THE OMAHA DAILY liEE : TIIUHSDAr , OOTOBEll 5 , 1S9& 8PEG1HL NOTICED KNTS HOli THKSiT COI.UMNS ADVKUTISKM until 12. 30 p. in. for llio pvrnlnir nixl until 8 tfO p.m. for llio meriting awl Sunday c-dlllmm. .AilvertlwM , Jiy rcqiicMlnff A numbered clifcV. cnn Imvn their nnnwein addressed to n numbered letter In rnro of TUB IIKK. Aimwers no nililrf'MCd will bo delivered upon presentation of llio check. SITUATIONS WANTED nnten 1 ! 4c n vrnnl nnlinftortlon. lea wonl there- rter. Nothing taken for IOM than. Uiic. noon oFFicK MAN WANTS WOIIK. AD- AA * ll v MBT'Jll' _ A- POSITION WANTED HYHKO. UIUIO CI.KUK ( iixxl fuilemiinn. cowl rufurcncvfl. Work elienp. llox 4B5 , David C'lly , Net ) . E03 4 A MAN ANI > W1PK WANTS POSITION KITI1KR on farm nr In city : no children. llefereneeH. Art * elrenss fid , Ileo. MKHIG * WANTED MALE HELP. Uittcn1c ! a wonl first Insertion , Ic a wonl thero- nflor. Nolhlni : taken for less than liftc. TI-iv\n\f\VAXT \ J uriai ) PA Yi SToTnvRiTB JJthe Hawks Nuthcry Co. , Milwaukee. Win. . MB71 07 _ nT-SQLinTORB.TKAMS FURNISHED ; KXTRA J 'pay lo men with rlits. American Wringer Co. , 10 < > Howard Ht. 1 IH THK NKIlltASKA GUARANTEE SAVINGS and Investment company wants n few gentle men of ROCK ! addteHH to act an HOllcltorn. Apply at rooms 'Jl ! und . ' : ) , Doitirl.-ift block. WaiiO 7 > "WANTKD , A r.OOI ) IIAKKR. ADDRESS A. K. > WIIIleomb. Allaiitle , Iowa. UOO-O * n TO THAVKLINO"MKNCOVERING RKOULAR J'lontnt for loslKiimlblo homos , \vn offer a res- P'Ctable hlKh-toned Hldullne. NopainpleH. Homo Onaranteo .V Trimt Co. , Chicago. Ill M780 7' WANTKD , DIlUnOLEHK INTO' > : > OK AOK. B Adclrem Salul , care of Postman No. : ta. 800-a 'for United Stairs army. for particulars pall or nddrufwt Ildwanl K. ChHmnmi. neeond lltMilunant Second Infantry , recrnlllni. ' otllcer. at 017 N. Kith Mreot , Omahn , Nub. , -MercliantH hotel , Lincoln , Nob. Btll'ti : : - WA NTKI ) A FIUST.CI.ASS I.IFK anco Hollcllor : will Klu > acontrncl that cannot lMtUiplleati > < l by any other company In thin stale. AddiettH Manhunt' Llfo Insurance Coinp.iny , Lincoln , Nek . - . 807-10 _ * IWANTKD. . SIIOi : SALESMAN FOR IOWA Jniiil Nelirnnku on commlSHloii for eastern fac- torloH. Muni buoxiKirlcnCL'd. Address 8 r M , lieu. _ , , HOP 8' " 7 } M HNANlTwOM KN ON SALARY OR T.A11GK J'coiiiiiilHHldn to Introduce our nfcw Family GlnthuM WuHlier. Wplclil 1 ! ponnilH. ' Kxclimlvo territory. CompreHsvd Air WaHht-r Co.Ifi .lolin- BOII UUIir Cincinnati. O. ' M871 0' _ ' tt-WA'NTKir AOKNTS. OOt ) 'HUSTLKIIS ' ; J 'can inako fnun i'J.Od to iHI.OO pvrday : steady employment AildixfiHS58. lieu. M87I1 11 * WANTI-D FEMALE HELP. HatPH , l p a word llrHt Insertion , Ic a word tlifreaflur. J.'otlilni ; talton for lefw than ' - ! . " > c. - WANTKD OOOI ) LADY COOK , ALSO DININO room nirl. Jos. V. Kyle , Wllber hoime. Wlllii-r , Nob. M7JI8 7 WANTKD. LADIES AND (5T.NTLKMAN. WK will pay yon $ fi to tlfipurwuck toile Hlrlctly lioino work for IIH. N"o canvaiiln and prompt pnyinenl. Send HcltiuldreHH'Ml ' envolopi. Liberty Supply Co. , Liberty So. . . Huston. Mans. M7-11 fi WANTED. COJTPKTKNT "plltST OIUIj. .Mrs. J. II. Diimont , : ; 0-1L' L-'ifayette Ave.JIK30 JIK30 0 - WANTKD 1'OR OKNKRAI. 1IOIISK- a-OIRL C'.M North''Otli St. M8I1I 0 _ ronfn FOR ouNiEiiAL HOUSKWORK ; ONR v-'thntBlecpHiUhoiiK. ' . lU-'l DoiiRlaH. MSt 0 * p WAN'fEiTTSIRt. IN l\\JIinY OP T\VO. MUST V 1m good cook. Call mornlnga. GDI South S8lh Htruut. BOU-0 * VANTKD , Mir.I.lNKUVSALKSLADV. NONE bntexpc'rleiicixl newl apply. Allcu InaacH , 307 So. ] llth. HlX ! 4 > WANTI'U ) , OlHt , FOR (1RNKRAI. HOUSK- work who undoiHt.iiidH cuoUln ? . Family of two. Apply at ( iiiciItoom : l' ' I live bulldlni ; , MS77 C TT WANTKD. ( SlRlTFOR HOUSEWORK. MRS. V/Frank Wllcox. 9. W , Cor. y.Wvaml Donelnn Stn. I.IH74 5 FOK HENT HOUSES. ItateH , lOc a llneeacli tiiHertlon. $ l.fiO a line per month , Nothlmr taken forlesn llian 'JCc. -"SotfsKS IN ALL 1'AItTS 6 ? THR CITY. TlioO. F. DavlHcbmpaiiy , loO.1 ; Parnani. OJ'J IJTAND .i-iiooM Ai-Aiii-'M ENTS VO"N"UOIIN block , with meant ; refenci-H ; 810 S. liL'il ) ' 0-13 I FOIl RKNT. 7-ROO.M JIOU15UN FLAT , . ) Langu block. UIU ( S. iith : HI. ( Ill II-ROOM COTTAOB. MODERN. C1IOICK , IN D Stanfont circle. C. S. Ulsutlcr , 'M I Uee blilir.UI5 UI5 -8-UOOM TlOUHi : , JIOIKtlN"NEAR IIUSI- iiuHH , rent modcnile. Apply L'01 lieu bnlkllinr. TV-7-ROOM FLAT , MODKltN RONVKNIKNCKS , -lAlown town location : tf'Jll.Ol ) : ix'furences re quired. Wrlh'ht A. LaHbnry , llltli and Howard.M'U M'U ( TA NKW 0-HOO.M AND A NMWIROOM J.'llit ; ; all linpruvciiiuntH. 11'South lllhc.t. M7I5 7' NICKLY FURNISHUD RE3IDKNOIM : ALSO B iinfnrnlHlasl. ItcforcMieeH. Woluhami' Agency. 11. a Wlthnell hllc. J 1'1'-.1 ! OIH 1D1MIRAIILK ri-ROOM fOrrAnE ! , MO11KUN J.'liiiluovi'ni.'iiln. 81ii South 'JM Klr'jjt _ Jits : ' ' " " " I-V'FOR RENT. 10-Ro'6M"ll6usK7liATlI."GA"s. -i-'Hewenipt' , electric bellf * . burglar alarm , city water , clnteni , bam. Iniiuliv N. 13. liarhalow , jlftll ) Kaniam. " ' ? ' ! il'J _ IA Nicii : "A'ND o-nooM HOUSES , CHEAP. tTos J'N. liltllitt. OOli-t * . RENT. FURNISHED ll-ROOM 1IOIJS13 J-'wllliln nnij block of HaiiHconi park : onn block of rark avo. car line on llth Ht. Adilix-HB S ' 'M. Hee. Qjl ! SKK II , f. IcKNDALL , 007 I1UOWN 11LK. 31707 DllUNFIMlNISHED ROOMS FOIl LIGHT hoitbi'keeplnjr. nlm ) I il-ruiiiii.purnur .Mat , all aniHldo Wrliriit A. Laiibury , lUlh 'ami Howard. M77U P. A FINE TEN ROOM MODERN DWELLING Ih-e. ininnti'S walk to bnHliu > 4 center. Newly pape and"VhfnlMieil. InquirH fbr W , F. riarli. i.07 Sill ! ! 5) K-ROOM HOUSE , "MODKRJJT " 11002 "MASON Httwt , , h08 COTTA OE. 7-ROOM S , JIODHRN , 1 MA- p. BOII . Hln'iit. HUH " \ - \ II ROOM HOUSE , iNUur.Ea.sT i A M . J/Ililil UUH--IH ht. btl- ) * IA-IO.ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN CONVEN- 4.'leneeH. ilu'H rtoillh IDth Htmet. 8'U ! fl4 T - -TWO TEN UOOMr IIOUSEsi 7\I,7 , MODEKN ; J'lmpriiveinenlH. ( nven Met.'alliny , 'Jl''U llarnev or 111 .South Sixteenth Hlieels Sllll-n1 N c. All inoilcnt convoidwiivcM , IncluUlnir cooklni * . . ' ; raiiKt h.r/'j-l T\ FOR KENT. 0-ROOM HOUSE , L.Ultil D , ' 4 JviMf barn , K 1 IDS North .Tith Birei-t. Jl 7t > i i'Ti TV LIST YOUR HOUSES"FOK RrXT WITH J StrhiEur > V line , room 11. Frenzer lllk. lllk.MSSl MSSl 11' " * " " "iS ONLY 7""lioOMsTsTISAMTALtTTlOIliHifJ , J/oj ntral. healtlifnl brick hunwH In city. Tlnard , J-JJ HurlhiNlh. - FOR K iICT VUKNiSHED ROOMS. " Ratu .lTi ( < i a word ill Hthtt-ertlon. left woid Ilicrii- afli'r Nothing lakiiii forlvHH thait'JAo , ETWO FURN7sl7iTirTrJls"tOll ( ) : TjlwTLl unoiionly , C'5 Sonlli Stltli Htrual , 047 VRONT"RTOMS ) , ALTTMODEUNTUilO ! HIS Ola * EFURNIHHD AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS rent all parts of the city , ( call for nn- | fiir-ithhed UHiiiiH. ReKUtcr yinir I-OOIIIH with nn. Room llentalODU'O , upper locimiUlobo hulldlni. ! , llfilimil Uodife. M757 7 * H-xjlviTi AI.COVB. ALSO SINGLE ROOM Modern roilTt'iilenceH. ID'.M Dudisv. M763 7 * \1 \ WAITED. TWO OKSTKMBN tR ) ES I jn ( rnnm , private family , moilvrn i.-onveiileiK-i-u , 111 lien. hui : 0 * EFOR RENT. TOA . B funilHlieil room with alcove. In private fam ily lioimonioileniaiidi-eiilral , S IT. Ii" < > . MS''I ina \f \ y ' HOOMS FOR ItKNT. J .C.IbS ItKNT.MW17"tl' ' I-ROOMS. NEAR ] lill-JSOillli lll'h ' t. Sill ! 10 * t f NUJKI.V FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH Jalcovu and boai\t. No , . ' 5li ! : si. Mary's ave. HII7 10 i * UOOMS AND BOARD. THKDOfAN , iiOy AND .Ml N. IbTH 5T. V : : i 5T.K fa - HOARDING WITH ROOMS. SINOI.B OR EN- : Milti ) iKHimJUKt titled up with t-tiTyihliiKiiu\v. Onudf tlio Uwl liH-at'onH ' In Mm cliyand 1W.T uvery- lliur : will If firm c'a . V'lOll Donylas. . T . ID : hmiiUome rwm with alcove , with boaitl. Tim Y , NO oriini IIOAUUKIIS ! will taku two to IOIIIM und l : inl. Koombdettr- blo und rrai > enable , Mniti-ru cuuioutetu-i'H. llofer- n'.con. VUIU lUinify M. , Iviiiniitcl'lace. MX-JU tt * l-T''i''B ? ' UKJci1. FIRST FLOOR OF MODERN I brlcK , for ) ioutH-kiir | > liiir. fnnjleluxl orunfur- ilkhtfd , In nrsl-clauH u'Uilr. Kviil iiUHk' 'JOH5 JMrt. , WcS7 0 * jJ f FURV.ISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. CoriMnunt I ? YOUNG WOMEN'S HOM'C.UNDKR CARE OF J. Women's Chrlntlan aenoclatlon , 111 S. 17th nt. C4II 1A ' ROOMS AND HOARD ffl WKEK. 030 S. 17TH X' _ lrcet. 327ol5 I ? -FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD UTOPIA , X1 171 l7'Jl ) Davfnport St. CTN4 * I-SOUTH ROOM WITH ALCOVE St'ITARLE J. forlhr o ircntlpmcnt plcanftiil square room1 nlno bonnl. S510 Uwliro. 70'J- * iT-FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED ROOMS Itiol water Iicat. Ilcul location In this city , -'lii ht. 707 l5 ' NEWLY FURNISHEDROOMS.WITHHOARD , JL'at thn Webster , r.lM N. lOlti street. MiU'J 7 * i:1.-LAROE : AND SMALL SOUTH FRONT ROOMS I comfortabloliome , reaHonablo rate . UOHI Har- ney Ht. M7DO 7 * FOR BENT UNFURNISH'D ROOMS o a word llrst Inocrtlon , IP a word there- after. Nothing taken for H > R than -.Tic. G -I'ARLOR Wmi HOARD. 172a CAl'lTOL M 774-7 * GGi Git ! t UNFRUNISIIED ROOMS FOR KEEl'INO iullHO. 110 ! N. KHIi Ht. 801) UNFURNISHED ROOMS SU1TA11LK VJfor hoiiBckceiihis ; cltv water : rent cheap ; 0 blocks from poHtonlce. 1701 ! Webster Bt. 85(1 ( "T'OR "RRNTl 2 UNFURNISHED RO031S" , light and heat furnished. ' . ' 570 Hartley. Hartley.M87.t M87.-t 8 FOR RENT STORES AND 01-FICES. Rales , 1 He n linn each Insertion , $ ! . ! " . ( > a line per month. Nothing taken for ICHB than 56c. ! 1-FOR HENT.THE.l-STORY DRICK IIUILDINO , OKI Faruam Ht. Thebnlldlnif has a fireproof ce ment basement , pomplelo Hteam-heatlm ; tlxtnrt-H. water on all tlio lloortt , K.'ia , etc. "Apply at thuofflco ofTlllillKK. " 10 I -WE HAVE SI'ACETO LET FOR DESK ROOM to Bonn ! deHlrablii party. Call or ndtlivna , WyekolT , Seamntm It Itenidlct. 171'J Farnam Btreet. Omaha , Neb. Dfil _ I" STORES o.v IHTII NEAR I Howard ! Hplemlld location for clears and con- fertlonery. ( rents' fiirnlshliitjM or any ( rood llnej also food llRhl bunutncut. Wrltflit & Laubury. _ * IOOJL- T-CHOICE LOCATION FOR I1ARI1ER SHOP. Jln month. Wright A LaHbiiry , 10th and Howard. M77H _ WITH FIXTURES. INQUIRE , 1013 Dorcas st. HOo-S * AGENTS WANTED. Rates , lOe a line pacli Insertion. $ l.r > 0 a line per month , Nothing taken for lens than -"e. 'can maUo$7r > . ( )0 ) to $ 'jr,0.00 a month working fur im In any locality ; will pay salary orconimlB- Hlon. iiH preforred. and expuiiBc.s. Money deposited Inb.i'nkto cover amo wlion Htarted. If you are out of Work wo have sotnolhhtff entln ly noxcto offer , and If you will follow our Instructlo.ns your success Is Hiiro. Tlio people will have our goodw , no matter how hard llio times , lltj ; sales reported uvorywliero. All required of you la u little pluck and push. Wn furnltm sample outllts frco. Wrlto today for particulars before all valn.'ible ter ritory is takun. Aildrcsa " " "Manufrcturers. V. O. box 0.108 , HoHton. Mass. MUhl ) Ol 1 * I-AOENTS WANTED. LADIES Oir OKNTLE- 'men , to Introdnco and control tlio Halo or the patented New Moon embroidery and darnlnir rlnc. A IIHW Invention for dohiir all kinds of fancy work and inendliitr , by hand or machlnu. Copyrighted book of liiHtrnetlons for use on llio howliKr maclilno fn'o with onler. Liberal cominls- lens and a clear Held. Sample rliiff by mull and full particular ! ! for 15 ! cunts. The Ohio Novelty Co. . 11 1. ( . 'Incliiiiall. O. M118 010 * _ I WANTED. OOOD AGENTS EVERYWHERE > for latest otllco specialty. Sells Itself , lilc pay , Write now. Am. Lock Crank. Co. , Milwaukee. WIs. 5 * -ENTIRELY NEW ARTICLE. 1 COMMIS- ' nloiiH for lady or ( runtleman asents. Ready sale In household orolllco. Send for circular and terms , . llioi : Moiiadnock Uldff. , Chicago. MS70 0 * STORAGE. Rates , lOc a line each Innertlon , $ l.r > 0 a line per month. Nothlui ; taken for lest than .Tic. li ; 1 HARNEY 05'J M -STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS , clean and cheap rales. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. OS3 W.ANTED TO BUY. ATFOR CASH. I WANT WO TO ! )00 ) SECOND- J-i hand chairs for hall purposes ; must 1m cheap and In iroodcondition. 1000 8th avuiiuo. Kearney/ Nub. Mt'illl 0 T\r WANTED. TO DUY A GOOD HOUSE , TOP r > but'R.v mid harnehs ; must bu cheap. ( ioomitS. Outrun ) , 3843 Franklin street. MSI1 0' FOR SALE FURNITURE. Rates , lJ'e. a word llrst Insertion. Ic : i wor.l thereafter. Nothing taken for less than LTic. O -FOR RENT OR SALE , BEST MADE UP- rlcht piano. Inquire room : ! Urt , First National bulldhiff. ur.t 0 i STOVKS OF ALL KINDS GOOD AS NEW. Wells Auction Co. . 1111 Farnam st 130 0-FOR SALE , THE FURNITURE OF NICE S-ioom house complete. Rent reasonable. Lo cation Kuod. A bargain for any yonni ; eouple wlsh- IntT lo step Into a nlcu homo. Address S 57. Hoe. MB75 B * 0-FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. FURNITURE of a ID-room house : hoimo for runt al u'H.Oi ) per month : splendid locallon for boaiiilnir house. 1017 Capitol avenue. MH tl 11 * FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONSETC Rates , me a word lir.sMnsi-moa , lea worUtherj- after. Not bins lakoit for less than 'J.'c. 1FOR HALE , HANDSOME CARRIAGE TEAM , L blaclis. lf > .l hlk-Ii. wolph 1.100. Bound and per fectly Kontl" . Oni' ( rood niiRlness borne. Ono sad dle liorso. Innniru W. II. Mlllard , Omaha National bank. ti'M 13 1 } - FOR SALE. TWO SHETLAND PONIES , SAFE J. to rldo or drive. J. II. Diimont , 301U Lafayette avenue. MS40 U CLAIRVOYAI TS. Rates , ] 0o a line each Insertion. $ lr,0 ,1 lluo per month. Nothing taken for less than 'J5c' . Q MRS. NANNIK.V. WARRKN. CLAIRVOYANT , OroltablobuehiCH'i medium ; 5ih year at 111) ) N. lillh 055 MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. KatuM , lilea llncnauh liiHt'i'llon , $ l..ll ) a lnu ! per month. Noihtmr taken for IfSH than -Juc. " -MADA.ME SMITH. fiO'J S. lilTH , 2ND FLOOR. RoomII.Massaifu , vnporuluohol.uti'iun.Hiilphnr no ana ua oailis. m 711 7 _ riMMK.CARSON | , 11VI DOUOLAS STIt KKTID : 1 floor , loom 7 muBsajc , alcolio anlrl.ut andwvi baths. MtlSU li' ' - , MAt.NKTIO Doulan block ' " ' MMK. ANNA OF CHICAGO GIVES 1IATIIS mncnctlc maittingu treatments. 11 ! ) North ifitli Btroet. room 1. MS11 0 * PERSONAL. U-MASSAGE TREATMENT. ELECTRO-THER- mal baths , ticalpand halrlii'atinenl. malilcnro aiidchtropoill8t.Mr , l'ast,311iHS,10thWUhnellblk 050 U'WRITE FOR A FREE COPY OF OUR IIKAU- llfnlly IlliiHtniled Marrln Journal , containing photo-eiiravlnis of haiidhoini ! , weallhy lady ad- vertlburs. llrou'n I'nlillHhliiff Co. , llox ' . " . ' 5.Toledo , , O. . .M8Ii."J -HAVING LOST MY HOOKS JIY FIRE , ALT. v > parllus knowlm ; Ihnnjxclvvb Indebted lo me will pleaw call at thn haiilwaru More of Jacob E Trlol , dloro No , U703 Leavt'iiworlh Blieel , anil Mr , Trlol will recolpt for nil money paid. A. Mo Arthur. , 8.18-4 * . MONKY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. i2'T "MONEY TO ( > AN T "LOWEST RATES' I VY Tliu O. F. Dayla Co. , 1 SU.'i F.'il mini Htrent. 057 V\ MONEY TO LOAN AT lIfWK.S'I RAT KS ON Mi ' i Improvedand iiiilinprove4Omaliaival ebtalo , 1 to fi yearn. Fidelity TnmtCo , , I'H'J Farnam , HDD W- LOANS mi IMPUOVEDANDlJNIMl'TlOVKD city propvrtv , * : ioii ) ) unit uinvanls. . ' , to Hj ! pur c'eiitjiioiit-layo.W.FnniiiiuSmllliVl'olUV0 , ! Farnam OUO r-MONKY TO LOAN AT CURRENT TlATKS. Apply to W , 11. Melklu , First National Ilk bid ; , Olll \l -ANTHONY TXA N AND TRUST CO. , HI H N.Y. i IT Lifeleiiitaat lo\vrnli'tt furcholco Hc-cnrlty on 1 NubrnBka and Iowa f.inns or Omaha rlty proix-rty , Otl'j MONJ2Y TO LOAN oliATELSr Rnteu , 1 Oca line each Insertion , $ l.r > 0allno per mouth. Nothing taken forleba than l6c. ! " VDO YOU WANT MONKYJ \Vo will loAti you ANY SUM yon wish on your KURNITl-'HE. PIANOS. HOUSE * . WAtiONS , CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , He. WoKlvopivnipt attention lonllappllcattona , and will c.irry your loan au lonir ubyonwluh. Yon can ivUiieH thoooht or o.arryiii. your loan ' by a paynieiii al any llnio. There U no publicity or removal of promiioriy. NDHUTY I.OA.N ( ANTEBOO- Room l Wltliuull block. 003 Cor. 15th and Harnuy atn. \-WILLl.OAN MONEY ON ANYKIND OFSK- - * curlty ; Nlrlcily t-oniUU-ntUl. A. Kll.iri'lb.rnoiii 1 Cunttn' UU5 \ | When Lovely Woman Stoops to Folly , ' , 5 1 and continues the olcl-fashioned ' f to o-callcd use - ; - . . . . _ _ ' . . I 1 1 .IV 1 .1 soaps , which destroy clothing and cleajinothing ; soaps which are costly at any price , ineffective , 5 labor-increasing and wasteful , instead of using \.And \ Finds Too Late that Men Betray , ' bad temper when their collars , cuflfe and shirts , and the household linen , are ruined by cheap , wretched soaps ; What Charm can Soothe her Melancholy ? Why ! Santa Claus Soap = tr dF = &tj1 f43 ? f JL J fesfyJ&.K / 9 9 Sold by nil Grocers. Manufactured only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. , - - Chicago. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Cmiltntifcl. X-MONEY TO LOAN Wo will loan you any sum which you wliOi. Binall or large , at the lowest possible ) rates , In the quickest posnlblo time , and for any length of tlmo to unit you. Yon can pay It back. In. finch Install- inentH as you wltdi , when you , wish , and only pay for It as lone as you keep U , You can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS , HORSES. WAOONS AND CARRIAOKS. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. MERCHANDISE OR ANY OTHER SECURITY. Without pltibllelty or removal of property. OMAHA MOilTOAOE LOAN CO. , aim SOUTH ami STREET , tlrHt lloor above the HI reel , THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPOR ATED LOAN COMI'ANY IN OMAHA. _ BUSINESS CHANGES. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , -fl .50 a line per month. Nothlnff taken for less than aiic. Y -FOR RENT. A HAKEIIY SHOPOLD STAND No. 010 North 10th street. Apply to Jos. Red man. MHS1 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WITH parties liavlnutlvo to ten thousand dollars. Duslness doslrabln and lomr ostabllBhed. Morn capital needed. Address In strict confidence , Q J8 , Boo. JIUS8 O10 Y -FOR SALE. ELEGANT STOCK GROCERIES ; first-class locution ; uood reasons for c ; Block uMH Invoice about $1,300. IW ; will bi ; sold forcashjiily , _ MOSS OW Y"WE FURNISH CAl'ITAB TO START VOU In business. Wo waul to establish ono honest , reliable , enterjirlsliiK person , man or woman , In a Iceltlmalu money making business hi every coun ty lit the west , linslness Is clean , easy ami legiti mate. llli ; money for parties with push and pluck. If yon can't furnish tlrst class references don't ap' ply. Remember , no money required. Write at once , before sonii ! one with moro enterprise se cures your territory. The Dr. Starr Herb Remedy Co. , U04 East 13rd st. . Chicago , 111. OKI Y-FOR 1NVESTORS-FOR SALK , IN DRY ioods ston > doln a laro business In Lincoln. Neb. , a city of 03,000 population , a few of the bust departments , the departments dolmr a KMOI ! and profitable business. The stock will Involco about $ ri,0l)0.on ) la each department. For further partic ulars , address John II. Cunningham , Lincoln. Nub. M'J87 V A HOME AND AN'-INCOME. HOW YOU I-may cct It In the. Oregon ami Washington coun try. Call al ofllco of D. V. Sholos Co. . room I , First National bank bldg- . Stearns Fruit Land Co. of 1'ortland , Ore. ( ilO Y -FOR SALE. NICE CLEAN STOCK OF DRUGS ; only store. In town ; will sell on reasonable terms ; no trades wanted. Address J , II , Henllny , ImoRcne , la , Mi'iU'J 7 * Y--FOR SALE , RESTAURANT AND CONFEC- lloncry. only onn hi town of 800 , $100.00. Ad dress liox. No. J 1 , Paplllion , Nub. MODO 0 * - -FOR SALE OR RENT , BEST PAYING MEAT market In city. Inquire at iiuOL' Dlondo street. M088 OL'O * Y-FOR SAtE , ELEGANT STOCK GROCBRUJS : Hrst-elaKs location ; pee < l n-asoiis for Bollliifl stock will Invoice about fl.iiOO.oO ; will bo sold for cash only. Address S 8 , Bee. M085 OliU * Y-FOR SALE , A FIRST-CLASS DRUG BUSI- ness , Htoek about jfi'.OOO : tlm only drue store In a town of COO InhabitantsFlllmoru county. Neb. Adil.-ess box - I'I I , Geneva , Nob. M74U 7 * . Y WANTEUTSTOCK OFOENERALMERCHAN- dlHo lo Invoice about * . > .iHm.OO for good Omaha property ; no aiont need apply. Address S 41. lieu. M71I8 ( ) VFOR SALE. AN INTEREST IN A MANUFAC- JL tnrlnir plant ( with position In the ofllco If so < le- Hlred ) , $10,000.00 to $10,000.00 , cash required. No trades considered. The company has an es- labllshcd trade on a ready selling1 article at a uood prollt. Address S 50 , Hecv MbSli V-FOR SALE , WELl7l/CATED FINELY FUR- 1 nlshi-d forty-room hotel ; louc lease : irood trade ; or would take acllve partner. Address S 01. Hi-e. M88B II FOR EXCHANGE. Rales , me a linn each Insertion , $1.00 a line per month. Nothing taken for less than .Tic. y-I OWN l ) 'awl Dakota , Will sell cheap or itxchaniu for nidsu. , horses and cattlo. Add. box 70 , Frankfort. Ind 000 y -CLEAN STOCK OF GENERAL MDSE. WILL A. take leal estate , munoy. lio.x ' 'nil , Frankfort. Ind. Olill y WILL TRADE FINE EQUITY OF $ lfiOO.OO /Jin D lot. corner , unimproved , In Denver , Colo. , forclearland In central or eastern Nebraska. Also clear lots and acreaffu at Maultou , Colo. S. J , Richards , llox 11)1 ) , Denver. Cole , M-'OO Oil ! * r/--A GOOD STOCK OF HARDWARE TO TRADE AJforland and cash , or will giro time. Address S il ! lleo. 001) ) _ V--FOR TRADE. WELL IMPROVED FARM FOR ' -/stock of nierehandlBt. Call at Merchants hotel , Oclobcr3 , 18113 , Omaha. L. E. James , jr. 008-4 Z-LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR exchange with It. J. Kendall , 607 Brown block. M81H N2 7-WANTED , TO EXCHANGE HORSE AND ' phaeton fur anything , or will soil , part cash uud taku chattel uiorljMb'o. Address S 05 Dee. 805 8 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Rates , lOca line each Insertion , $ lfiO a line per mouth. Nothing taken for less II iai ( t5o ! , Aor SSALE or tratlu. F. K. Darllnir , Itarlmr blk , 070 rilIOICE lST MORTOAffES , ANY AMOUNT. VyG , G. Wallacu , llix\vn block , 10th and Douglas. H-M ( ftCviOOToiT'lN TST SfOHTGAfiEiCiii\Y Tl ( 1'ER licert iirlnclpal and lnloroiilgiiirantecd. Addrena "Seller , " S''O , Ilee. Mtttt 0 8 OtrArRES fTodb FARM LAND FOR SALB AT low prlco or exchange , In Nobraska. for mcr- chamllHoorliorAvs. G. II. l'eten ou , Illy a I'3th st. JIIM7 O.I NEW LARGEB-ROOM HOUSE , WIDE cementeil cellar and outhouses , with lot , 1'JOO.OO. Four nliio lots , C0xr.7 foot oacli. halt block from street railway near Konntzu Place , 9-liOO.oOeaeh. : oiliur residence and bnslnim lots uiiually rhuap. Wrlto moor call alroom 50,1,1'ax ton block , city. J. T. M. M'3'.l Oltl ETllM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON , 111' ' N. Y , LIFE "fll-OlO * 17ARMS-A L1 , JOHNSON , 1511 CAP. AV. . OMAHA. Muai OMH * I "JOR SALE , ATTRACTIVE HOMES. VERY 1 1 eheaii , See Gto. W. 1' . Coalos , 15 1'altprbon blk , MfiOO K ACRES I'OUR AND ONE-HALF MILES tJiiorlhwr-Ht of iioHtolUee ; price $1,601) ) ; call at ' oncii. C , R. Itoalrlght , HOI N. Y. Life , M 71U 14'OR SALE , EASY TERMS , LOTS IN FRASBR , A' Iowa : nuwiowii ! * . ' .0.00 to SWUO.OU. Abe Hill acri-H , good eartU-n land , T. Fersuboni- . , 11)15 ) Farnnin. Mh''i K' ' \\rANTKD-WI AND Mil ) ACHES FOR SPOT if Vi'iBh In Sarpy or Doniiluu couiitli-u. 0 , F. liar- rlbOii.tHiiN. Y. Ula. KU7 4 r ACRES I1EAUTIFUL LYINfi LAND ONE MILE 'from city IhnllH , So , Omaha , on main road , good well , Hinall barn and hoiiuo. Hell exeellent for vegetable * ami fruit. 1'rli-oonly iH.ou , Inclii.lluif horhvu , wat-oiiM .and other iH'ison.'il projierlyoii the place , C. K llarrlhon , illN. . Y. Life. H -5' " IMRM LANDSANI ) ' ' cri'iioPitTv o. 1' R. lloatrleht , 301 N. Y. Llfu JIUli- . , Omaha , Neb. U cMVShOl. : , ( * 1,000 , * lfll ) ( ; ANY Htlfis eitsy terms , Wallace , Ilrowu blk. , 10 & Douglas. _ M VO NB j SECURITIES FOR SALE. * Rales , lOo line each luwrtloi , , Jl.r 0 a lino' per month. Nothliiy taken for Icsn than itCc. IBGItAuK 1 OMAHA CITY 'MORTGAGES neltlnif pun-litttM-rrt voud rate of lutereut , uuuia of frum * HH ) iipforHalubyGlobuIiOaii ATrustCo , , ICIh A Police. Omaha. I'urtlcuIarH oil application. UOU 0 1'KR CENT MORTGAGES FOR SALE. Oily absolutely safu. Ames Hi-al Kstutu 101 7 farua- - LOST. _ _ ' Ralen , IWn a wont first insertion , lo a word thereafter. Kthliig Uikru tor loss linn ii.'c. IST A SMALL NOTEiiooKr NAME \vmnN J Dr. PonlHon : presrnt address , llroadwav and titli , Council lllnffs. Ruwaiil MI130 5 _ T OST , GREAT DANE DOG. REWARD FOR RI3- IJUirii to Jno. Hoist , ' , ' 053 Cumliig streat. streat.M822 M822 5 * T OST-LADIES' RINd. A FLEUR D1 LIS SET IN J diamonds. Reward If returned to J. L.Woolson , 32152 1'opiilclon avenue. M841i 0 * T OST COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC TUESDAY JJafternoon. Finder will confer a great favor by relnriilng same tolhls onice. Ml ) 4 * STRAYED-FAWN COLORED GRAYIIOUND. Flmler please notify mo. G. M. oflleu. ton route. J. Itod'gi1. M880 7 * FOUND. Rates , l o a word llrst Insertion , lo a word there after. Nothing taken for less than 'J5c. 'PAICEN UP TWOS YEARS HEIFERS. FLOR- L enei ) Milk company , Florence. M87M 8 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRJTIN3 Rates , lOe a line each Insertion. $1.Ma line per month. Nothing taken for less than ur c. VOUNO LADIES AND GHNTLEMEN CAN SOON 1 acquire a workln ? ktiowlcdiri ) of shortlntnd and typewriting nt A. C. Van Sam's school of shorl- hand. 013 N. Y. Life Typewriters to rent , t'71 OMAHA COLLEGE OF SHORTHAND AND Typewriting employs an "expert" otn.Mal court reporteras Instructor. F.iclllllosand lno.vtlon un surpassed. A. C. On ? . A.M. , principal and pro prietor. DoyoVs New Theater bulUllnir.M'J71 M'J71 O10 * WORLD -'FAIR HgTELS & ROOMS Rates.lWe a wonl first Insertion , In .1 word there after. Nothing taken for huja than 'Juo. riMIOSE WISHING TO VISIT THE WORLD'jf FAIR -Lut Chicago can ttnd neatly furnished rooms at 'J114 38th street , near Gratid llonlevard , at BOo to $1.CO par day ; convenient to ulovated R. R. and Cottage Grove avenue cable ears. ( JtKl O31 FOR RENT HALLS. Rates , lOoa llnp each niserllon , $1. ! > 0 a line per monlh. Nothing taken forU'rtf than 'Joe. OMAHA GUARDS ARMORY , 1714 CAl'lTOL avenue , for balls , nieillliigs. club parties , etc. Also Morand's assembly . oonis , 1510 Ilarncy , both halls on first lloorr no stairs ; no nlllars ; hlglieellln : ; ; perfect ventilation ; terms reasonable. Call and BeurMoraud before'renting elsewheru. MWJ ! OO Rates , lOc a line each Wsiirtloti. * 1.BO a line per month. Nothing takun for less than ' _ ' 5c. " " " ' .Jac"oD9 , di < ecafte"d7 1 .1.0. . MKulMinder- taker and umbalmcr. ! K il. OUd. 072 PAWNBROKERS. Rates , lOc a llnoi-ach Insertion. $ l.fiO a line per monlh. Nothing lakcn for less than - ' " > e. SONNENHERG , DIAMOND 11ROKER , 1805 . Douglas st. Loans money on diamonds , watches , etc. Old gold and silver bought. Tel. Ifi58 073 SCALES. Rates IhSc u wonl first Insertion , lea word thuro- aftor. Nothing taken for less than L'5o. TVTEW AND SECOND HAND SCALES. 11 Address llordcn A , Solleck Co. ' Lalco Ht.Chicago , 07-1 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. Rales , lOc a line each Insertion , $1. 10 a line per month. Nothing taken forless than 'Jue. P. . 1810 California si. ! U 1 TYPEWRITERS. Rates , lOc a line each Insertion , $1.50 a lluo per month. Nothing taken for less than -'Oc. REMINGTONS , "cALIGRAl'HS. unheanl of prices. Tel. 533. Iloylea & Ilabb , 013 N. Y.LUo bldg. Send for samples. CflU RHJLWHY T1MEGHRD _ reaves ICIUCAGO. IIURLINGTON i Q.l Arrives d.iiaha I Dupot 10th and Ma on Sts. I Omaha 4.20pm . . . . . . .Chlcagh Vestlbulo. R.OOara li.rnm : ; Chlcagh Express O.ftO am 10.1 Spin Chicago Express I .23 pin 7.17 pm Chlca'0 ii Iowa Local D.SD pin t--'ivoHTlJURLIN'JTOH ( , ; . MO , llIVERri Arrives ' " < n.iha 1 Dopjt loth anl MHHDII Sta. [ Omaha 10.1.lam Denver Express 11.23am J ( l. irnn Dead wood Express 4.00pm 1..10 pm Denver Express 4.00pm O.fiOpin .Nebraska Local ( ExceptSnn ) . . ( l.r.Opin H.I Ham ( Except Sun ) . . J.33aiii tl.-tnaiul..I < aiis.isClty Day Expntss. . . . - lO.inpni K. C. Night Km via U. I' . Trans. 0,40 am 10.15 jinil . SI. fxiiil.s Express , . . 5.40 am 'ujfivoTi mjiTArtb'urinjri'rorf'i6rTATTivTw ( ' Omaha ' I Union Dupot 10th ft MaruyJUsJ Omaha " " I O.oo am Oklahoma VTuxasExp.lEx.Sun ) r..lllam B.05 pin .Colorado Limited , 3.AO pm U.05 am . . . .Nebraska Stsitu 4.00 pm Liuves"UNION ) 1'AUIFIC. fArrlvei U.naha I Union Dopol lui.i .V .MarcjSta. . I Xmah v .Denver liYptvas , 4.03 pin - . . .Overlaid Flyer. 7.01) ) p'ii 4. Ki pin Ileairic : o.V StroinHlj'jf Ex ( i . : ' I 0,10pm Pacltlo ExpruHj. . 10.1(1 ( am ' DcnvBr FaiCt MM ) . 4.'JIpm ) oihaliit I U.'prDni''ot'a'iiil ia'rcy Sts. ' _ _ 5.inpnri.Tchlc'UoE\prt : > u I uTHSam . [ . . . . , . . . . . . - . ' , . . . | C.SOpm , . . . , , V. . K. k MO , X'ALLEY TArrlvei" Oinahal Depot lath aii'l ' Webit 6U. I Oinali Doadwool Eiibraii 4.GOpu ( Ex. SaUWyo. Exi ) , ( Kt. " " " . ) 4.00 pai No rf ol fc ( E i' Aiil" \ ly l" . lO.'O am ' " ( irfi ; tl.-'O a n ( JHIOAGO& NORTJJI WESTN. I Arrives U. I'.dcp'.t. loth .yM , iray SU. | Omaha 10.40am ChlcaifoKxljresa. 0.03 pm 4.05 pm .VeHtlbiilu Llinlliv. , II..MI ail 7.00 pm KiiMlern . ' Flyei , - ' 1.1 [ mi 3.43pm Clilo. IM Leaves I" MISSOURI PACIFIC. " ( Arrives' Oinahal Duixit " 15th and Wobal r Stg. _ | Uiniha 12145 jim : . . . .St. Louis"Expres l 0.00 am 10.00pm St. Louis KxpruHH . " -I/J. > | iil : 5.4 > > | > in . . . . . . . . .Ni.'biaska Loual I 8.45am ! I C * . ST. ! . . M. & O. I Arrives _ OaiahaDoiOtJStli | and Wobbler Sts. _ I oniuli H.nOain.SIotix | City Accommodation" . I ll.OSpai l.iripmlSloux City Eximnii lEx. Sun , . " " " 12.40 ' ' ' " ' " ) pin fi".45iiiiir.T."i".7stT laiii''L'imti f. . , . . . P.lOpnilOakiand I'.tH'iuiiiter ( Ex. Sun. ) 8.43 am LuaveiT7 8IOtIX CITV & VACfKU i Arrives " Omaha I Depot , JO air ! .Marcy Sis. I "il.lilainl Sloifx City I'aHnunzi.-r jlO.vOpin S4.00pml St. I'aul Kxpn > a lO.OUaui SIOL'X ClTYX PACIFIC" jArrlvus" * ' OmahaDyi | > ot , lOthand W'sbulerSW J _ Omalii " ' 'n.45p .h . . .St. ' " | 1'aiil Llmltod "i .V.l am 0.45imij Chlcajro Lluilleti. . . .1 ; _ . -l'J : ? ' ' ? . > Lwivvr lir'JilAHAASf LJIH. ( ArriVM laj" . D'pot , uitli a'U ' MirOauU H. pm | .St. LouisUiimonlJall . . . .fl'j.ajpm CHIEF CAtLICAN CAUTIONED Ooronoer's Jury Ecoommentb Moro Discre tion for Firemen's Sftfoty. 1 RESULT OF THE INQUEST ON JEROME' After llrnrliiff ToUlinony , HIP .Jury Decide ! Hint llrnvcry Ciuincil Ills Drnlh Con * Dieting Stnrle- About Iimtrtictlntift ClmrRCil with Prejudice. Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock the cor oner's Jury met to InvtstlRato tlio death of leromo , nlso known ns Q.vroura , the fireman who lost Ins llfo in the Farnam Strcot then- tcr building. K. L. MeFadden , head janitor of the theater , was the first witness. Ho said that hu worked n llttlo later thnn usual on Mon day afternoon. Ho noticed n light on the as ho was leaving the rear of the theater tintl ran toward it. Saw n Ilro In the staircase at the southeast comer of the stage ami before the house hose could bo pulled out the wiiolo stage was in llaines. As quickly a.i possible ho ran to the box ofllco and gave the alarm. Tlio next witness called was Charles A. Mnttson , a member of Chemical company No. 'J. Malison appeared with his head bandaged. Ho said that ho readied the Ilro at n quarter to 15 o'clock and went on the plpo with tjto rest of his company. Chief Galllgnn , ho said , ordered a line of hose up the ladder1. " 1 stimril llrst , " s'Ud the wit ness , ' a'nrl'Vt-as followed by Downs. Jcromo wasah'bnd'oXiis ' nnd had n toreh in his hand. WdtcY 'was turned on and wo played 6ri the lira for a fo\v minutes. Juromo wulKC'd'Uround with a torch , looking to see if thcro was any chance to rescue the buried hose lines. Then the lloor fell nnd ho wont with it. Witness then described , as best ho coitld , the way ho fell nnd cot out. Ho was slamtlng near the west door at the Fifteenth street Ilro escape and was not quite as on llio interior as t ho dead fire man. man.Chief Galllgan asked the witness who ordered him away from near the corner of Fifteenth and streets. "You told us " the "to , was reply , getaway away from the corner and tnovo farther back. " Ono of the Jurymen then asked the witness who gave the order /or the men to go up the ladder. "Chief Galligan dldt" was the answer. "Ho was standing near the water tower when ho gave tlio order. 'Como on some of you fellows ami take this line up the ladder , ' was what ho said , I picked up llio pipe , and started. Jcromo was just ahead of us. Wlion wo got up , Jcromo helped mo hold the hose. As far as 1 know , wo had no orders from the chief to coino down , 'llicti the floors foil. " On crops-examination by Assistant County Attorney Trotip the witness said that Cap tain McUrido of No. 'J hose company was up thcro and asked if thcro was any show of getting the nozzles off the lines which had fallen Into the debris. "Tho captain walked back , " said Malison'and then I heard someone ono say 'thcro she comes , ' and then the crash camo. " Attorney Troup asked the witness what ho knew iibout any personal feeling between Chief Galligatv and Jerome. The answer was that ho did not know. Ordered Up tlm Lnildor. Frank Fluslck , another fireman with his head done up in plasters and bandages , then told his story. "When the alloy wall foil , " ho said , "I heard the chief tell the men to bo careful. Then I went to supper. When I came back I heard the order , 'get up that ladder , ' and Mattson , Pat Itunnc , Jim Downs , Fitzpatrick - rick and myself got hold of the line and went up. I do not know who gave the order , but I think it , was the'chief. . When the wall went down I went with it and . don't remember who helped mo out. I know ' that wliou we got tip thcro Jerome and Lieutenant Kunno were .there . ; the Hou- ' ' t'on'ant said them was tire under the stage and wanted n stream bf water. Atthat tlmo Kunno was holding the torch and Jerome was looking into the walls for lire. JVhen the crash came Jcromo'was standing about four feet inside the door. I was struck on the head by a brick und fell at the top of llio stairs. " DlHClinrRo KollowD Dlnoboillcnco. On cross-examination witness wus asked what the penalty for disobedience of orders was and ho answered , "Discharge. " Ho did not know whether it was Galligan or Sailor who ordered the line laid in , but ho was sure that thcro was a man with a torch up thcro before ho stalled. The chief then asked the witness if it was not customary for llio truckmen to eo through a building and search for sparks after a Uro was supposed to bo out. Witness answered in tlm alllrmalivo. Samuel AInuicod testified that ho was familiar with the building from the time llio foundations had been laid and that ho had always thought the walls unsafe. Then came Frank P. Krnom , who lives at 4215 Burdcttq street und works for the Pacific Express company. Ho know Jerome personally ; heard the order for Iho men lo go up the ladder. Saw some ono up thcro with a torch before the order was given. D , A. Burnhill said that ho was standing on the west side of Fifteenth street when the order was given lo ascend. Ho didn't know whether Galllgan had on n black or n white rubber coat , but ho told Ihe Jury a lot of his experiences while serving with the Red Oak , la. , volunteer Ilro dopartmont. In speaking about the orders issued witness claimed that the chief said , "Get up thcro , OnlllRiin'8 Alleged I'rejiullec. Polor M. Back then took the stand. Ho said that Jcromo had told him t.liat Galllgan didn't like him and that they wero.not on good terms , and that ho expected Galligan would gct'him ' killed before long. Witness also said that Jerome had complained that the chief always put him In places whuro ho was likely to pot hurt , and cllcd the Wako- Held tire as an instanco. Charles Peterson , a , brother-in-law of the dead man , then went on the stand. Ho said thai .ioromo had often complained because Chief GalllgUn would not transfer him lo some othor'engino houso. The chief , accord ing to lUu witness , had refused to transfer him because ho was the best climber in the department and wus needed ou the big truck , Witness1 tllcn offered in evidence an affidavit drawn on Juno 10 of this year and sworn to by Jerome on the 14th of July be fore W. C. Kelly.u nolrary public. In ihls document ho u wears that on or about the I'Jtlt of Juno Chief Galllguti called at cngitio house No. Hand abused him before the other men , and among other things Buying : "I have it in for you. I will got you and some moro in this house sooner or later. " Peter son testliied lhat Iho signature lo this paper was that of his broUicr-ln-law , Al tills Juncture- the coroner notified the jury that Lieutenant Kuano was not able to leave his homo , and the Jury decided to ro- pair to the lirutcnum'8 house , Seventeenth and Jackson streets , to listen 10 his state ment. Kuano was able to sit up. Ho said : "I w cat up into tlio untlding , along v.'itli Jcromo , to loorf for lire. Wo had a torch. Wo went up in pursuance without- usual duties as truckmen. After I ascended nml looked nrouiid i found quito a bhtzo among llio rubbish and culled down for u line of hoso. While waning for tlio hose line Jcromo tonjt a torch unit went into the build ing , 1 cautioned him iwo or three limes about going too fur. I looked ut the wall before 1 went up and considered it safe. I did not have any orders to go up and 1 know that Jerome did not. When Iho lloor full wo wcro ull a little bit mixed up. I heard Juromo nay , 'Well , now , ihut's lucKy. ' lloforo wo could gut out tlio wall full. How I was rescued 1 can't renii-mbci. " This statement of the lieutenant closed the testimony. Tlio jury returned to Iho Children Cry for Pitcher's Gastoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Children Oryfor Pitcher's Castorta. morgue , and , after deliberating about hnlt nti hour , brought in the following verdict : Ytnllot of tlm .Inry. Thnt the doopnsrd cnmo to his itcnth l > y ronion of hUoxlilldtionof two much bravery wlnln In the dlcchnren of hi * duty without order * . Wn recommend thnt the chief mid his niMMnnls use muro discretion he-renfior in allowing tholr men to cuter Into danger during u Ilro. NotiMAN A. KutlN , M. J. KKNNAIIP , ' W. U. Siinivnti , Cll.MII.Kfl J. KA1IIIACII , A. H. STIOKH , 1'Atlll 1'I.ATZ. A meeting of the Firemen's Hcnovolcnl association was hold yesterday forenoon and It was decided not to pay the usual henelll to .loroino'a widow , as thodoud llrcinnn had not I paid his dues for over six months. This decision t ( ma.v bo reversed at a later meeting , as ! there is conslder.tble fcclinc in the matter among the members of the association. Illst The men who were Injuivd at thn Farnam street Ilro are nil getting along nicely and | will . oo on duty soon. Ctptaiu McHrldo , who was probably the most seriously in jured , Is full of grit and says ho will yet Iivo to sco many morn 11 res. Vrterini I'lrnlnell. The Veteran Firemen's association held n meeting last night In Chief Gnlllgan's oflk'o nnd decided to attend the funeral of Albert .loromo in a hotly today. They will appear in full uniform. They voted an appropriation for a floral design to dccorato Jerome's coffin. The following resolutions wcro adopted : \Vliurcas , II has pleased thn Supreme Huler of the unlver > o to u-inovo frotn utnoii-it ( us our late friend and brother , Philip Dotr. \\horeas , tin vlow of the lost \vo have sus tained liy thiideeease. of our iixsuclitlu and of the still heavier lui-t sustained by his beloved family ; Im II thciefoio , He-solved , That , In the death of Philip Diirr tliii association lines one of Its tried and Iruu nietnliL-rs , whoso endeavors were o\or L'.verted for Us wolfiiro and prosperity , bis family mourns tlio loss of u Kind father and loving husband , his friends a congenial companion , nnd the coniiuuulty one of UK oldest and most , respected citizens ; bo It further llesolved , That wo .slncoroiy cotuioln with his family on the dispensation with which It has pleased Dlvlno Provldunco to ulTect them and coinniond tliom for consolation to Him who orders all lhliiK for the btsl and whoso chastisement * are nicanl In nmrcy , and that tin-heartfelt sympathy of this association bo \ teiuld tliuiu ( n tliutr bnreaveinenl , ami Ki'Milvod , Thnt lliosu resolutions bo spread upon the records of Ihu Omaha Veteran I'lro- mun'.s association and nn engrossed copy thuroof bo transmitted to Iho family of our deceased brother. T. 11. Koisrius : : , Kll WlTTHI , CllAllIiS StillliANCK , Committed , A trip to Now York next spring was din- cussed , but laid over until the January meeting. The subject of n uniform hadgo next occu pied the attention of tlio association. Presi dent i\Ioyor was authorized to prepare a do- sign. The most favored idea is u miniature gold hat , like Iho old volunteers formerly wore , bearing the inscription of O. V. F. A. in enameled blue ( otters. They discussed unimportant routine manors and adjourned unlll iho funeral of Jerome today. CENTRAL SCHOOL SQUABBLE. Controversy Over Construction Dovolopi Suvcnil iniore5'.int I'euuirtg. The controversy inaugurated by Dr. Duryea's communication concerning the Central school building and oilier matters pertaining to the public school system still continues to fizz lo a greater or less degree , the blackboard question being uppermost of the minor matters. It Is claimed by Dr. Din-yea and others , including Superintend ent of Buildings Maulcod , that the black boards purchased by the committee on build lues and property for use In the new schools are very inferior and uot at all what should bo furnished. Mr. Maulcod claims that they arc inado of what ho terms ' 'lllled slate , " by which ho means a slate , the surface of which has been dressed witli some substance which lills iho pores and gives iho slate n dark , smooth llnish which docs not belong to natural slate. This finish , Mr. Maclcod says , will wear oft in the course of a short time , leav ing the surface rough and while , the slate so dressed , ho maintains , being of inferior quality and not nearly as lasting ns a lirst quality of natural slato. It is further complained that the slates furnished are improperly cut , and that the edges , when set , are not uniform , the result lCing ) that they have lo bo planed down so ns to oven them , and when this is done tlio edges of the slnlcs , on Iheir surfaces , are rough and gray , nnd are out of harmony with tlio remainder of Iho surface. The contract , for furnishing slate for the blackboards at the Franklin , West Omaha , Windsor and Central schools was awarded July a to C. L. Ucrkmoycr , as the western representative , of the Washington Slate company , at thonricoof2flk cents per square foot , which was by far the lowest bid made , tlio committee claims. II is added that the slates supplied art ) of excellent quality and largo size. Morris Morrison , chairman of the commit- lee on buildings anil properly , in speaking of Iho mat tor of Iho blackboards , said : "I do uol sco how any ono can llnd fault with those slates or with the committee for buying them. True enough , they uro fllled' as Mr. Maclood says , Out what of that ? It is an established fact that slate , so dressed , is fur superior to tlm undressed article , and thai it will hold its finish and give far bolter satisfaction in every way than the other. Wlicrnvcr the undressed slate is in use in the schools hero it bus been found far less satisfactory. As to the mai ler of salting Iho boards , that Is a minor detail , nnd can ho llxcd so that thcro will bo very llttlo , if any , trouble with them. " Superintendent Fitzpalribk corroborated the statements inado by Mr. Morrison as to the relative merits of the two hinds of slates. Ono member of the board , who has hud his attontlon called lo the mailers under discussion moro than once , announced lhal bo was tired o : it , , and -that In his opinion the insig. nlllcanco of the causes inado the argument ridiculous. "Tho fact Is , " ho said , "thut it has all. boon engendered by the personal feeling entertained for each other by two prominent employes of the board. As it stands , however , hero is the situalion in n nutshell : The time is drawing near when the bo-mi cannot afford to pay Architect Latonsor iho salary ho is now drawing ( fl.fiOO ) for iho mere supervision of iho work on llio two uncompleted school buildings. Still , it cannot got along without , an archi tect , and it is probable that before very long hii salary will bo reduced to about fli.OOU , and ho will bo retained to supervise iho buildings in course of erection and those already built. In this fuel. Air. Maclcod thinks ho seas iho handwriting on the wall , and wants Mr , Latcnser's scalp accordingly , if ho can got it. On tlio other hand , iho latter resents what he considers undue in- icrloronco in his affairs on the part of the superintendent of buildings , and there you huvo Ihu kuy in iho situalion. " HEARD FKOM AlttN. .Mult liauclinity ItiiHhe * to Lincoln After Jtiimtivlni ; u Teleniii. | Matt Daughcrtyof Ogalnlln is a partner of Doll Akin in u feed ranch near Waterloo. Ho has boon working lo the limit of his power In buliulf of his frlond , whom hu con siders a much persecuted young man. Ho was in Omaha yesterday and did much tele graphing with the authorities ami their prisoner al IS1 Paso , Tex. Ho has a few de cided views on the laws of the Lonu Star stutu and the men authorized to enforce iheni ? Yesterday ho tolcjrraphed I'1. ' K. Sieclo , Iho munuL'ur of the Western Union at 101 Paso , as to the position of Air. Akin und received a reply slating that the Holt county citizen was not in custody and could leave when ho plrnml. Then ho wired Doll to come on , and this Is the tolcgr.iui ho got in answer : Ki , I'/so , Tox. , Oct. ! . Malt Dancherty , Men-hunts Hotel , Omaha ; HheillV refuses toil allow mo to start as promised. Don't Know how ions will huliuro. IKI.I ) , AKIN. Mr. Daugtiorty then wont to Lincoln on the ) afternoon train to sea Governor Crounso nu'uin and beg him lo do something muru in the caso. Llttlo pills for griMl ll'fl : DoWitl's Llttlo ' Karly Hisers. o Could MutuH lor Help. William Drown , n deaf mute , wus slugged ami robbed of HM by Julia Smith , u culoiod woman of ill repute who liven on Twelfth und Jones street. Cure ludigoslion un.i billouiness with Do Witt's Little Karly UUora. TRAIN ROBBERS CORNERED Uultod St.itos Marshal Jnokson Drives Some Eaudits to Dover. CORRALLED ON TOP OF THE ROCKIES le ) < pnrito I'lcht with the ItitnilltnVlio Hrlil Up tlio Northern 1'nclllo Kiprcn One of the l'o e Killed unil n llnhlirr AVoiinilnil , MIIIVAI.R , Mont. , Oct. 4. United Slate * ilarsttat Jackson c.itno Into this station lust light bringing news of his Jlpht with the rain robbers who hold up nnd robbed the Northern Pacillp tram nt Livingstone August ! W. . Jackson trailed thorn from Ltvlng tone , illowing thorn until reaching llio lUackfoot Indian agency. Two Indian scouts went out and ' located the robbers , four in 'number , 'our miles from this place. The deputy hen sent out to the agency and ei'ureti details of Indian pollco under Llttlo Dog. They j mo In sight of the cabin at y o'elooic in the morning. Jackson and his num nmiio u rush and ns soon as the robbers saw thtitn the oftlecrs i-oninmndcd thorn to throw their hands up , but ' the robbers dodged into the cabin and 'ho oniours opened Ilro. The robbers ro- Burned the Ilro , kiltitiR Henry Schuhur of llhtckfoot , who hail nlso gone with the can.'hing p.irty , The Indian pollco got scared and deserted the deputy , who says Jiatifhin men hail stayed with him ho . mild have captured the robbers. Deputy Jackson brought the dead man In here. It Ii thought that ono of the robbers Is either [ lead or badly wuunded. Sheriff Curtis of Helena arrived hero with tptain Cool from Blaekfool agency with sixteen mounted Indian polico. Sheriff Granger of ICallspol has also arrived hor.o with u posse of eighteen. J'Jvory trail Is guarded nnd today the hills will bo scoured. This station Is right at th'o summit of the Hocky mountains , iind thcro are but few tr.ills , so the robbers will bo caught or killed. Kit vo rtihl i * tit thv ( lovnrnor. WASIIINCITOX , Oct. ! . Although a final i settlement of the celebrated Palmetto trade mark case has not boon reached , u decision favorable to the petitioner , who is really Governor Tillnmn of South Carolina , has been given in tlio District supreme court. The demurrer of Commissioner Seymour was overruled and tlio order was In effect that the commissioner must register the Palmetto trade mark or before the court next Saturday to show why ho hns not done so. Will ll ( jliarcnil with Murder. SA.N FiuNciseo , Oct. 4. Chief of Pollco Crowley has decided to formally charge John Tyrrol with the murder of the four mou killed by the dynamite explosion in front pC I Curtin's boardlnif houso. Two men have testified they saw Tyrrel acting in a suspi cious manner just before the explosion , and n cable cur grlpman has positively idontillod him us one ot three , men who boarded the gripmun's ' cur carrying a valise labeled Axol Soruuson , which was found to bu loaded with dynamite. _ l.nit Heavy l > uhta lijliliul Him. NonwAut , O. , Oct. 4. John Hell , n promi nent attorney of this county , has loft for parts unknown , and is accused of leaving his creditors owing $45OUU. Part of thn amount is borrowed money , nnd the balance U duo estates which ho was settling up. ICnihi'//.lml l.nrKo iiini. Ri-oicAJiE , Oct. 4. James Hopkins , presi dent and general manager of the Washing- Ion Farmers Insurance company , has boon arrested on u charge of embezzling $21,000. A warrant is out for the arrest of his sec retary. > AD BED. Illliuor lllllr | < ) ii Dleil from 11 Attack of Heart Truulilo. The coroner was notified yesterday forenoon that n man had dropped dead on West Far- nain street and the black van was called out at once. Hilmer K. Lllligrun was the naiiio of the deceased. Ho was a carpenter by trade , but had been out of work for a long tlmo. For some tlmo past ho bad lived with nis brother at the above address. As far us was known he was a temperate man in all rcspcots and was well liked by Ihoso who know him. Ho was subject to ll s and spasms , and it is supposed that he died during ono of thcso spells. Coroner Maul thought .n . .in Inquest would not bo necessary , biu .u the faintly desires It ono will bo held later. The deceased was SM years old and had been in this country seven years. Ho loft three sisters in Sweden. Mrs. Fred Lilligron , sistor-Iii-law of the dead man , said : "Ililmcr has not been nt work lately , and I have allowed him to sleep as late as ho desired In the morning , Iio generally cot up about 0 or 10 o'clock , but sometimes slept until noon. Ho wont down town about 7 o'clock last evening , and I do not know at what hour ho returned , At 8 o'clock this morning my 4-yoir-old ; boy came to mo nnd asked mo to call 'undo , ' I cau tioned the child not to wako him nn at that hour. The. child pushed open the door of the room v/hcro my brothor-iiHaw slept. At that time his brother wis here , and I was in clined to waice up Hltmor , but on second thought regarded the hour as being too early. I glanced through the door at thai time and niw Hllmur lying in bed as though ho was peacefully sleeping. When I went to call him at 10 o'clock his head was lying on the lloor and his feet wcro on the bod. Ho evidently tiad a spasm and fell Just as ho started to arise from bed , Ho nuulo no noise , however. 1 was in nn adjoining room anil did not oven hear him full. I shall insist on a coroner's Inquest to hiivo the cause of his sudden death thoroughly in vestigated. I think , however , ' that ho must have had nn oplloptiu lit. Hu was subject to fits and has had several narrow escapes from death before. Thcso Ills generally at tacked him during the night. " John Dillon comes lo llio Fifteenth Strcot thoalcr , formerly the Grand opera house , for a four nights engagement with usual matinees , commencing Sunday afternoon , October 8 , presenting his ncw.comedy , "A Model liuaband. " This comedy Is a losspn both intensely interesting und instructive , and wo liopo thnt all who contemplate In. vesting In iho matrimonial loltury may at tend and got pointer * . Commencing Ihls evening at Ildyd's now theater Elinor JO. Vance's famous comedy. drama , "Tho Limited Mall , " will bo eon four nights and Saturday nnd Sunday matinees , The scene of the play Is laid In the west , on the Union I'acillo railway. Tlio station ugonlnt Jtedwood has bccomo implicated In the wrecking of u train , by which several passengers wcro Killed. Ho finds a baby In the wreck nnd , ovurcoma by romor&o , adopts l it and rear. ) it uu his own. Thn ilrst act In- ' t reduces tholltilo xvulf , now almost grown ; lo womanhood , a worry , llchlliearted , lov- ublo girl , who assists her udopted futhor In his station duties and known uloiiff the line as Nellie , "tho sweet manipulator of the wires , " Nellie hns llio proverbial sweet heart in Charlie Morton , the conductor of tlio limited mail. Tlio usual rival IH n wealthy iiiiitu owner , Tlio machinations of the villain to gain possession of iho hand of Iho heroine and the timely Interpositions follow and Nolllu llnally turns out to bu an lielross , Morton marries her , and all ends happily. Mr. Thomas W , JCcuno will follow tlio "Limited Mall" at Hoyd'a , opening Monday evening with | IH I'labor.iio HCCUIU prodiiction of "Ulchard HJj" Tuesday , "Uichuliou ; " Woilnesday , "Maobuth ; " Wednesday mati nee , "Kotneo and Juliet. " . A ler ItrraKliiit I To purify , vitalUo anil enrich the blood , and give nurvu. bodily and digcsttvo strength taku Hoods Sursapurillu , Continue the medicine after every for u month ur two and you will feu ! "lilio u iluw man. " Thn merit of Howl's Kursapurillu Is proven by its thousands of wonderful cures. Why don't you try ili Hood's Pills nuro ronutlpntlon , They uro the best after iliannr I'lll und family i'U- l hur tic.