THE OMAHA DAILY DUE : SUNDAY , OCTOUKK lo , IWRt-'nVHNTV I'AOKS. ( \\YFTIFS \ OK FA1I vialLiiJ iJ ui i t\iib that Hnva Marked the Ebb and cf Society tlio Pat Seven Days. ADELIHA PATH MAKES SOME CONFESSIONS llltntiinHUil ti ' 1" tlmt ll.ivo Dmn.ilii cif Sir * . ( Irundy Snmll Inlnc Among tlifi S - ll-Cliut ol Oi-tnlifr DII ) * . Korietj. what theic Is left of It In Omaha , Is in n state f Inanition that Riven ono the cold shivori lo look upon. The past week hns been thn dullest of the year , and unless something h dom- soon disintegration will complt-ii-ly li" ' tbo imaginary exclusive i-lrelps from the local foolslool. Hoyona n wending or two , n progressive high llvo parly nnd several olher functions , the past si-vet ! days have been practically io t to the pay world. Kven society did not stir Itself ovi-r tbo prpsonco of Mr. Oliver Ames , ftccoml , who Is lluierocnlzod leader of Ibo vni.m-r : ' married sot of Hoston , n man with unlimited wealth ul his back , nnd n thorough i-i-prt soiitatlve of thu cultured class of tin- cast , . Hut tliPii tbo swells Imvo been doing the "Midway" for the past week nnd they riuild not bo expected lo give up the Ihoaler In I'niro street for even so much of a soi-lal lion us Mr. Atnr-3. No doubt in the days when , ns did Miss Ilurnoy's heroines , girls went off into hys terics on Hie slightest provocation and lind to bo brought lo Ibelr senses by Ibo nld of burned fenlhprs , and when It wns qullo In tu ) < ordinary run of nvonts for men to carry off their damsels in pustchalses , with or without tholr leave in such a stale of society as that , says an Knlisli writer , Mrs. ( irundy win n useful Institu tion nnd ehnperoiingu necessary ; but , today , nt the i-nil of the nineteenth century , wln-n won.en are moro or less immncipatril ircin nnliiiuntcii shackles , when they bolli know and ask for their righls nnd can prove that they nro as eapa- nblo of using their freedom as wifely ns do their brothers , chatieronaco need no longer be insisted upon as nusolntoly necessary for girls any more than for young men. Lot Kirls feel Unit they are treated and tnislnd ns sensible people , and iho.-0 ! who have any scnso : md spirit will soon prove Ihat they can use , \ulhout abusing. Uieir freedom , nnd In their goingi totind fro in public are not likely to err agcinst any of the cnnons of good breeding or offend that higher 'ind nobler instinct which is nn inherited gift of thi-lr pure woinnnhood. Look at these countries where women nro allowed the free dom nnd independence they deslro and con sider they ought to have , anil compare America , s.iy , for an example , with France and Spain , and see which of them has the mlvnninge. The time lias votno to give frrncofully and graciouslv as n sift the free dom that will bo taken otherwise as n right. Women ask to bo treated , not as poor , silly sheep , but ns rational human beings. A woman much in Paris says : "The fnshlon so prevalent in Now York at dinners of leaving nlmosl at once after rising from the tnblo is nol In vogue here. No grosser insult to one's host nnd hostess could bu I made than to cat and run. Vou would be taken lor a savage. When you dine out , unless you Imvc- some extraordinary excuse , you nro expected to sj > end t'nn evening. Coffee nnd liquors arc served in Iho drawing room lo the women and nro then taken up to the smoking room for tbo men. The men smoke from half to thrco-qunrlcrs of an hour nnd then rejoin the women. Largo dinners nro generally followed by a jmnll reception of guesls , who are Inviled at 10 for u cup of tea. " Mine. Adelina i'atli has always been re garded considerably more Ihnu Iho grcalesl lyric nrliatc of our generation , bill not oven her bcsl friends knew she was so deep n thinker as thu following tersely told story of her likes shows. For "Tho Woman At Homo , " the new magazine which has just , been brought out by Miss Annie. S. Swan on the other side , Mmc. P.-uti has furnished the follow ing intcrcatimr confessions. They will interest the admirers of the famous pritnu donna immensely : The quality you most ndndro in man honesty ; the quality you most ndinh-eIn woman faith ; your favorile oceuputlon rending ; your favorile pustimo entertaining friends ; your favorile sea son of Iho year spring ; Iho ( lower you most ndnilro I love all iloxvors ; your favorite holiday resort Cralg-.v-Nos : the poet you most admire Longfellow ; your favorite novelist Charles Dickens ; your favorite story iny ov. n. I'rrtty Otitiitinr Wi-ililing. The beautiful homo of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Willis , "Idlowlld , " was the scene of n very pretty , though thoroughly simple , wed ding WednesJny nftornoon of last week , when their daughter. Cecelia Mny , became the wife of Mr. William Uradloy Tyler Bell , Itt. Hev. George Worthlugton in the pres ence of about llfty relatives and intimate friends performing the ceremony. Tbo service wns jwrforined in the library , the largo bay window being con verted Into n temporary altar made lovely by palms , smi.nx and lloivers , while from the center of the hay hung n lloral horscbhoo composed of la Franco nnd white roses. Attending upon the bride and groom were old school friends of the star's lu this domestic scene , Miss McCnguo and Mr. liiklph Hiolmrdson. Never did n bride look lovelier Ihnn Miss Willis on this occa sion , gowned nuec-tly nnd .simply Jn n white cape , orunimntcd wilh point d'esprit uud passementerie. The groom is tbo only son of Mrs. Marie T. Hell , and conies of n long line of well known soiulierners. He is connected with thn Nebraska Telephone company , where ho holds u responsible , position. After thn ceremony n wedding supper wus served , the bride nnd groom leaving later for Chicago. They will ho ut homo after December 1 , at Twenty-iirsl und Spruce Blreols. Among these p.'ii-lnklng of Iho refresh- inculs were : Mr , and Mrs. F. II. Davis. Mr. mill Mrs. W. It Morris , Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Lowe. Mr. r.nd Mis. Ueorgo Nusoii , Mr , and MM , Viineo Lnnu. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mellus of Albnny , N. Y. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. M , Woolworth - worth , Mr. nnd Mis. Lyinan KIclimlt : > on , Mr. nnd Mrs. T. H. Mc.Phorson.Mr. and Mrs. L , 11. Wlillnms , Mr. nnd Mrs. H. V. Smith of Snn Francisco. Mr , nnd Mrs. Ilorly , Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Willis ; Misses Dorsoy , Hamblo- lon. Mcl'hcrion. lledford nnd llarton. Novn Turner , Me dnmes Wwshburn , C. 10 Yost nnd W. S Halnes. .Marilml u M. ,1m , < ; ir | . Wednesday of last week Mr. Eaward Wossoll of this city and Miss Kachul Bchwab of St. Joseph , Mo. , were married al the Jewish temple , Sixth anil .lutes streets , of which the father of the bride is the spir itual boail. The ceremony was attended by tliu elilo of Si. Joseph ami many from Omaha , where Iho groom Is "oil known. The marriage was performed by Kov. Mr. Schwab. I ho groomsmen being : Messrs. Gold smith of Chicago , Dave Schivab. Will Er- lich and Strauss of St , Joseph , H. Lang- Bladlor of Omaha and Mr. Mayor of St. Joseph ; the bridesmaids wuru : Missus Wust- holmer. Slearns , Selglo , Schwab of St. I/nils. I/Hvc.nsleln of Si. Joseph and Miss Bchwab , a sister of the hrldo , Kuv. Leo M. l-Vaiiklln of Omaha assisted Kov. Mr. Hchwab by delivering the address. After Uio ceremony the bridal party and guesls repaired to Columbia hall , where a reception and dancing terminated the festiv ities. The bride is anil has been most of her lifo n well IUIOXMI resident of St. Joseph and many good wishes accompany her in her now sphere. Tbo groom , Mr. Kd Wossell , is favorably iciiown In Omaha , where he hns resided fur n number of years and has also beun lu business hero. His many friends congratulate him upon his advent into the ranks of thu Benedicts. Wedding In Herman Clrol > . The marriage of Mr , E. L. Hoag and MUs Louise Fruelmuf , daughter of J. I. Prue- hnuf , was solemnized Wednesday , October 4 , at 0 o'clock at the brlcln'a homo , 818 South T. wonty-llrat street , Rev. A. J , Turkic ofll elating. The house was prettily decorate * : vrlth palms , roses nnd smllax. and was in every tcnso a lovely homo molding. After the ceremony , which wa * witnoited by only lit * raUtlrui of the two famiUct , a recaption wa held from 7 to 9 , which was atlcncicd by nearly 2 < x ) people , among those proscilt being : Mr and Mrs , J. Epeiu-lcr , Mr , and Mrs. C. Shaoffor , Mr. nnd Mi's. T. Kelcticn- bcrp , Mr nnd Mrs. F. ICulin , Mr. and Mrs , H. Tlbkt * . Mr , nnd Mrs. H. SchiiUz , Mr , and Mrs. E. Schnrlg. Mr. ana Mrs. A. Plol. Mr. r-mV"MM. P. Tcbblns , Mr. and Mrs. G. MlllauT , Mr. mid Mrs , B , Hoair , Mr. rind Mrs. J. Dlshow. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mole , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. Hurst. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stafford. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Fischer , Mr. and Mrs. H ( tinnier , Mr. and Mrs. F. Jorcenscn , Air. and Mrs. D. Tilittson , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Tcbbins , Mr. and Mrs. * K. Cuscadcn , Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Knitter. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K. Stliio ; McsdAtncs F. Hopkins , K. Magnus , . ! , Kelchard , J. Beckman , O. Olson , T.-Schnctz , H. Richard. .1. Jobst ; Misses Maggie O'Toolc. Lulu Hornborgcr. Minnie Hornbcrccr , Stella Singer. Lena Tebhlns. Clara Jnhn , Tracy Jahn , Tiny Slnbold. Ida Mlitaucr , Nellie Krhonhiti. Ida Wimlhonn , Emilia Andres. Minnie Andres , Ida Andres , Hiilda SchulU. Llzclo Sirirker , Eva Strieker , Anna 1'oler- sen , Oliva 1'ella. Uzzlo Buehler. Kale Hem- pel ; Mis.ssrs. R. Young , M. Kolchenbcrg. L. Kolchenberg , C. Basler , H. Klx , F. Kuhn. R Meilhcdo. W. Wlgnian L. Lacoon. P. Andres , A. Croft , A. hpecht , W.'Fraliin. K Foijarty , George Anderson , O. Englcr , H. Mitchell. After October CO Mr. ntid Mrs. Hong will be at home at " ( Kll I.cavomvorlh street. Coo mill lion m. A very pretty though very qulot wadding was that solemnized Monday evening by Kov. C. N. Dawson , when Mius Lulu Bovvcn ami Mr. Marlon C. Coo were united in "the tlo that knows no end. " The ceremony oc- cutrcd ut 7:30 : p. m. at Iho residence of the bride's mother , 1701 Lfivwiworlh nlreet. The Itouso was prettily decoi-atcd with palms nnd cut ( lowers , and on the cnlraneoof the wedding party into the parlor Mendelssohn's wedding manh : was tilaycd by Ellen Council , Following the conclusion of the ceremony a very dainty supper was served , lalor Hie bride and groom leaving for Chicago. Tbo gutal present \\cro ; Messrs. and Mesdames J. P. McDonald. A. ,1. Thompson. II. A. 'Ihompson. ( ' . C. Belden , C. Collins , David Cole , Dr. Wilson , A. Hal- lam , M. B. Davenport. G. H. Straug , Harry Clarke , O. J. Houston , Ed Darlington , W. W. BInpham ; \sdamcs J. P. Humble , Cone- way , la : Clara Br-hlin. Caroline Reed ; Mlascs Hllrn ConnoU. Julia McDonald , Hat- lie Able. Alaugio Collins. J/iti Collins , May Bov/en ; Messrs. W. F. Nogc-le. M. II. Hawes , A. F , Council , George Lamb. Kd Thompson , F. E. Day , Harry Bowen , Ray Boiveii. . MnrrliMl M Omiilm llii4iii < - iMitn. A voryprclly and quiet , wedding occurred in Ihiscily on Wednesday. October , 4 , IS' ) ! ! , when Edith C. , youngest daughter of Peter L. Drown , was married to Mr. Alfred Thomas , a rislnir young b.usincss man of Omalm. The brldo , who is very pretty , never looked lovelier than in her sinjple wedding gown of satin-striped tissue , carrying - ing a-bunch ot brine roses , Shu was the re- clinent of many useful and hamlsomo pros ents. After tbo ceremony , which was per formed by the groom's lather , Kcv. Kichard Thomas of Canada , who used the Eplscoiial service , rofrcshmcnts were served , Iho newly marriol couple leaving for Chicago after the ceremony , where they will spend a fortnight in sightseeing. Will Wed Tmliy. K. W. Carey and Miss Efilo Hall will be married al Ihe Palace hotel , Schiiyler. Neb. , Sunday , October II , where they are vlsilinir their friend Mrs. C. W. Plieius. Mr. Ciiroy is one of South Omaha's enter prising commission men and Miss Hall is one of Omaha's ifiost handsome and accom plished young ladies. Their many friends wish them a pleasant journey through life and welcome them on their return to Omaha , where they expect to make their future home. t'hin 11 Oi'itiiii-r i > : i.v . Mrs. It. G. Burt left for Chicago on Fri day. day.Miss Miss Ogdun hasgotie to Chicago for a short visit. visit.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wood loft for Chicago yesterday. FranK and Will Hamilton have returned from Chicago. Mrs. Clark Woodman hr.3 cone to the World's fair. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Tallaferro have returned - turned from Chicago. Air. and Mrs. George Barker and family lave returned from Chicairo. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Birmingham have re turned from the World's fair. Mrs. Warren llogors has returned home from her summer on the Maine coast. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. D.nvs have returned from a three months trip lo Europe. Miss Jennie Donaldson joined Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fead in Chicago yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bennett and rtaughlor left this week for a visit to the World's fair. Mr. and Mrs. Georco W. Lininirer returned from a fortnight's visit to the fair yeslerday. A. II. Comstock , manager of the Omaha Prinling company , left for tlio fair yester day. day.Colonel Colonel and Mrs , J. N. Cornish returned yesterday from a two weeks visit in Chi cago. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Duval are to bo con gratulated over the birth of a daughter last Sunday. Mrs. John W. Deoring and Miss Mariou Dcoring are visiting Mrs , Warren Ilotrera , 'J700 Farnam. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Golden returned Friday from a month's stay in Clltuon , Moline - line and Chicago. Miss G race Moody of Colorado Springs Colo. , is visiting Miss E-.lna Elmer on South Eleventh streol. Misses Emma and Ida 1'undt and Mr. George Pundt returned from the World's fair last week. Mrs. Robert K. Kingivalt and MKs Gurlriido Ringwalt are al the Gilsoy house , New York , this week. Mrs. Emma Homan Thayer of SallJ.i , Colo. , was iho guest of her brother , Air. Charles Catlin , last weo. Mrs. H. P. Whltmoro and daughter Eu- goula Imvo returned from their summer trip to Chicago and St. Louis. , Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton have returned from their European trip and will bu : it homo at 1IWH 1/ocuat street. Mrs. Theodora L. Uingwaltiinddaughters , who havn been visiting on iho I'acIUu coast during the summer , return today. Miss Grace Turner of Kansas Cilv. Mo , , Is visiting her sister. Mrs. B. A. Mac Alias- UT. 'JOJ7Virt slrcot , Kountzo Place. Wednesday livening iho members of Iho Mystic Order of Gardiz gave a very success ful dnni-ing party al Melropolliun hail. Miss Bell ofGlcndalo. O. , Is Iho guest of Miss Burns. Shi will lo.ive noxl worjk for Now York City where she will spend the winter. Mr. Frank I * . Thornton of the auditor's ' oflU-e , Paeillo Express company , and wife have returned from a two weeks visit to the Worlu's Mir. Mr. A. C. Powers and bride ( neo M. Ella llmiBoin returned Friday from the World's fair , and will bu at homo in n few day.-i to their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berry of Ixjxington. Ky. , who have been the gueuts of Mrs , Juek KliiiTwuU ( luring October , returned lo their homo yesterday. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy G. Barton nnd Miss Wouhvorth were regislorod ut the Palmer house tills week In Chl.-ago , going over for. the fair ami Ihe theater , Charles F. Meyer , esq. . of the firm of John H , Meyer & Son , Now Vorit Cilv , has bci-n Iho B cst of Mr. and Mrs. Charles HorsT , KounUu Place , for several days. Hon. William lUIornblowerof Now York , the rcrontly uupointod associate juslicu of Iho United States supreme court is u cousin of Mm Charlie A. Dean of this city. Miss Maud Klmb.tll on Friday evening en tertained the S. S. S. S.'s of the Omaha High school graduating class of 'ill nt her residence , US 'O North Twenty-third strcot. General and Mrs. Frank Wheaton of San Anlonia , Tex. , have bocn the guests this weuk of Captain and Mrs. Snrsou of Fort Omaha , and next week will be the guests of Captain and Mrs. Ullo , Gcorgo A. Custor , Women's ' Relief corps , will give u progressive high live social ut Grand Army of the Republic hall , Fifteenth and Capitol avcnuo , Monday evening , Oclo her 15. All friend * of thu post and corps are cordially inviled , Dr. Victor Kosowalor'i exhaustive treatise on "Special Assessment * , a Study in Munic ipal Finance , " has received the honor of u page review in L'KconomUta , a weekly journal published in Roma , The review is written by Sig. Dalla Volta , onf of the loading thinkers of Italy , and speaks in flattering terms of Dr. Kosowatcr's research. The history department of the Woman's club will tado up work Wednesday , Octoler at'J-ffllln Myrllo hull annox. A shftrt meeting toorgani/e will bo held Immediately after the general meeting of the club Mon- nay. nay.Mr. Mr. Charles .T. Snydcr , who wns connected with Mr. A. Hospo. jr. , for several years , but who has lately been "on the" for a well known art house , returned lo Omaha Insl week to take a position with H. P. \\Iiltniore. Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. Metcatf gave a dtnnor last Thursday in honor of General and Mrs. 'Wheaton. The guests were : General and Mrs. Wheaton. Judge nnd Mrs. Dmidy , Gen eral and Mrs. 'Dandy. Captain and Mrs. Sar- son , Mrs. Pot-tor ntio Mrs. Miller. Saturday evening a number of young people ple enjoyed n very pleasant -'hayrack" party. After driving around town and out. to South Omaha , llioy were welcomed at the homo of Iho Alissrs MeGonlgal , Twenty- eighth nnd Franklin , where a delightful supper awaited them. The remainder of the evening was spent with inrslc and games. Among these present were : Misses I/jna McGoniiral , Lottlo Melcalf , Miss lionton , Edith Howe , Anna Hey wood , Franklo , Nuttle Gibson , Kiln McGonlgal , Amelia Kosackcr. Alma Smith. Tlllio Lar son , Grace White of Council Bluffs , l/ottio Hayden. Emma Frost , Cora Brnlnard ; Messrs. Sam Howe. Frank Newcomb , James Glbson.ii. Baxter , Henry Kosaekcr. Elmer Cole , Will Edgebill , Gcorgo Hoi'lco , Chariest Much , George McNf-ise , Will Grifllth , James Hurnotto , ilnmos Davis , W. A. Gordon. T. T. Tucker. H. O. Beany , B. Booth , G. T. Dcnvald. On Wednesday Henry Hoenchon and Francis Gulling were married at St. Mary Magdalciiochurch. Thi-clinrcli was well filled by the numerous relatives and friends of Iho contracting p-iriles. AH ) o'clock the pro cession entered the church. Kov. Father Glauber , pastor of the church , ofllciatcd , as- Hisled by Rev. Joseph F. Kifrt-'e. S. J. , of Crek'hton university as deacon , nnd Kcv. C. Breitkopf of St. Joseph's church , as sub- deacon. The altar wan decorated profusely with ( lowers. The priests were robed in beautiful whlto silk and trold trimmed vest ments , and the choir rendered excellent se- Iccllous of music , suitable to tin * occasion ami In honor of Ihe brhb1 , who , since her youth , has beet , a member of iho choir of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Iloeschen loftlhc city in tbo evening on n wedding tour to New York and other points of interest and will on the.r way home viait the World s fair. Captain and Mrs. Sarson of Fort Omaha gave a very enjo.inblo progressive .high five party Tuesday evening In honor of their guests , General and Airs. Frank Whcalon of San Antonio , Tex. The score cards were daintily ornamented with marguerites and Uio ribbons lo Ihc. cards 'and the pretty .shades to Ihe lamps were all yellow. Seven tramps were played and then supper was served , after which the prizes were dis- Irlbulod , Mrs. Lieutenant Williams winning Iho llrst lady's prize , a beautiful glass vase , heavily ornamented with gold. Mrs. Whcalon won the .second Intly'ti prc. ! a dainty china tulip for the toilet table. Mrs. Lieutenant Wright won the lady's consola tion prize , a leather medal. Dr. C'larue won the gentleman's first prize , a cut glass ink stand , silver mounted. Mr. Stnekpole , a guest of Mrs. Dempsey , won the sotiiml pri/.i ! for gentlemen , a china ash locelvor. and Lieutenant Williams the consolation prize , a "little brown jug. " Miss Mason's school for dressmaking has removed lo 21)11' ) ' Douglas slrcet. AT Tilt : J .Tf-riigntom Will Itc it Uln Istlaii Mrcc.iVlit n OutICr.i Is S.OOO Yivira Old. CHICAGO , Oct. 1.-I. Thomas Shaw of Plula- d"lphiti appeared at the Art institute yes terday in behalf of a schema lo celebrate ut Jerusalem at ho close of Ihc nineteenth cen tury. He is chairman of a committee that , is making the preliminary arrangements for Oh ristliin jubilee and is sec-king lo inleiust Iho managers of the world's congress auxil iar.v in Ihe project. -Tlie Christian colouration , " said he"was suggested by Colonel Jesse E. Peyton at a meeting in Philadelphia , March last. At that time resolutions were passed declaring it the sense of the meeting that it was both proper and appropriate that the citizens of the United Sl'itcs. regardless of nationality , religious sect or denomination should , in the interests of pence , fraternity and future prosperity , sii ircst and commend n meeting of the hum-in family iti the city of Jerusa lem to give thanks and praisu to God the Fattier of nil , and so appropriately cele brate the closing of the ninetcen'ii and the opening of tbo twentieth century of the era. It was decided lo urge the World's fair commissioner : ; to invite the ofli- clal representatives of the nations , govern ments ami provinces to meet and indorse the plan.1 At n meeting of the committee , held Octo ber ! l. it was diHertnined to take immediate action toward definite organization for the work in band , and the committee upon per manent organi/.alion submitted lecommenda- lions providing Uintanassocinlion be formed which should by called the 'Jerusalem So ciety for the Ctilebratlon of Ihe Biinillcn- nlum. " and that the name of the occasion shall bo the "Bichrlstiaii World. " The purpose of the society , as sot forth in the rcjHirt , is to secure closer fraternal union of all Chtistiun seels and nations of the earth. jn.uuu ui < TIIJI Miiyor IliUTlsDii Anltod lijr re I'HIow Indian to A H nt IniliiiiiH li > Crlrlmttr. , Oct. 14. Chief Simon Pokagon of the Poituwnttnmio trlbo of Indians , who once owned the iiito of Chicago , has written a letter lo Major Harrison asking,000 ! with which to pay the expenses of n con gress of Indkvis. The chief delle-itely alludes to the blood of Pocohonlas'lbat Hews through Iho mayor's veins and suggosls that the municipality pay something for the land which the people who occupy It originally got for nothing. Hero Is tbo chief's letlor : To His HoNoiiTiir. MAYOU : I hoard with pleasure tlmt Iho blood of Pocabonlas flows in your veins , and us one of my people 1 call upon you to help the educated Indians of our great country in their oirnrtu to cole- bralo ibis great fair. Many of my people have already come , but have fuund no place for them in the celebration The land on which Chicago nnd thu fair slands still be longs to my people , ns it has never boon paid tor. All wo ask from Chicago Is that the people linlp us to come and join with thorn and the world in telling how great Is our common country. Tlio Pottawaltamics Imvo a message to deliver to the world , and so have Dm live civilized trlbos of the In dian Territory. Wo need about ja.OOO to enable us lo hold our congress. In Iho name of iho progressive men of my race , who HO far Imvo found no place for them in the celebrations of the year , 1 ask you and iho people of ihla great city to help us to come back nnd lalk with you for one day. Wo wish to show the world llml we uru men nnd broiherj worthy to bo culled Americans and 111 for clllzenship , S itii in : Month Duliolii YOIIIIMiu Makit Slaughter In u 1'ralrlo Dos Tcmn. CIUMIICULAIN , S. D. , Ocl. H. [ Special to THIS BKR , ] Near the town of Earling , In the ceded Sioux lands , Is a largo prairie dog town and rattlu snakes have recently been seen there In great numbers. The other day twoyoung men who live In the vicinity concluded lo go out und see how many of the snakes llioy could round up. The record astonished oven thcmsslvea , for In leas llian two houra they hud killed forty-eight. They were so successful that they concluded to try their luck uguin the next day , which llioy did , adding ihlrly-Uyo moro dead snukc-s to the list , making a total of eighty. The cold woilher of a week or ten dnvs ngo drove iho snake * from miles around lu the dog town fbr the winter , and every sunny day ihoy would crawl to iho surface of tbo ground to sun themselves. H wns on a day of ibis kind that iheoung men visited the spot with such great success. Tlio pests have pracilenlly been exterminated In that dog town and ruttlo tmukns uro liable to bo very iicnrco in ihut secllon hen-after. &U& * Mason a school tor dressmaking has removed to 2U'J ! Douglas stroot. CARING FOR THE CHILDREN Review of Onoiiear's Work of the Omtihi kably Orgmiiz.Uion. ! OFFICERS MAKE THEIR ANNUAL REPORTS i Mil-cm * of tinNiiMory Fully KUiililUheil I'rntpcrtn of " IJhrerlom fhrl ) tinn : III tlio lltftrlH or tlio 1'oor .tinny Need" . The Omaha Charity association , composed of the band of earnest workers who manage the Crccho , held its annual meeting on Thursday , reviewed the work of the year and platiucd for renewed effort in Its fu ture labors for the lightening of the bur dens of working women who want n place where their babies can be left while they are nt work. The work of the year was reviewed by Mrs. Thomas U Klmball , president of the association , in the following address : "Ladles of the Association : Today closes our sixth year of united charily work and brings us to the threshold of a new ono. Twelve month * ago wo gathered to review our past and lay now plans. Wo come to- Ijothorfor the same purpose today to meas ure our past hopes by their fruition and to guide our fullire course by the light of car- ncreit experience. "Today closes the term of ofllco of several of our board- including all of its ofllcci-s but their interest in tlio vvorlc will continue , and I trust their places will bu llllcd by equally zealous laborer.- ) . These places are no sinecures \vo desire to carry out the idea of the founders of this charity and make this a place for mental and moral , as well as physical impiovemunt for these llttlo ones , lleroin lies the necessity for a largo member ship and much individual effort. Again 1 niuat urge the Immediate opening hero of a kindergarten. Two hours a day of sys tematic play would work wonders in these active , untrained minds , and a teacher cam bo found for a small remuneration. SIICCOM of tliu Nursery. "It Is a nollceablo fart , and n crcdltablo one to our city , In face of widespread distress in business circle * our benevolent institutions do not close their doors and our nursery lias been enabled not only to extend Its motherly care toITU little ones during the past year , but to pay Insurance , meet all other expenses ami still havca small surplus in the bank. That this has required much hard work , forethought and economy is as clear as that this burden has tint been quite equally distributed. This is a source of regret and ought to bo remedied. Wo are too easily persuaded to join new enter prises , prompted no doubt by the same benevolent spirit which induced the man who had live puppies to promise to give away ten , and when remonstrated with , replied ho thought it a shame to refuse a man a puppy. "The question is still unsettled how wo shall raise the money required to carry on our work successfully. H.v monthly sub scription still scorns possible to many. I think wo can hardly afford to expend so much money to amuse our townsfolk as wo did in giving'Livjug Whist' for so small a recompense , however much we may enjoy pleasing them. Our sp.iro time is devoted to the care of 1 ho city's poor and wo should bo amply sustained somehow. Lot us each put on our thinking cap' and devisi ) some method , worthy the capacity ofa nineteenth century mind , to solve the question of main taining this institution at its highest point of usefulness and t the lowest cost of time and money ; and w'lien decided , lot us work us one , to prove the method a good ono. Hotter Fm-llltios Nocdml. "The location of the Creche is excellent for children by the day , but wo need an acre or more of ground just outside the city , piovided with suitable house' oem , whore these weekly , boaj-itifrs c.ould be placed in summer , leaving nToro room foV day appli cants. A garden could easily supply almost their whole living , while health and real happiness must follow such a plan well de veloped. Do talk this up with .vour bus- bunds and friends all this winter , and in the spring bo ready to carry it forward. "Wo have been most fortunate in retain ing the services of our matron , Mrs. Smith , and her eflleiont corps of nurses , for the com ing year. To her skillful hands can bo traced much of tlio painting , pax.-riiig | and repairing of the homo for the year past. It would add a well merited pleasure to the matron's lifo to .surround it with a few more comforts than are really necessary to ex- istom.'o a book , a picture , a comfortable chair for her own use , tin occasional ticket to ; i concert or theater would help to show our appreciation of her worth. Our sowing soeUitv will bo gltid lo enroll new members , as a goodly amount of both nuiv mill old ma terial is ready to fashion into small garments. AVolvo * of Poverty. "Kven if wo do our best. , this coming win ter will see great suffering among the sick and poor. Kconomy should , > 1 think , prevail among all classes , so that no ono shall suffer from cold or lumper. Wo wish to thank all who send aid to the home , but more par ticularly a few who never forgot to scna a weekly or daily offering. Among these are tlio Arctic Icocompany. Mrs. Pleak , Monnel , Wallace. Millard , and the rest whoso names will all bo remembered elsowheio even if not mentioned hero. ' A lady remarked to mo that all any ono needed was to bo reminded of the want of useful articles at the Creche and they would be forthcoming. 1 trust this is so , and that this may serve the purpose of a reminder. 1 fear wo have not acknowledged the. courtesy of our street car company in furnishing not only frco transportation to our largo family I' ) and from the park and other places sev eral times this summer , but iubending a careful man to look out for the safety In loading and unloading the lively passengers. Wo are grateful , though wo forgot lo mention - tion it. ( Joneral Urooko , too , kindly fur- nlalicd a tent lor shelter from the sun In the playground , , and for which wo thank him in behalf of the Danes who enjoyed it all through this hot summer. Trump ) Kinil Irmn Work , "Wo are glad to see out- suggestion in last year'sreport of the necessity for a found lings' homo has been recognized and lately put in operation. It Is a noticeable fact th-.t since our different charitable institutions Imvo added a wood yard and other moans of employing those who ask alms the profes sional tramp and lazy beggar are fast disap pearing from our midst. These tire the true charities , and It is the duty of every eitizon to see they are well supported. Our rela tions with each otlipr have been for all llicsu past yours most enjoyable , and wo are look ing forward to ujiothcr year of incrcabcd usefulness and higgler results. Your kind attention is very. rllattorliif ( , I thank you , and will closo. " Mrs. Aila T. vYulkcr , treasurer , made tlio report of ( heassociation's llnance.s : Hup rt. rs. ( 'ash on hum ) , Oct/ibar. 1 , 1H02 ) 113309 Onsli ri'i-.i'lvodiit Urtriie 1-jya do Monthly subM-rlpilons 1UH HH MlillllHIIIilllp fOfK , . ! , ! 1H IK ) Donations . . , . 5'J fj7 "Living Whl-t" oiitLTtiilnnii'iit 313 10 Woodumnuf thu Wufld picnic H'J ! ld Mlscnllaiieon-i , . . . -4 45 30 ! l , Total t $2,303 OU liXTMKUlTIJIUW. Matron and lu > li.-r | ' > l $1O23 en ( irocorlos i.'it 737 us Coal II-K 1BU 25 ( Jim , , il ! 10 Meat 70-Jl ) Repairing und plumbing - 'J U'2 -19 37 . . . . - Tolnl.-- . f'2,1-10 87 lliilmiro c.Mli mi bund . $ 223 U 'try' Itrpnrt. Miss Sarah Harrows , tlio secretary , made the following report : "Another year has passed slnco wo last met us a body , but from month to month .1 certain number have gathered hero to con sult as to the best Interests of our ore mil Di llon , and , in looking over the record of thcso meetings , it is gratifying to note the uni form prosperity of the Creche , as shown by the monthly reports. Another pleasing fea ture Is the incroasliigconlldcnconnd Interest of the people at largo In the institution. Wo have been much cheered by the many ex pressions of sympathy and pralso given us the- past year , and trust that the work of the Ureeho will bo moro and more widely known \\lth each succeeding year. ' Of the -IHI children cared for during the year Just closed , -12 * have been dlsnilsso'.l , leaving liny-two still within the sheltering walls of the Crccho. There has b. > oii no serious illness nmoiig the children throuijli the year , a slight epidemic of measles being the oxtonl of their ailments. "lrs. Katichctt and Swetland have given their services when needed In spite of the financial depression our organization has managed to meet current expenses and keep out of debt ; facts which surely call for concratulations. Ono or two entertainments during the year netted a respectable sum. There have boon aomo needed repairs made on the house inside and out. In short , we cannot but feel that wo cntor on our now year with much to cncour.xco us and with tn fueling that our work Is gaining moro and moro every year the confidence of the public. " 9 INFANT 1NDTTST1UE3. rmnpletril lor n Dltplitjr of Oiniilui Uniting Minty diiniiMitiirR. Tomorrow evening Iho Now York Exhibi tion company will inaugurate > i grand free ami unlimited baby show at the Omaha It minis armory. Seven hundred nnd twenty llttlo tyrants of Uio household will compote for prizes. The Infant industries of Omaha will bo represented by the following : lluhles Dabloy , MeCraw , Sh.ivngo , Me- Gulro , Angers , Whit. Howcrs , Grassing , Wnlker , Peterson , llunnott. McNeil , Cnrnl , Kctchtim , CheneySonierviiloCordon ! , ICiine , Angcll , Elliot , Grinin , McKay , Lovott , Bur- rlll , Pyors , Flaherty , Leslcr , Tanner , Packard , Barker , Crofliu , 'Lupton. Loliind , Leslie , Dlnsmore , Trobclln , Komdaviilo. Kockvlllo , Wyranes. Casey , Mi-Ginnis , Watts , Whtlnn , Heiidrleus , Holmes , Clay , Alcott. Sible.v , Ciishuinn , Kickolls , Lnquot , Stein , liall , Illldnbrant , Kink , Dean , Ailsbcrry. Uust , O'Conncr , Sherman , Boutwcll , Dennett , Drontns , Gai-dnor , McNab , Hreckcn- ridge , Slautcnbaek , Sidney , Killnsky , Hell , Newel , Kaymond , Cole , Chtirllon. Kallsbarry , McClerg , D.inilson , ( Simierson , Sicncer | , Hofi. Wool , Wooly , Bridwell , lloliwiin , O'Neil , Frosl , McCabe , Unity , duly , Ill-aid , Ilysers. Delnnly , Clomet , Malher , Starkey , Lmvis , Hobby. Posnisil , Grossman , Flannagan , Dudley , Scolard , Doveres , Court , Marony. Pcabody , Willis. Cimningham , Miilonby , IClrlpatrick , Cotton , Douglas , Michales , Dllli. Tilli , Lake , Wilcox , Cotmirc , Stcphons , Teilcsnn , Base , Cnllnhan. Gtinttes , Washburu. Nortons , . Illdwell , . Sears. Ilnrr , Harold , Hanson , Tuehck , Hung , Ellis , Niggers , Nichols , Prltehnrd , Hitchcock , Wcnt- worth , C'nrey , Monroe , Kline , Cutter , llitzlclon. Kowlnnd , Marks , Abott , Marks , Koso. Eriecson , Norway , Ilnrminc. Nicoll , Arnhcim , Fox , ICnulTmati , Willias , lones , Harrison Bcrford , Jinn-ill , Gordon , Stewart , Prince. Grncey , Marks. Lockwood , Franklin , Crosbie , Hall , .lones , llobbs , Hall , Clifford , Krouzor , Manlory , Hildor , Matbcn- baugli. Place , Hall. McGnire , Burk. Ivrtiirs , Shci-iinin , Glrard , Nelson , Sherlock , Cook , Bums. Roberts" , Anderson , Mnthoi-son , Wil- lolts , Vnlunline , lluttorlield , Hohhs , Boh- rim , Kur/ , Koch , Uohwcv , Slrlngfollow , Pat- ersou , Stringer , ICrcnzor , Clark , Xuber , Hi'pploy , Carvingen , Smith , Lesco , Oberg , Clapp , Lower , Crystal , . Soloman , Sams , Lotousvdky , Beckman , Bolnn , Ovcrgast , Sbacklcford , O'Hricn , Junscn , Sundell , Cosoy , Strund , Hell , Hogner , Slnnton. Chandler , 1'arkor. Johnson. Pendcrgast " , Morns , Disthol , Stclnert , Els- worth , , Patterson , lliluerbr.ini , Mliigust. Campbell , Hughes , Whnlcn , Stoines , Toukes , Chrisliaiit-on , Dale , Cattes , Dooley , Murphy , Suter. Goodlot , Uradley , Frostman , Ncriiu , Shcaho , Lothenn , Howsan. Owens , Hill , Xobcrs IIitt. : Wash- burn , Vvirtz. Grcv.v , million. Douglas , Lavender , ICcop , Thompson , Fry , Ander son , Sanders , Sweeney. Holdren. Sher lock , Ucchte ) , Cottinger , Crowd , fxHcwood , Laciuot , Scarf. Clmncnt , Miles , Mtiflllt , KgUert , Samuols , Andrcss , Kgan , Hill , Carey , Johnston , Latliorc , SwanBton , KllUtgnrd , Davidston , Cioodlct , Hilcliie , Chnmponoy. Lutliorn , Hauser , Sparks , Wil cox. iliBbeo , Whitman , Grani'villc , Thoinp- sctt. Urroly , Muneonion. Hnfrrt , itiisli , Mc- Carty , McAvoy , Lynch. O'Flurity , Merand. Williams , A-.urdson , Lovojoy , McCorbetl , McCord , Davis , Salon , Kennanl. Wheolcr , ftlarshall , Willis , Jacobs , Sheppard , McGinn , Barkcnroad , Young , Dursuy , Kustry , Bloom , Gnstim , Wilson , Marsh. Molt , Mar tin , Nicholson. Shoudy , Polls , K-iyinonds. Whilmun , Doyle , Dunumin , Donaliue , Kl Quain , liowis , Dempsoy. Texas , Hedge , Woodworth , Youiigson. Savage. JohnBton , O'Keufo. Ciaffenoy , Hlldebrant , .lenson.iLind- qulsl , Helaree , Grant , Jo/Tories / , Dounls I ark. Jackobson , Miller , Cole , McIOino' Shork , Kilpitrlclc , Simpson , Wentworth. Winn , Babcoek , Wagner , Cuiiield ; , Uo , ninno.Vard , Carson. Buckley , Leo- Ilickov. ' Woods , Nelgran , Campbell , Potf , Simons. Slack , Fosborg , Fox , Higbio , ( ioldstoln , Stoln , Provonki , Brown , Thompson. Davis. Doors , McCormick - mick , Wnrd. McCarthy. Gorman , White , Noonnn , McPhei-Eon. Trec-bors. McCabe , Graves. Hentlo.v , McAlniiro , Myers , Jacobs , Jenkins , liruhbs , Gfovos , Simmons , Burns , Snltzslver. Swale , Hcniold.Arnold.Cloveland , Clmndlors. Chambers , Pierce , Price. Chit- londcn , Cliamborlain , ( Quicks , Newman , Goodman. O'Herring , Coleninn. Brown , Kls- worth , Leons. Sweu/.y , Carr. McKccg , Cahil , Sivceny. O'Oormnn. Patterson , Shook. Shop , KnnnU , Ulrlaae. Cnddingtoii , Persons , Berry. Singer , Wilcox , Egnn , Tonipli'- ton. Kclley , O'Noll , McCregler , Klchniils , Hall , Williams , Nelson , Diicois. llunull-oii , iinssull , Nevorboor. Dearborn , Sullivan , Dickinson , Hayes , Solomon , Ko- hart , Null , Kims , SchwnrU , Newhall , Law- dunvith , Hathaway , Smith , Holcomb , Wright , Nevors , Wigg , Androws. ICdwards , Bockhouso : Hill. Snndborn. llrush , Horn. Shlpboy , Bonolken , McPiiail , Wutcnpauuh , Sullivan , Martin. Sliolloy. Huue , Clark , Un cord , Klinmel , Morriman , Ponder , Lynch , Grossman , Mos.s , Morris. ' Eiigichart , Bu- chnnon.Oldof , Nelson , Gralf , We ks.lohnson , Potorson. Niles , .Tones.i Kggors , Anderson , "Croirg , Scolnon , Yonles. Armstrong , Green , Wlg'ins I'ntclinrd , Newcoinb , Williams , Nelson , Dwislit , Carl , itlsat. Knowols , Stotnon , Olson , Dingloy , Daily Holcomb. Nowcomb , Allrlght , Novins , Kullor , Atkin son Novc-rns , Artel ) , Nornlns , Derhis , Young. Alfreds , O'Ncil ' , Jtyan , L-.iur. Lupton , Ftillon , Scnvoy , .Icnus , Armstrong , Hildrith , Wohl , Comstock , Johnston , No-.voll , Hjiul r- son Croft. Dwighl. Simpson , O'Urion , Murphy. Hayden , Dwighl , HoiidrlcKS , ( Jus- Ion , Ximernmn. Sluart , bchwurtHorndiet. . ' F.nrfax , Boyersdorfer , liovnolds , Newton , Mitchell. YOUIIR. Knight. Now. Neds Kddv. Williams , Nelly , D.ivis. Hidgoway , Mcssoii- inun , Ilnrrlson , Lomuol , Dubols , Bancroft , Newell , Croft. Clovcluml , Oboig , Cnrriker , Olinan , Iteal , O'Nnil , Schwartz , Cloud. Stan- ion , Canni , Pondesasl , Marbe ) , Newell , Wright , Owens , Quails , Queen , Armbrest , Y. W , ( J , A. lnhll.- . l > ropurations for Uio winter work at the Young Woniou's Christian association go merrily on. A class In physical culture will bo started early In November and those who wish lo lake Die course should enroll ihoir names us soon us possible. There will bo bul a small fee. If any , for members. Out siders may Join thu class by nying regular Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report rates , A rlass in German will also bo started as 50011 as ilia number wishing it is Inrgo enough to warrant It Two more tables have boon added to the noonday rest supplies , Ihus making moro room and less waiting during the r.ish at noon timo. Monday evenimrs during thn winter will bo "members' nignts" and ontert.ilnmputs of various kinds will bo cnjoyo'l. A full program for the season will bo published soon. , Alt.lAvr. Strong Aldrr < rn I dn liy Nnmn or Ilia MrmlMTi In Alti-iiditni'C. CutrAoo , Oct. HAt the meeting of the Evangelical alllanco today Kov. C. A. Dlekonson of Bcruoloy tomnle , Boston , spoke on the "Institution of Uio Church. " Hcisaid : The phrase "Institu tional Church" was llrsl applied to Ucrkcloy temple , Boston. U has not yet a very exact meaning. If I were to dcllnu It I should say that , as the body of Christ on earth , It alms to renresont Christ in the sense of repre senting Him physically , morallv and splrltu- ually to the people who live the present age. t works lo save all of the men and all men > y nil means. H employs secular means to each a spiritual end. It works through a veil appointed building. Us pews are five , Is doors are open all day and every day. It urns to become the center and source of all lenellclent ministration. H secularizes re- iiriou by making religion an evory-day affair a spirit which affects the whole man n-cry day In tlio week r.Uhur than n spirit vhich tiffiu'ts a man or part of the man but ono day In the woek. Prof. Klehard 'I' . Ely of Wisconsin cad a paper tm'The Church and the Uibor Movement , " in which ho was most cm- ihalic in insisting upon tlio church as the Innl solution of the labor problem. Ho said : "The- one soldi foundation of Uio labor novcment is religion. All olhur founda tions arc but slilfiliic sand. What dr wo vant in the labor movement but life , moro Ifc ; aye , even fullness of life ? What tire the abuses of which wo complain but de- irivallon of llfo , restriction of life , the utting down and narrowing of the sphere iflifct 1C the labor movement In Its our- ) ese is llnally successful it must involve the conception in theory and practice of a lofty clhical system. Whatever may bo the : auso and however much wo may in some espect regret it , the truth is that the ine qualities among men in character and capacity are simply marvelous. Tlio ordl- i.'iry wage-earner feels and shows that ho 'cols the need of superior leadership. " Ono of the most powerful addresses deliv ered before the alliance congress wns that of President < ! corgo A. Gates of Grlnncli uuvowity. Ho said : "One can already see brees arraying ihomselves for and against ho cominir liberty. Acainst it in the indns- .riul world Is the capitalistic class , which ; ays : 'The workman shall not bo my irother. I will biro him and that ends our ro- ; ilions. Nay , I will hire him or not as I ilease , my ) iroperty Is my own to do with It is 1 please. 1 claim liberty , individual liberty KIM boon once set up on earth. On it t stand. ' iaying which he is a blasphemer and a liar. Us property is not his own , but to use in service for his fellow men. Unless capital ) bo.\s the law of God and men and lays down Is lifo service in order to save its ifo , then it. will perish from the face of the. earth. Likewise against this coming unity of the industrial world is the workman who. folding his arms in his pride , says : 'I will not call my employer my u-othor. My strunctu and skill are my own to use or not , as I please. 1 , too. claim lib erty , the watchword of four centuries. ' iaying which he , lee , blasphemes and lies. ; lo has no strength or skill which is his own , except ho use it in the service of his fellow nen , and if ho loses it to save it , he , too , will nlscrably perish. " President Gates enumerated many other 'orces which were arrayed against the com- nc liberty. He said that the evangelical alliance which worked for the union of Christendom had for its watchword that which must usher in thu kingdom of God. , Tlio session was also addressed n.v Presij j dent , Dodge. Secretary Strong , Kov. Mr. I'onipklns and others. Bohemian-American residents of this city wore afforded an opportunity to see an ex cellent Bohemian opera at Havlicck's hall during the past wook. Ludvik's Opera company of Prr.guo occupied the boards. Tills clever troupe was greeted with a liberal - oral and deserving patronage at each of tlio three performances given. The company will i ivo a farewell per- ofrnmncc in Omaha tonight at National hall. Y. ,11. C. A. KviMitd. Monday ovcninsr the Current Topic club opens its fall and winter work with a recep tion to all its former members and any men who may bo interested. Dr. Duryea will [ ircsidc and an informal and attractive pro- -jram will bo arranged. Sunday afternoon Jommcrcial Traveler Cobb will conduct the young men's meeting atI o'clock. Mr. Cobb Is ono of the most interesting speakers of the many commercial travelers who visit Omah.i. The sonir service will bo made specially interesting. Colonel Bird teaches the international bible lesson at . ' 1 p.m. and Secretary O bo r leads young men in n .study in the letters of St. Paul. The building is open all day ex cepthif ! clniivh hours. Strangers will liml it a convenient ami in viting place to spend their leisure hours. Vorilicl lor 1'nrnoim ! Injuries. Ingro Madsen , the woman who foil from a Sherman aventio motor car at tlio intersec tion of Burt street a cnuploof years ago and sustained some serious bruises , was made linppy yesterday morning by the verdict that was returned by the jury in Judge Dulllo's court. Shortly after the accident she sued the .street railway company , allojrlni : that she was entitled lo recover ? 1'IOI , ( ) as damages to compensate her for the sulforing wliicli she had endured. This week the case was put on fur trial and yesterday the jury returned a verdict , giving the woman (1.000. The i-.iso wilt bu appealed to the supreme conn. Illnil on III * Train. MRMi'iiis , Oct. II. Mr. Al Perryman , a conductor on tlio Memphis & Charleston road , died suddenly aboard his train near Belle Mlna , Ala. , last night of hemorrhage. WILL bSDE A PROCLAMATION Mayor B mis Prapring1 Ouoou tha CAM-I ! ProoUnutioiii DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PLATTE PROJECT remoter * of the Srlicino Will Not Dodjo Until " llrldtfii" M Hcmoliml l'o . idlillllj- .Mr. IViililock' * Tuvor- nlilo Action Mnmti.r. The promoters of the Platlo canal are still hopeful that the project will blossom Into a reality. A proelnmaiinn Is hn Ing prepared by M.iyor Bemis , and will bo Issued during llio llrst da.\s of the coming week , it embodies iho proposition m VOMI bonds at the November election In the sum of Jl.fiOO.OOti. for thn purpose of co'istrwti ig iho canal , tlio waterworks , and electric light plant. Itisl what effect the action of the county commissioners in rofusingito suhmit a prnxi | < sitlon lo issue bunds In aid of the canal will have , Is not determined. Opinuoi upivt this question H divided. Some meiivlicrs of Iho council , who are enthusiasm * over Ihe ptopo sillon , maintain thai It ulll mike. no per ccpUblo ililTi'ivnco at this time , and Uio\ , In tend to e.\urt their energies to haw Uio on tui prluc carried on , ivpanlless of th ohst.i cles that may bo thrown In Uio way Ot'ie.r mumber.s doubt thn advisabllltv of in-ooeed Ing m the. fico : of Iho refusal of the commls sumer.s to lend aid by subinltiing a propost tioli to the voters of the county. City Engineer Kosevvatcr thouclit that iho commissioners have yet ainplo time in which lo take hold of the maitor lu his judgment u special mod ing i-iu be called ind the proposliion submitu-d next Monday , the twenty days roinired | by law for puhllslf- ing previous to clec'lon oxpirlng on that date. Major Paddock , not being in the city , Mr. Kosowal'-r oplneil that Ins rolurii and'u special meeting of the board might result in a majority for the proposition being scL-urod. COIIIK-IImen I'.ivoi * It. Councilman Howell was surprised ami disappointed at the action of the county board. Ho did not bHiuvo the oily coulil vote so largo a sum as would bo required In case the county did not vole to aid the enter- prlso. C6imcilman Elsassernaid he favored the proposition , but was not mitlleienllv conver- sanl with Iho facts to warrant .in expression as to the probable bearing the aclion of Ihu commlxsioneis wumd have. Councilman Saundcrs slated that ho was not surprised at tlio stand taken bv Commissioner Williams. That gentleman represented the country districts anil it wits a notorious fact that the farmers were nearly always opposed to anything thai would beiielll the city of Omaha , never slopping to think that what was for the good of the city was also for Ihe good of the county. He was of the opinion that Mr \Villlnniswanledtofavor \ thu canal project , but as he was a candidate for re-election and expected most of his support from Iho conn try , ho was between iho "devil and iho deep blue sea" and slmplv jumped lo the slUe which ho considered the most popular Regarding Henry Mvcsoy's action In the matter. It surpassed all understanding. Mr. Livesoy was a heavy property oxvimr In tlio city and his vote iniliuiUed Hint he wauled to build a fence around Omaha and keep everybody and everything oulsido. Siitindrr * Is Sanguine * . Mr. Saunderssaid Dial there was no doubt in his mind but that tbo canal would bo built and that soon. Tlio proceeds of the bonds which it was proposed to vole in the city would give the project a good start and would bo moro money than could be expended in one season. The council - cil would so on just the same as though Uio commissioners had submitted iho proposliion and if Ihe bonds carried , work would bo commenced and continued. By next fall enough work would bccomplelod to convince the country people that the schema wns a good ono ami at that time they would befalling falling over ono another lo gel an oppor tunity to vote SI.000,000 or moro in bonds if necessary lo farther the project. Councilman A. G. Edwards , in discussing the action of thu county board , expressed thii opinion that there was altogether too much inossbackism among Iho members and tlmt too many of them wanted to work on the same lines which they followed two or thrco centuries ago , when they were boys and car ried their wheat to Ihu ( touring mill on thu back of a horse , pulling a stone into one end of the grain sack to make it balance thu wheat in the other. No community cuuM hope to progress until such men were rele gated to the roar. Mr. Edwards-vas of the opinion that the canal would bo built nnd that in time the county would como to the aid of the city , as eventually the farmers would see that it meant money in their pockets. The exhaus tive report of City Engineer Rosowatcr had settled the only question that was ever ono of tin ; issues. It had been claimed that the Platte would not furnish a sutlicicnl supply of water for power purposes , but Mr. Koso- water's report had domonstralcd beyond any question of doubt that Ihoro would bo water there to turn all of the wheels of tlio manu- f.iclurlng plants in Omaha and Soutii Oinulin , with lri,000-hor o puwer to spare. Mil. STUHX'S LATJOII. KllVirtn to ( 'olkxn u tliliu : : Agiilixl Him AmiiHi-K Him lilt-lily. The rnpubiliun city central committee is not meeting with any degree of success in collecting the C > 0 of campaign funds In tbo hands of Ernest Stuhl , the cx-treusnrer , and which ho has held for more than a year. At the lasl meeting of Iho committee , bald last Saturday night , n committee wnsi appointed and given Instructions to call upon Stuht and cMlect the money. Friday night John Butler , the chairman of thai comiint- tco , called upon Mr. Stuht and demanded the funds. Stuht gave him the laugh and remarked that ho had no money bulongmg to the committee , and consequently would turn over none. The chairman of thn city committee , T. K Kudboroutrh , ban boon ro- qnc.stcd to call a monling , that some action may bo taken to collect the money from Iho delinquent , uniui.ll. CUT GLASS WARE OFF in our Pal- this discount RAYMOND , Corner IStUiuU l > < jurlu : Htrnatr MRS. GRAHAM'S Cucumber and Elder Flower : Cream | CREATES A i PERFECT Wo arc bol. ) aircntk for Mine Oi-alinm H ceii-liiat- iiftolli't irili-liv. Any t-iBn : of plnipU-H or racial i lili-iulilii-B iMinltlvi-iy cim-il t-Tawny ii - < - lt.ami , lolluwfl I'lii-i-liiiiluvi'loiifd. Alio Mlii ai.-i-ulH for tluiJniui-H V.JJ < inlciilliiiiiau Hali-ll.-iiijr. K I.HCH' I NoVlr : No Nt i' p-u-nl. " AKunla for lint Idual Ilalr llninlulmjwrioil * a lolli-t iioctMHy a fc-miu- liiu .Siberian brlslld in tin i-lit-lrlc air t-uuliloii u mo j IDEAL HAIR STORE , 209 S. 15th St. , Kartell Il'.oc'i. ' .V/J lUHt. lly roinn ! i to u * > for your riioto.'r.iiilM you run no c-li.inci-n ofiittliu luiir wont , Our loniritsi.ilnlsl.cil mi I v ml ImilnusH li > HiillK-lniit runr.intoa of lh > - li'Uh bl.iiidurU of our work. At I'upulnr I'rluiii i-uns. ijtb3 Omnhu , Neb ,