much of the Bluff on snlo within the last fort- Ight brought very llttlo inoro than ononiili to ay freight , yardage and food billy. Not an unusual number of good .sheen were affurcd , but the market was fairly deluged with com mon ana poor stuff and tlio pens now contiln several thousand head that cannot ho sold at better than $2.75 per cwt. The bulk of supply came from beyond the Missouri rlvnr and chanced hands at prices ranging downward from } ' ) , though during the week tlioro were sales all the way from $1 to S3. Thu lamb market ruled comparatively steady ut from J2.50 to * 4.75 for poor toovtiu. Itfcolpts : Cattle , 10,000 head ; calves , 1,000 head ; hogs , 24,000 head ; imuop , 12,000 head. The Evening Journal reports : OATTI.U Receipts , 11.000 head , of which 3,000 uro Texans and 5,000 wesluins ; slow , weak and on the down turn ; ton Males , f5GOi 6.80 ; nonO hero good PiimiRli to make the price : medium and good , g4. < JO5.35 ; others , frj.00ii4.76. lloas HecolptB , 25,000 head ; rough , (5.75 5.80 ; mixed , Ji5.0030.26 ; heavy , 10.3030.40 ; light , fG.2030.25. ' tiniKi > AND IMMUS Receipts , 11,000 head ; market unchanged. New York I.lvo Stork Market. NBW YOKK , Oct. 27. HEKVKB Hecolnts. 2.317 ; dull , shade lower ; native stcem , 13'JDiii 4.00 i Texans and Colorado * . $3.4034:00. : OAi.VEii Kecolpts , 84 huad ; veuls , t4 ; grass- ors. tl.762,25. HllKBlUecelpts. . 4.000 liodd ; sheep dull shade stnmcor ; 2.5033.60. , . . , , , , lloos Kocelpts , 2UOO houd ; wcakf3C5 ; ® < G.OO. St. I.otiu I.lvo Mtook Alnrkot. HT. LOUIS , Oct. 27. OATrr.E Receipts , 2,300 head ; uhlpmunts , 1,800 head ; market quiet ; Valued Indorsement ofScott's Emulsion is contain ed in let ters from the medi cal profession - sion speaking of its gratify * ing results in their practice. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypo- phosphites can be adminis tered when plain oil is out of the question. It is almost as palatable as milk easier to digest than milk. Pr. tt dbjBoott4BowDeH.Y. All drowUU. nil receipt * Texivn * nnd Imllntut Indian MOPM , J2.40S3.25 ; cows and bolter * , tl.8iTO2.7fi ; Cdlvei. M.003.7.25. . lionsKocelpts , 2.000 beads shlpinonU , 1,300 lio.nil ; tniukot draKRhiK , HUMOe lower ; rholco linavy. J6.loao.40 ; mixed , 6.55 0.25 ! llalit , $3.80 0.80. SlIKlit' Uornlplo , ROD head : shipments , 400 head : miirkiii barely steady ; fair native mutton * , t3.4033.4C. . Kninnn Cfty I.lvo Stock Mnrltel. KANSAS OITV , Oct. -fUTTi.n-KflooIpts , 7,000 head ) shipments , 3,500 hcnd ; nailvo cows steady , others 6ft > 10r lower ; Toxal und riilmilnv Rteors , f2.25Q3.25 ; butohcr ntoO. ! < , S3.65ft4.15 ; Mockers nnd feeders , $2.23t3.75. IIlS-Uncolit" ) ( | , 5,000 head ) shipment * , 2.300 head : 6UI5o lower ; bulk , J5.9o4tO.00 ; all griidcx , 5.26ao.l ( ) . fiiEEi'-llccoipU , 300 head ; shipment' ! , 2,200 head ; market slow , Stuck In Itocolptsof live Mock at the four principal TNCslotnmarkeUl'rlday , October 27i Oat lie. riou's. Shoop. South Omaha. . . . . . . . . 2,737 3,215 . UhlclIRO . 10.000 24,000 1,2110 Kansas City . 7.000 6,000 300 St. Louis. . . . . . 2,300 2,000 800 " Tolal . ' . 22,037 35,115 2,300 / . u. o. T. uximitjuts Ji.tx. I'opo l.ca < Suiti4lii < Arcilililnliop Itttxrr In Illi Oiin | ltlon to Secret Sonlotlni , MII.WAUKEH , Oct. t ! * . Information has been received from llono ; to the effect that the Independent Order of Good Tompl.u-s lias been placed under tbo ban so far as Catholics are concerned. Chief Tomptar tVazlor of Wisconsin some tlmo ago brought the nutter before Archbishop - bishop Kutzcr , calling attention to the fact that the London convention had refuse. ! to allow Ctthollo members of the order to re veal the secrets of their order to thulr con fessors. The archbishop at that tltno said he had decided to oppose Catholics In his dloccsu joining thu order. Kucontly the question was bro.ight before the supreme body of the church from Norway und a de cision has been given sustaining the position taken by Archbishop Katzor. The decision Is of great Importance to Catholics und secret societies generally , The position of the llullimora plenary coun cil In the matter of secret sociutlos Is thereby upheld by the holy see , oven In the face of concessions made by the representa tive orders so that the condemnation does not refer merely to the order , but to the principle tlr.it secret societies are inimical to the welfare of the people. iittoicK Tin : jfiitw. ISooltlcnvpnr of a St , t.ouls Hat Company Took S100.000 mill Skipped. ST. Loui3 , Out. 27. The Ualnwator-Drad- ford Hat company made a general assign ment last night. It was precipitated by the discovery that the firm's bookkeeper , f ouls J. Sllva , was u defaulter in the sum of over $ 100.000. He is missing. The assets of the company are placed tit $300,000. The liabili ties probably exceed the assets. Every effort has been made this morning to locate the defaulting secretary. The po lice are of the opinion that instead of being In hiding near by , pending possible develop ments , ho has gone as far and as rapidly from the scene of his crime as possible. The experts at worlr upon the books of the ruined company have not completed their their labors , but the defalcation , it is posi tively known , will exceed J10J.OOO , practi cally all of which has gone to the race track and grain pit. The creditors of the company , with two exceptions , are eastern llrms. One of the local creditors is the National Bank of Commerce , fully secured for Its $35,00i ) loan by collateral , the other , Major C. C. Rainwater , the ho.id of the firm , who had also loaned it iGO.OOO. Major Kn in water expresses the conviction that the assets will cover the liabilities. Other concerns in which ho is interested , vU : Tno Madison Car works , the Merchants Terminal bridge , the Bank of Commerce nnd several land en terprises will not bo affected by the failure. SLKBl'KIC TU11XEU OYXK. Wreck In Illinois In Which Four People Ware Slightly Injured. ST. Louis , Oct. 27. The Louisville , Evans- vlllo & St. Louis train leaving Louisville at 3:25 : p. m. was wrecked at 3:25 : a. ra. by the truck under the engine tank breaking near Bluforn Station , III. The sleeper tunica on Its side , injuring Pullman Porter Scott , E. C. Jenkins of West Point , Ky. ; Conductor ennlg and T. A. Allen , chief engineer of the line , but all wcro able to take the next train westward after recelulng medical attention. Traffic received no interruption. Anotner Denver Itan'c DENVEH , Oct. 27. 'Iho Commercial Na tional bank of whicti C. L. Dow is president I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below the knee , and was cured sound andjwell with two and a lialf bottles of I Other blood medicines had failed [ to do me any good. WILL I wns troubled from childhood with nn on ; ernvatoil cnso of Tetter , und three bottles of feaparai ° urod mo ' ? ? " yn | BlfVlV > 9 WAIL.AC.1J MA Writ Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases malloil tree. iwii-r8ruciwoCo.AUant , UlU was today v.lncod in the hand of a receiver. Mr. frank Adams , bonk examiner for this district , being appointed to that position. The receivership was appointed upon tha application of Chicago men , who hold a'oou > tvto-thlrdiof the stock , Tins ir.43.4 row . ji.uir. Snppottil Victim of tha llntlln Creek Turin lint til He Itulncim. UATTI.B Cntr.K , Oct , U7. This morning tha coroner made a post mortem examination qn all the bodlo * of the Grand Trunk victims left In the morgue. When bo came to the body of the supposed baby itvai discovered that It was only n ploco of burned bologna sausage , a tongue sandwich , some brains and two human feet. This lowers the number of victims to twonty-sovon. Tha thrco bodies which are still untdontlllnd will bo burled together here. tHE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. lly doctor fnj-8 It net * ccntlr on " " * tom rh , liver and kldnrrs. nmi Is n plnunnl lunlh t. Ilils drink Is nmJo from litrM. nnd Is prepared for u lUfMllynitrn. _ lilscnllnl All rtniKCtatiutUr.nt.Vlc.midllit package. If you rtimot gpt It , nil your aililress for free cample. l.nne'n Knmllr Alrdlrlnri tnuTc * tlio bon-clx rnch < IHT. In or.lor to IIP lirnltby tbl ls npceiuwry. OllAfOIl 1 * . WOOl\V.\nil. t.r.nov. N.V , Indispensable in Every Good Kitchen. As every cooil housewife knows , the dlllorotico between nppotlz * iiiff , delicious cooking nnd the opposite kind is largely in doll- Ctito aiuiros itiul pnlntublo yra- vios. Now , theao require a strongdollcatoly flavored stock , and the best stock Is Company's Extract of Bee ItlDAPO TIIK ( IIIKIT HINDOO REMEDY ' TIIK ADO\R I'UODUCKS - * i - ItlWtll.TH IN 8O DAYS. Cun all . Nervous nlMMircs. Falling Memory , \ aiul'iiulclsly ( nitimoly ivitnio l.o > t Vl'tulll j inolilor Afiiintf. Kuflly cnirlcil In et pncltet. I'llrriklOOa uacknire. Fix f r # i.K > ttttli nnrlltciiitunriilitre * til cure or raonfy rrlumli'.l. I'on ' lift nny uiiprliu < lpl a diiiirfflBt t.clt uu any kittit of imitation. Insist 01 liAVlni ; lSt > AI'O. If lie linn lint trot It. we will trn < It by nmlllliionircflptiir in Ice. I'lMnphlot In ftnlt. cnvvlopufii'C. Ailitirnsdrlfiitnl Medical Co. I'ropt , VhU-asa.III. , opourngml * . BOLII liv Kiilin t Co..C'or. IMh nnd | ) o ( ! l s Rti. . nil J.A. 'iillrr Oo. . Uurlltli. liuiiRlKii8t-.UMAllA | by 1'nnl ( I. Krhnelilcr , Ml lirnnilivay 0 1'carl HU COUNCIL III.UH S.aml l.ondlnl llruirglrtt. Dueber = Hampden 17 = Jewel Adjusted. Watches. It is marvelous lio\f i these famous Watches RUBY JEWELED I arc taking the place of ADJUSTED 'all others wheic accurate WATCHES AT rate time is required. Railroad men will have nothing else. Ducber Watch Works. Canton , Ohio. SOUTI * Onion stociYardj Company , South Ornaliai Ocit Cattle Uo and Uoop unriatla th rrjll. Y/ood / Brothers. Live Stoolc CommlsJloa ? onth Oionlia Telopbans 1157. Cblc t * JOHN I ) . IIAUMMAN , I WAl.TKK ID.VDOI ) . Market reports by mall and nlro cheerful arnUhoJ upon application. , /S\XWSXXNS\XNSXXXX'N'IWNSVWWWWW * "w-i Dr. AUGUSTUS VOELCKER , the celebrated chemist of London , in Ills analysis of a sample of our North Carolina Bright Leaf Tobacco , says : that he finds but LITTLE NICOTINE or albuminous compounds , and that it is one of the FINEST FLAVORED MILD TOBACCOS he ever smoked. lYON&CO'S This package is made from the " Pick Leaf" of our North Carolina Crop , Golden Belt District. Only the PUREST , ripest and sweetest leaf , with the purest and best artificial flavorings ' FROM e and sweetenings arc used. SOIDEKBELTDIST A pleasant , cool and healthful smoke guar anteed. MANUFACTURED BY NORTH CAROLINA CROPj Z. I. LYON 4 , CO. , DURHAM , N. C , RMAHAI / & I HldOUiClulrJIS & J BOOTS AND SHOES. Morse-Coe Shos Company. Baloiroom and Omco-1107-IIOJ-llll lloarl it FACtorr-1119-lUI'llIl llotrard St. We ara the ovi.r Manufanuren of lioott enl Htiooiln tba Uta ot .Nobraiki. A itonstia1 laTltatloo Uoxtaolja to all to Inipoct our uow factor/ ' . HATS , ETO. | IRON WORKS. W. A. L , Gibbon & Co Omaha Safe and \L \ u Wholoialo WOlUCd. Hall. ca | > B , btruvr eoodi. f f i.T ulti , jail wood , Klevoi , mllteni. I''lli Iron tiiitlum und Uro in- ud Utrnof f treeti. cipui. ( Jui Audreon , lnh and Jackion JDOMMISSION. | LUMBER. Branch & Co. John A. Wakeflelil , Imports ! . Aini'flcnn 1'ort- I'roducB , frulU of all laiid cement , illlwau- koe coinvot aud Qulacy klnrti , ojrilori. white Iliuo. LiqUORB. | B.TOVE REPAIRS I'ricK&JIerberl ' , Omatid Stove Repair' WO11K8 , btovH mpiilr * Wliotenulo liquor doalon ail water uttaohmoot * ( or nnr klnilnf ( inra 1001 Karoain Bt. PAPEB. I OILS. Carpenter Paper Co Standard Oil Co. C rrr a * " " ituok of printing ) wrapplun and IleOnod and lutirlcntlaf wrltlnic p p r , c iU III , aiU ( ( MI,1 l