THE OMAHA 'DAJLY BEE : IfetJRSDAY , OCTOBER 26 , 1893. Repeal Has Spent Its Force in Chicago Spoonlatlvo Markets. CORN DRAGGED ON POOR CASH DEMAND Wont lllnwtn Wlirnt Wni Deliver * ! When Ilrndmrcet'fl Statement ol the Visible Snpiitjr Wai Itecelvcil Stocks anil Ilondt. CniCAqo , Oct. 24. Repeal has spent its force. That scorned to bo today's verdict in the \vhoat pit. Yesterday a more rumor of the repeal of the silver purchase act was sufllclont to add IJ o to the price of wheat nnd today , with that repeal in clear vlovr , the price declined almost Ic , Repeal , it was nrfiued , will raalto wheat none the less over- plentiful , and unless either the receipts become - damand moro ur como small or the foreign gent' ' it can have no lasting Influence unless through the revival of tno general trade of the country. Corn dragged on a fallinf ? off in the cash demand , hut In strange contradiction to the expected effect of light receipts. The close wasjfo under yesterday's final quotations. Provisions were again dull and neglected at conf Idorahly lower prices. The worst blow to wheat was when Brad- street's statement of the vlslhlo supply WAS received , a few minutes after 12 o'clock , re porting an Increase of 2,735,000 bu. cast of tha Hbcklcs and 403,000 bu. west and an In crease of UM.OI'O bu. in European stocks and the quantity afloat , thus making tin increase In the world's stock In sight of 4aVJ,00 ( ) bu. The receipts hi the northwest continued quite liberal and the export clearances wcro Binall. Foreign reports indicated moro liberal shipments of Uusaian wheat. The opening was about from J o to % a I lower than yesterday's closing figures , cased oft from J/c to Kc , then rallied from % & to Jfo for December and from ' e to % n for May , but again settled bauk , declining from Xu to In , and the closing was J c for DccouiDor and lo.tor May lower than yes < day. The market acted as though som party orj parties were feeding it freol. ) each rally. Operators In corn were apparently at sea during the greater portion ot the day. The bull : of the business was credited to "room trailers. " The market opened rather steady nt about } { Q decline and a further reduction of from jKo to yto was submitted to. About the middle of the sessioi a llttlo moro stead iness urovalled and prices rallied from ' c to Vo. but settled back slightly and the mar ket In n general way closed ste.-vdy. In oats there wus no particular pressure to sell , prices were confined to tbo'io range nnd closed jg'o below yesterday. The near futures were neglected. Hatloy Bros. , White & Co. and the Chicago Packing company , who have been for some time backing the main supporters of October prices of hog products , wcro free offerers , not only for the present month's de livery , but for January as well , and that was the chlof cause of the day's decline. The market became very weak in the closing moments. Compared "with lust week Oc tober pork is 50o off and January 27 fo ; Oc tober lurd is 30o and January lOo lower ; Oc tober ribs , 45c , nnd January , 17c. Cash quotations were as follows : Fixun Quiet nnd unchanged , WHEAT No. 2 spring , G2jc : No. 8 spring , C2M04c : No. 2 red. 62 ? e. Conx No. 2 , 37j c. OATS-NO. 2. 27j c ; No. \vhlto , 305c ; No. 3 Wldto , 28K 29c. KYB-No. 2. 4G&47C. UAHLEY No. 2 , nominal ! No. 3. 43c ; No. 4. BOc. BOc.FLAX FLAX BKKD-NO. 1 , $ l.OO'/4. ' TIMOTHY BKED I'rlmo , $3.20. I'OIIK McsH.jier hll. , J17.605518.00 ; lard , per 100 llm. . J9.80S0.85 ; short rlUs sldos ( loose ) , $9.00@9.37Hi ; dry sul'od shoulders iboxutli. I7.00ijji7.25 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , $ U.25Q 0.50. 0.50.WHISKY WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal , , 11 * * Sun Ans U nchaiiKod. The followl-.ig wuro the receipts and ship ments for today. On the 1'roducouxchango todiiv the butter tnurkot wax uiihlor ; cruuinory , 23a28c ; dairy , 18@24c. EBgs uiicliangud ; U Ncnv Vork Murkuti. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 25. Fl ) UUccelits. . 34,200 pug-j. : oxporls. 13,100 bbls. ; sales , 12,000 pku-s. ; nnirkot Irregular ; closing barely btuudy ; "win- tor wheat , low grades , 1.70ffl2.55i winter wheat , fair tofimcy. 2.353.30 ; winter wheat. palentK , (3,0033.80 ; Mlnnusolii clear , J2.35 ® 2,1)0 ) ; JMInni'hOtu htriilKhls , t3.103.80 ; Mlnnu- BOla pnlunts. 3.85 i4.10 ; city inlUs , | 3.85 < 2t 8.90 ; city mlllBpatent8t.26 < 34.60. Cout MuAi/-8tuudy ; yellow , * 2.002.70. llAitr.CY null ) No. 2 Milwaukee. 46ar,8c. llAHi.KV MAI.T Dull ; wt-storn , 6570c. WllEATHecclpts.M5,900 bu. ; exports , 80.- 800 bu. ; allies. 6.270OUO liti. ( uturos. 4b.OOO 1m. spot. .Spot murkot dull nnd } jo lowiir ; No. 2 rco. In store and uluvntor , O'Jc : f. o , ! ' - OOKcj iiiiKradvd red , 07 < ar.0c : No , 3 red , COUc ; No. 1 nortluTii , 72iu. ! Options opened ? JfKor' hoUl olr W , ° I110JU' closlnic wi-iik lit lMlic ? not decline ; No 2 rod , January. S.KSftf.7ri45J , l' ' ° ' " 'uiiry , closed 72.c ; Miirch. 74 i74 16-10celoslng74c ; M .c closing 70 ci OctiiDor , ObSttO'JJie , closl'iK 00 icj { fovonilMir. OVSWOQiiir , cloblm ; 08'ic ; Docombi. > r,70 < a71e. closing ut70jc. ! C'OUN-UcculplH , 108,000 On. ; exports , 34,000 ou. ; miles , 495,000 bu. futures , 2UOOU bu. spot. fipots moro uctlvo ; No. 2 , 46JSc 1 elevator. 47c nlloiit. Options opened ; ic lower wltil Wheat , closliig lit Jc { n t dccliiui ; October clofiL-d at 4G4c ! ; Novoinhur. 40iO46 1c. closlnu - - . y. 48SQ49c , closing at 40c , OAT8-lteeoiptK. 7H.OOO bu. ; exports , 1.20Q bu.l sales. 245,000 bu. futures , 43.000 bu. pot. Siots | lirm but dull. Options opened easy , rallied , closing steady mid unchanged for thu day ; October closed ut 34Wcj Novom- te ? / ! , ' , ? .ll.t a4 > ' I'wembor , B4 ( ' . (334'ic. closing utaiJiu ; May. 3G < a3Glic closlns ut BUlici No. 2 white , 3Gwo ; Na2 Olil-- cage , 35tt35Uc ; No. 8 Chicago , 33 c ; No. 3 e. apct.mlxed western , ajiiiiiSS ' c. to ' Hora-Quloi ) choice , 10a23c ; Pacinc coast , lliUES Hull ; wet salted Now Orleans , lolectt-d. 4a7ct Uuanoa Ayros. 13Kei Toxtis dry united , "He , Wooir-Stottdy ) domestic fleece , 2xa28c ; PaiJvisioNS-Cut incuts , dullj pickled bol- lle , 10M < ai2c : pickled khouldew. 7W i7Hct pickled hams. lOdilO e , turd. weaker ; west ern stuHmclonodatllO.40 ; option miltY iioiTni October cloked ut I10.40 ; November , ' * U.OO n.uuiinali n i > . . . > . . .i..ra. January. IB.H5. uomlnul. . ' Pork uow mosSi fM. OJtrtt 1)rlmo | : dairy. , 27ct cream err , 24tt8 i western duiry , . , 17U l23c. iklnwlaoaftr1' ' 1 > art fcklms , 4U5c' ! ' fuU ' tuas flluiid'y ; western fresh , 2Hia22p ! S TAU/JW-Hteudy ; city ( apcrpkg. > , 6 i-jo vtofiC. r COTTONBEKl ) OilDull. . . PKTiui.KDMi-itealyi $ United closed at 72c : Peniisylvnnlii oil , bpot baton , nonu ; November option haloa , none ; cloaud ut 72c ; Lima oil tales , none , ItosiK Firmer. KICK Firm. MOI.ARSKS Dull : New Orleans open kettle , ' good to choice. 8238c. tJUQAltr-ytuudy but quiet ; rcfinod steady. rialuox Qufot ; American. (1U.00314.0. Coi'l'iu-HtcaUy : lake. 10.60 bid. LKAiH-Firmer ; doincstlf , 3.475. ! TiN-Qulot : Htrults , (20.7U bid. WffJtKU FirunTj domustlc , (3.S3 > { . New York Dry UoucU Market. 26-TUt uowiliomWuh- V " liiRton , polntlnc to nnmncondltlonnl rcporvl ot the sllvnf tiuitia al.itf , lim Improved the dry goods outlook n little , but tha Immciltnte nmrkot U minor t\uni \ ( stilt. Cotton goods sliow sntno Umprpvumnnt In ( lemnnd nt un- chntiKeil ptlrri * . glnglmm fabrics hftroly hold their awn , 1'rlnts nnd printed fabrics urea llttlo uiiovcn. 1'rlntlng cloths nro stundy to rather flrmor. Drcis goods ruled nulot nt ntcndy price * . Woolen goods arc dull and a little weak. _ _ Ft.oim uuri'UTi AVhiU the AttlU of llnlnttt nnd Superior HIITO lleou DOIIIR. MiNNiurOMS , Octr 25. The Northwestern Milter says : Tlio mills at Superior and Uuluth ground 52,317 bbli.ot floUr last week agalhst 57,695 WiU , thn week before , 34,238 bbU. for the corroMiondlng week last yoixrixnd 18,579 Mils. In 1891. Thl * wnok's output will bo much heavier. The now Anchor mill nt Superior Is now In oporutton. All tlmmlllR In operation Imvo booked lliolr output at , full citimrlty until the cloio of navigation. The dunmnd for Hour has been excellent. Mtltcri have been obliged to turn nway orders for Kblpniont < Iown the hiko. Hales of the week worn much In ciecsi of the outiiut. Holh foreign nnd domestic buyers were In the market. Htonk of flour , 264.421 bbls. , UKalloL 181,133 bblfl. a week uiro ilnd 279,49. ' ) u year ago and 208,000 bbls. tit this dtito lit 1891 , Omnha frntlnci ) Mnrkot. HOTTElt Cholco mittor Is not vnry plenty , but the market U weaker. Kotnu houses report tholr receipts ns HwhtiT than a week uco. Fitncy creamery , 27 < & 2flc : good cruatnory , 25S20j ; fair creamery , 23y,2lc ; nholco to fancy country. 23925c : fair to good country , 18 22c ; pncklng stock , frcsli , 10'itl7c. ' EoosTho bulk of the sale * are nt 19c. Whllo the rcKclpls nr i not so very large , they nro fully up to the demand. I'oui/ritY The receipts of poultry are qulto liberal , and ivs tMilul during the early part , of tlm week , the demand U not very heavy. Old hens nro slow at GJtei chickens , 6'Sq ; gcoso nnd ducks. BSJ'Jo ; turkoyw , HttOc. V A I Tlio arrivals during the past .day or two have been lluht nnd the market firm nt iuntitlons. Choice small nnd fat vonla , O'i W7'Jc : thin orJicayy , 3 < iC5c. OAMK The lecelpt.s of gunio nro fairly Inrgo , but the nmrkot Is low nnd thn demand light. Thn people are not buying gunio this season , 1'crlmps cold weather will Httniulnto tlu ! domiuul. I'ralrlo chickens , (2.50 ; mal- luril ducks urnl rodhenili are slow at l'2.l)3 2.25 ; tuiit ducks , S1.25 ; ( iualll,25 { ) ; nntulopo KUiliIlofl , i-KijUGc ; < l ( -r Kacullos , 15 liic. HONKY llonoy Is communclng to mpvo n llttlo moro freclv , but thu domnniVls still light forlt ; chiilcovhlto clovur , 16ai7c. OYSTRIM Mndiuni , lOc ; horseshoes ' , 19c ; cxttastimlards,21c ; o.\truHelccU24c ; com pany si'lei-ts , 29c ; counts , 34c. NUTS -ttlhostnuts nro lower and there Is n f ul r supply of cliolcootistuniHtockon the mar ket which Is sc'lllnc at 13511 fie per Ib. I'ocans nre quoted : it 1 Li (3 ( I'm. The market on black wjilnntslsslow nt75c$1.00 on orders ; small hickory nuts , (1.75i2.UOi ( largo hickory nuts , $ ! VEOETAIII.KS. BRANS Kastcrn lmndptckoil navy , 12.10 ® 2.15 ; western nivy ; , Jl.BOiil. 00 ; common will to beans. Jl.5tnjl.75. ONIONS Them Is not much activity In the onion market,4 owliiR to the fact Unit the local crop Is large and the gardeners nro sup- plyliiK tlioduinnnd very largely. Onions uro quoted at 50&65C , and on orders at 76c ; Span ish onions , per crate , S1.50. WATP.II C/UKSS I'ut up In botry boxes , per cn u of 10 ( its. . tl.Goai.75. POTATOES The receipts uro larger and the murkot Is vury weak. Nebraska , lown and Min nesota grown potatoes In small lots from store , 70c ; ninna In car lots , 65c ; Colorado , from store , 75380c : Colorado lots , 7577c. OAUIIAOG There H a good deal of cabbage selling In this miirkut , but the demand U sup plied entirely by the gardeners. Orders fur cabbage from the country are tilled utlJSc per Ib. Ib.CCW.HY There Is considerable poor stock on tbo market und some very fancy. Good stock , 2535c ; second grade , 20i 23c ; fancy , CQe. -3 ET POTATOES The supply Is fair ; ho grown , per bill. , $3.253.50 ; Jersey stock , per FIIUITS. OHAPES The grnpo markets of the country are very weak and eastern Rrupo growers are commencing to conslcn their fiult to this mur- kot more freely. So far this market has held up much hotter than other markets. Eastern Concords , per bnskut , 2'Jc ; liirso lots , 2021c. OAMFOUNIA FKUITS Freestone poaches , per box , 81.1031.20 ; clings , $1.0031.10 ; winter pears , per box , * 2.25 ; Tokiiy grapes , (1.25 ; black and mubcat grapes , (1 ; quinces , $1.75 per hox. Avi'i.ES The supply Is light on this market ; choice eastern , pur bbl. , $4.254.50 ; choice western , (4.00-3J4.25. OiiANiiEiiuiES Cranberries are arriving very freely and nro in Rood demand ; Cimo Cod , per bbl. , J5.755J6.00 ; boll nnd cherry , J5.00O5.25 : bell und bugle , ga.50Q6.00. TiioriCAL rnuiH. BANANAS Prlcos remain about steady ; per bunch , large. $2.00 2.23 ; per bunch , small to medium. $1.76(82.00. ( LEMONS Mossalns nor box , 84.005.00 ; Mlorl , coses , 300 size , (5.50. ' OnANOts Florida oranges have arrived and are belling nt (3.50. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 25c ! : No. 2 green hldosf 2c : No. 1 green salted hides , 3c : No. 2 green malted hides , 2c : No. 1 green salted hides , 25 Ibs. to 40 Ihs. , 3c ; No. 2 green salted hides , 12511) * . to 40 HH. , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 16 Ibs. , 5c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 3c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides. 4c : No. 2 dry Hint hides ; 3c : No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Part cured hides ! { c per Ib. less than fully cured. SIIKEI * 1'Ki.TS-Qrecn salted , each , 35 < a75c ; green salted snenrllngs ( short woolcd onrly skins ) , each 1015c : dry shearlings ( short wooloil early Hkln.s ) , No. 1 , each 510c ( ; dry shearlings ( short woolod early skins ) . No. 2 , each 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool polls , per Ib. , actual weight , 10 ® lie : dry Hint , Ktinstis and Nebraska murrain wool boltM , per Ib. , netu-il wolplit , 1720c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool , polls , per Ib. , actual wolght , 910c ; dry Hint Colorado mur rain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 79c ; dry pieces and bucks , actual weight , 67c. St. IiOiiU Market * . ST. liOUis , Oct. 25 , ULODB Dull nnd un changed ; demand light. WHEAT Was nor vous-much of tlio day with moro weakness tnanstiungtli , and late In the session broke on HrucKtruet's report of an In- crcaHO , closlngjit n toss of Jic ; No. 2 red , cash , 5Q4c ? : October , OOJSc : November , 69 c. nom inal ; December , 61iS82c. ! closing ntGlicbld ; MliyG9Stno'c , closing a' , 09c. COIIN Was set back by line weather and wheat's action , closing at' Jic decline ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 30i c : October , 36Hc , nominal ; NovomDur. 34iU4 ! bid ; December , 33.'ic askedtyoar , 33 o ; January , 337 c , nominal ; May , 37 ? . ' nsked. OATS Neglected ; No. 2 cash , 26tfc ; Oc tober , 26'/ic , nominal ; November , 27lic , nom inal ; May. 3iu hid , r HYK--NO. 2 , 41c bid. lUiii.EY Kasy , unchanged. IIHAN Steady ; (0 cast side. FLAX Si'.F.n In demand : 98c. OIXIVKU HEKP Lower : 7.607.05. TIMOTHY 13.00(83,20. (100o5n"o"ln8Cdi Irlwo ) t ° choice timothy , ( ( ) HuTTKii Unchanged ; creamery , 27O28c : choice Ual r v , 26Q.26C. Eons Unchanged : 10ijai7c. ( s'lfoaskedUc"m' " ' ttt * 3 > 20i sl'oltor. dull , COIIN MUA'T/ Unchanged ; tl.80ftl.8S. WIIIHKY UncliuiiRod ; $1.14. llACdiNO Uiichnngod ; fiitnc. COTTON TiEH Uncluingodl. ; PnovmiONS Kasy ; bacon loiver. Pork. standard IIIUM. 18.25. L'ird. (10. Dry salt moats , loose slionlders. 7 ; longa and ribs , (0.50 ; aborts , ( U.76 ; boxtid , 16c moro ; bacon packed shoulders , (7.60 ; ' longs uiul rllw 10.37 ® 10,50 ; Hlibrls. (10.7510.87 . ' llECBll'TB Flour , 4.000 bbls. ; wheat. 82,000 bu. ; corn , .43.0CO bu , ; oats , 19,000 lm. ; rye. 2,000 lm.lmrMy. hu. HlllI'MENTS-Flour , 8.000 libls. ; wheat , 7,000 'in. ' ; corn. 0,000 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. ; rye , OUOU UU. _ City Mxrkotn. KANSAR-OTY. ( Oct. 25 , WIIKAT 1B Jilghor. hut ratlior wuuk ut the close ; No. 2 hard , &d &B3UCI No , 2 rod , 64 < 265j. ( CimN-Stoudy iityosteiday's prices , but the foolliiK was. weulc ; No. U mixed , 3232ic } ; ' , ° ATs ; 111 , K9. ,'11" ' } nt steady prices ; No. 2 mixed. 25',426c ; No. U white , 27(2 ( > 27Jc. ! llYK-Woak ; No. 2nomlntil at43e l-'l.AX HKKI-\VfiiU at HHQBHUc. IliiAN-Flrm ; 5oa&7c. HAV Steady and uncliungcd. " Ku8'0ri ' Cl'eamjry'2270 ( "cTTEU Cl'eamjry' - ! doiry,20 0,2 , ' Kou's Qulot and firm ; 17c , ' ' ' ' ' 42i ° 00 bu4000 ! - ' Corn > 4'000 MllwiuiKeo Alurknta. MILWAUKEE. Oou 25.-.ifiouu-8tcttdy. WHEAT .Steady ; December. OlUci No. 2 spring. OOct o. 1 northern , 06 c. COIIN-Htuady ; No. 3. a7/c. ! / ° No > a wf"to29 > ic' ' NeB - 3 B | AcIH < BV No"llntt1' ' No.2B4cj sample , 32 ® UvK-Hlghor : No. 1. 58Jc. ! I'liovtBiOMt-uroooliiK ; pork , (17 ; Inrd.(9.85 Llvorpuul Alurkot . lavMiTOOL , Opt , WiiKAT-Stoady ; < lo innud poor : lioUtrn. . offer uiodernti-ly ; Call 1 & moderato . ' PiioviHiONu'-Pork , prime mess , 68s Od I.uru , prluiu western. 61 n. MluueapnlU Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct , 26-Tho wheat marko ' yeay llj ) dulled durlog tUo Ight. December opened nt COXc , being the amo ns yostordny , gained He , nnd declined to 9Vc , nhoro Itclosed , May opened nt. G6fc , gained fc nnd sold down to < " > ! > ? < c nt the closo. 'rnck nhont cloned : Hnril , 02MC ! No. 1 north- rn , OOUc : No. 2 northern , B8 < c. Oa h wheat was a llttlo slow nt flMt , buyers uclhp ! Inclined o holS off for conceislons. Holders wcro rin , Mid Inter nil ottering * were taken nt irlccs illchtly hotter than thoio of yesterday. /ociil millers mid clorntor coniptinlei were the liolcoof thopiirchnsors , shippers buying but Ittlo. No. lhard < oldnt03r ; No. 1 northern MOO'lfiOlc. ' and No. 2 northern nt 69250ic. } tecclpts , 464 cars ; shipments , 80 cnrs. Flour Is dull but steady ; some mills reported nlrsl7od sales for domestic Recount. Patents ira gelling very slowly for export account. myors not liolng willing to pay the prices asked , Shipments , 31,300 bills. ; ( Irst patents , 3.45Q3.85 ; second pntent-i , (3.203.40 ; fancy ' . ' . Tlio added nil export bakers' , | l.05ft'A05. lolly output ot mills grlndlnit todny wilt prob ably aidtrognto 32,500 bbls. ' Hulk bran IsolTor- ng nt (9 ; some mills that nro closely sold up tro asking (9.25 , but sales nro nlow nt that prlco. Hhorts'aro offered nt(10.0010.60 ; shlp- nonts , 1,240 toi.s. Cotton .Miirlirt. NEW Oni.EANS , Oct. 25 , COTTrtN-Futuro * , ulot ; salon. 00,300 hales ; October , (7.66 bid ; November , ? 7.00J7.68 ; December , (7.70 < a7,80 ; anuary , (7,85 7.87 : Febrnarv , (7.04 < a7.95 ; Maroh , (3.02i 8.O3 : April. 8.10W8.11 ; May , 8.17&8.1U ; inltldllnfr , 75 > c ; low middling. 7HRJ rood ordinary. 7'ic. Net receipts , 10,401 lilies ! gross receipts , 20,632 bales ; conil- unit , 3,600 bales ; sa os , 4,500 bales ; stock , 8H.80U bales. NEW Vomc , Oct. 25. COTTON Futures , ipcnedfttondy nt 4T67 points decline ; January , H.23 ; February , $8.30 ; March , J8.87 ; April , 8.43 ; May , (8.50 ; .Iunc.48,68 : Outobor , (8.0& ; November , $8.00 ; December , J8.14. ST. I , outs , Oct. 25. COTTON Hulod weak odny on large movement ; sales , 1,020 hales ; ordinary , 011-lOc ; good ordinary , 7 3-10c : ow middling , 7 0-16c ; middling , 7 18-lOe ; oed mldJlIng , 8 1-lOc ; middling , fair , 8 9-10c. Oil Mnrk.'ti. On , CITY , Oct. 25. National transit cor- incntcs opened 71 > ( ; hlghast , 72 > i ; lowest , 1J < ; closed. 72Ji ; Bales , 32,000 bbls. ; clear ances , 108,000 bbls. ; shipments , 112,155 bbls. ; uni , 84,101 hbls. I'lTTSiiL'iio , Oct. 25. National transit ortlllcatos opened nt 71JS ; closed nt 72 ? { ; ilghost , 72J { ; lowest , 71Ui sales. 10,000 bbls. Dulutli AVIinut .Mrtrkot. DULUTII , Oct. 25 , This market ruled Irrog- llar and only fairly active todny. Close : No. hard , cash and Ojtobor , G2yic ; December , > 3c : May. O'JHci No. 1 northern , cash and Jctobor , OlHcs DiJcembor , 62 ; Slay , OSJfc ; 'io. ' 2 northern cash , 68Kc : No. 3 , 53ic ! ; ro- ectod , 46ic ! ; on truck , No. I northern , to ar- Ivc , ColIVn Miirhet. NEW Yontc , Oct. 25. CorroN-Oponod 30 joints higher ; closing steady at 630 points lotadvanoo. Sales , 22,750 bass. Including : October , $17.45ff&17.50 : November , S16.9D < a 7.00 ; Docombor. (16.7610.H ( ) : Jnniuiry , 10.46aSM0.60 ; March , $ lG.20 ? > ir.30 : May. 15.904410.00. Spot3.slcildyi No.7 , Ulo , $18.3711. Wool jMarkot. ST. Louis , Oct. 25. WOOL Qulot un hanged. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AND 110-VDH. Wiill Stredt Speculators Minim n nit of tn- torustlni ; History Yottnrilay. NEW YOIIK , Oot. 25. The history ol today n Wall street , taiton as a whole , seems to ustlfy the contontlon which has been hold hat when the sliver question was solved , and not until then , would the current ot speculation return to its accustomed chan- lols. It was not made manifest very clearly n the early dealings that the situation had ) oen entirely cleared , or that the expected revival of confidence in the stability of val ues had come to stay. There was a certain 'everishnoss in the dealings that appeared to ho inconsistent with a steady upward movement , based upon solid foundati ons , but as ino any aavancc-a mo tone or tno marKet jccnrao healthier , and ovidcnces of strong undertone were not wanting. For the Hrst ttmo in many months the commission houses were largely in the mar- tot as buyers for clients , considerable pro portions of tlielriorders coming from tnewest. i'ho mails brought numerous inquiries ad- Ircsscd to the large brokerage houses ask ing for advice as to whether the time had come for operations on the bull side of the market and as to the best stocks for spo u- ulative turds on thelong sldo.tU wasnolonger to bo a purely traders' murker , the outside public was moved to take a hand intho deal. Then , too , comes the decline in foreign cx change , which is , perhaps , tho.o'est iudica- tton that can bo afforded of the restoration , of the stability of the national-finances , and with the lower rates for sterling bills came suggestions of possible imports of gola. There is , perhaps , very lictlo likelihood of the Importation of gold from Europe until at least the silver , bill Is finally passed , but the fact Is that a sli ght margin of profit might bo figured out in shipping gold from the other slue at , cxlstintr rates for sterling exchange. At the opening of business there was a firm tone at near closing prices , which moved up fofBomo fifteen minutes. Then came a decline , followed by 11 recovery and a retro grade n.ovement all in the llrst hour. The result of the movement was , however , an advance , in which all the shares traded in participated. By degrees the speculation became steady , and although Just before noon sales to realize profits checked the up ward movement for a short while , the market swung Into the afternoon with n buoyant step which carried It uo to u. higher level than had yet been reached. Heading took the largest part in the dealings and was bought at advancing quotations ou the expectation that the re ceivers would finally settle the Spoyer loan , which would indicate that Heading ; was in cluded in tno coal combination. Sugar was next in point of activity. The stock recov ered the break made In the late dealings of yesterday and made a now record , reaching u point fy { per cent above yesterday's clos ing , with a reaction of 2 } per cent and a fiual recovery of l } per cent. Western Union wus in heavy demand throughout tho' entire day and attained unusual prominence in the dealings , moving upward with u steadiness that permitted only the smallest fractional reaction and closed wlthlu } per cent of the top price. It issaid tlio purchases of thcso shares wcro mainly for tlio account of a pool formed by the directors of the company. The best prices of the day were made about 2 o'clock , when the iidvunoo on yosteraay's final sales ranged from > to 51 ? per per cent. Sugar , Burlington , Western Union and Hock Island lea the active list in the upward movement. It was then that the process of realisation wus entered upon and caused a reaction of from to \ < pei cent , la which Sugar suffered most. The general market closed strong and , with very few exceptions , above the current prices of yesterday's closing , the chlof ad vances being Utf per cent In St. Paul & Oinahu preferred , Rubber , Munnattun. Edi- ton Electrio und Tobacco preferred. \ % per cent in Now England , 3 per cent In Chicago & Eastern Illinois preferred , 2 > per cent In Pullman. Btf percent in Hook Island , 8 per cent in Western Union.i \ percent in Sugar , G > per cent in Wheeling & Lake Eiio pro- furred and U per cent lu American District Telegraph. The following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York ex change today : AtchlBon 21 Northern 1'uclUe. , 7 > ( i Atlamu Kxpreau , , . 142 do prefd 2 : ) Alton , T. II. 20 u , p. . D. &anu , , . . oU dopruf'cl 1BO Northwestern 10(1 ( Amurleun Kxpruss llrt do " ' " HuHlmoroiOHlo , . 7:1 : Canada 1'aclllo : I7 > Canada Southurn. . O'J JnlarloA. Weaturn Central I'.iclllo U'lH Oretron lnin _ . . , , , . , Chuu. 4. Oldo 1H : > ri-itou Nuv Chicago & Alton. . . 13(1 ( O.S. L. &U. N , . . ttB. It Q , - . , , HI ) I'acinoMulI 17 Chicago Una 03W I'corla , Deo. .VK. . . H- , Consolidated Uas. . 1II11U I'ltlabnrf 147 < C. C. C , & 8t. L..t : I8 t'ullman Palauo. , , 170 Col , Coal St Iron , . , 12 llnaUlntr , 23 Cotton Oil Cert. , . . , 37 $ < HIclnnondTur. , , , . , , . yu Del. A Hudson mow tie prof'U , ' Del. L ick. St West. 104 lUoOrnnilu WesV. , Jo D. & H. O. prof U. , 17 ! do.praf'd 46 K.m'lTu'ini , , . . ' , , . , " , ' "j St.l'aul ' . J $ Krlo 16' ' Uo prefd. . , . . , , , do preftj 30 St. Paul A Oniulm 7U FortWayno 147 do prefd 110 Great Nonh'npt'il. 107 Sontliern 1'acltla. , 1H Cbl. .tKaut. IM.pC'U 07 Buear Kenuury. , , , 10.S ; Hocklnir Valley , , , . Trim. Coal St Iron. 1(1 lllliiolBCuntral. . , . 0 H Texan 1'acJttc , 7 St. Paul It Dulutli. , ' 'U Tol. it O. Cen. pfd. 0 U Kan. St Texaa pf'il. ua Union I'acllle. , . , , , lufj ukeKrlu&Wu8t. , 17U II.S. Kxprpss. , , , . . Ci ! do prcfU , , . 70W . . 7 jkeKlioro. . . , , . . , . 12HH -doprrld. lOW LeadTnibt . . . . . . 2HH Wulln TM luo \Vuuturu. Union. OOU . A . WhetilhiKSt L. K. , , OOUH MaiihaltanCoiL. . . , do prufd 48'2i . 10 * -2\i \ Mumphla&o , , * Mlublean Central , . 08 u. at jv. U..U. . . . uil MtbBourl I'acltlo. . . ! iC ( iencral Kloctrlo. . . 0U ; Mobile A. Ohio. . . . . . 14h Nulloiml L.1080U.I. . 1H Ka h. ACliatt . , Uo O , * ' . & ! . . . . 2U National Cordage. . US do pruf'd. . . 60 ' ' " N.J. Central. . . . : . . , 117 T. A. A' . N'M. ! ! . ioi ) NorfOlk&W.pfd , . 22 T.St. L.&K.O S North Amerl'n Co. . Oi < 'do prefd 20 askud. Thu total sales of stocks today were 433.700 ihureii , Including : AtchUou. 10,20 1 American Bugar , 62,300 ; American Ooltou Oil , 3,300 ; Chicago , Hurllugum it Qulucy , 83,700 ; Chicago Uus , 29,000 ; Dhtlllera ts. Oat- lofeeders , 19,800WlherU ; ! Electric , 10,700) ) ( ansas Ac Texas 4 TOO ; Lnkfl Shore , D.GOOl I/oulsrllle ft NJvllle , 4,000 ; MlMourl 'ncifli' , 0,000 Natlif fill Lend. 5,200NorlhWost- ; crn , O.GOO ) RoadlM. , 83,100 : Hock liluml , .o. . M ) ! St. raul. 0.700 ; Union 1'ucinc 0.4001 Western Union. 62,000. NO\T York Money Mnrkot. N w YonK , Oct. 25 , MONEY os CAt.t/-Easy nt U402 per ccnt.Jnst loan , 1J4 per cent ! closed olTeroctntlSi percent. . * . PnlMK MRROAMTiuri'ArRii GUfta per cent. BTKIU.IKO KxciiANnr.-Hoavy wltn actual witness In bunkers' bills , . . lor lotniind mid $ I.Bli < Q.t. B1J4 forsluy-day bill * . ostod ruins4.83ia4.85. . Commercial bills , . . , - . OnvBHNMRKT lltJtfjyj-QuloU Hlulo bonds , Tlio closing quotations on oonflsi _ J. S. 4srefr , . . . . . Ill St. L. St I. M , O. 69. 70 I. S. 4n coup. 111 St. r , . AS.F.Ocn.M 08 U.S. 4 srcY 07 St. Paul Consols. . . 12UH Tncino 080(05. ( . . . Ilia St. P. O. & V. IMS. . 10HJ ( 'M. stampml 4s , . , . n.j T. P. T , . O. Tr. Ilcts 73 HlsBoiiri 0s lee T. P. K. G.Tr. Ucts 108 Pcmi. now BCI OH , . 107 Union Pac. Ists. , . , 1I2 ! | Tcntiitiowget Gs. . 100 West Shore 102 | Tcnu. new net : ? , . , ui > Ala. Class A. . . . . . 05 'nnacl.i Ho.'JOs. . . . , 07 Ala. Class II 100 CcntiHl I'.ic. lati , , 101 Ala. ClassC on ) . .t H. aims 110 Al.i currencies. . . . 88 9. & H. a. 4ft 7M > . U. 0. W. 1st HI SrloiMn Atchlnon 4s 7iJi : . K. k T. QPM. OH. -If Oa2M A , . , 40 it. 1C. AT. Oeii. Cs 7S (7. ( II. AS. A. OB. . . . 10.1 Mutual Union ( ) . . 105 ' " ' " ' ' ' ' K. J. O. Int. Cert. . II. . T.O'"G'S ! . . . . . lor ff. I AC. His 100 do 08. , 100 tf. Pno. 'Ms 00 M.c. us nr. Vn. Centuries. . . . . tlo48 , , , . 03 N. W. Consols. . , , . 1SS TennolilOs GO N.W. Deb. r > i ( JUOtlltlllll ! ! . IIOSTOH , OfiU 25. Oull loans. 2UB14 nor cent ! Unto loans , 4567 per cent. Cloiing quotations on slocks , bonds and mining shares : London Stock ( JUotntlom. Oct. 25. 4 p. m. Close : Consols , monev. , , . Mexican , ordinary. 14U Consols , nco'nt St. P. ml common. . ( IRM Canadian Pacltlo Now 107 Krle , Pennsylvania . O'j Krlo 2du Heading . l IlllnolH Cent ral. . . . Mix. Ccn. now 4s. . S3 MONEY ft nor cent. Kato of discount , In the open market for bnth short and throe-months hills , 2Jf per cent. St. Louis Minim ; Uuot-itlonn. ST. Louis Oct. 25. Mining stocks un- changed. Quotations nro : On tlio London Market. NEW" YORK , Oct. 25.-Tho Post's London spoclulsuys : Fprty thousand pounds In har gold was sold by the Iliuikof Enzland today imd Dj.OOO soyorolgns was sent to llollund. The German domund for bur cold Is very strong. The prlco Is 78d. The bank selling price fof American cuglcs Is 7C10J. . There Is a .small order In the market , hut hosupplles , and the urnsont liaitlM prlco Is too "high to withdraw. Silver lsL'33id ? and weak on the prospect of a quick rqpuul of tlin Sherman net. Kupeo paper Is CO.'fd. The Stock cxchango is hotter. Americans closed nt thu host prices. Continuations , 3 pur-cent per annum. Kor- elKii HtocUs also arc better mid uro still led by Italian1 ; . Discounts uro flrmnr at over 2 pur cent. The Indian ROVcrmnunt Is nUo ubout to u.uuu.uuu stoniiiff in treasury bills. Financial Notes. KANSAS Grrv , Optj 25. Clearings , 11,530- llAT.TlHoitE. Oct. 25. Clearings , J2,097,389 ! balances , 8230.071. , ly NEW YOHK. Oct. 25.-01earIng31 $00,305,240 ; balaiicos , $5,585,716. , PAUIS , Oct. 25. Three per cent rentes , 98f 17J4c for the account. , ItosTON , Oct. 25. > bloarlngs , $12.0i-l-276 : IialnnccA , $1,660,909. Exchange on New York 16@17c discount foQcjish. rv l'iiirADiifiiiA. Oct. 25. Clearings , $10,037.- 101 ; balances.l,283023..t ; OINOINNATI , 'dct. ' 25. Mohoy , 6fe7 per cent Now York exchange , 7070c premium. Clear ings , Jl.713,000. MEMPHIS , Oct. 25. Now York o.xcliunco soiling at 81.50 premium. Clearings , $249- 008 ; balances , $54,243. NEW Onw.ANS. Oct. 25. Clearings , $1,531- 840. Now York pxchanso , hank , par ; com mercial , $2 per $1,000 discount. ST. Louis , Oct. 25. ClcarlnRS , $2,793,223 ; balances , $323,013. Monov , quiet at 6@8 per cent. Exchange on Now York , par. LONDON , Oct. 25. The amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hunk ot Enulund on balance today was 135,000. iltur silver , 33m CHICAGO , Oct. 25. Clearings , $16,070.979. Now York exchange , 75c premium. Sterling exchange , s'-eiidv : actual , $1.82 ? for sixty days and $4.84i ? for demand. Money In peed demand , with sales Irregular at 536 per cent on call and GS7 per cent on tlmo. OMAHA. f.lVK 6TOUK AtAKKlOTS. Cattle Trade Steady Hog ; Ilroak Under Heavy Kecetpti nnd Close Woak. WEDNKSDAT , Oct. 25. There was a good average run of stock today. So far this week the cattle receipts have been about the same as last. Hogs have increased nearly U,000 head and sheep nearly 3,000 head. Including today's cattle receipts , 00,000 , cattle ihavo boon received so far this month. As the previous banner month's record ( October , 1891) ) was only 1)0,037 ) head , the re ceipts from now on till the end of the month will dimply Indicate how far this month's re ceipts will beat the record. There were almost as many cattle hero today as were hero on last Wednesday , and the quality was about the same as it has boon for several weeks past. To all intents and purposes It was a steady market. Com mon to very fair cornfed steers sold at from 13.05 to $4.70 , with common to lair western run go Btoors at from $3.75 to $3.30. There was nothing really choice here , and in consequence - sequence of tlio rather undesirable character of the offerings thn trade was somewhat dull , although a fair clearance was effected. Cow stuff was steady to strong for good and rather easier for common. Sales in cluded common to choice cows at from (1,50 to (2.40 , with tlic bulk of the trading at around fJto 12.20. Calves at from $2.25 to M were about steady , and rough slock steady to a shade weaker at from $1.00 to $2.75. The feeder trade seemed rather quiet. Offerings wore liberal , but the demand wus a trifle slack and buyers were able to shade prices on all nxcept perhaps the real toppy stock. The bulk of iho trading was at from $2.00 to $3.10. Good to choice feeders are quoted at from $ ' . ) i 1 $3.50 ; fair to good at from $2.00 to $3 , with' common and inferior stuff at around $2.50 Representative sales ; 7. , . .1428 2 00 , , .1825 a 10 ? : : , 1300 2 25 i. . , . .1300 2 26 4. , , . .U42 1. . . . , .1480 2 10 1. , . . .ir > 90 2 25 1. . , ) .1810 275 1320 2 CO SrOOKRIlS AND rr.EIlK.llS. 1. C50 2 00 29. . 004 2 RO 4. 4G7 2 25 10. . one 2 85 1. 740 2 25 7 , . 672 2 85 7. O'JB 2 25 41. . .1235 2 00 1. i 4GO 2 ( ID 0. . 094 2 05 . 1. 1 610 2 S6 936 8 00 6. 010 3 50 e no 8 10 13. . . . . 607 3 CO 4- ! ) . una 8 10 17\ 040 2 70 426. . . .1100 8 15 10. , . . . 815 2 75 I ' ' .1310 8 60 WESTEHN CATT'I.'K. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. , Pr. 44 COWS. . . . 1)22 ) J1B3 Irow. . . . 800 $200 0 fdrs. . . . 024 260 11 fdrs . . . 005 200 15 fdrs 022 200 10 fdrs. . . . 020 250 2 steers. , 1005 275 Ihfr 550 270 0 steers..11 no 825 0 moors.11HO 826 3 steers..1273 R25 0 steers..1200 825 1 steer . .1300 3 25 14 steers..1126 325 100 6 cons.,1056 200 Istr. tlg.1110 235 4strstlg,1165 235 10 steers..1100 285 31 steer * . , HOT BOO 23 steers..1179 n 10 1 steer. .1150 3G5 1 Steer..1300 380 380 1O steers. .1171 826 G4 steers , .1208 330 1 fdr 1100 270 4fU. . . .1130 270 0 fdrs. . . 808 270 Gfdrs , . . . 071 3 10 1 fdr. . .1350 240 Ifdr 1220 250 1 fdr. . .1210 260 Sfilrs 1010 205 IMr. . . .1170 300 1 fdr 1480 300 2 Mrs. ' " 840 285 20fdrs 1122 3 10 2 fdrs."llio 250 10fdl8 1096 300 25 steers. . 10D2 3 10 27 stcors. ,1205 , 3 10 8 fdrs. . . . 1147 255 10 fdrs. . . 1154 2 00 * IDAHO. Icow. , . . 1280 1 75 14 cows. . 882 2 20 1 str , tig , 14GO 225 39 fdrs. . . 080 2 70 20 steers. . 1283 2 75 75UTAH. UTAH. Islag. . . . 080 2 20 3 cows. . , 870 2 20 22 cows. . . 057 220 25 cows , , , 010 220 7Bfdrs. . . . 1020 2 00 SOUTH DAKOTA. Ocows. . . 076 205 18 COWS. . . 035 2 06 20 fdrs. , . . 1013 2 80 4 oxtill. , , l202 1 60 2 stags. . 1380 2 00 Ibull. . . , 1510 2 00 1 cow. . . 1120 2 20 4 COWS. . 1082 2 20 10 fdrs. . . . 1110 3 00 WYOMING. 8 fdrs. . . . 910 240 10 Mrs. , 1310 2 40 Ifdr. . . 1000 2 50 82 Mrs. . 1201 2 HO 1 fdr. . . 970 3 15 18 Mrs. . . . 812 2 00 2 fdrs. . 1150 2 00 32fdrs. . . . U05 2 00 20 fdru. . 8G2 2 GO 8 steers. 1275 3 25 COLORADO , 1 row. . , . 340 2 25 1 COW. , . . 1010 2 25 IMr..1081) ) 2 60 31 fdrs.,1124 3 05 168 cows , 942 2 45 l4UslH.TexlOH3 3 75 104 sirs..1104 3 30 1 Mr 1000 a uo 1 Mr 1080 2 90 5 Mrs. . . . 91G 2 90 6 Mrs. . . . 884 2 00 1 Mr 1070 2 90 GO cows. . . 083 2 05 09 yrlnsa. 089 2 70 Hoes Uccelpts todny wcro the hcaviostof the month , and the quality wus about the best of the month. Reports from Chicago were not very favorable , and this with the liberality of the offerings , produced u rather weak feeling , notwithstanding the good gen eral demand. All local houses , both fresh moat and packing , wore In the Held after supplies. Prices ruled 5c to lOc , mostly lOc , lower than yesterday , the good to uhoico butcher weight and heavy hogs selling at from * 0.2o to $0.33 , with a fG.40 top. Common light and mixed packing grades sold very largely at $0.20 and SG.Uo , with pigs and un derweight stUft at from SS.'JO to $15.15. The close was weak , with several loads , mostly late arrivals , still in first hands. The bulk of the fair to good hoes of all weights were largely at $0.25 and $0.30 , as against , $0.80 to $0.40 Tuesday and $0.05 tofO.15 a week ago today. Representative sales : . No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 06..182 240 J5 00 74..240 120 16 25 78..171 80 600 76..277 120 025 I'lOS AND ItOUGH. 28 . . .115 6 70 SUEEI- There was a fair inquiry from slaughterers for good muttons and lambs , but the domuud was not at all urgent ami trading was slow. Prices were steady to weak. IJair to good natives , $ 'J.50@3.15 ; fair to good west erns. $2.25@3.00 ; common nnd stock sheep , * 1.50@'J.25 ; good to choice 40 to 100-ib. lambs. * 3.003.75. ( ' llrceipti and imposition ot Stock. Uillclal receipts and disposition or HtocK as shown hy the books of the Union Stock Vards company ( or the twenty-four houra ending at 5 o'clock p , 111. , October 25 , 1803 : DISPOSITION. WKSTKKN 1'ACIUNU 1NTKKKSTS. Aggregate OfTarlncs of lines In Western Murkotn Unchiuiired. OINOINNATI , Oct. 25. [ Special ToicRiatn to Tun HKK. ] Tomorrow's 1'rlco Current will say : The uifKregaUi offering * of IIOKH In wont- urn marlioU U unchained , 1'ncklni : for the week , ItiO.OOO , compared with 170,000 the preceding week and 100,000 last year. From March 1 to data , G.o'JU.ono , uKuliibt 7C'J5OOU a year ago. 1'romlnunt places compare us follows ; Clilcagu I.I TO Stock Market. CIIICAOO. Oct. 26 , Only a very few times within the last six months have the offerings of native cattle been o numerous an for to day. They comprised moru than two-thirds of nil the cuttlu received , The effect upon prlcoaof the unusually Renorau * vupply will not ho good , ut leusi not good us viewed from I AM SO HAPPY ! 3 BOTTLES S.S.S. Relieved me of a severe Blood trouble. It has also caused my hair to grow out again , as it had been falling out by the handful. After trying many physicians in vain , I am so happy to find a cure in S. S. S. O. H. ELBEKT , Galveston , Tex. IDpCHyforclneoutecrmsofdls- Sfl I\L-.O caM anj ft , , , yoiion B8 well. i entirely vegetable nod harmless. ttylt on Dlood and Bkln mailed free , gvrm fUetcmo co. , AtUau. 0 * . spllorii tnndpdtnb. Katly In the day It wa * thought the receipts of nil description * would not exceed 19,000 heiul. and the market opened Moatly. A lltllo Inter the citlmato was raUcd to 20,000 head , and before 11 o'clock It looked ns thoiiRh Iho total inliiht reach 23,000. H wn ncarct'ly to bo expected that the nmrkot could stnnd up untlnr such ro- colpiajimllKlldnot. U dropped front loc to BBc , cloilns very weak at the reduction. Uiolco shipping steers mirrored the least nnd there were not many of thorn and they were In peed domantl. Thn decline foil principally upon common to fair , steers. The forcjjolnR applies moro particularly to native cattle. Tlioro were comparatively light , receipts of ratiRori , and they showed hut RlltthtciiMiKc. Trade was slow In all branches of tlio market and many cattle were leftover. The demand for IIOKS was brisk during the morning and the parly market WHS strong. iioforo 0 o'clock trndulmd quieted down very percept hly and a lets buoyant fcelliiR ob tained , late sales showing about 61Ut > c de cline. llccelpts contlnuo ( o fall oir. So far this week only about 03,000 head have arrived , which Is 10,000 loss than for the same lima last week and about that many less for the week before. Nevertheless prices letpomlrd very slowly. They are only front fie to lOc higher than they were a week imo. the raiiso of today's market being from 10.10 to f 0.7O for heavy grades and from JG.3r > to f 0.00 for light wulghK Tlioro wiis vury llttlo biislnot' at hotter than tG.GO for heavy und pilcus inng- PB downward from tO.85 bought uiouof the light hogs. [ jriioro was not tin ovcrsupply of cnod sheep. rorhaps not moro than 25 per cent of thu vast miinbur olTnrod (25,0001 ( niiswerud to llm de scription. They held fairly ulcady prices. 1 or liny thing grafllng below good , tlio market was In bad nhiiuo. A modurato inimimr was taken by feeders , hut their put inailii v.Vr.y "ltl ° Impression on the supply , the bulk still remaining In hollers' ImmN. Itla impos sible to plvo trustworthy limitations today. Ihuro was trading nt $3.76 forcholcoiiatlvo wolhors all along down thu llnu totl.Gli for rubbish. Thu bulk ot Hading was bulow * 3.25 for sheep , und few sales of lambs iivur W. 50. Iho ruiiKo of iiuotiitlons for tlm former was from $1 to 13.76 , and for the latter from $3,60 , ? , * ' ; Cat" " . 22.000 head ! calves , 1,200 head- hess , U&.OOO headj slitop , 21,000 The KvcnlngJourual reports : . OATTi.K-Uecelpts , 520,000 head , Including 8,000 Tonns and 3,000 western * ; trade slow ; prices tin all natives ruthuron the down turn ; top steers. j.Doaa.70 ; medium , I4.uoa5.23 ; others , t4.2G4.HO. lloiis-ltecclpts , 27,000 head : market slow n d I oailta lower ; rough , * 5.7&(3.0.00 ( : mlxert. * 0.05a0.40 ; heavy , 0.500.70 ; light , * tf.7txrs 'siuiEi- ANn I/AMns-Hecelpts , 20,000 head ; market slow and lower on everything. how York I.ivo Storlc AlntUrt. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 25.-l EEVE8-Uecelpts , 1,000 head ; market slow , lOc lower : iiiulvo steers , * : i.03iJ5.23 ; Colorado , (3.20 1.4(1 ; hulls and cows , $1,0532.40 ; drcssed beef , steady , 7U5JOU. UAi.via : Uccelpts , 1,500 head ; voals$5.00a 8.00 ; grussors , $1.502.25. aiiEKi'-Uecolpts. 2,200 head ; market active and steady ; sheep , $2.50113.50 ; lambs , & 3.00& 5.00 : dressed mutton , saTlic ; dresised lambs , > ° ' 417 " "ad ; market lower ; Oi - 1 04 7 * 7 0 Knnsns City I.tvo Ntoo .Murknt. . .KANSAS CITY , Oct. 2R.-OATT.K-Uecclpls , 9,700 head ; shipments , 5,300 head ; hi-st cattle were Una , others slow ; Texas and Milpplng steers , $2.10545.23 ; To.Mis ana nu- tlvo cows , Jl.ooa-3.00 : butcher Htock , 82.GO © 4.10 ; stockers and fuedurn , $2.25453.00. HodS-Hecolpts. 5,0011 iiciid ; shipments , fOOhead ; light hogs. 10ft25o lower ; heavy. 1015c lower : bulk , ? G.15tt6.aO ; heavy , pack ing and mixed , * G.HKaG.35 ; lights ; Yorkers und pigs , fo.ooao.40. SllEEi'-Ueceipts , 200 head ; shipments , 200 head ; market steudy and slow. St. I.OUIH l.lvti .stuck .Unrkot. ST. Louis , Oct. 25. OATTLD Receipts. 3.-800 head ; shipments , l,5t)0head ) ; market .steady ; fair to uholco natlvu steers , $4.005J3.20 ; fair to good TOXIUH , $2 5l)33ilU. ) lions KeeolHls. 3,100 head ; uhlpmonts , * 200 head ; niaikot lower ; top on good light , SO.G5 ; bulk of sales. $ G.20aG.OO. SHEEP Receipts. GOO head ; shipments , none ; market steady. Stuck In Hlghl. Receipts of livestock at the four principal western markets Wednesday , October 25 : Cattle. Hogs. Shoop. South Omaha.3,704 7.UH8 1,001 Chicago 22,200 25,000 21,000 Kansas City 0,700 0'JOO 200 St. LouU 3.HOO 3,100 COO Total 30,204 41,003 22,801 Wocouldnot improve the quullty It ald double the price. DaWitt's Witch Huzol Salvo is the best salvo that experience can produce , or that mone.y cau buy. Marriage Licensee. The following marriage licenses wcro granted yesterday : Name und Address. Ace. ( Carl Craig , Guthrlo , Old 23 1 Dora Tucker , Omaha 10 j John Urbnnczyk , Omaha 39 | Miinilo Delovcl , Omaha 23 j Herman Mclotz , Omaha 31 1 Amollu Btcltonoerg , Omuhu 29 j John Hronncr , Louisville , Neb 25 ) Anna Tlshota , Omaha 25 I J. Cheney Cunningham , Omaha . . 28 ( Laura A. Koather.stono , Omaha 2t ) j Edward Schrlnor.-Omaha 38 ( Mute t > . Hafford , Omaha 33 Ono word describes it-"perrectlon. " Wo re fer to De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve.cures pllea for Infants and Children. " Cnstorla Is BO well adapted to children that Castorln cures Colic , Constipation , I recommend It as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Knictation , known to mo. " II , A. Aiicnnii , II. I ) , , Kills Wonna , gives Uoep , and promjtcs dl 111 Bo. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. Y. gestlon , Without Injurious medication. "Tho use of 'Castorla 13 to universal nnd "For several yearn I liavo recommended Its merits KO well known that It ncems -work your' Castorla , ' and bh.ill nlwnys continue tc of supererogation to endorse It. Tew nro the do so ns it has Invariably produced beneficial Intelligent families who Jo not keep Castorla results. " within cosy reach. " EDWIN I1' . I'.iitnEr M , D. , CA11L03 JUllTY.S , D , I ) . , 123th Street and 7th AM ) . , Now York City , Now York City. THE CENTATO COMPANY , 77 Humur. ErnEcr , NEW Yomc CITT. fMAHA | U Manuklm * Jobbers Dkloiy BAGS & TWINES I TENTS , ETC. Morse-Coe Shoj Company. Baleiroom and Offlcd HOT-IIO.III ! llovrarl H Kactor7-llll-lUI-lll ) Howard St. W are tbo ovr.v JI nufaturori of Uoott anl Bbooiln tbaitateotNobraikt. A general larltatlan li uxleadsJ to all to Inspect our new factory. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smitn & Co. KlIpalrlck.Koc&Dry aoaos co. , PIT Koodt , notloni , fur- Kotloni , gent ' furntili. nUblnK voudi. corner Inif vuudi , cor. Illb ua 11 111 and Howard BU. llaruor tfireeti , gXTBNITUBE. | AT tHF. NEXT MOHNINO I FCCL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION 18 BETTER. My doctor fnys It new Kfr.llr on tli toinnrli , liver nn < l kldnovi. tinrt li A plPiwmnt li Mlri > . This drink u miulr rrnm hcrln , nnd is prepared far Una LHHE'SMEDIGIME ' rum.ot en It , > ml yonr urtdrMi for a ( rtn mil | < > . l.nnc'n I'nmllr Mnllrlno more * ilin Imwrl * rnrhdnT. Inonlortnlio lirnlihytlilM n < tce' iirf. Aildrcsa011A.'IXU ) ! ' . TREflTMEHT I ONLY FOU I'orO ninnthi lumlloliioi mil Instruments Froo. SPEGIJILIST In uiiHiiriusHotl In clie li-u.ttiuent or nil Chroiiio , Prlvnto and Nervous DiaonNos. Write to or consult per sonally. TIIKATMKNI ? V MAtlj. Adilri-HS with Htainp , for parllciil.ira. which will bo nunt In iil.ilu uuvoloiii' . P. U. HoxOjt. Ofllculld . 13th Blreot , Oninliu. Nub. INDAPO TIIK nilkAT HINDOO REMEDY rnuucccs TUB AIICH R ItKSUI.TS IN CO IV8. . Curi-nnlt Neivoun ll ) i-an > a , ralllnR Mrniorjr , V I'nioMs.SlevI'lPimncVonkiiffrcff , rtc ml ( illicitly lint mnrljriwlni co l.o l VltiilllT inn youni ; . Ka > lly runliilfii > ctlpockrt. J'rlceI OOa ua ( knRp. Klx for * : > . < > \ > ll li n nrlllrniriiHrniilrr t > cure or moiiri rvlumli it. Han't let nny uli | > rlnrll > lrd cliupTKlttt f > i < ll > onfan Unfit ntmttntitm. . lni > Ut on lntMllff IMI\Vl > . U ho linn not unt It.oilll crnii Itliy mail niun ifCi'lpt of price * , rnntptilet In t-enliMt rticlopo ft cio. Adili CM * Itrlfttlat Medical Co. . l'ropi. Cliltuuo , HI. , or our uirrtilK. SOI.l ) by Kulin .t Co. . Cov. l&lh nml DmiclntiiBH. . "n4 J..V. hilllcrftCo , O'M-lttU.t lloilzlnttM * . . OMAHA ) liy 1'nul ( I. Srhnclilcr , 6t Ilninilvrty 0 1'ciirt 8t , COUNCIL lll.UKVS.nnil l.enillnillrurel'l" . Dueber = Hampden 17 = Jewel Adjusted Watches. It is marvelous hour i these famous Watches RUBY JEWELED I are taking the place of 3 ADJUSTED ' all others where accu iO. WATCHES rate time is required. Railroad men will liavo nothing else , Duebcr Watch Works. Canton , Ohio. IDISORDERS _ _ _ _ 'And all the train al KVILS , WEAKNESSES , DHDILITT , ETC. . that * * . company tlioin In man QUICKLY and PEHMA- CZNTLY CUHED. Full STHEKQTH ud ton Cireu to livery part of tha body. I will nd ( MM curaly paalcAd ) I-'IIEB to any lufferar tha proiorln. tlon that cured mo of Uieis trcubU * . Addrau O , B. WRIGHT , Kuala Dalw , i o lilt , lrahmu ! Union Sto3k Yards Gompinj , South OpnaViai Beit Cattle Uo andShesp markatla thl wilt COM MISS I HI H PUSES. f Wood Brothsrs. , Live Stook Cotnmlsdon ilarohnnti. SonthOmaha Telephone II3T. Ctito ti JOUN D. DADUMAX , I WALTEIl IS. WOOD , f Marlcot reports by m.ill nnd wire cheerful arnlshed upon application. HARDWARE.