THE OMAHA DAILY HEE : TUESDAY , OPTOHER 17 , 1SJW , TUB .DAlbY BEE * ( .oi.iii. ! ; ni.u 01 ; : t is. : NO. la i ; : . STUKITP r Ilteitrt liy curler to any pari o ? the city \V. Tlt.TON Manns * ; Tli" rllriNV * . J > . "Mli'l t Pflil-C . N'o.45 Tthr.l HnM.S , , , , „ K.l.tor. . . . . . Xo U3 MIAOU MIMIU.\ : . X. Y riumli'.ng f.o. Uo t r. trte , rlo'iUr. S-'rsnk Pordnv n.t I'M-alit OMV th restau rant Intoly ccmlttotp.l byintlt : I. TOR. Andy Moon titui Cd Unrhy w rn r.rrcr. ' < . > tl rJay on the cVihiKU o ; jintiult siati batA - A niarrlfign llccima wai lhM.'i- < 3 toJ. . J. PKerifiU o ! On.ivl'.i anil ! ! . Au tln of Avca , Thuli' M. ' < i were \ fami \ I. * . ' . Hi-i'ular coinin'.n'atioii ' o : ' lilnfT City VAM i-.o. 71 Ancient I'rvs nifl Acto'itou M'.iori- , . this evonlng. AH muster Marons in coo ! ol'inOlni ; < ire inviied. A Iftrpo force if netiv : i * put r.t tror v-10 tet\lay dealing o.T th" pi'jp.i. "il fll'.o nf tlw SlcC'orml-K witroioun' . pi-onar.Uor/ t'l-i work of erection , which will Iw coit.iaoncid in tbo near future. Mf-etlni ? of tbo WooJmon of tnVotlii ! in their now ball over f'tii West Urnailway tills owning nl 7.iU. ! Oeroniony of inlrf/ilnot'.on nnd other fpn-lnl bu ltii-B3 10 take place. At1 tnt'iitbcrft tire reti't stc-t to lu present. The revival nicotln u-ontlnud In tto ! First Danlist eltntih nVurv nlijhl tills wncU. Kuv M.V. . Akws if Uloimilncton. m , will prcnch every t-venlnr , betrinnlnt. the service at 7iO : ! p. m. 13veryl > ) di Invitud. lithcl Oreon. daiiiflitorof Gliiulr's nrcen , was burled S'liida.v at Hazel Dell , Hov. A Overtoil oniciiitinp. Ktliol was I ! ) > o.trs of ngo and was om-of the titi > rbte < t pupils In her Rcliool. Typhoid fever the i-nuse of death. The trial of John Howard fortlio _ larreny of sonto money nnd H watch front the rcsl- deiu'o of l > . Petrli on So lib Sovnnth Direct , was completed in llio district court yester day afternoon and thn went to tlio jury , who hioiiqlit m a verdict of fjullty u few minutes liiterl" Michael O'Connor died yesterday at St. Hei mini's hospital , aued 70 yoars. Ho came hero from HastliiR'i. In. , and has been taltltiK treatment for n month past. Yesterday , us bo VTit < nn > 'niK to dlinu-r , Iio fell dead upon the floor. The tlmoof holillnir tbo funeral will not bo fixed until his relatives can bo heard from. Mrs. Klla Wheeler , wlio liven In r.arner township , was brought before thn commis sioners of insanity yesterday afternoon for mi cxnniinatton. Situ was examined about n year njro , found Insane , and sent to St. Rornard's hospital , wltero sbo romalncir for el ht months. At the rtitio | t of her rela tives she was then allowed to bo taken back home , as she thought to bo eured. Slio proved to bo no better , however , and tbo examination vnstcrday resulted in her bolus aeiit back a ain to the hospital. Tlmi-ly IB Kivon by the IJoston Store as to tlmo nnd iiliioo lo buy reliable and tousoiwblo inoroliiiiuUso. Wn otTer us Hpeoiiil olTcr- liiffH while they last attractive bargains in the following lines : Odds and omls in kid ijlovos , .sold from 7f > i ; to $1.75 , all colorri and niuUe.s , at Illle ; Uoc and ! Wc ; scissors , all ni'/ei , at lOe ; JnO ( ) pairs of blankotb , bpcoial , ( J2Je to $12.00. 110-inch heavy all wool twilled tlrc-s llaiinols il'Je ' , worth 58c. . Hust quality dark printy iio a yard. IW-iiK'h twilled ilj'iired suiliiifrs J2 yards for $1.00 , suitable for coinfort- ubloH. ubloH.Wo Wo show the best value in h.itti for the inOnoy. Underwear counter , sneeial in ladies' nt 2fiu , 3'Ic , : ! ( Je , 02Je. Gouts' , aile , Mo , 7f.c , $1.00. In hosiery , as usual , wo arc hcatlcjuar- "tors. Evorythiug you .want ; prices right. FOTHUniNCSHAM , WII1TKLAW& Co. , CduiKsil JJlun's , In. P. S.Vo close uvory eveninij at ( i p- in. , p.xccit ) Mondays and Saturdays. BOSTON" STOIII : . Doniestie Boap is the best Williamson & Co. , 103 Alain street , largest and boat bicycle stoulc in city. J. H. MoPhorson Is homo from Chicago. Miss Kittto nucholl has returned fioni a Chicago trip. Miss Alieo Stearns loft for the World's fuir yostonluy. J. J. Stewart and family have returned from a visit lo tlio caat. 12. li. Holt and L. C. Pattorsou started Sunday for a visit to thu fair. County Clerk T. S. Campbell returned jostcrduy from the World's fair. Mr. ami Whitney Ivtyton are homo from a visit to the Columbian exposition. Thomas I lushes and sister. Miss Cecelia , returned Sunday from a visit to the fair. J. Y. Altehlsoa of Hastings , Nob. , spent Sunday in the city visiting ills son , \V. 10. Attention. Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Oflleor , Mrs. H. A. Blaluo and Mrs , W. O. Wlrt arc oxpeeted homo today from a trip to the World's fair. If. A. Woodbury and (3corfio S. Wright have gone to Chicago for another visit to tlio Cairo theater. They will bu absent several duys. Hov , J. Indus Farley , pastor of the Pifth Avenue Methodist church , started yesterday for Indiana , where ho will put in ten days vultimr his aucd mot ) cr. W. W. Welsh , train dispatcher ot tbo Hook Island , has gone to Davenport to spena a few days. It Is reported that lie will bo married during his absence. Mrs. J. G. Hlshel and Miss May HUhol , mother and ulster of J. B. Hlshel of the Hoclc Island freight olllco .arrived In the rlty last evening for u few days visit on their way to Chicago. Wo will put in tlio Round Oak fur- nnccs for $100 , tuiruntocd to hold lira forty-eight bourn with soft coal , Will burn nuythhiK. Cole & Uolo. Hole ajjentH for ItmUnnt , Homo und Hound Ouk stove * , 41 Mtiin Htruot. How Mitlvant-y VVun Worked , Dick I-umloii and "Dutch" Doylngton nro having a trial in the district court on the ehargo of hnldlnir up a young man named Mulvaney on tlio road from Council HlulTs to Crescent City mill robbing him of $23. Mulvaney , who Is about as unhufrgabln a , specimen as is often seen , was put on tbo stand ami testified that Cora Heed , ono of tlio party , put her arum around his neek nnd by moans of her blandishments , coupled with threats by lloylnirtoii and La ml cm that they would kill him , succeeded in making him give up bis money. The trial was not com pleted yesterday , and is likely to take up a good share of today. The attraction nt .Mibs KutrsdtiloV this week will bo u spuuinl sale of trimmed lints. IWces will ranjiu from fc.f ! > 0 to $5.00. W. S. IJuirtl , Lttwvor , Kverott block. Ask you i * grocer for Domcstlo soap. tlettrorn Tenant utul I.uiiitlurtl , 0. W. I'ayno , who lives in the west end , waaurrcHtud Sunday evening for stealing koine t-oru belonging to a man named Hemli'lcms , to whom ho hail rented forty acres of land with the undcrstandlntr that ho wu to liavw oiio-tliird of the corn raised tlieriM > n In lieu of rent , Payuo broke the locu of the Held guto Sunday morning und with several men and teams commonest ! to pick nmt carry ttway the corn. Hcndrleks had him arrested and the case Is sot for hearing in police court this morning. Jnrvla WIno Co. , Council Rlutta , la. W. ! ' ' ChamburB will commcnca his { Hiiclntr clu bcs in .Musonio tetnplo Vctliio-sduy , Ootobor 4. GoorjjuS. Duvis , jiresoriptiouUruifjjlst. Doiuevtiu boup la the SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS | Judge MoQfto Ifoldi tfift Three Aucmad rireraon to tlio Grand Jurj. EVIDENCE IS STRONG AGAINST THE TRID Lengthy Siiniinlnc Up " ' - " "lo I' " ' " " In the r oty \ tlm O'ltirt Conspiracy I'll inly Kh.nvn lull Itond I'l.ire-.l Low. Mcfii-i ! rondurod his docltion lu po- ilc court . \csler.Iav nifirtiuiK in Ihu thwo er.-CA in which ( jiurtaf NlchohDit , Miles iclioiloll nml lion V.'obbor wvro chargoil nlih ( .uiMilrini : to olhor In burn , t vaoant balldili OT ( . jipoc Hror.dua.V oi ; the nl ht of Ociuhar 11. Tr.oco'iii.t.ii flllo.l with cit- i/em win were an.ti. in to bear the decision , mul MO ono v'as BtirprisoJ wnin , at the close of ' . ' 10 rea'ltr.g ' of .1 jwiiiivvhat lotithy oiiu- iuii , ' .in loiiiul all throe of the dofenditnls over lo the grand jury. In th > decision the court rehearsed the uvldcney , which showed thnt u vacant build ing hail baoit lired.tliruo lltnos on the night of October 11 , each time by the mo of cotton \vnsto , stttur.iled with coal oil- ; that the olllccrs chased the men , who were seen run ning im'ay from the lire Just after it was started the second time ; that when they eall ; d to llio runners to stop they It'.creased their speed and finally brouehf. up in tlio Upper Broadway engine house , and were seen going up stairs but not recognized. The court then went on to s.iy lu substance : Ktlilunru llr < > ul mul Concliiilvu. "There arc no such dKcretianciei in the testimony of IhiMO witnesses nnd no such improbability as to warrant the conclusion that these witnesses deliberately perjured themselves. There Is no word ot evidence impeaching them or coiitradLtiiuc'ihoir statements. Under such elrcunibtanets , wo are bound to credit tholr statements. "On tlio same nisht some time after the second atteinnt to lire the building , the IHJ- Hco eatiRlit thu defendant , Webber , prowllne about tlio rear of the same building , having on his person the sumo substance ( cotton waste , saturated with coil oil , ) which had licon used in the first attempts to lire the Uutldlmr. These three attempts were all made under cover of night , and within the sipieo of three hours , and by the use of the same means It is highly improbable that the three attempts were made by parties acting Independently of each other , and that it was a mere coin cidence that they till happened to try to lire thu same vacant building by the use of the same means ana in tlm same night. Wcro Acting lu Cnnjunction. "Tlio two mon who started the second flro knew that the police nad dUcovcred their crime and that they had been seen by three different officers. Would these two men who had boon discovered and chased by the police so soon venture back again to the ueno of their crime to make another at- emptf It is unreasonable to suppose that hey would. It is highly improbable then hat Webber was one of these two men , and hat though discovered ho had thu fool- lardluuss to venture back again. But the oncluslon that Webber was not ono of the , wo men discovered by the police and that ID was ignorant of tholr attempt and their liscovery does notoverconio the presumption hat tliero was soniocouncctinglfnkbetween ill tin eo of theseattempts. The material used n all three attempts was such as Is ordniar- l.V found only in engine houses , machine hous and the like. The different pnrtles vlthin a short tlmo attempted to commit , ho same crime at the same jjlaco and in tlio same manner. The two men' who wore dis covered ran to the Broadway ennlno hnuso mil Webber , who was very indiscreetly re- eased when first caught , was real-rested the same night in the same engine house in company , with his co-defendant. Nicholson. 'Ihcho facts would show that the parties vho made these three attempts were all act ing in futhuranco of a prearranged cnnsplr- \oy and that the rendezvous of the conspir- Uors was the Broadway cvnglno house. De fendants Nicholson and Scholleld were both firemen who are stationed at this ciisino louse. October 11 , llio day the conspiracy s said , to have been formed , they wore with Webber in saloons and other places in Omalri. Wnlclit of Wiibber'i Testimony. "Leaving out of consideration Webber's confession t io other ovlucnco is snfllcicnt to show that there was a conspiracy , and to fasten the guilt on Webber , Nicholson and Scholleld. "Webber testified that ho was not present at the first two atlcmpts to lire llio bu ild- ing , being engaged ut the time in playing iiokcr in Hanson's saloon ; that ho was a itirty td llio conspiracy , and that when ho loft the saloon he went directly to the en gine house , secured llio waslo saturated with oil and without any conversation with any ono went alone to the place where ho was caught. This testimony was shown to bo Irtio by other facts la evidence. "Webber further testified that on the after noon of October 11 ho ana Chief Nicholson and Schylleld were together In Omaha , and that while returning on the car they talked about the lire department of Omaha as com pared with Council BliilTs , and Chiuf Xlchol- jou said that 'if wo hod more fli'e ? wo would im\o more men , ' and thai it Webber would got a 'hustle' ' ho could got n job , and that 'if wo would sot three or four fires wo could get more men.1 Nicholson also said , 'You get out and rustle and do the job , and you will got on the force.1 "Webber further testified thnt Nicholson promised to kHc for more men , and us Web- her had been a substitute and was trying lo get on regular , Schoflcld nnd ho agreed lo start a flro. The two buildings talked of were the ones which were fired , and ono bade of Matirer's china store. " Caniplrupy Clearly Shown. The Judge after quotliie the statutory re quirement that the evidence of an accomplice snould bo corroborated , quoted authority showing that this corrouornilon might bo by circumstanlint evidence Just as surely us by Ihtvornl lesllmony of porno witness. The court held that Webber's testimony was clearly corroborated as to the fuel that he hud confederates , ami that ho was not present at the first two attempts to burn the building , nnd was ignorant of them when ho went to the building for that purpose , and that ho had made the allumpt la pursuance of a prior conspiracy. These wore points. Ho was further corroborated in his testi mony that Nicholson and Schofluldvcro the co-conspirators by the fact that the rendez vous ot thu parties to the crime was thu cMirini ! house where they nro stationed , and that ut the tlmo and place where ho testifies the conspiracy was formed ho and ihcso de fendants wore tGkrclupr In Oiimlm. Wit it thu DC'CIIHO Olfereil. On the part of the defense theonly wit nesses wore Nicholson and Scbotleld , who admitted thut they were with Webber in Omaha and had _ several beers together , gel onlo the same car and returned together , then goin into the Denver saloon , where they had another drink together. They de nted having had such u conversation us Web ber narrated , nnd denied that they had any any conversation at all. Thu only remark mudu , according to tholr testimony , was ana uttorcd by Nicholson , who simply sala there was a strong wind blowing , but no ono nmdu reply unil nothing morn was said during the whom ride homo. That companions thus drinking together nhould ride so tar to gether without any conversation was highly improbable , nnd was , to the mind of the court , highly damaging to the defendants. It Csujgeslcd ; > to the judicial mind Unit some such conversnlteu' as Webber narrated actually occurred , and that Nicholson and Scholleld , denj Ing the conversation , feared to venture uwn | the fabrication of another conversation , lest they might , bo involved in contradictions and their falsehoods thus bo proclaimed , liy a dental that they had any conversation whatever during the considerable period of tholr ride or. thu ciir , they could easily be consistent lu their testimony. All the I'lrvmoii Concerned. The dufeuso had limited its evidence to a denial of Webber's testimony , The fact of the two men running into the engine house , after firing the building they do not ut- tmnpt lo deny This fact and others brought the crime homo to this lire engine house , anil cn&t suspicion on every man occupying that house , but tlio occupants of the house are silent upon thnt | X > lnt .In the cnsc. .No dental Is made by thu occupants of the house any of tholr number were nut nt thnt tlaiu of night and returned as testified to by the police. The counsel for the ilofenne had com mented upon the fact that the oflleers dH not follow up these Uvo mon who entered the engine house , and arrest them. What ever lack ot Judgment tnoy may have shown , or whatever motlva may have controlled them , It was only pertinent lo .consider their conduct as bearing upon the weight of evidence to DJ given their tesllmony. These two onicers. at the tlmo they saw these n-en , wore not yet ncqualtUed with the fact that this second allcmptrio burn the building had Just been made. Further. If anoftlcarwas following a supposan thief In the night , and should co htm enter thu house of the sheriff 0 ! ' the police liendnuartcrs. the pursuing suingonii'or would naturally bo slow In forming an opinion thai thu ono ho was ehasln was giullv of crime. Some such thought , as this might have Influenced the minds of these ofllecr.s when the two men whom the thought connected with the crime of nisun lied to the engine house of thu lire department. I Uod the 1UII lloiiit l.'iw. The court , after iiuotlmt the familiar doe- tilno thtit In such preliminary hcarlm : it was only necessary for the magistrate to have the same coiK-luslvu hearing as is re quired on a final adjudgment of the case , ordered thnt the three defendants , Webber , Nicholson and Scholleld , bo held to await the lu tiou of the grand Jurv and Hint thu bond in each case bo > OJ Whoa he had llnlshed reading the docu ment ho began to inako some remarks In connection with the case , when ho was In- IciTiipled by Frank Trimble , one of the at- lorneys for Hie defense , with the abrupt question : "What's the Imndt" "I'll fix the Imul when 1 am through talk ing , Mr. Trimble , " was .Hnlgo Mciicos reply as ho turned toward the attorney * , "In thu meantime there Is another attorney present to look after the tnlercsls of Ihu femlaiits , and if you are in suoh a harry I'll excuse you from thu room. " Trimble seized his hat and got out of the room as fast as he could , and the court was lofl in.maltu the rest of his remarks with out InterrUplion. susrrM > ii > Tin : cimr. : City Council AMout I harlot NiclinNoii to Dlnt.-ito IllH O u Mi-imuri'it "Iho city council met yesterday afternoon to make an investigation of llio charge of drunkenness thut had been preferred against Chief Nicholson of thu llro department. The mayor and all the aldermen wore present , and so was Chief Nicholson at the" opening of thn session. Just as the mayor's gavel fell , calling thn council to order , an alarm of llro came In from the east end of the city nnd the chief left. His attorneys , W. II. \Vurc ana Frank Trimble , asked for n post- * poncment , but by motion of Alderman Keller it was decided to go on with the in- vesliznuon. ' Ware Ihen came forward with another proposition , which was for the council to tcmpor.irilv suspend Nicholson until the In vestigation should be completed by the grand Jury. Ho stated that in view of the action of .fudge McGco in binding Nicholson over to the grand jury and tlio public senti ment that has been stirred up against Nich olson , lie should advise the latter to request n suspension. His reason for this was that Nicholson would not bo able to bring inevi- , denco enough to clear himself in llio eyes of Ihu public under Ihe present state of affairs , and it would be unjust to compel him to sub mit to an investigation. After snmo dis cussion it was decided to comply with his re quest. Thu question of his successor was then taken up , and it was decided to appoint James G. Bradley , the present electrician , to the position of auling chief durlmr Nich olson's temporary suspension. His salary is to bo * ll.i ) per month , and ho is to act as both chief and electrician. Mlltlo lill iSllfl of HclintlpUI. On motion of Jennings the chief was in structed to discharge Fireman Miles Scho- ileld. The motion was carried unanimously , and thnt is light where the council fell into Its trap and showed the true animus of its proceedings against Nicholson. Alderman Smith called attention to the tact that there was no difference in the charges ajrainst Nicholson and Scholleld , nnd yet the council had discharged the latter and only sus pended the former. The Injustice of this was nt once apparent , and Jennings amended his motion so as to suspsnd Scholleld also. This motion was carried. Tlio action of llio council Is generally re garded as a very neat scheme of the demo cratic side of the housu lo lotthcchiof down as easily as possible. If the grand jury indicts him his career as fire chief will most llk''lv be at an end. If not , it will then rest with the council to say whether ho shall have an investigation or not. It Is hoped that by the middle of November , when Ihe next session of the grand Jury will probably have been completed , the feeling agaia&t Nicholson will have so far subsided that ho can bo reinstated without ado. Smith was the only alderman who had a word to say against the schema , oven Tib- bltt , the other republican , siding with the democrats. * City Atlorney Hazcltou was called upon for advice whllo 'tho discussion was in pro gress. He told the council that the charge which it was called upon to investigate was entirely distinct from that placed in the lianas of the grand jury , and should not bo allowed to depend on the hitter. Kvlilenco iiiouli : to Convict. . There was plenty of evidence which would have been placed in the hands of the aldermen - mon by City Atlornoy Hazelton In case they had been willing to go on with the investiga tion tionTho The policeman from Omaha who threal- oned lo arrest Nicholson while ho was cut ting up capers on the street was ready to tesilfv that Nicholson displayed all the out ward symptoms of n drunken man. The man who kept the hat store on Douglas street , was also there , nnil would have told the council how Nicholson bought u hat , punched a hole in the top of tt , refused to pay for it and left the store on the run. Ben Webber would have told how many drinks of beer and other liquors the chief had drank during the afternoon , and the three olllccr * who went into the hay loft of the engine house at U o'clock In the morning lo arrest Webber and found Nicholson lying there fast asleep with his 1ml , overcoat nnd boots on would have testified that ha was staggnrlng drunk when they nwnkonoa him. This testimony will doubtless keep , how over. . Dm ) 1IIIU 'Mildo ( Jooil. If yon have any bad blllit against per sons not living in Iowa -vrhn are oinployejl by uny railway , telegraph , uxprass or nlooplng car company entering Iowatho NHBSHH Investment Co. , Merriam block , Council 15 hi tie , In , , will guarantee tholr collection. ' AV.AV. Chapman , 101 Kmrth etroot half block south Boston store. Only Mil it u lltinieir Sink. Herman Bcnzic , thu bartender who at tempted suicide Sunday nlht , Is still on earth , but has come to the conclusion that the rat-poison route is not a pleasant way to reach the promised land. Ho has been very sick , but in n few days will bo all right. It wns onlv owing to the efforts of his em ? plo.vor , Mr. Bokcmper , that ho is still alive , Bokcmper kept htm walking for two hours Sumlav night , thus preventing the poison from taking effect until the antidotes could get in their work. Klei > haiili Cared I'or. If you hnvo a house tor Halo or rent nnil It in proving an ' 'elephant on vour hands , " lot HA look after it. We'll sell it or lot it us you wish it thore'B n pos sible customer in town. The Mayno Real Kitiito Co. , 511'J Uroadway. For sale at u bargain , a nice 5-rooin. cottugo , lot -10x120 feet , two blocks from , motor lino. 1'rlco $350. Greensbields , Nicholson & Co. , t > 00 Broadway. lluriiBil K > t-rliliif. F , M. Krettlck , who keeps a grocery store and saloon on Kant Broadway , a short dis tance east of the city limits , wan burned out at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. An alarm was sent in from the box at the corner of Broadway and Oak street , but as this was a mite anil n half from the scene of the lire , by the tlmo the dop.irltnt'iit Arrived there Was not much to be done. - - Th-j orllit of the llriS Is not known. It started In ono corner , ot.lho building where oils nnd other Inflanimnplo materials were kept , ami the whole bildjng | | was demolished , with the exception ofHipwalls , , which wore of brick. Krettlck's. faintly lived In the upper story and one.gfbis children came very near being lost In the llnmcs. The store nnd fixtures were fuUylnsured , , , but there was no Insurance on cittier the house or the furniture. ' , I School ltonrd | Mrrtlng. The school board hold Us regular monthly meeting Inst ovenln ? , ' Members Stacy , Moore , Hrideustcln nuj ijjhubort were pres ent , and , in the absoncq ni President Field , Mr. Stacynccupled the cllalr. The tuition of .losio Posse wna remitted. It being shown that sho' ( was a member of C. Spruitrs'fnmlly. The chairman of the committed on teachers reported thnt he had appointed .Miss Annlo Ixmilon substitute at the Third street nnd Twentieth avcnuo buildings nt a sal try of $ ST per month. The appoliiltnent u as tvi titled. Chairman Shubcrt reported that ho had cotio up and down the now llro escape at tlm High school building ami It was u greit suc cess. H cost ? tO , jusiao cents more than was estimated. Superintendent Siwvor ropsrtcd tlio fol lowing attend nice for the month : Ho.\ en rolled , 1,7-W ; glrls.l.hlVJ ; totnl.tXHi. ! ) Average number buloueinir. : ! , in. : Ho also reported tint a colony of rats had taken up Its ah.nlu In thu olllce at the Hloomur building and during the summer vacation had 0.11011 up $ } or 10 worili of books , preferring them to the roii'h-on-r.its that was provided for ilium by Hie Janitor Upon his rccommcndaliou the juutlor was entered lo make a sot of shelves In order that the rest of the boolcs stored tliero might bo preserved. After allowing the usual monthly billi the board adjourned. If yon want your children to dlo of diphtheria , or putrid sore throat , as in malignatitJhoarlot fovuidon't use Dr. .lolTrics' diphtheria remedy. No physi cian required. For sale by Huarilsly , Dnllnvon and Davis , druggists ; also at -401 Uunilng st. , Omaha. Cook your meals this summer on a gas range. At cost nt the Uas company. Jarvls 1877 brandy , purest , safest , best Kindt .i.iiiit Uri" ? . "Black Julia" Smith , who had a danger ous operation performed upon her about a week ago at St. Hernard's hospital , was re ported to Iio dying late last night , and it was not thought Hint she could last until morn ing. "Moore's Air-Tight Heater" is a sei- cntilli : furnace , handsomely uncased for parlor ; it will heat twice the mil-face with less fuel than other stoves ; burns anything without dust or gas. Sec it at UuVol's. ' For Ledgers , Journals , Day Bookscte. , sco MorohoiiBo & Co. . Council J3lull's , la. Smoke T. D. Kins & CD'S Purtagus. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap o FIKE AND POLICE BOARD. Vuililin'H Niinie Will Ituiiiiln on tlio I'uy Itoll Itnii7or'a l/ " < ; ! Arci > ptcil. At the regular session of llio Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioners the charges preferred against Detective Vaughn were dismissed. Cliff Kourer's ' resignation from the police force was accepted. Attorney Weaver , as representative of Mrs. .Minnie tiault of . jixteenlh and Daven port streets , endeavored < lo make It interest ing for Mr. Vaughn , i Vaughn , who draws a salary as city de tective , was accused by Mrs. Gnult of using his position as a city oflicer to secure ovi- deneoag.iinst her while in tlio pay of her brother otOttumwuJa. , against whom she has u damage suit , /i'lio / woman's story has previously boon published In THE Hue. She repeated It before tl o commission. A num ber of witnesses were summoned , and the evidence might have boon construed as being in favor of the woman , but Vaughn had witnesses who refuted her allegations. Vaughn and Sergeant HH/.O introduced ti re port. This communication , with its u tcr defiance of orthography and grammar , read us follows : OMAHA , Neb , Sept 2 , 1893. H. I' . Iln/o Chief of Doteclhe. Dear Hir I would ICcsplcKul report that ln- ) tcctlve Sava o and I called at 2'JO N Kith and BIW ; the man und woman , this Is the woman you pent mo out to look after with .Murphy of council Illull and U.S. L'onrt Court ComniK- lon her name is gall and shu Is uiuriled to tlio man she lives with and owns all thu dlmonil she hasallso about 510,001) ot t'roparty beslds lu and around Omaha. Yours Kusnnciful J. M. VAIHIH.N Ufty Uetectlve. After going into executive session the commissioners concluded that Vaughn was not guilty of uny wrong nnd dismissed llio charges. Rv-Onlecr Kourcr , who look off his slar and resigned from the force several days ago , was tried on the charges of drunken ness ana being off his bjat , preferred by Sergeant Stewart. Mr. Kouzur testified that ho resigned because ho and Sigwnrt hud trouble over religious anil political mailers in February. Since then , ho said , Sigwnrt had used his position ns scrceant to make life u burden for him as a police officer. Ho charged Sigwart with being prejudiced against him on this account. Ho had two reputable business mon ns witnesses , who saw him on the night in question when ho resigned nnd they said ho was not in toxicated. , nergcuiu aigwnn sain mat no n.ui trav ersed Hou/er's beat four times that night , and whan ho found him the accused had been drinking. He reported him , Ilouzcr showed u copy of the police opor- alor's report , which indicated that ho had reported regularly , Chief Senvoy reported that there was no steam in the police oftlces lu the city hall on Saturday nights and Sundays. Leave of absence was granted to Sergeant Ormsby. Ofllers Kelly. Subek und Clark , ten duys : Kelly und Ki&sano , llvo days ; Firemen Kniino and Lester , ten days each. It was agreed to test the now ha Franco engine todnv at 1 p , in. The engine will bo stationed nt Seven teenth and Furnam streets , and thu hoao will bu laid to Kightceiith street. The uoard transacted somit minor business and went Into executive session. Thonn Murphy litrU , SAN FIUXCISCO , Oct. 10. Word has been received hero from London In a private letter that Miss Isabella Murphy of this ells' , sister of Helen Murphy , who recently married Don Vinccnto Domingue/ : Ihe Argentine Ho- public , is betrothed to Don Louis Oomlnguez , a brother of thu other South American grandee. Miss Isabella Was mixed up , Illte her sisters Helen and Lndy Charles Wolse- lev , in the Murphy'wlll contest. Her love affair with Don Lcuis > vns broken off , liku her sister's romance , by her ambitious mother , and vrns promptly taken up again when thu old lady died.- ; Miss Isabella is not so fuir to see ns either Helen or Lady Wolse- Icy , being bhorter and ' stouter , but who Is very clover nnd \ \ 'oeducated. \ ] . She will Imvo a snug little fortune. The news of the betrothal Is confirmed V ) ' 'll ° business agent of thu Murphy funityv. , 1 . Knot by ijulu Illaweri , Mibsouni VAI.I.KTJ Ja/i Get. 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB 13EKj- > ast night burglars broke -Into the store of H. C. Spooner at Mandamln. drilled Bho safe and had the fuse ready to light , whuti K.-G. Spooner passed und was ordered to throw up his hands Thinking It was some df the boys ho com menccd talking to them' , when he was shot by one of thu burglars , the ball taking effect beknv the rlghV eye und passing under IiU nose , coming out under his loft cyu , making a serious If not fatal wound. No clew to thu guilty parties was secured. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caotoriao TROUBLED BY WHITE CAPS Woes of an Iowa Farmer Who Refused r Neighbor's Advico. TOLD TO LEAVE UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH Tlirtnlonod with Suililcn Drntli In the i\fiit : lie llrlHcil til ( llvo till III * ' Itoinc , licit Me Wu > Not .Soiled. CKDAH UtriiH , la. , Oot. 10. [ to TUB Hr.n. J \ \ bite caps are abroad In .lanifs county and there promises to bo serious trotiMv , _ U. M. 'I'.iylor lives on a rented farm three miles south of Anamos.i. Aiiuthcr man In the neighborhood wanted the placu and made various oilers to the owner of It after it had been routed to Mr. Taj lor , all of which were refused. This seums lo have been the hiMiluntng of the trouble. A few ninhts ago , about midnight , a note was shoved under llio door and a uomhmt- menlof the house beitun with corn and pumpkins for more tli.ui an hour. Mrs. Taylor , who has been an invalid for years , was i > wtliUed by tlio excitement and her condition is now serious. The note , which was signed -Mr. Whlto Caps , " reaits as fol lows : "Taylor : I will just give you untlll Satur day to gll out of that house ; if you don't. I will put a nnlT poiler under that little place you sleep In to bloo you out. " Mr. Taylor has since secured a shotgun and laid in a supply , of ammunition , and says ho will pay his compliments lo "Mr. White C.ips" upon his next vlstlt. An urg.uil/.iJ baud of robuors are operating in Kcoknu county and despite the fact that iilllccrs are searching the country for them not the slightest clew has .is jet been found that would to their Identity and cup- lure. A number of business houses at Hlgournoy , Kalonn , Keslnick and Harper have been broken into. Several hundred , dollars 'vorth of goods , about * lK ( ) in cash mil $ ; ) . : ! ( ) ( ) worth of notes have been secured in these nil Is. The investigation into the condition of the treasury of Andul > ; m county h is been com pleted and the total shortage of Treasurer John C. D.iwson found to bo $ ,7t'.UI7. ' It was also discovered that he had been carotin ; on his stealings for several months. The Hoard of Supervisors has appointed John H. Do.ik to serve out Ihu nnexpired term. The whereabouts of D.iwson .iro still unknown. .lolm ISvans , a farmer living Mont/.e- r.mna , missed nine lieail of cattle out of his pasture n few dais ago. No trace of them could be found in the surrounding country. He learned , however , that .lames Fomiu had shipped a car of cattle to South Omaha tlio day after he missed his , and , suspecting they might have been stolen , went to Om.iha and found his cattle in the slock yards. Forpio confessed that ho and bis hired man drove the cattle from Evans' p.isturo , hut succeeded in effecting a settlement with Mr. JOvans ; but other farmers in thu neighbor hood who have been missing stork for months are now looking into the "ma tier , and it is believed there will be sensational develop ments soon. AKI-'IKJIS TI1K I.O\Viil COURT. jf nmtor Tlim's I.lhel Mult Titsucil Upon by tlm IIIKlirst Stutn Authority. DBS Mom : * , Dot 10. [ Special Telegram oTiiB 13ii : : . ] The Judgment of the Tavlor ounty district court , pissed on II. M. 15ul- el , the well known demozr.itio newspaper orrespondont , for libeling Senator George j. Finn , was alllrmed in the supreme court .his morning , nnd it now looks as though nelvel will have to UquHato the § 503 Iluo mposcd upon him. During the session of ho last general assembly Uelvel made an mack upon Senator Finn because the latter cd the discussion ef the prohibition forces gahmt the ( Intoll local option bill , and in ho course of ono of those articles he re- erred to the senator nsii "libertine and a drunkard. " Later the senator and the cor espondent had a conflict in the si'imto hanibor. during which Uolvel was "floored. " ustico Klmio dissented from tlio opinion of ho supreme court on the ground Dint the ndicttnent was void , the grand jury vi3 ; in his opinion Illegal , being one short o'f the required number. Other decisions rendered are : Harriet lobinson et a ! , appellants , against George W. Jones , district , plaintiffs' ap ical afllr.ncd , defendant's aupcal reversed ; . .uella I ) . Lowe , adailnislratrix , etc. , against -ho - Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha laihvay company , appellant , Oaccola < iu- , rict , alllrmed ; Daniel ISvuns against W. II. McICcnna , appellant , MahasKii district , re versed ; James II. Love & Co. against Koss , Crawford & Graham , C. 11. Koss , John Crawford and W. F. Graham , appellants , Dallas district , affirmed ; W. E. Webb igalnstlJ. F. IJ.iili ct al , appellants , Taylor listrlet , afllrmed ; Anna Ilensor , appellant , tcalnst Marion Sharman , 1'olk district , re versed ; M Mcaghcr , niijielhint , ngalnst Courtney Drtiry et al. 1'alo Alto district , ifiirmcd ; Emma IJ. Nichols against A. W. J'hoimts , appellant , Floyd district , affirmed ; Ora N. Wilcox- against Sarah B. WIlcoxet il , appellants , Mahuskadistrict , modified and ulllnnod ; C. L. Hrowu , appellant , ngalnst j ellx Unrtin et at , T ueas district , afllrmed ; n the matter of the estate of Elizabeth P. Conrad , deceased , DCS Moines district , aflirmcd. ' Charged \vllli a Surliius Crime. . , Oct. 10. ( Siiecial Telegram ; oTiiB BBE.J Ed Walton of the merchant police of this city was arrested Saturday light on an : .nlo mortem statement of Alis.s Cook of Eddyvillc , charging him with performing - forming a criminal operation , Site died Saturday. Ho was arrested for murder , and .ho angered Eddyvillo fiti/.ens nearly mobbed him yesterday. Ho was brought to this city safely. The preliminary hearing will bo held tomorrow. The girl's statement also affirms that N. 1C. liarton of liloomlieU caused her downfall. Ho was also arrested , but managed to escape nnd is in hiding. Theio is great excitement hero also. Walton has few friends and ulohmco by a mob is feared. Ottniiiwa IMItur Fatally Hurt , OTTIJMWA , la. , Oct. 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hr.K.J Sum S. Sherman , editor of the Daily Republican of this city , whllo riding a bicycle today was thrown under an electric car and fatally injured , ICIHH Muriltir Trlnl. IXIIEl'BNMIBNCK , la. , Oct. 10. [ SpOClltl Tol- otrrain to Tun HCK.J- The trial of Murtin May of Aurora for wife murder was begun tHC NEXT MORNINO I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW ANO MY COMPLEXION IB BETTER. My doctor ears It wt gently on the uomerh , liver and kldnpis.nml h a jileiumnt laxative. Tills drink U made from lieibi. nnrt In prepared for Una nseuliraitca. lUi called LAMES MEDICINE AHdrUKelKUnelll' at6Gc.anclllmi > : iCkRKii. If you C. ESTEB , 14 , N. Main St. , Council Bluffs. Olllce 01 TKI.KIMIONl'.S ItCBlduiU'o in dlssrlot onv \ : i.-i ! > , A jury bin ? M It will Illmtj 'nit sill t'i iv e . M\v Is ; \ railway iwitou bsjn , snd 1 * ullojrnl o h vo kllUil IiU wfn Iri it ft * , of tt-n ( > .M r.tgo , til * * result of \totr. tle ftMi'i | l. t : lnn tTiipe > ttln . , < VS. 10. - | 8peo.- l Tnlrnr.trn to THE HBR.I--OH Oi'tober 'JO nr. : tirllo.iion ; \vlll be ntaiti' at .St. I' before J'J iff. Outtl- \ \ eof \ \ the United StMri eoort f.iPtii'O' colv r for Iho l'acii > Sii.nt l.lno rilirrny , nmnlnif from Sicmv City ir 5 miles ' .vpn to O'Neill. It will bent tlio ! : ; stinco : of tie ! crm'Uors of the roail , Mho \\lll ntk thst JmigoVnrvlilf Hough of HI. LotlN 'jc ' np- pointed. This 1 < tbo western o\t nslin of the Sioux t'itj' & Northern | ) : tft of the .1. ,1. Hill system , of whU'li lloini ; ) has nlriiadv bL-o-t niipolnti-'l ' ivot-lvor. Al t'.io ' llnio Itvlli In ; nMcoil Hint HoURh bo tp- rcv'clvor of tbo * 'ls ' gurt lllvor ilililce coinpanv , whU'li owns the i-onmvt.'Mi link b twi-on the twn lines. Tlili 'vhl , it Hiniih In rontrol of : ill llio rnllf-init pifircitv inlxc.tlpln tlioirnlon l < otn : .nut Tnii ; i vn- lun.v failure li ; < u sptlnvUcunrK is tlr : li-j-al tiioinborof tbo dlfoi-ttn-y of the t'oiniri'fuii Trust I'otnpan.v.liiih is ri-ortriinlylni ; the proportiiH bciv tinitoi1 0110 coinpii-y. tin-l thn iiiovi < is oonslilwcd as u stop In the tllfviloii of ivorganlz ttionutli the irci'.ltors ' at tlio heatl. _ Arrcitril utt tuwt r.illtnr. llL'NuiIn. . , Oi"t. -i.Spoeltil ToloRi-ntn to Tun lni.j-Tho ) : poIltiiMl light in this county tins rosuUcil in an alloRotl i-.t'.o of rrlminnl libel. J. It. Pttn-oll of tbo Unnlnp Koportur was nrrestdl toilny on \vtirr.tnt sworn out by ,1. C. MoUnbo. nil tor of tbo tapnn Obsorvor. Tlio suit in the ontprowtb of tin odltovlnl in the Krportur last weolt. In which McCnbo Is rhurgoil with liivlug ; iio- sorted from tltoariny. * _ ir/.i T tint i'uitiiines. Showers nnil Unnlnr Arc tluv I'rcdlrttout Toi- N > 'bii : < l.i 'linliiy. .AVAsniNntox , Oct. --l'\inv.\at for Tuesday : For Nebraska -Partly cloudy and sltowurs in northeast portion , i-oolor ; ilcchloiliy feeler In northern portion ; winds ahlftltnr lo noriliivcstcrly. Kor lovva lAiir , rollowod by Incroasinp clottdliK'ss anil 'ihowers In nnrtliwcnlorn portion tion ; cooler , south wcstenv winds. For Houtli * D.tkola Inrivasin olomlltiesa and showers In eastern South Dakota ; ilo- L'tdudly roolor ; variable wlnils sblftluit to northwesterly. Itccoril. Crncr. OF Tin : WIIATIII-.H Bi niivu. OIIVIIA , Oct. li. ( Omaha record of tonip.'r.itin-e nnd r.ilnf.ill comp ire I with coiTuspjiullng day of past fouryuitrs : Ifll3. ! IH'J'- . 1801. 18)0 ! , ila\linutn tetiipuiiittiro.'TliS 80 = 77O 073 illiiliiintii tuiiipi-i'atnru. . 403 tils1' ) 373 vurneutiMnnurulnru. . . (113 ( 70 = 03 = &iO 'rci'lpltatlon ' . Oil ,1)1) ) ) .00 .00 Statotnont showing tlio condition of tum- ec-ituro.ind pro.'tpltntlon at Oai.iba for the ay and since March 1 , 1SUJ : Hi null toiaporaturo . fine \i-i--.s for tlio liny . 83 lpi-k-ni-y | | .slnooMiircli 1.- . lloo s'oniKil pi L-i-Ipltat Ion . 0 ! ) Inch Ipflrlcney for tin- day . Hi ) inch ) ollcli3iioy slni-o .March 1 . .i > 7 Inches Kuportn Ironi Uthur btntluiiK ut H p. in. * 3 U f ? 9niahi : .iiillCU-iir. { r.irm-y . . . . .Oil IMrl eloiuly. Norlh I'l.itto /ali-ntlni- 711 TS .110 I'.iitl'lomly. no III ) .Hi ) , Oh' tr. t. T oiiU nom li-J . ( ID clear. it. I'.utl IIB .Oil Oil-ill- . U.ivoiifiorl no IU iCuim.iBCIty tit 71 . ( Ill C'li-ni- . louv-r its 71 ! .ODlCli'.ll- . .ill I.nko City no ( II .1)0 ) 'Iniild ' City H'J .nit r.irt Cloudy lelt-n.i is Ali .IIOICIlMl- . llBinarok rl liH .00 Cli > ir. " .t. . Vincent it r.D .ODiCli-ir ns 7(1 ( .Olllc'lt-ar. iIlloHCIIy no 711 . ( lkii-ni- ( ) : . jalvoHton im 70 .01) ) Mlsslni , ' . HUNT. Lo al Fan-ciiHt k ' * Pimples Blotches Scrofula are all caused by I $ He warned ! Nature must be assisted - < > sisted to throw oil the poisons , l-'or ( ) this purpose nothing can equal ' Nature's own assistant A pure Vegetable Compound nf Herbs , liarks , and Root ! ; . Contains A " no acids or mineral poisons. It If ai rrllablo ns the llnnl ; nf I'liclHnil. All tint Is rlnlmi d | i r It , It "III do. tl.CO a kottU- . All ( Iruteltli. llKALY A II ICE LOW , 511 Grand Avc. , New Haven , Conn. LUXURIANT HAIR Isjiroduc'cd by tlio CVrirriu HCMEIIIKH wlirn till OtlllTH fall , Till1 ulcMUHl ! tllO cealpof Irillutliig. iinily , i-runlnl , ami blotchy lumiora , blliniil.ilo tlio lulr fulilcU'H , nml ili'ituiy ml. cronconli : Inm-ctn which fi-i-d on the hifr , and hmicoHiicecctl vvlien the lint plijukhuiH mul nil other remcdlrn fall. Bold thii'ii ' liout the \torlil. We will rsnil ynu the nu\r rlon p Fr uch reparation CALTHOOl frvo , and a IcKnl fuainntcc tlm ) I I'AI.TIID.S will ICfuluir .Tour StraUb , NtvuuctU aud Vlfor. l-'if ft and fiav ifialiif.eJ. Atfdroan VOH MOHL CO , . Rll * jKirlltB AMU , tlnttruitl. Okti. THAT HAJOF MINE A TAIL FA HAT. _ _ OIIAI'TRU I. u vimr < r-'o , Oil A I'T KK II , KlttuU neil , woio wiill. looKcil well , OIIAl'rKIt Ml. Still uoarlni It , OI1AITRK IV. XOIIOIY hut nuo Ind thin vour. OIIAl'VKU V. lloilKhl llof Mlltoiilior'iir. tholuttcr. OIIAl'TCU VI Saved mo money , ' .Sough sild. : 5O2 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Kuvoi vlu ; uml Adjtistab Flower Stands nncl WINDOW BRACKETS Dnrabl * . ornatnotital onil uraL'tlc.ili uduilrud l > y uv > ury lover of liouso jjiiinls , Nu tiouultt touiiro for and keep Iilunu with thoiu. full Hue , pot * , etc. . at LUND BROS , , KU Main St. KNOWLEDGE contf > vl and improvement nn < J lovuU lo enjoyment when rightly used. The ninny , who live bet tcr tliun others i\id ! enjoy life more , with expenditure , by inoro promptly the world's l st products to tlio noeih of physical living , Mill lit let t the value to health of the pine liquid l.iMiUvo jiilnciplcs embraced , iu the remedy , Syrup of Fits. It * excellence H llilo to its presenting in the form most acceptable nlid pleas- nut to the tnste , tlio rcficsliingniid truly beneficial propcities of n jwrfcct laxative - ativo ; effectually cleansing the system , dispelling colds lienduchca Mid fevers mm permanently curing coiftlpiitioit. It has given siUi fui'tion to millioiiHtuid met with the npproviil of the medical profession , liecatuo it aeta on lite Kid- nevs Liver and Uovvels without weak ening them und it is perfectly free from every objectionable substnuee. Syrup of Figis for Ntle by nil drug- gits in CIV nml $1 bottle.- * , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose mine is printed on every pncVngo , ul. o Iho iiuiue , Syrup of Fig , and being well informed , you will not accept any siil ) . tittito if ollrrod. S. W. PMGLE , M. D. Tlio Good Samritaa. 20 Tears' Eiptricnce. UKADKH OF DISEASES OF MEN AN1 WOMT.N. PUOrillCTOH OF TUU TVO1U.IVS 11KKHAI , HISVCH- SA11V -MliDlClNli. . /treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Ilcad , Throat , and tunRflj Dl * . eaBOHof the Eyonud Ear , Htsnnd Apoplexy , Ilcmrt Disease , Liver Complaint , Kidney Coinplulnt , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Wcalmess. Diabetes , Erlgbfa Dl-coscet.Vltui > Jancc. BEcmuatiLm , 1'aralyEls , Wlilto Swelling , Scrofula. Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knlfo or drawing a drop of blood. Woman with her delicate orpana re- Htorcil to hoalth. Droroy cured without tapping. Spsclal Attention given to private Diseases of all kinds. S5O to S50O forfeit fur miy Dlo- ease I cannot euro without meroury. Tew : Wormi removed In two or tbrco hours , or no I > 07. lli-iuorrholils or 1'Iloa cured. THOBK WHO AHE AFFMCTED Will cave Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calling- cm or using DR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL ROICINES. ' The only riiyfllcinn who cnn tell what nllO1 a person without anklug a quentlon > All correspondence Btrictly confidential. Ucdlctal tsesit by express. AddiCbUall lettcn to G.W. M. Dr Cr , " ftroiK/uvi.v , Council ISIttff.-t , C * * inelose ; 4 ci'nts In Htni'.n fo , ' ronly. PAINTS. It Paya to Paint. It Pays to Use Good Paint. It Pays to Look Around And See Where You Can Buy Paints Of All Kinds nt Koal Wholesale Pricon I \JIL\A UUIIVUJJt Tlialargostoxclilfivo I'lilnt. OH and Olu > 9 IIOIIEO In Ihu Missouri viillny , Is tlio only uluco wlioro yon can liny a hill lit \mliits tor eiah : nt- wholesale prices mul DO iisanrud thut you got thu hcitof ovoiylhln ; ? finishes. L.uldnrs , 1'nlnts. Oils , Ooofi ! _ , I'lumciits , I'roicoos mul everything oltiu yon will nooil In the line thin full uliiuhur In iirintltloi | you eiui carry away In your hands oriti car load lotH. Ss Scarce und you want cvory dollar to count for ( ill It's worth. It iiuikos no dlirorunco whctlior you llvo llvii nillos or r > ' > 0 inllna fioin C'ounull IllutTH , you will s.ivu nioiioy liy Inlying ut wholesale , AR/T GLASS I Ours lu the only oxehiHlvu Art Glass I'actory Intho wustwheru you oui cot your own f.m- UCB | worlccd niiN or thu bountiful liloas ot spa * chit urllHts roalUud without fanuy prices. \Vohuvo nlunty nf room , Wo carry n stock of pinto mul all ollior kinds of uluss anil are ronily to (111 ( ordots from Ilium p lukasox til cui lots , ( 'onio ami sue us , ur wrto ! for oitl- niiitun on filitto und nil other kinds and piinitliis inuturlixl. { 'i- Will ch IhlHtipaco for prlcai. Coiinoll Illnirs , Iowa. Special /ofcIcesi I COUHQIL Bt'JFH ' : I/OH HAf.K-llHI ILTI > H : m in Ik H from Oouncl 1 Jlliirfu | MiHlomi-i > i will tnliu city inoi : rtr lu par payiiu-nt. Aiidri-bb i'0.1 atuthiiiaii mii'tit. clly , KAKM8 H70 nuiiH , H-'J'.fO pur iicru ; BOO IOWA , i.I'.DJ ; ; tii ) acru i. t.Ti.Oll : : IUU acres. tlft.OJ : 100 ! irt-M , $ J3.0Ji Kt acri-H. $27.01) , I.uria llHt of f.iniiH. fruit uiKlkMrJeu luud. John Htun i. Van I'uitiit , _ DO YOU 'xuow tliat Day k Hu n have botnii eholcn btfrealuuln t rait ati-t trurrtuu l&ud near llilHcltyi A1IHTIIACT3 nnd lo nm K.inn nml r.lty propurl/ iHIUKlll UllU BUKt. I'llbcy & TIlOIII.U , COUUUl llhillH 1 1 ARIlAOKrniiioviiil.ccsniwoN , viiultu. cliluiaoyt VJrle.iiiul. KU llurko , at Tuylor'u vrooury , 61) llioailway , of l rpoiim anil fiirnlluru. cltarfltti \ MOTKl tin. hi Iowa , to cxclnniKii ( orreulilviic'ti lu Council UluriN. AUdrcvt U. il. \VarncrvUlo , Ncl )